Rumen Final (Recuperado)

7/17/2019 Rumen Final (Recuperado) 1/143 ITILFND01-01-1 Describe the concept of best practices in the public domain (SS 2.1.! Mejor(es) Práctica(s) (Best Practice) "cti#idades o procesos $ue se han usado con %&ito por m's de una orani)aci*n. ITIL es un e+emplo de me+ores pr'cticas. ,roprietar no/lede ,ublic frame/ors and standards Deepl embedded in orani)ations and therefore di cult to adopt replicate or e#en transfer /ith the cooperation of the o/ners often in the form of tacit no/lede /hich is ine&tricable and poorl documented. 3alidated across a di#erse set of en#ironments and situations rather than the limited e&perience of a sinle orani)ation. 4ustomi)ed for the local conte&t and the speci5 c needs of the business to the point of bein idiosncratic. 6nless the recipients of such no/lede ha#e matchin circumstances the no/lede ma not be as e7ecti#e in use. Sub+ect to broad re#ie/ across multiple orani)ations and disciplines and #etted b di#erse sets of partners suppliers and competitors. 8/ners e&pect to be re/arded for their in#estments. The ma mae such no/lede a#ailable onl under commercial terms throuh purchases and licensin areements.  The no/lede of public frame/ors is more liel to be /idel distributed amon a lare communit of professionals throuh publicl a#ailable trainin and certi5 cation. It is easier for orani)ations to ac$uire such no/lede throuh the labor maret.

Transcript of Rumen Final (Recuperado)

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ITILFND01-01-1 Describe the concept of best practices in the public domain (SS2.1.!

Mejor(es) Práctica(s) (Best Practice)

"cti#idades o procesos $ue se han usado con %&ito por m's de unaorani)aci*n. ITIL es un e+emplo de me+ores pr'cticas.

,roprietar no/lede ,ublic frame/ors and standards

Deepl embedded in orani)ations andtherefore di cult to adopt replicate ore#en transfer /ith the cooperation of the o/ners often in the form of tacitno/lede /hich is ine&tricable andpoorl documented.

3alidated across a di#erse set of en#ironments and situations ratherthan the limited e&perience of asinle orani)ation.

4ustomi)ed for the local conte&t andthe speci5 c needs of the business tothe point of bein idiosncratic. 6nlessthe recipients of such no/lede ha#ematchin circumstances theno/lede ma not be as e7ecti#e inuse.

Sub+ect to broad re#ie/ acrossmultiple orani)ations anddisciplines and #etted b di#ersesets of partners suppliers andcompetitors.

8/ners e&pect to be re/arded for theirin#estments. The ma mae suchno/lede a#ailable onl undercommercial terms throuh purchasesand licensin areements.

 The no/lede of public frame/orsis more liel to be /idel distributedamon a lare communit of professionals throuh publicla#ailable trainin and certi5 cation. Itis easier for orani)ations to ac$uiresuch no/lede throuh the labormaret.

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ITILFND01-01-2 Describe and e&plain /h ITIL is successful (SS 1.9!


"pplicable in an IT orani)ation as it is not based on an particulartechnolo platform or industr tpe

8/ned b the 6: o#ernment and is not tied to an commercialproprietar practice or solution


87ers robust mature and time-tested practices /ith applicabilit to alltpes of ser#ice orani)ation

4ontinues to be useful and rele#ant in public ; pri#ate sectors internal ;e&ternal ser#ice pro#iders small medium lare enterprises antechnical en#ironment

Best practice

<epresents the /orld=s best-in-class ser#ice pro#iders= learnin

e&periences and thouht leadership

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ITILFND01-01-9 De5ne and e&plain the concept of a ser#ice (SS 2.1.1!


6n medio de entrear #alor a los clientes facilitando los resultados $ue losclientes necesitan sin la propiedad de costes riesos espec>5cos. " #eces seutili)a el t%rmino ?ser#icio= como sin*nimo de ser#icio base ser#icio de TI opa$uete de ser#icios.

Servicio de TI (IT service)

@s un ser#icio proporcionado por un pro#eedor de ser#icios de TI. 6n ser#icio de TI se compone de una combinaci*n de tecnolo>a de informaci*n personas procesos. Los ser#icios de TI de cara al cliente dan soporte directo a losprocesos del neocio de uno o m's clientes sus re$uisitos de ni#eles deser#icio deben de5nirse en un acuerdo de ni#el de ser#icio. 8tros ser#icios de TIllamados ser#icios de soporte no son utili)ados directamente por el neociopero el pro#eedor de ser#icios los re$uiere para entrear los ser#icios de cara-

al-cliente. 3%ase tambi%n ser#icio principal ser#icio interno ser#iciocomplementario ser#icio pa$uete de ser#icios.

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ITILFND01-01-A De5ne and e&plain the concept of internal and e&ternalcustomers (SS!

Internal and external customerscustomer Someone /ho bus oods or ser#ices. The customer of an IT ser#icepro#ider is the person or roup /ho de5 nes and arees the ser#ice le#el tarets.

internal customer  " customer /ho /ors for the same business as the ITser#ice pro#ider.external customer " customer /ho /ors for a di7erent business from the ITser#ice pro#ider.

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ITILFND01-01-B De5ne and e&plain the concept of internal and e&ternal ser#ices(SS!

Internal service

 " ser#ice deli#ered bet/een departments or business units in the sameorani)ation.

External service

 " ser#ice deli#ered to e&ternal customers.

Tree t!pes o" IT services

Supportin# service

@s un ser#icio de TI $ue no es utili)ado directamente por el neocio pero esnecesario para $ue el pro#eedor de ser#icios de TI entreue sus ser#icios decara al cliente (por e+emplo un ser#icio de directorios (de archi#os! o de un

ser#icio de bacup. Los ser#icios de soporte de TI tambi%n pueden incluirser#icios $ue solo utili)a el pro#eedor de ser#icios de TI. Todos los ser#icios desoporte en producci*n incluendo los $ue est'n disponibles para suimplementaci*n se reistran en el cat'loo de ser#icios +unto con la informaci*nacerca de sus relaciones con los ser#icios de cara al cliente con otroselementos de con5uraci*n.

servicios de TI de cara al cliente

Los ser#icios de TI de cara al cliente dan soporte directo a los procesos delneocio de uno o m's clientes sus re$uisitos de ni#eles de ser#icio deben

de5nirse en un acuerdo de ni#el de ser#icio2

Internal customer-facin ser#ice "n IT ser#ice that directl supports a businessprocess manaed b another business unit C for e&ample sales reportinser#ice enterprise resource manaement. Internal customer-facin ser#ices aremanaed accordin to ser#ice le#el areements.9. @&ternal customer-facin ser#ice "n IT ser#ice that is directlpro#ided b IT to an e&ternal customer C for e&ample internet access at anairport. These ser#ices are manaed usin a contract C e#en a simple onlineareement constitutes a contract of sale and purchase /ith terms andconditions.

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ITILFND01-01- De5ne and e&plain the concept of ser#ice manaement (SS2.1.2!

$esti%n &el Servicio

La esti*n del ser#icio es un con+unto de capacidades orani)ati#asespeciali)adas empleadas para proporcionar #alor a los clientes en forma deser#icios.

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ITILFND01-01- De5ne and e&plain the concept of IT ser#ice manaement (SS2.1.9!

$esti%n &e Servicios &e TI (ITSM)

Implantaci*n esti*n de ser#icios de TI de calidad $ue cumplan con lasnecesidades del neocio. La esti*n de los ser#icios de TI es lle#ada a cabo porlos pro#eedores de ser#icios de TI a tra#%s de la combinaci*n apropiada de

personas procesos tecnolo>as de la Informaci*n. 3%ase tambi%n esti*n deser#icio.

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ITILFND01-01-E De5ne and e&plain the concept of staeholders in ser#icemanaement (SS 2.1.B!

Interesado Sta'eolder

,ersona $ue tiene una participaci*n o intereses en una orani)aci*n proectoser#icio de TI etc puede estar interesado en acti#idades ob+eti#os recursos oentreables. Se puede incluir a los clientes socios empleados accionistas

propietarios etc. 3%ase tambi%n <"4I

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ITILFND01-01- De5ne processes and functions (SS 2.2.2!


4on+unto estructurado de acti#idades diseGado para la consecuci*n de unob+eti#o determinado. Los procesos re$uieren de una o m's entradas producen una serie de salidas ambas pre#iamente de5nidas. 6n proceso sueleincorporar la de5nici*n de los roles $ue inter#ienen las responsabilidades

herramientas controles de esti*n necesarios para obtener las salidas deforma e5ca). @l proceso podr' de5nir las pol>ticas est'ndares u>as deactuaci*n acti#idades las instrucciones de traba+o $ue fueran necesarias

 The four e characteristics of a process areH Measurailit! e are able to measure the process in a rele#ant

manner. It is performancedri#en. Janaers /ant to measure cost $ualitand other #ariables /hile practitioners are concerned /ith duration andproducti#it.

Specic results The reason a process e&ists is to deli#er a speci5 cresult. This result must be indi#iduall identi5 able and countable.

*ustomers @#er process deli#ers its primar results to a customer orstaeholder. 4ustomers ma be internal or e&ternal to the orani)ationbut the process must meet their e&pectations.

+esponsiveness to specic tri##ers hile a process ma be onoinor iterati#e it should be traceable to a speci5 c trier


6n e$uipo o rupo de personas las herramientas u otros recursos $ue utili)an

para lle#ar a cabo uno o m's procesos o acti#idades.

In larer orani)ations a function ma be broen out and performed b se#eraldepartments teams and roups or it ma be embodied /ithin a sinleorani)ational unit (e.. the ser#ice des! In smaller orani)ations one personor roup can perform multiple functions C for e&ample a technical manaementdepartment could also incorporate the ser#ice des function

ITIL Ser#ice 8peration describes four functions in detailH

Ser#ice Des  Technical Janaement

IT 8perations Janaement "pplications Janaement

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,rocess o/ner

,rocess acti#ities

,rocess resources

,rocess roles





,rocess/or instructions

,rocess control



,rocess enablers

,rocess ob+ecti#es

,rocess feedbac,rocessdocumentation


Includin processreports and re#ie/s

,rocess metrics

,rocess polic

ITILFND01-01-10 @&plain the process model and the characteristics of processes(SS 2.2.2 Fiure 2.B!

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impro#ement Ser#icetransition




ITILFND02-02-2 Describe the structure of the ITIL ser#ice lifeccle (SS 1.2Fiure 1.1!

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ITILFND02-02-9 "ccount for the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope of ser#icestrate (SS 1.1.1 1.1.2!

Estrate#ia del Servicio

@tapa del ciclo de #ida de un ser#icio. La estrateia del ser#icio de5ne laperspecti#a la posici*n los planes patrones $ue un pro#eedor de ser#iciosnecesita e+ecutar para alinearse con los resultados del neocio de una

orani)aci*n. La estrateia del ser#icio inclue los siuientes procesosH esti*nestrat%ica del ser#icio TI esti*n del porfolio de ser#icios esti*n 5nancierade ser#icios de TI esti*n de la demanda esti*n de relaciones con elneocio. "un$ue estos procesos est'n insertos en esta fase de la estrateia deser#icio la maor>a de ellos tienen acti#idades $ue se desarrollan en #ariasetapas del ciclo de #ida del ser#icio.S er#ice strate purpose ob+ecti#es andscope


"n understandin of /hat strate is " clear identi5 cation of the de5 nition of ser#ices and the customers

/ho use them  The abilit to de5 ne ho/ #alue is created and deli#ered " means to identif opportunities to pro#ide ser#ices and ho/ to e&ploit

them " clear ser#ice pro#ision model that articulates ho/ ser#ices /ill be

deli#ered and funded and to /hom the /ill be deli#ered and for /hatpurpose

 The means to understand the orani)ational capabilit re$uired todeli#er the strate

Documentation and coordination of ho/ ser#ice assets are used todeli#er ser#ices and ho/ to optimi)e their performance

,rocesses that de5 ne the strate of the orani)ation /hich ser#ices/ill achie#e the strate /hat le#el of in#estment /ill be re$uired at/hat le#els of demand and the means to ensure a /orin relationshipe&ists bet/een the customer and ser#ice pro#ider


Keneric principles and processes of ser#ice manaement.  These eneric principles are applied consistentl to IT ser#ice


Intended for use b both internal and e&ternal ser#ice pro#iders andincludes uidance for orani)ations /hich are re$uired to o7er ITser#ices as a pro5 table business as /ell as those /hich are re$uired too7er IT ser#ices to other business units /ithin the same orani)ation C atno pro5t

 T/o aspects of strateH De5nin a strate /hereb a ser#ice pro#ider /ill deli#er ser#ices to

meet a customer=s business outcomes De5nin a strate for ho/ to manae those ser#ices

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ITILFND02-02-A rieM e&plain /hat #alue ser#ice strate pro#ides to thebusiness (SS 1.1.A!

Selectin and adoptin the best practice as recommended in the ser#icestrate publication /ill assist orani)ations in deli#erin sini5 cantbene5 ts. "doptin and implementin standard and consistentapproaches for ser#ice strate /illH

Support the abilit to lin acti#ities performed b the ser#ice pro#ider tooutcomes that are critical to internal or e&ternal customers

@nable the ser#ice pro#ider to ha#e a clear understandin of /hat tpesand le#els of ser#ice /ill mae its customers successful and thenorani)e itself optimall to deli#er and support those ser#ices

@nable the ser#ice pro#ider to respond $uicl and e7ecti#el to chanesin the business en#ironment ensurin increased competiti#e ad#antaeo#er time

Support the creation and maintenance of a portfolio of $uanti5 edser#ices that /ill enable the business to achie#e positi#e return on itsin#estment in ser#ices

Facilitate functional and transparent communication bet/een thecustomer and the ser#ice pro#ider so that both ha#e a consistentunderstandin of /hat is re$uired and ho/ it /ill be deli#ered

,ro#ide the means for the ser#ice pro#ider to orani)e itself so that itcan pro#ide ser#ices in an e cient and e7ecti#e manner

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ITI,N&./-./-0 1ccount "or te purpose2 ojectives and scope o"

service desi#n (S& 343432 3434/)

&ise5o del servicio

@tapa en el ciclo de #ida de un ser#icio. @l diseGo del ser#icio inclue el diseGode los ser#icios las pr'cticas reulatorias las pol>ticas procesos re$ueridospara lle#ar a cabo la estrateia del pro#eedor de ser#icios facilitar la

introducci*n de ser#icios en entornos $ue tienen soporte. @l diseGo del ser#icioinclue los siuientes procesosH la coordinaci*n del diseGo la esti*n decat'loo de ser#icios la esti*n del ni#el de ser#icio la esti*n dedisponibilidad la esti*n de la capacidad la esti*n de la continuidad delser#icio de TI la esti*n de seuridad de la informaci*n la esti*n desuministradores. "un$ue estos procesos est'n relacionados con el diseGo deser#icios la maor>a de los procesos tienen acti#idades $ue se desarrollan en#arias etapas del ciclo de #ida del ser#icio.


 To desin IT ser#ices so e7ecti#el that minimal impro#ement durintheir lifeccle /ill be re$uired


,ro#ides uidance for the desin of appropriate and inno#ati#e ITser#ices to meet current and future areed business re$uirements

Describes the principles of ser#ice desin and loos at identifin de5nin and alinin the IT solution /ith the business re$uirement

Introduces the concept of the ser#ice desin pacae and loos atselectin the appropriate ser#ice desin model

4o#ers the methods practices and tools to achie#e e&cellence in ser#icedesin

Discusses the fundamentals of the desin processes and attends to /hatare called the 5#e aspects of ser#ice desin

@nforces the principle that the initial ser#ice desin should be dri#en b anumber of factors includin the functional re$uirements there$uirements /ithin ser#ice le#el areements (SL"s! the business bene5ts and the o#erall desin constraints

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ITILFND02-02- rieM e&plain /hat #alue ser#ice desin pro#ides to thebusiness (SD 1.1.A!

<educe total cost of o/nership (T48!

4ost of o/nership can onl be minimi)ed if allaspects of ser#ices processes and technolo aredesined properl and implemented aainst the

desin.Impro#e $ualit of ser#ice oth ser#ice and operational $ualit /ill be

enhanced throuh ser#ices that are better desinedto meet the re$uired outcomes of the customer.

Impro#e consistenc of ser#ice

 This /ill be achie#ed b desinin ser#ices /ithinthe corporate strate architectures andconstraints.

@ase the implementationof ne/ or chanedser#ices

Interated and full ser#ice desins and theproduction of comprehensi#e ser#ice desinpacaes /ill support e7ecti#e and e cient

transitions.Impro#e ser#icealinment

In#ol#ement of ser#ice desin from ser#ice concept/ill ensure ne/ or chaned ser#ices matchbusiness needs desined to meet ser#ice le#elre$uirements.

Impro#e ser#iceperformance

,erformance /ill be enhanced if ser#ices aredesined to meet speci5 c performance criteria andif capacit a#ailabilit IT ser#ice continuit and 5nancial plans are reconi)ed and incorporated.

Impro#e IT o#ernance buildin controls into desins ser#ice desincan contribute to/ards the e7ecti#e o#ernance of IT.

Impro#e e7ecti#eness of ser#ice manaement andIT processes

,rocesses /ill be desined /ith optimal $ualit andcost e7ecti#eness.

Impro#e information anddecision-main

4omprehensi#e and e7ecti#e measurements andmetrics enable better decision-main andcontinual impro#ement of ser#ices and ser#icemanaement practices throuhout the ser#ice

lifeccle.Impro#e alinment /ithcustomer #alues andstrateies

For orani)ations committed to concepts lie reenIT or strateies such as use of cloud technoloiesser#ice desin /ill ensure all areas of ser#ices andser#ice manaement are alined /ith the #aluesand strateies.

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ITILFND02-02- "ccount for the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope of ser#icetransition (ST 1.1.1 1.1.2!

transici%n del servicio

@tapa en el ciclo de #ida de un ser#icio. La transici*n del ser#icio aseura $uelos ser#icios nue#os modi5cados o retirados satisfaan las e&pectati#as delneocio como se documenta en las etapas de estrateia diseGo del ser#icio

dentro de su ciclo de #ida. La transici*n del ser#icio inclue los siuientesprocesosH plani5caci*n soporte a la transici*n esti*n de cambios esti*n dela con5uraci*n acti#os del ser#icio esti*n de #ersiones desplieuesesti*n de #alidaci*n pruebas de ser#icio esti*n de e#aluaci*n de cambios esti*n del conocimiento. "un$ue estos procesos est'n asociados con latransici*n del ser#icio la maor>a de ellos tienen acti#idades $ue se desarrollanen #arias etapas del ciclo de #ida del ser#icio.


,lan and manae ser#ice chanes e cientl and e7ecti#el Janae riss relatin to ne/ chaned or retired ser#ices Successfull deplo ser#ice releases into supported en#ironments Set correct e&pectations on performance and use of ne/ or chaned

ser#ices @nsure that ser#ice chanes create the e&pected business #alue ,ro#ide ood-$ualit no/lede and information about ser#ices and

ser#ice assets


,ro#ides uidance for the de#elopment and impro#ement of capabilitiesfor transitionin ne/ and chaned ser#ices into supported en#ironments

includin release plannin buildin testin e#aluation and deploment 4onsiders ser#ice retirement transfer of ser#ices bet/een ser#ice

pro#iders Focuses on ho/ to ensure that the re$uirements from ser#ice strate

de#eloped in ser#ice desin are e7ecti#el reali)ed in ser#ice operation/hile controllin the riss of failure and subse$uent disruption

Includes the transition of chanes in the ser#ice pro#ider=s ser#icemanaement capabilities that /ill impact on the /as of /orin theorani)ation people pro+ects and third parties in#ol#ed in ser#icemanaement

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ITILFND02-02-E rieM e&plain /hat #alue ser#ice transition pro#ides to thebusiness (ST 1.1.A!

Te value service transition provides to te

usiness @nable pro+ects to estimate the cost timin resource re$uirement and

riss associated /ith the ser#ice transition stae more accuratel <esult in hiher #olumes of successful chane e easier for people to adopt and follo/ @nable ser#ice transition assets to be shared and re-used across pro+ects

and ser#ices <educe delas from une&pected clashes and dependencies <educe e7ort on manain ser#ice transition test and pilot en#ironments Impro#e e&pectation settin for all staeholders in#ol#ed in ser#ice

transition includin customers users suppliers partners and pro+ects

Increase con5 dence that the ne/ or chaned ser#ice can be deli#ered tospeci5 cation /ithout une&pectedl a7ectin other ser#ices orstaeholders

@nsure that ne/ or chaned ser#ices /ill be maintainable and cost-e7ecti#e

Impro#e control of ser#ice assets and con5 urations

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ITILFND02-02- "ccount for the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope of ser#iceoperation (S8 1.1.1 1.1.2!

6peraci%n &el Servicio

etapa en el ciclo de #ida de un ser#icio. La operaci*n de ser#icio coordina lle#aa cabo las acti#idades procesos re$ueridos para entrear estionar ser#iciosen los ni#eles acordados con los usuarios de neocio clientes. La operaci*n de

ser#icio tambi%n estiona la tecnolo>a $ue se utili)a para entrear darsoporte a los ser#icios. La operaci*n de ser#icios inclue los siuientesprocesosH la esti*n de e#entos esti*n de incidencias peticiones de ser#icioesti*n de problemas esti*n de accesos. La operaci*n del ser#icio tambi%ninclue las siuientes funcionesH centro de atenci*n al usuario esti*n t%cnicaesti*n de operaciones de TI esti*n de aplicaciones.

