rrsYssZY - UBC Library Home · rrsYssZY Volume XXXIV VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1955...

rrs YssZ Y Volume XXXIV VANCOUVER, B .C ., THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1955 Number 3 5 Cinderell a Crew Nee d Rower s Old hands on UBC's Cinder- ella Rowing Crew will dro p their oars and play host to a hoped-for 300 prospective row- ers tonight at 8 p .m . in Broc k Hall . in an unprecedented mem- bership drive . Arrangements have bee n made for President N . A . M . MacKenzie to introduce coaches f Frank Read of the Varsity cre w and John Warren of the Jayvees crew who will give a run-down ! of this year's activities, an d show a film on recent Bir d race, List of competitions for the , crew this year is enticing wit h the Olympic trials and Olym- pics in Australia . Others includ e jaunts to meets in Washington ! and Oregon, and the annual ' trip to the Western Intercollegi- ate Championships in Newpor t California . And the new inter-planetary ~t 'een classe s principles will be proved wit h a preview in the Armouries at Critics Dissectin g 12 :30 today, One small 25 cent ! ' piece will entitle AMS card i r holders to masticate their sand- ' Catcher in Rye wiches in outer space . CRITICS' CIRCLE meets to . Not since the depression has night at 8 o'clock in the Mildre d ! 25 cents been worth so much, Brock Room . Topic : J . D . Saline ' because it will give each student gee and "The Catcher in th e three valuable raffle tickets as Rye" . well . The prizes are worth a lot, ~A ~F $ and the proceeds go to a cause VARSITY ROD AND GU M !worth even more . Everyone wins Club will meet today at noo n j by joining in the fight against in Hut L1 . All those intereste d museular .dystrophy, and the 40 are welcome , luckier ones will come out o f the battle with a fur cape, a ` wrist watch, a radio, etc ., etc . Buggs Thompson will it}tro- duc•e the queen candidates fro m the stage while the Jezzsoc Band assists with musical back - ' ground then MC Mike Jeffer y will can on professional enter- SWIMMING AND DIVIN G Mardi Gra s ut of Worl d It's out of this world in more ways than one ! Dr . Shrum says it's impossible, but the dauntless Greek s have done it . In this year of our Lord, 1956, the Ma .drs Gras will be in Outer Space . A ROWING CREW will hold n recruiting meeting tonight i n the Brock . Don't miss this smash- ing evening of films . discussion s and entertainment . It's free an d everybody welcome . At A t At Queens As k Admirers T o Return Pic s The Mardi Gras Queen cam- paign has been so successfu l that the picture posters hav e become collectors' items . In addition, no discriminatio n was shown when all nine post- ers disappeared from the Ca f Tuesday . However, interviewe d candidates stated t h a t "thos e things cost money," and cam- paign managers are tearing thei r hair out, because of the stipul- ated limit placed on posters , It would be appreciated i f those responsible would retur n the posters immediately as n o more pictures are available, an d sorority economy can not suffe r the additional cost, It will emphasize the impor• - ,1 New Poems " lance of safe driving and indi - 1 cafe the most common causes o f N ow On Sale highway maiming and killing . The council stresses the impor - tance of this to every studen t ((and anyone else) and hope i t confined to Raven as is indict - d gains their sincere appreciation CONTROVERSIA L ed by the recent publication of a The noon hour shows in con - slim volume of poetry by Cana-1 nection with this get underwa y e!ian poetress and now L'I3C lec-, on Friday, February :3rd wit h tuner Mrs . Dorothy MacNair . !Constable Bernie Smith and his ! Mrs . MacNair, better known! „Why Do They Do It” program ! as Dorothy Livesay, has written in the auditorium followed b y "ivew Poems'' and this volt .tme by , a Drunkometer test, Tuesday o f is no t , on sale in the (,lined book next week there will be a stoc k store for ,lust 50 cents a copy . accident with all the frills an d I'oems range in topic from! Wednesday the police n1010r - R .,t'tok 10 Genii and are of vary- cycle drill team will perform i n the stadium . On Thursday, February 9t h chairman i)on .labour hopes t o Dr . Freidman hew a safe driving and parkin g competition, however, this ha s Talks Today yet to be confirmed . The various displays will b e brought to a close on Frid . y the I nr S . M . Freidman will rave, 10th of February when movie s She third in a series of informal ! will