RURAL LIVING - Michigan State University Libraries how rules regulating un-derground storage tanks...

RURAL LIVING -~.~.~~. /.:.;',''' ~,~.- -.- .... -.-..-.. --------=- .... ---- ~._._:_h.J MICHIGAN FARM NEWS

Transcript of RURAL LIVING - Michigan State University Libraries how rules regulating un-derground storage tanks...

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Red Tart Pitted CherriesBlueberries

VOL.67 NO.2

About the CoverSpring/ and farm equipment in the

fields is the groundworkfor a bountifulharvest Similarly, Farm Bureau mem-bers in Washington, D.C., March 27-30, will be performing importantgroundwork for the new 1990 farm bill

Cover design and original art by RayHilton, Hilton Graphics, Lansing



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lelfJI mICHIGan'Sl(11 FaRm BeST

Of Special InterestBuilding on a Policy of Competitiveness Keep

agriculture moving toward a competitive market orienta-tion say the farmer members of Farm Bureau. Readabout the FB stand on ag budget cuts, payment limita-tions, flexibility for program and non -program crops inthe 1990 farm bill...Page 5

Farm Bill Tops Legislative Leaders Priority ListPolicy in action! That's the FB Washington LegislativeSeminar where farmers and politicians meet to discusskey FB issues from future farm bill legislation to healthinsurance deductions for the self-employed...Page 10

Go to the Source... Learn how rules regulating un-derground storage tanks (USTs)may affect your farm orbusiness. This article helps put you in touch with sour-ces for EPA-USTrules information ...Page 11

Rural Living Is Published Quarterly: on the first day of October, January, April and July by theMichigan Fann Bureau Infonnatlon and Public Relations Division. Publication and editorial offices at 7373West Saginaw Highway, Lanstng. Michigan 48917, Post Office Box 30960 (ztp 48909): phone 1-517-323-7000,extension 6585.

Subscriptions: $1.50 per year to members, tncluded tn annual dues. $3 per year non-members tnMichigan, $5 per year non-members out of state. Publication No. 345040. Established Jan. 13, 1923, asMichigan Fann News, name changed to Michigan Farm News Rural Uvtng Dec. I, 1981. Third-class postagepaid at Lanstng. Michigan, and at additional maIltng offices.

Editorial: Connie Turbtn, Editor and Bustness Manager. KImberly Marshell Neumann, Assoctate Editorand Production Manager.

Officers: Michigan Farm Bureau President, Jack Laurie, Cass City; Vice President Wayne Wood, Mar-lette: Admtnlstratlve Director, Charles Burkett; 1reasurer and ChlefFtnancta1 Officer, Tom Parker; Secretary.William S. Wilkinson.

Director&: DIstrict I, Marlin Outman, Constantine; District 2, Blaine VanSickle, Marshall; District 3,Diane Horntng. Manchester; District 4, Tom Guthrie, Delton; DIstrict 5, Mark Smuts, Charlotte; DIstrict 6,Wayne Wood, Marlette; District 7, Lany Snider, Hart; DIstrict 8, Lyle LeCronler, Freeland: DIstrict 9, JoshuaWunsch, Traverse CIty; District 10, Margaret Kartes, West Branch: DIstrict II, Robert Wahmhoff, Baraga. At-Large: David Conkltn, Corunna; Jack Laurie, Cass City; Faye Adam. Snover; Richard Leach, Saginaw. Promo-tion and Education, Holly Porter, Manchester. Young Farmers, Karen Stoneman, Ithaca.

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The Food Security Act of 1990

Building on a Policy of Competitiveness

The Food Security Act of 1985is scheduled to expire this year.To reauthoIize or modify thefarm bill programs, Congressmust approve a new farm bill.Agricultural price and incomesupport programs are key fea-tures of the law, which also in-clude provisions regardingconservation,. commodity supplycontrol, agricultural trade, re-search, credit, food stamps, andvarious other programs.

Farm Bureau has a vital inter-est in supporting a new farm billthat continues to promote com-petitiveness of our products,provides market orientation inthe use of resources and in allow-ing producers to make marketingand production decisions, re-quires minimal governmentstock levels and protects farm in-come. FB believes new farmpolicy should continue to movein the general direction set bythe 1985 farm bill with certainmodifications and improvements.

FBPositionThe 1990 farm bill should continue to set loan rates accord-

ing to the loan rate formulas provided in the 1985 law. Targetprices should be frozen at the 1990 level for the duration of newfarm policy. Production adjustment programs should be trig-gered by levels of canyover stocks for the commodity in ques-tion. However, current trigger levels may need to be modified sothey are tied to a measure of use, rather than a set quantity.Commodity programs for the followingcrops have worked welland should be essentially continued: wheat, feed grains, cotton,rice, sugar, wool, honey and peanuts.

On budget cuts: Agricultural programs must not continue tobear a disproportionate share of federal budget cuts. Agricul-tural program spending has been reduced by more than half ofits 1986 levels and currently stands at about I percent of thetotal federal budget outlays, which is near average levels in anhistorical context.

On payment limitations: FB opposes attempts to lower thecurrent $50,000 payment limitation and attempts to deny pro-gram benefits to farmers who exceed an arbitrarily determinedlevel of income, gross annual sales or net worth.


One of the concerns raised inthe 1990 farm bill debate is howto give farmers more flexibility inmaking decisions about whatcrops to plant and harvest. The1985 farm bill strictly assignedproducers crop acreage bases ac-cording to historical productionpatterns. A farmer would forfeitone-fifth of his base each year he


planted the acreage to other com-modities. As a result, farmershave been discouraged fromrotating acreage among variouscrops. Farmers have been penal-ized for attempting to respond tomarket signals that indicate thedemand for commodities otherthan those for which base acreshave been assigned.

As a result, the United Stateshas not been able to respond todemand for oilseeds and other

commodities for which domesticand international market oppor-tunities exist. The United Stateshas lost its ability to compete forgrowing markets to which othernations have been able torespond. In addition, farmershave been restricted in makingplanting decisions in response to

(continued on page 7)


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Equity: The plan does not unfairly subsidize eitherthe non-program crops or the other program cropsthat producers may grow on crop acreage base.

Simplicity: The plan is simple and straightforward.It will save the government money, because it willlower the farm program costs each time a producerdecides to grow a crop other than the designated pro-gram crop on his base acreage.

We must emphasize the need for flexibility thatdoes not lead to inequitable treatment of producers.It must be impressed upon Congress that agricul-tural commodities are interrelated. Programflexibility that comes at the expense of non-programcrop producers is unfair and inequitable.

Flexibility: FB's flexibilityplan would allow farmersto move out of continuous cropping without sacrific-ing base acreage. Currently, farmers who may wishto grow a crop other than the program crop for anyreason may not do so without reducing his futurebase acreage.

other commodities are actuallygrown on the farm, producerswill not be discouraged fromgrowing a particular commoditybecause of the potential loss ofdeficiency payments. Therefore,the producer would supposedlymake planting decisions basedon the attractiveness ofmarketprices for each crop he is con-sidering. Under this approach,production of an oilseed cropwould not have to competeagainst the target price for a pro-gram crop.

Producers should be allowed to interchange thebase acreage among program crops and approvednon-program crops provided that total deficiency pay-ments and total crop base acreage on the farm donot increase. Deficiency payments should be madeonly on the permitted acreages planted to the pro-gram crop on an established crop acreage base forthe individual farm.


Each of these proposals hasadvantages. If payments are dis-continued on acreage shifted toalternative crops, producers ofnon-program crops are protectedfrom competing against farm pro-gram crop base holders whowould use deficiency paymentsas an income supplement toproduce non-program crops. Dis-continuing payments on shiftedacreage avoids inequities and dis-tortions among producers in dif-ferent circumstances and amongregions of the country.

