S . P CHURCH · 2021. 1. 7. · St. Hilary died at Poi ers in 367, aer having passed on his teachi...


Transcript of S . P CHURCH · 2021. 1. 7. · St. Hilary died at Poi ers in 367, aer having passed on his teachi...


    508 W. ANGUS STREET GRETNA, NE 68028�

    JANUARY 10, 2021

    � �

  • 2 | January 10, 2021�


    Gretna, Nebraska

    The Bap�sm of the Lord�

    FIRST READING (IS 55:1-11) Isaiah was called to be a prophet to bring jus�ce and freedom to those suffering, to be a “light for the na�ons.” How do see yourself serving others in need in your life?��SECOND READING (1 JN 5:1-9) John teaches his community that God Himself has “tes�fied on behalf of His Son.” In what way does this divine assurance help strengthen your faith? ��GOSPEL QUESTION (MK 1:7-11) The preaching of John the Bap�st and the bap�sm of Jesus is the opening scene in the Gospel of Mark. In Jesus’ bap�sm, the Father, Son, and Spirit were fully present. As a bap�zed Chris�an, can you think of a �me when you experienced God’s presence? �

    REFLECT AND RESPOND The Baptism of the Lord

    We need history. We need it in order to understand

    ourselves, personally and collec�vely. The pieces of

    our past may not have always been the most

    posi�ve, honest, exemplary, dignified, proud and

    best moments of our lives, but they are ours. We

    have to acknowledge, remember, accept, and o5en

    heal them. We cannot forget them or pretend that

    they never existed. As horrible as the atroci�es of

    events like Auschwitz, brutal injus�ces commi6ed

    throughout the human journey, or personal painful experiences in our own stories, we

    need to remember. These �mes when humanity in general or people in par�cular have lost

    their way are �mes that need to be reconciled and redeemed.��

    If we lose the memories, we will make the same mistakes again. The human soul needs a

    strong sense of affirma�on, direc�on, and clear purpose. Without these essen�als, we will

    easily run amuck and repeat the sins of our past. God’s voice throughout history has

    spoken precisely about this! We are reminded through the voices and example of many

    prophets and witnesses not to make the same mistakes again, come back to center,

    discover the purpose given to us by God, maintain a sense of proper direc�on, seek healing

    for wounds and be reconciled to our Creator.��

    Bap�sm is so incredibly important for the salva�on of humankind, not only eternally but

    here and now. Our existence depends upon it. It gives us the affirma�on we need from God

    by gi5ing us with the same in�mate rela�onship Jesus had with the Father. We are blessed

    with the direc�on and clear purpose we need in order to be produc�ve stewards and

    faithful Chris�ans. Bap�sm calls us to remember, accept, and deal with the sins and

    inequi�es of our past regardless of how hur;ul and serious. We consciously choose to turn

    away from them and put on the new life of Christ. To do this well, we must look hard and

    long at our sins and failings, listen to what they are saying and learn from them. If we

    ignore the past, collec�vely or personally, or pretend that it never happened, we will never

    grow. We will surely die.��

    People need to hear the message, lived and spoken, delivered by the bap�zed members of

    the Body of Christ. It is an essen�al message of hope that is layered with visions of jus�ce,

    peace, reconcilia�on, redemp�on, blessing, and healing. It is a message that helps us

    remember what has gone before, the graces and the sins, and bring ourselves by God’s

    help where we need to be. We are called to do much more than sit home behind our

    closed doors. We have a message to deliver. Are we ready to do so?�


    Welcome We invite you to become involved�

    in our parish community!�There are many opportuni�es for�

    experiencing the peace and joy�of our loving God in liturgy,�

    educa�on, prayer and service.��

    If you would like to join our parish�family, please visit our website or�

    the Parish Office for a registra�on form.�

    PARISH OFFICE Office Hours……………..….M�F 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM�Phone………………………….…..…….…….402�332�4444�Fax…………………………….……..….……...402�332�5107�Website…………...………..…....stpatricksgretna.org�Facebook……………………..…………..@stpatgretnane�E�mail……………[email protected]��

    MASS AND HOLY EUCHARIST Saturday……….………………………………….…..5:00 PM�Sunday……………..…...8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, & Noon�Monday…………...No Mass or Communion Service�Tuesday and Thursday…….……….…….…....6:00 PM�Wednesday and Friday………………….....….7:30 AM�Holy Days…………………….….....7:30 AM & 6:00 PM�Holidays (on weekdays) ..……..………...…..9:00 AM��

    SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday…………………….……..….4:00 PM � 4:40 PM�Or call the parish office for an appointment. ��

    SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Parishioners registered for a minimum of one year are eligible to marry here. Six months of marriage prepara�on prior to your wedding is required by the Archdiocese. Contact the Parish Office to schedule a wedding date and marriage prepara�on instruc�on. ��

    SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Classes are held at 7:00 PM on the second Monday of each month in the Fr. Hitch Room. Please call the Parish Office if you will be a6ending a specific class. A bap�smal date will not be set un�l you become a registered parishioner and both the parents and Godparents a6end the bap�smal class for their first child. Bap�sms take place a5er the Sunday Noon Mass.��

    MINISTRY TO THE SICK If you, a rela�ve or friend are hospitalized or shut in, short or long term, and would like a visit from the Pastor, Deacon or Pastoral Minister, please call the Parish Office. For emergencies or if facing danger or death, call 402�332�4428.��

    EUCHARISTIC ADORATION The second Thursday of each month, exposi�on begins at 7:30 AM and concludes before the start of the same day Mass (reposi�on at 5:45 PM). For more informa�on, contact Jean Hlavacek at 402�504�4222. �

    QUESTION: Why do we hold hands during the Our Father? ��

    ANSWER: The prac�ce of members of the assembly holding hands while praying the Lord’s Prayer during the Mass is a custom that developed organically in the 1970s and 1980s. While some commentators acknowledge that the prac�ce varies from place to place, it is a fairly universal reality in parishes across Con�nued on next page�>�


  • The Bap�sm of the Lord� January 10, 2021 | 3�


    Gretna, Nebraska


    MONDAY: Heb 1:1�6/Ps 97:1 and 2b, 6 and 7c, 9

    [cf. 7c]/Mk 1:14�20�

    TUESDAY: Heb 2:5�12/Ps 8:2ab and 5, 6�7, 8�9 [cf.

