Rules of Procedure (By Krupa Maria Varghese)




Transcript of Rules of Procedure (By Krupa Maria Varghese)

Page 1: Rules of Procedure (By Krupa Maria Varghese)


Page 2: Rules of Procedure (By Krupa Maria Varghese)

Quorum – one fourth of the committee

Motions in order- Roll Call- Motion to set agenda: 2 speakers lists, one in favour and one against- @ least 2 speakers from each side- Motion to close debate: once 2 is done,

recognize 2 speakers against closing debate followed by voting= two thirds majority

Immediately proceed to vote on the motion: simple majority

Page 3: Rules of Procedure (By Krupa Maria Varghese)

Motion to open the General Speakers List setting the time at 1min or 1min 30 sec or Chair declares it open.

Moderated CaucusUnmoderated causus

Closure of Debate: two-thirds majority

Suspension or Adjournment of the Meeting

Page 4: Rules of Procedure (By Krupa Maria Varghese)

Postponement and Resumption of debate: postponement – two thirds majority, two speakers for and against; resume debate- simple majority, two speakers for and against

Resolutions:- May be introduced when it receives the approval of the EB- Amendments need the approval of the Director and signatories- Friendly and Unfriendly amendments- 2/3 majority vote required for amendments to pass