ROOF Summer Camp 2009, English

Since 2000, ROOF’s International Summer Camp has been bringing young people from different cities in Russia, the U.K., the U.S., France, Italy and other countries to Belskoye Ustye, a small village in Pskov oblast (North-West Russia.) Here our visitors spend one month volunteering at the local orphanage for children with special needs. They play games, organise discos and festivals, go hiking with the children, design costumes and do other fun activities, making up for the lack of attention and individual support in these orphaned ROOF’S INTERNATIONAL SUMMER CAMP 2009 IN THE BELSKOYE USTYE ORPHANAGE FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS CONTACT INFORMATION: Russian Orphan Opportunity Fund (ROOF), Voznesensky per., 8, office 46, Moscow tel./fax: +7 (495) 629 51 00 [email protected] Alina Lobzina, Olga Tikhomirova, project co-ordinator, Country Director, +7 909 950 0330 +7 903 614 6221 [email protected] [email protected]


Proposal for ROOF's summer camp 2009 (English)

Transcript of ROOF Summer Camp 2009, English

Page 1: ROOF Summer Camp 2009, English

Since 2000, ROOF’s International Summer Camp has been bringing young people from different cities in Russia, the U.K., the U.S., France, Italy and other countries to Belskoye Ustye, a small village in Pskov oblast (North-West Russia.) Here our visitors spend one month volunteering at the local orphanage for children with special needs. They play games, organise discos and festivals, go hiking with the children, design costumes and do other fun activities, making up for the lack of attention and individual support in these orphaned


CONTACT INFORMATION:Russian Orphan Opportunity Fund (ROOF), www.roofnet.orgVoznesensky per., 8, office 46, Moscowtel./fax: +7 (495) 629 51 [email protected]

Alina Lobzina, Olga Tikhomirova, project co-ordinator, Country Director, +7 909 950 0330 +7 903 614 [email protected] [email protected]

Page 2: ROOF Summer Camp 2009, English

At present there are 730 000 orphans living in Russia. Fortunately, due to the efforts made by the government and NGOs, more children find new families and have

the chance to enjoy a successful life, instead of ending up in one of numerous Russian orphanages. However, not all children in need can benefit from these

positive changes. Unfortunately nothing has changed for those children and teenagers who need extra attention and support to deal with their problems...

There are 29 000 children with special needs in Russia who live in 151 closed, special-needs institutions.

More than 5 000 children with developmental difficulties live in

251 baby-homes.

If these children lived with a family, many of their problems

would simply disappear. However, a negative public attitude

towards handicapped people, along with the many challenges

people with special needs face in Russia, makes it difficult to find

foster parents for children with developmental problems.

In order to develop essential life and social skills, handicapped

children need extra support and attention, a specially designed curriculum, developmental training, the

help of psychologists and speech-therapists, but the closed institutions where they live very often don!t meet

any of their needs. Furthermore, if the children spend most of their time in a closed orphanage , it affects them in a negative way, making them totally

incapable of adapting to life in society.

Institutions for children with special needs don!t receive any state funding for educational or developmental training. Very often they are hard to reach as

they are located on the outskirts of towns in small villages, which leads to isolation and makes social adaptation more complex. The lack of qualified

specialists is another serious problem for such institutions.

Over years of work, we!ve seen many examples of how time spent in closed, special needs institutions affects

children. Even the most capable of them have no idea about independent living and need further

institutionalisation when they reach 18. Adult institutions, in which they stay until the end of their days, do

not offer anything to improve these young people!s professional or educational background. It!s not surprising

that in most cases they can!t find a job and, as their only accessible form of "entertainment! is sedative

pills and alcohol, they die early without having a chance to change anything....

We think that the existing system is unfair to children, who need much more attention and support

due to their individual problems -hereditary or non-hereditary. As is the case with all children, they

need social interaction, education, new impressions, and positive emotions, and it is our duty to

provide everything they need for their personal development and offer them a real chance of true



Page 3: ROOF Summer Camp 2009, English

ROOF has been working with the Belskoye Ustye orphanage for children with special needs since 2000. When ROOF!s representatives first arrived

and saw the orphanage and the life the children lead , they knew they had to help the orphanage administration.

Horrifying poverty, no educational or developmental classes in the

orphanage schedule, the abusive behaviour of some carers, swearing,

children running around without supervision and then the villagers, who

used to hire "idiots! - that!s how they used to refer to the orphans - to work

in their gardens paying them with cigarettes and alcohol. Having seen all

that, we decided to take action immediately to change the situation. That

year we organised ROOF!s first Summer Camp.