However, if payments aremade on base acres even though

Food Security Act(continued from page 5)

There are two separate formsin which planting flexibilitypolicies may be constructed.Producers may be permitted togrow alternative crops on farmprogram base acres with theirbase history preseIVed butreceive no payments for acreagedevoted to the alternative produc-tion. Or, producers could receivepayments based upon historicalcrop acreage bases regardless ofwhether they continued to plantthe original farm program cropor not.

market opportunities, conseIVa-tion objectives and agronomicconsiderations.

There is a broad consensusthat farmers should have greaterflexibilityin making plantingdecisions, however, the manner.of providing that freedom is thesubject of extensive debate. In-dividual farmers will be affectedby easing planting restrictions inunique ways based on the com-modities they produce, the alter-natives they have, the extent offreedom they are given and theeffect the program flexibility hason their income. Each proposalwould mean some winners andsome losers as agriculture ad-justs more rapidly to oppor-tunities that may arise.

There is abroad consen-sus that farm-ers should havegreater flexi-bility in makingplantingdecisions.


Farm BureauPro ram


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1990 Farm Bill Tops Legislative Leaders' Priority List

By Donna Wilber

A delegation of 125 Michiganfarmers, led by Michigan FarmBureau President Jack ~urie,will fly to Washington, D.C., onMarch 27 for three days of grassroots lobbying on national issuesof concern to the state's agricul-tural conrmunity.

Legislative leaders and legisla-tive assistants participating inthe organization's 30th annualWashington Legislative Seminarwill represent 49 county FBsand MFB.

In addition to individual legis-latlve contacts, the farmers willhave a group breakfast withtheir U.S. representatives onMarch 28, and with u.S.Senators Don Riegle and CarlLevin on March 29. Also on theiragenda is a meeting with u.S.Department ofAgriculture offi-cials, and a visit to the BritishEmbassy.

The 1990 farm bill will top thelist of priority issues the farmerswill discuss with their nationallegislators.

"Farm Bureau supports con-tinuing the general direction setby the 1985 farm bill," PresidentLaurie said. ''The policies con-tained in that legislation havehelped to move agriculture


toward greater market orienta-tion by setting price supports atlevels that allow our products tocompete in domestic and interna-tional markets. For the 1990farm bill, we reaffrrm our conrmit-ment to competitiveness. Wewant the new law to ensure theopportunity for an adequate levelof farm income, and maximizethe freedom for farmers torespond to market conditions."

Pesticides and food safety willalso be a topic of discussion. Thefarmers will encourage their con-gressmen to oppose the Wax-man/Kennedy "FoodSafetyAmendments of 1989" and sup-port the de la Garza/Madiganbill, H.R 3292. Both bills replacethe zero risk Delaney Clausewith a negligible risk standard.The Waxman/Kennedy proposaldefines "negligiblerisk" rigidly at1 per million risk with no excep-tions. FB believes the Environ-mental Protection Agency shouldhave the discretion to determinewhat is negligible risk based on aweighing of risks and benefits,and that many vital chemicaltools would be lost if the benefitsof a pesticide were not allowed tobe considered beyond the 1 permillion level.

Another priority issue for thefarmers is seeking cosponsors

for legislation to continue the 25percent tax deduction for healthinsurance costs for self-employed people. The deductionexpires Sept. 30, 1990. FB sup-ports a permanent, 100 percenttax deduction.

'We are concerned that manyfarmers are reducing theircoverage or dropping it entirelybecause they cannot afford it,"Laurie said. "Ata time when thenation is growing more aware ofthe burdens of costly insuranceand the needs of the uninsured.the tax code can provide an in-centive for the self-employed toprovide for their own insuranceneeds."

Also on the farmers' prioritylist is urging Michigan con-gressmen to introduce legislationto repeal mandatory federal taxwithholding on farmworkers.The mandatory withholding be-came effectiveon Jan. I, 1990.

'We estimate that about halfof all farmers are employers,"Laurie said. "Many of these hireseasonal and temporary workerswho may have a number of farmjobs and employers throughoutthe year. and do not work foranyone farmer for a significantlength of time. The requiredrecordkeeping will be burden-some for farm employers. II


Underground Storage Tank Standards

Go to the Source ...

Since the EnvironmentalProtection Agencypublishedtechnical standards regulatingunderground storage tanks(USTs),many tank owners areseeking information about howtheir business or farm operationis affected. For the best informa-tion, go directly to the source orcontact enforcement agencies.

That's the advice from WayneGay, environmental and safetymanager for Farmers PetroleumCooperative. "EPAguidelines andinformation will help you todetermine whether you are re-quired to comply with the rulesand what steps, if any, youshould take against the pos-sibility of leaks, corrosion, over-fill and spills," said Gay. Hesuggests requesting the EPApub-lication Musts for USTs from theEPAOfficeof UndergroundStorage Tanks, P.O. Box 6044,Rockville,Md. 20850. Telephoneinformation sources are theState Police Fire Marshal's toll-free hoUine (1-800-MICHUST)and the Michigan Department ofNatural Resources Environmen-tal Response Division District Of-fice (check the state ofMichigantelephone directory listings foryour area).

More information is availablein past issues of the UST News, .published by the State FireMarshal's Office.Copies are avail-able upon request by writingRural Uving - UST Information,Michigan Farm Bureau, P.O. Box30960, Lansing, Mich. 48909.



The state of Michigan has hadrules regulating fuel tanks aboveand below ground for manyyears. The current Michiganrules on underground storagetanks parallel the federal stand-ards and the state monitors com-pliance and conformance.

If the EPArules apply to yourtank(s), federal law requires thatthe tank(s) be registered with thedesignated state agency. InMichigan, this agency is theState PoliceFire Marshal's Of-fice. Registered tanks are alsosubject to rules requiring leakprotection, overfillprotection,

spill protection, corrosion protec-tion and recordkeeping. In the fu-ture, there will be a registrationfee of $100 per tank.

Currently, the State Police FireMarshal's Officeis expanding tohandle enforcement of the rulesand will be training at least 100local inspectors. In the near fu-ture, UST tanks that come underthe rules will be required to havea current registration tag.Without the tag, fuel deliverycompanies will be prevented bylaw from filling the tank. Tanksmay still be registered with theFire Marshal and should be ifthey are to remain in the ground.

(continued on page 12)


Go to the Source •.•(conttnuedjrom page 11)

Some basic Information wUlhelp tank owners evaluatewhether or not their tankfacilities come under the EPA-USTrules. Underground storagetanks are defined as "any tankwhose volume (Including piping)is 10 percent or more beneaththe ground." This includes thosetanks that are set on the surfaceand then "bermed up." The rulesclearly state thal "tanks used forstoring heating oU for consump-tive use on the premIses wherestored" are excluded from theUST rules. Fann and residentialtanks oj 1.100 gallons or lesscapacity used for sloring molorfuel for noncommerCial purposesare also excluded.

For example. If you have a1.000 gallon usr and a 500 gal-

Informaffonsources ataglance ...

Musts for USTs from the EPAOffice of UndergroundStorage Tonks. P.O. Box6044. Rockville. Md. 20850.

State Police Fire Marshal'shotllne 1-800-MICHUST.

Your local Michigan Deport-ment of Natural ResourcesEnvtronmental ResponseDMslon District Office (checkthe state of MlchJgantelephone dlrectOfy listingstOf your area).

UST News. published by theState Fire Marshal's OffIce.Copies are available uponrequest by wrttlng: RuralLM1g - USTInformation.Michigan Form Bureau. P.O.Box 30960. LansJng. Mich.48909.


Ion UST for your farm motorfuel, they are exempt from theEPA-UST rules since neithertank Is over I, 100 gallonscapaCity. Ij. however, you areoperating a commercial truckingbusiness or other commercialbusiness jrom one oj thDse tanks.the rules wul apply.

The exclusions listed aboveare about the only exclusionsthat apply to USTs for motorfuel. There are no special ex-clusions for schools, ciUes, othergovernmental units or busi-nesses.

