Knowledge of Traditional Arithmetic 1 RUNNING HEAD: UNDERSTANDING OF MATH EQUIVALENCE Disadvantages of Teaching 2 + 2 = 4: Knowledge of Traditional Arithmetic Hinders Understanding of Mathematical Equivalence Nicole M. McNeil University of Notre Dame Invited contribution to Child Development Perspectives [DRAFT 06/16/13]



Knowledge of Traditional Arithmetic 1


Disadvantages of Teaching 2 + 2 = 4:

Knowledge of Traditional Arithmetic Hinders Understanding of Mathematical Equivalence

Nicole M. McNeil

University of Notre Dame

Invited contribution to Child Development Perspectives [DRAFT 06/16/13]


Knowledge of Traditional Arithmetic 2


Most elementary school children in the U.S. have misconceptions about mathematical

equivalence in symbolic form (e.g., 3 + 4 = 5 + 2, 14 = 8 + 6, 5 = 5). This is troubling because a

formal understanding of mathematical equivalence is necessary for success in algebra and all

higher-level mathematics. Historically, children’s difficulties with mathematical equivalence

have been attributed to something that children lack relative to adults (e.g., domain-general

logical structures, working memory capacity, proficiency with basic arithmetic facts). However,

growing evidence supports a “change-resistance” account, which suggests that children’s

difficulties are due to the inappropriate generalization of knowledge constructed from overly

narrow experience with arithmetic. This account has not only enhanced our understanding of the

nature of children’s difficulties with mathematical equivalence, but also helped us identify some

of the malleable factors that can be changed to improve children’s understanding of this

fundamental concept.


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Children across the age range exhibit a variety of misconceptions when solving

seemingly straightforward mathematics problems. For example, preschoolers think that volume

of liquid in a beaker changes after it is poured into a new beaker of a different size (Piaget &

Szeminska, 1941/1995), elementary school children assume that subtraction always entails

subtracting the smaller digit from the larger digit (Brown & VanLehn, 1988), and middle school

children misinterpret literal symbols as labels, rather than as variables representing numerical

values (e.g., “c” stands for “cakes” rather than for the number of cakes, McNeil, Weinberg, et al.,

2010). Such misconceptions are some of the most widely studied phenomena in cognitive

development because they present a window into how the mind works—how it imposes structure

on incoming information and how it generalizes old knowledge to new situations. Moreover, by

studying children’s misconceptions, we can identify the mechanisms that enable children to

achieve conceptual change, which may lead to the development of effective interventions to

foster success in mathematics.

Over the past several decades, researchers in cognitive development and mathematics

education have been studying the misconceptions elementary school children exhibit when

solving problems designed to assess their understanding of mathematical equivalence in

symbolic form. Mathematical equivalence is the relation between two quantities that are

interchangeable (Kieran, 1981), and its symbolic form specifies that the two sides of a

mathematical equation are equal and interchangeable (e.g., 3 + 4 = 5 + 2). A formal

understanding of mathematical equivalence involves understanding the equal sign as a relational

symbol of equality (Knuth, Stephens, McNeil, & Alibali, 2006). It also involves looking at

arithmetic expressions and mathematical equations in their entirety and noticing number

relations among and within these expressions and equations (Jacobs, Franke, Carpenter, Levi, &


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Battey, 2007). Children who have a formal understanding of mathematical equivalence do not

view an arithmetic problem simply as a signal to carry out a computational procedure in a step-

by-step sequence. Instead, they look at the whole problem and identify the relation being

expressed before beginning to calculate (Jacobs et al., 2007). Unfortunately, most children in the

U.S. do not have a formal understanding of mathematical equivalence (Baroody & Ginsburg,

1983; Falkner, Levi, & Carpenter, 1999; Kieran, 1981).

Why Study Children’s Understanding of Mathematical Equivalence?

