
RS3 TM Maximize the Return on Your Investment

Transcript of rs3insteps

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Maximize the Return on Your Investment

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1 IntroductionMaximize your investment in theRS3 system while leveraging thenew technologies offered by theDeltaV system.

2 ContinuingInvestmentsFrom Windows NT environment toAMSinside—the RS3 platform hasadded and updated technologiesto help improve your plant’sefficiency and performance.

4 Expand,Interoperate,Transition—In StepsAt your own pace you can expand,interoperate, and eventuallytransition your RS3 equipment toleverage the wealth of informationin today’s intelligent field devices.And, you can get there at yourown pace—in your own time.

6 Standalone DeltaVSolutionExperience the savings inengineering, installation andcommissioning by installing astandalone DeltaV solution.

6 Serial ConnectionConnect via the field-proven,time-tested serial connection thatwill establish securecommunications between yourRS3 and the DeltaV system.

7 OPC ConnectionData may now be exchangedbetween your RS3 and othersystems and applications.

8 DeltaV Operate forRS3 In this step, you may operate yourentire plant from DeltaVworkstations, taking fulladvantage of the DeltaV system’sease of use and life-like graphics.

9 DeltaV I/O with RS3ControlExpand your RS3 by implementingDeltaV Classic I/O, FOUNDATIONfieldbus, or other digital bustechnology.

10 DeltaV ControlMaximize your capital investmentwhile protecting your engineeringinvestment when you upgrade toDeltaV controllers.

11 DeltaV I/OEasy, flexible connections saveyour existing terminations,translating to quick switchoverand minimal downtime.

12 Better PlantPerformanceOur seasoned experts, availablearound the world, can help youbuild your digital plant.


“We connected a DeltaV I/O system to ourinstallation, which has been

controlled by RS3 for 15 years. The system isallowing for a seamless

upgrade to existing architecture, meldingthe new with the old—at the same

time giving—us greater functionality andfuture plant control system

improvement capability.”—Brian Flanagan

Lafarge Woodstock

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Today’s technologies deliverimproved plant performance.

Our customers have cometo expect high quality andlong system life from ourproducts —10, 15 even 20years’ life. You need a pathto protect your existinginvestments and maximizereturn on the equipmentyou’ve already purchased,while offering the bestalternatives that leveragenew technologies—whenand where it makes sensefor your business.

Take advantage of today’stechnologiesToday’s technologies offermanufacturers lower engineering,installation, and startup costs whileproviding ongoing operation andmaintenance savings. Technologieslike digital busses, embeddedadvanced control, self-diagnosingintelligent field devices, on-the-flyscalability, and plug-and-playbusiness integration.

These are the benefits built intoEmerson Process Management’sPlantWeb architecture.

What is PlantWeb®?The proven PlantWeb digitalarchitecture changes the economicsof process automation. It’s ablueprint for building solutions thatoptimize plant performance. The documented results of this open,integrated architecture add up to areal competitiveadvantage for yourplant. For moredetails visitwwwwww..PPllaannttWWeebb..ccoomm.

Our evolving platformsTo deliver on our promise ofincreasing value for our customers,we're continually evolving oursolutions to manage technologyover time. In the following pagesyou'll see how we have createdexpansion, interoperation, andtransition steps for your RS3 systemthat enable you to take fulladvantage of today’s digitaltechnologies in the PlantWeb

architecture—at yourown pace.


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Investments over timeThe RS3 platform has added andupdated technologies in recent yearsto help improve plant efficiency andperformance. The operator consoles,integration servers, engineeringtools, and asset managementsoftware are all available in thefamiliar Windows environment.Some of the enhancements over thepast few years include: MPC5, CP5,ROS, and seamless, incrementalintegration with Emerson’sPlantWeb technology.

Flexible integrationToday’s RS3 system employs thesame Windows integration thatpowers the industry’s cutting edgedigital, open-architecture

automation systems—like Emerson’sDeltaV system, which began thewhole revolution back in 1996. These Window NT-based systems,employing off-the-shelf componentsand integrating seamlessly with off-the-shelf office managementproducts, have proven themselvesover time insome of the toughestoperating environments on theplanet—flexibly, reliably.

Economic, competitive, andregulatory pressures are drivingchange in the process marketplace.There is an increasing need tointegrate process data where it can be effectively used—requiringintegration at the database level.The RNI (RS3 Network Interface)

provides you with a flexible interfacebased on the TCP/IP protocol. This Ethernet connectivity allowsprocess data from the RS3equipment to be effectively used bya variety of hosts and applications.

Flexible batchABC Batch and ROS Journal give youhistorical batch recording andprovide you batch data collectionand non-intrusive collection ofalarms, events and operatorchanges. By simply turning on batchhistorical messaging, the ROSJournal is automatically populatedwith ABC Batch events as they occur.The Journal can be used as arepository for the events, or it can beaccessed using standard SQL andadded to a Plant-wide BatchHistorian or other client applications.