"un$ue estos procesos funciones est'n asociados con la operaci*n del ser#iciola maor>a de los procesos funciones tienen acti#idades $ue se desarrollan en#arias etapas del ciclo de #ida del ser#icio. 3%ase tambi%n operaci*n.

6jectives   Jaintain business satisfaction and con5 dence in IT throuh e7ecti#e and

e cient deli#er and support of areed IT ser#ices   Jinimi)e the impact of ser#ice outaes on da-to-da business acti#ities   @nsure that access to areed IT ser#ices is onl pro#ided to those

authori)ed to recei#e those ser#ices


Te services temselves C acti#ities that form part of a ser#ice areincluded in ser#ice operation /hether it is performed b the ser#ice

pro#ider an e&ternal supplier or the user or customer of that ser#ice Service mana#ement processes  C the onoin manaement ande&ecution of the man ser#ice manaement processes that areperformed in ser#ice operation

Tecnolo#!  C the manaement of the infrastructure used to deli#erser#ices

People  C reardless of /hat ser#ices processes and technolo aremanaed the are all about people. It is people /ho dri#e the demandfor the orani)ation=s ser#ices and products and it is people /ho decideho/ this /ill be done.

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ITILFND02-02-10 rieM e&plain /hat #alue ser#ice operation pro#ides to thebusiness (S8 1.1.A!

<educe unplanned labor and costs for both the business and IT throuhoptimi)ed handlin of ser#ice outaes and identi5 cation of their rootcauses

<educe the duration and fre$uenc of ser#ice outaes /hich /ill allo/the business to tae full ad#antae of the #alue created b the ser#icesthe are recei#in

,ro#ide operational results and data that can be used b other ITILprocesses to impro#e ser#ices continuall and pro#ide +usti5 cation forin#estin in onoin ser#ice impro#ement acti#ities and supportintechnoloies

Jeet the oals and ob+ecti#es of the orani)ation=s securit polic bensurin that IT ser#ices /ill be accessed onl b those authori)ed touse them

,ro#ide $uic and e7ecti#e access to standard ser#ices /hich businesssta7 can use to impro#e their producti#it or the $ualit of businessser#ices and products

,ro#ide a basis for automated operations thus increasin e cienciesand allo/in e&pensi#e human resources to be used for more inno#ati#e/or

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ITILFND02-02-11 "ccount for the main purpose ob+ecti#es and scope of 4SI (4SI1.1.1 1.1.2!

Mejora continua del servicio

6na etapa en el ciclo de #ida de un ser#icio. La me+ora continua del ser#icioaseura $ue los ser#icios est%n alineados con las necesidades cambiantes delneocio por medio de la identi5caci*n e implementaci*n de me+oras en los

ser#icios de TI $ue dan soporte a los procesos de neocio. @l rendimiento delpro#eedor de ser#icios de TI se mide de forma continua se reali)an las me+orasen los procesos los ser#icios de TI la infraestructura de TI con el 5n deaumentar la e5ciencia la efecti#idad la rentabilidad. La me+ora continua delser#icio inclue el proceso de me+ora de siete pasos. "un$ue este proceso seasocia con la me+ora continua del ser#icio la maor>a de los procesos tienenacti#idades $ue se desarrollan en #arias etapas del ciclo de #ida del ser#icio.3%ase tambi%n ,lani5caracer-3eri5car-"ctuar.

6jectives   <e#ie/ anal)e prioriti)e and mae recommendations on impro#ement

opportunities in each lifeccle staeH ser#ice strate ser#ice desinser#ice transition ser#ice operation and 4SI itself 

  <e#ie/ and anal)e ser#ice le#el achie#ement   Identif and implement speci5 c acti#ities to impro#e IT ser#ice $ualit

and impro#e the e cienc and e7ecti#eness of the enablin processes   Impro#e ser#ice deli#er cost e7ecti#eness maintain customer

satisfaction   @nsure applicable $ualit manaement methods are used to support

continual impro#ement acti#ities   @nsure that processes ha#e clearl de5 ned ob+ecti#es and

measurements that lead to actionable impro#ements   6nderstand /hat to measure /h it is bein measured and /hat the

successful outcome should beScope

 The o#erall health of ITSJ as a discipline  The continual alinment of the ser#ice portfolio /ith the current and

future business needs  The maturit and capabilit of the orani)ation manaement processes

and people utili)ed b the ser#ices 4ontinual impro#ement of all aspects of the IT ser#ice and the ser#ice

assets that support them

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ITILFND02-02-12 rieM e&plain /hat #alue 4SI pro#ides to the business (4SI1.1.A!

Lead to radual and continual impro#ement in ser#ice $ualit /here +usti5ed

@nsure IT ser#ices remain continuousl alined to business re$uirements <esult in radual impro#ements in cost e7ecti#eness throuh a reduction

in costs and;or the capabilit to handle more /or at the same cost 6se monitorin and reportin to identif opportunities for impro#ement

in all lifeccle staes and in all processes Identif opportunities for impro#ements in orani)ational structures

resourcin capabilities partners technolo sta7 sills and trainin andcommunications

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ITILFND09-09-1 De5ne and e&plain utilit and /arrant (SS 2.1..!

6tilit arrant

Functionalit o7ered b product ;ser#ice to meet a particular need hat

the ser#ice doesFitness for purpose<emo#es constraints on theperformance

"ssurance that a product ; ser#ice/ill meet its areed re$uirements

o/ it is deli#eredFitness for useIncreases the potential to perform


funcionalidad $ue ofrece un producto o ser#icio para satisfacer una necesidadparticular. La utilidad se puede resumir como Olo $ue el ser#icio haceO se puedeutili)ar para determinar si un ser#icio es capa) de cumplir con los resultadosre$ueridos o es Padecuado para el prop*sitoQ. @l #alor de un ser#icio de TI para

el neocio se crea por la combinaci*n de utilidad arant>a. 3%ase tambi%n#alidaci*n pruebas del ser#icio.


4on5rmaci*n $ue un producto o ser#icio cumplir' con los re$uisitos acordados.@sto puede ser un acuerdo formal como un acuerdo de ni#eles de ser#icio ocontrato o puede ser un mensa+e de maretin o una imaen de marca. Laarant>a se re5ere a la capacidad de un ser#icio de estar disponible cuando seanecesario para proporcionar la capacidad re$uerida para entrear la 5abilidadnecesaria en t%rminos de continuidad seuridad. La arant>a se puede resumircomo Pla forma en como se entrea el ser#icioQ se puede utili)ar paradeterminar si un ser#icio es Padecuado para su usoQ. @l #alor de un ser#icio de

 TI se crea por la combinaci*n de utilidad arant>a. 3%ase tambi%n #alidaci*n pruebas del ser#icio.

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ITILFND09-09-2 De5ne and e&plain assets resources and capabilities (SS 2.2.1!

1ctivo (assest)

4ual$uier recurso o capacidad. Los acti#os de un pro#eedor de ser#icio incluentodo a$uello $ue se pueda atribuir a la entrea del ser#icio. Los acti#os puedenser de los siuientes tiposH administrati#os orani)ati#os de proceso deconocimiento personas informaci*n aplicaciones infraestructura de capital.

activos de cliente (*ustomer asset)

"n resource or capabilit used b a customer to achie#e a business outcome

activo del servicio (Service asset)

"n resource or capabilit used b a ser#ice pro#ider to deli#er ser#ices to acustomer


 T%rmino en%rico $ue inclue infraestructura de TI personal dinero o cual$uierotra cosa $ue pueda audar a entrear un ser#icio de TI. Los recursos seconsideran parte del acti#o de una orani)aci*n. 3%ase capacidad acti#os deser#icio.


4apacidad de una orani)aci*n persona proceso aplicaci*n elemento de

con5uraci*n o ser#icio de TI para el desarrollo de una acti#idad. Lascompetencias son acti#os intanibles de una orani)aci*n. 3%ase tambi%nrecurso.

4apabilities <esources

Janaement Financial capital

8rani)ation Infrastructure

,rocesses "pplications:no/lede Information

,eople (e&perience sillsand relationships!

,eople (number of  emploees!

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Ser#ice portfolio


Ser#icepipeline Ser#ice cataloue

4on5uration manaement sstem

Supplier and contractmanaement information



,ro+ectportfolio 4JD



ITILFND09-09-9 De5ne and e&plain the ser#ice portfolio (SS A.2.A.1 Fiure A.1A!

Por"olio &e Servicios

4on+unto de todos los ser#icios $ue son estionados por un pro#eedor deser#icios. @l porfolio de ser#icios se emplea para estionar el ciclo de #idacompleto de todos los ser#icios e inclue tres cateor>asH canal de entrada deser#icios futuros (propuestos o en desarrollo! cat'loo de ser#icios (en

producci*n o disponibles para su desplieue! ser#icios retirados.

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 The ser#ice cataloue

 Technical;supportin ser#ice cataloue #ie/

Ser#ice assets;con5uration records

usiness;customerser#ice cataloue #ie/

Lins to relatedinformation

:e Supportin ser#icesR4ustomer-facin ser#icesR

Ser#ice " Ser#ice Ser#ice 4 Ser#ice D Ser#ice @

Ser#ice 1 Ser#ice 2 Ser#ice 9 Ser#ice A Ser#ice B Ser#ice


process 1


process 2


process 9

ITILFND09-09-A De5ne and e&plain the ser#ice cataloue (t/o and three-#ie/tpes! (SD A.2.A.B Fiure A.A Fiure A.B!

*atálo#o &e Servicios

ase de datos o documento estructurado con informaci*n sobre todos losser#icios de TI en producci*n inclue los ser#icios $ue est'n disponibles para suimplementaci*n. @l cat'loo de ser#icios es parte del porfolio de ser#icios

contiene informaci*n sobre dos tipos de ser#icios de TIH los ser#icios de cara alcliente $ue son #isibles para el neocio ser#icios de apoo $ue son re$ueridospor el pro#eedor de ser#icios para entrear los ser#icios de cara-al-cliente.3%ase tambi%n porfolio de acuerdos con el cliente esti*n del cat'loo deser#icios.

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ITILFND09-09-B De5ne and e&plain o#ernance (SS 2.9.1!


"seura $ue las pol>ticas estrateias se implementan $ue los procesosre$ueridos se siuen correctamente. @l obierno inclue de5nir los roles responsabilidades medir informar tomar acciones para resol#er cual$uierasunto identi5cado.

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ITILFND09-09- De5ne and e&plain business case (SS 9..1.1!

*aso &e Ne#ocio

 usti5caci*n para el asto de un elemento sini5cati#o. Inclue informaci*n decostes bene5cios opciones situaciones riesos posibles problemas. 3%asetambi%n an'lisis de coste-bene5cio

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ITILFND09-09- De5ne and e&plain ris manaement (SS B..B.1 B..B.2!


" possible @#ent that could cause harm or loss or a7ect the abilit to achie#eob+ecti#es can also be de5 ned as uncertaint of outcome and can be used inthe conte&t of measurin the probabilit of positi#e outcomes and neati#eoutcomes.

+is' mana#ement

 The process responsible for identifin assessin and controllin riss also attimes used to refer to the second part of the o#erall process after riss ha#ebeen identi5 ed and assessed as in ris assessment and manaement.Q

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Ser#ice ,ro#ider


Ser#ice ,ro#ider



 Tpe IIH Shared ser#ices unit Tpe IH Internal ser#ice Tpe IIIH @&ternal ser#ice

8rani)ation 8rani)ation 8rani)ation

 Team Team  Team Team


ITILFND09-09-E De5ne and e&plain ser#ice pro#ider (SS 2.1.A!

Proveedor del Servicio (Service Provider)

8rani)aci*n $ue presta ser#icios a uno o m's clientes internos o e&ternos. @lt%rmino de pro#eedor del ser#icio se usa a menudo como forma abre#iada depro#eedor de ser#icios de TI. 3%ase tambi%n pro#eedor de ser#icios Tipo Ipro#eedor de ser#icios Tipo II pro#eedor de ser#icios Tipo III.

Tipo 3H 6n pro#eedor de ser#icio interno $ue est' interado dentro deuna unidad de neocio. ,uede haber #arios pro#eedores de ser#icio de

 Tipo I dentro de una orani)aci*n Tipo /8 6n ,ro#eedor de ser#icio interno $ue proporciona ser#icios de TI

compartidos por #arias unidades de neocio. Los pro#eedores deser#icios Tipo II tambi%n son conocidos como unidades de ser#icioscompartidos facturan sus ser#icios.

Tipo 9H 6n pro#eedor de ser#icio $ue proporciona ser#icios de TI a

clientes e&ternos.

proveedor de servicios de TI IT service provider

,ro#eedor de ser#icios de TI $ue proporciona ser#icios a clientes internos oe&ternos.

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ITILFND09-09-10 De5ne and e&plain supplier (SS 2.1.B!


 Tercero responsable de suministrar bienes o ser#icios $ue son necesarios paraproporcionar ser#icios de TI. @+emplos de suministradores incluen los#endedores de hard/are soft/are pro#eedores de redes telecomunicaciones orani)aciones de outsourcin.

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ITILFND09-09-11 De5ne and e&plain ser#ice le#el areement (SL"! (SD A.9.A!

1cuerdo &e Nivel &e Servicio (Service evel 1#reement) (S1)

"cuerdo entre un pro#eedor de ser#icios TI un cliente. @l SL" describe elser#icio de TI documenta los ob+eti#os de ni#el de ser#icio especi5ca lasresponsabilidades del pro#eedor de ser#icio de TI del cliente. 6n Unico SL"puede cubrir #arios ser#icios TI ;o #arios clientes. 3%ase tambi%n acuerdo de

ni#el operaciona

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ITILFND09-09-12 De5ne and e&plain operational le#el areement (8L"! (SDA.9.A!

acuerdo de nivel operativo (61) 6perational evel 1#reement (61)

4onsiste en el acuerdo entre una unidad de TI otra parte de la mismaorani)aci*n. @l 8L" apoa la entrea de los ser#icios de TI $ue se ofrecen a losclientes e inclue la de5nici*n de los bienes ser#icios $ue se pro#een as>

como los compromisos de ambas partes. ,or e+emplo podr' haber un 8L"H

V @ntre la unidad de TI el departamento de compras para la obtenci*n dehard/are en pla)os pre#iamente comprometidos.

V @ntre el centro de ser#icio al usuario un rupo de soporte para la reali)aci*nde la resoluci*n de incidencias en pla)os pre#iamente acordados. 3%asetambi%n acuerdo de ni#el de ser#icio (SL"!.

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ITILFND09-09-19 De5ne and e&plain underpinnin contract (SD A.E.A.2!

*ontrato de 1po!o (7*)

6n contrato entre un pro#eedor de ser#icios de TI un tercero. @l terceroproporciona bienes o ser#icios $ue soportan la entrea de un ser#icio de TI aclientes. @l contrato de apoo de5ne ob+eti#os responsabilidades $ue sonre$ueridas para alcan)ar ob+eti#os de ni#el de ser#icio en uno o m's SL".

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ITILFND09-09-1A De5ne and e&plain ser#ice desin pacae (SD,! (SD "ppendi&"!

Service desi#n pac'a#e (S&P)

Document(s! de5 nin all aspects of an IT ser#ice and its re$uirements throuheach stae of its lifeccle. " ser#ice desin pacae is produced for each ne/ ITser#ice ma+or chane orIT ser#ice retirement.

Service &esi#n

Pac'a#e *ontents

<e$uirements  usinessre$uirements  Ser#ice applicabilit

 Ser#ice contacts

Ser#ice desin  Ser#ice functionalre$uirements  Ser#ice le#elre$uirements  Ser#ice andoperational manaement re$uirements  Ser#ice desin andtopolo8rani)ational readiness assessment

  8rani)ationalreadiness assessmentSer#ice lifeccle plan  Ser#ice proram

  Ser#icetransition plan  Ser#iceoperational acceptance plan  Ser#iceacceptance criteria The SD, speci5 es all aspects of theser#ice and its lifeccle re$uirements  Desin of the ser#ice solutionsQ

5 Desin of Ser#ice Janaement

sstems and toolsQ5 Desin of the technolo

architecturesQ and manaementarchitecturesQ and tools

5 Desin of the processesQ needed5 Desin of measurement sstemsQ

methods metricshen should a Ser#ice Desin,acae (SD,! be producedW

5 Durin the desin stae for each ne/

ser#ice5 hen a ma+or chane to a ser#ice is

to be done5 hen a ser#ice is remo#ed5 hen the SD, itself has to be


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4h. 9 ITILFND09 Keneric concepts and de5 nition

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ITILFND09-09-1B De5ne and e&plain a#ailabilit (SD A.A.A.9!

&isponi ilidad (1vailailit!)

abilidad de un elemento de con5uraci*n o de un ser#icio de TI para reali)arlas funciones acordadas cuando se re$uiere. La disponibilidad la determinan la5abilidad la mantenibilidad el compromiso de ser#icio el rendimiento laseuridad. Keneralmente la disponibilidad se calcula en porcenta+es. Xstec'lculo se basa normalmente en el tiempo acordado para la entrea del ser#icio el tiempo de parada. @s una buena pr'ctica calcular la disponibilidad delser#icio de TI usando m%tricas de resultados del neocio.

Tiempo Medio &e *a:da(&o;ntime)

 Tiempo en el $ue un elemento de con5uraci*n o un ser#icio de TI no est'ndisponibles durante un tiempo acordado de ser#icio. La disponibilidad de un

ser#icio de TI es frecuentemente calculada a partir del tiempo acordado deser#icio el tiempo medio de ca>da (do/ntime!

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ITILFND09-09-1 De5ne and e&plain ser#ice no/lede manaement sstem(S:JS! (ST A..A.9!

Sistema &e $esti%n &el *onocimiento &el Servicio (S<MS)

conjunto de erramientas ! ases de datos =ue se utili>a para#estionar conocimiento2 in"ormaci%n ! datos4 El sistema de #esti%n del

conocimiento del servicio inclu!e el sistema de #esti%n de la

con#uraci%n ? *MS-2 as: como otras ases de datos ! sistemas de

in"ormaci%n4 El sistema de #esti%n del conocimiento del servicio

inclu!e erramientas para la recopilaci%n2 almacenamiento2 #esti%n2

actuali>aci%n2 análisis ! presentaci%n de todos los conocimientos2

in"ormaci%n ! datos =ue un proveedor de servicio de TI necesitará para

#estionar el ciclo de vida completo de servicios de TI4 V@ase tami@n

#esti%n del conocimiento4

 The S:JS /ill contain man di7erent tpes of data information and no/lede.@&amples of items that should be stored in an S:JS includeH

 The ser#ice portfolio  The con5 uration manaement sstem (4JS!  The de5 niti#e media librar (DJL! Ser#ice le#el areements (SL"s! contracts operation le#el areements


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ITILFND09-09-1 De5ne and e&plain con5uration item (4I! (ST A.9.A.2!

Elemento &e *on#uraci%n (*I)

*ual=uier componente u otro activo del servicio =ue necesite ser

#estionado con el ojeto de proveer un servicio de TI4 a in"ormaci%nsore cada *I se almacena en un re#istro de con#uraci%n dentro del

sistema de #esti%n de la con#uraci%n ! es mantenido durante todo su

ciclo de vida por la #esti%n de activos de servicio ! con#uraci%n4 os

*Is están ajo el control de la #esti%n del camio4 T:picamente2 los *Is

pueden ser servicios de TI2 ard;are2 so"t;are2 edicios2 personal2 !

documentaci%n "ormal como por ejemplo documentaci%n sore

procesos ! S1s4

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ITILFND09-09-1E De5ne and e&plain con5uration manaement sstem (STA.9.A.9!

*on #uration Mana#ement S!stem (*MS)

" set of tools data and information that is used to support ser#ice asset andcon5 uration manaement

Sistema &e $esti%n &e a *on#uraci%n (*MS)

*onjunto de erramientas2 datos e in"ormaci%n =ue se utili>a para

apo!ar la #esti%n de activos de servicio ! con#uraci%n4 El *MS es

parte de un sistema de #esti%n #eneral del conocimiento del servicio e

inclu!e erramientas para recopilar2 almacenar2 #estionar2 actuali>ar2

anali>ar ! presentar datos sore todos los elementos de con#uraci%n

! sus relaciones4 El *MS tami@n puede incluir in"ormaci%n sore

incidentes2 prolemas2 errores conocidos2 camios ! entre#as4 El *MS

se mantiene a trav@s de la $esti%n de activos de servicio !con#uraci%n ! lo utili>an todos los procesos de #esti%n de servicios de

TI4 V@ase tami@n ase de datos de #esti%n de la con#uraci%n4

• olds all the information about 4Is /ithin the desinated scope• 6sed for a /ide rane of purposes e.. asset data held in the 4JS ma be made

a#ailable to e&ternal 5 &ed asset manaement sstems to perform 5 nancialreportin outside ser#ice asset and con5 uration manaement

• Jaintains the relationships bet/een all ser#ice components and ma alsoinclude records for related incidents problems no/n errors chanes and

releases• Ja include data from con5 uration records stored in se#eral phsical 4JDs

/hich come toether at the information interation laer to form an interated4JD

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ITILFND09-09-1 De5ne and e&plain de5niti#e media librar (DJL! (ST A.9.A.A!