be shown in the auditoriu m Iccttu'e,5 In the Se dgewick room' following a talk by Constabl e of the library today at 4 pan . Lorne Halley , f)r, Freidman is head of the, This is an opportunity for all ' i)cp,rrtnter,t of Anatontr of 11w to pick up some h , ghwny blots 1'•lrully of Alta-wine . lilt topic as well as to barn how to kee p will he "tJy Current Reeding daddy s car off the scrap heat s 1 - ti,i , and !Isere their returning 1 0 a!1 ' t udents tnter,'sted in the, class Monday after those to stir ; Sf_'tI('!i at'( lA('lcarltt' to iltl('ll(t weekends, SPEAKE R Mg lengths . from the Health Ministry , However, Chisholm continue d to Wa_ re'ss his unconventiona l opinions . A few years later, a storm arose again when psychiatris t Chisholm suggested that seek- ers of public office shoul d submit to psychological test- ing . More recently Chisbolm ex- pressed himself in favor o f birth control ita order to sav e rehire gent's litins from starv- ation . lie tu•coil Canadians t o have tree or three children . if they times( aovmert', the y could ltctotrt some {rem ever - populated ctnmtric, : . Safe-Driving Week thing on stage . New to UBC Pep Meets, wil l Projects Drawn Up be Norma Robertson, wel t known Vancouver comedian . In ARCHEOLOGY CLU B The UBC Traffic and Safety Committee met at noon 1954 Norma walked off with the fea- t lures the great expose "Behin d Wednesday to draw up plans for "Safe Driving week" Feb- , j talent award at the Miss Can- l the Clamshell Curtain" by arch- ruary 3rd to February 10th . ~ ada Contest for her fabulous investigator Dr, Suttles, Tues . This worthy venture, sponsor- I METHUSALAN TiICKETS ! performance with saxaphone clay noon, Arts 103 . ed by the Inter-Fraternity coup and clarinet . { ell, has drawn overall support OAISALEtDOWIVTOWN From here, the students take CHINESE VARSITY C g o f over, marking their ballots for will have its first meeting o f from UBC, the newspapers and the new term Friday noon i n Tickets for Shaw's "Back ! King upon presentation of thei r various downtown clubs . I To Methuselah" are now on AMS card . Four ballot boxes !HL 1 . sale at Modern Music, 536 at the exits will be scrutinized LECTURES on the Italian Seymour Str eet . by members of each fraternity . ti Renaissance will commence Fri- Prices . including refresh- I One, and no more, votes per day noon in Physics 200 . Th e ments are $1 .00 and $1 .5U, person : and the winner will be! program will feature tape re . Students' price is just '75 announced in tomorrow's vile cordings of Sixteenth Centur y cents . rag, ~ operatic music . DESPERATE ESCAPE out Publications Board windo w is tried by Tom Spouse, Commerce 1, but he ' s captured tautcrs who well present a 40 team w 11 hold a recrurtrng meet by eager Flora Macleei .d, Arts 2 who can ' t wait until minute show . ing in the Gym at 12 :30 Thurs - ' Vancouver's own blonde bomb ., day and Monday . First meet i s Co-ed Day, Friday, to capture a man for Friday night 's "Ladies Leap" dance at 8 :30 p .m . in the Brock . shell, Lorraine McAllister will! January 19 . —John Robertson Photo be there vocalizing in her own ! __ ._ .___ _ . .__ .__ ._-_ . tantalizing way . { BADMINTON for Thursda y Barney Potts will go through! night in men's gym cancelle d his ever-popular shenigans with! due to basketball . violin, voice, torso and tiny . PEP CLUB general meetin g January 16 at noon in the stag e room of the Brock. Chisholm To Spea k On Campus Frida y By LARRY ROTENBERG Dr . George Brock Chishnlnl , one of the most controversia l speakers in C a n a d a, wil l speak at the University Fri .. clay on "The World Healt h Organization . " Chisholm . speaking in Phy- sics 200 at noon Friday i s sponsored ;jointly by the Pre _ Medical Society and the Sp e vial Events Committee . In his Ion ; career as a civi l servile( of Canada and th e 1'Iite : 1 T' a(lotis, Chisholm ha s nl'V('1' refrained from sayin g (-aactl\• whet he thought a-ae t this has, (Atria briivaht hue vast attentive, favourable an d otherwise , While he was deputy Mini s ter of National Health an d Welfare in 1944, Chishol m g ave a lecture in Washingto n in which he declared tha t "one of the belated purpose s of psychotherapy is the rei n terpre r ation and eradicatio n of the concept of right, ari d wrong which has been th e hams for child training " At the sane(' time he celle d I'ttr ' the substitution o l latent and national thinkin g for' failh' ' These refuerks itcought dc - elands for C.'hishelut s removal