There are at least two compelling reasons to study children’s understanding of

mathematical equivalence. First, mathematical equivalence is a well-defined domain that can be

used as a tool for advancing theory and testing hypotheses about the nature of cognitive

development. Indeed, studies of children’s understanding of mathematical equivalence have

allowed researchers to gain insight into important theoretical issues in cognitive development,

such as the nature of the transition from one knowledge state to another (Alibali, 1999; Goldin-

Meadow, Alibali, & Church, 1993); the relations between conceptual and procedural knowledge

(Perry, 1991; Rittle-Johnson & Alibali, 1999); the effects of achievement goals on learning

(McNeil & Alibali, 2000); the role of gesture in the learning process (Cook, Mitchell, & Goldin-

Meadow, 2008; Singer & Goldin-Meadow, 2005); the importance of self-explanation for

conceptual change (Rittle-Johnson, 2006; Siegler, 2002); the context-dependent nature of newly

developing knowledge (McNeil & Alibali, 2005; Sherman & Bisanz, 2009); and the benefits of

comparison for promoting conceptual understanding (Hattikudur & Alibali, 2010).

In addition to being an ideal tool for studying theoretical issues, children’s understanding

of mathematical equivalence is practically important because it is widely regarded as one of the


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most important concepts for developing children’s algebraic thinking (Blanton & Kaput, 2005;

Falkner et al., 1999; Knuth et al., 2006). The National Mathematics Advisory Panel (2008)

identified “preparation of students for entry into, and success in, Algebra” as a paramount

concern for our nation. Many students in the U.S. struggle to understand fundamental algebraic

concepts and procedures (Knuth et al., 2006; MacGregor & Stacey, 1997; Sfard, 1991), and this

prevents them from gaining admittance into universities and skilled professions (Moses & Cobb,

2001; NRC, 1998). In fact, some experts have even suggested that difficulty with algebra is the

major academic reason for high school and college dropout (Hacker, 2012). Thus, it is valuable

to study children’s understanding of mathematical equivalence because it may lead to important

interventions that help children prepare for and succeed in algebra and beyond.

Explaining Children’s Difficulties with Mathematical Equivalence

Children’s difficulties with mathematical equivalence are most apparent when children

are asked to solve equations that have operations on both sides of the equal sign (e.g., 3 + 7 + 5 =

3 + __, Perry, Church, & Goldin-Meadow, 1988). Although these “mathematical equivalence

problems” are not typically included in traditional K-8 curricula (McNeil et al., 2006; Powell,

2012; Seo & Ginsburg, 2003), adults are usually shocked to discover that only ~20% of children

(ages 7-11) across studies in the U.S. solve the problems correctly. This statistic is embarrassing

given that well over 90% of elementary school students in China solve them correctly (Li, Ding,

Capraro, & Capraro, 2008).

What’s even more unfortunate is that children’s misconceptions are not easily “undone”

by interventions. Some children fail to learn from interventions altogether (e.g., Jacobs et al.,

2007; Rittle-Johnson & Alibali, 1999). Other children seem to learn, but then fail to transfer their


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knowledge to mathematical equivalence problems that differ in terms of surface features (e.g.,

Alibali, Phillips, & Fischer, 2009; Perry, 1991). Still other children seem to learn and transfer,

but then revert back to their original incorrect ways of thinking just a few weeks after initial

learning (e.g., Cook et al., 2008; McNeil & Alibali, 2000).

The key question is why—why do children have such difficulties with mathematical

equivalence? Historically, many theories attributed difficulties to something that children lack

relative to adults. For example, a Piagetian account attributes difficulties to children’s lack of

particular domain-general logical structures for coordinating equivalence relations (Kieran, 1981;

Piaget & Szeminska, 1941/1995). Other accounts attribute difficulties to children’s lack of a

mature working memory system, which may be necessary for holding both sides of equations in

mind at the same time as computations are performed on the numbers (Case, 1978). Still other

accounts might attribute difficulties to children’s lack of proficiency with basic arithmetic facts

(Kaye, 1986).