&e nitive Media irar! (&M)

8ne or more locations in /hich the de5 niti#e and authori)ed #ersions of allsoft/are con5 uration items are securel stored. The de5 niti#e media librarma also contain associated con5 uration items such as licenses and

documentation. It is a sinle loical storae area e#en if there are multiplelocations. The de5 niti#e media librar is controlled b ser#ice asset and con5uration manaement and is recorded in the con5 uration manaementsstem.

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ITILFND09-09-20 De5ne and e&plain chane (ST A.2.A.A!

+e=uest "or *an#e (+,*)

" formal proposal for a chane to be made. It includes details of the proposedchane and ma be recorded on paper or electronicall. The term <F4 is oftenmisused to mean a chane record or the chane itself.

*an#e The addition modi5 cation or remo#al of anthin that could ha#e an e7ect on ITser#ices. The scope should include chanes to all architectures processes toolsmetrics and documentation as /ell as chanes to IT ser#ices and other con5uration items.

*an#e +ecord

" record containin the details of a chane. @ach chane record documents thelifeccle of a sinle chane. " chane record is created for e#er re$uest forchane that is recei#ed e#en those that are subse$uentl re+ected.

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ITILFND09-09-21 De5ne and e&plain chane tpes (standard emerenc andnormal! (ST A.2.A.9 A.2.A. A.2.B.11!

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*amio Estándar

6n cambio preaprobado $ue es de ba+o rieso relati#amente comUn siue unprocedimiento o instrucci*n de traba+o predetermindo. ,or e+emplorestablecimiento de cla#es de acceso o pro#isi*n de e$uipamiento est'ndarpara un nue#o empleado. No se necesitan <F4s para implementar cambiosest'ndar son reistrados seuidos empleando otros mecanismos comopeticiones de ser#icio. 3%ase modelo de cambio.

*amio &e Emer#encia

6n cambio $ue debe ser introducido lo m's r'pido posible. ,or e+emplo pararesol#er un incidente maor o implementar un parche de seuridad. La esti*nde cambios normalmente tiene un procedimiento espec>5co para mane+arcambios de emerencia. 3%ase tambi%n comit% de emerencia (@4"!

*amio Normal

@s un cambio $ue no es ni de emerencia ni tampoco es est'ndar. Los cambiosnormales siuen los pasos de5nidos en el proceso de esti*n del cambio.

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ITILFND09-09-2A 2B 2 De5ne and e&plain e#ent (S8 A.1 1st pararaph! 9-2Balert (lossar! 9-2 incident (S8 A.2 1st pararaph!


7n camio de estado si#nicativo para la #esti%n de un elemento de

con#uraci%n o un servicio de TI4 El t@rmino evento tami@n se usa

para denominar una alerta o noticaci%n creada por un servicio de TI2

elemento de con#uraci%n o erramienta de monitori>aci%n4 os

eventos re=uieren normalmente =ue el personal de operaciones de TI

emprenda acciones2 ! a menudo conllevan el re#istro de incidentes4


1dvertencia de =ue se a superado un umral2 de =ue al#o acamiado2 o de =ue uo un "allo4 &e "orma re#ular2 las alertas se

crean ! #estionan con erramientas de #esti%n de sistemas a trav@s

del l proceso de #esti%n de eventos4


Interrupci%n no planicada de un servicio de TI o reducci%n en la

calidad de un servicio de TI4 Tami@n lo es el "allo de un elemento de

con#uraci%n =ue no a impactado todav:a en el servicio4 Por ejemplo

el "allo de uno de los discos de un Amirror4

+elationsip et;een Events2 1lerts2 and Incidents

"ll "lerts are @#ents but not all @#ents trier an "lert "ll Incidents are @#ents but all @#ents are not Incidents

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ITILFND09-09-2 De5ne and e&plain impact urenc and priorit (S8 A.2.B.A!


7na medida del e"ecto de una incidencia2 prolema o camio en los

procesos de ne#ocio4 El impacto está a menudo asado en c%mo serána"ectados los niveles de servicio4 El impacto ! la ur#encia se emplean

para asi#nar la prioridad4


7na medida del tiempo en =ue una incidencia2 un prolema o un

camio tendrán un impacto si#nicativo para el ne#ocio4 Por ejemplo2

una incidencia de alto impacto puede tener una ur#encia aja si el

impacto no a"ectará al ne#ocio asta el nal del a5o nanciero4

Impacto ! ur#encia se emplean para asi#nar la prioridad


*ate#or:a empleada para identicar la importancia relativa de una

incidencia2 de un prolema o de un camio4 a prioridad se asa en el

impacto ! la ur#encia ! es utili>ada para identicar los pla>os

re=ueridos para la reali>aci%n de las di"erentes acciones4 Por ejemplo2

el S1 podr:a indicar =ue los incidentes de prioridad / deen ser

resueltos en menos de 3/ oras4

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ITILFND09-09-2E De5ne and e&plain ser#ice re$uest (S8 A.9 1st pararaph!

Petici%n &e Servicio

Petici%n "ormal por parte de un usuario para =ue al#o sea provisto -

por ejemplo2 una solicitud de in"ormaci%n o asesor:aC restalecer una

contrase5a o instalar una estaci%n de traajo para un nuevo usuario4

as peticiones de servicios son #estionadas por el proceso de

peticiones de servicio2 #eneralmente en conjunto con el centro de

atenci%n al usuario4 as peticiones de servicio pueden estar vinculadas

con una solicitud de camio como parte del cumplimiento de la


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ITILFND09-09-2 De5ne and e&plain problem (S8 A.A 1st pararaph!


*ausa de uno o más incidencias4 En el momento en el =ue se crea el

re#istro de prolemas no es "recuente conocer su causa2 por lo =ue esnecesario reali>ar su investi#aci%n mediante el proceso de #esti%n de


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ITILFND09-09-90 De5ne and e&plain /oraround (S8 A.A.B.!

Soluci%n Temporal

+educci%n o eliminaci%n del impacto de un incidencia o prolema para

el =ue una resoluci%n completa no está todav:a disponile4 Porejemplo2 reiniciando un elemento de con#uraci%n =ue "alla4 as

alternativas para prolemas se documentan en los re#istros de errores

conocidos4 as alternativas para incidencias =ue no tienen asociados

re#istros de prolemas se documentan en el re#istro de incidencias4

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ITILFND09-09-91 De5ne and e&plain no/n error (S8 A.A.B.!

Error *onocido

Prolema =ue posee una causa ra:> documentada ! una soluci%n

temporal4 os errores conocidos son creados ! #estionados a trav@s desu ciclo de vida por la #esti%n de prolemas4 os errores conocidos

pueden ser identicados tami@n por el área de desarrollo o


 The no/n error record should identif the problem record it relates toand document the status of actions bein taen to resol#e the problemits root cause and /oraround

"ll no/n error records should be stored in the :no/n @rror Database(:@D!

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ITILFND09-09-92 De5ne and e&plain no/n error database (:@D! (S8 A.A..2!

Base de datos de errores conocidos (<E&B)

Base de datos =ue contiene todos los re#istros de errores conocidos4

Esta ase de datos es creada por la #esti%n de prolemas ! utili>adapor #esti%n de Incidencias ! #esti%n de prolemas4 a ase de datos de

errores conocidos puede ser parte del sistema de #esti%n de

con#uraci%n2 o puede ser almacenada en otras partes del sistema de

#esti%n del conocimiento del servicio4

 The purpose of a :@D is to allo/ storae of pre#ious no/lede of incidents and problems C and ho/ the /ere o#ercome C to allo/ $uicerdianosis and resolution if the recur

 The :@D should be used durin the incident and problem dianosis

phases to tr to speed up the resolution process C and ne/ recordsshould be added as $uicl as possible /hen a ne/ problem has beenidenti5 ed and dianosed

 The :@D is part of the 4JS and ma be part of a larer S:JS

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ITILFND09-09-99 De5ne and e&plain the role of communication in ser#iceoperation (S8 9.!

Kood communication is needed /ith other IT teams and departments

/ith users and internal customers and bet/een the ser#ice operationteams and departments Issues can often be pre#ented or mitiated /ith appropriate

communication "ll communication must ha#e an intended purpose or a resultant action Do not communicate information unless there is a clear audience  That audience should ha#e been acti#el in#ol#ed in determinin the

need for that communication and /hat the /ill do /ith the information  There should be re#ie/ of onoin communications on a periodic basis to

#alidate that the are still re$uired b the audience

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ITILFND09-09-9B De5ne and e&plain release polic (ST A.1.A.2!


Formall documented manaement e&pectations and intentions used to directdecisions and ensure consistent appropriate de#elopment and implementationof processes standards roles acti#ities IT infrastructure etc.


&ocumento "ormal =ue contiene las intenciones ! expectativas de

#esti%n4 as pol:ticas se utili>an para diri#ir las decisiones2 ! ase#urar

un desarrollo e implementaci%n coerente ! apropiado de los procesos2

estándares2 roles2 actividades2 in"raestructura de TI2 etc4

" release polic must be de5 ned for one or more ser#ices and includeH

• 6ni$ue identi5 cation numberin and namin con#entions for di7erent tpes of release toether /ith a description

• <oles responsibilities at each release and deploment process stae• <e$uirement to onl use soft/are assets from the DJL• @&pected fre$uenc for each tpe of release• "pproach for acceptin and roupin chanes into a release• Jechanism to automate the build installation and release distribution processes

to impro#e re-use repeatabilit and e cienc• o/ the release=s con5 uration baseline is captured ; #eri5 ed aainst the

actual release e.. hard/are soft/are documentation no/lede• @&it and entr criteria and authorit for acceptance of the release into each

ser#ice transition stae and into the controlled test trainin disaster reco#er

and other supported en#ironments• 4riteria and authori)ation to e&it earl life support and hando#er to the ser#ice

operation functions The polic should de5 ne tpes of releases a tpical e&ampleH

Ja+or releases Lare areas of ne/ functionalit some of /hich maeliminate temporar 5 &es to problems. " ma+or uprade orrelease usuall supersedes all precedin minor upradesreleases and emerenc 5 &es.

Jinor releases Small enhancements and 5 &es some of /hich maalread ha#e been issued as emerenc 5 &es. " minoruprade or release usuall supersedes all precedinemerenc 5 &es.

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ITILFND09-09-9 De5ne and e&plain tpes of ser#ices (SS 9.2.2.A Table 9.B!

Servicio Principal (*ore Service)

7n servicio de TI =ue provee los resultados ásicos solicitados por uno

o más clientes4 Ver soporte de servicio2 pa=uete principal de servicio(core service pac'a#e)4 7n servicio principal proporciona un

determinado nivel de utilidad ! #arant:a4 1 los clientes se les puede

o"recer una opci%n de utilidad ! #arant:a a trav@s de una o más

opciones de servicio4 V@ase tami@n servicio interno2 servicio

complementarioC servicio de TIC pa=uete de servicios4

Servicio Interno Enalin# Service

Servicio =ue se necesita para poder entre#ar un servicio principal4 os

servicios internos pueden ser o no visiles para el cliente2 pero no sono"recidos a los clientes por si mismos4

Servicio *omplementario Enancin# Service

Servicio =ue se a#re#a a un servicio principal para acerlo más

atractivo para el cliente4 os servicios complementarios no son

"undamentales para la prestaci%n de un servicio principal2 pero se

utili>an para motivar a los clientes a utili>ar los servicios principales o

para di"erenciar al proveedor de servicios de sus competidores4 V@ase

tami@n servicio internoC "actor de inter@s4

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ITILFND09-09-9 De5ne and e&plain chane proposals (ST A.2.A.!

Propuesta &e *amio

Es un documento =ue inclu!e una descripci%n de alto nivel para la

incorporaci%n potencial de un servicio o para proponer un camiosi#nicativo2 junto con el correspondiente caso de ne#ocio ! un

calendario tentativo de implementaci%n4 as propuestas de camios2

normalmente sur#en del proceso de #esti%n del por"olio de servicios !

lue#o pasan a la #esti%n de camios para ser autori>adas4 a #esti%n

de camios evaluará el impacto potencial en otros servicios2 en los

recursos compartidos2 ! en el calendario #eneral de camios4 7na ve>

=ue la propuesta de camio a sido autori>ada2 #esti%n del por"olio de

servicios ará constitutiva la decisi%n4

" chane proposal should includeH " hih-le#el description of the ne/ chaned or retired ser#ice includin

business outcomes supported and utilit and /arrant to be pro#ided " full business case includin riss issues and alternati#es as /ell as

budet and 5 nancial e&pectations "n outline schedule for desin and implementation of the chane

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ITILFND09-09-9E De5ne and e&plain 4SI reister (4SI 9.A!

+e#istro *SI

@s una base de datos o documento estructurado utili)ado para reistrar estionar las oportunidades de me+ora a lo laro de su ciclo de #ida.

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ITILFND09-09-9 De5ne and e&plain outcomes (SS 2.1.1!


El resultado de la reali>aci%n de una actividad2 el se#uimiento de un

proceso2 la entre#a de un servicio de TI2 etc4 El t@rmino resultado seemplea para re"erirse a los e"ectos esperados como tami@n a los


"n outcome-based de5 nition of ser#ice mo#es IT orani)ations beondbusinessCIT alinment to/ards businessCIT interation

4ustomer outcomes become the ultimate concern of businessrelationship manaers instead of the atherin of re$uirements /hich isnecessar but not su cient

<e$uirements are enerated for internal coordination and control onlafter customer outcomes are /ell understood

4ustomers see outcomes but do not /ish to ha#e accountabilit oro/nership of all the associated costs and riss

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ITILFND09-09-A0 De5ne and e&plain patterns of business acti#it (SS A.A.B.2!

Patr%n &e 1ctividad &el Ne#ocio (PB1)

@s un per5l de cara de traba+o de una o m's acti#idades de neocio. Lospatrones de acti#idad de neocio se utili)an para audar al pro#eedor deser#icios de TI a entender plani5car en funci*n de los diferentes ni#eles deacti#idad del neocio. 3%ase tambi%n per5l de usuario.

*lassicationH this indicates the tpe of ," and could refer to /here itoriinates (user or automated! the tpe and impact of outcomessupported and the tpe of /orload supported

1ttriutesH such as fre$uenc #olume location and duration +e=uirementsH such as performance securit a#ailabilit pri#ac

latenc or tolerance for delas Service asset re=uirementsH desin teams /ill draft a utili)ation pro5

le for each ," in terms of /hat resources it uses /hen and ho/ muchof each resource

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ITILFND09-09-A1 De5ne and e&plain customers and users (SS 2.1.B!


1l#uien =ue compra ienes o servicios4 El cliente de un proveedor de

servicios TI es la persona o #rupo =ue dene ! acuerda los ojetivos denivel de servicio4 El t@rmino tami@n se utili>a in"ormalmente con el

si#nicado de usuario2 por ejemplo8 D@sta es una or#ani>aci%n

centrada en el usuarioD

Internal customers4

 These are customers /ho /or for the same business as the IT ser#ice pro#ider.For e&ample the maretin department is an internal customer of the IT

orani)ation because it uses IT ser#ices. The head of maretin and the chiefinformation o cer both report to the chief e&ecuti#e o cer. If IT chares for itsser#ices the mone paid is an internal transaction in the orani)ation=saccountin sstem not real re#enue.

*liente Interno Internal customers4

4liente $ue traba+a para el mismo neocio $ue el pro#eedor del ser#icio de TI.3%ase tambi%n pro#eedor interno de ser#icio cliente e&terno

External customers4

Tese are customers ;o ;or' "or a dierent usiness "rom te IT

service provider4 External customers t!picall! purcase services "rom

te service provider ! means o" a le#all! indin# contract or



*liente Externo External customers4

7n cliente =ue traaja para un ne#ocio di"erente al del proveedor del

servicio de TI4 V@ase tami@n proveedor externo de servicio2 cliente



7na persona =ue usa el servicio de TI diariamente4 os usuarios son

distintos a los clientes dado =ue al#unos clientes no usan el servicio de

TI directamente

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"4T ,L"N

,lan ,ro+ect plan4ontinuous $ualit control and consolidation

Do ,ro+ect

4hec "udit"ct Ne/ actions

4@4: D8




Jatur it- Le#el

@7ecti#e $ualit impro#ement

4onsolidation of the le#el reached i.e. baseline

ITILFND09-09-A2 De5ne and e&plain the Demin 4cle (plan do chec act!(4SI 9.E Fiure 2.E!

Planicar-FacerVericar-1ctuar (P&*1)

Es un ciclo de cuatro etapas para la #esti%n de procesos2 =ue seatriu!e a Ed;ard &emin#4 Planicar-FacerVericar-1ctuar se

denomina tami@n el ciclo de &emin#4

Planicar - dise5a o revisa los procesos =ue dan soporte a los servicios

de TIC

Facer ? implementa el plan ! #estiona los procesosC

Vericar ? mide los procesos ! servicios de TI2 compara con los

ojetivos ! produce los in"ormesC 1ctuar - planica e implementa

camios para mejorar los procesos4

• Plan C establish oals for impro#ement• &o C de#elop and implement a pro+ect to close the ap• *ec'   C compare the implemented en#ironment to the measures of success

established in the ,lan phase• 1ct C determine if further /or is re$uired to close remainin aps allocation of 

resources necessar to support another round of impro#ement

 The oal in usin the Demin 4cle is stead onoin impro#ement

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ITILFND0A-0A-2 Describe #alue creation throuh ser#ices (SS 9.2.9 9. Fiure 9. not section on maretin mindsetQ!

*aracteristics o" Value

De5ned b customers The ultimate decision about /hether that ser#iceis #aluable or not rests /ith the customer

"7ordable mi& of features The customers /ill select the ser#ice or productthat represents the best mi& of features at theprice the are /illin to pa

"chie#ement of ob+ecti#es Jan ser#ices are not desined to producere#enue but to meetsome other orani)ational ob+ecti#e e.. socialresponsibilit prorams or human resourcemanaement

4hanes o#er time andcircumstance

"s each customer chanes to meet thechallenes of their en#ironment so do theirser#ice needs and #alues

7nderstandin# IT value re=uires tree pieces

o" in"ormation

hat ser#ice(s! did ITpro#ideW

If IT is onl percei#ed as manain a set of ser#ersnet/ors and ,4s it /ill be #er di cult for the

customer to understand ho/ these contributed to#alue. In order for a customer to calculate the#alue of a ser#ice the must be able to discern aspeci5 c discrete ser#ice and lin it directl tospeci5 c business acti#ities and outcomes.

hat did the ser#ice(s!achie#eW

 The customer /ill identif /hat the /ere able todo /ith the ser#ice and +ust ho/ important that/as to them and their orani)ation.

o/ much did theser#ice(s! costW

hen a customer compares the cost or price of aser#ice /ith /hat the ser#ice enabled them to

achie#e the /ill be able to +ude ho/ #aluablethe ser#ice actuall /as. If IT is unable todetermine the cost of the ser#ice it /ill be #erdi cult for them to claim that the deli#ered#alue and #er di cult for the customer topercei#e IT as ?#aluable=.

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SS Fiure 9.H 4omponents of #alue



,references ,erceptions

*reatin# value

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 There is more to #alue than +ust the function of the ser#ice and its cost #alue isde5 ned in three areasH 1. usiness outcomes achie#ed 2. The customer=spreferences 9. The customer=s perception of /hat /as deli#ered.4alculatin the #alue of a ser#ice can be straihtfor/ard 5 nanciall. hereoutcomes are not 5 nancial it is harder to $uantif althouh it ma be possible to$ualif it. 3alue is de5 ned not onl in terms of the customer=s business

outcomes it is also hihl dependent on customer=s perceptions and preferences/hich a7ect ho/ the see the #alue of one ser#ice or pro#ider o#er another.

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,rocesses ,roducts;technolo


ITILFND0A-0A-9 6nderstand the importance of people processes products andpartners for ser#ice manaement (SD 9.1.B Fiure 9.9!

Jan desins plans and pro+ects fail from lac of preparation and manaementITSJ implementation re$uires preparin and plannin the e7ecti#e and e cientuse of the four ,sH the people the processes the products (ser#ices technoloand tools! and partners (suppliers manufacturers and #endors! as illustrated inSD Fiure 9.9.

Ser#ice desin "ctions to ensure solutions meet usiness Needs

"dd the ne/ ser#ice solution to the ser#ice portfolio from the conceptphase update the portfolio to reM ect current status throuh incrementalor iterati#e de#elopment

Durin initial ser#ice;sstem analsis understand the ser#ice=s o-li#eSLRs

  See if SL<s can be met /ith current resources capabilities if orani)ational policies re$uire it build results of modelin acti#ities intocapacit plan

If ne/ infrastructure or e&tended support is re$uired for the ser#ice 5nancial manaement for IT ser#ices /ill need to be in#ol#ed to set thebudet

4onduct an initial business impact and ris analsis /ell beforeimplementation as input to IT ser#ice continuit strate a#ailabilitcapacit and securit desin

 The ser#ice des /ill need to be made a/are of ne/ ser#ices /ell inad#ance of li#e operation to prepare and train ser#ice des sta7 andpotentiall IT customer sta7.

 The technical manaement application manaement and IT operationsmanaement functions (see ITIL Ser#ice 8peration! also need to bemade a/are of ne/ ser#ices to allo/ them to plan for e7ecti#eoperational support of the ser#ices.

Ser#ice transition can start plannin implementation and build thechane schedule

Supplier manaement must be in#ol#ed if the ne/ ser#ice re$uires


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ITILFND0A-0A-A 6nderstand the 5#e ma+or aspects of ser#ice desin (SD 9.1.1!