Transcript of rrsYssZY - UBC Library Home · rrsYssZY Volume XXXIV VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1955...

rrsYssZYVolume XXXIV


Number 35

CinderellaCrew NeedRowers

Old hands on UBC's Cinder-ella Rowing Crew will droptheir oars and play host to ahoped-for 300 prospective row-ers tonight at 8 p .m. in BrockHall . in an unprecedented mem-bership drive .

Arrangements have bee nmade for President N . A . M .MacKenzie to introduce coaches f

Frank Read of the Varsity crewand John Warren of the Jayveescrew who will give a run-down !of this year's activities, an dshow a film on recent Birdrace,

List of competitions for the ,crew this year is enticing wit hthe Olympic trials and Olym-pics in Australia . Others includ ejaunts to meets in Washington !and Oregon, and the annual 'trip to the Western Intercollegi-ate Championships in Newpor tCalifornia .

And the new inter-planetary ~t 'een classes

principles will be proved wit ha preview in the Armouries at

Critics Dissecting12:30 today, One small 25 cent !' piece will entitle AMS card i

rholders to masticate their sand- ' Catcher in Ryewiches in outer space .

CRITICS' CIRCLE meets to .Not since the depression has night at 8 o'clock in the Mildred

! 25 cents been worth so much, Brock Room . Topic : J . D. Saline' because it will give each student gee and "The Catcher in the

three valuable raffle tickets as Rye" .well . The prizes are worth a lot, ~A ~F $and the proceeds go to a cause VARSITY ROD AND GUM

!worth even more. Everyone wins Club will meet today at noonj by joining in the fight against in Hut L1 . All those interested

museular .dystrophy, and the 40 are welcome ,luckier ones will come out o fthe battle with a fur cape, a

` wrist watch, a radio, etc ., etc .Buggs Thompson will it}tro-

duc•e the queen candidates fro mthe stage while the Jezzsoc •Band assists with musical back -

' ground then MC Mike Jefferywill can on professional enter- SWIMMING AND DIVING

Mardi Grasut of World

It's out of this world in more ways than one !Dr. Shrum says it's impossible, but the dauntless Greeks

have done it . In this year of our Lord, 1956, the Ma .drs Graswill be in Outer Space.

AROWING CREW will hold n

recruiting meeting tonight inthe Brock. Don't miss this smash-ing evening of films . discussion sand entertainment . It's free andeverybody welcome .




Queens AskAdmirers ToReturn Pic s

The Mardi Gras Queen cam-paign has been so successfulthat the picture posters havebecome collectors' items .

In addition, no discriminatio nwas shown when all nine post-ers disappeared from the Ca fTuesday . However, interviewe dcandidates stated t h a t "thosethings cost money," and cam-paign managers are tearing thei rhair out, because of the stipul-ated limit placed on posters ,

It would be appreciated i fthose responsible would returnthe posters immediately as nomore pictures are available, an dsorority economy can not suffe rthe additional cost, It will emphasize the impor• -

,1New Poems" lance of safe driving and indi -

1 cafe the most common causes o f

N ow On Salehighway maiming and killing .The council stresses the impor -tance of this to every student

((and anyone else) and hope i tconfined to Raven as is indict- d gains their sincere appreciation

CONTROVERSIA Led by the recent publication of a

The noon hour shows in con -slim volume of poetry by Cana-1 nection with this get underwa ye!ian poetress and now L'I3C lec-, on Friday, February :3rd withtuner Mrs . Dorothy MacNair . !Constable Bernie Smith and his !

Mrs . MacNair, better known! „Why Do They Do It” program !as Dorothy Livesay, has written in the auditorium followed b y"ivew Poems'' and this volt.tme

by ,

a Drunkometer test, Tuesday o fis no t , on sale in the (,lined book next week there will be a ►stoc kstore for ,lust 50 cents a copy .

accident with all the frills andI'oems range in topic from! Wednesday the police

n1010r -R .,t'tok 10 Genii and are of vary- cycle drill team will perform i n

the stadium .On Thursday, February 9th

chairman i)on .labour hopes t o

Dr. Freidman hew a safe driving and parkin gcompetition, however, this ha s

Talks Today yet to be confirmed .The various displays will b e

brought to a close on Frid . y the I

nr S. M. Freidman will rave, 10th of February when moviesShe third in a series of informal ! will be shown in the auditoriu mIccttu'e,5 In the Se dgewick room' following a talk by Constabl eof the library today at 4 pan .

Lorne Halley ,f)r, Freidman is head of the, This is an opportunity for all '

i)cp,rrtnter,t of Anatontr of 11w to pick up some h ► ,ghwny blots1'•lrully of Alta-wine . lilt topic as well as to barn how to kee pwill he "tJy Current Reeding daddy s car off the scrap heat s1 - ti,i

, and

!Isere their returning 1 0

a!1 ' t udents tnter,'sted in the, class Monday after those to stir ;Sf_'tI('!i at'( lA('lcarltt' to iltl('ll(t



Mg lengths . from the Health Ministry ,However, Chisholm continuedto Wa_ ►re'ss his unconventionalopinions .

A few years later, a stormarose again when psychiatris tChisholm suggested that seek-ers of public office shoul dsubmit to psychological test-ing .

More recently Chisbolm ex-pressed himself in favor o fbirth control ita order to saverehire gent's litins from starv-ation . lie tu•coil Canadians t ohave tree or three children .if they times( aovmert', the ycould ltctotrt some {rem ever -populated ctnmtric,: .

Safe-Driving Weekthing on stage .

New to UBC Pep Meets, wil lProjects Drawn Up

be Norma Robertson, weltknown Vancouver comedian . In ARCHEOLOGY CLUB

The UBC Traffic and Safety Committee met at noon 1954 Norma walked off with the

fea-t lures the great expose "Behin d

Wednesday to draw up plans for "Safe Driving week" Feb- , j talent award at the Miss Can- l the Clamshell Curtain" by arch-ruary 3rd to February 10th .

~ ada Contest for her fabulous investigator Dr, Suttles, Tues.This worthy venture, sponsor- I METHUSALAN TiICKETS ! performance with saxaphone clay noon, Arts 103 .

ed by the Inter-Fraternity coup

and clarinet .


ell, has drawn overall support OAISALEtDOWIVTOWNFrom here, the students take CHINESE VARSITY C g of

over, marking their ballots for will have its first meeting offrom UBC, the newspapers and

the new term Friday noon inTickets for Shaw's "Back ! King upon presentation of thei r variousdowntown clubs .I To Methuselah" are now on AMS card. Four ballot boxes !HL 1 .

sale at Modern Music, 536 at the exits will be scrutinized

LECTURES on the ItalianSeymour Str eet .

by members of each fraternity . ti Renaissance will commence Fri-Prices . including refresh- I One, and no more, votes per day noon in Physics 200. The

ments are $1 .00 and $1 .5U, person: and the winner will be! program will feature tape re.Students' price is just '75 announced in tomorrow's vile cordings of Sixteenth Centur ycents .