    7]/Mk 1:21�28�

    WEDNESDAY: Heb 2:14�18/Ps 105:1�2, 3�4, 6�7, 8�

    9 [8a]/Mk 1:29�39�

    THURSDAY: Heb 3:7�14/Ps 95:6�7c, 8�9, 10�11 [8]/

    Mk 1:40�45�

    FRIDAY: Heb 4:1�5, 11/Ps 78:3 and 4bc, 6c�7, 8 [cf.

    7b]/Mk 2:1�12�

    SATURDAY: Heb 4:12�16/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15 [cf. Jn

    6:63c]/Mk 2:13�17�

    NEXT SUNDAY: 1 Sm 3:3b�10, 19/Ps 40:2, 4, 7�8, 8

    �9, 10 [8a, 9a]/1 Cor 6:13c�15a, 17�20/�

    Jn 1:35�42�


    WEDNESDAY: St. Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the


    NEXT SUNDAY: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time�

    the United States. For some, this ac�on symbolizes the communion of Chris�ans praying together as one family of believers honoring the Father of All. Cri�cs of the prac�ce some�mes express concern that holding hands can be a distrac�on from the more significant unity that is experienced when we process to the altar to receive sacramental communion. ��

    And so, we’re le5 to ask, what is the answer? ��

    The General Instruc�on of the Roman Missal (the document that offers specific instruc�ons for the celebra�on of the Mass) is silent on the prac�ce, saying only that “all the faithful say the prayer” with the priest. The website of the US Bishops simply observes that “No posi�on is prescribed in the Roman Missal for an assembly gesture during the Lord’s Prayer.” And so, we’re le5 to discern within ourselves and within our parish and religious communi�es what is an authen�c gesture of praise during this important point of the Mass. For some, this means con�nuing to hold hands, while for others, this may mean adop�ng another posture of prayer. �

    CATHOLIC LIFE EXPLAINED Continued from Page 2

    St. Hilary of Poi�ers was a fourth�century philosopher whose studies made him a champion of Orthodox Trinitarian theology during one of the most difficult periods of Church history. He protected the Church and its members by�brilliantly defending the sacred humanity of Jesus while also defea�ng Arianism which denied Christ's placement within the Trinity.� ��

    Li6le is known about St. Hilary's life before he became a bishop. FiSngly, what historians do know about him derives mostly from

    personal details contained within his extensive theological works. Historians do know that he was born in present�day France in 310 to a pagan family. Not unusual for his era, he rigorously studied both Greek philosophy and the Bible. Like many other early Church Fathers, he came to accept the truth of the Bible by recognizing its compa�bility with philosophy and the sciences. ��

    It was not un�l 345 � a5er being married, and having a daughter � that Hilary commi6ed himself and was bap�zed along with the rest of his family. His rise within the Church, however, was not gradual at all: around 353, the people of Poi�ers called for him to be made their bishop. Hilary's elec�on as the Bishop of Poi�ers coincided with the second wave of the Church's first great doctrinal controversy, in which he would play a significant role. ��

    Although the Council of Nicaea in 325 had confirmed the Church’s rejec�on of Arianism � which claimed Jesus was only human, not divine � powerful forces within both the Church and the empire clung to the heresy. ��

    Hilary worked closely with groups of clergy and faithful whose formula�ons of dogma he perceived to be merely imperfect or imprecise, but not inten�onally here�cal, to support what was correct in their understanding and lead them into full adherence with tradi�on. ��

    Only a few years a5er becoming bishop, Hilary found himself virtually alone in defending Jesus’ deity before a hos�le crowd of bishops in the southern French region of Gaul. The bishops appealed to Emperor Constan�us II, who favored a modified version of Arianism and declared Hilary’s exile from Gaul. Constan�us II did not likely suspect that by banishing Hilary to Phrygia he would inspire the bishop to mount an even greater defense of orthodox theology. There, he wrote his most important work, “On the Trinity,” showing the Bible’s consistent witness to the central mystery of Chris�an faith. ��

    A5er the death of Constan�us II in 361, Hilary was able to return to his diocese at Poi�ers. St. Hilary died at Poi�ers in 367, a5er having passed on his teachings and way of life to a number of students, including St. Mar�n of Tours. St. Hilary was declared a�Doctor�of the Church in 1851. ��

    Saint Hilary, instead of being discouraged by your exile, you used your��me�to study and write. Help us to bring�good�out of suffering and isola�on in our own lives and see adversity as an opportunity to learn about or share our faith.�Amen.�

    SAINT HILARY Bishop and Doctor of the Church

  • 4 | January 10, 2021� The Bap�sm of the Lord�


    �If you are considering a

    voca�on as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life, let the

    grace of prayer encourage you. ��

    Call Father Andrew Roza at �402�558�3100, or email

    voca�[email protected].�


    Gretna, Nebraska

    In the interest of the safety and protec�on of our parish family and our church proper�es, a5er careful discernment we have made the decision to modify our church hours.� Effec�ve on Monday, January 18, the new closing �me for all church doors will change from previously closing at 10:00 PM to now closing at 7:00

    PM, 7 days a week.� If access a5er 7:00 PM is needed, please make arrangements with the parish office and provide us with the purpose of access.� In summary, our new security measures are as follows:��

    �� The main east entrance doors leading into the Narthex (farthest to the south) of St. Patrick Church will be open 7 days a week from 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM to allow parishioners to come in and pray.� Please remember to respect the social distancing rules of staying a minimum of six feet apart from one another.� �

    �� For weekend Masses only, all church entrances will con�nue to be unlocked a half hour prior to the start of Mass and locked five minutes a5er the Mass has begun.� If you arrive late to Mass, you will need to enter through the Main East Entrance South Door (the door leading into the Narthex, closest to the Parish Office).� Late arrivals will be allowed access by the security guard who will open the door for you.�

    �� The en�re church basement and the elevator will con�nue to be locked around�the�clock every day of the week.�

    �� Conference and mee�ng rooms will con�nue to be available for limited use with the approval of the parish office.�

    �� If access is needed, please make appropriate arrangements with the parish office and allow a minimum of a 24�hour no�ce.�

    NEW CHURCH HOURS Doors Locked Earlier


    Did you know that in the Catholic Church, each

    month of the�year has a devo�onal theme?