S &esi#nin# te Service Solutions

T &esi#nin# te Service Mana#ement s!stems and Tools

1 &esi#nin# te tecnolo#! 1rcitectures and mana#ement s!stems

M&esi#nin# te Measurement s!stems2 metods and metrics

P &esi#nin# te Processes needed

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hat is the


here do /e/ant to beW

o/ do /e etthereW

Did /e etthereW

here are /eno/W

o/ do /e eepthe momentum oinW

Ser#ice Y processimpro#ement



JeasurementsY metrics

usiness #isionmission oalsand ob+ecti#es

ITILFND0A-0A- @&plain the continual ser#ice impro#ement approach (4SI 9.14SI 9.1.1 Fiure 9.1!


Service improvement must "ocus on increasin# te eG cienc!2

maximi>in# te eectiveness and optimi>in# te cost o" services and

underl!in# ITSM processes4 Te onl! ;a! to do tis is to ensure

improvement opportunities are identi ed trou#out te entire

service li"ec!cle4

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ITILFND0A-0A-10 6nderstand the role of measurement for continual ser#iceimpro#ement and e&plain ho/ 4SFs and :,Is relate (4SI B.B.1! aselines (4SI9..1! and tpes of metrics (technolo process ser#ice! (4SI B.B!

+ole o" measurement "or *SI ? relationsipet;een *S,s2 <PIs

"actores cr:ticos de @xito (*S,)

*aracter:stica =ue dee existir si un servicio de TI2 proceso2 pro!ecto2

plan u otra actividad desea ser exitoso4 os <PIs son usados para

medir el alcance de cada *S,4 Por ejemplo8 un *S, de Dprote#er

servicios TI cuando se acen camiosD podr:a ser medile mediante

<PIs tales como Dporcentaje de reducci%n de camios no exitososD2 o

Dporcentaje de reducci%n de camios =ue causen IncidentesD etc4

Indicador *lave &e +endimiento (<PI)

M@trica =ue se utili>a para a!udar a #estionar un servicio de TI2 un

proceso2 un plan2 un pro!ecto u otra actividad4 os indicadores claves

de rendimiento se utili>an para medir si se an lo#rado los "actores

cr:ticos de @xito4 Se pueden estalecer mucas m@tricas2 pero s%lo las

más importantes se denen como indicadores claves de rendimiento !

se utili>an para #estionar activamente e in"ormar sore el proceso2

servicio de TI o actividad4 Se deen seleccionar para ase#urar =ue se

#estiona de manera correcta la eciencia2 la e"ectividad ! la


inea &e Base

,oto Hcopia instantánea =ue se utili>a como punto de re"erencia4 Se

pueden tomar ! #raar mucas A"otosHcopias instantáneas a lo lar#o

del tiempo2 pero s%lo al#unas serán utili>adas como l:neas ase4 Por


- 7na l:nea ase de ITSM se puede usar como punto de partida paramedir el resultado de un plan de mejora del servicio

- 7na l:nea ase de rendimiento se puede usar para medir camios en

el +endimiento de un Servicio TI en un periodo de tiempo4

- 7na l:nea ase de la #esti%n de la con#uraci%n puede servir dentro

de un plan de ac'-out para restalecer la in"raestructura TI a una

con#uraci%n conocida en caso del "allo de un camio o del "allo de la

puesta en producci%n de una nueva versi%n (release)

"t an i#en timeH De5 ne no more than t/o to 5 #e :,Is per 4SF

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"ssociate no more than t/o to 5 #e 4SFs /ith a ser#ice or process In the earl staes of a 4SI initiati#eH De5 ne monitor and report on onl t/o to three :,Is for each 4SF "s the maturit of a ser#ice and ser#ice manaement processes

increase additional :,Is can be added ased on /hat is important to the business and IT manaement the :,Is

ma chane o#er a period of time "s ser#ice manaement processes are implemented this /ill often

chane the :,Is of other processes

ITILFND0B-0B-21 State the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope for ser#ice portfoliomanaement (SS A.2.1 A.2.2! includin the ser#ice portfolio (SS A.2.A.1 FiureA.1A!

Service Port"olio Mana#ement

 The process responsible for manain the ser#ice portfolio. Ser#ice portfoliomanaement ensures that the ser#ice pro#ider has the riht mi& of ser#ices tomeet re$uired business outcomes at an appropriate le#el of in#estment. Ser#iceportfolio manaement considers ser#ices in terms of the business #alue thatthe pro#ide.

Service Port"olio

 The complete set of ser#ices that is manaed b a ser#ice pro#ider used tomanae the entire lifeccle of all ser#ices and includes three cateoriesH ser#icepipeline (proposed or in de#elopment! ser#ice cataloue (li#e or a#ailable fordeploment! and retired ser#ices.

Service Port"olio Mana#ement Process -

Purpose The purpose of ser#ice portfolio manaement is to ensure the ser#ice pro#iderhas the riht mi& of ser#ices to balance the in#estment in IT /ith the abilit tomeet business outcomes.

Service Port"olio Mana#ement Process -

6jectives• ,ro#ide a process and mechanisms to enable an orani)ation to in#estiate and

decide on the ser#ices to o7er based on an analsis of the potential returnand acceptable le#el of ris

• Jaintain the de5 niti#e portfolio of ser#ices pro#ided articulatin the businessneeds each ser#ice meets and business outcomes it supports

• ,ro#ide a mechanism for the orani)ation to e#aluate ho/ ser#ices enable themto achie#e their strate and respond to chanes in internal or e&ternalen#ironments

• 4ontrol ser#ices o7ered under /hat conditions and at /hat le#el of in#estment•

 Trac in#estment in ser#ices throuhout their lifeccle enablin the orani)ationto e#aluate its strate and its abilit to e&ecute it• "nal)e /hich ser#ices are no loner #iable and /hen to retire them

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SS Fiure A.1AH The ser#ice portfolio

Ser#ice portfolio

<etiredser#icesSer#icepipeline Ser#ice cataloue

4on5uration manaement sstem

Supplier and contractmanaement informationsstem


,ro+ectportfolio 4JD



Service Port"olio Mana#ement Process -

scope• "ll ser#ices a ser#ice pro#ider plans to deli#er those currentl deli#ered and

those that ha#e been /ithdra/n from ser#ice    The primar concern of ser#ice portfolio manaement is /hether the ser#icepro#ider is able to enerate #alue from the ser#ices

   Ser#ice portfolio manaement /ill therefore trac in#estments in ser#ices andcompare them to the desired business outcomes

• Ser#ice portfolio manaement e#aluates the #alue of ser#ices throuhout theirlifeccles and must be able to compare /hat ne/er ser#ices ha#e o7eredo#er the retired ser#ices the ha#e replaced

4h. B ITILFND0B ,rocesses (ABm! 1A1

Z 4ro/n copriht 2011. <eproduced under license from the 4abinet 8 ce.

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ITILFND0B-0B-22 State the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope for 5nancialmanaement for IT ser#ices (SS A.9.1 A.9.2! includin business case (SS9..1.1!

,inancial Mana#ement "or IT Services

 The process responsible for manain an IT ser#ice pro#ider=s budetinaccountin and charin re$uirements. It is also the process that is used to$uantif the #alue that IT ser#ices contribute to the business.

,inancial Mana#ement "or IT Services Process

? Purpose• Secure the appropriate le#el of fundin to desin de#elop and deli#er ser#ices

that meet the strate of the orani)ation• "ct as a ateeeper that ensures that the ser#ice pro#ider does not commit to

ser#ices that the are not able to pro#ide• Identif the balance bet/een the cost and $ualit of ser#ice and maintain the

balance of suppl and demand bet/een the ser#ice pro#ider and theircustomers

,inancial Mana#ement "or IT Services Process

? 6jectives• De5 nin and maintainin a frame/or to identif manae and communicate

the cost of pro#idin ser#ices• @#aluatin 5 nancial impact of ne/ or chaned strateies• Securin fundin to manae the pro#ision of ser#ices• Facilitatin ood ste/ardship of ser#ice and customer assets to ensure the

orani)ation meets its ob+ecti#es toether /ith ser#ice asset and con5uration manaement and no/lede manaement.

• alancin the relationship bet/een e&penses and income accordin to theorani)ation=s 5 nancial policies

• Janain and reportin e&penditure on ser#ice pro#ision on behalf of theorani)ation=s staeholders

• @&ecutin 5 nancial policies and practices in the pro#ision of ser#ices

• "ccountin for mone spent on ser#ice creation deli#er and support• Forecastin 5 nancial re$uirements to meet ser#ice commitments to customers

and compliance /ith reulator and leislati#e re$uirements• De5 nin a frame/or to reco#er ser#ice pro#ision from customers /here

appropriate4h. B ITILFND0B ,rocesses (ABm! 1A9

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,inancial Mana#ement "or IT Services Process

? scopeudetin The process of predictin and controllin the income and

e&penditure of mone /ithin the orani)ation4onsists of a periodic neotiation ccle to set budets(usuall annual! and the monthl monitorin of the currentbudets

"ccountin ,rocess that enables the IT orani)ation to account full forthe /a its mone is spent (particularl to identif costs bcustomer b ser#ice and b acti#it!6suall in#ol#es accountin sstems leders charts of accounts +ournals should be o#erseen b someoneaccountanc-trained

4harin ,rocess re$uired to bill customers for ser#ices supplied to

them <e$uires sound IT accountin practices and sstemsBusiness *ase

Business case

 usti5 cation for a sini5 cant item of e&penditure. Includes information aboutcosts bene5 ts options issues riss and possible problems.

• " decision support and plannin tool that pro+ects the liel conse$uences of abusiness action

• The conse$uences can tae on $ualitati#e and $uantitati#e dimensions• Sample business case structure

1. Introduction C business ob+ecti#es addressed2. Jethods and assumptions C boundaries of the business case9. usiness impacts C 5 nancial non-5 nancial results anticipatedA. <iss and continencies C probabilit that alternati#e results /ill emereB. <ecommendations C speci5 c actions recommended

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ITILFND0B-0B-29 State the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope for businessrelationship manaement (SS A.B.1 A.B.2 Table A.10!

Business +elationsip Mana#ement (B+M)

 The process responsible for maintainin a positi#e relationship /ith customers<J identi5 es customer needs and ensures that the ser#ice pro#ider is able tomeet these needs /ith an appropriate cataloue of ser#ices. This process hasstron lins /ith ser#ice le#el manaement.

Business +elationsip Mana#ement Process ?

Purpose• @stablish and maintain a business relationship bet/een the ser#ice pro#ider and

the customer based on understandin the customer and its business needs• Identif customer needs and ensure that the ser#ice pro#ider is able to meet

these needs as business needs chane o#er time and bet/een circumstances

Business +elationsip Mana#ement Process ?

6jectives• @nsure the ser#ice pro#ider understands the customer=s perspecti#e of ser#ice

and is therefore able to prioriti)e its ser#ices and ser#ice assets appropriatel• @nsure hih le#els of customer satisfaction indicatin the ser#ice pro#ider is

meetin the customer=s re$uirements• @stablish and maintain a constructi#e relationship bet/een the ser#ice pro#ider

and the customer based on understandin the customer and their businessdri#ers

• Identif chanes to the customer en#ironment that could impact the tpe le#elor utili)ation of ser#ices pro#ided

• Identif technolo trends that ma impact tpe le#el or utili)ation of ser#ices• @stablish ; articulate business re$uirements for ne/ or chanes to ser#ices• @nsure that the ser#ice pro#ider is meetin the business needs of the customer• or /ith customers to ensure ser#ices ; ser#ice le#els are able to deli#er #alue• Jediate if there are conM ictin re$uirements for ser#ices from di7erent business


• @stablish formal complaints and escalation processes for the customer

Business +elationsip Mana#ement Process ?

Scope<J focuses on understandin ho/ ser#ices meet customer re$uirements. Toachie#e this the process must focus on understandin and communicatinH

• usiness outcomes that the customer /ants to achie#e• Ser#ices currentl o7ered to the customer and ho/ the are used b the


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• o/ ser#ices are currentl o7ered includin /ho is responsible for them areedle#els of ser#ice $ualit of ser#ices deli#ered and an chanes that areanticipated

• Technolo trends that could impact current ser#ices and the customer and ho/• Le#els of customer satisfaction action plans in place to deal /ith the causes• o/ to optimi)e ser#ices for the future• o/ the ser#ice pro#ider is represented to the customer

4h. B ITILFND0B ,rocesses (ABm! 1A

ITILFND0B-0B-91 @&plain the purpose ob+ecti#es scope basic conceptsprocess acti#ities and interfaces for ser#ice le#el manaement (SLJ! (SDA.9.1.A.9.2 A.9..A! includin ser#ice-based SL" (SD A.9.B.1! multi-le#el SL"s(SD A.9.B.1 Fiure A.! ser#ice le#el re$uirements (SL<s! (SD A.9.B.2! SL"monitorin (SL"J! chart (SD A.9.B.B 4SI Fiure A.A! ser#ice re#ie/ (SD A.9.B.!ser#ice impro#ement plan (SI,! (SD A.9..9! the relationship bet/een SLJ and<J (SD A.9.2.1!

Service evel Mana#ement (SM)

,rocess responsible for neotiatin achie#able SL"s and ensurin the are metresponsible for ensurin all IT ser#ice manaement processes 8L"s andunderpinnin contracts are appropriate for the areed ser#ice le#el taretsmonitors and reports on ser#ice le#els holds reular ser#ice re#ie/s /ithcustomers identi5 es re$uired impro#ements.

Service evel Mana#ement Process ? Purpose   @nsure all current ; planned ser#ices are deli#ered to areed achie#able tarets   "ccomplished throuh a constant ccle of neotiatin areein monitorinreportin on and re#ie/in IT ser#ice tarets and achie#ements and throuhinstiation of actions to correct or impro#e the le#el of ser#ice deli#ered

Service evel Mana#ement Process ?

6jectives•   De5 ne document aree monitor measure report and re#ie/ the le#el

of IT ser#ices pro#ided instiate correcti#e measures /hene#erappropriate

•   ,ro#ide and impro#e a relationship ; communication /ith the businessand customers in con+unction /ith business relationship manaement

•   @nsure speci5 c and measurable tarets are de#eloped for all IT ser#ices•   Jonitor and impro#e customer satisfaction /ith $ualit of ser#ice

deli#ered•   @nsure IT and customers ha#e a clear e&pectation of ser#ice le#els to be

deli#ered•   @nsure that e#en /hen all areed tarets met the le#els of ser#ice

deli#ered are sub+ect to proacti#e cost-e7ecti#e continual impro#ement

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Service evel Mana#ement Process ? Scope•   De#elopment of relationships /ith the business•   Neotiation and areement of current re$uirements and tarets

documentation and manaement of SL"s for all operational ser#icesfuture re$uirements and tarets documentation and manaement of 

SL<s for all proposed ne/ or chaned ser#ices•   De#elopment and manaement of 8L"s alined /ith SL" tarets•   <e#ie/ of all underpinnin supplier contracts and areements /ith

Supplier Janaement to ensure tarets are alined /ith SL" tarets•   ,roacti#e pre#ention of ser#ice failures reduction of ser#ice riss and

impro#ement in ser#ice $ualit in con+unction /ith all other processes•   <eportin manaement of all ser#ices SL" breach ; /eaness re#ie/•   Instiation and coordination of SI,s for manaement plannin and

implementation of all ser#ice and process impro#ements4h. B ITILFND0B ,rocesses (ABm! 1A

Service evel Mana#ement Process ? <e!

1ctivities1. Determine document and aree on re$uirements for ne/ ser#ices SL<s

mae SL"s2. Jonitor ser#ice performance aainst SL"s report out9. 4onduct ser#ice re#ie/ and instiate impro#ements /ithin an o#erall SI,A. "ssist /ith usiness Ser#ice 4ataloue maintain templatesB. De#elop contacts and relationships record and manae complaints and

compliments. 4ollate measure and impro#e customer satisfaction. <e#ie/ and re#ise SL"s ser#ice scope and 64s

Service evel Mana#ement Process ? critical

inter"aces   Business relationsip mana#ement Censures that the ser#ice pro#ider has afull understandin of the needs and priorities of the business and that customersare appropriatel in#ol#ed;represented in the /or of ser#ice le#el manaement

   Service catalo#ue mana#ement  Cpro#ides accurate information aboutser#ices and their interfaces and dependencies to support determinin the SL"frame/or identifin customers;business units that need to be enaed bSLJ and to assist SLJ in communicatin /ith customers reardin ser#icespro#ided

   Incident mana#ement  Cpro#ides critical data to SLJ to demonstrateperformance aainst man SL" tarets operates /ith the ful5 llment of SL"tarets as a 4SF. SLJ neotiates support-related tarets such as taretrestoration times and then ful5 llment of tarets is embedded in the operation of the incident manaement process

   Supplier mana#ement C/ors collaborati#el /ith SLJ to de5 ne neotiate

document and aree terms of ser#ice /ith suppliers to support the achie#ementof commitments made b the ser#ice pro#ider in SL"s. Supplier manaement

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also manaes the performance of suppliers and contracts aainst these terms of ser#ice to ensure related SL" tarets are met

   1vailailit!2 capacit!2 IT service continuit! and in"ormation securit!

mana#ement Ccontribute to SLJ b helpin to de5 ne ser#ice le#el tarets thatrelate to their area of responsibilit and to #alidate that tarets are realistic.8nce tarets are areed da-to-da operation of each process ensures tarets

are met   ,inancial mana#ement "or IT services  C/ors /ith SLJ to #alidate thepredicted cost of deli#erin the ser#ice le#els re$uired b the customer to informtheir decision-main process and to ensure that actual costs are compared topredicted costs as part of o#erall manaement of the cost e7ecti#eness of ser#ice

   &esi#n coordination C durin ser#ice desin is responsible for ensurin o#erallser#ice desin acti#ities are completed successfull. SLJ plas a critical role inthis throuh the de#elopment of areed SL<s and the associated ser#ice tarets/hich the ne/ or chaned ser#ice must be desined to achie#e

Service evel 1#reements (S1s)

Service evel 1#reement (S1)

"n areement bet/een an IT ser#ice pro#ider and a customer. "n SL" describesthe IT ser#ice documents ser#ice le#el tarets and speci5 es the responsibilitiesof the IT ser#ice pro#ider and customer. " sinle SL" ma co#er multiple ITser#ices or multiple customers.

Service evel 1#reement (S1) Structures ?

Service-Based2 *ustomer-Based2 and Multi-evel S1s Example 9-la!er structure

1. Ser#ice-asedH   4o#ers SLJ issues for a speci5 c ser#ice for all 4ustomers of that ser#ice.8ne for each ser#ice in the SL"

2. 4ustomer-asedH"reement /ith an indi#idual 4ustomer roup co#erin allser#ices the use

9. Julti-Le#el   

Julti-le#el SL" for e&ample a three-laer structureH   

• 4orporate Le#elH all eneric issues for all•

4ustomer Le#elH all issues for a particular customer• Ser#ice Le#elH all issues to a speci5 c ser#ice

&eterminin#2 documentin# and a#reein#

re=uirements "or ne; services and producin#


Ser#ice Le#el <e$uirement (SL<!" customer re$uirement for an aspect of an IT ser#ice. SL<s are based onbusiness ob+ecti#es and used to neotiate areed ser#ice le#el tarets.

Ser#ice Le#el Taret

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" commitment documented in an SL" based on ser#ice le#el re$uirementsneeded to ensure that the IT ser#ice is able to meet business ob+ecti#es. Theshould be SJ"<T and are usuall based on e performance indicators.

Service Improve Plan (SIP)

Service Improvement Plan (SIP)" formal plan to implement impro#ements to a process or IT ser#ice   Initiated /hen ser#ice $ualit has deraded /ith a oal of restorin it   Formal pro+ect undertaen b a pro#ider to identif and mae measurableimpro#ements in a speci5 ed /or area or process

   Sho/s customers steps to be taen to impro#e ser#ice in the ne&t SL" re#ision   Focus ma include user trainin sstem testin documentation The SLJ process often enerates a ood startin point for a Ser#iceImpro#ement ,lan (SI,! C and the ser#ice re#ie/ process ma dri#e this. " SI,one of the outputs of SLJ is an o#erall proram or plan of prioriti)edimpro#ement actions encompassin appropriate ser#ices and processestoether /ith associated impacts and riss

Business +elationsip Mana#ement and SM   hile the SLJ process e&ists to ensure that areed achie#able le#els of ser#iceare pro#ided to the customer and users the business relationship manaementprocess is focused on a more strateic perspecti#e

   <J taes as its mission the identi5 cation of customer needs and ensurin thatthe ser#ice pro#ider is able to meet the customers= needs

   Focuses on the o#erall relationship ser#ice pro#ider ; customer relationship

/orin to determine /hich ser#ices the pro#ider /ill deli#er

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ITILFND0B-0B-A1 State the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope for ser#ice catalouemanaement (SD A.2.1 A.2.2!

Service *atalo#ue Mana#ement

 The process responsible for pro#idin and maintainin the ser#ice cataloue and

for ensurin that it is a#ailable to those /ho are authori)ed to access itService *atalo#ue

Database or structured document /ith information on all li#e IT ser#icesincludin those a#ailable for deploment. It is part of the ser#ice portfolio andcontains information about t/o tpes of IT ser#iceH customer-facin ser#ices thatare #isible to the business and supportin ser#ices re$uired b the ser#icepro#ider to deli#er customer-facin ser#ices.