In contrast to these accounts, however, a growing literature suggests that children’s

difficulties with mathematical equivalence are due, at least in part, to children’s early

experiences with mathematics (Baroody & Ginsburg, 1983; Li et al., 2008; McNeil & Alibali,

2005b; Seo & Ginsburg, 2003). Davydov (1969/1991) provided some of the first evidence by

showing that children as young as first grade could learn algebraic concepts, including

mathematical equivalence. Since then, international studies have shown that children in China,

Korea, and Turkey exhibit a better understanding of math equivalence than their same-age peers

in the U.S. (Capraro, Capraro, Yetkiner, Ozel, Kim, & Corlu, 2010). Even studies within the U.S.

have shown that several months of targeted conceptual instruction can improve children’s

understanding of mathematical equivalence (e.g., Baroody & Ginsburg, 1983; Jacobs et al.,


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2007; Saenz-Ludlow & Walgamuth, 1998). Taken together, these studies have shown that

children’s understanding of math equivalence is dependent on the early learning environment,

rather than being tied to a particular age or stage of cognitive development.

A “change-resistance” account has been used to explain how the early learning

environment negatively affects the development of children’s understanding of mathematical

equivalence (McNeil & Alibali, 2005b). This account was inspired by classic “top-down”

approaches to learning and cognition (e.g., Luchins, 1942; Rumelhart, 1980) and by

developmental theories that focus on the role of domain-general statistical learning mechanisms

in development (e.g., Rogers, Rakison, & McClelland, 2004; Saffran, 2003). It suggests that

children’s difficulties with mathematical equivalence are due, at least in part, to something that

children have—knowledge of traditional arithmetic. According to this account, children (often

subconsciously and incidentally) detect and extract the patterns routinely encountered in

arithmetic and construct long-term memory representations to serve as their default

representations in mathematics. While such representations are typically beneficial (e.g., Chase

& Simon, 1973), they can become entrenched, and learning difficulties arise when to-be-learned

information overlaps with, but does not map directly onto, entrenched patterns (e.g., Bruner,

1957). Similar to other theories that focus on the mechanism of change resistance in cognitive

development (e.g., Munakata, 1998; Thelen & Smith, 1994; Zevin & Seidenberg, 2002), this

account suggests that the knowledge children construct early on plays a central role in shaping

and constraining the path of development. It attributes children’s difficulties with mathematical

equivalence to constraints and misconceptions that emerge as a consequence of prior learning,

rather than to general conceptual, procedural, or working memory limitations in childhood.


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In support of these ideas, studies have shown that children’s difficulties with

mathematical equivalence stem from children’s representations of patterns routinely encountered

in arithmetic (McNeil & Alibali, 2004; McNeil & Alibali, 2005b). In the U.S., children learn

arithmetic in a procedural fashion for years before they learn to reason about equations as

relations of mathematical equivalence. Moreover, arithmetic problems are usually presented with

operations to the left of the equal sign and the “answer” to the right (e.g., 3 + 4 = 7, McNeil et

al., 2006; Seo & Ginsburg, 2003). This format does not highlight the interchangeable nature of

the two sides of an equation. As a result of this narrow experience, children extract patterns that

do not generalize beyond arithmetic. These patterns have been deemed operational patterns

because they are derived from experience with arithmetic operations, and they reflect operational

rather than relational thinking (McNeil & Alibali, 2005b). First, children learn a perceptual

pattern related to the format of mathematics problems, namely the “operations on left side”

format (Alibali et al., 2009; Cobb, 1987; McNeil & Alibali, 2004). Second, children learn the

strategy ‘‘perform all given operations on all given numbers’’ (McNeil & Alibali, 2005b). Third,

children learn to interpret the equal sign operationally as a “do something” symbol (Baroody &

Ginsburg, 1983; Behr, Erlwanger, & Nichols 1980; Kieran, 1981; McNeil & Alibali, 2005a).

Subsequently, these representations become entrenched and children rely on them as their default

representations when encoding, interpreting, and solving mathematics problems.

