Romancing SaGa

Romancing SaGa: FAQ/Walkthrough by Eleinia Version 1.40, Last Updated 2008-05-07 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Romancing SaGa (PS2) FAQs & Guides Liked this FAQ? Click here to recommend this item to other users. ============================================================================== = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ROMANCING SAGA: MINSTREL SONG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ============================================================================== = Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song FAQ/Walkthrough (Version 1.40) by Eleinia ([email protected]) May 7, 2008 ============================================================================== = Preface ============================================================================== = This Walkthrough aims to provide a guide and suggestions for those who wish to complete as many quests as possible in one playthrough. I personally do not

Transcript of Romancing SaGa

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Romancing SaGa: FAQ/Walkthrough by EleiniaVersion 1.40, Last Updated 2008-05-07 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQsReturn to Romancing SaGa (PS2) FAQs & Guides

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Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song

FAQ/Walkthrough (Version 1.40)

by Eleinia ([email protected])

May 7, 2008




This Walkthrough aims to provide a guide and suggestions for those who wish tocomplete as many quests as possible in one playthrough. I personally do notrecommend doing so on the first playthrough since it is a lot more fun toexplore the world of Mardias and discover the plenty of surprises on your own.Completing most of the quests in the first playthrough will leave you withlittle new things if you are planning to play through the game more than once.Furthermore, following this guide requires some experience of the game, such asbattling and actively avoiding monsters, which can be hard for a player new tothe game. Therefore, I recommend you follow the order of quests in this guideonly if you are prepared.

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Table of Contents


To look for a particular quest, go to the List of Quests [RS510] undersection V. Use the index next to the list to search for the quest.

I. Introduction [RS100]

II. Event Rank (ER) [RS200]

III. Character Introduction Walkthrough [RS300] - Albert [RS301] - Aisha [RS302] - Gray [RS303] - Claudia [RS304] - Jamil [RS305] - Sif [RS306] - Hawke [RS307] - Barbara [RS308]

IV. Opening up the World [RS400] A. By Character [RS410] - Albert and Sif [RS411] - Aisha [RS412] - Gray and Claudia [RS413] - Jamil [RS414] - Hawke [RS415] - Barbara [RS416]

B. By Place [RS420] - Frontier [RS421] - Kjaraht [RS422] - Knights Dominion [RS423] - Valhalland [RS424] - Dry Lands [RS425] - Rosalia [RS426] - Bafal Empire [RS427] - Ligau Isle [RS428] - Walon Isle [RS429] - Coral Sea [RS430] - Others [RS431]

V. Quests Walkthrough [RS500] A. List of Quests (Index) [RS510]

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- Character-Specific Quests [RS511] - Common Quests [RS512] - Special Quests [RS513] - Ending Quests [RS514]

B. Walkthrough [RS520] - Character-Specific Quests [RS521] - Common Quests [RS522] - Special Quests [RS523] - Ending Quests [RS524]

VI. Characters [RS600] A. List of Characters [RS610] - Main Characters [RS611] - Other Named Characters [RS612] - Mercenaries [RS613]

B. Details and Recruitment [RS620] - Main Characters [RS621] - Other Named Characters [RS622] - Mercenaries [RS623]

VII. Techniques [RS700] - Martial Arts [RS701] - Foil [RS702] - Short Sword [RS703] - Long Sword [RS704] - Great Sword [RS705] - Scimitar [RS706] - Hand Axe [RS707] - Club [RS708] - Two-handed Sword [RS709] - Katana [RS710] - Two-handed Axe [RS711] - Staff [RS712] - Pole Arm [RS713] - Lance [RS714] - Bow [RS715]

VIII. Miscellaneous Topics [RS800] - Recruiting Dowd with Characters other than Jamil [RS801] - Getting Jamil, Dowd, and Farah in the Same Party [RS802] - Calculating DP/LP Cost [RS803] - Weapon/Magic Crown [RS804] - Unlocking All Three Ending Quests [RS805] - Vortexes [RS806] - Altours Orchard Mini-Quest [RS807] - About Weapon Tempering [RS808] - Tips on Treasure Hunting with Treasure Map [RS809]

IX. Tricks and Exploitations [RS900] A. Gold-Related Tricks [RS910] - Gold Dragon Trick [RS911]

B. Jewel-Related Tricks [RS920] - Lurk/Move Silently Trick [RS921] - Valhalland Monsters Marathon Trick [RS922]

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C. Battle-Related Tricks [RS930] - Pyrix Trick [RS931] - Phantom Warrior/Chalice Trick [RS932] - Hasten Time Trick [RS933]

X. Frequently Asked Questions [RSA00] - List of Questions [RSA01] - Questions and Answers [RSA02]

XI. Romancing SaGa Trivia [RSB00] - Trivia Questions [RSB01] - Trivia Answers [RSB02]

Credits [RSC00]

Legal Info [RSD00]


Version History


Version 1.40 - Released on May 7, 2008. - Added Techniques section. - Added Getting Jamil, Dowd, and Farah in the Same Party topic. - Added Jamil/Dowd's exclusivity in the Characters section. - Added About Weapon Tempering topic. - Added reference to Dragon Knight in Test of Courage and Find the Aquamarine. - Added failing condition for Assassins's Guild. (Thanks yipviva for first pointing it out.) - Added note about HP killing Soulgutter. (Thanks yipviva.) - Added note about how to exit the Desert Central Area in Missing Taralians. - Added note in The Netherworld to indicate that killing Galahad does not guarantee getting the quest. - Updated Galahad's recruit location in Altours in The Ice Sword and the Characters section. - Cleaned up text in Find the Aquamarine. - Rearranged the text in Return of the Vampires. - Updated the dependency between Pride of the Knights and Constance Kidnapped. - Added note about declining Frozen Lake Faerie to gain access to Frosthold Fortress. (Thanks Valorous for the tip.) - Added more questions to the FAQ section. - Added Tips on Treasure Hunting with Treasure Map topic. (Thanks

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yipviva for the contribution.)

Version 1.30 - Released on January 24, 2007. - Added the Tricks and Exploitations section. - Moved the Gold Dragon Trick and Pyrix Trick from the quests to the Tricks and Exploitations section. - Added extra trigger condition, more information about Chalice, and information about Yassi in Return of the Vampires. - Added information on completing Eule Gives a Hoot while keeping Sylvan and Brau. (Thanks lordbetshumeletz for the tip.) - Added extra paragraph to Unlocking All Three Ending Quests and updated the steps on completing all three ending quests. - Added a paragraph to each of the three ending quests. - Added information in the Calculating DP/LP Cost topic. - Updated information in Voice of the Blade. - Corrected the trigger condition of Constance Kidnapped. (Thanks Ramtieger for pointing it out!) - Modified and added to the introduction of Section III. - Corrected Kjaraht Knight to Kjaraht Soldier. - Minor touch up of text and information on various quests. - Moved Version History to below the Table of Contents. - Reversed Version History so that the newest version is at top.

Version 1.20 - Released on July 10, 2006. - Added the Characters and Romancing SaGa Trivia sections. - Added Altours Orchard Mini-Quest in Miscellaneous Topics. - Added more information in the Vortexes topic. - Added a paragraph about Death under The Netherworld. - Added the piglet/lamb mini-quest info under Valhalland Monsters. - Added more Frequently Asked Questions. - Added Version History.

Version 1.10 - Released on June 6, 2006. - Added more topics to Miscellaneous Topics. - Finished the Frequently Asked Questions section.

Version 1.00 - Released on June 5, 2006.


I. Introduction [RS100]


Romancing Saga: Minstrel Song is a non-linear game which consists of a goodnumber of quests. Most of the quests are optional and you can decide which totake on. Since each quest has a "time frame" in which they are open for theplayer, you may easily miss, or simply fail, some quests while you are working

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on another one. However, this game has over 50 quests. It is alright to miss orfail some quests in a playthrough. You can always pick up the missed quests ina future playthrough. In fact, you may want to leave some quests alone in yourfirst playthrough so that you have something new in future playthroughs.

Nevertheless, some players (such as myself) like to complete as many things aspossible in a single playthrough. This guide provides suggestion on the orderof quests to take on so that one may complete as many quests as possible in asingle playthrough. This is especially helpful if you are trying to maximizejewel income for challenges such as 10-Fatestone (10FS) Saruin. If you are notplanning to complete all the quests, the information on individual questsshould still be helpful.

Note that following the order of quests suggested in this guide requires someexperience in the game, which includes some familiarity with the battle systemas well as experience in actively avoiding monsters. As a result, you may findit hard to follow the order of quests with the suggested "time frame" if youare new to the game.

I am writing this guide with my experience on the game, the information fromthe Brady Guide, and the plenty of discussions on the GameFAQ's Romancing SagaMessage Board. I strive to be as accurate as possible when writing this guide,but the vast world of Mardias and randomness may leave room for errors. If yousee any errors or have any suggestions, please feel free to contact me.


II. Event Rank (ER) [RS200]


First of all, I need to introduce one of the most important concepts used inthis guide--Event Rank or ER.

Event Rank is similar to the time or your progress in the game. It determineswhich quests are open and which are close. As you win battles, you accumulateRank Points. The number of Rank Points you have determines your ER. If you areinterested in more details about the Rank Points, you may refer to the RankPoints section of Ramtieger's Game System FAQ.

To determine your current ER in the game, you need to consult the VolunteerBrigade. You can find one in each of the towns. When you talk to the kid, tellhim "I could use your help." This brings up a list of topics of tutorial.Using the new topics given by the kid, you can determine your current ER. Forexample, if the newest topic is "How do I get more jewels?", that means your ERis 3. The following table is obtained from the Brady Guide. Match the topics to

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determine your ER.

Event Rank Topics----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 What are proficiencies? 2 I want more money. 3 How do I get more jewels? 4 School me in techniques and spells 5 There's a chest I can't reach. 6* I want to learn even more advanced things.(The following are listed under "I want to learn even more advanced things.") 7 Stuns, Shocks, and Snares 8 Vendors 9 Herbs and Ore 10 Classes 11 Weapons and Shields 12 Modes 13 Blacksmithing II 14 Concoctions II 15 Synthesizing Spells 16 Ambush 17 Lurking and Moving Silently 18 Trading 19 Blacksmithing III 20 Final Secrets-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Note:* The topic for ER 6 does not appear until you reach ER 7. That means there isessentially no new topic appears at ER 6. You can only determine if you are atER 5 or 6 by the availability of certain quests, such as Stolen Nymphs orNeville's Request.

Also note that there are ER 21 and 22. The Volunteer Brigade does not have anynew topic for these two ERs. ER 21 is of the least importance and there is noclear cut way to distinguish between ER 20 and ER 21 except with certain queststhat may span multiple ER. As for ER 22, one way to determine whether you areat that ER is the availability of the quest Frozen Faerie. If you did nottrigger this quest through Death, this quest is available when you reach ER 22.


III. Character Introduction Walkthrough [RS300]


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This section starts the walkthrough for the introduction of each character.The quest with the earliest closing ER is Unsettling Settlement (Quest 8),which closes after ER 2. To complete this quest, you need to finish a maincharacter's introduction by ER 2, or you will miss the chance.

One needs to actively avoid most of the random monsters to keep the ER fromrising too fast, either through player's skill in dodging monsters or throughthe proficiencies Lurk and Move Silently. If you fight too many battles, yourER may increase too much and cause some other events to close or fail beforeyou have a chance to complete them.

Finishing the introduction by ER 2 is especially hard for Sif. The slopes ofShiverland can be infested with Birds, Beasts, and Plants, which are hard tododge in a narrow passage. The caves in Shiverland are even worse. It would berather easy to avoid them if one had Lurk and Move Silently, but we do not havethe luxury in the Sif's introduction unless Darque is unlocked. Once Darque isunlocked,he can be recruited in most of the towns right at the start of thegame and he carries the proficiency Lurk. Refer to Who Am I? (Quest 52) formore information about Darque.

Remember that the suggestions of actively avoiding monsters and finishing theintroduction by ER 2 are contingent on the desire to complete as many quests aspossible in a single playthrough. As mentioned in the Introduction, this is notrecommended for players new to the game.

-------------- Albert [RS301] ==============

Albert is a young nobleman. He is the son of Rudolf, Lord of the Isthmus.Albert has the longest introduction and he is suitable for players who are newto Saga games. However, to make it easier to complete his introduction by ER 2,you may consider leaving Albert until you have unlocked Darque.

Albert starts his adventure in his bedroom! After the talk with Diana, leavethe room and go down to the throne room. Diana will get upset if you did notequip your shield and sword. Equip them and talk to Diana again. Monsters haveinfested the cave to the east. You mission is to eradicate them. Soldier A andSoldier B will join to assist you.

When you have left the castle and walk down the slope, you should see the cave(Isthmus Cavern) not far away. Since we would like to keep the ER low, avoid asmany random monsters as possible and go straight to the end for the boss. Ifyou unavoidably get into a battle, you may retreat from the battle, but watchyour characters' LP. Note that you cannot withdraw from chain battles.

The boss is tough. You can only pray that Diana or one of the soldiers wouldlearn a tech or two to deal decent damage. Use the First-Aid Kit or the balmson the soldiers if needed. After you killed the boss, you will need to dodgeyour way back out of the cave. When you are out, you may strip the soldiers

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of any unused balms since they will leave your party soon.

Report to Lord Rudolf for the success. Then Prince Neidhart of Rosalia hascome to propose to Diana. After Neidhart has left, the castle throws acelebration party for Diana. In the meanwhile, a evil minion of Saruin isplotting against the castle.

When Albert wakes up again in his bedroom, the caslte is being attacked. Headdown to the throne room and Lord Rudolf will ask Albert to protect Diana andtake a message to Prince Neidhart asking for aid. Use the secret passage at theback of the room to leave. Don't forget to take the 2000G in the chest that isin the passage.

Albert and Diana get outside, but they are surrounded by a large number ofmonsters. At this time, a Dragon appears. To let Albert survive, Diana throwsAlbert off the cliff and decides to fight alone to buy him some time...

Albert is rescued by Monica and wakes up in her house in Loban. You need to goto Bruelle and take the ship to Yeoville in order to reach Rosalia. However, ifyou run into the soldiers in Loban, you will be taken into a jail. Search fora movable wall and escape. On your way out, you will here someone is cursingsomeone else. This is related to the quest Ailing Emperor (Quest 27), but youmay put this aside for now. At this point, do not recruit anyone into yourparty yet as they will be forced to leave your party later. Before you leaveLoban, visit the mentor and buy the Move Silently proficiency. Buy the Jumpproficiency also if you want a Gothic Armor later. Now head to Bruelle and buythe Lurk Proficiency from the mentor. This mentor also allows you to train inCovert and Survival skills. To get the Gothic Armor, you need at least level 2in Survival. (Note that if this is your first playthrough, you may not trainCovert or Survival skill individually yet, you will have to train the wholeclass that contains the skill. In fact, you need to get a class to level 3before you can train skills individually.) When you are ready, let's take theship to Yeoville.

On the ship, there is a seemingly unimportant scene that you see a man holdinga large package. He is related to Stolen Nymph (Quest 18), but you don't needto worry about it now. While Albert thinks he can arrive in Rosalia safely, theship is wrecked and fate has brought him to Valhalland.

Gato, the elder of the village, has asked Sif, a female Valhallan Warrior, toclear the caves of monsters. You have the option to help out to repay them forsaving your life. (If you choose the other option, you will have to do itwithout Sif. The generic Valhallan Warrior in the pub will not join youeither.) If you have unlocked Darque, recruit him into your party. Then go tothe pub to recruit the Minstrel and Valhallan Warrior. Keep asking the Minstrelto sing until he joins. Equip the Lurk, Move Silently, and Jump proficienciesbefore you head out. If you did not do so, the mentor in Gato's Village alsoallows you to train Covert and Survival skills.

There are three caves you need to clear--the West Cave, East Cave, and SouthCave. The middle left arrow on the Shiverland map leads to the West Cave. Thesecond arrow from the top on the right side leads to the East Cave. The bottomright arrow leads to the south slope. Go through the south slope and the South

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Cave will be to the left. To clear a cave, you only need to take out the fixedmonster standing still on the screen at the end of the cave. You should ignoreand avoid other random monsters. The South Cave stage 2 has a second exit to anenclosed slope. Don't forget to get the chests there before you leave. Afteryou kill the boss in West Cave, go forward and you will see a chest behind ajump point. If you have level 2 Jump, you will be able to get the 500G andGothic Armor inside the chest.

After clearing the caves, return to see Gato and receive your rewards. Next, toget to Rosalia, you will need to take a ship from the Knights Dominion. Gatogives you a map and now you have access to Eugenstadt.

Leave the village and take the bottom left arrow of the map to exit Shiverland.Press the triangle button to go to the world map, select Knights Dominion andthen Eugenstadt. In Eugenstadt, visit the castle and you will meet with LordHeinrich. He is heading for Mirsaburg for the council of knights. Choose to gowith him. After the council of knights, you may help Theodore and Raphael inthe quest Pride of the Knights. However, we have more time-sensitive quests todo, so we will leave this for later.

At Mirsaburg, take the ship to Yeoville. Leave the town and head for CrystalCity. After all these, you have finally arrive at the capital of Rosalia. Goto the Crystal Palace and see Prince Neidhart. This concludes the introductionof Albert.

------------- Aisha [RS302] =============

Aisha is a nomad girl of the Taralian tribe. Today she is taking a ride on herhorse on the Steppes of Galessa. When you gain control of Aisha, you are freeto ride the horse on the steppes. You will enter a battle when you run into themonster. When Aisha loses, Prince Neidhart of Rosalia comes to the rescue.

After a scene, you have the options of following Neidhart for a visit ofCrystal City or going back to the camp directly. Either way, the story willturn out the same, so it is recommended to go to Crystal City for the extrascenes. Aisha and Neidhart eventually come back to the camp, Neidhart will havea talk with Aisha's Grandfather, Nizam. After Neidhart has left, you willregain control of Aisha outside Nizam's camp. Go back into the camp, talk toNizam, and you now have access to Uso.

From this point, you can have two routes to go. The first route is going toUso, open up the world, and start exploring and roaming the world for quests.The second route is getting kidnapped and sold as slave to South Estamir. Thesecond route seems so much more interesting. Let's do that!

One drawback of getting kidnapped is that you lose the chance to complete thequest Wuhan's Secret. You will still get the jewels reward, but you will lose

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the 2500 gold reward. To get around this, we will first open up South Estamirand trigger Wuhan's Secret. You may follow the steps below to get to SouthEstamir:

1. Leave Steppes of Galessa through one of the exits on the right of the map and go to Uso.

2. Recruit Hawke at Uso.

3. Go to Northpoint and talk to the lady at the town entrance, who mentions about heading south to reach Rosalia.

4. Now go back to Uso, walk south along the road, and exit through the south entrance. This will automatically brings you to Crystal City.

5. Check the Crystal City pub for Sif or check the pubs of Crystal City, Uso, and Northpoint for Barbara. Go back and forth on these three places until you find one of them and recruit her.

6. If you have recruited Barbara, you may go directly to South Estamir. If you have recruited Sif, you may go to Yeoville and take a ship to North Estamir for 50G. If you prefer not to spend the gold, you may continue your search for Barbara in Altours, Crystal City, Uso, and Northpoint. You may also find Jamil in Altours or Yeoville, which can also open up South Estamir directly.

7. If you have taken the ship from Yeoville to North Estamir. You will need to go through the sewers to South Estamir. Avoid the monsters in the sewers. Or you may do the first part of Oh, Mummy! to get 1000 gold and take the ship to South Estamir for 10G.

8. Once you are in South Estamir, go to the pub. Talk to the bartender and then the agent to the right to trigger Wuhan's Secret.

Now that we have triggered the Wuhan's Secret, it's time for the fun. Firstdismiss all other characters in your party. Head back to the Steppes ofGalessa. Near the entrance at the top right of the map, you will see a man.When you approach the man, you will get into a battle with the kidnapper.Losing to the kidnapper, Aisha is enslaved and sold to South Estamir. After ashort scene, you will end up in Wuhan's Secret Room. After talking with Farah,Jamil comes to rescue. When they are about to escape, Wuhan has come and youwill need to defeat the two guards. After the battle, you have the options toforgive or kill Wuhan. Killing Wuhan affects some quests and rewards in thefuture. In this guide, Wuhan is spared.

You may talk to Farah to collect some jewels and go back to South Estamir pubto collect your gold reward. From this point on, Aisha is free to explore theworld. (Note that you have lost access to Uso and Steppes of Galessa. To regainaccess to those places, go to Northpoint and walk out of the town. This bringsyou to Uso. In Uso, talk to the lady to the left of the magic shop to getaccess to Steppes of Galessa.)

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------------ Gray [RS303] ============

Gray is an adventurer. Together with Myriam and Galahad, he sets sail to LigauIsle to search for treasures. After arriving in Jelton, talk with the people intown to collect information. There are words that treasures are hidden in thecaves of the plains. The bartender mentions about a deep burrow near a bigflower field. That sounds like a place of treasure. Other people also mentionsthat dinosaur egg can sell for a good price.

Let's head out to the plains and start looking for treasure! The firstdestination is the cave located at the bottom right of the plains map. You willsee dinosaurs on the plains. At this point, you will not be able to defeatthem. So just avoid them and don't get in their way. The Treasure Cave is long,but it should be straight forward. Avoid as many random monsters as possible tokeep your ER low. Keep in mind that you need to finish the introduction byER 2 in order to do the quest on the other side of the world! When you arriveat the first intersection of Treasure Cave B3, you will see a Rusty Sword.After the sword is pulled out, the sword will speak to Gray and ask Gray totemper it with bronze. This initiates a quest exclusive to Gray. Continue on tothe end of the cave, you will see a beastman standing at a dead end. Thebeastman will call out some company and a battle starts. This battle can betough at this point and it may take a number of tries. If you need an extrahand, you may recruit the Minstrel in Jelton's pub by keeping asking him tosing songs. Or you may get in a few random battles to level up a bit beforetaking them on. However, do watch your ER and make sure you are still ER 2when you get out of the cave. After defeating them, a chest appears and thereis the "plain treasure"...

Now let's get the dinosaur egg. The Dinosaur Nest is the cave nearest to theplains exit leading to Jelton (the leftmost middle cave on the map). A fewdinosaurs inhabit this cave and the egg is at the end of the cave. Thedinosaurs normally do not chase you; however, once you get the egg, they willkeep chasing you in a frenzy. One way to ensure that you get out of the cavesafely and easily, you may get into battle with the dinosaurs *before* you getthe egg and retreat. They will then disappear. (If you have the egg, they willnot disappear even if you retreat.) You may keep the egg or sell it for over5k gold. (Before you sell it, try using the egg in battle. It's pretty cool!)

With the stuff done on Ligau Isle, head back to Jelton. A man should now be atthe dock. Talk to him and leave for Melvir. When you arrive, you get to pickwhether you want to go with Galahad, Myriam, or none. Do not worry about losingone or the other, you can always re-recruit them later.

In Melvir, you will run into Gian. He will ask you to protect a girl namedClaudia for him. Let's do this for an old pal and Gian will pay you 1000G foryour help. Claudia will then join your party.

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Gray Bug--------

Every now and then, there are players on the message board report that theycannot find the ship to Melvir. The man who takes you to Melvir is simply notthere at the dock, even after you have finished everything on Ligau Isle. Thisis known as the Gray Bug.

I personally have never encounter this bug, so I cannot say much about it.However, I have a couple suggestions and hopefully they may help.

1. Make sure you talk with everyone in town, including the bartender, before you leave the town.

2. Every time you return to town, check the dock. If the man is there, hop onto the ship to Melvir lest the man disappears in the future. You can always come back to Jelton afterwards.

Bladewind's FAQ has a step by step guide on a safe route to avoid the Gray Bug.You may want to check it out if you are having problems.

--------------- Claudia [RS304] ===============

Claudia is raised by Eule, witch of Mazewood. There is much mystery abouther true identity. When the game begins, the birds tell Claudia that Euleis looking for her. Walk towards the north and talk with Eule. It seems thatmonsters have been lurking near the forest entrance lately. Claudia is sent totake a look with the company of Sylvan and Brau. Go back to the previous area,turn to the right and then south, and keep going south. Eventually, you willsee a scene where a man named Gian is being chased by monsters.

After the battle, Gian will give Claudia a map of the Empire and ask her tovisit him in the Melvir palace before he leaves. Return to speak with Eule. Shewill encourage Claudia to go out to the world and explore. Before you go,remember to take the chest inside Eule's house. Now it's time to go and visitMelvir!

When you arrive in Melvir, you may take some time to explore around or you maygo straight to the palace on 2F. Talk to the guards and Gian will come out totake you to meet Lord Neville, head of the Imperial guards. After a shortmeeting, Gian will take you to the Inn for a rest.

The next day Gian introduces you to a well-known adventurer, Gray. Gray willjoin your party and unlock an overwhelming number of places. From now on, youare free to explore the world of Mardias!

Note that before you complete the quest A Suspicious Demise (Quest 10), theremay be a guy wandering around in Melvir 1F. He will walk towards you. He is

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actually an assassin and will attack you. In fact, you will meet the assassinwith other main characters as well and he will attack you if Claudia is in yourparty. This assassin attempt is related to Claudia's true identity, which isrevealed in Eule Gives a Hoot (Quest 25).

------------- Jamil [RS305] =============

Jamil is a thief in South Estamir. After watching some opening scenes, you gaincontrol of Jamil with his good buddy, Dowd, joining the party. Now let'sexplore the city. Walking down the circular stairs to the lower part of thecity, you can meet with another of Jamil's good friend, Farah. You can chooseto give her the Silver Bracers you stole earlier. (I'm not sure if choosingone option or another will have any effect. I chose to give her the bracers.)

After talking with Farah, you may visit the pub. Talk to the bartender and thenthe agent to the right for a job. This triggers the quest Wuhan's Secret.Visiting Farah's House, her mom will tell you that Farah is taken away by theloan shark. Now it's time to rescue her!

Go to the Slave Trader's House and beat up the guys there. The slave traderwill tell you that Farah is sent to Wuhan's secret place in the Amut temple inNorth Estamir. However, that place is guarded and a man is hard to get in.So... there is this brilliant idea. Jamil disguise as a woman.

Either go through the sewers to North Estamir or take the boat for 10G. Enterthe Temple of Amut and go to the right of the altar. Mistaking Jamil as awoman, the guard lets Jamil in.

Inside Wuhan's Secret Room, other than Farah, you will also find Aisha. If youwant to recruit Aisha, you may talk to her and she will join you. After talkingwith Farah, Wuhan arrives with two guards. Defeating the guards leaves Wuhanbegging for his life. You have the options to forgive or kill Wuhan. KillingWuhan affects future quest and scenes involving him. The most notable one isthe Water Dragon Rite (Quest 31).

After returning to Farah's House, you may talk to Farah for some jewels reward.Go to South Estamir pub to collect your gold reward from the agent. If you seeBarbara in the pub, recruit her. When you are walking out of the pub, Dowd willindicate that he wants to leave the party and stay in Estamir. You can chooseto keep him in the party or let him go. If you let him go, you will not be ableto recruit him back into the party, but you may be able to recruit him withother main characters in future playthroughs. Refer to the section "RecruitingDowd with Characters other than Jamil" under Miscellaneous Topics for moreinformation.

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----------- Sif [RS306] ===========

Sif is the hardest of the 8 characters to complete the introduction by ER 2.If you are trying to complete all the quests (or the Unsettling Settlement)with Sif, I recommend that you should have unlocked Darque in a previousplaythrough first. Darque is comparatively strong in the early game. He willmake the battles in your Sif's introduction a lot easier. More importantly,Darque possesses the proficiency Lurk, which is invaluable in helping to avoidmonsters congested in the Shiverland slopes or caves. During Sif'sintroduction, you will fight six fixed battles. To finish the introduction byER 2, you should avoid as many random monsters as possible. I recommendlimiting the number of random battles to 3 or 4 during the entire introduction.If you unavoidably get into a battle, you may retreat from it without raisingyour ER, but it consumes your character's LP. Avoid chain battles because youcannot retreat from them.

Sif is a strong and brave Valhallan warrior. When you gain control of Sif inGato's Village, visit the village chief Gato and he will mention that theweather is getting unusually warm lately and monsters have infested the nearbycaves. Your mission is to clear the monsters in the caves. If you haveunlocked Darque, recruit him into your party and equip his Lurk proficiency.You may also spend some jewels to level up his Covert skills so that Lurk canlast longer. Then go to the pub to recruit the Minstrel and Valhallan Warrior.Keep asking the Minstrel to sing until he joins. Now a party is formed, you areready to go!

There are three caves you need to clear--the West Cave, East Cave, and SouthCave. The middle left arrow on the Shiverland map leads to the West Cave. Thesecond arrow from the top on the right side leads to the East Cave. The bottomright arrow leads to the south slope. Go through the south slope and the SouthCave will be to the left. To clear a cave, you only need to take out the fixedmonster standing still on the screen at the end of the cave. You should ignoreand avoid other random monsters.

After clearing the caves, return to see Gato and receive your rewards. Go outof the house and talk to the kid standing in front of the slope leading toGato's house. He informs you that there is a shipwreck. Leave the village andgo down the slope to the right side. You will see a scene and rescue a boynamed Albert.

When you visit Gato again, you will be informed that the caves are infestedagain. Albert will offer to join you to repay for saving his life. It is alwaysgood to have an extra hand. Let him join and go to clear the caves again. Notethat the West Cave and East Cave are still the same, but the South Cave haschanged. The South Cave stage 2 has a second exit to an enclosed slope. Don'tforget to get the chests there before you leave.

Return to see Gato and receive your rewards again. Gato will give you a map and

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ask you to take Albert to the Knights Dominion. You now have access toEugenstadt. When you walk out of the house, Gato will stop you and give you theDragon's Eye. It used to shine but it has lost its glimmer. Refer to the questthe Dragon Knight for more information on restoring the Dragon's Eye.

