Russian Challenge Badge - Trefoil Guild · 2018-01-10 · SPORT The USSR won many gold medals at...

1 Russian Challenge Badge This badge has been compiled by Trefoil Guild UK members who are going to Russia to promote leaders for Girl Scouts in areas not previously visited. This is a three year project due to finish in 2018. A group of 8 will be going in October 2017 and a further group in 2018. This badge is to raise funds for the project which is a part of “TOPAZ” (Trefoil Overseas Partnership Adventures with Zest), the International side of the Trefoil Guild The Challenge is for: • Rainbows • Brownies • Guides • Senior Section • Leaders • Trefoil Guild members It is suggested that everyone will complete a minimum of 6 challenges The doll shaped badge is 4” tall by 3” wide.

Transcript of Russian Challenge Badge - Trefoil Guild · 2018-01-10 · SPORT The USSR won many gold medals at...


Russian Challenge Badge

This badge has been compiled by

Trefoil Guild UK members who are going to Russia to promote

leaders for Girl Scouts in areas not previously visited. This is a

three year project due to finish in 2018. A group of 8 will be going

in October 2017 and a further group in 2018. This badge is to raise

funds for the project which is a part of “TOPAZ” (Trefoil Overseas

Partnership Adventures with Zest), the International side of the

Trefoil Guild

The Challenge is for:

• Rainbows

• Brownies

• Guides

• Senior Section

• Leaders

• Trefoil Guild members

It is suggested that everyone will complete a minimum of 6


The doll shaped badge is 4” tall by 3” wide.






Phone number………………………………………………………………..

Email address………………………………………………………………….

Postal address………………………………………………………………..



Number of badges required…………………………………………

TOTAL (£) £1 per badge __________

Postage and Packing:

Up to 25 badges £1.50 _________

26 or above £2.00 _________

TOTAL: __________


Please send order for badges to:

UK Trefoil c/0 Mrs R. Hill 3 Houseman Road Farnborough

Hampshire, GU14 8QF Email: [email protected] Tel: 01252




Colour in the badge (picture on next page):

Mid-blue background: White snowdrops: Green leaves and stems:

Gold outer ring, trefoil and outline to leaved:

Motto: Blue letters on gold.


SNOWDROP ACTIVITIES: Look at the details on the

Russian Promise Badge. There are now nearly 100

units in Russia who wear this badge. Think about

the Girl Scouts as you try these activities.

1. Plant snowdrop bulbs in a Trefoil shape at your meeting

place. 2. Press a snowdrop you have grown to make into a bookmark. (Do not pick wild


3. Go on a spring walk and ‘Spot the Snoworop’. How many other signs of spring can you


4. Hold a “Snowdrop drive”: Each person/six/patrol will need pencil, paper (or cut out

shapes) a dice. Draw in each part when you throw the right number. The winner is the

first person to make up the badge:

1. trefoil shape 2. for each petal 3. stalk 4. writing scroll 5. badge disc (throw


5. Design and sew a snowdrop in cross-stitch.

6. Make a collage from natural materials which are no longer alive, of a woodland. Add

tissue paper snowdrops.

7. Try potato prints of snowdrops on black paper.

8. Hold a snowdrop scavenge hunt -find something that begins with each letter of the

word ‘snowdrop’


There are almost as many different languages as there are people in Russia, but Russian is

the main language used. The Russian alphabet is called ‘Cyrillic’ and is named after St.

Cyril, a missionary who invented the alphabet for the Russians in the 9th Century A.D.

Have a look at the alphabet below.


Аа As in father Рр a rolled r

Бб b as in bit Сс s as in sit

Вв B Тт t as in pat

Гг g as in gat Уу oo as in zoo

Дд d Фф f as in far

Ее Stressed ye as in yes Хх ch like loch

ёё yo

Жж S as in pleasure Цц ts as in tsar

Зз Z as in zip Чч ch as in child

Ии ee as in eel Шш sh as in sheep

Йй Y as in boy Щщ sch as in borsch

Кк K as in kill Ъъ No sound, used to separate a hard

consonant from a soft vowel

Лл l as in ball Ыы Silent,no equivalent in English

Мм M as in man Ьь Soft sign, no sound of its own

Нн N as in new Ээ A hard e as in when

Оо Stressed o as in for

Unstressed a as in about

Юю Soft u, as un usual

Пп p as in pan Яя ya as in yak


1. How many letters are there in the Russian alphabet?

2. Challenge each member of your patrol to read the Russian alphabet.

3. Can you write your name in Russian? Can you write the names of the girls in your

six or patrol in Russian?