Although relying on these operational patterns may be helpful when children are working

on traditional arithmetic problems (e.g., 3 + 4 = __), they are unhelpful when children have to

encode, interpret, or solve mathematical equivalence problems (e.g., 7 + 4 + 5 = 7 + __). For

example, when asked to reconstruct the problem “7 + 4 + 5 = 7 + __” after viewing it briefly,

many children rely on their knowledge of the “operations on left side” problem format and write


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“7 + 4 + 5 + 7 = __” (McNeil & Alibali, 2004). When asked to define the equal sign in a

mathematical equivalence problem, many children treat it like an arithmetic operator (like + or -)

that means “calculate the total” (McNeil & Alibali, 2005a). When asked to solve the problem “7

+ 4 + 5 = 7 + __,” many children rely on their knowledge of the “perform all given operations on

all given numbers” strategy and put 23 (instead of 9) in the blank (McNeil, 2007; Rittle-Johnson,

2006). Taken together, these findings suggest that children’s difficulties with mathematical

equivalence are due, at least in part, to inappropriate generalization of knowledge constructed

from overly narrow experience with arithmetic in the early school years.

Novel Predictions of the Change-Resistance Account

In addition to providing valuable information about the sources of children’s difficulties

with mathematical equivalence, the change-resistance account also leads to some novel

predictions, many of which have been supported empirically. For example, most theories predict

that performance on math equivalence problems should improve with age. Indeed,

“‘performance improves with age’ is as close to a law as any generalization that has emerged

from the study of cognitive development” (Siegler, 2004, p. 2). However, the change-resistance

account predicts that performance should actually get worse in the early school years before it

gets better. This is because as children progress from first to third grade, they continue to gain

narrow practice with arithmetic, so they are strengthening the very knowledge structures

hypothesized to hinder performance on mathematical equivalence problems. This prediction was

supported in two studies (McNeil, 2007). Children (ages 7-11) were asked to solve a set of 12

mathematical equivalence problems. Over half of the children solved zero problems correctly,

but the percentage of children who were able to solve at least one problem correctly varied


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curvilinearly as a function of age. As predicted, 8-9-year-olds were the least likely to solve a

problem correctly. These findings suggest that understanding of the problems gets worse before

it gets better.

A change-resistance account also challenges the widespread belief that practice with

basic arithmetic facts should uniformly improve performance on higher-level math problems.

This belief is rooted in the Decomposition Thesis (Anderson, 2002), which suggests that a

complex skill can be decomposed into component “sub-skills” and that practice on those sub-

skills facilitates learning and execution of the complex skill. The logic is simple: when learners

do not have sufficient proficiency with the sub-skills, their cognitive resources are committed to

controlling the step-by-step execution of those sub-skills and are largely unavailable for other

processes, such as encoding novel problem formats or generating new strategies. In contrast,

when learners have sufficient practice with sub-skills, cognitive resources can be allocated away

from those sub-skills to other processes (e.g., Carnine, 1980; Kaye, 1986). These ideas have been

invoked by researchers and grassroots lobbying groups to advocate for “back to basics” math

instruction. Such groups argue that the key to improving performance in algebra is by drilling

children on arithmetic facts until they are proficient. A change-resistance account, however,

predicts that concentrated practice with traditional arithmetic will hinder understanding of

mathematical equivalence because it should activate and strengthen narrow representations of the

operational patterns. This prediction was supported in a series of experiments with

undergraduates who had attended elementary school in the U.S. (McNeil et al., 2010).

Participants were randomly assigned either to an arithmetic practice condition (e.g., 3 + 4) or to

one of several control conditions. After practicing arithmetic or participating in a control

condition, participants solved a set of mathematical equivalence problems under speeded


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conditions. As predicted, participants were less likely to solve a mathematical equivalence

problem correctly after practicing arithmetic than after participating in one of the control

conditions. This result supports the idea that practice with arithmetic activates overly narrow

representations that hinder performance on mathematical equivalence problems.

The consequences of traditional arithmetic practice are unacceptable, but eliminating

arithmetic practice altogether is not a viable alternative. Children need to know how to solve

addition and subtraction problems before they can solve higher-order mathematics problems

correctly. Fortunately, the acquisition of operational patterns is not inevitable. Indeed, as

mentioned previously, children in China do not demonstrate evidence of relying on the

operational patterns (Li et al., 2008). Moreover, even after receiving concentrated practice with

arithmetic, undergraduates who received their elementary education in Asian countries do not

resort to solving mathematical equivalence problem incorrectly (McNeil et al., 2010).

