RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms

Faculty Of Information Technology Computer Science Department A study and implementation of the RSA and IDEA Encryption Algorithms Prepared By: Zahra Shuaibi Lina Mustafa 1040589 1040766 Supervised By: Miss. Muna Al-Khayyat Directed By: Mr. Nael Qaraeen BIRZEIT June – 2008


study and implementation of the RSA and IDEA encryption algorithms,a graduation Project submitted to the Computer Science department in birzeit university in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in computer Science

Transcript of RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms

Page 1: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms

Faculty Of Information Technology

Computer Science Department

A study and implementation of the


Encryption Algorithms

Prepared By:

Zahra Shuaibi Lina Mustafa

1040589 1040766

Supervised By:

Miss. Muna Al-Khayyat

Directed By:

Mr. Nael Qaraeen


June – 2008

Page 2: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms


Table of Contents

Item page

List of Figures 4

List of tables 5

Dedications 6

7 ا�������

Abstract 8

1. Chapter 1 Introduction 9

2. Chapter 2 Information Security and Cryptography 10

2.1 Brief History 10

2.2 Information Security and Cryptography Definitions 10

2.3 Cryptography Types

2.3.1 Symmetric (Secret key) Block ciphers Stream ciphers

2.3.2 Asymmetric ( Public- key )






2.4 Key Management

2.4.1 Introduction

2.4.2 Numbers generation

2.4.3 Key generation and storage Password-based encryption (PBE)






2.5 Cryptographic goals and benefits 17

2.6 Attacks and security 18

2.7 Mathematics 19

3. Chapter 3 RSA and IDEA algorithms 21

3.1 RSA

3.1.1 Introduction



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3.1.2 RSA Algorithm

3.1.3 RSA Mathematics

3.1.4 RSA Usage

3.1.5 RSA Security

3.1.6 RSA Possible Attacks






3.2 IDEA

3.2.1 Introduction

3.2.2 IDEA Algorithm IDEA Key Schedule IDEA encryption / Decryption

3.2.3 IDEA Security

3.2.4 IDEA Possible Attack








4. Chapter 4 Code Implementation and Attacks 35

4.1 RSA Algorithm Implementation 35

4.2 RSA Attacks: 36

4.3 IDEA Algorithm Implementation: 38

4.4 IDEA Attacks: 41

5.Chapter 5 Comparative Analysis 49

5.1 RSA vs. IDEA 49

5.2. Analytical Analysis 49

6.Chapter 6 Conclusions 55

6.1 Conclusions 55

6.2 Future Work 55

Appendices 56

A. Bibliography 56

B. Code 58

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List of Figures

Page Name Figure

11 Symmetric cryptography Figure 2.1

31 IDEA cipher encryption/decryption process. Figure 3.1

32 The MA structure in IDEA design Figure 3.2

42 Differential Analysis Rounds Figure 4.1

46 0.5R-attack on 2.5 rounds of IDEA using chain (1) Figure 4.2

47 1R-attack on 2.5 rounds of IDEA using chain (2) Figure 4.3

51 RSA key generation time Figure 5.1

51 128 file size vs. time for encryption/decryption Figure 5.2

51 file size change before and after encryption Figure 5.3

52 IDEA file size vs. time encryption for encryption/decryption Figure 5.4

53 IDEA Encryption Time vs. File Size Figure 5.5

54 IDEA Encrypted Files Size Figure 5.6

54 RSA128, RSA512 and IDEA file size before and after encryption Figure 5.7

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List of Tables

Page Name Table

28 The IDEA encryption sub-keys. Table 3.1

29 The key schedule algorithm of IDEA Table 3.2

29 The IDEA decryption sub-keys. Table 3.3

33 Selected known attacks on IDEA . Table 3.4

37 RSA cracking history Table 4.1

44 Input and output word status across IDEA operators. Table 4.2

49 RSA speeds for different modulus lengths Table 5.1

50 RSA 16bit run output Table 5.2

52 Character size before and after encryption for RSA128 bit Table 5.3

53 IDEA sample run Table 5.4

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We dedicate this project:

• To the teacher of teachers, to our prophet Mohammad ‐ peace be upon him‐ • To our families for always being there for us. • To our teachers who helped, encouraged, endured and advised us all along the way. • To our instructor Miss. Muna Al‐Khayyat for her continuous support and fruitful advice. • To all our dearest friends. • To all people whom we love.

Page 7: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms



وتحليلهما , نظمة حماية المعلومات أ مجالالهدف االساسي من مشروعنا هو دراسة وتطبيق خوارزميتان تعمالن في

.مام محاوالت اختراقهماأ الصمود ي بينهما مع محاولة تطبيق بعض الهجمات للكشف عن كفاءة كل منهما فةوالمقارن

وال يتمكن من قراءة , رسال المعلومات بحيث تبدو للقارئ بشكل غير مفهوم إ وراء كل منهما هوإن الفكرة األساسية

ومن ثم معالجتها بعد استقبالها حتى تصبح بشكل لهااليه عن طريق معالجة المعلومات قبل إرسإال المرسل إى المحتو

.همهيمكن للقارئ ف

محاولة من أجل نهاتين الخوارزميتي قاط قوةند أن نحد نستطيعنجز من تحليل لما أةاء على هذه الدراسة وكنتيجبن

. للمعلوماتتكوين نظام حماية ل معادمجهما

Page 8: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms



The aim of our project is to study and implement two security algorithms Rivest-Shamir-

Adleman (RSA) and the International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) to make a

comparative analysis between them with some possible attacks.

The idea behind those two algorithms is to transmit data in a non clear text format ( encrypted

one ) to ensure security transmission , at the same time, they ensure a full understand of

the message by the receiver (interested party) who can decrypt the message using secret

special key along with a specific algorithm to return it back to its original form and

understand it.

Finally, a new implementation that combines between the two algorithms could be presented

according to the analysis that has been done on those two algorithms.

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Chapter 1


As the internet users are growing rapidly meanwhile the world is directed toward the

electronic data communication to facilitate their life. However, hackers find their chance to

defect data. Fortunately, cryptography appears as a key technology to handle these problems

in electronic security systems.

This seminar manly presents two security algorithms Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) and

the International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA), their objective is to transmit data in a

non clear text format ( encrypted one ) to ensure security transmission ( keep the data

security ), in the same time they ensure a full understand of the message by the receiver

who can decrypt the message using secret special key along with some algorithm.

In chapter two, introduces the basic concepts for cryptography types, goals, security and

attacks, with few details to provide background knowledge to understand the general

concepts and mathematics that is used in our project.

In chapter three, will describe the two algorithms: RSA and IDEA briefly; their structure,

keys, security and possible attacks.

The fourth chapter contains the description of the implementation of both algorithms, and a

chosen attacks done on them.

The comparative analysis of the two algorithms comes in the fifth chapter, along with the

analytical results for each one of them.

Finally, in chapter six a conclusion of our work result is mentioned, and what future work

might be done.

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Chapter 2

Information Security and Cryptography

Cryptography “is the science of keeping secrets secret”1, in another words Cryptography is

the" science of information and communication security" 2

2.1 Brief History

Cryptography was initially used in limited way by the Egyptians before about 4000 years (by

written messages with hieroglyph), and it continues to the twentieth century where it plays a

crucial role in the world wars where army headquarters had to communicate through hostile

environments so writing in a secret way was an essential need and it affects the wars

outcome."Then Cryptography was used as a tool to protect national secrets and strategies." .

(A.Menezes, et al. , 1997).

Modern cryptography history began with electrical communication technology to which the

previous model was clearly not well suited, after the spread of personal computers and the

communication systems in the 1960s, the need for means to protect information in digital

form and to provide security become desired on the private level. (A.Menezes, et al. , 1997).