Leave the village and take the bottom left arrow of the map to exit Shiverland.Press the triangle button to go to the world map, select Knights Dominion andthen Eugenstadt. In Eugenstadt, visit the castle and you will meet with LordHeinrich. He is heading for Mirsaburg for the council of knights. Choose to gowith him. After the council of knights, you may help Theodore and Raphael inthe quest Pride of the Knights. However, we have more time-sensitive quests todo, so we will leave this for later. Take the ship from Mirsaburg to Yeoville.This will open up the places in Rosalia. Now you are free to explore the world.

------------- Hawke [RS307] =============

Hawke is a pirate of the Coral Sea and the captain of the pirate ship LadyLuck. You start at the Coral Sea where you may attack other ships. If youchoose to let the ship go, you get 100G; otherwise, you get 300G. Differentoptions give different alignment changes to the Gods. You will become more evilif you don't let them go. You may refer to Ramtieger's Game System FAQ for moreinformation. Although the gold reward is attractive, you should avoid gettinginto too many battles since we need to finish the introduction by ER 2.

Sail the ship to the middle cave (Cave C). Pass through the cave and you willreach Pirate Coast. Attend the assembly in the Pirate's Hideout and Butcherwill challenge you to a duel to settle the matters. If you want to progress thegame fast, you may choose to apologize. Then exiting the hideout and reenteringwill trigger the next scene. However, to fully see the scenes and experienceHawke's introduction, you should choose to accept the challenge. Go back toLady Luck and sail back to Coral Sea. It will bring you to Mask Isle, only tofind yourself being sold to the Imperial Navy by Butcher. As you escape back toPirate Coast and plan to take a revenge on Butcher, he takes the intiative inaccusing you of being a traitor. Now all the pirates will attack you. Youshould avoid as many pirates as possible to keep your ER low. Run back to theship and leave Pirate Coast.

After the shipwreck, you will end up in Godongo. You may check with theVolunteer Brigade to make sure your ER is no higher than 2.


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Barbara [RS308] ===============

Barbara is a dancer of an entertainment troupe. This time they arrive inWeston. Barbara has next to none introduction. When you gain control of her,you are basically free to start your world exploration.

Anyway, let's get off the wagon and explore Weston a bit since we are here.When Barbara goes into the pub, Minstrel will ask her to dance. After thedance, Minstrel gives a beautiful necklace to Barbara as a gift--the Amethyst.Minstrel then leaves the pub in a hurry. Now at this point, your adventure inMardias officially starts.


IV. Opening up the World [RS400]


After having finished with the introduction, you are now free to roam theworld of Mardias and take on various quests. Before taking on the quests,this section describes how you may open up the world.

----------------------- A. By Character [RS410] =======================

This section describes how to open up the world of Mardias for each character.

Albert and Sif [RS411] ==================

After the introduction, Albert or Sif should have access to Shiverland, Gato'sVillage, Eugenstadt, Mirsaburg, Yeoville, Altours, and Crystal City.

1. At Crystal City, talk to the people in the pub to unlock Crystal Lake and Mt. Scurve.

2. Travel to Yeoville and take the ship to North Estamir. From North Estamir, you may take the small boat or go through the Sewers to reach South Estamir.

3. Look for and recruit Barbara in North Estamir, South Estamir, Altours, or Crystal City. She will open up Northpoint, Uso, Tarmitta, New Road, and Weston.

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4. Travel to Yeoville and take the ship to Bruelle.

5. In Bruelle, talk to the lady standing near the dock entrance to unlock Bayre Plateau. Then talk to the man standing near the blacksmith shop to unlock Loban and Aurefont.

6. Travel to Uso. Talk to the man or the kid on the road to unlock Kaklim Desert. Talk to the lady to the left of the magic shop to unlock Steppes of Galessa. (Alternatively, you may recruit Aisha to unlock Steppes of Galessa.)

7. Travel to Northpoint and take the ship to Godongo for 50G. (Alternatively, you may recruit Hawke at Uso to unlock Godongo.)

8. Leave Godongo for the Jungle and walk towards the right to arrive in Oapu. (There is no need to enter the cave or take the boat in the Jungle.)

9. Take the ship from Oapu to Melvir for 80G. (Alternatively, if you can find and recruit Gray at Altours or Aurefont, he will open up Melvir.)

10. Take the ship from Melvir to Jelton for 50G. (Alternatively, you may recruit Gray to unlock Jelton.)

11. You may recruit Claudia to unlock Mazewood.

12. At Weston, talk to the lady standing between the Inn and the item shop to unlock Yassi. Go to Yassi, come back, and talk to the same lady again to unlock Saoki.

Aisha [RS412] =========

Continuing from Aisha's Introduction Walkthrough from the previous section,Aisha should now have access to Godongo, Northpoint, Uso, Steppes of Galessa,Crystal City, Altours, North Estamir, and South Estamir. You should have accessto some more places depending on whether you recruited Barbara or Sif.

1. If you did not recruit Barbara, you may now look for her in Northpoint, Uso, Crystal City, Altours, North Estamir, or South Estamir. She will open up Tarmitta, New Road, and Weston.

2. If you did not recruit Sif, you may look for her in Altours or Crystal City. She will open up Yeoville, Mirsaburg, Eugenstadt, Shiverland, and Gato's Village. Alternatively, you may open up Yeoville by taking the ship from North Estamir for 50G. Then you may open up Mirsaburg by taking the ship from Yeoville for 50G. At Mirsaburg, talk to the old man to the right of the entrance to the castle to open up Eugenstadt. However, you still need Sif to open up the places in Valhalland.

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3. At Crystal City, talk to the people in the pub to unlock Crystal Lake and Mt. Scurve.

4. Travel to Yeoville and take the ship to Bruelle for 20G.

5. In Bruelle, talk to the lady standing near the dock entrance to unlock Bayre Plateau. Then talk to the man standing near the blacksmith shop to unlock Loban and Aurefont.

6. Travel to Godongo, leave the town for the Jungle, and walk towards the right to arrive in Oapu. (There is no need to enter the cave or take the boat in the Jungle.)

7. Take the ship from Oapu to Melvir for 80G. (Alternatively, if you can find and recruit Gray at Altours or Aurefont, he will open up Melvir.)

8. Take the ship from Melvir to Jelton for 50G. (Alternatively, you may recruit Gray to unlock Jelton.)

9. At Weston, talk to the lady standing between the Inn and the item shop to unlock Yassi. Go to Yassi, come back, and talk to the same lady again to unlock Saoki.

10. You may recruit Claudia to unlock Mazewood.

11. You may talk to the lady at the plaza in front of the guarded castle in Loban to unlock Isthmus (which I do not recommend unless you want to go there.)

Gray and Claudia [RS413] ====================

Gray and Claudia start with access to Melvir, Loban, Bruelle, Aurefont,Mazewood, Jelton, Crystal City, Altours, Yeoville, North Estamir, Isthmus, Uso,and Northpoint.

1. Travel to Crystal City or Altours to recruit Sif. She will open up Mirsaburg, Eugenstadt, Shiverland, and Gato's Village. Alternatively, you may open up Mirsaburg by taking the ship from Yeoville for 50G. At Mirsaburg, talk to the old man to the right of the entrance to the castle to open up Eugenstadt. However, you still need Sif to open up the places in Valhalland.

2. Look for and recruit Barbara in Northpoint, Uso, Crystal City, Altours, or North Estamir. She will open up South Estamir, Tarmitta, New Road, and Weston.

3. At Crystal City, talk to the people in the pub to unlock Crystal Lake and Mt. Scurve.

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4. In Bruelle, talk to the lady standing near the dock entrance to unlock Bayre Plateau.

5. Travel to Uso. Talk to the man or the kid on the road to unlock Kaklim Desert. Talk to the lady to the left of the magic shop to unlock Steppes of Galessa. (Alternatively, you may recruit Aisha to unlock Steppes of Galessa.)

6. Travel to Northpoint and take the ship to Godongo for 50G. (Alternatively, you may recruit Hawke at Uso to unlock Godongo.)

7. Leave Godongo for the Jungle and walk towards the right to arrive in Oapu. (There is no need to enter the cave or take the boat in the Jungle.)

8. At Weston, talk to the lady standing between the Inn and the item shop to unlock Yassi. Go to Yassi, come back, and talk to the same lady again to unlock Saoki.

Jamil [RS414] =========

Jamil has access to North and South Estamir after his introduction.

1. Look for and recruit Barbara in South or North Estamir. She will open up Northpoint, Uso, Crystal City, Altours, Tarmitta, New Road, and Weston.

2. Travel to Crystal City or Altours to recruit Sif. She will open up Yeoville, Mirsaburg, Eugenstadt, Shiverland, and Gato's Village. Alternatively, you may open up Yeoville by taking the ship from North Estamir for 50G. Then you may open up Mirsaburg by taking the ship from Yeoville for 50G. At Mirsaburg, talk to the old man to the right of the entrance to the castle to open up Eugenstadt. However, you still need Sif to open up the places in Valhalland.

3. At Crystal City, talk to the people in the pub to unlock Crystal Lake and Mt. Scurve.

4. Travel to Yeoville and take the ship to Bruelle for 20G.

5. In Bruelle, talk to the lady standing near the dock entrance to unlock Bayre Plateau. Then talk to the man standing near the blacksmith shop to unlock Loban and Aurefont.

6. Travel to Uso. Talk to the man or the kid on the road to unlock Kaklim Desert. Talk to the lady to the left of the magic shop to unlock Steppes of Galessa. (Alternatively, you may recruit Aisha to unlock Steppes of Galessa.)

7. Travel to Northpoint and take the ship to Godongo for 50G. (Alternatively,

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you may recruit Hawke at Uso to unlock Godongo.)

8. Leave Godongo for the Jungle and walk towards the right to arrive in Oapu. (There is no need to enter the cave or take the boat in the Jungle.)

9. Take the ship from Oapu to Melvir for 80G. (Alternatively, if you can find and recruit Gray at Altours or Aurefont, he will open up Melvir.)

10. Take the ship from Melvir to Jelton for 50G. (Alternatively, you may recruit Gray to unlock Jelton.)

11. You may recruit Claudia to unlock Mazewood.

12. You may talk to the lady at the plaza in front of the guarded castle in Loban to unlock Isthmus (which I do not recommend unless you want to go there.)

13. At Weston, talk to the lady standing between the Inn and the item shop to unlock Yassi. Go to Yassi, come back, and talk to the same lady again to unlock Saoki.

Hawke [RS415] =========

After his introduction, Hawke has access to Godongo and Oapu.

1. At Godongo, take the ship to Northpoint for 50G.

2. At Northpoint, talk to the lady at the town entrance, who mentions about heading south to reach Rosalia. Walk out of Northpoint and it will bring you to Uso

3. At Uso, talk to the man or the kid on the road to unlock Kaklim Desert. Talk to the lady to the left of the magic shop to unlock Steppes of Galessa. Then exit the town through the south entrance. This will automatically brings you to Crystal City.

4. Check the pubs of Crystal City, Uso, and Northpoint for Barbara. Go back and forth on these three places until you find and recruit her.

5. You may also take a ship from Oapu to Melvir for 80G. Recruit Gray if he is in the pub. He will open to Bafal, Rosalia, and Ligau Isle.

6. Travel to Crystal City or Altours to recruit Sif. She will open up Yeoville, Mirsaburg, Eugenstadt, Shiverland, and Gato's Village. Alternatively, you may open up Yeoville by taking the ship from North Estamir for 50G. Then you may open up Mirsaburg by taking the ship from Yeoville for 50G. At Mirsaburg, talk to the old man to the right of the entrance to the castle to

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open up Eugenstadt. However, you still need Sif to open up the places in Valhalland.

7. At Crystal City, talk to the people in the pub to unlock Crystal Lake and Mt. Scurve.

8. If you did not recruit Gray, travel to Yeoville and take the ship to Bruelle for 20G.

9. In Bruelle, talk to the lady standing near the dock entrance to unlock Bayre Plateau. Then talk to the man standing near the blacksmith shop to unlock Loban and Aurefont.

10. At Weston, talk to the lady standing between the Inn and the item shop to unlock Yassi. Go to Yassi, come back, and talk to the same lady again to unlock Saoki.

11. You may recruit Claudia to unlock Mazewood.

Barbara [RS416] ===========

Barbara has all towns along the New Road unlocked when she starts. They includeNorthpoint, Uso, Crystal City, Altours, North Estmair, South Estarmir,Tarmitta, New Road, and Weston.

1. At Weston, talk to the lady standing between the Inn and the item shop to unlock Yassi. Go to Yassi, come back, and talk to the same lady again to unlock Saoki.

2. Travel to Crystal City or Altours to recruit Sif. She will open up Yeoville, Mirsaburg, Eugenstadt, Shiverland, and Gato's Village. Alternatively, you may open up Yeoville by taking the ship from North Estamir for 50G. Then you may open up Mirsaburg by taking the ship from Yeoville for 50G. At Mirsaburg, talk to the old man to the right of the entrance to the castle to open up Eugenstadt. However, you still need Sif to open up the places in Valhalland.

3. At Crystal City, talk to the people in the pub to unlock Crystal Lake and Mt. Scurve.

4. Travel to Yeoville and take the ship to Bruelle for 20G.

5. In Bruelle, talk to the lady standing near the dock entrance to unlock Bayre Plateau. Then talk to the man standing near the blacksmith shop to unlock Loban and Aurefont.

6. Travel to Uso. Talk to the man or the kid on the road to unlock Kaklim

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Desert. Talk to the lady to the left of the magic shop to unlock Steppes of Galessa. (Alternatively, you may recruit Aisha to unlock Steppes of Galessa.)

7. Travel to Northpoint and take the ship to Godongo for 50G. (Alternatively, you may recruit Hawke at Uso to unlock Godongo.)

8. Leave Godongo for the Jungle and walk towards the right to arrive in Oapu. (There is no need to enter the cave or take the boat in the Jungle.)

9. Take the ship from Oapu to Melvir for 80G. (Alternatively, if you can find and recruit Gray at Altours or Aurefont, he will open up Melvir.)

10. Take the ship from Melvir to Jelton for 50G. (Alternatively, you may recruit Gray to unlock Jelton.)

11. You may recruit Claudia to unlock Mazewood.

12. You may talk to the lady at the plaza in front of the guarded castle in Loban to unlock Isthmus (which I do not recommend unless you want to go there.)

------------------- B. By Place [RS420] ===================

This section describes how to unlock each place of each area.

Frontier [RS421] ============

Weston - Recruit Barbara. - Exit from the north end of New Road.New Road - Recruit Barbara.Yassi - Talk to the lady standing between the Inn and the item shop.Saoki - Talk to the lady standing between the Inn and the item shop a second time.Yassi Cavern - Talk to the lady on the first platform in Yassi.Saoki Cavern - Talk to the old man at the back of Saoki at ER 4 or above.Vampire's Den - Talk to the two men in Weston pub at ER 10 or above.Jewel Beast's Lair - Please refer to the quest Jewel Beast (Quest 33).

Kjaraht [RS422] ===========

South Estamir - Recruit Barbara or Jamil. - Take the small boat or go through Sewers from North Estamir.Tarmitta - Recruit Barbara. - Rescue the girl from the Kidnappers in North Estamir during Water Dragon Rite (Quest 31).

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Lake Malar - Talk to the man standing in front of the apothecary in Tarmitta at ER 10 or above.Assassins' Guild - Trigger Assassins' Guild (Quest 32). Then pay to sleep at the Inn in South Estamir or visit Farah for a scene.

Knights Dominion [RS423] ====================

Mirsaburg - Recruit Sif. - Take the ship from Yeoville or Bruelle. - Talk to the man near the weapon shops in Eugenstadt.Eugenstadt - Recruit Sif. - Talk to the old man to the right of the entrance to the castle in Mirsaburg.Weiserheim - Talk to Lord Heinrich in Eugenstadt during Constance Kidnapped (Quest 28) at ER 9-17.Abandoned Keep - Have Theodore and Raphael joining your party during Pride of the Knights (Quest 14). - During Pride of the Knights (Quest 14), talk with the man to the left of the Mirsaburg Castle bridge.Kidnappers' Cave - Talk to Flammar in Weiserheim during Constance Kidnapped (Quest 28) at ER 9-17.Pagan Ruins - Check the map found in Theodore's room in Mirsaburg Castle during Theodore's Madness at ER 18 or above.Drachenvale - Start the quest Dragon Knight (Quest 49).

Valhalland [RS424] ==============

Shiverland - Recruit Sif.Gato's Village - Recruit Sif.

Dry Lands [RS425] =============

Northpoint - Recruit Hawke, Barbara, or Gray. - Take the ship from Godongo.Uso - Recruit Barbara or Gray. - Talk to the lady at the entrance of Northpoint and then walk out of town.Steppes of Galessa - Recruit Aisha. - Talk to the lady to the left of the magic shop in Uso.Kaklim Desert - Talk to the man or the kid on the paved road in Uso.Auldburg - If the Minstrel tells you the tale of the Giants (Quest 54) at ER 20 or above, talk to the kid on the road in Uso.Trials of Elore - Unlocked if the Minstrel tells you the tale of Mirsa and his comrades at ER 20 or above.

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Rosalia [RS426] ===========

Crystal City - Recruit Barbara or Gray. - Talk to the lady at the entrance of Northpoint, then go to Uso and exit through the south town entrance.Altours - Recruit Barbara, Sif, or Gray.Yeoville - Recruit Sif or Gray, - Take the ship from North Estamir, Mirsaburg, or Bruelle.North Estamir - Recruit Barbara, Jamil, or Gray. - Take the small boat or go through Sewers from South Estamir. - Take the ship from Yeoville or Bruelle.Isthmus - Recruit Albert or Gray. - Talk to the lady at the plaza in front of the castle in Loban. - Complete one of the ending quests.Crystal Lake - Talk to the man in front of a small room in Crystal City pub. - Talk to the lady near the bridge leading to the pub in Crystal City.Mt. Scurve - Talk to the two men in Crystal City pub.

Bafal Empire [RS427] ================

Melvir - Recruit Gray. - Take the ship from Oapu or Jelton.Loban - Recruit Gray. - Talk to the man standing near the blacksmith shop in Bruelle. - Enter Isthmus from Rosalia and exit through the south.Bruelle - Recruit Gray. - Take the ship from Yeoville, North Estamir, or Mirsaburg.Aurefont - Recruit Gray. - Talk to the man standing near the blacksmith shop in Bruelle.Mazewood - Recruit Claudia.Bayre Plateau - Talk to the lady standing near the dock entrance in Bruelle.

Ligau Isle [RS428] ==============

Jelton - Recruit Gray. - Take the ship from Melvir.Plains - Exit Jelton.Mt. Tomae - Talk to the bartender in Jelton pub during Monster of Mt. Tomae (Quest 23).

Walon Isle [RS429] ==============

Oapu - Take the ship from Melvir. - Walk to the right through the Jungle from Godongo.Godongo - Recruit Hawke.

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- Take the ship from Northpoint. - Walk to the left through the Jungle from Oapu.Jungle - Exit Oapu or Godongo.

Coral Sea [RS430] =============

This place is only accessible during Hawke's introduction and you can nevermanually select to go to any places in this area. However, you may get accessto Pirate Coast with any main character. Please refer to Pirate Invasion(Quest 35) for more information.

Others [RS431] ==========

Faerie's Grove - Recruit Barbara. Or if you are Barbara, complete Amethyst of Visions (Quest 5). - Lose to the King of the Jungle (the Mummy) during Oh, Mummy! (Quest 7).


V. Quests Walkthrough [RS500]


Section A gives a list of quests in this game. You may use the list as anindex to search for a particular quest. Section B gives the full details foreach of the quests.

------------------------- A. List of Quests [RS510] =========================

Character-Specific Quests [RS511] =============================

1. Monsters to the East - Albert only [QT001]2. Assault on the Isthmus Keep - Albert only [QT002]3. An Expeditionary Force - Albert and Sif only [QT003]4. Voice of the Blade - Gray only [QT004]

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Common Quests [RS512] =================

Quests ER Index-------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Amethyst of Visions 0 - 22 [QT005]6. Faerie's Grove 0 - 22 [QT006]7. Oh, Mummy! 0 - 22 [QT007]8. Unsettling Settlement 0 - 2 [QT008]9. Innkeeper's Daughter 0 - 4 [QT009]10. A Suspicious Demise 0 - 4 [QT010]11. Raid on the Depository 3 - 5 [QT011]12. Wuhan's Secret 0 - 5 [QT012]13. Free the Gecklings 0 - 22 [QT013]14. Pride of the Knights 3 - 7 [QT014]15. Valhalland Monsters 0 - 21 [QT015]16. Plain Treasure 0 - 22 [QT016]17. The Fiends of Saoki 4 - 22 [QT017]18. Stolen Nymphs 6 - 22 [QT018]19. A Bodyguard for Louie 6 - 22 [QT019]20. Neville's Request 6 - 22 [QT020]21. Creepy Butterfly 7 - 22 [QT021]22. Test of Courage 0 - 22 [QT022]23. Monster of Mt. Tomae 10 - 22 [QT023]24. Missing Taralians 7 - 22 [QT024]25. Eule Gives a Hoot 8 - 22 [QT025]26. Ancient Texts 0 - 22 [QT026]27. Ailing Emperor 9 - 13 [QT027]28. Constance Kidnapped 9 - 17 [QT028]29. The Soulgutter 10 - 22 [QT029]30. Return of the Vampires 10 - 22 [QT030]31. Water Dragon Rite 10 - 22 [QT031]32. The Assassins' Guild 12 - 22 [QT032]33. The Jewel Beast 10 - 22 [QT033]34. Find the Aquamarine 11 - 15 [QT034]35. Pirate Invasion 14 - 22 [QT035]36. Isle of Evil 9 - 18 [QT036]37. Silver's Treasure 0 - 22 [QT037]38. The Mine Assaulted 14 - 22 [QT038]39. The Raincloud Armlet 10 - 22 [QT039]40. The Cyclone Shoes 0 - 22 [QT040]41. The Ignigarde 0 - 22 [QT041]42. The Ice Sword 0 - 22 [QT042]43. Aquatic Ecology 10 - 22 [QT043]44. Insect Ecology 0 - 22 [QT044]45. Beast Ecology 0 - 22 [QT045]46. Plant Ecology 0 - 22 [QT046]47. The Underwater Temple 17 - 22 [QT047]48. Theodore's Madness 18 - 22 [QT048]49. The Dragon Knight 18 - 22 [QT049]50. Frozen Lake Faerie 0 - 22 [QT050]51. Frosthold Fortress 0 - 22 [QT051]

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Special Quests [RS513] ==================

52. Who Am I? [QT052]53. An Unlucky Woman [QT053]

Ending Quests [RS514] =================

54. Auldburg [QT054]55. Trials of Elore [QT055]56. The Netherworld [QT056]57. Face Saruin [QT057]

------------------------- B. Walkthrough [RS520] =========================

Each quest is presented in the following format:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1. Quest Name ER: ER range of this quest [index] Trigger Condition: - List of condition(s) required to trigger the quest Complete Condition: - List of condition(s) required to complete the quest Failing Condition: - List of condition(s) that fail the quest Rewards: - List of rewards for completing this quest Chests: - List of treasure chest items that you may find in the specified area - Note that you may or may not find all the listed items in one sweep through the specified area Proficiencies: - List of suggested proficiencies to bring with for the specified area~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Description of the quest.

Character-Specific Quests [RS521] =============================

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1. Monsters to the East ER: N/A [QT001]

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Trigger Condition: - Albert's first quest. Complete Condition: - Defeat Demon Scout in Isthmus Cavern. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - Jewels Chests: - Isthmus Cavern: Isthmus Cavern Map, 100G + Jewels Proficiencies: - Isthmus Cavern: Find Chests~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This is Albert's first quest. Your objective is to eradicate the monsters inIsthmus Cavern. The Cavern is straigth forward but it is infested withmonsters. It is not necessary to clear all the monsters. Instead, you only needto take out the boss. When you get to the end, you will get into your firstboss fight with Demon Scout. Demon Scout has 888HP and it is a rather toughfight so early in the game. Make sure you have equipped the First-Aid Kit onone of your characters. Use the Balms on the Soldiers if needed. After you havedefeated it, Albert will notice some markings on the wall. These markings willhave some significance in the future. For now let's head back to the Castleand report to Lord Rudolf to receive your rewards.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2. Assualt on the Isthmus Keep ER: 0 - 22 [QT002] Trigger Condition: - Albert's second quest. Complete Condition: - Speak to Prince Neidhart in Crystal City. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - Jewels Chests: - Isthmus Keep (secret passage): 2000G Proficiencies: N/A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After Prince Neidhart's visit, the Isthmus Keep throws a party in celebrationfor the prince's proposal to Diana. At the same time, Saruin's minion isplotting an attack against the castle. When Albert is woken up by the attack,head down to the throne room. Lord Rudolf will ask you to protect Diana andsend a message to Prince Neidhart for aid. A secret passage is opened up. Getthe 2000G in the chest there and leave.

Diana and Albert are surrounded by monsters outside the castle. To save herbrother, Diana throws Albert down the cliff. Rescued by Monica in Loban, Albertcontinues his journey to Bruelle and take a ship to Yeoville.

The ship is wrecked in a storm and fate has brought Albert to an even farther

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place--Valhalland. Albert is rescued by Sif. To repay for saving him, Albertagrees to help Sif clear out the monsters in the nearby caves in the quest AnExpeditionary Force (Quest 3). After the quest, Albert receives a map of theKnights Dominion and you now have access to Eugenstadt.

Go through Shiverland to the world map and hit the triangle button to accessthe real world map. Choose Knights Dominion and then Eugenstadt. In Eugenstadt,you may visit the castle to start Pride of the Knights (Quest 14). Or you mayjust talk to the man near the weapon shops to open up Mirsaburg.

Travel to Mirsaburg and take the ship to Yeoville. Then leave Yeoville and headfor Crystal City. Visiting Prince Neidhart in the Crystal Palace completes thisquest.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3. An Expeditionary Force ER: 0 - 22 [QT003] Trigger Condition: - After Albert is rescued in Valhalland. This quest is for Albert and Sif only. Complete Condition: - Defeat the bosses in the West Cave, East Cave, and South Cave in Shiverland. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - 200G and Jewels Chests: - West Cave: West Cave Map, 300G + Weapon, 500G + Gothic Armor, 100G + (Weapon or Armor), 100G + Jewels, Jewels - South Cave (Stage 2): South Cave Map, 500G + Weapon, Quality Balm, 1600G + Quarterstaff, Gold + Bone Breastplate Proficiencies: - West Cave: Find Chests, Jump Lv.1-2 - South Cave: Find Chests, Disarm Traps, Jump Lv.1-3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~There are three caves you need to clear--the West Cave, East Cave, and SouthCave. The middle left arrow on the Shiverland map leads to the West Cave. Thesecond arrow from the top on the right side leads to the East Cave. The bottomright arrow leads to the south slope. Go through the south slope and the SouthCave will be to the left. To clear a cave, you only need to take out the fixedmonster standing still on the screen at the end of the cave. You may ignoreother random monsters. The South Cave stage 2 has a second exit to an enclosedslope. Don't forget to get the chests there before you leave. After you killthe boss in West Cave, go forward and you will see a chest behind a jump point.If you have level 2 Jump, you will be able to get the 500G and Gothic Armorinside the chest.

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4. Voice of the Blade ER: 0 - 22 [QT004] Trigger Condition: - Gray only. Pull out the Rusted Falcata from the ground at Treasure Cave 3F. Complete Condition: - Temper the Falcata to +7 and defeat Sword Demon. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - Demonbrand Chests: N/A Proficiencies: N/A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Although any main character can get the Rusted Falcata and temper it to +7,only Gray may trigger and complete this quest.

You can find a rusted sword at the first intersection of Treasure Cave B3.After you pull it out, the sword will talk to Gray and prompt you to temper itwith bronze. When you return to Jelton, you may temper it with bronze at theblacksmith shop.

When you temper it, you will see that the material name (bronze) appears in redat the bottom right. That means the material is harmonious to the weapon. Tocomplete the tempering process, you will need to use the Falcata in battlesuntil its name change to Falcata+1. This process is called breaking-in thematerial. Note that you do not need to actually break the weapon by using upits DP. You just need to use it enough number of times for it to break-in. Whenthe Falcata turns to +1, the material name will no longer be red.

Return to town when the Falcata turns to +1 and the sword will talk to Grayagain. This time it prompts you to temper it with Rosalian Steel. Continuethe process until it turns to Falcata+7. Most of the materials used intempering the Falcata will make its DP modifier to be negative. You may adjustthe DP modifier to be more positve at the blacksmith to reduce DP cost of thetechs. Make sure you use the Falcata on a character whose class has Katana aspart of the class skills. Leveling up the class should help to reduce DP costas well. In the extreme case, you may need to use regular Katana attacks toconserve DP.

When it turns to +7, the final scene will occur when you enter a town. Andimmediately after, you will need to fight the demon who possessed blade--SwordDemon. Sword Demon has 16,566HP, but your party should be strong enough tohandle it by the time you fully temper the Falcata. After defeating it, Graywill receive the Demonbrand and his outfit will change slightly. The Demonbrandinherits the mode(s) from the Falcata and cannot be changed again.

If you want to rest in town or change the mode on the Falcata when it turns to+7, you may go to South Estamir or Melvir, where the scene does not trigger.From South Estamir, you may further take the boat to North Estamir and then theship to Bruelle. In Bruelle, you may change your Falcata to any mode(s) that

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you want on the Demonbrand permanently. When you are ready, just go to theworld map and visit some other towns to trigger the final scene.

The following table lists the materials needed for tempering the Falcata.

