RTOIUVED I liENSBUCKWER T t rlan3 at I …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vt43hzh07/data/0386.pdf1 hard time...

l1K rrw 1 t iblicar 1nbltlblngCImpltny RTOIUVED I v fdltnraTu I tz LITI02Sa3 vxn rlan3 o1lLh 3 a FRJDAY 1 NOVEMBER 22 Examine the label on your paper lf sit notoorroot notify us Why cant Kentucky have an abso- lutely fair nonpartisan election law < It may be considered slim consola- tion but tho rich have their troubles r alsoC It seemed to us that Governor neck I hams thanksgiving proclamation was unusually short T t- x The Taft boom has been having n 1 hard time latelyand now Senator Plat 4 has endorsed him j Persons who may contemplate pre scntlug the editors with thanksgiviii lturkes will find us in any day beI anti next Wednesday 1 I Mayor Tom Johnson ot Cleveland Is about all the Democracy has say ed from the general wreck It is in order tp nominate him for President An Arkansas Judge has decided that a woman has a right to throw dishes at her husband What about the inno- cent bystander 2 During the four yoars that I am Gov ornor we are going 10 have law and order In Kentucky Augustus Will son In an Interview in Indianapolis Ind A Sof No mcmlMT of the E who a remember the principles taught him will do volenee TO 1 ii4ghbir or destroy his property There are oth- er means of making it unpleasant for the man who dumps Is there a conspiracy among the t money kings whom the President has gotten after with his big stick to squeeze the money market create a panic and thus break down his popularity with the peope1 derswill We trust all our have something to be thankful for next Thursday and that they may live to enjoy ninny returns of the day with ever increasing happiness and mufti i plied cause for thankfulness Aftor claiming for months that Roos ovelt and the Republicans had stolen j and adopted their principles we shouli I think the Democrats would be a lit ¬ tie cattiious about laying this money panic on the administration at Wash ¬ ington Mars Henn he low it was de boss ¬ es what did it and bosses say it was Marse Henry that caused this down ¬ fall In the meantime the stareyed Goddess Is lying low and the Sun Shines Bright In the old Kentucky Home Conaln Deemocrats are threatening to dtprivo Lieutenant Governor Cox of the right to apK > im the Senate coimuitwS ss was dour with Lieu ¬ tenant Govocnors Wonhingion and Maruall This would be an outrage I which should be resisted through ever legitimate moans I The otter of i he Owensboro Messen ¬ temlrIn ocratic tlcktt at the recent election is still unanswered No liberal re- ward proposition wil get him Come- down with iiomething like 1000 each for voer of that class No one can j afford to make an admission like that for a paatY liberal reward which tptCtit mean ft duad rooster or a don on ciiuen of Uw Democratic campaign bKik raven though he committed the tin through mistake c Te Hartford Herald unlike the In rllgeut penmen of the Kentucky Democratic press seems to have fail ¬ ed to learn anything from the recent election It is still harping on the negro vote Notwithstanding every speaker who went on the stump for their ticket made the negro the prln ¬ cipal Kpoel It wont work any long ¬ er The people demand live issues V Tho time has passed in Kentucky vhon i yallordorgf cry of nigger nigger However wo might as well tell the Herald a few l plain facts In this connection which 4r a cannoj be disputed It says with ¬ out t pro vote the Republicans wouldVe enable to elect anybody to anytlijtjg Let us see Mr Herald fnHor Just how much you are dp nd out upon tile negro papulatiou in thT Svinh for members of the House of- t RprnsemeaUves and elecorlal o cgI And 1tP ropiffet1e n11 j arid rr representation of the ir it like Mil8tS LoulrtaaaGew e l111A1abama It than half It Is safe to say that yy V without the black man the Demo- crats wouldi lose ilcast 75 votes In the clcctofinicollege andnlmost ns many members of the House What chance Ulen would you hove had since tho war to elect a President or what chance in tho Juturo T The old adng about those who live In glass hous eslseems to fit the Heralds case DItficult to See Why The Tariff revision schemes appear to receive the approval of the South- ern Democrats They are still Freb Traders though probably not many of them know why fears ago their fathers embraced free = Trade because they manufactured nothing and land no Industries that needed Protection Any plan that would reduce the price of quinine anti readymade clothing found favor In their eyes At the present time when the South Is boom- ing and many Industries demand the safeguards of a just Tariff It Is dif ficult tp see why the people of that theI I Advice to Tuon htful Repnblicans The Democratic party which while it wns In power never did anything to enforce the antitrust laws Is now hot footed after the railroads and time trusts Behind this sudden Impetu osity Is its old animus against the Pro teethe Tariff Put the Democratic par- ty In power on an antlt rust platform and the first thing It would do would be to wipe out the Protective Tariff on the sophistical plea that the TarI- ff Is the father of all trusts