Ryan doctor who


Transcript of Ryan doctor who

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By Ryan Thomas

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Doctor Who is a British television show which began in 1963.

It tells the adventures of a strange alien known only as the Doctor.

The Doctor is a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, a race who are able to regenerate into someone else if they die, with new looks and personality but keeping all their memories and knowledge. However they can only regenerate 13 times.

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There have been 11 Doctors so far. My favourite doctor is the 10th Doctor.

Who is yours?

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The first Doctor was played byWilliam Hartnell

from 1963 until 1966

He regenerated into...

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The 2nd Doctor played byPatrick Troughton

from 1966 until 1969

He regenerated into...

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The 3rd Doctor played byJon Pertwee

From 1970 until 1974

He regenerated into...

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The 4th Doctor played byTom Baker

From 1974 until 1981

He regenerated into...

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The 5th Doctor played byPeter Davison

from 1981 until 1984

He regenerated into...

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The 6th Doctor played byColin Baker

from 1984 until 1986

He regenerated into....

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The 7th doctor played bySylvester McCoy

from 1987 until 1996

He regenerated into....

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The 8th Doctor played byPaul McGann

in 1996

He regenerated into....

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The 9th Doctor played byChristoher Eccleston

in 2005

He regenerated into....

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The 10th Doctor played byDavid Tennent

from 2005 until 2010

He regenerated into....

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The 11th doctor played byMatt Smith from 2010

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The TARDIS or Time and Relative Dimension in Space, is the Doctor's ship and home that can take him to any place and any time. It looks like an old Police Box from the 1950s. The TARDIS is alive, grown not built. Sometimes it doesn’t take the Doctor where he wants to go, but always takes him where he needs to go

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The Sonic Screwdriver is the Doctors favourite tool and can do lots of clever things like opening doors

and scanning things. There have been lots of different designs and here are some of them

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The Doctors Companions.The Doctor has had lots of different companions

over the years. Here are my favourite ones,

Amy PondRose TylerDonna Noble and Martha Jones

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The 10th Doctor was lucky to have lots of friends and companions and in the episodes “The Stolen Earth”

and “Journeys End” they all reunited to help the Doctor save the Earth

Sarah Jane SmithMickey SmithJackie TylerRose TylerThe DoctorMartha JonesCaptain Jack HarknessDonna Noble

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Monsters & Baddies

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The Slitheen are a family of aliens. They are very tall but wear human skins to hide. You can always tell when a human is really a Slitheen as they are fat and fart a lot

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Sontarans love fighting and war. They look like potato heads and they have a small hole in the back of their neck which can kill them if you hit it. Because of that a Sontaran will never turn his back on you

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The Daleks are little aliens which live in big machines and have no emotions or feelings. They are the Doctor’s worst enemy and fought all the Time Lords in a Time War that killed them all except the Doctor. The Doctor thought they were all dead as well but they keep coming back. They call the Doctor the “Oncoming Storm” and they shout “Exterminate”

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Davros is an evil scientist who created the Daleks so his people wouldn’t die and would take over the galaxy. When he created them, he took away all their emotions and feelings.

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The Weeping Angels are stone statues that can only move when you are not looking at them. They can’t look at each other which is why they hide their eyes and look like they’re crying. If they catch you they will either kill you or send you into the past

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The Master is a Time Lord like the Doctor and one of the Doctors enemies. But in the New Years special of 2010, he saved the 10th Doctor’s life. Like the Doctor,

he can regenerate and has done 9 times.

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The Adipose are baby aliens that come from fat peoples fat and if too many

Adipose come from one person it kills that person

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Born to serve, the Ood cater for our every need in the far future. But are they really slaves?

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The Cybermen were originally humans, but gradually they replaced their bodies with metal and plastic. An army was then built by a madman named John Lumic who made them using the brains of humans he took by force

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The TARDIS travels in time and space

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Doctor Who and My Class

There are 27 children in my class.

I asked how many like Doctor Who?

Only 10 like Doctor Who, and 17 don’t

I also asked

“Who is your favourite Doctor”

The winner was...

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In 3rd PlaceThe 9th Doctor

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In 2nd PlaceThe 11th Doctor

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And the winner isThe 10th Doctor

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The End