s gl hJ,dJ€¦ · Si ot mill Mi. Hilda in Hi" cast. Mr S,u. oil will loiidiici die liiraicr opera...

vs. J- -! bill fill CimciTl in t ln I'ro.shvr I'ii'lils of clnim Iter 31 ii-- it. K 1,1.0 SONATA IM.KASKS W ork of n Voiilh Who Dreiiml Not i f Wri ( itiir "Toil iiml Vcvkliicniny." Hiiw vim lliltl' ii' ii'II iiiihiimI nil III I, II It'll! luvi' loiitiiUo'iin fu.nl rui' llioii-rli- t 'n llic hoiiiihI (Miii'-r- l of tin- - Kuui'i'l (Jimrti't vvlui'li ool pl,ir lal I'Vctiinit In Aroli.iii II. ill It wu ii HiihI ilolli!itfiil iinifvrl ami In muaic vv.j. not. of worn lliremlli-irt- ' Hv hard tiiif Tl tlri--t iiutiilii'r was Schulwrl'M (1 major iiinrtt'l, opus Hit I In- - fi'conil xiiiiiiia df J'leli.inl NtruiHs, npiiH il. mill tlii' IinI III" l major niiartot of I'osir 1'raiicU 'Uim pi.inl-- t who uui v.itli Villi.niiWilli'l.i in tlu of th" Stniii conatu n l'.rui'Hlo ('nii-ml- o (lectin- - of ink havi Iwii ovit Schubert tmiei Imt oM-- r ami anon lhi daily otiM-rvi- nf tiitiiiiul will ! trinpti'd to render ln-a- i lfi'll iIiiiiiUk lor tho cifts with which tin' nd- - eiiilovveil thiM wonili'rfiil musical inind I or one thine we on ti never cva-- c to He Krntel'iil for the feetitiilitv of hi tiielotlie invention No one will driiv that often Sehtiliert iiIi'iih art Mutlu in clianieter. but no oiii will allirin that they ureever His Miiallt Invention. Ii.tve KHiee nnil charm, and lin larci- -t have nobility coupled with inrfTabli' ti'tKli'tnc" Schu-lu- hlniM'If wa niiithtily pli'ard with Komo of hi own fnncit and hi e lisl him towpin out mo entente- - to heavenly leliKths. 'I hi i haractrristic i found in th first movement of I hi- - quartet played luht evening 'I ho thought wete evuletitlv dear to the cotnpoeer and ho tuictii o,iily have cut hi movement much lmrtrr, but hi litiRtTH over hi thriiio with fond repel And how oay it i for the hearer to accompany him in lu leuipitulaiion. especially when the mii-i- e i played so admirably a it wa lat iiiiini It is afe to niv that the hearer would not williiurly have had a -- iaclo page omitted 'I ho other thti'O movements are more concio than the first and they have that poeuliarlv -- onshlie tyle wliich fli- nches all of Schubert' chamber iuiimc-'- I lie nudionce mai.ifo-te- d its delight in this lovely composition in no uncertain mantier. Itichard strut- - wrote hi opu u in tho year lv. and 1SS3 In tlio latter yoar ho rc.u lu-- the nie of I!i It i the habit of c "'inmelitalors to iiiuko note of the fiul thai the Ktrau of later year deo not ap ear till tho work known a "From li.il" opu in Hut hue all tin olio I Mll;ect to cvecp-ticai- s 'Hi" i"hncel'o sonata i. oi course, the work .f an euthiiiittic ami op:imitio vouili. and Us feeling i far icinoved from that of tho "Don Juan" or the "Tod ilttd Vorklaniim." but liieio i at lea- -t one ihouijit i.i c. the pai'itiHte cautaliile of lb- - fir- -t mo-- , eniein which noitl onlv he 'remetKi.ill iirohostral tri'ntltl"Iit of latcf yean- - to bum; it into company witii Millie of the . m itii as in the ureal symphoi ii' poem llu 'cello sonata I a splendid aehu vo. nieiit for n mere huv It ha virMty nnl boldiu . Iirillialicy ol i.e anil a enp of form. It i weakest. iluip. in its low movement, for a Krm- -t New-ma- n jil-t- lv note in hi ntudv of Strnu, the boy did not take naliirally to iclloor. ivo, tendi r or pathetic sentiment Hut then- - is plenty of youthful force in the llrst movement and tho finale is alive with happy fancy The work i excellent iv written for botn instrument mid it call for virtun-- o Iierformnnco 'Uu. indo.-- l it reveivod nt tho hand of Mr Willekeiind Mr. 'on-sol- Hoth of them (ilaved ill lna-ter- lv style, not suppressing their individuali- ties, yet unitini; m a fine ensemble. It wa a real pl"'iJro to ho i" ihi' u The lueiels played two movements of the I) major ipiariet of I raiicu on .Ian-uar- y I. Hilu. and in March of the same year the whole of it Mr Kneiel has doiio honorable duty In publishing the ait of the l!clgian muster, lor whom he has a large alloc! ion It wastho general belief some years uo that tho miisii' of 1'raiicU helimged to the category of the intellectual ami that it was reserved for perons wuh abnor- mally develo.-- brain to comprehend it I, iko other musical riddle, ii becomes easier to read a. tho yoar go past, and it now provokes the inquiry as to whether it is really so intellectual as wo all used to think At any rate it continues to i'e heard and it gain now adunier. by sheer force of re;tltlou. NEXT WEEK AT THE OPERA. Dcni-lt- l Performance of "l.n ilo- - coniln' for llallnii lliisitnl, " laniihausiT ' will open the sIMh wpel, of the Meiropo'ii'm Opera season net .Mo- ndav evening, wuh .Mine. Dostum as .Vun-hrt- .Mine Matenaiier lis IVnim, Mr Mleak in Hie title role, .Mr Weil as Wnll ram and Mr. llhcrspoon lis the .inn. 1 iimf Others in the east will bn Mine. Spnrkes and Messrs lieiss, lliii-hm- v, lliissdiu;! nnd liayer. .Mr. Hert. will con- - d Hi .Minion besi aiil ' III bo given on Wednes- day evening with the cast, incliul-in- g Mile, bucrivla llori. Mine Diichene nnd .Messrs Caril-- o, Scot II, De .Segurola, bet.,, lleschigllaii, llada, iiaiilan and ltossi. Mr dlorglo Pol.ici o (ondijcling. riuro Toscaulni will niaki! Ids nt the conductor's de-- k on Thais, dm evening, when "Orfeo ed Kiiridlce" .1 have its first performance tins sea-o- n, Ii Mines llouler and ltaipolil in the i ii roles, Mine. Spirkes as CnaW ami Miss iina Case as the llupiiu Siinl. Irl-tn- n nnd Isolde," also loiiduetcd b Klr TommiiIiiI, will have Its llr.-- t hearing I, .is seasnii on I riilny evening. 'I ho cast i'l include Mines. I'reiusiad and Malen- - ii n'i- - an I Messrs. Iliirrlan, Weil, (iriswoldt I., iss. Murphy and lliiishaw'. Don Pasiiiiiln'' will be revived at tho Sniunhiy iiintliiee of no.t week with .Mile. 1 ucro.di' Jioiins A'aiiiiii and l'iul-- orsi lu thn lllle mlt'. Ml. Sciilli will bn limtnr " Mnliilitln. atid llic new Italian tenor, I mberio Maine, will make his ilebiil as ' V......I, ,f iladn w ill be the A i.nri "Tho iSectct ol Siicanne" will precede "Don I'lisunille wl'h (ictaldluo I'linar, Mr Si ot mill Mi. Hilda in Hi" cast. Mr S,u. oil will loiidiici die liiraicr opera and Mr .o . io mi latter Sati.idnj I'vening of nevt week l,a I . iiu omlii will be given lor the I i nfill ol the baliuli Hospital Willi ji cast including Minis. Dcstiim, lloiiiei' and Dm hetio nnd l ari.so, maio, nilso, llegito, llesdilg-lln- u and Du segumla. Mr. 1'olaiio will i mull, (icialllne laiiiir. lor the lli-s- l lime lu spvcial seasons, will appear at the opera i uncoil ihM lluiidiiy ulglit She will slug nulling oilier niiinln'is an him fnuii her liivorllo oicia "Madania llulterlly" and thn tiittb Kid Uvui "I'anst" with .Mi'KHOi, Maillii I nnd dllly, who nlo will he hoard In nolo unlabels iiluspppo .St ii rmii will conduct the on lief in. liilslmim iirterii'mii n speclnl perform- - ame at 0iiiliir lnlci's will bo Khrn of Ibeiisel uuil (itetel" mid the Unit act of the ballet "Coiiella" with Ailellni' (irnoo. ALFRED PANCOAST BOLLER. OIvIIiiuiiIsImmI liimliieer I Itrnil nf Ills Home In Cunt Oriiliur, l.lsi llliwi.l., Dee. in Mfied I'aliconst Holler, pieslileiit of the American lutl-tul- e of foiisiilting Knulnecrs, Ii i ii oI-de- ol the inei leiui Sim Irty of t'lvll Km.!-Heel- s and one ol the coiinliy's besl known llliillte hlillilels. ilieil at Ills home, .Ti Pros-pe- il street, lii- -l nlitlit. He was 711 rills old. Mr llntlnr was a native of l'hllnilrl.lil,i. He was k'l'.ldllllled final the I'tiiverslty of l'eiiiisvliiiia In is'is ami teerivisl his i ' u i ui- i in deciee from llensselarr Holy-t- ei Imie lntllute, 'I roy, In tsttl. Ho heeiime i hlef etigliieir lor I lie Hiiilson ItlVer Hull-lo.- In im'.'i, wl.li Ii position ho left to 'e in the iron hiisluess with S.ililllel .Mlllikeii us the Sew Vnrlt iiKents of the I'lui'iiii Iron ('innp'inj . In ls"u ho became Ii Mini elu-llie- for the M a nil fin I urln k' Couip.iuy n ml for twenty vear he hiis employeil by this (oinimnv. Htiring this same period he was consulting emrltieer for railroads building in IIiimI and ' aln ns upll us chief engineer for the Manhattan elevntiil rail- road and consulting engineer for the De- partment of Public Works of NVw- - York cilx In l:is .Mr. Holler ctitcred into tinrl-nersh- with Henry V. Hodge, forming the Una of llnller A Hodge. Mr Holler was a nirmher of the Institute of ( ivil l.nglneers of London, of the New ork rh.imber of Cominerce, the Century ' iiel,ituin anil Itiiilroaii C lull of New York, the Pennsylvania Society, the New Kugland )Ociciv nf Orange, the city nnd Iteimbllcan i liibs of .nt orange. He Is biirvlvrd by his wile and live ilnlilren. JOHN T. ATTERBURY. lenilier of stuck HrokrrnKr I'lrni Hies I'iiIIok Inu MruUe of Aiiiiplriy. .IiiIiii I' Mierbury died siidilenlv at his home, i;i West roriy-iiinl- h street, Inst night He bail been III but a hort time fol- lowing a troke nf iiiUiiey Ho was a member of the stock brokerage firm of Van Kinbiirgb A Atterbury of . Xh.iii street. In puis Mr Alterliurv inarrieil Mr iinn liavi llobbins I'lagg. widow of W AlUton Klagg He was a mem- ber of the olil Mterliurv faiiiily. a brother of Itnherf liennle Atterburv ami I'harles I, Mterliurv and a eon-i- n of the Itev ' Mterliurv Mr .Mterbury tlrt Wife, who wa a Mss Jones of died about leu years ago, leaving four daughters Mr. Atterburv was burn in Iiteron, X I Hi' wa- - iit and a director of the M.'ibama Mineral l.anii ('oiiiiauv, a of the Xew ork (Jiiotaliiui Company, of the Itobbiii I'miveMiig Pelt Ciiniinu anil of the stand, in! I run l unipnliv . i lull- - include the Metropolitan, thetiroller, tlie Plnver ami the .Sew ork Vuchl Club. DR. ELLSWORTH ELIOT. nle lirHillmle Class of Mil Olrs n Ills lloliie Here. Dr th Kdoi. e.preident of llic t'oiintv .Medical Socii'iv iliiii on Mondav at In. Iionie. is Wo- -t 'rhirly-sut- h street. He wa v.