RS3 system—flexible and reliable.2

DeltaV Operate for RS3 runs in the familiarWindows environment.

The RS3 system has long provided flexible, reliable operations.

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And, easy collection of the batchevents reduces the cost ofregulatory compliance.

AMSinside AMSinside is Windows NT-basedasset management. It deliversimmediate access to the field datafrom your intelligent HARTinstruments, dramatically improvingyour maintenance capabilities,without changing a wire to your RS3equipment. You get predictive alertson devices in need of maintenancebefore a failure or reducedperformance occurs. So you canhave scheduled—asopposed tounscheduled orreactive-maintenance formore cost-effectivemanagement of your instruments.

“Fisher-Rosemount* is a well-runcompany with a solid financial base,process field device market strength,consolidated development program,

and successful migration history.”—Gartner Group

*Fisher-Rosemount became EmersonProcess Management in April 2001.


Commission and manage your HART devices with AMSsoftware.

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Significant investments havebeen made that allow theintegration of DeltaVtechnology into the RS3architecture, like the DeltaVOperate for RS3 whichprovides a commonwindow for operationsto both the DeltaVand RS3platforms. Thebasic RS3architecture remainsunchanged, allowingbackward compatibility,while leveraging newtechnologies.

At your pace, you can expand,interoperate, and eventuallytransition your RS3 equipment—insteps to this architecture andleverage the wealth of information inthese field devices. More precisecontrol, predictive maintenance, andmore intelligent alarming are just a

few of the benefits you’ll realize.

The DeltaV digital automationsystem is a keycomponent of thePlantWeb

architecture, and it’sdesigned specifically to

take full advantage oftoday's technologies. The

DeltaV system integrates “smartplant” capabilities including HART,FOUNDATION fieldbus, high-speed

digital busses, andembedded advanced control.This seamless,intelligent fieldintegration providesthe infrastructurefor advanced applications such asAsset ManagementSolutions (AMS) for quick, easydevice re-ranging, configuration anddiagnostics. The results are betterprocess efficiency and reducedprocess variability.

Expand, Interoperate,Transition—In Steps


ExpandYour path to the PlantWebarchitecture may begin with astandalone DeltaV solution. Hereyou can immediately quantifythe benefits and ease of theDeltaV system.

A next step might be to sharedata values between your RS3and DeltaV platforms with atime-tested and proven serialconnection or standards-basedOPC Mirror at the com-munications network level.

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Transition in steps—at your own pace.

InteroperateYou can easily expand your RS3ControlFile with DeltaV I/O. It's away to take advantage of thelatest I/O technology whileretaining your RS3 controllers.

DeltaV Operate for RS3 is the bestchoice for upgrading your RS3consoles and provides the abilityto operate both the RS3 andDeltaV equipment from yourDeltaV Operator Stations.

TransitionWhen you are ready to replace RS3controllers for the additionalperformance and embeddedadvanced control, digital busses,and comprehensive diagnosticssupported by DeltaV controllers,you can maintain your RS3 I/O andwiring investments—which reducescommissioning time and expense.

When and where it makes sense,you can replace your RS3 I/O withDeltaV I/O, again without rewiringor losing your existingterminations.

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Expand At Your Own Pace


The first stepTo sample the increased plant

performance possible with PlantWeb

digital technologies, many RS3 users

take the first step of their transition

with a standalone DeltaV solution.

This step allows you to experience

the savings in engineering time with

the easy, integrated DeltaV

engineering environment.

You’ll experience savings in

installation and commissioning as

you use the digital bus technologies.

And, operator training and ongoing

maintenance become easier as well.

Serial–simple and provenTo pass information between your

RS3 and DeltaV equipment for

operating and reporting, you can

make the next step by connecting

via the field-proven, and time-tested

serial connection, which establishes

secure communications between

the RS3 and the DeltaV controllers.

The serial connection is based upon

the ModBus protocol, which is also

field-proven. Control functions may

be executed in the DeltaV controllers

and displayed on your RS3 consoles.

This is an ideal step for applications

with light data passing

requirements, on the order of 100 or

fewer values.


TTrraaddiittiioonnaall aanndd HHAARRTT ddeevviicceess

RS3 ControlFile

PLC Flexterm


FFiieellddbbuuss ddeevviicceess


Proven, open communications.

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Network-basedintegration—easy.As your data transfer needs grow,

you may want to switch to highway-

level integration with the process

industry’s open, interoperable

communication standard, OLE for

Process Control (OPC), and

Emerson’s OPC Mirror. OPC Mirror

lets you configure your data

transfers with point-and-click ease

between the DeltaV and RS3

equipment, for reliable and secure

data transfer—without having to

write custom code. The OPC Mirror

application is perfect for applications

requiring data sharing, while still

maintaining dedicated consoles for

each plant area.

