ROYAL CROSS · Province VI: Mrs. Gary (Cinde J.) Pfistcrer, 214 Cascade Dr., ... The Fall issue of...

The ROYAL CROSS Episcopal OCT. 1988 VOL. LVIll NO. 4 THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE ORDER OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE KING tfie souf wfiicfi By a sincere seff renunciation, fiofds itseff ceasefessfu in tfie Bands of its Creator, ready to do everytfiing wfiicfi Tie wisfies; which never stops saying to itseff a hundredtimes a day. Lord, what wiff you have me do? Trancois Tcnefon

Transcript of ROYAL CROSS · Province VI: Mrs. Gary (Cinde J.) Pfistcrer, 214 Cascade Dr., ... The Fall issue of...

The ROYAL CROSSEpiscopal

OCT. 1988



tfie souf

wfiicfi By a sincereseff renunciation,

fiofds itseff ceasefessfu in tfie

Bands of its Creator, ready to do everytfiing wfiicfi Tie wisfies;which never stops saying to itseff a hundredtimes a day. Lord,

what wiff you have me do? Trancois Tcnefon


Founded in 188S ~ Incoiporated in 1917OBJECT OF THE ORDER — The extension of Christ's Kingdom, especially among

women and girls, and the strengthening the Chunk's spiritual life.

HONORARY MEMBERSMis. George L. Thoipe, Mrs. Edward D. Smith. Miss Hattie K. Bunting,Mis. Ivan Mcirick, Mis. Carl A. Jt^son, Mis. John C. Herrcn, Mis. Heniy B. H. Ripley, Jr.

NATIONAL COUNCILPresident: Mis. J. Hunter (Whitty) Isaacs, 1328 Paragon Parkway, Birmingham, AL 3S23S, (205) 854-9506First Vice President: Mis. Donald (Diane Bringgold) Brown, 1427 Beaver Rd., Ambridge, PA 15003, (412) 266-1722Second Vice President: Mis. James (Beuy) Hart, 24629 Calvet Sl, Woodland Hills, CA 91367, (818) 786-0291Secretary: Mrs. Donald A. (Noieen) Buiroughs, P. O. Box 218, Sautee VaUey, GA 30571,404-754-5041Treasurer: Miss Kay Dou^s, 525 GieerSL, San Antonio,TX 78210, (512)533-0858

Mis. Christopher (Nancy) Allaire, 4305 Foxhall Dr., Olympia, WA 98506, (206) 456-8103Mis. WiUiam C. (Aidie) Edwards, 1900 N.W. 57th St., Miami, FL 33142, (305) 691-6913Miss Ruth K. Hammersmith, 122 S. Brainard St, Naperville, IL 60540, (312) 355-0163Mis. Ronald (Laurie Ann) Heiman, 4673 Couonwood Dr., HoUand, MI 49423, (616) 335-2165Mis. Milton E. (Susan) Kiricpatrick, Jr., 3704 Q Estcs Rd., Nashville, TN 37215, (615) 292-5225Mrs. Frank E (Martha-CeU) Lozo, Jr., 7223 Prestwick, Houston, TX 77025, (713) 664-2848Mrs. Robert I. (Jeanne) Rush, 8924 Cosmos, El Paso, TX 79925, (915) 591-9718Mrs. Edmund M. (Mavis I.) Supleford, P. O. Box 44, Waynesbmo, PA 17268, (717) 762-5722Mrs. Daniel W. (Virginia) Twitchell, 841 E. Cambridge Avft, Phoenix, AZ 85006, (602) 277-9564Mis. Betty A. Ward, 1200 Shepherd St, N.W., Washington, D.C., 20011, (202) 723-3069

Spiritual Director & National Chaplain: "The Rt Rev. Don A. Wimberiy, P. O. Box 610, Lexington, KY 40585-0610, (606) 252-6527Order's Missionaries: Miss Elizabeth Daniel and the Rev. Patricia Powers

SmGS 704, B1, K, c. 03, Brasilia, DF, Brazil 70331


Province II: Nfo. WiUiam (Martha M.) Mealey, 36 W. 34th St, Beach Haven, NJ 08008, (609) 492-4504Province III: Mis. Kenneth G. (Anne C.) Phillips, 14229 PiccadiUy Rd., Silver Springs, MD 20906, (301) 871-8522Province IV: Mrs. George E (Mary Ellen) McKay, 1282 Wynnewood Dr., West Palm Beach, FL 33417, (407) 683-0044Province V: Mis. Charles (Lera E) Doncghy, 2340 Putnam, Toledo, OH 43620, (419) 242-5869Province VI: Mrs. Gary (Cinde J.) Pfistcrer, 214 Cascade Dr., Riverton, WY 82501, (307) 856-6603Province VII: Mrs. Richard F. (Roseann) Camp, 521 Ridgedale, Richardson, TX 75080, (214) 235-8077Province VIII: Mis. John Q. (Sandra F.) Nichols, 1654 La JoUa Rancho Rd., La JoUa, CA 92037, (619) 454-5182


Missionary needs 4

Advent/Lent Calendars .....5

Dues/Bylaws changes ..........6

Meet Your National Council 7-10

Junior Messenger 11

Our Life of Prayer 12

Book of Remembrance 13

Chapter News 14


The illustration was done by Jane Keni-mer, a Daughter of the King.