Financial Assurance

Since the average clean upcost for soil and water con-tamtnation is $250,000registered lank owners must pro-vide proof of financtal assurance.Michigan makes coverage avail-able to tank owners through theslale's usr Financial AssuranceFund, but only for registeredlanks which are in compliancewith the recordkeeping andreporting requirements. An alter-native proof of assurance is pollu-Uon insurance which isexpensive and has become dif-ficult, if not impossible, to obtain.

Ifyou choose to remove yourtank(s), the rules require notify-ing the State Police Fire Marshal30 days prior to removal. A siteassessment including samplingand testing for contaminaUon isrequired after removal. (Note:Asuggested procedure for site as-sessment can be found in theUSTNews.)

The EPA esUmates that over50 percent of the drtnklng waterin the United States comes fromprivate wells and the UST rulesare designed to ensure properprevention and clean upmeasures are in place to protectsoils and groundwater - andfamily health. In fact it would bea good idea to become familiarwith the protective measures inthe EPA-UST rules whether ornot your tank comes under therules. After all, on the fann,whose well is closest to your un-derground storage tank?

Business Communityand Insurance In-dustry Allyfor Effec-tive Auto InsuranceReform.

Calling on the state's citlzensto Join the Drive for Lower AutoInsurance Rates, members of thebusiness community and state'sinsurance industIy launched astatewide program to support ef-fective methods of loweringMichigan's auto insurance costs.

The Committee for Auto In-surance Reform (CAIR)wants tolower the costs of Michigan's no-fault insurance system. It is wide-ly acclaimed as the best in thecountIy but could be made moreaffordable. CAIR supports legisla-tion which would lower in-surance premIums by cuttingback on unnecessary law suits,controlling medical care costsand giving drivers more optionswhen purchasing insurance.

Further premium discountsfor safe driving records andsafety features, as well as drunkdriver penalties are also sup-ported by CAIR

The effort represents the firsttime business and industry havecome together on auto insurancereform. Coalition members arethe Michigan Insurance Federa-tion' which represents 27Michigan property--casualty in-surance companies: MichiganState Chamber of Commerce.representing 7,000 Michiganemployers; Michigan FarmBureau with over 104,000 mem-ber fam1lles; and the NationalFederation of Independent Busi-ness in Michigan representing23,000 Michigan small businessowners.

The goal is to provideMichigan motorists with not onlythe best insurance system in thecountry but also one of the mostaffordable by controlling coststhat are driving auto insurancerates.

Irtfonnation brochures andmail reponse cards supportingthe CAlR refonn measures areavailable from county FB of-fices. Or call the CA1Rtoll:freehotline: 1-800-922-4490.



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You 'OlU('t Hewe TD 'SaltyTIUa Hyfl'lid 'PDI'f.M.

It normally lives 30-50 years. It is wind, disease, andinsect resistant. And it can take the cold as far northas Canada. This is not the short.lived Lombardypoplar. This poplar is often used to reforest afterforest fires. and to reclaim land after strip mining.But. the best use is to provide beauty and quick. coolshade for new homes.

'Pl'lud HyfJ.'lid 'PDf'~ fDll ~The screen variety makes an ideal privacy hedge. Ithas a width of about 10' and grows to a dense screenusually in 3 years. Plant for quick windbreaks onfarms and for living snow fences. We ship strong. 2-4'trees POSTPA 10.

HOW TO GET YOUR FREE TREE ...This offer applies only to Hybrid Poplars. Simplysend us any size order on the order form below, andwe will send you an additional fast growing HYBRIDPOPLAR TREE FREE OF CHARGE. We want totempt you to try these RAPID GROWING TREES,because we know you'll be back for more. We are sureof this from the thousands of repeat orders we receivefrom Residences, Parks, Country Clubs, TrailerCourts and Governmental Bodies.

Hylmid Pop~At '12 P'tiee

When you need shade in a hurry, we suggest the fastgrowing Hybrid poplar. As shown in the picture - ithas a handsome shape and will actually shade aranch. type home in just 3-5 years! We haven't foundany better tree that grows like it. It has a spread of30-3S' and in just a few years at maturity. it reachesS0-60'.

25 for $1.98 (50 sq. ft.)50 for $2.98 (100 sq. ft.)100 for $4.98 (200 sq. ft.)

Shade-Iovin~, widespreadingPeriwinkle (Vmca minor) thrivesunder hedges. on slopes. in rockgardens. in poor SOil - placeswhere grass won't grow. Daintylavender-blue nowers in the spring.Green foliage all winter! One plantwill fill two square feet. Nicelyrooted. ready to transplant.

1989State Discussion Meet Winner Todd Williams

1989 Distinguished Young Farmer Doug Darling

1989 Outstanding Young Farm Woman Connie Kramer


Young Farmers Sharein Visions 1990

By Kimberly Marshell Neumann

Attending the Young FarmersLeaders' Conference was an ex-cellent way for Young Farmers tostart a new decade. said ConnieKramer. of Huron County.

Visions 1990 was the themefor the annual conference held inMidland. March 1-3. TheMichigan Farm Bureau YoungFarmer Committee offers thisprogram in an effort to provide aclearer picture of what lies aheadfor young farmers involved inproduction agriculture.

"The 1990s will definitely bemore technical and businessoriented. Education will be a keyfactor in keeping up with chan-ges and trends." said Connie. the1989 Outstanding Young FarmWoman state contest winner."Farmers need to take advantageof educational opportunities likethe ones Farm Bureau provides.Consumers need to be educated.too. in the whole area of foodsafety and consumer affairs."

The conference provided avariety of workshops and generalsession speakers for the 214 par-ticipants. 1989 DistinguishedYoung Farmer state contest win-ner Doug Darling. Monroe Coun-ty. particularly enjoyed work-shops given by Mike Salisbury.president of Salisbury Manage-ment Services. Inc .. and an qpendiscussion session with Mich-igan Department of AgricultureDirector Robert Mitchell andHoward Wetters. Gov. Blan-chard's agricultural advisor.

"I think Mike Salisburyopened the eyes of a few peoplein the workshop," Doug said.Salisbury is an independent con-


"The 1990s willdefinitely be moretechnical and busi-ness oriented."


Michigan FarmBureau Young

Farmer Leaders'Conference

March 1-3. 1990Valley Plaza Inn

Midland, Michigan


to get more involved with theyoung people in agriculture."

Other conference workshoptopics included Farm Bureau,cooperatives, legislative issues,time mangement, building con-sumer confidence, leadershipand estate planning.

'The people I talked toseemed to very positive aboutagriculture and its future," Dougsaid. "I think we need to keepthat positive feeling alive andgrowing. Even if farming be-comes more profitable in the fu-ture, it may become harder tokeep or attract people to theproduction side of agriculture.People don't want to take therisk, work six or seven days aweek and turn downjob oppor-tunities offthe farm.

'We have been doing a goodjob of promoting the careers thatare available in the field ofagriculture, but we also need topromote production agriculture.We need people inboth areas."

Connie KramerOutstanding Young

Farm Woman

sultant who works with hun-dreds of fanners across thestate. He structured theworkshop so young fannerscould evalute their fanningenterprises and determine howto be positioned for the bestprofitablitiy in the future.

Doug and Connie were bothimpressed with the open discus-sion session with Mitchell andWetters.

"Ifelt a lot of satisfaction thatDirector Mitchell cared enoughabout the opinions and ques-tions that the young fannershave to be present at the con-ference," Connie said.

'The session with Mitchell andWetters was an excellent oppor-tunity to get to know the peoplein Lansing who are working forus," Doug said. "It allowedpeople the chance to find out forthemselves that the governmentis aware of what is going on inagriculture. Also, through thediscussion it became apparentthat although everyone wouldlike to see a quick fix to theproblems in agriculture everyissue is so complex - with abroad range of ideas on wha~should be done - a quick fixjust is not possible."

