RPL Mech Eng Proc 05

Department of Mechanical Engineering Doc ID.: RPL Recognition for Prior Learning and Articulation Rev.: 0 North Campus Department of Mechanical Engineering Tel. +27 (0)41 504 3283 Fax. +27 (0)41 5833835 Procedure: Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL) and Articulation Doc. ID: RPL QA control Rev. Name Init. Date Signature Compiled 0 J Maczek JM 28/02/03 Revised by 1 J Maczek JM 1/02/05 Approved K du Preez KdP INTRODUCTION Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL), refers to the formal identification, assessment and acknowledgement of the full range of an individual’s skills, knowledge and capabilities irrespective of how and where they have been acquired. It is the acknowledgement of skills, competencies, knowledge and work ethos obtained through: Formal, informal or non-formal training on-the-job experience life experience. RPL can thus be used: by those seeking admission into higher education to obtain access into learning programmes to obtain advanced standing for a course to obtain credits towards a qualification to seek entry into a particular field of employment or professional life for registration with professional bodies, for purposes of promotion or self development. • PO Box 770 00 • Nelson Ma ndela Me tropolitan University • Port Elizabeth • 6031 South Africa • ww w.nm mu .ac.za

Transcript of RPL Mech Eng Proc 05

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Department of Mechanical Engineering Doc ID.: RPL

Recognition for Prior Learning and Articulation Rev.: 1


This document outlines collaboration in technical training. This collaboration alsoaddresses an essential career path need within Industry by not excluding candidateswith potential from careers in Mechanical Engineering. It essentially addresses mobilityand recognition of units of learning completed at ex Technical Colleges, University andother accredited Institutions of learning as well as Experiential Learning undertaken inIndustry. Essentially, this procedure addresses the following three typical scenariosexperienced by the Department:

1. Recognition of formal subjects or units of learning completed at other Institutions.2. Admission to post-graduate programs.3. Recognition of Experiential Learning undertaken in the work place.


1. NMMU: General Prospectus and Regulations. 2005.

2. NMMU: Faculty of Engineering – Prospectus: January 2005.

2. CTP: Policy on RPL. Sept 2001.

3. CHE: Discussion Document. A New Academic Policy for Programmes andqualifications in Higher Education. 2001.

4. ECSA: Policy for the accreditation of Technikon programmes in engineering – Sections 1,2 & 3. 15 Feb 2002.

5. ECSA: Policy for the accreditation of Technikon programmes in engineering – Sections 1,2 & 3. 15 Feb 2002.

6. Government Gazette: NSM Regulations - No. 18787. 28 March 1998.

8. ECSA: Standards for Accredited University Engineering Bachelors Degrees – PE-60 rev 1. 30 Oct 2001.

7. ECSA: Background to Accreditation of University Engineering Bachelors Degrees – PE-61 rev 2. 26 July 2004.

9. ECSA: Policy for the accreditation of University Bachelors Degrees in engineering –Sections PE-70 rev 2. 26 July 2004.

10. CHE: Criteria for Programme Accreditation. November 2004.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering Doc ID.: RPL

Recognition for Prior Learning and Articulation Rev.: 1


Students have the opportunity to further their Academic qualifications.• Potential students are not lost to other non-engineering courses.• Articulation from one institution to another is enhanced.• Cost effective for both students and Institutions.• Is in-line with the objective of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).


1. The Head of Department (HOD) or his delegate is responsible for the review andapproval of all applications. In the case of a review panel, the HOD will appointthe panel.

2. The Faculty Officer is responsible for liaising with the applicant, document controland processing of the application/s.

3. The applicant is responsible for compiling and providing all the necessarydocuments and motivations outlined in this procedure to the Faculty Officertimelessly.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering Doc ID.: RPL

Recognition for Prior Learning and Articulation Rev.: 1


There are accepted methodologies that may be used to determine the extent ofexperience and level of competence of a candidate, and these may be summarized asfollows:

Methodology Description

1 Developing a Portfolio

A portfolio is a logically organised record of a candidate’s evidence ofprior learning, and will serve as proof of the candidates expertise. Itshould include evidence of knowledge or skills gained from a widevariety of sources.

