Running Mustang 1

 Feeling creave? Join Art TOPS class! Art is a wonderful way to express yourself, especially during rough mes, happy days or just when you’re bored. Art is instruct- ed by Mrs. Mandel in room 119. Imaginaon is more important than knowledge - Albert Einstein Maybe in school Knowledge is everything but over there in art class, it’s all imagina- on fueling everyone’s minds. So if you’re interested in using your imaginaon aer school, Art TOPS with Mrs. Mandel is the way to go. Au revoir ! Got art??? Art is thing of culture, emoon, creavity, and fun! If you love art don’t let anything hold you back! Art comes from your heart and from your mind. Art is all around you, you may not noce but it’s everywhere! Art can be a smear of paint on a piece of paper. Art can be the grape juice you spilt on your white tank top. Art can be the blood dripping down your knee when you fall. Art is anything you think is creave, new, or beauful. Be creave, be beauful, be art!

Transcript of Running Mustang 1

7/30/2019 Running Mustang 1 1/14


Feeling creave? Join Art TOPS class! Art

is a wonderful way to express yourself,

especially during rough mes, happy days

or just when you’re bored. Art is instruct-

ed by Mrs. Mandel in room 119.

Imaginaon is more important than

knowledge- Albert Einstein

Maybe in school Knowledge is everythingbut over there in art class, it’s all imagina-

on fueling everyone’s minds. So if you’re

interested in using your imaginaon aer

school, Art TOPS with Mrs. Mandel is the

way to go. Au revoir!

Got art??? Art is thing of culture, emoon, creavity, and fun! If you love art don’t let anything hold you back! Art comes from your

heart and from your mind. Art is all around you, you may not noce but it’s everywhere! Art can be a smear of paint on a piece of 

paper. Art can be the grape juice you spilt on your white tank top. Art can be the

blood dripping down your knee when you fall. Art is

anything you think is creave, new, or beauful. Be

creave, be beauful, be art!

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Alexis, Staci, Naomi, Lauren

All best friend in art club. Art club ispainting cardboard and all went to Cowern

Elementary. By Raquan Hill

The turkey named Winston

Once upon a time there was a turkey named Winston. He was very strange.

One day he and his friend did a training exercise. They were each separated and put 

into two different rooms. They were both offered the same deal. If one of them

chose to talk, and the other one chose to remain silent, the one who did not talk 

 would be arrested for 10 years. If they both decided to talk both would be given a 5

 year sentence, they would also be given a 5 year sentence if they both remained si-

lent. It was a lose, lose situation. So what they did was they secretly met, and when

the person came back they hid behind the door. Winston pulled a string that was

connected to a magnet, that was holding the window open. When the window 

slammed shut the person looked out the window, but they were not there. At that 

same moment they ran out the door and trapped the person inside. THE END!


Adrianna Garagiola 

Carissa Chose 

Chrisan Link 

Evelyn Nadarliyska 

Jasmine Carvelli 

Liz “Pikachu” Dick 

Lizzy Franke 

Nick Becker 

Raquan Hill 

Samantha Webster 

Sammi Goodwin 

Winston Thao 

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  Le: The students in the ART CLUB listen to

music while creang art. 

Below: Students Ashley Feg and Sarah

Roering, with their creaons. 

Have You Joined A TOPS Class Yet? 

The students in Art Club make art designs of their choice. Art Club meets every

Tuesday and Thursday in Ms. Mandel’s room. Remember this is just one of the

many opons for TOPS classes. Keep your eyes peeled for any other TOPS classes

coming up. TOPS classes are a great way to meet new friends and have new expe-

riences. – Samantha Webster 

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New books at the library such as the bookes named Jungle Force, Payback me,Vietnam Shapshooter, A Stranger

Shore, And much more!. Don’t they look like good books because they look like good books to me

A picture of Elizabeth “Pikachu” in the 8th grade hall way

School is like a Kesha song 

Its weird 

Its totally outrageous

But its denatly worth listening to 

Picture taken by: Jasmine Zientara Carvelli 

Picture of the Gray wolf drawing located in Ms. Mandel's art


Our Eyes hold our deepest secrets

But they also set them free 

Picture taken by: Jasmine Zientara Carvelli

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The month of October is an-Bullying Month,

be a part of the thing that will change the

lives of many by taking a stand up against bul-

lying. One person can make a dierence. But

it’s your choice if that will be you. So what doyou say will you take the stand against


By Lizzy Franke 

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Fall is here!