In his opening remarks,Mitchell said he became inter-ested in MFB'sYoung Fannerswhen he attended the DiscussionMeet contests at the FarmBureau state annual meeting inGrand Rapids last year. "Iwasvery impressed with the wholecompetition, the quality of thepeople and what they had tosay," Mitchell said. "Afterthat Idecided to make a special effort







~ Setting the Standard.~ FARMHANoeINC.

p'Q. Box 1500 Excelsior, MN 55331

Please send literature at once. I want to know more aboutthe Farmhand Model 2 and 22 Loaders. Or call: FarmhandSales Center 515-236-6571.

Farmhand's Model 2 and 22 Quick.:rachUniversal Mount Loaders are built as toughas you r tractor to take fu II advantage oftractors from 30 to 120 horsepower; idealfor tractors with low GPM hydraulic pumps.

Look at these two high-performance,quick-action Loaders for your tractor. Clean,single tilt-cylinder bucket design meansfaster bucket action, quicker dumping androll back~

Write or call today for free literature!

----------------------IIIIIIIIIIIL ~

:MFB ProFILE OffersLifetime l£adershipOpportunity

What is your leadershipprofile? Are you confident? Effec-tive? Farsighted? Skilled inpublic speaking and interper-sonal skills? While everyone'sleadership style may be different,there are common charac-teristics of successful leaders.

A new program, introduced bythe Michigan Farm Bureau, willhelp young FB members betweenthe ages of 22 and 35 to identifyand developed their personalleadership ProFILE(Project:Farm Bureau Institute forLeadership Education).

The 26 participants wereselected from nearly 130 nomina-tions and includes the 1989 win-ners of the MFBDistinguishedYoung Farmer and OutstandingYoung Farm Woman contests.The program of training, leader-ship experiences, and indMdualstudy will require 18 months ofinvolvement, beginning inJanuary 1990.

Participants met for the firsttime Jan. 24 to preview the pro-gram outline and identify theirpersonal expectations for leader-ship growth. Meeting again Feb.28, the participants focused oneffectivepublic speaking andmedia appearances.

Project coordinator MichaelKovacicpraised the ProFILEgroup for obvious preparationand an excellent performance."Each person was notified in ad-vance that they would be askedto deliver a speech on a topicalissue. Weweren't disappointed.They came with prepared notesor fully developed text. Their per-formances before the videocameras were quite polished andthe critiques by group memberswere positive, too."

Followingthe ProFILEsession,participants took part in thegeneral sessions and workshopsof the three-day Young FarmerLeader Conference, March 1-3.


Working for yourself, youcan't afford unscheduledtime off for a major illness.Regular health care is vital.

That's where we canhelp, with the health careinsurance you need, at thedown-to-earth membershiprates you can afford.

As sure as you're on your own, you're not alone.


As a Farm Bureau member,you can choose from threetraditional Blue Cross BlueShield ComprehensiveMajor Medical plans, startingas low as $60.12 a month.

Each plan offers you BlueCross Blue Shield compre-hensive major medicalinsurance at low grouprates. The main differenceis: as the deductible goes up,the premium goes down.But, whichever plan youchoose, you'll be able toafford the regular healthcare you need to stay viable.

What matters to youmatters to us.

For further informationcall 1-800-292-2680 orcontact your local FarmBureau agent.


In November 1989, over 40 farmmanagers and related experts inMichigan were interviewed to un-cover their time managementchallenges. Responses could becategorized into eight key areas.The following action ideas inthese areas can help you op-timize your time and prevent youfrom thinking, "if Ionly had thetime ..."

Sense of Purpose: Do youhave one? Is it written down?You will never have enough timeto do all you would like. Youhave to make choices. That iswhy you must decide what hasthe greatest value in your life,then focus. Each of us has only86,000 seconds per day. Nomore, no less. Decide how to in-vest what you have. Do it now.When time is gone, there is noway to get it back.


Patterns: Do you know whereyour time goes? Do entire days,even weeks, seem to disappear?Ifyou want better. results, youhave to change. Nonproductivehabits may rob you of your time,but they are difficult to uncoverbecause they are below yourthreshold of awareness. To dis-cover habits that diminish youreffectiveness, keep a time log ofyour daily activities for at least aweek. The results may astonishyou!

Plans: Are you a "take action"person? Or do you like to quietlyplan, then execute your plan?Most people are action orientedand find planning a cumbersometask. It's value, however, is un-mistakable. It enables you to con-nect the future with the present.Effective planners make long andshort range plans which are

By Rosemary WardInterpersonal skills consultantJorn-aintng Dynamics.

broken into monthly, weekly anddaily increments. Why plan? Aminute spent planning saves 20minutes in execution. Planningis a habit that can be learned.

Parasites: Is the source ofyour wasted time your environ-ment or you? Sometimessalespeople, neighbors andphone calls waste your time.Sometimes power failures andshortages are the culprits. Toooften, it can be traced to your ac-tions, habits or weaknesses. Youcan control excessive socializing,and the inability to say" no." Al-though you can never totallyeliminate the time wasters, youcan certainly reduce them byrecognizing how you waste time.

Papenwork:Doespapenworkeat away your personal time?You can diminish the pile onyour desk by handling it once.The 80/20 rule says 80 percent


of what you receive you willnever refer to again. Decide whatbelongs in the 20 percentcategory up front. File, in an or-ganized manner, what you needlater. Ifyou cannot find anypiece of paper you want withinone minute, spend time organiz-ing your filing system. Seek as-sistance if necessary.

Partners: We do not live in avacuum. Others are always apart of the picture. In addition tosurfacing how others waste ourtime, we also need to recognizehow we waste other's time. Ex-hibit courtesy toward others bymaking appointments and ask-ing for a convenient time tospeak on the phone or in person.Connnunication, cooperationand orchestration of our ac-tivities with others are keys to op-timizing our use of time.

Procrastination: Do you dothe quick, easy, enjoyable thingsbefore tackling the unfamiliar,yet most important jobs? Manypeople do. Putting off the un-pleasant never makes it vanish;instead it fosters anxiety and ir-ritability. Practice doing the im-portant things first, even if theyare tough. This ability can be-come one of your greatest timemanagement strengths.

Personal: Do you find it easyor challenging to deal withothers? Can you ask for assis-tance when you need it? Do youget a good start each day at whatyou want to accomplish? Theanswers to these questionsdepend on you. Avariety of per-sonal characteristics make itmore or less difficult for you touse your time well.

Skillfully managing time is notquick or easy. Self employedfarm managers identify it asespecially challenging. To meetthe task takes discipline, how-ever, the more you work at it, thebetter you will become. Peter F.Drucker in his book, The Effec-tive Executive sums up the valueof time. He said, "Time is thescarcest resource, and unless itis managed, nothing else can bemanaged."


MACMA Offers Savings on Spring Sale .

While thoughts have turned to spring and the sound of equip-ment returning to the fields, some of the year's first freshMichigan produce is available through MACMADirectMarketing's Spring Sale.

Don't miss the May 2 deadline to order Michigan's premiumasparagus. This delicious, all-green Michigan vegetable is hand-snapped when harvested and hydro-cooled to ensure tender-ness. The premium length spears promise quality and provide100 percent usable product. This superior fresh product will beoffered in one pound bundles or in 10 pound or 20 pound bulkboxes.

Another early season fresh vegetable treat, available by thedozen on this sale, is Florida's Best sweet com. Hydro-cooledafter picking, this sweet com was a quick success on last year'ssale and promises to be as sweet and tender this year. Deliverywill be just in time for Memorial Day picnics.

The Spring Sale's special offerings include reduced prices for10 pound boxes of red tart pitted cherries and blueberries. Thisfrozen fruit is individually quick frozen with no sugar or otheradditives and offers top quality as well as savings.

The end of the citrus growing season always produces thesweetest fruit. The seedless grapefruit available on this sale willbe the best of the year! Also available are Florida valencia oran-ges - rich in flavor and aroma, outstanding for juice or freshfruit dishes. Pure Florida orange juice, offered on all sales, ismade with 100 percent Florida concentrate, unlike many of thejuices found on your grocer's shelf which have been blendedwith imported concentrates. Remember when comparing pricesthat this premium super-concentrated juice is made from oran-ges grown by FB members and makes 72 ounces ofjuice fromeach can.

