Root Words

Tiffany Meade Root words 1. Root= ami (love) Word= Amiable Definition= noun- friendly and pleasant Root=ami (love) Word=Amicus Curiae Definition=noun-friend of the court 2. Root=aqua/aque (water) Word=aquamarine Definition= noun- light blue-green or greenish blue Root=aqua/aque (water) Word= Aqua vitae Definition= noun-alcohol 3. Root= Audi (hear) Word=audiology Definition= noun- the study of hearing disorders Root= Audi (hear) Word=auditory Definition=adjective-pertaining to hearing 4. Root=anthrop(human, man) Word=anthropic Definition=adjective-pertaining to human beings or their span of existence on earth Root=anthrop (human, man) Word=anthropocentric Definition=adjective-regarding the human being as the central fact of the universe 5. Root=bio (life) Word=biocide Definition=noun-any chemical that destroys life by poisoning Root=bio (life) Word=biota Definition=the animals, plants, fungi 6. Root=Demo (people) Word=demo Definition=noun-demonstration

Transcript of Root Words

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Tiffany MeadeRoot words

1. Root= ami (love)Word= AmiableDefinition= noun- friendly and pleasantRoot=ami (love)Word=Amicus CuriaeDefinition=noun-friend of the court

2. Root=aqua/aque (water)Word=aquamarineDefinition= noun- light blue-green or greenish blueRoot=aqua/aque (water)Word= Aqua vitaeDefinition= noun-alcohol

3. Root= Audi (hear)Word=audiologyDefinition= noun- the study of hearing disordersRoot= Audi (hear)Word=auditoryDefinition=adjective-pertaining to hearing

4. Root=anthrop(human, man)Word=anthropicDefinition=adjective-pertaining to human beings or their span of existence on earthRoot=anthrop (human, man)Word=anthropocentricDefinition=adjective-regarding the human being as the central fact of the universe

5. Root=bio (life)Word=biocideDefinition=noun-any chemical that destroys life by poisoning Root=bio (life)Word=biotaDefinition=the animals, plants, fungi

6. Root=Demo (people)Word=demoDefinition=noun-demonstrationRoot=demo (people)Word=democraticDefinition=adjective-pertaining to or the nature of democracy or a democracy

7. Root=derm (skin)Word=dermDefinition=noun- a navigational device for making a nearby object conspicuous on a radarscopeRoot=derm (skin)

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Word=dermalDefinition=adjective-of or pertaining to the skin

8. Root=hemo/hema/hem (blood)Word=hematiteDefinition=noun- a very common mineral, iron oxide, occurring in steel-gray to black crystals and in earthy red massesRoot=hema/hemo/hem (blood)Word=hempDefinition=noun-the tough fiber of this plant, used for making rope, coarse fiber

9. Root=magn (large)Word=magna mater Definition=noun-Cybele, ops; rheaRoot=magn (large)Word=magna cartaDefinition=noun-any fundamental constitution or law guaranteeing rights and liberties

10.Root=mater (mother)Word=maternalDefinition=adjective-of, pertaining to, having the qualities of, or befitting a motherRoot=mater (mother)Word=stabat materDefinition=noun- a musical setting for this

11.Root=min (small)Word=minaDefinition=noun-an ancient unit of weight and value equal to the sixtieth part of a talentRoot=min (small)Word=minie ballDefinition=noun-a conical bullet with a hollow base that expanded when fired, used in the 19th century

12.Root=mis (bad)Word=misanthropeDefinition=noun-hater of mankindRoot=mis (bad)Word=misoneismDefinition=noun-hatred or dislike of what is new or represents change

13.Root= pater (father)Word=paternityDefinition=noun-the state of being a father; fatherhoodRoot=pater (father)Word=paterfamiliasDefinition=noun-the male head of a household or family, usually the father

14.Root=phon/phono (sound)Word=phonemeDefinition=noun-any of a small set of unitsRoot=phon/phono (sound)

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Word=phonographDefinition=noun-any sound-reproducing machine using records in the form of cylinders or disks

15.Root=psych (mind)Word= psychDefinition=verb-to intimidate or frighten psychologically, or make nervousRoot=psych (mind)Word=psychedelicDefinition=noun- a psychedelic drug

16.Root=therm (heat)Word=thermonuclearDefinition=adjective-of, pertaining to, or involving a thermonuclear reactionRoot=therm (heat)Word=thermodynamicsDefinition=noun- the science concerned with the relations between heat and mechanical energy or work, and the conversion of one into the other: modern thermodynamics deals with the properties of systems for the description of which temperature is a necessary coordinate.