Picture taken by: Jasmine Zientara Carvelli 

The volleyball team nishes the season with great eort. The

team fought their way through wins and losses. Great job to the

volleyball team for a great season! 

- Samantha Webster 

7/30/2019 Running Mustang 1 7/14

The Sea Shepherds: The Game of Baleship

Whaling in the Southern Ocean 

Whaling in the world’s

oceans has been happening for, well, forever! Literarily, forever. The rst human beings in the word sought food. They soon discov-

ered the wonders of the ocean, and the abundance of creatures within the ocean. Not only were the mighty whales an excellent

source of meat, but some whales also held oil. This oil was great for burning and also a lot of other things. As me moved on, and

as the world progressed in technology, whaling was turned into a high end producon. The many countries built whaling eets

made up of as many as 10 giganc ships; some of the ships armed with harpoons the size of a car, others armed with military-like

machines. As the whaling producon grew bigger, and the oceans bloodier, the gallant whales grew scarcer. Some of the whales ,

such as the Right whale, were hunted so gruesomely, that there were fewer than 50 le by the me the Internaonal Whaling

Commission (IWC) banned commercial whaling in 1986. But even now that whaling is supposedly banned, countries and naons

sll hunt the whales in large quanes. This brings me to the story of the Sea Shepherd’s….

“This isn't a hunt that's going to kill just four or five whales. The repercussions of this will have an ef-

fect on tens of thousands of whales that will be killed by the Japanese.”--Paul Watson 

The Sea Shepherd Conservaon Society (SSCS) is a non-prot, marine conservaon organizaon founded in 1977 by Paul Watson.

Paul Watson has always been a animal rights acvist, he even co-founded Greenpeace! But aer disputes over acon taccs, Paul

Watson was asked to leave Greenpeace. Shortly aer leaving, he founded the SSCS (The Sea Shepherds and Greenpeace oen disa-

gree on many things and are considered rivals). Ever since 1977, Paul Watson and his Sea Shepherd followers have been ghngthe oceans shermen and hunters. The Sea Shepherds have had and have many operang boats including The Steve I rwin. The

Steve Irwin was obtained in 2007, and was originally called the Robert Hunter. They also have the 1200 ton Bob Barker. The Barker

was previously a whaling boat itself! Ironic right! They also had a stealth boat dubbed the Ady Gil, but the Gil was rammed and

sunk by the Yushin Maru #2. Aer losing the Gil, they received another stealth boat named Gojira. Gojira was later renamed the

Bridget Bardot. They also had a icebreaker ship named the Farley Mowat, but unfortunately, the Mowat was seized by the Canadi-

an government (and refusing to pay the nes to release the boat, Paul now lets it lie abandoned in a ship yard). And new this year

to the campaign, a boat named the Sam Simon joined the Sea Shepherds. This boat was a former German icebreaker and was do-

nated by the founder of The Simpsons, Sam Simon. All of the boats are named aer a famous animal acvist or a great personnel!

“These guys are so gentle; it's like shooting a puppy dog. I don't see how there's any honor in that.” --

Paul Watson 

The rst direct acon undertaken by Sea Shepherds was against Canadian seal hunng in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in March

1979. Also in 1979, the group made headlines when they rammed a whaling vessel for the rst me, but denitely not the last

me. It was the whaling vessel Sierra (a former Japanese whaling ship) "I set out from Boston in the Steve Irwin with a crew of 19

volunteers. I hunted down, rammed, and disabled the pirate whaling ship Sierra. We red up the engine and made for the Sierra,

which was in the middle of the harbor. I hit her at full speed..." Watson says aer sinking the Sierra. Such acts connued with Sea

Shepherd claiming responsibility for damaging or sinking mulple whaling vessels through sabotage or ramming. The group has

aempted to intervene against Russian, Spanish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Makah, Faroese (They had a spin-o show called Whale

Wars: Viking Shore about whaling the pilot whales in the Faeroe islands), and Japanese whalers in mulple campaigns around the

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globe. Seng a paern that the group would keep up in later years, the group

managed to scule a Portuguese whaling vessel, though the rst Sea Shepherd

was impounded and lost (the Farley Mowat).