2 Challenge examinations

These examinations are the most familiar type of RPL assessmenttool being used. This type of examination is not a course final, but isusually prepared especially for the candidate by the assessor. It is

not based on a particular textbook, nor does it require that acandidate be exposed to a particular instructor at a particular time.The examination should cover a wide body of accepted knowledge orconcepts in the challenged course, spelled out in the course learningoutcomes.

3 Demonstration

Give candidates the chance to show their expertise in carrying outsome activity that proves mastery of a skill. The candidate performsthe skill in the presence of an assessor who uses a set of criteriaagainst which the candidate can be measured.

4 Assignments

Assignments can be given to the candidate after discussion with theassessor and relevant academic staff member. Both parties woulddetermine what proof was required and the best way for thecandidate to demonstrate the required level of knowledge.

5 Interviews Interviews between the assessor and candidate can be used tosupplement any of the above methodologies.

6 Workplace assessment

Assessment of performance in the course of normal work offers themost natural form of evidence of competence. Observing thecandidate at the workplace has several advantages to an employee:• Technically - it directly assesses the candidate’s ability to perform

competently at their work.• Economically - candidates are not removed from their work.

7 Assessment of productsor artefacts

In some instances, the candidate’s activities at the workplace canproduce a physical product and this product/artefact can beassessed. The advantages of evaluation of a product is that it allowsthe candidate to be assessed without being subjected to the stressesof observation by an assessor and it is less time consuming for theassessor than observation

8 Dossier

This form of assessment is a streamlined version of the portfolio. Itconsists of the candidate submitting a curriculum vitae, a plan ofgoals, a description of work experiences, roles, contexts, testimonialsfrom employers and details of professional activities. A joint processof validating the information is then pursued.

Any of the above methods may be selected, but would be obviously negotiated with thecandidate first, but the selection is essentially at the discretion of the Head ofDepartment and the appointed panel that will review the application.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering Doc ID.: RPL

Recognition for Prior Learning and Articulation Rev.: 1


The following table serves to summarize the South African Qualifications Authority

(SAQA) SAQA-NQF and proposed articulation between qualifications at tertiaryinstitutions. Engineering programs fall into the “Career-focused” category column.

NQF level 5 to 7 bands categorize undergraduate and honour’s qualifications, whilelevel 8 postgraduate qualifications.

Current NQF levels for Higher Education


(Cumulative Credits)and min Credits Notional Hours Qualifications

(1020)360 3600 Doctorates8 (660)180 1800 Masters

(Research/Structured)End of Undergraduate Studies

7(480) 4 yrs

/1 yr480/120

560 4800/1200 5600 B Tech/ B Honours andB Eng Prof degrees

6 (360) 3 yrs /1 yr360/120 3600/1200 First degree

(N Dip)(240) 2 yrs /1 yr

120 2400/1200 Diploma

5 (120) 1 yr120 1200 Certificate

End of FETC Band (Grade 12 or College N3) 4 128 1280 FET Certificate

With the new outcomes based philosophy and structure, articulation can essentially bebased on comparing 4 criteria:

1. The overall specified outcomes of the qualification.2. The specific outcomes for the unit/s of learning.

3. The notional hours.4. The credit value of the unit of learning which is based on “rigour”.

This obviously complicates articulation significantly between programs and the processultimately remains at the discretion of the Head of Departments.

A more simplified guideline is presented in this procedure and is essentially experiencebased.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering Doc ID.: RPL

Recognition for Prior Learning and Articulation Rev.: 1


Category 1: Candidates from schools wishing to enter the ND or Career-focused First Batchelor’s Degree program

• The candidate must have a Grade 12 certificate or equivalent (to be assessed onits merits and SAQA recommendation).

• The candidate must comply with the minimum entrance criteria as stated in theFaculty Prospectus with regards to Language. English (HG-E or SG-D symbol)and a second official language with the same criteria as for English.

• The Rating System (RS) used for admission to all programmes in the Faculty isgiven in Table A and must be used in conjunction with Table B to determine theWeighted Rating System (WRS).

Table A:

Symbol A B C D E F

HG 8 7 6 5 4 2

SG 6 5 4 3 2 1

NTC3 5 4 3 2 1 0

Note: The F symbol is unacceptable for admission to any Engineering programmes in the Faculty, but may be consideredwhen assessing applications for the Foundation Programme.