Additionally, the RS3 OPC

connection allows plant historians

and specialty applications access to

the RS3 system.

OPC for RS3 is proven

communications technology and a

valuable integration tool for business


HHoosstt PPCC wwiitthhOOPPCC SSeerrvveerr

DDeellttaaVVOOppeerraattoorr SSttaattiioonn

DeltaV Control NetworkMTCC orSystem Manager

RS3 ControlFile

RS3 Peerway


“Taking into consideration how pleasedwe were with the RS3, the added costbenefit of the DeltaV was a very easy

decision for us to move forward with theDeltaV project.”

—Brad BrownMount Vernon Mills

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Operate from commonoperator stationsDeltaV Operate for RS3 is the bestchoice if you are looking to do a

console upgrade of your RS3consoles. From the DeltaVOperator Station, you can trend,monitor, and operate-—all theinformation you need—from onestation and one keyboard.

Dual monitors are available toallow you to view process graphics

on one screen while viewing ABCBatch steps on another: nobouncing from one window toanother. It’s all right in front of you.

Your existing process graphicsmost likely took a great deal oftime and effort. To preserve thisinvestment, a graphics conversiontool that will convert your MTCCgraphics into DeltaV Operategraphics is available.

As the number of DeltaVcontrollers in your plant grows,DeltaV Operate for RS3 has youready to operate your entire plantfrom the DeltaV workstations.

Interoperate At Your Own Pace


DeltaV Control Network

DeltaV Workstations

RS3 Peerway

RS3Control File

DeltaV ProfessionalPLUSStation


Common operator stations—easy operations.

Run ABC Batch from the DeltaV Operator Station.


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New I/O solutions for RS3You can take advantage of the latest

digital technologies in your RS3

equipment using DeltaV Classic I/O

including thermocouples and RTD

cards, FOUNDATION fieldbus, and

other digital bus technologies. On

RS3, DeltaV I/O appears as the latest

technology FIMs and behaves as

native RS3 I/O. These I/O signals

may be integrated into RS3 control

strategies just like other

RS3 I/O signals.

The DeltaV controller moves data

between DeltaV I/O and DeltaV

serial modules, which in turn

communicate with the RS3


RS3 configuration for these loops is

exactly the same as if RS3 I/O were

being used.

Besides taking

advantage of

the DeltaV I/O

technology in your RS3 system, you

are in a position to transition control

strategies to DeltaV controllers at

your pace—one loop at a time, when

it makes sense.

From the DeltaV Operator Stations,

you can also access FOUNDATION

fieldbus and HART information from

your intelligent field devices

connected to these DeltaV I/O


“We connected DeltaV IO to ourfifteen-year-old RS3 system in April of 2002,

and after some minor startup issues, theequipment runs impeccably. We see this as a

first step in bringing over the system tocurrent hardware and software.”

—Helge BergbyBorregaard


RS3 ControlFile


Fieldbus devices

MTCC orSystemManager

DeltaV I/O

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Transition At Your Own Pace


Maximize your capitalinvestmentAt some point in the execution ofyour automation strategy, you mayconsider transitioning your RS3

controllers to DeltaVcontrollers. This controllerupdate will allow you to takefull advantage of the PlantWebarchitecture and its ability toimprove the performance ofyour plant—without sacrificingprevious capital investments.The DeltaV controller providesembedded advanced control,native support for digitalbusses, and process variabilitytracking to improveoperations.

To ensure a smooth transitionfrom the RS3 controller to theDeltaV controller, yourinvestments in field wiring andconfiguration efforts in thisstep are protected. Simplyunplug the FIC or FIM I/O fromthe ControlFile and reconnectto the DeltaV controller. Youcontinue to use your RS3 I/Oand its associated wiring.

This means you can connect RS3I/O purchased in the 1980s and‘90s to the most current DeltaVcontroller—dramatic proof of ourcommitment to protect andmaximize your capital investmentover time.

Traditional DeltaV carriers may beconnected to the RS3 I/O Interfacecarrier, providing mountinglocations for DeltaV I/O cards. Theoptional DeltaV carriers may beused for DeltaV serial cards thatinterface to your PLCs and otherserial devices.

Take advantage of the power of field intelligence.

DDeellttaaVV OOppeerraattoorr SSttaattiioonnss

DeltaV Controller with RS3I/O Interface Module

Railbus ExtensionCable

DeltaV Controller

Existing RS3 I/O and RS3Terminations

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Any I/O device connected to yourRS3 ControlFile may be integratedinto the DeltaV system.