If the present agitation against corporate wealth and Industrial combinations legal or Illegal continues the bllnd eyed populace which never stops to think until it is put under pressure to do so will follow any loudmouthed demagogue who will carry the anti- trust ¬ banner It is not too early to predict that this is precisely what will happen in the next Presidential cam ¬ paign Republican speakers who main tain the cause of Protection will find it more difficult to do so because Dem ¬ ocratic loaders will not hesitate to re ¬ pLat the misrepresentation of Bryan to the effect that they are only fol- lowing ¬ in the footsteps of the Presi ¬ dent Wo advise thoughtless Repub ¬ licans who are being carried off their feet with the crowd by the popular current setting so strongly toward so- cialistic assaults on property and prop- erty interests to bear these facts In nind Leslies Weekly Cause of Democratic Defeat in Kentucky The Democrats as indicated In the headline handed the State over to the Republicans So the Local was mlstag Republicans So the Local was mis- taken in saying last week that Demo crats were not ready to do such a thing Theprincipal cause that led so many Democrats to either vote for rtlllson else not vote at all were as follows First the State primary which was not only very rotten In spots but re- tired McCreary an old Rebel and one oftbe cleanest of public men Second Machine rule hi the party a few very ordinary men in power by accident perpetuating their authority b y rotating the offices and manipulat- ing primaries Tnlrd The revelation of the gigan- tic frauds in Louisville with the un american and medieval platform of Tyler which insulted the moral sen- timent of the State FourthThe doubledealing on the temperance question courting the an 1saloon people In the country and dallying with the whlskeyites in the clues FifthThe Governors unholy allia- nce with the Hargis gang Sixth Intrusting the management fi the party to a half dozen 2x4 poliii clans In fact for four years there has in effect been but five men In the I tarty Beckham Haley Hines Dr Board and Mott Ayres The men of strength character and influence whore were they I Seventh The dominating Influence of Roosevelt In the State speaking through Fairbanks Tbankssivine i 1 he following proclamation has been aw ed by Gov Beckham- In accordance with custom and the proclamation tff the Pres- ident of the United States I here- by appoint Thursday November the Sth as a day of Thanksgiving anal nayer throughout the commonwealth It is expected on that dab that all of our people shall refrain from their usual business employments and give hnnlisto anAllwlseiRuier gliohPrBo- generously bltssedtuctal nation and Us wbo so bountifully provided fbr In testimony whereof I have here unto set imy hand and caused the Commonwealth to be here seal of the untO affixed tione at Frankfort this thday of- Not ember 1907 J C W BECKHAM t Valuable Farm For Sale 100 acre farm near Reynolds SUi- t ionOhio county Will son cheap for ushj or exchange for yqung7 stock Call on or address C P Kebwri Hail ford Ky S 18U 1- r ELECTION PLEASED liENSBUCKWER He is Delighted at Overthrow 1 of Beckhams Machine Hines Wont Tell Confederates How to Vote lies Adds The Louisville Herald says Go rI al Simon Bolivar Bucknor of Glen Lily who is u delegate In nuendanci at the Galt House wua in high glee as ho discussed last night the result of tho recent State election General Buckner declared that he had awaited the returns from the State with great interest and was delighted at tho overthrow of tho Beckham ma chine Good old Democrat that he is he unblushingly declared that he had tieketrland ever after doing so he added j I I believe that Mr Willson will make a fine Governor continued Gen eral Buckner Ho is a clean moral man and will make good his promises to the people The Democracy in Ken tuck sadly needs regeneration 1 I dont believe that Mr Hines will never again attempt to tell an old Confeder ¬ I ate how he shall vote remarked Gen- eral ¬ Buckner with a twinkle In his I eye as he concluded the conversation CIRCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS The Ohio county Circuit Coui In Court hall Monday with Judge TI F BIrkhead presiding and Common ¬ wealths Attorney Ben D Ringo and County Attorney E M Woodward presentt An I exhaustive charge to the grand jury Including the violations of the election laws was given by the coai monwealth attorney After which the reports of the various officers wertI heard and the grand jury the following named gentlemen whose age religion and pollticts also appear repaired to the county Judges office and began their work of looking af ¬ ter the evil doers Virgil Miller Foreman age 51 BapI list Democrat T J Brooks Clerk age 39 Christian Democrat L P Fulkerson Sneriff age 47 Methodist In belief Democrat J W Igleheart age 48 Baptist Democrat Herman Render age 32 Baptist Republican Joe B Sanderfur age 70 Presbyterian Republican T F Balls age C2 Methodist Republican Judge Hulett age 50Baptist Democrat Byron Tay- lor age 47 Baptist RepublicanMorga Patterson age 45 Baptist in belief Republican M W Bellage 4SBaptist democrat