Rotary District 5280 April 2013 Newsletter

It's April and the Rotary year is speeding along. March was truely a busy and historic month. The District Conference com- mittee traveled to Fess Parker's Doubletree in Santa Barbara for a full walk through and to meet the staff; we had a recep- tion lunch for all the Paul Harris Society members; two buses took 100 of us to Camp Pendleton for the Memorial Project; the Art, Speech, Music and Dance contests were all held on the same day and at the same location, Loyola Marymount Uni- versity; Amanda Wirtz spoke at our District Breakfast and shared a vision of Rotary's future; the first Advance RYLA was held and everyone was excited with the venue, the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena; and the first Rotaract Ethics Team Competition was held at Loyola Marymount Uni- versity. It was a truely busy month with many new “firsts.” April will be another very busy month beginning with the Rotary Day of Service an April 6th. We expect over 200 Rotarians to participate in the part- nership event between District 5280 and District 3700 in South Korea. By partnering with District 3700 we have obtained a Grant from the Rotary Foundation to renovate the Day Care & Teen Cen- ter, Weight Room, Gym and rejuvenate the Base- ball field and Playground at the South Park Recrea- tion Center on 51st Street Governor Lew’s Message The New Rotary District 5280 April 2013 Tips & Downloads 2 Del Amo 3 Advanced RYLA 4-5 Family of Rotary 6 Got Rotary Friends? 8 Grants Online 8 Save the Date 8 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: in Los Angeles. The following week we will have a Family of Rotary Event beginning with a breakfast at the Port o Call Restaurant in San Pedro and followed by a tour of the Battleship USS Iowa BB61. Don't miss the boat! Can (Continued on page 2) May 2nd - 5th Fess Parker’s Resort, Santa Barbara Go to the District web site to sign up


Rotary District 5280 April 2013 Newsletter

Transcript of Rotary District 5280 April 2013 Newsletter

Page 1: Rotary District 5280 April 2013 Newsletter

It's April and the Rotary year is speeding along. March was truely a busy and historic month. The District Conference com-mittee traveled to Fess Parker's Doubletree in Santa Barbara for a full walk through and to meet the staff; we had a recep-tion lunch for all the Paul Harris Society members; two buses took 100 of us to Camp Pendleton for the Memorial Project; the Art, Speech, Music and Dance contests were all held on the same day and at the same location, Loyola Marymount Uni-versity; Amanda Wirtz spoke at our District Breakfast and shared a vision of Rotary's future; the first Advance RYLA was held and everyone was excited with the venue, the

Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena; and the first Rotaract Ethics Team Competition was held at Loyola Marymount Uni-versity. It was a truely busy month with many new “firsts.”

April will be another very busy month beginning with the Rotary Day of Service an April 6th. We expect over 200 Rotarians to participate in the part-nership event between District 5280 and District 3700 in South Korea. By partnering with District 3700 we have obtained a Grant from the Rotary Foundation to renovate the Day Care & Teen Cen-ter, Weight Room, Gym and rejuvenate the Base-ball field and Playground at the South Park Recrea-tion Center on 51st Street

Governor Lew’s Message

J ULY 2012 The New Rotary District 5280 April 2013

Tips & Downloads 2

Del Amo 3

Advanced RYLA 4-5

Family of Rotary 6

Got Rotary Friends? 8

Grants Online 8

Save the Date 8


in Los Angeles.

The following week we will have a Family of Rotary Event beginning with a breakfast at the Port o Call Restaurant in San Pedro and followed by a tour of the Battleship USS Iowa BB61. Don't miss the boat! Can

(Continued on page 2)

May 2nd - 5th

Fess Parker’s Resort,

Santa Barbara

Go to the District web site to sign up

Page 2: Rotary District 5280 April 2013 Newsletter


Governor Lew’s Message

(Continued from page 1)

you find the place where a five inch enemy shell hit the ship? Only a little paint was needed to repair the damage.

