Rtu Info Packet

1 Remote Telemetry Unit (RTU) Information Packet www.dpstele.com 1-800-622-3314 “We protect your network like your business depends on it” NetGuardian LT The NetGuardian “Lite” - Designed to protect your smaller sites pg. 5 NetGuardian 216 G3 Now featuring web browser interface and wireless transport option pg. 4 SiteMON IP The IP camera and RTU hybrid featuring web interface! pg. 9 Small, Medium & Large Capacity Remotes Master Stations Order Wire Mediation Accessories Perfect fit & OEM solutions SNMP Remote Alarm Block Alphamax NetGuardian 216 G3 NetGuardian 832A G5 T/Mon LNX Alarm Management Platform

Transcript of Rtu Info Packet

Page 1: Rtu Info Packet


Remote Telemetry Unit (RTU) Information Packet

www.dpstele.com • 1-800-622-3314 “We protect your network like your business depends on it”

NetGuardian LT

The NetGuardian “Lite” - Designed to protect

your smaller sitespg. 5

NetGuardian 216 G3

Now featuring web browser interface and

wireless transport optionpg. 4


The IP camera and RTU hybrid featuring web

interface!pg. 9

Small, Medium & Large Capacity Remotes•Master Stations•Order Wire•Mediation•Accessories•Perfectfit&OEMsolutions•SNMP•

Remote Alarm Block Alphamax

NetGuardian 216 G3

NetGuardian 832A G5

T/Mon LNX Alarm Management Platform

Page 2: Rtu Info Packet


Welcome to the World of Network Monitoring

This product guide features our newest, most powerful network monitoring solutions that give you the visibility you need to better manage your network.

If you’re new to DPS Telecom, let me provide a brief introduction. We’ve been around for over 20 years. Providing network monitoring solutions isn’t one of the things we do - it’s the only thing we do.

Our solutions are based on multi-generational hardware & software that evolved to meet the changing needs of our client base. You directly benefit from the years of field-proven designs and client suggested enhancements. Speaking of our clients, we’ve included several of their thoughts, providing insight into their experience working with DPS.

Regardless of your sites’ capacity, power requirements, transport, or legacy gear, we most likely have the perfect monitoring solution for you. If you need something really unique, our engineering department specializes in creating custom products.

Please keep in mind that this showcase is intended to introduce some of our new products as well as feature some of our most popular products. If you would like to find out more about our product line, please feel free to call our Sales Engineers (800) 622-3314 or visit our website at www.dpstele.com (a great source of information, featuring tutorials, user manuals, firmware updates, and more).

Best Regards,

Eric StormPresident

DPS Telecom

Table of ContentsAlarm Remote Comparison Chart.........................................................................pg. 3DPS Remotes.......................................................................................................pg. 4-7T/Mon LNX (Alarm Master)....................................................................................pg. 8Building Access System and SiteMON IP.............................................................pg. 9OEM Services........................................................................................................pg. 10On-Site Training and Installation.........................................................................pg. 11Environmental Sensors...................................................................................pg. 12-13RTU Protection Plan.............................................................................................pg. 14Factory Training....................................................................................................pg. 15Major Clients and Industries Served...................................................................pg. 16

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NetGuardian 832A / 864A G5

32 (832A)64 (864A) 8 8 8

T/Mon, SNMP,

(V1, V2c, V3)

LAN, Wireless,

Dial, Serial, 202

pg. 4

NetGuardian 216 G316 2 to

8 2 1 T/Mon, SNMP

LAN, Wireless,

Dial, Serial

pg. 4

NetGuardian 216T (T1) / 216F (SFP Fiber: GigE)

16 72

(5 opt. on 216T)

1 T/Mon, SNMP

T1 Frame Relay/PPP

(216T), LAN, Fiber

(216F), Serial

pg. 4

NetGuardian DX G5

32 (832 DX)

64 (864 DX)

8 pg. 5

NetGuardian LT

4 2 1

Dialup, Voice, SNMP


LAN, Voice and

Dialuppg. 5

NetGuardian E1616 16

(Echoed) 1 DCPx pg. 5

NetDog 82 BW

8 2 2T/Mon,SNMP



pg. 6

Remote Alarm Block 176

176 4 T/Mon, SNMP

LAN, Serial,

202pg. 6

NetMediator T2S G532 8 8 8


LAN, Dial,

Serial, 202pg. 6

NetDog 82IP G2

8 0 - 4 2 T/Mon, SNMP

LAN,Dial pg. 7


8 2 1 T/Mon Dial pg. 7

NetGuardian Test Fixture

1-32 (for the 832A)

1-64 (for the 864A)

8 8 LEDs pg. 7












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Remote Comparison ChartWhich RTU is your perfect fit?

