RV 2014: Equitable TOD- More Thank Affordable Housing

Cynthia A. Parker President & CEO, BRIDGE Housing


Equitable TOD: More Than Affordable Housing AICP CM 1.5 The need for affordable housing is undeniable and TOD can meet that need. But TOD can bring so much more. Widen the ETOD conversation to discover the right mix for your corridor. How can affordable housing be paired with market rate housing, small business and employment, fresh food markets, childcare, supportive retail and community uses? What strategies will create complete communities? Reframe the conversation on TOD and affordability by exploring what we could achieve in our TOD projects and corridors. Hear about supportive policy, planning and finance solutions to help promote healthy communities near transit. Moderator: Brian Prater, Senior Vice President, Strategic Development & Corporate Affairs, Low Income Investment Fund, San Francisco, California Cynthia A. Parker, President and Chief Executive Officer, BRIDGE Housing Corporation, San Francisco, California Shelley Poticha, AICP, Director, Urban Solutions, Natural Resources Defense Council, Washington, DC Mihailo Temali, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Neighborhood Development Center, St. Paul, Minnesota

Transcript of RV 2014: Equitable TOD- More Thank Affordable Housing

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Cynthia A. ParkerPresident & CEO, BRIDGE Housing

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Cynthia A. ParkerPresident & CEO, BRIDGE Housing