4. If you are holding a Russian evening, see if you can make name badges in


5. Some words in Russian are very similar to English words. Can you work out what

these words mean? (use the alphabet to help you.)

1: Ресторан 4: Лондон

2: Метро 5: Кока-Кола

3: Такси 6: Фоотбол

6. If you went to Russia or met some Russians in the UK, these words and phrases

would be really useful.

English Russian Pronounciation

Hello ПРИВЕТ Priviet

THANK YOU - спасИбо Spasiba

PLEASE пожалуйста- Pazhalsta

Goodbye - досвидания Dozvidania

BY BYE - пака – Paka

7. Can you write the name of your patrol in Russian?

8. Try sending a message to another patrol in code (use Russian letters) and

challenge another patrol to crack it!


English Russian Pronounced English Russian

0 нол nool 6 шесть shest

1 один udeen 7 семь syem

2 два dvah 8 восемь vorsim

3 три tree 9 девять dyevit

4 четыре chiteery 10 десяь dyesit

5 прть pyat

9. Challenge everyone in your patrol to learn to count to 10 in Russian. Could you

make up a simple competition where all the answers have to be given in Russian?

How many people are there in your patrol? How many fingers have you got?

10. Make up a board game using dice in Russian numbers. If you get an answer

wrong you could move back a space or do a forfeit!

11. How about adapting an British game that uses numbers and use Russian

numbers instead, e.g. ladders



Russia used to be part of the Soviet Union, which included republics such as the

Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Today these republics are independent and have

become separate countries. The USSR no longer exists although most of the former

republics are still linked because they are members of the CIS (Commonwealth of

Independent States.)

Within Russia there are over 100 different peoples. The country is divided up

according to the borders of traditional homelands. There are 16 republics, 5

regions and 10 areas.

1. Find a map of Russia.

a) What is the capital?

b) What does the flag look like?

c) What is the population of Russia?

d) Is it larger or smaller than the population of the UK?

Russia extends from its borders with Baltics in Western Europe right across to

the East to the Pacific coast. A long time ago even parts of Alaska and California

belonged to Russia! In fact, it’s so wide there are eleven time zones across the


2. When it’s midday in Moscow, it’s 9pm on the Pacific coast. Can you find out

what time it would be in Britain? (use map below)

Since the collapse of Communism, Russians are trying to attract tourists to boost

the economy. The country has many different attractions to offer including cities

and cultural buildings, mountains, coastal resorts and waterways such as the

famous Volga River.


BALLET The Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow and the Kirov Ballet in St Petersburg are two

of the most famousIn Russia many towns have their own ballet companies, and it is

much more accessible for people to watch. Ticket process are not normally so

expensive that every-day-people can’t go and see the ballet. Unfortunately

process are becoming more and more expensive.

1. Is there a ballet being performed near you that you could go and see?

2. Find out the story of a famous Russian ballet.

NATIONAL COSTUMES 1. Find out about the national costume of Russia

COMPOSERS 1. Listen to some music by Russian composers such as Prokofiev and

Tchaikovsky. 2. Make up a dance to a piece of Russian music.

EASTER Easter is one of the most important festivals in the Russian Orthodox

church. It is usually celebrated by going to church and then a big feast at home

with all your friends and family. Chocolate Easter eggs are very, very expensive

and extremely difficult to get hold of in Russia so families decorate eggs


1. Have a go at marbling some eggs using natural dyes such as onion skins, red

cabbage leaves, herb leaves.

2. Get some brochures from travel agents and make a poster about Russia showing

the different places people could visit.

HOMES Most Russians live in blocks of flats that are very poorly built. Often

several generations live in one tiny flat. For example, in a flat with only three

room, you might live with your mum, dad, brother, sister and grandmother.

1. Compare this with your home. How many rooms do you have? How many people

do you live with?

Many Russian families living in cities own a dacha – a small summer house – and a

plot of land in te country where they go to grow fruit and vegetables to

supplement tohe food they can buy in towns and cities, Often, they pickle the

vegetables to preserve them so that they can still enjoy them throughout the

winter months.