- -, vear old Dr I. Mot wa graduated from Vale In mil, 1 member of the clas nf liiiiiiiliv Pnight. and from the College of I'M -- leiniis and surgeons lu lsV.v After lea ing th" meilii nl school he became a siir-L'le- interne nt Helew:e nnd was oiip of Ho- - llt- -l graduate of the st.ifl of the I ollego When the elll war otelied he Milllliteered a- - a -- ureon and -- erved nt Milieinnt fier lie war he returned tu in- - ptai-iu- in New or!. He wa trustee and reui-lr- ar of I he College of Pliy-- n iuii and surgeon for eer.il -.- ir- and . president of the Count v Medii al Socinlr iroin s;; i . is;.i. e retired I rum mine iiraiiue fifteen year ago Aiihntii:h hi early work at the hos- pital a in the role nf surkienn he wa bet known in later life as a phvsl l in .leliii lluwkrswnrltl. .1 di'i It ' ort !l inn nf :lir its Jaimii A mil K.i.i .'l.l.y Hum ki "worth. 'Il- -I rurln- ut til hotni, ti Weill i;ii:ht-llilr- d -- ttpit Me wrt- - hnrn In .New Verk In iv3 .lii-- is riluialfd In t lie I'nilir .i hmil hii'I In i'iii:tiii!a t'nlvrrid'y. frnm whli'li li w.m prmltnii'il with . i' i: in 1901 At Ciilmui'l.t hi- wait it nf P- -l t'p-It'i- n frti'rnii unit nf ilip Tennis club. VVlilif In ntlli re lis wrote a OishU en Comrele iin:ruellon. whlill le'l i onsldcrHtile siihicIimi .nil wa Utrr pun. is heil Kur jevir.il i.irs he wurkeil villi luymniul r Aliulrall, the Hrcldlt't. .on! n.i-nt- ! h- iiriianl.i d On- Carleion i .in; I'onip.itiy. ef wlilih In- wati prosl-ilei- n lie Ui u rutin fur -- iviral inclnnr-Ini- ; puW.li .it .mis unit )i.ih hlmvcir putjllslieit sinr,il liieikli is H Win ii miMllb-- nf His l.iilen I'lllli. nf '.lie Cillimbl.1 L'tllviTnlly lull llel HieeuU's lili'tnlipr nf the Alnci-lia- n Soi irn nt llnKliii cm Us mnrrn.l a vnr is'i Miss .M.irlon Ilarllnc. who nur- - VlVIS llitll. Mrs, .NhOiiiIIp Kllulx-tl- l IU.lllrs. Mm NjiIliIIi' IIIUjIwIIi JldjIlPD, willow 't leltntiml I.lni'nln Iliylles, ip( ,tf lir,irt mi Monila al ht-- hoinit at I IJdst Si'Vontv-llr- t wtri'i't Shi w.ia In ln-- Heventy-llft- h o.ir Mm. Iliiyllsii wan the iluuslitrr of lluliiTt .m l I'lirin-ll- i Prlino Itay .ind a KruniianuKliU'r of i 'orii.t l u n x y, inerlilent nf ihe llmt CiiIU'iI Si.itis li.ink in New nrk 1 11 v Her iiiurrliifi' uh .Mr 1hIpii iinlii'l iwn of the nlilnsi f.iinllli-- s In i, In iininlr, i'oI. lpMllJav lliolles having lisen nn nlile Up i lllip In llsii Washington. Mm llaylli's Is Kiirvlved by ihrre rhlhlrcn. Mr. I'rHtirlM I". Lowell, wlilrm nf JuiIkp I.oim'II nf Ih t'lillsd Staifs I'lreuli conn; Wullar c. Ilayllps nf llimiini anil IMinuml I,. lUy bin, a la r nf Hilu t It Mrs, I'lillierlne stnkum, Mrs rallu-rln- ilinkuin, widow nf Uarret Sink 0111, ihe breeder nf trottlns Imrsee, died nn Murnlay at Hie I1111110 nf tn-- r nn, llarrle I Hiokiiui, Mn Webster avenue, riuibuuli, In hi r elelilleili ear She waa Ihe ilaimhler nf liirard Hurler, who whs lone an irtlinr nf tho New York "rniiimeiclnl Ailvertlaer." She a nne nr I e nldent nil inli.'m nf Ihe society of tlm Humbler uf ihe A merlon 11 Itevnliitlun Tivii snne, s daiiKhler, eight Krandehlldren and one KHiii.uraiiiU-hll- i Burvlvu her. lirnrie lliirnliain, sr. I'llll..lli;i.l'lll., Die lO.lientgu Hum-ha- Mr, the hhocIii le nf M a I Ii In s w. llald. win In finindiiiK the Ititlduhi l.iii'niimlli r Wnrks nnd fur seventy-ihie- vears cnnllnn-niiMl- iiinnecleil with Ihe bimluisH of Iiml linn, died In his I1111111' In thin ills' lie had bun 111 for more than 11 vmr Tin eevernl veara Ida buslneiis HlTalra wete hinitled bv his kiiii. iiinrKi' lliiriihiiin, .Ir He hud ben nut nf Hie ucllve iiiauaKeinent nf Hie liuslfit'SH fin; Hbniit twenty earH, llinrj W, l ee. II' nil W I I It'll ymicrday 111 his home. 4 a Mi i Mm ui lliird sireei. lie was hum In ibis illy rlchiy-llv- e Ji.im .iK'i mid una duelled hire. He vvenl lulu bulueiis ulili Ids father, Creiluli'k It Lie, head nf the Lee haiilnare imtieni at .Siiinluii atieet and the ll"mr Aftii his r.iihei'a ilenth he heiid of the buellteiis. lie leaves a ann. Fiidithk II. I.i '. nnd n daiu'lilir, Mra Duvld .Sivaliinou y lte. Or, .IiiIiii II, Cniinterinlne, I'HILADLLI'IIIA, Dee 10 The Itev rir .I11I111 linnmiii I'liiinleriiilni', a widely ktinnn Prerbl lei Ian milliliter and fnriner naslne nr I ihn Founh Hefiirnieil Presbyterian Church J here, died tarty Dili morning. Dr. Couo- - THE SUN, i , s ; tirrnlnc. wlm nun f,2 ar otd. di born m Sclll tin t li!v. .N. . wliltts he ull! It l.url.l nxi Jrt;urilri y Ht tui j Kr.ifluit f t ( '"nllfne nri'1 of rrlijfctttn Thrui sMiinnrv ami w.i oriLtlntl tiv th I' tr f AM.-m- In M. Mr ha-- ui.n-r- r. or J tturt'iK iltirt-rt4- - ar In ih m n Hrv of upMr hrilnK Uvhl t iotnmjn n! t w hii h h" ilt'l nt r rt !' !. Psrm lino tti ttturtlt Hp wa t)i hu'Id r J of rji tioftk. ln 'ii'Unc ' Tli-- ll .!uioin Jll It f of MMkr-.pi.tr- . ".IdM jili 'H - the .Mm nil Author" and iivtr 1 hp Kct. Hriijiuulii ii. Ilritrtltit. Thf It' V IliMii.uiiin Id until i. .i nilmur who It.nl mucin IJuk'Ii In thf I.ouk 1i1 inl itiinu'P C.ilti m fn'n i li7h until hli rrilrfiiifnt In 1'- -. lirt oft iipoplrxy la it Mond.iy In til1 M'ny Mat - pit j I, llrooklyn Tin rr li tc ru.n Church ttt Washington Hit, OThiik1 roui.n. wan ht In- -t ihurK'- II h .it I t r - non. N , n Iicienihrr , 13. the con f i Hf njrtmln It lit nr-l- t, fornierl a S;at tnil Julia l'lntr H wan a metn I l r of Hie llrooklyn Cre'li) irry .mil llwd al 4 A3 Tninpkln .ivviiui Hi In sunlwil l. un, llenjtmln I' Ilriinllrt, nf 1"3 S'rrllng lanirs VI, llrnlisni. .Ihiius virLllle llrnliain. formti ll known nn ilw ,Sa Vnrk t'roiliuc l!xi li mite. s ;i mi tuner nf the linn nf Tlenn o. i. illi'il .Miiif rd.iy .i ilm iinme nf Ills il.llHilllT. Mrs Wllllsm Mii'l.l.in !.' H'i'it l'lfi i Iglitti i't. Hi' l",r" In I'riin Yin. N. . !i!h' Mx e.irn .its"- .mil cirlv In lit'- - I'tiicml the prmliur lminiK In New Verk fi tn Hie lime of his retirement twrKt- vi it he w will kmmn iikui i the Crniluee nnil nut ni u. I A nlill'lil llienltii'ls lie n .1 nn niluT ol tin llainllinn Cluli ut llrooklyn II- - survived liy Hvn il iiiiihlrrs. .Vlrs. w IllUm C. h'hri-iln- n ami Mra lirorxe It MiiIluIiii. H Wlllhim llimzhursl. William lla hurt. who irivnl an chi.'f imir'uor In the llulldlnB lii'ii.iriiui ni In m Ilrnokljn fur thirty-seve- n H'.irf. dlid yes iinhiy .11 his home. -- Ti Hawthorne mreei. In hl elKhlleih nar III" iiiuesnu were hiiiiiiii; the earllent aettlera In llrinikln .nut one nt Ihem. VVIlllaill ll.iw rliurel, wits Ihe nwner nf a farm nn part nf whh'h the llnrntmli Hall "an erected, Ills wife and nl sun survive. t I'rnl C. Wendell. l'red I' Wi ndell, Inventor and nunufa nf nf on year nf tlm I'lub und the Klks and sun ,,,. In eiT York I.raaiis Felurallon, tenure by von Pntturr, II A. M Address by Dr II nn "Aelili vemenM In New nrk Cooper t'nlon. s p M. Assnilallnn, 30 P. .M. New Votk Hoard nf Trade and I.I P. M Lecture by .Inseph II. nf Aisoriatlon, Deliniinleo'a. I I' M Life ns a I'lno Club, lintel Ailor. 1 P. M. Association of Itiass MJIIllflC-Hirer- dinner, Unlet Aatnr, jo 1' .M. Lecture Ii) Howard Crosby lluller, 4 P. M. CI nils Committer, I Hotel Astor. P .M. le tiling of Carol." by Itnbln Kills, Inn e Itnnm, P M Mtaxlxlppi an nf .New Vnrk, dinner In .loll fharpe Aemr, 7 P. .M Fltiame Fnruni, Itobert 11 lielon mid Frank D. Puvey, West V ,M I' A P. M New Vntk Peine Intnro liy von Diversity, 4 P M Municipal Art address Art Club, I P. U. VLuNEbAi, II, 1312. ,r.i A gl hJ,dJ 6. Weather Report: AColdVae. Crownlnilikld, DEl,EAJBKR, um-- i Having Its Centre in Washington. Has. Suddenly Developed. 10 HELP BABIES' HOME sj;iis uuil CostuiMP I III II I (iiM'll ill Mll'IT'x I )i 1 1MI1I i;i:ni:iiai, pancinc i.atkk I'rjnii'i" ('fowniiisliifltl's ski l on Socii'iv 1 1 .rlf b I'l'CM'llll'li. Ill the lnri;e liiillninui nt s l,in' ntg'nt was iVeli e'lliTUU'iineiit liv yotuii; men nnil wunieii lor the iienellt of I'm Cnuiitry Ilium1 f t'onvaie.s-i-en- t which is nt Sea f'lilT. I. I A KtilK" win. erei'leil at une end ol the nnd it win. civeii n vniiile-vill- e proKrnnime. 