Rou ..Uri.. Plan Progra~lrFor Coming

< ,. , , , ., [ , . , , , , " \ , , , ; , . , , , , \ il I , ' . . , , ,I , " .. ; . ._'. " .,' ,1, .. .." "'tt. :.¥ ..... ..-. .. f't".., , i , { , I ' i ii' ;, '. I, ",. ,,,," ", Ii ,;", , I I II;dit, " FlVm OJ,l1lfJ.'B, , 4 "IA J, r, t.,) ,"'Y, mt, ",,,.', I" "" I,' .. ,_,;' -. e - , 8 n "'a"'s'" . - '" . , . .. , " " Rou ..Uri .. Plan Coming Year .. , .J.Jt .... ,. oNQ1I. The maJpr ou.tcome of the An.. bock, Oklahoma. and . . .' .. '. . nual Chamber ot Commerce Ban.. a.M. zn.aU each ottlca a COllY' 0 .. "tpday .. _d, :1.",9. . 'quat held at tbe Navajo the PJctorlal' Ruidoso Mas-ulne' 'the word 'lOflnq .JYJ1ony... , Monday night ot this week be placed in their w$!ttnr- lPc>ua, vlltJ1"Chtlltmu Seuon" • • • new, tresh and truly elMora spirit rooms. . th. tUne th04lo of Qo..opcratron Illedged by tM Promote a. in the who•• fac"J'Adl_te Joy an4 who men and women :pre" QqrIy summer to get' everyone in love "Chrl.ttU.q" • • • and sent. Thle was brought ,a,boutb7 tho canyon to wenr tYPical dree,. when uo tboq- who tblnlC, It ,the of prevloUlt Promote II second nnnua! t!'ron.. aU ut'oolill;mw'. •• and problems and pos" tier J)aytJ Celebratton. ·'How To JNnd 301.In' Glvlnc'by sible mhlUnl1erstllndlngs. which D'o not promote n aecond an .. NQX'm1.Jl, ,p.-to. .U;npJy have been "brewlng" sfJveral nual. Frontler Days Oelebration. ettectlvety qu.o.Uon months and whloh had actuallY 'Do and do nat llfomote • Lin .. "Utl ... b. "WI quote It .. the Ute of the neC(ls" COI11 Oounty Fair. aOYf can )'ou .. tl\o . . sury organIza.tion It tbe promo.. Build a playground for tho ... ot liter 81m·, tfon and growth of RUidoso wal'l youncer set, by tryJng tQ. "v. your .. l f to to continue. .. nulld a recreation hall tor other.. Following a general cUscusslon evt$ryone, . Qt 'fOUi'Mlt Into . of what the Ohamber of Com.. Promote tree Indian d.nce. Slv•• JUk' y::: merce could do witb cooperation (lvery Sntura"ay and Sunday nIght Xl Ycnl C , and tho 10S8 ot petty c'lurlng July nnd Local wra)) ypur'trfttf. )'ou.... 1I. 13ecaUQ and grudges Carmon PhU{Jpa, act.. people to pay tor tho daneera "tbe Jltt without tb.. stver I. lng president pre81dod tor tM thrpugh prQ.(Jctermlned p1edCet.· bart," tako YClUl" proMnt to , elecUon -of five now member8 to Other things to consider art towbol'n )'ou are gl'VlnC It the Doard of Plr!3ctors, The num.. theBo: . younelt It.t aUpOI.tbJ.. In any ." . bel' ot men nnd women nomlnat.. Tho nortlier.n patt ot the stat. eve.nt. accompany your wIth A' f-' .. '. '. .. ed. twelve, wu In Itself a sIgn Is In hlgb g(!ar with their North ... prayer' that Gqd.'a b1J.!l ••blJ may &,0 .pC an Immediately recognJzablo orn New Mexico Tourt"t ASlloc:la. \ with It. and commendable "new attitude." tlon. The)' a1'o now recetvlnr n... Don't llt¥1lt. yQU, .... lf lnlJ'tlng. ; ThOse elected to tho board In.. tlonal publicity-to hel\r them W4en )'QU tnakt )'OU1' . etUde E.mmadafr Chase. Emmett teU It-tbBt's all thoro Is to New ·tat blIyond neoso. M. D. McCoy, L. L. Butler, MeXico "0 .... ... u ...... ·.. -..r ...... ;/'-d thOle Mrs. Lucille MeCal'ty. Those re- . ,- .•ualo-" ............, on the board . .are Dob· Oloudcroft wll1 como baek .. DoycO, Orland Olear I.\. renI tlompcUtor 118 ooon all State ne'Vel;' ve you. and wbo Samelson, and Dr. W, D, Horton,. 83 Is completed - you· P t9 rectln nothfnS' Carmon Pbllllps. president ot the toll me where Alamogordo. Tula ... ___ it ,_ #1_-" ....... '1 Pboto b)1 C'atmon PhnlIpe Whlto Mountain Sporta Aesoela- rosa nnd Roswell will ..end tho ........... yo"- C&J,1. ...... '-;.-" tf I d peoplo. n.... own. pt ...... ,)'00 Coe of Ruldo.o, a re8ident to cUmb a treo 1)ut ttl} back. devote mora tlme The now Aspen Ski Buln open ur., tot t .JVJ 0 .... , Lt tn 0 ht hal been hunt- dead; thIs year at Santa Fo with • halt Don't tOl'l4t ot oUier nCcU Q", neo ou '1, . From looking at his teeth the Orland ! an out- milo long ChaIr toW' and a .mall and .creed. In ,.out l1'f'lbl'. The 'Only fnr aU ot htl Ufe, ,ot hI' deer AgO of the beat flccmed to be talk on Things To 10d1(0. Week end flights ar6 belnr power whlctt broth.l"" this year Ca. ulua1) bnt "'''8 between five and 8Ix years. He Come In Rufdo!lo and .poInted nrrabged lnto Santa Fe from hood, .ID. thla proud and thrfUM oyer weighed 301 poun_ four da)'. out tho tint project whlclt would land, Lubbock and other Texu , world 11 ot bltlletahlp h b b h b atter he was kUled. Iko Wlnt- require the fSupport of. the enUre clUes b)' PJoneer All' LInet, Thf. and rov.. Gin filth" n.D:le Of.Bbn t e bit rown ear I own ere., tleld. old timer and. authority on' cOlnlnunfty ,. Christmas D£!corat· w111 take Qway Bomo ot the tolkie I who add•• anoU,l.rl' Glv. Huntfng In Bear Canyon Ii huntIng Jo these mountain!, told lng and a General Cleanup Cam· who.used to come to Cedar Creek. 1t()lXlethln6 to 'Who ar. »t.dy UP In the BoD1U\ country Joo U Joo it was one.. or the largest pnlgn for main streot. 110 urged . =' , , ' • and 'Who 11&- camo upon 8eYora! doc and fawne, f brown bear he had seen ldU.. that all buslne!ls houlles be deco- G' raves Heads e tie j()y tn the b011<1&1 •• uon.. '1'b." . t .• cd rated and Windows trimmed to gf La ih fd·b4t IUJ1 fbl"t. and l!Itood watehfn!', Suddenl' he I. gJvo tho town "Chrf.tmu Eff 'lLen .,,:uU e1u have\- 8aw .. brown beal" anealdnl: up on TIm nbove photo was taken In spirit" !lnd allo urged that ro.. Legion .orts In'" II volc.-Jth1Js ,your tho deer. and JUlt a. It was ready tho cold. stQrU6 roomo! _ the ,sldencea be lighted UP tor the mh'" Am"'r'can ... ".Ion Depart. fr:f "J ... '. . .• to spring he ahot at him with ht. Western Sto,ckyard. and .uvcker hotfdaya, I" " I 'Inamiucb .. )'e bavedone It Wlto 30-06. The shot Bovered the at- Plant. showlnt thero "ero quite . mC!nt ot Now 1.fcxfco If! laUbCbll1C the leut ot tb...... )'. bav. ,done !erIe. around the heart the bear a tow successful hunttnJ tn and this Mr. Bonaguldo a StIlte Wldo orrort to rat the It me!' ran abont 100 1atda and tried around Rufdo.o. . saId he would prosont tor diIlCUfl- chUdren tnto tlcUyO rells10u' A,ttt. however rre-t or amaU. ,," ".' , ,. , , ,"',. . i" "In " n'· _ Ill h on l h sh ome ot tho suggestion" training In tho Ohurchea ot lb •• pe,%* it" oYA Wlauql. And w C BVO been rceelyod by the State. Thfl program la under tbl whln It "11. ot the tOV8 or tht .lb'· Rw·d·o·."'" Host To Zone. Mee.: ..... O' board of dlreetors In th., put direction etthe Dapartmont Ohap- el', It It ttul1 bteratd. ' OVLUJ O weeks flO that all members could lain Henry L. Gra.,!!1 Of RttJd().o• .... M'· ... ". \', d,,," Of Liona Clubs November 22 she them consideratIon and Tb,o"'Leglon position la that 210 S · wO' thought as they would be dl'cua- child bas a chancf! "ho haluft It .. " r .' ,0·. '. led from tlmo to time In open been taught to pra,y and Joye G04. ltUJ40.0. ftl'ilt. "teal *J1(rW. ot the On Novetnber 22od, community. In & safety progratn bOard C)f directors mccUnA'S and AmerIcan may eollaIlfo lor bJUttr: about I ... ttL, night at the Navajo Lodge, the '.lnd law enforcement program, The generalsesaloIUJ of tho Chamber want ot loyalty, hone .• t)', Thur.ldaYt "..r.m anowblf whtn Ruidoso LloM Club el1tertalned toeal Llonsetub complete of and unlolffshbCSlI. Many lOtal 'l'heRWdolO N ..... w.nt to pre.. Ahe l,lon. atld ottleer. trom Ala.. support and cooper."Uon with . Promote a nempaper and mat- p0818 ot tbeState are laul1chlnr and are tOl" & tnbl'C)rdo,Oapltan, (whtcb. incident-city tnlU'ahat 111 ... IAtely pr(lgra.m" a2:lneadyert18Jng campaign to (lOU & drJte to be held;- week-end ff it kttp. up. .... tty I- a Utltdo!o spot18oUid club) -und ftgtt!ed to rock him In all e( .. approximately U,GOO tor next ed up by Ler14a WOl'ker!.8om... t'tac;Uon oUat1" plact. Curl%oUJ. Cloudcroft, and Tu1a.. forts to C!ntol'.ce frat/to JaWs and spring. Adds to run In major one hu w11811 the JUOY. (fUMIng .. th.r. rosa.ptosecute v!olatlO'Ds. . Texas and Oklahoma pallers u fs to take the Leelon. to Churcb. etc.) whtU tt 1I10'W'1 In tli. lIl-OU1:l-o 1lr.lIarold Chfttum from Ala,.. The tJoM Club l'lafety eommlt- wen AI the ChIc_go 'trIbune. AU Every member of tfla bu taftlltcentlT. qul*tl1 and u. jUlt ttlbgot'dO. %One ehalrman of thJ_ tee, tt! to cooperate to the tulJert adds to be used In Sunda7 edl- beeJ1 l'eqttesMd by the NaUon.t tOld tnoUCh to :Ita)" «I.. the.CfQUnd region, ptellidad at the meeting. extent with pubUclty aM at$O a tiOna only. A sorles of 6 Inch one Chaplaltl to spen4 one mlnut. , there Is DO maN b ••. uUtut *lIb t Oba of was Mr. W(lrd of mouth .campllf$U fllr a colUmn adds tor about four each daY tt 12 noon In a pta,.er anyWhere. 'rar '.romtlf .. ;ti lvaD', JOhii ••a, 1>tltrlct pfugrarn ot safety within the com- months In nand., Mata.ztue. tor peace. watt anxlOUJ1.1 tor thLt oceulon Gov.mOt', ftocIi 1Jatl'tt" N,II. 'rhtl Put UP addftfo!)&l bfUbolrc:ts. _. " "-- ., "."." ,, eter)" RuJ.4ota 'Qub- had pi'O\1dtd T&e membermfp apln. h thc;y 1)0 not put up addlUQnat bUl.. Proclamation .' ". " ": ' .. \.' " \. _n ptO(riUn -.nil ba'V. dort.,. Ib PlUlt yeats, VQtfJcf to boards. . .. Notice To An the n.ltor. Wft ollbl.'P9'cen In 8j)onaol" .. ChtJ.atmu .. tocal .Jtht ' ,eefnr 4 tbrn 10 hu , .... .. . .., .' _ tI1eIrprat .. ()t tb6 ac:eomplt.1atrtenbleampalgtt ,.,Uh f"t bu, dUrIng thO' mObtb$ bC(ln dlMdtnlltedas Amedcan BUSIness Houses of tturdo.o Lion" ,Clul) .tid p!'b:' Mth bu,lilU.lI ti1'lh1J and l'e"tdenct!* to fake Thlltor. )ton .teau, Jr.1 Legion In New .. ae .. "' .... tbt 1*It. 1feek .arlou. buf- . .... lUid a CbmmUtilb' wal 1'1.8, .. OJdLlneoln" 'the RuJdolo cotd!»g iff prochtmaUql1byaor .. neM J:i:l-,,'fa llt1fdoto' haYti 'bten Dutf... ,. lb.!», thett.. Mn!lIrtlog of Walt Crolby. JJ1et Vt.lley, TheWblte Sandll, the 11'1- ernol' Thoma. J .. ltabl'Tt I he:" In. fl.e lUlld* N,... ofUce P1l.e- nanclAl and .tatus ot Teddy Bannbl,to out dIan:. It ttte bY.l'fO<llalm fu.llsupport Of· th. fn' thtll' ChrllttDQ ada Ute RufdOi(i !.fOu wUdl8CUAed tot .... .' ". .' .to TJa1torl. HaTe onoor two reI. of UudlolJo tn tooaI.,t. fat ;tit. I.a. of Daeem'btt tard. and toUtl4 to &. in tXc:elfeht con, . Ptesldent Ofland. 'BOn.. In utarJ,.. Jchedule4 trip" toone .. 4r fc'.rtJ5 to lucre.,!! membenhlp anJ .• ",m be made to con- .clJtfon. '. t1).e llul!lOso Lion., t1fop"cetslor"ach dV. In-other arOUlfefn«ltelJf111UHl, {)uUtan", .. tut aU h ....... 110\1"'; eQul'U tended an inVitation to ttttilother '. one da, .th" trlp wou14 urganbatfon .to.. ,eleran•. of I _fl' lodr .. {o.Chld6,l, to C!Y8thtm of' tbt evenlllg", .. RufdO$O comtnurtiUeii to. attt!fid a loclal tC1 be to i(onJeau---the next day 'W.Qdd Wat. 1 "nd II, and. utI' : l .-it gpPbt'tuidtfw. put, Chtlatmu .. ju, who .. 4 ..... be g{'V(\n by Ute LlOUf .•tnto Old LJncoln-:-and '<t on.. . all clf'lblemen. lU· t& •.• u ..... to rl .*4 N.... ·Y.·. ·fA U16'. eu..0<1 the JocaI tfiWc problem. .Rtddo80 the I!l8t. fn .January. Seen1le-a m.Ulnr.lJn of abOqt (alee .p.rt Jtt tJ,lfaeU'fltlHplatl" ,..X' Mht but al',oae 4Ulrl-. to In V1eW o(jt Ui,e :tecebtmiOUil trlU' .. 'Th8 In"ftJ.Uot1"'" {ttlttilcUattt1 5.0GO doctots, <tenU.t.. &udned, by .ttob:ert Nare& l'Ott .. tbett *b J10'Wa&lldo -.ob1 ftc" a(:qlcltnta h...... ·. It* . ctllpte(! and Pt.h* at6 u,ndtrwayto la"!'t e "l f .. "mUle )'f)UOWIlIC6lhtNo.71. , ... '.' .' .. ... , _U 010"1),. 1JlloD1tlg Utioltfq•• th.- supPOrt ot the RUld()J6 LtOhl tJd. pIa the (he pllon8 bOOk. fn tOWJ1t Uk••. It.X. Wtn,fleld; M"70r, Jl ..OJf .. ClUb, alOttg-wttl1tbltol the .ntlte Lton. net Lion-ellle,ot the SObe. DiU.' 1 }lit. Worth, Boulton,- f,.u,,",· .. . ... !o( ir" 1(.... t .. ... .. ."" ,r" 'pi i.,.t";,,., > ''(' 'al,' '" t : .' g"l' 1'1'.:,I't?J;;--trl'. 't'{ lIji'·,"l! ii·lq"j".'· "" mit ' .... s';ioi;' 'iI"}',,: h;I... fl- """"'-1 '4,' •• '- ..... i\ll.d, .. ,b}' I,-:i', I , " . .. .. .. ' , , ii"";> .; 110:1;:'';;''' ','pI ",.,- il '': Or 'rae· to< •• ", '-g 'r:' '1 p·rtu Efl 'I' T 'fitb ..'tt" Sf Tst rtf ·rn 1d·.. · 'ttrt "- ., .. ".'U' t' tl""" 'r t ,6'; 11' " .,._- - n __ .....

