Ruby and the tools Topics Ruby Rails January 15, 2014 CSCE 740 Software Engineering.

Ruby and the tools Topics Topics Ruby Rails January 15, 2014 CSCE 740 Software Engineering

Transcript of Ruby and the tools Topics Ruby Rails January 15, 2014 CSCE 740 Software Engineering.

Page 1: Ruby and the tools Topics Ruby Rails January 15, 2014 CSCE 740 Software Engineering.

Ruby and the tools

Ruby and the tools

TopicsTopics Ruby Rails

January 15, 2014

CSCE 740 Software Engineering

Page 2: Ruby and the tools Topics Ruby Rails January 15, 2014 CSCE 740 Software Engineering.

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Rails and BeyondRails and Beyond

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The Rspec Book 2010The Rspec Book 2010

Latest versionsLatest versions











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Read Chapters 1-3 Ruby3Read Chapters 1-3 Ruby3


Programming Ruby 1.9 Dave Thomas

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– 5 – CSCE 740 Spring 2014

Java Ruby - Three Pillars of RubyJava Ruby - Three Pillars of Ruby

1.1. Everything is an object. Everything is an object. in Java an integer needs to be boxed to act like an object.

2.2. Every operation is a method call on some object and Every operation is a method call on some object and returns a value.returns a value.

in Java operator overloading is different from method overriding

3.3. All programming is metaprogramming.All programming is metaprogramming. classes can be added or changed at any time even run time

SaaS book – Fox and Patterson

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Getting StartedGetting Started

ruby –vruby –v

ruby prog.rb ruby prog.rb // puts “hello world\n”// puts “hello world\n”

irbirb // interactive ruby // interactive ruby

ri ClassNameri ClassName //documentation of //documentation of ClassNameClassName

Programming Ruby 1.9 Dave Thomas

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– 7 – CSCE 740 Spring 2014

Ruby is Really Object Oriented Ruby is Really Object Oriented Really Object Oriented – everything is an objectReally Object Oriented – everything is an object

For Java you might use

pos = Math.abs(num) In Ruby

num = -123

pos = num.abs

Variables inside literal strings #{ … } notationVariables inside literal strings #{ … } notation puts “the absolute value of #{num} is #{pos}\n”

Prog Ruby 1.9 Dave Thomas

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– 8 – CSCE 740 Spring 2014

Ruby - Variable Name ConventionsRuby - Variable Name Conventions Variable Name PunctuationVariable Name Punctuation

name - local variablename - local variable

$name, $NAME, - globals (never use anyway!)$name, $NAME, - globals (never use anyway!)

@name – instance variables@name – instance variables

@@name – class variables@@name – class variables

Name – class names and constantsName – class names and constants

Prog Ruby 1.9 Dave Thomas

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– 9 – CSCE 740 Spring 2014


song = 1song = 1

sam = ""sam = ""


"duh dum, da dum de dum ...""duh dum, da dum de dum ..."


puts "gin joint".lengthputs "gin joint".length

puts "Rick".index("c")puts "Rick".index("c")

puts 42.even?puts 42.even?


print “string with no newline”print “string with no newline”Programming Ruby 1.9 Dave Thomas

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:rhubarb - is an immutable string whose value is value :rhubarb - is an immutable string whose value is value is itself, well without the colonis itself, well without the colon

:rhubarb.to_s yields “rhubarb”:rhubarb.to_s yields “rhubarb”

““rhubarb”.to_sym yields :rhubarb rhubarb”.to_sym yields :rhubarb

not a string – string operations cannot be performed on not a string – string operations cannot be performed on itit

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Method definitionMethod definition

def say_goodnight(name)def say_goodnight(name)

result = "Good night, " + nameresult = "Good night, " + name

return resultreturn result


# Time for bed...# Time for bed...

puts say_goodnight("John-Boy")puts say_goodnight("John-Boy")

puts say_goodnight("Mary-Ellen")puts say_goodnight("Mary-Ellen")