Table B:

Subject Grade(HG or SG) Symbol Points

Multiplier Points Scored

Mathematics ............... x 8

Physical Science ............... x 8

English ............... x 4

Any other language ............... x 3

Other subject ............... x 1

Other subject ............... x 1

Any technical subject ............... x 7


The candidate must also achieve a minimum of 110 points on the weighted systemprovided. Alternatively, if a candidate fails to meet the minimum of 110 points butachieves 80 or more points, they can be admitted to the Foundation Programme.On successful completion of all the modules the candidate may be admitted to themain programme. Details and curricula are available in the Faculty Prospectus.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering Doc ID.: RPL

Recognition for Prior Learning and Articulation Rev.: 1

Category 2: Candidates from schools wishing to enter the Professional B EngBatchelor’s Degree program

Due to the rigour of this programme the admission requirements are obviously higherthan that required for the First Degree programmes:

• The candidate must have a Grade 12 certificate with university exemption orequivalent (to be assessed on its merits and SAQA recommendation).

• The candidate must comply with the minimum entrance criteria as stated in theFaculty Prospectus with regards to Language. English (HG-D symbol) and asecond official language with the same criteria as for English.

• The candidate must have achieved a pass in Mathematics and Science with HG-Csymbols in both subjects.

• In addition the candidate should also have achieved an overall average C symbolon HG.

• Candidates not meeting the criteria listed above, may register for the UniversityAdvancement programme, which is a 1 year, 120 credit foundation programmedesigned for students “at risk”, for B Sc programmes. Details and curricula areavailable in the General Prospectus.


Category 1: Candidates from Universities of Technology wishing to enter theND or Career-focused First Batchelor’s Degree program

In view of national accreditation policies controlled and audited by ECSA and HEQCwith regards to Tertiary Institutions, the Department recognizes and provides mobility tostudents from other Universities of Technology (ex Technikons). This is done byproviding recognition for subjects or units of learning for entry to the ND program. Thespecific details pertaining to the academic scope and mobility is provided as follows:

• The candidate must comply with the minimum entrance criteria as stated in theProspectus with regards to Language. English (HG-E or SG-D symbol) and a

second official language with the same criteria as for English.• Recognition is awarded on merit, and as a guideline, a minimum of 70% overlap in

the subject content or combination of subjects completed is used as a comparison.Alternatively, an evaluation of the candidates skills may be conducted.

• Only a final mark of 50% and higher will be considered for recognition.• No recognition is granted for any exit level (level III) final year (i.e. S4) subjects,

unless it has been negotiated with the HOD or his delegate prior to registration.Registration of subjects at other Institutions are done at the candidate’s own risk.

• Refer and complete document RPL-1.• Recognition for Experiential Learning is addressed separately in this document.

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Recognition for Prior Learning and Articulation Rev.: 1

Category 2: ex Technical College Candidates wishing to enter the ND orCareer-focused First Batchelor’s Degree program

Although Technical Colleges have been “disbanded” as of August 2001 andrestructured into Colleges for Higher Education limiting them to providing training toNQF level 4, there are still many persons with N4, N5 and N6 certificates in Industry thatwant to advance there academic qualifications. The Department provides mobility tothese students by providing recognition for certain subjects. The specific detailspertaining to the academic scope and mobility is provided in the following table:

NMMU Subject N level subjectMachine Drawing I Mechanical Drawing N2 & N3 + Mechanical Drawing & Design N4

Mechanics I Engineering Science N4 + Mechanotechnics N5

Maths I Mathematics N4 & N5

Manufacturing I Machines & Properties of Materials N4 + Mechanotechnics N4

Maths II Mathematics N5 & N6

Fluid Mechanics II Fluid Mechanics N5 & N6

Strengths of Materials II Strength of materials & Structures N5 + N6

Mechanical Eng. Design II Mechanical Drawing & Design N4, N5 + N6

Notes: 1. The above table does not include additional standard entrance criteria stated in theProspectus and this procedure.