Transcript of Rou ..Uri.. Plan Progra~lrFor Coming

Page 1: Rou ..Uri.. Plan Progra~lrFor Coming l,lon. atld ottleer. trom Ala.. support and cooper."Uon with th~. Promote a nempaper















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8 n"'a"'s'".- '" ., . .. ,

" "

Rou ..Uri .. Plan Progra~lrFor Coming Year.., .J.Jt....,. oNQ1I. The maJpr ou.tcome of the An.. bock, Oklahoma. 01~Y and IlOO~ .

. .' .. '. . nual Chamber ot Commerce Ban.. a.M. zn.aU each ottlca a COllY' 0 .."tpday .. ~m~~ _d, :1.",9. . 'quat held at tbe Navajo Loag~ the PJctorlal' Ruidoso Mas-ulne'

'the word ~~~r 'lOflnq .JYJ1ony... , Monday night ot this week WM~tO. be placed in their w$!ttnr-lPc>ua, vlltJ1"Chtlltmu Seuon" • • • new, tresh and truly elMora spirit rooms. .th. tUne ~lleJ,1 ~re th04lo of Qo..opcratron Illedged by tM Promote a. campl\l~n in thewho•• fac"J'Adl_te Joy an4 who ~eventy.tfve men and women :pre" QqrIy summer to get' everyone inlove "Chrl.ttU.q" • • • and ~otlJ;lJ,' sent. Thle was brought ,a,boutb7 tho canyon to wenr tYPical dree,.when ~ere uo tboq- who tblnlC, It ,the comvleteUalrln~' of prevloUlt Promote II second nnnua! t!'ron..aU ut'oolill;mw'. • • d~tteren<le8 and problems and pos" tier J)aytJ Celebratton.

·'How To JNnd 301.In' Glvlnc'by sible mhlUnl1erstllndlngs. which D'o not promote n aecond an..NQX'm1.Jl, Vjne~t ,p.-to. .U;npJy ~d have been "brewlng" t~r sfJveral nual. Frontler Days Oelebration.ettectlvety ,"llIu,~r.tho qu.o.Uon months and whloh had actuallY 'Do and do nat llfomote • Lin..tl1~ "Utl...b. "WI quote It be~; . . yU'eat~nod the Ute of the neC(ls" COI11 Oounty Fair.

aOYf can )'ou tl\o ~"Jr- . . sury organIza.tion It tbe promo.. Build a playground for thopleItCbrl.t~... ot fQ~ liter 81m·, tfon and growth of RUidoso wal'l youncer set,pJy~ by tryJng tQ. "v. your..lf to to continue. .. nulld a recreation hall torother.. Following a general cUscusslon evt$ryone, .Put.o~.tl1b'li Qt 'fOUi'Mlt Into . of what the Ohamber of Com.. Promote tree Indian d.nce.

everythln~,:vou Slv•• JUk' y::: merce could do witb cooperation (lvery Sntura"ay and Sunday nIght8e'ecUo~ p.rM)n~Jy. Xl Ycnl C , and tho 10S8 ot petty ~lckerln8' c'lurlng July nnd AU~u8t. Localwra)) ypur'trfttf. )'ou....1I. 13ecaUQ and grudges Carmon PhU{Jpa, act.. people to pay tor tho daneera"tbe Jltt without tb.. stver I. lng president pre81dod tor tM thrpugh prQ.(Jctermlned p1edCet.·bart," tako YClUl" proMnt to ~e , elecUon -of five now member8 to Other things to consider artpel"~n towbol'n )'ou are gl'VlnC It the Doard of Plr!3ctors, The num.. theBo: .younelt It.t aUpOI.tbJ.. In any ." . bel' ot men nnd women nomlnat.. Tho nortlier.n patt ot the stat.eve.nt. accompany your JJ~ wIth A' f-'..'. '. .. ed. twelve, wu In Itself a sIgn Is In hlgb g(!ar with their North...prayer' that Gqd.'a b1J.!l••blJ may &,0 .pC an Immediately recognJzablo orn New Mexico Tourt"t ASlloc:la.

\ with It. and commendable "new attitude." tlon. The)' a1'o now recetvlnr n...Don't llt¥1lt. yQU,....lf lnlJ'tlng. ; ThOse elected to tho board In.. tlonal publicity-to hel\r them

W4en )'QU tnakt )'OU1' ClU'~tmU . etUde E.mmadafr Chase. Emmett teU It-tbBt's all thoro Is to New·tat ~ blIyond fyOt.trt~UY6Iro1e, neoso. M. D. McCoy, L. L. Butler, MeXico"0.... •...u......·.. -..r...... ;/'-d thOle Mrs. Lucille MeCal'ty. Those re- .,- ~., .•ualo-" ~............, ~ mlllnln~ on the board . .are Dob· Oloudcroft wll1 como baek ..~:~ t~::~e:'t~:'U"o~tnaY':~ DoycO, Orland nQna~qld", Olear I.\. renI tlompcUtor 118 ooon all Statene'Vel;' ve you. an~. and wbo Samelson, and Dr. W, D, Horton,. Hfg~way 83 Is completed - you·

P ~t t9 rectln nothfnS' Carmon Pbllllps. president ot the toll me where Alamogordo. Tula...___ it ,_ #1_-" .......'1 ~-p·pl. Pboto b)1 C'atmon PhnlIpe Whlto Mountain Sporta Aesoela- rosa nnd Roswell will ..end tho........... yo"- ~ou C&J,1. ,&~~ ,&~ ...... '-;.-" tf I d peoplo.n....l)yClthvm.!u!o'tt~:;own. pt...... ,)'00 Coe of Ruldo.o, a re8ident to cUmb a treo 1)ut ttl} back. toO~h~~!Ip~jec~? devote mora tlme The now Aspen Ski Buln openur., tot t .JVJ 0.... J1~ , Lt tn 0 ht hal been hunt- dead; thIs year at Santa Fo with • halt

Don't tOl'l4t~I. ot oUier nCcU Q", neo ou '1, . From looking at his teeth the Orland Bon.~ulde ! an out- milo long ChaIr toW' and a .malland .creed. In ,.out l1'f'lbl'. The 'Only fnr aU ot htl Ufe, ,ot hI' deer AgO of the beat flccmed to be Btand~~r talk on Things To 10d1(0. Week end flights ar6 belnrpower whlctt ~ Qt'M~ broth.l"" this year Ca. ulua1) bnt "'''8 between five and 8Ix years. He Come In Rufdo!lo and .poInted nrrabged lnto Santa Fe from J(1~.hood, .a.ndU!1<lf~~ .ID. thla lu~tly proud and thrfUM oyer weighed 301 poun_ four da)'. out tho tint project whlclt would land, Lubbock and other Texu

, world 11 u..~or ot bltlletahlp h b b h b atter he was kUled. Iko Wlnt- require the fSupport of. the enUre clUes b)' PJoneer All' LInet, Thf.and rov.. Gin filth" n.D:le Of.Bbn t e bit rown ear I own ere., tleld. old timer and. authority on' cOlnlnunfty ,. Christmas D£!corat· w111 take Qway Bomo ot the tolkie

I who add••~y.~.anoU,l.rl' Glv. Huntfng In ~fttlo Bear Canyon Ii huntIng Jo these mountain!, told lng and a General Cleanup Cam· who.used to come to Cedar Creek.1t()lXlethln6 to tll~ 'Who ar. »t.dy UP In the BoD1U\ country Joo UJoo it was one.. or the largest pnlgn for main streot. 110 urged . =' , , ' •

• and 'Who lJ1l.P~ b~tnrlse ~Vfl 11&- camo upon 8eYora! doc and fawne, fbrown bear he had Cy~ seen ldU.. that all buslne!ls houlles be deco- G'raves Heads St·~t·etie j()y tn the b011<1&1 ••uon.. '1'b." . t .• cd rated and Windows trimmed to •gf La ih fd·b4t IUJ1 fbl"t. and l!Itood watehfn!', Suddenl' heI . gJvo tho ~ntfro town "Chrf.tmu Eff'lLen .,,:uUe1u have~~~t\- 8aw .. brown beal" anealdnl: up on TIm nbove photo was taken In spirit" !lnd allo urged that ro.. Legion .ortsIn'" II volc.-Jth1Js ,your tho deer. and JUlt a. It was ready tho cold. stQrU6 roomo! _ the ,sldencea be lighted UP tor the mh'" Am"'r'can ... ".Ion "J . . . '. . .• to spring he ahot at him with ht. Western Sto,ckyard. and .uvcker hotfdaya, I" " I ~D'Inamiucb .. )'e bavedone It Wlto 30-06. The shot Bovered the at- Plant. showlnt thero "ero quite . mC!nt ot Now 1.fcxfco If! laUbCbll1Cthe leut ot tb...... )'. bav. ,done !erIe. around the heart the bear a tow successful hunttnJ tn and FoUowln~ this Mr. Bonaguldo a StIlte Wldo orrort to rat theIt unf~ me!' ran abont 100 1atda and tried around Rufdo.o. . saId he would prosont tor diIlCUfl- chUdren tnto tlcUyO rells10u'

A,ttt. however rre-t or amaU. ,," ".' , , . , , ,"',. . i" "In " n'· _ Illhon

lh shome ot tho suggestion" training In tho Ohurchea ot lb••

•pe,%* it" oYA Wlauql. And w C BVO been rceelyod by the State. Thfl program la under tblwhln It "11. ot the tOV8 or tht .lb'· Rw·d·o·."'" Host To Zone. Mee.:.....O' board of dlreetors In th., put direction etthe Dapartmont Ohap-el', It It ttul1 bteratd. ' OVLUJO weeks flO that all members could lain Henry L. Gra.,!!1 Of RttJd().o•

.... M'· ... ". \', d,,," Of Liona Clubs November 22 she them consideratIon and Tb,o"'Leglon position la that 210S·wO'tu~allindf thought as they would be dl'cua- child bas a chancf! "ho haluft

It .. " r .' ,0·. '. led from tlmo to time In open been taught to pra,y and Joye G04.ltUJ40.0. ftl'ilt. "teal *J1(rW. ot the On Novetnber 22od, ~uesday community. In & safety progratn bOard C)f directors mccUnA'S and AmerIcan 80~cty may eollaIlfo lory~.~t4 bJUttr: about I ... ttL, night at the Navajo Lodge, the '.lnd law enforcement program, The generalsesaloIUJ of tho Chamber want ot loyalty, deecnC1~ hone.•t)',Thur.ldaYt "..r.m anowblf whtn Ruidoso LloM Club el1tertalned toeal Llonsetub vO~f!4 complete of Comm(lr(~e. and unlolffshbCSlI. Many lOtal'l'heRWdolO N..... w.nt to pre.. Ahe l,lon. atld ottleer. trom Ala.. support and cooper."Uon with th~ . Promote a nempaper and mat- p0818 ot tbeState are laul1chlnrand the~ are ho~ tOl" & Iddln~ tnbl'C)rdo,Oapltan, (whtcb. incident-city tnlU'ahat 111 ...IAtely pr(lgra.m" a2:lneadyert18Jng campaign to (lOU & wc~k'. '~1'1 drJte to be held;­week-end ff it kttp. up. ....tty I- a Utltdo!o spot18oUid club) -und ftgtt!ed to rock him In all e(.. approximately U,GOO tor next ed up by Ler14a WOl'ker!.8om...Cot1f~~o t'tac;Uon oUat1" plact. Curl%oUJ. Cloudcroft, and Tu1a.. forts to C!ntol'.ce frat/to JaWs and spring. Adds to run In major one hu w11811 "14lh~t the JUOY.

(fUMIng lfDoutjlll/)W~ rosa.ptosecute v!olatlO'Ds. . Texas and Oklahoma pallers u fs to take the Leelon. to Churcb.etc.) whtU tt 1I10'W'1 In tli. lIl-OU1:l-o 1lr.lIarold Chfttum from Ala,.. The tJoM Club l'lafety eommlt- wen AI the ChIc_go 'trIbune. AU Every member of tfla Le~lon butaftlltcentlT. qul*tl1 and u. jUlt ttlbgot'dO. %One ehalrman of thJ_ tee, tt! to cooperate to the tulJert adds to be used In Sunda7 edl- beeJ1 l'eqttesMd by the NaUon.ttOld tnoUCh to :Ita)" «I.. the.CfQUnd region, ptellidad at the meeting. extent with pubUclty aM at$O a tiOna only. A sorles of 6 Inch one Chaplaltl to spen4 one mlnut.

