Rushdina Report Latest

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    2.1.An Overview of Standard Bank Limited

    The banking sector of Bangladesh comprises of three categories of schedule banks. These

    are nationalized commercial banks (NCBs), private commercial banks (PCBs) and

    foreign commercial banks (FCBs). Private commercial banks are again divided into three

    categories- First generation, Second generation and Third generation. Standard bank falls

    into the third generation segment and undoubtedly leads its own generation. As an intern

    from business discipline with major in finance I have got the opportunity to work with

    this bank and try to put my effort to make a depth study.

    Standard Bank Limited is a scheduled Bank under private sector established under the

    ambit of Bank Company Act, 1991 and incorporated as a public limited company under

    Companies Act,1994. The Bank started commercial banking operations effective from

    June 06, 1999. During this short span of time the Bank had been successful to position

    itself as a progressive and dynamic financial institution in the country.

    The motto of the Standard Bank Ltd. Is to explore a new horizon of innovation modernbanking creating an automated and computerized environment providing ONE STOP

    service and prepare itself to face the new challenges of globalization and 21 st century .

    One of the main objectives of the bank is to be a provider of high quality products and

    services to attract its potential market .The bank also caters to the needs of it corporate

    clients and provides a comprehensive rang of financial services to notional and

    multinational companies .

    2.2. History of Organization

    Standard Bank Limited (SBL) was incorporated as a Public Limited Company on May

    11, 1999 under the Companies Act, 1994 and the Bank achieved satisfactory progress

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    from its commercial operations on June 03, 1999. SBL has introduced several new

    products on credit and deposit schemes. It also goes for Corporate and Retail Banking

    etc. The Bank also participated in fund Syndication with other Banks. Through all these

    myriad activities SBL has created a positive impact in the Market.

    2.3. Vision

    The bank would serve as partner and advisor of the clientele to trade, commerce and



    Our mission is to be utmost trustworthy stakeholder, careful, committed for equitable

    and sustainable growth based on diversified deployment of fund/resources leading the

    bank to the peak of healthy and wholesome financial institution.

    2.5. Core Values of Standard Bank Ltd.

    Our shareholder: By ensuring fair return on their investment through generating

    stable profit.

    Our customer: To become most caring bank by providing the most courteous

    and efficient service in every area of our business.

    Our employee: By promoting the well being of the members of the staff.

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    Community: Assuring our socially responSBLe corporate entity in a tangible

    manner through close adherence to national policies and objective.

    2.6. Objective of the bank

    The Motto of the Standard Bank limited is to explore a new horizon of innovative

    modern banking creating an automated and computerized environment providing one

    stop service and prepare itself to face the new challenges of globalization and 21 st

    century. One of the main objectives of the bank is to be provider of high quality products

    and service to attract its potential market. The bank also caters to the need of its corporate

    clients and provides a comprehensive range of financial services to national and

    multinational companies. The bank has already co-opted technological revolution in all

    its spheres.

    2.7. Branches of SBL

    From the year 1999 to year 2010 Standard Bank Limited established 50 numbers of

    branches in different districts of Bangladesh. The principal Branch located in

    Metropolitan Chamber Building (Ground Floor), 122-124 Motijhel C/A, Dhaka 1000,

    and Bangladesh.

    2.8. Organization Offer

    Standard Bank Limited is always conscious of the changing needs of customers and

    strives to develop new and improved services for its valued customers. Ban offers variousdeposit and lending products and services to meet all kinds of financial needs of

    customers. Such as

    Maintain all types of account.

    Make investment.

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    Handle foreign exchange business.

    Intend other banking sector etc.

    SBL also collect TITAS bill, WASA bill, Telephone bill and Electricity bill.

    2.9. Communication Rate Between Managers, Assistant or the Work


    Communication rate between managers, assistant or the work team is moderately high.

    Or achieving any kind of organization goal, most of the frequently communicate with

    each other. They are bound to maintain frequent relationship with each other.

    2.10. Daily Work Plan

    Daily working hour of the organization Is 8 hours, from 10 am to 6pm, five days a week.

    But sometimes it needs to work on Saturday. They are very much conscious about the

    daily assignments and attendance.

    2.11. Functions of SBL

    The key function of the organization is as follows

    To mobilize deposits.

