Running order


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Transcript of Running order

Page 1: Running order

Running Order: Documentary: Can I take your order please?

Channel: Channel 4

Scheduling: Tuesday 20:00-20:30pm

Duration: 27 minutes

Montage of fast food restaurants and people eating/buying fast food. 20 secs

Opening title sequence 10 secs

Start with archive footage of the first fast food restaurants and their logos and then compare them with images of modern day fast food restaurants. With this we will have a voice over explaining the history of fast food and how it all began worldwide and in the UK. We will use facts and figures.

40 secs

Vox pops explaining why they think fast food is so popular. (First word that comes to mind when they think about fast food)

30 secs

Voice-over stating facts and statistics about how much people spend on average on fast food and how often they eat it. This will be with images of newspaper articles.

20 secs

More vox pop footage on how often they (the public) eat fast food and how they think it affects their health.

35 secs

Voice over of facts and statistics about how much of the population eats fast food and then make the point many don’t question how it is made or advertised. Show the adverts of fast food restaurants and images they show of their food compared to the real product.

20 secs

Interviews with fast food employees (preferably in uniform) with cut-awayshots of either fast food being made or archive footage.

30 secs

Voice over about drive-thru and how it came about and the accessibility of fast food with still image of 24hr McDonalds and how that helps sales.

20 secs

Observation footage with tracking shot of drive-thru 40 secs

Voice over about what experts say with observational footage of unhealthy people/still images.

15 secs

Interview with health dietician Sue about the health risks of fast food with cut-away shots of the human body and how it is affected by fast food.

20 secs

Reaction shots of the public of the affect fast food can have on the body. 10 secs

Voice over explaining how people have tried to show how damaging fast food can be. Archive footage from the documentary ‘Supersize Me’.

20 secs

Back to interview with the vox populi about why the still eat fast food when it is so unhealthy. Answers on which fast food restaurant is the healthiest and which is the unhealthiest.

20 secs

Voice over stating which fast food restaurant is actually the healthiest and which is the unhealthiest with observational footage or still images of each one. Summarise why people still eat fast food and mention how busy modern day life is (with tacking shot of busy town).

40 secs

Montage of the media coverage of fast food with music from the title sequence louder.

10 secs

Voice over about the conflict in opinions on fast food i.e. organisations against fast food such as ‘Slow Food’ in the UK and the ‘Food Empowerment Project’ in the USA.

30 secs

Possible interview with Booths in Manchester who are in partnership with ‘Slow 20 secs

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Interview with fast food restaurant manager discussing their plans of action and aims that they set for their restaurant

30 secs

Voice over about fast food mascots and jingles with footage of this 30 secs

Interview with restaurant employee about their advertising and mascots 20 secs

Title shown 5 secs 8.55


Title shown 5 secs

Voice over about kids parties taking place at fast food restaurants 20 secs

Interview with parents and why they allow parties at fast food restaurants 1 min

Voice over about how fast food is social especially with young people/students. 15 secs

Interview with young adults/students (16-25) about why they eat fast food. Cut awayshots to students eating fast food.

1 min

Voiceover about media coverage of fast food, with footage of documentaries, television programmes, movies in which the characters are eating fast food.

20 secs

Cut away to ‘supersize me’ documentary 2mins

Voice over talking about sales comparisons around the UK, Europe and the rest of the world using statistics and images of graphs and finance documents.

30 secs

Interview with fast food employee in charge of finances also and how they work with their other stores abroad.

1 min 30 secs

Voice over about how fast food restaurants edit their menu’s for their location for example in McDonald's Austria they have McNoodles.

30 secs

Observational/archive footage of different fast food restaurants worldwide and altercations in their menu’s to fit in with that country’s culture. Alongside interviews with a range of people from different countries and what they think about fast food.

1 min 30 secs

Voice over about hygiene and safety standards within fast food restaurants in the UK and worldwide.

30 secs

Interview with employee and interview with health inspector. 1 min

Interviews with parents part of the ‘Parents Against Junk Food’ organisation. With cut away shots to children and families eating fast food.

40 secs

Interviews with members of the ‘Food Empowerment Project’. Discussing what they do and how others can become a part of the organisation or support it.

2 mins

Voice over about how fast food restaurants have managed to stay so popular over time and how they plan to continue to be successful.

20 secs

Voice over summing up what we have found out and what the future holds for fast food restaurants.

2 mins

Ending Credits 5 secs 27.50