'I'liere vvern two Jiirt sUeii'hes, "Tlie lliuliw-iiviimn- . " hy .MiH'nrt'iy. .u'teil liy Mi's Kuceiue Muv Liuleiili-- ri iiml William (i Wenilidl. thin l"iiiK followe'l liy u Ml on utimv liy frovvniiisiiielil unl acted liy Miss May Canlielil u;ul the Then, vvtro also linn e iunlri was l the .lilliu IMnii Moiiinie-- , Caroline ami Mine Jiunei. Kiii-ti- Appleton Curtis nnil W)utevi i"lit In a Hutw'.nu there were Mrs H the Mis-e- s Murniy. Kdith Mortitrer .losephine Osboi 11, II. C Slcbbius, I. II icon nnd (ieorgu II. Wiight.ilT. Ill nildllion I here was 11 riVl by the Angelica Constiince Cmcdrich. Dorothy nnd Umiiv Coe, Monroe Douglas Hobinsou. Itcgiimld It. ( and li.niners .Ir Afterward there was general dmicing for the was Conrad's orchestra Mrs 1'.. H y llarrimiili, Mi.-- s Curdj .111. uuu .111s. .1 ei. , Mr. and Mrs Stanley Mortimer Mr. nnd Mis. Kruncis I,. V. lloppui, Mr. and Mrs. limn T Atterburv, .Mr niul Mrs. Ulivor Is'diit. Mr and .Nfi-- V DihIk". Mr. .I'd Mrs Puliter. Mr. and Mrs. ( eorfte l Prutt. Mr nnd Mt-.i- . J. Iliiyden, Mrs I'. I.oomls. Mr. und Mrs. 11 MnVieknr. Mr. mid Mrs OeorKo Hose. Mr and Mrs. I). Morxmi. Mrs ! West Koo-eve- lt. Mr. and Mrs. 1 N, Mrs. T. It Mr and Mrs. (lenrco It. Miss Hell tiiiniee, Mr. and .Mrs. ictor Sorchan, Dr und Mrs .I0I111 A. Jlnrt'.vell. Mr and Mrs. I' Taller, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilichatd Mortimer, Mrs H I sr. and Mrs Valentine 11 Mott Miss Sophie Molt. Mr. and Mrs (I Oiiliiiinii, Mrs. Kd I II Vim Mrs K. and Mrs. W A. J'urriliKtnii, Mr. and Mrs Douulas Uubin-so- n iiticl Mrs. II. W'lnlhrop WILLS APPRAISALS. MPS FANNV I' who ilieil May i, lull, mid una the widow of John ijulncy Adams nnd mother of rtiailea I riinila Adams ticHMiur nf hi, 1111 I'si.im nf :i9,.i::. Tho nf the eetiile was in mid J'i0,i"0 una In Ibis Hlnle The estate went to I'luiKlcs Kraiieis uuil Arthur Adiiins, sous, und Mia. Humans, a MUM. CSTKl.l.i: 11 KMT. who died Dei ember ti, left her estate in her three Mrs. Jlerlha McConnell nf 137 Itbi'lsblu Drive, Albert 8liur liesl nf Uvanstun, III., and Miss Clara lleul. .U'hv tiilatu to ever IIOCOHJ. Hirer machinery nnd h member played the Wendi'll-I'.van- s fn, died Among those ill the audience were at hi" home, i,& Park place, Ilrooklvn, In Mr nnd Mrs tli ., Mr and his He was of j Mis. ( ha flew Miss Nancy . v... i.,......wi ll,.lnhis Hoard nf Trude and alCollIlt mill ( ilcllll de La tirc'O, Mnntauk Ills wife a (lauunier ive la-oaj- r. for lliirontas Ilerkeley William Hcliools," Amherst smoker. Ilealy's, S iiiri'tliiK. 3 the Itev. MrMahnn. nusplies Caihnllr Library Aria meetiuit, National " Miisiuin, meeting, Iirnniallc Dickens's "Christmas ri'iulrnl l'n lle.idlllK 131 llowet), 7:30 William, lintel adilresM's by Sldo Hoilely. llaronesa Hutlner, (.'nliiinbla I Society, by Fred- erick Natlunal Two . Sherrv' nil of mkmv.v Haliies. li.illi-oo- on .liiMtiii written rriincis author. ciislutne rrenc'i ilauced Midi's Holili-ti- s Kolilio WiitHiin, Harry Wntwm. dunce I'.iistis, irijiui:i LmtK lloraco Itohert Scotch diinccd Hrown, Hyde Hives, hester Hunlcu WiksI, whicli ball- room clouted iiarriiiniii. e- - Knri Ralph Horace llenrv Henry Kdwiii liurli'ti Coiinfeli. Sellers, Dyet, Henry Jainoi Solcy, Waller wan lii;cn, (lilbert Jones. Mr (Iray. AND AD.VMH, ItHrviitd bulk securillea mindly Abigail duiiKbli'i' children, laundry Mondavi Henry Parish. ib.ilrniHti Steele. Steele, Olllltess member Political The.ijri. Maxwell National James .lames Misws umuunta WEDDINGS. III! II llllt II 11 Ull II III 11 II II. 'I he wrddllu: ul Miss Ilm It i'e I'nuiniinn. diHichter of the tale ll.ivid iliuni.'iuii and .Mis Ihiiiiu.'inu ol Seventh streei. Ilrnok-l.vi- i. In .1 11 Us f In : i nf t his city look til.ire last l K'ht in the li.illrniuu at the lintel Ivlii'kerlioeker. ihe llev Dr AleMindiT 1. ions of Brooklyn otlei.il unr Ihe liride wnre a irnun of while brocaded h,inneiie. n veil ot old line and curried ii hoiniuet of while orchids and lilies of Ihe valley Mrs Arthur I Solomon was her In.ilion of lioncir she wore .1 cost nine of urn mlnred hrociule nnd cnrrliNl vellovv lo.rs .Mins .lessie ll.iuuiunu, sister of the liride, mis ihe mailt of honor Her costume was of lule pink harnieiise and she emrlisl pink roses Mihur ( Soloniou Hcted as ln'st 1111111 nnd ihe ushers were Wlllhini Kcv-c- r. lllt.nt) sniniieK lleni.niiin l'rlcd-uinii- u Hiid V M nodni.in !!ci ihe i ercinoiiv there was n dinner nnd (linn e Mr. nnd .Mrs, ltiiuinann left later 101 tup to the West hey will liv e 111 this cil) Miiiiiiiifnril I ip. Miss Mice Steele Ide. dnuirliler of Mrs. Charles Ide of 1:1 lieinseii street, llronl.-- 1 vii. mid l'11-t- i'i llmiuatord, sou of .Mr. and .Mrs .lule M. Ilaniiiiford of SI. Paul, Minn . were uinuied at .1 o'clock vesierilny aflei noon nt Ihe home of Ihe liride. ti v the liev ur I. M.ison I'liirke, inisinr of Ihe I'reshyterinn Cluireh nl llinoklyn. 'Ihe hride's only altriiiliinl was (lower k'irl. I'.lluor While, n iim-l- ii .lule M. Ilm -- n.iford, .lr., 11 liiolher of the lirideironiu, was the liesl uitm The were William Skinner of SI Paul, Itnliert .Soyes ol stP.iul, 'llinniiis Miller ol ('lev ehmil. Wells D11 klli ain ol New Vork, M Wiseman of Ni ork, l.vinnn lime ol New ork mid Curtis Prout Oeilcr Wilder. Pilllll.VMi, Me, Dec. 10 (leorse 'I Ili'Vti'r of New iiik mid Huston iiiarrii'd this forenoon In this city Lvanirelliie llope Wilder of Hoston. I he ceremony was nt the olllce of City Clerk lllrain T Wnterhoiise, I here wete no ulleiidanls the bride is the daiicliter of lieonje W l!os. Mr. Devter is a itradualf of llnr-viif- c lass of 'hi .Notes of Ihe Soelnl World. .Mrs ! Norton iloddanl will give h this afternonn 10 Introduce in soeleiy her niece. Mlsa Annie lioddard. Mrs rnrnelius C Cuyler will give a dinner al her houe, ;ii Kast Flfi). fourih si reel. Mrs .1 i .lerrnld K'elley gave .vealerday at Mierr' h luncheon fur debutante nf .his season and last, Mr Oliver .1 Wells win clii! a small bridge parly al her house. 31 Hast Sl' secund street. .Mrs Dinlei ,s Lainoiit held a holiday kale jesuiday ut hei house. J Wei Klfi-thlr- d street, in aid of the Waul Comtnitiee of Hie N. w Vork Inllnuarv for Women Assist- ing In r were Mrs. Ourdon-Parke- Mrs. .Ii ii. Unrils, Jlrs J .1 l'rr. Alls. Henry W'.cnii llobliltis, Mrs. IliMlman Mlhlrr ami Mis Nelson Holland Mrs Henry Hanford has rnnie from Itldgelletd, Conn, to tho Ml Itegls for h ft-- ilaya XMAS Cards Calendars An unuaually large and aelect aaaortment IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC permitting of a sat- isfactory selection being readily made. BRENTANO'S OWN EX- CLUSIVE COPYRIGHTED DE- SIGNS beautiful, unique and appropriate. BRENTANO'S th AT.and JTIhNt. Mew Yerk. EUM WILL E Fiiinoiis 'Toloniin Million mi' of Hnpliiicl 1 1 en (Is Lis! of '20 Works. DISPLAY IN JANTAItY WIN Ho First of Omit Collec- tion of Art Trciisurcs to Ho Shown. The .Metropolitan Museum of Art ilefil'iU'lv ittinounceil yestenliiy nil exhl-liitio- ti ci'r imrt or .1 rierpotit. Morgan' Kn-n- t art collection. Twenty. nine pnititinp; vvliish lmVo heen hrnt over from Ills liotuloti resilience. includiiiK the Rrcat Ilnpliool the "Colonua, .Mailotma"--whic- h tho National C.nllery was no loath to part with, will Ik- - hIiowii In thp Rullery of nH-cla- l mlilbi-tlon- s curly In .liinuary Thw will lii nn art event of llu; flrnl magnitude. Tho superb pxamples of the KiirIMi nmsterB in Mr. Morgan' collection will ivwnforco tho Metropolitan exactly where it Li weakest, anil of course, no Hinp picturo ever broiiRlit into this country nan the rank anil Importance of the "Colontm Madonna." Hero I.i tlm list of painting, as an- nounced by Edward Hobinnon, director of the. museum: The Colonna Mnilonim, by Raphael. l.stlv IlroiiKhton, by ltoniney. I.ndy Hetty Delnie, bv lleynolds. W ater Mill, by llohbenm. I.nnilscnpe, by Hobhetna. Settlnif Sun, by llopimer I.ndy Clideon, by (ialiisborouifh. yim rarren. by l.iwrence. l.rl of Wnrwlck. by Van Oyt k. Itiver Slour. by Coiiftuble Mrs Tiiiiinnt. by (iiilnshoroiiKli Mrs Hell, bv Kin-hu- I.ndy Maitlnnd, by Itaebiirn. Anne or Austria, by Unbent Cardinal l'eldlmiinl, bv Itilliens Dm hess of (ilniicester, by I'eyiiohls. State I'roiession, by Turner Countess of Coventry, by Moiliind Muruulse de laiborde, bv Vlsee l.ebiiui. I .a Devideuse, by Oreue .Mile. Ilelvctius, by Orouuis Portrait, unknown artist Maniulse de SpUnuln. by Van live Infaiila. by clasiiue Nicholas llut, by lteiiiliriinill Duchess or Devonshire, by (iaiuslmrnueh. 