M L Ashley age 41 Bap- tist Republican The following named gentlemen were empaneled as petitjurors Haden Webb H O King Leslie Combs E D Oldham Marvin Lyons Walden Haynes JA Tichenor Harry Morrison Geo W Bennett Alvin Ross Jim P Brown J C Alvey J W Flener H B Taylor E P Stevens J T Patton S F Whlteley Jas H Fulkerson J N Holland Worth Tich enor Chas Overton Luther Chinn W A Brown and C C Taylor All the cases on first days docket were continued except Comth vs Ab Marrlson filed away Comth vs Sam Riley filed away Comth vs Frank Banlet filed away Comth vs Mag Rogers fined 50 i Comth vs Roxey Rogers fined 50 Comth vs Clyde Zackery refered to grand jury Comth vs Ellis Burden stricken off defendant dead Comth vs Tom CogMll stricken off left deead Comth vs Shulte Bishop fined 51 The following 10 cases were passed Comth vs F D McNally Ousley Hall Leslie Hines Will Duke2 cases Remus Fielden Charles Peach Andy Peach 1 C RR CoI Second day vs Fleem Stevens In view of the decision- of the Court of Appeals Common- wealths I Attorney Mr Ringo moved to file the prosecution away with eave to reinstate The court took the matter under advisement and the Wit esses were discharged i JURY TRIALS + t TUESDAY SECOND DAY r C Lee Warden vs M H E RR Co on trial Caleb Wilson vs I C iRR Company WEDNESDAY THIRD DAY t vJohn H Johnson vsl C R RI L T Ross vs M H E R R CO Jilfford Wade vs Central doll and Iron Co J THURSDAY1 OiIRTIrbAY Nancy W adpir vs L R R Co C W DorseyvB ri UluncinY larison Burden vsl I cftR Co FRIDAY FIFTH DAYI I Angie A King vs John Lilly laL Maddox vs McHenrj Coal I Co Burdle Splnks vs I C R R Co I H R Bennett c vs W C Knott t ctC Robert C Lewis VB P Brady iucretia Midkiff vs Rowan Holbrook MONDAY SEVENTH DAY Clarence Wilson TB 1 C R R r John Co S Johnson Rcitz 8 Sons Mallnda Wright vs Mrs J C Hamilton c- TUESDAY EIGHTH DAY Morton 8 Davenport vs J L Ln gran Laura Baize vs JW Duvall VISITING ATTORNEYS Hon J S Wortham Lellchfleld Judge W S Morrison R W Slack Owonsboro Henry Dehaven Moorman Hardlnsburg J M Porter and D B RhoadsBeaver DamMessrs S P Ro by Fordsvllle John Rone Center town andD A Royal Rosinc Commonwealth against James Odol verdict of guilty and punishment fixed at two years in the penitentiary C Lee Tnrdeii anpellec against the 8 E appellant verdict for 1 Ir The former verdict was for 1 750 < Caleb Willson against the I O R R went to the jury late yesterday even ing andlo verdict has been reached N The grand jury hats returned only 5 indictments classified as follows one for carrying pistol one for pointing pistol one for seduction und two for breach ot peace < M MAGAN Nov 20The Protracted meeting at Pleasant Hill closed Monday night Little Mable Roack daughter of Mrs Bert Roach died the iSth of abcess in the head Mr and Mrs Pulliam of Patisvllle visited their daughter Mrs John Millet last week Miss Relda Midkiff has Typhoid fe ¬ verMrsThomas Medcalf is confined to- her bed with lung trouble Noiice All persons having claims against the estate of Isaac Maiden deceased will present them properly proven to the undersigned on or before Decem- ber 22 1907 or be forever barred BEN MAIDEN Admr RENDER Nov 19Mrs Amelia Burton went to Prentis last Wednesday- S B Gray of Louisville and Rich- ard Haskins of Central City were here last Wednesday- Dr amid Mrs J O McKehney of Taylor Mines were here last Thurs- day J H Fielden was In Hartford last Thursday Geo Burr of Cloverport and Claude dcKenney of Beaver Dam were here Friday Charley Brand was In Central City FridayR Allen was in Hartford on business Saturday I P Barnard of Louisville was- her Saturay Misses Nellye Harris and Myrtle In gram were In Beaver Dam Saturday Will Turnerof McHenry and Miss IJzzlt Mercer of this place were mar- ried Saturday atfernoon at the resi- dence of Mr and Mrs Frank 0 Al- len Rev N C Robinson spoke the words that made them one Prof and Mrs J Alex Rhoads spent Saturday and Sunday In Beaveer Dam Mrs Simon Faught spent Saturday and Sunday in Jingo Harrie Thlenesof Taylor Mlnesand Jno Sanders of Pellvllle were here SundayMrs Maude Hughes of Paducah was the guest of Mr and Mrs G B Roll Sunday and yesterday Clt1and I City today Mr and Mrs George Ferguson went to Echols today Mr and Mrs Gilbert Haskins are visiting In Madisonville this week Miss Anna Jarnigan is visiting in Norton this week Tom Gwyn Is on the slct list at this writing Born to the wife of Val Cool a- girl this morning mother and child doing well Val is all smiles I BUFORD Mrs 0M Shultz and daughter Sal- lie visited Mrs Leoua Magan and other friends during our protracted meeting Mr Owen Magan visited friends near leflin Sunday evening Aunt Cloe Sharp returned home Sun day after two or three weeks visit to Mr end Mrs John King Mr Worth Wade had wife visited her parents B C Hudson and wife the 10 returning the Sunday Mr Lite Easterday and wire of Hef Un visited John Blair and wife Sun day Miss Ora Hale and Bister of Philpot visited their aunt Mrs Win Lyons the first of last week Mr Anice and little daughter Lena Irajf of Cromwell visited his daugh 1 fcf Mr L D Magan the 8 Reluming rdmetbeao Mr Charley Cundiff and vitaof Owensboro ia vlsking his parents R > ° Canditfapd