Ruby on Rails Kickstart 103 & 104

Ruby on Rails #103 Scaffold and modify scaffold

Transcript of Ruby on Rails Kickstart 103 & 104

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Ruby on Rails#103 Scaffold and modify scaffold

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ScaffoldRuby on Rails magic

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Getting started1. Ruby on Rails command

2. Generate an article scaffold

• MVC pattern

3. Synchornize database schema


4. Modify scaffold

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Ruby on Rails Commandrails generate scaffold scaffold_name field1_name:field1_type \ field2_name:field2_type ... fieldN_name:fieldN_type

• Replace scaffold_name with actual scaffold names

• Replace field1_name to fieldN_name with actual field names

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Ruby on Rails command (Cont.)field1_type to fieldN_type needs to be a valid data type


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Generate an article scaffoldrails generate scaffold article title:string body:text

The command generates...

• a controller handles requests from clients and transfer data between models and views

• a model with one string field called title and one text field body called article

• a form for create and update articles and several views to list articles and to display single article

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Controller? Model? View?What the hell are they?

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MVC pattern

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Models and views DO NOT directly exchange data

Remember this till the Apocalypse

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Synchronize database schemarake db:migrate

• rake runs scripts called Rakefile. Rakefile holds a bundle of commands related to Ruby on Rails but not part of Ruby on Rails

• db:migrate: synchronize database schema, as known as database migration

• tmp:clear: clean temporary files

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Why bothered?In PHP

$title = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['title']);$body = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['body']);$sql = "INSERT INTO `articles` (`title`, `body`)" . " VALUES ('{$title}', '{$body}')";mysql_query($sql);

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SucksJust one SQL injection can

make your system upside down


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Don't botherIn Ruby on Rails# params[:article] = {# title: 'Article title',# body: 'Article body'# }

article =[:article])

ORM saves the day

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ORMObject Relational Mapping

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ORM (Cont.)• Object Relational Mapping

• Object stands for objects in Ruby on Rails

• Relational stands for relational database system, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server...etc.

• Mapping stands for the procedure transfer data structure into table row

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Start web serverIf you forget how to do so,

feel free to take a look on #101

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Open browserhttps://[your-cloud9-preview-url]/articles

If you see this, you got it

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Just one command...fulfills fundamental needs

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Modify scaffoldAdd / Remove a field

Nobody is perfect

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Add a field1. Modify model

1. Create a database migration

2. Synchronize database schema

2. Modify the controller

3. Modify views

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Create a database migrationrails generate migration \ add_author_to_articles author:string

• Replace author with field name you want to add

• Replace articles with plural form of model

• Replace string with valid data type from the table mentioned before

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Synchronize database schemarake db:migrate

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Modify the controller# Only allow a trusted parameter "white list" through.def article_params params.require(:article).permit(:title, :body, :author)end

• Append :author to the list of white list

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Strong parameterOnly allow values of known keysto be assigned to the ORM object

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Modify views1. index view2. show view3. _form partial

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index view... <td><%= article.body %></td> <td><%= %></td> <td><%= link_to 'Show', article %></td>...

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show view...</p>

<p> <strong>Author:</strong> <%= %></p>

<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_article_path(@article) %> |...

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_form partial... <%= f.input :body %> <%= f.input :author %> </div>...

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FiveCount of files you edited for adding a field

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Ruby on Rails magic

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Remove a field from scaffold1. Create a database migration

2. Synchronize database schema

3. Modify the controller

4. Modify views

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Database migrationAny changes related to database,

including adding or removing fields

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Create a database migrationrails generate migration remove_body_from_articles

• Replace author with field name in the model

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Synchronize database schemaThat's all I can say

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Modify the controllerReverse procedure against adding fields

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Modify viewsReverse procedure against adding fields

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End of Ruby on Rails #103

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Ruby on Rails#104 Dig into MVC

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Controller1. Receive requests

2. Fetch raw or processed data from models

3. Inject data into views

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Controller (Cont.)class SomeController < ApplicationController ... def action_name ... end ...end

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Controller (Cont.)1. One controller has many actions

2. Each action has its own purpose

3. Actions are isolated to each other

4. One action takes care of one request

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Model1. Query rows from database

2. Process data

3. Write data into database

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Model (Cont.)class Person

def full_name first_name + last_name end


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Model (Cont.)1. Model DOES NOT hold fields, schema DOES

2. Model is a class

3. In ORM, fields would be mapped as properties in object, thus we can manipulate them via methods

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Model (Cont.)• HumanBeing : Model

• Person : Object

• People : Iterable object (a.k.a. array) of objects

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Model (Cont.)@all_people = HumanBeing.all

@adults = HumanBeing.where('age >= ?', 20)

@person = HumanBeing.find_by(identity: 'A123456789')

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Views1. Build HTML documents

2. Respond to clients

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Views (Cont.)Full name: <%= @person.full_name %>

Where does @ point to?

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Views (Cont.)1. Symbol @ points to corresponding controller in views

2. DO NOT conduct complicated calculations or property access in views

3. Views should have only if and each statements

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Homework1. Create a scaffold from scratch

2. Add a field to the scaffold

3. Remove a existing field from the scaffold