Romancing17 1

Romancing the Apocalypse Chapter 17 Twenty Somethings (Part 1- Robin) Welcome back to Romancing the Apocalypse! Episode 16 brought to a close the family’s Three Lakes vacation and, mercifully, Robin and Rachel’s miserable teen years. Will these Romance twins finally find fulfillment as they pursue their twenty somethings at Sim State U? For the most complete set of rules for Pinstar’s Apocalypse Challenge, as well as the Apoca-borg’s proposed set of rules for the FreeTime and Apartment Life expansions, check out Note: I have installed and am playing this Apocalypse through the Bon Voyage expansion only, so none of the new Borg rules apply.



Transcript of Romancing17 1

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Romancing the Apocalypse Chapter 17 –Twenty Somethings(Part 1- Robin)

Welcome back to Romancing the Apocalypse! Episode 16 brought to a close the family’s Three Lakes vacation and, mercifully, Robinand Rachel’s miserable teen years. Will these Romance twins finally find fulfillment as they pursue their twenty somethings at Sim State U?

For the most complete set of rules for Pinstar’s Apocalypse Challenge, as well as the Apoca-borg’s proposed set of rules for the FreeTime and Apartment Life expansions, check out

Note: I have installed and am playing this Apocalypse through the Bon Voyage expansion only, so none of the new Borg rules apply.

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Each girl had her own agenda when they first arrived at their new home on the Sim State U campus.“Homesick already?” Rachel teased as Robin headed straight for the phone.“Hardly,” she replied with a laugh.Robin listened for a minute then set the phone down and wandered into the bedroom.

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They were finally here! This was the beginning of a new phase in their lives, and an entirely different way of doing things... their way of doing things.The phone rang and Robin ran back to answer it.

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“Oh. Hi, Mom.”....“Yes, we arrived all in one piece.”....“Sorry, we would’ve said goodbye, but we were kind of desperate to get here.”....“Did I say desperate? Of course I didn’t mean that!”“Yes you did,” Rachel mouthed from across the room.“Would you like to speak to her?” Robin asked sweetly.Rachel met the floor with a thud and made vigorous slicing motions across her throat.“Gotcha,” Robin mouthed back.

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“It’s cute. A real girls’ place.”....“Of course we’ll come for their birthday, just call and remind us, okay?”....“Us too. Bye.”Feeling inexplicably deflated, Robin retired for the night.

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The one upside, if it could be called that, to her disastrous vacation at Three Lakes, was it didn’t take Rachel long to get fit again. Which, considering the extra pounds she had packed on despite all the walking she’d done there, only seemed fair.“Bet I can sneak in a trip to the Zombie Outpost before class...”

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“Honey, I’m home!” Rachel called when she returned from her shopping expedition.“Rach!” Robin squealed and ran up to give her a light hug, then held her at arm’s length. “That dress looks amazing, you look amazing! I love your hair!”“They’re Happy Braids.” Rachel swished them back and forth. “Don’t they look happy?”Robin laughed. “They really do! You’re definitely going to break some hearts looking like that.”Rachel laughed nervously. “You think so? ’Cause I haven’t had the best track record so far...”“Just wait, you’ll see.”“Yeah, well... Uh-oh, don’t want to be late my first day of class.”“I’m right behind you.”

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Robin quickly made up the bed before going to hers. You never knew who might come over later, right?That’s right. Because yesterday you were just being silly. All those years bending to Mom’s will, only to waste four perfectly good ones pining for a boy I met on vacation? He was my first kiss, that’s all. Was I going to settle down with him the first chance I got? That’s the last thing I want to do! Sheesh, get with the program!

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And the program was WooHoo. Twenty WooHoos, to be exact.Professor Brian was very impressed with Robin’s... enthusiasm.

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Early morning lectures provided him with the perfect excuse for avoiding those awkward morning-after conversations.

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Robin felt weird after her night out and was relieved that she didn’t have to face her prof again just yet. There was a light rap on the door before Rachel breezed in.