Programming Ruby 1.9 Dave Thomas

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CSE Linux Labs CSE Linux Labs

• 1D39 – Combination on secure site1D39 – Combination on secure site• CSE home page – login with CEC credentials• Computer resources/Computer labs

• List of Linux workstationsList of Linux workstations• IP addresses – machine names

• Ifconfig // interface config IPv4 addr and Ifconfig // interface config IPv4 addr and Hardware=ethernet addrHardware=ethernet addr

• ““man keyword” online unix documentationman keyword” online unix documentation

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Figure 3.1 Basic Ruby ElementsFigure 3.1 Basic Ruby Elements

SaaS book – Fox and Patterson

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List of Ruby 3 ExamplesList of Ruby 3 Examples

1.1. Getting Started – “hello, Ruby Programmer”Getting Started – “hello, Ruby Programmer”

2.2. Intro – Intro – a. Hello1 – def say_goodnight

b. Puts examples

c. Cmd_line – command line args passed into ruby program

d. “arrays” – non-homogeneous

e. hash_with_symbol_keys_19.rb –

f. Weekdays – control structures – if-elseif-else example

3.3. Tutclasses-Tutclasses-

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google(ruby 1.9 tutorial)google(ruby 1.9 tutorial)

• Ruby Programming Language - -

• (again) (again)

• (again)(again)

• “Buy the book” page1-9 “Buy the book” page• Regular Expressions (download pdf)• Namespaces, Source Files, and Distribution (download pdf)• Ruby Library Reference

• Built-in Classes and Modules (download pdf of the entry for class Array)

• Standard Library


Page 16: Ruby and the tools Topics Ruby Rails January 15, 2014 CSCE 740 Software Engineering.

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Arrays and HashesArrays and Hashes

a = [ 1, 'cat', 3.14 ]   # array with three elements

# access the first element

a[0] » 1

# set the third element

a[2] = nil

# dump out the array

a » [1, "cat", nil]

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Control Structures IFControl Structures IF

if count > 10   if count > 10    // body// body

puts "Try again" puts "Try again"

elsif tries == 3   elsif tries == 3   

puts "You lose" puts "You lose"

else   else   

puts "Enter a number" puts "Enter a number"


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Control Structures WhileControl Structures While

while weight < 100 and numPallets <= 30   while weight < 100 and numPallets <= 30   

pallet = nextPallet()   pallet = nextPallet()   

weight += pallet.weight   weight += pallet.weight   

numPallets += 1numPallets += 1


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More controlMore control

puts "Danger, Will Robinson" if radiation > 3000puts "Danger, Will Robinson" if radiation > 3000

while square < 1000    while square < 1000    

square = square*square square = square*square


More concisely, but readability??More concisely, but readability??

square = square*square  while square < 1000square = square*square  while square < 1000

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Regular ExpressionsRegular Expressions

Regular expressions are expressions that specify Regular expressions are expressions that specify collections of strings (formally languages)collections of strings (formally languages)

Main operators: Assume r and s are regular expressions Main operators: Assume r and s are regular expressions then so are:then so are:

r | sr | s alternation denotes L(r) U L(s)alternation denotes L(r) U L(s)

rsrs concatenation which denotes L(r) L(s)concatenation which denotes L(r) L(s)

r*r* Kleene closure zero or more occurrences of Kleene closure zero or more occurrences of strings from L(r) concatenatedstrings from L(r) concatenated

Base regular expressionsBase regular expressions

•strings are regexpr that match themselves,L(“ab”) = {“ab”}strings are regexpr that match themselves,L(“ab”) = {“ab”}

•the empty string the empty string εε is a regular expr L( is a regular expr L(εε) = {“”}) = {“”}

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Regular Expressions ExamplesRegular Expressions Examples

• ??