wife Mr Sam Holbrook was able to at- tend Sunday school Sundaysthe first time for about six weeks having had typhoid fever t Mr J D Holbrook is quite sick at fils writing v Mr Sam Rhoads who has been quite sick for the past two weeks is able to be out again Mr Wnltw Q A llownyof Indiana I Vt 1 IiiiIiiiiiii f H tt H f i 001IoJo + HO H ot + 1 + H It ctI fIt to 4j4stfl rhgh t f 01 + h + t 1 + f OfcoU e yg u owtliitfg i f consequently clothes are higher al- so ¬ 1- t Anyone vlio promises bet t ter values this season than lasfisi it- Ii misleading you We believe in pret i senting factsin telling the plain simple unadulterated truthw The values we offethis fallare I not better than last but they are I the best values can secure any ¬ Ii very ¬ ed throughout calla our store and i 1 examine our showing of Suits and Overcoats YpM will find them X- i cellent values tylish in appearaic perfect in fit and theyll give you t goodservThey are striefly good II clothes at moderate prices i- Mens Suits 500 10 1250 i It 1500 and 1800 Youths Suits i Ii 200 300 500 and 10 Ov ¬ f- t ercoats for Men 400 5 750 f 1000up to 1800 Youths Ov- ercoats i f 200 to 10 Dont fall to see our showingt 4 JL Ii i Carson Ci iXCORrORATED +++ rrr1 + Y HJ 0110 1010 t t J t J oI t oJII t to lo + H 10t iis visiting his sister Mrs Homer Tur ¬ ner t Mr Lon Cox and wife returned hJme last week from Globe Ariz Svhtre they went to locate lust spring A good many mote came ahead ofVhem and several more to follow Messrs A E and Sam Ellis attend ¬ ed Church here the second Sunday and dined at Mrs Laura Magans Born to the wife of Jeff Bell the 17th lust a fine girl- Notice I To the Stock Growers of Ohio County Branch of A Sof E We want to say to you who have slgned the pledge that it is no fault of ours that we are not going to be able to put an agent in the field to handle your stock but because we haveiit got men enough behind the move to make It possible We have got to have enough men at each shipping point so that the men haveIto for the load to be made up Now friends you see the importance of every man taking hold with us we can do nothing without you help We are told that some have refused to sign because we hndont stated what it would cost to ship will an ¬ swer by saying that if we can not get better terms than AVe olready have we will be sure notto make any trade Some refuse to sign because we have not said who was going to be their agent will answer this by say- ing that he must in our judgment bo an honest upright gentleman in every respect and a man who is capable of grading our stock and have the en ¬ dorsement of the bank through which he proposes tai do business We will meet you at the next county union with bylaws to he adopted with the changes you may see fit to make JOHN M SHULTZ Chmn i A Deed of Kindness The hill was alive with merry boys and girls on a bright Saturday after- noon ¬ in winter What fun dt was in deed to coast swiftly down the Jcy rittghlSlangbter8 hillr 11111J13 1 o μ ag and old settobe having oJaublerunners tots at their backs with rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes Burned the sharp corner at the end ofnthehlilto short ¬ ly help drag the s up to the top again The sun had almost set and its rosy light filed the streets but before utiy had started to go homo a man driving a large load of wood began vo ascend the icy path 7JoT sltUs s rclu It > of the way as the poor horse tried almost in vain to go on Suddenly he stopped for he could go on no further The road was so slippery that in trying to walk his legs slipped from beneath him The man seemed enraged and bean whip ¬ ping the poor creature As the horse could not go on the man struck hard ¬ er Then a little girl Amy by name got off her sled and stepped up to the man said politely Couldnt I help you with your horse sir the load of wood seems very heavy for him The man looked very much surprised but stopped imedlately Amy went up to the horse patting his nose gently and whispering kindly in his ear A number of boys were taking a few of the logs off the cart and transferring them to their sleds to drag up the hill Amy then led the horse along for she was very gentle and the noble creature was perfectly willing to obey her The man walked along and real- ly ¬ felt much ashamed as he ought At last they reached the top and the boys put back the wood as the load was not too heavy for a level As the children all bade each pther good ¬ night to go home the man turned around saying Many thanks to eL my lads and to the little missy which showed how he felt Which do you think was happier that night the horse or the little girl who be ¬ longed to tho Society for the PreO vention of Cruelty to Animals Zlons dopeMy Hair is Extra Long Feed your hair nourish it give it something to live out Then it will stop filling and heavyflyers genuine hair food YOUican buy It iVc SV1CWi life to C u- rl lrbulbs Y llvcwh t hairyou have arid met more toOt And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy The best kind of testimonial II Sold for over sixty years 4t br rCoFetuXwS 1 N uatJkotunrc o- rers AKa SARSAPAULUL aii4y PKT8U r41 t- l t t y tCt s q 7YC

