Russell and Elva Turner

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  • 8/14/2019 Russell and Elva Turner


    2 0 0 7A N N U A LR E P O R T


    2 0 0 8A N N U A LG O A L S

  • 8/14/2019 Russell and Elva Turner


  • 8/14/2019 Russell and Elva Turner


    In 2007, the Pacic Forest Trust strivedto assure working forests and their

    stewards garner greater recognition for

    the tremendous resources they provide

    the public and our planet. We advanced

    historic policies and engineered

    landmark carbon transactions that

    together substantiated the valueof forest-derived climate benets.

    We advanced our forest

    conservation efforts in

    Oregon and Washington.

    We conserved at-risk family

    forestlands in the Sierra

    and launched a collaborativeeffort in the Klamath-Cascade

    that will help preserve a sustainable,

    forest-based future in Californias wood-

    basket. And throughout the year, we

    continued to unite sustainability-focused

    landowners, foresters, timber companies,

    environmentalists,policymakers and

    businesses to work

    together to keep

    working forests

    Evergreen and


    Working to Secure an Ever-Livable Climate Future

    Forests can work to keep our planet cool, if we workto keep them standing strong.

    This is the message we delivered to landowners, legislatforesters and nanciers across the nation as we pushedforward with ourWorking Forests , Winning Climate

    initiative to promote policies, protocols and programs twill help put more than 400 million acres of U.S. forestl

    to work to deliver real and lasting climate benets.

    In California, the Pacic Forest Trust (PFT) assembled abroad coalition of stakeholders to secure the adoption

    of the Forest Protocols by the California Air ResourcesBoard (CARB) the lead agency implementing thestates Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32). With th

    October approval of the Forest Protocols establishingthe rules for voluntary early action projects, forestsofcially became part of Californias strategy to achieve

    its ambitious emissions reductions goals and the Forest

    Protocols became the rst government-endorsed, forescarbon standards in the United States. The action has

    also positioned landowners to prot from the multi-billdollar international greenhouse gas offset market.

    The Forest Protocols developed over a four-year perwith the participation of scientists, foresters and climateexperts ensure carbon dioxide emissions reductions

    (ERs) generated from working forests are consistent wiinternational norms. The Forest Protocols set rigorousrules for calculating ERs that are additional to what a

    forest would normally provide under business-as-usual

    management. They also assureERs are permanent by requirin

    forest practices be secured wconservation easement and tall carbon calculations are ver

    by independent, third-partycertiers.

    The CARB vote representeculmination of work star tby PFT with its successful

    2002 legislative initiative

    an evergiving year2 0 0 7 H I G H L I G H T S I

  • 8/14/2019 Russell and Elva Turner


    their forests

    from expansivedevelopment in theCalifornia SierraNevada.

    The 725-acre Turner CreekRanch owned by Russell and Elva

    Turner in beautiful Sierra Valley iswithin commuting distance of growingpopulation centers Truckee and Reno andhad been threatened by development pressures

    that could have divided the property into more than80 individual lots. Instead, thanks to a working forestconservation easement (WFCE) agreement, the historicranch that has been run by the Turner Family for more

    than 150 years will be perpetually preserved and

    its cattle grazing, hay farming and timberoperations sustained.

    The Love Creek Forest 413acres of family-owned forestlandbordering Stanislaus NationalForest and Big Trees State Par faced similar development

    threats due to its proximityto these popular public lands.Having seen an increasingnumber of their neighbors

    properties converted tosubdivisions and wanting to stem

    this tide, the Smith Family generouagreed to donate a WFCE to PFT.

    In doing so, the Smiths ensured theirforestlands would never be converted and woul

    continue to be managed in the same sustainable mannerthat has beneted the entire region for generations.

    Further north in California, PFT began work on ourKlamaCascade Greenprint for the Future. A collaborative researchand planning project undertaken with community leadersacross the region, the goal of the KC Greenprintis to cre

    a roadmap for sustaining a forest-based future in what

    is one of the most productive and biodiverseconifer regions in the world. The Klamath-Cascade is Californias wood basketand provides the state with themajority of its water.A declining timber industryand escalating development,however is beginning to

    threaten this

    natural and

    global treasure.

    that led to the creation of

    the Forest Protocols by theCalifornia Climate ActionRegistry.

    Further advancing forestsas a positive climate changeagent in 2007 were a series

    of high-prole sales of carbondioxide (CO2) ERs from our model

    Van Eck Forest Project a carbonbanking and sustainable forestryoperation on 2,200 acres of working

    forestlands in Humboldt County. HouseSpeaker Nancy Pelosi, California Governor

    Arnold Schwarzenegger and California Assembly Speaker

    Fabian Nez all invested in Van Eck-generated ERs to helpreduce their personal carbon footprints.