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“You go, Robbi! Hehe, I hope I won’t be spending too many nights on the couch? Hey, is something wrong?”“My first woohoo was with a prof in a photo booth, then he ditches me the morning after.”“Robbi... He’s a prof, what did you expect?”Robin sighed. “I know. This is just so... different... new, that’s all.”“If you don’t like it, nothing says you have to keep doing it.”“That’s just it... I did like it.”Rachel wasn’t sure how far into TMI territory this conversation was going and decided to change the subject. “I got you a present.”“Yeah?”“It’s out in the living room. Wanna see?”

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“They have them at the Zombie Outpost. As opposed to not having them at Three Lakes.”“OoOOooh!” Robin admired her lovely new cell phone before tucking it in her skirt pocket. “Thanks, Rach!”And Robin knew as long as Rachel was here with her, she could handle anything.

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Robin invited her prof to join her at LuLu’s Blues, and he readily agreed. Despite his stealth departure earlier, it was strangely affirming to know he wasn’t trying to avoid her, which might have given her second thoughts about this whole woohoo business.“Sorry I had to leave so early, but you were sleeping so peacefully...”“I bet you say that to all the girls.”Brian started to give his stock speech. “You’re a lovely girl, and if things were different, perhaps we could...”“Oh please,” she laughed. “You really don’t have to do this for my benefit. If you catch my drift?” she added, running a provocative hand up the front of his shirt.His expression told her he definitely did catch it.

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“So you see, there’s really no problem.”“You don’t know how glad I am to hear that.”“...Funny, I don’t remember catching your last name?”“It’s Nott.”Robin’s finger stopped halfway on its trip down his lapel.“I’m sorry?”The professor laughed. “No ‘It’s not what?’ joke?”

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“You... I suppose you wouldn’t be related to a Gordon Nott?”“Not that I know of.”Robin’s brow knitted at the odd little coincidence, and her mind drifted back to that afternoon in Three Lakes...“Why, who is he?”She started. Why indeed? She shook her head, as if to clear it. “It’s nothing.”And it was nothing. But Robin was unsettled, and it showed.“I think I would like to go home now. Alone.”“I’ll see you in class then... or not,” Brian said, not unkindly. “Either way, you’re good.”Robin thought, In a warped kind of way he’s almost... honorable.

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“You’re a good girl, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. In fact, you’re much too good for an old lech like me.”Robin blushed with pleasure. “You’re good, Prof.”Brian cleared his throat. “Tell you what... for you I’ll keep an eye and ear out for your Gordon Nott.”Impulsively, Robin leaned forward and kissed his cheek.“Thanks, Brian! You’re not half bad yourself... for an old lech.”He placed his hands on her shoulders and firmly turned her to face the door. “Go home.”


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Back at the home lot...Rhea ran up to Rose, clutching her in a stranglehold. “I missed you so much!” “Awww, I thought you would like the vacation.”“Too many Nice points... they were everywhere! There wasn’t even a chessboard!” she wailed.“There, would you like me to play chess with you?” Sucker?“Oh, would you? Thank you, Rose!”

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“Hey, I’m... you’re not supposed to... I’m the master cheater around here.”Rhea lifted an imperious hand. “Spare me your pitiful cries of defeat, loser. You can call me the master now.”“Then I’m not playing anymore!”

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Rose was left in a bit of a pickle for her next promotion when the twins took three friends along with them to Uni. She snagged good old (and I mean old) Hooptytrib (House Hu) when he came by the lot, and selected the killer Water Balloon Fight from the arsenal.

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“I did it so they can finally see the boots!”

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“How do you like my new boots, Hoopty?”“As a subdued kind of dresser myself, I think they look fabulous after the techno-clubbing slash roller derby whatever that thing was you grew up into. And that face you made on your birthday... I have to admit it was worth a mention.”“Which face was that?”“The boo-boo face.”

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“That face just might be worth a mention too.”“Hoopy,” Rose cooed, “you do have a way with words. Got anything else up your tie-dyed sleeve to make a girl feel special?”

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“I do admire Creativity.”“Flatterer! I’ve never created a thing in my life! Tell me more.”

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*wink wink*“Hoopy, you old devil, you!”

Well, that’s what Hoop gets for leaving EVERYTHING open to interpretation!

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Just one Outing? Hoop, you old smoothie, you!Mayhap he should select the Grecian Formula from his own arsenal?