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Ruby Regular Expressions ExamplesRuby Regular Expressions Examples

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Ruby Regular ExpressionsRuby Regular Expressions

if line =~ /Perl|Python/   if line =~ /Perl|Python/   

puts "Scripting language mentioned: #{line}”puts "Scripting language mentioned: #{line}”


line.sub(/Perl/, 'Ruby')    # replace first 'Perl' with 'Ruby' line.sub(/Perl/, 'Ruby')    # replace first 'Perl' with 'Ruby' line.gsub(/Python/, 'Ruby') # line.gsub(/Python/, 'Ruby') # replace every 'Python' with 'Ruby'  replace every 'Python' with 'Ruby'

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a = %w( ant bee cat dog elk )    # create an array a = %w( ant bee cat dog elk )    # create an array

a.each { |animal| puts animal }  # iterate over the contentsa.each { |animal| puts animal }  # iterate over the contents

Yield – will be discussed next timeYield – will be discussed next time

[ 'cat', 'dog', 'horse' ].each do |animal|   [ 'cat', 'dog', 'horse' ].each do |animal|   

print animal, " -- "print animal, " -- "

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5.times {  print "*" } 5.times {  print "*" }

3.upto(6) {|i|  print i } 3.upto(6) {|i|  print i }

('a'..'e').each {|char| print char }('a'..'e').each {|char| print char }


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Ruby I/ORuby I/O

• Already seenAlready seen• puts• print • P

• On readingOn reading• Gets• Iterate over lines of file

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while gets           while gets            # assigns line to $_   # assigns line to $_   

if /Ruby/         if /Ruby/          # matches against $_    # matches against $_    

print            print             # prints $_   # prints $_   

end end


ARGF.each { |line|  print line  if line =~ /Ruby/ }ARGF.each { |line|  print line  if line =~ /Ruby/ }

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Classes, Objects etc.Classes, Objects etc.

class Song   class Song   

def initialize(name, artist, duration)     def initialize(name, artist, duration)     

@name     = name     @name     = name     

@artist   = artist     @artist   = artist     

@duration = duration   @duration = duration   



s0 =Song.news0

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aSong ="Bicylops", "Fleck", 260)aSong ="Bicylops", "Fleck", 260)



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class KaraokeSong < Song   class KaraokeSong < Song   

def initialize(name, artist, duration, lyrics)     def initialize(name, artist, duration, lyrics)     

super(name, artist, duration)     super(name, artist, duration)     

@lyrics = lyrics   @lyrics = lyrics   



aSong ="My Way", "Sinatra", 225, "aSong ="My Way", "Sinatra", 225, "And now, the...")And now, the...")


Page 31: Ruby and the tools Topics Ruby Rails January 15, 2014 CSCE 740 Software Engineering.

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Accessing instance variablesAccessing instance variables

class Song

  def name



  def artist



  def duration




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Class SongClass Song

attr_reader :name, :artist, :durationattr_reader :name, :artist, :duration


end end

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class JavaSong {                     // Java code   class JavaSong {                     // Java code   

private Duration myDuration;   private Duration myDuration;   

public void setDuration(Duration newDuration) {public void setDuration(Duration newDuration) {

         myDuration = newDuration;   myDuration = newDuration;   

} }


class Song   class Song   

attr_writer :duration attr_writer :duration


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class Song   class Song   @@plays = 0   @@plays = 0   def initialize(name, artist, duration)     def initialize(name, artist, duration)     

@name     = name     @name     = name     @artist   = artist     @artist   = artist     @duration = duration     @duration = duration     @plays    = 0   @plays    = 0   

end   end   def play     def play     

@plays += 1     @plays += 1     @@plays += 1     @@plays += 1     

"song: #@plays plays. Total #@@plays plays."   "song: #@plays plays. Total #@@plays plays."   endend

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Class MethodsClass Methods

class Example class Example

     def instMeth             def instMeth                 # instance method   # instance method   


end end

     def Example.classMeth     def Example.classMeth      # class method   # class method   


end end


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class Logger   class Logger   

private_class_method :new   private_class_method :new   

@@logger = nil   @@logger = nil   

def Logger.create     def Logger.create     

@@logger = new unless @@logger     @@logger = new unless @@logger     

@@logger   @@logger   

end end

endend » 537766930 » 537766930

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Access Control Access Control

““Public methods can be called by anyone---there is no Public methods can be called by anyone---there is no access control. Methods are public by default access control. Methods are public by default (except for initialize, which is always private). (except for initialize, which is always private).