"I have never suffered under any delusion that saving the

whales in the Antarctic sanctuary would be easy, but the one

thing I am certain of is that I and my passionate crew of in-

ternational volunteers will never quit defending life in the

seas from poachers no matter what consequences we must

endure to do so."--Paul Watson 

But a loss of a vessel didn't stop the Sea Shepherds, not one bit. In the early years of the 2000's, The Sea Shepherds took aim at a

new target; the Japanese whaling eet. The Japanese whaling eet is made up of 7 mul -ton ships. The factory ship named the

Nissian Maru is "the mother ship" as called by the Sea Shepherds. This is the ship where the whale is processed into meat aer

being killed. The Yushin Maru #1, #2, and #3 are the spoer vessels. They are constantly on the lookout for whales. They

then radio the other ships the locaon of the whales. There are also three harpoon ships called the Shōnan Maru #1,

#2, and #3. These are the ships equipped with the deadly harpoons. There are also security ships that oen come with

the eet to the Southern ocean for unknown reasons ( butoen accumulated that these ships are used to "spy"). There

is also a massive refueling ship, its deck the size of three football elds. All of these Japanese whaling ships have theword "research" printed in big, bold, white leers on the sides of the vessels. The Japanese hoped to fool other coun-

tries into thinking there were killing the whales for research. Obviously, that not the case, nowhere near. Together,

these ships make one master of death, fooled by the word research. 

The start of the 2008 whaling season also started a new series on Animal Planet. The TV show Whale Wars aired for the

rst me in December 2008. This TV show documents the Sea Shepherds ght against whaling in the Southern Ocean

against the Japanese Whalers.

"We have demonstrated that their "research" whaling is nothing more than a mask for commercial

operations."--Paul Watson 

Every year starng in December and ending in May, both the Japanese and The Sea Shepherds sail on down to

the Southern Ocean to ght for their beliefs, and for the whale’s life. The Sea Shepherds, once they have located a ship,

use their small boats to race up alongside the big whaler boat. They then throw butyric acid onto the ships, use prop

foulers, and any other method they can dream up. This bloody bale between whales, Shepherds, and sherman has

been going on for decades, and unl

one side fumbles, it will connue.

“I can assure you no whales are

going to be killed today.” --Paul


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By Evelyn Nadarliyska 

Have you ever ridden in a

 jet? The most commoncommercial jet (Arguably) is

the Boeing 747. Did you

know that the 747 burns

about ve gallons of kero-

sene (Plane fuel) per nau-

cal mile (about 6,076 feet, a

mile is 5280). Lockheed

Marn developed a com-

mercial jet that is 50% more

ecient than other jet lin-

ers. Using lightweight mate-

rials used in the USAF’s F-22

and F-35, Lockheed created

a looped-wing design that

increased li-to-drag by

16% and upgraded to ultra-

high-bypass turbofan en-

gines that are 40% wider

than current engines, they

are 7 mes more powerful.

These changes reduce noise

levels by 35 decibels quiet-

er (About a quiet talk) and

shorten landing approaches

by 50%. 

By: Winston Thao

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The tennis team practices hard. The tennis team had a great season. They wrapped up there

season and had a great effort. –Samantha Web-


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Animal of the Month


By: Jasmine Zientara Carvelli

Name: Friendly 

Birth: February 19th 2012

Age: 8 months

Breed: Barred Rock/Plymouth


 Weight: About 4--5 pounds

Egg Color: Brown

Prizes won: Blue ribbon-

 Washington County Fair

4th place in Egg Production Class-

 Washington County Fair

Best Friend: Chipper

Likes: Rice, Mashed Potatoes, Chocolate, root beer

floats, pumpkins, her mother

Dislikes: going on walks, getting dressed up, kids

Owned by: Jasmine

The Barred Rock chicken is an easy chicken to raise, being

friendly (Thus her name, she is always friendly and never

pecks). The barred rock is also a dual-purpose chicken,

good for egg production and good for the market. Barred

Rocks originate from the U.S.. The Barred Rocks get their

name from the barring of their feathers (the alternating


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Super Hero of the Month: Captain America 