Name Material Can Be Bought At-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Falcata -> Falcata+1 Bronze Jelton (blacksmith)Falcata+1 -> Falcata+2 Rosalian Steel Crystal City (blacksmith)Falcata+2 -> Falcata+3 Southern Iron Bruelle (blacksmith)Falcata+3 -> Falcata+4 Marcasite Altours, Aurefont*Falcata+4 -> Falcata+5 Steel Thread Aurefont**Falcata+5 -> Falcata+6 Meteoric Iron --Falcata+6 -> Falcata+7 Mullock-7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* To buy Marcasite, you need at least level 15 shop clout.** To buy Steel Thread, you need at least level 12 shop clout.

Meteoric Iron can be dropped by Death Croakers, Alsaks, and Armored Jelly.

There are 7 types of mullock and there is no distinction in their names.However, to get Falcata+7, only mullock-7 works. This mullock can be droppedby Cyclops, Guardians in Auldburg, Mummy, and Zombie Dragons. Zombie Dragonis usually the best monster to hunt for the right mullock since they only dropmullock-7. To get into fights with zombie dragons, you may try the EstamirSewers 3F or the Vampire Den. These places are filled with Undeads. It was alsosuggested that the Undead monster in the Mine Assaulted quest usually resultsin a zombie dragon. However, in my opinion, the best way is to plan ahead andopen up Jewel Beast's Lair early. There are 4 fixed battles in the lair withzombie dragons. Save before the fight and reset if no mullock is dropped. Referto the quest The Jewel Beast (Quest 33) for more information.

Common Quests [RS522] =================

These quests are open to all eight main characters. However, some quests mayhave parts which are specific for certain characters only. The details arenoted in the quests.

In this guide, the common quests are ordered according to the suggested ER tocomplete the quests. Again, it is just my suggestion and you may do the questsin any order you feel like. For example, if you are playing Claudia, you maywant to do Innkeeper's Daughter and A Suspicious Demise before doing UnsettlingSettlemnt.

If you are to follow the suggested ER, you will need to actively avoid randommonsters to keep your ER from going up too fast. However, if you are good atdodging monsters, you can complete the quests in even tighter ER bound.

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----------------------- Event Rank 2 (ER 2) -----------------------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5. Amethyst of Visions ER: 0 - 22 [QT005] Trigger Condition: - Recruit Barbara. - Or enter Weston pub if the main character is Barbara. Complete Condition: - Obtain the fatestone Amethyst. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - Amethyst Chests: None Proficiencies: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This quest is mainly for Barbara. When you start the game as Barbara, visitthe pub in Weston. The Minstrel will ask you to dance. After the dance, he willgive you the Amethyst as a gift. If your main character is not Barbara, simplyrecruit Barbara and you will complete this quest automatically. The Amethyst isequipped on her. Obtaining the fatestone Amethyst unlocks the Faerie's Grove onthe map.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6. Faerie's Grove ER: 0 - 22 [QT006] Trigger Condition: - Talk with the faeries in the Faerie's Grove. Complete Condition: - Collect and put the 5 Spirits on the pedestals surrounding the throne. Failing Condition: - Defeat Strom before getting the Water Spirit. - Open the door to Strom's chamber with Strom's Jewels collected in the Water Dragon Temple before getting the Water Spirit. Rewards: - Faeries' Crown and Jewels - The main character receives two extra LP. - The main character receives an additional +1 BP regen. Chests: None Proficiencies: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Before you start this quest, you first need to unlock the Faerie's Grove on theworld map. There are two ways of doing so:1. Obtain the fatestone Amethyst (Quest 5).2. Lose to the King of the Jungle (the Mummy) during Oh, Mummy! (Quest 7)

The Faerie's Grove floats around the world and may appear in different area atdifferent time. Visit the grove for the first time and talk to all the faeries.After you have triggered the quest, leave the grove. When you visit the grovea second time, you should see the throne with a glowing barrier. Go to theinnermost area of the grove and talk to the faerie who mentions about thefive Spirits being the key to unlock the barrier. This should now appears inyour quest notes.

Having activated the quest, the rest is to collect the five Spirits. Here arethe locations of the Spirits:

Wood Spirit - MazewoodFire Spirit - Mt. Tomae B4Earth Spirit - Great Pit B5Water Spirit - Water Dragon Temple B3Gold Spirit - After you have collected all four other Spirits, return to the grove and talk to the first faerie in the innermost area. He will give you the Gold Spirit.

Note that if you do not visit the grove at least two times to learn about thespirits, you may not be able to find them.

After you have collected all 5 Spirits, go to the throne and put them on thepedestals. The King of the Faeries will award you the Faeries' Crown. Inaddition, your main character will be blessed with 2 extra LP and an extra +1BP regen. Note that BP regen is capped at +7, so Claudia does not get the BPregen bonus when her max BP is 50 or above.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7. Oh, Mummy! ER: 0 - 22 [QT007] Trigger Condition: - Agree to help the mummy merchant in North Estamir pub. Complete Condition: - Defeat the King of the Jungle. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - 1500G and Jewels - Mummy and Jewels Chests: None Proficiencies: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Near the door in North Estamir pub, the mummy merchant wants you to escort himdown to the catacombs in Estamir Tunnels. Agreeing to help him will triggerthis quest.

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Once you are down in the sewers, take a turn at the first left and then takea turn again at the next left. This should bring you to the catacombs. Afterit is done, you will receive 1500G and jewels for your service.

Although the quest seems to be completed at this point, there is actually more.As the game progresses, the mummy merchant will move along the towns on the newroad until he reaches Oapu. You can also force him to move to the next townby talking to him. His path is Altours, Crystal City, Uso, Northpoint, Godongo,and then Oapu.

To trigger the next part, talk to him when he is at the dock of Oapu. He willmention about potential buyer in Melvir. Now take the ship from Oapu to Melvir.

On the ship, the mummy has come back to life and sucks blood. You need tosearch inside the ship to warn other passengers. Depending on how manypassengers you save, the number of Animated Corpses appears in the next battlewill change. Search the Ship's Hold until you get into the battle with theKing of the Jungle (the Mummy).

If you win the battle, you will obtain a Mummy and a bunch of jewels. You canmake a Mummy Tonic at Melvir Apothecary with the Mummy. If you lose the battle,you will end up on Mask Isle. After some time, the night will fall and you willbe able to enter the Faerie's Grove.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8. Unsettling Settlement ER: 0 - 2 [QT008] Trigger Condition: - Talk with the mother in Yassi about her missing child. Complete Condition: - Defeat the boss in Yassi Cavern. Failing Condition: - Reach ER 3 before completing the quest. Rewards: - 200G and Jewels Chests: - Yassi Cavern: Yassi Cavern Map, 100G + (Weapon or Jewels), 100G + Studded Gloves, 100G + Bone Amulet, 100G + Jewels, 500G + Jewels Proficiencies: - Yassi Cavern: Find Chests~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This quest has the earliest closing ER among all quests. And it takes place inFrontier where only Barbara has access to in the early game. It is easy to missthis quest.

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Recruit Barbara to open up Weston. At Weston, talk to the lady between the innand the item shop to open up Yassi. In Yassi, talk to the girl on the firstplatform to unlock Yassi Cavern. Then talk to the mother on the next platformabout her missing son.

With enough information, it is time to go to Yassi Cavern. On the first level,there are two slimes blocking the way. They have high resistance to physicalattacks. You may need to unleash some weapon techs to damage them. If you haveany attack magic spells, they should be easy.

At B2, you will find the boss near the end of the cave. I know you are eagerto kill it, but let's hold back for a moment and get the chest located at thevery end of the cave first. You will be back to Yassi automatically after youdefeat the boss. Talk with the mother for your rewards before you move on forthe next quest.

----------------------- Event Rank 3 (ER 3) -----------------------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9. Innkeeper's Daughter ER: 0 - 4 [QT009] Note: - Complete this quest with A Suspicious Demise. Trigger Condition: - Read the notice in Melvir pub. Complete Condition: - Find the innkeeper's daughter and defeat her captors. Failing Condition: - Reach ER 5 before completing the quest. - Leave Melvir or complete Raid on the Depository when pursuing the red robe priest. Rewards: - 1000G and Jewels Chests: - Melvir Sewers: Melvir Sewers Map, 100G + Jewels, Hunting Bow, 300G + Gothic Axe Proficiencies: - Melvir Sewers: Find Chests, Pick Locks~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Go to the Melvir pub on 2F and check the notice sticked on a pillar. It is anotice of missing daughter from the Innkeeper. To gather more information,visit the Inn in Melvir 1F. Note that visiting the innkeeper is an importantstep. If you do not visit the innkeeper before completing the quest, you willnot be able to collect rewards from the innkeeper. You will complete thisquest when you complete A Suspicious Demise.

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10. A Suspicious Demise ER: 0 - 4 [QT010] Note: - Complete this quest with Innkeeper's Daughter. Trigger Condition: - Talk to the police in Melvir Police Station. Complete Condition: - Solve the mystery and defeat the criminals. Failing Condition: - Reach ER 5 before completing the quest. - Leave Melvir or complete Raid on the Depository when pursuing the red robe priest. Rewards: - Choice of Silver Fleuret, Chain Mail, or 2000G Chests: - Melvir Sewers: Melvir Sewers Map, 100G + Jewels, Hunting Bow, 300G + Gothic Axe Proficiencies: - Melvir Sewers: Find Chests, Pick Locks~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Visit the Police Station in Melvir and talk to the police. You will be informedthat the death of the shopkeeper Buck is suspicious. To investigate theincident further, you talk to the shopkeeper's daughter in the rightmost shopat the back of plaza on 1F. The daughter insists that their competitor Wardhas a hand in this. Now let's visit Ward at the shop on 2F. He denies that hekilled Buck, but he gives some very useful clue about some shady guys in redrobe that hide in the sewers.

Now it is at night, follow the priest in red robe into the underground templein the sewers. They are sacrificing a girl to Saruin and she is actually theinnkeeper's daughter. Save the girl and defeat the priest and the followers.

After solving the mystery and destroying the guild, the Emperor will give youa reward. You may choose weapon (Silver Fleuret), armor (Chain Mail), or2000G. Don't forget to collect the rewards from the innkeeper as well.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11. Raid on the Depository ER: 3 - 5 [QT011] Note: - If your main character is Claudia, you may start this quest at ER 0-2 after talking with Gian. Trigger Condition: - Visit Aurefont during the appropriate ER. Complete Condition: - Find the Stolen Goods and enter Patrick's house. Failing Condition: - Reach ER 6 before completing the quest. - Ignore the thieves in Melvir Sewers. - Leave the sewers after obtaining the Stolen Goods. Rewards:

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- 2500G and Jewels Chests: - Melvir Sewers: Melvir Sewers Map, 100G + Jewels, Hunting Bow, 300G + Gothic Axe Proficiencies: - Melvir Sewers: Find Chests, Pick Locks~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~When you visit Aurefont at the appropriate ER, you will find this town looksdeserted. A man in the middle of the town informs you that monsters areattacking the depository. Go forward and turn left to the depository, you willsee two soldiers lying on the floor in front of the depository door. When yougo in, monsters are carrying all the gold and they escaped, leaving you tobattle a Morlock, which should be easy. After the fight, you will meet withPatrick, the Imperial Treasurer. However, he seems to care less about the lostgold.

Go to Melvir and go down the sewers by the Police Station. Take a left at thefirst intersection and then take a right. Go forward and eventually you willsee a bunch of thieves. Defeat them and you will obtain the Stolen Goods, whichis actually the gold stolen in Aurefont. Thinking that the thieves stole thegoods from the house in front of you, go up there and you will meet withPatrick again. Note that if you leave the sewers after you have gotten thegoods, the door to Patrick's house will be locked when you come back.

While you are confronting Patrick about the goods, Melvir police comes toarrest him for embezzlement. Although it seems that the thieves were stealingthe gold from Patrick's house, but it could be a conspiracy to frame Patrick.Anyway, the Emperor places Patrick under house arrest.

After completing this quest, you may go back to Patrick's house to recruit him.

-- If You Are Playing as Claudia...At the end of the quest, the Emperor will ask Claudia what her name is...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~12. Wuhan's Secret ER: 0 - 5 [QT012] Trigger Condition: - Talk to the bartender and the agent in South Estamir pub. Complete Condition: - Find Wuhan's secret room and rescue the maidens. Failing Condition: - Reach ER 6 before completing the quest. Rewards: - 2500G and Jewels Chests: None Proficiencies: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Talk to the bartender and then the guy to the right in South Estamir pub to

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trigger this quest. It is said that Wuhan, Kjaraht's Potentate, has accumulateda selection of maidens. Your mission is to find where he hides them. At thesame time, if you visit Farah's house, her mom will tell you the loan shark hastaken Farah away.

Down at the Estamir Tunnels, you may find the Slave Market. You have the optionto let the slaves go. However, at this point of time I am still not sure whatimpact it may do to the game.

From the man outside the Temple of Amut in North Estamir, Wuhan seems to havecome to the temple very often lately. It sounds suspicious. Go into the templeand take a right from the altar. You will find Wuhan's secret room. If yourmain character is female, the door guard will let you through. If your maincharacter is male, you will have to fight your way in. Inside the room, you maysee Aisha if she is not already in your party. You may talk to her to recruither if you have an empty slot in your party. When you are ready, talk to Farahto continue the event. Jamil will come to rescue her if your main character isfemale. At the same time, Wuhan has come with two guards. After defeating theguards, you have the options to spare Wuhan or kill him. Killing him willaffect future quest and scenes involving him. The most notable one is the WaterDragon Rite (Quest 31).

When it is done, you will be back to Farah's house. Talk to Farah to collectyour jewel rewards. Remember to talk to the agent in South Estamir pub for yourgold rewards as well.

-- If You Are Playing as Jamil...This quest is Jamil's first quest. After Farah is taken away, you may go to theSlave Trader's House and beat up the guys there. The slave trader will tell youthat Farah is sent to Wuhan's secret place in the Amut temple in North Estamir.However, that place is guarded and a man is hard to get in. Jamil will disguiseas a woman to pass through the door guard.

----------------------- Event Rank 4 (ER 4) -----------------------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~13. Free the Gecklings ER: 0 - 22 [QT013] Trigger Condition: - Talk to the two men in Oapu pub about hearing lizard cries behind

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the weapon shop. Complete Condition: - Free the Gecklings from the weapon shop. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - 1000G and Jewels Chests: - Geckling Cave: Geckling Cave Map, 100G + Jewels, 500G + Jewels, Leather Jerkin, Great Shield, (Weapon or Armor) Proficiencies: - Geckling Cave: Find Chests, Pick Locks, Disarm Traps, Find Ore, Mine, Find Traps Lv.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The two men in Oapu pub talk about hearing lizard cries behind the weapon shop.Go up the slope and walk behind Walon Weapons shop. You will hear faint noiseof lizard cries. This step is required and make sure you do it. If Guella Ha isnot in your party, recruit him from Northpoint pub. Then go to the GecklingCave in the Jungle Entrance area.

Inside the cave, push the first rock to the light on the left to open thedoor in front. Pushing it to the other light will open the door on the left.That room may have some ores, but there are also monsters. In the next chamber,push the second rock to the bottom left light to open the door to the left. Ifyou have Find Traps proficiency, you may open a passage at B2. At the end ofthe passage you will find a chest with a Leather Jerkin, which is pretty usefulat low ER. After you have gotten the treasures, go to the next area to reachthe Geckling Village.

The Geckling chief does not like humans. He tells you that humans came andenslaved the Gecklings. Now leave the cave and go back to the weapon shop inOapu to confront the weapon shop owner. Defeat the Bodyguard and two StrayWolves to release the Gecklings. Return to the Geckling chief for your rewards.

After you have completed the quest, if you talk to the Geckling standing nearthe second house in the Geckling Village, he will tell you about the AncientScroll. This triggers the Ancient Texts (Quest 26). Then if you talk to theGeckling standing near the village entrance, he will tell you about Silver'sTreasure (Quest 37). Talk to the chief again and he will give you theGeckling's Map.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~14. Pride of the Knights ER: 3 - 7 [QT014] Note: - If your main character is Albert or Sif, you may start this quest at ER 0-2. Trigger Condition: - Talk to Lord Heinrich in Eugenstadt Castle and follow him to

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Mirsaburg to attend the council of knights. Complete Condition: - Defeat the boss at Abandoned Keep B1. Failing Condition: - Reach ER 8 before completing the quest. Rewards: - 2000G and Jewels (1000G and Jewels) Chests: - Abandoned Keep: Abandoned Keep Map, Gold + (Weapon or Armor), 100G + Weapon, 200G + Weapon, 100G + Jewels, 500G + Jewels, 500G + (Weapon or Jewels), Steel Gauntlets, Gothic Sword, Knight's Shield, Silver Mask, Weapon, (Weapon or Jewels), (Weapon or Jewels), Armor Proficiencies: - Abandoned Keep: Find Chests, Disarm Traps, Jump Lv.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~When you visit Lord Heinrich in Eugenstadt Castle, he indicates that he has toattend the council of knights in Mirsaburg. Follow him and Raphael to Mirsaburgand attend the council of knights. The council discusses whether to send forcesto clear monsters out of the recently infested abandoned fortress, Dellsdale.Although Lord Theodore of Mirsaburg Castle pushes for it, the majority of theknights votes against it. Theodore and Raphael decide to do it themselves.

Before they leave for the Abandoned Keep, you can offer to help them. However,if you do not have at least two empty spots in your party, they will not joinyou and will leave for the keep. You will then have to talk to the man at theleft outside Mirsaburg Castle to open up Abandoned Keep on the map. When youare at the keep, you will see Theodore and Raphael near the entrance. At thistime, you can invite them again if you have two empty spots.

Regardless of whether you have enough room for Theodore and Raphael, it isimportant to still choose the option to offer help. If you decline to help,you will not be able to complete Constance Kidnapped (Quest 28).

On 2F of Abandoned Keep, take a right at the cross intersection. When you walkthrough the fractured floor into the room, the floor will shake but it will notbreak. You should walk on the fractured section until it crumbles so that youdrop down to 1F. Walk on the next fractured floor will drop you down to B1.Defeating the boss at the end of this level completes the quest.

If you have ever got Theodore and Raphael in your party during the quest (butyou do not have to complete the quest with them in the party), you will get thegood completion and receive 2000G rewards. The people in the Dominion will begrateful to you. If you complete the quest without Theodore and Raphael everbeing in your party, you will get the bad completion and only receive 1000G.Your jewels reward will also be a bit less and their reaction towards you is alot less friendly.

-- If You Are Playing as Albert...During the council of knights, the scene will have extra dialogue in which

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Albert speaks up about the fall of Isthmus.

-- About the Puzzle in Abandoned Keep...You may have noticed that there is a gate on Abandoned Keep 2F you cannot open.Return to the keep later and this gate will be opened. The room behind the gateleads to 3F, where a puzzle is waiting for you. To solve the puzzle, you haveto hit the corresponding button on your controller after you step on a floortile. For example, if it shows a triangle after you step on the floor tile, youshould hit the triangle button fast. There are four statues at the end. Youwill also have to have hit all four shapes to clear the statues. Make use ofthe Quicksave feature to make it easier. On the other side of the puzzle is afixed fight with a Cyclops and a bunch of Elementals. They are powerful at thisER and you may not be able to defeat them until much later. In fact, theCyclops is useful for farming certain tempering materials such as Black Steel.It is a good idea to leave it alone. The items they are guarding are not veryuseful or powerful anyway.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~15. Valhalland Monsters ER: 0 - 21 [QT015] Trigger Condition: - Talk to Gato in Gato's Village with Sif in your party. - Albert does not have access to this quest. Complete Condition: - Defeat the bosses in West Cave, East Cave, and South Cave. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - 200G + Jewels Chests: - West Cave: West Cave Map, 300G + Weapon, 500G + Gothic Armor, 100G + (Weapon or Armor), 100G + Jewels, Jewels - South Cave (Stage 1): South Cave Map, 300G + Jewels, Wing Amulet - South Cave (Stage 2): South Cave Map, 500G + Weapon, Quality Balm, 1600G + Quarterstaff, Gold + Bone Breastplate - South Cave (Stage 3): Map of South Cave, 2500G + (Weapon or Jewels), 100G + Mantra Scarf, Lei Proficiencies: - West Cave: Find Chests, Jump Lv.1-2 - South Cave: Find Chests, Disarm Traps, Jump Lv.1-3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~For main characters other than Albert and Sif, you have to have Sif in yourparty to activate this quest. Once the quest is activated, you may dismiss Sifand complete the quest without her. Note that Albert does not have access tothis quest.

Gato, the elder of Gato's Village, mentions that the weather is gettingunusually warm lately and monsters have infested the nearby caves. Your mission

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is to clear the monsters in the caves.

There are three caves you need to clear--the West Cave, East Cave, and SouthCave. The middle left arrow on the Shiverland map leads to the West Cave. Thesecond arrow from the top on the right side leads to the East Cave. The bottomright arrow leads to the south slope. Go through the south slope and the SouthCave will be to the left. To clear a cave, you only need to take out the fixedmonster standing still on the screen at the end of the cave. You may ignoreother random monsters. The South Cave has three stages. When the ice melts,the cave gets larger and larger. There are different treasures in differentstage. After you defeat the boss in West Cave, a chunk of the "ice gate" in thecave will be gone and you will have access to an inner area of the cave.

One thing worth mentioning is the piglet/lamb mini-quest when clearing theSouth Cave Stage 3. Normally, the path to the boss is blocked. You need torescue five piglets/lambs from the monsters and they will help you open up thepath. Defeat the boss to rescue the last piglet/lamb.

This quest can be completed multiple times, making it a good source of jewelincome. After you have completed it once, you may come back at a later ER tocomplete it again. It seems that this quest can be completed once each ER.

-- If You Are Playing as Sif...This quest is Sif's first quest. Gato will ask you to clear the caves ofmonsters. Because Sif has to clear these caves twice in her introduction, ifyou want to do Unsettling Settlement with Sif, you will have to avoid allrandom monsters if possible.

----------------------- Event Rank 5 (ER 5) -----------------------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~16. Plain Treasure ER: 0 - 22 [QT016] Trigger Condition: - Talk to the people in Jelton. Complete Condition: - Defeat the boss in Treasure Cave B3. - Take the treasure that appears. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - 500G + Longbow - Dinosaur Egg Chests: - Treasure Cave: Treasure Cave Map, 100G, 100G, 150G, 150G, 200G, 1000G, 100G + Weapon, 200G + Armor, 300G + Weapon, 500G + Jewels, Weapon, Armor, Jewels - Dinosaur Nest: Dinosaur Nest Map - Plains Hollow: Plains Hollow Map, 100G + Jewels, Fang Amulet, Devil Hide

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Proficiencies: - Treasure Cave: Find Chests, Climb Lv.3, Jump Lv.4 - Plains Hollow: Mine~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In Jelton, Ligau Isle, everyone is either talking about the hidden treasurein the plains or the dinosaur eggs. Talking to everyone in town reveals thatthe Treasure Cave is near a large flower field and the shallow pit may havedinosaur eggs.

Let's head out to the plains and start looking for treasure! The firstdestination is the cave located at the bottom right of the plains map. TheTreasure Cave is long, but it should be straight forward. When you arrive atthe first intersection of Treasure Cave B3, you will see a Rusty Sword.Although all main characters may use this sword, only Gray can complete thequest related to it--Voice of the Blade (Quest 4).

Continue on to the end of the cave, you will see a beastman standing at a deadend. The beastman will call out some company and a battle starts. Afterdefeating them, a chest with the plain treasure appears. It contains 500 goldand a Longbow. Taking the treasure completes the quest.

Now let's get the dinosaur egg. The Dinosaur Nest is the cave nearest to theplains exit leading to Jelton (the leftmost middle cave on the map). A fewdinosaurs inhabit this cave and the egg is at the end of the cave. Thedinosaurs normally do not chase you; however, once you get the egg, they willkeep chasing you in a frenzy. One way to get out of the cave safely is thatbefore you get the egg, get into battle with the dinosaurs and then retreat.They will then disappear. (If you have the egg, they will not disappear even ifyou retreat.) Another easy way is to use the proficiency Lurk.

Later in the game, you may find more dinosaur eggs in Plains Hollow. Accordingto the Brady Guide, the eggs appear in the following locations depending on thenumber of victories you have achieved:

Number of Victories Dinosaur Egg Location-------------------------------------------------------- 150 - 160 Plains Hollow, Southwest Area 200 - 210 Plains Hollow, Central Area 1 250 - 260 Plains Hollow, Central Area 2 330 - 340 Plains Hollow, East Area 380 - 390 Plains Hollow, North Area 430 - 440 Plains Hollow, Norteast Area--------------------------------------------------------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~17. The Fiends of Saoki ER: 4 - 22 [QT017] Trigger Condition: - Talk to the old man at the back of Saoki. - You may not activate this quest if Jewel Beast has destroyed Saoki. Complete Condition:

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- Defeat the boss in Saoki Cavern B3. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - 1000G and Jewels Chests: - Saoki Cavern: Saoki Cavern Map, 700G + Weapon, 200G + Armor, 200G + Armor, 200G + Jewels, 500G + Jewels, Protector Proficiencies: - Saoki Cavern: Find Chests, Disarm Traps, Find Ore, Mine, Climb Lv.2-3, Jump Lv.2-3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To open up Saoki, you need to talk to the lady who stands between the inn andthe item shop in Weston. If she opens up Yassi for you, exit and re-enterWeston and talk to her a second time. In Saoki, the Mayor (the old man at theback) indicates that monsters are terrorizing in a cave near Saoki and opens upSaoki Cavern.

In Saoki Cavern B1, you will encounter your first fixed fight with two WarBeasts after you take a right at the first intersection. At B2, you will havea second fixed fight with five Greater Zombies if you take a right at theintersection again. At B3, you will get to the boss, which is threeButterflies, if you go straight after the first turn. Defeating the bosscompletes the quest.

Although it is possible to bypass the first two fixed battles, you should killthem if you are interested in unlocking Jewel Beast's Lair and fighting thesleeping Jewel Beast. You may refer to The Jewel Beast (Quest 33) for moreinformation.

----------------------- Event Rank 6 (ER 6) -----------------------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~18. Stolen Nymphs ER: 6 - 22 [QT018] Trigger Condition: - Talk to Marina in any coastal town when she appears. Complete Condition: - Find the remaining two stolen nymphs. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - Jewels Chests: - Estamir Tunnels: Estamir Tunnels Map, 1000G, 500G + Weapon, 100G + Jewels, Silver Fleuret, Studded Gloves, Rubber Soles Proficiencies: - Estamir Tunnels: Find Chests, Disarm Traps, Pick Locks, Jump Lv.2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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When your ER reaches 6, Marina will appear in any coastal town. She is lookingfor stolen nymph statues. One has been returned, but two are still missing.

To progress the quest, go to Aurefont and complete the quest A Bodyguard forLouie (Quest 19). Louie is trying to sell the nymph statue to the priests atYucomb's Temple. But at last, he is no more and the statue is returned.

Now we need to look for the last statue. Visit the Yucomb's Temple in SouthEstamir. The priest informs you that they have seen no one with the statue.Speculating that the statue is still in North Estamir, let's try the NorthEstamir pub. Talk with the bartender and the two men and you will know the guywith the statue is in the Estamir Tunnels.

Follow Marina down the Estarmir Tunnels until you reach B3. Save the guy bydefeating the Coral Crab and the two Gunfish. After the battle, Marinaconvinces him to return the statue. Accompany them to Northpoint to throw thestatue back into the sea. After everything is done, you receive jewels asyour rewards and Marina returns to the sea.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~19. A Bodyguard for Louie ER: 6 - 22 [QT019] Trigger Condition: - Start the quest Stolen Nymphs. - Talk to Louie outside the Silver Mine shop. Complete Condition: - Defeat the attacking monsters in Melvir Inn. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - 1000G Chests: None Proficiencies: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This is a short quest and it is part of the quest Stolen Nymphs (Quest 18). Toactivate this quest, meet Marina to start Stolen Nymphs and then talk to Louiein Aurefont. Louie is the man who is holding a package outside the Silver Mineshop.

When you talk to Louie, he will ask you to protect him and he will pay you1000G upfront for your service. After escorting him to Melvir Yucomb's Temple,he tries to sell the nymph statue to the priests. At night in the inn, monstersattack. Defeat them and return to the temple with Louie the next day.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~20. Neville's Request ER: 6 - 22 [QT020] Note: - Cannot trigger this quest if Gian is in your party. - Ailing Emperor (Quest 27) takes precedence over this quest.

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Trigger Condition: - Read Neville's note in Melvir pub. Complete Condition: - Rescue Gian and defeat the boss in Loban Dungeons. Failing Condition: - Refuse to help Neville. Rewards: - 5000G and Jewels Chests: - Loban Dungeons: Loban Underground Map, 100G, 200G, 300G + Armor Proficiencies: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If you read the note posted in Melvir pub or talk to the police in MelvirPolice Station, you will be informed that Lord Neville is looking for you.Note that the triggering of Ailing Emperor (Quest 27) takes precedence overthis quest during ER 9-13.

Go to the Melvir Palace and visit Lord Neville. His room is to the right. Heinforms you that Gian is missing while he is investigating the Duke of Loban.If you agree to help Neville rescuing Gian, he will ask you to meet Monica wholives on the outskirts of Loban. And the password is "Rain from Eurus."

Take a left when you enter Loban and you will find Monica's house. Tell her thepassword and that Neville sent you. She will then tell you that Gian is kept inthe dungeon. Go to the house with the red charm hanging outside. In the house,insist to stay and the guard will attack you when you open up the secretpassage.

You will find Gian inside, but it is a trap! Falling into the Loban Dungeons,you and Gian decide to find an exit. If your party has an empty spot, Gian willjoin you temporarily (you can always recruit him in Melvir Palace again afterthe quest). At the end of the cave, you will have to fight three Land Serpents.Defeat them and get out of the dungeons.

After Gian has left, go back to Loban and talk to Monica for your rewards. Youwill get 5000G and a bunch of jewels.