Transcript of RTOIUVED I liENSBUCKWER T t rlan3 at I …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vt43hzh07/data/0386.pdf1 hard time...

l1Krrw 1 t


1nbltlblngCImpltnyRTOIUVED Iv

fdltnraTuI tzLITI02Sa3

vxn rlan3o1lLh 3 a


Examine the label on your paper lfsit notoorroot notify us

Why cant Kentucky have an abso-lutely fair nonpartisan election law <

It may be considered slim consola-tion but tho rich have their troubles

r alsoCIt seemed to us that Governor neckI hams thanksgiving proclamation was

unusually shortT t-

x The Taft boom has been having n

1 hard time latelyand now Senator Plat4 has endorsed him

jPersons who may contemplate pre

scntlug the editors with thanksgiviii

lturkes will find us in any day beIanti next Wednesday


I Mayor Tom Johnson ot ClevelandIs about all the Democracy has say

ed from the general wreck It is inorder tp nominate him for President

An Arkansas Judge has decided thata woman has a right to throw dishesat her husband What about the inno-cent bystander2

During the four yoars that I am Govornor we are going 10 have law andorder In Kentucky Augustus Willson In an Interview in IndianapolisInd

ASofNo mcmlMT of the E whoa

remember the principles taught himwill do volenee TO 1 ii4ghbir ordestroy his property There are oth-

er means of making it unpleasant forthe man who dumps

Is there a conspiracy among thet money kings whom the President

has gotten after with his big stickto squeeze the money market createa panic and thus break down hispopularity with the peope1

derswillWe trust all our havesomething to be thankful for nextThursday and that they may live toenjoy ninny returns of the day withever increasing happiness and mufti i

plied cause for thankfulness

Aftor claiming for months that Roosovelt and the Republicans had stolen j

and adopted their principles we shouli I

think the Democrats would be a lit ¬

tie cattiious about laying this money

panic on the administration at Wash ¬


Mars Henn he low it was de boss ¬

es what did it and bosses say it wasMarse Henry that caused this down¬

fall In the meantime the stareyedGoddess Is lying low and the SunShines Bright In the old KentuckyHome

Conaln Deemocrats are threateningto dtprivo Lieutenant Governor Cox

of the right to apK> im the SenatecoimuitwS ss was dour with Lieu ¬

tenant Govocnors Wonhingion andMaruall This would be an outrage I

which should be resisted through everlegitimate moans I

The otter of i he Owensboro Messen ¬

temlrInocratic tlcktt at the recent electionis still unanswered No liberal re-

ward proposition wil get him Come-

down with iiomething like 1000 eachfor voer of that class No one can j

afford to make an admission like thatfor a paatY liberal reward whichtptCtit mean ft duad rooster or a donon ciiuen of Uw Democratic campaignbKik raven though he committed thetin through mistakec

Te Hartford Herald unlike theIn rllgeut penmen of the KentuckyDemocratic press seems to have fail ¬

ed to learn anything from the recentelection It is still harping on thenegro vote Notwithstanding everyspeaker who went on the stump fortheir ticket made the negro the prln¬

cipal Kpoel It wont work any long ¬

er The people demand live issuesV Tho time has passed in Kentucky vhon iyallordorgf

cry of nigger nigger However wo

might as well tell the Herald a fewl plain facts In this connection which4r


cannoj be disputed It says with ¬

out t pro vote the RepublicanswouldVe enable to elect anybody toanytlijtjg Let us see Mr HeraldfnHor Just how much you are dp ndout upon tile negro papulatiou in thTSvinh for members of the House of-

t RprnsemeaUves and elecorlal ocgI

And 1tP ropiffet1e n11j arid rr representation of the

ir it like Mil8tS LoulrtaaaGewe l111A1abama

It than half It Is safe to say thatyy


without the black man the Demo-crats wouldi lose ilcast 75 votes In

the clcctofinicollege andnlmost nsmany members of the House Whatchance Ulen would you hove had sincetho war to elect a President or whatchance in tho Juturo T The old adngabout those who live In glass hous

eslseems to fit the Heralds case

DItficult to See Why

The Tariff revision schemes appearto receive the approval of the South-ern Democrats They are still Freb

Traders though probably not many ofthem know why fears ago theirfathers embraced free=Trade becausethey manufactured nothing and landno Industries that needed ProtectionAny plan that would reduce the priceof quinine anti readymade clothingfound favor In their eyes At thepresent time when the South Is boom-

ing and many Industries demand thesafeguards of a just Tariff It Is difficult tp see why the people of thattheI I

Advice to Tuon htful RepnblicansThe Democratic party which while

it wns In power never did anything toenforce the antitrust laws Is now hotfooted after the railroads and time

trusts Behind this sudden Impetuosity Is its old animus against the Proteethe Tariff Put the Democratic par-

ty In power on an antlt rust platformand the first thing It would do would

be to wipe out the Protective Tariffon the sophistical plea that the TarI-

ff Is the father of all trusts If thepresent agitation against corporate

wealth and Industrial combinationslegal or Illegal continues the bllndeyed populace which never stops tothink until it is put under pressureto do so will follow any loudmoutheddemagogue who will carry the anti-



banner It is not too early topredict that this is precisely what willhappen in the next Presidential cam ¬