, there Is DO maN b••.uUtut *lIbt Oba of ~e~n Pe~ was Mr. W(lrd of mouth .campllf$U fllr a colUmn adds tor about four each daY tt 12 noon In a pta,.eranyWhere. 'rar '.romtlf ~et..;ti lvaD', JOhii••a, ~puty 1>tltrlct pfugrarn ot safety within the com- months In nand., Mata.ztue. tor peace.watt anxlOUJ1.1 tor thLt oceulon Gov.mOt', ftocIi 1Jatl'tt" N,II. 'rhtl tnunlty~ Put UP addftfo!)&l bfUbolrc:ts. _. " "-- ., "."." , ,eter)" RuJ.4ota ~. 'Qub- had pi'O\1dtd T&e membermfp apln. h thc;y 1)0 not put up addlUQnat bUl.. Proclamation

.' '~'. ". " ": '.. \.' " \. _n Ha~t ptO(riUn -.nil ~l ba'V. dort.,. Ib PlUlt yeats, VQtfJcf to boards. . ..Notice To An the n.ltor. Wft ollbl.'P9'cen In 8j)onaol" .. ChtJ.atmu ~et:oratln8"Spon$or .. tocal .Jtht ' ,eefnr alnc~ ~~mber 4 tbrn 10 hu

, .... . . ..., .' _ tI1eIrprat.. ()t tb6 ac:eomplt.1atrtenbleampalgtt ,.,Uh f"t bu, dUrIng thO' tUmm~1" mObtb$ bC(ln dlMdtnlltedas AmedcanBUSIness Houses of th~ tturdo.o Lion" ,Clul) .tid p!'b:' Mth bu,lilU.lI ti1'lh1J and l'e"tdenct!* to fake Thlltor. t~ )ton .teau, Jr.1 Legion W('~k In New x~xrco .. ae.."'.... tbt 1*It. 1feek .arlou. buf- JlO.~ 1>ro~;' . .... lUid a CbmmUtilb' wal appofnt~d 1'1.8, .. OJdLlneoln" 'the RuJdolo cotd!»g iff prochtmaUql1byaor..

neM J:i:l-,,'fa llt1fdoto' haYti 'bten Dutf...,. lb. ~tt.!», thett.. Mn!lIrtlog of Walt Crolby. JJ1et Vt.lley, TheWblte Sandll, the 11'1- ernol' Thoma. J .. ltabl'Tt I he:"In. fl.e lUlld* N,... ofUce P1l.e- nanclAl and m.J;j),ber~tp .tatus ot Teddy Bannbl,to c.~ out pta~ dIan:. ne!~"atfon.Olter It ttte bY.l'fO<llalm fu.llsupport Of· th.fn' thtll' ChrllttDQ ItMtrD~ ada Ute RufdOi(i !.fOu wUdl8CUAed tot Ullt~ .... .' ". .' .to TJa1torl. HaTe onoor two reI. vma~e of UudlolJo tn tooaI.,t.fat ;tit. I.a. of Daeem'btt tard. and toUtl4 to &. in tXc:elfeht con, . Ptesldent Ofland. 'BOn..guld~, In utarJ,.. Jchedule4 trip" toone .. 4r fc'.rtJ5 to lucre.,!! membenhlp anJ

.• .Al\~tt()tt ",m be made to con- .clJtfon. '. ~bfttrot t1).e llul!lOso Lion., ~ t1fop"cetslor"ach dV. In-other arOUlfefn«ltelJf111UHl, {)uUtan",..tut aU h....... 110\1"'; eQul'U ~ot1tel" ahd~eAker tended an inVitation to ttttilother wor~.· '. one da, .th" trlp wou14 llt~ urganbatfon .to.. ,eleran•. of

I _fl' lodr.. {o.Chld6,l, to C!Y8thtm of' tbt evenlllg",.. RufdO$O Cl~ comtnurtiUeii to. attt!fid a loclal tC1 be to i(onJeau---the next day 'W.Qdd Wat. 1 "nd II, and. utI': l .-it gpPbt'tuidtfw. put, Chtlatmu :atlUlballt'tim1(~t..ju, who .. 4..... be g{'V(\n by Ute 'ntUd08~ LlOUf .•tnto Old LJncoln-:-and '<t on.. . all clf'lblemen. lU· t&•.•u..... torl .*4 N.... ·Y.·. GJ,i~p ·fA U16'. eu..0<1 the JocaI tfiWc problem. .Rtddo80 the I!l8t. we~k fn .January. Seen1le-a m.Ulnr.lJn of abOqt (alee .p.rt Jtt tJ,lfaeU'fltlHplatl",..X' Mht but al',oae 4Ulrl-. to In V1eW o(jt Ui,e :tecebtmiOUil trlU'.. 'Th8 In"ftJ.Uot1"'" {ttlttilcUattt1~ 5.0GO doctots, <tenU.t.. &udned, by th~ .ttob:ert ~~ Nare& l'Ott. .~ tbett *b J10'Wa&lldo -.ob1 ftc"a(:qlcltnta h...... ·. It* .,!d ctllpte(! and Pt.h* at6 u,ndtrwayto la"!'te"l f .."mUle )'f)UOWIlIC6lhtNo.71. , . . . '.' .' . .... ,

_U 010"1),. 1JlloD1tlg Utioltfq•• th.- supPOrt ot the RUld()J6 LtOhl m~. tJd. pIa qc~Qt1to~ the (he pllon8 bOOk. fn tOWJ1t Uk••. It.X. Wtn,fleld; M"70r, •Jl..OJf .. ClUb, alOttg-wttl1tbltol the .ntlte Lton. net Lion-ellle,ot the SObe. DiU.'1 }lit. Worth, Boulton,- f,.u,,",· .. 'Vml~,~,~~!~~'<;: . ... !o(

ir" 1(.... t .. ~,~,tr ...lilLi[~p-·'~ .. ."" ,r" i· 'pi "'f:hlrt.;~'Ui:(il' i.,.t";,,., > >i;'<".~; ''(' 'al,' '" t : ~·d@>O·t' .' g"l' 1'1'.:,I't?J;;--trl'. 't'{ lIji'·,"l! ii·lq"j".'· "" mit ' .... s';ioi;' 'iI"}',,: h;I... 'itliiii'.~"'j"". fl- """"'-1 '4,' ••'- .....i\ll.d, .. ,b}' I,-:i',


" . .. .. ..' , , ii"";> .; 110:1;:'';;''' ','pI ~ ",.,- il '': Or 'rae· u· to< ,~ ••J.""_~ ~~'" ", •'-g 'r:' '1 p·rtuEfl 'I' T'fitb..n· 'tt" Sf Tst rtf ·rn 1d·.. · 'ttrt "- ., .. ".'U' t' tl""" 'r t ,6'; 11' " .,._- - n __ ..... •

Page 2: Rou ..Uri.. Plan Progra~lrFor Coming l,lon. atld ottleer. trom Ala.. support and cooper."Uon with th~. Promote a nempaper

. '''. ".,' ..... "


. .~d4J.y~! ,,~.mbClr- ~. 19{9

In· mogkNylenswat'l'.t'r.>e1tt1)t .,opUrrand tb. bright 'IWH


And For A•


KAY·MASON'S- ' .. , '. ,

. , Nat J)Qo;:. to PoetOHkt.

... ,.. ' . ''''.'' .





Vida Beuaetf

. .. ..;.,.

~ ....


Nob Hill Restaurant



Serving Only First Quality Grade A FoodOPO nu' ROUND 11 A. M. to 9 P. M.





n ...

, .

ft'~ .~Af,"" .... ..

p)e living all along and tnto Beta Sigma Phi Big Christmas Tree . J 2 I n;mAL 'ESTATE .Weed. Larger ,; ,place than 1 M · M d For Gateway Area' PAU.L H. DOUGLASthought. Itave a nice grade and eetlng on ayblgh schooJ thero. From there l-bono ~3 ReB. 2()"21over Denny's Hm. long and Iteep The Deta Sisma PhI Borority The first announced c.trort to In rost Office Blockbut worked road and lnto Penalco met at tbe home economfc8 cot.. beauUfr nlldoso came to the Iturooso, N. M.VaHey, whore we turned West, tage Monday night for .thelr' reg- News Tuesday ~lgh't when It was ~===2======~=:::.tbrough the ghost town ot Old ulnr mnotln". told that Emmett Rceaeand Dad -.Marcia. once a mining town. .. .... •Down a steep, narrow canyon Durlns the buslneJR 8enlon Gough were a commIttee In theroad Into Illgh RoUs,,. thrOugh the plana wcre competed tor the pro- Gateway BubCUvlslon to put upnow tunnel and SOOb'on Highway gFam of ritual, and a formal ban- and' decorate a thIrty foot rovolv­70. tben on bomo through Tula.- Quet and dance at the Navajo Ing Christmas tree In tho centerrosa and' Mescalero. A .I,ht .ee- Lodge, Saturday nlgbt, December of the triangle formed by theIng trip, when tho road. are dry. Srd. Thoy a180 made plans and Hollywood cutoff and the Junc-

o 'drew names tor the ChrJltmaa tlon road jUl!lt abovo WagonwbeolMr. and Mrs. pan Lucas return- part)". Motor.

ed to tbelr home even- After tbo bualnei!s meeting nar- Thll!l tree wJlJ have hundred ofIng. /-- bara Lane led • program on IIgbts and will bo beautlfully

IJlttle Mamie Ruth ROIl hu poetry. LlmarJclca and jingle. of decorated by thlR weckend tobeen quite sick for a wcek but 1. each gfrl. own compoattlol1 were eland clear through.. tho hollda.ys.ImprovIng. read. This wlJ1 be II cheerful beacon to

A loclal hour honoring Jimmy those enterIng or leavfng RUidosoDon Perry Is home tor tbe hoU- Leo Parsons on her blrthda,. fol.. during that time.

days and returned to Ft. Worth lowed tho program w1t.h lI11drcdand T.C.U. SunClay. Ramey and FrancCI Roser. u NEW MEXICO SOUVENIRS

• hOl5tCIIIC1S. CLAYTON BENNETT'SMr. and Mra. Herman Ems haTe ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;;:;;;;;;;;:;;:.;;;:;.had gucsUJ trom Oklaboma. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••: •••••••v.+1

•Dert Donnell writes that he hu

an Invitation to go down tn Hex­leo on a fishing trip. He t. located

•at Gila Dend. Arizona."

Mr. and Mrs. O. A. lIunt wentto BBn Franclceo, Saturday.......,~

Mr. and Mrs. Re1J1old. Joneeand Sandra .,Ialted Ralph Bon­neU'1 Dob and Billie D01ce wereDeem around hero, al.o,

• e= . l'

Mrs. Duck NOlker took hermothol', Mra. WJlUo NOIker, andhor children. Noll, Lowell andBrian to Carlsbad for the Thank"nlvJng boUday so that the cbJIwdren could go through CarabactCaverns.


W. D.Horton' Vii

..,..J). &Sl1.tdtrdIN....t. '''AC1tCI-'. '. X·ltAV .

., PUONI· ~,..........~W.· .. Maoi~r M,••.-.lQu...... '.

, i '" ", E. '... , _:,"" ... _." .","":7."'''''-'';;'''.'···C· 'c','". •.•.• .." .. ,- ,,- "''',.'''' " -'" .• -,., .... , ,""','-'-.' .~... " 'L'"'' "'F '-" '.-''7''~' .... , """.1"_,,. "-'<"" .,( ,._.- '-.,J'."', _~.. ,.J"" .. .¥.. ~·· .• "Rj.I...64,; ..' 1...", ."."..J. ... , _...':,.4_1.1, R",.", •."." '._ .. _ , > •..•~': ;~;/~-' ,. ,",.e>. ,',_, _.>, ""_~''''''' -;';':;"-""~'" ~ .. ~.: 'J·I-'.~-'·' " ,"." .. , •",- ," " -, )

'. . ' ... : ' .•..,.,. '~~',,~ . ., '.. ~, .: ,,'" "

•'P...o~o n.l1X~.,". . , ,', .. .'"' .,," .. . ., .

'G~'·t···EN.C•. 0.'E NEWS. . . :J • " . .

.,....- -. ..'" >,............................. '

n, s,dne, UOnnellMr. and Mre.· Homer Bell Of

;(,Ubboek stopped fora short " .a. tho)' passed through onthalr .. 'way to McslUa Park. to vlalt Hr. 'I'and Mra. Jame,8 A. Bell. .

"-"Mrs. Edwin Bonnell went to Lo,

A.ngeles to vlalt her sister. Mrs.Ha2el Foresee and a brotber tbatlives out there. Also Ed's sister. IIINI. Ethel Hart. Ethel's baby WIlSborn on tbe 16th of Novemberbut died 118 tbo Dr. eould notmako him breath. AU the rota..Uvea here nre sorry to hear of tbe IlOss ot tbe baby.

I know there was severaJ famny(ltnner parties In the RuidosoVaHey Thanksgiving day but theObO I attended was tn Mother'sbomo In Ban Patricio. AJJ five ~

glr)s wore thero with Wilbur andLouise and brougbt someIthing to heJp on the monu. Mre.lIunt brought a big turkey alltho way from PuebJo. Colorado to Iadd to tbe ones furnished hore.Holona mado hot roUs and pump..kin pies and thoro was nothingmissing. ThoDo prescnt wIth Motb­or was, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. A. Hunt.Mr. and MrR. Itoeder. Mr. andMrs. Tom RIgsby, Mr. and Mra.Bob Boyce. Frank Coo Boyco nndBetty Lou Boyce. Mr. and :Prtrs.Elzy Perry. Jr. nnd Ronnie andFredda. !\fr. and Mr~. Ray Reed.GInger nnd Roy. Unrvey Bonnell.Mrs. Anno Titsworth. Mr. and

J &Irs. Wllbur Coe. Mr. and Mrs.Dan Lucna nnd baby trom ltateb.Mra. r:(o)ena lJucl1s. Mis" NolUeRuth Lucl1n nnd Bydney Bonnoll.In tho evening all came to Don..nell Ranch where thero was musleand danclnu with near nolghborscomIn" In. Mr. and ltlrs. JohnThomas. !\fr, and Mrs. Good. Mr.nnd Mrs. Honry r"lltham, Mr.' andMrs. Howard Latba.m and Mr. andMrs. Georgo Porry. Mr. and !frs.ijnlpb Bonnoll had n family dfn..nor. with Mr. and Mrs. CJftfordOney 08 guesta. Konnoth nnd IronoNoskor and aU Joined In the fun.

,lIad a mOBt wonllerfuJ trip

Sunday, lUr. and Mra. Iteedor8sked Anno and I to gO with tbemtor a rldo through tho SacramentoMountains. (Thoy lived In Weedono wInter ond know tbe countrywell) Wo wont out through Mes­calero and ClOUdcroft. to Highnous then turned I~asl. Tho coun.try 18 very high. ruggod nndtlmbl!rcd mountains and wonder­fu] vlowa from all aides. Ono tlmoean coo WJJlto Mt. nClxt tlmo thoOrganfl nnd San Andres. withWhite Sando In tho foresround.trom ono high l\ft. can 800 IIoUa­mnn Air Bnse. thon on Rna on.up hili and down through thoForest. Resorve, hy tho SholtonRRnch and on to tho top of Mountain. from whoro oneeould 000 Old !\lexica on n cleardo)'. It \Van B little hazy. Wo catJunch nnd rested a whtJo thcnstorted bomo by way of Weed.Pant tbo now F.lI.B. camp whoro . Mr. and !Ins. Etay PelTT, Br.the)' havo Bomo nlco buildings, had family dinner ThanksglY!nc .but n vory narrow. rough road day tor theIr cl111dren and It'anCl''

~t.~ndownaIOng~D~nVC~~~~f;ld~r~o~n~.~~~~~~~~~~.~.~.~6~.~.~-.~.~.~-.~A~.~-.~.~·~~~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.;.~.~.~.~.~·.;.~.;.;-.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.~4~':'.!;;...Oti...l.=,,:.........,..;.~....:...;•• ,,ii,i •••:ii~ ~~. _="; . " f' .', .' , "-- ~"·i'" •.', • I (





, tTl .. 4l)i1 NtW,::;C :¥'()J',l'(L1rc:(' -', -~~i)':d.L:~![i· itl. )iJ2 _"r-

Page 3: Rou ..Uri.. Plan Progra~lrFor Coming l,lon. atld ottleer. trom Ala.. support and cooper."Uon with th~. Promote a nempaper

.' I-


Shop lat'y CIt Your App"atlc. DfJa'.,-t. or

Electrical gifts are sure to be appreciated be..cause they're both beautiful and las~ingly. use-

" }ul. They bring satisfaction and enjoym.ent notoo1y during the Holidays. but throughout thewhole year. Choose your electrical gilts nowwhile selections are complete. You giovc better


Hoving when you give something electrical!




I III b'



For Indoor or Outdoor J)tCCk'.tbtg


R. H. Anderson Lumber Co.HOLLYWOOD, N. M.




Gener•• Bulld....·Plum..... Supplle.

You will lind iIlany ptactical gitts •• ~ NOT at 81 PalOor Roswell pdces .... BUT .BELOW their pdc" as ad­vertised in your daily newspapers.

The W.S.C.S. ot the. MethodistChurch entertained a large Kroup,01' wamen with a SUvor Tea Tue.. .d(1.y, Navcmber 22 from 3 to 6p.m. at tho E4ucational Bul1dtnc

Rich colored autumn lean.*candles (1.nd baskets af fruit wereused as decorations throushoutthe room and on the mantel ot

Ron out tb(l ba1'1'cl or Pl1l:lS the tho 'fireplace.cccgnrs - ldr. and Mrv. Artltur 1'110 10Dg' tea table was CaTeredBlazer <Art at' Timbedino to mOlt with an art work Jtnen cloth andaf us) nre parents ot a baby glrJ, centered with a colorful KumDevcrly li'ay, born Nov. 26. U you dl'oP tree arranged by MrI. Jerry

• Wmlt to know how cute o.nd pretty Hinen. During the first part atthe mUe lady 18. nstt pl'oud "Grand. I the afternoon Mra. ~tel Bonnellpa," BUl Landrlo. Alrendy ho's and Mrs. Mack Garner prtlldedbraggingo, "Sbo·s tat, nnd ho.o Ught at the tea table, with Mra. Em-

• brown balr." metl Reese and Mrs, Ted Bpn-nell 8ervlng during the .econd

Mr. und Mrn. Sherman :B1nke are bour.