    To disburse investments

    To handle foreign exchange and foreign business

    Remittance: To remit money to home and abroad through T.T, D.D, Pay-order,

    Travelers cheque, etc.

    Other services: e.g. Locker service, to receive different types of bills of clients to

    issue Guarantees and counseling etc.

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    2.12. Major Division of SBL

    End the whole banking system of Standard Bank Ltd. (Mirpur Branch) is divided into

    three major divisions. These divisions are

    1) General Banking

    2) Advance & Loan Banking

    3) Foreign Exchange





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    Figure: Division of SBL

    Source: Office Document

    2.12.Organgram of the Standard Bank Ltd.

    2.12.1.Serial number Based on position



    13. OFFICER
















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    Figure 1: Organizational configuration of Standard Bank Ltd.

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    2.12.2.Management hierarchy of the Standard Bank Ltd.

    Figure 2: Organizational configuration of ever Branchs,

    Standard Bank Ltd.



























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    2.13.Correspondent Banking Division

    The main aim of Standard bank limited is to increase its foreign exchange business and

    in this connection they are doing international banking with all major banks of the

    world. At present they are maintaining correspondent banking relationship with 23 major

    banks of the world. These are:

    The Hong Kong and Shanghai banking corporation. Citibank N.A., Standard chartered

    bank, American Express bank ltd., Mashreq bank PSC.,Wcchovia bank, The bank of

    Tokyo-Mitsubishi ltd.,Union De Banques Et Arabes Francaises, Danske bank

    ltd.A/S,Commerz bank ,Dresdner bank, Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad,Nepal Bangladesh

    bank ltd., NIB bank ltd.,Arab Bangladesh bank ltd., AB international finance limited,

    Bhutan national bank,UTI bank ltd.,The bank of Nova Scotia and ICICI bank limited

    Habib bank Ag Zurich, Nordea bank and Samen bank.

    Standard bank limited is maintaining drawing arrangement with 1(one) exchange house

    in the UK and another 1 (one) in the USA for inward foreign currency remittance. these

    2(two) exchange house are remitting sufficient funds through our bank. Establishment of

    some exchange house in the U.A.E. are going to execute very soon.

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    3.1 Definition of Foreign Exchange Operation

    . Creating a Viable Link between Export and


    Foreign Exchange refers to the process or mechanism by which the currency of one

    country is converted into the currency of another country. Foreign exchange is the means

    and methods by which rights to wealth ina countrys currency are converted into rights

    to wealth in another countrys currency. The foreign exchange department of SBL of

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    mirpur Branch is playing an important role in enhancing import earning which aids

    economic growth and, will be helpful for economic boost. On the other hand, it also helps

    to meet those goods and services which are more demanding and not adequate in our



    3.2 Export and Import Procedure

    Modern world depends upon foreign exchange to do trade with other countries. Foreign

    trade refers to the trade between different sovereign nations or different countries.

    Smaller or large all the country of the world now cannot goes without the help of other

    country. It can run without keeping relation with any specific country but it is not

    posSBLe to exist without keeping relation with the any country of the world. No country

    in the world can produce everything that she requires. So every country specializes in the

    production of commodities, which she cans be producing at comparatively low cost. And

    she secures other production exchange of their surplus from foreign which are in an

    advantage position to produce these other product.

    3.3 Structure of Foreign Exchange Department

    Foreign Exchange Department of SBL, Mirpur Branch

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    Foreign exchange department of SBL, Mirpur Br. has been divided into two sections:

    1. Foreign Remittance

    2. L/C Operation

    3.4 Important terms on Foreign Exchange Operation

    Letter of Credit(L/C):

    Letter of-credit can be defined as a Credit Contract whereby the buyers bank is

    committed (on behalf of the buyers) to place an agreed amount of money at the sellers

    disposal under some agreed conditions. Since the agreed conditions include amongst

    other things, the presentation of some specified documents, the letter of credit is called

    Documentary letter of credit. The Uniform Customs and Practices for Documentary

    Credit (UCPDC) published by International Chamber of Commerce (1993) revision,

    publication no 600 define Documentary Credit:

    Any arrangement however named or described whereby a bank (the issuing bank) actingat the request and on the instructions of a customs (the Applicant) or on its own behalf,

    is to make a payment or to the order of a third party(the beneficiary) oris to accept

    and pay bills of exchange(Drafts) drawn by the beneficiary or

    authorize another bank to effect such payment or to accept and pay such bills of

    exchange (Drafts)

    Authorize another bank to negotiate against stipulated documents provide that

    terms and conditions are complied with.