'Ihe Topham I'ainily, by .lolin Itussell. Mine. .Mondevelles. by l.nlour. Mine, de Poniimdour, by Vanloo. This includes all the paintings which have liecti over from Ixmiloii eicept the Mr Morgan dims not wish" to show them until they can tie shown as a room. These wonderful panels, painted for the ietted nr.d x'ttlLint Mine, du Harry, wen; willfully rejected by that lady, it is said, liecuiMi slie considered the title or one or them, "l.'attcnte" ("Wiiting't. a libel. c1ip hud never wailed for any- body! "Iatti'iite" must now again watt this time Tor nn architectural setting, lieforc it can lie shown. The duration of the exhibition was not stated, but the words "temporary mav have a significance to those who desire the Metropolitan public o have ieniia!ient acCess to these great must erpici vs of art . Nine painting ure among tlie recent accessions now on view, live living the works of Americans The finest museum piece among these pictures is the still life by the French Chardin. This is a sombre, rich canvas, pur- chased at the Poticet sale, which wii the sensation or Paris List spring Its title, "PreiMrations for Hreiikfast." is souiething of a inistioiner. Simeboily has had a hack at the already. Hut the slicvl ham is all right, well cooked and well piiinted. The .Ian de lleeui still life is 11 realistic assemblage of grain's, bottles. iears, lemons and even a lobster. The lobster is most attractive, and in fact ull these edibles are such healthy specimens or their kind that the reform of Luther Htirbnnk in the vegetnbln world lire discounted. This pictute wits painted in the seventeenth eentnry. Iteeeptlon for Vtlss Am; Johnson, Mrs. William Ii Hates nave yesterday nt her house, HI l'.nst I hirty-fniirt- h slteet, ihe second of a series of receptions to introduce lo society her ihiiuthler. Miss Amy Hriidlsh .loluison deceiving wuh llieni were the Misses Mnrsnrvi WastnlT, (iertrude Mali, 1 '.II n hoth riiiutip-ni- i, Liu- - Hall mid Louisa .loluison Crouch & Fitzgerald GIFTS OF PERMANENCE. Caffi, Itghtv.tiglit Hal Cairi Sitae Cases Toilet Sets Hand Bags Kit Bigs Trunks. Bags and Cases for all requirements. Shopping Bags In Morocco, Seal and Pigskin 154 Fifth Ave., N. W. Cor. 20lh St. 177 Broadway, Above CortUndt St 723 Sixth Ave., Below 42d St. Scriboer'sjooytore Standard Sets in Fine Bindings Art Books All New Publications Uandtomely bound books, rare vol-umt- t, npeclal et, etc., may te had in manu eae$ at areatlu reduced nrlcc. which art made poiniblc by our! coming removal in 1913 to 597 tilth Avenue. Charles 153-15- 7 Scribner's Fifth Ave. ,h t. ait Sons a'ind His. I' - -- -- i fIsTisgtgsls..WiM l YSAYE IN THREE CONCERTOS. j I'lilllinrinoolc Orcbestrn llrlpa film nl Ciirni'Klr Hull, I'liuene saye, Ihe illstliiKtilslied rteldmi violinlHt, played three concertos In n rowr .vestcrdny allertioon In Cntneifle Mall 'I In; Phllliauiionic Society's on hrstia under inn illiectnm of .loser tstiulisky, suppllfil Ihe nccoiiiiiHiiliiieiit mid a prefaio In tlm shape ol Weber's oveiliini to "Cnrvnnlhe 'Ihe concertos won- - Mvnldl's In (I minor. Meethoven's nnd llruch's ".Scotch Fan-tnsl.i- Of cmirse the last Is not a concerto simply because it s not const ruclcd nc-- i online lo the approved patlei.i, It U pinotlcallv one. Mr. Vstiyn'rt pcrfiiunance of tno Vlvldl" uincerto was not ns smooth and clegAnt ns his playing of thn violin classics is hut it km authoritative In slyln mid ought to have, been nn excellent ieswn lor students, J he llcelhoven composition was performed with Krent dignity and cerlty, but Mr Vn.tio has played it with mure, penetrative ht and with fewsr technical linperlectloim, The ncoumpanl-iiii'iitwa- s neliher solid in lone nor accurate. WILLARD S. BROWNS ARE HOSTS. Olvr Ulnnrr Dmire for Their Yotuii .Married Frlemli, Mr and .Mrs. W'ilhinl S. Hrown gara last night at their house, IU1 Knst ThlHy-flfl- h street, n dinner dunco for somo of their young married Iriends. During the dinner and dance thut followed there was muaio by nn orcheftra of negro players. Atnong Ihe guests were Mr. and Mra. .t. I. orlmer Worden, Mr. and Mrs. Oilier II. urlmnn, Mr. mid Mrs. Henry CI. Trevor. Mrs. Harry W. McVlcknr. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius II. TaiiKeiiinn, Mr. and Mra. (I. Muurliv Ileckscher, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen II Hrown. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Manlce, Mr. and Mrs Krank II. Kcech, Mr. and Mrs. (iiirrrti II. hip, .Mr and Mrs. Uarduer W. Hrown, Mr and .Mrs. (leorge 1). K. Jlth, Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Rogers, Mr. and Mra. .Julian MtCnrty Little, Mr. and Mrs. James II. Kidder, Mr and .Mis. A. Btcwnrl Walker, .Mr and Mrs .1 Htewuri Harney, Miss Juliana Cuttliiif, Mr. and Mi's. Samuel Wai'starT, Mr. nnd Mrs. s.. D, II. Pratt. Mr and Mrs. Stuart Hunt mi, Mr. mid Mrs. Krutik Schoomnaker. Mr mid Mrs. Dsvul WagstufT, Mr, and Mrs. lleii (i. Wellmuii. Mr. nnd Mrs. Pierre I.. Hnrbey, I'. Towusenil Martin, Franklin A. I 'In 111 in.-r- . Fiederlck T. Frellnghuyaen, Chailes llaydi'ii, (Veil Ut. lleorge and O. De l.micey I'oster. MARRIED. HA.SNAFOltD lf)K On Tuday. tiucm-be- r lu, st the home of the brlJCa mother, 44 Itrmsrn t., llrooklyn, by the Itev. Dr. I.. Jluson Clnoke, Foiter llaiin.iforn, on nf Mr. and Mrn. J. M. Itsrumforil nf Ht. Paul, Minn, 10 Allc" Sfrli- - Ide, daughter of Mn. Charlet W. tile. DIED. ATTKltlintV Suddenly, nt h reihlanrr, 13 VVet 9ih t., on Tufn.iay. December lu .lull rt Turner Atterbury. I'uneial "ervkeii will be held at Rt. Thomas' Church. (3d t. and Fifth aw, on 1'rlday niornlnc. December 13, hi 10 e'rloik Interment at Pateryon. N. J. Ii I. requested thut no Dower be tent. Hoston, I'lilUdi Iplilu snil Uattlmor p.tpers pleuse copy. UAVI.ir.S Suddenly, of heart failure, at her residence, 1 East 71st st., New York city. Nnthulle I'.lll.ibeth. daughter of the lute Itobert and Cornelia l'rlme nay, and widow of ndmund Lincoln Uajllcs. Funeral services will be held at thn I'hureh of ihe Holy Apostles, corner of Mh st and Ninth aw, New Vork city, on Thursday. December i", at 10:10 A. il. Interment at Dtfhton, Mass. Helatlvct und friends of the family are respect- fully Invited lo uttend. UK.VHAM On Tuesday. December 10. 11J. at the residence of his dnushtcr, Mr. W 1'. Sheldon, 12 West Sth at.. .Itincs Melville Uenham, In his elthty-sii- h year. runer.il eervhes at the above address on Thursday. December 1;, at 1:30 I'. M. Inierment at I'lttsnehl, Mm. 1IOHIIM Aiikusi lloehni. son nf the lata Abriham llnehin, December 10. at Al Klere, Alcerla, In his Ihlrty-tnlr- .l year. IIUl.I.i:it.-t- )n Moudai. December . IHI.', at his residence, 3.1 1'rusprct at., Kan Orange. N, J Atfriil I'nnco.vvl llnher. In his 7.ld ear. I'uucial services will he held at lirace Church. Oranje, on Wednevlay, December II, at 2:.0 I'. 14. It is rnincsted that no flowers be rnt. I'lilladelphla papers please copy, BL'ltTON On Deeemher !, IJIJ. Jano Bur- ton, in the s:M iui of her age Itelatlves and friends are Invited In at- tend the funeral services at Ihe resi- dence of her sister. .Mrs. Harah Iturton, 3:T West Flfiy-elaht- h st., Wednesday evenini; at S.30 u'cloc-k- . Interment at llreimvood .11 the convenience of me. faintly Dli.US- .- Henry 1. Slace name Harry Clifton. HI. Mrvire- - "I nr. I I'NF.aiL Church." ;u Wevi i uenll-lllll- d M. (I BANK CAUVSKU. UUILD- - I.voi, Wedr.eds, 10 o'clock. Dlti:V. (111 .Sunday. December 8, 1017, Mllllam II. Drew, eon ot Ihe late Daniel Drew, lu Hit ruth scar of hli ate, funeral .crvhes will be held at hS lale rcsl denir, HrruMer.N. V..on Vrdnedy, Derem her 11, at II o'c lock A. M., on arilv.il nt train leavlne (irand Central .Station at ft.ti A. M. Interment .11 Drewec'lllTc Cemetery at con- venience uf family. IDT Till: MHDH'AI. SOIMHTV OF TUB COCNTV OF NHW VOIIK. Membera aie hereby untllled of the death of our late fellow memlier. Dr. Rltsworth Rlloi, which oetiirrrd December 9. 1913 Dr. KUot war president nf tills tjocloty for the je.irs 1 S7J-- 1 S73. Interment at (Siillford, Cnnn. ciiA in. i;s tin.. 1u1u: Kuiti.Kv, m. u JOHN VAN DOItHN yOUNl!!rM.''D',nt' tjecretary. HAWKKSWOUTII John, beloved husband of Miirion Itarllui; and son of the lata Jamea A. and Hilu X.ehlcy Ha wkesworth, s.idilenly. of pneumonia, on December to, al lii West 3d ft. Funeral on Thursday morning, December 13, ai M. Stephen's I'. U. Church, at 11 A M. II UIHF.It. Suddenly. In Haltlmore, Md.. De- cember f, Jane Crocker, wife nf C. A. I., llelser, formerly of 1'rovidence. l.Di: On Monday ' evening, December 9, Henry W l.te, son of the late Fred crick II. l.ee. Funeral from hla late residence, ii West 73d, on Thursday at 1:30 P. M. In- terment Woodlawn at convenience ot family. 1.UDUJW. -- ,t Summit, N. J December 7. 19U Mariana Rnzet Ludlow. I uncral service will be held at Calvary Episco- pal Chinch, Summit, .V. J on Wednesday, December 11, 1012, at 10 A. 11, Inierment at the Woodland Cemetery, ItUlailelphia, l'n., at 3 1'. U. nmo day. Philadelphia papers please copy, PADDOCK. Suddenly, nn December , ICuteaa Hiram Paddock, son ot the late Hiram V. Paddock, ngrd 69 years. Funeral services at the Fifth Avenue Flaptlsi Church on Wednesday, December II, at rt) o'clock A, 11, luterment private, I'kaaj om'.l flowers. In Mrmorlam. SMITH A service In memory of Orrlt Smith, M A . Mus. Doc, will bo held In Ihe chapel of Ihe Union Theological Hrinlimry. Cluremunt avenue, between ISOth and li'Jd aireels, Wednesday, Dicember II, at i o'clock, All ari wel- come. BNDHBTAKUa. FRANK E. CsUtMEll 941 U.l OKstU fT. Jjl rKKrlONAI.S. t c (.coiiimuulcaicvlittiiieaionceiuriai h. II., Jr. fcT L1 i m