Now life in the orphanage is not as desperate as it once was. There are extra-

curricular activities sponsored by various NGOs, some children are

allowed to go on excursions, and the staff!s attitude towards the children

has changed significantly there are also specialists working with the

children. Furthermore, one of the NGOs working in the orphanage has started

a project aiming to create a children!s village where the children could live in

foster families. It will be the first children!s village in Russia to help children with

disabilities find a new loving family. Another significant change that happened

recently was the opening of a school at the orphanage in September 2008, fully

funded by the government!

As a pioneering organisation in the help we provide to the Belskoye Ustye

orphanage we are happy to see the difference we!ve made so far. However,

werealise that it is only the beginning and that there is still plenty of work to do!



Official name: Belsko-Ustyensky Psycho-Neurological Orphanage

for children with special needs

Governing body: Local

Department of the Ministry of

Social Protection

Number of children: 87

Children!s age: 8 - 18

Diagnosis: mental deficiency,

deviant behaviour, physical


Director: Gennady

Mikhailovich Filkin

Since 2000 ROOF has implemented the following projects in the

Belskoye Ustye orphanage:

-“Social Hotel”, and later “ROOF!s Abilitation Centre” - post-

orphanage social-adaptation projects for Belskoye Ustye

graduates, providing them with an opportunity to start living

independently with the help of ROOF!s teachers and carers;

-“Weekend fostering” project (2001-02) when the children from

the orphanage visited families from the nearby town of Porkhov.

After the project ended in 2002, four families kept in touch with

the children;

-Project «Baranovo» (2005-06) that provided educational

support for the children. Within the framework of this project we

created a special centre with a wide range of materials for work

with these children;

-«ROOF!s Summer Camp», that became ROOF!s first project in

the orphanage, is still running, helping to make children!s lives

more interesting and fun and providing them with an opportunity

to develop their communication and social-interaction skills.

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When we started working in Belskoye Ustye we didn!t expect our Summer Camp to become so important to the children of the orphanage. Although

our work has acted as a springboard for a variety of projects aimed to improve children!s level of education, the development of personal and life

skills, Summer Camp is still the only chance for the children to have a glimpse of life outside the orphanage and the village and feel a part of it...

The Summer Camp project has two main goals:

- to help the children overcome the isolation they suffer from after being put in a closed institution like Beskoye Ustye orphanage

Like most orphans in Russia the vast majority of the Belskoye Ustye orphans come from dysfunctional families. Many of them have experienced

abuse, violence and neglect. Many of them ended up in Belskoye Ustye after being transferred from one orphanage to another. Such negative

experience affects a child!s ability to make contact and build relationships with others. Very often children can!t make friends or embark on any

other relationships with their peers in the same


Negative attitude towards people with intellectual and

developmental problems is very common in present-day

Russian society. Most of the village children in

Belskoye Ustye have plenty of prejudices towards

their peers from the orphanage and don!t want to become

their friends or participate in any interaction with them,

which leaves the orphans without any chance of

becoming a part of the real world. Isolation makes it

impossible for the children to learn different ways of

communication with other people and complicates

their further social integration.



The children still face the problems of isolation and lack of social interaction, extremely limited contact with the outside world, poor

communication and social skills development, in addition to those they suffer from insufficient life experience.

At present ROOF!s Summer Camp is the only project striving to improve the situation.

“Summer Camp is an exciting event for the children of the

Belskoye Ustye orphanage. The kids are happy to see

volunteers coming to the orphanage, as they lack normal

communication and social interaction skills. That is why the

main goal of the Summer Camp project is not taking

presents to them, but widening children!s horizons and

developing interests, giving them the opportunity to meet

new friends and to interact with new people. This is the most

important for them”.

- Lyubov Fedotova (Pskov), Summer Camp volunteer

Page 5: ROOF Summer Camp 2009, English

During Summer Camp the children spend most of their time with volunteers who were raised and used to live in a completely different environment.

By interacting with young people from different countries,and seeing how volunteers communicate within the group, the children get the

chance to learn about healthy young social role-models and become part of this process of interaction.

- to make the lives of the children from the orphanage more interesting and full of new and exciting experiences

Children living in closed institutions like the one in Belskoye Ustye can!t leave their orphanages for long time, some of them are not allowed to leave

the orphanage longer than a few hours. In Belskoye Ustye the children spend 99% of their time in the same place with the same people, very often

doing all same things because there is no one who could show or teach them anything new. Many volunteers said their first impression was that the

children are extremely bored with their lives as they have no

stimulation or new experiences.