RYLA will finish the April events. It is another sell out with a waiting list.

If you have not yet completed your District Conference registration, don't delay, register today. As you can see from the District Conference ads and the Video*, this conference will be great fun and the perfect conclusion to celebrate our re-aligned,” Bigger, Better, and Bolder” District. Register today, you do not want to miss this Conference, VIVA ROTARY!

* Thank you Thai Town Rotary for your video production help.

To download the 2013-2014 theme logo go to:

For free best web design practices go to:

Page 3: Rotary District 5280 April 2013 Newsletter


Del Amo – Torrance Rotary Club

Who ARE we? you ask. And WHAT do we do?

We’re dentists, we’re lawyers and wine-makers too.

We’re classic car experts and doctors of sorts,

psychologists, teachers and great fans of sports.

We’re financial planners, a few CPA’s;

we’re business execs…blondes, dark haired and grays.

Both women and men compose our fine ranks.

As pros, they’re in real estate, jewelry and banks.

We’ve cemetery service and even a judge.

I’ll bet we have members who like to make fudge!

We’ve so many others with interests galore.

Our Club contains talent, broad vision and more.

Combined with that talent, there’s passion and daring

in fund-raising projects and hands-on deep caring.

We help to enhance lives of people in need

by giving in ways that provide a good deed.

We do this both here and in many a nation.

You see, we are part of a worldwide sensation.

Yes, our club’s just one throughout this wide world.

By Rotary’s deeds many minds have been swirled.

Its accomplishments make for a very full folio

beginning with eradication of polio.

From setting up systems for water that’s pure

to helping with medical stores we procure.

Our Del Amo club has been doing things great

ever since we were founded in Feb. ’68.

Each Tuesday at noon we’ve guest speaker and lunch.

It may be rewarding to visit our bunch.

We welcome your interest. Feel free to explore.

Just “google” as follows to learn a bit more.

“Del Amo IN ACTION” will lay it all out…

our Club’s many aspects and what they’re about.

google Del Amo Rotary

Del Amo Rotarian, Marc Frederic


Marc Frederic and bride Gaylan

Page 4: Rotary District 5280 April 2013 Newsletter


Dear fellow Rotarians: Here is a photo of Cres-centa-Canada Rotarians as they judge student art projects at La Canada High school. .

Before the art judging Rotarians enjoyed a stu-dent chili cook off contest and a beautiful dinner that was prepared by the culinary arts students. The highlight of dinner was judging of deserts for both appearance and taste (Fred Konrad & Fred Engler had to taste the samples ten plus times before voting.)

After dinner the Rotarians viewed and voted on many different art objects including paintings, ceramics, photography and sculpture. Note that we are standing in front of the “cardboard sculp-ture” wall,. All of the animals heads, made from recycled cardboard boxes were most impressive. Our club really enjoys this annual event!


On a sunny Saturday, March 16, 2013, with remarkably similar weather on Mars, district youth leaders enjoyed a full day of activities on the grounds of the world-renowned Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. The purpose of Advanced RYLA is to give students the opportunity to build on the leadership skills they honed at RYLA and focus those skills on problem solving. Students who had previously attended RYLA were eligible to attend. The event included discussions of ethics and environment (here and on other planets), a guided tour of JPL, and a talk given by Dr. Ashwin Vasavada, Dep-uty Project Scientist on the Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity) project, who generously gave his Saturday time to discuss how more than a thousand people in different fields pooled their resources to solve a major problem: landing a science lab on another planet and receiving data back here on this one. Thanks to Casey Lewis, Rotarian Chris Yco and Chris Reyes for serving as MC and activity leaders for the day. We also thank Rotarian & JPL Scientist Jorge Vazquez for mak-ing this event a possible! In the words of Marvin the Martian, the day was “Simply dandy!” but “Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!”

Diane Davis

Advanced RYLA

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Advanced RYLA

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Scholarship Opportunities

Rotary District 5280 Provides 30 Scholarship Opportunities.