Look for other frozen juice concentrates (lemonade,grapefruit, grape and apple), frozen fruits, popcorn and caramelcorn, crescents, pie slices, cheese and cheese spreads, meats,nuts, peanut butter, Dirt Squad citrus oil-based hand cleanerand bio-degradable rubbish bags on this spring sale.

Requests for a full listing of products and specillc ordering in-formation should be directed to your county FB office,yourcounty's MACMAcoordinator, or by calling (800) 292-2680, Ext.2305. The order deadline of May 2 will be followed by deliveriesthe week of May 21-25.


Farm Bureau Insurance-MHSAA WinterScholar-Athletes Named

Chad Petterson, Flint Cannan-Ainsworth High School, andMelinda M. Roco, Royal Oak-Shrine High School, wereselected by a panel of educatorsas recipients of the WinterMichigan High School AthleticAssociation Scholar-AthleteAward and $1,000 scholarship,sponsored by Farm Bureau In-surance. Chad and Melinda com-peted against 142 nominees fromacross Michigan including 76girls and 66 boys.

Petterson has maintained a3.91 grade point average whileacquiring nine letters in football,basketball and track. His otherathletic involvements includeserving as a coach for a boys'youth basketball team and agirls' youth soccer team.

Chad was his class presidentfor two years, selVes as the vicepresident for his school's chapterof the National Honor Societyand is a student council repre-sentative. He would like to studybusiness administration atMichigan State University or theUniversity of Michigan.

Melinda Roco has played vol-leyball and basketball at Shrinewhile canying a 4.4 (weighted)grade point average. She hasreceived all-catholic, all-leagueand all-academic honors for vol-leyball and was named herteams' most valuable player in1988 and captain in 1989.

She has been awardednumerous academic honors in-

Chad Petterson

cluding being named to the Na-tional Honor Roll in 1989. SheselVes as Shrine's student bodypresident and participates inmany performing arts at herschool. She plans to attend theUniversity of Michigan to studybiological sciences.

Both of these Scholar-Athletewinners were recognized duringhalftime ceremonies at the ClassB boys' basketball championshipgame, played at The Palace ofAubum Hills on March 24.

Chad and Melinda wereselected from a field of 16regional finalists: eight malesand eight females. The otherfinalists and their high schoolswere: Thomas C. Bailey, AnnArbor-Huron: Bethanie D.Bauer, Newaygo:Vickie S.Boven, Grandville-Calvin Chris-

Melinda M. Roco

tian: Krista A Dahms, St. Ignace-LaSalle: Jennifer Fredericks,Flint-Powers Catholic: LesterHall. Atlanta: Matthew K.Holdship, Carson City-Crystal:David LaPrarie, Warren-Mott:Julie K. Lefere.Jackson-LumenChristi: Nicholas R Purzer, Can-ton-Plymouth: Jennifer Schilbe,Dearborn Heights-Fairlane Chris-tian: Ted Smith, Fremont; Can-dace Tooman, Bronson: andKenneth J. Woodside, BattleCreek-Pennfield.

Deadline for submitting ap-plications for spring sportscholar-athletes is April 10. Allapplications are provide byMHSAAto member school prin-cipals. Applications are alsoavailable through FB Insuranceagents.


Spring sport Applications Due April 70



A Publication of the Michigan Fann BureauVolume 9 Number 4 April 1990

Legislative Message Updated on Monday-Wednesd.a!JFnday


11= Washington Capitol Hotline

Tour Highlights Site Un-suitability for Low-levelRadioactive Waste

On March 9, Michigan FarmBureau and the Lenaweee Coun-ty FB sponsored a tour/pressconference to highlight concernsabout locating a low levelradioactive waste facility in RigaTownship. Township officialsand FB leaders detailed the nega-tive impact of siting the facilityin one of the state's top 10 agrI-culturally productive townships.

MFB President Jack Laurienoted that there are many un-answered questions about thefacility development. "One is toask the federal government todetermine if the chosen numberof disposal sites is the right num-ber, or if it could be fewer."

FB supports state legislationwhich would encourage reducingthe number of waste facilities tothe minimum number necessaryto safely manage the nation's lowlevel radioactive waste.

Featured speaker at this year'sconference is Peter Sandman,director of the environmentalcommunication research pro-gram and professor of environ-mental journalism at RutgersUniversity. He is a leading expertin the field of risk communica-tion and a specialist in thedesign of education campaigns.

More food safety views will bepresented by Dr. Charles Atkin,

\ professor of communication atMichigan State University, onconsumer opinion sUIVeys andmass media communication;Sharon Begley, science editor ofNewsweek magazine, on themedia perspective; and a repre-sentative of the Food MarketingInstitute on results of FMI'spublic opinion sUIVeys on the im-pact of food safety issues.

Registration on the openingday of the conference is $65 andincludes all conferencematerials, access to all con-ference sessions, Michigan wineand cheese reception andgovernor's banquet.

Govenor's Ag Coriference Unes UpFutur~ 2020 and Food Safety IssuesThe 1990 Governor's Con-ference on Agriculture will openTuesday, April 17 in Lansing atthe Clarion Hotel for two days ofgeneral sessions and small groupsessions focusing on BuildingStrategies to Shape the Future.

April 17-18 sessions will in-clude: Progress Reports of theRight to Farm Task Forces; Pre-sentation of Futures Team 2020Report and Subcommittee Dis-cussions; Risk Communication;Food Safety -- A Look at theIssue from a Number of Perspec-tives, Small Group Strategy Ses-sions and Session Summaries.

Headlining the conference willbe the report of the FuturesTeam 2020. The report is theresult of 15 months of delibera-tion by a blue ribbon panel ofleaders in the food and agricul-ture industry. Their report out-lines the issues, visions andactions that the Team feels arecentral to the success of theMichigan food and agricultureindustry in the coming decades.


Compensation andProtection - A Case forCrop Insurance

The Bush administrationproposal to eliminate the crop in-surance program in the 1990farm bill is an ill-advised ploythat would force agriculture torely on the political uncertaintyof case by case disaster relief.

In 1989, the Commission forthe Improvement of Crop In-surance, ofwhich I am a mem-ber, did a thorough study of cropinsurance.

In the course of holding publichearings in various parts of thecountry, the commission foundthat farmers have a number ofconcerns about crop insurance,including the fact that programsare underused: the perceivedhigh cost of coverage: the com-plexity of enrollment procedures:the actuarial soundness of theprogram: and the inability to in-sure many of the specialty cropsgrown in our state.

But the commission con-cluded that despite theseproblems a revitalized programcan serve agriculture well,provided that a number of recom-mendations are implemented forreforming the system. However,for some inexplicable reason Con-gress and the Federal Crop In-surance Corporation have beendragging their feet on effectingthe needed changes.

A reformed crop insurance pro-gram would be more beneficialfor agriculture than congres-sionally mandated relief. For ex-

ample, the American Associationof Crop Insurers lists a numberof reasons crop insurance makesbetter financial sense for farmersthan disaster programs:

• Crop insurance pays forindividual disasters whiledisaster payments onlycome into effect when coun-ty yieldfalls to 65 percentofnonnal.

• Producers can insure at50 percent, 65 percent or 75percent of their farm yield.But disaster relief onlykicks in when afarmer'sproductionfalls to 60 per-cent of county average yield.

• Farmers can get up to90 percent of the estimatedmarket price of their cropsunder crop insurance, com-pared withjust 65 percentof the three-year marketprice average under dis-aster assistance. Crop in-surance also places nolimits on the amount of pay-mentfarmers can receive.

This proposal to eliminatecrop insurance may be a tacticto force a serious review of thecrop insurance system. If that isthe case, Farm Bureau policy of-fers a good guide for what a

revamped system should looklike.