2.2 Information Security and Cryptography Definitions:

Information refers to any understood quantity, and Information Security tries to keep your

information secret to all parties except the authorized ones, that what we will try to achieve

using cryptography.

Cryptography originally was defined as the science of secret codes (where the code is a set

of defined symbols enable the party's to understand the messages being transmitted).Modern

Cryptography has a wider sense, being defined as the science of information protection

against unauthorized parties by preventing unauthorized alteration of use. Cryptographic

algorithms are the mathematical algorithms which enforce protection and cryptography

becomes more than encryption. (Vaudenay Serge, 2006).

1 Delfs Hans, Knebl Helmut, "Introduction to Cryptography Principles and Applications", Springer, (2007), Second edition, ISBN-13 978-3-540-49243-6 , page 1


Communications Security", Springer, (2006), Page: preamble

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2.3 Cryptography Types

Modern cryptography can be divided into two main classes: Symmetric, Asymmetric.

2.3.1 Symmetric (Secret key)

The symmetric (secret key) is the more traditional way of cryptography; it uses the same

key for both encryption and decryption, as shown in figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: symmetric cryptography

That is, for obtaining a cipher text c from a message m, there should be a key k and some

encryption algorithm E.

c = E (k, m)

And for decrypting the message to its original form, a decryption algorithm D is used

along with the same key used in encryption, that is:

m = D (k, c)

Thus, the encrypted plaintext m can be uniquely recovered from the ciphertext c. This

means that for a fixed key k, the encryption map must be bijective (one-to_one and onto

function in the same time).

Definition: A symmetric-key encryption scheme consists of a map

E: K × M → C

Such that for each k є K, the map: Ek : M → C, m → E(k,m) is invertible.

Where the elements:

m є M are the plaintexts,

C is the set of ciphertexts,

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Ek is the encryption function with respect to the key k.

The inverse function Dk: = Ek-1 is the decryption function. It is assumed that efficient

algorithms to compute Ek and Dk exist. (Delfs, et. al., 2007)

Symmetric-key encryption scheme main issue is that it requires a method by which the

two parties can communicate safely through the courier (the phone system, or some other

transmission medium) to prevent anyone to overhear the key in transit and later modify

and forge all the messages encrypted by that key, that what is called “key distribution”


The most common techniques in secret-key cryptography are: block cipher and stream

cipher Block ciphers

The Block ciphers operates on a blocks of data that have a fixed length of bits per

block, it takes the plain text and cuts it into blocks, then apply the

encryption/decryption on each block separately.

In the data breaking process, the need of a data pad may arise, that is, if the last

separated block hasn’t the same size as the others, it should be filled with data

(padding) in order to complete the encryption successfully, thus, when the data is

decrypted that padding should be discovered and ignored.

Definition: A block cipher is a symmetric-key encryption scheme with M = C =

{0, 1}n and key space K = {0, 1}


E: {0, 1}r × {0, 1}

n ���� {0, 1}

n , (k, m) ���� E(k, m)

Using a secret key k of binary length r , the encryption algorithm E encrypts

plaintext blocks m of a fixed binary length n, and the resulting ciphertext blocks

c = E(k, m) also have length n, where n is called the block length of the cipher.

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13 Stream ciphers

A stream cipher operates on streams of plaintext, processing it character by

character, In order to encrypt data using the stream cipher there should be a

pad/key-stream3 , the algorithm will combine the plain text bits with the keystream,

that is done using the XOR operation, this is called Vernam's one-time pad.

In order to use the XOR, the data used should be binary; thus, plaintexts, keys and

ciphertexts are bit strings. To encrypt a message m: = m1 m2 m3…, where mi є {0,

1}, a key stream k: = k1 K2 k3…, with ki є {0, 1}, is needed. Encryption and

decryption are given by bitwise XORing with the key stream:

E*(k, m):= k XOR m and D*(k, c):= k XOR c

2.3.2 Asymmetric (Public- key)

Unlike the symmetric cryptography where the sender and the receiver of some message

has the same key; Asymmetric cryptography has a couple of keys to solve the key

management problem that the symmetric cryptography has.

The Asymmetric cryptography (Public key cryptography) was introduced in 1976, its

idea was to separate each key into two parts: a public key for encryption available to

everyone, and a secret key for decryption which is kept secret by the owner, moreover

the private key always linked mathematically to the public key.

In other words, every key is presented in a pair k = (pk, sk), where pk is a public key, and

sk is a secret key; to encrypt a message m to a ciphertext c using some encryption

algorithm E, the pk should be used along with it :

c = E (pk, m)

Or it could be represented as: c = Epk(m)

On the other hand, decrypting the ciphertext requires the secret key sk to exist.

3 Key-stream: is a series of random numbers that is generated according to the key when there is a need to.

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“Public key techniques have to be used for a secure distribution of secret keys, and at

least some important forms of authentication and non-repudiation also require public-key

methods, such as digital signatures.” (Delfs, et. al., 2007)

2.4 Key Management

2.4.1 Introduction

A major issue in using the different cryptographic techniques is the management of the

keys. Key management deals with the secure generation, distribution, and storage of

keys, this security is not only related to those who use it -that is in keeping it a secret-,

but it also referred to the way of generating that key.

Secure methods of key management are extremely important, since most of the attacks

on public-key systems are aimed at the key management level, rather than at the

cryptographic algorithm itself, although the key was generated randomly, but there are

always a way to find out the key through different algorithms, as brute force algorithm.

Since then, the key usually have a limited lifetime, given that the repetitive usage of the

key allows attacker to build up a store of ciphertexts (and possibly plaintexts) which may

prove sufficient for a successful cryptanalysis of the key value.(RSA Laboratories,


2.4.2 Numbers generation

In the secret key cryptography, the key is a number that is generated randomly with a

specific size, but even though the numbers generated are random, there still be some way

to find a relationship between them, for example, converting these numbers to binary and

find out some frequently appears patters of 0s and 1s.

Since then, there are algorithms and devices that could generate probably random

numbers such as: RNG & PRNG.

� A Random Number Generator (RNG)

RNGs are devices that works by gathering numbers from various kinds of

unpredictable inputs, such as by measuring radioactive decay, examining

atmospheric conditions in the vicinity, or calculating minute variances in

electrical current. These numbers pass the tests of randomness.(RSA

Laboratories, 2000)

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Every generated group of numbers will never be repeated, since the output

depends on a variable input.

� A Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG)

PRNGs are algorithms that produce pseudo-random numbers, which passes

the randomness statistical tests, still it is unknown if they are repeatable or


A solution for this is to give the PRNG some input (a seed) such as the RNG,

that the output would depend on, different inputs will give different outputs,

the input could be: the time of day down to the millisecond, various

constantly changing computer state measurements, user input, and other


There are two advantages for the PRNG:

‐ Speediness, it is a quick way.

‐ Entropy, or the chaos, the more the entropy bits the more the

randomness of the numbers generated.

2.4.3 Key generation and storage

When someone needs to encrypt bulk of data, he needs a key, this key is called “session

key”, and the session here involves encrypting a file before storing it on his hard drive.

Some systems generate a new key for each session; others use the same key in different


The session key here is the same as the encryption key, thus, if the session key has

broken, the information could be decrypted, that is, there is the session key and then the

Key Encryption Key, which known as (KEK).

KEK is based on password, thus, there is no need to store it and matter about its

protection, whenever the KEK is needed to encrypt or decrypt the data, it could be

generated, used then thrown away, it is generated using the password based encryption

(PBE) which gives the same value every time its generated since it depends on the

password given.