2. In your patrol try picking some vegetables.

3. Look in the supermarket for pickled beetroots, onions and cucumbers. Have a

tasting session. Can you recognise the tastes blindfold? In villages, Russians tend

to live in wooden cottages. Most have electricity but not all have running water.

Instead of a bathroom, many families have a sauna (also built from wood) to keep

clean. Sometimes several families share the sauna. The sauna is heated by a wood

fire and birch twigs are used to improve circulation!

4. See if you can arrange a visit to try out a local sauna to see what it’s like. Don’t

forget your birch twigs!


SPORT The USSR won many gold medals at the Olympic games and other sporting events.

The Communist party was keen for Russians to be amongst the best sportsmen and women

in the world. Today Russian cities are well equipped with sports facilities. The most

popular sports today are football, ice hocky and basketball.

Hold a mini Olympics where each Patrol represents a different Country.

BUILDINGS The old buildings in Russia are quite striking. St. Basil the Blessed,

also known as Pokrovsky Cathedral,is a famous building situated in Red Square,

Moscow. Constructed between 1554 and 1560 by Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible. It

was designed by two Russian architects, Postok and Barma, not as popular legend

accounts, by an Italian architect who was blinded so that he could never create

anything like it or its equal.

1; Can you find a a picture of St Basil’s

Cathedral and make a collage using as many

different textures and colours? Each ‘onion

dome’ is a different pattern and colour.


The Kremlin is now the group of government buildings in Moscow. The word

‘Kremlin’ means ‘walled city’ and this is the site of the original city of Moscow.

The walls of the churches in the Kremlin are covered in mosaics, often showing

the saints.

2: Make a mosaic of a church (British or Russian) using tiles or squares of

coloured paper. The pictures or icons inside the church are painted on wood and

tell parts of the history of Russia.

3:. Choose a historical event or an event that has happened in your unit and tell

it in pictures.

OUTDOORS Fact: a quarter of all the world’s forests are in Russia. Finding

north without a compass

• Branches longer on south side of trees

• Moss grows more abundantly on south side of tree trunks

• Ants build their hills on south side of trees

• Hold your watch so that the hour hand points to the sun, north is at 6 o’clock

• By stars at night, look for the plough, the north star is the very bright one in

direct line to the two stars at the end of the plough (the pointers).



Sticky burr baskets: When out walking in the countryside in early autumn, look out for

burdock. It is a tall plant with bold heart-shaped leaves that are quite furry

underneath. The purple flowers are similar to the thistle flower, but it is the seeds

(burrs) we are after. They are like small, prickly pom-poms that stick tight to your

clothing and to each other.

Make a flat base for your basket by sticking some burrs together then build up the

sides and lastly add a handle. Use it to make a dried flower and grass arrangement or

hold pot pourri for your room.

Fabergé eggs Painted and Fabergé eggs are an art taken to its limits in Russia. Such

intricate designs are worked on by the artists that it sometimes takes months to

complete a single egg. These pretty decorated eggs are an edible version of the famous

Fabergé eggs which are traditionally made from gold and

decorated with precious jewels. You will need:

• A chocolate egg such as a crème egg

• A small piece of marzipan

• Melted chocolate or thick icing made from icing sugar and


• A selection of fruit gems, dolly mixtures, jelly diamonds, silver balls and other

small sweets and cake decorations

• Strawberry laces

To make: Unwrap the chocolate egg and stand it upright on the piece of marzipan. Use

the icing or melted chocolate to stick the sweets to the egg. Divide the egg into

sections by sticking on strawberry laces and use the sweets to represent the jewels.

You may find it useful to plan your design on paper first.

Have a competition in your unit to see who can design the most beautiful egg.

Pine Cone Owl:

Cut out feet, wings, hat an eye from felt, add google eyes, stick onto a


Wood carving: This is learnt from a very young age and is produced

to a very high standard, often using the most primitive of tools. Have

a go yourself.

Embroidery: Again is produced to a very high standard by the youngest of children, the

intricate designs being worked in the traditional colours of red and gold.

Try doing some simple embroidery or cross stitch.


Khokhloma folk art This is a form of painting on wood unique to

Russia. Its original designs have been famous since the 17th century. It

is named after its birthplace, Khokhloma near the town of Semenov.

Used on wooden utensils and furniture, several layers of different

kinds of paint are dried and baked to over 100 degrees C, the process

taking about 2 months to complete. Designs are worked in black and

gold or red and gold on a black or red background with small amounts

of green for leaves and stems.