A restructured crop insuranceplan should provide coveragebased on dollars per acre. Eachparticipant could assess theliability and purchase theamount necessary to providedesired coverage.

In addition, a deductibleshould be included to reducepremium costs and stopnuisance claims. The programwould then be simpler to ad-minister and participation wouldbe encouraged. FB policy againmakes the important point thatwhen the federal crop insurancesystem is made equitable andworkable, disaster programsshould be abolished.

As the April 15 crop insurancesign up deadline approaches,ask yourself this question: Areyou better offwith an effectivecrop insurance program, or withthe political uncertainties of dis-aster relief?

I believe that Congress is theproblem and should stay out ofthe disaster business in order tolet the crop insurance programwork.

Jack Laurie, PresidentMichigan Farm Bureau


MiChigan Farm Bureau mem-bers will soon have the oppor-tunity to enroll in FB's newestmember service - dental carecoverage. Designed to providecomprehensive dental services ata savings to FB members, theprogram covers services from aninitial oral examination to majorservices such as dentures or or-thodontics (braces).

The program is being offeredthrough the Michigan basedHealth Care Exchange, Ltd.(HeE). HCE delivers dental ser-vices through a preferredprovider network, so you can goto a participating dentist in yourcommunity. Participating den-tists have signed agreementswith HCE to offerFB memberssavings of up to 65 percent. In-dividual and family annual en-rollment fees are $50 and $85,respectively.

For example, with your FBmembership and HCE dental pro-gram you can save up to 65 per-cent on periodic examinations,39 percent on root canal treat-ment; 36 percent on dentures;and 11 percent on orthodonticbraces.

Further details of the programwill be mailed directly to FBmembers over the next severalmonths. Watch your mailboxand don't delay in taking ad-vantage of this money saving pro-gram .

largest employer in the UnitedStates.

Skill combined with technol-ogy, makes American farmersthe most productive in the world.Here in the United States onefarmer provides food and fiberfor 114 people. In China, onefarmer can only provide food andfiber for 3.5 people; in Japan,one farmer produces enough forthree people; and in Russia, onefarmer can provide for 11 people.

Here in Michigan, the totalagriculture industry generates$18 billion a year into the state'seconomy. Michigan producesover 125 agricultural commod-ities, which makes it second onlyto California in diversity.

The Farm Bureau Tractor Derby was the slww stopper at the recentFashion Square MaHJarm show sponsored by county FBs in Bay,Gratiot, Midland, Saginaw, Huron. SL Clair and Sanilac.

The races drew interested crowds oj slwppers hDping to be in thewinner's circle with their tractor pick. Race announcer Mike Kovacic,manager oj the MFB InJormation Division. delivered ag andJood safetymessages during his pre- and post-race program.

MiChigan farmers were amongthe 21 million men and womeninvolved in the nation's food andfiber industIY were honoredduring National AgricultureWeek, March 18-24. The themefor this year's annual celebrationwas "HonoringAmerica'sProviders."

Approximately 2.5 millionpeople work on the nation'sfarms and ranches, as manypeople as are employed in thecombined industries of transpor-tation, steel and automobile.Nationwide, the growing process-ing, transporting and selling offood and fiber provides jobs for21.4 million people, whichmeans that agriculture is the

Mall Show Stopper!

+-------------------------------------National Agriculture Week Dental CareCelebrated March 18-24 Seroice Available

Soon toFBMembers



Rural Leader Available to MichiganFarm Bureau Associate Membership

E~ch issue of RurD:lLiving ~agazine contains a special Rural Leader section. Rural LeadertOpICSar~ thpse w~c?-.are ofmterest to Farm Bureau families involved in production agricultureor orgamza~Ion acbVIt~es. are not currently receiving the monthly Rural Leader newslet-ter and are Interested In haVIng monthly updates on organization activities or events, please usethe form below to request ~om: subscription. Mail the completed form to Michigan FarmBureau, Member C0!l1~unIc~bon~ Department, P.O. Box 30960, Lansing, Michigan 48909.Your request subscnption WIll be In effect until December 31, 1990.

Yes, I wish to receive the monthly Rural Leader newsletter. Please enter arequest subscription for me.

• Name• Address• City ---= State and Zip Code• Farm Bureau County of Membership• 1990 Membership Identification Number --------------------

MFB SUpports NoRoad Salt Study How Do I Get a CDL?

MiChigan Farm Bureau isbacking a measure in the Mich-igan House of Representativesthat would require studies of al-ternative road deicers.

The legislation was developedin support of using calcium mag-nesium acetate (CMA)as a poten-tial substitute for road salt.CMA, a petroleum basedproduct, can also be derivedfrom com. Its use as a roaddeicer would create a newmarket for Michigan-grown com.

The MFB support is also en-viromnentally sound policy sinceFB favors measures to reducecorrosion of roads, bridges, high-ways, utility equipment andautomobiles. A Road Salt Sub-committee of the House Commit-tee on Transportation heldpublic hearings on the bill in Es-canaba, Grand Rapids andTraverse City during Februaryand March.

Opposition to the proposalcomes primarily from countyroad commissioners who cite thecost difference between CMA androad salt as a maj or deterrent towidespread use of CMA.

WhO needs a Michigan Com-merical Drivers License (CDL)?What tests do I have to take?These are just a few of the manyquestions people are askingabout the Michigan CDL require-ments at CDL informationalmeetings being held around thestate.

Two meetings are planned forApril in the northern part of thestate. Representatives from theMichigan Farm Bureau Public Af-fairs Division, Michigan StatePolice Motor Carriers Divisionand Michigan Department ofState will be at the LoganTownship Hall, on M-55 west ofM-65 in Ogemaw County, April 2beginning at 7:30 p.m. The meet-ing is sponsored by the Arenac,Iosco, Ogemaw and Alcona coun-ty FBs and Cooperative Exten-sion Service offices. On April 7:30 p.m., the meeting will beheld at the Hillman CommunityCenter, on M-32 east of Montmorency County. Themeeting is sponsored by theMontmorency, Presque Isle andAlpena county FBs and CES of-fices.

All meetings are free and opento the public.

A well-attended series of CDLinformational meetings was heldin the Central Region. Held inthree different locations onMarch 12, meetings took place inIngham, Shiawassee and Clintoncounties. They were sponsoredby the county FBs. InghamCounty Promotion and Educa-tion Committee, ShiawasseeCounty Young Farmers. Shiawas-see County CES office and Clin-ton County FB CommunityActivities Committee.

A complete fact sheet andhandbook on the new Commer-cial Driver License Law inMichigan Is available from theMichigan Secretary of State.Bureau of Driver Improvement,Lansing, Mich. 48918.



+----------------------------------Michigan Fanners Ap-pointed to NationalCommittees

Fifteen Michigan fanners havebeen appointed to serve onAmerican Farm Bureau Federa-tion commodity advisory commit-tees.

These committees meet atleast once during the year. moreif needed. to consider importantindustry issues and make recom-mendations on policy implemen-tation to the AFBF board.

The appointees are: JamesAckron. Belleville. agriculturalnursery and greenhouse ad-visory committee; Bob Baldwin.Croswell. aquaculture; Dave Con-klln.Corunna.dairy;GeraldHeck. Monroe, eggs; Marlin Out-man. Constantine. feed grains;Bob Wahmhoff, Baraga. forestry;Joshua Wunsch. Traverse City.fruit and nuts; Ray Buell. Mil-ford. honeybee; Harley Sietsema;Allendale. poultry meat; MarkChapman. S. Rockwood. sheep;Lyle LeCronier. Freeland,soybean; Richard Leach.Saginaw. sugar; Blaine VanSickle, Marshall. swine; JamesSayre, Belleville. vegetable andpotato; and Mark Smuts. Char-lotte. wheat.