Using a session key for bulk data and protecting it with PBE means that users don’t have

to share passwords, and everyone could have his own password. Password-based encryption (PBE)

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In order to generate the KEK, the PBE firstly should has the password, besides a salt

should be generated using a RNG or a PRNG, then some algorithm ( a message

digest ), is used to mix up the salt and the password, and converts them to

unrecognizable data, that is, a bunch of bits that looks random.

In order to encrypt the session key, the required bits of the mixing result is taken for

the KEK and used with some symmetric key algorithm, and after the encryption is

done there will be no need for the KEK and the password, so they thrown away, but

the salt used should be saved, since it is necessary for decryption.

For decrypting the data the same mixing algorithm that is used in encryption should

be used here, the password and the salt that has been used in encryption are given to

it in order to generate the KEK, then this KEK is used in the right symmetric key

algorithm to generate the session key.

In generating the session key again for decryption, the salt, password, and mixing

algorithm should be the same as those used in encryption, if one or more of them are

different, the result will be a wrong KEK.

The importance of the salt comes from its role to prevent pre-computations and foils

the dictionary attacks. If the KEK is generated using only the password, there is a

possibility for some attacker to create a dictionary of common passwords and their

associated keys, thus, attacker would try the pre-computed keys to find out the

password, but if the salt is used, there is no way to create this kind of dictionaries,

since different keys is produced by the same password

"There are many techniques in practice by which authentic public keys can be

distributed, including exchanging keys over a trusted channel, using a trusted public

file, using an on-line trusted server, and using an off-line server and certificates"

(A.Menezes, et al. , 1997).

2.5 Cryptographic goals

Cryptography has many benefits and goals, and it is not viewed as only a mean to provide

information security but it is a set of techniques, and here four goals form a framework upon

which the others will be derived:

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1. Confidentiality" is a service used to keep the content of information from all but those

authorized to have it. Secrecy is a term synonymous with confidentiality and privacy".

(A.Menezes, et al. , 1997).

2. Data integrity is a service which addresses any changes done by an unauthorized party on

the information, these changes includes (insertion, deletion and substitution). To assure data

integrity, one must have the ability to detect data manipulation by unauthorized parties.

(A.Menezes, et al. , 1997).

3. Authentication is a service related to identification. Data origin authentication implicitly

provides data integrity and it is applied to both entities and information itself, because any

two parties entering into a communication should identify each other. Information delivered

over a channel should be authenticated as to origin, date of origin, data content, time sent, etc.

For these reasons this aspect of cryptography is usually subdivided into two major classes:

entity authentication and data origin authentication. (A.Menezes, et al. , 1997).

4. Non-repudiation is a service which prevents an entity from denying previous commitment

or actions. For example; one entity may authorize the purchase of property by another entity

and later deny such authorization was granted. A procedure involving a trusted third party is

needed to resolve the dispute. (A.Menezes, et. al. , 1997).

A fundamental goal of cryptography is to adequately address these four areas in both theory

and practice. Cryptography is about the prevention and detection of cheating and other

malicious activities. (A.Menezes, et. al. , 1997).

2.6 Attacks and Security.

Attacks can be thought as the trials to break part or all of a cryptosystem, and the security of

your algorithm can be measured as the immunity against the attempts to know the decrypted

message contents by people rather than the recipients.

The security of a cryptographic algorithm should not rely on its secrecy, in other words

keeping your algorithm secret does not guarantee that it will be secure and trusted, but it

depends on how it is easy for an attacker to understand and alter your message without

having the key in advance.

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There are two types of attacks can be implemented upon the different security algorithms, the

first type is known as the brute force where the attacker try to break the algorithm using

algorithms to try every possible key in turn until the correct key is identified, and the other is

by finding a weaknesses point in the algorithm structure.

“Cryptanalytic attacks can be mounted not only against encryption algorithms, but also,

analogously, against digital signature algorithms." (RSA Laboratories, 2000)

The security of a cryptographic algorithm (method) may depends on a mathematical problem

like the Difficulty of Factoring Integers, Difficulty of Discrete Logarithm, Difficulty of the

Subset Problem(Knapsack Problem), Algorithm Code Theory, Difficulty of the discrete

logarithm for elliptic curve or the Probabilistic Public Key Encryption.

The remaining unbroken problems are:

1. Difficulty of Factoring Integers, where the strength of the algorithm depends on how

hard for an attacker to get the prime factors for large numbers, RSA and Rabin

algorithms get their strength from this assumption.

2. Difficulty of Discrete Logarithm, the discrete logarithm assumption essentially states

that Exponent cannot be inverted by an attacker for all but a negligible fraction of

the inputs. Therefore, we call Exponent a family of one-way functions4, example: El-

Gamal algorithm. (Delfs Hans, et al., 2007)

3. Difficulty of the discrete logarithm for elliptic curve (discrete for infinite fields), for

example the ElGamal encryption and signature schemes. (beddo takmeleh??)

2.7 Mathematics:

The following are that basic mathematics needed to understand the algorithms presented in

this project.

Prime numbers are integers that are greater than 1 and are only divisible by themselves and

by 1, formally:

Definition 2.1 An integer p is said to be prime if its only positive divisors are 1 and p.

Otherwise, p is called composite.

4 A one-way function: is a function that is easy to compute but hard to invert.


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The following are some well known facts about prime numbers.

Fact 2.1(fundamental theorem of arithmetic) every integer n ≥ 2 has a factorization as a

product of prime powers:



eepppn ...21


Where the pi is distinct primes and the ei are positive integers. Furthermore, the factorization

is unique up to rearrangement of factors.

Fact 2.2:

If kk f




eepppbpppa ...,... 2121

2121 == , where each ei ≥ 0 and fi ≥ 0, then ),min(),min(


1 ...),gcd( 2211 kk fe


fefepppba =

An important point in cryptography is the Prime Numbers Generation where one can find

many algorithms to create prime numbers in a random way with large size to achieve security

Definition 2.2 (Integer Factorization Problem) which is finding number's prime factors, so

for a positive integer n, find its prime factors: n = p1 p2 ... pi where pi is positive distinct

prime number. Example: 257603 = 41 * 61 * 103.

Definition 2.3 An integer c is a common divisor of a and b if c|a and c|b.

Definition 2.4 A non-negative integer d is the greatest common divisor of integers a and b,


d = gcd(a, b)


(i) d is a common divisor of a and b; and

(ii) Whenever c|a and c|b, then c|d.

Equivalently, gcd(a, b) is the largest positive integer that divides both a and b, with the

exception that gcd(0; 0) = 0.

Example The common divisors of 12 and 18 are {±1, ±2, ±3, ±6}, and gcd(12, 18) = 6.

Definition 2.5 Two integers a and b are said to be relatively prime or coprime if gcd(a, b) = 1

Definition 2.6 If a and b are integers, then a is said to be congruent to b modulo n, written

a b (mod n), if n divides (a − b). The integer n is called the modulus of the congruence.


(i) 24 9 (mod 5) since 24 − 9 = 3.5.

(ii) −11 17 (mod 7) since −11 − 17 = −4 .7.

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Chapter 3

RSA and IDEA Algorithms

3.1 RSA

3.1.1 Introduction:

The RSA is a public-key cryptosystem that offers both encryption and digital signatures

(authentication).Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman developed it in 1977

and the name stands for the first letter in each of its inventors’ last names.

