Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.

Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section

Transcript of Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.

Page 1: Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.

Rott JánosDirector of the Stock-Raising Section

Page 2: Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.

History of the Company:The Palotabozsoki ZRT has started its business 1 January 2003. Its predecessor in title was the Palotabozsoki Agricultural Co-op, that was part of the previous Sombereki Béke Őre Co-op.

Page 3: Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.

Plant growing operated on approx 1500 hectares with obsolete equipment. The main plants were wheat, barley, corn and sunflower.The stock raising operated on 2 poultry sites with 5 rotations/year and 220000 broiler chicken per rotation.In the first year we have had really bad conditions. We did not have machine shop, dryer, mixer and office. In the poultry hutches we had out-of-date technology, the machinery was too old as well and the plant growing capacities were bigger than it could cope with.

Page 4: Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.

Harvest Machine Shop

Page 5: Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.

Dryer B-2-15 Mixer

Page 6: Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.

With the Palotabozsoki Mg Co-op’s transformation on the 8 May 2008 the Palotabozsoki Rt. was developed, later on the 1 June 2006 this became the Palotabozsoki Zrt. At present the Palotabozsoki Zrt is growing plants on 2800 hectares. Main plants are: corn ,wheat, barley, sunflower,soya and rape.

Page 7: Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.

Adatok millió Ft.-ban



1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Befektetett eszközök

Saját vagyon

Összes vagyon


Page 8: Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.

Adatok millió Ft.-ban



1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Befektetett eszközök

Saját vagyon

Összes vagyon


Page 9: Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.

Adatok millió Ft.-ban



1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Értékesítés nettó árbevétele

Mérleg szerinti eredmény


Page 10: Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.

Adatok millió Ft.-ban-200-100



1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Értékesítés nettó árbevétele

Mérleg szerinti eredmény


Page 11: Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.







1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Létszám (fő)


Page 12: Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.







1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Létszám (fő)


Page 13: Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.

Livestock There are two types of animals raised, swine and

poultry. The corporation has two owned and one rented

broiler sites:I. site 7 stock-yard, 140.000 PcsII. site 4 stock-yard, 80.000 PcsReménypuszta 4 stock-yard, 76.000 Pcs

In Total: 296.000 Pcs

Page 14: Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.

IntegrationPalotabozsoki ZRT

Co-op of Farmers around Bozsok




Page 15: Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.

Broiler Integration

Pal-Ko KFT 120.000 PcsGJT KFT 60.000 Pcs Gallus KFT 35.000 Pcs Agro-Cikó KFT 55.000 Pcs Jordán Jordán KFT 15.000 Pcs

In Total: 285.000 Pcs

Page 16: Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.

The broilers grown in integration are slaughtered in 3 regional slaughterhouses .


Bát-Grill KFT Kovács and Kovács KFTNádasdi KFT

Page 17: Rott János Director of the Stock-Raising Section.

  2000. 2001. 2002. 2003. 2004. 2005. 2006 2007. 2008.

Livestock pcs 1292000 1295000 940000 1115000 1209000 1231000 1235000 1068000 1284000

Losses % 8,3 7,07 6,9 6,23 5 5,01 4,13 4,9 4,25

Number of days 46,7 45,5 43,1 42,5 42,5 41,8 42,3 42,8 43,2

Av. wieght kg/pc 2,09 1,96 2,18 2,06 2,27 2,26 2,2 2,23 2,28

Relative feed util. 2,06 2,06 1,97 1,91 1,92 1,88 1,87 1,89 1,87

Production index 199 195 238 238 264 273 268 262 270