COMMITTEE CHAIRMENDaugkters-at-Large Aidie EdwardsDevotions Jeanne Rush

Endowment Fund Vir^a TwitchcUEvangelism Laurie Ann HermanJunior Division Nancy AUaiieLiterature Ruth K. Hammersmith

Master's Fund Betty A. WardPidrlic Relations A Promotion Mavis 1. StaplefordSelf-Denial Fund Martha-CeU LozoSpecial Fund for Missionary Needs Susan KiikpatrickTriennial Program Betty Hart


Susan C. Such, Editor4SW.HighSL,309CPalnesvllle, OH 44077

(216) 354-2969


Mrs. Tracy Southard, Office Manager435 Peachtree Street N.E, Atlanta, GA 30365

(404) 873-5123



Dear Sisters in Christ,The Fall issue of The Royal Cross is my favorite because it is full of information that we hope

will be helpful when we come topther for our All Saints Community Eucharist. People arccoming home after summer vacations, school has started, and for me it is a time of both peaceand exhilaration. Peace in settling into routine again, and exhilaration over the cooler weatherand reduced humidity that allows us once again to be outside.

All Saints' Day is also a favorite of mine, because I am aware of all of us praying andworshiping in our small groups on that special day.My husband is The Rev. J. Hunter Isaacs, a priest of our church. I did not marry a priest, so

the journey to Ordination was one taken by our entire family. Prior to seminary we had lived inthe same town for five generations, the same house for three. Moving away was the first, andinmanywaysthemostdifficultpartofthejourney.TheRev.Dr.MarionHatchettwroteabookentitled "Sanctifying Life, Time, and Space". The title itself has been so helpful for me. In ourmoving, leaving our family and such beloved friends, I was sure each time that my heart wouldbreak. In going back for visits I have learned that with Our Lord Jesus Christ, we are never toofar away in "Life", "Time", or "Space" for love.

I believe that our hearts are like honeycombs. That each person we love, or have ever loved, has a little cell all their own.That no one may replace anyone else in a heart, but that when we meet and love new people our honeycombs grow to includeeach new cell, and as we pray for each other each cell grows. Death can not remove that cell, nor can years betweenconversations or miles between those we love. On All Saints' Day I enjoy a tour through the cells of my honeycomb. I loveto remember special wonderful close times with each person, and commit these to Christ as an offering of Prayer andThanksgiving.My prayer for you this Fall is that you have a wonderful tour through your heart, and find the time to tell as many of your

loved ones as possible just how important they have been in your life, For His Sake.My love to you all,

Bishop Wimberly

Meet Our ChaplainThe Rt. Rev. Don A. Wimberly is bishop of the Diocese of Lexington. Geographi

cally that diocese covers the Eastern portion of the slate of Kentucky.Bishop Wimberly was bom on June 10th in Baton Rouge, LA. He has served

parishes in Williamsville, NY, Overland Park, KS, and was Dean of St. John'sCathedral in Jacksonville, FL.

He and his wife "Wendy" have two children, Julie 19, and Brent, 15.When the Bishop accepted our invitation to become our new National Chaplain, he

made it very plain to all of us in Dearborn that, Jesus Christ is Lord of his life, and thatthis relationship is of prime importance to him.We are so thankful to Bishop Wimberly for saying "yes" to our request, and look

forward to three years of getting to know him, learning from him, and being able toshare with him.

The 1988 Daughters of the King Handbook is now available


Special Fund For Missionary NeedsI had the pleasure of talking with Elizabeth and Pat

several times after our Triennial as we all were stayingover for General Convention. I have some good news -- we have the opportunity again to give Elizabeth andPat a new car! Their car was bashed in just before theycame home, fortunately they were not hurt, the otherdriver was at fault.

The Order is growing at such a great rale that if eachDaughter sends one dollar to the Car Fund they couldget it this Fall! Please pray about this.We have a small "glitch" in Mission Tuition -- the

pictures of thechildren. Since Elizabeth and Pal movedto Brasilia and the schools are in Rio, we are not able tosend photos of the children who are receiving scholarships through Mission Tuition. You must know that wewill continue to support the children, but the bonding ofcards and letters to our "adoptive" children is no longerpossible. The best we can do is publish group picturesof the children from both schools in The Royal Cross.Pat has furnished mw with pictures.

I hear that two chapters in Province IV have chosento "adopt" achild in each school for one year! This couldbecome a trend -- say prayers.