The change-resistance account suggests—and indeed research has born out—that small

modifications can be made to traditional arithmetic practice to help children construct a better

understanding of mathematical equivalence. The specific modifications that have been shown to

be beneficial are modifications designed to prevent children from extracting, representing,

activating, and/or applying the overly narrow operational patterns. For example, one experiment

found beneficial effects of modifying the traditional arithmetic problem format (McNeil, Fyfe,

Petersen, Dunwiddie, & Brletic-Shipley, 2011). Children in the experiment were randomly

assigned to practice arithmetic in one of three conditions: (a) traditional format, in which

problems were presented in the traditional “operations on left side” format, such as 9 + 8 = __,

(b) nontraditional format, in which problems were presented in a “operations on right side”

format, such as __ = 9 + 8, or (c) no extra practice, in which children did not receive any


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practice over and above what they ordinarily receive at school and home. As predicted, children

who received practice with problems presented in a nontraditional format constructed a

significantly better understanding of mathematical equivalence than children who participated in

the other conditions. This finding not only supported the predictions of a change-resistance

account, but also corresponded to the recommendations of educators. Indeed, mathematics

educators have long called for more diverse, richer exposure to a variety of problem types from

the beginning of formal schooling (e.g., Blanton & Kaput, 2005; Hiebert et al. 1996; NCTM,

2000). Several of these experts have suggested that children may benefit from seeing

nontraditional arithmetic problem formats (Baroody & Ginsburg, 1983; Denmark, Barco, &

Voran, 1976; MacGregor & Stacey, 1999; Seo & Ginsburg, 2003).

Two additional modifications to traditional arithmetic practice have also been shown to

improve children’s understanding of mathematical equivalence. The first is organizing problems

into practice sets based on equivalent values (e.g., 2 + 5 = __, 3 + 4 = __, 6 + 1 = __) instead of

iteratively based on the traditional addition table (e.g., 1 + 1 = __, 1 + 2 = __, 1 + 3 = __)

(McNeil, Chesney, Matthews, Fyfe, Petersen, & Dunwiddie, 2012). The second is using

relational words such as “is equal to” and “is the same amount as” in place of the equal sign in

some practice problems (Chesney, McNeil, Brockmole, & Kelley, 2013).

Recently, these three modifications were combined into a “nontraditional” arithmetic

practice workbook and experimentally compared to a traditional arithmetic practice workbook

(McNeil et al., 2013). The only difference between the nontraditional and traditional workbooks

was whether the problems were presented in the modified or traditional ways (see Figure 1 for

excerpts from the workbooks). Children within second grade classrooms were randomly assigned

to use one of the two workbooks for 15 minutes per day, two days per week, for 12 weeks. As


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predicted, children who used the nontraditional workbook constructed a better understanding of

mathematical equivalence than did children who used the traditional workbook, and this

advantage persisted approximately 5-6 months after the workbook practice had ended. These

results suggest that relatively small modifications to the organization and format of arithmetic

practice can yield benefits to children’s understanding of mathematical equivalence.

Although modifications to traditional arithmetic practice facilitate children’s

understanding of mathematical equivalence, such modifications may not be enough on their own

to completely eradicate children’s reliance on the operational patterns, particularly when the

patterns are already entrenched (Denmark, Barco, & Voran, 1976). Children start to informally

interpret addition as a unidirectional process even before the start of formal schooling (Baroody

& Ginsburg, 1983), and they start to apply the operational patterns to arithmetic problems at least

as early as first grade (e.g., Falkner et al., 1999). According to this perspective, arithmetic

problems may activate representations of the operational patterns to some degree, regardless of

the format in which the problems are presented. Thus, when teaching children about the equal

sign, it may be necessary to get rid of the arithmetic altogether and present the equal sign in other

contexts (e.g., 28 = 28) first, so children can solidify a relational view before moving on to a

variety of arithmetic problem formats (Baroody & Ginsburg, 1983; Denmark et al., 1976;

Renwick, 1932).