----------------------- Event Rank 7 (ER 7) -----------------------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~21. Creepy Butterfly ER: 7 - 22 [QT021] Note: - Neville's Request (Quest 20) and Ailing Emperor (Quest 27) takes precedence over this quest. Trigger Condition:

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- Read the notice in Melvir pub. Complete Condition: - Solve the mystery about the butterfly. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - Corpse's Pendant - Noctilucence Grass - 1000G and Jewels Chests: - Mazewood (night): 100G + Jewels, Wood Spirit Proficiencies: - Mazewood (night): Find Herbs, Harvest~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Check the notice posted in Melvir pub to trigger this quest. The triggeringof Neville's Request (Quest 20) and Ailing Emperor (Quest 27) takes precedenceover this quest. You need to complete (or fail) those quests before you startthis one.

Checking the notice will bring you to the residence. Talk with the couple tolearn more about the butterfly. When you leave the house, it is already atnight. When you walk out of the residential district, you will see a butterflyand follow it to Mazewood.

In Mazewood, you are supposed to follow the butterfly. Go upward and take aleft. In the next area, you mostly only need to go straight upward and you willcome to an area with some glowing grass and a skull. Check the skull and grassto obtain Corpse's Pendant and Noctilucence Grass. Return to the residence withthese items.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~22. Test of Courage ER: 0 - 22 [QT022] Trigger Condition: - Talk to the two men in Crystal City pub. Complete Condition: - Obtain Avi's Feather. Failing Condition: - Defeat Avi during The Cyclone Shoes (Quest 40). Rewards: - Avi's Feather and Jewels Chests: - Mt. Scurve: Mt. Scurve Map, 50G, 100G, 3000G + Donkey Bone, Gold + Knight's Shield, Gold + Bone Breastplate, Gold + Bone Breastplate, Gold + Bone Breastplate, 20G + Bone Breastplate, 20G + Bone Breastplate, 500G + Weapon, 200G + Jewels, 30G + Jewels, 500G + Steel Gauntlets, Rosalian Saber Proficiencies: - Mt. Scurve: Find Chests, Pick Locks, Climb Lv.1-2 (for Quest), Climb Lv.5 (for Donkey Bone)

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In Crystal City pub, the two men by the bar are talking about getting Avi'sFeather as a test of courage. Only King Karl I of Rosalia and Prince Neidharthave ever returned with one of the feathers.

If you have access to Crystal Palace (with Albert in your party), Neidhart willtell you that you should just pick up a feather from Avi's nest and not topluck one off him. Meeting Neidhart is not a necessary step. Although it willadd a line to your quest notes, you may want to avoid meeting him if you havenot ever seen him earlier in the current playthrough, because it can adverselyaffect a later quest. See The Dragon Knight (Quest 49) for more information.

Now it's time to climb Mt. Scurve. Go forward up the slope and turn left. Keepgoing left to Hole 3. Go through Hole 3 and arrive in the Fifth Station. Thengo up a few slopes to reach Hole 6. You will arrive in the Eighth Station afterpassing through Hole 6. Climb up to the top left and you will eventually reachthe Summit. Check the Feather at the Summit to obtain Avi's Feather.

Avi will appear and ask you to help him get the Ignigarde from Pyrix, whodwells in Mt. Tomae, Ligau Isle. Agreeing to help him will activate TheIgnigarde (Quest 41). Then he will send you back to the entrance of Mt. Scurve.

If you are in need of gold, you may sell the Avi's Feather. It has no othersignificance in future events as far as I know.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~23. Monster of Mt. Tomae ER: 10 - 22 [QT023] Note: - You may start this quest at ER 0-9 after you activate The Ignigarde (Quest 41). Trigger Condition: - Talk to the bartender in Jelton pub when the town is overrun by monsters. Complete Condition: - Talk to Pyrix to stop the monsters in Jelton. Failing Condition: None Rewards: None Chests: - Mt. Tomae: Mt. Tomae Map, 100G + (Armor or Jewels), Firebeast Hide, 300G + (Weapon or Jewels), Fire Spirit Proficiencies: - Mt. Tomae: Find Chests, Disarm Traps, Find Ore, Mine, Jump Lv.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~When your ER reaches 10 or as soon as you have activated The Ignigarde(Quest 41), Jelton will be overrun by monsters. Talking to the bartender in thepub, it seems that the monsters come from Mt. Tomae.

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Exit Jelton to the Plains and take the exit indicated by an arrow at the bottomof the Plains map. When you are at the world map, choose Mt. Tomae. Work yourway down to B5 to meet with Pyrix. Pyrix indicates that the monsters attackingJelton are not under his control. To prove his good intentions, he agrees tohelp with the monster problem. He also opens up the short cut for you.

Now that you have access to Pyrix, you may perform the "Pyrix trick" to sparkmany techniques at early ER. For more information, refer to "Pyrix Trick" insection VIII. Tricks and Exploitations.

----------------------- Event Rank 8 (ER 8) -----------------------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~24. Missing Taralians ER: 7 - 22 [QT024] Note: - You may start this quest at ER 0-6 if your main character is Aisha and you were kidnapped during her introduction. Trigger Condition: - Enter the Taralian Camp with Aisha in the party. Complete Condition: - Find and talk to Aisha's grandfather, Nizam. - Obtain the fatestone Topaz. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - Topaz and Jewels - Sword of Earth Chests: - Kaklim Desert: Gold + Bone Breastplate, Gold + Weapon, Gold + Armor - Desert Ruins/Nisa Cavern: Gold + Kaklim Underground Map, Gold, Gold, Gold, 100G + (Weapon or Armor), 100G + (Weapon or Armor), 100G + (Weapon or Jewels), 100G + Jewels, 100G + Jewels, 100G + Jewels, 100G + Jewels, 100G + Jewels, Sage's Robe, Bone Breastplate Proficiencies: - Kaklim Desert: Find Chests, Pick Locks, Disarm Traps - Desert Ruins/Nisa Cavern: Find Chests, Pick Locks, Disarm Traps, Find Ore, Mine, Jump Lv.2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This quest is triggered if you visit the Taralian Camp with Aisha in your partyduring the appropriate ER. You will find the Camp empty and Aisha will berunning around calling out in Taralian for her people. Follow and talk toAisha to continue. Note that if you recruit Aisha at ER 7 or above, she willtell you that she is looking for her missing people. In that case, you will notbe able to trigger the scene above nor to get the quest notes. Nevertheless,

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you can still get the Topaz and Sword of Earth.

There is no clue on where the Taralians go. However, if you visit Avi, he willtell you that he saw a group of people going into the Kaklim Desert. This stepis not a requirement to progress the quest. You may skip it and head for theKaklim Desert directly.

If you do not have access to Kaklim Desert, talk to the kid or the man on thepaved road in Uso to unlock it. Kaklim Desert is big and you may easily getlost if this is your first time there. The best way is to first visitNorthpoint and then go to Kaklim Desert from Northpoint. Then you may hug theright wall until you reach a stream of drifting sands flowing to the right.Hop into the drifting sands and it will bring you to the Central Area where theDesert Ruins are located.

There are three entrances to the ruins and only one will lead to the correctplace, but you may explore the other two if you are looking for a few randomchests. After you enter the Central Area, hug the left edge until you come tothe ruins. Go up the slope onto the ruins and the first entrance (the hole onthe floor) you see is the right entrance.

Work your way down to B2 and you will see a big monster blocking the way. TheClawbug is quite powerful at low ER. It can attack up to two times a turn andit has 2619HP. If you have the Aerology spell Blood Curdle, it has a chance ofinflicting unconsciousness on the big bug, giving you a few free turns.

Defeat the bug and continue down to Nisa Cavern. At 1F, you will meet a tribeof people called the Terranites. If your main character is not Aisha,Jephtimith, the elder of the Terranites, will ask you to leave. Ignore him fornow and keep going down to 2F. After you defeat another Clawbug at the end of2F, you will reach Merholm, where the Taralians are hiding. Talking to Aisha'sgrandfather completes the quest.

You will find the Temple of Nisa across the bridge in Merholm. Pray to Nisa atthe altar before you take the fatestone Topaz. On your way out, talk toJephtimith and he will ask what Nisa bids you to do. Telling him you are toput a stop to Saruin, he will deem you a Great Warrior of Nisa and give you theSword of Earth.

Note that you can get the Topaz and Sword of Earth without recruiting Aishato trigger this quest. However, the quest "Missing Taralians" will not appearin your quest notes.

The exit of the Desert Central Area can be tricky to find when you visit it thefirst time. If you have trouble getting out of the Central Area, just hug theright hand side where the sands keep flowing down after you exit the ruins.

-- If You Are Playing as Aisha...When you visit the empty Taralian Camp, go into Nizam's camp and come back out.Aisha will call out in Taralian for her people to trigger the quest.

When you talk to Jephtimith, he will recognize Aisha as a Taralian and tell

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Aisha to go down to Merholm to find her grandfather.

When Aisha talks to her grandfather Nizam, he will tell Aisha the full story ofwhy the Taralians are hiding.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~25. Eule Gives a Hoot ER: 8 - 22 [QT025] Note: - You may start this quest at ER 6-7 after you complete Neville's Request (Quest 20). Trigger Condition: - Pay to sleep at an inn with Claudia in your party. Complete Condition: - Visit Eule with Claudia. Failing Condition: - Choose any option other than to accompany Claudia to Mazewood. Rewards: - Eule's Hat - Eule's Staff Chests: - Mazewood: 100G + Jewels, Wood Spirit Proficiencies: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If your main character is Claudia or if Claudia is in your party, you will hearEule calling out to Claudia when you sleep at an inn during the appropriate ER.Choose to accompany Claudia to Mazewood to continue the quest.

In Mazewood, go north and take a left. In the second area, either go north ortake a left at the first intersection. In the third area, go towards the leftuntil you see a path leading to the north. In the next area, you will findEule's house. The directions may be a bit too simple, but I am sure you willfind your way there.

When you talk to Eule, she will reveal the true identity of Claudia. After Eulepasses away, you may take the Eule's Hat and Eule's Staff.

-- If You Are Playing as Claudia...At the end of the quest, when you leave the area through the south exit, youwill trigger a short scene of Claudia saying goodbye with Sylvan and Brau.After the scene, they leave your party permanently.

If you prefer to keep Sylvan and Brau while completing this quest, you mayfirst work on Ancient Texts (Quest 26) up to the point where you need Eres'sMedallion. At ER 9 or above, visit Eule to complete this quest. Then instead ofleaving through the south, head north to the big tree. This will trigger the

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scene for Eres's Medallion. After that, you are automatically teleported to theforest entrance, keeping Sylvan and Brau with you. If later you decide to seethe scene, you can always go back to the area where Eule's hut is and leave.This will trigger the scene and cause Sylvan and Brau to leave permanently.Thanks lordbetshumeletz for the tip.

----------------------- Event Rank 9 (ER 9) -----------------------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~26. Ancient Texts ER: 0 - 22 [QT026] Trigger Condition: - After you complete Free the Gecklings (Quest 13), talk to the Geckling standing near the second house in Geckling Village. Complete Condition: - Obtain Amut's and Eres's Medallions. Failing Condition: - Favor with Amut or Cyril is at 0. Rewards: - Ancient Text - Jewels - Amut's Medallion and Jewels - Eres's Medallion and Jewels Chests: None Proficiencies: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After you have completed Free the Gecklings (Quest 13), the Geckling standingnear the second house in the Geckling Village will tell about the AncientScroll. If your main character is not Hawke, he will tell you that the scrollwas sold to a pirate named Hawke. If you go to Uso and talk to Hawke, he willoffer the scroll for 15,000 gold. However, if you have an empty spot andrecruit him into your party, you can get the scroll for free.

The scroll is in ancient language. How do we decipher it? Go to Melvir Libraryin Melvir 2F and look for the Ancient Languages section. After you have readall the books in that section, you will understand that it requires Amut's andEres's Medallions to enter Twinmoon Temple on Walon Isle. You will also receivesome jewels as a reward.

Head to Temple of Amut in North Estamir and obtain Amut's Medallion from thepriestess. Then head to the big tree in Mazewood. When you arrive at the footof the big tree past the area where Eule's hut is located, your character willautomatically call out on Cyril. If your ER is 9 or higher and your favor withCyril is at least 1, he will ask you to wait for nightfall. When night comes,go up towards the tree. Eres will appear and give you Eres's Medallion.

-- If You Are Playing as Claudia...

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Given the special relationship between Eres and Claudia, you will see a uniquedialogue between them when you are getting Eres's Medallion.

-- If You Are Playing as Hawke...When you talk to the Geckling about the Ancient Scroll, he will offer to sellyou for 10,000G. Make sure you plan ahead so that you have enough gold to buythe scroll.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~27. Ailing Emperor ER: 9 - 13 [QT027] Trigger Condition: - Talk to Sofia (the priestess) in Temple of Elore about the Emperor being ill. Complete Condition: - Obtain the Moonstone and cure the Emperor. Failing Condition: - Reach ER 14 before completing the quest. - Lose the battle to the Minion outside Twinmoon Temple. Rewards: - Choice of Espada Ropera, A'la Melvirana, or 10,000G - Moonstone and Jewels Chests: - Inner Jungle: Jungle Map, 200G + Weapon, 200G + Armor, 300G + Weapon, 1000G + (Weapon or Armor), 500G + Jewels, Gold + Jewels, Weapon, Weapon, Armor - Twinmoon Temple: Beast's Bangle, Beast's Greaves, Beast's Helm, Beast's Mail, Ring of Protection, Guardian's Ring, Stamina Drink, Alacrity Pill Proficiencies: - Inner Jungle: Find Chests, Find Herbs, Harvest - Twinmoon Temple: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~When you talk to the police in Melvir Police Station or check the notice inMelvir pub at ER 9-13, you will hear that the Emperor is ill. Go to Temple ofElore on Melvir 2F and talk to Sofia (the priestess) to trigger the quest.She suspects that someone may have placed a curse on the Emperor.

If you check the book "Powers of the Fatestones" under the Fatestones sectionin Melvir Library, it is said that the Moonstone can dispel any curse. The book"Where they are found" under the same section tells you that Moonstone islocated in Twinmoon Temple. To enter Twinmoon Temple on Walon Isle, Amut's andEres's Medallions are required. Follow Ancient Texts (Quest 26) to obtain them.

There are powerful bosses in Twinmoon Temple, make sure you are well-preparedand have enough healing spells or items. Go to the Jungle on Walon Isle andtalk to the Geckling to take the small boat to the Inner Jungle. There arethree caves in the next area. Take the rightmost one (Cave A). After goingthrough the cave, you will arrive at the entrance of Twinmoon Temple. Before

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you go near the stairs, quicksave and prepare for a tough boss battle.

As you are about to ascend the stairs, Saruin's Minion, Scorn, appears. Scorncan act up to two times a turn and he has 7000HP. He is tough at ER 9 and mostlikely he can one hit kill your characters. If you have the Topaz from MissingTaralians (Quest 24), it can make one of your characters immune to Blades ofWind. Also if you have the Aquamarine (Quest 34) and Diamond (Quest 53), theycan protect one of your characters from Hellfire and Shadow Bolt, respectively.In this battle, items seem to be a better choice than healing spells forreviving characters. From my experience, items seem to have a faster activationrate than spells, so that you can revive your allies before Scorn kill you off.(I could be wrong about the activation speed though.) Some other things toconsider include buying better armors and putting your weapons in Defense Modeso that you may have a chance to survive one hit. Some other players alsosuggested the use of techs such as ID Break or Split Cranium to lower Scorn'sINT. If you are having serious trouble against him, you may consider comingback a couple ERs later. Just keep in mind that this quest has a tight ERbound and don't wait too long.

On each level in Twinmoon Temple, you have to fight the correct type ofmonsters to unlock the movable platforms to the rooms above. After you fighta correct monster, the ground will shake and you will find one tile now havingan action prompt. On B1, you need to fight Unknowns. One room leads to theBeast's Bangle and the other leads to B2. In Twinmoon Temple, you will have tofight all the monsters in the room in order to get the treasure.

The monster type for B2 is Insect. Going clockwise from the entrance room, theother three rooms are path to B3, Stamina Drink, and Ring of Protection. Themonster type for B3 is Lizard. Going clockwise from the entrance room, thethree rooms are Beast's Greaves, path to B4, and Guardian's Ring. The monstertype for B4 is Undead. Going clockwise from the entrance room, the three roomsare Alacrity Pill, Beast's Helm, and path to B5. On B5, the platform on theleft of the screen leads to Beast's Mail, but you will have to fight a prettytough boss to get it. The platform on the right leads to Zodiac, the guardianof the fatestone. This beast has 8325HP. However, if you could defeat Scornearlier, you should not have too much trouble with this. Defeat it to obtainthe Moonstone.

Return to Melvir with the Moonstone and visit Sofia or Neville. The Moonstoneclears the curse and cures the Emperor. You can choose Espada Ropera, A'laMelvirana, or 10,000G for your reward.

After the quest, if you visit Sofia in Temple of Elore, she will tell you abouta sinister mage having a fatestone. This will trigger Isle of Evil (Quest 36).

------------------------- Event Rank 10 (ER 10) -------------------------

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~28. Constance Kidnapped ER: 9 - 17 [QT028] Trigger Condition: - You cannot activate this quest if you declined to help when presented the options during Pride of the Knights (Quest 14). - If you completed Pride of the Knights (Quest 14) with good completion, a Dominion soldier will look for and talk to you in Yeoville or Bruelle. - Or visit Lord Heinrich in Eugenstadt directly. Complete Condition: - Defeat the captors in Kidnappers' Cave and rescue Constance. Failing Condition: - Reach ER 17 before talking to Heinrich. - Reach ER 18 before completing the quest. Rewards: - 5000G and Jewels (7000G and Jewels) Chests: - Tower of Flammar: Mage's Staff, Blazing Sword, Scarlet Robe - Kidnappers' Cave: Kidnappers' Cave Map, Evil Eye Talisman, 1000G, Gold, Armor Proficiencies: - Tower of Flammar: None - Kidnappers' Cave: Find Chests, Disarm Traps~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If you completed Pride of the Knights (Quest 14) with good completion (Theodoreand Raphael had joined your party), you can meet a Dominion soldier walkingtowards you in Yeoville or Bruelle. He will tell you that Raphael has been sentto the Dungeon under Mirsaburg awaiting execution. If you did not do the questor if you offered to help but did it without Theodore and Raphael ever joining,you will have to visit Lord Heinrich directly to trigger this quest. If youdeclined to help when presented the option during that quest, you cannottrigger this quest.

You may go to the Dungeon in Mirsaburg Castle to see Raphael. Then you shouldtalk to Heinrich in Eugenstadt, if you have not done so. He will point you toLady Flammar and unlock Weiserheim on the map.

In Tower of Flammar of Weiserheim, you will see two two types of teleport pads.Keep using the same type a few times until you see Flammar. Until you open upEttinham by unlocking Auldburg (Quest 54) at ER 20 or above, this is the onlyplace you may buy the two high level Pyrology spells--Bird of Fire and Revive.Talk to her about Constance and eventually you will come to selecting betweentwo options. Pick "That must be my destiny." If you pick the other, you willnot be able to get the chests in the tower or buy spells from her anymore.Also note that after you complete this quest, Flammar will not be in her towerto sell you spells until you complete Theodore's Madness (Quest 48) at ER 18 orabove. If you want the two high level Pyrology spells, buy them now or delaythis quest to later ER.

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Knowing the whereabouts of Constance, head over to the Kidnappers' Cave. In thecave, you will see a statue and nine square floor tiles. Pushing the statue tothe top left or bottom right tile will open the doors to the two rooms withpossible chests at the left of the cave. Pushing it to the top right tile willgenerate a high level demon fight. Near the end of the game, this trap isuseful for generating the battle rank 10 demon--Ifrit. It is good for sparkinghigh level techs with. Pushing the statue to the bottom left lets you progressthe cave.

Put the statue to the bottom left tile and go to the middle room at the leftof the cave. Clicking the statue there will transport it to the other side ofthe cave. Go to the other side and you will see the statue and another ninefloor tiles. The top and bottom tiles are traps. The right tile opens the doorto the room with chest. The left tile opens the door to the boss and Constance.

In this boss battle, you will be fighting two Ogres and two Goblin Mages. Thisbattle is not too hard, but if you are doing this at ER 9, the Ogre may easilykill your characters in one hit. If you are having trouble, come back a coupleERs later and it should be more manageable.

When you are back to Mirsaburg Castle, Theodore will offer you an honoraryknighthood. Accept it and you will receive 5000G and jewels. If you keepturning it down for about 10 times, you will receive 7000G and jewels.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~29. The Soulgutter ER: 10 - 22 [QT029] Trigger Condition: - Watch the festival in Uso and talk to the Minstrel. Complete Condition: - Defeat Soulgutter. Failing Condition: - Start this quest at ER 20 of higher. Rewards: - Jewels Chests: None Proficiencies: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In my opinion, this is the most elusive quest to complete. To trigger thisquest, visit Uso and Steppes of Galessa at ER 10. Then come back to Uso one ERlater. At the shrine on the other side of the lake, you should see a festivalwhere people are circling the bon fire. Talk to the Minstrel to trigger thequest.

If you leave Uso and come back, the town will go back to normal. The left ofthe two men by the lake will tell you that he saw monsters circling the ruinsin the Steppes of Galessa. Other than that, there is nothing special going on.

Now comes the most elusive part. After you have witnessed the festival, comeback to Uso one ER later and talk to the lady by the lake near the magic shop.If she tells you that they found a dead man with no scratch by the ruins,

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congratulations and you have successfully triggered this part. Otherwise, youwill have to check back with the lady every ER and hopefully she will tell youabout the dead man some time.

Once the previous part is triggered, visit another town and return to Uso totrigger a cutscene. After that, go to the shrine to talk to the cloaked man.He will tell you about Soulgutter and how to banish him. When you are ready,head to the Steppes of Galessa to battle Soulgutter.

In this battle, you need to use stunning or stats down techs to "stall"Soulgutter. At the end of each turn that you have stalled him, you will circlearound him. If you succeed in circling around him 5 times in a row, you willwin the battle. Try forming combos to increase the chance of stun or statsdown. Furthermore, the more damage you inflict on Soulgutter, the better chanceyou will be able to circle him 5 times. Some players suggest that moving theright analog stick counterclockwise while circling Soulgutter could help. Youmay try it if you want.

Soulgutter has finite amount of HP, so it is also possible to defeat him theregular way by depleting his HP. Thanks yipviva for the tip.

After defeating Soulgutter, return to Uso and receive your jewels reward fromthe Minstrel.

------------------------- Event Rank 11 (ER 11) -------------------------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~30. Return of the Vampires ER: 10 - 22 [QT030] Trigger Condition: - Talk to the two men in Weston pub about the vampires. - You may not activate this quest if Jewel Beast has destroyed Weston. Complete Condition: - Defeat Vampire in Vampire's Den. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - Chalice and Jewels - Lovely Headdress Chests: - Vampire's Den: Vampire's Den Map, 10G, 100G + (Armor or Jewels), 30G + Bone Breastplate, 50G + Bone Breastplate, 300G + Bone Breastplate, 40G + Jewels, Chiral Clogs Proficiencies: - Vampire's Den: Find Chests, Disarm Traps~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To trigger this quest, talk to the two men in Weston pub and unlock Vampire'sDen. They mention vampires appeared in Estamir long ago.

Before going to Estamir to collect more information, you may visit Yassi to

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see something interesting. If you talk to the people, you will notice theirresponses are a bit strange. Run around in the town for awhile and the nightwill fall... and you will be in for a surprise.

In North Estamir pub, talk to the two men next to the bar. They will inform youthat St. Agnes of Amut defeated the vampires with the Chalice, which was buriedin the catacombs.

Go down to the catacombs in Estamir Tunnels and search the graves for theChalice. You may quicksave before searching a grave and reload if it is not thecorrect one. If you cannot find the Chalice, make sure you have talked to bothmen in the pub. Also note that you can only find the Chalice after this questis triggered but before it is completed. Make sure you do not miss the Chalicebecause it is a powerful item that allows you to recover the BP of your wholeparty with its Miracle Water.

Now it is time to head for Vampire's Den to put the vampires back into theirgraves. There is one fixed monster group on each of the four levels. It ispossible to bypass the ones on B2 and B3, but you should make sure you killthem all if you are interested in locking Jewel Beast's Lair and delaying thewakeup of Jewel Beast (Quest 33).

When you come to the Innermost Area, you will fight the boss Vampire. You mayuse the Holy Sparkle of Chalice to deal decent damage to him, or you can justrely on your techs/spells to take him out. You will obtain the Lovely Headdressafter you defeat him.

-- About Recharging the Chalice...Every time you use Holy Sparkle or Miracle Water, it depletes the Chalice DP.When the DP reaches 0, you cannot use it anymore. However, you can recharge itat the altar in Temple of Nisa in Nisa Cavern under Kaklim Desert. It is thesame place where you get the Topaz during Missing Taralians (Quest 24).

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~31. Water Dragon Rite ER: 10 - 22 [QT031] Trigger Condition: - If you completed Wuhan's Secret (Quest 12) and forgave Wuhan, talk to the bartender and the agent in South Estamir pub. - Or check the note in North Estamir pub and rescue the girl from the Kidnappers in the alley. Complete Condition: - Rescue the kidnapped maiden from Strom by bringing him The Raincloud Armlet (Quest 39) or defeating him. Failing Condition: - Refuse to undertake The Raincloud Armlet (Quest 39). - Challenge and lose to Strom. Rewards: - 5000G and Jewels

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- Choice of Wisteria, Battle Mage Armor, or 5000G Chests: - Sekhet Palace: Sekhet Palace Map, 500G + Jewels, Gold, Gold, Gold - Water Dragon Temple: Water Dragon Temple Map, Gold + Jewels, Elemental Staff, Weapon, Strom's Red Jewel, Strom's Blue Jewel, Strom's Green Jewel, Strom's Gold Jewel, Water Spirit Proficiencies: - Sekhet Palace: Find Chests - Water Dragon Temple: Find Chests, Pick Locks, Disarm Traps, Jump Lv.3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Check the note in North Estamir pub about a missing daughter who never returnedfrom Tarmitta to trigger the quest. Then go to the alley behind the apothecaryto rescue a girl from a bunch of Kidnappers. She will unlock Tarmitta if it isnot unlocked yet.

Alternatively, you can trigger the quest by talking to the bartender in SouthEstamir pub and the agent will bring you to see Wuhan. Wuhan tells you that hisdaughter is kidnapped and asks you to help to find her. If you killed Wuhanduring Wuhan's Secret (Quest 12), you will not be able to trigger this part.

Now head to Tarmitta and talk to the man near the apothecary. He mentions aboutthe Water Dragon Rite and unlocks Lake Malar. Pay to sleep at Tarmitta Inn. Atnight, go down the secret passage next to the bridge of the castle.

Go through Sekhet Palace to meet Tuman's Double. Defeat him and then talk tothe guards to reveal that the Water Dragon Temple is in the middle of LakeMalar.

Head to Lake Malar, hijack the boat, and sail straight to the temple. At thispoint, the door to the right is locked and you cannot go in. Go to the leftand down the corridor. When you arrive in Strom's Den, the real Tuman isoffering the maiden to Strom. After defeating the guards, you will fight withTuman. Tuman is capable of using the fusion spell Overdrive. It will end thecurrent turn and let him act five times in a row.

After the battle, you get the Strom's Ring from Tuman, but Strom refuses yourresolution of returning the ring for the girl. Choose the option "How Selfish!"and Strom will ask you to get The Raincloud Armlet (Quest 39) back from Adyllisin exchange for the girl. If you challenge Strom and lose, you will never beable to complete the quest even though it does not marked as failed. If youdefeat Strom, you can complete the quest, but you will not be able to take onAquatic Ecology (Quest 43) in the future. You will get a Mirror Shield fordefeating Strom.

After you obtain the Raincloud Armlet, return to Strom and he will release thegirl. If you talked to Wuhan at the beginning of the quest, you will get yourrewards from Wuhan--choice of Wisteria, Battle Mage Armor, or 5000G. Inaddition, you get another 5000G and a bunch of jewels. If you did not talk toWuhan, you will get 1000G and jewels from the girl (Thanks RayWing (Maipawa)

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for the tip).

-- If You Are Playing as Jamil...If you trigger this quest with Wuhan, Jamil will ask Wuhan to pay upfront andyou will get some extra gold. (I do not remember the exact amount. It wasprobably about 2,000G.) And you will still get the same rewards after youcomplete the quest.

------------------------- Event Rank 12 (ER 12) -------------------------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~32. The Assassins' Guild ER: 12 - 22 [QT032] Trigger Condition: - Talk to the bartender and the agent in South Estamir pub. Complete Condition: - Defeat the Assassin Leader and company in Assassins' Guild. Failing Condition: - Unlock the "real" Darque in Who Am I? (Quest 52). Rewards: - Jewels Chests: - Thieves' Guild: 3000G, Berserker's Bew, Bitter Medicine, Flameproof Gloves, Talent Booster - Assassins' Guild: 500G, 1000G, 1000G, 1000G, 300G + Jewels, Silent Greaves, Evil Eye Talisman Proficiencies: - Assassins' Guild: Disarm Traps~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At ER 12 or above, talk to the bartender and the man in South Estamir pub totrigger this quest. The Thieves' Guild asks for your help in destroying theAssassins' Guild. If you agree to help, they will allow you to take all thechests in the Guild.

Then if you sleep in South Estamir Inn, you will be attacked by an assassin.If you visit Farah, you will see a scene of her mom attacking you. Eitherevent will unlock the location of the Assassins' Guild. Furthermore, after theevent in Farah's house, you will be able to recruit Farah. (You cannot recruitFarah if your main character is Jamil.)

Head to the Assassins' Guild in Kjaraht. To get to the guild headquarters, youneed to follow the lights on the floor. The following are the sequences forgetting to different rooms.

Room with chests: Up Up Up LeftCeremonial Chamber: Up Up Up Right Up Right Up UpHeadquarters Room: Up Up Up Right Up Right Up Down Left Up Up

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At the headquarters, You will need to fight the Assassin Leader, two Assassins,and two Mage Assassins. Use multi-target attacks or concentrate on taking outthe Assassins or Mage Assassins first.