paign Republican speakers who maintain the cause of Protection will find

it more difficult to do so because Dem ¬

ocratic loaders will not hesitate to re¬

pLat the misrepresentation of Bryan

to the effect that they are only fol-



in the footsteps of the Presi ¬

dent Wo advise thoughtless Repub ¬

licans who are being carried off theirfeet with the crowd by the popularcurrent setting so strongly toward so-

cialistic assaults on property and prop-

erty interests to bear these facts Innind Leslies Weekly

Cause of Democratic Defeat inKentucky

The Democrats as indicated In theheadline handed the State over to theRepublicans So the Local was mlstagRepublicans So the Local was mis-

taken in saying last week that Demo

crats were not ready to do such athing Theprincipal cause that led so

many Democrats to either vote for

rtlllson else not vote at all were as

followsFirst the State primary which was

not only very rotten In spots but re-

tired McCreary an old Rebel and one

oftbe cleanest of public menSecond Machine rule hi the party a

few very ordinary men in power by

accident perpetuating their authorityby rotating the offices and manipulat-

ing primariesTnlrd The revelation of the gigan-

tic frauds in Louisville with the unamerican and medieval platform of

Tyler which insulted the moral sen-

timent of the StateFourthThe doubledealing on the

temperance question courting the an1saloon people In the country and

dallying with the whlskeyites in theclues

FifthThe Governors unholy allia-nce with the Hargis gang

Sixth Intrusting the management fithe party to a half dozen 2x4 poliii

clans In fact for four years therehas in effect been but five men In the I

tarty Beckham Haley Hines Dr

Board and Mott Ayres The men of

strength character and influence

whore were they I

Seventh The dominating Influence

of Roosevelt In the State speakingthrough Fairbanks

Tbankssivine i

1 he following proclamation has been

aw ed by Gov Beckham-

In accordance with custom and

the proclamation tff the Pres-

ident of the United States I here-

by appoint Thursday November the

Sth as a day of Thanksgiving anal

nayer throughout the commonwealth

It is expected on that dab that all of

our people shall refrain from their

usual business employments and give

hnnlisto anAllwlseiRuier gliohPrBo-

generously bltssedtuctal nation and

Uswbo so bountifully provided fbr

In testimony whereof I have here

unto set imy hand and caused theCommonwealth to be hereseal of the

untO affixedtione at Frankfort this thday of-

Not ember 1907J C W BECKHAM

t Valuable Farm For Sale100 acre farm near Reynolds SUi-

tionOhio county Will son cheap forushj or exchange for yqung7 stock

Call on or address C P Kebwri Hailford Ky S 18U





He is Delighted at Overthrow 1

of Beckhams Machine

Hines Wont Tell Confederates

How to Vote lies


The Louisville Herald says Go rIal Simon Bolivar Bucknor of GlenLily who is u delegate In nuendanciat the Galt House wua in high gleeas ho discussed last night the result oftho recent State election

General Buckner declared that hehad awaited the returns from the Statewith great interest and was delightedat tho overthrow of tho Beckham machine Good old Democrat that he ishe unblushingly declared that he had

tieketrlandever after doing so he added j

I I believe that Mr Willson willmake a fine Governor continued General Buckner Ho is a clean moralman and will make good his promisesto the people The Democracy in Kentuck sadly needs regeneration 1


dont believe that Mr Hines will neveragain attempt to tell an old Confeder ¬


ate how he shall vote remarked Gen-


Buckner with a twinkle In his I

eye as he concluded the conversation


The Ohio county Circuit CouiIn Court hall Monday with Judge TIF BIrkhead presiding and Common ¬

wealths Attorney Ben D Ringo andCounty Attorney E M Woodwardpresentt


exhaustive charge to the grandjury Including the violations of theelection laws was given by the coaimonwealth attorney After which thereports of the various officers wertIheard and the grand jurythe following named gentlemen whoseage religion and pollticts also appearrepaired to the county Judges officeand began their work of looking af¬

ter the evil doersVirgil Miller Foreman age 51 BapI

list Democrat T J Brooks Clerkage 39 Christian Democrat L PFulkerson Sneriff age 47 MethodistIn belief Democrat J W Igleheartage 48 Baptist Democrat HermanRender age 32 Baptist RepublicanJoe B Sanderfur age 70 PresbyterianRepublican T F Balls age C2

Methodist Republican Judge Hulettage 50Baptist Democrat Byron Tay-

lor age 47 Baptist RepublicanMorgaPatterson age 45 Baptist in beliefRepublican M W Bellage 4SBaptistdemocrat M L Ashley age 41 Bap-

tist RepublicanThe following named gentlemen were

empaneled as petitjurorsHaden Webb H O King Leslie

Combs E D Oldham Marvin LyonsWalden Haynes J A Tichenor HarryMorrison Geo W Bennett Alvin Ross

Jim P Brown J C Alvey J WFlener H B Taylor E P StevensJ T Patton S F Whlteley Jas HFulkerson J N Holland Worth Tichenor Chas Overton Luther ChinnW A Brown and C C Taylor

All the cases on first days docketwere continued except

Comth vs Ab Marrlson filed awayComth vs Sam Riley filed awayComth vs Frank Banlet filed awayComth vs Mag Rogers fined 50 i