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Simself victim number two escaped unscathed. Marina aka smoothiequeen87 (A Villainous Apocalypse) snuck up to the roof where she was promptly forgotten. Curse you, Rock Hammer!

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Under duress, Rhea pitched in to help.“ *yawn* It’s me, the circus freak. I’ll be growing up soon, then you can come over for a good shellacking.”

Yup, that would be that no-good Tyson. I had no idea he’d managed to befriend her as a toddler.

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“*zzzz* Lorin’s a cruel heartless slave-driving meanie *zzzz*”But you’ve shot up even higher in my estimation. I promise I’ll make it up to you.“*zzzz* go ’way lemme sleep *zzzz*”Two down, one to go. Time to send someone downtown...

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“Hey, I know you!”*SPLAT!*“D’oh!”

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This was becoming a veritable Simself extravaganza!DJXavier13, author of The Ryder Apocalypse plus an uber cool tutorial on how to build custom safehouses on the left, and DrSupremeNerd (The Vetinari Dualegacy) on the right.“Dude! You haven’t been around in, like, forever.”

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“It’s good seeing you again, Zoe.”“Jane.”“Right. I knew that.”“Your shirt implies you should, anyway.”

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“Uh-huh! You always were one of my favorite townie types, Zoe... Jane.”“D’oh!”

Thank you, ladies!

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Aww, and this was just both sweet and a little morbid.“Are you sure about this, Eileen?”“Yes, Corey, we must get past this.”To their immense relief, and mine, Eileen got out of their game of Red Hands alive.

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But all was not well at Apoca-Hip, even if you didn’t count the nonoperational boom box.

Carmen? I mean Vanessa! Surely this cannot be not good for your image.*cry sob sniff*What’s wrong?

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“I WANT MY SEVVYYY...!”I... I... I just have to get a better handle on my AnyGameStarter, then I promise...“WAAAHHHHH!”Quick, Jane! Back to the home lot!

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“Hold your applause, people, I’m an Entertainment Lawyer now! Only one more promotion and I’ll have this baby in the bag by tomorrow! Nothing for me to do tonight except indulge myself.”Not so fast.“Say what..?”

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“Here.” Rose tossed plates onto the table with a clatter. “Lorin made me fix you something special.”“This is my reward? It looks gross. What is it?”“Blackened Catfish.”“Blecchh, it’s burned.”“It’s double-blackened.”“It tastes like crap.”“Hey, I worked hard on it.” Not. Cheater.“Blecchh.”

See the Water Wiggler? It’s staying put on the Toy Crafting Bench because, if I recall, that thing placed takes up an entire 8x8 area. I’m really starting to get a hankering for a Politics lift right about now.

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“Take that, suppressions!”*crickets*“Ahem! Where’s my ‘Great job! You’ve topped your career!’ doodad?”No one gets those doodads anymore.“What about Robin? She got one for being a stupid Internet Movie Critic.”I stand corrected - we don’t get the ones that count anymore.“This is unacceptable! I am The Law! Thanks to me Politics, Law Enforcement and Slacker have their oomph back! I want official recognition, dammit!”I happen to agree with you. *browses clipart* Okay, I put some fireworks in the presentation.“Can I see them? No. Unacceptable!”Stop being such a drama queen and give us a smile for the occasion, won’t ya?!“...There. Happy?”You call that a smile?“It’s all you’re getting.”

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“I am not doing another thing for this family until I get some proper recognition.”

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Big day number two was finally here!“Eew, why’d you do that?” Jenny cried.“Because you’re nice to me, and it’s our birthday?”“Oh. Happy birthday, brother!”“Haha, Jenny’s got Juno cooties!”Jenny hastily wiped off the slime left by Juno’s bone-dry kiss.Juno said cautiously, “Rhea? I’ve got something for you too.”“Haha! Better not give me any cooties.”Juno became very still.Rhea waited... and waited... and...“C’mon!” she barked.

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“Pow-pow! You’re dead.”“Wha... NO FAIR!”“Pow.”“But... you can’t kill me on our birthday!”“...Pow.”

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“My ghost...will...get you...for this...”“Yeah! Chalk one up for the good guys!”“I...get to...grow...up...firrrrst...”