You will receive jewels reward after the battle. A Minion appears, but you donot need to fight him at this time. If Jewel Beast has not woken up, the Minionwill mention about it and Jewel Beast's Lair will be unlocked. Refer to TheJewel Beast (Quest 33) for more information.

-- If You Are Playing as Jamil...If you let Dowd leave your party earlier in the game, Jamil will have a uniquescene when he sleeps in South Estamir Inn.

------------------------- Event Rank 13 (ER 13) -------------------------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~33. The Jewel Beast ER: 10 - 22 [QT033] Trigger Condition: - Complete Aquatic Ecology (Quest 43) and talk to Strom before the Jewel Beast wakes up. Complete Condition: - Defeat the Jewel Beast. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - Bejeweled Ring Chests: - Jewel Beast's Lair: Jewel Beast's Lair Map, 3000G + Jewels, Bejeweled Ring Proficiencies: - Jewel Beast's Lair: Climb Lv.1, Jump Lv.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This is one of the hardest quest to trigger in this game. Going through JewelBeast's Lair is no trivial matter either. It requires a lot of planning,preparations, and patience.

Normally, the Jewel Beast wakes up at ER 14, leaves its lair at ER 15, andstarts ravaging the Frontier at ER 16. It will destroy one settlement per ERuntil it reaches Weston and parks there. The awaked Jewel Beast can easily wipeout your party if you are not prepared. It always uses an attack called JewelBlaster on the second turn and most of the time it can kill off your wholeparty. After that, every now and then it will use Jewel Blaster again. When itis near dead, it may even use it every other turn. One way to tackle JewelBlaster is the use of Revive or Phantom Warrior. Another way is to build upyour characters' defense to a high level and have them defend during the second

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turn, in hope that they can survive. The Jewel Beast has 30,000HP.

To save the Frontier, it is possible to delay the ER at which the Jewel Beastwakes up, but it is no easy task. First, you need to defeat all fixed/scriptedbattles in Frontier during Unsettling Settlement (Quest 8), the Fiends of Saoki(Quest 17), and Return of the Vampires (Quest 30). Here is a list of fixedmonsters you should fight during those quests:

Yassi Cavern: Two Slimes and Sea SerpentSaoki Cavern: Two War Beasts, Five Greater Zombies, and Three Butterflies.Vampire's Den: Three Vampire's Minions, Two Vampire's Minions, Three Vampire's Minions, Werewolf, and Vampire

Then you will need to unlock the Jewel Beast's Lair. There are two ways:1. Complete Assassins' Guild (Quest 32) by ER 13.2. Complete Aquatic Ecology (Quest 43) by ER 13*.

* It is possible to unlock Jewel Beast's Lair at a ER later than 13 if you start the ecology quest before 13 but complete it after 13. However, there is little point in unlocking it after ER 13 since Jewel Beast would have left the lair already.

Given the short ER range and the large number of monsters to kill in ecologyquest, the second way is hard. It is a lot easier to unlock the lair with thefirst method. However, the first method will not unlock this quest into thequest notes. Only the second method will put this into the quest notes. Checkthe last paragraph of this quest for a way to unlock the lair easily whilegetting the quest notes.

To actually delay the wake up of Jewel Beast, you need to defeat the fixedmonsters inside Jewel Beast's Lair. There are four pillars and a fifth group ofCockatrices and Petrified Beasts. Each pillar consists of a Lamia and fourZombie Dragons. For each group you defeat, you will delay Jewel Beast'sawakening by 1 ER, up to a maximum of 5 ERs. In other words, you may delay itfrom ER 14 to ER 19 if you defeat all four pillars as well as the fifth group.Note that you have to defeat the first pillar by ER 13. Then you need to killone more each successive ER thereafter. Of course, you can kill all of them byER 13 if you so choose. Also if you want to fight the sleeping Jewel Beast,make sure you do so by ER 18 as it will wake up at ER 19.

Now the problem is how to kill the pillars (Lamia + 4 Zombie Dragons). Withoutproper preparations, they are almost impossible to defeat at ER 13. If Lamiauses Shock Wave, most likely you will not even survive the first turn. In thefollowing, I will give some possible ways to defeat them:

1. Make one character a Rosalian Mage. Synthesize Overdrive with the character and put the Chalice on him/her. Buy some Talent Blasters in Crystal City and put them on a different character. On the first turn, use a Talent Blaster on the Rosalian Mage (alternative, you can use the Miracle Water from the Chalice) to fill up the BP. Then cast Overdrive in the second turn, use the Holy Sparkle on Chalice 3-4 times during Overdrive will kill off all the Zombie Dragons.

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2. Have one or more Imperial Scholars synthesizing Bird of Fire + Mindblast or Rosalian Mages synthesizing Bird of Fire + Mindblast + Energy Bolt. This will give a more powerful Bird of Fire with less BP cost. Make sure they have some levels in Pyrology and Demonology to reduce the BP cost. Then have another character using the Holy Sparkle of Chalice normally. The Zombie Dragons should die after 3-4 shots of Bird of Fire or Holy Sparkle.

3. Have one or more archers keep using Maiming Volley in hope that they will go before the Zombie Dragons and snare them from their Trample attacks. Or if you have polearm/lance users, you can try Reaper to stun them. Then buy the best armors for one or two characters and use them as tanks. Put them in the front to defend. The rest of the characters can use Holy Sparkle or some other damaging multi-target attacks.

The above are just some suggestions. There could be more and better ways todefeat the pillars. Nevertheless, you may have to soft reset quite a number oftimes before you can take them out.

If you succeed in getting down the lair before the Jewel Beast wakes up, youcan fight it while it is sleeping. You can take off about 8000-10,000 out of30,000HP for free before it wakes up. Moreover, it will rarely use JewelBlaster, if it uses it at all. In fact, I have fought the sleeping Jewel Beasta number of times, but I have yet to see it use Jewel Blaster once.

As I mentioned, unlocking the Jewel Beast's Lair through Assassins' Guild doesnot create the quest notes while unlocking it through Aquatic Ecology is noteasy. However, you may try the following. First, you should unlock the lairthrough Assassins' Guild by ER 13. Then defeat all the pillars as well as theCockatrice group in the lair. This should delay the wake up of Jewel Beast toER 19. If you complete the Aquatic Ecology and talk to Strom before ER 19, youshould be able to get the quest notes. Thanks killerb255 for this information.

------------------------- Event Rank 14 (ER 14) -------------------------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~34. Find the Aquamarine ER: 11 - 15 [QT034] Trigger Condition: - Talk to Prince Neidhart. Complete Condition: - Find the Aquamarine and give it to Prince Neidhart. Failing Condition: - Reach ER 16 before getting the Aquamarine. Rewards: - Aquamarine and Jewels - Choice of Halberd, Field Plate, or 8000G Chests: - Aquamarine Cave: Aquamarine Cave Map, Gold, 300G, 300G, Gold + Weapon, Gold + Stone Axe, 100G + Jewels, 500G + Jewels, Armor

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Proficiencies: - Aquamarine Cave: Find Chests, Disarm Traps, Find Ore, Mine, Jump Lv.1-2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To trigger this quest, you need to recruit Albert in order to enter CrystalPalace. Talk to Prince Neidhart and he will ask you to look for the Aquamarinefor him. Note that you can get the Aquamarine without triggering this quest.

If you intend to keep the Aquamarine and have not ever seen Neidhart earlier inthe current playthrough, you should avoid talking to Neidhart, because it willadversely affect a later quest. See The Dragon Knight (Quest 49) for moreinformation.

If you do not have Crystal Lake unlocked, talk to the people in the pub or thelady near the second bridge at the Main Street. On the lake, there are twoguard boats. You will be sent back to town if they catch you. There are fourAquamarine Caves and the Aquamarine is located in Cave D. Look for ripples onthe Lake. Hit the action button when the boat is over the ripples to enter thecaves. Cave D is located somewhere between the starting location of the twoguard boats.

When you are in Cave D, go straight forward until you come to Cave E. Avoid thesmoke coming out of the statues. You will get a game over if you hit the smoke.Take a right after passing the three statues. Then turn left when you are atthe middle of the next six statues. Go to the end and touch the blue light.

This takes you back to Cave D. The doors open and the Aquamarine is in a roomnot far from you. Prepare yourself as you will soon fight the guardian ofthe fatestone, Ghost Ship. This boss has 6,800HP but it is susceptible tostatus ailments such as paralysis, unconsciousness, and even instant death.Take advantage of that and you can beat it as early as ER 7 or 8.

If you return the Aquamarine to Neidhart, you can choose Halberd, Field Plate,or 8000G for your reward, but you will lose the Aquamarine permanently in thisplaythrough. After returning the Aquamarine, visit Neidhart again with an emptyspot in your party and he will offer to join you.

Having triggered the quest or not, you need to get the Aquamarine before ER 15or someone else will beat you to it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~35. Pirate Invasion ER: 14 - 22 [QT035] Note: - You may start this quest at ER 9-13 after you complete Ailing Emperor (Quest 27). Trigger Condition: - Enter Melvir at ER 16 or above. - Or break into the Pirates' Hideout in Melvir Sewers and then sleep

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at the inn before ER 16. Complete Condition: - Defeat Great Sky Dragon. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - 10,000G and Jewels Chests: - Pirates' Hideout: 5000G + Jewels, Rigid Leather, Gothic Axe, Sailor's Bandana, Gold + Golden Blade - Elizabeth Palace: Rapier, Antique Dagger, Throwing Axe, Ogre's Eye, Quarterstaff, Pike Proficiencies: - Elizabeth Palace: Disarm Traps~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Normally, the Pirate Invasion starts when you enter Melvir at ER 16 or above.However, you will get the most out of this quest if you break into the Pirates'Hideout in Melvir Sewers at ER 14-15. In fact, you may do it as early asER 9-13 after you have completed Ailing Emperor (Quest 27).

At the appropriate ER before ER 16, head down to Melvir Sewers through the doornext to the Police Station. Go straight after the first turn. At the end, youwill hear faint pirate's chanting from behind the door. Choose to break thedoor and defeat the pirates in the hideout. Get the treasures and go back tothe Melvir Police Station to report the pirates' plan of attack. Note thatbreaking into the hideout and reporting to the police are required to unlockPirate Coast after the quest.

Now before ER 16, sleeping at the Melvir Inn will trigger the pirate invasion.After you come out of the inn, head to the dock and fight Butcher. Butcher has9999HP. Defeat him and head back to Melvir.

The next objective is to save the Emperor. However, if your party is in goodshape, you may go down to Melvir Sewers and visit the Mysterious Temple beneaththe Temple of Elore. It is at the top left arrow of the sewers map. You willfind the priest of Saruin there. When you confront him, you will get into achain battle with a Greater Devil, a Cyclops, and the Priest of Saruin.

Now go to the Palace. Find your way to the throne room on 2F. Your next bossis Great Sky Dragon, which has 8984HP. Defeat it to save the Emperor. You willbe rewarded 10,000G and a bunch of jewels.

After you defeat Great Sky Dragon and receive you rewards, if you go back tothe Mysterious Temple in Melvir Sewers, you will find the Minion Scorn there.At this point he should be pretty easy.

If you had broken into the Pirates' Hideout and reported the attack to thepolice before the invasion, you can now find a pirate hiding in the hideout.Talk to him and he can bring you to Pirate Coast. This is a requirement forrecruiting Captain Silver.

-- If You Are Playing as Hawke...After beating Butcher at the dock, you can find a ship nearby at the dock. You

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may hop on it and chase after Butcher. After some scenes, you will eventuallyget to fight Butcher and his buddy monster. Settle it once and for all. Youwill receive a Salty Bandana for defeating Butcher. However, you will missthe rest of the quest and rewards.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~36. Isle of Evil ER: 9 - 18 [QT036] Trigger Condition: - Talk to Sofia (the priestess) in Temple of Elore after you complete Ailing Emperor (Quest 27). Complete Condition: - Defeat Ewei to obtain the fatestone Emerald. Failing Condition: - Return to Yeoville from Isle of Evil before completing the quest. - Reach ER 19 before completing this quest. Rewards: - Emerald and Jewels. Chests: - Isle of Evil: 2000G + Jewels, 2000G + Jewels, 2000G + Jewels, Elemental Staff Proficiencies: - Isle of Evil: Pick Locks, Disarm Traps, Jump~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Visit Sofia (the priestess) in Temple of Elore after you have completed AilingEmperor (Quest 27), she will tell you that a sinister mage in Isle of Evil hasa fatestone. If you head to the dock that is near the pub in Yeoville and talkto the lady there. She will talk about the old man at the end of the dockhaving been to the Isle of Evil.

Speaking with the old man gives you the option to sail to Isle of Evil. Notethat talking to Sofia is required to trigger this part. Therefore, you cancomplete this quest only after you have completed Ailing Emperor. Also notethat once you go to the Isle of Evil, you will fail the quest if you return toYeoville before completing it.

The Isle of Evil is pretty straight forward. Just watch your steps on thosemoving stairs. If you fall out of the stairs, you will be sent back to theprevious platform. At 3F, you have to touch all 6 pedestals to open up the wayat the north. However, the "fire ball" will shoot at you when you get close.You will have to start over if it touches you. After you open up the way, usethe teleport pad and it will sends you back to the beginning of 2F. Repeat thesame path two more times to get to 4F.

You will meet the sinister mage Ewei inside the room. After some talking, youwill get to fight him and his "meat shields." Note that if you have reachedER 19, Ewei will run away and you will not be able to get the Emerald, thusfailing the quest.

In the battle with Ewei, he has two "meat shields" in front of you. You have tokill the meat shields before you can damage Ewei, unless you use multi-target

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attacks. Moreover, the meat shields will regenerate in a couple turns after youkill them. Therefore, it is a good idea for multiple characters to have multi-target attacks. You may weaken the meat shields in the first turn. Then usefixed battle order in the second turn and have the first char use a multi-target attack to take them out. The rest of the characters can then concentratetheir attacks on Ewei. Let them form a combo if possible to reduce the chanceof being blocked by his Aegis. After you defeat Ewei, you will get the Emeraldand a bunch of jewels.

-------------------------------- Event Ranks 14-22 (ER 14-22) --------------------------------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~37. Silver's Treasure ER: 0 - 22 [QT037] Trigger Condition: - Talk to the Geckling near the Geckling Village entrance after you complete Free the Gecklings (Quest 13). - Or talk to the pirate at the left end of Pirate Coast. Complete Condition: - Defeat Silver Dragon to obtain the fatestone Opal. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - Opal and Jewels Chests: - Inner Jungle: Jungle Map, 200G + Weapon, 200G + Armor, 300G + Weapon, 1000G + (Weapon or Armor), 500G + Jewels, Gold + Jewels, Weapon, Weapon, Armor - Silver's Cave: Cap. Silver's Cave Map, 500G, 600G, 700G, 800G, 900G, 1000G, Gold, 1000G + Weapon, 3000G + Silver Hammer, 1000G + Protector, 1500G + Stone Clogs, 100G + Jewels, 100G + Jewels, 2000G + Jewels, Raw Ore Ring, Raw Ore Ring, Candy Ring, Animal Coin Proficiencies: - Inner Jungle: Find Chests, Find Herbs, Harvest - Silver's Cave: Find Chests, Find Traps, Disarm Traps~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You can trigger this quest by talking to the Geckling near the Geckling Villageentrance after you have completed Free the Gecklings (Quest 13) or by talkingto the pirate at the far left in Pirate Coast. If you trigger by the firstway, talk to the Geckling chief to receive a Geckling's Map. This mapsupposedly shows the path leading to Silver's Treasure, but I never understandit to find it useful.

Head to the Jungle and take the boat to the Inner Jungle. Both Cave B and CaveC can lead to Silver's Cave. If you take Cave C, follow the first right path

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and you will come out to the East Area. Then keep moving towards the left untilthe entrance to Silver's Cave appears.

In Silver's Cave, go right at the first intersection and remove the trap wallwith Find Traps proficiency. Follow the path to B2. If you want the map, it isat the opposite side of B1 behind a trap wall. B2 is filled with traps at theintersection and around the chests. You will lose LP if you step on one, so becareful. At B3, go to the right and defeat the fixed monsters. Then you willcome to an area with a number of chests. Open, and disarm if needed, all thechests before you proceed. Do the same for the next room.

In this last room, you will fight the Silver Dragon. It can be hard at earlyER. If you have trouble, you may consider coming back a few ERs later. TheSilver Dragon has 8000HP. It usually starts off the battle with Breath ofLightning which hits an area. If your party is weak, you may try defending thefirst round so that you can survive. The Silver Dragon can drop the polearmKhellendros, but it is very rare and may require a lot of resets to get it.

After you defeat the Silver Dragon, you can get the fatestone Opal from thealtar. Moreover, you will now be able to recruit Captain Silver if you havePirate Coast unlocked during Pirate Invasion (Quest 35). She may not be thereyet if you go right away. Give it some game time for her to spawn.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~38. The Mine Assaulted ER: 14 - 22 [QT038] Trigger Condition: - Talk to the man in the open area outside the Depository in Aurefont. - Or talk to the police at Melvir Police Station. - Or enter the assaulted Aurefont Mine. Complete Condition: - Defeat all 10 monsters in Aurefont Mine. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - 15,000G to 30,000G and Jewels Chests: - Aurefont Mine: Aurefont Mine Map Proficiencies: - Aurefont Mine: Find Ore, Mine~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If you go to Aurefont at ER 14 or above, the mine will be attacked by monsters.You can trigger this quest by talking to the man at the open area outside theDepository in Aurefont, by talking to the police in Melvir Police Station, orby simply entering the mine. Your objective is to defeat all 10 monsters inthe mine and rescue the miners.

After fighting the Beastman in B1, you can go either left or right. To theright you will see the Gold Dragon. However, if you go to the left, you caneventually come back out from behind the Dragon to ambush it. Ambushing it willcause it not to use its Breath attacks at the first turn.

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The path should be straight forward until you have come to B2-B. Go throughthe level and take the last elevator down to B3-B. Follow the path and youwill eventually come back to B1 behind the Gold Dragon. At this point, youshould have killed 8 monsters.

Ambush the Dragon and defeat it. If you have already defeated the SilverDragon, this one should be easy. The Gold Dragon always drops Pure Gold, whichcan sell for over 1000G. You can take advantage of this to make some money.Check the "Gold Dragon Trick" in section VIII. Tricks and Exploitations formore information. After you defeat the Dragon, go left to take out the lastmonster.

There are 15 miners in the mine. Rescue all of them before you leave the mineto get the full 30,000G reward. The following table lists the number ofminers at each area:

Area Number of Miners--------------------------- B1 4 B2-A 2 B2-B 3 B2-C 2 B3-A 2 B3-B 2---------------------------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~39. The Raincloud Armlet ER: 10 - 22 [QT039] Trigger Condition: - Agree to retrieve the Raincloud Armlet for Strom during Water Dragon Rite (Quest 31). Complete Condition: - Obtain the Raincloud Armlet and give it to Strom. - Or defeat Strom. Failing Condition: - Challenge and lose to Strom. Rewards: - Completion of Water Dragon Rite (Quest 31). Chests: - Bayre Plateau: Bayre Plateau Map, 100G + (Weapon or Jewels), Armor 100G + (Weapon or Jewels), 300G + Jewels, Weapon, - Great Pit: Great Pit Map, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, 150G, 300G, 500G, 2000G, 100G + Weapon, 100 + (Weapon or Jewels), 100G + Armor, 100G + (Armor or Jewels), 100G + Jewels, 1000G + Jewels, Composite Bow, Stone Brigandine, Weapon, Armor, Earth Spirit Proficiencies: - Bayre Plateau: Find Chests, Find Ore, Mine, Climb Lv.2-4 - Great Pit: Find Chests, Pick Locks, Climb Lv.1-3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After you defeat Tuman during Water Dragon Rite (Quest 31), Strom refuses to

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exchange the girl back for his ring. If you pick the option "How Selfish!",Strom will ask you to retrive the Raincloud Armlet from Adyllis, who dwells inthe depths of Great Pit under Bayre Plateau.

If you do not have Bayre Plateau, talk to the lady to the right of the dockentrance in Bruelle to unlock it. Go to Bayre Plateau and find the cave leadingto Great Pit. A lot of people have had trouble locating Adyllis in Great Pit.I will try my best to explain the directions.

To get to Adyllis, follow the path down and do not enter any caves. After youhave passed 5 cave entrances, you should come to a point where the path splitsup. Take the left and keep going down. Hug the wall and eventually you willsee a cave to the right. That cave is the Innermost Area where Adyllis resides.

In exchange for the Raincloud Armlet, Adyllis asks you to get her the CycloneShoes (Quest 40) from Avi. If you so choose, you can get the Raincloud Armletforcefully by defeating Adyllis, but you will not be able to take on the InsectEcology (Quest 44) in the future.

If you are at ER 20 or above and have the neutral ending quest Auldburg(Quest 54) unlocked, you can buy the Raincloud Armlet in Ettinham for 30,000G.

Return the Raincloud Armlet to Strom to complete this quest as well as theWater Dragon Rite. Or you can defeat Strom to complete this quest. You willget a Mirror Shield for defeating him, but you will not be able to take onAquatic Ecology (Quest 43) in the future.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~40. The Cyclone Shoes ER: 0 - 22 [QT040] Trigger Condition: - Talk to Adyllis in the Innermost Area of Great Pit. Complete Condition: - Obtain the Cyclone Shoes and give them to Adyllis. - Or defeat Adyllis. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - Raincloud Armlet and Jewels. Chests: - Mt. Scurve: Mt. Scurve Map, 50G, 100G, 3000G + Donkey Bone, Gold + Knight's Shield, Gold + Bone Breastplate, Gold + Bone Breastplate, Gold + Bone Breastplate, 20G + Bone Breastplate, 20G + Bone Breastplate, 500G + Weapon, 200G + Jewels, 30G + Jewels, 500G + Steel Gauntlets, Rosalian Saber Proficiencies: - Mt. Scurve: Find Chests, Pick Locks, Climb Lv.1-2 (for Quest), Climb Lv.5 (for Donkey Bone)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~When you meet with Adyllis in the Innermost Area of Great Pit, she will ask

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you to help her borrow the Cyclone Shoes from Avi, who lives on Mt. Scurve. Fordirections of how to get to Adyllis in Great Pit, check the Raincloud Armlet(Quest 39).

Climb the Mt. Scurve and meet Avi on the Summit. Check the Test of Courage(Quest 22) if you need directions to the Summit. Avi will ask you to get theIngigarde (Quest 41) in exchange for the Cyclone Shoes. If you so choose, youcan get the Cyclone Shoes forcefully by defeating Avi, but you will not be ableto take on the Beast Ecology (Quest 45) in the future.

If you are at ER 20 or above and have the neutral ending quest Auldburg(Quest 54) unlocked, you can buy the Cyclone Shoes in Ettinham for 30,000G.

After you get the Cyclone Shoes, give it to Adyllis and she will give you theRaincloud Armlet (Quest 39) in return. Or you can defeat Adyllis to completethis quest. You will get the Raincloud Armlet for defeating her, but you willnot be able to take on Insect Ecology (Quest 44) in the future.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~41. The Ignigarde ER: 0 - 22 [QT041] Trigger Condition: - Talk to Avi on the Summit of Mt. Scurve. Complete Condition: - Obtain the Ignigarde and give it to Avi. - Or defeat Avi. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - Cyclone Shoes and Jewels Chests: - Mt. Tomae: Mt. Tomae Map, 100G + (Armor or Jewels), Firebeast Hide, 300G + (Weapon or Jewels), Fire Spirit Proficiencies: - Mt. Tomae: Find Chests, Disarm Traps, Find Ore, Mine, Jump Lv.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~When you meet with Avi on the Summit of Mt. Scurve, he will ask you to help himborrow the Ignigarde from Pyrix, who dwells in Mt. Tomae.

To open up Mt. Tomae on Ligau Isle, you will have to complete Monster of Mt.Tomae (Quest 23) first. Once it is open, venture down Mt. Tomae to meet Pyrix.In exchange for his Ignigarde, he asks you to get him the Ice Sword (Quest 42).If you so choose, you can get the Ignigarde forcefully by defeating Pyrix, butyou will not be able to take on the Plant Ecology (Quest 46) in the future.

If you are at ER 20 or above and have the neutral ending quest Auldburg(Quest 54) unlocked, you can buy the Ignigarde in Ettinham for 30,000G.

After you obtain the Ignigarde, bring it to Avi and he will give you theCyclone Shoes (Quest 40) in return. Or you can defeat Avi to complete this

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quest. You will get the Cyclone Shoes for defeating him, but you will not beable to take on Beast Ecology (Quest 45) in the future.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~42. The Ice Sword ER: 0 - 22 [QT042] Trigger Condition: - Talk to Pyrix in the Core of Mt. Tomae. Complete Condition: - Obtain the Ice Sword and give it to Pyrix. - Or defeat Pyrix. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - Ignigarde and Jewels Chests: None Proficiencies: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After you complete Monster of Mt. Tomae (Quest 23) and meet with Pyrix in theCore of Mt. Tomae, he will ask you to bring him the Ice Sword.

If you have ever checked the weapon shop (New Road Weapons) in Altours, youwould notice that they have an Ice Sword for 20,000G. Once you have collected20,000G, go back to the shop. If Galahad is not in your party, the shopkeeperwill inform you that someone else has bought the Sword already. Leave the shopand talk to the lady right outside. She will tell you Galahad has bought theSword. Go into the shop or pub and come back out, you should now see Galahadshowing off his new weapon at the town entrance near the pub. Galahad standsbehind the building on the left side of the entrance, so you will have to beclose to see him.

Let's talk to Galahad. If you have an empty spot in your party, he will joinyou and you can get the Ice Sword for free. Otherwise, you can choose to killhim to get the Ice Sword. Killing him greatly increases your favor with Saruin.It increases the favor by 100 if Galahad has never been in your party or by200 otherwise. If you are planning to get the Evil ending quest The Netherworld(Quest 56), you should get Galahad into your party and then kill him off duringthis event. However, you should leave the killing part to as late in the gameas possible. It is because the favor may decrease between the time you kill himand the time you trigger the ending quest.

If you are at ER 20 or above and have the Neutral ending quest Auldburg(Quest 54) unlocked, you can buy the Ice Sword+1 in Ettinham for 30,000G.

Once you have obtained the Ice Sword, return to Mt. Tomae. Give it to Pyrix andhe will give you the Ignigarde (Quest 41) in return. Or you can defeat Pyrix tocomplete this quest. You will get the Ignigarde for defeating him, but you will

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not be able to take on Plant Ecology (Quest 46) in the future.

-- Galahad Does Not Join Me...If Galahad is holding the Ice Sword but refuses to join you, there are a fewpossibilities. Thanks RayWing (Maipawa), killerb255, and Cory Wray for theinformation.1. You do not have an empty spot in your party.2. You have 99 items in your inventory.3. Your favor with the Evil Gods is above 200.4. The quest "The Ice Sword" has not been triggered yet.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~43. Aquatic Ecology ER: 10 - 22 [QT043] Trigger Condition: - Talk to Strom after you complete Water Dragon Rite (Quest 31) and the Raincloud Armlet (Quest 39). Complete Condition: - Get Aquatic monsters to the top of the list. Failing Condition: - Trigger the possessed form of Strom, Slask. Rewards: - Serpentbrand and Jewels Chests: - Water Dragon Temple: Water Dragon Temple Map, Gold + Jewels, Elemental Staff, Weapon, Strom's Red Jewel, Strom's Blue Jewel, Strom's Green Jewel, Strom's Gold Jewel, Water Spirit Proficiencies: - Water Dragon Temple: Find Chests, Pick Locks, Disarm Traps, Jump Lv.3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After you have completed Water Dragon Rite (Quest 31) and the Raincloud Armlet(Quest 39), return to the Water Dragon Temple and talk to Strom to trigger thisquest. Strom will ask you to increase the number of Aquatic monsters. Yourobjective is to bring the Aquatics to the top of the list.

Before you start the quest, you may find the door to Strom's Den closed, butyou now have access to the inner area through the door to the right of thetemple entrance. You will have to find all four Strom's Jewels and put theminto the statues in the room before Strom's Den to open the door. If you havethe Faerie's Grove (Quest 6) fully activated and know about the Spirits, youwill also find the Water Spirit in there. Make sure you get the Water Spiritbefore you put the four Jewels into the statues. Once you put all four Jewelsin, the door leading to the inner area will be locked. In the Cascade, takethe first left and then take the second left to reach B2. On this level, youcan find Strom's Green and Gold Jewels. Go back to the Cascade. Take the firstleft again and go all the way to the end to reach B3. On this level, you canfind Strom's Blue Jewel and the Water Spirit. Go back to the Cascade again.This time go all the way to the end and take the last left. Then take thesecond right to get Strom's Red Jewel.

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For Aquatic Ecology, the monsters in Lake Malar and the Water Dragon Templecount towards the quest. You should be able to find all monster types in thetemple.

Complete the quest and you will get the Serpentbrand. Note that you will failthis quest if you trigger the possessed form of Strom, Slask. Defeating Slaskgives you the axe Chaosbringer. Check the section "Triggering the possessedform of the elemental lords..." below for more information.

If the Jewel Beast has not waked up yet, Strom will tell you about it when youreturn to visit him after completing this quest. It will unlock Jewel Beast'sLair. Refer to the Jewel Beast (Quest 33) for more information.

-- About Ecology...In Melvir Library, there is a book on the ecology talking about the food chainand feeding relationships between different type of monsters. You may check itout if you want. Basically, if monster type A feeds on monster type B, youshould actively kill monster type A to let type B flourish. If you want type Ato flourish, then you should spare some type B so that type A has something tofeed on. You may follow the book if it helps, but I usually just killeverything other than the type I want to raise and it works fine for me.

