Rousseau, The Social Contract

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Transcript of Rousseau, The Social Contract

J. J. Rousseau, The Social Contract (1762)Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself master of others, but is himself the greater slave. How did this change take place? I do not know. What can render it legitimate? I believe I can answer this question.If I were to consider nothing but force and its effects, I should say: 'As long as a people is compelled to obey, and does so, it does well; as soon as it can shake off the yoke, and does so, it does even better; for in recovering its liberty on the same grounds on which it was stolen away, it either is right in resuming it, or was wrongly deprived in the first place,' But the social order is a sacred right which serves as the basis for all others. And yet this right does not come from nature; thus it is founded on conventions. The problem is to know what these conventions are... ... This problem, in relation to my subject, may be expressed in the following terms: To find a form of association which defends and protects the person and property of each member with the whole force of the community, and where each, while joining with all the rest, still obeys no one but himself, and remains as free as before.' This is the fundamental problem to which the social contract provides the answer.The clauses of this contract... rightly understood, can be reduced to the following only: the total alienation of each member, with all his rights, to the community as a whole. For, in the first place, since each gives himself entirely, the condition is equal for all; and since the condition is equal for all, it is in the interest of no one to make it burdensome to the rest.Furthermore, since the alienation is made without reservations, the union is as perfect as possible, and no member has anything more to ask. For if the individuals retained certain rights, each, in the absence of any common superior capable of judging between him and the public, would be his own judge in certain matters, and would soon claim to be so in all; the state of nature would continue, and the association would necessarily become tyrannical or meaningless.Finally, each individual, by giving himself to all, gives himself to no one; and since there is no member over whom you do not acquire the same rights that you give him over yourself, you gain the equivalent of all you lose, and greater force to preserve what you have.If the social compact is stripped to its essentials, therefore, you will find that it can be reduced to the following terms: 'Each of us puts in common his person and all his powers under the supreme direction of the general will; and in our corporate capacity we receive each member as an indivisible part of the whole'...The first and most important consequence of the principles thus far established is that the general will alone can direct the forces of the state in : accordance with the purpose for which it was created, namely, the common good. For if the opposition of private interests made the establishment of societies necessary, it is the agreement of those same interests that made it possible. It is what these several interests have in common that constitutes the social bond; and if there were no point on which all of them were in agreement, there could be no society. Now it is exclusively ; on the basis of this common interest that society must be governed. I say, therefore, that since sovereignty is nothing but the exercise of the general will, it can never be alienated; and that the sovereign, which is only a collective being, can be represented by itself only. Power may well be transferred, but will cannot.As a matter of fact, if it is not impossible for a particular will to agree with the general will on some specific point, at least it is impossible for that agreement to be constant and durable; for the particular will tends by its very nature to partiality, and the general will to equality. Even if this agreement did remain constant, it would be the result not of skill but of chance, and it would be even more impossible to guarantee that it would continue to do so. The sovereign may well say: 'At the present moment I want what that particular individual wants, or at least what he says he wants.' But it cannot say: 'What that individual wants tomorrow, I too shall want'; since it is absurd for the will to bind itself for the fate, and impossible for any willing being to consent to anything contrary to its own welfare. If, therefore, the people promises simply to obey, it dissolves itself by that very act, and ceases to be a people. As soon as there is a master, there is no longer a sovereign; and from that moment the body politic is destroyed...From the preceding it follows that the general will is always right, and always tends to the public good; but it does not follow that the deliberations of the people will always have the same rectitude. We always desire our own good, but we do not always recognise it. You can not corrupt the people, but you can often deceive it; and it is then only that it seems to will something bad. There is often a great difference between the will of all and the general will; the latter looks only to the common interest, while the former looks to private interest, and is simply a sum of particular wills. But if you cancel out from these same wills all the mutually destructive pluses and minuses', the general will remains as the sum of the differences. If the people were sufficiently well-informed, and if in their deliberations the citizens held no communication with one another, the general will would always result from the large number of small differences, and the deliberations would always be good. But when cliques and partial associations are formed at the expense of the whole, the will of each of these associations becomes general with reference to its members, and particular with reference to the state; then it can no longer be said that there are as many voters as there are individuals, but only as many as there are associations. The differences become less numerous, and give a less general result. Finally, when one of these associations becomes large enough to prevail over all the rest, the result is no longer a sum of small differences, but one single difference. Then there is no longer a general will, and the opinion which prevails is only a private opinion.In so far as several men conjoined consider themselves as a single body, they have but a single will, which refers to their common conservation and to the general welfare. Then all the motive forces of the state are vigorous and simple, its principles are clear and luminous; it has no quarrelling and contradictory interests; the common good is everywhere clearly evident, and requires no more than common sense to be perceived. Peace, unity and equality are the enemies of political subtlety. Upright and simple men are hard to deceive because of their simplicity; they are in no way imposed upon by wiles and subtle pleadings; they are not even clever enough to be dupes. When, among the happiest people on earth, you see crowds of peasants deciding affairs of state under an oak tree, and behaving with uniform wisdom, how can you help despising the subtleties of other nations, which devote so much skill and mystification i to making themselves famous and wretched?A state thus governed has need of very few laws; and as soon as it becomes necessary to promulgate new ones, this necessity is universally recognised. The first to propose them does no more than to say what all have already felt; and it requires neither intrigue nor eloquence to secure the enactment of that which each has already decided to do, as soon as he is sure that the others will do likewise. What deceives the theorists is the fact that, seeing nothing but states badly constituted from the beginning, they are impressed with the impossibility of maintaining such a polity among them. They laugh at the thought of all the stupidities that an adroit rascal, an insinuating talker could persuade the people of Paris or London to commit. They fail to realise that Cromwell would have been drummed out of town by the people of Berne, and the Due de Beaufort given the cat-o'-nine-tails by the Genevans.But when the social bond begins to loosen and the state to grow weak, when particular interests begin to make themselves felt and lesser associations to influence the whole, then the common interest deteriorates and encounters opposition; unanimity no longer prevails in voting; the general will ceases to be the will of all; contradictions and debates arise; and the best opinion does not go by any means undisputed.Finally, when the state, on the brink of ruin, maintains no more than a vain and illusory existence, when the social bond is broken in every heart, when the basest interest brazenly flaunts the sacred name of public good, then the general will falls silent; guided by secret motives, no one thinks as a citizen any more than as if the state had never existed; and under the guise of laws are enacted iniquitous decrees whose only purpose is to further private interests.Does this mean that the general will is annihilated or corrupted? No, it is always constant, unalterable and pure; but it is subordinated to other interests which prevail over it. Each individual, when he detaches his interest from that of the community, is clearly aware that the two are not entirely separable; but his share of the common misfortune is as nothing to him in comparison with the exclusive benefit he hopes to appropriate to himself. Apart from this particular benefit, he seeks the general benefit, in his own interest, as vigorously as anyone else. Even when he sells his vote for money, he does not extinguish, but eludes, the general will within him. His fault lies in changing the terms of the question, and in answering one different from the one he has been asked; with the result that, instead of saying with his vote, 'It is advantageous to the state,' he says, 'It is advantageous to a certain individual or to a certain party that a certain proposal should be enacted.' Thus the maintenance of public order in assemblies depends not so much on maintaining the general will as on ensuring that it will always be interrogated, and that it will always answer.