Additional Academic Criteria and Notes:

• The candidate must comply with the minimum entrance criteria as stated in theProspectus with regards to Language. English (HG-E or SG-D symbol) and asecond official language with the same criteria as for English.

• Only a final mark of 50% and higher will be considered for recognition.• Refer and complete document RPL-2.• Recognition for Experiential Learning is addressed separately in this document.

Category 3: University Candidates wishing to enter the ND or Career-focusedFirst Batchelor’s Degree program

The Department provides mobility to students from University by providing recognitionfor certain subjects in appropriate Degrees for entry to the program/s. The specificdetails pertaining to the academic scope and mobility is provided as follows:

• The candidate must comply with the minimum entrance criteria as stated in theProspectus with regards to Language. English (HG-E or SG-D symbol) and asecond official language with the same criteria as for English.

• Recognition is awarded on merit, and as a guideline, a minimum of 70% overlap in

the subject content or combination of subjects completed is used as a comparison.Alternatively, an evaluation of the candidates skills may be conducted.• Only a final mark of 50% and higher will be considered for recognition.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering Doc ID.: RPL

Recognition for Prior Learning and Articulation Rev.: 1

• No recognition is granted for any exit level (level III) final year (i.e. S4) subjects.• Refer and complete document RPL-1.• Recognition for Experiential Learning is addressed separately in this document.

Category 4: ex Lesotho Polytechnic School of Technology Candidates wishingto enter the ND or Career-focused First Batchelor’s Degreeprogram

The Department provides mobility to these students by providing recognition for certainsubjects. The specific details pertaining to the academic scope and mobility is providedin the following table:

NMMU Subject Polytechnic subject

Mechanical Engineering Drawing I Engineering Drawing

Mechanics I Engineering Science andApplied Mechanics.

Engineering Materials and Science I Engineering Science andApplied Mechanics.

Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering I Manufacturing Technology, Engineering Technologyand Process Measurement and Instrumentation.

Electrotechnology I Electrical and Electronic Principles I andElectrical Machines

Motor Vehicle Engineering I Motor Vehicle Technology andMotor Vehicle Practicals

Mechanical Engineering Practice I Workshop Practicals, Plant Maintenance Practicals,and Experiential Learning.

Mathematics I Mathematics I

Mathematics II Mathematics II

Communications Skills I Communications Skills I

Computer Skills I Use of Computers andComputer Programming, C ++

Notes: 1. The above table does not include additional standard entrance criteria stated in theProspectus and this procedure.

Additional Academic Criteria and Notes:

• The candidate must comply with the minimum entrance criteria as stated in theProspectus with regards to Language. English and a second official language isessential.

• Only a final mark of 50% and higher will be considered for recognition.• Refer and complete document RPL-3.• Recognition for Experiential Learning (MEP2) is addressed separately in this


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Department of Mechanical Engineering Doc ID.: RPL

Recognition for Prior Learning and Articulation Rev.: 1

Category 5: Admission to the B Tech: Engineering: Mechanical

• The candidate must have completed the ND: Engineering: Mechanical or

equivalent NQF level 6 qualification (to be assessed on its merit).• Experiential Learning is considered as core to the ND and is hence a prerequisite.• The applicable stipulated prerequisite subject/s must be completed for each

subject enrolled for.• The candidate should have achieved an overall average of 65% or better for their

exit level modules.• In the case where a candidate has completed subjects or units of learning at NQF

level 7 at another Tertiary Institution, recognition may be granted for no more than50% of the subjects required for the B Tech. Recognition is awarded on merit, andas a guideline, a minimum of 70% overlap in the subject content or combination ofsubjects completed is used as a comparison. Alternatively, an evaluation of thecandidates skills may be conducted.

• In the case where the candidate has a an “old” or “T3” Diploma, the followingprerequisite subject combinations need to be completed:

1. Thermodynamics III and Steam Plant III.2. Fluid Mechanics III and Hydraulic Machines III.3. Strength of Materials III and Applied Strength of Materials III.4. Mechanics of Machines III and Theory of Machines III.5. Mechanical Engineering Design III.6. Mathematics II (Mathematics III recommended).

• On completion of the prerequisite subjects the candidate will qualify for 0.125NATED credits (equivalent to 1 B Tech subject) towards the B Tech.