-- Triggering the Possessed Form of the Elemental Lords...If you completed the ecology quest for an elemental lord in a previousplaythrough, you may trigger that lord's evil form if you do its ecology questat ER 18 or above. These are the criteria for triggering the evil form:

1. Completed the ecology quest at least once for an elemental lord in previous playthroughs.2. In current playthrough, activate the same ecology quest.3. Visit a town at ER 18 or above after you have activated the ecology quest.4. Go back to visit the elemental lord. He will be possessed and turn evil.

When the elemental lords turn evil, you are forced into battle with them.Defeating the evil lords will give you unique axes that are retrospective tothe bosses in previous SaGa games. Unlike the original elemental lords, losingto the evil ones will be game over.

If you had done an ecology quest in previous playthrough but still want tocomplete it again in the current playthrough at ER 18 or above, you mayactivate the quest and then complete it without going back to town. As long asyou do not visit a town after triggering the quest, the lord will not turnevil. Here are the steps:

1. Activate the ecology quest by talking to the lord.2. Do not visit any town until you complete the quest.3. Go back and forth between different areas to respawn the monsters if needed. - Aquatic Ecology: Water Dragon Temple <-> Lake Malar - Insect Ecology: Great Pit <-> Bayre Plateau - Beast Ecology: Mt. Scurve <-> Crystal Lake/Aquamarine Caves - Plant Ecology: Plains <-> Mt. Tomae

Note that you can replenish your proficiency points at Crystal Lake by

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equipping/unequipping the proficiencies. This is especially useful when youneed to climb up Mt. Scurve to check the rankings with Avi.

If you want to complete more than one ecology quests after ER 18, you may do itone by one. For example, activate the first ecology quest and complete itwithout going back to town. After you are done, go back to town to recover.Then activate the second one and complete it without going back town. The samegoes for the third and the fourth.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~44. Insect Ecology ER: 0 - 22 [QT044] Trigger Condition: - Talk to Adyllis after you complete the Cyclone Shoes (Quest 40). Complete Condition: - Get Insect monsters to the top of the list. Failing Condition: - Trigger the possessed form of Adyllis, Kyllis. Rewards: - Serpent Staff and Jewels Chests: - Bayre Plateau: Bayre Plateau Map, 100G + (Weapon or Jewels), Armor 100G + (Weapon or Jewels), 300G + Jewels, Weapon, - Great Pit: Great Pit Map, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, 150G, 300G, 500G, 2000G, 100G + Weapon, 100 + (Weapon or Jewels), 100G + Armor, 100G + (Armor or Jewels), 100G + Jewels, 1000G + Jewels, Composite Bow, Stone Brigandine, Weapon, Armor, Earth Spirit Proficiencies: - Bayre Plateau: Find Chests, Find Ore, Mine, Climb Lv.2-4 - Great Pit: Find Chests, Pick Locks, Climb Lv.1-3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After you have completed the Cyclone Shoes (Quest 40), return to the Great Pitand talk to Adyllis to trigger this quest. She will ask you to increase thenumber of Insect monsters. Your objective is to bring the Insects to the top ofthe list. Check the section "About Ecology..." under the quest Aquatic Ecology(Quest 43) for more information.

For Insect Ecology, the monsters in Bayre Plateau, Great Pit, and Melvir Sewerscount towards the quest. You should be able to find all monster types in thePit. However, if you have trouble finding Aquatics, you can try Melvir Sewers.

Complete the quest and you will get the Serpent Staff. Note that you will failthis quest if you trigger the possessed form of Adyllis, Kyllis. DefeatingKyllis gives you the axe Destroyer. Check the section "Triggering the possessedform of the elemental lords..." under Aquatic Ecology (Quest 43) for moreinformation.

Just an interesting piece of information. If you return to visit Adyllis after

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you complete this quest, you will see the Minstrel sing to Adyllis.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~45. Beast Ecology ER: 0 - 22 [QT045] Trigger Condition: - Talk to Avi after you complete the Ignigarde (Quest 41). Complete Condition: - Get Beast monsters to the top of the list. Failing Condition: - Trigger the possessed form of Avi, Gigavi. Rewards: - Feather Spear and Jewels Chests: - Mt. Scurve: Mt. Scurve Map, 50G, 100G, 3000G + Donkey Bone, Gold + Knight's Shield, Gold + Bone Breastplate, Gold + Bone Breastplate, Gold + Bone Breastplate, 20G + Bone Breastplate, 20G + Bone Breastplate, 500G + Weapon, 200G + Jewels, 30G + Jewels, 500G + Steel Gauntlets, Rosalian Saber Proficiencies: - Mt. Scurve: Find Chests, Pick Locks, Climb Lv.1-2 (for Quest), Climb Lv.5 (for Donkey Bone)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After you have completed the Ignigarde (Quest 41), return to Mt. Scurve andtalk to Avi to trigger this quest. He will ask you to increase the number ofBeast monsters. Your objective is to bring the Beasts to the top of the list.Check the section "About Ecology..." under the quest Aquatic Ecology (Quest 43)for more information.

For Beast Ecology, the monsters in Mt. Scurve and the Aquamarine Caves counttowards the quest. On Mt. Scurve, only Hole 4 can spawn Aquatic monsters. Ifyou cannot find enough to kill, you can try the Aquamarine Caves.

Complete the quest and you will get the Feather Spear. Note that you will failthis quest if you trigger the possessed form of Avi, Gigavi. Defeating Gigavigives you the axe Epic Hero. Check the section "Triggering the possessed formof the elemental lords..." under Aquatic Ecology (Quest 43) for moreinformation.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~46. Plant Ecology ER: 0 - 22 [QT046] Trigger Condition: - Talk to Pyrix after you complete the Ice Sword (Quest 42). Complete Condition: - Get Plant monster to the top of the list. Failing Condition: - Trigger the possessed form of Pyrix, Pyrocanis.

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Rewards: - Axe of Kings and Jewels Chests: - Mt. Tomae: Mt. Tomae Map, 100G + (Armor or Jewels), Firebeast Hide, 300G + (Weapon or Jewels), Fire Spirit Proficiencies: - Mt. Tomae: Find Chests, Disarm Traps, Find Ore, Mine, Jump Lv.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After you have completed the Ice Sword (Quest 42), return to Mt. Tomae and talkto Pyrix to trigger this quest. He will ask you to increase the number ofPlant monsters. Your objective is to bring the Plants to the top of the list.Check the section "About Ecology..." under the quest Aquatic Ecology (Quest 43)for more information.

For Plant Ecology, the monsters in the Plains and Mt. Tomae count towards thequest.

Complete the quest and you will get the Axe of Kings. Note that you will failthis quest if you trigger the possessed form of Pyrix, Pyrocanis. DefeatingPyrocanis gives you the axe Cosmo Egg. Check the section "Triggering thepossessed form of the elemental lords..." under Aquatic Ecology (Quest 43) formore information.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~47. The Underwater Temple ER: 17 - 22 [QT047] Trigger Condition: - Complete Stolen Nymphs (Quest 18). - Talk to Marina in any coastal town. Complete Condition: - Defeat Guardian and obtain the fatestone Black Diamond. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - Black Diamond and Jewels - Nymph's Bangle Chests: - Underwater Temple: Underwater Temple Map, Yucomb's Trident, Blue Elf, Gold Ring, Silver Ring, Pearl Ring, Jewels Proficiencies: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After you have completed Stolen Nymphs (Quest 18), Marina will appear incoastal towns again at ER 17 or above. When you talk to her, she will ask youto do a favor for her. If you agree, you will be brought to the UnderwaterTemple. You will not be able to return until you finish the quest.

The temple is rather straight forward. However, watch out for holes on thefloor. If you are careless, you will drop back to the level below. Pay specialattention to the holes at the center of the first room on 2F and the fourthroom on 3F. You cannot see them until it is too late, due to camera angle.

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The two fixed battles on 2F and 3F should be easy. On 4F, you will need tofight the Guardian. It has 12,000HP and its defense is high. Nevertheless, itshould not be too tough at this ER. After defeating it and getting the BlackDiamond, go back to 1F to head out. You can take advantage of the holes to getdown to 1F quickly.

Is this quest too easy? When you get out of the temple, Saruin's Minion Strifewill come and try to take your fatestone. Show him your power and kick him backto the Abyss.

When you are back on land, you will receive the Nymph's Bangle from Marina.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~48. Theodore's Madness ER: 18 - 22 [QT048] Trigger Condition: - Complete Constance Kidnapped (Quest 28) before ER 18. - Talk to the Dominion soldier in Yeoville or Bruelle. - Or talk to Lord Heinrich in Eugenstadt directly. Complete Condition: - After defeating Ifrit, receive the fatestone Ruby from Lady Flammar. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - Constance's Key - 10,000G - Ruby and Jewels Chests: - Mirsaburg Castle: Pike, Spear, Reinforced Bow - Pagan Ruins: Pagan Ruins Map, 666G, 3000G, Gold, Gold, Gold, 100G + Armor, 100G + Weapon, Phantom Sword, Raksha Sword, (Weapon or Jewels), (Weapon or Jewels) Proficiencies: - Mirsaburg Castle: Pick Locks - Pagan Ruins: Find Chests, Pick Locks, Disarm Traps~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If you have completed Constance Kidnapped (Quest 28), a Dominion soldier willlook for you in Yeoville or Bruelle at ER 18 or above. He will tell you thatLord Theodore has laid siege to Weiserheim. Go to Eugenstadt to talk to LordHeinrich for more information.

After talking to Heinrich, go to Raphael's Chamber on 2F and talk to Constance.She will give you the Constance's Key, which allows you to enter MirsaburgCastle from the back door. Also, from this point on, you can recruit Raphaelif your party has an empty spot.

In Mirsaburg, go to the alley behind the Crystal Cartel shop and get intoMirsaburg Castle through the back door. Find your way to Theodore's Chamberson 3F. Read the map there to unlock Pagan Ruins.

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Pagan Ruins 1F has four doors and each door has a statue in front of it. If youenter the doors whose statues are facing away from the door, you will get to3F, where you can find some chests. But it is also filled with monsters. If youenter the door whose statue is facing towards the door, you will get to one ofthe areas on 2F. Which area you get to depends on the number of lit candles on1F. To increase the number of lit candles, simple go straight forward on 1F.When you leave 1F from the top, you will be sent back to the bottom and thenumber of lit candles will increase by one. To get to where Theodore is, lightall 6 candles and go to 2F.

The boss at Pagan Ruins is the Red Dragon and it has 14,000HP. Similar to theSilver Dragon and Gold Dragon, it usually starts off the battle with itsBreath attack. The Red Dragon can drop the lance Malystrix, but it is very rareand may take many soft resets to get it. After you defeat the Dragon and cometo the large circle room, you will see a lot of Theodores! The real one isindicated by the direction the statue is facing.

Now that you know the Theodore at Weiserheim is an impostor, go to Weiserheimand you will face the last boss of this quest--Ifrit. Ifrit has auto self-immolation. If you hit it with a contact attack, the damage will be reflected.So it is a good idea to use ranged or non-contact attacks. However, if you areshort on decent ranged attacks, you may try this. Use fixed battle order andhave the first character use a weak regular attack to dissipate its shield.Then the other characters can follow with powerful techs. Remember that theshield will go back online next turn, so you have to do the weak attack everyturn to take its shield offline. Ifrit has only 9574HP.

After the battle, you will be back to the Castle. Tell Flammar that you areready to face Saruin and receive the fatestone Ruby.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~49. The Dragon Knight ER: 18 - 22 [QT049] Trigger Condition: - Have Raphael or an empty spot in your party. - Talk to Lord Heinrich in Eugenstadt after completing Theodore's Madness (Quest 48). Complete Condition: - Perform the Dragon Vortex during the battle with Dragon Knight. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - Templar's Shield and Jewels - Mirsa's Armor and Jewels Chests: - Drachenvale: 600G + Jewels, Gold Proficiencies: - Drachenvale: Find Chests, Find Ore, Mine~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After you have completed Theodore's Madness (Quest 48), visit Lord Heinrichwith Raphael or an empty spot in your party. He will ask Raphael to go to the

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Dragon's Court to see Dragon Knight. Agree to help Raphael to start this quest.

Go through Drachenvale to reach Dragon's Court. When you meet Dragon Knight,you will go into a battle with him. Dragon Knight will not attack you, but towin the battle, you have to perform the Dragon Vortex.

Here is some advice for the Dragon Vortex. Put the first character in the frontrow, the second in the middle row, and the third in the last row. Use fixedbattle order to have them act from front to back. They should use techs (orspells) of the same type (e.g. all dash attacks or all non-dash attacks). Makesure those techs can form a combo. You can set the other two characters todefend so that they don't interfere.

Upon the success in performing the Dragon Vortex, you complete the quest. Youwill receive jewels as your reward and you will also find the Templar's Shieldin your inventory. If you have ever seen Neidhart earlier in the currentplaythrough, whether it was a mandatory cutscene or not, Neidhart will come tokill Dragon Knight. If you want to recruit Dragon Knight or get Mirsa's Armor,you should either avoid seeing Neidhart at all or recruit him into your partybefore doing this event. Then Neidhart will not come to kill Dragon Knight.

If Dragon Knight is not killed by Neidhart after the Dragon Vortex event, youmay go back to town and return here to trigger the next part. Note that youmust have an empty spot in your party to trigger it. When you return, you willsee Dragon Knight fighting the Minion Spite. Join Dragon Knight to defeatSpite. After the battle, you can get Mirsa's Armor and Dragon Knight will stayin your party. You cannot dismiss Dragon Knight through the Minstrel; however,if you LP-kill him, you will not be able to recruit him again.

Just an extra piece of information. If you visit Constance in EugenstadtCastle after Theodore's Madness, she will give you the Talisman, which protectsagainst unconsciousness and instant death. Furthermore, choosing the firstoption during the conversation will have a small effect on the ending.

-- If You Are Playing as Albert...When you obtain Mirsa's Armor, Albert will have a costume change.

-- If You Are Playing as Sif...After the battle with Dragon Knight, Sif will ask him how to restore theglimmer of the Dragon's Eye. Then you will be brought into a battle with aSilver Dragon. The Dragon's Eye will be restored after you defeat the Dragon.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~50. Frozen Lake Faerie ER: 0 - 22 [QT050] Trigger Condition: - Revived a character through Death in Netherworld or reached ER 22. - Talk to the Frozen Lake Faerie in front of Frosthold Fortress. Complete Condition:

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- Take the lock of hair and throw it into the lake in Nisa Cavern. Failing Condition: None Rewards: - Jewels Chests: None Proficiencies: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In order to talk to the Frozen Lake Faerie, you first need to revive acharacter through Death in the Netherworld or to reach ER 22. When therequirement is met, an action prompt will appear if you go to the entrance ofthe Frosthold Fortress. The Frozen Lake Faerie will ask you to take her lockof hair and drop it into the legendary lake under Kaklim Desert.

Take the lock of hair and bring it to Merholm in Nisa Cavern. When you are onthe bridge before the Temple of Nisa, you should now see an action prompt. Hitthe button to throw the hair into the lake to complete the quest. You may referto Missing Taralians (Quest 24) for directions to Merholm.

After completing this quest, the ice covering the Frosthold Fortress will meltand the Fortress will now be accessible.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~51. Frosthold Fortress ER: 0 - 22 [QT051] Trigger Condition: - Revive a character through Death in Netherworld. Complete Condition: - Obtain the fatestone Obsidian Sword and defeat the Minion Spite outside Frosthold Fortress. Failing Condition: - Lose to Spite. - Hand over the Obsidian Sword to Spite. Rewards: - Obsidian Sword and Jewels Chests: - Frosthold Fortress: Frosthold Fortress Map, Gold + Weapon, Gold + Jewels, Ogre's Cleaver, Chain Mail, Ring of Protection Proficiencies: - Frosthold Fortress: Find Chests, Pick Locks, Disarm Traps~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To trigger this quest, you need to revive a character through Death in theNetherworld. Death will then tell you that there is a powerful weapon in theFrosthold Fortress. Although you can still access the Fortress at ER 22 withoutreviving a character, you do not get the quest notes this way.

The Frosthold Fortress is located in Shiverland. Before you can access theFortress, you have to complete the Frozen Lake Faerie (Quest 50) first. Whenyou come back, the Fortress will defrost, allowing you to go in.

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Or if you are really in a hurry to access the Fortress, it is possible to skipFrozen Lake Faerie. You can decline to help the faerie. Then when you walk backto Shiverland, the Fortress will defrost. Thanks Valorous for the tip.

Inside the Fortress, you will see the Red Mage. Although he is the onlycharacter who can use Sorcery and Necromancy spells, beware if you let thisshady character join you. On your way down, you will see two candle puzzles.In each puzzle, changing all candles to the same color will open a gate. Changethem to different color to open all the gates. Note that, however, you do notneed to complete the puzzles or open any gate to progress the quest.

Find your way down to 1F. In the Statue Room, you will have to defeat Frieleiand her pet to get the Obsidian Sword. After the battle, if you have an emptyspot in your party, you can ask Frielei to join you. This is the only chance torecruit Frielei. And later if you let her leave your party, you will not beable to get her back again.

Backtrack to the entrance. When you leave the Fortress, the Red Mage will askyou to hand over the Obsidian Sword. He is actually the Minion Spite. Defeathim and show him who is the boss.

Special Quests [RS523] ==================

There are two quests that require more than one playthrough to trigger orcomplete. You need to meet certain requirements in the first playthrough beforeyou can trigger Who Am I? (Quest 52) in subsequent playthroughs while anUnlucky Woman (Quest 53) requires at least three playthroughs to complete.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~52. Who Am I? ER: 0 - 22 [QT052] Trigger Condition: In a previous playthrough: - Complete Assassins' Guild (Quest 32). - Defeat the Minion Scorn during Ailing Emperor (Quest 27), Pirate Invasion (Quest 35), or An Unlucky Woman (Quest 53). - Talk to Death in Netherworld. In current playthough: - Recruit Darque. Complete Condition: - Recruit the "real" Darque in the headquarters of Assassins' Guild after unlocking Darque's memories. - Or recruit Aldora after unlocking Alora's memories. Failing Condition: - Fail to recruit the "real" Darque. Rewards: - Darque's Sword

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- Or Wizard's Ring and Jewels Chests: None Proficiencies: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To unlock this quest for future playthroughs, you need to complete Assassins'Guild (Quest 32), defeat the Minion Scorn during Ailing Emperor (Quest 27),Pirate Invasion (Quest 35), or An Unlucky Woman (Quest 53), and talk to Deathin the Netherworld in a playthrough. If you have met all these conditions, youwill see a cutscene of the Minion talking with Death at the very beginning whenyou start a new char. The only exception is that if you have also unlockedNeidhart's opening scene, it will override Darque's unless your new characteris Aisha.

After you have seen the cutscene, you will be able to recruit Darque in most ofthe towns to trigger this quest. Darque will regain some of the memories whenhis DEX/INT hits 16, 22, 30, and 40. You will see the scenes when you go totown. As he regains memories, his Assassin class (DEX) and Wizard class (INT)levels will increase. The class levels are 2 at 22 DEX/INT, 3 at 30 DEX/INT,and 4 at 40 DEX/INT.

To unlock the "real" Darque, you need to get his DEX to 50. He will then leavethe party and run back to the Assassins' Guild. Go to the Assassins' Guildheadquarters and talk to him. Invite him to fight Saruin together. Darque willget to level 5 Assassin and you will get the Darque's Sword.

To unlock Aldora, you need to get Darque's INT to 40 before his DEX gets to 50.After you have seen the memory scene of 40 INT, head to the Netherworld andtalk to Death. You will now have the option to go to the Purgatory. Work yourway down to the 1000th level and a scene will trigger at the end. Darque willawaken as Aldora and leave your party. Pick up the Wizard's Ring and go back toa town. Show Aldora the ring to recruit her again. Aldora is now a level 5Wizard.

If you complete the game with Aldora in the final party, you will see Aldora'soriginal sprite in the ending. However, you will NOT be able to use that spritein future playthroughs. In fact, Darque will go back to his amnesia form andyou will have to go through the quest again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~53. An Unlucky Woman ER: 2 - 22 [QT053] Trigger Condition: - Talk to Schiele in a pub. Complete Condition: - Defeat Schirach in Shadow Palace Failing Condition: - Reach ER 12 before triggering the scene where Schirach awakens. Rewards:

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- Diamond and Jewels Chests: - Shadow Palace: Astral Coat, Black Robe, Miracle Drug Proficiencies: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This quests requires at least three playthroughs to complete. In your firstplaythrough, you may see a woman named Schiele being pestered by a few men in apub. Talk to them to see a cutscene. After that, exit and reenter the pub.Schiele should now be gone. Talk to the bartender to fully trigger this quest.

The earliest you can start this quest is ER 2. After triggering the quest, lookfor Schiele in a pub and talk to her every two ER until ER 11. You will not beable to find her at ER 12 or above. So in the first playthrough, you can talkto her at most 5 times. In subsequent playthroughs, Schiele will start toappear in the pub at ER 3. Again, talk to her every two ER until ER 11.

You will have to talk to Schiele for a total of 12 times in 12 different pubsto progress the quest. After you talk to her in a pub, she will not appear inthe same pub again. So you may want to keep track of the pubs where you havealready talked to her. Here is the list of pubs Schiele can be in:

1. Altours 2. Aurefont3. Jelton 4. Mirsaburg5. North Estamir 6. Northpoint7. Oapu 8. South Estamir9. Tarmitta 10. Weiserheim11. Weston 12. Yeoville

Schiele will only tell you to go away when you talk to her the first few times.Then starting at about the fifth time, she will tell you a sad story each time.At the 12th time, she will take you out for a walk. After a short cutscene, theMinion Scorn will appear. This Scorn is strong and he can act up to 4 times aturn. Given the limited ER, it is hard (but not impossible) to beat him.Whether you win or lose, Scorn will take the fatestone Diamond from Schiele.Without the Diamond, Schirach awakens. In the end, you will get the Diamond.

After Schirach has awakened, visit the Temple of Schirach in Estamir Tunnels B2at ER 19 or above. When you talk to the priest, Schirach will come to open up aportal and invite you to her Shadow Palace. If this scene does not trigger, trygoing to town and come back.

The Shadow Palace is straight forward. To get the Black Robe and Astral Coat,you need to defeat the monsters guarding them. At the end of the Palace, youwill face Schirach. Schirach has 42,000HP and she is deadly for her ability toinflict status ailments such as sleep and charm. Good protection against statusailments and/or sonic waves can be a key to victory.

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Ending Quests [RS524] =================

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~54. Auldburg ER: 20 - 22 [QT054] Trigger Condition: - Hear the tale "Giants and Auldburg" from the Minstrel before completing Trials of Elore (Quest 55) or The Netherworld (Quest 56). Complete Condition: - Talk to the elder Giant in Ettinham. Failing Condition: None Rewards: None Chests: - Auldburg: Auldburg Map, 100G, 100G, 500G, 300G + (Armor or Jewels), 5000G + Armor, Donkey Bone, Cyril's Bracers, Ultra Balm, (Weapon or Jewels), (Weapon or Jewels), (Armor or Jewels) Proficiencies: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If your favors with Elore, Saruin, Death, and Schirach are all below 200, youwill unlock this quest when you talk to the Minstrel at ER 20 or above,provided that you do not have "Face Saruin" in your quest notes yet. TheMinstrel will tell you the story "Giants and Auldburg."

If you did not but want to trigger this quest, check the topic "Unlocking AllThree Ending Quests" under Miscellaneous Topics for more information on how tochange favor.

To unlock Auldburg, talk to the kid near the road in Uso. In the first roomof Auldburg, you will see two statues. Turn them to face each other to open thedoor. Now take the left at the second room. On 2F and 3F from this side of thecastle, you will find two Castle Guardians. Defeat them to unlock two statuesat the center and right rooms on 1F. If you make these two statues facing eachother, the door at the top right room on 1F will open. The Water Well therewill lead to Ettinham. Before you go, you may want to go up to 2F from theright side and defeat the third Castle Guardian. This will unlock a statue atthe left room on 1F. Making that and the center statue facing each other willopen the door to the throne room. Inside you will find a chest with 5000G andan armor.

Now go through the Water Well to reach Ettinham. At this point, the Giants willnot provide you any service. To complete the quest, you need to talk the elderGiant on a lookout tower. The Giant will tell you Saruin's location. This willalso unlock Face Saruin (Quest 57) in your quest notes.

After the talk, you can now use the shops in Ettinham. Furthermore, you canuse the Ettin Falls to go back to the outside world without going throughAuldburg.

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Note that there is no quest notes for this quest. The tale "Giants andAuldburg" marks the beginning of this quest while the trigger of "Face Saruin"marks the completion of this quest.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~55. Trials of Elore ER: 20 - 22 [QT055] Trigger Condition: - Hear the tale "Heroes and Gods at War" from the Minstrel before completing Auldburg (Quest 54) or The Netherworld (Quest 56). Complete Condition: - Defeat all 12 bosses in Trials of Elore. - Talk to Elore at the top of the Trials. Failing Condition: - Complete Auldburg (Quest 54) or The Netherworld (Quest 56) before taking on the Trials of Elore. Rewards: None Chests: - Trials of Elore: Trials of Elore Map, Metis' Manifer, Eres' Bow, Main Gauche Proficiencies: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Regardless of your favor with any other gods, if your favor with Elore is 200or above, you will unlock this quest when you talk to the Minstrel at ER 20 orabove, provided that you do not have "Face Saruin" in your quest notes yet. TheMinstrel will tell you the story "Heroes and Gods at War."

One of the easiest ways to increase your favor with Elore is to buy Cosmologyspells from Temple of Elore in Melvir. You get one favor point for every 200Gyou spend there, so 20,000G should guarantee access to the trials. For moreinformation on changing favor, check the topic "Unlocking All Three EndingQuests" under Miscellaneous Topics.

To reach Trials of Elore, go to Steppes of Galessa and use the exit on the leftof the map. When you are at the Sun's Altar, "light stairs" will appear. Ascendthe stairs to start the Trials. Once you start, you cannot return to the worlduntil you complete it.

There are 12 bosses in Trials of Elore. Their HP are listed below: Ogre Champion - HP 7355 Frozen Corpse - HP 9333 Grendel - HP 9353 Zaratan - HP 13,118 Irminsul - HP 15,575 Juscony - HP 12,435 Dinosaur - HP 7000 Destroyer - HP 10,000 Amul Amut - HP 14,569 Wyrmfounder - HP 12,674 Arastle - HP 11,574 Gold Dragon - HP 18,000

From what I read on the message board, Amul Amut seems to be the boss mostpeople have problem with. Amul Amut has high AGI, giving it a high evasionrate. On top of that, it uses Starlight, which can block your attacks. The best

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way to tackle that is to form combos. Only the last attack in a combo can missor be blocked. For example, if you form a 5-person combo, the first 4 attackswill always hit. So you may want to play with your techs to figure out somecombos beforehand. Then during the battle, use fixed battle order to pull outthose combos. Amul Amut is not that hard if you can actually get in some hits.

After you defeat all the bosses, go to the end of the Trials and talk withElore. He will tell you where Saruin is located and the quest Face Saruin(Quest 57) will be unlocked in your quest notes. Note that although it seemsthat you can skip certain bosses in the Trials, you must defeat all 12 bossesor Elore will not appear.

Note that there is no quest notes for this quest. The tale "Heroes and Gods atWar" marks the beginning of this quest while the trigger of "Face Saruin"marks the completion of this quest.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~56. The Netherworld ER: 20 - 22 [QT056] Trigger Condition: - Hear the tale "A Tale of Death" from the Minstrel before completing Auldburg (Quest 54) or Trials of Elore (Quest 55). Complete Condition: - Ask Death for the location of Saruin. Failing Condition: None Rewards: None Chests: - Netherworld: Netherworld Map, Gold, Gold, Gold Proficiencies: - Netherworld: Jump Lv.0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If your favor with Elore is below 200 and your favor with Saruin, Death, orSchirach is 200 or above, you will unlock this quest when you talk to theMinstrel at ER 20 or above, provided that you do not have "Face Saruin" in yourquest notes yet. The Minstrel will tell you the story "A Tale of Death."

One of the easiest ways to get a lot of favor points with Saruin is to killGalahad for the Ice Sword (Quest 42); otherwise, you may have to rely onpulling out a lot of Pillar vortexes. However, killing Galahad still does notguarantee getting The Netherworld. To increase the chance, it helps to leavethe killing to when you are ready to trigger the ending quest. For moreinformation on changing favor, check the topic "Unlocking All Three EndingQuests" under Miscellaneous Topics.

After hearing the tale about Death, visit Pyrix in Mt. Tomae and he will letyou access the door at the back of his chamber, which leads to the Netherworld.At the end of Netherworld, you will meet Death. Asking him where Saruin is willunlock Face Saruin (Quest 57) in your quest notes.

There are a few possible options when you talk to Death. You may sacrifice the

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life of a comrade for the Sword of Death or the Hauberk of Death. If there isany sacrificed character or any other character who died as part of a quest orthe story, you may revive him/her through Death. However, the cost is losingone LP on your main character permanently. Another option appears during thequest Who Am I? (Quest 52). After you get Darque's INT to 40 and witness thememory scene, you can ask Death to show you the Purgatory. Lastly, you canchallenge Death to a battle. In fact, this is a good way to spark some techslater in the game. You do not get a game over if you lose. Instead, you willonly be kicked out of his room. However, watch out for your LP since quite afew of Death's attacks can damage LP. Note that after defeating him, you cannotfight him again. Defeating or losing to Death affects the quest notes and yourfavor with him. Other than that, it does not affect anything else in the game.

A quest notes topic named "The Netherworld" is triggered upon meeting withDeath. However, this quest will never be marked completed even if you havetriggered Face Saruin or have defeated Death.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~57. Face Saruin ER: 20 - 22 [QT057] Trigger Condition: - Complete Auldburg (Quest 54). - Or complete Trials of Elore (Quest 55). - Or complete the Netherworld (Quest 56). Complete Condition: - Defeat Saruin. Failing Condition: None Rewards: None Chests: - Quietus: Talent Blaster, Warrior's Elixir, Mummy's Elixir Proficiencies: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~When you talk to the elder Giant in Ettinham, complete Trials of Elore, or askDeath where Saruin is, this quest will be unlocked. You will be informed thatSaruin is imprisoned in Isthmus.