Service *atalo#ue Mana#ement Process ?

Purpose•   ,ro#ide and maintain a sinle source of consistent information on all

operational ser#ices and those bein prepared to be run operationall•   @nsure that it is /idel a#ailable to those authori)ed to access it

Service *atalo#ue Mana#ement Process ?

6jectives•   Janae the information contained /ithin the ser#ice cataloue•   @nsure that the ser#ice cataloue is accurate and reM ects the current

details status interfaces and dependencies of all ser#ices that are beinrun or bein prepared to run in the li#e en#ironment accordin to thede5 ned policies

•   @nsure the ser#ice cataloue is made a#ailable to those appro#ed toaccess it in a /a that supports their e7ecti#e and e cient use of ser#ice cataloue information

•   @nsure the ser#ice cataloue supports e#ol#in needs of other ser#icemanaement processes for ser#ice cataloue information includininterfaces and dependencies

Service *atalo#ue Mana#ement Process ?S*6PE

   4ontribution to the de5 nition of ser#ices and ser#ice pacaes   De#elopment and maintenance of ser#ice and ser#ice pacae descriptionsappropriate for the ser#ice cataloue

   ,roduction and maintenance of an accurate ser#ice cataloue   Interfaces dependencies ; consistenc bet/een the cataloue and ser#iceportfolio

   Interfaces and dependencies bet/een all ser#ices and supportin ser#ices /ithin

the ser#ice cataloue and the 4JS The ser#ice cataloue manaement process does N8T includeH

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   Detailed attention to the capturin maintenance and use of ser#ice asset andcon5 uration data as performed throuh the ser#ice asset and con5 urationmanaement process (see ITIL Ser#ice Transition!

   Detailed attention to the capturin maintenance and ful5 llment of ser#icere$uests as performed b re$uest ful5 llment (see ITIL Ser#ice 8peration!

ITILFND0B-0B-A2 State the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope for a#ailabilitmanaement(SD A.A.1 A.A.2! includin ser#ice a#ailabilit (SD A.A.A.2!component a#ailabilit (SD A.A.A.2! reliabilit (SD A.A.A.9! maintainabilit (SDA.A.A.9! ser#iceabilit (SD A.A.A.9! #ital business functions (3F! (SD A.A.A.9!

1vailailit! Mana#ement

,roceso responsable de aseurar $ue los ser#icios de TI cumplan con lasnecesidades actuales futuras de disponibilidad para el neocio de una manerarentable a tiempo. La esti*n de disponibilidad de5ne anali)a plani5ca mide

me+ora todos los aspectos de la disponibilidad de los ser#icios de TI aseura$ue todas las infraestructuras de TI procesos herramientas roles etc. seanadecuados para los ob+eti#os de ni#el de ser#icio respecto a la disponibilidad.3er tambi%n sistema de informaci*n de la esti*n de disponibilidad


  ,roduce and maintain an appropriate and up-to-date a#ailabilit plan

that reM ects the current and future needs of the business   ,ro#ide ad#ice and uidance to all other areas of the business and IT onall a#ailabilit-related issues

  @nsure that ser#ice a#ailabilit achie#ements meet all their areedtarets b manain ser#ices and resources-related a#ailabilitperformance

  "ssist /ith the dianosis and resolution of a#ailabilit-related incidentsand problems

  "ssess the impact of all chanes on the a#ailabilit plan and thea#ailabilit of all ser#ices and resources

  @nsure that proacti#e measures to impro#e the a#ailabilit of ser#icesare implemented /here#er it is cost-+usti5 able to do so

"#ailabilit manaement must ensure the areed a#ailabilit le#el ispro#ided. Jeasurement and monitorin of IT a#ailabilit is a e acti#itto ensure a#ailabilit le#els are bein met consistentl. "#ailabilitmanaement should loo to continuall optimi)e and proacti#el impro#ea#ailabilit of the IT infrastructure ser#ices and the supportinorani)ation to pro#ide cost-e7ecti#e a#ailabilit impro#ements /ithbusiness and customer bene5 ts.

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Desin implementation measurement manaement and impro#ement of ITser#ice and component a#ailabilit includin t/o e elements reacti#e andproacti#e acti#itiesH

+eactive activities Proactive activities

Jonitorin measurin analsis and ,roacti#e plannin desin andmanaement of all e#ents incidents impro#ement of a#ailabilit. These andproblems in#ol#in una#ailabilit acti#ities are principall performed asprincipall performed as part of the part of the desin and plannin rolesoperational roles

"#ailabilit manaement is completed at t/o inter-connected le#elsH

Ser#ice a#ailabilit 4omponent a#ailabilit

In#ol#es all aspects of ser#icea#ailabilit and una#ailabilit and the

impact of component a#ailabilit or thepotential impact of componentuna#ailabilit on ser#ice a#ailabilit

In#ol#es all aspects of componenta#ailabilit and una#ailabilit

,iailidad (+eliailit!)

Jedida de cu'nto tiempo un elemento de con5uraci*n o ser#icio de TI puedee+ecutar su funci*n acordada ininterrumpidamente. Keneralmente medido comoJTF o JTSI el t%rmino 5abilidad tambi%n puede ser utili)ado para de5nir laprobabilidad de $ue un proceso funci*n etc. responda de la forma esperada.3%ase disponibilidad.

Mantemiilidad (Maintainailit!)

Jedida de c*mo de r'pida efecti#amente se puede restaurar un elemento decon5uraci*n o ser#icio de TI a su funcionamiento normal despu%s de un fallo.La mantenibilidad se mide e informa frecuentemente como JT<S. @l t%rminomantenibilidad se emplea tambi%n en el conte&to de desarrollo de soft/are odesarrollo de ser#icios de TI re5ri%ndose a la capacidad de ser cambiado oreparado f'cilmente.

*apacidad &e Servicio (Serviceailit!)

abilidad de un tercero suministrador para cumplir los t%rminos de su contrato.@ste contrato inclue los ni#eles acordados de disponibilidad mantenibilidad 5abilidad de un elemento de con5uraci*n

,unci%n Vital &el Ne#ocio (Vital Business ,unction) (VB,)

6na parte de un proceso de neocio $ue es cr>tica para el %&ito del neocio. Lasfunciones #itales del neocio son consideraciones importantes para la esti*nde la continuidad del neocio la esti*n de la continuidad del ser#icio de TI laesti*n de la disponibilidad

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4ertain 3Fs ma need special desins /ithin ser#ice desin plansincorporatinH

1lta &isponiilidad (Fi# availailit!)H 6na apro&imaci*n o diseGo$ue minimi)a u oculta a los usuarios de un ser#icio de TI los efectos delfallo de un elemento de con5uraci*n. Las soluciones de alta

disponibilidad se diseGan para alcan)ar los ni#eles acordados dedisponibilidad para hacer uso de t%cnicas como la tolerancia a fallosresistencia recuperaci*n r'pida para reducir el nUmero de incidencias el impacto de los mismos.

Tolerancia 1 ,allos (,ault tolerance)H abilidad de un ser#icio de TI ode un elemento de con5uraci*n para continuar su operaci*n correctatras el fallo de un componente. 3%ase tambi%n resistenciacontramedida.

6peraci%n *ontinua (*ontinuous operation)H @nfo$ue o diseGo paraeliminar la ca>da (do/ntime! plani5cada de un ser#icio TI. "d#ierta $ue

un elemento de con5uraci*n puede estar ca>do mientras el ser#icio TIest' disponible.

&isponiilidad *ontinua (*ontinuous availailit!)H @nfo$ue odiseGo para alcan)ar el 100[ de disponibilidad. 6n ser#icio TIcontinuamente disponible no tiene ca>das de ser#icio (do/ntime!plani5cadas o sin plani5car

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ITILFND0B-0B-A9 State the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope for informationsecurit manaement (ISJ! (SD A..1 A..2! includin information securitpolic (SD A..A.1!

$esti%n &e a Se#uridad &e a In"ormaci%n (In"ormation Securit!

Mana#ement )(ISM)

,roceso responsable de aseurar $ue la con5dencialidad interidad disponibilidad de los acti#os informaci*n datos ser#icios de TI de unaorani)aci*n satisfaan las necesidades acordadas por el neocio. La esti*n dela seuridad de la informaci*n da apoo a la seuridad del neocio tiene unalcance m's amplio $ue el del pro#eedor de ser#icios de TI e inclue lamanipulaci*n de documentos acceso a las instalaciones llamadas telef*nicasetc. para toda la orani)aci*n. 3%ase tambi%n sistema de informaci*n de laesti*n de seuridad.


,rotect the interests of those relin on information and the sstems andcommunications that deli#er information from harm from failures of con5dentialit interit and a#ailabilit for most orani)ations the ob+ecti#e is met/henH

  Information is obser#ed b or disclosed to onl those /ho ha#e a riht tono/ (con dentialit!!

  Information is complete accurate and protected aainst unauthori)edmodi5 cation (inte#rit!!

  Information is a#ailable and usable /hen re$uired and the sstems thatpro#ide it can appropriatel resist attacs and reco#er from or pre#entfailures (availailit!!

   Transactions ; information e&chanes /ith enterprises ; partners can betrusted (autenticit! and non-repudiation!


   The production maintenance distribution and enforcement of aninformation securit polic and supportin securit policies

  6nderstandin the areed current and future securit re$uirements of the business and the e&istin business securit polic and plans

  @stablishin a set of securit controls supportin information securitpolic manae riss associated /ith access to ser#ices information andsstems

  Documentation of all securit controls toether /ith the operation andmaintenance of the controls and their associated riss

  Janaement of suppliers and contracts reardin access to sstems andser#ices in con+unction /ith supplier manaement

  Janaement of all securit breaches incidents and problems on all

sstems ser#ices

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  ,roacti#e impro#ement of securit controls securit ris manaementand reduction

  Interation of securit aspects /ithin all other ITSJ processes

In"ormation Securit! Mana#ement Process ?

In"ormation Securit!

Pol:tica &e In"ormaci%n &e Se#uridad (In"ormation Securit! Polic!)


,ol>tica $ue obierna la #isi*n de la orani)aci*n sobre la esti*n de lainformaci*n de seuridad.

8#erall information securit polic Document classi5 cation polic 6se and misuse of IT assets polic <emote access polic

"ccess control polic Supplier access to IT ser#ice ,ass/ord control polic information and components polic @mail polic 4opriht infrinement polic for Internet polic electronic material "nti-#irus polic      "sset disposal polic

Information classi5 cation polic <ecords retention polic

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ITILFND0B-0B-AA State the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope for suppliermanaement (SD A.E.1 A.E.2.! includin supplier cateories (SD A.E.B.9 FiureA.2E!

$estion de Suminiatro (Supplier Mana#ement)

,roceso responsable de la obtenci*n de #alor por el dinero paado a lossuministradores aseur'ndose $ue todos los contratos acuerdos con losmismos apoan las necesidades del neocio $ue todos ellos cumplen suscompromisos contractuales. 3%ase tambi%n sistema de informaci*n de laesti*n de suministradores contratos

6jetivos   8btain #alue for mone from suppliers and contracts   @nsure contracts /ith suppliers are alined to business needs and

support and alin /ith areed tarets in SL<s and SL"s in con+unction/ith SLJ   Janae relationships /ith suppliers   Janae supplier performance   Neotiate and aree contracts /ith suppliers manae them throuh

their lifeccle   Jaintain a supplier polic and a supportin supplier and contract

manaement information sstem (S4JIS!

1lcance   Implementation and enforcement of the supplier polic   Jaintenance of an S4JIS   Supplier and contract cateori)ation and ris assessment   Supplier and contract e#aluation and selection   De#elopment neotiation and areement of contracts   4ontract re#ie/ rene/al and termination   Janaement of suppliers and supplier performance   Identi5 cation of impro#ement opportunities for inclusion in the 4SI

reister and the implementation of ser#ice and supplier impro#ementplans

  Jaintenance of standard contracts terms and conditions   Janaement of contractual dispute resolution   Janaement of sub-contracted suppliers

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Supplier Mana#ement Process ? +oles and


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                                                                                                                                         S                                                                                                          u   

                                                                                                                                             b                                                               - c    

                                                                                                       o                                                                                                           n

                                                                                                                                  t                                                                                                       r

                                                                                                       a                                                                                                          c    

                                                                                                                                  t                                                                                                       e   


                                                                                                        s                                                                                                          u   

                                                                                                       p                                                                                                                                              p                                       

                                                                                                                                             l                                                                                                                                             i                                                                                                       e                                                                                                          r


SD Fiure A.2H Supplier manaement C roles and interfacesZ 4ro/n copriht 2011. <eproduced under license from the 4abinet 8 ce.IT supplier manaement often has to compl /ith orani)ational or corporatestandards uidelines and re$uirements particularl those of corporate leal 5nance and purchasin as illustrated in SD Fiure A.2.In order to ensure that suppliers pro#ide #alue for mone and meet their ser#ice

tarets the relationship bet/een each supplier should be o/ned b an indi#idual/ithin the ser#ice pro#ider orani)ation. o/e#er a sinle indi#idual ma o/nthe relationship for one or man suppliers as illustrated in SD Fiure A.2. Toensure that relationships are de#eloped in a consistent manner and thatsuppliers= performance is appropriatel re#ie/ed and manaed roles need to beestablished for a supplier manaement process o/ner and a contracts manaer.In smaller orani)ations these separate roles ma be combined into a sinleresponsibilit.

Supplier Mana#ement Process ? Supplier

cate#ori>ationStrate#ic  C for sini5 can=t ?partnerin= relationships that in#ol#e seniormanaers sharin con5dential strateic information to facilitate lon-term plansTactical C relationships in#ol#in sini5 can=t commercial acti#it and businessinteraction6perational C for suppliers of operational products or ser#ices*ommodit! C for suppliers pro#idin lo/-#alue and;or readil a#ailable productsand ser#ices

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3alue and importance

<is and impact









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Z 4ro/n copriht 2011. <eproduced under license from the 4abinet 8 ce. The supplier manaement process should be adapti#e and spend more time ande7ort manain e suppliers. Some form of cateori)ation scheme should e&istin the supplier manaement process to cateori)e suppliers and theirimportance to the ser#ice pro#ider and their ser#ices to the business. 8ne of thebest /as of cateori)in suppliers is to assess ris and impact of usin the

supplier and #alue and importance of the supplier and its ser#ices to thebusiness as illustrated in SD Fiure A.2E.

Supplier cate#ori>ation ? Standardi>ed Vs4

customi>ed servicesStandardi)ed\ The preferred approach unless aclear business ad#antae e&ists\ Lo/er dependence on thesupplier supplier could be replacedeasier (if necessar!\ Jinimal time to maret /hendeploin ne/ or chaned businessser#ices and in pursuin cost-reduction strateies

4ustomi)ed\ Ja contribute to competiti#ead#antae throuh di7erentiated ser#iceor ma be the result of operationale#olution

- Increased dependence on the supplierincreased ris and can result inincreased cost

- For the supplierH decreased abilit toachie#e economies of scale throuhcommon operations resultin innarro/ed marins and reduced capitala#ailable for future in#estment.

Supplier Mana#ement Process ? Supplierrelationsips

   a#in established the supplier tpe the relationship must be formali)ed    The term ?areement= is used enericall to refer to an formali)ation of arelationship bet/een customer and supplier orani)ations and ma rane fromthe informal to comprehensi#e leall bindin contracts

   Simple lo/-#alue relationships ma be co#ered b a supplier=s standard termsand conditions and be manaed /holl b IT

   " relationship of strateic importance to the business re$uires a comprehensi#e

contract that ensures that the supplier supports e#ol#in business needsthrouhout the life of the contract   " contract needs to be manaed and de#eloped in con+unction /ith procurementand leal departments and business staeholders

Supplier Mana#ement Process ? Te supplier

and contract mana#ement in"ormation

s!stem (S*MIS)

Supplier and contract mana#ement in"ormation s!stem (S*MIS)

" set of tools data and information that is used to support suppliermanaement. See also ser#ice no/lede manaement sstem.

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   4ontains details of the orani)ation=s suppliers details of the products andser#ices that the pro#ide to the business (e.. email ser#ice ,4 suppl andinstallation ser#ice des! and details of the contracts.

   4ontains supplier details a summar of each product;ser#ice (includin supportarranements! information on the orderin process and contract details if applicable

   Ideall contained /ithin the o#erall 4JS   In most orani)ations o/ned b the supplier manaement process or theprocurement or purchasin department

 The S4JIS is a set of tools data and information that is used to support suppliermanaement. The S4JIS contains details of the orani)ation=s supplierstoether /ith details of the products and ser#ices that the pro#ide to thebusiness (e.. email ser#ice ,4 suppl and installation ser#ice des! toether/ith details of the contracts.

 The S4JIS contains supplier details a summar of each product;ser#ice(includin support arranements! information on the orderin process and

/here applicable contract details. Ideall the S4JIS is contained in the o#erall4JS. In most orani)ations the supplier manaement process or theprocurement or purchasin department o/ns the S4JIS."n S4JIS is bene5 cial because it can be used to promote preferred suppliersand to pre#ent purchasin of unappro#ed or incompatible items. coordinatinand controllin the buin acti#it the orani)ation is more liel to be able toneotiate preferential rates.

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ITILFND0B-0B-AB State the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope for capacitmanaement (SD A.B.1 A.B.2! includin capacit plan (SD A.B..9! businesscapacit manaement (SD A.B.A.9! ser#ice capacit manaement (SD A.B.A.9!component capacit manaement (SD A.B.A.9!

$esti%n &e a *apacidad (*apacit! Mana#ement)

,roceso responsable de aseurar $ue la capacidad de los ser#icios de TI de lainfraestructura de TI puedan cumplir con los re$uerimientos acordadosrelacionados con la capacidad el rendimiento de una manera rentable atiempo. La esti*n de la capacidad tiene en consideraci*n todos los recursosnecesarios para proporcionar un ser#icio de TI se enfoca en la satisfacci*n delas necesidades tanto de la capacidad actual futura as> como del rendimientodel neocio. La esti*n de capacidad inclue tres subprocesosH esti*n de lacapacidad del neocio esti*n de la capacidad del ser#icio esti*n de lacapacidad del componente. 3%ase tambi%n sistema de informaci*n de esti*n

de la capacidad.


,roduce and maintain an appropriate and up-to-date capacit plan/hich reM ects the current and future needs of the business

,ro#ide ad#ice and uidance to all other areas of the business and IT onall capacit- and performance-related issues

@nsure ser#ice performance achie#ements meet all of areed tarets bmanain the performance and capacit of both ser#ices and resources

"ssist /ith the dianosis and resolution of performance- and capacit-related incidents and problems

"ssess the impact of all chanes on the capacit plan and theperformance and capacit of all ser#ices and resources

@nsure that proacti#e measures to impro#e the performance of ser#icesare implemented /here#er it is cost-+usti5 able to do so


Jonitorin patterns of business acti#it throuh performance utili)ationand throuhput of IT ser#ices and the supportin infrastructureen#ironmental data and applications components and the production of reular and ad hoc reports on ser#ice and component capacit andperformance

6ndertain tunin acti#ities to mae the most e cient use of e&istinIT resources

6nderstandin the areed current and future demands bein made bthe customer for IT resources and producin forecasts for futurere$uirements

InM uencin demand in con+unction /ith the 5 nancial manaement for ITser#ices and demand manaement processes

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,roducin a capacit plan that enables the ser#ice pro#ider to continueto pro#ide ser#ices of the $ualit de5 ned in SL"s and that co#ers a sucient plannin timeframe to meet future ser#ice le#els re$uired as de5ned in the ser#ice portfolio and SL<s

"ssistin /ith the identi5 cation and resolution of an incidents andproblems associated /ith ser#ice or component capacit or performance

 The proacti#e impro#ement of ser#ice or component performance/here#er it is cost-+usti5 able and meets the needs of the business

Plan &e *apacidad (*apacit! Plan)

6n plan de capacidad se usa para estionar los <ecursos re$ueridos paraentrear los Ser#icios de TI. @l ,lan contiene detalles sobre el uso actual ehist*rico de los ser#icios de TI de sus componentes as> como tambi%nsituaciones $ue re$uieren atenci*n (incluidas las acti#idades relacionadas conme+oras!. @l plan tambi%n contiene diferentes escenarios para distintaspredicciones de demanda del neocio los costes asociados a cada iniciati#a a5n de entrear los ob+eti#os de ni#el de ser#icio acordados.

sistema de in"ormaci%n de #esti%n de la capacidad (*MIS)

4on+unto de herramientas datos e informaci*n $ue se utili)a para apoar a laesti*n de la capacidad. 3%ase tambi%n sistema de esti*n del conocimiento delser#icio.


$esti%n &e a *apacidad &el Ne#ocio (Business *apacit! Mana#ement )

@n el conte&to de ITSJ la esti*n de la capacidad del neocio es el subprocesode esti*n de la capacidad responsable de conocer los re$uisitos de neociofuturos para usarlos en el plan de capacidad. 3%ase tambi%n esti*n de lacapacidad del ser#icio esti*n de la capacidad de los componentes.

$esti%n &e a *apacidad &el Servicio (S*M)

Subproceso de la esti*n de capacidad responsable de entender el desempeGo la capacidad de los ser#icios de TI. Se recopila reistra anali)a lainformaci*n sobre los recursos utili)ados por cada ser#icio de TI el patr*n deuso a lo laro del tiempo para utili)arse en el plan de capacidad. 3%ase tambi%nesti*n de capacidad del neocio esti*n de capacidad de los componentes.