. , .' ... '; ,.". . ;. , , ~. ~ .'" '" , ·Ii· I~" , .'. ..'

:M;Jl)S C1\tIiRO~NnlA.l1CA LJ; 'ElIgli$!\ Woman Visih MrJ.8ilfHagee,'. Perql)rilllng eo. .." " ••" ••jf "!",'llf ¥ .•~ "' : ."... . Mrl$,,' Violet ~lan~r tr~~ Wnet..ShQWf,lf~ 'HQQQree Takes RosweUJob

ny J!lp~A>S~$;UBQ~rOlJd'»ar~~t..tb.W~ltfQUpa f.ltQne, .. )!}nglAu4 llJlnRUldQ"O ,Two tbltt;rp,'m, !NQu,d..."NoY" . . G~()l"se' }terry.• ot, })grrtDrltUQI .. '. .'. . ' .., .' '. 'A uttt!'boy Nf)Vf)IQlJer .27, unnf1Q1.~4 vtf,lttlng lJerlJ,l"teJ't Mr't 'J'l:\omatl emb"r.G8·t" _ ..s ....El.d"'t"'~al" +heCo., . Glencoe, Nl.M., announced .

. !4r" n""~Se11Qt :Bent, wUa tQ Q.t 'Utls WrUing: '. J. Cort~e. , " ." . .... 9 .. ~.,. ,,~. W,,..'" "... ., ". thlr:;.· weeki tbt\t l1eMceptQ4.n .Abletloadel'~llntQr tbt :PJ.'e~trldge,·. :,;jJ '" ( Sbe wa." pre$@t. toX' tll~ H.s~ 1()V~1Y'j)a.bY3~QW~r ~lven tJll1()l\oreme~geU<lyjQb tor the 01t)" 01 .CA' 8topp~d' in to. mqUlre ~lJout Ther~ wll1be at;l election at "1'1:'1».. . '. . 1 of Mrs, »lU . Ha.gee of .ltqldQad'. nO$W~n,. N.· M. whe~ tb.Q1l' f;lan~d.M'" '.. '.' '. .. .i ' .'. • i, '.. '. ....• '. 'et*,b9wer ):IO:udit.Y "n~r~QO~ 1>( th.1f Forty-two gu~,ta J\.rrlVElrl .at the bln~ IMt. week reg'~rdtn"'''' "ct~u.\1l." ~, .~ny ~as tr(les." ;a\:lW~ ~(l:m.. Jl.I J3uslness OQmmUteemen "n W';~k~nd had An "'nriottunlti to .M th.Odl.8.. t Yauth.·Oenter. w.hlc:..h i.n. Il',. Q·u.'.· .."'.. w·."'l.l 1 9th·· ri." ~""'.' •plAinlng at. s~u..eness due f;a a t""U Judgel:l Pec:. :nI '.' . • ", .. '.. .Vl"4".., '. . . .' . l;t ,,' «OJ Y ,... ,.....'" A

hl4 J,t,ad r¢ce~tly oVer apUe (If logs.· . .",' . :meet man"1o! the ~UldOIrO l"dh~a, ~;~e~l:~::~Yn~~:::.ted wUh taU tbere. <)tlu,n,' 'drillers hM 8hle~,. ,:" " , ". . , . 1.h'• .Rq(UQ ~e.tE!r 18. in ,cha1,'g~ at. ,She said thllJ 'Wit.fJ QnlrtheMoond The refrCfllnnenttable had tar nway (rom \he wo~k tor the ref\,

Mr•• ausle" J:!rls~s' (m~ Mom)(ln- .grQ.<11ng· th~ Xm.. ~ ~ees. tbie Y~lU':'a~(~it of ita' kind ».~I,t h.4· ~nr '. ". '. .' . . flon t1u~t the wen would bl'veto, jQyed ~ flU UQUII turkey 4ipn~r I'JQ the pUbUc, wlll h.ave even nlee~ . t nded that in Enl>'lt\nd tllev .... center lllece a lovely gUm drop. be cleAned aut by &,Qlng tbrQugl,1.r~ lin th " 0 bo e [ect) t.\y: ones than \l8ual to ehoos& from 'l\t· a e. .. .'!11' ". ." tr~ and pastel ~lowefQ.Man1. thetpp at the at<me lnill",Ung buflt ., ' .. '. , '. ' ."'~' t~eTdb~WC)Qd ~ard. ',' ,baveno 8uehpartleJ,l.but when glftlJ Were sent bY' persc:>na unable. oYer the pump llnd attuldfllg the .

:mveryoIU:~ wall fI, ry t~'l1ear that . . " " . the I,IJorlt. arrives ~he1 take -' gift .to attend the occasfon.4!!, gifts rig (1.t an angle,UrI ang Mr~. Ray :H.e.ed's qat WQ.S Johnnie. alJ,frett) reports a mOISt and call on the D:J,other. / were dlsplaY«ld. ' _ I Rnlph O. illn\'ber alld ~ normocked 8Jil tbey dl'ove off the bUl wonderful Tbanksglvlng dinner at Mrs. Platter Uke. thQ United Hostesses wer~ Thelmn Rit.m I Perry m'o doing the. job and hl\.vein Tularosa Oanyon on tbeir way the ,Mina, ~t which everyth,lng, even States and Ruldoflo' in pit.rtlcular. SOy, Oclo Ha.gee: Suzie, Glenda GOQrge pe,nY'a bis. Number .14to WiJ,gOIUnQup.d wl1ere tbey wore to wild dce, WQ sel'Ved. Thill is a. Sbe th.lnlaJ the aQepety be~ut1ful ~nd Fay Bonnell. nlg dOwn there to wart witb.t(l Iipenc1 ';l'hnnk!?givlng. We are mo~t of Ulil way down and the »eQPIE> gr"c:~oulS a,nd ' .. , , , " .,' , . ' . ,glad they nol' ~elthel' of their ,south neve: sampl~d·tdel!dlY. . Attention .Ladies: Charlie Smith of Moscalere) <lan'1~youngster,. 'were bl,1rt. Mary Davai~8 had Thanksgiving Mr.apd Mra. Coffee recently lnto The RUidoSQ otflce Sat-

.... , dl ith h ~ 11 1- No at took her on a two ",eeb trip Take note at thls. The Work- urdny of lnst week :to subscribe todur new hea4 nurse, Miss LUUIUl ,uner W . . er ...atn Y ....... . g over the big state Of Texas an.d 'shap .group Is-again meeting at The .Ruidoso News tor 11 year. Wl!I .

JQyner, o.fSlln CurIos, htlSarrlve<l. cnnyon. Elvalyn :Peilmnn.L~d .,he she e~oYed a good Y!fIlt with the Metbodlat ~ducit.tlou,al :nutld- ~rc very pl'oud ot our SUbscrIptionXtnaglne Miss Ritter, Who hll~ been had bel'S long ago-we ~~t <lbeell; Tom CaUee .'lnd hi&' ta.D:J,lly in El ing every Thurflday trom 12 noon 11l3t tIl, Mescalel'o (1.nd OUt' <iown thllt job tlS well as .nto that. . '. Pa.80. One conldalmolSt predict until 4:30 p.m. Anyone Intereated over there, Edna Shields. .her -own, is' .happy to see the new Mr." Harold 'Weaver, .Regional that somedit.Y Mr.. "'latter wlll Js Invited t9 Come. JUllt bring a ,_.__tady. fOl'ester, is hel'e lnspecting timber como· baot to Ruidoso to. make sack lunch. Right now the ladlea Dr. Dono.ld MllOI{llY waa hom.

", sales and slash ber hama here. In the group are warking on la.ut wcolc·end from Ft; Sumntl', N,An enthual8JilHc reader of the , '" , ". , tcxUle' painting ~nd hammered 1M., wholle ho,la worklnr thllwln-

"Oall" 'Inqulred: "Is everyone at Dr. and Mra. J~.eJih Sala, medi-, ~AT'S ~AXI - PROW 4U Un. 0 ter.Mescalero a Ohien''' ~ Cluet, wh() COol afficer in charge af the TBI .' '. ': . 'i'~' ", '., , .,. " . 7 ",.," "

happtlne<1 to overhear tho question, .t1osplml,, Sel'Vlce, Fort De- . ,rep.led: "Everybody here Is Q. chief, ,..lance, were guesta at tho Relnoor a wife of a cblef, ar a daughter darllns 'lhanksiv}ng holldaya.04 a cbjet, or-'a son ot a pbenom- " ,enon'." Mr. nnd ~r". Crow have had aa

, their guests, Dr. &n.d Hi'll. BarnesTh~ouSh the eftorts of tho, Prot- of Klngznatl.

eatnnt Mlss.on here, tho foilowing _.__were enrolle<1 thia 1o.l1 ~t Goodlnnd Mr. (lnd Mrs. Fife Peter. of AI-Indians, rIu!:o, Oklahoma: atMen, 'buquerquo flew down and spentCccH '"and John :L:u'tY lOnzhuma, Lho week-end wJth the HcNatt-.ehlldren .of Stathcn IClnzhumai

•John Il.dgnr Cllrriho, Vlrgmlo. Ev- WSC S S·I Taws' doni and Anita Valdez. Co.~- ..... I ver c eaerlne Valdez' <iauchtcr. '1'his la anaU Indian arpbanage operated bythe r-fCSl)jtci',un I..-0\11C1), und hMbeen in mhltcncc tor .9Y.'41r. 70 yenrs.It hM" nn enrollment of4 about -200.Mnny pl'omlnent Indian citizens ofO)tlahoma come trom there, o.ndthe prccent principal 16 Rev. Gard­ner, who "attended Cn:mp Meetinghere thw'Bummer.

J .... , _ ,_, __._0"_' - ',_ , ~ -'-, '. .. _"'. ~_. ,-0 '" .', ..

.• '<-.

• •'.- co' _,_'_;' '-'

Page 4: Rou ..Uri.. Plan Progra~lrFor Coming l,lon. atld ottleer. trom Ala.. support and cooper."Uon with th~. Promote a nempaper

. . ....


• •

t. j .•


," ... ~ _... ".,~. '~"''',,'CT',,=,".,.",..........._, .,'- '''", "<,- '. '.' ,.

,'. ",. '.


I•.. ! •• ,.


CABINS. ..Downtown


Purcl1ues Made Here,. GUt Wrapped

Nice Aasortment


, , " ,. it. i' t',

• Every kind of Overshoe or Gll10ehfor Men, Women, Children.

• Combed. EngUsh Broadcloth"bowler style" blouse, only $1.98




Every Day' Needs Or Gifts


, ,


• j ••. ,

C'; -;


-, I



Toy. 01 All Kinds For Boy. AndQlrls• Tree Decorations • Candles and Tapers .• Tree Lighta • Candies• Christmas Cards • Tablt Decontiona• Gilt Wrappings • Seasonal Napkiu

Hammered Tin From MexicoServing Tray. - Ash Trays - Cb.riatmu Trees

Picture Frames In Ieather, PIasti~ Glue •COPPER - Flower Pots - Asb.1'ra~ - Souvenira


Scarver-Wool Gloves - Toboggan Ca1*




. ,


PRAlltE ClUCKEN BUNTERSFriday .of lut week C.rmon

PhflUps, nalph Brown, R. i,r. Mc..naniela. Nolan Hart aDd BUI H.rtwent to TatUbl, N. M. to huntprairIe chicken... I

'tho. Whole t'fOup broutht back·nIno, each man ahot two; but BIDHar~ and he ba«ted three. I.

.. .



''', -

MA,NNIE'S,." l.'OGG8R.Y" . ....,·M'R~"",..·,.




Rev. If. L. Oravea. Commanderot tl\e local Roy Coe-oFrancl. CUlT)'Ch.pler of tho DA.V.. announce.• preis relcue trom the Veter.naA.dmlnl.tratlon eoncernlng the In­creaac In pay for sorvlce connect­ed dl.abllltlea of voter.1UI who arerated fltty per cent or more en...sbled.

The V. A. hu sont out cert&1ntorm. to be returned to them priorto December I, mo. reque.tlngdeclarnUon an dproot of depend­en~ ot the vetn.1L

Tbla monns tbat It these torm.are returned to the Veternns A.d­mlnlstratlon on or betore the dateot December I, 1~'9, thl alncl't""In PIlY will be eftectlve trom thatdate and the veter.n ,.,UJ ~d.ys In which to fumllb the Vet.­eran. Admlnlstr.tlon with the <Ioc­umentary evidence ot dependentl~laJmed. Otherwl.e the pay In­creue wllJ be effectiVe from thedale .ucb documentary evldenet fasubmitted.

",", "

\";1~' ~".,. :-,1 "r~ " '.',~ ...~ ti.l..... ft............~.'" "'~" , ,", '., ". "," "",',', .,' ' ,,':ti;'~~r. £'~.. ,..,..U,.I,LIU~;"""P'",~' I ,!,Jr. >j.~:L, ,',: ,:,.«:'1.',.,",' i~( .. ',::,1 '(.'(je j -'4 ."I'u ,~~r. :'.,'., ftu c " ,',',,'..i.,,", __ ;""~'" i "I, ,..Ii. ".....'; ",IE. ""-,'

.~. ServJ4K Buttloto -.4 ~ 'Th ..'; ..... ., ' ... ·"rq~f, l)eeemb~J: 10.· :lQ .. "t: ' .Mr....1Jd¥t$•.lll4w...rclBlakelt<I W>ooIn Cou!I~ _ 0.' . row Party Ao' • ,...,It .1 Il':HIl1. Cba",bor 'I'l....l. Qeb'91 a.... ol.lI.14Q1l0, N. )(, llJII1Q,nc. t4•

.~ JA)OJS B. ~PAm .Pu_ 1;lecember' to tb& 10h"a .~en .ot CC)J~merce meeUn(lleld$l\t10o·c1oc::k. 'aerv" t() theirU MAUl!' NELL B4B8EB..._•.EcUto.. delliJn.t(!!J .. ,Amenc::e,n 1,eslon 1e,.t, Monday nlgbt, ~lle$day tile . ~~O:k (l11~~~~tngdinn:~ttrt:~ ·g:t~~~r,.lJ~~~~~Q~,ec~~~ee:' 5~:if "J' .. ;' " ,., ""'. Week by (lc>v. Tbo.mll.1I J.JI.... rtr.t of r.egulargeneralmeeUngs o'clock In evening. Ina ~.)).(11eUghtC}ere:monyat theII !!~ AI Sec,ft~~ CBIauu1d~tte~at ~~~~t~~-:f~:rtit:j!::e:rc::ttt: planned, by the re"ldentfJand Come and bring your pocket bride elecUiJ1QPle.· .Ii ii:sJ.P"~~t 1~': ,ion .. .. .... . ... ·bUlllne$& people of lower Ruidoso book, ~na ~ee9ur pot ho~ers, , a~t.1um~r'·le tb,e I;\on of Mr.~ 181'.co, . 0 , . Tbe Robert J.Ua,see 1'o,t NQ, wABheld l\t the~ob am :Restau- ruga, lJ,prontl and ,otlle1 a:ncY and Mrs.• V. '~~'l'urnet of Linneus,I " , " 7(J :n.uidollQ wm haVe it, part fl\nt at noon. • I Work.. ;Mis$pqrl.He J$ Bt&.UQned at Biggs~. Sut»cnpUon ,Z.60 peI'.)'ear In tbls .peclal celebration ,,1tll The meetln,g waa mottvated by '. . '. Air Foree· anCl Ja with the, lD advance. a biS get together and free feed a very strong feeUng on tbe P1}l't S N JM GrazlnGl 113t ~tratdf~SUpJ)ort $quardron.