------~------lriformation-PackedAgenda at CommodityConference

How Perestroika may impactagriculture. food safety / agricul-tural chemicals. the 1990 farmbill. a review of current legisla-tive/regulatory issues, and a dis-cussion of the Michigan AnimalAgriculture Revitalization pro-gram, were among the issues dis-cussed at the statewide commo-dity conference at Kellogg Cen-ter. East Lansing. on March 6.

Workshops on dairy and live-stock water quality/irrigation is-sues. and the sugar program

were conducted by state and na-tional resource people. AmericanFB Commmodity Specialist TimPrice stressed the importance ofthe 1990 fann bill developmentin his presentation. Emerging Is-sues for u.s. Agriculture and The1990 Farm BUL

Price told the audience of FBcommodity committee repre-sentatives. 'We are part of an in-ternational. global community."said Price. 'We need (ag) policiesthat are flexible enough torespond to dramatic changes inthe global market." He told theaudience that the current farmbill has achieved many of thegoals set in 1985 for enhancedcompetitiveness. reduced car-ryover supplies, increased farmincomes and reduced govern-ment costs.

Other speakers on the day-long program were Ed Heffron.director. Food Safety Division.and Mike Chaddock. stateveterinarian. MDA;Larry Hamm.Department of Ag Economics.Jon Bartholic. director. Water Re-search Institute. and TedLoudon. Deparment of Ag En-gineering. MSU; William Buisch.USDA; and Don Parrish. direc-tor. Cotton Rice and SugarDepartment, American FB. MFBstaff members on the programwere Ron Nelson. Public AffairsDivision; Ken Ny~. Bob Craig andKevin Kirk. Commodity Activitiesand Research Division.


Hillsdale FB Sponsors"Reform - NotRollback" Meeting

The Hillsdale County FarmBureau sponsored a multl-coun-ty information meeting on theproposed auto insurancepremium rollback Feb. 28 inHillsdale. MFB legislative coun-sel Howard Kelly and GaryWolfram of Hillsdale College werefeatured speakers.

Wolfram. who is a professor ofpolitical economy. told theaudience of FB members. lfIfthere is one lesson to be learnedfrom the recent events in com-munist controlled Europe. it isthat state run economies aredoomed to eventual failure."

Translating the lesson of East-em Europe into a close-to-homeexample. Wolfram said. lfIf ourstate Legislature were to pass alaw tomorrow which required allgrocers to sell milk at 50 centsper gallon. we know that therewould be no milk for sale withindays." Driving home his point.Wolfram continued. "If theMichigan House of Representa-tives has their way and the priceof insurance is legislativelylowered by any amount. muchless 30 percent, there will be ashortage of insurance.

"Insurance companies mustearn a profit to remain in busi-ness. If they do not ... insurancecompanies will not be able to ob-tain salespersons. actuaries todetermine the risks involved orenough money to cover the los-ses caused by accidents. and other things againstwhich these companies insure.An artificial reduction in theprice of insurance will thusreduce the amount of insurancesold. But it will also increase theamount of insurance people willwant to buy."



---------------------------------+Discussion Topic:

Is Your FarmPrepared For anEmergency?

An Michigan farmers should beaware of their chemical reportingresponsibilities under a recentlyenacted law called the Super-fund Amendments and Reauthor-ization Act Title III (SARAIII).It'salso lmown as the EmergencyPlanning and Community Rightto KnowAct of 1986.

'This law really resulted fromthe Bhopal India chemical emer-gency," said Larry Olsen, pes-ticide education coordinator forMichigan State University. 'Wehad no mechanism in place herein the United States to lmowwhere chemicals were and howto respond properly to a spill, in-dustrial accident or fire."

SARAIII sets up that mecha-nism and requires farmers to in-form local and state officialsabout the types of chemicals on

their farms, and if and whenthose chemicals are spilled orotherwise accidentally releasedinto the environment.

Olsen said that sounds like alot of paperwork, but its really tothe benefit of both farmers andthe community in which theylive.

"First of all, it offers farmerssome liability protection in theevent of an accident." he said.

Second, Olsen notes, thechemical notification section ofthe law protects emergencyresponders (likevolunteerfiremen) by letting them knowwhat chemicals are present in asituation like a bam fire.

Third, the release notificationsection helps protect the com-munity environment by allowingfor the tracking and monitoringof chemical releases.

An excellent Cooperative Ex-tension Service bulletin (E-2173)outlines what farmers must dounder SARAIII.

As noted in the bulletin, manyfarmers purchase. use and storea variety of products (mostly pes-ticides and fertilizers) that havebeen classified as "ExtremelyHazardous Substances" by theEnvironmental Protection Agen-cy. The substances on the list in-clude such commonly usedchemicals as anhydrous am-monia, Dyfonate, Paraquat andImidan.

Farmers who use these typesof materials must do two types ofreporting: Under Section 302.any farm having at any time anextremely hazardous substanceat or above a "threshold planningquantity" must notify the StateEmergency Response Commis-sion and the Local Emergency

Planning Committee. (An attach-ment in bulletin E-2173 explainshow to calculate the amount ofan extremely hazardous sub-stance you have on your farmand whether you need to reportits presence.)

• Under Section 304. farmersmust perform immediate and fol-low-up reporting of accidentalspills when the extremely hazard-ous substance is spilled at orabove a "reportable quantity."

Using anhydrous ammonia asan example. the threshold plan-ning quantity is 500 pounds ofactive ingredient. The reportablequantity level is 100 pounds.

Publications on SARAIIIandchemical use in general are avail-able from your local CooperativeExtension Service office.

It's a complex law. but onethat farmers must understandand comply with in order toproperly protect their farmingoperations and the communitiesin which they live.

Discussion Questions:

• What precautions do mem-bers in your group take toprevent chemical spills and acci-dents on your farms?

• What plans do members ofyour group have in place in caseoffire. spill or accident on theirfarm?

• What instructions have beengiven to family members andemployees as to what steps totake in case of an emergency?

• What information has beengiven to farmers in your com-munity about the provisions andrequirements in SARAIII fromyour fire department?

• Are any members ofyourCommunity Action Group volun-teer firefighters?

• What suggestions do youhave for your county FB or MFBthat will be useful in dispensinginformation about SARAIII tomembers?



Safety Equipment Kits to be Available

HelP support Farm Bureau safety efforts and protect yourself andyour family with safety equipment kits. The kits can make a safetydifference, particulaJ;'lyin the area of the safe use and handling ofagricultural chemicals.

County FB Promotion & Education committee chairpeople receivedinformation regarding selling a kit of safety equipment that a farmerwould need for a typical two-week long planting season. Items in thekit include: chemical resistant gloves, apron, disposable coveralls,face shield, goggles, and respirator. These are items that anyoneworking with pesticides should be using for their own protection.

The equipment in the kit is valued at over $100, but participatingcounty P&E committees may offer it to FB members for only $65 - a27 percent savings.

• It has given farmerssome security that ag landwill stay in agriculture.

What steps need to betaken to protect this lawwhich has been a key to thepreservation ojJarm land inMichigan?

• Uphold the rules - donot make it easier to get out.

• Write our legislatorsabout keeping it intact.

• Guard against repeal orchange of the law.

• Legislators from urbanareas need to be educated onthe purpose and necessity ofthe law.

• As long as it is working,it should be left alone.

• The purpose is topreserve the farm land - notfor someone to get out of itbefore the contract is up.

• Must have incentives tokeep farmers joining andusing P.A. 116, but do notweaken it.

• Educate the public to thebenefits of the P.A 116 pro-gram.

How many members inyour group have land en-rolled in PA. 116?

(0 - 25%) acreage) 34%(26 - 50%> acreage) 16°A>(51 - 75% acreage) 15°A>(76 - 1000/0acreage) 35°A>

How has P.A. 116 been abenefit to the members ofyour group?

• Has helped financiallywith property tax relief.

• It has kept farm land inthe family.

• Prevented special assess-ments (water and sewage)from being placed on proper-ty.

• Allowedfarmers to stayin business during bad orlean profit years ..