~ operatic music .

DESPERATE ESCAPE out Publications Board windo wis tried by Tom Spouse, Commerce 1, but he 's captured

tautcrs who well present a 40 team w ► 11 hold a recrurtrng meet •

by eager Flora Macleei.d, Arts 2 who can ' t wait until minute show .

ing in the Gym at 12 :30 Thurs-'

Vancouver's own blonde bomb ., day and Monday . First meet isCo-ed Day, Friday, to capture a man for Friday night 's"Ladies Leap" dance at 8:30 p .m. in the Brock .

shell, Lorraine McAllister will! January 19 .

—John Robertson Photo

be there vocalizing in her own !__._.___

_ . .__ .__._-_ .

tantalizing way .

{ BADMINTON for Thursda yBarney Potts will go through! night in men's gym cancelle d

his ever-popular shenigans with! due to basketball .violin, voice, torso and tiny .

PEP CLUB general meetingJanuary 16 at noon in the stageroom of the Brock.

Chisholm To Speak

On Campus Friday


Dr. George Brock Chishnlnl ,one of the most controversia lspeakers in C a n a d a, wil lspeak at the University Fri ..clay on "The World Healt hOrganization . "

Chisholm . speaking in Phy-sics 200 at noon Friday issponsored ;jointly by the Pre _Medical Society and the Sp evial Events Committee .

In his Ion ; career as a civi lservile( of Canada and th e1'Iite : 1 T' a(lotis, Chisholm ha snl'V('1' refrained from sayin g

(-aactl\• whet he thought a-ae tthis has, (Atria briivaht hue

vast attentive, favourable andotherwise ,

While he was deputy Mini ster of National Health an dWelfare in 1944, Chishol mgave a lecture in Washingto nin which he declared tha t"one of the belated purposesof psychotherapy is the rei nterpre r ation and eradicationof the concept of right, ari dwrong which has been th ehams for child training "

At the sane(' time he celle dI'ttr ' the substitution o llatent and national thinkin gfor' failh' '

These refuerks itcought dc -elands for C.'hishelut s removal

SHE 'UBYSSEYThursday, January 12, 1955 2

ram UBYSSEYSP!lMfl%Ng &god

NFCU SEditor, The Ubyssey ,Dear Sir : -

With reference to your ar-ticle pertaining to the campu sLiberal's stand on NFCUS, wewish to make clear the pointof view that the executive too kIn this matter .

We are not going on a crus-ade against NFCUS, nor at th epresent time are we going to

aid the stand or fall of thisorganization. These and theother ominous statements tha tThe Ubyssey quoted us on aredeliberately twisted in orderto make news .

Although we will not stoo pto the old cry of the harrie dpolitician of "misquote " , wedo claim that what The Uby-ssey printed was, in the main ,individual, persbnal opinion sof the executive, and not th e

Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department ,Ottawa .Student subscriptions $1 .20 per year (included in AMS fees) . Mai l

MEMBER CANADIAN UNIVERSITY PRES Ssubscriptions $2 .00 per year . Single copies five cents . Publishedin Vancouver throughout the University year by the Studen tPublications Board of the Alma Mater Society, University ofBritish Columbia . Editorial opinions expressed herein are thos eof the editorial staff of the Ubyssey, and not necessarily those ofthe Alma Mater Society or the University . Letters to the Edito rshould not be more than 150 words. The Ubyssey reserves the righ tto cut letters, and cannot guarantee publication of all lettersreceiVed .EDI 'rlOR-IN-CHIEF

STANLEY BEC KManaging Editor _ Sandy Ross Associate Ed . Jean Whitesid e

City Editor _ _ Val Haig-Brown

Feature Editor_ Mike Ame sPhoto Editor . .._John Robertson

Sports Editor_ _ _Mike GlaspieBusiness Mgr. _ _ Harry Yuil l

SENIOR EDITOR ROSEMARY KENT-BARBE RReporters and Desk : Pat Russell, Bob Johannes, Kathy Archi-

bald, David Nuttall, Carol Gregory, Ken Lamb, Barb Schwenk ,Olie Wurm, Marie Gallagher, Bill Boyd, Dolores Banerd, Al For-rest, Bruce Taylor, Marilyn Smith .

Sports Reporters : Bruce Allardyce, Lord Trevor-Smith an dDwayne Erickson .

Liberal DrivelShakespeare summed up perfectly the recent bleating s

of the campus Liberal Club . "Full of sound and fury signifyingnothing . " Absolutely nothing.

Liberals, "infuriated " over the recent NFCUS-sponsore d"political" speech of Attorney-General Robert Bonner passe da motion condemning the local branch of the national studen tfederation .

Mr. Bonner's speech was one of an excellent series o ftalks on Canada the campus NFCUS committee is sponsoringthis year. There was nothing political about hs speech . Hemerely outlined some of the problems facing the nation gen-erally and B.C . specifically in our rapidly expanding economy .It was more of a statistical review than anything else .