."' , ! to be held at the Amerl~11c J.,~' .' d . t--f all • ..'.. b' , ImmedlatelttQUowintt the cere-, glon Hall Wednesday D~ember of those men an womenUG Assn. Meet Nov. 29th tnonY.a rece»tton wUlbe held in

1 At 7: 00 p.m. Every veteran and residents .of nuidoso, upper and . . the home 'oftbe brlde's parents.bis wita In the Community lower, should be drawn el~)lJer to- The fourteenth annual Convon" The YOUng couple iW1ll Uve in El

ScouUng's fundamental aim 18 Invited to attend. . gather into a spirit ot eoopel'a-· tIon of the southeastern New 1'a80. .to develop, a boy's character and Mattel'a of vital importance to Uon a~d. mutual helpfulilel:ls. ..-.......----,........---traIn him for good cltlzenship. all Veterana wm be dlscu.lJed and,. Thet are VCl'y conseiou' of the Mexico Grating Atlsoclatfonwas r.AT'S TAXI - :PlIONE 413Tbe Boys do not simply talk special InformaUon released from tact that ever~one i~ the canyon hold In RQswell On Tuesday. Nov.. :':::'=::::;:========:;"about lervlce, they .erve. Tbey the Natlonal Legion ottlce wJll muat· work together before tbe ember 29, according to 1,. D. ,.. I ., •

Jearn by doing. Scouting lafor be g(ven out. The.. party wm be a community can develop !lnd grow Mer~hant, Capitan, ,Presldept.all bOYI 8 ycars or older without Joint attalr between tbe Legion· to, tuUlIl latent posslbll1t1es. All More than three hundred SQuth- 'relard to race,., color, or creed. and tho' AUJ:llhLry ottbQlJe gatbered ,tor the meetingTbere I. no regImentation in . . • ~ were interested In, getting to- eastern state ranchers were ex"Scouting. Each Scout 18 a member . gether with the outlyIng areas In pected to attend,of a 'rroop or Pack sponsored by To The Editor: order to bring about tbls neces- Tbe organll1ll\t1on, created 1m"a lpeal organization. sary spirit of cooperation. medintely following passage ot

BIkinI, campIng, mcetlnJs, I have recently returned from Mr. Jack Hull, local postmaster, tbe Taylor Gral1llng Act In ln4,I worklnl and studyIng to carn 0. trip to Ruidoso and .. deer was Invited to sl1eak to the group is' concerned chiefly with grazing1 merit badges, r;lve little time for hunt, and I would Uke very mnch and give tbem a pIcture of· the problems conf:wntlng stockmen of1~. boy to get Into trouble. Greater 'to thank the peo~le out tb,ere .t pOlltll1 situation and what might tb,elltate. The group Is co-pub"

seoutlnc Is an investment agatnst RuIdoso tor belng:.o friendly and be the outcome llhould the Gate- IIsber of the "NeV( Mexico Stock"Juvenile delinquency. nice. way SubdlvIlllon be incorporated man" magazine, together with the

Cub Bcouts. younger than Boy Everyone I came In contact "Jth In the tuturo with the presont In- New MexIco Cattle Growere Auo-SCouts, arc actively directed by did all they could to make my. corporate Vlllago ot RuldollO. elation dnd New Menco Woolparente and neighborbood leadera. stay enjoyable. Tho friends I . Growers Association. +------------.

I Tbl. program 1» for boy. 8, 9 and went huntlD!: witb were aU ex- EveryO~e·was very receptive toI 10 )'ears of al;e. In Cub den. tbey porlenccd hunters and a. it was Mr. Hun s Ideas on the subject '...... If' If • .. • • • • • ••

j arc taugbt the fundament.le of my vel')' tirst hunt my ama~url'h which he dlccusscd at length andi lood citlzensblp; et health, of way. made a great deal Qf tun In great detail.I cleanliness; ot helpln, othera; ot tor my trlends, They were .Kood The group ot thirty gatheredI beiDg lolf-rellant. The Influencesportas about the sreen thing. I plan to bold regulal' meetings ofI. of tbe home Is etrcngtboncd, be-'dld. but wb,at they dId not know tthl~"llkind for dthe nlext few montbts1 caU80 thc)' are tau,ht to obey. was how muCh fun It WM to be O.u ECUSS an ma ntaln a coord -J Mo.t Cub., when thoy aN old on the, ~uttlde and watch them nated program tor. the Improve-] enough, become Scouts aud con- down In their r;rooYe. And 1 dId mont of tbo enUre community.l tlnuo to learn how they can be shot a buck,

.n aSlot to oyer)' community. And alaln I lay flThank You," Mrs. Lowell B. Morgan was hon---------. A creen country Jake. Or" at a pink and· blue sbower

Veteran Information . ' Monday, Nov. 21, held at tho bomeBrookley Afr Force Base, Ala., of Mrs. J. v. :gobble. Ho.te.sea tor

Editor, RuldolO Newt, the occnsion were MrI. J. V. Hob-Ruldo.o N.,., Kex1co " , . blo, Mrs. George McCarty, Mr8. G.Dear SI~: .' ... 'N. Taylor, and Hrt. Blll McCarly.

I would be I· d 'Ono ot the high IIght8 ot the aftet-~p eue to have you noon wns a readlng given by Mis8

a:c:~ my aubtcrlptloQ ot your Rowena Cae. Mrs. W. II. Evansp .p , and Mrs. George Stele pre.tlded at

1 am trom .Carrtzozo, New Kex- tbe teB table. Lovely retrcsbmentaleo, and read th, RUldQlO carrying out the pink and bluaNowa .lnee It 'Wu flr.t publtahtd scheme wero served to the ~ gue.t..

~tbthe~~~~tht~tGp::8e~n~t~'=========~=:::i:::::~::::~~~~~~~~~~month. when I wu tranJterrtd '" . , + II II • • q. • .,.. ..-= • • ., .. IJ .. • '-. it • • .. •• ...

here trom Fort Franc" E. Warren, ,.t --.- 1/\, "~".Wydmln,. '

1 have mllHd. readlnl your paperbecaulo 1 have' nllglecttd .ubaorlb­Ing tor It. I read on. ot my, bUd­die.. p&pera when he UMd to re­ceive them trom hfa mother (Wr..Cumming. trom Capitan>, Tbfabuddy was Holl. Oummlnc. fromCapItan.- I If.du.ted from Carrllozo Blab .SchOOl In.~ and 'Worked In. Rul­doso tor 2 month. betor. joln1n,the All' Foret. I

I am enolo.lnC two doU.... ($2.00)Cor the .ubl(lrlptlon. If It fa morethan two doUate pl~... blll m. tortbe re.t- .nd 1 wUl r.mlt the bal.snce, It any. upon recelvlnl the,llr.t copy. I

SIncerely your••-I)avJd It.. Sanchez.

Page 5: Rou ..Uri.. Plan Progra~lrFor Coming l,lon. atld ottleer. trom Ala.. support and cooper."Uon with th~. Promote a nempaper

• •

" ••J'g ......... ~


Mr.'· and "Mrs. Nolan Hnrt c€lle.. I

brnted their 26th ,weddIng an"niyersary on Novenlber 28th. .

am :Ha.rt told tlit.s 'Wook(' ofbeing wltll hls.trrother Nolan' otRuidoso and meeting thelJ;' bro~p.:, ...61' J. Ro. :Hnrt ot CQfl;l1cllonna, 're;taltin.....Lubbock Qne dtlY lnst week•.·.the first time tho three brQtherllhad b~en .together tor .!lve year...



,r'· "

CanUoIO, Haw Mexico

Member Federal DepositInsurance Corporation

,'r•••• +••••••••••••••••••••~¥

Lincoln County Agency. \~.

Citizens State Bankof .~

~·.~4••••••••••AA••A••A••••••••••••••••••••••• •••,== .=.. ., , . ... -.. _. 1 - - $ 'f' Xj

Walt Cr WQ.S takl,m to no."1\11'. Ilnd Mra:. Roy Lamny an I Tuesday 0 . Is weck tor 'hoa-

dQ.ughterlJ,.Judy and Jeanette pltaUzn.tlonafter Olngrl In hi.were over from Nognl Sunday home hero for sevoro.l dand were dinner gucatij of ·Mr. .and Mrs. Rnlph O. Bnrber and' Gene Nelson, 80n,of Mr. and Yr••Tommy. Roy Nelson, WW3 tnken to RQ.W~ll

Tuesday of this week to the bo••pltal atter su(tcr1n~ an Iloute at­tack of appendlciU"

Mr. and Mrs. GI'ady Eldridge, •Mr. IUld Mra.· Floyd Hale and :Mr. Lowell Morgnn 1s dflvlng theand Mrs. Blll Edgar ot Cnpltnn' EaQulre \ Oleaners Truck and 1.were In RUidoso Saturday night picking UP and c1ellverlng tor"for the dance at ·the Na.vajo them on their regull\r route.'Lodge. .


a 'As a•••••••0 •• 1...........·................. .._._=_.....1·......... ........ 1 ••1.-.......... ' ••


I U I • '8' , ••••


1950 car tag8g0 on sale Dec.1st. O1arkc8 Inaur.nco Agency,RUidoso.

Students of Cl:lristlan Science InRuldo:m and surrounding territoryarc bolding cburch services In theAIncrlcnn I,.cglon Hall In Ruidosoeach ~unday afternoon at IS p. m.A cordial InvltaUon to attend Is ex·tended to all. ~

Bess Bounds Is bomo from Mis.slsslppi whoro she has been withber brother Fra11k tor mlUlY weeks.He Is much better lUld almost com­pletely recovered trom bl'; sorlOU8lUneslf. Hon«lY Wtl8 80 glo.d to 8CO!less homo, as wcre tlll tho rest other tdeM.! and nolghbors who hadmined her.+i•. I_



. t•


I j


IS. 4

St. Rita Catholic Chul'chCarrizozo, New MexJcoFatber Vito C. de Baca

Sunday-7:oo .and 9:00 a. m.

Farmers and sportsmen botDliked th() idea and went bomefriends. From where I sit, that ...meeting showed how :Colk,! can gettogether and work out flllfeguards{or eaeh other's good. j

It's'llke the Brewera' Se1f·~g­ttl.Uon prO&tam whereby tavernOWJ1el'l cooperate itl setting uplaftnardJI' to keep their placeeclem, bright and l.w-.bidinr. &thb wa1. "J:lo trespaaalnl" lipsare llever needed!

Saor«)d Heart CatholloCbapelFort sttmton, New Mexico

Fathpr Jules MollnleSunday MW3S-9:00 a. m.

Corolla Baptist (lhurchPrayel' Service, Wednellday 7;30

p. m.'

--,St. Josepb's Mlsalon .

Mescalero. N. M.:Fatber Marclan Bucber

SUnday Mass-l0:00. a. m.Weekday Maas-6:30 0.. m.saturdays-7:S0 a. m.Holy" Hour montb before

the tit8t Friday ot tbe month.,

SacJ:'ed Jleart OatboUc CbUJ'chOQ.pitan, New Mexico

:Father Vito C. de BacaSecond and Fourth Sundays--

11:30 a. m. ..First Thursdays..


How About Being A j'

"Good Sport"?

" ,,, "

From where I sit ... bj' Joe Marsh


Big pow-wow the other mght .tthe FIre House between farmersand the town fellows who go dah·logandhunUngolil their Jud.BurRoberta U1': "We don't IItnd01­one going o~ our·. tilee.rele••"ft~.-gate. left opeD.,Cences brokeu, fJr8 started. eYenl£ot~tock getting hurt," -

Then 811111 Dalton apoke up."Some of WI may haTe beet1 a bitcareless. but from now on ...te'll getpermission fir.t. Betide. that,we'u offering a $50 reward for in­formaUoit about &n1 destructionto a farmer'~ propertyI"

. ~1'8~ »-ptlst Churchc. W. Thomas, Pastor

2 Blocks trom Poet OfflceOn Alto Road

Sunde.y School-9:~5 a. m.Morning Worphlp-l1:00 a. m.Training Unlon-7:oo Pi m. .E VllnSellatl0 sel'Vlce--8:oo p. m.Prayer Service. Wednesday -

8;00 p. m.I •

w: 'M, S,-2:oo p. m. 1st and 3rC!Thur,daY8. .

•. ..St. EleaI1or's (lathollo Oburch.'\ ,,,.

RUidoso, New Me,xleoRev. Carl Hammer 'I

SundtlY' Mass-7:oo a. m.Sunday M~8-9:00 a. lIt.Wcekday :Mass-7:30 a. m.· '· ~t ~reebyterlan Cburch'

Claude D. Peake, PastorService' every Sunday-l1:00 a.'

m.Alnerlcan Legion Hall, Ruidoso,

New Mexico.

)jJp~oWJ.l· Services-E:acb Seconc1 and F-ourth Sun­

days, Navajo l.odge, Ruidoso, NewM~lco-l0:30 a. m.

.. (" '~ .. , .. ::' ~. '. - ;. ", ' . ~

JJ'd~~.:~~Jobor~".:I.~~ . Il':"""" •.....··....1:0,'.11".:":' ',I I.; .. : .: .. 1 . " •.~ ;,/',", ')I,d;', '.,:" :i .'fJ~Ii I., "'~, ,'" 1 ,Ii.'; ..:1' RUxnoSO NJIlWS: P.p J'lvt

'~ ', II ''-''R ,'" :', .....•.•... :•.,'." '.:, ·C····.··L··'·A· .S···.·S·IFIEDA'DS· .•~ ,c; . , ..Map "OUD£e .....eO,8· .l i •••........••. '1'\' " .. ' '.' <> •'.,

_ -. _' , ~ :- ... "",,-. ""-- .............. _: _ .... 0: ... '-- __ ......... .:. ...... """'" __ .... -- _ ..... :- -- ... ""'"'" - -- .... ,................. JoO. ..... ""trtw?AAv"""- W' - ' la - ' ..' '. - ' - - - "- ' , tZ*I4NW.ZZULIl'at..\4'br;g;a:J(SL,?-4JIUU-z;s.¥44.1MfiN4.Af¥.Lii4Jl'iPA44\CL44-~.eJ.\ A4lll-- ~....,... "!'" ~.,.,., .......

~ ~ :M~llQilt <lJiu.rcm.. lllnt. Baptt$t (;burt'l) '. YCU,lt o lfl...·q. art'"' J.\·ORR~l';T: 2~!lr()l,)mb,()u." fur.. .CarrlZOzQj New:Me)p'¢(l .. Gr~~n Tfee.New:M;e~co .nd .pp~l.t~.~)"nUln afid ~v.r. nlllne4,SeeOpip aaSe~. Gl\t~w~)'...Harrt p, W~bb, Pastor .. '., O. :F. St~n(ord, );IW)t9f \hoooul1t~n" ·R.t 1~p,1' OourbJ, Ruldo4'\O. V '" ~ .tI

Ohtire)), ·SClJJ,QQl.."..lh~5 a, ''In. . ..:;O~~~g·.~~~~i;p9~t.:iio'::' m.· u"•• '(.x.uJitflv.WQ P.l· Uno)' lroa; amNT; 12"be~tQQmm04~m .PhurqA WQJ,'~.Jblp'"':"t1:()Q £1,. JP. .. •.. ':1!ta,inlPg Union"':"1;OOp. m. --'~ .and~t" mJ"lm.umq~arg. I. O2Q . winterlze<l <:~bin. 3 fOOJP. cabin"cQlnmun.ttr .~th~* ChurQl.. . FJv~nlng Sel'Vic~:OO·p. nt. por.~,. to· UIO.t '~~"20 word. JPo<llm\. u,nd winterized. :Botl\ In.

I"t . it 1\,1' ·u· , . • . I _.,d oet b~ .....,.1"" downtown loq,aUQn. AQeetu.i~le"'l. . .""ap an, ".." ....... .'. Rev.1ip,r~~. Wc;llb,'Pastor .·S1Ull"atl'icloCatnoUqChul'ch . , """" ".;, ", ,'.. " wintel.. ~ry ·re~liIpn",ble. J;ohnalQn'aChufcn Wor~hlp-9:S0 a, m. $an Patrioio, .New Mexico' Na'l'IO~: All farmers l,\nd ranc}l: Grocery, Rul!lof!o, ./ rei' . tabChurch" $cJ:l,ool-10:.5 a. m.· , Father CQ."-. Bo.mmer, era planning to c;1dIl wells unde,r ., ,./ iffi' ' '.' .,'Thursday eac~ week at 7:30 p. m. Sunday Ma5~-=-...~.:00 a. ·m. AM mUllt have them completed . C..anyo··n. Ec oe•. ~. ._ ..