RSA is "Patent free since 2000". (Pekka Riikonen, 2002)."The basic technique was first

discovered in 1973 by Clifford Cocks, but this was a secret until 1997". (DI Management

Services, 2002)

3.1.2 RSA Algorithm:

Suppose A wants to send a message m to B, then A should have a pair of keys (public and

secret keys) generated by:

1. Key Generation Algorithm

1. Generate two large random primes, p and q, of approximately equal size such that

their product n = pq is of the required bit length, e.g. 1024 bits, and they have

different values.

2. Compute n = pq and phi (φ) = (p-1) (q-1).

3. Choose an integer e, 1 < e < φ, such that φ and e has no common factors except 1,

in other words gcd(e, φ) = 1.

4. Compute the secret exponent d, 1 < d < φ, such that ed ≡ 1 (mod φ) which means

find d such that de % φ =1, which means d = e-1

mod (φ).

5. The public key is (n, e) and the private key is (n, d).

6. The values of p, q, and φ should also be kept secret.


• n is known as the modulus. • e is known as the public exponent or encryption exponent.

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• d is known as the secret exponent or decryption exponent

After the keys are generated, A can publish his public key but keep his secret key

secret, any message m now can be encrypted by senders.

2. Encryption Algorithm

Sender B does the following:-

1. Obtains the recipient A's public key (n, e).

2. Represents the plaintext message as a positive integer m.

3. Computes the ciphertext c = me mod n.

4. Sends the ciphertext c to A.

Since only the recipient A knows d, only A can decrypt this message.

3. Decryption Algorithm

Recipient A does the following:-

1. Uses his private key (n, d) to compute m = cd mod n.

2. Extracts the plaintext from the integer representative m.

The same algorithm can be used to sign documents, using the secret key to sign

documents and the public to verify, thus encryption and authentication take place

without any sharing of private keys: each person uses only another’s public key or

their own private key. Anyone can send an encrypted message or verify a signed

message, but only someone in possession of the correct private key can decrypt or

sign a message.

3.1.3 RSA Mathematics:

o In the RSA key generation algorithm the Extended Euclidean method used to find

the greatest common divisor gcd of two integers a and b, and the integers x and y

satisfying ax + by = d in the same time obtain d .

• Algorithm Extended Euclidean algorithm

INPUT: two non-negative integers a and b with a _ b

OUTPUT: d = gcd(a; b) and integers x, y satisfying ax + by = d.

1. If b = 0 then set d← a and x ← 1, y ← 0, and return(d,x,y).

2. Set x2← 1, x1 ←0, y2← 0, y1← 1.

3. While b > 0 do the following:

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3.1 q ←a/b, r← a − qb, x ←x2 − qx1, y← y2 − qy1.

3.2 a← b, b← r, x2← x1, x1← x, y2← y1, and y1← y.

4. Set d ←a, x← x2, y ←y2, and return(d,x,y).

o The last step in the key generation is to calculate d, since

de mod φ

Using definition2.6

1-de = φ k, where k is any integer


1 = φ k + de ,

This equation what is used in the Extended Euclid’s Algorithm to calculate d.

o The Miller-Rabin Probabilistic Test: algorithm used to test the randomly generated

numbers p and q

• The Miller-Rabin Algorithm

Given an integer x, we want to test it for primality:

1. A random number b is chosen from the set of integers [1, (n - 1)]

2. We must find q and the odd number m such that n - 1 = 2q m.

3. We then test if either of the following conditions hold:

(a) bm mod x 1 OR

(b) If there is an integer i belong to [0, (q - 1)] such that -1 b m2ii mod x

4. If neither of the above conditions are satisfied

� x is definitely composite.

However if either (a) or (b) are true

� x is possibly prime(Inconclusive).

3.1.4 RSA Usage:

These days RSA is deployed in many commercial systems, it is used for email privacy

and authenticity, also to secure remote login sessions, and it is at the heart of

electronic credit-card payment systems.(Boneh Dan, 2000)

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In operating systems the RSA is currently built by Microsoft, Apple, Sun, and Novell

in their products.

In hardware it can be found in secure telephones, on Ethernet network cards, and on

smart cards.

For secure Internet communications it is used in internet protocols, including

S/MIME, SSL (Secure Socket Layer) used for TCP/IP connections over the World

Wide Web, and S/WAN. (RSA Laboratories, 2000)

Also RSA is used in PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) software for e-mail protection. (H. T.

Riele, 1999)

3.1.5 RSA Security:

RSA gets its security from the difficulty of obtaining the private key d from the public

key (n, e), so one need to factor n into p and q then calculate the private key d.

That is what is called the "RSA factorization problem" has not been proven to be

intractable (i.e., difficult to solve in an efficient manner). Rather, it is believed to be

intractable because years of intensive study by leading mathematicians and computer

scientists have failed to yield efficient algorithms5 for solving them. And till now it is

an assumption that it is hard to factor n into p and q. Thus the security of the RSA

system is based on the assumption that factoring is difficult.

3.1.6 RSA Possible Attacks:

Twenty years of research to break RSA produces types of attacks, each considering

away to decrypt the ciphertext without having any secret information, like attacks

related to the factoring, Small encryption exponent e, Small decryption exponent d,

Forward search attack, Multiplicative properties, Common Modulus Attack, Cycling

attacks and Message Concealing:

(i) Relation to factoring

Breaking the RSA system can be done by discovering the private key corresponding

to a given public would enable an attacker to read all encrypted messages and to forge

signature and the obvious way to do that is to factor the modulus, n, into its prime

5 Efficient Algorithm : an algorithm that finds the best way to get the best solution.

Page 24: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms


factors, p and q then calculate d the secret exponent using p, q and e, this method can

be considered as one of the ways to attack the RSA, it is known as the " RSA

factorization problem" 6

(ii) Small encryption exponent e

In order to decrease the encryption time therefore increase the encryption efficiency,

one can choose small public exponent e, but if the same message m was encrypted

with same e to be sent to three different recipients whose modulus n and secret

exponent d are different using the Gauss’s algorithm and the Chinese remainder

theorem to get m from the different encryptions of the message.

(iii) Small decryption exponent d

As the previous case it may be desirable to choose small d, in order to decrease the

decryption time and increase the decryption efficiency7, "a small d can improve

performance by at least a factor of 10 (for a 1024 bit modulus)"( Boneh Dan, 2000)

" if d has up to approximately one-quarter as many bits as the modulus n, then there is

an efficient algorithm for computing d from the public information (n; e)" .This

attack can be avoided by choosing d and n with similar sizes. (A.Menezes, et al. ,


(iv) Forward search attack

If the message is small or can be predicted, an attacker can encrypt all possible

plaintext messages and compare them with the encrypted message c until a similar it

is obtained. Salting the message with additional spaces can prevent that attack.

(v) Common Modulus Attack

If the modulus n was shared between many recipients even though e and d have

different values discovering a pair of d and e will lead to factorization of n, hence the

attacker could subsequently determine the secret exponents of all other entities in the

6 See 3.1.5

7 In this case, one would select d first and then compute e with special algorithms , for more details see

Algorithm 8.1 (A.Menezes, et. al. , 1997)),

Page 25: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms


network so cracking all the messages between all these recipients, and that what

forces each entity to choose its own modulus n.

Another point here is that if the same message was encrypted with n and different e

values an attacker can recover it most likely just using the publicly known


(vi) Cycling attacks

Which is considered as an algorithm for factoring n. (A.Menezes, et al. , 1997).

(vii) Message Concealing

A message m, is said to be unconcealed if it encrypts to itself; that is,


m (mod n).

There are always some messages which are unconcealed (for example m = 0, m = 1,

and m = n − 1). (A.Menezes, et al. , 1997).