However, the campus Liberals, not unnatural, don't likeMr. Bonner and so they condemned his speech and his sponsors .

"This motion will start the ball rolling," commented Libera lClub President Darrell Anderson . "From now on the Libera lClub will continue to press for the collapse of NFCUS." It'sso long since the Liberal Club, or for that matter anyone ofthe campus political clubs, have done anything constructiv ethat the Liberals evidently thought they might as well d osomething destructive .

prepared statement whith wel t'given the paper, and Whichthe editor did not see fit toprint. If The Ubyssey wishes toquote individual opinions, wel land good, but we must mos tvigorously protest this ratherunderhanded trick of givingoficial endorsement to person-al opinions .

Briefly then, our stand wasthat the students of this uni-versity do not pay NFCUS$3000 per year to sponsor poli-tical speakers, when the poli-tical clubs bring the studentsthis service for nothing, ifthey consider this to be theirreal function, then by logicalimplication they have in fact ,no real function whatsoever.

It is the responsibility an dindeed the duty of the politica lclubs to sponsor politica lspeakers . This responsibility isfar removed from the concernof NFCUS, if they cannot findanything more profitable to do ,they have outlined their use-fulness .been around a long time!), o r

from its extent (the eight hun-dred million living Christians: .look at all the people and art 'and kinds and countries!) 'T oquote, in this unlikely context ,from Mrs . Browning, "Love sowrought can be unwrough tso." A faith grounded , just onsweep and numbers and colorand longevity is at their mercy .And, anyway, is that the basi sof a man's faith, that this i ssomething big and booming ?Nothing about truth or sin, o rinner satisfaction of the soul?

—Executive of Liberal Club .

Christianity"ith Scope

Life magazine, in its big year-end issue, gave to Christ-ianity that panoramic grandeur which it gives to every goldensubject it really likes: American food, American capitalism ,American musical comedies, America in general . Now it wasAmerican Christianity, with a little side glimpse at Christian-ity in colorful India and troubled Europe toward the end .

The pages were spread with()the Onward March of Faith. . . the Unprecendented Waveof Religious Observance . . .the Biggest U.S . Archdiocese

. . with splendid reproduc-tions of religious art, an dhymns, prayers, and creed i nmassive colored Gothic script .We looked for a word to des-cribe that grand, sweeping, in-clusive . colorful quality Lifegives to everything it touches ,and we remembered one ofa Hollywood producer is saidto use. He says, somewhat tothe mystification of his col .leagues, that every one of hi smovies must have it : "Scope . "Well, Life's 35 cent, 168-page ,double-barreled issue showe dthat Christianity—like Ameri-ca and Time, Inc .—has scope .



The attitude of the Liberal Club is akin to that of a spoile dbrat who flies into a tantrum when his mother won 't buy himan all-day sucker. Instead of trying to destroy NFCUS whydon't the Liberals help. try and improve it and make it aworthwhile organization .


Soon after Clement Attlee became Prime Minister, a grou pof worried Laborites approached Foreign Minister Ernest Bevi nto ask if he or one of the other more dynamic chiefs wouldbe willing to take over from "Clem." "Hell," said Mr. Bevin,"I'm a prima donna, Cripps is a prima donna, and Morrisonis a prima donne . We're all a let of bloody prima donnas an dwhat 's needed is someone like Attlee to keep us in order."

For 20 years Mr . Attlee kept them in order . How he didit is a psychological - political question likely to intrigue futur eLabor historians . For Mr. Attlee does not conform to the con-ventional picture of a successful politician .

It was MacDonald's decision to form a National Govern-ment in 1931—which other Laborites called a "sell-out"—tha tpaved the way for Attlee's rise to leadership. As a result ofMacDonald's action, Labor went into the election of 1935 di-vided and with little power . It came out with still less . Attleewas one of three Laborite M.P.s with ministerial experienceto survive the election. Moreover Attlee—shy, selfless, hard -working, quietly effective—provided a sharp contrast to th e•rilliant MacDonald . Attlee was elected party leader in 1935 .

The rest has been front-page history—formation of the war-ime National Government with Chur:hill as Prime Ministe r:nd Attlee as deputy P .M . ; Labor 's sweeping election victory in945 ("This is incredible, " said Attlee as the returns poured in) ;is accession to the Prime Ministershp: his sponsorship of th ear-reaching socialist revolution (as bloodless, said London'sits, as Mr . Att'.,'e) : his decision to free India, Burma andeylon; finally, in ISa51, Laho s'e election defeat. and Attlee' ;alum to the rde of Laenie1 '

I-i :'r iAIajest v ' i 1 o', al Opposition .

Double your reading speed—raise your marks with special-ized individual training in read-ing skills, Start any time . Fullcourse in 7 weeks . Special stu-dent rates . Learn to grasp idea squickly and accurately, improv ememory and concentration.Western Reading Laboratory ,939 Hornby St ., TA . 2918 . Cam-pus Reps . : Miss Marjorie Dux-bury, Arts ; Noel Bennet-Alder,Commerce .

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Riders from West end for 8:30Lectures—Monday to Friday'---returning 5:30 p.m . Phone Ted ,MA . 8707 .

* ac *Ride wanted from 17th an d

Camble St.—8:30 Monday, Wed -nesday and Friday — Call DI .2897 after 5:00 p.m .