In homes.', ~ . ,-,- or stat·ted by .'January 1st. For tbls ,,,", Uondo. OathoU«). S~"lce$ wOl'kcontnot me NOW. George L.

Ft. Stanton Fatbel' Vito C. de ;Bacll- Perry. WMer Wens DrlUed, Re--Oburcb Of Our Redeemer, Hondo, New M~co paIred, Windmill Worlt••Glencoe,

( Fll'$t Sunday-12:oo noon. N. M. PhonQ 8-14, :nuldoso. tabFt. ~U~nRto~,_NeWvMeXb:0:Foutt,h. Thursday-9:oo 0.. nt,' . I , , " " '" . • ,

O. oj: ijo.uel'Y, lear .Meetlj1g.s In homes. . FOR SALE}-RetuQe (ro11\' r09k'Services First and Third Sunday • , ., , crusher' $'1.00 a load. ~dnaO.

-10:30 a. :an. '';'- 00"01\& rreeb~ ael'''''~es Shferenberg, ur.;n Huerta", Glen·, x... S. Markham, Fastor coo. New Mexico. .

SundaY School-1Q:OO'a.m. _..----..--.•-.-.------.Ohurch Servlce/J 2nd and 3rd

Sunday at ~eglon Hut-1:30 p.m. Canyon Echoes •••4th Sunday - 11: 00 a.m.

• , 4

st. AIlne's Ohapel EpiscopalOoron.a. New Mexico ,

Rev. P..H. ;Peoples. PastorSunday Scbool-l0 a.. m.Morning Worship.Training Unlon-7 p. m.Eveing Wprshlp-8 p. m.


St. John's CathoUo Ohurch, LinCOln. New Mexico

Fatheil' Vito C. de Bllca. .Secotid Thursoay Montbly--l0:00

~m. '1#- 'I'blrd Sundo.y-ll:oo 0.. m. Mr. and Mra. Bob Boyco, Jr.

OHUROH OF OBRIST and Mr. and Mrs. RoYnolds JonesOro.. Gadberry, Pastor had vonlson dlnue~ with thoOhurch ofOhr16t Bldg. Ralph Donnel family Sunilay. Leonard Keener, Ion of Uta. Bud

.Sunday School and Bible Study, . '. ' Campbell, wasvlsltlna: In R\lldoBO10,:00 LJP,. Mr. and Mrs. ,Carl Longabaugh thla woeltenrouto to a new POlt

MornIng 'Sonlce, l:!:OO a.m. Ispent Thnnksslvlng In' Roswell with tho Anny All' Corps in the. wltb the Gene Fowler faml1y.· aouth Pacific.

Chureb Of Christ' •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••v •• ¥V•••••••~Carrizozo, New Mexico

Dr. P. M. Shaver, 'LeaderSundllY Bible Study-l0:80 a. m.,Oommunlon Sundny-11:00 a. m.'

. . .

~~.Qt-~~o.ponal~. , ',- ,. ~~ ,., 'T.1Q,deJ1oPltnatl9t:lal ·....d

'··11'ud·· tah ... . .. .....~~~n_ ,!-'A; ..M:ns. ~. rUt", >Jn~ .;B:lrll:. -1ilillsterSP"'d~Y S,cbool:.....9:.ti .. in.

-, .Mo~l~ . WorliJ1;lip-..U:OO a. m.MidweeSel'ViQe-,.,..;~:3()p.m. .

< "~ ".,.', ('j' .' ....,:yi .....'_ ......,- -',

'. ~91.Wm1$lty Hetbo4lst' (lbureh ....''i'i''''~ '<Il-. '" ",,'

~. ·i'~1l14o~o; ..New· Ue:ldco'g ','~:4 <;lravell, Pastor •

'l'wQ 13ervlcelJ SunBq.,y morning.MQt'n,Jn,gServlc(}-f):OO and 11 a. m.

Oh\licbSchool-10:()() a. m.JUnior Oholr-'7:oo p. m.:mvening: Servlce-...-8:00 p:m.

• .. I _

~.19IfJ,Vnil.d Stalu BrtflJUl FoudatiMI

1;:==:::::::::=::':"::::::============~' t











'0"S"'O'"..•..• •. '" '.' • . . •.



1 ;• ±• J'





, "


"Box ~tl


We Are Now the Authori%ed Willys Overland, ,

Jeep Dealer for Lincoln County

CARRIZOZO, NnW IVlBxrCOcCUfton B. Ztu:ilwatt .. Tom B.Zumwatt ..~

"ARandJtr"a Best J1titnd, r. Hi, Jeep')

See·us for aU your needs in that line. We carry a· coJD91ete stock ofpartl anaacceasones fot aU Jeep prOd..ttds.


. . ,Come in and let us give you a deJ11'Oi18tration ot the1950 Jeep ptoducta. Tbisllne covers JU98; Pick-ups, and

· Station Watgol1s;'"" 'c',(

<i; - .. Il*l'ii


•P IJiiMFi :iIIIJ ' .'.-,d.]( ... ';·.. ·1 IWI';1i fi It'.-, .,".5 ·1 '," fiiia' fill <, nil. flu f '.,'r '1IiE1' 'if JJ r',._ ....• '


an ""-""". I.' ;'I

•• ••

~.=,... =,.,=.~====='=":_c..='===.,"=.. ====.....•


Page 6: Rou ..Uri.. Plan Progra~lrFor Coming l,lon. atld ottleer. trom Ala.. support and cooper."Uon with th~. Promote a nempaper




r "I



, .

~ .


,.....L -

"'. _ 1.& i.

. I.

., .


, ,.. .i dal ,••• a

Mr•. Bill Willon and tamlly aremoving to Arizona. They -left thefirst part ot this week.

•The ~oreof tb.e ball ~Il1e Fri-

day wa.S 87-38 In favor of Corona.Coronn'a second tllam was loserby only two points. The wasat Corona between tho Vaughn andCorona boys,

There were 05' In nttendllnce atSundlly School nt the Bnpt1B~

Church II113t Sunday, nnd severalmore arrived tor church. Rev. D.H. Peoples Is the pastor and llUs.H. B. Webber Superintendent. AVI4'litatlon Day 1JI planned torThurl.ldny ot thIs week. Memberswill . go out two by two tp visitand Invite others to services. A Vln­llatlon Pay onco each month Istho plan at the superintendent.Everyone is cordially inVited to at­tend any or all .ervlc.e~ .

•.7 • at i a, ••• "M, .

1.1 ,•• 1., 7.'1 III


General Il18Ul'anceFT. STANTON'aN. M•

4&1 E

I.' 7. iM.


. C. B. NESS

...Music and


Amusement MachinesqiCJ1areHe Machin&s

CallOrSee \~

roe Reinhardt, Phone 45-11. Ruidoso, H.eM

.. . .. ,

Mrs. Ralph retumedfrom a.two weeks trip to CI,l11fomla Sat­urday.

DIck Gann, who has been hunt­ing down Cl1rl~bnd way, returnedTU(lsdny, reporting. good luck.,

Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Bloodworth,Jr., and sons ot Sonora, Texas, been In Ruidoso this weekvls1tJng her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Bert 'Rice, and his parents, Mr. andMrs. L. P. Bloodworth,'Sr.. - ..

Mrs. L. F. Dryden and daugh­ters, Jennie and Dixie went to ElPl1flO with ?tlrs. Vlrgll BUbo Fri­day ot Inst week. Thoy Ws,ntodto see all the Christmas wJndowsIlnd decoratlone 1n the city.

· •Mr. and Mrs. Tommy SIdes and80De, Tom, Jerry and Larry, spentThanksgivIng in Ruidoso with hissIBleI' and famlly,' tho . NolanHarts. Thoy also brought !ll'l, '1'.J. SJdes, l'4rB. Harts mother, backto Ruidoso after no TeDs vJalt.••


- < , "., .• -. -


. .- -" .'.. -. -.' . "

RulclotOR...lty Com....1IY

ra, ~····· .. ...",

Reserve' CorpsMeets Dec. 8th

. ·7

•MIDe Preatlna Fresquez spent the

holidays with her parents, Mr. andMrs. Portlrlo Fresquez.' Mr.. andMrs. Carlos Ramirez nnd daugh­ters from LWJ Vegas werea1.loThanksgiving guests ot: the Por­Corio Fresquczes.

1'41'. and Mra. Carmen Rodriguezand children enjoyed the dny withMrs. Juanita Sandoval and faml1y.

1Ut4.DAtB ·etrAU'.. . .. -

......... .........a., _. ~ ~

t. '.'- For .... 6r )'Aillie ....." ~.....'.,·lWW*_ ., .

.,... (lnfk .

•, ,

- -

... -- .

. . .. ..

. - "


DELIVD~=. . \ .




'. -,

By EDNA COOKMr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith have

had as their gue.b, Mr. and ),fr••Wendel Baum ot OarrlJon, IOWL

The Hugh' SJoa.ns motored toPlainview and LIt.UofleJd, Texas, tocelebrate ThanluJgtvlng with theirrespective parents and tatnllle.t.

,I. F

I wJah I could make a report onaU the other Picacho resldenta 'butat this tlme I am unable to do .a,

f 1

Mr. and Mr•• Dick Fresquez andMr. and Mrs. II. H. Shier are now Arthur. nrc In Albuqucrqutl for a

laented In theIr new home acrOD few days vlslUng WItt) triendJI andthe highway trom the Hollywood 'relnUve& 0

Postottlce. . ldlM Pala}' Nunez, who hnI beenIII most of the weck. 18 much betterand hopeo to bo back In school thefirst. ot the WMk.

The Wal1ace Jacobs spent thedlly In Dexter with Mrs. Jacobs'parenta, Mr. Clnd Mrs. 'John Bible.

Mr. and lira. Harold WllJtnghamhnvc taken the cabin upon tho hlll tor the winter. W. areglad to have you tolb for nel;h­bors.

Mr. and Mrs. Brother JallUer hadfor their gues~ durIng huntingseason their daughter and IOn-ln­Inw, and grandbaby, the CarlWright family ot ....EI PalO. J,[n,Wright got her decr the .eenndday O\lt and Brother MlUer wumIghty worried, but he brought ina sma.JI one the laBt day of theBeaeon.

~\. ,;....:.;;.•. ~~;~;,;;.~~;,;;;'*,.;,,;,;:v~..:.:;;,,~~,:1~~i#i,..'::ii:·;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;.w14;~,; ..~;".,Mn ';',Lr,::;:::;;.,",Pi,:l\',,;;:; ,~".;i.lltJ:iiIi;'j i:gi~jb:::=;~i:~":..d>4;,:;,:cn"""t,,i;';'~~~7~.~L::: 1.; "~'.::.,':.:.,'~!:",:';:" .:,'~,;~,~i;";'lc~~~.r;l ...:R~- •. < '>! ,:;,.

". . -,' , " ' ' '>'.;iifP':

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, '~'~. ,.:1','



, "-'--

- ',- .

ExpertCleanlnft eYe..Alte..ati- na.... ..0..

.OJ' - '.c, <. - ,:," .



Itra. Carlene Simpson Clnd' Mrl!!.Irene Stevens were In RoswelJ onbualncs8 Saturday.

The Tinnie BaptJllt Church hadtheir annunl Thl1nkl:lgJvlng aU dayllf.lrvlCCl and dinner. A larie at­tendance. Those attending tramCapitan w~re Bro. and Mr8. Bunch,Mr8. Joe WIggllo, Mr. and Mrs.Ben Groloon, Mro. Hlpp and Mal­colm Pcntrce. Our ClsDoclatlonll!m"l:llonary conducted the evening.erv'ces, with Bro. Bunch I~adlng

the .Inglng.• _ - 4

)II'. and Mrs. Oco. Smith spentThunksglvlnlf Day with their sonJimmie, nnel his family, In RoawelL

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nelson and.James Talley spont TbatJkeglvlngh:a Tularol'Ja at the home at Mr. andMrl, AJIle Stover. They 0.11:10 tookIn tho tootbllJi gllme at TUlaro.a.

Emmn nnd Mnry Snvedra Rnn­~IIJ RomClro, Rosa Crain nnd Rob­~rt Trujll1o. were In Carrizozo eat­urdllY, 2Cth, on bualneu.

F" .• »

Mr. and Mra. J. D. O'Brien Andfamily worcs Tbanktglvlng gueatsot Mrs. O'Brlen's pafents, Mr. and)Irs. Sidney Tiffin.

Tho Hondo 1IIgh School'. P...T.A. gavo Mrs. F. 9. Mont€ls a show­er at tho schoo) auditorIum withabout 30 members pr~.cnt. She fe­ceiv€ld mnny nleo gift•• After a .0­Clal, lovely rcr~.hmentJJ wereIIrved.

',\ Whnt hCUI ·';c~;mo of DoranWoods from his Escondida Ran­Cho? Whnt Is ,the attraction InnOBwell that ho docs not have timeto atop and 83y hello nnd get hisname In tho paper? Remember,Domn, a big Chicken Dinner attho Tinnie> Sebco) Houso Dec. 10th.

Open HouseOn Monday Dec. 5tb at (I p.m.

tbe nuldo.o Volunteor Flt6 Dept.'Ilolda opon bOUle. AU are invited.nd coffee and dCPDut. "Ul be'Clt'ved-TJlc Dew bUUdll1* w111 beoPen tor In.pecUon tOJ.thlt With..11 tire and reteu. eqtdpmtnt.Thef. wm b& dancln. tor thOifwho .-llb to partlcJpate.

nuldoflo Voluntcor Firo Dept.

. .

Page 7: Rou ..Uri.. Plan Progra~lrFor Coming l,lon. atld ottleer. trom Ala.. support and cooper."Uon with th~. Promote a nempaper

J1 .








. I,


, . " -

kuidcno, New Milko.

; '.' ,:,- " ' ,', ,

Po O. Box S4



OffICI In Horn. uUp Travis CanfOl'"




Where You Can Shop forEverything You Need.-u

",", ..

. _. .. - . -", ~.i..,",,~. ~.~ .~._ ._. __

Clotllin8' i • U Ii Hardware _.. -·Groceries

PhOM 36-02~


&uidolo, New Mexico,.'1.

Sponsor, of the.«ecENTRAL BAll Be GlULi,,'f PUTURITY"

for 2-yeat-old Quarierhorse. ·every Spring at HoUyw-ood Park



B, ,

I an • j






STOPFor Refreshments





To or Fro,m EI Paso


""', ..... ~ , "',. ;" '-~"'" .. ,..., ,




. fA'" IEflYICIt"x 1&1 tlulcfOlO

Lodge Notices





lEER ~ LIQUORS ~ WlNP .. .




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Page 8: Rou ..Uri.. Plan Progra~lrFor Coming l,lon. atld ottleer. trom Ala.. support and cooper."Uon with th~. Promote a nempaper

" - " .,.


. " " ','" .'



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Member I'ederal Deposit InsuranceOorporation

The'First National Bank

Of Roswell.

, ,'~, p._.," ,'"'''''' _'~.""" ,'" ., I. ," ) I •

, _ "'l!it, a~ .:):L.L;': !?',)~!I)II,.9 "d. ....',L!,4,;"", . : I bY no" ,'I'P<" 5, , i", ,: II 11\.;':1 : IE!' .... " (II ',:' " i.e: 11.,1', 1.i),I'I;1 ,fl" ".~~,~.~~t'l"~.