Unusual experiences, new emotions and

meeting people stimulate a child to develop

further and want to explore the world around

them, providing extra motivation and making

children happy.

At Summer Camp we aim to give every child

the opportunity for personal development

and growth, helping him or her develop

self-confidence and self-respect. Summer Camp

volunteers devote individual attention to each child,

supporting, commending and helping when necessary. It!s amazing how responsive the children are to the new environment that Summer Camp

brings to the orphanage. At Camp we!ve seen how the most "hopeless! children turned out to be talented artists and craftsmen, or showed

interest in learning for the first time. This new experience has a positive impact not only on the children. Seeing the children acting, dancing,

doing crafts, learning, and playing, the orphanage staff and locals have a often change their mind and develop a positive attitude towards



“From the minute the volunteers arrived to the moment they

left, the kids at the Belskoye Uste orphanage were fascinated

and stimulated by the different experiences and viewpoints

that we brought. As an English volunteer one incident

particularly sticks in my mind - the surprise that was

generated when I explained that most people in the world -

including me - do not have patronymics (otchestva)! In small

ways like this as well as through games, conversations, plays

and other activities, the kids learnt all sorts of new and

interesting things about the outside world”."

- Howard Amos (London), Summer Camp volunteer

Page 6: ROOF Summer Camp 2009, English

The results of the Summer Camp programme

cannot be described in numbers, as children!s

joy cannot be reflected by percentages.

However,there are pictures taken at Camp

where you can see many smiling, excited,

puzzled, laughing, astonished, amused, and

happy children!s faces. One glimpse at those

gives us a clear understanding of the

importance of Summer Camp and inspires us to

further action.

Please visit the Summer Camp!s page on our website – and the photo-gallery to see the reports and

pictures from the previous year!s camps.


“I!ve noticed numerous changes in the children since I first

met them two years ago. While volunteers were working

in Belskoye Ustye the children became more sociable,

more interested in the world around them, they started

asking questions. It could be seen not only in children!s

interaction with volunteers, but also in a way they started

to talk to each other and the orphanage staff. Seeing

them changing for the better proves to us that we don!t

work in vain and our efforts have visible results, and that

makes me happy”.

- Anna Iskakova (St. Petersburg), Summer Camp volunteer

Summer Camp team 2009

In 2009 our Summer Camp team members are from Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Pskov,

as well as from the U.K. and Ireland. They will start working in the Belskoye Ustye

orphanage on June 6th after a short preparatory seminar session (June 3rd-5th). Summer

Camp volunteers work 6 days a week, 5 hours a day, and spend most of their free time

preparing classes and festivals.

Volunteers choose what and how to teach to their groups themselves, taking into

consideration children!s interests and their own creativity. Very often volunteers play

developmental games, do crafts, put up plays, create costumes, go hiking and just have

fun with the children.

Twice a week volunteers organise theme days - Pirate Day, when all the children go

treasure hunting, Nationalities Day , when every group does a presentation on traditions

of a country they!ve chose, Merry Fair when everyone is trying to earn some #money! to

spend them in a Magic Shop.

Every week we also hold a disco for both orphans and villagers where they dance and

have a great time together. These discos are not just fun but also an important step

towards inclusion of the orphanage children in the life of the local community.

Page 7: ROOF Summer Camp 2009, English

We would be most grateful if you can in any way to help us meet this year!s Summer Camp expenses. Reports on Summer Camp will be provided the

sponsors by October 2009. Please, consider the Camp sponsorship according to one of the programmes listed below:

- PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP (365 000 RUR donation)

- GOLDEN SPONSORSHIP (100 000+ RUR donation)

- SILVER SPONSORSHIP (50 000+ RUR donation)

If you have any questions or need more information on the project, please don!t hesitate to contact the Summer Camp co-ordinator Alina Lobzina or

ROOF!s Country director Olga Tikhomirova.



Our contacts:

Russian Orphan Opportunity Fund (ROOF), Alina Lobzina, Olga Tikhomirova

Voznesensky per. 8, office 46, Moscow Project co-ordinator, Country Director, email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

tel./fax +7 (495) 629 51 00 mobile +7 909 950 0330 mobile +7 903 614 6221



Page 8: ROOF Summer Camp 2009, English

currency rate RUR USD 34,00 TOTAL 365 614,34руб. 10 753,36US$

SECTION А: SALARY SECTION А: SALARY SECTION А: SALARY 35 441,38руб. 1 042,39US$List of participants Position Total (RUR) Total ($)