The monies ($5,000) that were sent by the SpecialFund for Missionary Needs after the flood in Rio werenot only received but have been administered by theDaughters Chapter in Rio and they are making a beforeand after scrapbook for us. Building materials werepurchased with the money and the carpenters, bricklayers, plumbers, laborers and engineers did the workfor love.

Susan KirkpatrickFund Chairman

Special Fun ForMissionary Needs!!!

You can send DUTY FREE GIFTS to Elizabeth and

PaL Here's how:

1. When you send a card or letter to either Elizabethor Pat enclose ONE package of either Ranch Dressingor Blue Cheese Dressing. Remember, only ONEpacakge per envelope, or they will have to pay duty.

2. They have asked that you send books that you haveread and that are meaningful to you. I'll send a mystery,but hold the Science Fiction! Any book that you snedwill be duty free. Send them book rate.We have sometimes sent packages which when

received have cost more in duly than the cost of the giftPlease stick to duty free and I'll expand the list.

Children from the School of the Mediator in Rio de



ADVENT/LENT CALENDARSProject Aiding Presiding Bishop's Fund for World Relief

f/dFrom left to right, Julie Hanson andCalendar to Presiding Bishop Edmond

Advent calendars produced bytwo women from the Diocese

of Atlanta were so successful

that The Presiding Bishop's Fund forWorld Relief asked that Lent calendars

be produced also and distributed nationally.

First produced in 1985, the Adventcalendars were a shoe-string effort puttogether by Julie Hanson, a Daughterof the King from St. Matthew's,Snellville, Georgia, and Susan McCar-ter (Holy Trinity, Decatur). Even so,the 4,000 calendars used in 32 parishesin the Diocese of Atlanta that first yearraised more than $25,000 for the Fund.In 1986 the calendars were distributednationally, and in 1987 Lent calendarswere also produced and distributed nationally.

The Advent and Lent calendars

have generated a significant amount ofincome for the Fund, and have beencalled by Bishop Browning "a superbpiece of work."

Each page of the calendar has ascripture quotation from the Lection-ary readings for the season, a brief factabout hunger, poverty, or the Fund'swork, and a suggested activity.

Susan McCarter present an AdventL. Browning.

For instance, an appointed readingfor Saturday, Deceml^r 3, includes theverse "On thatday there shall be neithercold nor frost." "The fact tells about a1988 emergency relief grant to theDiocese of South Dakota that aided

victims of snowstorms, and the calendar then suggests that you contribute250 for each fireplace or wood stove inyour house.

The calendar is oriented towardraising awareness of the economicallyprivileged life enjoyed by manyAmerican Christians, in contrast to thedeprived life that is the lot of millionsof others.

One user wrote "The calendars do somuch more than provide funds. Theybring into keen focus the overwhelming needs ofothers and our blind acceptance of our positions of comfort intoday's world. Wc have been movedand changed in using them."

Mailings are sent to every parish inthe country in early September forAdvent, and in December for Lent,informing them of the availability ofthe calendars for parish program useand enclosing a sample of the calendar.Orders may be placed, or more information obtained, by writing or calling:

Advent/Lent Calendars134 Cambridge AvenueDecatur, Georgia 30030Phone: (404) 987-5058

Meet Your Editor

As The Royal Cross editor. Sue receives your articles and edits them.

She is responsible for the magazine'slayout. After the copy has been typeset atthe publishing office in Ashland, Kentucky, Sue proofs it a final time andreturns it to Ashland ready for publication.

Sue also does occasional cover illus

trations for The Royal Cross.

■ r

Sue Such


National dues for the Daughters ofthe King are going up. A motion madeby the National Council to raise dues tofifteen dollars a year was unanimouslypassed by the delegates to our TriennialConvention. The new dues will lake

effect in September of 1989. Fifteendollars does seen like a lot, especiallyin these inflationary times but do remember we are only talking about onedollar and twenty-five cents a month.

The raise in dues will enable us to

retain competent staff at our NationalOffice in Atlanta and to provide National Council members with the re-

Going Up!sources they need to more adequatelyperform their duties. Several times inrecent history we have approached the10,000 member mark but we havenever quite reached it. It is our feelingthat one reason we have not been able

to reach or surpass that milestone hasbeen our inability as a National Orderto communicate with chapters and withDaughters-at-Large to encourage andnourish them as they seek to live outtheir Rule of Life. It is our prayer thatthe increased funds will enable us to do

this so that the Order can continue to

grow and to strengthen the Church.

There may be some members whotruly cannot pay the new dues. It is ourhope that Chapters, Diocesan Assemblies and Provincial Assemblies will

develop creative ways to help thosemembers. No member should ever

resign because of her inability to paydues but each of us should remember

that our Rule of Life as Daughters ofthe King is a priority in our lives andsetting aside money for national, provincial, diocesan and chapter duesshould be a budget priority as well.

