Rotary Club of Dunedin Inc Annual Report – 2014/15 · Rotary Club of Dunedin Inc Annual Report...

Rotary Club of Dunedin Inc Annual Report – 2014/15 President Peter Gouverneur

Transcript of Rotary Club of Dunedin Inc Annual Report – 2014/15 · Rotary Club of Dunedin Inc Annual Report...

Page 1: Rotary Club of Dunedin Inc Annual Report – 2014/15 · Rotary Club of Dunedin Inc Annual Report – 2014/15 President Peter Gouverneur

Rotary Club of Dunedin Inc Annual Report – 2014/15 President Peter Gouverneur

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PRESIDENT’S  REPORT      Are  we  having  a  great  day!    Well  better  than  that  I  think  we  have  had  a  great  year!  I  took  on  the  role  as  president  with  a  lot  of  uncertainty  and  nervousness,  however,  when  I  was  asked  by  Craig  Radford,  my  motto  is,  just  do  it,  life  is  full  of  risks.  I  say  uncertainty  because  you  just  don’t  know  how  you  will  go  and  you  tend  to  be  your  own  worst  critic  sometimes.  What  you  have  done  for  me  by  appointing  me  as  your  President  is  given  me  the  opportunity  for  amazing  self-­‐improvement,  you  have  given  me  a  platform  to  grow  in  my  own  ability  to  lead  a  club  week  in,  week  out.    I  feel  so  much  more  confident  and  relaxed  in  presenting  to  you  all,  and  for  that,  I  am  truly  grateful.    During  my  year  as  President  I  have  also  worked  a  lot  closer  with  a  lot  of  you  which  has  strengthened  our  friendship,  and  that  is  a  core  value  of  Rotary.  As  President,  I  quickly  learned  that  you’re  not  alone,  we  have  an  amazing  club  with  a  great  support  network,  a  lot  of  stuff  that  I  thought  I  would  have  to  organize  just  happens  by  some  very  willing  and  supportive  members.  But  you  know  among  other  things,  at  the  start  of  this  year  I  prepared  to  have  fun  and  I  thought  heck,  I’m  not  a  great  speaker  but  people  won’t  remember  the  mistakes  you  made,  what  you  did  or  what  you  said,  but  they  will  always  remember  how  you  made  them  feel.    I  felt  some  great  camaraderie  during  my  12  months,  interactive  but  relaxed  meetings  where  we  learned  a  lot  about  our  own  members  through  the  3  minute  talks,  and  I  certainly  looked  forward  to  our  Thursdays  each  week.    But  what  tangible  things  did  we  achieve  in  2014-­‐15?    A  lot!  Let’s  have  a  recap  of  some  of  the  projects  completed  during  the  year,  by  no  means  all  of  them:        

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• Supported  the  Salvation  Army  food  bank  with  “Bring  A  Can”  

• Held  a  great  Quiz  night  –  with  proceeds  to  the  Dunedin  Night  Shelter  

• Club  Daffodil  project  

• Christmas  Gift  Appeal  -­‐  gifts  for  ten  needy  families  in  Dunedin  

• Assistance  with  the  Blood  Pressure  awareness  campaign  

• Trees  for  Families  

• Carried  out  street  appeals,  one  was  for  St  John's  Ambulance    

• Relocation  and  planting  of  4,000  daffodils  at  Olveston  for  a  Les  Cleveland  Memorial,  special  thanks  to  Graeme  Leith  

• Meals  on  Wheels  

• Olveston  Event  -­‐  High  tea,  tour  and  parade    -­‐  Special  thanks  to  Sarah  Warhurst  

• We  sponsored  the  Business  Ethics  Award  

• 4  way  speech  contest.    Competition  held  annually  between  secondary  school  students.  