17.Root= vit (life)Word=vituperationDefinition=noun- verbal abuse or castigation; violent denunciation or condemnationRoot=vit (life)Word= vitalityDefinition=noun-exuberant physical strength or mental vigor

18.Root=tele (far away)Word= televangelistDefinition=noun-an evangelist who regularly conducts religious services on televisionRoot=tele (far away)Word=telemeterDefinition=noun-any of certain devices or attachments for determining distances by measuring the angle subtending a known distance

19.Root= a/an (not, without)Word=anacoluthonDefinition=noun-a construction involving a break in grammatical sequenceRoot= a/an (not, without)Word=anasaziDefinition=adjective-of, pertaining to, or characteristic of this culture or its people

20.Root= un (not)Word=unbeseemingDefinition=verb-to be fit for or worthy of; become;Root=un (not)Word=uncial

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Definition=adjective-designating, written in, or pertaining to a form of majuscule writing having a curved or rounded shape and used chiefly in Greek and Latin manuscripts from about the third to the ninth century a.d.

21.Root= anti (against)Word=anticoagulantDefinition=adjective-preventing coagulationRoot=anti (against)Word=antidepressant Definition=adjective-of or pertaining to a substance that is used in the treatment of mood disorders, as characterized by various manic or depressive affects

22.Root= auto (self)Word=autodidacticDefinition=noun-a person who has learned a subject without the benefit of a teacher or formal education; a self taught personRoot=auto (self)Word=autogenousDefinition=adjective- self-produced; self-generated

23.Root= bene (good)Word=beneficeDefinition=noun-a position or post granted to an ecclesiastic that guarantees a fixed amount of property or incomeRoot=bene (good)Word=benevolenceDefinition=noun-desire to do good to others; goodwill; charitableness

24.Root= circum (around)Word=circumlocutionDefinition=noun-a roundabout or indirect way of speaking; the use of more words than necessary to express an ideaRoot=circum (around)Word=circumambulateDefinition=verb- to walk around or go about

25.Root= dis (apart, not)Word=disapprobationDefinition=noun-disapproval; condemnationRoot= dis (apart, not)Word=disbarDefinition=verb-to expel from the legal profession or from the bar of a particular court

26.Root=hetero (different)Word=heterosexualDefinition=adjective-pertaining to the opposite sex or to both sexesRoot=hetero (different)Word=heterodox Definition=adjective-not in accordance with established or accepted doctrines or opinions

27.Root= homo (same)

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Word=homosexualDefinition=adjective-of, pertaining to, or noting the same sexRoot=homo (same)Word=homogenizedDefinition=verb-to form by blending unlike elements; make homogeneous

28.Root= Hyper (over)Word=hyperglycemiaDefinition=noun-an abnormally high level of glucose in the bloodRoot= hyper (over)Word=hyperbatonDefinition=noun- the use or emphasis of a word order other than the expected or usual one

29.Root= mal/male (bad, evil)Word=malfeasanceDefinition=noun-the performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful, or contrary to law; wrongdoingRoot=mal/male (bad, evil)Word=maledictionDefinition=noun- a curse; imprecation

30.Root= micro (small)Word=microclimateDefinition=noun-the climate of a small area, as of confined spaces such as caves or houses of plant communities, wooded areas, or of urban communities, which may be different from that in that general regionRoot=micro (small)Word=microprocessorDefinition=noun-an integrated computer circuit that performs all the functions of a CPU.

31.Root= Post (after)Word=post-millennialDefinition=adjective-or of pertaining to the period of the millenniumRoot=post (after)Word=post-prandialDefinition=adjective-after a meal;

32.Root= pre (before)Word=Pre-RaphaeliteDefinition=noun- any group of English artists formed in 1848Root=pre (before)Word=prelapsarianDefinition=adjective- occurring before the Fall

33.Root= centi (hundred)Word=centimeterDefinition=noun-one 100th of a meter, equivalent to 0.3937 of an inchRoot=centi (hundred)Word=centipede

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Definition=noun-any of numerous predaceous, chiefly nocturnal arthropods constituting the class chilopoda, having an elongated, flattened body composed of from 15 to 173 segments, each with a pair of legs, the first pair being modified into poison fangs

34.Root= milli (thousand)Word=milligramDefinition=noun-a unit of mass or weight equal to one thousandth of a gram, and equivalent to 0.0154 grainRoot=milli (thousand)Word=millimeterDefinition=noun-a unit of length equal to one thousandth of a meter and equivalent to 0.03937 inch

35.Root= nano (billion)Word=nanosecondDefinition=noun-one billionth of a secondRoot=nano (billion)Word=nanocatalystDefinition=noun- a nanoscale particle with catalytic properties. Used extensively in processing petroleum.