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3.2 IDEA

3.2.1 Introduction:

The IDEA algorithm is a secret key cryptosystem, was developed in a joint project

between the Swiss Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH) and Ascom AG of


It was first introduced in 1990 be Lai and Massay as the Proposed Encryption

Standard (PES), then they modified PES with Murphy and called it Improved PES

(IPES), in 1992 it was renamed International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA).

(Leong, et. al., 2003)

3.2.2 IDEA Algorithm: IDEA Key Schedule:

The IDEA requires 52 different keys of 16 bit for each Z i(r), where (i) is the number of

the sub-key and r is the round used in it, 6 sub-keys are used in each round of the 8,

and 4 sub-keys are used in the final half round; the 52 sub-keys that are used in

encryption are generated according to the main 128 bit key, while the 52 sub-keys that

are used in decryption are generated based on the encryption sub-keys, the table 3.1

shows the various keys that are used in the encryption process.

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Table 3.1: The IDEA Encryption sub-keys.

The key schedule is the algorithm that is used for generating the different 52 sub-keys

for both encryption and decryption process.

The generation of the encryption keys depends on the IDEA 128 bit master key; those

keys are produced using these steps:

‐ The first 8 sub-keys Z1 – Z8 produced by dividing the 128 bit key into 8 parts,

each part of these has 16 bit.

‐ The next 8 sub-keys are generated by shifting the key with 25 bits, then dividing

the resulting 128 bit into an eight 16 bits keys again.

‐ The keys for each round are generated using the same way as the second round.

The last 4 keys which are used for the output transformation (OT) are taken from the

lower 64 bits of the master 128 bit key.

The table 3.2 shows the various dependencies for the sub-keys bits on main the 128 bit


Page 28: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms


Table 3.2: The key schedule algorithm of IDEA (Biham, et. al., 2001)

The decryption sub-keys are derived from the encryption sub-keys, according to the

table 3.3, which is done using the multiplicative inverse8 and the additive inverse9.

Table 3.3: The IDEA Decryption Subkeys.

8 The multiplicative inverse (modulo 216 + 1) of the key Z is Z-1, where, Z AND Z-1 = 1

9 The additive inverse (modulo 216 + 1) of the key Z is - Z, where, -Z OR Z = 0.

Page 29: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms

29 IDEA Encryption / Decryption:

The IDEA block cipher uses a 128 bit key, and processes on 8 Bytes input to produce

an 8 Bytes output, using 8 identical blocks (rounds) and an additional half round, each

one of them uses only three algebraic operations which includes:

‐ XOR operation (bitwise addition modulo 2).

‐ ADDITION modulo (216).

‐ MULTIPLICATION modulo the Fermat prime10 (216 + 1), which “provides

desirable statistical independence between plain-text and cipher-text, and its

property of having iterative rounds made different attacks difficult” (Leong, et.

al., 2003).

The same rounds are used in both encryption and decryption, each round takes a 64

bits input which is divided into four 16 bits blocks (X1 – X4) as an input, applies the

operations on them, and transform them into a four 16 bits block (Y1 – Y4). The only

difference between the rounds –beside the input- is the keys that are used in the round.

10 The Fermat Prime: is a positive integer with a form: 122 +=


nF which is supposed to be prime, where n

is a nonnegative integer.

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Figure 3.1: IDEA cipher encryption/decryption process.

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3.2.3 IDEA Security:

‐ Confusion:

The confusion is obtained by mixing three different group operations; those

operations are so arranged that the output of an operation of one type is never used

as the input to an operation of the same type, thus:

‐ The distributive law cannot be applied, since there is no pair of 3 operations

that satisfies it.

‐ The generalized associative law cannot be applied, since there is no pair of 3

operations that satisfies it.

‐ Difficulty Of Discrete logarithm.11

‐ Diffusion

The round function is said to be complete, since each bit of the output depends on

each plaintext bit and each key bit for that round.

The diffusion in IDEA is represented in the structure of the “Multiplicative

addition” (MA)

Figure 3.2: The MA structure in IDEA design.

The MA structure transforms two 16 bit sub-blocks (U1, U2) into two 16 bit sub-

blocks (V1, V2) using another two 16 bits sub-keys (Z1, Z2).

11 Refer to 2.6 for more details.

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‐ Perfect secrecy of a onetime key:

The IDEA routine uses completely different keys of 16 bits for encryption and

decryption, besides, the keys used in encryption process are different from those

used in decryption, and every key of the 52 encryption and decryption keys is

used only once.

3.2.4 IDEA Possible Attacks:

Since the IDEA was introduced in 1991, it endured all the known attacks and the developed

attacks too, in spite of the fact that several attacks has broken quite a few number of its

rounds, however no attack has broken the full IDEA rounds (8.5 round)

In 1993, W. Meier was the first one to publish an attack based on differential cryptanalysis

against up to 2.5 rounds running faster than an exhaustive search. Then, Borst, Knudsen and

Rijmen presented a differential-linear attack against 3 rounds and a truncated differential

attack on 3.5 rounds; then many attack were introduced to break the cipher based on different

basics as finding mathematical proofs, weaknesses of the key used, finding relations between

the IDEA operations.

“No published attack (with the exception of attacks on weak keys) is better than exhaustive

search on the 128-bit key space, which is computationally infeasible. The security of IDEA

appears bounded only by the weaknesses arising from the relatively small (compared to its

key length) block length of 64 bits.” (Hammalainen, et. al., 2002)

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Table 3.4: Selected known attacks on IDEA (Biham, et. al., 2001)

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Chapter 4

Code Implementation and Attacks

4.1 RSA Algorithm Implementation:

Key Generation Algorithm

The first task is to generate the prime numbers p and q using the "SecureRandom" class

built in "security" library in java, encapsulated with a "BigInteger" object to handle

numbers of any size.

SecureRandom r = new SecureRandom(); BigInteger p = new BigInteger(bitlength,r);

When constructing a BigInteger we specify a bit-length and the amount of times t, that we

want the Miller-Rabin12 probabilistic test to run on the BigInteger, as well as supplying a

random set of bits for these tests. This will generate a random integer which is probably

prime with the specified bit-length. The probability that the new BigInteger represents a

prime number will exceed (1 -1 / 4t).

After the generation of prime p and q the values of n and φ13

can be easily generated as


N = P.multiply(Q);

M = (P.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)).multiply(Q.subtract(BigInteger.ONE));

The next step is to calculate e which must be co-prime to m, i.e. gcd(e, φ) = 1.Start from e

= 3, if gcd(e, φ) 6= 1 we let e be the next odd number. We continue in this fashion until the

gcd(e, φ) = 1.

E = new BigInteger("3");//start E from 3 as an initial value while(M.gcd(E).intValue() > 1) { E = E.add(new BigInteger("2")); }

The reason of starting e from 3 and increment by 2 is to get odd numbers because φ will

always be even so therefore no even number will be co-prime to it.

12 See Chapter3 for more details

13 Φ replaced by the symbol M in our implementation

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The gcd found using the Extended Euclid Algorithm14 which finds the gcd(e, φ) and the

integers x and y that satisfy ax + by = gcd to be used in the next step.

// a=e, b=φ public BigInteger[] EE(BigInteger a, BigInteger b, BigInteger c, BigInteger

d, BigInteger e, BigInteger f) { if (b.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO)==0) {

BigInteger[] ret = {BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger.ZERO,BigInteger.ZERO};

ret[0] = a; // gcd(a,b) ret[1] = e; // coefficient of a ret[2] = f; // coefficient of b return ret; } else { return EE(b, a.mod(b), e.subtract((a.divide(b)).multiply(c)), f.subtract((a.divide(b)).multiply(d)), c, d); } }

The last step in the key generation is to get d, which equals the value of x obtained from

Extended Euclid Algorithm.