    In Washington State , two key climate bills PFT

    helped develop were signed into law. One setssignicant emissions reductions goals andthe other calls for the development of annventory and accounting framework thatwill enable Washington to join emerging

    carbon trading markets. Both new lawsrecognize the importance of Washingtonsforests to these efforts. PFT also servedon the states forestr y-focused TechnicalWorking Group (TWG) and, in that role,helped develop strategies to slow forest lossand enhance the ability of Washingtons foreststo store more carbon.

    Beyond the West, PFT continued its work with stakeholdersn New England to help expand the role of forests in theevolving Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. We similarlyadvised an emerging coalition of climate-focused groupsn the Southeast. And we expanded our presence inthe nations capitol educating key policymakers in theU.S. Senate, House of Representatives and in key federalagencies about how best to incorporate climate gains from

    forest conservation and sustainable management in federal

    policies and subsequent carbon markets.

    Keeping Forests Ever-Productive throughCooperative ConservationThe Pacic Forest Trusts growing conservation teamtraveled up and down the West Coast in 2007 working

    with landowners to conserve and steward their lands. Byyears end, PFT completed two conservation agreements

    with family forest landowners, helping them safeguard

  • 8/14/2019 Russell and Elva Turner


    Yet fur ther nor th, just acrossthe border in Oregon, thePacific Forest Trust announced

    we would seek to have the 5,000-plus acres of private in-holdings weve

    acquired as part of ourCascade-SiskiyouNational Monument Campaign to Complete

    the Vision transferred to public ownership andofcially added to the Monument. Backed by

    the support of Oregons U.S. Senators GordonSmith (R) and Ron Wyden (D) along with House

    Representative Peter DeFazio (D), PFT worked with theBureau of Land Management (BLM) to secure more than$860,000 in federal grants to facilitate a BLM purchase ofPFT-owned property encompassing parts of the famedPacic Coast Trail.

    Gathering to Celebrate Ever-Worthy Projects and Partners

    The Pacic Forest Trust c losed out 2007 by paying tr ibuteto ourEvergreen & Evergivingforests and their championsat our annual Forest Fete dinner and awards ceremony.

    Former Secretary of the California EnvironmentalProtection Agency and leading energy, environment andclimate strategist, Terr y Tamminen, gave the eveningskeynote address and spoke of the tremendous progressbeing made throughout the country on climateissues despite the lack of national leadership. Hepraised PFTs trailblazing climate work in the

    forestry sector and encouraged all to extendtheir support of ourWorking Forests , WinningClimate program.

    Mary Nichols, Chair of the California AirResources Board (CARB), was presented withour Outside-the-Box Award for her supportof the Forest Protocols. Accepting her award,Nichols told the gathering that CARB couldnthave done this without the long-term efforts ofthe Pacic Forest Trust.

    Family-owned Port Blakely Tree Farms was honoredas Forest Champion of the Year for their model

    stewardship of commercial forestlands in Washingtonand Oregon. Martin Rosen and Misty Gruber

    were recognized for their many yearsof dedicated service as longtime PFTboard members. And PFT Stewardship

    Forester Matt Fehrenbacherwas named Outstanding

    Staff Member of the Yearfor his leadership managing

    the Van Eckforestlands

    in Oregon andCalifornia.

    Forest Fete

    2007 was madepossible thanks

    to the generoussponsorship ofK&L Gates, Pacic Gasand Electric Company,Autodesk, The Collins Companies,MMA Sustainable Land Investments and WM Beaty &Associates along with dozens more supportive businessesfamilies and individuals.

    Strengthening Our Ever-Expanding Organization

    Recognizing our nations forest infrastructure wascontinuing to be threatened and the perils of globalwarming were drawing ever near, in 2007 the PacicForest Trust further advanced our advocacy of workingforests and their four core benets wood, water, wildlife

    and a well-balanced climate. We shared our expertisewith an ever-broadening audience in an effor

    to positively impact forest issuesnationally.

    We brought in John Bernstein

    a conservation professionalwith 25 years of experiencto lead our land trust and

    stewardship programsas vice president ofconservation. We retainedSally Ericsson as our

    representative in WashingtoD.C. to rally congressional

    support for and help shapenational forest and climate

    policy. We added development staffwho have helped us extend our circle of

    concerned and committed contributors. We enhancedour internal operating systems with the addition of anew director of nance and administration, Peter Kodzis.And we boosted our constituency building efforts withincreased media coverage of PFTs initiatives.