• In the case where the candidate has a National Higher (T4) Diploma, with thesubjects 1 to 4 listed below, they would qualify for 0.125 NATED credits(equivalent to 1 subject) towards the B Tech:

1. Thermodynamics T4.2. Fluid Mechanics T4.3. Mechanics of Machines T4.

4. Strength of Materials T4.5. Mathematics II, which is a prerequisite (Maths III recommended).


Admission to the M Tech: Engineering: Mechanical

• The candidate must have completed a suitable B Tech Degree or equivalent NQFlevel 7 qualification (to be assessed on its merit).

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Department of Mechanical Engineering Doc ID.: RPL

Recognition for Prior Learning and Articulation Rev.: 1

Admission to the D Tech: Engineering: Mechanical

The candidate must have completed a suitable M Tech Degree or equivalent NQFlevel 8 qualification (to be assessed on its merit).


The candidate should fall into one of the above categories.


Experiential Learning or Co-operative Education is a program that formally integrates astudent’s academic studies with work experience in participating employerorganisations. It is a compulsory component of the ND and constitutes 1.0 NATEDcredits (essentially 1/3 of the total credits) towards the qualification. MechanicalEngineering Practice (MEP), is a formal subject with outcomes and has to be controlledand managed accordingly.

The experiential Learning consists of two distinct practical components of roughly 24weeks each or a minimum of 800 notional hours per component. The components differin that the first component (MEP1) focuses on developing hand skills by participating inphysical work in an artisan work environment, while MEP2 requires a much higher levelof synthesis, responsibility and accountability as would be expected of a engineeringTechnician. This again, would be done under supervision of a mentor, but facilitatingsome independent work by the student. Detailed guidelines for MEP1 and 2 areprovided separately in the Logbook (document MEP).

• No recognition is given for MEP2.• Candidates who have a formal mechanical trade qualification with sufficient

experience, may apply for recognition and on assessment be credited forMechanical Engineering Practice 1 (MEP1).

• Refer and complete document RPL-P1.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering Doc ID.: RPL

Recognition for Prior Learning and Articulation Rev.: 1

The procedure for followed for recognition of Experiential Learning in the work place isillustrated below:

Procedure for Recognition towards Experiential Learning (MEP1 only)


Meet with applicant.Complete Questionnaire/Audit



deficiencies withapplicant

The Faculty Officer forwards theRPL application and supporting

documents to the HOD

Applicant to revise and/oraddress shortcomings.

(1 month)

Certification of RPLcompleted and submitted

to Faculty Officer

Certificate of RPL andsupporting documents

filed by Faculty Officer

Undertake furtherExperiential Learning asper MEP1 guidelines in

the Logbook


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Department of Mechanical Engineering Doc ID: RPL-1

Application for Subject recognition - General Rev: 0


Student number Course Code 3716SurnameFirst name/s


Home WorkTelephone numbers



Subject passed at anotherInstitution Technikon Subject Code Y/N Signed


Signature of applicant: ___________________________ Date: _______________

Please attach the following:1. Certified copy of Academic record/s indicating subjects passed with 50% and better.2. Syllabi in the case of subjects passed at another Institution.3. A receipt for R90-00 per subject (payable at the cashier).

FOR OFFICE USEEntered onto computer Student notified

Initial Date Initial Date

Forward application and motivating documents to: The Faculty OfficerTel: 041-5043446/7Fax: 041-5043923

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Department of Mechanical Engineering Doc ID: RPL-2

Application for Subject recognition – SA Colleges Rev: 0


Student number Course Code 3716SurnameFirst name/s


Home WorkTelephone numbers



N level subject Technikon Subject Code Y/N SignedHOD

Mechanical Drawing N2 & N3 +Mechanical Drawing & Design N4 Machine Drawing I MED111

Engineering Science N4 +Mechanotechnics N5 Mechanics I MEC111

Machines & Properties of Materials N4 +Mechanotechnics N4 Manufacturing I MNE111

Fluid Mechanics N5 & N6 Fluid Mechanics II MFL221Strength of materials &Structures N5 + N6 Strengths of Materials II MSM221

Mechanical Drawing &Design N4, N5 + N6 Mech. Eng. Design II MDE221

Mathematics N4 + N5 Maths I WIS111

Mathematics N5 + N6 Maths II WIS211

Signature of applicant: ___________________________ Date: _______________

Please attach the following:1. Certified copy of Academic record/s indicating subjects passed with 50% and better.2. A receipt for R90-00 per subject (payable at the cashier).