Encryption Algorithm

Encryption done using the modPow method in the BigInteger class

BigInteger en = big.modPow(E, N);

Decryption Algorithm

Also the decryption done using the same method used for encryption

BigInteger de = afterEnObject.modPow(D, N);

4.2 RSA Attacks:

There are basically two types of factoring algorithms, special-purpose and general-purpose.

Special-purpose factoring algorithms attempt to benefit from special features of the number n

being factored. In contrast, the running time of general-purpose factoring algorithms depend

only on the size of n.

One of the most powerful special-purpose factoring algorithms is the Elliptic Curve

Factoring Method (ECM) that was invented in 1985 by Hendrik Lenstra Jr. The running time

of this method depends on the size of the prime factors of n, and hence the algorithm finds

small factors first.( Certicom Corporation, 2000)

14 See chapter3 to find out the algorithm.

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The largest factor found by the Elliptic Curve Method has 67 digits, found by B. Dodson on

August 24, 20061 (Dr.Ir. Riele, 2005)

Just prior to the development of the RSA cryptosystem, the best general-purpose factoring

algorithm was the continued fraction algorithm the best general-purpose algorithms used

today: the quadratic sieve (QS) and the number field sieve (NFS). These algorithms allow

factoring on distributed networks of workstations so it decreases the need to large mainframe

computers or supercomputers. ( Certicom Corporation, 2000)

The largest integer factored with a general-purpose algorithm (GNFS15) is RSA200 (200

digits), which was factored on May 9, 2005 by Bahr, Boehm, Franke and Kleinjung (Dr.Ir.

Riele, 2005)

And here is a table summarizes some of the integer factorization history:

Table 4.1: RSA cracking history


16One MIPS year is the equivalent of a computation during one full year at a sustained

speed of one Million Instruction Per Second

17 It was done by the quadratic sieve, in 8 months by about 1600 computers around the world. The total running

time for the factorization was estimated to be 5000 MIPS years

18 It was achieved using NFS, it was estimated to take less than 15% of the 5000 MIPS years that was required

for the factorization of the 129-decimal digit RSA challenge number

19 Using the Generalized Number Field Sieve (GNFS), the total running time was approximately 8000 MIPS

years, with a calendar time of 3.7 months

Year Number of decimal digits Number of bits MIPS

16 years

1984 71 236 0.1

1988 106 352 140

1993 120 399 825

1994 17 129 429 5000

1995 119 395 250

199618 130 432 750

1999 140 466 2000

199919 155 512 8000

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“Factoring expert Richard Brent from the Oxford University Computing Laboratory has

given an experimental formula which ‘predicts’ the year Y in which we may expect a number

of D decimal digits to be factored:

Y = 13 .24 D1/3 + 1928.6.

In the derivation of this formula, Brent took into account the known factoring world record

data, the known heuristic complexity formula for NFS and Moore’s law (computing power

doubles every 18 months). According to this formula, a 768-bit number (D = 231) will be

factored by the year 2010, and a 1024-bit number (D = 309) by the year 2018". ( H. T. Riele,


In order to be in the safe side, RSA Laboratories currently recommends key sizes of 1024 bits

for organization use and 2048 bits for extremely long term security.(RSA Laboratories,


In this project we try to implement some attacks to test our implementation of the RSA algorithm by

trying to factor some modules n generated by this implementation.

First we try to factor n for key length 128 bit (39 digit) using the elliptic curve 20method and we get

results in 3 seconds, but it works for more than two days to factor 512 bit without results.

On the another hand, we try to factor n using the Trial division attack21 it was useful to factor numbers

less than (64) bits, but it works for 24 hours to factor the (70) bits without giving results.

4.3 IDEA Algorithm Implementation

Key generation:

The 128 bit key is generated based on the random operation in the “Math” library in java,

which generates 16 random characters to be the IDEA key.

key = ""; double randomNumber; double randomNumberSetup; char randomCharacter;

20 We use an applet implementation for the method, see websites[3]

21 See appendix Bto find out the code

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while( key.length() < 16 ) { randomNumber = Math.random(); randomNumberSetup = (randomNumber*26 + '0'); randomCharacter = (char) randomNumberSetup; key += randomCharacter; }

Encryption Keys generation:

The first 8 sub-keys ( Z1 - Z8 ) for the first round are generated by dividing the 128 into 8

parts, each is of 16 bits.

In other words, since the key is represented in 16 ASCII characters, the first sub-key would

be the value of the first two characters of the key; that is, the higher 8 bits of the sub-key

value is the ASCII of the second character, and the lower 8 bits value is the first character’s


The rest of the first 8 sub keys are done using the same way as the first sub-key has been


These process could be done using SHIFT and AND operations.

for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {

enc_keys[i] = (char)((key.charAt(firstbyte) << 8) + key.charAt(firstbyte+1) );

firstbyte += 2; }

The keys ( Z9 – Z48 ) are generated gradually in 6 rounds, 8 in each one, the 8 keys in each

round is generated as the following:

‐ The first key is taken from the first 7 bits of the second key from the previous

round and the last 9 bits from the second key in the previous round.

‐ The second key is taken from the first 7 bits of the second key from the previous

round and the last 9 bits from the third key in the previous round

‐ The keys 3-6 are generated as the first two.

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‐ The 7th key of the round is taken from the first 7 bits of the last key from the

previous round and the last 9 bits from the first key in the previous round.

‐ The 8th key of the round is taken from the first 7 bits of the first key from the

previous round and the last 9 bits from the second key in the previous round.

for (int f=8; f<tot_keys-4;f+=8) { for (int n=0;n<6;n++) {

enc_keys[f+n] = (char) ((enc_keys[f+n-7] <<9) | (enc_keys[f+n-6] >>7));


enc_keys[f+6] = (char) ((enc_keys[f+6-7] <<9) | (enc_keys[f+6-6-8]>>7));

enc_keys[f+7] = (char) ((enc_keys[f+7-7-8] <<9) | (enc_keys[f+7-6-8]>>7));


For the last four sub-keys (Z49-Z52) :

‐ Z49 is generated from the first 7 bits of Z42, and the last 9 bits of Z41.

‐ Z50 is generated from the first 7 bits of Z43, and the last 9 bits of Z42.

‐ The last two key are generated as the above.

for(int i=0; i<4; i++)

enc_keys[tot_keys-4+i] = (char)( (enc_keys[tot_keys-4+i-7] << 9) | (enc_keys[tot_keys 4+i-6] >> 7) );

IDEA round:

As we’ve mentioned before, the encryption and the decryption processes are essentially the

same, the only difference between them is the sub-keys used in each process.

IDEA has eight rounds; assuming that (X1-X4) represents the input block, (Y1-Y4)

represents the output block, and (Z1-Z6) are the first 6 sub-keys, then the first round would

be represented as the following:

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X1 x Z1 -> d1 X2 + Z2 -> d2 X3 + Z3 -> d3 X4 x Z4 -> d4 d1 XOR d3 -> d5 d2 XOR d4 -> d6 d5 x Z5 -> d7 d6 + d7 -> d8 d8 x Z6 -> d9 d7 + d9 -> d10 d1 XOR d9 -> d11 d3 XOR d9 -> d12 d2 XOR d10 -> d13 d4 XOR d10 -> d14

repeating those steps 7 more times using a for loop, to give a total rounds of 8, each uses the

output of the previous round as an input, that is (d11-d14) will be the input of the second


After the 8th round completed, it’s output would be (s1-s4), which will be the input of the last

half round (OT) along with the last 4 sub-keys, and the final output would be (Y1-Y4).

s1 x Z49 -> Y1 s2 + Z50 -> Y2 s3 + Z51 -> Y3 s4 x Z52 -> Y4

Since the IDEA is a block cipher, the last taken block from the file may not be a complete

block, therefore, we have filled the deficiency if the block with white spaces when it happens.