New Bylaws Adopted at TriennialThe new bylaws passed at Triennial Convention will be

printed in our new Handbook which will be available soonand which should be purchased by every member. Theproposed bylaws were published in the January 1988 editionof The Royal Cross and were adopted with the followingrevisions.

Article III. Section 1.

All members must be women communicants of the

Episcopal Church, of Churches in communion with itor of Churches with the Historic Episcopate but not incommunion with it.

Article III. Section 3. D.

1) add - The J unior Chapter shall be under the guidanceand support of the senior chapter where there is one.add 2) The Directress of the Chapter shall be a senior

Can any bunny be a Daughter?

Daughter.Section 6

E. add - in good standingF. National dues are payable to the National Office annually.

Article IV. Section 1.

D. The Order of the Daughters of the King may beorganized in any autonomous Church of the AnglicanCommunion, in a Church in communion with it, or inChurches with the Historic Episcopate but not incommunion with it. Chapters in AutonomousChurches of the Anglican Communion or in Churchesin Communion with it will be Branch Chapters. Chapters in Churches having the Historic Episcopate but notin communion with it will be Affiliate Chapters. SuchBranch and Affiliate Chapters may develop their ownconvention, council support system, bylaws and/orhandbook provided that:

Article V. Section 1.

A. add - Where there is no Provincial Assembly a Provincial Representative shall be appointed by the National Council.

add C. The term of all officers shall commence at the

adjoiunmcnt of the Convention at which they areelected.

Section 3. A.

The National Council shall meet at least annually.Article VI. Section 3. B.

Add 2) In case of the resignation or death of thePresident the First Vice President shall automaticallybecome the President.

Article VIII. Section 2.

The Executive Board shall meet at such time as it maydetermine or on call of the President, or in lieu of ameeting may be consulted in writing or by conferencecall and decisions confirmed in writing.


Meet Your New National CouncilThere is an article in your Resource Packet entitled "National Council, Who We Are and What We Do".

This tells us what the Council as a whole is doing, but we felt that a briefjob description with each picturemight help us all to be more aware of who to contact when we have that wonderful idea, or a need for helpin the parish chapter. The more you know about your Council, the better able they are to serve you.

President... Whitty Isaacs

Whitty will preside at all meetings of theNational Council and the Executive Board.

She will appoint all committees and be amember of all standing committees.

She will communicate within the Order andthroughout the Church the goals established atTriennial '88.

She will be visible and available to Daughtersthroughout the Order,

Whitty Isaacs

First Vice President. Diane Brown Second Vice President... Betty Hart

Diane Brlnggold Brown

Diane will visit seminaries and provide programsfor seminarians to intro

duce them to the Order. She

will be in contact with diocesan ECW presidents,who do not have Daughtersof the King chapters in theirdiocese, to inform themabout the Order.

In the absence of the

President, she shall performthe duties of the President.

She also will support thePresident in her goals ofbeing visible and availableto the Order.

Betty will chair the 1991Triennial. She will representDaughters of the King at variousnational meetings. She also willexplore possibilities for newministries in the West.

In the absence of the Presi

dent and First Vice President,she shall perform the duties ofthe President

Betty Hart

Secretary ... Noreen Burroughs

Noreen shall keep all minutes ofthe meetings of the National Council,the National Convention and the

Executive Board meetings.She will communicate with mem

bers as advisable and necessary.She will serve on the Literature


Noreen Burroughs

Devotions . . . Jeanne Rush

Jeanne will write articles for each

Royal Cross. She will be in charge ofthe National Council prayer list, andfor prayers at each council meeting.She is coordinator for the Openingand Closing Eucharists at Triennial,and for the clergy in all liturgicalfunctions.

Jeanne Rush

Master's Fund . .. Betty Ward

Betty and her committee will receive requests for scholarships, prayover each one, and grant as many asyour gifts allow. Betty plans to visitseveral seminaries to meet Master's

Fund recipients. Watch for interviews in The Royal Cross.

Betty Ward

Meet Your New N

Treasurer... Kay Douglas

Kay will have charge of all moneybelonging to the Order.

She will receive and reconcile

written reports of all money whichpasses through the National Office.

She will invest any funds of theder under the direction of the Na-Order under the direction of ̂ e Na

tional Council.

She will receive all vouchers from

National Council members and passthem on to the Office for payment.

She will act as the Finance Chair-

Kay Douglas

Endowment Fund . .. Virginia Twitcheii

Virginia is in charge of the Booksof Remembrance and of Thanksgiving. She will write thank you Kotes toeach person who makes a gift to thisfund. (Please do not send your giftsdirectly to Virginia. They are to besent to and recorded first in the Na

tional Office.) The memorial list ispublished in the Fall issue of TheRoyal Cross.


Virginia Twitcheii

Public Relations . . . Mavis Stapleford

Mavis has already begun to offer inew and exciting ideas for letting theworld know the Daughters of the)King are alive and well. Ke-jp your'eyes open. Articles about om Orderhave been sent to local newspapers,

I Iand diocesan newsletters.