• Circus  Quirkis  -­‐  again  we  sponsored  this  event  which  raised  significant  monies  for  the  club’s  youth  projects,  a  special  thank  you  to  Stuart  Melville  

• Carried  out  interviews  and  selection  for  the  Science  Forum  awards  

• Otago  Rally  -­‐  marshalling  

• Carried  out  interviews  and  selection  for  RYLA  awards  

• Mystery  Dinner  fundraiser  

• Town  &  Country  safari  and  mid-­‐winter  tramp  

• Entered  a  team  into  the  Relay  For  Life  to  help  the  Cancer  Society,  special  thanks  to  Bruce  Collier  

• Cooked  breakfast  for  several  hundred  attendees  at  the  Relay  For  Life,  special  thanks  to  Ross  Taylor  

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• West  Harbour  Project  Working  bees  all  year  and  we  have  now  cleared  the  way  for  a  big  push  into  stage  1.    Well  done  to  Darrel  Robinson  and  Neil  Lyons  

• And  of  course  we  have  given  away  significant  monies  to  individuals  and  charities  from  our  club  funds,  rotary  club  trust  and  other  trusts  we  administer.    We  have  donated  over  $41,000  this  year,  two  examples  are:  

$5,742.40  proceeds  from  the  Carisbrook  Project  donated  to  the  Rotary  Childrens  Ward  $10,500  proceeds  from  the  Daffodil  Project  donated  towards  the  Orokonui  Ecosanctuary  and  the  Mayfair  Theatre  (for  new  stage  lighting)  

 Mount  Cook  Conference  –  What  an  amazing  event  we  put  on.    Jonathan,  Brian  Daniels  and  your  team,  I  take  my  hat  off  to  you  all,  that  was  one  hell  of  a  weekend,  well  done!  And  of  course  we  have  changed  venues,  introduced  the  3  min  talk,  and  dropped  some  of  our  traditions.  I  have  to  say  thanks  to  all  of  you,  for  the  support  and  acceptance  I  received  for  putting  these  changes  in  place,  I  got  nothing  but  positive  encouragement  from  you  and  the  Board.  Admin  Committee,  the  change  of  venue  did  create  a  lot  of  work  for  you  and  you  carried  it  out  superbly.    What  a  great  team.  Now  I  really  want  to  thank  some  individual  members  of  our  club  that  do  an  amazing  job  behind  the  scenes.  David  Neil  -­‐  your  were  my  wing  man,  as  Club  Secretary  you  supported  me  throughout  the  year,  incredible  job  you  do  David,  highly  organized,  very  efficient  and  very  supportive.  Steve  Hydes  as  Club  Treasurer  and  David  Ojala  as  Trust  Administrator,  both  done  a  great  job.    You  manage  the  club  and  trusts  financials  perfectly    -­‐    Thank  you  and  well  done  to  you  both.  Alana  Reid  –  bulletins  go  out  every  week  without  a  hitch,  great  reading  and  great  job  thank  you.  

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Lesley  Brook  –  Your  administering  of  the  website  is  credit  to  you,  thank  you.  John  Drummond  and  Peter  Jackson,  thanks  for  organizing  the  guest  speakers  and  the  3  min  talks  which  I  really  enjoyed  over  the  12  months.  One  of  the  great  things  our  club  does  is  support  youth,  this  year  we  have  had  the  great  pleasure  of  hosting  Hannah,  and  sponsoring  our  outward  bound  student  Zoey  who  is  having  an  amazing  year  in  Belgium.  Hannah  was  a  pleasure  to  have  at  our  club  meetings  and  events,  and  I  particularly  enjoyed  Hannah’s  company  on  the  Town  &  Country  safari  trip.    A  big  thanks  to  your  host  families:  

Greg  &  Dianne  Angel  Jonathan  &  Lisa  Usher  Peter  &  Susan  Jackson      

  Hannah,  Julie  &  Zoey    And  lastly  I  would  like  to  acknowledge  my  wife,  Diana,  you  have  supported  me  through  some  hectic  times  through  my  year  and  always  reassuring  me  with  positive  feedback  and  a  warm  smile,  20  years  marriage  this  year.    The  future  is  looking  bright,  Grant  and  Robin,  we  look  forward  to  your  year  ahead,  well  done  for  stepping  into  the  role  as  President,  enjoy  your  year,  be  yourself,  have  fun  and  keep  smiling.  Myself,  I  am  going  to  enjoy  rubbing  shoulders  with  you  all  as  a  back  bencher.    Thanks  for  your  support,  have  a  wonderful  year.  Peter      

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Paul  Harris  Fellowship  awards:                               Craig  Radford   Neville  Caird                                 Tony  Alexander   District  Governor  Jonathan  Usher  awards       another  Paul  Harris  Fellowship  to       both  John  &  Ellen  Henderson        We  also  farewelled  from  the  club  Noel  Jackson,  Ken  Stott,  Les  Stewart  and  Bruce  Turnbull.      It  was  also  with  much  sadness  that  the  club  mourned  the  death  of  Murray  Paterson.          