Applications for the Meredith Olson Rotaract and the Patricia Kim Interact Scholarships valued at $1,000 are due May 15.

There are 28 scholarships of $500 from the Zentner Foundation to be matched in the amount of $500 by the awards Rotary Club. Applications are due March 31. So far 19 Zentners are reserved by Rotary Clubs.T his year the District New Generations Zentner

is named the Jim Dyer-Rotary-Zentner Scholarship, it will be awarded to an Interactor who is active in District Leader-ship. Details and applications are here on the District Website, Click on Avenues of Service, New Gen-erations, and Scholarships. Reserve one now!

For information contact, Carmela Raack, District Scholarship Coordinator,[email protected].

Family of Rotary

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Archived district toolbox ideas available at:

Page 8: Rotary District 5280 April 2013 Newsletter

Rotary International Fellowships, with an S, are separate but RI-approved groups of like-minded worldwide Rotarians, spouses, and Rotaractors who share a common interest, pro-fession, or hobby. Make friends all over the world by joining one or more! If you are al-ready a member of any of these Fellowships, or you would like more info, please e-mail D5280 Fellowships Chair Mel Powell at [email protected].

This month’s theme is True Crime. (Stick with us. It’ll all make sense.) If you like to ap-prehend criminals (and also to protect and serve), then issue yourself a warrant to search the Police/Law Enforcement Professionals Fellowship of Rotarians. Active or re-tired law enforcement, you’re on their Most Wanted list. Visit

If you like to defend criminals—um, that is, alleged criminals—and also pursue justice as an attorney in any area of law, remember that there may be only a few honest lawyers but of course we’re all Rotarians. Subpoena yourself to appear at the Rotarian Lawyers Fel-lowship, where Rotarian attorneys from all around the world share information, fellow-ship, and service. Check out or they’ll sue.

If you are a criminal yourself and want to escape, may we recommend the International Marathon Fellowship of Rotarians, where you can run with the best. This group organ-izes “one Rotarian event a year during an international marathon, where you can find new Rotarian friends and run for a beneficent purpose.” Catch them if you can at (See, they all fit together nicely this month.)

Rotary: a world of fun, friends, and opportunities for service.

Save the Date

Apr. 6 Rotary Day of Service

Apr. 13 Don’t Miss The Boat

Apr. 26 RYLA

May 2-5 District Conference

May 15 Olson & Kim

Scholarship Application


May 18 District Assembly

June 23-26 International


Rotary District 5280

Office 8939 So. Sepulveda Blvd. Ste.


Los Angeles Ca 90045

Phone: (310) 670 9792

Fax: (310) 670 9795


[email protected]

Emily Blair-Charnelle,

District Office Administrator

Got Rotary Friends?

Applications for 2013-14 district, global, and packaged grants are now available online.

Rotarians seeking grants from The Rotary Foundation can now apply for and manage them

online as part of the launch of the new Rotary grants model, formerly known as Future Vi-

sion. Under the new grant model, districts must be qualified through the online system in

order to apply for grants. Clubs may submit global and packaged grants applications only

after they are qualified by their district. In addition, all reporting for existing Foundation

grants, such as Matching Grants, must be current before you can apply for a new grant.

Online training about the new grants model is available via the new site. The new section of makes it easier and faster to apply for Foundation grants, receive funding, and

report on grant-funded activities. The site streamlines information into one location, where

Rotarians can learn about grant requirements, qualify, and get training and reference materials

by topic and role. Rotarians are required to sign in to the Rotary Grants site to access all the

content and to find the information that’s relevant to them. Rotarians with a Member Access

account can sign in with their Member Access ID. Creating a new account is open to any

Rotarian. The grants site offers a preview of the digital experience to come with the redes-

igned, launching this summer. The site will make it easier for Rotarians to find

information, conduct Rotary business, connect with fellow Rotarians, and promote club and

district events. Visit the grants site now at If you have questions

about the new grant model or the site, please email [email protected].