Protect your engineeringinvestmentRS3 configuration migration to theDeltaV engineering environmentprotects your engineeringinvestment right in your controlstrategies.

It smoothly moves—without any re-entry—I/O data, points, alarms,tuning, tags and descriptors fromRS3 to DeltaV engineeringconfiguration.

Conversion utilities translate yourRS3 control blocks and logic stepsfrom RS3 configuration to theDeltaV controller.

Full simulation capabilities inDeltaV equipment let you simulateand check out all yourconfigurations to minimize anydowntime in your switchover toDeltaV controllers.

Easy, flexible connectionssave wiring and uptimeWhen and where it makes sense tomigrate your RS3 I/O over to DeltaVI/O, you can save your existingterminations, with no rewiring, forquick switchover and minimaldowntime.

With this transition step, you gainthe advantages of DeltaVtechnology to mix and matchtraditional I/O seamlessly with HART,FOUNDATION fieldbus, Profibus DP,AS-i bus, and DeviceNet. With thesedigital bus technologies, you can usethe power of field intelligence toimprove your plant's performance.

With the FlexConnect® solution, yousimply plug the RS3 terminationboard cables into FlexConnectpanels, and then connectFlexConnect panels to DeltaV masstermination modules.

Consider the savings in wiring alonefor this transition. In addition torunning cable, you avoid drawingchanges, work orders, re-checkout,and re-running cable trays—a hugecost that can represent up to a thirdof project cost in new installations.

Unlike traditional upgrades callingfor an extended process shutdownfor rewiring, with FlexConnect theswitchover to DeltaV I/O is a quick,cable-plugging matter.

DeltaV OperatorStation

DeltaV Controllerand I/O

FlexConnect panel

RS3 I/OTermination


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In these pages, we’veillustrated the possible stepsin connecting,interoperating, andtransitioning your RS3equipment: fromstandalone solutions, serialand OPC connections, tocommon operator stations,controller migration and I/Omigration. Which of thesesteps you implement mayvary over time. You can skipsteps, or use several at onetime. The point is there aremany options you can usealong the path,transitioning toperformance-enhancingtechnologies. Youdetermine which steps totake, and when.

Emerson has carefully consideredthis technology transition from theviewpoint of vested system ownersand operators like you. Your localsales person can work with you toclearly define the best path and theright mix of services, to ensure asmooth transition and maximumreturn on your existing capitalinvestment.

We have helped ensure that thepath leads—in economicalincrements—to better plantperformance built on a field-proven,digital plant architecture.

Expertise you can count onEmerson has harmonizedFoundation Support so that you areassured of the right support andassistance as you continue to useRS3 equipment or as you transitionto DeltaV equipment over time.Foundation Support provides anumber of benefits includingpriority access to our experttechnical support engineers, accessto the Knowledge Base Articles,the latest enhancements, and hot-line support.

Experience, when it counts.

Better PlantPerformance





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Our commitment to support isexplicitly stated in the publishedstatus for each piece of equipment,backed up by the people, facilitiesand resources at Emerson and atour offices around the world.

Number One in customerserviceBecause of our global reach, localpresence, and the highest-quality products year afteryear, Emerson ProcessManagement isconsistently votednumber one in customerservice and support byautomation professionals. Forseveral years running, EmersonProcess Management has beenvoted #1 in best customer serviceby the readers of CONTROLmagazine. We offer a completerange of customer support solutions

to meet your project and ongoingautomation needs.

Financing optionsTogether with Emerson FinancialServices, we can offer financingcustomized to meet your needs.Our flexible financing optionsprovide you relief from budget

constraints, improved cashflow, possible tax

benefits, and vitalprotection

against changingtechnology.

“Fisher-Rosemount’s* validationexpertise and their batch softwarehelped streamline the validation of

our plant.”—Kevin Loftus

Genzyme Pharmaceuticals

*Fisher-Rosemount became EmersonProcess Management in April 2001.

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PlantWeb, HART, DeltaV, the DeltaV design, Emerson Process Management and the Emerson Process Managementdesign are marks of one of the Emerson Process Management group of companies. All other marks are the property oftheir respective owners.The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while everyeffort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express orimplied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. We reserve the right to modifyor improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.

© Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc. 2002 All rights reserved.

Form D350764X012 / Printed in USA / 5M AQ, 3M A4/ 08-02

!DeltaV System Overview (brochure)

!DeltaV System—Built for Batch (brochure)

!DeltaV Precision Control (brochure)

!DeltaV—We Do Smart Plants (brochure)

!DeltaV Operate for RS3 (product data sheet)

!DeltaV Control for RS3 I/O (product data sheet)

!Comprehensive set of product data sheets

! Interactive demo CD

!Product information CD

!Customer Case Studies video CDs and DVD

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