New 1955 Thunderbird sport scar in carousel red, twin top ,overdrive, many more acces-sories . Take advantage of thisextraordinary offer at a greatlyreduced price . Phone DUpont1420 or Dupont 3653.


*Single-breasted 3-piece Tux -

edo, size 38 . Phone KE. 1740 .* *

Custom radio for 1940 Fordor Mere . Exceptional tone . Ov-erhauled. Push-button . KErr .1252-L .

COURAGEIt took courage and plannin g

to treat this subject, for i tmeant picking and choosing ,delving into matters on whichevery reader has his feelin gand prejudice, balancing Cath-olic and Protestant, Billy Gra-ham and Harvard, and settin gaside a couple of pages inwhich to confine the world ,the flesh, the devil, and thetheologians .

To put nut such an issue wa sIto risk heartfelt criticism fro mevery sect and every side, athing editors are not oftenwilling to do . The risk was al lthe greater because Life n olonger contented itself wit hthe position of a detached on -looker, as it had in earlie rarticles on Hinduism, Budd-hism, and such : This time ,along with the words and pic-tures about the march and th echallenges, the rugged basisof American Protestantism an dAmerica's moral consensus, th etestimony of a devout Presi-dent and the Apostles' Creed ,could be heard the unmistak-able sound of drums . Eve nsome of the advertisers wer emoved to join the pilgri mthrong : two gigantic pages o fPeace of Mind from Stat eFarm Mutual Insurance, som eWise Men from Hilton Hotels .Things to Remember from Oli nMathieson Chemical Corpora-tion .

* aF


Light housekeeping room ,furnished, private bath. Closeto buses and shops . $28 a month .Phone AL 0506-M .

* , *Four rooms available — 2

blocks from UBC bus terminal .Private phone and private bat hend toilet, extra special roomy .

AL . 0192-R between 7t) .m .

OLDER PITC HWe don't necessarily objec t

to drums, but we wonder abou tthe implied argument fromScope . Isn't it like that olde rpitch for Christianity, whic hargued from its history (th enineteen hundred years : it's

* *housekeeping room .girls . Availahie new ,

unfurnished . Phon e

FORTUN EIn an article in Fortune ,

Editor Henry Luce set fort hmore explicitly his hopes fo rAmerica a n d Christianity .(Again, it's a little hard to dis-tinguish .) By 1980, in his soar-ing vision, with our technicaldevelopment we may become"Collaborators with God incharge of evolution," we ma y"Christianize Atlas" and havea "spiritually oriented" evolu-tion, whatever that is; we wil lhave overcome the habit ofpoverty, perfected the HighOrganization of what Sciencecan do to Nature, and be readyfor a "greater Renaissance "that will not be pagan." Thatvision has Scope all right. Itis Life-like, and it goes wellin the burgeoning, wealth yFortune-extolled America fromwhich it comes . But how doesit differ from any other enthus-iastic boom—except maybethat in this full employmentboom of ours, God too is givena job as a collaborator? Aswe read Mr. Luce's glowingwords and those endless even-gelical pages of Life on Amer-ica and Christianity, we beginto yearn for something Christ-ian, and something American ,that is missing . The Christiannote that's not really there i scontrition ; some sense of a dis-tance between our nationalethos, our "evolution," ou r"collaborating with God," an dan ever-questioning faith . TheAmerican note that's missin gis a bit of frontier skepticis mand humor . After pages andpages of this sober stuff w ebegin to hear a very America nvoice, perhaps Mark Twain ' s ,saying as Life's parade marches Phonetoward that big blend of tech- and 0nology, Christianity, and Am -

ericanism in a great unpagan

i r; h t

Renaissance that he s sorry • One or te e

but he thinks that he'll sit this fie menisci o r

one out

AL 351E-1~ .

UBYSSEYy, January 12, 1955

FCUS Turnst Cards

or Membersretty blue and white NFCU Smbership cards were, passedand by chairman Marc Bel len the committee met Wed-day.

The sample cards—just re-ved from the central NFCU Sice—may be distributed to6,300 UBC students, who areomatically members of theional student organization .inal decision on whether t o

tribute the cards here will b ede next week . Students i nst other Canadian colleges1 receive them. Cards have art explanation of NFCUS onback and space for a smal lto of the bearer .






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• All makes of Portables for Sale including the excitin gnew OLYMPIA DE LUXE .

Special Bargains in Used Typewriters .EASY BUDGET TERM S


614 Seymour Street

Phone: PA. 7942

Cuban Jazz. .To Impress

Pianist-leader Suter andtenorman Wally Snider ar eboth capable, and sometimesinspired musicians. But attime s, their performanc esounded like a skillful imita-tion of Dave Brubeck an dPaul Desmond in one of thei rmore intimate moments .THROAT Y

Snider's throaty tone an dfacile technique highlighte dsome of the selections, butshattered 'the dreamy moodthat should have been sus-tained in some of the others .Suter, unfortunately, played abit too softly; the man isworth hearing, and shoul dmake himself heard .

Bassist Paul Rhuland wa sprobably the top individualplayer. His solos were consis-tently exciting, and technical-ly amazing ; and his rhythmi cchores were solidly executed .

Drummer Al "Boomer" Cle-land, as usual, played well ,but a bit too loudly. As al-ways, he swung .