Page 4: Rtu Info Packet

4To order, call 1-800-693-0351 or visit www.dpstele.com

DPS Telecom • 4955 E. Yale Ave. Fresno, California 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax: (559) 454-1688 • www.dpstele.com

NetGuardian 832A / 864A G5

This full-featured RTU offers an optional fiber interface and wireless transport option.

The NetGuardian G5 is the flagship model of the NetGuardian RTU family. With the fastest processing speed of any previous model, the NetGuardian G5 is perfect for medium to large networks. Both NetGuardian G5 models are expandable with the NetGuardian DX units (see pg.5). This highly customizable remote offers a multitude of build options to suit the exact needs of your network. Enhance the overall functionality of your NetGuardian G5 by incorporating a Building Access System (see pg. 9) and environmental sensors (see pgs. 12-13).

•32(832A)or64(864A)discretealarms,8analogs, •RADIUSauthentication8controls,8serialports •Fiberinterfacebuildoption•SNMPv3compatible •Webinterfacewithsecureweboption(HTTPS)•WirelessbuildoptionviaGSMorCDMA •Dual10/100NIC

NetGuardian 216 G3

Now featuring integrated web browser and wireless option!

As one of the smallest members of the NetGuardian family, the NetGuardian 216 G3 offers an easy, cost-effective way to monitor your small sites. Too often, remote huts and enclosed cabinets go unmonitored - but you know that network problems can occur anywhere. Now, you can monitor all those smaller sites and edit your RTU config settings from any PC in your network using the NetGuardian G3’s new integrated web browser.

•16discretealarms,2-8analogs,2controls •TTYinterface•Internalandexternaltemperaturesensors •Newwirelessbuildoption(viaGPRSorCDMA)•Audiblealarmalertswithvolumecontrol •24/7emailnotifications•Newwebbrowserforeasymonitoring •Built-in,Real-Timeclockandconfiguration

NetGuardian 216T (T1) / 216F (Fiber)

These versatile remotes bring you SNMP over T1 or SFP Fiber.

The NetGuardian 216T and 216F are powerful alarm collectors with extended operating temperatures that’s perfect for your outside plant operations. Whether your network operates on T1 or Fiber, these versatile remotes offer you lots of functionality. As an alarm remote, you’ve got 16 discrete alarms with analogs and controls in a 1 RU device. When used as a router, you’ll avoid the cost of cards to drop off Ethernet. You’ll use these NetGuardians to get LAN to 7 other devices via the integrated Ethernet hub. Check out the comparison below:

NetGuardian 216T: NetGuardian 216F:•16discretealarms,7analogs,2controls •16discretealarms,8analogs(includingtemp•LANandT1WANenabled andbatterymonitoring),2controls•FrameRelayandPPP/T1support •DualSFPFiberports:GigE•SupportsSNMPv1andv2c •SupportsSNMPv1,v2c,andv3•Availablewith1or5terminalserverports •Integrated10/100/1000BaseTEthernetswitch

Page 5: Rtu Info Packet

5To order, call 1-800-693-0351 or visit www.dpstele.com

DPS Telecom • 4955 E. Yale Ave. Fresno, California 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax: (559) 454-1688 • www.dpstele.com

NetGuardian 832 / 864 DX G5

Maximize the discrete, analog, and control relay capacity of your NetGuardian G5 remotes.

For rapidly growing networks, the NetGuardian DX is your best friend. Using your existing NetGuardian G5s, the DX can double, triple, and even quadruple your alarm monitoring capacity per remote - all without any complicated installations. This low-cost, self-contained device makes expansion quick and easy by simple daisy chaining.