    Parties involved in the process of Letter of Credit:

    Importer (Buyer)/Applicant

    The Issuing Bank (Opening Bank)

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    The Advising Bank/Notifying Bank

    Exporter/Seller (Beneficiary)

    Confirming Bank.

    Negotiating Bank.

    The Paying/Reimbursing/Accepting/Remitting Bank.

    a) Applicant:

    The person/body (customer of the bank) who requests the bank (opening bank) to issue

    letter of credit. As per instruction and on behalf of the applicant, bank open L/Cin line

    with the terms and conditions of the sales contract between the buyer and seller.

    b) Opening bank/ Issuing bank:

    The bank which open/issue L/C on behalf of the applicant/importer. Issuing banks

    obligation is to make payment against presentation of documents drawn strictly as per

    terms of the L/C.

    c) Advising/Notifying bank:

    The bank through which the L/C is advised/ forwarded to the beneficiary (exporter). The

    responsibility of advising bank is to communicate the L/C to the beneficiary after

    checking the authenticity of the credit. The advising bank acts only as agent of the issuing

    bank without having any engagement on their part.

    d) Beneficiary:

    Beneficiary of the L/C is the party in whose favor the letter of credit is issued. Usually

    they are the seller or exporter.

    c) Confirming bank:

    The bank which under instruction in the letter of credit, adds confirmation of making

    payment in addition to the issuing bank. It is done at the request of the issuing bank

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    having arrangement with them. This confirmation constitutes a definite undertaking on

    the part of confirming bank in addition to that of issuing bank.

    f) Negotiating Bank:

    The bank which negotiate documents and pays the amount to the beneficiary when

    presented complying credit terms. If the negotiation of documents is not restricted to a

    particular bank in the L/C, normally negotiating bank is the banker of the beneficiary.

    g) Reimbursing/ Paying Bank:

    The bank nominated in the credit by the issuing bank to make payment stipulated in the

    document, complying with the reimbursing bank.

    Mechanism of L/C operation:


    1. L/C opening

    2. Present Document

    3. Payment against Document

    4. Confirming L/C

    5. Submit Documents

    6. Makes Payment

    7. Issue L/C

    8. Forward Document

    9. Makes Payment

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    3.5 Import Section

    Import section deals with L/Copening and post import financing i.e. LIM & LTR. Now

    the procedurefrom opening L/C to SBLagainst L/C is given below:

    Application for opening L/C:

    At first, an importer will request banker to open L/C along with the following documents.

    An application

    Indent or Proforma Invoice

    Import Registration Certificate (IRC)

    Taxpayers Identification Number (TIN)

    Insurance cover note with money receipt

    A bank account in SBL atMirpur Br.

    Membership of chamber of commerce

    Indent or Proforma Invoice:

    Indent or Proforma Invoice is the sale contract between seller and buyer in import

    export business. There is slight difference between Indent and Proforma Invoice. The sale

    contract which is direct correspondence between importer and exporter is called ProformaInvoice. There is no intermediary between them. On the other hand, there may be an agent of

    exporterin importers country. In this regard, if the sale contract is occurred between the agent

    of exporter and importer then it is called Indent.

    Delivered forms by Banker to Imporer:

    After scrutinizing above-mentioned documents carefully, officer delivers the following

    forms to be up by importer and banker should cheek:

    Whether the goods to be imported is permisSBLe or not.

    Whether the goods to be imported is demanding or not.

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    The Forms are:

    L/C Application Form:

    L/C Application Form is a sort of an agreement between customer and bank on the basis

    of which letter of credit is opened. SBL at Mirpur Branch provides a printed form for

    opening of L/C to the importer. A special adhesive stamp of value Tk. 150is affixed on

    the form in accordance with stamp act in force. While opening the L/C, the stamp is

    cancelled. Usually the importer expresses his decision to open the L/C quoting the

    amount of margin in percentage. Usually the importer gives the following information

    Full name and address of the importer

    Full name and address of the beneficiary

    Draft amount

    Availability of the credit by sight payment/acceptance/negotiation/deferred


    Time bar within which the documents should be presented

    Sales type (CIF/FOB/C&F)

    Brief specification of commodities, price, quantity, indent no. etc.

