S interactive presentation_en

Text Saatchi Interactive Sofia: the launch presentation This Is How We Kick Off.


On 18.02.2013, Saatchi & Saatchi Sofia announced the creation of a new digital-focused agency, Saatchi Interactive. This is a launch presentation, highlighting the new agency's goals and philosophy.

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Saatchi Interactive Sofia: the launch presentation

This Is How We Kick Off.

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The Advertising industry is now more than 200 years old.

Over all those years, the substance of what marketers and ad agencies do changed surprisingly little: We seek for the right brand message and the best way to deliver it to the consumers.

Until not so long ago, that was the only way to do advertising.

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Game Changer:

In the era of internet and social networks our business changed dramatically.

Now advertising can be more than one-way street: it can be a conversation or an experience. New technologies empower people, level up their expectations and allow them to talk: to the brand, with the brand, about the brand.

The result is a fundamental shift in marketing communications.

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Brave New World:

Does traditional advertising belong to the past? Far from it! But merely talking to people is no longer the only option.

To win people’s hearts & minds , brands need to talk with the people, engaging them in an honest, open and meaningful dialogue – thus creating a new level of intimacy.

The power of traditional ads acting as unwanted, disruptive messages, is limited and will decrease. Advertising offering valuable entertainment bears potential that is yet to be revealed in full.

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Over the past few years, Saatchi & Saatchi Sofia built up an extensive portfolio of innovative interactive campaigns (see some of them here).

Creating a specialized interactive agency was the logical next step on our path.

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Saatchi Interactive is a digital agency. The way we see it, digital is not simply about producing banners and apps – just like advertising is not about production of billboards and spots.

Saatchi Interactive is about Big Brave Ideas, based on user-brand interactions and experiences.

It is build upon simpler, more flexible agency structure that celebrates openness, dialogue and purposeful use of technology.

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We believe that advertising in the form of dialogue or entertainment is more effective than any other form of communication. But there is a catch: the shift in what we do is only possible trough a shift in how we do it. Interactive communication requires new approach and new workflow.

Catchy taglines and impressive layouts are important; but a truly interactive communication has technology and media deeply rooted within the idea.

Interactive communication sees reaching the consumer as the beginning, not the end of the process.

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Saatchi is all about Lovemarks, the future beyond brands. In today’s digital context, this concept acquires a whole new dimension.

We believe that through interactive communication we can turn consumers into devoted brand ambassadors, and achieve ROI way greater than through any other communication channel.

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Digital Bulgaria:

The way we see it, our market’s current most significant potential-bearing areas are:building strong, vital online brand communities, and taking advantage of viral video content.

Exploring the potential of those areas is Saatchi Interactive’s main focus in 2013.

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1.Interactive communication works trough seduction, not disruption.

2.In today’s a-trend-a-day world, Fast is not good. Fast is God.

3.Delivering ads is not enough; engagement with the brand is what we’re after.

4.The people are the greatest media, ever.

5.A video says more than 1 000 pictures

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Want more Saatchi Interactive?

[email protected]

+359 2 434 09 43