RV 2015: Shared-Use Mobility: Advancing Equitable Access in Low-Income and Disenfranchised...

How Can Ci)es Bring Shared Mobility to All Residents? OAKLAND’S CAR SHARE AND OUTREACH PROGRAM Sara Barz Shared Mobility Coordinator, City of Oakland, California @skbarz

Transcript of RV 2015: Shared-Use Mobility: Advancing Equitable Access in Low-Income and Disenfranchised...

How  Can  Ci)es  Bring  Shared  Mobility  to  All  Residents? OAKLAND’S  CAR  SHARE  AND  OUTREACH  PROGRAM

Sara  Barz  Shared  Mobility  Coordinator,  City  of  Oakland,  California  @skbarz  

Car  Share  in  Oakland,  2000s-­‐2015 Image  1  &  2:  Google  Streetview.  Image  3:  "Car2Go  Amsterdam  Smart  ED  cropped"  by  Car2Go_Amsterdam_Smart_ED_Herengracht.JPG:  BrbblderivaOve  work:  Mariordo  (talk)  -­‐  This  file  was  derived  from    Car2Go  Amsterdam  Smart  ED  Herengracht.JPG:.  Licensed  under  CC  BY-­‐SA  3.0  via  Commons  -­‐  hYps://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Car2Go_Amsterdam_Smart_ED_cropped.JPG#/media/File:Car2Go_Amsterdam_Smart_ED_cropped.JPG    

Current  Loca)ons  of  Car  Share ZIPCAR   CITY  CARSHARE  

Demographics Image  1  &    2:  PolicyMap.  American  Community  Survey  Data  2009-­‐2913  

Car  Share  Policy

Call  for  Car  Share  Projects

The Car Sharing Program is part of the overall Climate Initiatives Program, which invests a significant amount over the courseof Plan Bay Area into innovative technologiesand strategies that aim to reduce transporta-tion-related emissions. The primary source of funding for the Climate Initiatives Programis Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) funds.

Cycle 1 of CMAQ Climate Initiatives Programfunding included a $31 million grant programinitiated in 2010. This grant program, knownas the Climate Initiatives Innovative GrantProgram, tested 17 high-impact, innovativetransportation projects with the greatest potential to reduce GHGs. Several of these

projects included car sharing components,and early evaluation results have shownthese projects to be successful. Cycle 2 will support the expansion of similar efforts to other areas by investing $2 million in theCar Sharing Program.


Call for Applications: Car Sharing Program

Joseph P. Bort MetroCenter | 101 Eighth Street | Oakland, California 94607 | www.mtc.ca.gov


Car sharing allows people to rent cars by thehour, for as short a time as 30 minutes up to

a full weekend, and is primarily for short distance trips. Car sharing can save families

and individuals hundreds of dollars everymonth in car payments, insurance, gas, registration and repairs by encouraging

members to drive less often.

Car sharing services have been available in the Bay Area since 2001, and in that time the number

of vehicles available and the number of subscribers has grown. Acknowledging the importance

of car sharing on both the community and the environment, Plan Bay Area, the region’s long-range trans-

portation plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy, invests $13 million in car sharing over the course of

the Plan to achieve a 2.6 percent per capita reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The Car Sharing Program is a $2 million grant program that aligns with the car sharing goals identified

in Plan Bay Area and the Climate Initiatives Program. The funding is intended to be a one-time funding

source to help projects with initial implementation costs.


see other side >

July 2014


December 2014 –January 2015


October 2014 –November 2014


Friday, October 17, 20144 p.m.

ApplicationSubmissionDue Date

Friday, August 22, 2014Metropolitan Transportation

CommissionJoseph P. Bort MetroCenter

101 8th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

Pre-Application Workshop

July 2014Call for

Applications Issued

FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT:Stefanie HomTransportation Planner

Phone: 510.817.5756Email: [email protected]

ELIGIBLE PROJECTSThe Car Sharing Program will support thecar sharing program goals identified in PlanBay Area. Projects must support expansionto/of one or more of the following to be considered for grant funding:

1. Suburban or urbancommunities that donot have robust carsharing service

2. Underserved minorityand/or low-incomecommunities

3. Business parks andtransit connections

4. Innovative/new technologies, i.e.point-to-point carsharing, electricvehicle (EV) fleet

ELIGIBLE APPLICANTSPublic agencies located within the top six-teen cities taking on two-thirds of the re-gion’s housing growth in Plan Bay Area, or acity that can demonstrate it is taking on asignificant amount of growth. Businesses,non-profits, and community organizationsmay also apply if they partner with a publicagency that is willing to sponsor the project.

Oakland  Car  Share  and  Outreach  Program PROGRAM  COMPONENTS  

1.  Regulatory  reform  

2.  Outreach  and  incenOves  focused  in  East  Oakland  neighborhoods  

3.  EvaluaOon  


1.  $320,526  in  CMAQ  funds  

2.  Dedicated  local  match  of  $64,105  from  Measure  B  (county  sales  tax  for  transpo)  

3.  27  months    

4.  Grant  covers  ~50%  of  program  costs,  including  staff  Ome  and  materials  

Outcomes:  Frustra)on  and  Excitement CHALLENGES  WITH  PARTNERSHIP  

1. Public  money  moves  slowly  

2. Funding  agencies  don’t  necessarily  talk  to  one  another  


1. Very  posiOve  and  open  to  regulaOon!  2. Car  sharing  organizaOons  are  willing  to  work  with  the  City  to  expand  in  new  areas    

3. Car  sharing  organizaOons  have  already  expressed  interest  in  purchasing  permits  


1.  To  expand  car  share  to  low-­‐income  or  underrepresented  areas,  ciOes  don’t  have  to  buy  vehicles  or  build  parking;  regulaOon  and  incenOves  can  aYract  car  sharing  organizaOons    

2.  To  pursue  equity,  the  City  has  got  to  regulate  the  curb  and  car  sharing  organizaOons  

3.   CMAQ  funds  can  be  used  for  shared  mobility  iniOaOves  


Sara  Barz  [email protected]    @skbarz