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CLUB  ADMINISTRATION        The  2014-­‐15  Club  Administration  team  was:  Alistair  Logan,  Lesley  Brook,  John  Drummond,  Andrew  Kilsby,  David  Ojala,  Susan  Schweigman,  Ian  Shore,  John  Wills,  Ian  McKie  (Director),  Peter  Jackson  (Convenor  July–Sept  2014)  Don  McEwan    (Convenor  Oct  2014–June  2015.)    This  year  saw  a  major  change  in  the  Club’s  life  with  the  change  of  meeting  venue  to  the  Scenic  Hotel.  Our  committee  had  a  significant  input  into,  particularly,  the  logistics  of  the  change,  including  the  clearing  out  of  decades  of  accumulated  Rotary  detritus  from  The  Savoy  and  its  transfer  to  the  new  venue.      This  change  has  proved  eminently  successful,  due  in  no  small  part  to  the  professionalism  of  the  management  and  staff  of  the  Scenic  Hotel.  Our  thanks  to  them  all,  especially  to  the  manager  Greg  Hewland.    We  have  continued  the  running  and  organising  of  each  week’s  lunchtime  meeting,  along  with  the  usual  Christmas  lunch  and  Change  over.  Each  of  these  events  went  extremely  well.  Under  Pres  Peter  we  continued  a  similar  format  for  the  lunch  time  meeting  as  previously,  but  with  the  introduction  of  3  Minute  Speakers;  a  welcome  and  successful  innovation.    The  committee  worked  steadily  on  our  various  tasks  of  duty  rosters,  speaking  rosters  (now  including  3  Minute  Speakers),  etc.  Another  big  thank  you  is  due  to  John  Drummond  (Speaker  Roster)  and  Peter  Jackson  (Duty  Roster)  for  their  unstinting  efforts.      Thank  you  very  much  to  the  Committee  members  for  their  ongoing  support  and  effort  in  helping  to  run  the  club.    Don  McEwan  Convenor  

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TOWN  AND  COUNTRY        As  usual  the  T&C  Committee  had  our  fireside  meetings  with  a  mix  of  business  interspersed  with  lively  debate  on  current  affairs  issues.    Our  champion  of  controversy,  Ross  providing  much  entertainment.  We  once  again  had  a  successful  round  of  scholarship  grants  to  East  Otago  High  School  $1000,  Otago  Polytech  Cromwell  $2000  and  Telford  Campus  $6000.  All  with  the  aim  of  rewarding  excellence  in  rural  education.  We  also  began  planning  a  major  fundraising  venture  to  top  up  the  Trusts  associated  with  scholarships.  Our  annual  Safari  in  March  was  centred  at  Omahau  Downs  in  the  Mackenzie  Country  where  we  visited  a  high  country  station,  a  salmon  farm,  a  hydro  machinery  museum  and  had  a  local  cheeses  &  dips  presentation  along  with  plenty  of  the  good  things  of  life  to  keep  our  energy  levels  replenished.    It  was  with  regret  we  had  the  resignation  of  Bruce  Turnbull  a  long  standing  member  of  the  Club.  Malcolm  from  our  committee  has  been  the  principal  organiser  of  the  mid-­‐winter  tramps  and  the  one  to  the  Motorau  Hut  at  lake  Manapouri  was  again  a  great  success.      