Mavis Stapleford

Page 8

ational Council

lunior Daughters . . . Nancy Allaire

Nancy will represent JuniorDaughters on National Council andbe a member of the Executive Board.

She will strengthen Junior Daughters chapters where they now existand encourage the development ofnew Junior Daughters chapters.

She will present resource materials.

Daughters-at-Large . . . Ardie Edwards

Nancy Allaire

Evangelism . . . Laurie Ann Herman

Laurie Ann will be your contactperson for great spe^ers, goodbooks, and wonderful ideas for chapters, and diocesan assemblies. Sheand her committee will be traveling agreat deal, and she will help you findsomeone close to you to be of help toyou on a parish level. Evangelism isfun when we learn to be creative withways to share our faith without beingoffensive.

Laurie Ann Herman

Self-Denial Fund .. . Martha-Ceil Lozo

Martha-Ceil and her committee

will be your help in receiving information about our missionaries. Thisfund pays the salaries for our missionaries, and by your love gifts wewill be able to expand our ministriesthroughout the world.

Martha-Cell Lozo

Ardie and her committee will

endeavor to find Daughters who forvarious reasons have been lost to us.

They will communicate, encourage,and offer support to Daughters whoare without a Chapter. They willstrive to help Daughtcrs-at-Largerealize that they are still a part of thislarger community.

Ardie Edwards

Literature ... Ruth Hammersmith


Ruth and her committee will bereviewing existing literature, andcreating new materials for us.

Ruth Hammersmith

Special Fund for Missionary Needs ...Susan Kirkpatrick

Susan and her committee havepromised expanded horizons for thisfund. This is the fund that takes care

of all needs other than salaries - the

car, scholarships for the children inthe two schools in Brazil, and for theextra needs for our missionaries andtheir people. We were able to send$5000 to Rio de Janeiro after thefloods. We are promised "Up closeand personal" requests in the future.

Susan Kirkpatrick

Page 9

Meet Your New National Council


The Provincial Representatives have voice, vote,and committee responsibilities on the Council. Theydo not chair committees so that they may be able tohave more time for their own Provinces. These representatives allow that critical link between chapterrequests and national response.


Province I is not represented at this time.


Anne Phillips


Mary Ellen McKay


Martha Mealey


Lera Doneghy


Cinde Pfisterer Roseann Camp Sandra Nichols



Dear Junior Daughters,Kay Douglas, your past Junior Daughters Chairman, has become our National Treasurer, so I have been given the

opportunity to serve you as Chairman of the Junior Division. I am in my second term on the National Council. For thelast three years I served as Devotions Chairman.

I understand that this coming summer, preferably in July, we are due to have the Junior Daughters' national conference.This time it will be held on the west coast, so those of you in the east need to start planning for your travel expenses. SinceI live in Washington State, I am excited about welcoming all of you to this side of the country. There are so many beautifuland special things I'd like to show you. However, since I have only been your Chairman for a month as I write this, plansare definately not yet firm. I will be seeing Kay in Denver before you read this, and I'll find out more then. I'll be contactingyou all by mail a^ut this later.

If you have any questions, input, or needs, please let me know. My address is on the ROYAL CROSS cover.

With love and anticipation,Nancy Allaire

A Christian's Three "R's"When you read this, summer will be over and most of you

will be back in school, studying the three "R's" at whateverlevel you are now. For those of you not familiar with thatphrase, it refers to readin, 'riting, and 'rithmetic. These subjects are basic to all our learning in school. We can also referto the basics of our Christian life as three "R's" - receiving,relating, and relaying.

First of all, none of us can be a Christian until we receive- we must receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, wemust receive God's gift of forgiveness and eternal life. Howcan we possibly live a Christian life and carry out our servicein His name, unless we have received the Holy Spirit.

Next, we must have an ongoing relationship with Jesus.We spend time with Him in prayer, talking to Him andlistening to Him, just as we do with any friend or familymember when we want to build a good relationship withthem. If we want to know Him better, we need to read ourBible often. We also come to know Jesus better by spendingtime with others who love Him, sharing, studying and worshiping Him together. We need to relate to other Christians.

The third "R" of the Christian life is 'relaying'. We mustrelay the message of God's love and Christ's death on thecross, for the forgiveness of sins, to others who do not knowHim yet. This can be done by sharing our love of God with ourfriends and telling them about Jesus, or by inviting them tochurch, Sunday School, E.Y.C. or your Chapter meetings, sothey can hear the message and feel the love. Relaying isusually called evangelism, and it is the aim of our service asDaughters of the King.


Look up the following Bible verses and decide whetherthey refer to RECEIVING, RELATING, RELAYING, orthe MESSAGE we are to relay. If you do this as a Chapter,have different girls write out the verses using separate sheetsof paper for each of the four sections. Some verses may fit inmore than one section. (For the longer passages just write themain idea.) Each of these sheets of verses could then be usedfor a future Chapter study program.