•Low-costexpansionmethod•Upto3DXexpansionscan cascaded per NetGuardian •RS232portsforeasydaisy- chaining between units •Allowsmorealarmcapacityoverexisting communication lines

NetGuardian LT “Lite”

The NetGuardian LT is perfect for achieving voice alerts for your smaller sites.

All small, rural sites need a NetGuardian LT. Maybe you can’t justify a full-capacity RTU when you only need a few points, but you still need monitoring. Text messages and paging are great, but in a rural area you might not have those options. The NetGuardian LT delivers voice acknowledgement and authentication in a convenient, compact form-factor.

•4discretealarms,2analogs,1control •Real-timeclocktotimestampincomingSNMP•VoicealertstoyourcalllistandDTMFdial-in SNMPtrapsandvoicemessages•SNMPv1compatible •Webinterfacestandard

NetGuardian E16

Use the NetGuardian E16 as a stand-alone remote or as a pair in Echo Mode.

The NetGuardian E16 has a very special application: Echo Mode. In this configuration, 2 NetGuardian E16s are installed at different locations. Relays on one NetGuardian E16 operate when its pair detects an alarm and vice versa. In this configuration, the NetGuardian E16 monitors more ground without the cost of laying dedicated copper lines. In addition to Echo Mode, the NetGuardian E16 is also used as an effective stand-alone remote.

•16discretealarms,16controls •Easy-to-useWindowsconfigurationutility•Alsoavailableasanexpansiondevice •ReportstoT/MonviaDCPx•BuildoptionsincludeRS-232,RS-485,and •CanbeusedinEchoModewhenpaired,orstand- Yost 4-Wire 202 alone for dense control relay coverage

Unit CapacityNG 832A 32

One 832 DX 64

Two 832 DX 96

Three 832 DX 128

Unit CapacityNG 864A 64

One 864 DX 128

Two 864 DX 192

Three 864 DX 256

Page 6: Rtu Info Packet

6To order, call 1-800-693-0351 or visit www.dpstele.com

DPS Telecom • 4955 E. Yale Ave. Fresno, California 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax: (559) 454-1688 • www.dpstele.com

NetDog 82 BW

Wireless reporting and rechargeable battery power helps sustain visibility during network failures.

Power outages are simply no match for the NetDog 82 BW. Monitoring should be the last thing that ever goes down. This NetDog sustains alarm reporting using battery power for up to 10 hours. The NetDog 82 BW is perfect for small/medium, outage-prone sites that may not have LAN. Customize your NetDog 82 BW with wireless reporting only, battery power only, or both battery and wirless in the ultimate, independent configuration.

•8discretealarms,2analogs,2controls •Internalalarmsforlow-batteryandpowercut-off•Supportsinternal/externaltemperaturesensors •WirelessbuildoptionviaGPRSorCDMA•24/7emailandpageralerts •Availablewithwireless,batterypower,orboth•ReportsviaSNMPv1andDCPx •Webbrowserinterface

Remote Alarm Block 176

Easily collect SNMP traps right from your Main Distribution Frame.

You know wiring all your alarms at your MDF is a ton of work, but you’d rather not pay a tech to do it either. The Re-mote Alarm Block 176 lets you skip all the rewiring and still get the SNMP traps you need. With the RAB 176, you get dense alarm collection in the smallest rack space. It installs right at your MDF in a relay-rack or wall-mount chassis.

•176reversiblediscretealarms,4controls •Installswithoutremovingwirewrapconnections•SupportssimultaneousSNMP/DCPalarmreporting •MediatesdiscretestoSNMPtraps•Real-timeclockforaccuratetimestamping •Filtersout“nuisance”alarmswithselectable •IncludesWindows-based,offlineeditor alarmqualificationtimes

NetMediator T2S G5

Convert TBOS data into detailed SNMPv3 traps.

When a “Major” or “Minor” notification from your TBOS gear is just not enough, the NetMediator T2S G5 comes to the rescue. This advanced, protocol mediating remote interprets TBOS alarm detail from your microwave radios. In-stead, you’ll get highly-detailed SNMPv3 traps your techs can actually use. Don’t keep your old TBOS alarm master around - use the NetMediator to consolidate your monitoring and keep tabs on your network via web browser.