36.Root= mono (one)Word=monokiniDefinition=noun- a topless bikiniRoot=mono (one)Word=monoceros Definition=noun-the unicorn, a constellation south of Gemini and east of Orion

37.Root= di (two)Word=diademDefinition=noun-a crownRoot=di (two)Word=dichotomyDefinition=noun-division in two parts, kinds, etc;

38.Root= tri (three)Word=triskaidekaphobiaDefinition=noun-a fear or a phobia concerning the number 13Root=tri (three)Word=triskelionDefinition=noun-a symbolic figure consisting of three legs, arms, or branches radiating from a common center, as the device of Sicily and the Isle of Man

39.Root= tetra (four)Word=tetragrammatonDefinition=noun-the Hebrew word for godRoot=tetra (four)Word=tetrahedronDefinition=noun-a solid contained by four plane faces; a triangular pyramid

40.Root= penta (five)Word=pentane

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Definition=noun-a hydrocarbon of the methane series, existing in three liquid isometric formsRoot=penta (five)Word= pentagonDefinition=noun-a polygon having five angles and five sides

41.Root= hexa (six)Word=hexagonDefinition=noun-a polygon having six angles and six sidesRoot=hexa (six)Word=hexameterDefinition=noun-any line of verse in six feet, as in English poetry

42.Root= hepta (seven)Word=heptagonDefinition=noun-a polygon having seven angles and seven sidesRoot=hepta (seven)Word=heptameterDefinition=noun-a verse of seven metrical feet

43.Root= octa (eight)Word=octantDefinition=noun-the eighth part of a circleRoot=octa (eight)Word=octahedronDefinition=noun-a solid figure having eight faces

44.Root= -cide (killing, kill)Word=matricideDefinition=noun-the act of killing one’s motherRoot=-cide (kill, killing)Word=suicideDefinition=noun-the intentional taking of one’s own life

45.Root= -ism (the belief in)Word=albinismDefinition=noun –the state or condition of being an albinoRoot=-ism (the belief in)Word=asteismDefinition=noun-“genteel irony, polite mockery”

46.Root= -ist (one who believes, studies/practices)Word=alarmistDefinition=noun-a person who tends to raise alarms, esp. without sufficient reason, as by exaggerating dangers or prophesying calamitiesRoot=-ist (one who believes, studies/practices)Word=defeatistDefinition=noun-a person who surrenders easily or is subject to defeatism

47.Root= -logy (study in the field of)Word=teratologyDefinition=noun-the science or study of monstrosities or abnormal formations in organisms

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Root=-logy (study in the field of)Word=oenologyDefinition=noun-the study of viniculture

48.Root= -oid (resembling, like-shaped)Word=opioidDefinition=noun-any opiumlike substanceRoot=-oid (resembling, like-shaped)Word=schizoidDefinition=noun-of or pertaining to a personality disorder marked by disassociation, passivity, withdrawal, inability to warm social relationships, and indifference to praise or criticism

49.Root= -phobia (exaggerated fear)Word=autophobiaDefinition=noun-a fear of being alone or one’s selfRoot=-phobia (exaggerated fear)Word=ailurophobiaDefinition=noun-an abnormal fear of cats

50.Root= -arium (a place of) Word=planetariumDefinition=noun-an apparatus or model representing the planetary systemRoot=-arium (a place of)Word=terrariumDefinition=noun-a vivarium for land animals

Origins 49. Ailurophobia- 1905-10, Greek 8. Hemp-before 1000, Greek 21. anticoagulant- 1900-05, coagulant is Latin, anti is Latin and Greek 28. hyperbaton- 1517, Greek 48. schizoid- 1925, German 12. misanthrope- 1560s, Greek 46. alarmist- 1793, Latin 29. malediction- 1447, Latin 48. opioid- 1957, There was none 38. triskelion- 1880, Greek 50. terrarium- 1890, modern Latin 15. psychedelic- 1956, Greek 45. albinism- 1836, Albino 1777, Latin 49. autophobia- 1847, Greek 2. aqua vitae- 1375-1425, Latin