Rules for our adventure 1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that...


Transcript of Rules for our adventure 1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that...

Page 1: Rules for our adventure 1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that comprise our solar system, the Milky Way. 2.We will participate.
Page 2: Rules for our adventure 1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that comprise our solar system, the Milky Way. 2.We will participate.

Rules for our adventure1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that comprise our solar system, the Milky Way.

2.We will participate with open minds, as we journey to our destinations.

3.We will be respectful and responsible with regards to our own opinions and those of others.

4.We will keep our hands and feet inside the moving spacecraft at all times, so we do not hit any stars, planets or space dust that we may encounter.

Page 3: Rules for our adventure 1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that comprise our solar system, the Milky Way. 2.We will participate.
Page 4: Rules for our adventure 1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that comprise our solar system, the Milky Way. 2.We will participate.

Photo from

Our Sun:

* Is a star * Made of gases * Is our primary source of energy

70% hydrogen and 28% helium

• 1.3 million times bigger than Earth

Image at

It is finally released at the photosphere, primarily as visible


Nuclear chain reaction (hydrogen forming helium)

Releases radiation (gamma rays)

The gamma ray loses energy as it bounces around inside the Sun

Page 5: Rules for our adventure 1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that comprise our solar system, the Milky Way. 2.We will participate.

* Closest planet to the sun.* Not much larger than Earth's moon.* Has no moons of its own. * So close to the sun so it’s hard to get a good view of it.* Many craters on its surface.

* Has an extremely thin atmosphere. * Planet of extremes. * It’s so close to the sun that during the day, the temperatures can reach up to 430°C. (806F)* It has almost no atmosphere so at night all the heat escapes into space dropping the temperature to −170°C. (-274F)* Greatest range of temperatures than any other planet.Music provided by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra: Mercury, the Winged Messenger

Page 6: Rules for our adventure 1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that comprise our solar system, the Milky Way. 2.We will participate.

• Similar in size to Earth. • Density and internal structure of Venus

are similar to Earth's.• However, in many other ways, Venus is

very different from Earth.

• Takes about 7.5 Earth months to revolve around the sun. • Takes about 8 months for Venus to rotate on its axis. • Venus rotates so slowly that its “day” is longer than its “year.” • Rotates from east to west, the opposite direction from most other planets and moons. • This type of rotation is called retrograde rotation.

• Atmosphere is so thick that every day is a cloudy one. • Pressure of Venus's atmosphere is 90 times greater than the pressure of Earth's atmosphere. • Could not breathe on Venus because its atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide.• Clouds are partly made of sulfuric acid.

Music provided by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra: Venus, the Bringer of Peace

Page 7: Rules for our adventure 1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that comprise our solar system, the Milky Way. 2.We will participate.

Courtesy of A beautiful World, Earth song

• It is the only planet that has an atmosphere containing 21 percent oxygen.

• It is the only planet that has liquid water on its surface.

• It is the only planet in the solar system that has life.

• The Earth is the only inner planet to have one large satellite, the Moon.

• The Earth is fragile. Its surface is split into plates (tectonic plates) which float on a rocky mantle – the layer between the surface of the earth, its crust, and its hot liquid core.

Page 8: Rules for our adventure 1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that comprise our solar system, the Milky Way. 2.We will participate.

• Axis is tilted so Mars has seasons just as Earth does. • Barren and covered with craters like the moon.

• Regions of Mars have giant volcanoes.• No oceans or puddles of water exist.

• Photographs taken from space do show evidence that water flowed on Mars millions of years ago.

• Atmosphere of Mars is mostly carbon dioxide.• Has only 1 percent the pressure of Earth's atmosphere.

• Astronomers have found that some water remains on Mars in the form of

ice at its north pole. • Mars' south pole has an ice cap made mostly of frozen carbon dioxide.

Welcome to


Your home away from

home, maybe

Music provided by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra: Venus, the Bringer of Peace

Page 9: Rules for our adventure 1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that comprise our solar system, the Milky Way. 2.We will participate.

• Largest Planet

• Atmosphere: Hydrogen and Helium

• 16 Moons – (4 Large Moons) (Ganymede, Europa, Callisto, Io )

• Great Red Spot (Huge Storm)

• Differential Rotation: The equator spins faster than either the North or South poles, which is a trait of Jovian planets

• Thin ring system

• Day: 10 hrs

• Year: 12 Years

Music provided by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra: Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity

Page 10: Rules for our adventure 1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that comprise our solar system, the Milky Way. 2.We will participate.

• 2nd Largest Planet• Has 22 Moons

•Titan: Moon with its own Atmosphere

• Day: 10 hours• Year: 29.5 years

Music provided by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra: Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age

• Large ring system-ice, rock, and dust that measures some 50,000 miles

across and 200 yards deep

• Nearly twice as far away from the Sun as Jupiter

Atmosphere: Hydrogen, Helium

Page 11: Rules for our adventure 1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that comprise our solar system, the Milky Way. 2.We will participate.

• About the size of Neptune• Discovered by Sir William Herschel 1781

• Atmosphere: hydrogen, helium methane

• About 15 Moons• Thin ring system

• Rotates on its side• Rocky core• Day: 18 hours• Year: 84 years•Most of Uranus’ moons are named after characters in Shakespearean plays

Music provided by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra: Uranus, the Magician

Page 12: Rules for our adventure 1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that comprise our solar system, the Milky Way. 2.We will participate.

• A little smaller than Uranus, but similar composition• Methane atmosphere• Last planet seen by Voyager• Rocky core• 8 Moons (Triton & Nereid) The largest• Triton is one of two Moons in Solar System with its own atmosphere (Titan is other)• Thin ring system• Once a great dark spot, that recent Hubble telescope pictures state has disappeared • Day: 19 hours• Year: 165 years

Music provided by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra: Neptune, the Mystic

Page 13: Rules for our adventure 1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that comprise our solar system, the Milky Way. 2.We will participate.

Pluto•Discovered in 1930 •“Dwarf” Planet• Icy/rocky Planetoid• 1 Moon-Charon (“double planet”) rotate around one another• Thin atmosphere-frozen gases• Space probe: New Horizon 2015• Pluto is one of many “Planetoids”• Day: About 6 Earth days• Year: 248 Earth Years (tilted orbit)

Page 14: Rules for our adventure 1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that comprise our solar system, the Milky Way. 2.We will participate.

Thank you for taking this voyage to discover your Solar System, now enjoy the Story BotsAs they present “We are the planets, the Solar System Song”

Page 15: Rules for our adventure 1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that comprise our solar system, the Milky Way. 2.We will participate.

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Page 16: Rules for our adventure 1.We will work our hardest to learn about the key facts and figures that comprise our solar system, the Milky Way. 2.We will participate.