1 Alina Lobzina Programme manager 28 735,63руб. 845,17US$2 Nadezhda Guzenko Camp director 13 793,10руб. 405,68US$3 Oksana Orlova Psychologist 3 448,28руб. 101,42US$4 Sergey Andreev Supplies manager 6 896,55руб. 202,84US$5 Vladimir Spigul Cook 10 344,83руб. 304,26US$6 Applications currently being reviewed Cook’s helper 3 448,28руб. 101,42US$7 Gennady Filkin Legal support 3 448,28руб. 101,42US$8 Orphanage workers PE and music teachers 3 448,28руб. 101,42US$9 Social tax all above 4 406,90руб. 129,61US$

SECTION B: TRANSPORT SECTION B: TRANSPORT SECTION B: TRANSPORT Train tickets 1: Moscow-Porkhov-Moscow 49 500,00руб. 1 455,88US$

Price (р.) Total (RUR) Total ($)1 Camp participants

20 2 000,00руб. 40 000,00руб. 1 176,47US$Train tickets 2: Pskov-Porkhov-Pskov

Price (р.) Total (RUR) Total ($)2 Camp participants

10 150,00руб. 1 500,00руб. 44,12US$Local transport (Porkov-Belskoye Ustye)Local transport (Porkov-Belskoye Ustye)

Number of deliveries Price (р.) Total (RUR) Total ($)3 Petrol for the car of the supplies manager n/a 8 000,00руб. 235,29US$

APPENDIX I: ROOF’s SUMMER CAMP 2009 ( July 3rd- August 2nd)

Page 9: ROOF Summer Camp 2009, English

SECTION C: FOOD SECTION C: FOOD SECTION C: FOOD 192 000,00руб. 5 647,06US$Total (RUR) Total ($)

Number of participants Number of daysExpenses for a per. per

day 30 32 200,00руб. 192 000,00руб. 5 647,06US$


1Stationary, teaching materials, developmental games etc. 10 000,00руб. 5,88US$

2 Medical supplies 2 000,00руб. 58,82US$3 Sport equipment 2 000,00руб. 58,82US$


1 Medical certificates 30 1000,00руб. 30 000,00руб. 882,35US$2 Public utilities n/a 4 000,00руб. 4 000,00руб. 117,65US$3 Mobile communications n/a 1 500,00руб. 1 500,00руб. 44,12US$


Page 10: ROOF Summer Camp 2009, English

Project staff:  

Project Manager: Alina Lobzina  

Key responsibilities: 

• working with volunteers:

- recruiting volunteers in Russia and abroad;

-interviewing volunteers;

- providing essential information about Summer Camp;  

• maintaining contacts with the local department of the Ministry of Social


• developing Summer Campʼs programme;

• developing partnerships with other NGOs working in the same field;

• participation in fundraising for the project;

• report writing.


Summer Camp Director: Nadezhda Guzenko 

Key responsibilities:  

• co-ordinating the Campʼs supplies manager, cook and

cookʼs helper;

• co-ordinating food provision;

• co-ordinating supplies;

• maintaining contacts with the orphanage administration;

• reporting on Summer Campʼs finance;

• participation in the Student Council1.

  Psychologist: Oksana Orlova  

Key responsibilities:  

• training volunteers;

• providing instructional support services to volunteers to help their

work ;

• participation in the Student Council;

• solving internal problems and conflicts when necessary.


1 The Student Council has four members, elected by a vote from volunteers. The Student Council co-ordinates volunteerʼs work, organises Summer Campʼs

schedules, helps prepare theme days, and deals with internal Campʼs problems when required.

APPENDIX II: ROOF’s SUMMER CAMP 2009: job responsibilities

Page 11: ROOF Summer Camp 2009, English

Supplies Manager: Sergey Andreyev  

Key responsibilities:

• implementing Campʼs director tasks;

• buying food and supplies (co-ordinated by the Director);

• buying train tickets for volunteers;

• organising repairs of the Baranovo house when needed;

• preparing the house for the project.

 Summer Campʼs Cook: Vladimir Spigul  

Key responsibilities:  

• cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner for volunteers and Campʼs staff;

• co-ordinating the cookʼs helper. 

Cookʼs helper: prospective candidates are currently being interviewed

Key responsibilities:

• helping the cook, supplies manager and Campʼs director with everyday

duties and carrying out repairs when needed.  

Legal Support: Gennady Filkin  

Key responsibilities:    

• representing Summer Campʼs interests when contacting local authorities

• registering volunteers

Orphanage staff: PA and music teachers

Key responsibilities:

• helping organise activities, e.g. discos, hikes, festivals and events that are

not listed in the orphanageʼs timetable.