Comth vs Roxey Rogers fined 50

Comth vs Clyde Zackery referedto grand jury

Comth vs Ellis Burden stricken offdefendant dead

Comth vs Tom CogMll stricken offleft deead

Comth vs Shulte Bishop fined 51The following 10 cases were passedComth vs F D McNally Ousley

Hall Leslie Hines Will Duke2cases Remus Fielden Charles PeachAndy Peach 1 C R R CoISecond day vsFleem Stevens In view of the decision-

of the Court of Appeals Common-


Attorney Mr Ringo movedto file the prosecution away witheave to reinstate The court took the

matter under advisement and the Witesses were dischargedi JURY TRIALS



r C Lee Warden vs M H E RRCo on trial Caleb Wilson vs I C


t vJohn H Johnson vsl C R RIL T Ross vs M H E R R CO

Jilfford Wade vs Central doll andIron Co

J THURSDAY1 OiIRTIrbAYNancy W adpir vs L R R

Co C W DorseyvB ri UluncinYlarison Burden vsl I cftR Co

FRIDAY FIFTH DAYII Angie A King vs JohnLilly laL Maddox vs McHenrj Coal

I Co Burdle Splnks vs I C R R CoI H R Bennett c vs W C KnotttctC Robert C Lewis VB P Bradyiucretia Midkiff vs Rowan Holbrook



JohnCo S Johnson Rcitz 8Sons Mallnda Wright vs Mrs J CHamilton c-

TUESDAY EIGHTH DAYMorton 8 Davenport vs J L Ln

gran Laura Baize vs JW DuvallVISITING ATTORNEYS

Hon J S Wortham LellchfleldJudge W S Morrison R W SlackOwonsboro Henry Dehaven MoormanHardlnsburg J M Porter and D BRhoadsBeaver DamMessrs S P Roby Fordsvllle John Rone Centertown andD A Royal Rosinc

Commonwealth against James Odolverdict of guilty and punishment fixedat two years in the penitentiary

C Lee Tnrdeii anpellec against the8 E appellant verdict for 1Ir The former verdict was for 1

750 <

Caleb Willson against the I O RR went to the jury late yesterday evening andlo verdict has been reached N

The grand jury hats returned only 5

indictments classified as follows onefor carrying pistol one for pointingpistol one for seduction und two forbreach ot peace




Nov 20The Protracted meetingat Pleasant Hill closed Monday night

Little Mable Roack daughter of MrsBert Roach died the iSth of abcess inthe head

Mr and Mrs Pulliam of Patisvlllevisited their daughter Mrs John Milletlast week

Miss Relda Midkiff has Typhoid fe¬

verMrsThomas Medcalf is confined to-

her bed with lung trouble

NoiiceAll persons having claims against

the estate of Isaac Maiden deceasedwill present them properly proven tothe undersigned on or before Decem-

ber 22 1907 or be forever barredBEN MAIDEN Admr

RENDERNov 19Mrs Amelia Burton went

to Prentis last Wednesday-S B Gray of Louisville and Rich-

ard Haskins of Central City werehere last Wednesday-

Dr amid Mrs J O McKehney ofTaylor Mines were here last Thurs-day

J H Fielden was In Hartford lastThursday

Geo Burr of Cloverport and ClaudedcKenney of Beaver Dam were hereFriday

Charley Brand was In Central City

FridayRAllen was in Hartford on

business SaturdayI P Barnard of Louisville was-

her SaturayMisses Nellye Harris and Myrtle In

gram were In Beaver Dam SaturdayWill Turnerof McHenry and Miss

IJzzlt Mercer of this place were mar-

ried Saturday atfernoon at the resi-

dence of Mr and Mrs Frank 0 Al-

len Rev N C Robinson spoke thewords that made them one

Prof and Mrs J Alex Rhoads spentSaturday and Sunday In Beaveer Dam

Mrs Simon Faught spent Saturdayand Sunday in Jingo

Harrie Thlenesof Taylor MlnesandJno Sanders of Pellvllle were here

SundayMrsMaude Hughes of Paducah

was the guest of Mr and Mrs G BRoll Sunday and yesterday


City todayMr and Mrs George Ferguson went

to Echols todayMr and Mrs Gilbert Haskins are

visiting In Madisonville this weekMiss Anna Jarnigan is visiting in

Norton this weekTom Gwyn Is on the slct list at

this writingBorn to the wife of Val Cool a-

girl this morning mother and childdoing well Val is all smiles



Mrs 0M Shultz and daughter Sal-

lie visited Mrs Leoua Magan and otherfriends during our protracted meeting

Mr Owen Magan visited friends nearleflin Sunday evening

Aunt Cloe Sharp returned home Sunday after two or three weeks visit toMr end Mrs John King

Mr Worth Wade had wife visitedher parents B C Hudson and wifethe 10 returning the Sunday

Mr Lite Easterday and wire of HefUn visited John Blair and wife Sunday

Miss Ora Hale and Bister of Philpotvisited their aunt Mrs Win Lyons

the first of last weekMr Anice and little daughter Lena

Irajf of Cromwell visited his daugh1fcf Mr L D Magan the 8 Relumingrdmetbeao

Mr Charley Cundiff and vitaofOwensboro ia vlsking his parents R>

°Canditfapd wifeMr Sam Holbrook was able to at-

tend Sunday school Sundaysthe firsttime for about six weeks having hadtyphoid fever t