Transcript of s gl hJ,dJ€¦ · Si ot mill Mi. Hilda in Hi" cast. Mr S,u. oil will loiidiici die liiraicr opera...

Page 1: s gl hJ,dJ€¦ · Si ot mill Mi. Hilda in Hi" cast. Mr S,u. oil will loiidiici die liiraicr opera and Mr. o. io mi latter Sati.idnj I'vening of nevt week l,a I. iiu omlii will be


J--! bill fill CimciTl in t ln

I'ro.shvr I'ii'lils of clnimIter 31 ii-- it.


W ork of n Voiilh Who DreiimlNot i f Wri ( itiir "Toil iiml


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Tl tlri--t iiutiilii'r was Schulwrl'M (1

major iiinrtt'l, opus Hit I In- - fi'conilxiiiiiiia df J'leli.inl NtruiHs,

npiiH il. mill tlii' IinI III" l major niiartotof I'osir 1'raiicU 'Uim pi.inl-- t who uui

v.itli Villi.niiWilli'l.i in tluof th" Stniii conatu n

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(lectin- - of ink havi Iwii ovitSchubert tmiei Imt oM-- r ami anonlhi daily otiM-rvi- nf tiitiiiiulwill ! trinpti'd to render ln-a- i lfi'll iIiiiiiUklor tho cifts with which tin' nd- - eiiilovveilthiM wonili'rfiil musical inind I or onethine we on ti never cva-- c to He Krntel'iilfor the feetitiilitv of hi tiielotlie inventionNo one will driiv that often SehtiliertiiIi'iih art Mutlu in clianieter. butno oiii will allirin that they ureever

His Miiallt Invention. Ii.tve KHiee nnilcharm, and lin larci- -t have nobilitycoupled with inrfTabli' ti'tKli'tnc" Schu-lu-

hlniM'If wa niiithtily pli'ard withKomo of hi own fnncit and hi e

lisl him towpin out mo entente- - to heavenlyleliKths. 'I hi i haractrristic i foundin th first movement of I hi- - quartetplayed luht evening

'I ho thought wete evuletitlv dear tothe cotnpoeer and ho tuictii o,iily havecut hi movement much lmrtrr, but hilitiRtTH over hi thriiio with fond repel

And how oay it i for the hearerto accompany him in lu leuipitulaiion.especially when the mii-i- e i played soadmirably a it wa lat iiiiini

It is afe to niv that the hearer wouldnot williiurly have had a -- iaclo pageomitted 'I ho other thti'O movements aremore concio than the first and they havethat poeuliarlv --onshlie tyle wliich fli-nches all of Schubert' chamber iuiimc-'- I

lie nudionce mai.ifo-te- d its delight inthis lovely composition in no uncertainmantier.

Itichard strut- - wrote hi opu u intho year lv. and 1SS3 In tlio latteryoar ho rc.u lu-- the nie of I!i It i thehabit of c "'inmelitalors to iiiuko note ofthe fiul thai the Ktrau of later yeardeo not ap ear till tho work known a"From li.il" opu in Hut hue all

tin olio I Mll;ect to cvecp-ticai- s

'Hi" i"hncel'o sonata i. oi course,the work .f an euthiiiittic ami op:imitiovouili. and Us feeling i far icinovedfrom that of tho "Don Juan" or the "Todilttd Vorklaniim." but liieio i at lea- -t

one ihouijit i.i c. the pai'itiHte cautaliileof lb- - fir- -t mo-- , eniein which noitl onlvhe 'remetKi.ill iirohostral tri'ntltl"Iit of

latcf yean- - to bum; it into company witiiMillie of the . m itii as in the urealsymphoi ii' poem

llu 'cello sonata I a splendid aehu vo.nieiit for n mere huv It ha virMtynnl boldiu . Iirillialicy ol i.e anil aenp of form. It i weakest. iluip.in its low movement, for a Krm- -t New-ma- n

jil-t- lv note in hi ntudv of Strnu,the boy did not take naliirally to iclloor.ivo, tendi r or pathetic sentiment Hutthen- - is plenty of youthful force in thellrst movement and tho finale is alivewith happy fancy

The work i excellent iv written forbotn instrument mid it call for virtun-- o

Iierformnnco 'Uu. indo.-- l it reveivodnt tho hand of Mr Willekeiind Mr. 'on-sol-

Hoth of them (ilaved ill lna-ter- lv

style, not suppressing their individuali-ties, yet unitini; m a fine ensemble. Itwa a real pl"'iJro to ho i" ihi' u

The lueiels played two movements ofthe I) major ipiariet of I raiicu on .Ian-uar- y

I. Hilu. and in March of the same yearthe whole of it Mr Kneiel has doiiohonorable duty In publishing the ait ofthe l!clgian muster, lor whom he has alarge alloc! ion

It wastho general belief some years uothat tho miisii' of 1'raiicU helimged tothe category of the intellectual ami thatit was reserved for perons wuh abnor-mally develo.-- brain to comprehendit I, iko other musical riddle, ii becomeseasier to read a. tho yoar go past, and itnow provokes the inquiry as to whetherit is really so intellectual as wo all usedto think At any rate it continues toi'e heard and it gain now adunier. bysheer force of re;tltlou.


Dcni-lt- l Performance of "l.n ilo- -

coniln' for llallnii lliisitnl," laniihausiT ' will open the sIMh wpel, of

the Meiropo'ii'm Opera season net .Mo-ndav evening, wuh .Mine. Dostum as .Vun-hrt-

.Mine Matenaiier lis IVnim,Mr Mleak in Hie title role, .Mr Weil asWnll ram and Mr. llhcrspoon lis the .inn.

1 iimf Others in the east will bn Mine.Spnrkes and Messrs lieiss, lliii-hm- v,

lliissdiu;! nnd liayer. .Mr. Hert. will con- -

d Hi.Minion besi aiil ' III bo given on Wednes-

day evening with the cast, incliul-in- g

Mile, bucrivla llori. Mine Diichenennd .Messrs Caril-- o, Scot II, De .Segurola,bet.,, lleschigllaii, llada, iiaiilan andltossi. Mr dlorglo Pol.ici o (ondijcling.

riuro Toscaulni will niaki! Idsnt the conductor's de-- k on Thais,

dm evening, when "Orfeo ed Kiiridlce".1 have its first performance tins sea-o- n,

Ii Mines llouler and ltaipolil in thei ii roles, Mine. Spirkes as CnaW amiMiss iina Case as the llupiiu Siinl.

Irl-tn- n nnd Isolde," also loiiduetcd bKlr TommiiIiiI, will have Its llr.-- t hearingI, .is seasnii on I riilny evening. 'I ho cast

i'l include Mines. I'reiusiad and Malen- -

ii n'i- - an I Messrs. Iliirrlan, Weil, (iriswoldtI., iss. Murphy and lliiishaw'.

Don Pasiiiiiln'' will be revived at thoSniunhiy iiintliiee of no.t week with .Mile.

1 ucro.di' Jioiins A'aiiiiii and l'iul-- orsilu thn lllle mlt'. Ml. Sciilli will bn limtnr

" Mnliilitln. atid llic new Italian tenor,I mberio Maine, will make his ilebiil as' V......I, ,f iladn w ill be the A i.nri "ThoiSectct ol Siicanne" will precede "DonI'lisunille wl'h (ictaldluo I'linar, MrSi ot mill Mi. Hilda in Hi" cast. Mr S,u.

oil will loiidiici die liiraicr opera and Mr. o . io mi latter

Sati.idnj I'vening of nevt week l,aI . iiu omlii will be given lor the I i nfillol the baliuli Hospital Willi j i cast includingMinis. Dcstiim, lloiiiei' and Dm hetio nndl ari.so, maio, nilso, llegito, llesdilg-lln- u

and Du segumla. Mr. 1'olaiio willi mull,

(icialllne laiiiir. lor the lli-s- l lime luspvcial seasons, will appear at the operai uncoil ihM lluiidiiy ulglit She will slugnulling oilier niiinln'is an him fnuii herliivorllo oicia "Madania llulterlly" and thntiittb Kid Uvui "I'anst" with .Mi'KHOi, Maillii


nnd dllly, who nlo will he hoard In nolounlabels iiluspppo .St ii rmii will conductthe on lief in.

liilslmim iirterii'mii n speclnl perform- -

ame at 0iiiliir lnlci's will bo Khrn ofIbeiisel uuil (itetel" mid the Unit act of

the ballet "Coiiella" with Ailellni' (irnoo.


OIvIIiiuiiIsImmI liimliieer I Itrnil nfIlls Home In Cunt Oriiliur,

l.lsi llliwi.l., Dee. in Mfied I'aliconstHoller, pieslileiit of the American lutl-tul- e

of foiisiilting Knulnecrs, Ii i ii oI-de-

ol the inei leiui Sim Irty of t'lvll Km.!-Heel- s

and one ol the coiinliy's besl knownllliillte hlillilels. ilieil at Ills home, .Ti Pros-pe- il

street, lii- -l nlitlit. He was 711 rillsold.

Mr llntlnr was a native of l'hllnilrl.lil,i.He was k'l'.ldllllled final the I'tiiverslty ofl'eiiiisvliiiia In is'is ami teerivisl hisi ' u i ui- i in deciee from llensselarr Holy-t- ei

Imie lntllute, 'I roy, In tsttl. Ho heeiimei hlef etigliieir lor I lie Hiiilson ItlVer Hull-lo.-

In im'.'i, wl.li Ii position ho left to 'e

in the iron hiisluess with S.ililllel.Mlllikeii us the Sew Vnrlt iiKents of theI'lui'iiii Iron ('innp'inj . In ls"u ho became

Ii Mini elu-llie- for theM a nil fin I urln k' Couip.iuy n ml for

twenty vear he hiis employeil by this(oinimnv. Htiring this same period hewas consulting emrltieer for railroadsbuilding in IIiimI and ' aln ns upll us chiefengineer for the Manhattan elevntiil rail-road and consulting engineer for the De-

partment of Public Works of NVw- - Yorkcilx In l:is .Mr. Holler ctitcred into tinrl-nersh-

with Henry V. Hodge, formingthe Una of llnller A Hodge.

Mr Holler was a nirmher of the Instituteof ( ivil l.nglneers of London, of the New

ork rh.imber of Cominerce, the Century 'iiel,ituin anil Itiiilroaii C lull of New York,

the Pennsylvania Society, the New Kugland)Ociciv nf Orange, the city nnd Iteimbllcan

i liibs of .nt orange. He Is biirvlvrd byhis wile and live ilnlilren.


lenilier of stuck HrokrrnKr I'lrniHies I'iiIIok Inu MruUe of Aiiiiplriy..IiiIiii I' Mierbury died siidilenlv at his

home, i;i West roriy-iiinl- h street, Instnight He bail been III but a hort time fol-

lowing a troke nf iiiUiiey Ho was amember of the stock brokerage firm ofVan Kinbiirgb A Atterbury of . Xh.iiistreet.