Protected methods can be invoked only by objects of Protected methods can be invoked only by objects of the defining class and its subclasses. Access is kept the defining class and its subclasses. Access is kept within the family. within the family.

Private methods cannot be called with an explicit Private methods cannot be called with an explicit receiver. Because you cannot specify an object when receiver. Because you cannot specify an object when using them, private methods can be called only in using them, private methods can be called only in the defining class and by direct descendents within the defining class and by direct descendents within that same object.”that same object.”

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Specifying Access Specifying Access class MyClass class MyClass             def method1    def method1     # default is 'public'         # default is 'public'         

#...       #...       end end

    protected      protected       # subsequent methods will be 'protected' # subsequent methods will be 'protected'             def method2    def method2     # will be 'protected'         # will be 'protected'         

#...       #...       end end

    private            private             # subsequent methods will be 'private' # subsequent methods will be 'private'             def method3    def method3     # will be 'private'         # will be 'private'         

#...       #...       end end

    public             public              # subsequent methods will be 'public' # subsequent methods will be 'public'             def method4    def method4     # and this will be 'public'         # and this will be 'public'         

#...       #...       end end


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September 11–Arrays Intro September 11–Arrays Intro

a = [ 3.14159, "pie", 99 ]a = [ 3.14159, "pie", 99 ]






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Ruby 1.9 Buy the book pageRuby 1.9 Buy the book page

• Regular Expressions (download pdf)Regular Expressions (download pdf)

• Namespaces, Source Files, and Distribution Namespaces, Source Files, and Distribution (download pdf)(download pdf)

• Built-in Classes and Modules (download pdf of the Built-in Classes and Modules (download pdf of the entry for class Array)entry for class Array)

• Free Content …Free Content …

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Rubular site - Regular ExpressionsRubular site - Regular Expressions

RubularRubular: a Ruby regular expression editor and tester: a Ruby regular expression editor and tester

[abc] A single character of: a, b or c

[^abc] Any single character except: a, b, or c

[a-z] Any single character in the range a-z

[a-zA-Z]Any single character in the range a-z or A-Z

^ Start of line

$ End of line

\A Start of string

\z End of string

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. Any single character

\s Any whitespace character

\S Any non-whitespace character

\d Any digit

\D Any non-digit

\wAny word character (letter, number, underscore)

\W Any non-word character

\b Any word boundary

(...) Capture everything enclosed

(a|b) a or b

a? Zero or one of a

a* Zero or more of a

a+ One or more of a

a{3} Exactly 3 of a

a{3,} 3 or more of a

a{3,6} Between 3 and 6 of a

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Fig 3.3 SaaS book - All objects All time Fig 3.3 SaaS book - All objects All time

SaaS book – Fox and Patterson

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class BookInStock class BookInStock

attr_reader :isbn, :priceattr_reader :isbn, :price

def initialize(isbn, price)def initialize(isbn, price)

@isbn = isbn@isbn = isbn

@price = Float(price)@price = Float(price)

end end


Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 - Pickaxe

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b1 ="isbn1", 3)b1 ="isbn1", 3)

puts b1puts b1

b2 ="isbn2", 3.14)b2 ="isbn2", 3.14)

puts b2puts b2

b3 ="isbn3", "5.67")b3 ="isbn3", "5.67")

puts b3puts b3

Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 - Pickaxe

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class BookInStockclass BookInStock

def initialize(isbn, price)def initialize(isbn, price)