How has PA. 116 been abenefit to your community?

• It has kept developersfrom coming into community.

• Protects farm land frombeing split up into small lots.

• Encourages farmers tokeep farming.

• Beneficial to planningcommissions for predictingfuture development.

• Has kept several farmersfrom going bankrupt.

• It has helped to passschool millages .

• Makes it easier for thezoning boards to say "no" tohome and business builders.

PA. 116 - Farm-land PreservationProgram.

Discussion TopicResponses:

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r----------------------------------,I Order Your MFB and AFBF 1990 Policy BooksI

Literally hundreds of hours have been dedicated to developing,debating and formulating Farm Bureau policy for our state andnational organization. Be informed and be involved in promotingthe policy goals of your organization. Order your free copies ofthese two important books.

Complete the form below and mail to: Michigan Farm Bureau,Public Affairs Division, P.O. Box 30960, Lansing, MI48909.

Please send me a copy of the 1990 policy book for:Michigan Farm BureauAmerican Farm Bureau Federation


Mailing Address

L _

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They've Got Designs on Improved Newsletters

Citizenship Seminar Students MustRegister by May 1

her experiences as a refugee withher family during World War II.

Seminar activities includesmall group discussion and prob-lem solving sessions; politicalparty, campaign, and voter ac-tivities; and contacts withauthors, world travelers,economists, political dignitariesand sports figures.

There are four subj ects areascovered during the week: ourcountry's democratic political sys-tem, the American way of life, theAmerican free enterprise system,and people and governmentsaround the world.

For more information contactyour county FB office, or write tothe MFB Promotion and Educa-tion Department, P.O. Box30960, Lansing, Mich. 48909.

Farm Bureau newsletter editors. county secretaries. members andsmall business people participated in the March 14 Design andPublishing Seminar sponsored by the MFB Member CommunicationsDepartment The one day seminar at Big Rapids offered hands-on ses-sions covering graphic design, printing procedures andpromotional writing and desktop publishing.

High school juniors andseniors who want to Catch theSpirit at the 1990 Michigan FarmBureau Young People's Citizen-ship Seminar must register byMay 1.

The annual five-day seminarwill be held at Olivet College,June 18-22. The program isdesigned to teach today's youngpeople the lessons of freedomand democratic rule.

This year a new speaker is onthe agenda, Richard Ebling, .professor of economics, HillsdaleCollege. He will lead a discussionon economic freedoms in theUnited States. Returningspeakers include John Furbay,world traveler and lecturer; RickMetzger, inspirational speaker;and Maria Schultz, who sharesBob Eppelheimer (right), of the

Michigan Farm Bureau DirectMarketing Program, was one of18 individuals honored by theFlorida Department of Citrus forpromoting sales of Florida freshand frozen citrus through theFarm Bureau Direct MarketingProgram. The recognition cameduring the 1990 Florida Agricul-tural Marketing Association(FAMA) citrus conference inJanuary.

Florida FB hosted the tour forpeople' responsible for promotingthe sale of Florida agriculturalproducts to FB members in 18states. Participants got a close,personal look at Florida agricul-ture. 'We depend on thesemarketing coordinators for thecontinuing success of our pro-gram, which is aimed at sellingfresh and frozen Florida citrusproducts to FB members acrossthe country," said Roy Singleton,Florida FB director of marketing.

"The conference was timely,considering the conditions in thegroves following the devastatingfreeze in December," Singletonsaid. "Talking to some pro-ducers, assured state FB coor-dinators that we would havefresh Florida citrus for the c0!l1-ing season."

Florida Hosts FannBureau Citrus Coor-dinators



Summerfest Ticket Order FormWe are ready to celebrate! Send us tickets for Summerfestat Farm Bureau Center, July 18. A check or money order pay-able to Michigan Farm Bureau for _ tickets at $3 per per-son $ is enclosed. Sent the tickets to:

Name _AddressCity/State/Zip _County _

Mail by July 6 to: Summerfest, Michigan Farm Bureau, Field OperationsDivision, Box 30960, Lansing, MI 48909



Here's news about a sum-mertime event that's sure toput spring into your step/The annual FarmBureau Summerfest is setfor July 18 on the FarmBureau Center grounds inLansing.

Plant this yvar - Harvvst this yvar



GREAT tlEW VARIETYPlan now tojoin your

Farm Bureaufriends andneighbors as we bring in anew decade of achieve-ments with this warmweather celebration/ It'sgoodJunfrom the afternooninto the evening with gamesfor the wholefamily, livecountry western music, andplenty of country-deliciousfood. Tickets arejust $3 perperson, but tickets will beavailable only until the first2,000 are gone. Place yourorder early using the formon this page.

25 for $ 3.95100 for $11.95

10 for $1.9550 for $6.95

Here's a great-tasting, heavy-bearing new everbearingStrawberry that grows so big we hesitate to tell you ..we're afraid you won't believe us. But tht'y have beenfound as big as tea cups! This amazing. berry was de-veloped by Washington State University. It is well on itsway to being the greatest performer ever. Quinault has beentested in 13 states and Canada with excellent performancerecord for size, taste and plant growth. IT WAS FOUND TOBE THE MOST DISEASE-FREE EVER BEAR ING WE HAVE EVER TESTED! Because itis so new the Quinault is still being tested. But it appears to have all the properties to makeit a very popular ... if not the MOST POPULAR VARIETY OF EVERBEARING STRAW-BERRIES. AMAZE YOUR FRIENDS - pick quarts of big. delicious Strawberries every fewweeks all summer long! Place your order today and get them started now. Order at least 50plants to try them out ... or more if you can handle them. Plant QuinaJJlt Everbearingsthis Spring and begin harvesting big. red. ripe Strawberries .. often in just 6 weeks ....and all summer long.



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1.41 1.66 1.96 2.27 2.57 2.88 2.88 3.37 3.36 1.59 2.63

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Four Outstanding Members of the Farm Bureau FamilyEarned Top Awards for 1989

JOE SOLITRODistinguished Management Award

Lenawee Countyagent Liz Lighthallis the third recipi-ent of this majorFarm BureauInsurance award.The award ispresented annuallyto the agent who is

responsible for the most new MFBmembers in the prior membershipyear. As our top membership producer,Liz signed up 140 new members in thepast year.

LOREN CARLISLEThe Elton R. Smith Award

St. Joseph Countyagent Loren Car-lisle received thisimportant awardfor his outstandingcontributions tohis profession, thecommunity, andMichigan Farm

Bureau. The annual award, started byFarm Bureau Insurance in 1987, isnamed in honor of retired MFB presi-dent Elton Smith. Carlisle wrote 132new MFB memberships last year.

LIZ LIGHTHALLMichigan Farm Bureau Membership Award

This prestigiousaward recognizesJoe Solitro as thetop agency man-ager in Michigan,based on hisagency's outstand-ing sales andservice achieve-

ments and his development of newagents. Joe manages 17 agents servingBerrien, Cass, and Van Buren Counties.He is an outstanding recruiter, trainer,and motivator.

RUS GARDNERDistinguished Sales Award

Oakland Countyagent Rus Gardnerreceived the 1989DistinguishedSales Award, hon-oring him as thetop agent in the

./ state. The award,the highest honor

bestowed by Farm Bureau Insurance,recognizes Rus for his outstandingsales achievements and client service.This is the third year in a row that Rushas earned this elite award.

Farm Bureau Insur-

ance has the bestagency force inMichigan ... over

400 professional agentsand agency managersserving Farm Bureaumembers throughout thestate.

Of these 400 dedi-cated men and women,we're proud to honor fourwho received majorawards at our annualsales convention, heldrecendy in Grand Rapids.They are four big reasonswhy Farm Bureau Insur-ance is a leading insurerthroughout Michigan.

Four Award Winners ...Working to Make Your Future More Predictable


Michigan Farm BureauRural Living MagazineP. O. Box 309607373 W. Saginaw Hwy.Lansing, MI 48909

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