4.4 IDEA Attacks:

4.4.1 Differential attack:

Differential cryptanalysis was presented in 1991 by Biham and Shamir, it is a chosen

plaintext attack, where pairs of plaintext messages is chosen, whose “difference”

satisfies a particular property.

This cryptanalysis could be used in one of several modes:

1. Prediction: given two plaintexts with some XOR value, we can predict the XOR

of the cipher texts.

2. Distinguishing: take many plaintexts with the input difference, check how many

satisfy the output difference.

Page 41: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms


3. Key Recovery: combine distinguishing with auxiliary techniques.

The differential cryptanalysis considers two rounds:

Figure 4.1: Differential Analysis Rounds

‐ By inspecting the relations between αααα and ββββ, the information could be found on

the round sub-key.

‐ By predicting with some probability p for a given αααα the value of other attacks

could be mounted as well.

‐ Given a differential α α α α ���� ββββ, with probability p, O(1/p) plaintext pairs is needed.

‐ Once a pair for which the differential holds is found, this pair could be used to

find the key.

‐ That led designers to bound p to be as low as possible.

( Stamp Mark, et. al.,2007 ).

4.4.2 Square attack:

The Square attack is a chosen-plaintext attack which explores the byte-wise on

structure of the Square block cipher, this procedure could be applied to the ciphers

which processes data blocks with fixed size.

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Definition 1: (Word Status)

An active word stands for an n-bit quantity which assumes all 2n possible values.

An active word contains, therefore, a permutation of 2n values: 0, …, 2n - 1.

Analogously, a passive word always assumes a fixed value. Words which are neither

active nor passive are termed garbled.

For Square, n = 8, the Square analysis will be initially performed with n = 16.

Definition 2: (h-set)

A h -set is a set of 2n text blocks whose consecutive n-bit words are either active,

passive or garbled.

Definition 3: (Balanced Words in a h -set)

Let xi j be the j-th value of the n-bit word in the i-th position on a h -set. Whenever

the word xi, at the i-th position, is said to be balanced over the given h-set.

Taking into account that:

‐ Both active and passive words are always balanced.

‐ Garbled words can also be balanced. but not always.

A Square attack starts by choosing a h -set such that the balanced words propagate

for as many rounds as possible across the cipher.

By following the propagation of balanced words through multiple rounds, it is

possible to identify a pattern of active, passive and garbled words.

The status of words in a h -set will be shortly denoted by:

‐ ’A’ for an active word,

‐ ’P’ for a passive word,

‐ ’?’ for a garbled word,

‐ ’*’ for a balanced word.

The h -sets in successive rounds should have at least one balanced word.

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In the round just following the one in which no more balanced words are found, an

attack is made by using the property of balanced words to distinguish sub-keys in the

round right after the last balanced words.

Some observations regarding the propagation of active words in IDEA, according to

the different cipher operations, are the following:

Theorem 1: (Propagation Rules for Words in a h -set)

In a round of IDEA the active, passive and garbled status of a word change according

to the cipher operation and the input words’ status. The table summarizes the change

of words status according to the operator used and the status of its inputs. The status

of the input data is depicted in the first line and the leftmost column in each sub-table.

Table 4.2: Input and output word status across IDEA operators

An example of the terminology concerning the change of status of h -sets is the


(A P P P)���� (? ? ? ?)

Denotes that the input h -set whose four 16-bit words have status (A P P P), results

after one round of IDEA, in the output h -set whose four words have status (? ? ? ?).

Chains of 4-tuples will represent status of data words across multiple rounds. For

example, (P P A A) ����(P A A A) ���� (A A A A) means that (P P A A) ���� (P A A A)

and (P A A A) ���� (A A A A) across two consecutive rounds.

Also, let Pi = (Pi1; Pi2; P

i3; P

i4) denote the i-th plaintext block and Ci =



i4) the corresponding ith cipher-text block in a h set. The number of

attacked rounds will be made clear from the context.

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Definition 4: (An nR-Attack)

An nR-attack stands for a Square attack on n rounds of a cipher, using the property of

balanced words to distinguish some sub-key bits surrounding a chain of h-sets. Here,

n could be fractional in case half-rounds are included in the attack.

The best Square attacks founded on IDEA, employing 16-bit words, use the following

h-set chains:

(P A P P) ���� (A A * A) ���� (? ? ? ?) (1)

(A P A P) ���� (A A P P) ���� (? ? ? ?) (2)

A 0.5R-attack on 2.5 rounds of IDEA can be made using chain (1). This attack

exploits that the property is balanced, to discover two

sub-keys Z3(3) and Z4

(3) . The most significant bit of Z3(3), though, cannot be uniquely

determined. In order to filter out wrong 31-bit key candidates, two h-set are used.

(See Fig. 4.2).

That is a total of 2.216 chosen-plaintexts and 216




≈ 247 half-round IDEA


Page 45: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms


Figure 4.2: 0.5R-attack on 2.5 rounds of IDEA using chain (1)

Chain (2) can be used in an attack that exploits further the kind of permutation behind

an active word. A 1R-attack can be made on 2.5 rounds of IDEA, using (2), consisting

of a 0.5R-attack at the beginning and a 0.5R-attack at the end of 2.5 rounds.

‐ The attack uses a h-set with the first and third words both active and

containing the same permutation.

‐ Sub-keys Z1(1) and Z3

(1) are guessed by multiplying the first active word in the

h-set by (a candidate subkey for) 1)1(


Z and adding the third active word with

(a candidate subkey for) -Z3(1.

Page 46: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms


‐ When the correct subkey pair (Z1(1), Z3

(1)) is found, the active word, which is

the XOR of the corresponding outputs after the subkey mixing, will be equal

and so will cancel out, generating a passive word. This passive word will

propagate through the MA structure inside the first round and will not affect

any of the two original active words.

‐ At the end of the second round, the following two values might be active for

the correct keys: and

(See Fig. 4.3). Therefore, it is possible to discover two more subkey pairs.

‐ When the correct ( Z1(1), Z3

(1) ) is used, both ( Z1(3), Z2

(3) ) and ( Z3(3), Z4

(3 ))

can be computed separately.

Figure 4.3: 1R-attack on 2.5 rounds of IDEA using chain (2)

Page 47: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms


‐ According to the key schedule of IDEA, Z1(1) and Z3

(3) share bits 0-8 of the

master key, and similarly, Z1(1) and Z4

(3)share bits 9-15 22. Therefore, the 4-

tuple (Z1(1) , Z3

(1), Z3(3)

, Z4(3) ) consists of 48 non-overlapping key bits.

Nonetheless, the MSB23 of the additive subkeys Z3(1), Z2

(3), and Z3(3)

are not

uniquely determined.

‐ Therefore, to discover the initial, correct 46 key bits with high probability,

three h-sets are used. This reduces the chance of a wrong subkey being

filtered to (2-16

)3 = 2


The initial computational cost of this attack is 3. 216 chosen-plaintexts and 216

. 246



. 230

+ 216

. 214

≈ 262 half-round IDEA decryptions. Once ( Z1

(1) , Z3(1) ) are

discovered, they can be used to find (Z1(3) , Z2

(3) ) - except for the MSB of Z2(3) - with

two h -sets and 216.231+216.215 ≈ 247 half-round IDEA decryptions. Notice that (Z1(3),

Z2(3) ) and (Z1

(1) , Z3(1) ) do not share any key bits via the key schedule.