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VOCATIONAL      I  am  pleased  to  present  this  report  as  the  past  Convenor  of  the  Vocational  Committee.  We  continued  to  have  lunchtime  meetings  every  second  Monday  of  the  month.  We  have  organised  a  busy  schedule  of  activities  in  the  past  year  based  broadly  around  the  vocational  goals  of  Rotary  as  well  as  participating  fully  in  the  life  and  activities  of  the  Club  itself.  A  very  successful  event  was  organised  at  Olveston  in  November  2014  with  a  tour  of  the  house,  high  afternoon  tea  to  follow  and  fashion  parade  of  Victorian  costumes.  A  reasonable  profit  was  made  which  will  be  used  to  build  up  a  fund  for  such  things  as  funding  our  contribution  to  the  Business  Ethics  Award.  One  of  our  important  vocational  goals  is  to  promote  excellence  in  ethical  standards  in  business.  This  we  have  done  by  sponsoring  the  Business  Ethics  Award  in  partnership  with  the  Chamber  of  Commerce  Excellence  in  Business  Awards.  Each  year  our  committee  organises  the  Rotary  4  Way  Test  in  our  annual  speech  competition  for  year  13  students  in  our  two  secondary  schools  –  Logan  Park  and  Otago  Boys  High  School.  Unfortunately  this  year  our  schools  had  competing  interests  and  couldn’t  participate.  While  this  was  extremely  disappointing  we  will  hope  to  be  up  and  running  again  next  time.    Another  really  exciting  project  we  continued  this  year  is  ‘mock  interviews”.  This  is  an  ongoing  project  spearheaded  by  Lindsay  Brown  which  offers  opportunities  for  young  school  leavers  to  practice  job  application  and  interview  skills  and  obtain  NCEA  credits.    We  piloted  the  concept  initially  at  the  Methodist  Mission  and  if  it  is  successful  it  may  be  widened.    Opportunities  may  be  explored  in  the  future  with  Malcam  trust.  A  committee  has  been  set  up  to  organise  this  and  it  will  be  a  joint  venture  between  our  committee,  Youth  and  City  and  Community.  A  small  group  of  suitable  interviewers  was  selected  from  the  club.  This  project  sits  well  into  the  Vocational  goals  of  “conducting  Career  Counselling  or  Vocational  Training  

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programme’.  It  was  well  appreciated  by  the  young  people  concerned  and  their  leaders  and  will  continue  to  grow.    Another  important  project  in  its  early  stages  is  the  mentoring  project  with  Rotoract.  This  is  just  in  its  early  stages  but  is  showing  lots  of  promise  as  well.    Vocational  Month  is  October  of  each  year,  and  we  provide  the  speakers  for  the  month.  Our  theme  this  this  year  is  entrepreneurial  Dunedin  companies.  Last  October  it  was  “pathways  into  employment”  focusing  on  such  things  as  apprenticeships/internships.  We  have  welcomes  a  new  convenor  for  the  next  committee  year  and  we  thank  Alana  Reid  for  taking  over  and  look  forward  to  her  leadership.    Lynne  Guy,  Convenor,  Vocational  Committee,  Rotary  Club  of  Dunedin.        

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YOUTH        1. RYE  

§ Continue   to   sponsor   at   least   one   inbound   or   one   outbound  per  annum.  

§ Inbound   student   Hannah   Koerber,   was   welcomed   from  Germany  in  July  2014,  with  Brian  Daniels  as  her  counsellor.    

§ Outbound  student  Zoe  Sabonadiere  left  for  Austria  in  January  2015  –  Her  counsellor  is  Marilyn  Richardson.    

§ Carole   McCormack   led   this   programme   for   the   club   and  committee.  


§ The   Youth   Committee   attended   the   Rotaract   meetings   on   a  roster  basis.  These  have  been  well  attended.  Rotaract  boosted  their  numbers  and  worked  on  a  variety  of  projects.  They  have  an  energetic  leadership  team.  

 3. RYLA  

§ Gordon   Tucker   and   Jane   Johnson   undertook   the   interviews  and   organised   the   three   candidates  who  went   to   Berwick   in  April  2015.  All  had  a  great  experience.  