Using the template • Use paints, crayons or felt tips to colour these traditional designs. • Finished

designs can then be varnished to give them the traditional high gloss finish. • The circular design fits

the centre of a 17cm paper plate. • Decorate the rim of the plate and the centre design using the

traditional colours before sticking the centre piece to the plate. • Glue the spoon designs onto card

and cut out the shape before colouring. The backs of the spoons are decorated in the same way so

you will need two copies of the design for each completed spoon.


Silver birch The bark from the silver birch tree is used to make many different items. It is

soft like leather and can be cut and sewn easily. Try making a pendant or woggle.


Reindeer are a kind of large deer and the only deer in which both the male and female

have antlers. They measure about 4 feet to the shoulder, and are protected from the cold

by a thick skin and two coats of hair; a long, coarse, outer one and a fine, woolly inner

one. The colour of the outer one changes from dark brown in summer to a light brown in

winter. A whitish collar of long hair hangs down from the neck like a mane. They have

short legs and broad hooves making it easier for them to walk o snowy ground. Reindeer

are the only deer to be tamed, as they are more suited to cold weather than horses or

cows. The people of Northern Siberia use its milk, eat its meat, use its skin to make tents,

boots and other clothing, and make tools from its antlers and bones. They have also taught

it to draw sledges and carry loads.

• Try making a key ring, belt or small bag using leather

• Have a reindeer race by tying a length of material round waist leaving both ends

hanging, the passenger then sits on a carpet tile, holds on to the reis and is pulled


• Have a milk tasting session to try different types of milk eg sterilised, UHT,

evaporated, condensed, powdered, goats, almond etc

Peg doll

Dress a peg in the national costume for Novokuznetsk region. You will need

: • A dolly peg and half a pipe-cleaner for arms

• A piece of plain cotton material 3”x3” for blouse

• A piece of patterned cotton material 7”x7” for skirt

• Thin braid – 2 pieces 2” long, 1 piece 7” long, 1 piece 3” long

• Small seed beads – enough to make a 2” threaded length

• Needle and cotton

• Small amount of strong glue

To make: Draw a face and some hair on the peg. Fix arms; you may have to drill a

small hole through the peg to thread the pipe-cleaner through. Make blouse by

following instructions on pattern sheet – after binding cuff around wrist turn the

raw edges in alongside, stitch in place.

Attach the two 2” pieces of braid as shown for skirt straps.


Make skirt by following instructions on pattern sheet.

Put in position on doll before gathering top.

Stitch in place.

Sew braid around gathering to neaten and around bottom edge.

Make headdress by threading 2” of small beads onto cotton; tie in a

ring and stick in position


Russian Cone Doll: 2 styles:

You will need:


Scraps of thin cotton material

Oddments of narrow braid and


30mm cotton ball for head,

painter pink, with face

2 cotton wool balls

Sewing cotton

Strong glue:

To make cone: cut out a 4.5”

card circle (a CD makes a good


Cut out a quarer of the circle,

then overlap edges to form

cone. Stick or staple in place.

Repeat process using fabric to

cover the card cone. Glue

this to the cone then decorate

with braid and sequins.

Cut 2 pieces of fine material

3.5”x2” for arms. Seam the

two long edges together, turn

inside out. Gather one end

in your fingers and using

coloured cotton to match doll’s dress bind end of sleeve. Fill with a cottonwool ball,

then run a gathering thread the other end,

pull up and fasten off. Glue arms either

side of cone for first doll , stitch to jacket for

second one.

Coat for second doll: Using contrasting cotton fabric, cut out a piece 4”x1.5”. Narrow hem the

two short edges. Sew narrow braid to both short edges and one long edge. Run gathering

thread along other long edge and gather up to 1”, then sew the two front edges together at the

top. Sew arms either side of front opening. Spread a little glue to top of cone and place coat

on top.

Cut a 1.75” diameter circle of material as used for arms. Fold into quarters and snip small

amount off the point to make a small hole in the centre of the circle. Decorate with narrow

braid then place over top of cone to conceal tops of arms.

Headdress for first doll is made from a short length of stiff braid and 2 small pom-poms. For

second doll use template to cut out coloured card and decorate with braid and sequins. When

head made up, stick to top of cone.


The art of plastic bottles


• Take 2 empty lemonade bottles, one with lid

• Cut 4cm off the bottom of one, making sure the

cut is level all the way round.