•32discretealarms(expandable),8analogs,8controls •Alarmsynchronizationforeasyturnup&testing•Mediates8TBOSdevicestoSNMPv1,v2corv3 •Supportsanalogvoltage,temp&battmonitoring•4reach-throughserialports •Localaudibleandvisualalarmnotification•Offersdefinablealarmpointgrouping •IncludesWindows-based,offlineeditor

Page 7: Rtu Info Packet

7To order, call 1-800-693-0351 or visit www.dpstele.com

DPS Telecom • 4955 E. Yale Ave. Fresno, California 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax: (559) 454-1688 • www.dpstele.com

NetDog 82IP G2

Convert TBOS data into detailed SNMPv3 traps.

Designed for small to medium-sized networks, the NetDog 82IP G2 offers state-of-the-art alarm monitoring in a com-pact remote. With the NetDog G2, you won’t pay for extra capacity that you don’t need. When a heavy-duty alarm remote just isn’t cost effective, you can rely on the NetDog to provide reliable SNMP monitoring via LAN or dialup. The NetDog G2 also makes a great generator-monitoring solution.

•8discretealarms,0-4analogs,2controls •Alarmsynchronizationforeasyturnup&testing•SNMPv1andv2ccompatible •Supportsinternalandexternaltempsensors•FullPPPfunctionality •NEW!IncludesWindows-based,offlineeditor•Offersdefinablealarmpointgrouping •24/7Emailandpagernotifications

No matter how small a remote site may be, your network uptime requires all your equipment to be up and running. The small, but powerful AlphaMax has been successfully deployed in the field in a variety of applications, such as monitoring door alarms, tower lights, generators, and crossing gates. Use the AlphaMax’s controls to activate generators, security lights, pump units and much more. Now you can install alarm monitoring anywhere!

•8discretealarms,2controls •Reportsalarmtopagers,ASCIIterminals,•3hrs.ofbackuppowerwithoptionalUPS andT/MonLNX(seepg.8)•DTMFcontrol-Operaterelaysandack •Includesserialportforreach-throughaccessalarmsrightfromyourcell •Choiceofscrewlugorwirewrapconnectors


DTMF functionality makes ack-ing alarms a snap.

NetGuardian Test Fixture

Diagnose problems right from the field with the NetGuardian “Test Box”.

Once a trusted tool used only by DPS Telecom technicians, the NetGuardian Test Fixture puts control in your hands. Use the “Test Box” to verify every single alarm input and control output on your NetGuardian remotes. The labeled toggles and knobs make alarm testing quick and easy - allowing you to identify and correct your setup even from the field. You’ll avoid the hassle of “No Problem Found” RMAs by conducting your own conclusive testing.

•AvailablefortheNetGuardian832Aand864A •EasilyconnectstoNetGuardianviaamphenols•Verifyalldiscretepointsandcontrolrelays •Clearly-labeledtoggles,knobsandLEDs•Confirmderivedcontrolequations •Savestimebyprovidingmoreefficientlabtesting

Page 8: Rtu Info Packet

DPS Telecom • 4955 E. Yale Ave. Fresno, California 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax: (559) 454-1688 • www.dpstele.com

8To order, call 1-800-693-0351 or visit www.dpstele.com

“Anything that has a discrete or an analog alarm, we tie into T/Mon. It’s sped up maintenance

and made everything a lot easier.”

T/Mon LNX Support All Your Equipment, No Matter What Protocol,

How many different kinds of devices do need to monitor? How many different screens do you have to watch? If you’re tired of the confusion and clutter of multiple alarm consoles, you need T/Mon LNX.

Never miss an alarm. If there’s a problem anywhere in your network, T/Mon will see it. And T/Mon’s advanced notification features will make sure you know about it.

T/Mon LNX is uniquely designed to monitor all your equipment, no matter what protocol, no matter what manufacturer. T/Mon shows your whole network on one screen, so problems can’t hide.

With T/Mon, you can setup an efficient Building Access System (pg. 9), enhance remote site security with the new SiteMON IP (pg. 9), and expand your alarm capacity even further with the T/Mon EXP (pg. 10)

-KellyHeierNetwork Specialist Northwest Communications

With T/Mon LNX you can: • Monitor alarms in over 25 protocols: ASCII, Badger, Cordell, DCM, DCP, DCPf, DCPx, DCM, E2A,

Larse, Modbus, NEC, Pulsecom, SNMP, TABS, TBOS and TL1.