( Nakahara J., 2002 )

22 Refer to Table 1.

23 MSB: most significant bit.

Page 48: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms


Chapter 5

Comparative Analysis

5.1 RSA vs. IDEA

Let's begin with RSA, its speed as mentioned in the RSA laboratory articles, depends on the

typical modular exponentiation algorithms used in its implementation, so they approximate

the public key operations in terms of the number of bits (k) used in the modular, to be O(k2)

steps, and the private key operations to take O(k3) steps, and the key generation will take

O(k4) steps. They also states that block ciphers are much faster than the RSA algorithm.

According to Bruce Schneie 2002, "RSA will never approach the speed of symmetric

algorithms", and he supported his speech with the following table:

Table 5.1: RSA speeds for different modulus lengths

The IDEA software-based implementation algorithms achieved a throughput of the order of

72 megabits per second (Mbps) on a 166 MHz MMX Pentium processor. If this result is

scaled to modern 2.533 GHz Pentium 4 processors, a software-based implementation of a 4-

way IDEA achieves a throughput of 1.1 gigabits per second (Hammalainen, et. al., 2002).

5.2. Analytical Analysis

Our implementation testing starts after fixing all the variables except the one that is being

studied ,for that purpose we test the two algorithms on the same pc, with processor Intel(R)

Core(TM)2 Duo CPU 1.60GHz, and we had used the same files with sizes ranges from 1 KB

up to 5 MB, the time described here is the time taken by the algorithms to make a specific

process in milliseconds and the encryption/decryption time includes the time needed to

read/write from/to the original/encrypted file.

Page 49: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms


Let’s start from the key Generation time for the RSA algorithm the RSA takes few

milliseconds to generate a key, as shown in figure 5.1, the time needed to generate a key in

the RSA differs within trials; because we create keys from random numbers24.

Key Generation








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Trail #

Time (ms)

Figure 5.1: RSA key generation time

On the other hand the key generation in has an almost zero second generation time, that is

because the master key is generated randomly and the 52 encryption / decryption keys are

generated using the bitwise shifting operation, which is the fastest operation.

Continuing to the algorithms tests, for the RSA algorithm, we have file with size 20KB and

Key length 16 bit, along with the algorithm gives the sample output, as shown in table5.2

First Test.xls //file Name

Enter key length : 16 //Bits E : 5 D : 6365 N : 16171 P : 157 Q : 103 Key Generation Time : 250 Encrypt Time : 172 Decryption Time : 218

Table 5.2: RSA 16 bit run output

24 See Chapter3 for more details about the RSA key generation algorithm.

Page 50: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms


A number of files is prepared to be tested with sizes in KB are (50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400,

800, 1000, and 1500) in both of the algorithms.

Starting with the RSA and 128 bit key length appears, it seems that the algorithm takes a long

time to decrypt the files and less time to encrypt them, and approximately no time to generate

the keys, that is relatively to the encryption / decryption time, see figure 5.2

RSA 128 Bit Key Size








File Size (K.B.)

Time (ms)

Figure 5.2: RSA 128 file size vs. time for encryption/decryption.

Moreover, the figure (5.3) shows the various sizes of the encrypted files compared with the

original files.

Before vs. after Encryption











1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

File #

Size (KB)

Figure 5.3: RSA file size change before and after encryption

The rapid increase in the data size after the encryption process that is going to be fed to the

decryption algorithm, Table 5.3 shows how the file size increases after encryption, because

the character size is grown after the encryption.

Page 51: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms


Test.txt // File Name Enter key length : 128 Encryption Time : 0 Letter Before Encryption : 116 //ASCII for the letter "t" Letter After encryption : 21003416576 Letter Before Encryption : 101 // ASCII for the letter "e" Letter After encryption : 10510100501 Letter Before Encryption : 115 // ASCII for the letter "s" Letter After encryption : 20113571875 Letter Before Encryption : 116 // ASCII for the letter "t" Letter After encryption : 21003416576 Decryption Time : 0

Table 5.3: Character size before and after encryption for RSA128 bit

Then the same files were tested in encryption / decryption with both IDEA of block sizes 8

and 16 bytes, in order to notice the difference between them, the results are shown in figure


(A) I DEA 8 Bytes Block Size (B) IDEA 8 Bytes Block Size

Figure 5.4: IDEA file size vs. time encryption for encryption/decryption.

We could see clearly that the time taken for encryption is approximately the same time taken

for decryption, since the operations done in encryption are the ones which done in decryption,

and the number of processed blocks are the same in both encryption and decryption, see

Table 5.2

Page 52: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms


Table 5.4: IDEA sample run

Besides, the time taken for the encryption using the block size 16 Byte was performed faster

than the block size 8 Bytes. See figure 5.4

Figure 5.5: IDEA Encryption Time vs. File Size.

File Name: Test.txt key length: 128 ----------------------------- Encryption ---------------------------- Input Block:

Input 1: 72 Input 2: 101 Input 3: 108 Input 4: 108 All IDEA Rounds Has Been Done

Output Block: Output 1: 111 Output 2: 32 Output 3: 87 Output 4: 111

----------------------------- Decryption ---------------------------- Input Block:

Input 1: 111 Input 2: 32 Input 3: 87 Input 4: 111 All IDEA Rounds Has Been Done

Output Block: Output 1: 72 Output 2: 101 Output 3: 108 Output 4: 108

Page 53: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms


Figure 5.6: IDEA Encrypted Files Size.

As a result of the encryption process, we could see the output ( encrypted ) files sizes, (see

figure 5.5) notice that when using the block size of 16B, the encrypted file size will be the

same as the original file, which is a good result.

As a conclusion, IDEA algorithm behaves significantly faster than RSA algorithm since data

size in IDEA remain constant and doesn't change in both encryption and decryption

processes while it increases rapidly as the key size increases in RSA algorithm.










Trial #

File Size(K.B.)

File Size RSA128 RSA512 IDEA

Before & After Decryption

Figure 5.7: RSA128, RSA512 and IDEA file size before and after encryption

The above figure for files sizes 150, 200, 300, 400, 800, 1000, and 1500 KB, shows that

RSA128 results in smaller sizes than RSA512 and both are larger than IDEA; because the

IDEA algorithm keeps the data size fixed before and after encryption, in contrast to the RSA

algorithm, in which the numbers after encryption grows with the exponent operations without

restrictions on their size.

Page 54: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms


Results for attacks:


We can factor numbers with a key length that is not used today, so our implementation for

the RSA algorithm is in the safe side.

As mentioned by Boneh Dan that Two decades of research into inverting the RSA function

produced some insightful attacks, but no devastating attack has ever been found (Boneh

Dan, 2000)


Although that several attacks has been performed against IDEA, but no attacks till now has

broken all its rounds, thus, IDEA is a perfect security algorithm.

Page 55: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms


Chapter 6

Conclusions and Future work

6.1 Conclusions

‐ RSA algorithm is a reliable algorithm, since it faces two decades of attacks without

finding an attack that could weaken its structure and each key had been broken they

can use a larger one, bur several restrictions should be taken into account to get a high

level of security while implementing the RSA algorithm.

‐ Because of the new complex and secure design of IDEA, it is nearly impossible to

attack it completely with its full 8.5 rounds, Still there are several attacks that has

broken the reduced IDEA, that is about 4 founds.

6.2 Future Work

‐ Combining the two algorithms in a one powerful security algorithm, that to derives its

benefits from the strengths of each one of the used algorithms.

‐ A development of some of the theoretical attacks for both RSA and IDEA, on the

other hand thinking over new developments that could handle out those attacks.

Page 56: RSA and IDEA Security Algorithms



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