 4. Science  Forum    

§ Three   candidates,  1   from  Logan  Park  and  2   from  Otago  Boys  were   interviewed   by   Carole  McCormack   and  Gordon   Tucker,  and  while  all  three  were  put  through  for  selection  by  district,  only  2  from  Otago  Boys  were  selected  to  attend  the  National  Science   Forum   held   in   Auckland   January   2015.     The   Hugh  Saunders   Trust   funded   half   the   costs   and   the   school   funded  the  other  half  of  the  costs.    

 5. Mystery  Dinner    

§ Helen   Richards   and   Carole   McCormack   organised   another  successful  Mystery  Dinner,  raising  funds  for  Youth  Projects,  to  be  held  in  the  Club  Trust.  

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 6. RANZSE  -­‐  Rotary  Australia  New  Zealand  Student  Exchange  

§ Jackie   St   John   facilitates   this   for   the   District.   There   was   1  young  person  from  the  District  who  underwent  the  exchange  with  1  Australian  youth  during  the  year.  

 7. Wine  Auction  

§ Planning   for   the   wine   auction   started   in   March   2015   for   a  November  event.  

§ The  charity  chosen  to  be  The  Hugh  Saunders  Trust.      Helen  Richards  Convenor        

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Director:  Grant  Chirnside  Convenor:  Ross  Taylor  

Our  Committee  has  had  another  average  year  with  well  supported  and  lively  fireside  meetings  and  ongoing  projects  beyond  the  main  focus  of  the  committee  in  recruitment  and  retention  of  members.  

We  welcomed  Bruce  Collier  to  the  committee  at  the  beginning  of  the  year.    We  said  farewell  to  the  very  long  serving  Noel  Jackson  from  both  the  committee  and  club.  


Thanks  to  the  efforts  of  the  committee  and  the  club  in  general  we  followed  up  some  nominations  which  resulted  in  3  new  members  being  inducted  into  the  club  over  the  year.    Sadly  11  resigned  so  we  are  definitely  not  keeping  pace  and  will  need  to  seek  out  new  members  as  a  priority  for  the  year  ahead.    We  need  to  make  sure  we  all  embrace  new  members  and  make  them  feel  welcome  and  enable  them  to  quickly  fit  into  the  life  of  the  club.    The  club  was  saddened  by  the  news  of  the  death  of  Murray  Paterson.    We  also  note  the  moving  on  of  Les  Stewart,  Bruce  Turnbull,  Ken  Stott  and  Noel.    These  5  gentlemen  contributed  nearly  200  years  of  service  to  our  community  through  our  club  and  other  avenues.    We  thank  you.  

We  have  continued  a  streamlined  nomination  follow-­‐up  using  email  to  further  the  process  between  meetings.    We  continue  with  a  new  member  follow-­‐up  within  6  months  to  see  how  they  are  going  and  consider  any  issues  or  matters  to  improve  including  the  mentor  role.    Attendance  records  have  been  scrutinised  with  some  follow  up  action  taken  with  particular  poor  attenders.    We  wish  to  note  that  all  resigning  members  are  invited  to  participate  in  an  exit  interview  in  order  that  we  might  learn  from  their  Rotary  experience  and  feed  that  back  into  how  we  operate  our  club.  

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Joker  Jackpot    Membership  committee  continued  to  run  this  weekly  event.    During  the  year  an  average  of  40  Jackpot  tickets  were  sold  each  week.    There  were  6  prize  winners  and  the  total  prize  won  was  $629.50.      At  30  June  2015  the  Joker  Jackpot  prize  balance  stood  at  $1421.28.  Distributions  of  $88.30  were  made  to  the  Club.    Our  thanks  to  Bruce  for  taking  over  this  role  from  John  Burke.    Cancer  Society    Our  club  has  had  a  long  association  with  the  Otago  Cancer  Society  and  we  were  asked  to  cook  the  breakfast  for  the  Relay  for  Life.    We  cooked  under  shelter  in  the  corner  of  the  Forsyth  Barr  Stadium  and  managed  to  stay  warm  whilst  serving  upwards  of  1000  very  hungry  walkers.    This  year  we  fielded  out  own  team,  ably  lead  by  Bruce  Collier    Club  involvement    Committee  members  continue  their  enthusiastic  support  of  all  of  the  all-­‐of-­‐club  projects  and  where  possible  their  support  of  other  committee  projects.    Additionally  it  is  noted  that  committee  member  John  Henderson  I  convenes  the  Rotary  Foundation  Committee  and  that  Neville  Horne  continues  as  the  club  Statistician.    All  in  all  a  good  year,  and  my  thanks  to  all  those  involved.    