• Popular devices (partial list): Calix, switches (i.e. DMS servers, 5e), SONET gear, PBXs, Microwave radios, routers, Harris radios, E2A equipment, Modbus gear, legacy remotes, and much more

• Display your entire network on one screen: Know the status of your network with 100% certainty.

• Mediate alarm data to different protocols: T/Mon is a master translator.

• Send pager and email alarm notifications: Notify your technicians if a problem arises.

• Connect multiple Remote Access users simultaneously: Via LAN, dial-up, or serial port.

• Control remote site equipment: Utilize T/Mon to manually or automatically respond to alarm inputs.

• Administeracentralizedconfigurationdatabase: Create a central master for your whole network.

• Maintain alarm history logs: Create reports of alarm events with a history log.

Page 9: Rtu Info Packet

DPS Telecom • 4955 E. Yale Ave. Fresno, California 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax: (559) 454-1688 • www.dpstele.com

9To order, call 1-800-693-0351 or visit www.dpstele.com

Building Access System (BAS)

Now Featuring Proxy Reader Support


GetReal-TimeNotificationsofApprovedEntriesand InstrusionsYou don’t need a separate security system to control access to your remote sites. You can control and moni-

tor building access with a Building Access System (BAS) that integrates into your T/Mon alarm management platform. If you already own a T/Mon LNX, why not put its detailed site security capabilities to use to protect your network from physical intrusions?

With keypad and proxy reader support, you can control business access of all personnel, even temporary staff, by assigning them one of the supported 1,300 user profiles. You can define unique access priviliges between for each user by site, door, time of day, and date. Rest assured that only authorized personnel will be able to access restricted doors.

• Centralized entry management & control • Supports up to 1,300 users • Grant access by day of the week, time of day, and location • Supports up to 16 doors per site (8 per NetGuardian RS485 port) • BAS sustains connectivity losses to local NetGuardians and T/Mon • Logs all building entries and exits • Supports SiteMON IP (below) & external sensors (pgs. 12-13)

With the SiteMON IP, there’s no more sitting around, wondering what’s happening at your remote sites. Now, you can view live images from this part-camera, part-RTU, right from the comfort of your central office.

In addition to using the integrated web browser to view your sites live, images are automatically archived on T/Mon. You’ll define “trigger events” that tell the SiteMON IP to capture images before and after critical events. Example trigger events could be when motion is detected, when a door opens, etc. The SiteMON IP is designed to integrate seamlessly into your Building Access System (above).

Tools like playback, step-through, and saving will allow you to review and manage the SiteMON’s images with ease. The SiteMON IP is the ideal solution for monitoring equipment rooms, parking lots, hallways, and for detecting weather patterns at your most remote sites.

• Outdoor enclosure also available • 2 Local alarm inputs, 2 control relay outputs • Internal/external temp sensors • 12 or 24VDC to power peripherals • View live images or cache them on your PC for viewing later


Page 10: Rtu Info Packet

DPS Telecom • 4955 E. Yale Ave. Fresno, California 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax: (559) 454-1688 • www.dpstele.com

10To order, call 1-800-693-0351 or visit www.dpstele.com

DPS Telecom OEM Services:How to Get Exactly What You Need

WITHOUT Spending More...

You’re making a big investment, and that should never involve settling for what you can find off-the-shelf. You don’t have to deal with a inflexible monitoring system that wasn’t designed with you in mind. Here are the 3 key advantages of a custom solution for your OEM project:

3 Key Advantages of a Custom OEM Solution

1.Customizationofferstheexactfunctionalityyouneed...As an OEM, there are many things for you to consider when beginning a new project. Evolving technology demands for new equipment functions, new standards put in place, and more. Adapting to the ever-changing market is much easier with a custom solution. A custom design offers the exact functionality you’re looking for, even if it can’t be found in an existing product. Sometimes this is as simple as changing the color or private-labeling the product.