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usiness capacitmanaement


 T actical


Ser#ice capacit


4omponent capacit




<eports on all aspeccapacit manaem





Stor a(e of  capacit-mana(ement data


Iter ati#eacti#ities

,roduction of the capacit plan

$esti%n &e a *apacidad &e os *omponentes (**M)

Subproceso de esti*n de capacidad responsable de la comprensi*n de lacapacidad utili)aci*n rendimiento de los elementos de con5uraci*n. Serecopilan datos se archi#an se anali)an para su uso en el plan de capacidad.3%ase tambi%n esti*n de la capacidad del neocio esti*n de la capacidad delser#icio.

Diaram based on 4abinet 8 ce 4ro/n 4opriht Jaterial There are man similar acti#ities that are performed b each of the abo#esubprocesses but each sub-process has a #er di7erent focus. usiness capacitmanaement is focused on the current and future business re$uirements /hile

ser#ice capacit manaement is focused on the deli#er of the e&istin ser#icesthat support the business and component capacit manaement is focused onthe IT infrastructure that underpins ser#ice pro#ision. The role that each of thesesub-processes plas in the o#erall process the production of the capacit planand the storae of capacitrelated data is illustrated in S8 Fiure A.1.

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ITILFND0B-0B-A State the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope for IT ser#icecontinuit manaement (SD A..1 A..2! includin the purpose of businessimpact analsis (I"! (SD A..B.2! ris assessment (SD A..B.2!

$esti%n &e a *ontinuidad &e Servicios de TI (ITS*M)

,roceso responsable de estionar los riesos $ue podr>an impactar seriamente alos ser#icios de TI. ITS4J aseura $ue el pro#eedor de ser#icios de TI puedeproporcionar siempre los ni#eles de ser#icio m>nimos acordados reduciendo elrieso a un ni#el aceptable plani5cando la recuperaci*n de los ser#icios de TI.ITS4J da soporte a la esti*n de la continuidad del neocio.

IT Service *ontinuit! Mana#ement Process ? 6jectives

  ,roduce and maintain a set of IT ser#ice continuit plans that support theo#erall business continuit plans of the orani)ation

  ,erform reular business impact analsis (I"! to ensure continuit plansare maintained in line /ith chanin business impacts and re$uirements

  4onduct reular ris assessment and manaement e&ercises to manaeIT ser#ices /ithin an areed le#el of business ris in con+unction /ith thebusiness a#ailabilit and information securit manaement processes

  Kuide all other areas of the business and IT on all continuit-relatedissues

  @nsure that appropriate continuit mechanisms are put in place to meetor e&ceed the areed business continuit tarets

  "ssess chane impact on ITS4J plans supportin methods procedures   @nsure that proacti#e measures to impro#e the a#ailabilit of ser#ices

are implemented /here#er it is cost-+usti5 able to do so   Neotiate and aree suppliers contracts for reco#er capabilit to

support all continuit plans in con+unction /ith the supplier manaementprocess

IT Service *ontinuit! Mana#ement Process ? Scope

  "reement of the scope of the ITS4J process and the policies adopted   I" to $uantif the impact loss of IT ser#ice /ould ha#e on the business

  <is assessment and manaement Cidenti5 cation and assessment of riss to identif threats to continuit ; lielihood of the threats occurrin

  Includes measures to manae identi5 ed threats /here cost-+usti5 ed   ,roduction of an o#erall ITS4J strate interated into 4J strate   ,roduction of an ITS4J plan interated /ith the o#erall 4J plans    Testin of the plans   8noin operation and maintenance of the plans

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análisis de impacto del ne#ocio (BI1) Business Impact 1nal!sis

BI1 es la actividad de la #esti%n de la continuidad del ne#ocio =ue

identica las "unciones vitales del ne#ocio ! sus dependencias4 Estas

dependencias pueden incluir proveedores2 personas2 otros procesos de

ne#ocio2 servicios TI2 etc4 BI1 dene los re=uerimientos de

recuperaci%n para los servicios de TI4 &icos re=uerimientos inclu!enojetivos de tiempos de recuperaci%n2 ojetivos del punto de

recuperaci%n ! los ojetivos m:nimos de nivel de servicio para cada

servicio de TI4

evaluaci%n del ries#o (+is' 1ssessment)

os pasos iniciales de la #esti%n de ries#os8 anali>ar el valor de los

activos del ne#ocio2 identicando amena>as a esos activos ! evaluando

la vulnerailidad de las amena>as identicadas para cada cada activo4

a evaluaci%n del ries#o puede ser cuantitativo (asado en in"ormaci%n

num@rica) o cualitativa4


*ual=uier cosa =ue pueda aprovecar una vulnerailidad4 *ual=uier

causa potencial de un incidencia puede ser considerada una amena>a4

Por ejemplo un "ue#o es una amena>a =ue puede aprovecar la

vulnerailidad de mo=uetas inamales4 Este t@rmino es comJnmente

usado en la #esti%n de la in"ormaci%n de se#uridad ! la #esti%n de

continuidad del servicio de TI pero tami@n aplica a otras áreas tales

como #esti%n de la disponiilidad ! prolemas4


7na deilidad =ue puede ser aprovecada por una amena>a4 Por

ejemplo un puerto aierto en el corta"ue#os2 una clave de acceso =ue

nunca se camia o una al"omra inamale4 Tami@n se considera una

vulnerailidad un control perdido4

+ies#o (+is')

6n posible e#ento $ue podr>a causar daGo o p%rdidas o afectar la habilidad dealcan)ar ob+eti#os. 6n rieso se mide por la probabilidad de una amena)a la#ulnerabilidad del acti#o a esa amena)a por el impacto $ue tendr>a en caso$ue ocurriera. @l rieso tambi%n puede ser de5nido como la incertidumbre en elresultado puede ser utili)ado en el conte&to de la medici*n de la probabilidadde resultados positi#os as> como de resultados neati#os.

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"ssets Threats 3ulnerabilities


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ITILFND0B-0B-A State the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope for desincoordination (SD A.1.1 A.1.2!

*oordinaci%n &el &ise5o

,roceso responsable de coordinar todas las acti#idades de diseGo de ser#iciosprocesos recursos. La coordinaci*n del diseGo aseura la consistencia efecti#idad del diseGo de los ser#icios de TI sistemas de informaci*n de esti*nde ser#icios ar$uitecturas tecnolo>as procesos informaci*n m%tricas sean%stos nue#os o modi5cados.


@nsure consistent desin of appropriate ser#ices ser#ice manaementinformation sstems architectures technolo processes informationand metrics to meet current and e#ol#in business outcomes andre$uirements

4oordinate all desin acti#ities across pro+ects chanes suppliers andsupport teams and manae schedules resources and conM icts /herere$uired

,lan ; coordinate resources and capabilities to desin ne/ or chanedser#ices

,roduce ser#ice desin pacaes from ser#ice charters and chanere$uests

@nsure ood desins ; SD,s are made ; i#en to ser#ice transition as

areed Janae the $ualit criteria re$uirements and hando#er points bet/een

the ser#ice desin stae and ser#ice strate and ser#ice transition @nsure that all ser#ice models and ser#ice solution desins conform to

strateic architectural o#ernance and other corporate re$uirements Impro#e e7ecti#eness and e cienc of ser#ice desin acti#ities and

processes @nsure all parties adopt a common frame/or of standard reusable

desin practicesH acti#ities processes and supportin sstems /hene#erappropriate   Jonitor and impro#e the performance of the ser#ice desin

lifeccle stae


"ssistin and supportin each pro+ect or other chane throuh all theser#ice desin acti#ities and processes

Jaintainin policies uidelines standards budets models resourcesand capabilities for ser#ice desin acti#ities and processes

4oordinatin prioriti)in and schedulin of all ser#ice desin resources

to satisf conM ictin demands from all pro+ects and chanes

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,lannin and forecastin the resources needed for the future demand forser#ice desin acti#ities

<e#ie/in measurin and impro#in the performance of all ser#icedesin acti#ities and processes

@nsurin that all re$uirements are appropriatel addressed in ser#icedesins particularl utilit and /arrant re$uirements

@nsurin production of ser#ice desins and SD,s and hando#er to ser#icetransition

ITILFND0B-0B-B1 @&plain the purpose ob+ecti#es scope basic conceptsprocess acti#ities and interfaces for chane manaement (ST A.2.1 A.2.2A.2.A. A.2..A A.2..B! includin tpes of chane re$uest (ST A.2.A.9! chanemodels (ST A.2.A.B! remediation plannin (ST A.2.A.E! chane ad#isor board ;emerenc chane ad#isor board (ST A.2.B.10 A.2.B.11! lifeccle of a normalchane (ST A.2.B Fiure A.2!

$esti%n &e *amios

,roceso responsable del control del ciclo de #ida de los cambios permitiendo lae+ecuci*n de los cambios bene5ciosos minimi)ando el impacto en los ser#iciosde TI.


  <espond to the customer=s chanin business re$uirements /hilema&imi)in #alue and reducin incidents disruption and re-/or

  <espond to the business and IT re$uests for chane that /ill alin theser#ices /ith the business needs

  @nsure chanes are recorded and e#aluated and authori)ed chanes areprioriti)ed planned tested implemented documented and re#ie/ed ina controlled manner

  @nsure that all chanes to con5 uration items are recorded in the con5uration manaement sstem

  8ptimi)e o#erall business ris C it is often correct to minimi)e businessris but sometimes appropriate to no/inl accept a ris because of the potential bene5t


4hanes to all architectures processes tools metrics anddocumentation IT ser#ices and other con5 uration items

 4hanes to all con5 uration items across the /hole ser#ice lifeccle 4hanes to all con5 uration items across the /hole ser#ice lifeccle

4hanes to an of the fi #e aspects of ser#ice desinH   

1. Ser#ice solutions for ne/ or chaned ser#ices includin functionalre$uirements resources and capabilities needed and areed

2. Janaement information sstems and tools especiall the ser#ice

portfolio for manaement ; control of ser#ices across the lifeccle9. Technolo ; manaement architectures needed to pro#ide ser#icesA. ,rocesses needed to desin transition operate impro#e ser#ices

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B. Jeasurement sstems methods and metrics for the ser#ices thearchitectures their constituent components and the processes

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Inter"acesInte#ration ;it usiness can#e processes

here appropriate chane manaement should be in#ol#ed /ith businessproram and pro+ect manaement teams to ensure that chane issues aims

impacts and de#elopments are e&chaned and cascaded throuhout theorani)ation /here applicablePro#ram and project mana#ement

,roram and pro+ect manaement (usuall based on ,<IN4@2 or ,J8:! must/or in partnership to alin all the processes and people in#ol#ed in ser#icechane initiati#es6r#ani>ational and sta'eolder can#e mana#ement

It is essential that orani)ational aspects of chane manaement are properlconsidered and the chane manaement process has appropriate interfaces/ith the people carrin out this /or

Sourcin# and partnerin#@7ecti#e chane manaement practices and principles must be put into place tomanae these relationships e7ecti#el to ensure smooth deli#er of ser#ice

Modelo de *amio (*an#e Model)

Jodo repetible de estionar una cateor>a particular de cambio. 6n modelo decambio enumera los pasos espec>5cos prede5nidos acordados $ue deber'nlle#arse a cabo para un cambio perteneciente a esa cateor>a. Los modelos decambios pueden ser mu comple+os con muchos pasos $ue re$uieren

autori)aci*n (por e+emplo una #ersi*n (release! maor de soft/are! o puedenser mu simples sin necesidad de autori)aci*n (por e+emplo restablecer unacontraseGa!. 3%ase tambi%n comit% de cambios cambio est'ndar

Proceso de un *amio Normal

 Tpical acti#ities in manain indi#idual chanes areH

 4reate and record the <F4  <e#ie/ the <F4

Filter chanes (e.. incomplete or /ronl routed chanes!  "ssess and e#aluate the chane

o 1. @stablish the appropriate le#el of chane authorito 2. @stablish rele#ant areas of interest (i.e. /ho should be in#ol#ed in the

4"!o 9. @#aluate +usti5 cation impact cost bene5 ts riss predicted

performanceo A. Submit a re$uest for e#aluation to initiate acti#it from the chane

e#aluation "uthori)e the chane


1. 8btain authori)ation;re+ectiono 2. 4ommunicate the decision /ith all staeholders in particular the <F4initiator

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,lan updates 4oordinate chane implementation  <e#ie/ and close chane

o   1. 4ollate the chane documentation e.. baselines and e#aluationreports


  2. <e#ie/ the chane(s! and chane documentationo   9. @nsure lessons learned details are recorded in the S:JSo   A. 4lose the chane document /hen all actions are completed

+esoluci%n (+emediation)

Jedidas $ue se han tomado para recuperarse despu%s de un cambio odesplieue fallido. 6na recuperaci*n puede incluir un bac-out la in#ocaci*n delos planes de continuidad del ser#icio u otras acciones diseGadas para permitir$ue el proceso de neocio continUe

*omit@ 1sesor &e *amios - *an#e 1dvisor! Board (*1B)

Krupo de personas $ue dan soporte en la e#aluaci*n priori)aci*n autori)aci*n proramaci*n de los cambios. @n eneral un comit% asesor de cambiosdebiera estar constituido por representantes deH todas las 'reas del pro#eedorde ser#icios de TI el neocio terceros tales como suministradores(pro#eedores e&ternos!.

*onsejo 1sesor &e *amios &e Emer#encia - Emer#enc! *an#e1dvisor! Board (E*1B)

 6n subcon+unto del comit% de cambios $ue toma decisiones sobre el impactode cambios de emerencia. Los miembros del @4" pueden decidirse en elmomento en $ue se con#o$ue una reuni*n dependiendo de la naturale)a delcambio de emerencia.

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<eportsand audits

Identifa7ected items


4on5uration manaement sstem

4hane manaement

4apturerelease anden#ironment









<elease and deplone/;chaned 4ls


] Includes build and test /here applicable



<aise andrecord chane


Ser#ice asset and con5uration manaement

Inter"aces can#e and service asset and con #uration mana#ement

"ll ser#ice manaement processes ma re$uire chane manaement fore&ample to implement process impro#ements. Jan ser#ice manaementprocesses /ill also be in#ol#ed in the impact assessment and implementation of ser#ice chanes.

 The con5 uration manaement sstem pro#ides reliable $uic and eas accessto accurate con5 uration information to enable staeholders and sta7 to assessthe impact of proposed chanes and to trac chane /orM o/. This information

enables the correct 4I #ersions to be released to the appropriate part or into thecorrect en#ironment. "s chanes are implemented the con5 urationmanaement information is updated.

 The 4JS ma also identif related 4Is that /ill be a7ected b the chane butnot included in the oriinal re$uest or similar 4Is that /ould bene5 t from similarchanes."n o#er#ie/ of ho/ the chane manaement and ser#ice asset and con5uration manaement processes /or toether for an indi#idual chane issho/n in ST Fiure A..

Inter"aces con procesos

Prolem mana#ementH 4hanes are often re$uired to implement/orarounds and to 5& no/n errors problem manaement is a ma+orsource of <F4s and contributor to 4" discussion

IT service continuit! mana#ementH 6pdate procedures and plans #iachane so the are current and staeholders are a/are assess each

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chane for impact on ITS4J for a standard chane do this /hen thechane is authori)ed for normal and emerenc in chane assessment.

In"ormation securit! mana#ementH 4hanes re$uired b securit /illbe implemented throuh chane manaement securit is a econtributor to 4" discussion assess each sini5 cant chane for

potential impact on ISJ *apacit! mana#ement and demand mana#ementH 4apacitmanaement has an important role in assessin proposed chanesincludin total impact on ser#ice capacit. 4hanes arisin from capacitmanaement are initiated as <F4s

Service port"olio mana#ement8  ,rioriti)es charters and submits<F4s for strateic chanes chane proposals are input to lon-termplannin and to chane manaement for related <F4s. Some <F4sre$uire analsis b the S,J process potentiall addin to the ser#icepipeline

K+ de un camio

^_ui%n <@_6I<I8 (<"IS@D!el cambioW

Se trata de alo m's $ue la descripci*n del solicitante sino m's bien de lapreponderancia $ue la madure) del proceso $ue lo solicita o funci*n $ue losolicita

^4u'l es la <"`8N del cambioW

 Todo cambio de debe a un pedido de otro proceso por lo tanto necesitamossaber siH ^elcambio aplica para la eliminaci*n de una causa ra>)W ^aplica para laeliminaci*n de unincidente asilado o de poco impactoW ^aplica para una me+oraproacti#aW ^obedece a unanecesidad estrat%ica del neocioW en todos loscasos esta informaci*n debe estarrespaldada en la <F4 correspondiente.

^_u% <@T8<N8se re$uiere del cambioW

@n caso $ue la ,I< (<e#isi*n ,ost Implementaci*n! no fuese fa#orable esnecesario sabercual es el punto de restauraci*n al $ue se debe llear secuenta con la informaci*n necesariapara efectuar un roll bac.

 ^4u'les son los <I@SK8S $ue implica el cambioW

_ue riesos plantea para el neocio en t%rminos de Impacto (cuanto le duele alneocio eltiempo de Do/n Time $ue podr>a enerar el mismo! esta informaci*nes #ital para lacateori)aci*n del cambio (est'ndar de emerencia! tambi%n see#alUa el impacto en caso deno reali)arlo.

^_u% recursos se <@_6I@<@N para entrear el cambioW

 @n este caso a no hablamos de riesos sino en el c'lculo anticipado decantidad de recursos$ue se deben in#ertirse en caso de aplicar el cambio (estainformaci*n sir#e para lacateori)aci*n Jenor-Jaor-Sini5cati#o lain#ocaci*n de las autoridades pertinentes para laautori)aci*n del mismo!

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^_ui%n es el <@S,8NS"L@ de la construcci*n las pruebas la implantaci*ndelcambioW

@s mas $ue asinaci*n de roles se trata de la #eri5caci*n aprobaci*n de losplanes deconstrucci*n prueba aceptaci*n e implementaci*n del cambio esdecir se debe entendercomo un proecto.

^4u'l es la <@L"4I8N entre este cambio los otros cambiosW

La relaci*n es decir $ue otros 4I o componentes de la infrae structura puedeafectar es unan'lisis profundo de impactos dependencias sin ol#idar $ue uncambio tambi%n puedeafectar a los planes de continuidad a las pol>ticas deseuridad aplicada #iente

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ITILFND0B-0B-1 State the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope for release anddeploment manaement (ST A.A.1 A.A.2! includin four phases of release anddeploment (ST A.A.B Fiure A.29!

$esti%n &e Versiones L &esplie#ues (+elease and &eplo!mentMana#ement)

 ,roceso responsable de la plani5caci*n proramaci*n control de laconstrucci*n prueba e implementaci*n de #ersiones de proporcionar nue#asfuncionalidades $ue son re$ueridas por el neocio al tiempo $ue protee lainteridad de los ser#icios e&istentes.

 There are di7erent considerations that appl to the manner a release isdeploed. The usual options are i anQ #ersus phased push and pullQ andautomated or manual.

Versi%n (+elease)

 6no o m's cambios en un ser#icio de TI $ue se construen se prueban e seimplementan de forma con+unta. 6na sola #ersi*n puede incluir cambios en elhard/are soft/are documentaci*n procesos otros componentes. Tambi%n seutili)a comoH entrea liberaci*n lan)amento etc.

Pa=uete &e Versi%n (+elease Pac'a#e)

 4on+unto de elementos de con5uraci*n $ue ser' construido probado eimplementado en con+unto como una sola #rsi*n. 4ada pa$uete de #ersi*n porlo eneral inclue una o m's unidades de #ersi*n

7nidad &e Version (+elease 7nit)

4omponentes de un ser#icio de TI $ue normalmente son Implementados +untos.6na unidad de implementaci*n habitualmente inclue su5cientes componentespara reali)ar una funci*n Util. ,or e+emplo una unidad de #ersi*n podr>a ser un,4 de sobremesa incluendo hard/are soft/are licencias documentaci*n etc.6na unidad de #ersi*n distinta podr>a ser la aplicaci*n de n*minas incluendolos procedimientos de operaciones de TI la formaci*n del usuario.


De5 ne ; aree release and deploment plans /ith customersstaeholders

4reate and test release pacaes of compatible related con5 urationitems

Jaintain interit of release pacaes and constituent components intransition ensure all release pacaes are stored in a DJL and recorded

accuratel in the 4JS Deplo release pacaes from the DJL b an areed plan and schedule

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@nsure all release pacaes can be traced installed tested #eri5 edand;or uninstalled or baced out if appropriate

Janae orani)ation and staeholders durin release deplomentacti#ities

@nsure ne/ or chaned ser#ices and enablin sstems technolo and

orani)ation can deli#er areed utilit and /arrant <ecord and manae de#iations riss and issues related to ne/ or

chaned ser#ice and tae necessar correcti#e action @nsure there is no/lede transfer to enable the customers and users to

optimi)e their use of the ser#ice to support their business acti#ities @nsure sills and no/lede are transferred to ser#ice operation to

deli#er support and maintain the ser#ice e cientl and e7ecti#el to/arranties and ser#ice le#els


,rocesses sstems and functions to pacae build test and deplo arelease into li#e use establish the ser#ice speci5 ed in the ser#ice desinpacae and formall hand the ser#ice o#er to the ser#ice operationfunctions

"ll con5 uration items re$uired to implement a release for e&ampleHo ,hsical assets such as a ser#er or net/oro 3irtual assets such as a #irtual ser#er or #irtual storaeo "pplications and soft/areo  Trainin for users and IT sta7 o Ser#ices includin all related contracts and areements

Four ,hases of <elease and Deploment

1. <elease and deploment plannin C plans for creatin and deplointhe release are created

2. <elease build and test C the release pacae is built tested andcheced into the DJL

9. Deploment C the release pacae in the DJL is deploed to the li#een#ironment

A.<e#ie/ and close C e&perience and feedbac are captured

performance tarets achie#ements are re#ie/ed and lessons arelearned

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ITILFND0B-0B-2 State the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope for no/ledemanaement (ST .1 A..2! includin Data-to-Information-to-:no/lede-to-isdom (DI:! Y S:JS (ST A..A.2 A..A.9 Fiure A.9!