    January is the month of the Holy Name of Jesus,

    and it’s an ideal �me to strengthen our

    connec�on to the beau�ful name of our Lord.

    In fact, all names are to be treated with

    respect. Do you know the meaning of your own

    name? It’s interes�ng to discover. A name is an

    emblem of one’s dignity but the name of Jesus

    in�par�cular should be held in the highest regard; spoken and heard only in a sacred way. �

    The name Jesus means “God saves”. By its meaning, the name Jesus states the purpose of

    His existence, reminding us of the incredible blessing of salva�on. Let us therefore give that

    name great honor! Jesus’s name in Aramaic is “Yeshua”. That is what Jesus was called in

    His own na�ve language (the name Joshua is derived from this name, too). �


    1)� Take a stand against taking the Lord’s name in vain. In repara�on for every �me

    you take the Lord’s name in vain say the prayer of Sr. Marie of St. Peter,

    “Admirable is the name of God.”�

    2)� Bow your head when you hear the name of Jesus.�

    3)� Decorate your home with the le6ers IHS, Christogram represen�ng the name of


    4)� A6end Mass or Eucharis�c Adora�on and focus on the words “hallowed be Thy

    Name” from the Our Father prayer.�

    5)� Write His name above your front door, “CMB”, (Christus mansionem benedicat)

    meaning, may Christ bless this house.�

    6)� Ask for Mary and Joseph’s intercession daily to increase your love and reverence

    for their son, Jesus.�

    7)� Pray a prayer of devo�on to the Holy Name of Jesus, like the Novena to St.

    Bernardine of Siena, who had a special devo�on to the Holy Name of Jesus. This

    novena and other devo�onal prayers can be found below. �

    8)� Sing a song of praise like “At the Name of Jesus” or “What a Beau�ful Name” by

    Hillsong Worship.�


    Father, You gave Saint Bernardine a special love for the Holy Name of Jesus. By the help of

    his prayers, may we always be alive with the spirit of Your love. We ask this through our

    Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for

    ever and ever. Amen. [Men�on your need(s) here...] �

    Say 1�Our Father...�

    Say 1�Hail Mary...�

    Say 1�Glory Be...�

    St. Bernardine of Siena, pray for us. [Repeat three �mes.]�


    Jesus, Name full of glory, grace, love and strength! You are the refuge of those who repent,

    our banner of warfare in this life, the medicine of souls, the comfort of those who mourn,

    the delight of those who believe, the light of those who preach the true faith, the wages of

    those who toil, the healing of the sick. To You our devo�on aspires; by You our prayers are

    received; we delight in contempla�ng You. O Name of Jesus, You are the glory of all the

    saints for eternity. Amen.�


    May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and unu6erable

    Name of God�be always praised, blessed, loved, adored�and glorified in Heaven, on earth,

    and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus

    Christ, in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen. �

  • The Bap�sm of the Lord� January 10, 2021 | 5�


    Gretna, Nebraska


    The Knights of Columbus Council #10047 and St. Patrick Church will host a Gretna Community Blood Drive Monday, February 1, from 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM. To make your appointment, go to www.redcrossblood.org and search the sponsor code: GretnaNE�or call Marty Stednitz at 402�332�3840.��


    One of the Council’s annual events, the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest, will be held on Saturday, January 30 at the Gretna High School gym. This is a great way to involve the children ages 9�

    14 of our parish and community in a fun compe��on of their basketball free�throw skills! Nate Dickes is our chairman of this event and can be reached at [email protected] for any ques�ons. ��


    The Gretna Knights of Columbus have purchased two powerli5 recliners that are offered to any member of St. Patrick parish or our local community on a temporary basis. These “Healing Chairs” were originally purchased to assist women in their recovery from breast cancer surgery but can be used by anyone for recovery from any surgery, injury, or medical need. The Knights will provide and deliver the reclining li5 chair to the home of the person in need and pick it up when the lending period expires, at no cost to the user. The Knights also have a ba6ery powered wheelchair that was recently donated. This too is available for any member of St. Patrick parish or our local community on a temporary basis. Please contact a member of the Gretna Knights of Columbus Council #10047 or John Schaffert, 402�672�7903, if you or someone you know has a need for one of these devices.��

    Knights of Columbus�Grand Knight, Jim Hain…….………….....402�981�8831�Deputy Grand Knight, Joe Krajicek ....402�616�9612�Financial Secretary, Marty Stednitz...402�332�3840�Chancellor & Membership Director, John Schaffert�...……………………..…………..…….…………..402�672�7903�




    Mary’s open heart and courageous “yes” to God shows us how to live year�round�with hearts open to the Lord, following where He leads. We are called to place our trust in Him, to enter compassionately into the suffering of others, and to love one another as Christ loves us. Like Our Blessed Mother welcomed Jesus, we are called to cherish and protect the gi5 of human life, at every stage and in every circumstance. ��

    One way to follow Our Lady’s example is to join 9 Days for Life, a novena for the protec�on of human life, taking place Thursday, January 21 � Friday, January 29. Each day's inten�on is accompanied by a short reflec�on and suggested ac�ons to help build a culture of life. ��

    Join today to receive an email or text each day during the nine day novena at 9daysforlife.com!��

    The loss of a child can form a hole in their heart so deep that some�mes it seems nothing can fill the emp�ness. As a human and Chris�an family, we grieve the loss of so many lives. And yet, even in our grief, we know there is hope. ��

    If you or someone you know is suffering a5er abor�on, confiden�al, compassionate help is available. You can find out more informa�on about the Church’s ministry for healing a5er abor�on by visi�ng hopea5erabor�on.com or rachelsvineyard.org.�

    9 DAYS FOR LIFE NOVENA January 21-29

    We know that we need bap�sm for our salva�on, to cleanse us of original sin, and allow us entrance into the Kingdom of God. It is by our bap�sm that we become daughters and sons of God that we truly become Chris�ans. But why did Jesus need to be bap�zed? He is fully God and was so at the �me of His birth, so Jesus didn’t have original sin from nor did He need acceptance into Heaven. ��

    In Ma6hew’s account of the bap�sm of Jesus we read, “John tried to prevent him, saying, ’I need to be bap�zed by you, and yet you are coming to

    me?’ Jesus said to him in reply, ‘Allow it now, for thus it is fiSng for us to fulfill all righteousness.’ Then he allowed him,” Ma6hew 3:14. Thus Jesus came to fulfill all righteousness, to make bap�sm holy for us. John had been bap�zing for the forgiveness of sins with water, but Jesus bap�zed with the Holy Spirit for the salva�on of our souls.��

    We read John the Bap�st’s tes�mony to Jesus a5er Christ’s own bap�sm in the Gospel of John. “I did not know him,�but the reason why I came bap�zing with water was that he might be made known to Israel,” John 1:31. Thus Jesus was bap�zed in order to be known by us, that we might recognize Him as the Son of God. ��

    Jesus' public life begins with his bap�sm. We don’t hear about Jesus performing miracles or preaching un�l a5er He has first been revealed to us as the Son of God by the voice of the Holy Spirit during His bap�sm in the river Jordan.��

    In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, we gather a broader understanding of this great mystery. We see foreshadowing to Jesus’ death by His bap�sm. “...He allows himself to be numbered among sinners; he is already "the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world".�Already he is an�cipa�ng the "bap�sm" of his bloody death.�Already he is coming to "fulfill all righteousness", that is, he is submiSng himself en�rely to his Father's will: out of love he consents to this bap�sm of death for the remission of our sins…Jesus will be the source of the Spirit for all mankind. At his bap�sm "the heavens were opened"�� the heavens that Adam's sin had closed � and the waters were sanc�fied by the descent of Jesus and the Spirit, a prelude to the new crea�on.” CCC 536.�


  • 6 | January 10, 2021�


    Gretna, Nebraska

    The Bap�sm of the Lord�



    An individual may ask a Priest to offer a Mass for several reasons: for example, in thanksgiving, for the inten�ons of another person (such as on a birthday or if they are ill), or, as is most common, for the repose of the soul of one who has died (†). We must never forget the infinite graces that flow from the Sacrifice of the Mass which benefit one’s soul.� To request a Mass inten�on, stop by the Parish Office to schedule. A minimum of $10 per Mass is requested.�

    MONDAY, JANUARY 11TH No Communion Service or Mass��

    TUESDAY, JANUARY 12TH 6:00 PM� † Norm Connelley��

    WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13TH 7:30 AM� † Don Stungis��

    THURSDAY, JANUARY 14TH 6:00 PM� † Rudy and Anne Palensky��

    FRIDAY, JANUARY 15TH 7:30 AM� † Anne Koch��

    SATURDAY, JANUARY 16TH 5:00 PM� † Polka (Paul) Petel�er��

    SUNDAY, JANUARY 17TH �8:00 AM� Blake and Leisa Sheldon Family �10:00 AM � † Jerry Burke �12:00 PM� Parishioners and Benefactors �

    SUNDAY, JANUARY 10TH—THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, Noon Mass �Sanctuary �8:55 AM to 9:55 AM Religious Educa�on Classes�Religious Ed Classrooms��

    MONDAY, JANUARY 11TH 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM CRHP Women�Parish Center C�7:00 PM to 8:30 PM Bap�sm Class�Father Hitch Room�9:00 PM to 10:00 PM CHRP Rosary�Sanctuary��

    TUESDAY, JANUARY 12TH�5:30 PM to 5:50 PM Rosary (before Mass begins at 6:00 PM)�Sanctuary�6:30 PM to 6:40 PM Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devo�on (a5er Mass)�Sanctuary�7:00 PM to 8:30 PM Parish Council Mee�ng�Father Hitch Room��

    WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13TH 7:00 AM to 7:20 AM Rosary (before Mass begins at 7:30 AM)�Sanctuary�4:00 PM to 8:00 PM Religious Educa�on Classes�Religious Ed Classrooms�7:00 PM to 8:00 PM RE Parents Faith Sharing�Father Hitch Room�

    THURSDAY, JANUARY 14TH 5:30 PM to 5:50 PM Rosary (before Mass begins at 6:00 PM)�Sanctuary�6:00 PM to 8:00 PM American Heritage Girls�Parish Center A/B��

    FRIDAY, JANUARY 15TH 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM Men’s Faith Sharing�Father Hitch Room�7:00 AM to 7:20 AM Rosary (before Mass begins at 7:30 AM)�Sanctuary��

    SATURDAY, JANUARY 16TH�4:00 PM to 4:40 PM Confession�Father Hitch Room�5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Mass �Sanctuary �

    SUNDAY, JANUARY 17TH—2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINATRY TIME 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, Noon Mass �Sanctuary �8:55 AM to 9:55 AM Religious Educa�on Classes�Religious Ed Classrooms�

    Let us pray

    for all



    by COVID�

    19. Pray

    for Jack

    Schmit, Carol Tramp, Rita Ramm, Nolan Schultz,

    Mike Petersen, Norma Kaufman (sister�in�law of

    Kay Schram), Jalinn Woodworth, Chad and Kelli

    (Jalinn’s parents), Pete (Chad’s dad), Jessica Blum

    and Randy Kohlbek. Pray for Mark Bauer, Cecil

    Wortmann, Walt Sherry, LeRoy Childress (neighbor

    and brother�in�law of Tim Gilligan), and DeDra

    Robb. Pray for Reece Bi6ner, (grandson of Bruce

    Jefferies). Pray also for all our parishioners who

    are homebound, hospitalized, and in nursing

    homes, and for all our parishioners and loved ones

    who have recently passed away. �

    To add a loved one to the prayer line, please call

    Corliss Lovstad at 402�968�5877 or email her at

    [email protected].�

    Prayer is the way in which we communicate with God. It is both the act of talking to and listening to our Lord. Prayer is not meant to be a last resort when things aren’t going our way, but a first response when we recognize that God’s plan is greater than our own.��

    We were never intended to carry our ‘crosses’ on our own. Not only did Jesus teach us to surrender our burdens to Him, we were also blessed with countless people in our lives to walk with us, who will guide us to Christ. Communal prayer is a beau�ful way to strengthen us as the Body of Christ. You too can strengthen the Body of Christ by joining the team of commi6ed prayer warriors here at St. Patrick. To join the prayer line prayer warriors contact Corliss Lovstad.��

    To submit a prayer request through the St. Patrick website go to: h6ps://stpatricksgretna.org/mesmerize/about�us/contact�us/prayer�request/.�On the online prayer request form, you can choose how you approve of your prayer request to be shared so our community may unite in prayer with you. Your op�ons are to share with our commi6ed prayer warriors directly, and/or put it in the bulle�n (as seen in the le5�hand column), or do not share. You can also call Corliss Lovstad, the head of the prayer line directly at 402�968�5877 or email your prayer requests to her at [email protected].�

    IMPORTANCE OF PRAYER How do I Submit a Prayer Request at St. Patrick?

  • The Bap�sm of the Lord� January 10, 2021 | 7�


    Gretna, Nebraska



    Fr. Gregory P. Baxter……….……………...402�332�4444�

    [email protected]


    Emergencies (if facing danger or death), call:�


    Deacon Ken Broz…………………………....402�676�1025�

    Deacon Steve GrandineS……….……….402�896�4693 �

    Deacon Joseph Hartne6…….…………...402�690�4347�

    Deacon Larry Heck………..….……………..402�572�1319��


    � Jolene Jefferies, Parish Mgr…...402�332�4444, x203�

    [email protected]

    Megan Seamann, Communica�ons Associate�

    [email protected]�332�4444, x202 �

    Judy Weier, Secretary……..….….402�332�4444, x201�

    [email protected]��


    � Shane Fagan………………………...…………402�332�3454�

    [email protected]��


    � Stephanie Adams…….…….….…….……..402�332�3050�

    [email protected]��


    � Irene Lempke………….……..………402�332�4444, x213�

    [email protected]��


    � Francesca Dammermann….…...402�332�4444, x204�

    [email protected]��


    � Tracy Hoye…………………….…..……….….402�618�8606�

    [email protected]��


    � Lezlie Thomas………………….……..…..….402�525�3098�

    [email protected]��


    Judy Knight……………..……….…...402�332�4444, x212�

    [email protected]��


    Bill Baumert……..……..……….………...….402�332�5201 ��


    Ma6 Meyer…………..……………….……….402�301�4855��


    � Jerry Thoendel………….……..………….....402�332�3475��


    � Jim Hain………………….…...….…….……....402�981�8831�



    � Pam Golka……………[email protected]��


    � Brian Stransky……….…[email protected]

    LAY MINISTER’S SCHEDULE 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

    JANUARY 16TH 5:00 PM �

    Altar Servers�None scheduled�at this �me��

    EMHCs�Pat Gilmore� (North and South Transepts)�JoAnn Koch� (South Nave)��

    Standby: (if a sub is needed)�

    Need Sub�Need Sub��

    Greeters�None scheduled�at this �me��

    Lector �(Read Both 1st and 2nd Readings)�

    Rose GrandineS��

    Standby: (if a sub is needed)�

    Jim Koch��

    Rosary Reciter�None scheduled�at this �me��

    Sacristan�Linda Schriner��

    Ushers �Pat Calvert�Don Garrison�Mike Tasler�Jeff Wollenburg��

    Fogger Crew�See schedule posted�on SignUp Genius�

    JANUARY 17TH 8:00 AM �

    Altar Servers�None scheduled�at this �me��

    EMHCs�Paul Polt� (North and South Transepts)�Jerry Thoendel� (South Nave)��

    Standby: (if a sub is needed)�

    Laura Fischer�Cari Kaup��

    Greeters�None scheduled�at this �me��

    Lector �(Read Both 1st and 2nd Readings)�

    Kathy Schwar�ng��

    Standby: (if a sub is needed)�

    Rich Chladek��

    Rosary Reciter�None scheduled�at this �me��

    Sacristan�Lori Frederick��

    Ushers �Kevin Kaup�Tom Nienaber�

    Paul Polt�Pat Shurtliff��

    Fogger Crew�See schedule posted�

    on SignUp Genius�

    JANUARY 17TH 10:00 AM �

    Altar Servers�None scheduled�at this �me��

    EMHCs�Carol Hoover� (North and South Transepts)�Rosie Stec� (South Nave)� �Standby: (if a sub is needed)�

    Dennis Cannon�Phyllis Cannon��

    Greeters�None scheduled�at this �me��

    Lector �(Read Both 1st and 2nd Readings)�

    Tony Tiefenthaler��

    Standby: (if a sub is needed)�

    Sandra Tiefenthaler��

    Rosary Reciter�None scheduled�at this �me��

    Sacristan�Randy Rosenthal��

    Ushers �Clint Bollock�Jim Hain�John Schaffert�Tony Vanek��

    Fogger Crew�See schedule posted�on SignUp Genius�


    Altar Servers�None scheduled�at this �me��

    EMHCs�Jennifer Loosvelt� (North and South Transepts)�Larry Neppl� (South Nave)��

    Standby: (if a sub is needed)�

    Darcy Skrdla�Deanna Tompkins��

    Greeters�None scheduled�at this �me��

    Lector �(Read Both 1st and 2nd Readings)�

    Kathy Broz��

    Standby: (if a sub is needed)�

    Rebecca Campbell��

    Sacristan�Larry Neppl��

    Ushers �Ron Kotrous�Larry Neppl�Doris Williams�Mary Zeigler��

    Fogger Crew�See schedule posted�on SignUp Genius�


    Daily Mass �

    Altar Servers�None scheduled�at this �me��

    Voca�ons Crucifix�Wayne Gundvaldson�

    If you are unable to serve at your assigned

    time, please kindly find a substitute. The

    Parish Office greatly appreciates your help,

    support and patience as we work together

    in providing Mass to our parish family!

    If you are scheduled as a standby please

    check in when you arrive at Mass in the

    Father Wallace Room.

  • 8 | January 10, 2021� The Bap�sm of the Lord�


    Gretna, Nebraska


    On December 8, the 150th anniversary of the declara�on of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church, Pope Francis proclaimed a Year of Saint Joseph from December 8, 2020 to December 8, 2021.��

    A plenary indulgence will be granted to Catholics who recite any approved prayer or act of piety in honor of St. Joseph, especially on March 19, the saint’s solemnity, and May 1, the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker. Other notable days for the plenary indulgence are the Feast of the Holy Family on December 29, as well as the 19th of each month and every Wednesday, a day dedicated to the saint in the La�n tradi�on. But what exactly is a plenary indulgence? And how does one receive one?��

    “An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Chris�an who is duly disposed gains under certain prescribed condi�ons through the ac�on of the Church which, as the minister of redemp�on, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the sa�sfac�ons of Christ and the saints.” (CCC 1471)��

    To receive an indulgence, one must receive Sacramental Confession, Eucharis�c Communion and pray for the inten�ons of the Holy Father (a Our Father and Hail Mary are encouraged.) One Sacramental Confession (about 20 days before or a5er the indulgenced act) suffices for several plenary indulgences, but a separate Holy Communion and a separate prayer for the Holy Father's inten�ons are required for each plenary indulgence. Only one indulgence can be earned per day.��

    Indulgences can always be applied either to oneself or to the souls of the deceased, but they cannot be applied to other persons living on earth.��

    There are par�cular devo�ons to Saint Joseph that will help you earn the special indulgences this year. They include:��

    1) Medita�ng on the Our Father for at least half an hour�

    2) Doing corporal or spiritual works of mercy�

    3) Praying the Holy Rosary as a family or engaged couples�

    4) Invoking the intercession of St. Joseph the Worker (or Cra5sman), especially on his feast day May 1. �

    5) Reci�ng the Litany of St. Joseph or other approved prayers to St. Joseph�

    6) Reci�ng prayers to St. Joseph on his feast days, March 19 and May 1, the feast of the Holy Family, December 27, on the 19th of each month, or on every Wednesday, the day dedicated to St. Joseph�

    7) Doing a Consecra�on to St. Joseph��

    You can find Father Calloway’s book Consecra�on to St. Joseph to make your consecra�on to St. Joseph, at h6ps://www.consecra�ontostjoseph.org/. If you haven’t read the book already, it is a great read and highly recommended during the Year of St. Joseph. To go along with each day of the reading, Father Calloway posted a video on YouTube, h6ps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGuKAgK4jrKSnBfJnLhKW_Q/videos, where he goes into more detail about each �tle for Saint. Joseph and his inspira�on in wri�ng this book.��

    In addi�on, Father Calloway has been pos�ng daily on his Facebook page, h6ps://www.facebook.com/consecra�ontostjoseph, li6le �dbits about this great Saint.��

    These are just a few ways to remember and honor the great Saint Joseph throughout this year. Be sure to keep an eye out for other prayers to Saint Joseph included in the bulle�n in the weeks to come. We are also working to include these and other links to more informa�on on the Year of Saint Joseph, how to honor him, and how to receive special indulgences this year. More informa�on about that will follow.��

    Con�nued on next page�>�


    Glorious Patriarch St. Joseph, whose power makes the impossible possible, come to my aid in these �mes of anguish and difficulty. Take under your protec�on the serious and troubling situa�ons that I commend to you, that they may have a happy outcome. My beloved father, all my trust is in you. Let it not be said that I invoked you in vain, and since you can do everything with Jesus and Mary, show me that your goodness is as great as your power. Amen. �

    Please consider

    spending just one

    hour each month

    adoring Jesus Christ

    during our Exposi�on

    of�the Blessed

    Sacrament. Jesus asks

    Peter the ques�on,

    “Could you not spend

    one hour with me?”

    Exposi�on begins on the second Thursday of the

    month, January 14, at 7:30 AM and concludes in

    the evening before the start of Mass (reposi�on at

    5:45 PM).�This is your opportunity to spend

    personal �me with Jesus.� He is here and lovingly

    wai�ng for you to come. The blessings are eternal.