(If time is limited, do the starred verses first.)Luke 11:13

Luke 24:46,47*John 1:12

John 3:16 (14-18)John 6:56,57* John 7:37-39

* John 10:14,27,28♦Acts 1:8♦Acts 2:44,46,47♦Romans 3:22-24♦Romans 6:23♦Romans 10:13,14

Ephesians 1:7Philippians 2:5-11Philippians 3:8,9aColossians 3:16aColossians 3:17

♦Colossians 4:31 Thessalonians 5:9,10

♦1 John 1:6,7♦1 John 3:23,24♦ 1 John 4:9,101 John 4:13,14

♦Revelation 3:20

In His love. For His Sake

Nancy AllaireJr. Daughters Chairman




Advent Season again is here,Reminds us of that Infant dear.Born near 2,000 years agoIn Bethlehem town, as we know.

Make ready! Celebrate His birth,"The Word made flesh" come down to earth.For Jesus's coming room prepareIn your hearts to welcome Him there.

Linda Miller Summerfrom "Crumbs Under Thy Table"

Preparing for ChristmasWe could not find you, our loving God,so you have sought us out.Prepare our hearts so we may recognize anewthe eternal significance ofyour coming to usthrough your son, Jesus Christ.You have come, O Lord, and you continue to comeinto the hearts of all those who are open to youand to your will for their lives.May your coming give us strengthin our many conflictsand throw light on the dark paths we must travelin our disjointed and violent world.Make us ready for this season of celebrationthat we may receive you and serve you forever,and make us the vehicles and messengersof your gifts of graceto the hearts and lives of others.

Good Morning GodYou are ushering in another dayuntouched and freshly new,so here I come to ask you Godifyou'll renew me too?

Forgive the many errors, thatI made yesterday, and let me tryagain dear God,to walk closer in thy way.

But Father, I am well awareI can't make it on my own.So take my hand and hold it tightfor I can't walk alone.

Almighty God, we give you thanksfor surrounding us,as daylight fades, with the brightness of the vesper light;and we implore you of your great mercy that, as youenfold us with the radiance of this light, so you wouldshine into our hearts the brightness of your Holy Spirit;through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Study of thePrayer of the Order

O eternal Father, who has sent us your Son toteach us things, pertaining to your heavenly kingdom,

What things? (Look these up in the Bible and givespecific r^erences)

give your blessing to our Order, wherever it may bethroughout the world

Where are chapters of the Order of theDaughters of the King throughout the world?

Grant that we your Daughters, ever may discernyour truth and bear the cross through the battles ofour earthly life.

What are your battles?

Give us strength to overcome temptation

What are your temptations?

and the grace to work to spread vour kingdom

How do we spread His Kingdom?

and to eather your scattered sheep within yourfold.

How do we gather in His sheep?

Four out upon us the sevenfold gift of the HolySpirit

Name the sevenfold gifts and where are theylisted in the Bible?

that we may always remember it is your work weare called upon to do

List the work we are to do.

that all we think, do or say may be pleasing in yoursight. We ask it all for his sake, our King andSavior, Jesus Christ. Amen,


BOOK OF REMEMBRANCEThe following names were memorialized and entered in the Book of Remembrance (July 1987-April 1988}