<no;led#e Mana#ement,roceso responsable de compartir perspecti#as ideas e&periencias einformaci*n de aseurar $ue %stas est'n disponibles en el luar correcto enel momento adecuado. @l proceso de esti*n del conocimiento permite tomardecisiones ob+eti#as me+ora la e5ciencia al reducir la necesidad deredescubrir el conocimiento. 3%ase tambi%n datos-a-informaci*na-conocimiento-a-sabidur>a sistema de esti*n del conocimiento del ser#icio.

&ata C discrete facts about @#entsIn"ormation C comes from pro#idin conte&t to data

<no;led#e  C tacit e&periences ideas insihts #alues and +udments of indi#iduals   

isdom C the ultimate discernment of the material


Impro#e the $ualit of manaement decision-main b ensurin thatreliable and secure no/lede information and data is a#ailablethrouhout the ser#ice lifeccle

@nable the ser#ice pro#ider to be more e cient and impro#e $ualit of 

ser#ice increase satisfaction and reduce the cost of ser#ice b reducinthe need to redisco#er no/lede @nsure sta7 ha#e a clear and common understandin of the #alue their

ser#ices pro#ide to customers and /as in /hich bene5 ts are reali)edfrom use of ser#ices

Jaintain a ser#ice no/lede manaement sstem (S:JS! that pro#idescontrolled access to no/lede information and data that is appropriatefor each audience

Kather anal)e store share use and maintain no/lede informationand data throuhout the ser#ice pro#ider orani)ation


  :no/lede manaement is a lifeccle-/ide process rele#ant to alllifeccle staes

  Includes o#ersiht of the manaement of no/lede the informationand data from /hich that no/lede deri#es

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DataC a set of discrete factsInformationC from pro#idin conte&t to data


ho /hat/hen /hereW








:no/ledeC composed of the tacite&periences Ideas insihts #alues

and +udments of indi#idualsisdomC maes use of 

no/lede to create#alue throuh correct

and /ell-informed

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ITILFND0B-0B-9 State the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope for ser#ice asset andcon5uration manaement (S"4J! (ST A.9.1 A.9.2!

Service 1sset and *on#uration Mana#ement Process

,roceso responsable de aseurar $ue los acti#os necesarios para entrearser#icios est'n debidamente controlados $ue haa informaci*n precisa 5able sobre esos acti#os adem's de estar disponible cuando donde senecesite. @sta informaci*n inclue detalles de c*mo se han con5urado losacti#os las relaciones entre ellos. 3%ase tambi%n sistema de esti*n de lacon5uraci*n


@nsure assets under the control of the IT orani)ation are identi5 ed

controlled and properl cared for throuhout their lifeccle Identif control record report audit and #erif ser#ices and other 4Is

includin #ersions baselines components attributes and relationships "ccount for manae and protect the interit of 4Is throuh the ser#ice

lifeccle b /orin /ith chane manaement to ensure that onlauthori)ed components are used and onl authori)ed chanes made

@nsure interit of 4Is and con5 urations re$uired to control ser#ices bestablishin and maintainin an accurate and complete 4JS

Jaintain accurate con5 uration information on the historical plannedand current state of ser#ices and other 4Is

Support e cient and e7ecti#e ser#ice manaement processes bpro#idin accurate con5 uration information to enable people to maedecisions at the riht time C for e&ample to authori)e chanes andreleases or to resol#e incidents and problems


Janaement of the complete lifeccle of e#er con5 uration items (4Is!o @nsures 4Is are identi5 ed baselined and maintained and chanes

controlledo @nsures that releases into controlled en#ironments and operational use aredone on the basis of formal authori)ation

o ,ro#ides a con5 uration model of the ser#ices and ser#ice assets brecordin the relationships bet/een con5 uration items Interfaces to internal and e&ternal ser#ice pro#iders /here there are

assets and con5 uration items to be controlled e.. shared assets

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ITILFND0B-0B-A State the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope for transition planninand support (ST A.1.1 A.1.2!

$esti%n &e Planicaci%n L Soporte &e a Transici%n

@l proceso responsable de la plani5caci*n de todos los procesos de transici*ndel ser#icio de la coordinaci*n de los recursos $ue re$uieren.


,lan and coordinate resources to ensure that the re$uirements of ser#icestrate encoded in ser#ice desin are e7ecti#el reali)ed in ser#iceoperation

4oordinate acti#ities across pro+ects suppliers ser#ice teams /here

re$uired @stablish ne/ or chaned ser#ices into supported en#ironments /ithin

the predicted cost $ualit and time estimates @stablish ne/ or modi5 ed manaement information sstems and tools

technolo and manaement architectures ser#ice manaementprocesses and measurement methods and metrics to meetre$uirements set in the desin stae of the lifeccle

@nsure all parties adopt a common frame/or of standard re-usableprocesses and sstems for e7ecti#eness and e cienc of interatedplannin and coordination

,ro#ide clear and comprehensi#e plans that enable customer andbusiness chane pro+ects to alin their acti#ities /ith the ser#icetransition plans

Identif manae and control riss to minimi)e the chance of failure anddisruption across transition acti#ities and ensure that ser#ice transitionissues riss and de#iations are reported to the appropriate staeholdersand decision maers

Jonitor and impro#e the performance of the ser#ice transition lifecclestae

1lcance Jaintainin policies standards and models for ser#ice transition

acti#ities processes Kuidin each ma+or chane or ne/ ser#ice throuh all ser#ice transition

processes 4oordinatin e7orts to enable multiple transitions to bemanaed at the same time

,rioriti)in conM ictin re$uirements for ser#ice transition resources ,lannin budet and resources to ful5 ll future re$uirements for ser#ice

transition <e#ie/in and impro#in performance of transition plannin and support


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@nsurin that ser#ice transition is coordinated /ith proram and pro+ectmanaement ser#ice desin and ser#ice de#elopment acti#ities

 Transition plannin and support is N8T responsible for detailed planninof the build test and deploment of indi#idual chanes or releasesthese acti#ities are carried out as part of chane manaement and

release and deploment manaement.

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ITILFND0B-0B-1 @&plain the purpose ob+ecti#es scope basic conceptsprocess acti#ities and interfaces for incident manaement (S8 A.2.1 A.2.2A.2.A.2 A.2.B A.2..A!

Incident mana#ement,roceso responsable de la esti*n del ciclo de #ida de todas las incidencias. Laesti*n de incidencias aseura $ue se restable)ca la operaci*n normal delser#icio lo antes posible se minimice el impacto para el neocio.

6jectives @nsure standardi)ed methods and procedures are used for e cient and

prompt response analsis documentation onoin manaement andreportin of incidents   Increase #isibilit and communication of incidentsto business and IT support sta7 

@nhance business perception of IT throuh use of a professionalapproach to $uicl resol#in and communicatin incidents /hen theoccur

"lin incident manaement acti#ities and priorities /ith those of thebusiness

Jaintain user satisfaction /ith the $ualit of IT ser#ices

ScopeScope includes an e#ent /hich disrupts or /hich could disrupt a ser#ice suchas e#ents communicated directl b users either throuh the ser#ice des orthrouh an interface from e#ent manaement to incident manaement tools.Incidents can also be reported and;or loed b technical sta7 for e&ample if the notice somethin unto/ard /ith a hard/are or net/or 4I sta7 ma reportor lo an incident and refer it to the ser#ice des. This does not mean that alle#ents are incidents man e#ent classes are not related to disruptions but areindicators of normal operation or informational."lthouh both incidents and ser#ice re$uests are reported to the ser#ice des

the are not the same. Ser#ice re$uests do not represent a disruption to areedser#ice but are a /a of meetin the customer=s needs and ma be addressinan areed taret in an SL". Ser#ice re$uests are dealt /ith b the re$uest ful5llment process.

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Modelo de Incidentes Incident model

4ontiene pasos prede5nidos $ue deben tomarse para mane+ar cierto tipo deIncidentes. @s un modo de aseurar $ue los Incidentes $ue ocurren de manerarutinaria se mane+en e5ciente efecti#amente.

Major incident

@s la cateor>a m's alta de impacto para una incidencia. 6na incidencia ra#etiene como consecuencia una interrupci*n importante en el neocio.

Incident status trac'in#

Incidents should be traced throuhout their lifeccle to support proper handlinand reportin on the status of incidents. ithin the incident manaementsstem status codes ma be lined to incidents to indicate /here the are in

relation to the lifeccle.


<e$uired 5 eld in man tpes of record indicatin the current stae in thelifeccle of the associated incident problem con5 uration item etc.

Incident status tracin 5 eld #alue e&amplesH

6pen  Incident is reconi)ed but not et assined to a resource forresolution

In pro#ress Incident is in the process of bein in#estiated and resol#ed +esolved " resolution has been put in place for the incident but normalstate ser#ice operation has not et been #alidated b the business orend user

*losed  The user or business has areed that the incident has beenresol#ed and that normal state operations ha#e been restored

,ases detalladas en el ciclo de vida Expanded incident li"ec!cle

Fases detalladas en el ciclo de #ida de una incidencia. Las fases son detecci*ndian*stico reparaci*n recuperaci*n restauraci*n. @l ciclo de #ida e&pandido

de la incidencia se usa para audar a la comprensi*n de las diferentescontribuciones al impacto de las incidencias para plani5car c*mo controlarlas reducirlas.


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1. Identi5cation 2. Loin 9. 4ateori)ation

A. ,rioriti)ation

B. Initial

dianosis. @scalation

. In#estiationand dianosis

E. <esolutionand reco#er

. 4losure

34 Incident identi cation

  " user is impacted and contacts the ser#ice des   " failure is detected on a e component that is monitored

2. Incident loin information ma includeH

6ni$ue reference number 4ateor ; sub-cateor 6renc impact priorit Date;time recorded Name;ID of person or roup recordin Notification method - phone   

email etc. 6ser name;department;phone;location 4all-bac method (phone mail etc.!

Description of smptoms Incident status C acti#e closed etc. <elated 4I "ssined support roup;person <elated problem;no/n error "cti#ities undertaen to resol#e the incident and /hen these too place <esolution date and time 4losure cateor date and time


94 Incident cate#ori>ation   "llocate a cateori)ation code so the e&act incident tpe is recorded   6sed later to anal)e incident tpes;fre$uencies for trends for use in

problem supplier manaement etc.   Incident cateori)ation ma chane throuhout the lifeccle of an

incident. For e&ample upon disco#er and loin of the incident initialcateories ma reM ect smptoms (e.. ?ser#ice una#ailable= or?performance slo/=!. 6pon later analsis cateories ma reM ect theactual 4Is at fault such as ?ser#er= or ?dis dri#e=.

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4 Incident prioriti>ation

,rioriti)ation is normall determined b the urenc of the incident (ho/ $uiclthe business needs resolution! and the le#el of business impact

Impact is often the number of users a7ected but loss of ser#ice to asinle user can ha#e a ma+or impact

8ther factors contributin to impactHo <is to life or limbo @7ect on business reputationo  The number of ser#ices a7ectedo  <eulator or leislati#e breaches C ma be multipleo  The le#el of 5 nancial losses

04 Initial dia#nosis

 To tr to disco#er the full smptoms of the incident and to determinee&actl /hat is /ron and ho/ to correct it

If possible the analst resol#es the incident /hile the user is on thephone and closes it if the resolution and reco#er are areed to besuccessful

If the cannot resol#e the incident /hile the user is still on the phonebut there is a prospect that the ser#ice des ma be able to do so theanalst informs the user of the intent supplies an incident referencenumber and attempts to 5 nd a resolution

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O4 Escalation


6na acti#idad $ue obtiene recursos adicionales cuando son necesarios paraalcan)ar las metas de ni#el de ser#icio o las e&pectati#as del cliente. 6n

escalado puede ser necesario dentro de cual$uier proceso de esti*n deser#icios de TI pero es mucho m's comUnmente asociado con la esti*n deincidentes esti*n de problemas esti*n de $ue+as de clientes. a dos tiposde escaladoH funcional +er'r$uico.

,unctional escalation

 Transferir una incidencia problema o cambio a un e$uipo t%cnico con maore&periencia para audar en un escalado de soluci*n.

Fierarcic escalation

Informaci*n o implicaci*n de ni#eles de esti*n m's ele#ados para audar enun escalado.

Functional escalation ierarchic escalation

"s soon as it becomes clear that theser#ice des is unable to resol#e theincident itself (or /hen taret times for

5 rst-point resolution ha#e beene&ceeded C /hiche#er comes 5 rst!the incident must be immediatelescalated for further support.

If incidents are of a serious nature (fore&ample hih-priorit incidents! theappropriate IT manaers must be

noti5 ed for informational purposes atleast.

K4 Investi#ation and dia#nosis

   @stablishin e&actl /hat has one /ron or is bein souht b the user   Determinin the order of e#ents   4on5 rmin the full incident impact of e.. number ; rane of a7ected users   Identifin e#ents that ma ha#e triered it (e.. a recent chaneW!   Detailed no/lede searches looin for pre#ious occurrences b searchin

incident;problem records and;or no/n error databases (:@Ds! ormanufacturers=;suppliers= error los or no/lede databases

4 +esolution and recover!

hen a potential resolution has been identi5 ed this should be applied andtested. The speci5 c actions to be undertaen and the people /ho /ill bein#ol#ed in tain the reco#er actions ma #ar dependin upon the nature of the fault but could in#ol#eH

   "sin the user to undertae acti#ities on their e$uipment

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    The ser#ice des implementin the resolution centrall usin remote controlsoft/are

   Specialist support roups bein ased to implement speci5 c reco#er actions(e.. net/or support recon5 urin a router!

   " third-part supplier or maintainer bein ased to resol#e the fault

Q4 *losure

 The ser#ice des should chec that the incident is full resol#ed and that theusers are satis5 ed and /illin to aree that the incident can be closed. Theser#ice des should also checH

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Service &esi#nService level mana#ement

 The abilit to resol#e incidents in a speci5 ed time is a e part of deli#erin an areed le#el of ser#ice

In"ormation securit! mana#ement

,ro#idin securit-related incident information as needed to supportser#ice desin acti#ities and ain a full picture of the e7ecti#eness of thesecurit measures as a /hole based on an insiht into all securitincidents

*apacit! mana#ement

Incident manaement pro#ides a trier for performance monitorin/here there appears to be a performance problem1vailailit! mana#ement

"#ailabilit manaement /ill use incident manaement data todetermine the a#ailabilit of IT ser#ices and loo at /here the incidentlifeccle can be impro#ed

Service TransitionService asset and con #uration mana#ement

,ro#ides data used to identif and proress incidents and to assess theimpact of an incident also contains information on /hich cateories of incident to assin to /hich support roup

In turn incident manaement can maintain the status of fault 4Is. It canalso assist ser#ice asset and con5 uration manaement to audit theinfrastructure /hen /orin to resol#e an incident

*an#e mana#ement

here a chane is needed to implement a /oraround or resolution it/ill be loed as an <F4 and proressed throuh chane manaement

In turn incident manaement is able to detect and resol#e incidents that

arise from failed chanes

Service 6perationProlem mana#ement

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VFor some incidents it /ill be appropriate for problem manaement toin#estiate and resol#e the underlin cause to pre#ent or reduce theimpact of recurrence

VIncident manaement pro#ides reportin point for these V,roblem manaement can pro#ide no/n errors for faster incident

resolution throuh /orarounds to restore ser#ice

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ITILFND0B-0B-2 @&plain the purpose ob+ecti#es scope basic conceptsprocess acti#ities and interfaces for problem manaement (S8 A.A.1 A.A.2A.A.A.2 A.A.B A.A..A! not section on problem analsis techni$ues (A.A.A.9!

$estion de Prolemas

,roceso responsable de la esti*n del ciclo de #ida de todos los problemas. Laesti*n de problemas pre#iene proacti#amente la ocurrencia de incidencias minimi)a el impacto de a$uellas $ue no se pueden pre#enir.


,re#ent problems and resultin incidents from happenin @liminate recurrin incidents

Jinimi)e the impact of incidents that cannot be pre#ented


,roblem manaement has both reacti#e and proacti#e aspectsH

+eactive prolem mana#ement  focuses on sol#in problems inresponse to one or more incidents

Proactive prolem mana#ement  focuses on identifin and sol#inproblems ; no/n errors before further related incidents re-occur

4onductin periodic scheduled re#ie/s of operational los andmaintenance records and e#ent los taretin patterns and trends of 

/arnin and e&ception e#ents 4onductin brainstormin sessions to identif trends indicatin

underlin problems 6sin chec sheets to proacti#el collect data on ser#ice or operational

$ualit issues that ma help to detect underlin problems

+eactive Prolem Mana#ement

,rocess acti#ities /ill tpicall be triered in reaction to an incident that hastaen place. <eacti#e problem manaement complements incident

manaement acti#ities b focusin on the underlin cause of an incident topre#ent its recurrence and identifin /orarounds /hen necessar.

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. ,rioriti)ationA

9. 4ateori)ation2. Loin

E. <esolution

1. Detection

B. In#estiationdianosis

. 4losure

. orarounds

10. Ja+or ,roblem <e#ie/

. <aisin:no/n error

Proactive Prolem Mana#ement2

,process acti#ities are triered b acti#ities seein to impro#e ser#ices. 8nee&ample miht be trend analsis acti#ities to 5 nd common underlin causes of historical incidents that too place to pre#ent their recurrence. ,roacti#eproblem manaement complements 4SI acti#ities b helpin to identif/orarounds and impro#ement actions that can impro#e the $ualit of a


Prolem models

  Jan problems /ill be uni$ue and /ill re$uire handlin in an indi#idual/a but it is concei#able that some incidents ma recur due to dormant

or underlin problems For e&ample /here the cost of a permanent resolution /ill be hih and a

decision has been taen not to o ahead /ith an e&pensi#e solution butto ?li#e /ith= the problem!

  esides creatin a no/n error record in the :@D to ensure $uicerdianosis the creation of a problem model for handlin such problems inthe future ma be helpful

 This is #er similar in concept to the idea of incident or re$uest modelsdescribed in pre#ious chapters but applied to problems.


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34 &etection ? tri##ers

+eactive prolem mana#ement

Suspicion or detection of a cause of one or more incidents "nalsis of an incident b a technical support roup "utomated detection of an infrastructure ; application fault

Noti5 cation from a supplier or contractor that a problem e&istProactive prolem mana#ement

"nalsis of incidents  Trendin of historical incidents _ualit of ser#ice acti#ities

/4 o##in#

<ecord all rele#ant problem details for a full historic record    Date and timestamped to allo/ suitable control and escalation   4ross-reference to incident(s!

recordin details such asH 6ser ser#ice e$uipment details Date;time initiall loed ,riorit and cateor details Incident description record numbers other cross-reference Dianostic and reco#er details

94 *ate#ori>ation

4ateori)e ,roblems in the same /a as incidents usin the same codinsstem so the true natureof the problem can be easil traced in the future and

meaninful manaement information can be had and enables incidents andproblems to be more readil matched4

4 Prioriti>ation

,rioriti)ation is normall determined b the urenc of the problem (ho/$uicl the business needs resolution! and business impact

Impact is often the number of users bein a7ected but loss of ser#ice toa sinle user can ha#e a ma+or impact

Should also factor in problem se#erit

o 4an the sstem be reco#ered or does it need to be replacedWo o/ much /ill it costWo o/ man people /ith /hat sills and ho/ lon to 5 & itWo o/ e&tensi#e is the problem (e.. ho/ man 4Is are a7ected!W

04 Investi#ation R dia#nosis

Dianose root cause /ith an appropriate le#el of resources and e&pertiseshould be applied commensurate /ith the priorit and associated ser#icetaret

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"ppl problem-sol#in techni$ues 6se the 4JS to help determine impact and pinpoint and dianose the

e&act point of failure 6se the :@D for problem-matchin techni$ues to see if the problem has

occurred before and if so to 5 nd the resolution

O4 or'arounds ere /e see a /oraround C a temporar /a of o#ercomin the di

culties C to the incidents caused b the problem It is #ital for /or on a permanent resolution continue if +usti5 ed hen a /oraround is found it is #ital that the problem record stas

open and /oraround details are documented in it

K4 +aisin# an 'no;n error record

" no/n error is a problem /ith a documented root cause and/oraround

:no/n error records should identif the related problem record and

document the status of actions bein taen to resol#e the problem itsroot cause and /oraround

"ll no/n error records should be stored in the no/n error database(:@D!

4 +esolution

8nce a root cause is found and solution de#eloped appl it to resol#ethe problem

If a chane is needed an <F4 must be raised and authori)ed beforeapplin the 5 &

6se an emerenc <F4 for #er serious problems ; urent 5 &es Some solutions are not +usti5 able and a decision ma be taen to lea#e

the problem record open but to use a /oraround

Q4 *losure

hen a 5 nal resolution has been applied the problem record should beformall closed C as should an related incident records that are stillopen.