When you are ready to face Saruin, head to Isthmus Cavern. You will find theentrance to Quietus at the end of the cave. The monsters in Quietus do notchase you, so you can easily avoid them to conserve LP. On each level, a Minionis guarding a treasure. You can skip them if you do not want the treasures. Infact, when you get to 4F, you will have to fight again the Minions you defeatedindividually earlier in the dungeon. So if you have defeated all three of themto get all the treasures, all three Minions will gang up on you. This can bequite a challenge for a moderately prepared party.

The final boss awaits you at 5F. After some whining and talking, you will haveone last chance to change your equipments and quicksave. Then it is time forthe big showdown.

Saruin has two forms. The first form should be relatively easy. One thing to

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watch out is that his Empty Glimmer attack hits all the characters in the frontrow. So you may want to keep only one character at the front. After he takesabout 8000-10,000 damage, he will change to the second form. You will noticethat your attack and healing powers are greatly reduced. This is due to thepillars around. Each time you attack him (or he attacks you), one pillar willbreak. The less pillars are around, the more damage or healing both parties cando. Every so often (about 4-8 turns), Saruin will use Rain of Blades and throwall the pillars on you. Then he will replenish all the pillars. If you canattack enough times to deplete all the pillars before he uses Rain of Blades,he will only replenish the pillars and no attack will occur.

If you are having trouble with Saruin, here are a few suggestions:

1. Get the moonstone. Equip it on a character and keep him dead so that Saruin would waste turns trying to Animate Dead him but fail.

2. Buy high defense armors such as Field Plates, Fashionable Helms, Conqueror Gloves, and Leg Mails for your characters. Then switch their weapons to Defense mode. They should now take a lot less damage.

3. If you have a Rosalian Mage, have him/her synthesize Overdrive. When needed, cast it to heal up the whole party.

4. Use pyrology spell Flame of Life or synthesis spell Song of Souls to cast regen on your party members. With reduced healing power during his second form, regen is very useful. Second Wind can also be used for the regen.

-- About New Game Plus...After the ending, you will have the chance to make a Completed Game Data. Youcan load from this save to start a new game plus. In a new game plus, theapothecary and shop clout levels are carried over. Data about certain questssuch as Who Am I? (Quest 52) and an Unlucky Woman (Quest 53) are also carriedover. Classes that your characters have ever changed to are unlocked and youcan choose them as your next main character's starting class. Moreover, youwill earn more jewels from the quests, making it easier and easier to get highlevel classes.

-- If You Are on Your Second or Later Playthroughs...When you are walking past the pool-like thingy on Quietus 4F, you will feel astrange presence. If you choose to check it out, you will be brought to theFatestone Chamber. There are ten fatestone altars in the chamber. For eachfatestone you offer up, Saruin will become more powerful. If you offer up all10 fatestones, you will be fighting the ultimate 10FS Saruin, who can act upto 4 times a turn. If you are up for a real challenge, try it out.

Note that you may notice some fatestones are already on the altars. If you didnot get certain fatestones or if you lost the fatestones to the Minions duringthe game, they will be offered up automatically.

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VI. Characters [RS600]


Section A gives a list of characters in this game. Section B gives the detailsof and information on recruiting each character.

----------------------------- A. List of Characters [RS610] =============================

This section lists all playable characters with their default classes, maximumLP, and BP. The percentage under BP indicates the amount of BP that thecharacter starts with at the beginning of a battle. It is a percentage ofthe character's current max BP. Next to the percentage is a number with aplus sign ('+'). It indicates the maximum BP Regen when the character has amax BP of 50 or above.

Main Characters [RS611] ===================

Character Name Default Class Max LP BP Index------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Albert Frontier Guard 12 30%/+6 [CH001] Aisha Herbalist 10 30%/+6 [CH002] Gray Swordsman 11 40%/+5 [CH003] Claudia Ranger 17 20%/+7 [CH004] Jamil Thief 12 50%/+5 [CH005] Sif Valhallan Warrior 12 40%/+5 [CH006] Hawke Pirate 14 50%/+5 [CH007] Barbara Entertainer 12 40%/+6 [CH008]

Other Named Characters [RS612] ==========================

Character Name Default Class Max LP BP Index------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brau None 13 30%/+4 [CH009] Darque (Aldora) Assassin 10 30%/+5 [CH010] Diana Rosalian Lancer 11 30%/+5 [CH011] Dowd None 17 20%/+6 [CH012] Dragon Knight Draconite 5 40%/+4 [CH013]

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Farah None 16 40%/+5 [CH014] Frielei Castle Knight 8 40%/+4 [CH015] Galahad Rosalian Officer 18 40%/+4 [CH016] Gian Imperial Knight 12 50%/+4 [CH017] Guella Ha Geckling Knight 16 30%/+5 [CH018] Herman Trader 18 30%/+5 [CH019] The Minstrel Bard 16 40%/+5 [CH020] Myriam None 13 30%/+5 [CH021] Neidhart Rosalian Lancer 10 40%/+4 [CH022] Patrick None 12 50%/+4 [CH023] Raphael None 10 30%/+5 [CH024] Red Mage Red Mage 19 20%/+4 [CH025] Captain Silver Draconite 7 40%/+4 [CH026] Sylvan None 10 30%/+5 [CH027] Theodore Castle Knight 17 60%/+3 [CH028]

Mercenaries [RS613] ===============

Character Name Default Class Max LP BP Index------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amazon None 3 50%/+4 [CH029] Bafal Fighter Imperial Knight 4 40%/+4 [CH030] Dominion Knight Castle Knight 4 40%/+4 [CH031] Kjaraht Soldier None 4 40%/+4 [CH032] Pirate Pirate 4 40%/+4 [CH033] Soldier A Frontier Guard 4 40%/+4 [CH034] Soldier B Frontier Guard 4 40%/+4 [CH035] Sorcerer None 3 50%/+4 [CH036] Sorceress None 3 50%/+4 [CH037] Valhallan Warrior Valhallan Warrior 4 40%/+4 [CH038] Warrior None 3 50%/+4 [CH039]

---------------------------------- B. Details and Recruitment [RS620] ==================================

Main Characters [RS621] ===================

Albert [CH001]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Frontier Guard Max LP: 12 BP: 30%/+6Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA C C B B D D B B E BEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: YesRecruit Locations: Isthmus Keep 2F, Crystal City pub, Altours pub

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Recruit Requirements: - Cannot be recruited if Diana is in your party.

Aisha [CH002]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Herbalist Max LP: 10 BP: 30%/+6Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA D B E E C C C C A BEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: YesRecruit Locations: South Estamir pub, Tarmitta pub, Weston pubRecruit Requirements: None

Gray [CH003]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Swordsman Max LP: 11 BP: 40%/+5Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA C C C C C C C C C CEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: YesRecruit Locations: Melvir pub, Aurefont pub, Altours pubRecruit Requirements: None

Claudia [CH004]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Ranger Max LP: 17 BP: 20%/+7Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA A B B B B B E E D DEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: YesRecruit Locations: Melvir pub, Aurefont pub, Altours pubRecruit Requirements: None

Jamil [CH005]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Thief Max LP: 12 BP: 50%/+5Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA C C D D A A B B E CEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: YesRecruit Locations: Altours pub, Bruelle pub, Tarmitta pub, Yeoville pubRecruit Requirements: - Cannot be recruited if Dowd is in your party, except under a specific condition. See the topic "Getting Jamil, Dowd, and Farah in the Same Party" under the section Miscellaneous Topics for more information.

Sif [CH006]

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Valhallan Warrior Max LP: 12 BP: 40%/+5Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA C C A A B B D D E CEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: YesRecruit Locations: Crystal City pub, Altours pubRecruit Requirements: None

Hawke [CH007]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Pirate Max LP: 14 BP: 50%/+5Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA B C C C A A C C D EEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: YesRecruit Locations: Uso pubRecruit Requirements: None

Barbara [CH008]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Entertainer Max LP: 12 BP: 40%/+6Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA C C B B C C E E D AEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: YesRecruit Locations: Northpoint pub, Uso pub, Crystal City pub, Altours pub, North Estamir pub, South Estamir pub, Tarmitta pub, Weston pubRecruit Requirements: None

Other Named Characters [RS622] ==========================

Brau [CH009]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: None Max LP: 13 BP: 30%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA A C A A D D E E C BEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: NoRecruit Locations: MazewoodRecruit Requirements: - Starts in the party if Claudia is the main character. - Cannot be recruited by other main characters. - Leaves the party permanently after Eule Gives a Hoot (Quest 25).

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Darque (Aldora) [CH010]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Assassin Max LP: 10 BP: 30%/+5Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA E C E E A A A A A EEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: Yes (except the true Darque)Recruit Locations: All towns except South EstamirRecruit Requirements: - Trigger Who Am I? (Quest 52) and witness Darque's Opening Scene. - Cannot recruit Darque if Neidhart's Opening Scene plays in the current playthrough unless your main character is Aisha.

Diana [CH011]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Rosalian Lancer Max LP: 11 BP: 30%/+5Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA D C C C A A E E B CEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: YesRecruit Locations: Oapu, GodongoRecruit Requirements: - Cannot be recruited if Albert is in your party.

Dowd [CH012]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: None Max LP: 17 BP: 20%/+6Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA B B D D E E D D A BEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: No (Yes for main characters other than Jamil)Recruit Locations: South Estamir (Slave Trader's House)Recruit Requirements: - Starts in the party if Jamil is the main character. - Cannot be recruited by other main characters unless certain requirements are satisfied in Jamil's game. Check the topic "Recruiting Dowd with Characters other than Jamil" under the section Miscellaneous Topics for the specific requirements. - Cannot be recruited if Jamil is in your party.

Dragon Knight [CH013]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Draconite Max LP: 5 BP: 40%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA E D A A C C A A D EEarliest Recruit ER: 18Re-recruitable: NoRecruit Locations: DrachenvaleRecruit Requirements:

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- After completing Theodore's Madness (Quest 48), talk to Lord Heinrich in Eugenstadt Castle with Raphael or an empty spot in your party to trigger the Dragon Knight (Quest 49). - Recruit Neidhart if you have ever seen him earlier in current playthrough (including any forced scenes) so that he will not come to kill the Dragon Knight. - Complete the quest by performing a Dragon Vortex against Dragon Knight. - Leave Drachenvale and return with an empty spot in your party. - Help the Dragon Knight defeat the Minion.

Farah [CH014]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: None Max LP: 16 BP: 40%/+5Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA C B D D B B D D A CEarliest Recruit ER: 12Re-recruitable: YesRecruit Locations: South Estamir - Farah's HouseRecruit Requirements: - Rescue Farah in Wuhan's Secret (Quest 12). - Trigger the Assassins' Guild (Quest 32) and witness a scene of Farah's mom attacking in Farah's House. - Cannot be recruited if Jamil is the main character.

Frielei [CH015]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Castle Knight Max LP: 8 BP: 40%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA E D E E A A A A E AEarliest Recruit ER: As early as you have access to Frosthold FortressRe-recruitable: NoRecruit Locations: Frosthold FortressRecruit Requirements: - To gain access to Frosthold Fortress (Quest 51), you need to complete Frozen Lake Faerie (Quest 50) first, which is available when you revive a character through Death or when you reach ER 22. - In Frosthold Fortress, battle Frielei with an empty spot in your party. - Invite her to join after the battle.

Galahad [CH016]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Rosalian Officer Max LP: 18 BP: 40%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA A D A A D D E E B EEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: YesRecruit Locations: Crystal City - Temple of Mirsa, Altours during The Ice Sword (Quest 42)Recruit Requirements:

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- Cannot be recruited if your favor with Saruin is 400 or higher.

Gian [CH017]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Imperial Knight Max LP: 12 BP: 50%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA C D B B B B D D B EEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: YesRecruit Locations: Melvir - Elizabeth PalaceRecruit Requirements: - Complete A Suspicious Demise (Quest 10) to access Elizabeth Palace.

Guella Ha [CH018]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Geckling Knight Max LP: 16 BP: 30%/+5Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA B D A A D D C C D DEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: YesRecruit Locations: Northpoint pubRecruit Requirements: - Starts in the party if Hawke is the main character.

Herman [CH019]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Trader Max LP: 18 BP: 30%/+5Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA B B D D D D B B B DEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: Yes (No when Weston is destroyed)Recruit Locations: Weston pubRecruit Requirements: - Starts in the party if Barbara is the main character. - Cannot be recruited if Weston is destroyed.

The Minstrel [CH020]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Bard Max LP: 16 BP: 40%/+5Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA B C C C E E C C D AEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: Yes (No if any of the last two requirements is satisfied)Recruit Locations: Any pubRecruit Requirements: - With an empty spot, keep asking him to play songs until he joins. - He leaves the party automatically upon entering a pub. - He needs to leave party before you can trigger the ending quests.

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- He does not join if any of the three ending quests is active but none is completed (that is, he will not join if you have heard one of the three ending quest tales from him but have not got "Face Saruin" in your quest notes yet). - Cannot be recruited if Trials of Elore is completed.

Note: To use the Minstrel in the final battle, you must not complete the Trials of Elore. Instead, you need to complete any of the other two ending quests--Auldburg or The Netherworld. You cannot use the Minstrel during those quests. However, once you have completed one of those, you will be able to recruit him back into your party.

Myriam [CH021]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: None Max LP: 13 BP: 30%/+5Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA D C D D C C A A D BEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: YesRecruit Locations: North Estamir pubRecruit Requirements: - Starts in the party if Gray is the main character.

Neidhart [CH022]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Rosalian Lancer Max LP: 10 BP: 40%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA E C A A C C C C E AEarliest Recruit ER: As early as you can obtain the AquamarineRe-recruitable: YesRecruit Locations: Crystal City - Crystal PalaceRecruit Requirements: - Obtain the Aquamarine (Quest 34) and give it to Neidhart. - After giving Neidhart the Aquamarine, return to the throne room and he will offer to join. - You need Albert in the party to access Crystal Palace.

Patrick [CH023]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: None Max LP: 12 BP: 50%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA E D D D E E B B B BEarliest Recruit ER: 3 (0 if Claudia is the main character)Re-recruitable: YesRecruit Locations: Melvir - Patrick's HouseRecruit Requirements: - Complete Raid on the Depository (Quest 11). - Return to Patrick's House after the quest to recruit him.

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Raphael [CH024]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: None Max LP: 10 BP: 30%/+5Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA D C B B D D D D B BEarliest Recruit ER: 18Re-recruitable: YesRecruit Locations: Eugenstadt CastleRecruit Requirements: - You can use him during Pride of the Knights (Quest 14), but he will leave the party after the quest. - You can recruit him permanently after you have triggered Theodore's Madness (Quest 48).

Red Mage [CH025]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Red Mage Max LP: 19 BP: 20%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA A D E E A A A A E EEarliest Recruit ER: As early as you have access to Frosthold FortressRe-recruitable: NoRecruit Locations: Frosthold FortressRecruit Requirements: - To gain access to Frosthold Fortress (Quest 51), you need to complete Frozen Lake Faerie (Quest 50) first, which is available when you revive a character through Death or when you reach ER 22. - You can only use him in Frosthold Fortress and he will leave the party when you leave the Fortress. - Red Mage is the only character with access to Sorcery and Necromancy spells.

Captain Silver [CH026]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Draconite Max LP: 7 BP: 40%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA E C A A D D B B C CEarliest Recruit ER: 9 (theoretical), or 12-14 (typical)Re-recruitable: YesRecruit Locations: Pirate Coast pubRecruit Requirements: - Defeat the Silver Dragon in the quest Silver's Treasure (Quest 37). - In Pirate Invasion (Quest 35), break into the Pirates' Hideout in Melvir Sewers before the actual invasion occurs. - After the invasion, return to the hideout and ask the pirate to take you to Pirate Coast.

Sylvan [CH027]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: None Max LP: 10 BP: 30%/+5

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Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA C C D D B B B B A AEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: NoRecruit Locations: MazewoodRecruit Requirements: - Starts in the party if Claudia is the main character. - Cannot be recruited by other main characters. - Leaves the party permanently after Eule Gives a Hoot (Quest 25).

Theodore [CH028]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Castle Knight Max LP: 17 BP: 60%/+3Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA A C A A D D E E E BEarliest Recruit ER: N/ARe-recruitable: NoRecruit Locations: N/ARecruit Requirements: - You can use him during Pride of the Knights (Quest 14), but he will leave the party after the quest. - There is no legitimate way to permanently recruit Theodore. It is said that there is a bug/glitch which allows you to keep Theodore for the rest of the game, but I have yet to hear confirmation of it working on the US version.

Mercenaries [RS623] ===============

All mercenaries cannot be re-recruited if they are dismissed or LP-killed.Mercenaries will disappear from the pubs if they are displaced from theirspots by other named characters. In any case, all mercencaries will disappearfrom their usual resting places when you reach ER 10.

Amazon [CH029]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: None Max LP: 3 BP: 50%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA B D B B C C D D D DEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: NoRecruit Locations: Loban pub, North Estamir pub, Oapu pubRecruit Requirements: None

Bafal Fighter [CH030]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Default Class: Imperial Knight Max LP: 4 BP: 40%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA B D B B C C D D D DEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: NoRecruit Locations: Melvir Police StationRecruit Requirements: None

Dominion Knight [CH031]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Castle Knight Max LP: 4 BP: 40%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA B D B B C C D D D DEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: NoRecruit Locations: Mirsaburg CastleRecruit Requirements: None

Kjaraht Soldier [CH032]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: None Max LP: 4 BP: 40%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA B D B B C C D D D DEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: NoRecruit Locations: Tarmitta pubRecruit Requirements: None

Pirate [CH033]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Pirate Max LP: 4 BP: 40%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA B D B B C C D D D DEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: NoRecruit Locations: Pirate Coast pubRecruit Requirements: - Starts in the party if Hawke is the main character. - If Hawke is not the main character, you will have to finish both Ailing Emperor (Quest 27) and Pirate Invasion (Quest 35) to get access to Pirate Coast by ER 9. It is possible theoretically, but hard to achieve.

Soldier A [CH034]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Frontier Guard Max LP: 4 BP: 40%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA B D B B C C D D D DEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: No

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Recruit Locations: Isthmus Keep (Albert only), Altours pubRecruit Requirements: - Joins Albert during Monsters to the East (Quest 1) and leaves after the quest.

Soldier B [CH035]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Frontier Guard Max LP: 4 BP: 40%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA B D B B C C D D D DEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: NoRecruit Locations: Isthmus Keep (Albert only)Recruit Requirements: - Joins Albert during Monsters to the East (Quest 1) and leaves after the quest. - Cannot be recruited by any main character other than Albert.

Sorcerer [CH036]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: None Max LP: 3 BP: 50%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA E D D D D D B B D CEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: NoRecruit Locations: Northpoint pub, Weston pubRecruit Requirements: None

Sorceress [CH037]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: None Max LP: 3 BP: 50%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA E D D D D D B B D CEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: NoRecruit Locations: Bruelle pub, Mirsaburg pub, Yeoville pubRecruit Requirements: None

Valhallan Warrior [CH038]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: Valhallan Warrior Max LP: 4 BP: 40%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA B D B B C C D D D DEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: NoRecruit Locations: Gato's Village pubRecruit Requirements: - Sif needs to be in the party in order to recruit Valhallan Warrior.

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Warrior None 3 50%/+4 [CH039]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Default Class: None Max LP: 3 BP: 50%/+4Growth Rate: HP BP STR VIT DEX AGI INT WIL COM CHA B D B B C C D D D DEarliest Recruit ER: 0Re-recruitable: NoRecruit Locations: Aurefont pub, Godongo pub, Uso pubRecruit Requirements: None


VII. Techniques [RS700]


This section contains the list of regular techniques for each weapon type.Equipment- or character-specific techniques are not covered.

Most of the information in this section was obtained from Ramtieger's GameSystem FAQ. It is my intent to reorganize Ramtieger's lists into a more compactform for quicker reference. However, "compact" means some information has togive. Please refer to Ramtieger's FAQ for complete information.

While most of the columns should be self-explanatory, it is still worth givinga short description for each column. You can also find the description fromRamtieger's FAQ.

Rank: Technique Rank.BP: Base BP Cost.DP/LP: Base DP/LP Cost.Power: Base Power.Growth: Power Growth Rate.Stat: Associated Stat that affects the power growth.Accuracy: Accuracy.Speed: Activation Speed. A Fast technique has a higher chance to act first during a turn, and Slow is the opposite.Dash: Y = Dash type attack. N = Non-dash type attack.Contact: Y = Contact attack. N = Non-contact attack.Target: Target.Dmg60: Listed Damage with associated stat at 60. The Power and Growth can be vague to determine the actual power. This is added to make it easier to compare techniques.Effect: Additional Effect(s).

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-------------------- Martial Arts [RS701] ====================

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BP Power Stat Speed Contact Dmg60 Name Rank LP Growth Accuracy Dash Target Effect-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Punch 1 0 0 1 F STR D Norm N Y One 202 -------------------------- Attack Mode --------------------------One-Two-Three 2 6 y1 12 D STR D Norm N Y One 403Knife Hand Strike 2 7 y1 8 B STR D Norm N Y One 500 (R) Whirlwind Knife Hand 20 B STR D Fast N Y CircleRocket Spear 3 8 1 15 B AGI D Norm Y Y One 735 (S) Swift Thrust 20 B STR D Fast Y Y One (R) Great Jackhammer 100 A STR D Norm Y Y One StunSuplex 3 9 1 20 B STR B Fast N Y One 757 StunThunder Kick 4 10 1 30 A STR D Norm N Y One 942Jackhammer 4 11 1 50 A STR B Slow N Y One 967 StunRaksha 5 15 3 130 A STR D Slow N Y One 1514 Instant Death -------------------------- Defense Mode --------------------------Disrupt Air 3 6 y1 5 E AGI A Fast N N One 156 StunSecond Wind 3 10 y1 20 E COM - Norm N N Self 297 HP Recovery, HP Regen (R) Focus Palm 40 C WIL A Norm N N All HP DrainFlash Flood 3 9 1 45 B STR D Norm N Y One 753Submission 4 8 1 44 B DEX D Norm N N One 616 Decreases STR (R) Critical Hit 88 B DEX D Norm N N One Decreases STRShimmer Strike 4 11 1 55 B STR B Slow N Y One 935 Decreases INTNine Marks 5 20 2 225 A WIL E Norm N Y One 1840 -------------------------- Trick Mode --------------------------Round Kick 2 6 1 15 D STR C Norm N Y One 471Square Throw 2 7 y1 5 D STR B Slow N Y One 382 Stun, Decreases STRDrunken Strike 3 7 1 11 B AGI C Norm Y Y One 781 (S) Surging Drunken Strike 22 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneBlast Magic 3 9 1 50 B STR C Norm Y Y One 778 (S) Surging Blast Magic 60 B STR A Norm Y Y OneTriangle Kick 4 10 2 30 A STR C Norm N Y One 1011Silent Assassin 4 13 1 60 B ACI C Norm N Y One 894 Instant DeathTriple Dragon 5 16 2 120 A ACI C Norm N Y One 1527-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

------------ Foil [RS702] ============

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BP Power Stat Speed Contact Dmg60 Name Rank DP Growth Accuracy Dash Target Effect-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thrust 1 0 y1 1 F DEX B Norm N Y One 160 -------------------------- Attack Mode --------------------------Sonic Slash 2 4 1 4 D STR B Fast N Y One 317 (R) Sonic Cross 16 D STR A Fast N Y OneImpact Slash 2 5 4 10 D STR F Norm Y Y One 350 Stun (S) Surging Impact Slash 20 D STR A Norm Y Y One StunCutting Lunge 2 7 1 7 B STR D Norm Y Y One 451 (S) Perforate 14 B AGI A Norm Y Y One (R) Cross Cutting Lunge 42 B AGI C Norm Y Y One (S-R) Lightning Speed 56 A AGI A Norm Y Y OneHawke Blade 3 9 1 10 B STR D Norm N Y One 518 Good vs InsectBlitz 4 11 3 16 B AGI D Fast N Y One 872Triple Star 4 14 2 60 B DEX D Norm N N One 969Southern Cross 5 15 8 60 A DEX D Norm N N One 1098 Good vs Undead -------------------------- Defense Mode --------------------------Spin Thrust 2 4 1 3 B DEX D Norm N Y One 475Feint 2 7 y1 - - DEX D Norm N Y One - StunSword Ballet 3 9 6 10 D DEX D Norm Y Y All 449 (S) Floating Sword Ballet 20 D DEX A Norm Y Y AllResonance Edge 4 7 8 60 B STR D Norm N Y One 905Shimmering Slash 4 12 2 25 B STR D Fast N N One 662Screwdriver 5 16 6 55 A DEX D Norm N Y One 1206 Good vs Female -------------------------- Trick Mode --------------------------Paralyzing Thrust 2 4 y1 2 E DEX D Norm N Y One 207 Decreases DEXArtful Slash 2 5 1 5 B STR C Norm N Y One 441 (R) Mistwalker 20 B STR A Norm N Y OneGolden Note 3 7 4 45 B DEX D Norm N Y One 755Roundabout 3 10 1 10 B AGI D Norm Y Y One 773 (S) Surging Roll 25 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneMega Thrust 4 10 6 75 B DEX E Norm N Y One 973Eulogy 5 16 4 48 A DEX D Norm N Y One 1293 Instant DeathKaleidoscope 5 18 2 120 B AGI D Norm N Y One 1257-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

------------------- Short Sword [RS703] ===================

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BP Power Stat Speed Contact Dmg60 Name Rank DP Growth Accuracy Dash Target Effect

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thrust 1 0 y1 1 F DEX B Norm N Y One 160 -------------------------- Attack Mode --------------------------Sonic Slash 2 4 1 4 D STR B Fast N Y One 317 (R) Sonic Cross 16 D STR A Fast N Y OneImpact Slash 2 5 4 10 D STR F Norm Y Y One 350 Stun (S) Surging Impact Slash 20 D STR A Norm Y Y One StunCutting Lunge 2 7 1 7 B STR D Norm Y Y One 451 (S) Perforate 14 B AGI A Norm Y Y One (R) Cross Cutting Lunge 42 B AGI C Norm Y Y One (S-R) Lightning Speed 56 A AGI A Norm Y Y OneHawke Blade 3 9 1 10 B STR D Norm N Y One 518 Good vs InsectDouble Slash 3 6 4 24 B STR D Norm N Y One 600Blitz 4 11 3 16 B AGI D Fast N Y One 872Triple Star 4 14 2 60 B DEX D Norm N N One 969 -------------------------- Defense Mode --------------------------Knee Split 2 4 1 3 E STR D Norm N Y One 134 StunSword Ballet 3 9 6 10 D DEX D Norm Y Y All 449 (S) Floating Sword Ballet 20 D DEX A Norm Y Y AllResonance Edge 4 7 8 60 B STR D Norm N Y One 905Blood Rage 4 10 4 60 B STR E Norm N Y One 665Shimmering Slash 4 12 2 25 B STR D Fast N N One 662Insight 5 18 2 40 A WIL D Norm N Y One 976 Decreases WIL -------------------------- Trick Mode --------------------------Artful Slash 2 5 1 5 B STR C Norm N Y One 441 (R) Mistwalker 20 B STR A Norm N Y OneTime Lapse 2 5 2 9 B STR D Norm N Y One 346Golden Note 3 7 4 45 B DEX D Norm N Y One 755Roundabout 3 10 1 10 B AGI D Norm Y Y One 773 (S) Surging Roll 25 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneMega Thrust 4 10 6 75 B DEX E Norm N Y One 973Eulogy 5 16 4 48 A DEX D Norm N Y One 1293 Instant DeathKaleidoscope 5 18 2 120 B AGI D Norm N Y One 1257-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

------------------ Long Sword [RS704] ==================

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BP Power Stat Speed Contact Dmg60 Name Rank DP Growth Accuracy Dash Target Effect-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hew 1 0 y1 2 F STR D Norm N Y One 138 -------------------------- Attack Mode --------------------------Sonic Slash 2 4 1 4 D STR B Fast N Y One 317 (R) Sonic Cross 16 D STR A Fast N Y OneDouble Vertical 2 4 2 10 D STR D Norm N Y One 310

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Impact Slash 2 5 4 10 D STR F Norm Y Y One 350 Stun (S) Surging Impact Slash 20 D STR A Norm Y Y One StunCutting Lunge 2 7 1 7 B STR D Norm Y Y One 451 (S) Perforate 14 B AGI A Norm Y Y One (R) Cross Cutting Lunge 42 B AGI C Norm Y Y One (S-R) Lightning Speed 56 A AGI A Norm Y Y OneDouble Slash 3 6 4 24 B STR D Norm N Y One 600Doppelgangers 5 17 8 150 B STR C Norm N Y One 1171 -------------------------- Defense Mode --------------------------Knee Split 2 4 1 3 E STR D Norm N Y One 134 StunCross Cut 3 7 3 24 D STR D Norm N Y One 443 Good vs UndeadResonance Edge 4 7 8 60 B STR D Norm N Y One 905Blood Rage 4 10 4 60 B STR E Norm N Y One 665Shimmering Slash 4 12 2 25 B STR D Fast N N One 662Still Blade 5 13 8 75 A STR D Slow N Y One 1464Insight 5 18 2 40 A WIL D Norm N Y One 976 Decreases WIL -------------------------- Trick Mode --------------------------Artful Slash 2 5 1 5 B STR C Norm N Y One 441 (R) Mistwalker 20 B STR A Norm N Y OneTime Lapse 2 5 2 9 B STR D Norm N Y One 346Running Slash 2 7 1 4 B STR D Norm Y Y One 436 (S) No Rythm 9 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneJackal Blade 3 8 1 15 B STR D Norm Y Y One 543 Good vs Beast (S) Surging Jackal Blade 25 B STR A Norm Y Y One Good vs BeastMega Thrust 4 10 6 75 B DEX E Norm N Y One 973Switch Back 4 13 2 20 B AGI D Norm Y Y One 774 (S) Flashback 60 B AGI A Norm Y Y One-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