In puis Mr Alterliurv inarrieil Mriinn liavi llobbins I'lagg. widow of

W AlUton Klagg He was a mem-ber of the olil Mterliurv faiiiily. abrother of Itnherf liennle Atterburv amiI'harles I, Mterliurv and a eon-i- n of theItev ' Mterliurv Mr .Mterburytlrt Wife, who wa a Mss Jones of

died about leu years ago, leavingfour daughters

Mr. Atterburv was burn in Iiteron,X I Hi' wa- - iit and a director ofthe M.'ibama Mineral l.anii ('oiiiiauv, a

of the Xew ork (Jiiotaliiui Company,of the Itobbiii I'miveMiig Pelt Ciiniinuanil of the stand, in! I run l unipnliv . i

lull- - include the Metropolitan, thetiroller,tlie Plnver ami the .Sew ork Vuchl Club.


nle lirHillmle Class of Mil Olrs n

Ills lloliie Here.Dr th Kdoi. e.preident of llic

t'oiintv .Medical Socii'iv iliiii on Mondavat In. Iionie. is Wo- -t 'rhirly-sut- h street.He wa v.-

-, vear oldDr I. Mot wa graduated from Vale In mil,

1 member of the clas nfliiiiiiiliv Pnight. and from the College ofI'M -- leiniis and surgeons lu lsV.v Afterlea ing th" meilii nl school he became a siir-L'le-

interne nt Helew:e nnd was oiip ofHo- - llt- -l graduate of the st.ifl ofthe I ollego

When the elll war otelied he Milllliteereda- - a -- ureon and -- erved nt Milieinnt fierlie war he returned tu in- - ptai-iu- in New

or!.He wa trustee and reui-lr- ar of I he College

of Pliy-- n iuii and surgeon for eer.il-.- ir- and . president of the Count v

Medii al Socinlr iroin s;; i . is;.i. eretired I rum mine iiraiiue fifteen yearago Aiihntii:h hi early work at the hos-pital a in the role nf surkienn he wabet known in later life as a phvsl l in

.leliii lluwkrswnrltl..1 di'i It ' ort !l inn nf :lir its Jaimii

A mil K.i.i .'l.l.y Hum ki "worth. 'Il- -Irurln- ut til hotni, ti Weill i;ii:ht-llilr- d

-- ttpit Me wrt- - hnrn In .New Verk Iniv3 .lii-- is riluialfd In t lie I'nilir .i hmilhii'I In i'iii:tiii!a t'nlvrrid'y. frnm whli'li liw.m prmltnii'il with . i' i: in 1901At Ciilmui'l.t hi- wait it nf P- -l t'p-It'i- n

frti'rnii unit nf ilip Tennis club.VVlilif In ntlli re lis wrote a OishU en

Comrele iin:ruellon. whlillle'l i onsldcrHtile siihicIimi .nil wa Utrr

pun. is heil Kur jevir.il i.irs he wurkeilvilli luymniul r Aliulrall, the Hrcldlt't..on! n.i-nt- ! h- iiriianl.i d On- Carleion

i .in; I'onip.itiy. ef wlilih In- wati prosl-ilei- n

lie Ui u rutin fur -- iviral inclnnr-Ini- ;puW.li .it .mis unit )i.ih hlmvcir putjllslieit

sinr,il liieikli is H Win ii miMllb-- nf Hisl.iilen I'lllli. nf '.lie Cillimbl.1 L'tllviTnlly

lull llel HieeuU's lili'tnlipr nf the Alnci-lia- n

Soi irn nt llnKliii cm Us mnrrn.l avnr is'i Miss .M.irlon Ilarllnc. who nur- -VlVIS llitll.

Mrs, .NhOiiiIIp Kllulx-tl- l IU.lllrs.Mm NjiIliIIi' IIIUjIwIIi JldjIlPD, willow

't leltntiml I.lni'nln Iliylles, ip( ,tf lir,irtmi Monila al ht-- hoinit at I IJdst

Si'Vontv-llr- t wtri'i't Shi w.ia In ln-- Heventy-llft- h

o.ir Mm. Iliiyllsii wan the iluuslitrrof lluliiTt .m l I'lirin-ll- i Prlino Itay .ind aKruniianuKliU'r of i 'orii.t l u n x y, inerlilentnf ihe llmt CiiIU'iI Si.itis li.ink in New

nrk 1 11 v Her iiiurrliifi' uh .Mr 1hIpiiiinlii'l iwn of the nlilnsi f.iinllli-- s In i, In

iininlr, i'oI. lpMllJav lliolles having lisennn nlile Up i lllip In llsii Washington. Mmllaylli's Is Kiirvlved by ihrre rhlhlrcn. Mr.I'rHtirlM I". Lowell, wlilrm nf JuiIkp I.oim'IInf Ih t'lillsd Staifs I'lreuli conn; Wullarc. Ilayllps nf llimiini anil IMinuml I,. lUybin, a la r nf Hilu t It

Mrs, I'lillierlne stnkum,Mrs rallu-rln- ilinkuin, widow nf Uarret

Sink 0111, ihe breeder nf trottlns Imrsee, diednn Murnlay at Hie I1111110 nf tn-- r nn, llarrle I

Hiokiiui, Mn Webster avenue, riuibuuli, Inhi r elelilleili ear She waa Ihe ilaimhlernf liirard Hurler, who whs lone an irtlinrnf tho New York "rniiimeiclnl Ailvertlaer."She a nne nr I e nldent nil inli.'m nf Ihesociety of tlm Humbler uf ihe A merlon 11

Itevnliitlun Tivii snne, s daiiKhler, eightKrandehlldren and one KHiii.uraiiiU-hll- i

Burvlvu her.

lirnrie lliirnliain, sr.I'llll..lli;i.l'lll., Die lO.lientgu Hum-ha-

Mr, the hhocIii le nf M a I Ii In s w. llald.win In finindiiiK the Ititlduhi l.iii'niimlli rWnrks nnd fur seventy-ihie- vears cnnllnn-niiMl-

iiinnecleil with Ihe bimluisH of Iimllinn, died In his I1111111' In thin ills'lie had bun 111 for more than 11 vmrTin eevernl veara Ida buslneiis HlTalra wetehinitled bv his kiiii. iiinrKi' lliiriihiiin, .IrHe hud ben nut nf Hie ucllve iiiauaKeinentnf Hie liuslfit'SH fin; Hbniit twenty earH,

llinrj W, l ee.II' nil W I I It'll ymicrday 111 his home.

4 a Mi i Mm ui lliird sireei. lie was humIn ibis illy rlchiy-llv- e Ji.im .iK'i mid unaduelled hire. He vvenl lulu bulueiis ulili

Ids father, Creiluli'k It Lie, head nf theLee haiilnare imtieni at .Siiinluii atieet andthe ll"mr Aftii his r.iihei'a ilenth he

heiid of the buellteiis. lie leaves a ann.Fiidithk II. I.i '. nnd n daiu'lilir, MraDuvld .Sivaliinou

y lte. Or, .IiiIiii II, Cniinterinlne,I'HILADLLI'IIIA, Dee 10 The Itev rir

.I11I111 linnmiii I'liiinleriiilni', a widely ktinnnPrerbl lei Ian milliliter and fnriner naslne nr

I ihn Founh Hefiirnieil Presbyterian ChurchJ

here, died tarty Dili morning. Dr. Couo- -


i , s ;

tirrnlnc. wlm nun f,2 ar otd. di born m

Sclll tin t li!v. .N. . wliltts he ull! It l.url.lnxi Jrt;urilri y Ht tui j Kr.ifluit f t (

'"nllfne nri'1 of rrlijfctttn ThruisMiinnrv ami w.i oriLtlntl tiv th I'tr f AM.-m- In M. Mr ha-- ui.n-r- r.

or J tturt'iK iltirt-rt4- - ar In ih m n

Hrv of upMr hrilnK Uvhl t iotnmjn n!t w hii h h" ilt'l nt r rt !' !.

Psrm lino tti ttturtlt Hp wa t)i hu'Id r J

of rji tioftk. ln 'ii'Unc ' Tli-- ll .!uioinJll It f of MMkr-.pi.tr- . ".IdM jili 'H -the .Mm nil Author" and iivtr

1 hp Kct. Hriijiuulii ii. Ilritrtltit.Thf It' V IliMii.uiiin Id until i. .i

nilmur who It.nl mucin IJuk'IiIn thf I.ouk 1i1 inl itiinu'P C.ilti m fn'n i

li7h until hli rrilrfiiifnt In 1'- -. lirt oftiipoplrxy la it Mond.iy In til1 M'ny Mat -

pit j I, llrooklyn Tin rr li tc ru.nChurch ttt Washington Hit, OThiik1 roui.n.wan ht In- -t ihurK'- II h .it I t r -

non. N , n Iicienihrr , 13. the con f i

Hf njrtmln It lit nr-l- t, fornierl a S;attnil Julia l'lntr H wan a metn I

l r of Hie llrooklyn Cre'li) irry .mil llwd al4 A3 Tninpkln .ivviiui Hi In sunlwil l.

un, llenjtmln I' Ilriinllrt, nf 1"3 S'rrllng

lanirs VI, llrnlisni..Ihiius virLllle llrnliain. formti ll

known nn ilw ,Sa Vnrk t'roiliuc l!xi li mite.s ;i mi tuner nf the linn nf Tlenn o. i.

illi'il .Miiif rd.iy .i ilm iinme nf Illsil.llHilllT. Mrs Wllllsm Mii'l.l.in !.'H'i'it l'lfi i Iglitti i't. Hi' l",r"In I'riin Yin. N. . !i!h' Mx e.irn .its"- .milcirlv In lit'- - I'tiicml the prmliur lminiKIn New Verk

fi tn Hie lime of his retirement twrKt-vi it he w will kmmn iikui i

the Crniluee nnil nut ni u.I A

nlill'lil llienltii'ls lie n .1 nn niluT ol tinllainllinn Cluli ut llrooklyn II- - survivedliy Hvn il iiiiihlrrs. .Vlrs. w IllUm C. h'hri-iln- n

ami Mra lirorxe It MiiIluIiii. H

Wlllhim llimzhursl.William lla hurt. who irivnl an chi.'f

imir'uor In the llulldlnB lii'ii.iriiui ni In mIlrnokljn fur thirty-seve- n H'.irf. dlid yesiinhiy .11 his home. -- Ti Hawthorne mreei.In hl elKhlleih nar III" iiiuesnu werehiiiiiiii; the earllent aettlera In llrinikln .nutone nt Ihem. VVIlllaill ll.iw rliurel, wits Ihenwner nf a farm nn part nf whh'h thellnrntmli Hall "an erected, Ills wife and nlsun survive.

tI'rnl C. Wendell.

l'red I' Wi ndell, Inventor and nunufanf

nf on


nf tlm I'lub und theKlks and sun,,,.

In eiT YorkI.raaiis Felurallon, tenure

by von Pntturr,II A. M

Address by Dr II nn

"Aelili vemenM In New nrkCooper t'nlon. s p M.

Assnilallnn,30 P. .M.

New Votk Hoard nf Trade andI.I P. M

Lecture by .Inseph II.nf Aisoriatlon,

Deliniinleo'a. I I' M

Life ns a I'lno Club, lintelAilor. 1 P. M.

Association of Itiass MJIIllflC-Hirer-

dinner, Unlet Aatnr, jo 1' .M.

Lecture Ii) Howard Crosby lluller,4 P. M.

CI nils Committer,I Hotel Astor. P .M.

le tiling ofCarol." by Itnbln Kills, Inn e

Itnnm, P M

Mtaxlxlppi an nf .New Vnrk, dinner In.loll fharpe Aemr, 7 P. .M

Fltiame Fnruni, Itobert 11

lielon mid Frank D. Puvey, West V

,M I' A P. M

New Vntk Peine Intnro liyvon Diversity,

4 P M

Municipal Art addressArt Club, I

P. U.

VLuNEbAi, II, 1312.

,r.i A gl hJ,dJ 6.

Weather Report: AColdVae.



um-- i

Having Its Centre in Washington. Has. Suddenly Developed.


sj;iis uuil CostuiMP I III II I

(iiM'll ill Mll'IT'xI )i 1 1MI1I

i;i:ni:iiai, pancinc i.atkkI'rjnii'i" ('fowniiisliifltl's ski l on

Socii'iv 1 1 .rlf bI'l'CM'llll'li.