    Country of origin

    Bangladesh Bank registration no.

    Import License/LCAF no.

    IRC no.

    Account no.

    Documents no.

    Insurance Cover Note Policy no, date, amount

    Name and address of Insurance Company

    Whether the partial shipment is allowed or not

    Whether the transshipment is allowed or not

    Last date of shipment

    Last date of negotiation

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    Other terms and conditions (if any)

    Whether the confirmation of the credit is requested by the beneficiary or not.

    The L/C application must be completed/filled in properly and signed by the

    authorized person of the importer before it is submitted to the issuing bank.

    L/C Authorization Form (LCAF)

    The Letter of Credit Authorization Form (LCAF) is the form prescribed for the

    authorization of opening letter of credit/payment against import and used in lieu of

    import license. The authorized dealers are empowered to issue LCA Forms to the

    importers as per basis of licensing of the Import Policy Order in force to allow import

    into Bangladesh. If foreign exchange is intended to be bought from the Bangladesh Bank

    against an LCAF, it has to be registered with Bangladesh Banks Registration Unit

    located in the concerned area office of the CCI&E. The LCA Forms available with

    authorized dealers are issued in set of five (05) copies each. First Copy is exchange

    control copy which is used for opening of LC and effecting remittance. Second Copy is

    the custom purpose copy, which is used for clearance of imported goods from custom

    authority. Triplicate and Quadruplicate Copy of LCAF are to be sent to concerned area of

    CCI&E office by authorized dealer/Registration Unit of Bangladesh Bank. Quintuplicate

    Copy is kept as office copy by authorized dealer/Registration Unit. The Letter of CreditAuthorization Form (LCAF) contains the followings

    Name arid address of the importer

    IRC no. and year of renewal

    Amount of L/C applied for (both in figure and in word)

    Description of item(s) to be imported

    ITC Number/HS Code No.

    Signature of the importer with seal

    List of goods to be imported.

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    Import Permit Form (IMP).

    L/C authorization form no


    Value in taka

    Registration of LCAF

    Quantity of goods

    Invoice value

    Country of origin

    Port of shipment

    Name of the steamer

    Indentors address


    Banks officer prepares L/C when above mentioned forms are to be submitted by

    customer or importer. Before preparing L/C SBL officer scrutinizes the application in the

    following manner.

    I. The terms and conditions of the L/C must be complied with UCPDC 500 and

    Exchange Control & Import Trade Regulation.

    2. Eligibility of the goods to be imported.

    3. The L/C must not be opened in favor of the importer.

    4. Radioactivity report in case of food item.

    The L/C Confirming process:

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    There are usually two banks involved in a documentary credit operation. The issuing

    bank and the advising bank.It is usually a bank in the sellers country. The issuing bank

    asks another bank to advise or confirm the credit.



    As soon as the seller/exporter receives the credit and is satisfied that he can meet its terms

    and conditions, he is in position to load the goods and dispatch them The seller then

    sends the documents evidencing the shipment to the bank.

    Exporter will submit those documents in accordance with the terms and conditions as

    mentioned in L/C. Generally the documents observed by me in the Foreign Exchange

    Department are:

    Bill of exchange

    Commercial invoice

    Bill of lading

    Certificate of origin

    Packing list

    Clean report of finding (CRF)

    Weight list

    Insurance cover note

    Pre-shipment certificate

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    Some inevitable notions involved in foreign exchange:

    Bill of exchange:

    According to the section 05,Negotiable Instruments (NI) Act- 1881. A bill of exchange

    is an instrument in writing containing an unconditional order signed by the maker,

    directing a certain person to pay [on demand or at fixed or determinable future time] a

    certain sum of money only to or to the order of a certain person or to the bearer of the


    It may be either at sight or certain day sight. At sight means making payment whenever

    documents will reach in the issuing bank.

    Commercial invoice issued by exporter is the accounting document by which the seller

    charges the goods to buyer.

    Bill of lading:

    A bill of lading is a document usually stipulated in a credit when exporter dispatches the

    goods. It is an evidence of a contract of carriage, is a receipt for the goods and is a

    document of title to goods. It also constitutes a document that is or may be needed to

    support au insurance claim.