Elizabeth Hooper WilliamsATLANTA

Bessie Shcf^ard DavisGeorge LawrenceLillian Janet Pearson

Aileen ThompsonCALIFORNIA

Caroline C. Ellis

Mary Haines


Frances Burden Mann CoplinLois McDonald

Ida Reiss


Thomas L. Prosser


Harold Johnston

Ester Van WagnerFORT WORTH

Denver StephensGEORGIA

Shirley McPhcrscm AdamsHilda Wright Hodges


Louise Bretemitz


Louis Prink

Norma Sidney


Betty MapesLee McCall


Catherine May


Stella FoleyBetty KimmeyAlice Marianne Lavier

Mae Lczak

Lorraine Rude

The Rev. Evan R. Williams


Alyce Jean B<Am


Geraldinc Dettmarm


Helen Kastclitz


Rosa Lee Ralph


Icylda HyattBeatrice HydeMarie MeyersAudrey ManhertzInez Elaine Matthia


Phyllis Snyder Bowman


Betty Wilke


Bertha Ruth Dicksw


Antoinette Baird

Millie J. Tanley


Amy McFarlane RobertsKatherine Wilson


Lucia Dunham


Ivy BraithwaitePenelope ChatmanLaura DeChase

Maijorie GeradelteHarriet GowyGladys SheehyArlela Wilkens

Lucille Wooden


Alcna Makinon

Sarah Weaver


Catherine James

Elizabeth (Betty) Jenks


Evelyn Grayson Buchanan


Elizabeth Taylor


Carolyn BlanchardMarian Christensen

Iva McTear

Edith Turner

Geraldine Unterkeofler



Joan Fell


Irma Alard

Jacqueline BaisdcnKay BakerFreddie Mae Bethel

Mary BieswellEvelyn ButlerGrace Butterfield

Helen Charlton

Agnes N. QarkRuth Colebank

Geneva Cook

Lillian Cowart

Jane Davies CramphinGenevieve Donnell

Mary EvansConnie EylesNellie Fairchild

Dorothy FarrellEthel Fracken

Marian Fritz

Dorothy FrostElicabeth FudgeEdna FuUcrton

Esther Gcarhart

Constance Gradozzie

Gladys A. GrecrDorothy GrossSylvia Harvey

Ona Aldrich HayArlene Holmes

Bertha Jackson

Louis JenningsJane Jones

Marie B. Kahlert

Betty KeehnerHarriet Kirk

EmUy W. KnappEmily P. I. LewisMargaret LippardGrace LloydEdith Lockwood

Ruth Loveland

Dorothy LoweAnnie M, C. D. LoweryEthel MagnaiHelen Mast

Ruth Mertish

Jean Montville

Lida Morris

Qaudia McGanical

Edith McKenzie

Doris Nickel

Freda Otto

Nannie PappasAdeline Peck

Julia Marie Perkins

Mildred PolleyClara Prior

Robie QuadcenbushSusan Redfeam

Florence H. Rawson

Hilda Read

Qara ReynoldsThomas Paul Riggs, Jr.Louise W. Robb

Elizabeth C. Robert

Agnes M. RobertsonGrace W. Scheffer

Ir«ie Shead

Helen Shober

Hazel Simmons

Lyn SkidmorcMarie A. Smith

Mary SteelsmithAlice StephenLeona R. Sutton

Jennie E. Tatro

Regena TaylorEmma W. TempletonEdith Towle

Virginia TumbullYvonne A. P. TurpenCara Waas

Laura Wakefield

Emily WardMartha E. Ward

Edythe WatsonMary BcrdcU WelchChristine Whitaker

Dorothy WolfeIda Wroten

Ella J.A. S. YoungsEdna Zuruelle


Beatrice BradleyAlma Pratt


Mary Darrow


Sue Larson Hawes

Pauline Jerue

Nelda Routerbcrg Walsh


Rebecca BridgesMary Belle HawksTEXAS

R. Gordon Bometl

Alice Myers DarbyEdna Estes

Sammie Dennett

Agnes DorseyTEXAS

Alma Green Evans

Phillip W. GaussMary Louise HopkinsSarah Moore Jaubcrt

Mary SpencerAnna Marie Schultz Ward

Dorothy WoodsideRosemary Wright


Louise Campbell MooreWASHINGTON

Marjorie AlexanderMargaret D. AndersonJacqueline CarrollMargaret Johnson CosbySarah CostcUa

Ruth Quick DardenEllen C. Gleue

Kio Hizaski

Harriet HopkinsRuebin S. JiggelsDacosta V. Mason

Ammulet McDowell

Alice Viola J. Oliver

Mary E. PriceLeona Lewis Rivers

Andrew SchuIz

Mildred Swarlhoul

Isabell Taylor


Nell Patrick Chedesler

Pauline Fallon

Margaret GeorgeEsther Harris Lockland

Woodye Rushing JonesCarrie SparksJean Steinman

Dorothy TreatJudith Warrick


Doris M. SimpsonHelen J. Van Stelle


Ida Adams Lewis



New ChapterChartered InHolland, MlA new Daughters chapter in the

Diocese of Western Michigan waschartered and instituted at GraceChurch, Holland, Michigan, on June 5,1988. At that lime. Diocesan PresidentJean Dennstaedt presented Fr. RobertNorth with the new charter and ChapterPresident Laurie Ann Herman presented for admission 10 charter members. Three were transfers and took arededication of vows.

From left: Laurie Ann Herman,Marian Schuliz, Vickie Witteveen,

Donna Preisler, Ruth Wright, MaryJean Paul, Patsy Bakker, secretary-treasurer, Hazel Saveland of theBishop Wittemore Chapter, Jean

Charter Presented toHattiesburg, MS, Chapter

Marion Goodsell, president of the Diocese of Mississippi, presented the charterto Trinity Chapter, Hattiesburg, on January 1988.

After meeting weekly during our preparation period, we now meet twice amonth. Our meetings are "no frills" (withoutrefreshments, etc.) and coincide withthose of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Several of our members are wives ofBrotherhood members.We just concluded a 12-part video course by the Rev. John Jenkins on our

Hebrew roots. Our service project to assist the clergy will be visitation tonewcomers to the parish.