@isbn = isbn@isbn = isbn

@price = Float(price)@price = Float(price)


def to_sdef to_s

"ISBN: #{@isbn}, price: "ISBN: #{@isbn}, price: #{@price}"#{@price}"



b1 = b1 ="isbn1","isbn1", 3)3)

puts b1puts b1

b2 = b2 ="isbn2","isbn2", 3.14)3.14)

puts b2puts b2

b3 = b3 ="isbn3","isbn3", "5.67")"5.67")

puts b3puts b3Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 - Pickaxe

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class BookInStockclass BookInStock

def initialize(isbn, price)def initialize(isbn, price)

@isbn = isbn@isbn = isbn

@price = Float(price)@price = Float(price)

end end

def isbndef isbn



def pricedef price



# .. # ..


book = book ="isbn1","isbn1", 12.34)12.34)

puts "ISBN = puts "ISBN = #{book.isbn}"#{book.isbn}"

puts "Price = puts "Price = #{book.price}"#{book.price}"

Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 - Pickaxe

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class BookInStock class BookInStock

attr_reader :isbn, :priceattr_reader :isbn, :price

def initialize(isbn, price)def initialize(isbn, price)

@isbn = isbn@isbn = isbn

@price = Float(price)@price = Float(price)

end end

def price=(new_price)def price=(new_price)

@price = new_price@price = new_price


# ...# ...


book = book ="isbn1","isbn1", 33.80)33.80)

puts "ISBN = puts "ISBN = #{book.isbn}"#{book.isbn}"

puts "Price = puts "Price = #{book.price}"#{book.price}"

book.price = book.price * book.price = book.price * 0.75 # discount price0.75 # discount price

puts "New price = puts "New price = #{book.price}"#{book.price}"

Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 - Pickaxe

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class BookInStock class BookInStock

attr_reader :isbnattr_reader :isbn

attr_accessor :priceattr_accessor :price

def initialize(isbn, price)def initialize(isbn, price)

@isbn = isbn@isbn = isbn

@price = Float(price)@price = Float(price)

end end

# ...# ...


book = book ="isbn1","isbn1", 33.80)33.80)

puts "ISBN = puts "ISBN = #{book.isbn}"#{book.isbn}"

puts "Price = puts "Price = #{book.price}"#{book.price}"

book.price = book.price * book.price = book.price * 0.75 # discount price0.75 # discount price

puts "New price = puts "New price = #{book.price}"#{book.price}"

Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 - Pickaxe

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class BookInStock class BookInStock

attr_reader :isbnattr_reader :isbn

attr_accessor :priceattr_accessor :price

def initialize(isbn, price)def initialize(isbn, price)

@isbn = isbn@isbn = isbn

@price = Float(price)@price = Float(price)

end end

def price_in_centsdef price_in_cents

Integer(price*100 + 0.5)Integer(price*100 + 0.5)


# ...# ...


book = book ="isbn1","isbn1", 33.80)33.80)

puts "Price = puts "Price = #{book.price}"#{book.price}"

puts "Price in cents = puts "Price in cents = #{book.price_in_cents}"#{book.price_in_cents}"

Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 - Pickaxe

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class BookInStock class BookInStock

attr_reader :isbnattr_reader :isbn

attr_accessor :priceattr_accessor :price

def initialize(isbn, price)def initialize(isbn, price)

@isbn = isbn@isbn = isbn

@price = Float(price)@price = Float(price)

end end

def price_in_centsdef price_in_cents

Integer(price*100 + 0.5)Integer(price*100 + 0.5)


def def price_in_cents=(cents)price_in_cents=(cents)

@price = cents / 100.0@price = cents / 100.0


# ...# ...


Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 - Pickaxe

Page 52: Ruby and the tools Topics Ruby Rails January 15, 2014 CSCE 740 Software Engineering.

– 52 – CSCE 740 Spring 2014

book ="isbn1", 33.80)book ="isbn1", 33.80)

puts "Price = #{book.price}"puts "Price = #{book.price}"

puts "Price in cents = #{book.price_in_cents}"puts "Price in cents = #{book.price_in_cents}"

book.price_in_cents = 1234book.price_in_cents = 1234