Ill the lnri;e liiillninui nt s l,in'ntg'nt was iVeli e'lliTUU'iineiit liv

yotuii; men nnil wunieii lor theiienellt of I'm Cnuiitry Ilium1 f t'onvaie.s-i-en- t

which is nt Sea f'lilT. I. I

A KtilK" win. erei'leil at une end ol thennd it win. civeii n vniiile-vill- e

proKrnnime. 'I'liere vvern two JiirtsUeii'hes, "Tlie lliuliw-iiviimn-

. " hy.MiH'nrt'iy. .u'teil liy Mi's Kuceiue MuvLiuleiili-- ri iiml William (i Wenilidl.thin l"iiiK followe'l liy u Ml on utimv

liy frovvniiisiiielil unlacted liy Miss May Canlielil u;ul the

Then, vvtro also linn eiunlri was l the

.lilliu IMnii Moiiinie-- ,

Caroline ami Mine Jiunei.Kiii-ti- Appleton Curtis nnil

W)utevi i"lit In a Hutw'.nuthere were Mrs H theMis-e- s Murniy. Kdith Mortitrer

.losephine Osboi 11, II.

C Slcbbius, I. II iconnnd (ieorgu II. Wiight.ilT.

Ill nildllion I here was 11 riVlby the Angelica

Constiince Cmcdrich. Dorothy nndUmiiv Coe, Monroe Douglas Hobinsou.Itcgiimld It. ( and

li.niners .Ir Afterward therewas general dmicing for the

was Conrad's orchestra

Mrs 1'.. H y llarrimiili, Mi.-- s Curdj.111. uuu .111s. .1 ei. ,

Mr. and Mrs Stanley Mortimer Mr. nndMis. Kruncis I,. V. lloppui, Mr. and Mrs.limn T Atterburv, .Mr niul Mrs. UlivorIs'diit. Mr and .Nfi-- V DihIk". Mr..I'd Mrs Puliter. Mr. and Mrs.( eorfte l Prutt. Mr nnd Mt-.i- . J.Iliiyden, Mrs I'. I.oomls. Mr. undMrs. 11 MnVieknr. Mr. mid MrsOeorKo Hose. Mr and Mrs. I).Morxmi. Mrs ! West Koo-eve- lt. Mr. andMrs. 1 N, Mrs. T. It

Mr and Mrs. (lenrco It.Miss Hell tiiiniee, Mr. and .Mrs. ictorSorchan, Dr und Mrs .I0I111 A. Jlnrt'.vell.Mr and Mrs. I' Taller, Mr. nndMrs. Ilichatd Mortimer, Mrs H

I sr. and Mrs Valentine 11 MottMiss Sophie Molt. Mr. and Mrs(I Oiiliiiinii, Mrs. Kd I II VimMrs K. and Mrs. W A.J'urriliKtnii, Mr. and Mrs Douulas Uubin-so- n

iiticl Mrs. II. W'lnlhrop


MPS FANNV I' who ilieil Mayi, lull, mid una the widow of John

ijulncy Adams nnd mother of rtiaileaI riinila Adams ticHMiur nf

hi, 1111 I'si.im nf :i9,.i::. Thonf the eetiile was in mid

J'i0,i"0 una In Ibis Hlnle The estate wentto I'luiKlcs Kraiieis uuil Arthur

Adiiins, sous, und Mia. Humans,a

MUM. CSTKl.l.i: 11 KMT. who died Dei emberti, left her estate in her threeMrs. Jlerlha McConnell nf 137 Itbi'lsbluDrive, Albert 8liur liesl nf Uvanstun, III.,and Miss Clara lleul. .U'hv tiilatuto ever IIOCOHJ.

Hirer machinery nnd h member playedthe Wendi'll-I'.van- s fn, died Among those ill the audience were

at hi" home, i,& Park place, Ilrooklvn, In Mr nnd Mrs tli ., Mr andhis He was of j Mis. ( ha flew Miss Nancy. v... i.,......wi ll,.lnhis Hoard nf Trude and alCollIlt mill ( ilcllll de La tirc'O,

MnntaukIlls wife a (lauunier ive

la-oaj- r.

forlliirontas Ilerkeley


Amherst smoker. Ilealy's,S

iiiri'tliiK. 3

the Itev. MrMahnn.nusplies Caihnllr Library

Aria meetiuit,



Iirnniallc Dickens's "Christmasri'iulrnl l'n

lle.idlllK 131 llowet), 7:30

William, linteladilresM's by


Hoilely.llaronesa Hutlner, (.'nliiinbla I

Society, by Fred-erick Natlunal




of mkmv.v


li.illi-oo- on


written rriincis


rrenc'i ilaucedMidi's Holili-ti- s

Kolilio WiitHiin,Harry

Wntwm. dunceI'.iistis,


lloraco Itohert

Scotchdiinccd Hrown,


Hives, hester HunlcuWiksI,

whicli ball-

room clouted

iiarriiiniii. e- -




liurli'ti Coiinfeli.Sellers, Dyet,



wan lii;cn,(lilbert Jones. Mr





bulk securillea





Henry Parish.ib.ilrniHti Steele. Steele,










III! II llllt II 11 Ull II III 11 II II.'I he wrddllu: ul Miss Ilm It i'e I'nuiniinn.

diHichter of the tale ll.ivid iliuni.'iuii and.Mis Ihiiiiu.'inu ol Seventh streei. Ilrnok-l.vi- i.

In .1 11 Us f In : i nf t his city looktil.ire last l K'ht in the li.illrniuu at the lintelIvlii'kerlioeker. ihe llev Dr AleMindiT1. ions of Brooklyn otlei.il unr

Ihe liride wnre a irnun of while brocadedh,inneiie. n veil ot old line and curried

ii hoiniuet of while orchids and lilies of Ihevalley Mrs Arthur I Solomon was herIn.ilion of lioncir she wore .1 cost nine ofurn mlnred hrociule nnd cnrrliNl vellovv

lo.rs .Mins .lessie ll.iuuiunu, sister of theliride, mis ihe mailt of honor Her costumewas of lule pink harnieiise and she emrlislpink roses Mihur ( Soloniou Hcted asln'st 1111111 nnd ihe ushers were WlllhiniKcv-c- r. lllt.nt) sniniieK lleni.niiin l'rlcd-uinii- u

Hiid V M nodni.in!!ci ihe i ercinoiiv there was n dinner

nnd (linn e Mr. nnd .Mrs, ltiiuinann leftlater 101 tup to the West hey will liv e111 this cil)

Miiiiiiiifnril I ip.Miss Mice Steele Ide. dnuirliler of Mrs.

Charles Ide of 1:1 lieinseii street, llronl.-- 1

vii. mid l'11-t- i'i llmiuatord, sou of .Mr.and .Mrs .lule M. Ilaniiiiford of SI. Paul,Minn . were uinuied at .1 o'clock vesierilnyaflei noon nt Ihe home of Ihe liride. ti v theliev ur I. M.ison I'liirke, inisinr of IheI'reshyterinn Cluireh nl llinoklyn.

'Ihe hride's only altriiiliinl was (lowerk'irl. I'.lluor While, n iim-l- ii .lule M. Ilm --

n.iford, .lr., 11 liiolher of the lirideironiu,was the liesl uitm

The were William Skinner of SIPaul, Itnliert .Soyes ol stP.iul, 'llinniiisMiller ol ('lev ehmil. Wells D11 klli ain olNew Vork, M Wiseman of Ni ork,l.vinnn lime ol New ork mid Curtis Prout

Oeilcr Wilder.Pilllll.VMi, Me, Dec. 10 (leorse 'I

Ili'Vti'r of New iiik mid Huston iiiarrii'dthis forenoon In this city Lvanirelliie llopeWilder of Hoston. I he ceremony was

nt the olllce of City Clerk lllrain TWnterhoiise, I here wete no ulleiidanlsthe bride is the daiicliter of lieonje Wl!os. Mr. Devter is a itradualf of llnr-viif-

c lass of 'hi

.Notes of Ihe Soelnl World..Mrs ! Norton iloddanl will give h

this afternonn 10 Introduce in soeleiyher niece. Mlsa Annie lioddard.

Mrs rnrnelius C Cuyler will give a dinneral her houe, ;ii Kast Flfi).

fourih si reel.

Mrs .1 i .lerrnld K'elley gave .vealerdayat Mierr' h luncheon fur debutante nf.his season and last,

Mr Oliver .1 Wells win clii! a smallbridge parly al her house. 31 HastSl' secund street.

.Mrs Dinlei ,s Lainoiit held a holiday kalejesuiday ut hei house. J Wei Klfi-thlr- d

street, in aid of the Waul Comtnitiee ofHie N. w Vork Inllnuarv for Women Assist-ing In r were Mrs. Ourdon-Parke- Mrs..Ii ii. Unrils, Jlrs J .1 l'rr. Alls. HenryW'.cnii llobliltis, Mrs. IliMlman Mlhlrr amiMis Nelson Holland

Mrs Henry Hanford has rnnie fromItldgelletd, Conn, to tho Ml Itegls for hft-- ilaya


An unuaually large and aelectaaaortment IMPORTED ANDDOMESTIC permitting of a sat-isfactory selection being readilymade. BRENTANO'S OWN EX-CLUSIVE COPYRIGHTED DE-SIGNS beautiful, unique andappropriate.

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Fiiinoiis 'Toloniin Million mi' ofHnpliiicl 1 1 en (Is Lis! of

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WIN Ho First of Omit Collec-

tion of Art Trciisurcs toHo Shown.

The .Metropolitan Museum of Artilefil'iU'lv ittinounceil yestenliiy nil exhl-liitio- ti

ci'r imrt or .1 rierpotit. Morgan'Kn-n- t art collection.

Twenty. nine pnititinp; vvliish lmVo

heen hrnt over from Ills liotuloti resilience.includiiiK the Rrcat Ilnpliool the"Colonua, .Mailotma"--whic- h tho NationalC.nllery was no loath to part with, willIk- - hIiowii In thp Rullery of nH-cla- l mlilbi-tlon- s

curly In .liinuaryThw will lii nn art event of llu; flrnl

magnitude. Tho superb pxamples ofthe KiirIMi nmsterB in Mr. Morgan'collection will ivwnforco tho Metropolitanexactly where it Li weakest, anil of course,no Hinp picturo ever broiiRlit into thiscountry nan the rank anil Importanceof the "Colontm Madonna."

Hero I.i tlm list of painting, as an-

nounced by Edward Hobinnon, director ofthe. museum:

The Colonna Mnilonim, by Raphael.l.stlv IlroiiKhton, by ltoniney.I.ndy Hetty Delnie, bv lleynolds.W ater Mill, by llohbenm.I.nnilscnpe, by Hobhetna.Settlnif Sun, by llopimerI.ndy Clideon, by (ialiisborouifh.yim rarren. by l.iwrence.l.rl of Wnrwlck. by Van Oyt k.Itiver Slour. by CoiiftubleMrs Tiiiiinnt. by (iiilnshoroiiKliMrs Hell, bv Kin-hu-

I.ndy Maitlnnd, by Itaebiirn.Anne or Austria, by UnbentCardinal l'eldlmiinl, bv ItilliensDm hess of (ilniicester, by I'eyiiohls.State I'roiession, by TurnerCountess of Coventry, by MoiliindMuruulse de laiborde, bv Vlsee l.ebiiui.I .a Devideuse, by Oreue.Mile. Ilelvctius, by OrouuisPortrait, unknown artistManiulse de SpUnuln. by Van liveInfaiila. by clasiiueNicholas llut, by lteiiiliriinillDuchess or Devonshire, by (iaiuslmrnueh.'Ihe Topham I'ainily, by .lolin Itussell.Mine. .Mondevelles. by l.nlour.Mine, de Poniimdour, by Vanloo.

