RRome began as small city-states, but eventually ends up ruling the entire Mediterranean world.

All Roads Lead to Rome

Transcript of RRome began as small city-states, but eventually ends up ruling the entire Mediterranean world.

All Roads Lead to Rome

Geography and Peoples of Italy

Rome began as small city-states, but eventually ends up ruling the entire Mediterranean world.


Italian peninsula looks like a boot.

The peninsula is centrally located in the Mediterranean Sea, and Rome is in the center of Italy

Much easier to unify then Greece. Why?

Rome was in a unique position to become a powerful city state because ofA. Fertile plains, lush valleys and green hillsB. Mild, year-round Mediterranean climateC. GeographyD. All of the above

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Latin's migrated into Italy about 800 BC.

The Romans shared the Italian peninsula with Greek colonists.

Etruscans- ruled central Italy, including Rome.

Romans borrowed their alphabet from the Etruscans.

Etruscan Gods merged with Roman deities

Arch and Irrigation

The Roman Republic

The Romans drove out the Etruscan rulers in 509 BC.

Romans set up a Republic (thing of the people)

Romans believed that a Republic would not allow for an all powerful ruler (dictator or absolute monarch)

Roman Government takes Shape

2 Consuls (Rulers of Rome)

Senate (Representative body for patricians)

Tribal Assembly (Representative body for plebeians)

Member of the landholding upper class

A. DictatorB. Plebeian C. Patrician D. Republic

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Government with officials chosen by the people

A. DictatorB. Plebeian C. Patrician D. Republic

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The majority of the population made up of farmers, merchants, artisans and traders

A. DictatorB. Plebeian C. Patrician D. Republic

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What happened during time of War?

Romans would elect a dictator (absolute ruler) during time of war, but the dictator was to step down after 6 months

Ruler with complete governmental control

A. DictatorB. Plebeian C. Patrician D. Republic

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Plebeians plea for Equality

Plebeians were the lower class, farmers, merchants, artisans, and traders.

1st Breakthrough- 12 Tables

2nd Breakthrough- tribunes- could veto, or block those laws that were harmful to the Plebeians.

Eventually Plebeians were elected to offices of high importance

The result of compromises between the patricians and the plebeians was thatA. the Roman government became

permanently divided.B. the plebeians dominated the government.C. the plebeians gained power and shared in

governing.D. the patricians dominated the government. [Default][MC Any][MC All]

Roman Society

Family was the basic unit of Roman society.

Father had absolute rule in the family

Women were expected to follow husbands authority.

Roman women did however have a larger role in society then did Greek women.


Girls and boys alike learned to read and write.

By the late Republic, many wealthy Romans were hiring Greeks as private tutors for their children.


Roman Gods resembled those of the Etruscans and Greeks. Like the Greek god Zeus, the Roman god Jupiter ruled over the other gods.

Roman Gods Jupiter Mars Juno Venus Diana Saturn Minerva Mercury Pluto Neptune Vesta

Greek Gods Zeus Ares Hera Aphrodite Artemis Bacchus Athena Hermes Hades Poseidon Hestia

God Comparisons

Ensuring Success

Roman citizens usually made good soldiers because they were brought up to value loyalty, courage, and respect for authority.

If a soldier showed courage he usually was praised and promoted.

If a unit fled during battle 1 out of 10 soldiers in the legion were put to death.

Conquered Lands

Conquered lands were usually granted a great deal of privileges.

Could keep their customs, money, and local governments as long as they paid taxes, were loyal to Rome and supplied the Roman army with troops.

Protection and Unification

To protect its conquests, Roman soldiers were stationed throughout the land.

Roads were built to link distant territories to Rome.

Latin language emerged as the spoken language