• Cut fancy edge to lower edge of bottle

• Cut 3cm off bottom of other bottle, the top

edge of this can be shaped.

• You do not need the remainder of this bottle

for the vase.

• Cut a hole in the centre of each bottle base,

just big enough for the neck of the bottle to fit

though - this needs to be a tight fit.

• Push the neck of the bottle into the small

piece. Invert the larger piece so that the flat

edge forms the base of the vase. Push the neck

of the bottle through the hole. Use bottle lid to


• Decorate with paint, decoupage, or seeds…..

Russian Circus

To make this clown card you will need to photocopy the pieces onto card or stick

paper onto card, colour it and cut it out - or draw your own clown:

Take 12 paperclips and thread them together in threes (making 4 sets). Use these to

fasten the feet and hands to the body.

Fold an A4 sheet of

card in half and

attach the clown to

the front using a

split pin pushed

through the top

button and opened

up inside the card.


Juggling balls To make 3 balls you will need:

• 6 balloons

• 3 small polybags

• 225g cheap flour

Divide the flour equally between the three poly bags. Tie the tops tightly to omit all the

air. Cut the necks off the balloons. Stretch a balloon over each of the balls, then stretch

another over, covering the neck hole of the first. To make a spotty ball, use two different

colours of balloons and make small holes in the second balloon before stretching onto a


Traditional Russian National Costume (As seen in the Region of Novokuznetsk)

Colour, cut out and dress a Russian doll in Russian clothes.



Making apple pie for dessert?

Use the peelings and core to make an apple juice drink

by boiling the bits together in water for about 20 minutes. Use orange or lemon peel the

same way. Wild strawberries or raspberries require less cooking time.

Herbal teas:

To make the tea first collect wild thyme, place in a jug and pour boiling water onto it.

Leave to brew for about 5 minutes. The Russians add lots of sugar before drinking but no


Herbal medicines Tea made from thyme or nettles is good for bathing festering wounds.

Thyme or plantain teas are used as antiseptics. (Leave the tea to brew overnight if

possible to allow all the plant’s goodness to infuse.) Drink raspberry tea to bring down a

high temperature. Mix a spoon full of honey into the lemon tea for colds and sore throats.


1)Fox and rabbit Girls (the rabbits) stand in pairs, one behind the other, in a circle. One

pair is chosen as the fox and rabbit. The fox chases the rabbit and tries to tig her; if she

does then they change places ie the fox becomes the rabbit and the rabbit becomes the

fox. Only rabbits are allowed to run inside the circle, the fox must stay on the outside.

The rabbit can change places with other rabbits by standing in front of a pair, the rabbit

at the back of this pair is then chased by the fox.

2)Oranges and Lemons: Girls form a circle and one pair form an

arch. The girls skip round going under the arch singing the song

‘oranges and lemons’. When two girls have been caught they form

another arch, who catch two more who make an arch and so on.

3)Pencil in a bottle For this challenge you need an empty lemonade bottle, a pencil and

a length of string. Tie one end of the string tightly round the top of the pencil then tie the

other end around someone’s waist so that the pencil is hanging down behind them. They

then stand over the bottle and try to get the pencil to go inside it.

4) A-hunting we will go Girls stand in two lines facing a partner, holding hands to make

an archway One girl now dances under the arch and chooses a partner to take with her;

the girl who no longer has a partner now follows on and chooses another partner etc.

When the pair reach the end of the arch they split up, dance back behind their line and

join the arch as a pair at the other end. Sing the song ‘a-hunting we will go’ while


Stamp: Girls stand in a circle. Take it in turns to stamp one foot then the other in

sequence round the circle. If a girl stamps her foot twice, the ‘stamp’ changes direction.

If she raises her heel so her foot points downwards then the next foot is missed out.

The game can also be played sitting in a circle. Each girl places her right hand on

the left knee of the person sitting to her right, and left hand on the right knee of the

person sitting to the left. You should now be sitting with your arms crossed with those of

your neighbours. Now try patting each hand in turn round the circle. Introduce two pats to

change direction and thumbs up to miss the next hand. Any hand making a mistake is out

and should be held behind the back.


RUSSIAN FAIRY TALES – read a Russian Fairy Tale and tell it to a friend




Can you find these hidden words: ONE of them is not found, which one is it?