    For more informa�on, contact Jean Hlavacek at



    ATTENTION NOON MASS Confirmation, January 31


    We will celebrate Confirma�on at the Noon Mass on Sunday, January 31. Due to COVID restric�ons and available sea�ng in the church, this Mass will ONLY be for Confirma�on Candidates and their families. Thank you for understanding!�

  • The Bap�sm of the Lord� January 10, 2021 | 9�


    Gretna, Nebraska


    PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY � Sue Orosco……………………………………..402�332�3692

    LEAST OF MY BRETHREN � Sign Up Genius link to volunteer……………….h6ps://



    � Sign Up Genius link to volunteer……………….h6ps://



    � Megan Seamann……[email protected]��VIDEOGRAPHER/SCRIPT DIRECTOR FOR MASS

    � Megan Seamann……[email protected]��ADVERTISE FOR YOUR MINISTRY GROUP

    � Does your parish ministry group have

    opportuni�es for others to get involved? Contact

    Megan Seamann, [email protected],

    about geSng your parish ministry group

    opportuni�es adver�sed.�

    Upon declaring it a Year of St. Joseph, Pope Francis also wrote an Apostolic Le6er, Patris Corde. In the end notes of this le6er, Pope Francis said, “Every day, for over forty years, following Lauds (Morning Prayer) I have recited a prayer to Saint Joseph taken from a nineteenth�century French prayer book of the Congrega�on of the Sisters of Jesus and Mary. It expresses devo�on and trust, and even poses a certain challenge to Saint Joseph: ‘Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph, whose power makes the impossible possible, come to my aid in these �mes of anguish and difficulty. Take under your protec�on the serious and troubling situa�ons that I commend to you, that they may have a happy outcome. My beloved father, all my trust is in you. Let it not be said that I invoked you in vain, and since you can do everything with Jesus and Mary, show me that your goodness is as great as your power. Amen.’”��

    Pope Francis ended Patris Corde with the prayer below. To read all of this beau�fully wri6en le6er go to h6p://www.va�can.va/content/francesco/en/apost_le6ers/documents/papa�francesco�le6era�ap_20201208_patris�corde.html. ��

    Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.�To you God entrusted his only Son; in you Mary placed her trust;�

    with you Christ became man.�Blessed Joseph, to us too, show yourself a father and guide us in the path of life.�Obtain for us grace, mercy, and courage, and defend us from every evil.� Amen.�


    If you have struggled to read the Bible, Father Mike Schmitz’s new podcast, Bible in a Year, is for you. This�podcast guides Catholics through the Bible in 365 daily episodes started on January 1. Each 20�25 minute episode includes: two to�three scripture readings, a�reflec�on�from Fr. Mike Schmitz, and�guided prayer�to help you�hear God’s voice in his Word. ��

    Unlike any other Bible podcast, Ascension’s�Bible in a Year�podcast for Catholics follows a reading plan inspired by the Great Adventure�Bible Timeline®��learning system,�a groundbreaking approach to understanding salva�on history�developed by renowned Catholic Bible teacher

    Jeff Cavins. Tune in and live your daily life through the lens of God’s word! By reading the Bible this way, you will be able to clearly see how everything fits together. ��

    To sign up to receive the Bible reading plan Fr. Mike is following for the podcast, visit h6ps://media.ascensionpress.com/category/ascension�podcasts/bibleinayear/. You can start the podcast at any�me, and go at your own pace.��

    While this podcast will indeed go through every word of the Bible in 365 days, feel free to go at your own pace. You can do one episode a day, or a few per week. The podcast will be there for you, on every major podcas�ng pla;orm as well as Ascension’s own website.��

    READ THE BIBLE IN A YEAR New Podcast from Father Mike Schmitz

    Our Crochet Prayer Shawl Ministry plans to meet on Tuesday, January 26 at 1:00 PM in the Father Hitch Room. Please bring your finished shawls to be blessed by Father Baxter. Hope to see you soon.��

    Your Leader, �Sue Orosco, 402�332�3692�

    PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Meeting January 26


    This weekend, January 9�10, we will have a special seminary collec�on. The seminary collec�on, along with other gi5s to the seminary fund, enables the Archdiocese of Omaha to cover educa�onal costs and pay s�pends for living expenses for its students in major and minor seminaries. A year’s seminary educa�on averages nearly $40,000.� The Archdiocese of Omaha doesn’t require seminarians to repay their costs if they fail to complete their studies all the way to ordina�on, unlike some Catholic dioceses. Thank you for your generosity!�

    Are you �red of making the same New Year’s resolu�on every year? Maybe you are looking for a New Year’s resolu�on that will truly make a difference. Prayerfully consider a renewed commitment to your faith and church community by signing up for the upcoming Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) retreat.�Through CRHP, the Holy Spirit will begin to work within you and s�r your longing to awaken your prayer life and love for your faith. Embrace this year as the beginning of a journey to a deeper rela�onship with Jesus.�

    Women’s weekend � February 27�28�Men’s weekend � March 20�21��

    Sign up through the�parish website or contact the parish office.�

    NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION Christ Renews His Parish

  • 10 | January 10, 2021�


    Gretna, Nebraska

    The Bap�sm of the Lord�

    AL-ANON (ALCOHOL TREATMENT—OMAHA) Phone……………………..……….…..…….…402�553�5033�Website……………….……………………..….…al�anon.org�

    BOYS TOWN NATIONAL HOTLINE Phone……………………..…….…..…….…1�800�448�3000�Website……………….…………….…www.boystown.org�

    CATHOLIC ANSWERS Phone…………………….…….……...…….1�888�318�7884�Website……………………………………www.catholic.org�

    CATHOLIC CEMETERIES Grief & Healing Counselor………...…..402�391�3711�Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Gretna....402�332�3475�

    CATHOLIC CHARITIES—OMAHA Phone…………………….…….…..…….…….402�554�0520�Website……………………………………….....ccomaha.org�

    CATHOLIC VOICE ONLINE Website……………………..…catholicvoiceomaha.com�

    COURAGE (PASTORAL SUPPORT—SAME-SEX ATTRACTION) Phone…………………….…….…...……….…402�557�5692�Website……………………….....…………….couragerc.org��

    EWTN (GLOBAL CATHOLIC TELEVISION NETWORK) Phone…………………….…….…...…….…1�800�447�3986�Website………………………..…………….www.ewtn.com��

    HOLY FAMILY SHRINE Phone…………………….…….…..…….…….402�332�4565�Website………………………….….holyfamilyshrine.com�

    LEAST OF MY BRETHREN Phone…………………….…….…..…….…….402�681�5424�Facebook Group……..…………@LeastOfMyBrethren�

    MARRIAGE RESOURCES For Your Marriage………www.foryourmarriage.org�Retrouvaille………………………….…...1�800�470�2230�Retrouvaille……………….www.helpourmarriage.org�

    MASS TIMES NATIONWIDE Phone…………………….…….…..……..…1�858�207�6277�Website…………………..…………..www.mass�mes.org�

    NEBRASKA HOMESCHOOL NETWORK Website…………..…………..nebraskahomeschool.org��

    POPE PAUL VI INSTITUTE (FERTILITY HELP) Phone…………………….…….…..………..…402�390�6600�Website………………..…………..www.popepaulvi.com�

    RACHEL’S VINEYARD (ABORTION HEALING) Phone…………………….…….…..……..…1�866�482�5433�Website……….………………www.rachelsvineyard.org�

    SPIRIT CATHOLIC RADIO—FM 102.7 Phone…………………….…….…..…….…….402�571�0200�Website………………….www.spiritcatholicradio.com�

    ST. BENEDICT CENTER (RETREATS IN SCHUYLER) Phone…………………….…….…..………..…402�352�2177�Website………....chris6hekingpriory.com/sbcabout �

    ST. JOHN PAUL II NEWMAN CENTER Phone…………………….…….…..…….…….402�557�5575�Website………………………….……………..jpiiomaha.org�

    STRIVE (BREAK FREE FROM PORNOGRAPHY) Phone………….………….…….…..…….…1�800�588�1422�Website………………………………….……….strive21.com�


    24/7 Hotline….………….….…..…….…….402�345�7273�Website……………………………………....wcaomaha.org�



    Some�mes we all need a li6le assistance in the journey of grief. Grieving with Great Hope is a workshop/support group for those who are mourning the loss of a loved one. This journey is firmly grounded in our Catholic Faith and is a six�week walk with those who have lost a spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandchild, or a close friend. This workshop is January 12, 19, 26, and February 2, 9 and 16. These sessions are 6:30 to 8:30 PM at St. Cecilia Cathedral. A6endance is necessary for all sessions and sea�ng is limited. Please contact Deacon Jim Tardy at [email protected] or 402�391�3711 or 402�551�2313.�


    Perspec�ves on the Gi5 of Life is a pro�life themed retreat with Fr. Thomas MacLean. Retreatants will a6end the Walk for Life and speaker on Saturday in Lincoln. The retreat will begin on Friday at 8 PM and ends with lunch at noon on Sunday. Our Lady of Good Counsel is offering an at�home livestream version of the retreat if you

    are unable to make it. For more informa�on contact Father Gary Coulter by phone 402�786�2705 or by email [email protected]. To register visit h6ps://goodcounselretreat.regfox.com/life.�


    The annual Pro�Life Mass before the Walk for Life will be at 9 AM at St. Mary’s Church in Lincoln celebrated by Bishop Conley. Mass a6endance will be first come, first served, masked and social distancing will be required. The Mass will also be live�streamed on the Nebraska Catholic Conference Facebook page: @necatholic and will be broadcast on the Spirit Catholic Radio Network (102.7 FM for Lincoln and Omaha). The walk will begin at 10 AM with a gathering on the north side of the State Capitol building.�A5er listening to a few guest speakers, the walk will start at 14th and K St. and work its way north to the Student Union at 14th and R St.�This is the largest pro�life gathering in Nebraska and we hope it will con�nue to get bigger each year.�This years keynote speaker is Sarah Zagorski, sharing her story of survival, hope and healing. Sarah’s talk will begin at noon in the UNL Newman Center. Masks will be required, physical distancing will be observed, hand sani�zer and face masks will be available. For no�fica�ons and updates visit h6ps://www.facebook.com/events/1064752777277433.�


    BioSpiritual Focusing is a way of opening the whole of ourselves�mind, body, and spirit�to a deeper connectedness with God, others, and self. Join us to learn more about how gently being with what is present within your embodied self can open the door to a deeper story and to a greater sense of wholeness. This prac�ce is simple yet profound. It can be helpful for anyone, young child to senior. It requires no more than showing up and a willingness to engage contempla�vely with what is

    going on within. And the poten�al for transforma�on and growth unfolds in the process. This retreat is sponsored by the Saint Benedict Center in Schuyler, and led by Deborah Sheehan, M.A., and Jane King, M.A. Zoom sessions are on Friday, January 22, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM and Saturday, January 23, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Register now at www.StBenedictCenter.com or call 402�352�8819ext. 360. �


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    Dr. Drew Drummond Parishioner

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    Dave HubertParishioner

    (402) 660-8780


    Kristin McGregor, M.D. St. Patrick’s Parishioner

    Children’s Physicians, Gretna 11856 Standing Stone Drive


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    Mark AllgoodRealtor®


    402-490-7326 Cell [email protected]

    A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC

    Berkshire HathawayHomeServicesAmbassador

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  • For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com St. Patrick, Gretna, NE A 4C 02-0793

    Andrew Consbruck, PT, DPT, PRC - ParishionerNate Dickes, PT, DPT - Parishioner

    Standing Stone Plaza402.905.9089


    Ken Beckman REALTOR® - Parishioner


    [email protected]

    HAWKINS ROOFINGCommercial • Residential • Industrial • Churches

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    402-203-6193Jon and Traci Miller


    620 N HWY 6, STE CGRETNA, NE 68028

    Office: 402-332-4727Fax: 402-332-3861E-mail: [email protected]: www.kirkrohmanagency.comAccess Anytime: 1-800-MYAMFAM (800-692-6326)

    Gretna Family CounselingSpecializing in: Anxiety, Depression, Divorce Care, Grief, Stress, Family Conflicts, Relationship Conflicts, Parent-ing, House Calls.

    Making Life Better...Joanie Hansen, MA, LIMHP

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