    Clean Report of Findings

    This certificate is provided by the Pre Shipment Inspection (PSI) Concerns. The entire

    world has been brought under four pre shipment inspection concerns based on different

    territory. These are as follows:

    Societe General De Survelliance

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    Cotecna(Licence cancel in Bangladesh)

    Bivac International




    The negotiating bank carefully checks the documents provided by the exporter against the

    credit and if the documents meet all the requirement of the credit, the bank will pay,

    accept.or negotiate in accordance with the terms arid conditions of the credit. Then the

    batik sends the documents to the L/C opening bank:



    The L/Cissuing bank getting the documents checks immediately and if they are in order

    and meet the credit requirements; it will arrange to make payment against L/C throughreimbursement batik and will send the importer the document arrival notice.

    Lodgment & Retirement of shipping documents:

    After scrutinizing the import negotiating document, if no discrepancy are found then it is

    treated to be accepted after the end of seven banking day following the day of receipt of

    the document under Article 1(b) of UCPDC 600. If any discrepancy is found then

    the banker informs it to the importers that whether he accept the bills with discrepancies

    or not. If the importer does not accept, the banker (SBL) informs it to the negotiating

    bank within seven banking days from the date of receipt of the documents, otherwise it is

    treated to be accepted arid the opening batik (SBL) must bound to pay against the bill and

    no complain against the bill will be accepted more than 4 banking days following the date

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    of receipt of the documents under article no. K1 (d) & article no. 14 (c) of the UCPDC-




    If there is no available in cash in importers hand, lie can request the batik to grant loan

    against the documents for the purpose of post import finance. There are two following

    forms of post import finance available in SBL, Mirpur Br.

    o LIM (Loan against imported merchandise).

    o LTR (Loan against trust receipt).

    3.6 Export Section

    SBL is running exciting as well lively export to deliver the surplus product to other

    country and thereby earns huge amount of foreign currency. Payment for goods exported

    from Bangladesh should be received through an authorized dealer in freely convertible

    foreign currency or in Bangladesh Taka from a Non- Resident Account.

    Parties to Export Transactions:

    (a)L/CIssuing Batik


    (c)L/CAdvising Batik

    (d) Exporter

    (e) Confirming Batik (If any)

    (f) Negotiating Batik

    (g) The paying/Reimbursing Bank

    Export L/C:

    Export L/Cs are issued by a foreign bank favoring Bangladeshi exports through out banks

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    having correspondent relationship with them.

    Services provided by SBL Mirpur Branch against Export L/C:

    A) Advising of Export L/C:

    The advising bank getting the import L/Csent by the issuing hank located abroad will

    advise the L/C to the beneficiary without any engagement or responSBLy on their part.

    It will see the following only:

    a) Authenticity of L/C (Test agreed in case of Telex L/C arid signature verified in

    case air mail L/C)

    b) Merchandise specified in the L/C is permisSBLe and clauses incorporated in

    the L/C are not against countrys regulations.

    B) Add Confirmation of Export L/C:

    Bank may add additional confirmation to export L/C where there is specific instruction

    from the L/C issuing batik to do so. Additional confirmation of L/C gives the seller a

    double assurance of payment. Batiks requirement of adding confirmation:

    I. Issuing Bank should be a reputed bank.

    II. Credit Line/Arrangement with the L/C issuing bank.

    III. L/C clause are to be acceptable to confirming bank

    IV. Approvals from the competent authority for adding confirmation of export L/C.

    V. Confirmation charges are to be recovered as per rules.

    C) Negotiating of Export L/C:

    Documents/papers to be submitted by exporter to bank for negotiation/collection against

    export L/C. The exporter submit the documents to bank as per requirement of bank. List

    of export documents is as follows:

    Export L/C

    Exp Form

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    Bill of Exchange


    Bill of Lading

    Packing List

    Certificate of Origin

    Inspection Certificate

    Insurance Document

    Weight List

    Any other documents as per L/C

    Collection Documents:Export documents not covered by and L/C documents not drawn interms at the credit are

    accepted on collection basis with the shipper authority at their documents are forwarded

    through foreign correspondents to the drawee for payment or acceptance. After

    realization of the bills on collection, exporter is paid appropriate rate after adjustment of

    liabilities on his account (if any).