" chec must be performed here to ensure the record has a full historicaldescription of all e#ents C and if not update the record

Status of an related no/n error record must be updated to sho/ theresolution has been applied

3.4 Major prolem revie;

"fter e#er ma+or problem conduct a lessons learned re#ie/ e&amininH

 Thins )and /ron hat to do better in the future

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o/ to pre#ent recurrence hether there is an third-part responsibilit and if follo/-up actions

are needed

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Prolem Mana#ement Process ? Inter"aces

Service Strate#! ,inancial mana#ement "or IT services

"ssists in assessin the impact of proposed resolutions or/orarounds and pain #alue analsis

,roblem manaement pro#ides information about the cost of resol#in and pre#entin problems

6sed as input into the budetin and accountin sstems andtotal cost of o/nership calculations

Service &esi#n

1vailailit! mana#ement

In#ol#ed /ith seein reduced do/ntime and increased uptime Juch of the manaement information a#ailable in problem

manaement /ill be communicated to a#ailabilit manaement*apacit! mana#ement

Some problems /ill re$uire in#estiation b capacitmanaement teams and techni$ues e.. performance issues

,roblem manaement pro#ides manaement information on the$ualit of decisions made durin the capacit plannin process

IT service continuit! mana#ement ,roblem manaement acts as an entr point into IT ser#ice

continuit manaement /here a sini5 cant problem is notresol#ed before it starts to ha#e a ma+or impact on the business

Service level mana#ement

,roblem manaement contributes to impro#ements in ser#icele#els and its information is used for some SL" re#ie/components

SLJ pro#ides parameters /ithin /hich problem manaement/ors

Service Transition*an#e mana#ement

,roblem manaement ensures resolutions;/orarounds thatre$uire a 4I chane are i#en to chane manaement #ia <F4

4hane manaement tracs chanes ad#ises problem


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Service asset and con #uration mana#ement

,roblem manaement uses the 4JS to identif fault 4Is and alsoto determine the impact of problems and resolutions

+elease and deplo!ment mana#ement

<esponsible for deploin problem 5 &es out to the li#een#ironment

,roblem manaement /ill help resol#e problems caused b faultsdurin the release process

<no;led#e mana#ement

the S:JS can be used to form the basis for the :@D and hold orinterate /ith the problem records

*SITe seven-step improvement process

Incidents and problems are a basis for identifin ser#iceimpro#ement opportunities addin them to the 4SI reister

,roacti#e problem manaement acti#ities ma identif underlinissues that if addressed can contribute to increases in ser#ice$ualit and end user;customer satisfaction

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ITILFND0B-0B-E1 State the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope for e#entmanaement (S8 A.1.1 A.1.2!

$estion de Eventos

,roceso responsable de la esti*n de e#entos a lo laro de su ciclo de#ida. La esti*n de e#entos es una de las principales acti#idades delaoperaci*n de TI.

1ctive monitorin# tools C poll e 4Is to determine status anda#ailabilit e&ceptions enerate alerts that must becommunicated to the appropriate tool or team for action.

Passive monitorin# tools  C detect and correlate operational

alerts or communications enerated b 4Is.


Detect all chanes of state /ith sini5 cance for the manaementof a 4I or IT ser#ice

Determine the appropriate control action for e#ents and ensurethese are communicated to the appropriate functions

,ro#ide the trier or entr point for the e&ecution of man

ser#ice operation processes and operations manaementacti#ities ,ro#ide the means to compare actual operatin performance and

beha#ior aainst desin standards and SL"s ,ro#ide a basis for ser#ice assurance and reportin and ser#ice



4on5 uration items (4Is! Some 4Is are included as the must sta in a constant state (e..

a s/itch on a net/or must sta on tools con5 rm this bmonitorin responses to ?pins=!

Some 4Is /ill be included because their status needs to chanefre$uentl and e#ent manaement can be used to automate thisand update the con5uration

Janaement sstem (4JS! (e.. the updatin of a 5 le ser#er! @n#ironmental conditions (e.. 5 re and smoe detection! Soft/are license monitorin to ensure optimum;leal license

utili)ation and allocation Securit (e.. intrusion detection!

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Normal acti#it (e.. tracin use of an application or theperformance of a ser#er!

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ITILFND0B-0B-E2 State the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope for re$uestful5llment (S8 A.9.1 A.9.2!

Petici%n &e Servicio

 The process responsible for manain the lifeccle of all ser#ice re$uests

,etici*n formal por parte de un usuario para $ue alo sea pro#isto - pore+emplo una solicitud de informaci*n o asesor>a restablecer unacontraseGa o instalar una estaci*n de traba+o para un nue#o usuario. Laspeticiones de ser#icios son estionadas por el proceso de peticiones deser#icio eneralmente en con+unto con el centro de atenci*n al usuario.Las peticiones de ser#icio pueden estar #inculadas con una solicitud decambio como parte del cumplimiento de la petici*n.


  Jaintain user and customer satisfaction b e cient andprofessional handlin of all ser#ice re$uests

  ,ro#ide a channel for users to re$uest and recei#e standardser#ices for /hich a prede5 ned authori)ation and $uali5 cationprocess e&ists

  ,ro#ide information to users and customers about the a#ailabilitof ser#ices and the procedure for obtainin them

  Source and deli#er re$uested standard ser#ice components (e..licenses soft/are!   "ssist /ith eneral information complaints orcomments


   The process needed to ful5 ll a re$uest /ill #ar based on /hat isbein re$uested but can usuall be broen do/n into a set of acti#ities that ha#e to be performed for each re$uest acti#ities

must be documented in a re$uest model stored in the S:JS   It /ill be up to each orani)ation to decide and document /hich

ser#ice re$uests it /ill handle throuh the re$uest ful5 llmentprocess and /hich /ill ha#e to o throuh other processes such asbusiness relationship manaement for dealin /ith re$uests forne/ or chaned ser#ices

  Kra areas al/as pre#ent eneric uidance from bein usefullprescribed

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ITILFND0B-0B-E9 State the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope for accessmanaement (S8 A.B.1 A.B.2!

1ccess Mana#ement

,roceso responsable de permitir a los usuarios hacer uso de los ser#iciosde TI datos u otros acti#os. La esti*n de accesos auda a proteer lacon5dencialidad interidad disponibilidad de los acti#os aseurando$ue s*lo usuarios autori)ados pueden acceder a ellos o modi5carlos. Laesti*n de accesos implementa las pol>ticas de esti*n de seuridad dela informaci*n a #eces es conocido como esti*n de permisos oesti*n de la identidad


  Janae access to ser#ices based on policies and actions de5 nedin information securit manaement

  @ cientl respond to re$uests for rantin access to ser#iceschanin access rihts or restrictin access ensurin the rihtspro#ided or chaned are properl ranted

  8#ersee access to ser#ices and ensure rihts bein pro#ided arenot improperl used


@&ecution of the policies in information securit manaement inthat it enables the orani)ation to manae the con5 dentialita#ailabilit and interit of the orani)ation=s data and intellectualpropert

@nsures that users are i#en the riht to use a ser#ice but it doesnot ensure that this access is a#ailable at all areed times C this ispro#ided b a#ailabilit manaement

@&ecuted b all technical and application manaement functions

and is usuall not a separate function ho/e#er there is liel asinle control point of coordination usuall in IT operationsmanaement or on the ser#ice des

4an be initiated b a ser#ice re$uest

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ITILFND0B-0B-1 State the purpose ob+ecti#es and scope for the se#en-step impro#ement process (4SI 9..9.1 A.1 A.1.1 A.1.2 Fiure 9.A!

Seven-Step Improvement Process

@s el proceso responsable de de5nir estionar los pasos necesariospara identi5car de5nir recopilar procesar anali)ar presentar eimplementar me+oras. @ste proceso mide continuamente el desempeGodel pro#eedor de ser#icios de TI se reali)an las me+oras a los procesosa los ser#icios de TI a la infraestructura de TI con el 5n de aumentar lae5ciencia la efecti#idad la rentabilidad. Las oportunidades de me+orase reistran se estionan a tra#%s del reistro de 4SI.


Identifin opportunities for impro#in ser#ices processes toolsetc.

<educin the cost of pro#idin ser#ices and ensurin that ITser#ices enable the re$uired business outcomes to be achie#ed

Identifin /hat needs to be measured anal)ed and reported toestablish impro#ement opportunities

4ontinuall re#ie/in ser#ice achie#ements to ensure the remainmatched to business re$uirements continuall alinin and re-alinin ser#ice pro#ision /ith outcome re$uirements

6nderstandin /hat to measure /h it is bein measured andcarefull de5 nin the successful outcome


  "nalsis of the performance and capabilities of ser#icesprocesses throuhout the lifeccle partners and technolo

  4ontinual alinment of the portfolio of IT ser#ices /ith the current

and future business needs as /ell as the maturit of the enablinIT processes for each ser#ice   Jain best use of the technolo that the orani)ation has and

loos to e&ploit ne/ technolo as it becomes a#ailable /herethere is a business case for doin so

  8rani)ational structure capabilities of the personnel and asin/hether people are /orin in appropriate functions and rolesand if the ha#e the re$uired sills

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1. Identi"! te strate#! "or improvement Identif the o#erall#ision business need the strate and the tactical and operationaloals

2. &ene ;at !ou ;ill measure Ser#ice strate and desinshould ha#e identi5 ed this information earl in the lifeccle. 4SIcan then start its ccle all o#er aain at ?here are /e no/W= and?here do /e /ant to beW= This identi5 es the ideal situation forboth the business and IT. 4SI can conduct a ap analsis to identifopportunities for impro#ement as /ell as ans/erin the $uestion?o/ do /e et thereW=

9. $ater te data To ans/er the $uestion ?Did /e et thereW= datamust 5 rst be athered (usuall throuh ser#ice operations! fromman sources based on oals and ob+ecti#es identi5 ed. "t this

point the data is ra/ and no conclusions are dra/n.A. Process te data ere data is processed in alinment /ith criticalsuccess factors (4SFs! and :,Is speci5 ed. This means thattimeframes are coordinated unalined data is rationali)ed andmade consistent and aps in the data are identi5 ed. The simpleoal of this step is to process data from multiple disparate sourcesto i#e it conte&t that can be compared. 8nce data is rationali)ed/e can bein analsis.

B. 1nal!>e te in"ormation and data "s /e brin data more andmore into conte&t it e#ol#es from ra/ data into information /here/e can start to ans/er $uestions on /ho /hat /hen /here andho/ as /ell as trends and the impact on the business this step isoften o#erlooed in the rush to present data to manaement.

. Present and use te in"ormation ere the ans/er to ?Did /eet thereW= is formatted and communicated to the #ariousstaeholders an accurate picture of the results of the impro#emente7orts. :no/lede is presented to the business in a form andmanner that reM ects their needs and assists them in determininthe ne&t steps.

. Implement improvement :no/lede ained is used to optimi)eimpro#e and correct ser#ices and processes. Issues ha#e been

identi5 ed and no/ solutions are implemented C/isdom is appliedto the no/lede. Impro#ements to impro#e the ser#ice or processare communicated and e&plained to the orani)ation then theorani)ation establishes a ne/ baseline and the ccle beins ane/.

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Strate Tactical oals

8perational oals

usiness need

Identif the strate forimpro#ement

. De5ne /hat ou /ill2measure




Kather the data

A.,rocess the dataB."nalse the informationand data

.,resent and use theinformation

.Implement impro#ement

 TrendsW TaretsWImpro#ements re$uiredW


 Tools and sstemsW"ccuracW

hoW o/W henW

8perational oalsSer#ice measurement

4riteria to e#aluateinterit of data






"ssessment summar"ction plans@tc.

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ITILFND0-0-1 @&plain the role ob+ecti#es and orani)ational structuresfor the ser#ice des function (S8 .9 .9.1 .9.2 .9.9 Fiures .2 .9.A!

centro de servicio al usuario (Service &es')

,unto Unico de contacto entre el pro#eedor de ser#icio los usuarios. 6ncentro de ser#icio al usuario t>pico estiona incidencias peticiones deser#icio tambi%n mane+a la comunicaci*n con los usuarios


  Loin all incident;ser#ice re$uest details allocatin cateor

and priorit codes   ,ro#idin 5 rst-line in#estiation and dianosis   <esol#in incidents;ser#ice re$uests /hen 5 rst contacted

/hene#er possible   @scalatin incidents;ser#ice re$uests the cannot resol#e /ithin

areed timescales   :eepin users informed of proress   4losin all resol#ed incidents re$uests and other calls   4onductin customer;user satisfaction call-bacs;sur#es as


4ommunication /ith users C eepin them informed of incidentproress notifin them of impendin chanes or areed outaesetc.

  6pdatin the 4JS under the direction and appro#al of ser#iceasset and con5 uration manaement if so areed

6r#ani>ational structures

ocalH Located nearQ the user location

*entrali>edH 8ne central phsical location VirtualH 8ne central Ser#ice Des accessible throuh the net/or

from se#eral locations ,ollo;-te-SunH soporte alrededor del mundo para proporcionar

ser#icio 2A]. Las llamadas incidencias problemas solicitudesde ser#icio se trans5eren entre rupos en diferentes husoshorarios.

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 TILFND0-0-2 State the role and ob+ecti#es of the technicalmanaement function (S8 .A.1 .A.2! the application manaementfunction (S8 ..1 ..2! /ith application de#elopment (S8 ...1

 Table .2! and the IT operations manaement function (IT operationscontrol and facilities manaement! (S8 .B.1 .B.2!

$esti%n T@cnica (Tecnical Mana#ement)

La funci*n responsable de proporcionar capacidades t%cnicas en elsoporte de los ser#icios de TI en la esti*n de la infraestructura de TI.La esti*n t%cnica de5ne los roles de los rupos de soporte as> como lasherramientas procesos procedimientos re$ueridos.


elp plan implement and maintain a stable technical infrastructure tosupport the orani)ation=s business processes throuh

  ell desined and hihl resilient cost-e7ecti#e technicaltopolo

  6se of technical sills to maintain the technical infrastructure inoptimum condition

  S/ift use of technical sills to speedil dianose and resol#e an

technical failures

$esti%n &e 1plicaciones

Funci*n responsable de estionar las aplicaciones durante su ciclo de#ida.


  Support the orani)ation=s business processes b helpin toidentif functional and manaeabilit re$uirements for applicationsoft/are

  "ssist in the desin and deploment of those applications and theonoin support and impro#ement of those applications

1pplication development

8ne-time set of acti#ities to desin and construct application solutionsDe#elopment

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IT 6perations Mana#ement

Funci*n dentro de un pro#eedor de ser#icios $ue se encara de e+ecutarlas acti#idades diarias necesarias para estionar los ser#icios de TI lainfraestructura de TI $ue los soporta. Kesti*n de operaciones de TI

inclue el control de operaciones de TI la esti*n

*ontrol de operaciones de TI (IT operations control)

 Funci*n responsable de monitori)ar controlar los ser#icios de TI lainfraestructura de TI. 3%ase puente de operaciones

$esti%n &e Instalaciones (,acilities Mana#ement)

@s la funci*n responsable de estionar el entorno f>sico donde se locali)a

la infraestructura de TI. La esti*n de instalaciones inclue todos losaspectos de la esti*n del entorno f>sico por e+emplo electricidad aireacondicionado esti*n de acceso a edi5cios monitori)aci*nmedioambiental.


Jaintenance of the status $uo to achie#e stabilit of theorani)ation=s da-to-da processes and acti#ities

<eular scrutin and impro#ements to achie#e impro#ed ser#ice

at reduced costs /hile maintainin stabilit S/ift application of operational sills to dianose and resol#e an

IT operations failures that occur

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ITILFND0-0-1 "ccount for the role and the responsibilities of theprocess o/ner (SD .9.2! process manaer (SD .9.9! processpractitioner (SD .9.A! and ser#ice o/ner (SD .9.1!

Propietario &el Proceso Process 6;ner

@s el rol responsable de aseurar $ue un proceso se a+usta a suprop*sito. Las responsabilidades del propietario del proceso cubren elpatrocinio el diseGo la esti*n del cambio la me+ora continua delproceso sus m%tricas. @ste rol se asina comUnmente a la persona $uedesempeGa tambi%n el rol de estor del proceso aun$ue en randesorani)aciones ambos roles pueden estar separados.

$estor &el Proceso (Process Mana#er)

@s el rol encarado de la esti*n operati#a de un proceso. Lasresponsabilidades del estor del proceso cubren la plani5caci*n coordinaci*n de todas las acti#idades necesarias para el desarrolloseuimiento reistro de acti#idad de un proceso. ,uede e&istir m's deun estor para un proceso determinado como pueden ser estores decambio por reiones eor'5cas o estores de continuidad del ser#iciopara cada centro de proceso de datos. @l rol de estor del proceso seasina comUnmente a la persona $ue desempeGa tambi%n el rol dedueGo del proceso aun$ue en randes orani)aciones ambos roles

pueden estar separados.

Process Practitioner

" process practitioner is responsible for carrin out one or more processacti#ities. In some orani)ations and for some processes the processpractitioner role ma be combined /ith the process manaer role inothers there ma be lare numbers of practitioners carrin out di7erentparts of the process.

Propietario &el Servicio (Service 6;ner)

<ol responsable de la esti*n de uno o m's ser#icios a tra#%s de su ciclode #ida completo. Los propietarios de ser#icios son fundamentales parael desarrollo de la estrateia de ser#icio son responsables del contenidodel porfolio de ser#icios. 3%ase tambi%n esti*n de relaciones delneocio.

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ITILFND0-0-2 <econi)e the responsible accountable consultedinformed (<"4I! responsibilit model and e&plain its role in determininorani)ational structure (SD 9..A.1 Table 9.2 not <"4I-3S or <"S4I!


Jodelo $ue se usa como auda para de5nir roles responsabilidades.<"4I sini5ca encarado responsable consultado e informado.

<"4I is an acronm for the four main roles of beinH +esponsileH The person or people responsible for correct

e&ecution C for ettin the +ob done 1ccountale8 the person /ho has o/nership of $ualit and the

end result. 8nl one person can be accountable for each tas *onsulted8 the people /ho are consulted and /hose opinions are

souht. The ha#e in#ol#ement throuh input of no/lede andinformation

In"ormed8 the people /ho are ept up to date on proress. Therecei#e information about process e&ecution and $ualit

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ITILFND0E-0E-2 6nderstand ho/ ser#ice automation assists /ith e&peditin ser#icemanaement processes (SS .1!

1dvanta#es o" Service 1utomation•

   The capacit of automated resources can be more easil ad+usted in response to#ariations in demand #olumes

•   "utomated resources can handle capacit /ith fe/er restrictions on time of accessthe can therefore be used to ser#e demand across time )ones and after-hours

•   "utomated sstems present a ood basis for measurin and impro#in ser#iceprocesses b holdin constant the factor of human resources con#ersel the canbe used to measure the di7erential impact on ser#ice $ualit and costs due to#arin le#els of no/lede sills and e&perience of human resources

•   Jan optimi)ation problems such as schedulin routein and allocation of resources re$uire computin po/er that is beond the capacit of human aents

•  "utomation is a means for capturin the no/lede re$uired for a ser#ice process

codi5 ed no/lede is relati#el eas to distribute in the orani)ation in a consistentand secure manner. It reduces the depreciation of no/lede /hen emploeesmo#e /ithin the orani)ation or permanentl lea#e

Service Mana#ement 1reas tat Bene t "rom

Service 1utomationDesin and modelin Ser#ice cataloue ,attern reconition and


4lassi5 cationprioriti)ation androutin

Detection andmonitorin


&e#radin# Eect o" Variation in Service Processes•   3ariation in the performance of indi#iduals /ith time /orload moti#ation and

nature of the tas at hand can be a disad#antae in man situations•

  3ariation in the no/lede sills and e&perience of indi#iduals can lead to #ariationin performance of processes

•   3ariations in processin times across ser#ice transactions +obs or ccles can resultin deradation of ser#ice le#els usuall delas and conestionInstrumentation



 The term ?instrumentation= describes the technoloies and techni$ues for measurin thebeha#iors of infrastructure elements. Instrumentation reports actual or potential problemsand pro#ides feedbac after ad+ustments.SS Table .1H Instrumentation techni$ues

 Techni$ue "ction


,assi#e listeners scan for alerts

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@&ternal source 4ompile data from e&ternal sources such as ser#icedes ticets suppliers or sstems

Janual eneration Januall create or alter an e#ent

,ollin Jonitorin sstems acti#el interroate elements



Simulate user e&perience b no/n transactions

Z 4ro/n copriht 2011. <eproduced under license from the 4abinet 8 ce.

Event Mana#ement Tecni=ues

Event Mana#ement

 The process responsible for manain e#ents throuhout their lifeccle. @#ent manaementis one of the main acti#ities of IT operations.SS Table .2H @#ent manaement techni$ues

 Techni$ue "ction

4ompression 4onsolidate multiple identical alarms into a sinle alarm4orrelation See if multiple alert sources occurrin durin a short

period of time ha#e an relationship

Filterin "ppl rules to a sinle alert source o#er some period of  time


"ppl adapti#e instrumentation

<oll-up 4ompress alerts throuh the use of hierarchicalcollection structures

3eri5 cation "cti#el con5 rm an actual incidentZ 4ro/n copriht 2011. <eproduced under license from the 4abinet 8 ce.