Ruairi Mc Ginley Introductory Letter

Cllr. Ruairí McGinley FINE GAEL, GENERAL ELECTION CANDIDATE I would like to advise you that I am a candidate for Fine Gael in Dublin South Central in the forthcoming general election. I am putting myself before the electorate as an experienced politician who has contested 5 previous elections including one general election in 1997. I believe that people are seeking candidates who have real political experience, especially gained at city council level. While I will be a new face at National politics level, I am a well-known face to much of the electorate in Dublin South Central. Having served on the City Council for many years alongside such representatives as Gay Mitchell MEP., I am seeking an opportunity to serve in the Dail and being able to contribute to shaping legislation. Politics are about ideas and their implementation. Politics is also a complex process of contact with constituents, networking and forming alliances. In my professional life I am an accountant. In this recession so far I have presented myself at social welfare offices on 3 occasions as I have been made redundant twice and have been between assignments in a self-employed capacity. This was after 28 years of continuous employment. I have been in the front line of the impact of this recession which is now 42 months old and have seen what happens when economic policies, that are gravity defying in terms of creating a housing bubble, increase government expenditure beyond the capacity of the economy to support it. This has directly led to a situation of mass unemployment and a major fiscal deficit. Fine Gael has a vital role to play in the recovery of Ireland as a country. We are the only party to have a real appreciation of fiscal realities in addition to an understanding that it is real economic activity in the private sector, through exports, that will once again create jobs and restore economic wealth. Working for you in our area with Catherine Byrne TD and Gay Mitchell MEP MC GINLEY Cllr. RUAIRI Members Room City Hall, Dublin 2. [email protected] 086 830 11 11

Transcript of Ruairi Mc Ginley Introductory Letter

Page 1: Ruairi Mc Ginley Introductory Letter


I would like to advise you that I am a candidate for Fine Gael in Dublin South Central in the forthcoming general election.

I am putting myself before the electorate as an experienced politician who has contested 5 previous elections including one general election in 1997. I believe that people are seeking candidates who have real political experience, especially gained at city council level. While I will be a new face at National politics level, I am a well-known face to much of the electorate in Dublin South Central.

Having served on the City Council for many years alongside such representatives as Gay Mitchell MEP., I am seeking an opportunity to serve in the Dail and being able to contribute to shaping legislation. Politics are about ideas and their implementation. Politics is also a complex process of contact with constituents, networking and forming alliances.

In my professional life I am an accountant. In this recession so far I have presented myself at social welfare offices on 3 occasions as I have been made redundant twice and have been between assignments in a self-employed capacity. This was after 28 years of continuous employment. I have been in the front line of the impact of this recession which is now 42 months old and have seen what happens when economic policies, that are gravity defying in terms of creating a housing bubble, increase government expenditure beyond the capacity of the economy to support it. This has directly led to a situation of mass unemployment and a major fiscal deficit.

Fine Gael has a vital role to play in the recovery of Ireland as a country. We are the only party to have a real appreciation of fiscal realities in addition to an understanding that it is real economic activity in the private sector, through exports, that will once again create jobs and restore economic wealth.

Working for you in our area with Catherine Byrne TD and Gay Mitchell MEP

MC GINLEYCllr. RUAIRI Members RoomCity Hall, Dublin 2.

[email protected] 086 830 11 11

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Fine Gael have had the courage to stand against the tide on issues such as benchmarking which will now stand to our credit. Fine Gael stand by proper standards in public office and public service and are in the vanguard of ensuring this FF government is removed from office - to which they are now clinging by their fingernails.

I have developed a strong understanding of financial issues in the local authority system and how local authorities contribute to economic development. With the benefit of this experience I hope to have an opportunity to influence the development of National economic policy.

As a Nation we are facing challenging issues in the areas of taxation, public expenditure and charging for services. We need to be honest in our assessment of the situation and present a package of measures that will create employment, achieve sustainable public finances, direct scarce resources to jobs and to those who require social support most. Amongst the challenges is the reclaiming of our full National Sovereignty which requires that we emerge from our current bankruptcy position where no one will lend to us. This requires a government with credibility to be trusted once again firstly by Irish people and secondly by market-based lenders. It needs everyone to work together - ní neart go cur le chéile.

I look forward to meeting you over the course of the campaign. In the mean time please feel free to contact me on any issue of concern or if you would like to get involved in the campaign.

Yours Sincerely


Cllr. Ruairí McGinley

[email protected] 830 11

Working for you in our area with Catherine Byrne TD and Gay Mitchell MEP