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And of course, Rhea did.“You did it again, babe. She’s gorgeous.”Mark’s expression said “Aww shucks,” but there was no disputing Jane’s words.“Pink? Again? Uh-uh.”

Rhea rolled Fortune and wants 5 Top Businesses. From someone who STILL has never had one business.“Waaahhh, she’s never had a business before! Spare me your lame excuses. I have determined that due to the utter fail of my earlier reward, you still owe me.”Ooh, she is a crafty one! She’s smart, too. She has all her skill points except for Cooking, so she may be able to get a running start on this.

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“My skirt for your jeans?”“Be serious.”“I’m ten Serious.”“In that case... No.”

Juno rolled Pleasure and wants 50 Dream Dates. Been there, done that, never want to do it again.“Please? It would be so perfect.”No, not the black pools/puppy dog eyes! But Juno is right. Plus, he did great in PetTech’s Bachelorette Challenge, so... of course my darling angel can have them!“If I could jump through the screen, I’d give you a hug right now.”Awww, I know you would. (Thanks again, Steph!)

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“Yikes!” Jenny squeaked.“Whoa, hot mama!” Juno cheered.Well hello, my pretty...

Jenny rolled Family and wants to Raise 20 Puppies and Kittens. Are you effing kidding me? Not one career-related LTW in the last bunch of five. It’s like they’re conspiring to make me play them forever! *sobs*“I believe we must make this stand for the love of puppies and kittens all over the world!”D’oh! This one seriously isn’t gonna happen before we get Culinary lifted. So Jenny? If you want them so much, that means you.“Not unless I get fired from Politics. Besides, we all know Rachel likes to cook.”“You aren’t painting me into a corner, little Miss Hot Stuff.”

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“Hot stuff? Hot mama? Do you think this is me, Juno?”“Uh, yeah, sure, it looks really good on you.”“You are such a liar,” Rhea butted in.“I’m not lying!”“Then you’re clueless.”“Is it me or not?” Jenny demanded, losing patience.“Not,” Rhea said bluntly.

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“He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, he’s just a guy.”Juno walked off in disgust. Girls!“Now then, I’m going to be completely honest with you.”

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“I so have to have that outfit.”“I don’t know... what’s in it for me?”“Who cares? The important thing is that it’s perfect for me.”“Make it worth my while and I’ll consider it.”

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Awww, nice birthday smiles everybody!

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“Hey, that’s not yours.”“It is now.”“Uh-huh. I’d like to hear that from Jenny.”“Possession is nine-tenths of the law. And in case you haven’t heard, we do have Law now.”“If you’re so smart, what’s the other tenth?”“...Don’t worry your pretty little head, bro, I’ve got Jenny handled. And the twins look? It’s gotta go.”“Heh, flaming skulls ain’t exactly my style anyway.”“I know. Such a pity.”


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After her professor’s so-called revelation, Robin couldn’t get a certain vacation townie boy out of her head.Maybe I punched it in wrong the first time...But like the first time, the call wouldn’t go through. She replaced the receiver and squeezed her eyes tightly shut.Enough! He’s in the past and that’s where he’s going to stay. Now go and do what you came here to do!And this time, Robin meant it...

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Ivy Gast got a little more than she bargained for after one of her routine stops at their house.Whether they were young...

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...or old.

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...or obscure.

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A chance for good grades...

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...or a chance encounter with an aunt’s ex-beau.

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A perfect stranger...

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...or a perfect choice.

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It wasn’t the who, but rather the ’hoo that drove her.Hours turned into days, days into nights and back again, as Robin cut a red and purple swath through the burgeoning downtown area.

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And when nights on the prowl became increasingly treacherous...

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...she took refuge in the ’hooty call.“I’ll be right there, Karen!”

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“We can have more fun if I don’t have to be on my guard all the time.”“What kind of fun did you have in mind?”“The kind you’re overdressed for, Alvin.”

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“Va-va-voo gerbits!”

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“Would you like to spend the night, Keri?”“I’m sorry, but I’m not ready for that.”“There’s a nice photo booth we could visit at the mahjong place.”“What are we waiting for?”

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Sandy needed no such coaxing. In fact, she beat Robin into the bedroom.

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And what did Rachel think about all of this cavorting?