2. Don’t pay for unwanted product features...You’ve got a fixed budget for this new project, and there’s no room to pay for unnecessary features. And if no existing products fit all your specs, you could end up buying several pieces of equipment to make up for it. Not only does this drive up cost, but is makes integration a headache.

3.Discovernewproductbenefitsyouneverdreamedof...When you decide to take the custom design route, you probably expect the engineers to “take your order” and deliver the product features you’ve asked for. What you don’t expect is for the engineers assigned to your proj-ect to uncover even more benefits from your design that you hadn’t thought of. The engineers working on your project should help you squeeze every ounce of muscle from your design to maximize your investment.

With a mass-produced product, you pay for unneeded features or more products than you have space and budget for. With a customized product, you get exactly what you need.

With an in-house Engineering department, metal shop, and production facility, DPS oversees your OEM project fromstarttofinish.

YourProduct DPS Monitoring Fast Time

to Market

+ =

Page 11: Rtu Info Packet

DPS Telecom • 4955 E. Yale Ave. Fresno, California 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax: (559) 454-1688 • www.dpstele.com

11To order, call 1-800-693-0351 or visit www.dpstele.com

Turn-up and installation assistance is absolutely the quickest and easiest way to get your network monitoring system up and running. Our on-site turn-up assistance team will help install and configure your system and train your staff how to use it effectively.

Bring the Instructor to YouThe DPS Telecom training staff will come to your facility with a complete set of training materials. Your staff can train directly on the equipment they’ll use. The course curriculum can be tailored to your company’s individual needs, and your instructor will assist you on-site with your implementation.

Get Your Network Running TodayThere’s no reason to waste months trying to learn alarm management all by yourself. You’ll know how to use your DPS equipment easier, faster, and better than ever. The time you save during installation and turn-up, combined with increased network reliability will bring immediate payback in your uptime and increased revenue.

With on-site turn-up assistance, you’ll get:Personal, custom instruction• from a knowledgeable instructor

Custom training material• , like workbooks and user manuals for your staff

Hands-ontraining• and troubleshooting with your own equipment and your own system

No fuss installation• – Get your system up and running now

Q & A time with your instructor• – Get your most important questions answered

Live classroom demonstrations• to reinforce learning

Deployments often take longer than planned, especially if you’re working with new equipment. Don’t delay yours any longer! Tell us what your staff needs to learn and we’ll take care of the rest.

Get Turn-up and Installation Assistance, Straight From the Experts...

Get your most important questions answered from the Engineer who helped design your DPS equipment

Get one-on-one time with a knowledgable instructor

Page 12: Rtu Info Packet

DPS Telecom • 4955 E. Yale Ave. Fresno, California 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax: (559) 454-1688 • www.dpstele.com

12To order, call 1-800-693-0351 or visit www.dpstele.com


Environmental Sensors from DPS Telecom

Temperature Sensor with Probe (100° to 355° F)D-PG-274-10A-00High temperature analog temperature sensor with probe measures from 100° to 355° F (37.8° to 179.4° C).

Temperature Sensor with Probe (–20 to 180° F)D-PG-275-10A-00Analog temperature sensor with probe measures from –20° to 180° F (-28.9° to 82.2° C). Native operating voltage 8.5 VDC to 35 VDC. This package includes resistor for use in –48 V operations.

Analog/TemperatureandHumiditySensorPackage(–48V)Single unit self-contained temperature and humidity sensor. Temperature range: 23° to 131° F (–5° to 55° C). Humidity Range: 0% RH to 100% RH temperature compensated. Both temp and humidity outputs are linearized across the 4 to 20 mA output.

Package with –48 V power adapter: D-PG-281-10A-00Sensors only: D-PK-SENSR-12001.00001

Discrete Liquid Level SensorD-PK-SENSR-12003.00001Provides a discrete contact closure when liquid levels fall below parameters. Contains a dry reed switch encapsulated within a stem. Supports N/O and N/C alarm contacts. Operates at a maximum tem-perature of 105° C and a maximum pressure of 150 PSI.

Liquid Sensor

Current Sensor 0 to 100 Amp AC/DC (Analog)D-PR-577-10A-00Measures AC/DC currents and isolates sensor output from conductor. Outputs 4 to 20 mA. User-selectable 50, 75 and 100 Amp scales. Split core design. Allows sensor to be placed around cable without interrupt-ing operation. Great for motor drives, UPS systems, battery chargers, power supplies, and replacement for shunts.