. S'AN PATRICIO SENTINEL ~.. BasketbaIiQueenTo ,.,·8owl!.. Le..ues'IYt'~rriC)J'$;Cage;,"..., "' ,........ Be Crowned At Hondo .BmaHP~. 'Ctm~· ,,' T~am WInners \

By NelUe Rath JAa~ ~nd ,familY ,!Qr~"l.ltorl' at tho At U,1~ hatt '0(: tho Coron.... ·· ~ ~~ Lea~ WOII x.t . Tlle.' RW.dOf() . Wa..,IQ'l'S '~. 'Tbe grade .chool .tuden~ ot H@J( Wood.. ·nnql1, HOlldo b~!l~etball Came J,t. Hondo 1~1l .. .83 its ~ete~rll ~baUt~d, up, "!lother 'T'c,.

th" s..n Patricio .lehoot are . .!lOW -- b t o~ ;Pec~mber 8, the Hondo ,Eagl$J' PO. e~·te..-..._--..·_----::--... 'rl' ~ tory Qver tJ1e .Jl.ul(l.Q$) tow.1\.. an<l;;'tttlldln& school at Hondo. Ilff. '141'. and .Mrs. 1'D!!l- B~ el'IJst!qQ ,wJll C1.0W,Q t~elr seloot94 ~..ket;.; .l?l$YJna ~ --"',.------.. '. V~lley, team )loAdaY »ight in il;J.e.)farle Pacheco. Mr•• Inez Pacheco, Sunda~ in Tularola vl,lUne baU Q~een for u:.e,1UI"~O bg- SU~ora -----: - .....-, 26 .22 Qm. T.J;\e glmQ .~'1'te(t out ...and Mr" Claude ~eedor are 110Jd. 1..0ut!Q. mother who I. va" Jll. k~tb~U .lJea80Q. TAe li1aC~~. wUl ElUJY ){~!:ttI -- - ..,..--- 25 23, a.loW..~Q~lpg It.tta1r 'With tbe tll'lt .

,11)1 their ciaisel In room. 'Yaca~ed· lU. . . '.be wearJpg t~eir f.ubl brand, J].ew M' ......------...... ~ :u Iq.YQ, . eg.(Ung. .a..~•. 'The tOl'~- ",.wb'.. the high .choo} moved. Tbe MIBS Ann Carol Hurd _J:lent th~ blJlck and White bQketbf1l1 unl· ,T~~e~~hg;;;;;:P-;,ggy J::n.' /.Jters, led bl Ralpb )fCGUlrJ'Jt, ' • ~lt!,prImary cl.ael undor tbe dlree- Thanksgiving bollday.., with her !OrJns for ,the oceaslg~. Tbe AAm8 BO~ 197 '.' IGlencoe, 8~rted. c~Jldng. In, " e "tlon . or Mrs. Carmen Candelario parent., Hr. and Mr•• 1'0ter Hurd. .ot th~ hQnored. hh1;b h"hool girl .'..,.. second IJtan~a .~n4.'·J,l.Qtched ;,Ii>. 'a ;.are being held In the orlsloal ___..., 'w•.l~ renuuJI A If)cret tunilshe 18 Ladles ~fgb. 3 game., Betty TW- 20..1.2 lead.~thal'C ..tlme. TJ1eWar.. . III,~hool bulldloB bere at San 1'.... Mr. Tom Utterback I. to speak eSl,io)·tEtd lilto (1, 48f<. ' '. IrhmJ . C811l1'!"'llack,t.Q tie uP,' the' . 'J.·trJclo. Tblli bulJdlng was not on December 2nd to the .tudel1t11 membC'f1f ot the baiJketl!aU team. )fen!. 111gh g@1e, Jim TPlly, 21». score at' th."end, of ,the thlrel. j ,

harmed at, all by the fire WhIch or Howard Ruslell's elas.. 'fwo ofher $Ql1oolmat~w11l 8~g )fen'. hlgb 3g2U:ne.t, George Welit- 'quart~r a.nd t4cntQJ'ged ..~eadm ~;4••troyed tile main .chool build.. ., , Qne ot her fa,vO!ue .OnJ' lnJ:l~r ~l (i25. ' . Ithe fh~al perio<l to talt" ,-.u...2& t1In, early Monday mornIng. Mr.. Mr. andl, Mrs. Dantel' H.' '~uea8 A,onor 1I:l~JJ;1~Q1A~elY - attel' tile ' . Iwin. . , ..' ._' • t ~Marlet Pacbeco, principal. ottbe ~and Woody 'Fred of Hatch, N•••, ~oronat1o~. ~l1e wm relJjl\ lUI BlJIDOSO ClI1JBHOUSE I McGuire, "'holaa ,new member ii,Jr.~e flchool, whlhe., to tbank all vlalted Mra. Helena C. Lue.. ,ija8ketb~U Queen at all home . 'IAW!ea' x.eacue of .the town team, fromtheCoe t, ltllo.o who helped to ele~r the ThankliBlvlng. We were all hapPl "amOl l!ndwJR be giVen a 'eatOn . . '. .... t nJ Ranch tn ltuldolJo 'Valle", .howe4 IbuUdlnl and fight the Ure )fon- to see. tll0 baby, espeela111, Aunt ucket. lor aU the nt•.,tdQt '.1'our- ~r;: QU ~on. If\4tS61 reo.l clasl!ln leadin,s' the. scoring. l'dU~ Nelllo as It was m, .tlr.t time to nat;nent games, '1'lle HOndo boy. 3 G' en eens ---- 12 10 U8tS4. wltll15 polnte.aet!la1ed, tormer..

lee him. He 1. realll a hOney mvna ,jiferyone, to be . present S ~ -Vi-"-"G'ii--- 10 12 1121' IY' at SuI Ross Co1lege. WAlltMr. and Mr•• O. 4. Hunt, Hr•• too. wuon thetr cboice ot a queen 1IJ cen car. . 1'1 -- '. . IWhiteley found the range from

SydJ10y Bonnen~ Mrl. Anne '1'ltl- ' " , '. , revealed to tho pUblic the ~ht ,Flamel ...- ..__;_____9 13 13U8 outside 'thefree-thrOll rinJ to,.-orth. Mr. and Mn. Tom RigsbY, Mr. and Mr•• Howard Latham, ot December 3 ,at the Hop-do Atx1bUng ,Ams_onl _.. 9· 3 11661 tak~ Jicortng honora for the. :blghMr. and Mi•• WUbur, F. 000, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. StanleY Wood, JI~l- gymnasium. Canypn Echoe.......- 8 14 11248 school wlJh 10 .polntll. '.nd Mr•• Dobby Boyct', Frank vln DJ1o.~ley. Hr. and Mr,. John ...•. , High lady, 1 game, ){arle Roo- The Warriors open thelrr~r.Coo Doyco. Mill Bett)' Lou Taylor, Thoma., and CatherIne, Vlrclnla, . _ ney, 169. ular seasoJ]. tonight (FrJqay) inMr. and Mr.. Elzy Perry, Jr., Franccs, Jack, andaquee, and, visiting Mr. and Hr•• John Tho Higl1 lady, 2, sames, Harie Roo- Carr12;ozo and J:llal iQ OloudcroftRonald and Fredda Helena Perry. John Latha':Dwercs dlnJ18r J".,t» mas and taml!l. ney, ~lS. tomorrow nIght. Doth the "A"Mr. and lIr•• Daniel H. Luca. ot Mr. and Mr•• Henry Latham 0 P h HIgh team, 1 came, Kitchen and "B" teams wlll 8ecs action•• nd Woody Fred, Harvey Donnel. and MIchael. Than~'llV1J1r. fro:

e: b~~n:: :~~urt~e~e~l':: Queel1l 649. Tbere wlll be' anotherpr&cUce

Mr. and Mr.. Ray Reed and Mr. and Mrs. O. :A. Hunt "tilt tor Thankllslvlnc. High team, ~ pine., Kitchen game with the ;town teaPl. Tue..Vlr"nll. and Roy. and Mr. and cd Mr.. Hunt'. 111'1. • -, 1 Queena, ~. day night at 7.80•• r•• Olaude Reeder were Tbank.- Frank D...Coe, Thank.glvlng en- Catherine Thomu ,pent part ;iii__';'iiiiiiiiii_.·~·iiiiiiiiiiiiii.-i_iiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiii·ii·iiiiiiiiiiiir'vlng dloDer gueat. at. the homo route trom Pueblo, Oolorado to ot the TbaQ~glvJn. holiday.ot Mrs. Frank Coe. . ILos Angele,", _OaUf~rnla. "I vblttns ber great-crfndmotber,

..) .Mr.. Latham, In Alamogordo,IIr. and Mr.. Shelton T.Ylor Mr. and Mri. Stanel)" Oood are Mr.. Latham la now .pendlns •

I ,. tew days with Mr. and Ifr•• JohnThomu. . •

--, IMr. and Ifrl. Tom Baber. and.BIlly .pent Tbanklgivins da, in .

I ·. IAttention All Women

IHonday night, December 5th,

there w1l1 be a meeting of bUll­ne'l and profelsional women of. . ..

.LIncoln County at the NavaJo"Lodge for tbe purpOllC ot dllcu'-1sing wbether or not the)" mlsht'be Interested in tho orcanllaUonot a DUllnells and ptotePlonal1Women'. Club for tbl. area.

Any woman engaged In salntuloecupatJon 18 eligible to join thl.tyPO of organization.' I

The ROSwell Olub '!,iU act uSponsors tor .ueh an arca organ,­izatlon In the ovent enough wom­en aro Interested to obtain acbartet and titart a club. I

:r~~~~~~·~~~~==~=======:::=:3 -=..P&~T~'~S~T~AX~~I..:-~P~H~O~N~m~41~J~~~~~!!!~!!!~!.. ~~~!!!~~~~~!!!!!~~!!!~





I •

Compar. Our Prices And SQe How Much'Yousave By Tradlnarat TOY TOWN at~


We-bought a CARLOAD of Christmas Toya at 25 per CeJ1t.dilcount andwe are paMlng this saving on to OUt c:ustomera.


SPECIALS FORThUrsday, Friday, saturday, Sunday, Monday

PORK SAUSAGE Lb. .. ;__ __. .3ZSwift SHORTENING 3-lb. Can ~___ .75COFFEE . , Ib. Packaa. _".. .31Swift'. Colored OLEO Lb. .... .... ,. , ,._ _ .35POTATOES, NC}- Ired IOLIJs. ..--....----~ ..SUGAR (cane). '." IOO"LbI. ~...-..-...._ ... ,.._-$t.2SLa...~ Clan SARDINES ~h tomato sauce.... .1$L A R,D . ..' 4-1b.Palls M 1''''' ...

FLOUR, ~r.amLoaf ' 5O-1b. --......_-...._--~"."._$Z.3tCO'CA-CO-..A ' . case .. ., ......__........$I.eoBACON,Swlft's sliced 1 Lb.-.... , .... ..--__ AI

.GAS ,24 CENTS, . , .

,., ". if· TI.... i ' 'WIIOLES4LE ··u.)[ 'PRICES ..ltpay.todrlv-toLona'••shop forAllyoUr,.......·

. " -- -.' ' .l

........... ~£....)'It,·.····~coIA· u.,~ .r .....,..,. ;... .' ....." , " ...... '.. -




-r Y "THIS '5 WHAT .I CALL A /F>~i. <;'/FT,~r"~


. ,......~ ~ j._.•.....••........, ~.•~ ~................••"'





" " ,

A~ "' "Il "' j1j •• , _ , iil '

'~,..'W"'$2"'ltl'i, . , ',-- """ .", ,"'iiiIII',I . .., ., .. , . .'




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,,<"'~_~ __ A ... '-' •• '_~,•• '=..--'-~~.·__.<.,;·,··."'·.. ! ;'-'W,' "rS!"··'·'n Ute.tirs-best ,i .,,,,,,?" "?' 1"':5" )"';,I'§'t'?I#t'S'tW "'fell'" '·f·'·'·~··_"· UUiT'''' -rt:rrrid:fj

Page 9: Rou ..Uri.. Plan Progra~lrFor Coming l,lon. atld ottleer. trom Ala.. support and cooper."Uon with th~. Promote a nempaper







'\ .I•


• I' ]




fm b


, •• 4



Dress and Work SHOESFor Ladle., Men Children

Balketballand Tennl. Shoes


Army Air Force Jackets#

PlaId-Wool MackInawsArrow Shirts and Tie.

, 0

Sterllns Sliver Buckle-Bell SetsBillfolds 7 • Men's or Lad.,••'


- ",' ,'" .'.-

, .

P' •• r.' ,

Hondo High SchoolBoys Given Examinations

•j' 'j"- ..... :;r

"'-'-"- ........

j WOOD FOR SALEl ·The'Meecalero Tribal Woodyard Has


Clayton Richner & Sonticenaed

General Contractors

" . '


4Ft. Cord Length..Jumper & Oak' Pine" Fir$11~'$10JtO D

01U)1:RS1IA~ lSJf ~ONED TO~ AOENOJ'·TIdW~·J:WfO_,I'I"At'lO ..(.~~)



Home Owned eJ OperatedHollywood, New Muico "" . Phone 32..of

Office at SWlite CabinsP. O. Box No. ~ Ruidoeo, N, M.


Pe~ eommercl&1.-....J-*_-n_",-aWM ~~ OfAIq ......


• ;' g' , >,..~ - ..

Put8uant Of dlsCUsJsoiuJ at theNo'ember :P.T.A. meeting. Dr. n.:E. MJtchel10t Ft. Sunton Visited'the high 8cbool NOl'ember Uand gaV(l phYlIical nlnto!Jt all tho boys. Those whO

'. did. not recelye the examInation.Iw1l1 do 80' at a later date, accord... fng to Supt. )tolltes. Dr. 1.IttcheU;gA.o hl!l ilenlcell free at chargeI and gaYe In hll eXAminations MoO\ Ipeclal attention to t~th, eat••:eyes, heart, and lungs. Wetghtl

Dell.'jfq f6 JtaIdoto .a,a...--vr.....:. A.I'tii eM W~l~ .... . and llefghtfJ wtU ,be taken tater,~""--' .-. . reports )11". Albert, Kbnbrell.

.Per fHcI ."tit-.~. ~.y..,. **.:t 0cd1r.. . pt8fdent Qt the P.T.A.~ who .*.:-.f~ted Dr•. Mitchell b)" recotdlnc

.the datil of each bOy. The 1»/l'.A.f,ettreJUeltgtate(ul 'lo nt,Mitchell' torbll,enerou* donatJOiottlb16lfidprofeuloul bo.... _ .

.................................................... Ii>AoA l:iIUII AI'" 1~let() tl16ICbool.. """' w P'+"!P'+"!,.,.",.....,,.,,...,,.·""'·,.... '",,'".." ,.-';,' ww""' ~

......"_IIII!II!I!IIII!II!I!.I!I!IIl!!lII~!J!!!lI!!'!l,,ll\l!!,>,~\!llI!.'IIllI.!lll!i'llI!.-~-~:;;;;O;;",""",-"""'""",",""","..,~,,;...7i.'·'U";'<"'·~·;''''~·''''''''· ..;, .......'~~. ',,-;,: ";"', ,........... ' ,i~'''''''' '.-c'<'.""· .1'1--, .•,.-'" iif,'C- ',' :'"-',.''' ~. -'" ," -."!'I'I'" -",.,. "'. ..Ii .... ",' , " " , ..

'1) -. ' " : -~ .4 , .! ~. b " ' , " :10, :-'_'i·~1>,r ,~:;l~ ,J.J,,!.J,' _ ,.J:. f :i.\CqT I. 1 . i 1.•,:..£.1 .. ", " '.' ;:. Pi _/,11 .I,V,S ~tIJ :.:~. ,i.,WI, j j (I .MI.; ;UJI>_. &t..; !N" ,"!I ,"IiI 1 . ii3 ii;,'. If,,,,,,.,·'·!i 11141.A,,d";:•.. 1:1";n,i,,wi, .)..i ~~ N'CW$. .~Nt#.