FOR OFFICE USEEntered onto computer Student notified

Initial Date Initial Date

Forward application and motivating documents to: The Faculty Officer

Tel: 041-5043446/7Fax: 041-5043923

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Department of Mechanical Engineering Doc ID: RPL-3

Application for Subject recognition – Lesotho Polytechnics Rev: 0


Student number Course Code 3716

SurnameFirst name/s


Home WorkTelephone numbers



Subject NMMU Subject Code Y/N SignedHOD

Engineering Drawing Mechanical EngineeringDrawing I MED111

Engineering Science andApplied Mechanics. Mechanics I MEC111

Engineering Science andApplied Mechanics.

Eng materials andScience I MEM111

Manufacturing Technology, EngineeringTechnology

MechanicalManufacturing Eng I MNE111

Electrical and Electronic Principles I andElectrical Machines Electrotechnology I MET111Motor Vehicle Technology andMotor Vehicle Practicals Motor Vehicle Eng I MVE111

Workshop Practicals, Plant MaintenancePracticals, and Experiential Learning.

Mechanical EngineeringPractice I MEP121

Mathematics I Mathematics I WIS111

Mathematics II Mathematics II WIS211

Communications Skills I Communications Skills I CCM111

Use of Computers andComputer Programming, C ++ Computer Skills I CCP111

Signature of applicant: ___________________________ Date: _______________

Please attach the following:1. Certified copy of Academic record/s indicating subjects passed with 50% and better.2. A receipt for R90-00 per subject (payable at the cashier).


Entered onto computer Student notifiedInitial Date Initial Date

Forward application and motivating documents to: The Faculty OfficerTel: 041-5043446/7 or Fax: 041-5043923

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Department of Mechanical Engineering Doc ID: RPL-P1

Recognition for Experiential learning I (MEP1) Rev: 0

Page 1


Student number Course Code 3716SurnameFirst name/s


Home WorkTelephone numbers


PARTICULARS OF THE MENTOR OR SUPERVISOR(must be completed for each mentor)

Mentor or Supervisor’s name

Company name

Company Address


Telephone (work) Code Number

Fax Code Number

Cell phone

e-mail address Private or Company?


Professional bodies associated to, e.g. ECSA,SAIMechE, IPET, SAIRAC etc.(if any)

Pr Eng number

Pr Tech number

Reg. Eng. Tech number

GCC number

Professional registration(If any)

Other number

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Department of Mechanical Engineering Doc ID: RPL-P1

Recognition for Experiential learning I (MEP1) Rev: 0

Page 2


Criteria Weight Score

1 Completed FETC at a Technical High School: Y/N 2/0

2 Completed subjects at ex Technical College:Technical subjects in FETC band. 4 @ N1,

2 & 32

4 @ N4 3

3 Completed a Mechanical Trade (complete section 2 questionnaire) Y/N 13/0

4 Work experience:Currently employed Y/N 2/0Employer support Y/N 1/0Not employed but has previous experience (complete point 5 below) Y/N 1/0

5 Work experience (based on Section 2 questionnaire) : Accum.Time

Induction, orientation andsafety.

Introduce learner to the Company,Industry, working environment andsafety policies.

Max 1

Hand and Machine tools

Basic practical training in the workshopenvironment. Acquiring skills andexperience in machine application andutilization, fabrication, industry codesand standards and safety requirementsper the OHS Act.

Max 4

Maintenance, installationsand modifications

Learner performs repairs, maintenance,installations and modifications on avariety of engineering equipment andenvironments

Max 4

Process, machine control,and monitoring.

Learner operates and controlsmachines, production and otherprocesses.

Max 3

Mechanical testing ofmaterials, equipmenttesting and processtesting.

Learner prepares specimens andequipment for testing and evaluations tostandards and codes of practice.General lab work.

Max 4

Non-destructive testing.