This includes all the paintings whichhave liecti over from Ixmiloii eiceptthe Mr Morgan dims notwish" to show them until they can tieshown as a room.

These wonderful panels, painted forthe ietted nr.d x'ttlLint Mine, du Harry,wen; willfully rejected by that lady, itis said, liecuiMi slie considered the titleor one or them, "l.'attcnte" ("Wiiting't.a libel. c1ip hud never wailed for any-body! "Iatti'iite" must now again wattthis time Tor nn architectural setting,lieforc it can lie shown.

The duration of the exhibition was notstated, but the words "temporary

mav have a significance tothose who desire the Metropolitan publico have ieniia!ient acCess to these great

must erpici vs of art .

Nine painting ure among tlie recentaccessions now on view, live living theworks of Americans The finest museumpiece among these pictures is

the still life by the French Chardin.This is a sombre, rich canvas, pur-

chased at the Poticet sale, which wiithe sensation or Paris List spring Itstitle, "PreiMrations for Hreiikfast." issouiething of a inistioiner. Simeboilyhas had a hack at the already.Hut the slicvl ham is all right, well cookedand well piiinted.

The .Ian de lleeui still life is 11 realisticassemblage of grain's, bottles. iears,lemons and even a lobster. The lobsteris most attractive, and in fact ull theseedibles are such healthy specimens ortheir kind that the reform of LutherHtirbnnk in the vegetnbln world lirediscounted. This pictute wits paintedin the seventeenth eentnry.

Iteeeptlon for Vtlss Am; Johnson,Mrs. William Ii Hates nave yesterday nt

her house, HI l'.nst I hirty-fniirt- h slteet, ihesecond of a series of receptions to introducelo society her ihiiuthler. Miss Amy Hriidlsh.loluison deceiving wuh llieni were theMisses Mnrsnrvi WastnlT, (iertrude Mali,1 '.II n hoth riiiutip-ni- i, Liu- - Hall mid Louisa.loluison

Crouch &Fitzgerald

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Trunks. Bags and Cases for all requirements.Shopping Bags

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154 Fifth Ave., N. W. Cor. 20lh St.177 Broadway, Above CortUndt St

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Scriboer'sjooytoreStandard Sets in Fine Bindings

Art BooksAll New Publications

Uandtomely bound books, rare vol-umt- t,

npeclal et, etc., may te had inmanu eae$ at areatlu reduced nrlcc.which art made poiniblc by our!coming removal in 1913 to 597 tilthAvenue.

Charles 153-15- 7

Scribner's Fifth Ave., h t. aitSons a'ind His.

I' - -- -- i fIsTisgtgsls..WiM l


j I'lilllinrinoolc Orcbestrn llrlpa filmnl Ciirni'Klr Hull,

I'liuene saye, Ihe illstliiKtilslied rteldmiviolinlHt, played three concertos In n rowr.vestcrdny allertioon In Cntneifle Mall'I In; Phllliauiionic Society's on hrstia underinn illiectnm of .loser tstiulisky, suppllfilIhe nccoiiiiiHiiliiieiit mid a prefaio In tlmshape ol Weber's oveiliini to "Cnrvnnlhe'Ihe concertos won- - Mvnldl's In (I minor.Meethoven's nnd llruch's ".Scotch Fan-tnsl.i-

Of cmirse the last Is not a concertosimply because it s not const ruclcd nc-- ionline lo the approved patlei.i, It U

pinotlcallv one.Mr. Vstiyn'rt pcrfiiunance of tno Vlvldl"

uincerto was not ns smooth and clegAntns his playing of thn violin classics is

hut it km authoritative In slylnmid ought to have, been nn excellent ieswnlor students, J he llcelhoven compositionwas performed with Krent dignity andcerlty, but Mr Vn.tio has played it withmure, penetrative ht and with fewsrtechnical linperlectloim, The ncoumpanl-iiii'iitwa- s

neliher solid in lone nor accurate.


Olvr Ulnnrr Dmire for Their Yotuii.Married Frlemli,

Mr and .Mrs. W'ilhinl S. Hrown gara lastnight at their house, IU1 Knst ThlHy-flfl- h

street, n dinner dunco for somo of theiryoung married Iriends. During the dinnerand dance thut followed there was muaioby nn orcheftra of negro players.

Atnong Ihe guests were Mr. and Mra. .t.I.orlmer Worden, Mr. and Mrs. OilierII.urlmnn, Mr. mid Mrs. Henry CI. Trevor.Mrs. Harry W. McVlcknr. Mr. and Mrs.Cornelius II. TaiiKeiiinn, Mr. and Mra. (I.Muurliv Ileckscher, Mr. and Mrs. StephenII Hrown. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Manlce,Mr. and Mrs Krank II. Kcech, Mr. and Mrs.(iiirrrti II. hip, .Mr and Mrs. Uarduer W.Hrown, Mr and .Mrs. (leorge 1). K. Jlth,Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Rogers, Mr. and Mra..Julian MtCnrty Little, Mr. and Mrs. JamesII. Kidder, Mr and .Mis. A. Btcwnrl Walker,.Mr and Mrs .1 Htewuri Harney, Miss JulianaCuttliiif, Mr. and Mi's. Samuel Wai'starT, Mr.nnd Mrs. s.. D, II. Pratt. Mr and Mrs. StuartHunt mi, Mr. mid Mrs. Krutik Schoomnaker.Mr mid Mrs. Dsvul WagstufT, Mr, and Mrs.

lleii (i. Wellmuii. Mr. nnd Mrs. Pierre I..Hnrbey, I'. Towusenil Martin, Franklin A.I 'In 111 in.-r- . Fiederlck T. Frellnghuyaen,Chailes llaydi'ii, (Veil Ut. lleorge and O.De l.micey I'oster.

MARRIED.HA.SNAFOltD lf)K On Tuday. tiucm-be- r

lu, st the home of the brlJCamother, 44 Itrmsrn t., llrooklyn, bythe Itev. Dr. I.. Jluson Clnoke, Foiterllaiin.iforn, on nf Mr. and Mrn. J. M.Itsrumforil nf Ht. Paul, Minn, 10 Allc"Sfrli- - Ide, daughter of Mn. CharletW. tile.

DIED.ATTKltlintV Suddenly, nt h reihlanrr,

13 VVet 9ih t., on Tufn.iay. Decemberlu .lull rt Turner Atterbury.

I'uneial "ervkeii will be held at Rt.Thomas' Church. (3d t. and Fifth aw,on 1'rlday niornlnc. December 13, hi 10e'rloik Interment at Pateryon. N. J.Ii I. requested thut no Dower be tent.Hoston, I'lilUdi Iplilu snil Uattlmorp.tpers pleuse copy.

UAVI.ir.S Suddenly, of heart failure, ather residence, 1 East 71st st., New Yorkcity. Nnthulle I'.lll.ibeth. daughter ofthe lute Itobert and Cornelia l'rlme nay,and widow of ndmund Lincoln Uajllcs.

Funeral services will be held at thnI'hureh of ihe Holy Apostles, corner ofMh st and Ninth aw, New Vork city, on

Thursday. December i", at 10:10 A. il.Interment at Dtfhton, Mass. Helatlvctund friends of the family are respect-fully Invited lo uttend.

UK.VHAM On Tuesday. December 10. 11J.at the residence of his dnushtcr, Mr.

W 1'. Sheldon, 12 West Sth at...Itincs Melville Uenham, In his elthty-sii- h

year.runer.il eervhes at the above address on

Thursday. December 1;, at 1:30 I'. M.Inierment at I'lttsnehl, Mm.

1IOHIIM Aiikusi lloehni. son nf the lataAbriham llnehin, December 10. at AlKlere, Alcerla, In his Ihlrty-tnlr- .l year.

IIUl.I.i:it.-t- )n Moudai. December . IHI.', at hisresidence, 3.1 1'rusprct at., Kan Orange. N, JAtfriil I'nnco.vvl llnher. In his 7.ld ear.

I'uucial services will he held at lirace Church.Oranje, on Wednevlay, December II, at 2:.0I'. 14. It is rnincsted that no flowers bernt. I'lilladelphla papers please copy,

BL'ltTON On Deeemher !, IJIJ. Jano Bur-ton, in the s:M iui of her age

Itelatlves and friends are Invited In at-tend the funeral services at Ihe resi-dence of her sister. .Mrs. Harah Iturton,3:T West Flfiy-elaht- h st., Wednesdayevenini; at S.30 u'cloc-k- . Interment atllreimvood .11 the convenience of me.faintly

Dli.US- .- Henry 1. Slace name Harry Clifton. HI.

Mrvire- - "I nr. I I'NF.aiL Church." ;u Wevii uenll-lllll- d M. (I BANK CAUVSKU. UUILD- -

I.voi, Wedr.eds, 10 o'clock.Dlti:V. (111 .Sunday. December 8, 1017, Mllllam

II. Drew, eon ot Ihe late Daniel Drew, lu Hitruth scar of hli ate,

funeral .crvhes will be held at hS lale rcsldenir, HrruMer.N. V..on Vrdnedy, Deremher 11, at II o'c lock A. M., on arilv.il nt trainleavlne (irand Central .Station at ft.ti A. M.

Interment .11 Drewec'lllTc Cemetery at con-

venience uf family.


COCNTV OF NHW VOIIK. Memberaaie hereby untllled of the death of ourlate fellow memlier. Dr. Rltsworth Rlloi,which oetiirrrd December 9. 1913 Dr.KUot war president nf tills tjocloty forthe je.irs 1 S7J-- 1 S73.

Interment at (Siillford, Cnnn.ciiA in. i;s tin.. 1u1u: Kuiti.Kv, m. u

JOHN VAN DOItHN yOUNl!!rM.''D',nt'

tjecretary.HAWKKSWOUTII John, beloved husband

of Miirion Itarllui; and son of the lataJamea A. and Hilu X.ehlcy Ha wkesworth,s.idilenly. of pneumonia, on Decemberto, al lii West 3d ft.

Funeral on Thursday morning, December13, ai M. Stephen's I'. U. Church, at 11A M.

II UIHF.It. Suddenly. In Haltlmore, Md.. De-cember f, Jane Crocker, wife nf C. A.I., llelser, formerly of 1'rovidence.

l.Di: On Monday ' evening, December 9,Henry W l.te, son of the late Fredcrick II. l.ee.

Funeral from hla late residence, ii West73d, on Thursday at 1:30 P. M. In-terment Woodlawn at convenience otfamily.

1.UDUJW. -- ,t Summit, N. J December 7. 19UMariana Rnzet Ludlow.

I uncral service will be held at Calvary Episco-pal Chinch, Summit, .V. J on Wednesday,December 11, 1012, at 10 A. 11, Iniermentat the Woodland Cemetery, ItUlailelphia,l'n., at 3 1'. U. nmo day. Philadelphiapapers please copy,

PADDOCK. Suddenly, nn December , ICuteaaHiram Paddock, son ot the late Hiram V.Paddock, ngrd 69 years.

Funeral services at the Fifth Avenue FlaptlsiChurch on Wednesday, December II, at rt)

o'clock A, 11, luterment private, I'kaajom'.l flowers.

In Mrmorlam.

SMITH A service In memory of OrrltSmith, M A . Mus. Doc, will bo heldIn Ihe chapel of Ihe Union TheologicalHrinlimry. Cluremunt avenue, betweenISOth and li'Jd aireels, Wednesday,Dicember II, at i o'clock, All ari wel-



FRANK E. CsUtMEll 941U.l OKstU

fT. Jjl


t c (.coiiimuulcaicvlittiiieaionceiuriaih. II., Jr.



i m