Ross  Taylor  


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CITY  &  COMMUNITY      City  and  Community  Committee  Summary  of  activities:  July  2014-­‐May  2015    Our  focus  from  July  to  September  was  organizing  a  very  successful  quiz  night,  held  at  the  Otago  Golf  Club  on  Sep  18th.  $  1029  was  raised,  10%  going  to  the  Club,  and  the  remainder  going  to  the  Dunedin  Night  Shelter.      In  September  our  committee  lead  by  Graham  Leith  and  other  club  members,  helped  pick  and  sell  Cleveland  Park  Daffodils  for  the  very  last  time.  Recipients  for  the  funds  were  the  Mayfair  theatre  and  Orokonui  ecosanctuary.    Our  committee  and  the  International  committee  and  got  together  for  a  great  pot  luck  dinner  at  the  Logan  Park  High  School  staff  room  on  the  night  of  2  December.      Instead  of  organizing  a  ‘bring  a  can’  with  club  members  for  Christmas  gift  giving,  the  committee  decided  to  organize  special  gifts  for  10  families.  We  asked  club  members  to  help  identify  needy  families  and  then  we  asked  members  to  bring  a  gift.  We  collated  parcels  from  the  generous  gifts  supplied  all  tailor  made  to  suit  the  family  groups,  then  wrapped  and  delivered  the  parcels  in  time  for  Christmas.  The  recipients  were  all  delighted  and  surprised  by  the  gifts!      In  the  new  year  the  club  met  and  continued  discussing  arrangements  for  the  donation  of  funds  of  $2816.69  to  provide  for  two  holes  and  signage  at  the  proposed  Chingford  Park  Disc  Golf  course.  Signage  and  funding  was  approved,  along  with  permissions  from  the  DCC  to  proceed  with  the  project.  Our  committee  also  offered  support  with  volunteering  to  build  the  course  when  the  time  came.      

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Relay  for  life  was  a  great  event  well  supported  by  the  club  and  committee  members.  Here’s’  a  picture  of  our  Shelter  Box  set  up    taken  with  our  team  co-­‐ordinator  and  a  couple  of  friends.      


Trees  for  families  was  delayed  from  the  usual  May  timing  to  June  but  successfully  went  ahead  on  Jun  21st  at  the  West  Harbour  site.  Committee  members  helped  out  by  digging  over  50  holes  for  the  trees  and  being  there  on  the  planting  day  to  give  a  hand.      Another  activity  was  the  creation  of  the  Les  Cleveland  memorial  garden  at  Olveston.  Again,  lead  by  committee  member  Graham  Leith,  our  committee  members  helped  out  with  the  planting  of  4000  daffodil  bulbs  and  committing  funds  to  the  project  for  the  creation  of  a  memorial  bench  and  plaque.      Committee  members  also  helped  out  as  usual  with  Meals  on  Wheels  duties,  and  organizing  people  to  be  at  two  locations  in  town  for  the  street  appeals  for  St  John  Ambulance  and  Cancer  Society.      Our  final  event  for  the  year  was  a  relaxing  and  fun  winter  Italian  dinner  at  St  Clair  esplanade  restaurant,  it  celebrated  another  great  year  of  hard  work  and  achievements,  celebrations,  arrivals  and  departures  –  change  is  good!      

 Sadly  Les  Stewart,  one  of  our  committee  members  resigned  from  the  club,  but  we  had  a  great  farewell  for  him  and  to  acknowledge  his  contribution  to  our  Club,  we  awarded  him  with  a  Certificate  of  Appreciation.  

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TRUSTS Year ended 30 June 2015

The following is a brief report on the performance and the current position of the

Charitable Trusts that operate within the Rotary Club of Dunedin (Inc). The report

relates to the year ended 30 June 2015.