T B 0 S N O W I P











Section 1

1. What three colours make up the Russian flag?

2. Who is the current president of Russia?

3. What is the name of the Russian Parliament?

4. Where in Moscow does it meet?

5. What is a dacha?

6. List the countries which border Russia (there are more than you might think!)

7. Which mountain range divides European and Asian Russia?

8. Who was the first man in space?

9. What is a samovar?

10. Who wrote the novel “Crime and Punishment”?

11. What was Lenin’s first name?

12. Complete this explanation of Russian currency: 100 ____ in a ______

13. What was Russia called in Communist times?

14. What is Russian beetroot soup called?

15. What is significant about the town Kaliningrad and the area which surrounds it?

16. What is the name of the river which flows through Moscow?

17. Who was the ‘mad monk’?

18. Name two of the ways in which people tried to kill him. Section 2

Section 2

19. In what part of Russia is Novokuznetsk?

20. What is the name of the longest railway in the world?

21. How long does it take to get from Moscow to Vladivostock on it?

22. Which tsar ordered its construction?

23. How do Russians show they’ve enjoyed a meal?

24. What was the name of the organisation Russian spies belonged to?

25. What is the name of the Russian national airline?

26. In what year did the Bolshevik/ Russian revolution take place?

27. What is the deepest lake in the world?

28. A type of fish lives there which can’t be found anywhere else in the world. What is it called? 29.

After St Basil’s Cathedral was built, Ivan the Terrible was petrified that his architects might build a more

beautiful church for someone else. What did he do to ensure that this couldn’t happen?

30. What flower features on the emblem of the Russian Guide Association?

31. After the ‘skategate’ scandal at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, two pairs of gold medals

were awarded in the pair skating class. Canadians Jamie Sale and David Pelletier have one pair, but which

Russian skaters have the other?

32. To the nearest thousand, how many Girl Scouts are there in the whole of Russia?

(a) 2,000 (b) 20,000 (c) 200,000

33. What is the underground in Moscow called?

34. What is the highest mountain in Russia?

35. Who was “Uncle Joe”?

36. What is the proper name for Russian dolls (the type which fit inside each other)?

Section 3

37. Who is Russia’s most famous poet?

38. What is a banya?

39. What was the surname of the Russian royal family?

40. In the 1990s, which two measures did Gorbachev introduce to promote reform?

41. How do you say ‘thankyou’ in Russian?

42. Who composed “The Nutcracker”?

43. Why don’t many Russians use bathplugs?

44. Who was President of Russia during the Cuban missile crisis of 1962?

45. Watermelons grow in Russia. True or false?

46. Napoleon said the Russians beat the French because they drank what?

47. Which film starring Julie Christie and Omar Sharif is based on a novel by Boris Pasternak?

48. Which Russian spacecraft had a name which means “travelling companion”?


49. What two emblems were used to symbolise Communist Russia?

50. Draw a picture of the Russian Orthodox cross.


Section 1

1. Red, white and blue

2. Vladimir Putin

3. The Duma

4. Manège Square

5. A summer home, often in the forest or by a lake.

6. Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland ( border with Kaliningrad), Belarus, Ukraine,

Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia,North Korea, China

7 Yuri Gagarin

8. The Urals

9. A tea kettle

10. Fodor Dostoyevsky

11. Vladimir

12. 100 kopeks in 1ruble

13. Soviet Union of Socialist Republic.

14. Borscht

15. It’s an enclave, separate from Russia,surrounded by other countries

16. The Moskva

17. Rasputin

18. He was poisoned, shot and drowned.

Section 2

19. Siberia 20. Trans-Siberian railway

21. 7 days

22. Alexander 111

23. They leave a little food on the plate to show that the host served more than enough food.

24. KGB

25. Aeroflot

26. 1917

27. Baikal

28. Golomyanke fish

29. He blinded him

30. A snowdrop

31. Elena Beszhnaya and Anton Sikharinlidze

32. 2000

33. The Metro

34. Mount Elbrus

35. Stalin

36. Matryoshka

37. Pushkin. Section 3

38. A sweat bath, like a sauna

39. Romanov

40. Glasnost(openness) and perestroika (restructuring)

41. Spacebo - pronounced spaseeba

42. Tchaikovsky

43. Russians do not consider lying in your own dirty water hygienic

44. Nikita Krushchev

45. True

46. Vodka

47. Dr Zhivago

48. Sputnik

49. Hammer and sickle