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Frankly, she had had it up to here with it, as she was the one stuck dealing with the repercussions.“The trashcan’s bad enough, now it’s roaches! This is getting real old, Robbi.”“Disco Apocalypse sound good to you, Knut?”“Robbi! Did you hear me?!”

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By now Robin had so many notches on her belt, she couldn’t keep her professors straight. Brian had given her an A-plus and some extra credit in Cleaning her first semester, but he couldn’t do anything for her this time.“Sorry, it must’ve slipped my mind.”“My fault, I forgot I didn’t have you this semester. Come to think of it, I didn’t meet any of my professors this semester. By the way, any sign of Gordon Nott?”“Who?”“Gordon. Gordon Nott.”He gave her a blank look. “Remember? The same last name?”“Er... must’ve slipped my mind.”

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“You mean you didn’t..? You never..!”Oh, how naïve she had been!“I take back every benefit of the doubt I ever gave you!”“Now, you can’t deny we have a good time. Take another class from me and I’ll be more than generous,” he leered.“Don’t hold your breath. Or better yet, do! Now get... out!”

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This time Rachel didn’t bother knocking.“Don’t worry, Rach, everything’s fine.”“Everything is not fine! Profs staying over is not a good idea. What if I get one of them for a class later on? I’m not trying to tell you who you can see, but... do you get why it might be awkward for me down the road?”“Sorry, sis, from now on all profs are off the ’hooty... er... you know what I mean.”“We need to have a good old-fashioned heart-to-heart, Robbi.”“It’ll have to wait, I have finals.”“When finals are over then.”

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Robin breathed deeply. Finals. How could she have let her academics get away from her like that? It would be a miracle if she passed this semester.

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Robin needn’t have worried, for by some miracle her final was on “Life Drawing: An Excuse to See Naked People.” Which she aced, naturally.Rachel cornered her in the living room, obviously eager to get things off her chest.“Robbi, you know I’m behind you one hundred percent, but I don’t know how much more I can take. Sleeping on the couch is getting old, and I don’t like all these strangers here at all hours. Sandy was downright creepy, did you notice how she took turns staring at us all night?”“I’m sorry, I know I’ve been a little inconsiderate. It’s... strange, but I feel almost drunk with this... power I have.”

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“Is that what you call it? You might want to rethink what has power over who.”“What’s that supposed to mean?”“It means it’s sounding more and more like an addiction. Think about it... you hardly stopped to take a breath all year. You only made it to class once last semester.”Robin felt her hackles rising. “Yeah, and I still got a B-plus, so what’s the problem?”“It’s far too easy to get good grades around here.”“For your information, Miss Priss, it’s no secret that the system here is designed to work for our benefit!”“Look, all I’m saying is the night clubbing, the... partying... is all well and good, but... don’t you want to experience, you know, collegesometimes?”“Jeez, Mom, lay off!”Rachel winced, the jolt from Robin’s verbal sucker punch a thousand times worse than any lightning strike at Three Lakes. Rachel could take a lot... Rachel had taken a lot. But this..! Her chest ached and her stomach churned and she became light-headed. “Far be it from me to tell you how to live your life, Robin. You can woohoo all the way to hell and back if that’s what you feel you must do. Just keep your... business away from our house. It’s my home too, you know.” It was a race to see if she could make it to the toilet before throwing up.

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The change in Robin’s lifestyle had begun the process, but now it was official. Despite living in the same house, the twins went their separate ways.Robin did start attending class again, though they didn’t see each other there either. Robin had chosen to major in Art, and Rachel drove her point home by choosing Philosophy.

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Robin remained determined, and couldn’t resist using her so-called power on Marisa Bar.“I love that suit, where’d you get it?”“Where else? The Zombie Outpost.”“Wanna go with me to... try on some stuff?”

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It had been some time since Robin had been caught with her metaphorical pants down, but Rachel was still dealing with the aftermath.

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Robin’s heart pounded with guilt at the sight of her sister in such a sorry state.“I can’t take anymore, I feel really dreadful!”

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She quickly started cleaning up where Rachel left off.“I don’t want you lifting another finger toward this mess I’ve laid on you. From now on, I’m taking care of all of it, okay?”