- Betty Steadman, chapter president

Many from SE Florida Attend TriennialMary Lou Ricker, president of the ArdieEdwards,diocesan vicepresi-

Diocese of Southeast Horida, was ac- dent, was elected to the National Coun-companied to the Triennial Conven- cil of the Order. Ardie is also the Dadetion at Dearborn, Michigan, by over 20 Deaneries coordinator and has been aDaughters and guests, and two Daugh- motivating force to the Daughters in SEters from the Nassau, Bahamas, chap- Florida for many years,ler.

All Saints Celebrates Annlversay,Hosts Diocesan Assembly

Celebrating its 67th anniversary.All Saints' Chapter, San Diego, washost to the Spring Assembly for theDiocese of San Diego on May 7,1988.

There is a new chapter in Ramona,and two more in preparation - St.

Anne's, Oceanside, and Sl Michael's-by-the-Sea, Carlsbad.

The Assembly speaker was the Rev.Gary Heniserof St. Anne's, Oceanside,who talked about EpiscopaliansUnited.

Dennstaedt, diocesan paresident, andFr. Bob North. New Members not pictured are Nancy Clark and VirginiaGaskell-Wallace.

Two DaughtersOrdained toDiaconate

During the past year, two Daughtersof the King have t«en ordained to thepermanent diaconate in the Diocese ofCentral Rorida.

In September 1988, MildredCarlson Terry was ordained by BishopWilliam Folwell at St. Alban's, Au-bumdale. Mildred's duties includeserving at the altar, leaching, preaching, counseling, home visitation, taking communion to shut-ins and mostespecially, she devotes 20 hours a weekas chaplain to Good S hepherd Hospiceof Polk County.

Mary Hudson was ordained byBishop Folwell at St. Marie's, Cocoa,on February 20,1988. Mary has been aDaughter for seven years and feels ithas been a great influence on her becoming a deacon. Presently, she ispastoral care coordinator for St. Mark'sand is especially interested in hospital,nursing home and shut-in ministrywhich she points out, "is all related tothe prayer and service of a Daughter."


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munications Connection, inc. Please use thisform for ordering. Allow six weeks for delivery of allorders. Send CHECK or MONEY ORDER for costof items, including postage and handling (SEEPOSTAGE CHART BOTTOM RIGHT) to:

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Resource Packet 15.00 ea.

Twelve-Question Study Program (leader's manual) 6.00 ea.

Ministry of Visitation Brochure 40 ea.; 4.80 doz.

Who We Are, What We Do 25 ea.; 2.50 doz.

Clergy Brochure (for Episcopal Priests) 80 ea.; S.OO doz.

Prayer of Sympathy Card 30 ea.; 3.00 doz.

Thinking of You In Prayer Card 30 ea.; 3.00 doz.

'Lift High the Cross" leaflet .05 ea.; .50 doz.

"Conversations With a Friend" .15 ea.; 1.75 doz.

Request for Prayer Cards 2.50 per 50; S.OO per 100

Informal Notes & Env. pkg. of 10, 2.00

Bookmarks .05 ea.; .50 doz.

Logo Sheets (to reproduce design locally) 5.00 ea.

Decals .50 ea.

Seals 2.50 per 100

Girl in Apron print 1.00 ea.

Table sign 1.00 ea.

NEW 2-coior All Occasion cards/env. 10 for 4.00

DoK Stationery 8-1/2x11 w/Logo 100 sheets 18.00

DoK Business Envelopes w/Logo 100 for 18.00

DoK Stationery 5-1*2x8-1/2 w/Logo 100 sheets 8.00

DoK #5-1/2 Envelopes w/Logo 100 for 12.00

DoK Note Card/Envelopes w/Cross SO for 18.00

DoK Postcards w/Logo SO for 5.00

DoK Notepads w/Logo 50 sheets for 2.95

Prayer Cards: (1 Chalice/ fl Cross 25 for 2.50

1989 Desk Calendars 2.50 ea.


Junior Information Brochure .80 doz.

Junior's Litany .80 doz.

Bookmarks .05 ea.; .50 doz.

Study Guide .35 ea.; 3.50 doz.


DoK Christmas Cards/ Envelopes SO for 18.00

DoK Christmas Postcards 25 for 8.95

Advent Calendars 3.00 ea.

NEW Ceramic Coffee Mug w/Logo, Motto 8.00 ea.

NEW DoK Crystal Votive Candle w/ Logo 13.00 ea.


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Atlanta, GA 30365

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(to include Large Cross) 30.00

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Registration Fee 10.00

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Senior Cross (Small) 20.00

Senior Cross (Large) 25.00

Cross Safety Guard - first 1.50

Additional Guards, each 1.00

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Junior Handbood 1.00

Loose-leaf binder 2.25

Centennial History Book 8.00


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Orderof the

daughtersof the iqng

The Daughters of the King is

an Order for lay women in theEpiscopal Church dedicated toprayer and service For Christ's Sake.

435 Peachtree Street, N.E.Atlanta, GA 30365




Portsmouth. Ohio 45662

Permit No. 219