Steven Grant Rogers was born July 4, 1922, in the Lower East Side of Manhattan,  New

York City, to poor Irish immigrants, Sarah and Joseph Rogers. Joseph Rogers died when

Steve was only a child and his mother, Sarah, died

of pneumonia while Steve was a teen. By early

1940, before America's entry into World War II, 

Rogers is a tall but scrawny fine arts student spe-

cializing in illustration, and a comic book writer 

and artist, a career he willingly set aside upon his

transformation into Captain America.

Rogers attempts to enlist in the U.S. Army, only to be rejected due to his physically frail body. His

resolution however allows him to be noticed by

U.S. Army General Chester Phillips and "Project:

Rebirth." Rogers is used as a test subject for the

Super -Soldier  project, receiving a special serum

made by "Dr. Josef Reinstein", later changed to a

code name for the scientist Abraham Erskine. 

The serum is a success, and transforms the frail

Steve Rogers into a perfect specimen—a nearly

 perfect human being with peak strength, agility,

stamina, and intelligence. The success of the pro-

gram leaves Erskine wondering about replicating

the experiment on other human beings.Erskine refused to write down every crucial element

of the treatment, leaving behind a flawed, imperfect knowledge of the needed steps. Thus, when

the Nazi spy Heinz Kruger killed him, Erskine's method of creating new Super -Soldiers died as well. Captain America, in his first act

after his transformation, avenges Erskine.

Unable to create new Super -Soldiers, and willing to hide the Project Rebirth fiasco, the U.S.A. Government casts the now - powerful Rog

ers as a patriotic superhero, able to counter the menace of the Red Skull as a counter -intelligence agent. As such, he's supplied with a

 patriotic uniform (designed by Rogers himself)) a bulletproof shield, a personal side arm, and the codename Captain America, while Ste

ve Rogers himself poses as a clumsy infantry private at Camp Lehigh in Virginia. He forms a friendship with the camp's teenage mascot

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes. 

Eventually Barnes learns of Rogers' dual identity and offers to keep the secret if he can become Captain America's sidekick, being traine

himself to act as the perfect partner. During their adventures, Franklin D. Roosevelt presents Captain America with a new shield, forged

from an alloy of steel and vibranium. Throughout World War II, Captain America and Bucky fight the Nazi menace both on their ownand as members of the superhero team the Invaders. Captain America also battles a number of criminal menaces on American soil, in-

cluding a wide variety of costumed villains: the Wax Man, the Hangman, Fang, the Black Talon, and the White Death, The Red Skull,

among others. 

In late April 1945, during the closing days of World War II, Captain America and Bucky try to stop the villainous Baron Zemo from de-

stroying an experimental drone plane. Zemo launches the plane with an armed explosive on it,

Rogers and Barnes in hot pursuit. The pair reaches the

 plane just before takeoff. When Bucky tries to defuse

the bomb, it explodes in mid-air. The young man is

 believed killed. Rogers is hurled into the freezing wa-

ters of the North Atlantic. Neither is found, and both

are presumed dead. It is later revealed that neither char-

acter actually died. 

 Now, years later in the modern time, the Russian Oil

team has discovered something in the frozen ice. They

first notice the stunning shield. Then beside it lies its

faithful owner, Captain America. For 70 long and peri-

lous years, Captain America has lain frozen in the ice.

 Now, very much alive, he trains to do exactly what he

was made for: to protect the Earth. He now ights alongside Iron Man, Thor, The Hulk,

Black Widow and Hawkeye in the super hero

grouped known as The Avengers. Captain America is portrayed by Chris Evans in the

movie Captain America: The First Avenger and The


One of Cap's Arch enemies, The Red Skull!  

Courtesy of Wikipedia 

Captain America and his team. 

Courtesy of Wikipedia 

Chris Evans as Captain America/SteveRogers. Courtesy of 

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