    Export Financing:

    Financing of export credits is made in two stages:

    i) Pre-shipment stage.

    ii) Post-shipment stage

    Packing Credit: (Pre-shipment financing)

    Packing credit is a short-term advance granted by a bank to an exporter against valid

    export L/C contract for the purpose of purchase of materials or finished goods or

    manufacturing, processing, packing, transporting up to ware house/port of shipment etc

    of exportable for export.

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    Back-to-Back L/C (Pre-shipment financing):

    Back-to-back L/C means one credit backs another credit. It is new credit in favor of

    another beneficiary. Sometimes beneficiary/seller of a credit himself is unable to supply

    goods specified in the L/C and required to purchase from another supplier by opening

    second credit.

    Payment of Import Bills:

    Payment of the import bills is at maturity from the relative export proceeds repatriated.

    The required foreign exchange for payment of import bills is kept in a separate account,

    Out of repatriate proceeds of relative export. party-wise and export L/C- wise funds are

    kept in FBPAR

    (Foreign Bills Awaiting Remittance) account from export proceeds for payment of bills at



    Loro Account:

    Loro account means their account with you. Account maintained by third party is

    known as Loro Account. This account may be either in foreign currency or home


    Nostro Account :

    Nostro account means Our account with you. The account that a home bank maintains

    with a foreign bank is known as Nostro account. For example, SBL Banks US Dollar

    account maintained with City Bank N/A New York, USA is NOSTRO Account of a SBL


    Vostro Account :

    Vostro account means your account with us. The account maintained by a foreign bank

    is known as Vostro account. We can term nostro account when referred to its account

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    holder (foreign bank) by home bank as vostro account. For example, State Bank of

    Indias taka account maintained with Standard bank is a vostro account of SBL Bank.

    4.7 Foreign Remittance Section

    Foreign remittance means purchase and sale of freely convertible foreign currencies as

    admisSBLe under Exchange Control Regulations of the country. Purchase of foreign

    currencies constitutes inward foreign remittance and sale of foreign currencies constitutes

    outward foreign remittance.

    Personal observations:

    I have observed the following things:

    Inward Foreign Remittance:

    Inward remittance covers purchase of foreign currency in the form of foreign T.T., D.D.,

    bills, T.C. etc. sent from abroad favoring a beneficiary in Bangladesh. Purchase of

    foreign exchange is to be reported to Exchange Control Department of Bangladeshi


    Outward Foreign Remittance:

    Outward remittence covers sales of foreign currency through issuing foreign TT,Drafts,

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    Travelers Check etc. as well as sell of foreign exchange under L/C and against import

    bills retired. Sale of foreign exchange is reported to Exchange Control Department of

    Bangladesh Bank.

    We see that there arc two types of Foreign Remittance:

    a. Foreign Inward Remittance.

    b. Foreign Outward Remittance.

    The Foreign Remittance department of SBL at Mirpur branch is equipped with a

    number of foreign remittance facilities:

    a) Issuance of Foreign Demand Draft (F.D.D)

    b) Issuance of Travelers Cheques (T.C)

    c) Endorsement of US$ in Passport

    Foreign Demand Draft (FDD):

    SBL accepts the charges for TOEFL, SAT, GMAT etc. through Foreign Demand Draft.

    SBL opens Student Files to issue Foreign Demand Draft following the permission of

    Bangladesh Bank. SBL at Mirpur branch has more than 200 Student Files. Before

    issuance of FDD, SBL asks the students to fill up the TM form which contains the

    following particulars:

    a) Name of the student

    b) Full address of the student

    c) Amount of FDD in Foreign Currency d) Purpose of Remittance

    e) Address of the institution to which the FDD will be favored

    f) Country receiving payment

    g) Passport no. of the student with date of issue

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    h) Signature of the student

    3.8 Others

    ATM Services

    SBL along with other seven banks has introduced a new horizon in the banking through

    ATM services. The debit card issued by Standard bank along with other seven banks

    holds the following classic as well as vivid features:




    Utility bill payment

    Affordable yearly charge

    Debit Card

    24 hour round the clock service

    Maximum withdrawal Taka 20000 per card per day

    Minimum withdrawal per transaction Taka 1000

    Maximum withdrawal per transaction Taka 5000

    Utility bills payment

    SMS/Push Pull Service

    Balance inquiry

    Cheque book request

    FC rate information

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    Cheque stop payment information

    Statement request by courier/post

    Statement request by e-mail

    Last three transaction statement

    Help inquiry

    PIN change




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