1\.",lj',i. ,t't i,-' TWq~Gli!l$tSpt.1<.f$ lCAPrr~·Loc:ALNEW$ITEMS,:l.,ew.s_~·rom ,\JarrlZozo .AtCa.rrl%QloP.T..A. •••"".":' ¥ ••" ""'"." i'i'" ,."••¥.,¥;. ~if!,.i,'.:..: • .:.:_!.i.ii.:ioi.o.:..-.:~:.-: __ -.;",: ...4">.- ..... ....L.~i,P..-:.,.·' .....~.- .... _..:...."""'"'-- ......... --_.-- ..... ..;,,;:. ,~'-' -;",;",.------'-'-- ....... -.;,;.. .......... .,.. , ' , ' , , ' '.'. f ",'" ,'" . ," ,;~~""~,.,""'~:~~~""""~~~,..~~ ..~..,.,""'''"~~ 'AltbQUl$b~l';' LtQyA B.lOQd- ",QT~~m~~.... l$,J,'QPa$'Ml ,Al~O$gr!!O'b1~kJl'.• A. llq.elal·· ~tl1edtJgw-.sbeld. JJl.' ,';Tbe·· bUltetba.ll l!.~QP Il!lfee.llfworthfQ),'JJ}er editor of The nul.. WI"~ voty,QJ,'l'Y tQ~PQl'~ .tb,t ~IVl~~ p~, . . . . ,·tb~'rrlm~, M~~~~ Chm<l~oP~4f.l~ViI,Y .over l1.f.l~. ~ Jl'rJd~ .. ·· '•• ".'. '. ". '. ..'...... .' ". Mrfl. GUllale I, 1'ltI$Wo),'~b. .:b.lVI b«le~ '. . . . .. ."., ) .'i. .......,,;t4QPd~y ~vellltJr,;.roY.~Uit11\ hOb,,,tbe toWp.;>te~ ..pnt a, ,d,o\lb,10JJ.ea,il... ·dOAQ 'NewlI, hal!!. tr&.'Veled more il<m.tlne~ il}. ·tMbo$pltal 11\' CM"'.-. .·Wear~ ve~sorry,t? 10'. tbt .~'.'.gr'i)f tb"~b'We<lillpg~mvf.lm.~ erW'!th ·.. tbe·UQPd,Q team "nel QP.tba,n . ;Ll,OOO mtleg. alnc.e lllAt. ~oz.o tor " t.,.w !!~,•. :ReJ,' m~ W. F,.ttll!lont~Uf tr~m()ur toWl1.()tl4~\.n!!Mr •• ClUvll\Clto1'l•. ~S~tutAAyevenln$'e~~ "dsA, '1c;bQQl JUM, .vl~ttlng tM. "cenlc b,ea,utles lrlend~ 11:1 tb,~Qounty arft wifJblng' !4r•. PattlfJQn, tQre.t r.t1JlU·, bu·.:W~@~P4'iLY'.eVenlnB'the ~eb~lt~.4 an(l. ~.. te~mJ both. WOP a. g~e .of Oltlall()ml\,"l"elUlef:l" for ller ~Peedy recovery. ' ~en QtmttQ Wln1l19W. AT~Qn.. Mr.,~g-t QtC"rtlzo;o \ bQuQred, the !rQJ;D. tile Wtedt~..Xl:l'" . . ·.·soo~, Virginia,tbE) 01stdet Qf . .) . i'. ,and Ml'li.:PattbIQn ·made .. bOlt Q(C:QqPlf:wlth Optln bQPfJebEltda,t th~·. ,... "'. .' .Co~umb,l!\, KeJ!tuc"1t1, and Texall, ,. l.!rs. :$thel. Kea.tl11ef 11..d qtrIen4s ,while :her~.14r.~ttl~~\W~P,ilt#lC~t(ll:S\lUdil1g.0t1th...«--.L·nc.oln CO'U'ntv i' !lfl enthu",tatlD.\ 'andpr~!se ot. our ~estll'ol\Thank.glYlng X)"Y' Rev. took lit great tnte"'~llt h~ -.l. civic~a.•.IQ.n~r. -..nil )«r•• CIto"'l repl'a.ted J · ·~1 . , . Lan.d Qt ; have nQt and Mrs. Webb ot Oan~o~Q. organl;a.tlonJ~ oapocle.lly U"QBOf

• 'thelrW.,<ldlbJ. VOW"'. b«ltore' manY News Sold . .' been dimmed one whit. In hl$ . Scouts. :Mr". F~ttllJon WQ an,e.U""• •gU(!.Q~ wljo'·tdM1P Utem eel-' . .. ..... .' . edlmatlon, there III PO plMe morEl Ml'll. Maude Eshom and lSon :Sob- Woman'Q iJlub,.m.em~t Nlcl ..ItO .

· ebratethta nlentorableevent. . 14ra. J!lr., a.· SmUll, who bal! (lo~duclve to enjoyment at .Ute ble hll<l '1'b,a~~sglvlng t:Unner with s(lrv~d a.a A, Pep 14otbl'r tor tM• . "', • "F - .,. .. . .. been thevlta,l ISp~rk ot tli~ '):IIn.- an!! happiness than the State ot the Wallace Fergl,lllon tamlly. M .. Cub SCQut"" wltlClbtbe Womq',

')(r. a.'n.d )(I'IS. Ben~J;Iot,!ma1\otcoln. Cou:l1ty News aIidCarX'l;oJ;o New Meltlco. . ter dinner Utey drove to Cloudcroft Club ISpol1sQrl!!. )fro p"ttllon wtll .,.El FaJJo And their d,~\1'JU\:'tl', Mil.. Outloolt, the o~l-¥ pa,per In Lin-· Speaklbg to a l~l'ge JJ.T.A. au- to InflPect the new road and re.. replllced 'by !4r. Dea.n. :mad,

· dr~d,.~nt Tltanltllglvln$ wltb 14r. coIn Oountyfor m~ny..yeln·8 untn dlence In the GradE) Sebopl Audl.. turned by way ot CarrlZQzo Where . ...,. , , .. , , !4r•• JbnmyX)uncanand tam.. tbe birth of tbe ~:Uldoso New., torlum at Carrizozo. thenlcllt of they ~ook In the .how before r... Give The News

. lit In CarrJto~.. '. . 1l1mollt four 1ea,1'$ ago, announc~ No:v~mber 14. Mr. Bloodworth turn1ng\·1.ome.'. ,.. . . toller lilub3Cdbe1'~ and frlenc:ta gave a Very IntereeUng t~k on ' ". ... For Christmas

.' ,SeVeral .qt tb,e CarrlZQzo young-throughout the a,rea, thlltl11e blt,d hla recent travels. He a.lsQ 6mpha- Tbo Woman's Cl~b member. are· people who are ~way ~t ~()l1"ie:rOo Bold the paper 1!ofter working wIth .sbed the Importanc~ or properly worJdng very hard thllS weokto J!lvery year many people CITo· turned for tJ:].1t TbanltllglvhU~ )toU- It tor nineteen. years Inlaat educating our children Qf today, ma.k~ a blgJer and better auccep new l\ubscr1ptlons or renew old• day• .A.1nong them were Mlnea }tolle weeks edition. WhO will bE) the leaders of tomor- o( the tlnnual Silver TeA and :sa.. ones tQ the'~ RuldQJ50 Now. fot· Snow,. )(aryAllce Sh~ pa,tay T.he neW' owners of the paJ,)errow. The three InstitutlQnll that ;l:aar thl ar th . th be.. Christmas prcllentfJ.

:Sennett, and )feBara. Glenn Sp.ow are lair. and M1'8. Leslie Klnna.r<l have made our country great, he fore. IS ye . an e foar. ThiS year epeclal OhrlatQ1aJland Eugene Dtt,ner.who come to New Mexico trom said. are (1) the church; (~) tbe . clu'dB wm bo sent to each porion

. _ San Fl'a,ncl~co, Calif. where he homo; and (3) th~ flcbool. And. M d M .! L.' W. CI' receiving the paper "" ,., gift and. )fl'. and Mr.. R. Sha." and eon was employed on the Sa.n Francill-o yet we give lells credit and lell8 dau;ht:: RaY~~tte llP~~t .:~: h~f tltls Is lncludlu! In. tho llubacrlp­spent the wC!lelt-end at J4r. Shaw'. co Call Bulletin from 1946. until pay tQ the school teachers than days In Oklahoma, vl.ltlng friend. tlon price of· '3.50.homer In Dawlon. now. ' any other group In the count17. d 1 tl Oh Como In noW and lubacrlbo to

Mr. and )!J,'$. Olyde Sbult. .... .'1. Mr. and· )lre. Kinnard calIle to Tbe second guest speaker on :~o ~~:o~:~nled r::~Ml'. Bl'lght tho RUidoso New" for a' ,Ut to......~ CarrlzQzo becau"& t~ey like the the progra.m, Introdueed by Dr. I ' someQne wilo )dlOW. RuldOIO all4

~r;:::r ':::e ~r4rta:.~a:~'n~~~ town, the 011mate and the people. Ehlerll, Dilltrict Health Officer, HoUls OummlnB' 'Pte was for-Lincoln Oount)" folk or u.etho.....vlng vl.ltlng th.elr _.....e"'.Uvo In a,nnounclng policy they IItate was Dr. Vernon B. Link. who I. tunate to ~- en ro'uta t" SaL .4._ coupon In the paper. .u. .. ....... .. "We are Independent a,a to po1101 with the Bubonic Plague Labor.." ..' U9 .' '" 0 '"" ......~. 1 , .. dlfamIUe..· and fcell that eltherot the ma,or tory In San Francisco. Altho the tonlo. Texatl, durIng Thank8glvlng

, . , . political parUes w111 hlt,ve a rJIM 81tuatlonleems to be under can" and got to 8~nd hill delay of adayl Driver's Licenses. 'I'M Woman I Club I., lpolUOrlng to expreea their view. through OUr trol, tho HClllth J;)ept. of th!. wltb hl8 parents. Mr. and Mra.

a Mexican Fle.ta. at the club build. column••" I!tato sccurod the scrvlces of Dr. Lewis Cummln•• Hollls haa been 'rho State Durc.u of ntnnue,log on FridaY, :Deeem'ber 2nd from Link to Investigate three recent attending accounting aehool In Driver's License DITlIlon. hu5 p. ~ p. 1Xl. There 1'1111 be two C . d D· h L h' casel of tho plague In our Btate.' Denver and III being lIent back to dcslgnate(l Dec. '1, 1141 .., ontate:80 p. m. and overe IS.... U c. eon Dr. Link gave a brief hlatory Snn Antonio where he wlll be Ita- oJ)tnlnii day for the Ale. of 1160one at 1:80 p.·m. '!'he menu Include. A lovol)" covered dish luncheon ot the dll;eaae,· empbaslzlng thtt tloned. drIver's lIccnses.enchlladu, beana, .IOpalpl11o., 01.. was servod 1n tho home Qt Mr•• while tho dlselUle f8 a very eerlousl· .... Applicant. applyIng 'tor .. new ..tve., PIQkle';'plneapple .herbet.and Chuck MIUJgan WednC8day of one, It Is. fortunately, a rare one. Llcenlo plates will be on 8ale at license must" bad.. Ntw,c:o'ffee (eotind. deUclou.) and the last week when a group of It J8 a denso primarily ot animals, .the city hall on Monday, Wednea- Mexico driver'" Ueenl$e for thoprice for thf. I. only $1.00. trlonds, with Mrs. Nora \Farrar nnd Is spread from Qno animal 11ay, FrJclny and Saturday during current year or 1949, otherw!"

on. .......d on... -d il:.. C I al1d Mr8. Marge MIll~r u hOlt.. to bothor, and to humans, by' months ot December January tho)" must tint It,CQUI1'8 a 1'41 ..._ G,ptl~IIY' ....-cc.t",u


Rlurd .. OIJSCI'I, gathered to g1v~ Mrs. Mil.. means of the flea. The disease and February. BegInning' the -d driver's 1Ieom$0 or walt unUl Jan,

....,..0 r~ e. mee e u 010 Ugan a pink and bI h d I I'" f h "'14 1, lUO tOl' the new year. neenl'.t h 1 th d Sat ue lower. cr ves "" name rom t e word of December 1:Irs H. Lee Kl1ler Drlver'lI llcensel w11l be on. 01•!.hetreth nto

e g)'mt an 1 tur- Del1clou!5 food was 8cned and "Bubo." which III tho awclllng wlU again be'dlltrlbutor in tho Ottlc'" of th·, "tty Ol.·r·" .tWO-)"JUg.e wn eaml p ay 1'10 aCter lunch tho ladles !athcred of the lymphy gland In the arm . • '" .., ~ " ..gamel with the Holloman Alr .In th'" ·llTln. rooy: ....r ,.. nit I hi h h" nuldoeo and Capitan, and m"y b.. i '" D • - I. '\16m.. or gro n, ." c c aracterizel 10ro driver. llcfln.1'l wUl not be p"ocur"d tor on....., t-o o"r t·ht..·Force Bue team In the .ame place. i Sallee ~ave a read nS then Mm. tho dlllea80. I b ,,,, u ..Your. aupport of both Carr~11II1111gan Qponcd the many IOTely Tho Important thing In 1Jlague nvnJ a Ie unttl the ltitb of ~cem.. ,Year porlod., Operatoi'" Ltc'1lfII,team. will be apprecIated. gl!t.. proyentlon fa to keep rats and ber. • $1.00 for ea~h ;yc.r, OhaUffeur',

mice from gettlnK Into ,,.our .• LlccnsC8. U•.(m '(Of eaeh ,..r.hbmo. StaY' away from lick or Vada and Shirley Korgan attend- ". '0>" '.' , .....dud wUd animals. If any of your cd the football gatnC' between Tu· PAT'S TAXl - PHONJ)UIfriends get a swolUnK In the arm" .,;, '.::pit or groin. accompanIed byfeTor, advise, them to .eo a doctorImmediately. The doctors of NewMexIco havobcen !!Jont lettersdeserlblng tho plaguo. Its symp­tQms. treatment, etc•• and can sue­ee!lstul1y treat the dfsea.e In Itsearly stages. Thero IS a yacclnefor t110 dlse&.llo, but It fa not Tel')'effectlyc. Instead one of the new(trugs aro g(TOn, which are moredependable. I.

The Bubonlo Pla!uo 15 eommonIn wild rodents. mOlltly. and af-,teets them In exactly the nmeway It does mnn. It w111 wipoout an entlro pratrfe dog town. IIt Is possible for' dogs and cauto have tt, but tho)' seem to haTedOTelopcd a strong reslstaneo tothA dlscMe. It Is adTlsabto to UM!DDT on your pe~ to kill fleu.

Mr. Carl P. Radellff, CountyAgent, haa made arrangementsto secure poleon «rain to eradi..~ato rodents. In thIs county. and

. wut be glad to put out tho polllontoJ' anyone Interested.

The COS} for 100 lbs. will beabout $10, which could be dividedby a group ot 6 or 6 IndlYlduals.

•- - ,- . '. . ...- -•• '.' ." ...-.~,._- '.' ." ",'-",.-' ,•.. _,..,-. - .~.'''''>- .... " ","-

Page 10: Rou ..Uri.. Plan Progra~lrFor Coming l,lon. atld ottleer. trom Ala.. support and cooper."Uon with th~. Promote a nempaper





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• "r •

'S' EVE.

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. -. . " .


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of th~ l1ariU1y.


Ruid~ew Mexico .

·EV······,, '.t" ·k.'EW·'·''.,'_e~r __~, _ - ',,_

Saturday Night

DANCES·-atThe ~ .

...... - ., ' - .

Pea "Ray Reed".ADd· His W~tern8and,

. .''. '.

, ,


i - SF 5


, "




Plan Now to Attend OUr Holidaon- Dances·. ~.,

1 I Ii'

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• •




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Itrleect~~ ~••awIU.~ te ... ..",...t.r~k~IO."~

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A ChrJstmalOIftThat 'K",. On 8M...

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