OUT OF WORLDBy far the best number was

something called "Clear Ou tof This World", which, des-pite its Mardi Gras connota-tions, is a dreamy, etherealballad. Rhuland's bowed bas s

For Mardis Gras Costume s

see WATTS & CO .At Their New Location

878 Hamby StreetAbove Johann. Strauss Kaffeehaus






Employment Opportunities exist in many fields including:

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Materials Assessmen tAnti-Corrosion

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Operation Researc hDigital Computer

Rocket Ammunitio nTechniques

Rubber and PlasticsEarly Warning Systems TransistorsElectronic Circuitry

Underwater SoundElectronic Instrumentation Researc hExplosives and PropellantsWeapon Ballistic sGuidance and Fuze






Electronic sMathematics




Metallurgica lStatistics

PhysicsOur representit''.r will soon visit this university to c ,duct intcrvie ,,vn Watch this newspaper fur exact dates

. their visits .

n -of

'on of freedom for

A BEAUTIFUL Mardis-Gras Queen candidate smiles dow nas Delta Gamma Sorority girls Gerry Grubb, Dru Brooksand Pru Emery (left to right) affix decorations round he rportrait .

—Walt Hatcher Phot o

oeds Emancipated O nplucky thirteenthFriday the 13th draws yet nearer and with it the termin-

many of the male species on campus . ® Female emancipation will

have reached a new peak to-morrow when comely coeds tr yto outdo one another devisingmeans to capture the man oftheir choice .

Highlight of the day will bethe pep, meet at noon when a tleast three beautiful girls wil lbe auctioned off to the highestbidder. These girls will be . atthe command of the lucky win-ners throughout the day andmust escort them to the dance ,"Ladies' Leap" that night in th eBrock. The dance is open t oeveryone—boys and girls ma ycome stag .


Afro-Cuban Jazz came toUBC Wednesday in the formof Paul Suter's Sextet . AsAfro-Cuban jazz, it was a dis-tinct failure; but taken as aNorth American jazz quarte tplus two South Americandrummers, its successes wer econsiderable .

The group was attempting,as beret clad leader Suter in-timated, to fuse elements o fSouth American rhythm an dNorth American improvise djazz into something meaning-ful and fairly new .

BILLIOU SThe attempt failed . Latin

America was suitably repre-sented by bongos and congadrum ; American jazz was re -presented by four Vancouver-ites who played—and looked—very much like Americanjazz musicians. But North andSouth never really got togeth-er musically, and the resul tsounded something like a bi-lious Dave Brubeck Quarte twearing huaraches .

This is not to say that in-dividually, the musicians didnot play well . They did; andsometimes they played ver ywell indeed .

But something vital wa smissing; the good neighborpolicy went down in musica lflames .

PRECISEThe South American con-

tingent (Rodriguo and Ren eDel Diego on bongos and con-ga drum respectively) wer edriving and precise ; butthrough no fault of their own ,they contributed little . TheSextet was actually a thor-oughly North American jazzquartet, with two latin drumsadded ; and the whole was de -finitely no more than the su mof its parts .

and Suter's piano combine dto create a lovely, spun-glassmood, which was unfortun•ately shattered by the tenorsaxophone, which really didnot fit in on that particularnumber .UNSOLICITE D

Unsolicited advice to leade rSuter: stick to piano and leavethe MCing to Alec Templeton .Suter's MCing eforts, to pu tit charitably, were painful t owitness . They marred a per.formance that was, despitesome considerable discrepan•des, thoroughly creditable .


Alec Guinnes s

The Captain'sParadise

Yvonne de CarloCelia Johnson

TODAY—12 :30 to 2 :30Admission 35c

Students and Staff Only



Braves Give YMCAGood Hoop Battle

4THE UBYSSEYThursday, January 12, 195 5

Cora ‘papt/iyht

By DWAYNE ERICKSON MIKE GLASPIE —SPORTS EDITORDespite Lance Stephens 22 point effort, UBC Braves

dropped a close 55-47 decision to league leading YMCA onTuesday night in a Junior Men's basketball game played a t

King Ed Gym .

The UBC golf squad has calleda meeting for Friday noon i nthe Double Committee room o f

j the Brock to make the firs tplans for the coming season .

All golfers interested in com-peting for berths on the tea mare asked to be present. A four-round 72-hole tournament willbe held, and players making th ebest six scores will qualify fo rthe team .

An excellent schedule ha sbeen lined up for the team thi syear. In May, besides the Ever- I ing sk igreen Conference tourney, six I Jan . 16 .exhibitions will be p l a y e dagainst top American opposi-tion, including Washington an dOregon .

This was the first loss suffer-ed by coach Peter Mullins sinc ehe took over the coaching dutie sleft vacant by Jim Carter, for-mer Bird now starring wit hSea-Funs of the Sr . "A" league .

Ken Oddy sparked the win fo r"Y" as he came into the gam ein the fourth quarter and scoredsix points after their Brave sbattled their opponents on eve nterms for more than three quar-ters . YMCA's margin was neve rmore than eight points and a thalf time they only held a sli mone point lead over the varsitylearn .

High scorers for "Y" wereOddy and Holyoak with tenpoints each .

School, Vancouver NormalSchool, and Varsity participat-ing .