Mr J D Holbrook is quite sick atfils writing v

Mr Sam Rhoads who has beenquite sick for the past two weeks isable to be out again

Mr Wnltw QA

llownyof IndianaI

Vt 1


f H tt H f i001IoJo + HO H ot + 1 + H

It ctI fItto 4j4stfl rhght f 01 +h +t 1 +

f OfcoU e yg u owtliitfg if consequently clothes are higher al-


¬ 1-

t Anyone vlio promises bett ter values this season than lasfisi it-

Ii misleading you We believe in preti senting factsin telling the plain

simple unadulterated truthwThe values we offethis fallare

I not better than last but they are Ithe best values can secure any¬Iivery ¬

ed throughout calla our store and i1 examine our showing of Suits and

Overcoats YpM will find them X-

i cellent values tylish in appearaicperfect in fit and theyll give you

t goodservThey are striefly good

II clothes at moderate prices i-

Mens Suits 500 10 1250 iIt 1500 and 1800 Youths Suits iIi 200 300 500 and 10 Ov¬ f-

t ercoats for Men 400 5 750 f1000up to 1800 Youths Ov-


f 200 to 10 Dont fallto see our showingt 4


Iii Carson Ci


+++ rrr1+YHJ 0110 1010 t t J t J oI t oJII t to lo + H 10t

iis visiting his sister Mrs Homer Tur¬

ner t

Mr Lon Cox and wife returned hJmelast week from Globe Ariz Svhtrethey went to locate lust spring Agood many mote came ahead ofVhemand several more to follow

Messrs A E and Sam Ellis attend ¬

ed Church here the second Sunday anddined at Mrs Laura Magans

Born to the wife of Jeff Bell the17th lust a fine girl-


To the Stock Growers of Ohio CountyBranch of A Sof E We want tosay to you who have slgned the pledgethat it is no fault of ours that we arenot going to be able to put an agentin the field to handle your stock butbecause we haveiit got men enoughbehind the move to make It possibleWe have got to have enough men ateach shipping point so that the men

haveItofor the load to be made up Nowfriends you see the importance ofevery man taking hold with us wecan do nothing without you helpWe are told that some have refusedto sign because we hndont statedwhat it would cost to ship will an ¬

swer by saying that if we can notget better terms than AVe olready havewe will be sure notto make anytrade Some refuse to sign becausewe have not said who was going tobe their agent will answer this by say-ing that he must in our judgment boan honest upright gentleman in everyrespect and a man who is capable ofgrading our stock and have the en ¬

dorsement of the bank throughwhich he proposes tai do businessWe will meet you at the next countyunion with bylaws to he adopted withthe changes you may see fit to make


A Deed of KindnessThe hill was alive with merry boys

and girls on a bright Saturday after-noon


in winter What fun dt was indeed to coast swiftly down the Jcy

rittghlSlangbter8hillr 11111J13

1oµag and old settobe having

oJaublerunnerstots at their backs with rosy cheeksand sparkling eyes Burned the sharpcorner at the end ofnthehlilto short¬

ly help drag the s up tothe top again

The sun had almost set and its rosylight filed the streets but before utiyhad started to go homo a man drivinga large load of wood began vo ascendthe icy path 7JoT sltUs s rclu

It >

of the way as the poor horse triedalmost in vain to go on

Suddenly he stopped for he couldgo on no further The road was soslippery that in trying to walk hislegs slipped from beneath him Theman seemed enraged and bean whip ¬

ping the poor creature As the horsecould not go on the man struck hard ¬

er Then a little girl Amy by namegot off her sled and stepped up to theman said politely Couldnt I helpyou with your horse sir the load ofwood seems very heavy for him Theman looked very much surprised butstopped imedlately Amy went up tothe horse patting his nose gentlyand whispering kindly in his ear Anumber of boys were taking a few ofthe logs off the cart and transferringthem to their sleds to drag up thehill

Amy then led the horse along forshe was very gentle and the noblecreature was perfectly willing to obeyher The man walked along and real-ly


felt much ashamed as he oughtAt last they reached the top andthe boys put back the wood as the loadwas not too heavy for a level Asthe children all bade each pther good ¬

night to go home the man turnedaround saying Many thanks to eLmy lads and to the little missywhich showed how he felt Whichdo you think was happier that nightthe horse or the little girl who be¬

longed to tho Society for the PreOvention of Cruelty to Animals Zlons


Hair is

Extra LongFeed your hair nourish itgive it something to live outThen it will stop filling and

heavyflyersgenuine hair food YOUicanbuy It iVc SV1CWi life to C u-

rl lrbulbs Y llvcwhthairyou have arid met moretoOt And it keeps the scalpclean and healthy

The best kind of testimonialII Sold for over sixty years4t br rCoFetuXwS

1N uatJkotunrc o-


aii4y PKT8Ur41


lt t y

tCt s q 7YC