    Reecting our ever-expanding efforts, PFTs operatingrevenues grew 15 percent thanks to the support of agrowing community of benefactors.

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    an evergreen future2 0 0 8 G O A L S

    Enhance Conservation of

    Vital Forest Landscapes

    Conserve key working forests in the Central Sierraas part of our new Love Creek Watershed Project

    Expand conservation of threatened forestlandsbordering Yosemite National Park

    Collaborate with landowners and other stakeholdersto complete and implement the Klamath-CascadeGreenprint for the Future

    Advance conservation opportunities in Washington;develop strategies to protect the ecologically rich, yetthreatened, Eastern Cascades

    Expand conservation partnerships in Oregon;complete rst-stage transfer of Cascade-SiskiyouNational Monument in-holdings to the Bureau of LandManagement for ofcial inclusion in the Monument

    Promote Landmark ForestClimate Policies & Programs

    Work to further develop AB 32 implementationmeasures ensuring the integration and effectivedeployment of the forest sector to achieve Californiasgreenhouse gas emissions reductions targets

    Advocate for state, regional and national climatepolicies that include forests and contain clear andstrong principles

    Continue collaborative efforts in the New England-area Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and theWestern Climate Initiative

    Advance national climate policy by collaborating witha broad array of stakeholders and scientic communitymembers to provide key technical advice to Congressand the Administration

    Fur ther advance the growing forest carbon marketand work with the California Climate Action Registry tochampion Californias Forest Protocols as the basis forvoluntary offset standards to be used in this expandingmarketplace

    Upgrade & Expand ForestStewardship Activities

    Prepare for Land Trust Alliance accreditation Educate easement landowners about climate-relatedforest management, the potential to register forestcarbon stocks with the California Climate Action Registryand opportunities to market CO2 emissions reductions

    everproductive capital-2007 F INANCIAL REVIEW*

    *Unaudited nancials. Financial results include operations and conservation acquisitions ($4 million for the Turner Creek Ranch Project). The audited2007 Annual Report Financial Summary will be available for download on our website in late summer. Complete audited nancial statements and anindependent auditors report will also be available upon request at that time.

    General andAdministrative - 3.3%

    Fundraising - 2.7%Programs - 94%

    Miscellaneous Income - 0.2%

    Donations - 6.9%Fee for Services - 6.8%Interest & Investments - 6.2%Foundation Grants - 15.9%Government Grants - 64%

    Revenue - $6,261,133* Expenses - $6,205,453*

    2008 The Pacic Forest Trust. All rights reserved.

    Printed on recycled paper with soybean inks.

  • 8/14/2019 Russell and Elva Turner


    California is a leader

    in the ght against

    global warming. I

    look forward toworking with

    organizations like

    the Pacic Forest

    Trust because it

    is important that

    we continue to

    focus on innovative

    ways to reduce

    our societys carbon


    Governor Arnold SchwarzeneggerState of California

    The Pacific Forest Trusts Van Eck Forest Project

    meets the highest standards, providing real,

    significant and durable sequestration.

    Diane Wittenberg

    Executive Director

    The Climate Registry

    Its my great honor to be

    chairing the Air Resources

    Board at a moment when

    we had an opportunity

    to adopt the Forestry

    Protocols under AB32.

    What we have done

    in California is going

    to have repercussions

    around the world...and

    we couldnt have done this

    without the long-term efforts of

    the Pacic Forest Trust.

    Mary Nichols


    California Air Resources Board

    I am grateful partnering with the Pacic Forest

    Trust has allowed me to protect my ranch and

    preserve my familys way of life here in the Sierra.

    Russell Turner


    Turner Creek Ranch

    everthoughtful supportIt is great to have the Pacic Forest Trust as a

    partner in effor ts to conserve land within the

    Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument. The

    Monuments unique biological diversity needssafeguarding, and a key step is working with the

    Bureau of Land Management to acquire these

    important lands so that its forests, meadows and

    waterways will benet the American people for

    generations to come.

    Senator Ron Wyden


    United States Senate

    Nobody is doing more

    for the climate and thepositive role forests

    can play than the

    Pacic Forest Trust.

    Terry Tamminen

    former Secretary


    Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is in all of our

    best interests. Having the Pacic Forest Trust manage

    our forests for their climate benets, as well as for

    sustainable timber harvest, is, therefore, somethingwere proud to be doing.

    Derek van Eck


    Van Eck Forest Foundation

    It is essential that we

    lead by example

    and neutralize

    our travel-



    I am pleased

    that we could

    do so with

    condence by

    working with

    the Pacic Forest


    Speaker Nancy Pelosi

    United States House

    of Representatives