Volleyball is scheduled from2 :00 to 5:00 p,ln . with UBC en-tering two teams in this elimin-ation tournament. The JuniorGirls' Team will represent Var-sity in Basketball playdowns i nthe evening.

There will ue an importan tmeeting Friday, Jan . 13, 12:30in the Women's Gym, concern-

coaching on Sunday ,


AtThose interested In playing

girls' rules basketball are askedto meet in the Women's GymFriday, Jan. 13 at 4:30 .

An Invitational Basketball Applications for the positionand Volleyball will be held in of Archery Manager must be i nthe Women's Gym this Satur- to the Women's Gym by Janu-day, with Victoria Normal ary 20 .Basketball Feature s

The Br ads are in secon dplace in-the league standings ; Heavy S pr iwith a 4 r nd 5 record . m Schedule

The undefeated "Y" has nin ewins. We Van and Marpole I

Men's intramural director Bob Hindmarch has set nex t

trail in the standings .

I Monday as the starting date for the basketball competition .

UBC h: - six league games However, as yet, he hits not drawn up the schedule .

left to he !) ;need, two of these

hIindmarch is still t o y i n gam'---~~ - -are canc . , ' ad games which are with the idea of increasing the term of Men's Intramuralsto be plc '. c d against Marpole number of games for each team released today and showand YMCA. There is also one over what it has been in pas texhibition game scheduled years .against Lester Pearson, the tea mwhich is strong favorites to tak ethe B .C . high school provincia ltournament.

Dave Demaresq, first stringguard of the Braves will be lost Scheduled for February areto the team next week when he boxing and wrestling, golf, bad-laves for Gonzaga College in minton doubles, ping tong, ski -Washington . However, UBC vet- ing, and touch football . I neran Dave Horton was just add- March there will be track an ded to the roster and is expected field, tennis, tug of war, an dto fill the vacant spot nicely .

softball .


Recruits Neededfor Rowing Crews

The 1956 rowing seasonwill be kicked off tonight a t8 p.m. in the Brock, of al lplaces, as a climax to thei rweek-long recruiting drive .

All interested in trying outfor the Olympic-bound tea mare asked to turn out An dmeet coach Frank Read. Re-cruits are needed to fill th eextra shells that have beenplanned and replace some o fthe Varsity who are no longerwith the team.

LEAVING with the basket-ball team tonight for a week -end series in Spokane is Birdguard Gordie' Gimple . UBCmeets Eastern Washingto nFriday and Saturday .. andWhitworth on Monday .

Suppliers of UBC laboratory manuals, graph papers an dlaw case books .


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Gem Stone Cutting and Custom Made Jewellery

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An eleven sport spring sche-dule has tentatively been draw nup. In January, basketball ha sthe 'mural spotlight all to itself .


making a runaway of the tea mrace .

With only soccer not include din the statistics, tlw, B-1.1. squadis nearly thirty points ahead o fsecond place Phys . Ed . Betas !piled up most of their points in ,swimming, cross country, and asbasketball chomps .

The top ten are :


Official standings for the first


- . . 524743

Betas _ _ . .__ . _

Phys. Ed.D.U.

_ -Alpha DeltaForestryFort CampPhi Dells . .Zeiss . . . - -Fij iZebea

UNIVERSITY BOOK STOREHrs. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to Noon

Loose-Leaf Note Books, Exert:Ise Books and Scribblers ,

Graphic Engineering Paper, Biology Paper, Loose-L. .eaf

Refills, Fountain Pens and ink and Drawing Instruments

Owned and Operated by

The ibiiversity of B.C.




UBC Braves boast league's In line with . the spring sche-high scorer in the person of dule, a meeting of all team re -Lance Stephens . Lance has an presentatives has been called fo raverage of 17 points in eight l Friday noon in room 212 of th eleaue ames, and should fit in ' Men's

well in Bird coach JackPomfret's plans for next year .

The Braves have almost cinch-ed a playoff spot but coach Pete rMullins said that experience willtell the story in the finals .

The top three teams will play -off with the first place tea mgetting the bye . The winner wil lmeet. Alberni Junior Men fo rthe B .C . final .

YMCA--Ofallon 2, Oddy 10, 1Keller 8, Garey, Petersen 2, 1Elkington 6, Hunt 3 . Holyoak10, Robins 8, Pennington 6---55 .

UBC- -Horton 2, Gust in 5 ,Einar, McKnee 2, Symonds ,Stephens 22 . Oldh,rni 6, Dem .areal 10, Yetis- -47 .

Gym .

B. a

Unified Air LIn•s








Attention Engineering StudentsThe CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS has openingsfor graduates and under-graduates in CIVIL, ELECTRIC -

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Here's your opportunity for a wonderful career as a UnitedAir Lines' Stewardess . You'll meet interesting people, trave lthroughout the country and receive excellent pay plus ful leinpleyt'r ' benefits and paid vacations .

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Their interviewing team will he en the campu sFriday and Mcmdey, January ','Oth and 2' 3rd .

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Vancouver 2, B .C .Do not delay—arrange your appointment today .

A Stewardess Represen-tative will interview o ncampus January 12th andthr rc gill he a film of a n<<citta "in iraininc; stew-ardess dins . (ads inter-testt rl in any class, Marc hthrnuah .December o f] .156 should apply now .