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“I’m really sorry, Rachel. I promise not to let it happen again.”“You still don’t get it,” Rachel gagged and staggered back into the house.

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After getting sick again, Rachel crawled weakly into bed and fell into an exhausted sleep.Robin gladly took her turn on the couch.

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And as if Robin didn’t feel badly enough, she came down with the ’flu as well.

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And still she didn’t stop.

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The rhythmic, heavy thump of the bass jarred her stomach and echoed the pounding in her head.I’m going to be sick. What if Rachel needs me? Why did I have to come here?!“Robin?” a sultry voice queried from across the room.Oh man, not now...“Is that you all grown up?”“G-Grandma?”“...Can you make it up the stairs? It’s much quieter up there.”“Okay,” Robin agreed weakly and followed Melissa up the stairs.

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Upstairs the decibel level was much kinder to Robin’s throbbing head, and the weakness subsided once she sat down.“Don’t take this wrong, sweetie, but you look terrible. What are you doing here? Or did something hit you all of a sudden?”“I suppose I thought it would make me feel better. I usually have a good time here, but... I was mistaken this time...” and before she knew it she added, “about a lot of things.”“...Is it a guy?”“I wish. Well, it sort of is. But no, it’s mainly Rachel.”“Oh dear, that’s a shame, and most... unexpected.”

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“Grandma, you’re still Romance, right? And one of the famous ones!”“Romance stereotypes often precede us,” Mel sighed, speaking from first-hand knowledge. “I mean, I worked very hard to make my marriage to your Grandpa Jake a success. Of course, you hadn’t even been born at the time, so you couldn’t know...”“Still, you’re Romance like me and Rachel! If anyone would understand, it’s you. Mom sure wouldn’t.”“...I guess that depends. We’re not all cut from the same mold, after all.”“You look afraid I might ask you about woohoo!”“You won’t, will you? Because going for that one’s not my area of expertise...”“Woohooing’s no problem, woohooing is easy.”“Easy? Are you saying..? On second thought, never mind...”“I’ll just say one thing about moi and woohooing: Nineteen.”“....!”“Just started my sophomore year, too.”

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The Romancer in Mel was pretty doggone impressed. The grandmother, on the other hand...“I’m curious how that might only ‘sort of’ involve a boy, and mainly affects your sister.”

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“The boy was someone I met at Three Lakes. He was my first kiss, and I... really liked him. But it’s been bugging me because I could call him when were there, but once Rachel and I got to University, I get a message that he doesn’t have a phone. So that’s pretty much the boy part... I just really wanted to see him again even if it was only once, but I can’t, and that’s that.”“Hmm, that is a little odd.”Robin sighed. “Yeah.”“Are you going to tell me about Rachel?”“I was a first class jerk to her,” Robin said quietly. “So much that I even made her sick.”“Well, when you’re contagious and living in the same house it’s bound to happen.”“No, it didn’t happen that way. People that I pissed off knocked over our trashcan, and I never bothered to clean up the mess. Shesprayed the bugs and picked up the trash, and she got sick. All because of me.”“That’s awful. But, I’m sure you won’t let that happen again?”

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“I’ve also completely taken over the house. She just about always has to sleep on the couch.” “Easily remedied once you get your twenty, surely? You’ll be content on a bed of nails after that.”“Sadly, I was so focused on me and what I wanted, I didn’t give her a second thought.”“You certainly are now.”“Yeah, now that I’ve ruined everything.”“You obviously know her better than anyone. I’m confident you two will work this out.”“You know, I’m kind of having an epiphany right now... I’m going to stay at nineteen. I don’t deserve lifetime happiness after the way I’ve treated her.”Mel fondly patted Robin’s knee.

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“I’ll help her get her twenty loves, then I’ll get my twenty woohoos, then we’ll live happily ever after. We’ll be just like we used to... only a lot less miserable. What kind of a Romancer were you, Grandma?”“Celebrity Chef,” Mel said with a hint of longing.“Ratna Miguel.”“You know him?”“You know I can’t afford to be picky.”

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“But even I can’t stand the guy.”

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“You know, your boy situation really puzzles me too.”“....?”“Could be a glitch.”“.....”

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“Or he could be playable...”“....!”

To be continued...