Learner performs visual inspections,magnetic particle, dye penetrant,

radiographic, ultrasonic, hydrostatic andleak testing to typically ASNT (orequivalent) level I competence.

Max 4

6 Applicable Short Course:Attended: 1 1

2-5 26+ 3

Evaluated: 1-2 33+ 4

15 min Total

HOD :______________________ Date :______________

Seconded :______________________ Date :______________

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Department of Mechanical Engineering Doc ID: RPL-P1

Recognition for Experiential learning I (MEP1) Rev: 0

Page 3

SECTION 2 – SUMMARY OF WORK EXPERIENCE (A detailed CV with references must be submitted outlining the work or activities that would

be deemed suitable for MEP1)


This summary serves as a mechanism for the appraisal and record of the candidatesperformance, development and other essential aspects for Experiential Learning requiredof a Trainee Technician.

Scope for basic training/learning undertaken

Induction Y NSafety Y NHand and machine tools (Basic practical training)1 Hand tools Y N

2 Measuring tools and metrology Y N

3 Machine operations such as:Lathe (e.g. General and precision turning, thread cutting – inner/outer, boring, knurling) Y N

Milling (e.g. Blocking-off, pocket, slot, boring) Y N

Drilling and tapping Y NGrinding (Surface, precision) Y NShaping Y NBoring Y N

4 Joining techniques:Fasteners Y NWelding Y NBrazing Y NSoldering Y NAdhesives Y N

5 Electrical technologyBasic electrical wiring and circuits Y NTypes of AC and DC motor Y NTypes of motor starters and controls Y NInstrumentation and process control Y N

CNC applications Y N

Paint shop and spray painting Y N

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Recognition for Experiential learning I (MEP1) Rev: 0

Page 4

Maintenance, installations and modificationsSteam Plant Y N

Refrigeration Y NAir-conditioning Y NVentilation Y NCompressors Y NIC Engines Y NTurbines Y NPumps Y NPiping systems Y NConveyer systems Y NLifts and hoists Y NLubrication systems Y NFilters Y NPneumatics Y NHydraulics Y NMechanical and fluid couplings Y NGearboxes and power transmissions Y N

Material, equipment and process testing. Mechanical testing such as tensile, torsion, bend, impact, fatigueand hardness surveys. Y N

Photo micro and macrographs. Y N

Chemistries. Y NEmission testing. Y NSound and noise testing. Y NStrain gauging and stress measurements. Y NSystem and process testing and evaluations as would be found inthe section Maintenance, installations and modifications above. Y N

Non-destructive testingVisual inspections Y NMagnetic particle Y N

Dye penetrant Y NRadiographic Y NUltrasonic Y NHydrostatic Y NLeak testing Y N

Other applicable activities not listed above

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8/6/2019 RPL Mech Eng Proc 05

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/rpl-mech-eng-proc-05 20/20

Department of Mechanical Engineering Doc ID: RPL-P1

Recognition for Experiential learning I (MEP1) Rev: 0

Appraisal of the candidate’s behaviour, performance, development and other criticalcross-field skills.

Key for evaluation: 1 needs improvement, 2 competent, 3 superior

Effectiveness / Responsibilities: 1 2 31 Finishes tasks on time2 Familiar with systems and procedure of work3 Does not repeat mistakes4 Works steadily and accurately5 Communicates information satisfactorily6 Demonstrates safe and competent handling of equipment

Initiative1 Identifies and solves problems in good time2 Takes the initiative to make recommendations3 Requests additional work when own work is up to date

Reliability1 Responsible in the performance of his/her tasks2 Can work with little supervision3 Reports regularly on progress made4 Punctual5 Attendance

Interpersonal skills1 Shares knowledge and experience with others

2 Handles situations rationally and tactfully3 Accepts constructive criticism and guidance4 Works efficiently in a team environment

Job Knowledge1 Understands the role and responsibility of the Department in

relation to the others in the Organisation.2 Demonstrate technical decision making in the place of work3 Development and application of new skills


I acknowledge the above findings and comments:

Mentor / Supervisor :______________________ Date :______________

Candidate :______________________ Date :______________

HOD (reviewed) :______________________ Date :______________