This hypothesis not only follows directly from previous research, but also corresponds to

the way the equal sign is introduced in China. Recall that well over 90% of elementary school

children in China solve mathematical equivalence problems correctly (Capraro et al., 2010; Li et

al., 2008), compared to only ~20% of same-aged children in the U.S. Li and colleagues (2008)

suggest that the large discrepancy in understanding between children in the U.S. and China is


Knowledge of Traditional Arithmetic 14

due, at least in part, to differences in both the format and sequence of problems that children

learn. For example, in contrast to mathematics textbooks in the U.S., mathematics textbooks in

China often introduce the equal sign in a context of equivalence relations first and only later

embed the sign within mathematical equations involving arithmetic operators and numbers. A

classroom-based experiment also supported this hypothesis (McNeil, 2008). In the experiment,

children were randomly assigned to receive lessons on the meaning of the equal sign while

looking at either arithmetic problems (e.g., 15 + 13 = 28), or non-arithmetic problems (e.g., 28 =

28). As predicted, children learned more from lessons on the meaning of the equal sign when

those lessons were given outside of an arithmetic context than when they were given in the

context of arithmetic problems. These results suggest that children may have difficulty learning

about mathematical equivalence in the context of arithmetic problems, so it may be beneficial for

educators to introduce the equal sign in the context of equivalence relations first before

embedding the equal sign within mathematical equations involving arithmetic operations.

Future Directions

Despite the progress we have made over the past two decades in terms of understanding

the nature of children’s difficulties with mathematical equivalence, there are at least three critical

questions that remain unanswered. First, what are the origins of individual differences in

children’s early understanding of mathematical equivalence? We know that most children in the

U.S. struggle to understand mathematical equivalence; however, a substantial minority develops

a correct understanding, despite attending the same schools and receiving the same narrow

experiences with arithmetic. No research to date has systematically addressed the factors that

give rise to these individual differences. My research team and I are currently conducting a


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longitudinal study to assess which skills in kindergarten prospectively predict children’s

understanding of mathematical equivalence in second grade.

Second, what are the long-term consequences of having a poor understanding of

mathematical equivalence? We know that children’s misconceptions about mathematical

equivalence are robust and long-term, persisting among middle school, high school, and even

college students (Knuth et al., 2006; McNeil & Alibali, 2005; Renwick, 1932). The general

assumption is that a better understanding of mathematical equivalence in the early grades leads

to greater success in mathematics as children progress through school, into algebra, and beyond.

However, this key assumption has never been directly tested. Lack of such evidence is a critical

problem because, without it, it is difficult to determine if improving children’s understanding

should be a priority for parents and schools. My research team and I are currently conducting a

longitudinal study to assess if children’s understanding of math equivalence in second grade

prospectively predicts their math achievement and algebra readiness in subsequent years, after

controlling for other important predictors such as IQ and socio-economic status.

Third, what combination of lessons and activities will help all children achieve deep,

long-lasting improvements in understanding of mathematical equivalence? As mentioned above,

we already know of several small-scale component interventions that help improve children’s

understanding of mathematical equivalence when compared to control interventions. However,

none of the interventions to date have produced anything close to mastery-level understanding of

mathematical equivalence in all (or even in most) participating children. This result should not

be used to criticize previous interventions because they were designed to test theoretical claims

about the mechanisms involved in children’s understanding of mathematical equivalence. They

all successfully advanced that goal and helped us identify the malleable factors that can be


Knowledge of Traditional Arithmetic 16

changed to improve understanding of math equivalence. However, if the ultimate goal is to

leverage these theoretical advances to encourage systemic changes in mathematics education,

then we have to move beyond cataloging the malleable factors to developing a comprehensive

intervention that produces mastery-level understanding in most children. My research team and I

are currently drawing on the existing research literature and working with our teacher

collaborator to develop a comprehensive intervention that is easy for teachers, parents, and tutors

to administer in schools, after-school programs, and homes.

Overall, research on children’s understanding of mathematical equivalence has been and

will continue to be well aligned with Newcombe et al.’s (2009) recommendation for scientists to

conduct research that fits into Pasteur’s Quadrant (i.e., “basic research that is also use inspired”

p. 539). This research allows us to enhance our understanding of the basic psychological

processes involved in the development of mathematical thinking while also finding evidence-

based solutions to a critical educational problem.


Knowledge of Traditional Arithmetic 17


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