Power Out Alert Sensor (Discrete)D-PR-592-10A-00Plugs into any 110 VAC circuit that needs to be monitored. When power is interrupted for three to eight consecutive minutes, sensor outputs a contact closure.


Page 13: Rtu Info Packet

DPS Telecom • 4955 E. Yale Ave. Fresno, California 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax: (559) 454-1688 • www.dpstele.com

13To order, call 1-800-693-0351 or visit www.dpstele.com

HumiditySensor(Discrete)D-PR-579-10A-00Monitors a humidity range of 20% to 80% relative humidity. One alarm threshold that can be used as either a high or low humidity alarm. Great for monitoring humidity in computer rooms, COs, cell sites, nodes, and CEVs. Requires no power to operate.

Motion Sensor (Discrete)D-PR-599-10A-00Monitors motion within a user-specified field of vision. Detection range from 3m-6m. Powered by 12 to 28VDC. At sites with 110VAC power, a +24VDC wall transformer is available (D-PR-105-10A-03). Can also be integrated with the Building Access System (BAS) to provide automatic exit tracking and intrusion notifications.

TempAlert Sensor (30° to 100° F)D-PR-589-10A-00Discrete temperature sensor with high and low alarm thresholds Separate alarms for high and low temperatures. Temperature range from 30° to 100° F. (–1.1° to 37.8° C). Requires no power to operate. Wall mount rectangular box design. Includes screw kit for mounting hardware.

Water Sensor and ControllerD-PG-271-10A-00Provides a discrete contact closure when water is detected. The sensor will not trigger an alarm due to condensation or high humidity. Supports N/O and N/C alarm contacts. Powered by 8 to 28 VAC or DC (not included). For 110 VAC, use 24 V wall transformer (D-PR-105-10A-00).

Water Sensor Only, #1040 (for WB200): D-PR-596-10A-00

PhotoelectricSmokeDetectorwithHeatSensorD-PR-560-10A-00Uses pulsed infrared diodes to eliminate false alarms caused by dust, insects, FR and ambient light. Integrated heat detector triggers alarms at temps above 135° F or above 105° F with a rise rate of 15° F per minute. Heat or smoke detector can trip and latch LED and alarm relay outputs. Powered by 12 VDC or 24 VDC.

Door Sensor (Surface Mount)D-PR-550-10A-01Closed loop magnetic contact sensor. Consists of magnet and con-tact. Gap distance is 5/8”. Includes screw kit for mounting hardware.


Building Status Sensors

Page 14: Rtu Info Packet

DPS Telecom • 4955 E. Yale Ave. Fresno, California 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax: (559) 454-1688 • www.dpstele.com

14To order, call 1-800-693-0351 or visit www.dpstele.com

Are You Doing Everything In Your Power to Protect Your RTUs...?

Let DPS Ultimate Care Protect You From Unexpected Repair Costs...

Let DPS Ultimate Care Protect You From Unex-pected Repair Costs... Are you doing everything in your power to protect your remote telemetry units (RTUs)? Do you enjoy the benefits of the T/Mon Gold Plan, but wish you had better protection for your essential RTUs? Maybe you're doing research for your next RTU purchase, but it's tough finding a reliable vendor that can meet your needs on a warranty and protection level.

Get Ultimate RTU Protection for Up to 7 Years...The new DPS Ultimate Care protection plan protects your valuable RTUs. This plan safeguards

your equipment by extending the 2-year hardware warranty you already receive with DPS products. This new care plan is available in 2 different lengths:

"DPS Care"• adds an additional year to your 2-year hardware warranty, for a total of 3 years. Additional years can be purchased to extend your protection even further.

"DPS Ultimate Care"• adds 5 years to your warranty at a discounted rate. That's 7 years of total warranty protection for the price of 3. DPS Ultimate Care eliminates unexpected maintenance fees, allowing you to stay protected at a fixed cost, lifting the burden of future repair costs.