A total of 19 grants plus funding of the West Harbour Trail Project and a donation to

the Rotary Foundation were paid from all Trusts during the year ended 30 June 2015.

A total of $38,895 expended. In the previous year 27 grants were paid.

HUGH SAUNDERS TRUST (subject to Review)

OBJECTIVES - Charitable and educational purposes which benefit young people.

TRUSTEES – Neville Horne, Alastair Logan and Jackie St John

INCOME – Donations $7,586.00 and interest of $550.00

GRANTS MADE - $1,600 (1)

COST OF PORTFOLIO - $23,674.87


SINCE INCEPTION in 2001, the Trust has made grants totalling $88,190

MONA SEMKE TRUST (Subject to Review)

OBJECTIVES – To assist distinguished performing artists in obtaining tuition, training,

education and participation in the performing arts and in high-level performance in the

medium of their choice within the performing arts, generally restricted to young people

(under 30).

TRUSTEES – Neville Horne, Alastair Logan and Jackie St John

INCOME – Interest $2,315.68


COST OF PORTFOLIO - $55,370.92


SINCE INCEPTION in 2000, the Trust has made grants totalling $37,430


OBJECTIVES – to supply/provide for the physical and material needs of persons or

families who through certain circumstances are worthy of financial assistance – to assist

students financially for scholastic, industry or aspirations – to assist in education of the

poor or their children – to assist in rehabilitation and generally assist all in a manner

consistent with the ideals and objectives of Rotary International.

TRUSTEES – Neville Horne, Alastair Logan and Jackie St John

INCOME – Interest $3,902.04, donations $31,856.30, other income $8,016.49

GRANTS MADE - $8,642 (9) plus funding the West Harbour Trail Project $13,630

and Rotary Foundation donation $6,023

COST OF PORTFOLIO - $90,965.47


This includes $25,648.25 held within the Trust for specific programmes/projects

recommended and/or approved by the Club and Committees.

SINCE INCEPTION in 1975, the Trust has made grants totalling $327,566

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OBJECTIVES – to advance and propagate within South Otago and within New

Zealand, education about methods of farm production animal husbandry, cropping,

horticulture and forestry, used within, or potentially relevant to South Otago.

TRUSTEES – Les Green, Ross Brown and Garth Lucas.

INCOME – Interest $771.58 and dividends of $1,120.00.

GRANTS MADE - $4,000 (4).

COST OF PORTFOLIO - $31,709.10


SINCE INCEPTION in 2000, the Trust has made grants totalling $29,250.00


OBJECTIVES – Annual scholarship awards to outstanding and deserving students or

former students of Lincoln University (Telford Division), students at Otago Polytechnic

(Cromwell Campus) and students at the East Otago High School to study at Telford or

such other institute for one year or such period as approved by the Trustees.

TRUSTEES – Les Green, Ross Brown, Murray Bayly and Martin Eadie - Director


INCOME – Interest $156.75 and dividends $304.75

GRANTS MADE - $5,000.00 (5)

COST OF PORTFOLIO - $16,954.73


SINCE INCEPTION in 1995, the Trust has made grants totalling $179,600


During the year Martin Eadie replaced Charlie Lamb on the Rotary Otago Rural

Education Trust by virtue of his position as Director (Principal) of Lincoln Telford and

Blair Thomson, Settlor and Trustee of the Telford Gowrie Trust, passed away.

Progress was made on increasing the capital base for the Hugh Saunders Trust including

a portion of the proceeds from Circus Quirkus. The Club Trust continues to process

receipts and expenditure for the West Harbour Recreation Trail Project.

All five trusts are registered with Internal Affairs under the Charities Act 2005. The

normal rules and regulations as applicable to such Charitable Trusts are adhered to.

Public access to the trust documentation and reports is publicly available on the

Ministry of Business and Innovation Charities Service web site

Appreciation and thanks go to the Trustees Reviewers and all others involved with the

operation and management of all the Trusts during the year ended 30 June 2015.

David Ojala

Trusts Administrator

Date 16 November 2015

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