With the DPS Ultimate Care plan, you gain protection for 5 additional years for only the price of 3. Don't sac-rifice network visibility when one of your RTUs gets damaged, even beyond repair*. If an RTU suffers non-repairable damage and we no longer make that older model, you'll receive the newer equivalent model that we currently manufacture.

Benefits of the DPS Ultimate Care Plan:

Extend the 2-year hardware warranty• already guaranteed with DPS products

Stay protected for 7 years• , when you've already gotten most of the depreciation out

Receive priority Technical Support• and RMA Service

Preserve your limited maintenance budget• by prepaying one fixed cost with your CapEx budget

Attend FREE hands-on training• at DPS Headquarters

Receive the modern functional equivalent• of a non-repairable RTU

Available on • all new DPS RTU purchases and all other DPS RTU's that are still under warranty...

Call DPS Telecom today at 1-800-693-0351 and ask how the DPS Ultimate Care Plan can start protecting all your RTU investments!

*Manufacturer's warranty does not cover fire, flood, lightning, equipment misuse, and other specific occurrences. Contact the DPS Sales Department for full details of the DPS warranty.

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If you or your team work with alarm monitoring equipment, you already know how valuable rock-solid training is. Trying to teach yourself can waste weeks of labor time and expense. What you need is a forward-thinking company that doesn’t charge you for training.

As our guest, you’ll receive great breakfasts, catered lunches, and restaurant dinners for every day of class during your stay. Your host will provide free transportation from airport hotels, so you don’t have to pay for a car rental. We’ll work with local hotels to get you a special discount. And even with these helpful savings, your training will be first-class - taught by the same experienced technicians and engineers who design and test and install your alarm monitoring equipment.

Top-Notch Instruction at a Cost That’s Easy to JustifyAnyone who’s attended a DPS Factory Training Event will tell you it’s not like any other training course. Here’s the difference:

Helpful Cost Reductions• : You’ll pay no tuition to attend DPS Factory Training. You’ll also receive free meals, discounted hotel rates, and free shuttle service to DPS from your hotel.

Personal instruction in small classes• : Classes are capped at fifteen people, so your instructor can focus on you. If you want to spend more time on a topic, your instructor or a DPS engineer will be happy to meet with you in a one-on-one breakout session.

Learn from engineers with real-world experience:• Your DPS instructors are skilled engineers who have worked on DPS product design and field implementations. They know your equipment and how you use it.

Work hands-on with real-world equipment:• At a DPS Factory Training Event, you’ll work directly with the equipment — and you’ll get the unique know-how that only comes with personal experience.

Reserve your seats today! 1-800-693-0351

Learn advanced T/Mon techniques taught by professional engineers.

This Factory Training DeliversBig ROI for Zero Tuition

February 1 - 4, 2010

April 19 - 22, 2010

June 7 - 10, 2010

August 23 - 26, 2010

Advanced Class: Oct. 4-6, 2010T/Mon Users Group: Oct. 7-8, 1010

November 15 - 18, 2010

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Major Clients and Industries Served by DPS TelecomTelecommunicationsAT&TCincinnati BellComcastConsolidated CommunicationsDominionEATELEnventis TelecomHughes Network ServicesIowa WirelessSprintT-MobileVerizonXiocom

InternationalATCO ElectricBell CanadaBTCanadian Coast GuardEastLinkManitoba HydroNovia Scotia PowerST ElectronicsTelebecTrinidad and Tobago Tel. Co.

Government / IndustrialAmerican Cable Vision AnixterDANCGeneral DynamicsGraybarIdaho National LabsM.I.T.Northrop GrummanQwest Gov’t ServicesState of AlaskaState of CaliforniaState of Maryland ManufacturingAlcatel-Lucent Hewlett-PackardMotorolaNortelSiemens Tacqua SystemsTyco / M/A-com

TransportationBay Area Rapid Transit (BART)BNSF RailroadCN RailFlorida Dep’t of TransportationGrand Trunk Western RailroadLong Island RailroadNew Jersey Transit RailNYCT

UtilitiesAlabama Power CompanyConoco-PhillipsDuke EnergyEl Paso Natural GasEnergy NorthwestFlorida PowerLA Dept of Water & PowerNational GridNevada EnergyPG & ESouthern CompanySunflower ElectricSempra Utilities Reliant Energy