------------------- Great Sword [RS705] ===================

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BP Power Stat Speed Contact Dmg60 Name Rank DP Growth Accuracy Dash Target Effect-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hew 1 0 y1 2 F STR D Norm N Y One 138 -------------------------- Attack Mode --------------------------Double Vertical 2 4 2 10 D STR D Norm N Y One 310Smash 2 5 4 20 D STR F Norm N Y One 316Cross Break 3 7 4 30 D STR F Norm N Y One 409 (R) Grand Cross 80 D STR F Norm N Y One Good vs UndeadVertical Smash 4 8 6 15 B STR D Norm N Y One 600 (R) Heaven and Earth 50 B STR C Norm N Y One StunCharging Slash 4 11 2 15 B AGI D Norm Y Y One 735 (S) Surging Slash 25 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneArm of Light 4 15 3 50 B STR B Fast N Y Line 720

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Upper Smash 5 12 8 150 B STR E Norm N Y One 1272 -------------------------- Defense Mode --------------------------Blunt Strike 2 4 3 - - STR D Norm N Y One - ParalysisGood Timing 2 6 1 3 D STR D Fast N Y One 409Cross Cut 3 7 3 24 D STR D Norm N Y One 443 Good vs UndeadResonance Edge 4 7 8 60 B STR D Norm N Y One 905Still Blade 5 13 8 75 A STR D Slow N Y One 1464Wheel Swing 5 11 8 75 B STR D Norm Y Y All 919 (S) Floating Juggernaut 150 B STR A Norm Y Y All -------------------------- Trick Mode --------------------------Running Slash 2 7 1 4 B STR D Norm Y Y One 436 (S) No Rythm 9 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneSwing Down 2 5 4 20 D STR E Norm N Y One 316 (R) Z-Slash 60 D STR D Norm N Y OneDragon's Tail 3 9 2 16 B STR D Norm Y Y One 558 (S) Surging Dragon's Tail 32 B STR A Norm Y Y OneSpinning Strike 4 8 6 15 B STR D Norm Y Y One 740 (S) Surging Spin Strike 30 B STR A Norm Y Y OneSwitch Back 4 13 2 20 B AGI D Norm Y Y One 774 (S) Flashback 60 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneV-Impact 5 16 4 99 B STR E Norm N Y One 1057-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

---------------- Scimitar [RS706] ================

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BP Power Stat Speed Contact Dmg60 Name Rank DP Growth Accuracy Dash Target Effect-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hew 1 0 y1 2 F STR D Norm N Y One 138 -------------------------- Attack Mode --------------------------Crescent Slash 2 4 3 10 B STR D Norm N Y One 415Impact Slash 2 5 4 10 D STR F Norm Y Y One 350 Stun (S) Surging Impact Slash 20 D STR A Norm Y Y One StunCutting Lunge 2 7 1 7 B STR D Norm Y Y One 451 (S) Perforate 14 B AGI A Norm Y Y One (R) Cross Cutting Lunge 42 B AGI C Norm Y Y One (S-R) Lightning Speed 56 A AGI A Norm Y Y OneHawke Blade 3 9 1 10 B STR D Norm N Y One 518 Good vs InsectDouble Slash 3 6 4 24 B STR D Norm N Y One 600Rolling Slash 3 8 6 20 D STR D Norm N Y All 359 (R) Echo Blade 40 D STR C Norm N Y AllDoppelgangers 5 17 8 150 B STR C Norm N Y One 1171 -------------------------- Defense Mode --------------------------Knee Split 2 4 1 3 E STR D Norm N Y One 134 StunDemilune 3 6 3 15 B STR D Norm N N One 493

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(R) Demilune Echo 40 B STR C Norm N N OneMaim 3 7 2 8 D STR D Norm Y Y One 298 Decreases AGI (S) Surging Maim 13 D STR A Norm Y Y One Decreases AGIBlood Rage 4 10 4 60 B STR E Norm N Y One 665Insight 5 18 2 40 A WIL D Norm N Y One 976 Decreases WIL -------------------------- Trick Mode --------------------------Artful Slash 2 5 1 5 B STR C Norm N Y One 441 (R) Mistwalker 20 B STR A Norm N Y OneTime Lapse 2 5 2 9 B STR D Norm N Y One 346Jackal Blade 3 8 1 15 B STR D Norm Y Y One 543 Good vs Beast (S) Surging Jackal Blade 25 B STR A Norm Y Y One Good vs BeastSpinning Strike 4 8 6 15 B STR D Norm Y Y One 740 (S) Surging Spin Strike 30 B STR A Norm Y Y OneDeadly Spin 5 15 6 150 D STR D Norm N Y One 1052Kaleidoscope 5 18 2 120 B AGI D Norm N Y One 1257-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

---------------- Hand Axe [RS707] ================

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BP Power Stat Speed Contact Dmg60 Name Rank DP Growth Accuracy Dash Target Effect-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hew 1 0 y1 2 F STR D Norm N Y One 138 -------------------------- Attack Mode --------------------------Crescent Slash 2 4 3 10 B STR D Norm N Y One 415Cut Timber 2 5 1 6 D STR D Norm N Y One 286 Good vs PlantHawke Blade 3 9 1 10 B STR D Norm N Y One 518 Good vs InsectRolling Slash 3 8 6 20 D STR D Norm N Y All 359 (R) Echo Blade 40 D STR C Norm N Y AllFlyby 4 7 6 40 B STR E Norm N N One 632 (R) Skydrive 120 A STR C Norm N N OneNutcracker 5 12 8 75 B STR D Norm N Y One 1045 Decreases DEF, Good vs TurtleReverse Delta 5 16 6 105 B STR D Norm N Y One 960 (R) Shiva Triangle 175 A STR C Norm N Y One -------------------------- Defense Mode --------------------------Bonecrusher 2 7 2 4 D STR D Norm N Y One 350 Decreases STR, Good vs SkeletonThrow Axe 3 5 3 20 B STR D Norm N N One 401 (R) Yo-yo 90 B STR C Norm N N OneMaim 3 7 2 8 D STR D Norm Y Y One 298 Decreases AGI (S) Surging Maim 13 D STR A Norm Y Y One Decreases AGI

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Wheel Strike 3 5 6 30 B STR D Norm N Y One 452Dimensional Break 4 9 6 25 D STR D Norm N Y One 384 Instant DeathNight Crossing 4 9 6 45 B STR D Norm Y Y One 571 (S) Surging Yaksa Run 90 B STR A Norm Y Y One -------------------------- Trick Mode --------------------------Time Lapse 2 5 2 9 B STR D Norm N Y One 346Spinning Strike 4 8 6 15 B STR D Norm Y Y One 740 (S) Surging Spin Strike 30 B STR A Norm Y Y OneSwitch Back 4 13 2 20 B AGI D Norm Y Y One 774 (S) Flashback 60 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneDeadly Spin 5 15 6 150 D STR D Norm N Y One 1052-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

------------ Club [RS708] ============

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BP Power Stat Speed Contact Dmg60 Name Rank DP Growth Accuracy Dash Target Effect-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crush 1 0 y1 2 F STR C Norm N Y One 165 -------------------------- Attack Mode --------------------------Smash 2 5 4 20 D STR F Norm N Y One 316Crushing Hit 3 6 4 30 B STR D Norm N Y One 613Cruncher 3 9 1 10 B STR D Norm Y Y One 576 Decreases VIT (S) Surging Body Blow 20 B STR A Norm Y Y One Decreases VITRock Splitter 4 8 6 50 D STR D Norm N Y One 649 Good vs StoneVertical Smash 4 8 6 15 B STR D Norm N Y One 600 (R) Heaven and Earth 50 B STR C Norm N Y One StunCharging Slash 4 11 2 15 B AGI D Norm Y Y One 735 (S) Surging Slash 25 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneNutcracker 5 12 8 75 B STR D Norm N Y One 1045 Decreases DEF, Good vs Turtle -------------------------- Defense Mode --------------------------Knee Split 2 4 1 3 E STR D Norm N Y One 134 StunBonecrusher 2 7 2 4 D STR D Norm N Y One 350 Decreases STR, Good vs SkeletonWheel Strike 3 5 6 30 B STR D Norm N Y One 452Earth Dragon 3 8 6 25 D STR D Norm N Y All 457 SnareAqua Luna 5 15 3 120 B STR D Norm N Y One 1128 LP DamageGrand Slam 5 14 8 50 B STR D Norm N Y All 786 Snare -------------------------- Trick Mode --------------------------Gong Ringer 2 4 3 10 D STR D Norm N Y One 380 Shock (R) Multiple Gongs 30 D STR C Norm N Y One ShockBending Beat 3 5 3 30 D STR D Norm Y Y One 448

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(S) Surging Beat 45 D STR A Norm Y Y OneHyper Hammer 3 9 2 14 B STR E Norm Y Y One 414 (S) Silent Hammer 24 B STR A Norm Y Y OneSpinning Strike 4 8 6 15 B STR D Norm Y Y One 740 (S) Surging Spin Strike 30 B STR A Norm Y Y OneSwitch Back 4 13 2 20 B AGI D Norm Y Y One 774 (S) Flashback 60 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneAxle Spin 4 13 3 26 B STR E Fast Y Y One 560 (S) Silent Turn 52 B STR A Fast Y Y One-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

------------------------ Two-handed Sword [RS709] ========================

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BP Power Stat Speed Contact Dmg60 Name Rank DP Growth Accuracy Dash Target Effect-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sunder 1 0 y1 2 F STR D Norm N Y One 106 -------------------------- Attack Mode --------------------------Double Vertical 2 4 2 10 D STR D Norm N Y One 310Smash 2 5 4 20 D STR F Norm N Y One 316Cross Break 3 7 4 30 D STR F Norm N Y One 409 (R) Grand Cross 80 D STR F Norm N Y One Good vs UndeadSecret Three-step 4 9 6 60 D STR E Norm Y Y One 634 LP Damage, Good vs Aquatic (S) Surging Slice 100 D STR A Norm Y Y One LP DamageCharging Slash 4 11 2 15 B AGI D Norm Y Y One 735 (S) Surging Slash 25 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneVandalize 5 12 8 111 A STR D Norm N Y One 1167Upper Smash 5 12 8 150 B STR E Norm N Y One 1272 -------------------------- Defense Mode --------------------------Blunt Strike 2 4 3 - - STR D Norm N Y One - ParalysisGood Timing 2 6 1 3 D STR D Fast N Y One 409Bonecrusher 2 7 2 4 D STR D Norm N Y One 350 Decreases STR, Good vs SkeletonCross Cut 3 7 3 24 D STR D Norm N Y One 443 Good vs UndeadLeaf Shaker 4 10 2 15 B STR B Norm N Y One 672Wheel Swing 5 11 8 75 B STR D Norm Y Y All 919 (S) Floating Juggernaut 150 B STR A Norm Y Y All -------------------------- Trick Mode --------------------------Running Slash 2 7 1 4 B STR D Norm Y Y One 436 (S) No Rythm 9 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneSwing Down 2 5 4 20 D STR E Norm N Y One 316

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(R) Z-Slash 60 D STR D Norm N Y OneDragon's Tail 3 9 2 16 B STR D Norm Y Y One 558 (S) Surging Dragon's Tail 32 B STR A Norm Y Y OneSwitch Back 4 13 2 20 B AGI D Norm Y Y One 774 (S) Flashback 60 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneAxle Spin 4 13 3 26 B STR E Fast Y Y One 560 (S) Silent Turn 52 B STR A Fast Y Y OneV-Impact 5 16 4 99 B STR E Norm N Y One 1057-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-------------- Katana [RS710] ==============

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BP Power Stat Speed Contact Dmg60 Name Rank DP Growth Accuracy Dash Target Effect-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sunder 1 0 y1 2 F STR D Norm N Y One 106 -------------------------- Attack Mode --------------------------Double Vertical 2 4 2 10 D STR D Norm N Y One 310Aimed Thrust 3 10 2 30 B STR D Norm N Y One 514Secret Three-step 4 9 6 60 D STR E Norm Y Y One 634 LP Damage, Good vs Aquatic (S) Surging Slice 100 D STR A Norm Y Y One LP DamageVertical Smash 4 8 6 15 B STR D Norm N Y One 600 (R) Heaven and Earth 50 B STR C Norm N Y One StunCharging Slash 4 11 2 15 B AGI D Norm Y Y One 735 (S) Surging Slash 25 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneGust Blade 4 13 2 40 B STR D Norm Y Y One 847 Decreases AGI (S) Surging Headwind 60 B STR A Norm Y Y One Decreases AGIArm of Light 4 15 3 50 B STR B Fast N Y Line 720 -------------------------- Defense Mode --------------------------Blunt Strike 2 4 3 - - STR D Norm N Y One - ParalysisGood Timing 2 6 1 3 D STR D Fast N Y One 409Bonecrusher 2 7 2 4 D STR D Norm N Y One 350 Decreases STR, Good vs SkeletonCross Cut 3 7 3 24 D STR D Norm N Y One 443 Good vs UndeadLeaf Shaker 4 10 2 15 B STR B Norm N Y One 672Wheel Swing 5 11 8 75 B STR D Norm Y Y All 919 (S) Floating Juggernaut 150 B STR A Norm Y Y AllInsight 5 18 2 40 A WIL D Norm N Y One 976 Decreases WIL -------------------------- Trick Mode --------------------------Artful Slash 2 5 1 5 B STR C Norm N Y One 441 (R) Mistwalker 20 B STR A Norm N Y OneRunning Slash 2 7 1 4 B STR D Norm Y Y One 436

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(S) No Rythm 9 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneDragon's Tail 3 9 2 16 B STR D Norm Y Y One 558 (S) Surging Dragon's Tail 32 B STR A Norm Y Y OneSwitch Back 4 13 2 20 B AGI D Norm Y Y One 774 (S) Flashback 60 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneLunar Blade 5 16 4 20 A STR D Norm Y Y One 890 (S) Surging Lunar Blade 88 A STR A Norm Y Y One (R) Lunar Eclipse 132 A STR C Norm Y Y One (S-R) Scattered Petals 231 A+ STR A Norm Y Y One-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

---------------------- Two-handed Axe [RS711] ======================

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BP Power Stat Speed Contact Dmg60 Name Rank DP Growth Accuracy Dash Target Effect-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Slash 1 0 y1 2 F STR E Norm N Y One 106 -------------------------- Attack Mode --------------------------Cut Timber 2 5 1 6 D STR D Norm N Y One 286 Good vs PlantSmash 2 5 4 20 D STR F Norm N Y One 316Crushing Hit 3 6 4 30 B STR D Norm N Y One 613Cross Break 3 7 4 30 D STR F Norm N Y One 409 (R) Grand Cross 80 D STR F Norm N Y One Good vs UndeadRolling Slash 3 8 6 20 D STR D Norm N Y All 359 (R) Echo Blade 40 D STR C Norm N Y AllFour Seasons 4 11 4 100 B STR E Norm N Y One 946Upper Smash 5 12 8 150 B STR E Norm N Y One 1272 -------------------------- Defense Mode --------------------------Maim 3 7 2 8 D STR D Norm Y Y One 298 Decreases AGI (S) Surging Maim 13 D STR A Norm Y Y One Decreases AGIEarth Dragon 3 8 6 25 D STR D Norm N Y All 457 SnareDimensional Break 4 9 6 25 D STR D Norm N Y One 384 Instant DeathGrand Slam 5 14 8 50 B STR D Norm N Y All 786 Snare -------------------------- Trick Mode --------------------------Swing Down 2 5 4 20 D STR E Norm N Y One 316 (R) Z-Slash 60 D STR D Norm N Y OneHyper Hammer 3 9 2 14 B STR E Norm Y Y One 414 (S) Silent Hammer 24 B STR A Norm Y Y OneSpinning Strike 4 8 6 15 B STR D Norm Y Y One 740 (S) Surging Spin Strike 30 B STR A Norm Y Y OneSwitch Back 4 13 2 20 B AGI D Norm Y Y One 774 (S) Flashback 60 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneAxle Spin 4 13 3 26 B STR E Fast Y Y One 560 (S) Silent Turn 52 B STR A Fast Y Y OneDeadly Spin 5 15 6 150 D STR D Norm N Y One 1052V-Impact 5 16 4 99 B STR E Norm N Y One 1057

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------------- Staff [RS712] =============

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BP Power Stat Speed Contact Dmg60 Name Rank DP Growth Accuracy Dash Target Effect-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crush 1 0 y1 2 F STR C Norm N Y One 165 -------------------------- Attack Mode --------------------------Crushing Hit 3 6 4 30 B STR D Norm N Y One 613Cruncher 3 9 1 10 B STR D Norm Y Y One 576 Decreases VIT (S) Surging Body Blow 20 B STR A Norm Y Y One Decreases VITVertical Smash 4 8 6 15 B STR D Norm N Y One 600 (R) Heaven and Earth 50 B STR C Norm N Y One StunBlitz 4 11 3 16 B AGI D Fast N Y One 872 -------------------------- Defense Mode --------------------------Spin Thrust 2 4 1 3 B DEX D Norm N Y One 475Knee Split 2 4 1 3 E STR D Norm N Y One 134 StunGood Timing 2 6 1 3 D STR D Fast N Y One 409Bonecrusher 2 7 2 4 D STR D Norm N Y One 350 Decreases STR, Good vs SkeletonReaper 3 8 6 22 D STR D Norm N Y Circle 411 StunLeaf Shaker 4 10 2 15 B STR B Norm N Y One 672Aqua Luna 5 15 3 120 B STR D Norm N Y One 1128 LP Damage -------------------------- Trick Mode --------------------------Gong Ringer 2 4 3 10 D STR D Norm N Y One 380 Shock (R) Multiple Gongs 30 D STR C Norm N Y One ShockTime Lapse 2 5 2 9 B STR D Norm N Y One 346Running Slash 2 7 1 4 B STR D Norm Y Y One 436 (S) No Rythm 9 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneBending Beat 3 5 3 30 D STR D Norm Y Y One 448 (S) Surging Beat 45 D STR A Norm Y Y OneDragon's Tail 3 9 2 16 B STR D Norm Y Y One 558 (S) Surging Dragon's Tail 32 B STR A Norm Y Y OneDiscord 5 16 6 120 B STR E Norm Y Y One 1142 (S) Surging Oscillation 200 B STR A Norm Y Y One Decreases DEFTime and Tide 5 20 2 9 A+ AGI D Norm N Y One 1365 Unconscious-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

---------------- Pole Arm [RS713]

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BP Power Stat Speed Contact Dmg60 Name Rank DP Growth Accuracy Dash Target Effect-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pierce 1 0 y1 2 F STR D Norm N Y One 106 -------------------------- Attack Mode --------------------------Double Stab 2 5 2 8 D STR D Norm N Y One 248 (R) Triple Thrust 27 D STR C Norm N Y OneCharge 3 9 1 16 B AGI D Norm Y Y One 444 (S) Cool Run 26 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneCruncher 3 9 1 10 B STR D Norm Y Y One 576 Decreases VIT (S) Surging Body Blow 20 B STR A Norm Y Y One Decreases VITTwin Dragon 4 9 4 60 B STR D Norm N N One 718Charging Slash 4 11 2 15 B AGI D Norm Y Y One 735 (S) Surging Slash 25 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneTriumvirate 5 16 8 99 B STR E Norm Y Y One 1097 (S) Surging Triumvirate 99 B STR A Norm Y Y One (R) Glorious Triumvirate 132 B STR C Norm N Y One (S-R) Heavenly Weaver 220 A STR A Norm Y Y One -------------------------- Defense Mode --------------------------Grasshopper 2 3 2 3 E DEX D Norm N Y One 194 Stun (R) Tsunami Strike 12 E STR C Norm N Y One StunReaper 3 8 6 22 D STR D Norm N Y Circle 411 StunTen Side Around 3 10 3 40 D STR D Norm N Y One 498Blood Rage 4 10 4 60 B STR E Norm N Y One 665Insentience 4 11 8 99 B STR C Norm N Y One 915Divine Lancer 4 15 1 11 A STR B Slow N Y One 679 Decreases DEXAqua Luna 5 15 3 120 B STR D Norm N Y One 1128 LP Damage -------------------------- Trick Mode --------------------------Bending Beat 3 5 3 30 D STR D Norm Y Y One 448 (S) Surging Beat 45 D STR A Norm Y Y OneSplit Cranium 3 9 2 10 D DEX D Norm N Y One 310 Decreases INTHyper Hammer 3 9 2 14 B STR E Norm Y Y One 414 (S) Silent Hammer 24 B STR A Norm Y Y OnePuncture 4 12 2 20 B STR D Fast N Y One 571Switch Back 4 13 2 20 B AGI D Norm Y Y One 774 (S) Flashback 60 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneDiscord 5 16 6 120 B STR E Norm Y Y One 1142 (S) Surging Oscillation 200 B STR A Norm Y Y One Decreases DEF-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

------------- Lance [RS714] =============


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BP Power Stat Speed Contact Dmg60 Name Rank DP Growth Accuracy Dash Target Effect-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pierce 1 0 y1 2 F STR D Norm N Y One 106 -------------------------- Attack Mode --------------------------Double Stab 2 5 2 8 D STR D Norm N Y One 248 (R) Triple Thrust 27 D STR C Norm N Y OneDrill Stab 3 6 6 24 D STR F Norm N Y One 435Charge 3 9 1 16 B AGI D Norm Y Y One 444 (S) Cool Run 26 B AGI A Norm Y Y OneAimed Thrust 3 10 2 30 B STR D Norm N Y One 514Twin Dragon 4 9 4 60 B STR D Norm N N One 718Arm of Light 4 15 3 50 B STR B Fast N Y Line 720Ultra Splitter 5 12 8 80 B STR E Norm N Y One 974 Good vs Stone (R) Rock Breaker Special 150 B STR A Norm N Y One Good vs Stone -------------------------- Defense Mode --------------------------Spin Thrust 2 4 1 3 B DEX D Norm N Y One 475Grasshopper 2 3 2 3 E DEX D Norm N Y One 194 Stun (R) Tsunami Strike 12 E STR C Norm N Y One StunAim 3 8 1 5 B STR B Slow N Y One 441Reaper 3 8 6 22 D STR D Norm N Y Circle 411 StunTen Side Around 3 10 3 40 D STR D Norm N Y One 498Divine Lancer 4 15 1 11 A STR B Slow N Y One 679 Decreases DEXAcupuncture 5 15 8 36 A STR F Norm N Y One 1188 LP Damage -------------------------- Trick Mode --------------------------Throw 2 4 1 7 E STR D Fast N N One 191Split Cranium 3 9 2 10 D DEX D Norm N Y One 310 Decreases INTMega Thrust 4 10 6 75 B DEX E Norm N Y One 973Puncture 4 12 2 20 B STR D Fast N Y One 571Stardust 5 18 3 50 B AGI C Norm N Y One 824 Paralysis (S) Swooping Dragon 200 A AGI A Norm N Y One Paralysis-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

----------- Bow [RS715] ===========

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BP Power Stat Speed Contact Dmg60 Name Rank DP Growth Accuracy Dash Target Effect-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quick Shot 1 0 y1 3 F DEX D Norm N N One 111 -------------------------- Attack Mode --------------------------Splash Shot 2 5 3 15 E STR A Norm N N One 231 FulcrumPower Shot 2 7 2 6 D STR E Norm N N One 342Triple Shot 3 8 3 21 B DEX E Norm N N One 470Plasma Shot 4 10 4 35 B STR A Norm N N One 670Instant Shot 4 13 1 25 B DEX C Fast N N One 697Zapper 5 11 8 80 B STR D Norm N N One 1080

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Multi Shots 5 15 6 150 D DEX F Norm N N One 940 (R) Thousand Needles 210 B DEX A Norm N N One -------------------------- Defense Mode --------------------------Aimed Shot 2 5 1 5 D DEX C Slow N N One 233Maiming Volley 3 6 6 20 E DEX D Fast N N All 152 SnareSidewinder 3 9 3 25 B DEX A Slow N N One 595 Good vs FrogFlying Squirrel 3 10 1 10 B DEX D Norm N N One 466Sparrow Shot 4 11 3 35 B DEX A Slow N N One 749 Good vs InsectPhoenix Arrow 5 12 8 55 A INT A Slow N N One 833 HP Drain -------------------------- Trick Mode --------------------------Shadow Weave 2 3 2 - - DEX C Fast N N One - SnareRapid Volley 2 7 4 14 D DEX G Norm N N All 331 FulcrumId Break 3 9 2 4 B DEX D Norm N N One 399 Decreases INTRain of Arrows 3 10 6 30 B DEX F Norm N N All 570 FulcrumShadow Shot 4 13 4 52 B DEX E Norm N N One 782 Instant DeathMillionaire 5 16 8 105 D DEX D Norm N N All 841 Fulcrum-------------------------------------------------------------------------------


VIII. Miscellaneous Topics [RS800]


-------------------------------------------------------- Recruiting Dowd with Characters other than Jamil [RS801] ========================================================

Normally, Dowd is available only in Jamil's game and other main characterscannot recruit him. He starts in Jamil's party and he is not re-recruitable ifhe is dismissed from the party. However, there is a trick to recruit Dowd withother main characters if you give up using him in a previous playthrough withJamil. Here are the steps.

1. In Jamil's game, complete Wuhan's Secret (Quest 12) with Dowd in your party.

2. After you have collected the quest rewards from the job agent in South Estamir's pub, walk out of the pub (don't use the triangle button).

3. At the door, Dowd will ask to leave the party and stay in Estamir. Let him leave the party.

4. At ER 12 or later, trigger the Assassins' Guild (Quest 32), pay to sleep at South Estarmir's Inn, and witness a scene.

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5. Complete Assassins' Guild.

6. Now Dowd will be recruitable by other main characters in New Game Plus. He will be in the Slave Trader's House after you have completed Wuhan's Secret. If you do not see him there, give it some time for him to spawn.

Thanks Jati No Rei for discovering Dowd being recruitable by other maincharacters and other information regarding the recruitment of Dowd.

If you did not let Dowd leave the party at the pub, you may dismiss him usingMinstrel any time before step 4 and follow the rest of the steps. This shouldunlock Dowd as well. Thanks SaintAjora for the tips.

-------------------------------------------------------- Getting Jamil, Dowd, and Farah in the Same Party [RS802] ========================================================

The game imposes a few restrictions on getting Jamil, Dowd, and Farah into thesame party:

1. If your main character is Jamil, you cannot recruit Farah, but you start with Dowd in the party.

2. If your main character is not Jamil, Jamil and Dowd are exclusive to each other under normal circumstances. When you recruit one of them into your party, the other will disappear.

For those who are interested in getting the South Estamir Trio into the sameparty, I have discovered a little trick that you can use:

1. Your main character must be female.

2. Complete Wuhan's Secret (Quest 12) and get rescued by Jamil.

3. After the quest, Jamil will be in Farah's House. As long as you do not talk to him, he will stay there forever, even if you have Dowd in your party.

4. Go to the Slave Trader's House to recruit Dowd. (Note that you can recruit him only if he has been unlocked as outlined in the previous topic "Recruiting Dowd with Characters other than Jamil".)

5. Go back to Farah's House and recruit Jamil.

6. Recruit Farah during Assassins' Guild (Quest 32).

------------------------------ Calculating DP/LP Cost [RS803] ==============================

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The DP/LP charts from Bladewind's FAQ are used here.

Stages of DP/LP costs:DP (for weapon techs): 8 -> 6 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 1y -> 0LP (for spells): 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 1 -> 1y -> 0 -> 0

The number of stages of reduction is determined by the following rules:

1. You get 1 stage of reduction if you have at least level 1 in the skill.

2. You get 1 stage of reduction for each class level of 2 and above. This applies to the skills in the class. (For example, a level 3 Ranger will get 2 stages of reduction for Bow from this rule.)

3. You get 1 stage of reduction to every skill if you are in legendary class.

4. You get 1 stage of reduction to all weapon techs if you have weapon crown. You get 1 stage of reduction to all spells if you have magic crown.

5. You only get a maximum of 5 stages of reduction from the rules above.

6. For every +2DP modifier on the weapon, you get 1 stage of reduction when using that weapon.


Kjar Sentinel - Class Level 3, Bow Level 4, with Weapon CrownWeapon - Kjar Bow with +2DP modifierPlasma Shot's Base DP cost - 4Zapper's Base DP cost - 8

From rule 1: 1 stage of reduction (have at least level 1 in bow)From rule 2: 2 stages of reduction (for being class level 3)From rule 3: noneFrom rule 4: 1 stage of reduction (have weapon crown)Total : 4 stages of reductionRule 5 does not apply.From rule 6: 1 stage of reduction (weapon has +2DP modifier)Final Total: 5 stages of reduction

Count 5 times to the right using the DP stages chart, we have the followingDP costs:Plasma Shot: 4 -> 0Zapper: 8 -> 1

For the Base DP/LP costs of various techs and spells, please consultRamtieger's Game System FAQ.

Note that the calculation of BP cost is a lot simpler than DP/LP. The BP costis reduced by 1 for each additional level in the corresponding weapon or magicskill. So the maximum BP reduction from the base cost is 5.

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-------------------------- Weapon/Magic Crown [RS804] ==========================

The weapon/magic crown is only a term describing a character being an expert inweapon techs or magic spells. There is no physical item called weapon/magiccrown in the game. The two crowns are mutually exclusive. Therefore, acharacter cannot obtain both crowns at the same time.

Weapon Crown - A character obtains the weapon crown when the character has at least 20 unique weapon techs (exclude basic techs) and the number of spells is 10% or less of the number of weapon techs. Martial Arts techs are counted as weapon techs. A character with weapon crown receives one stage of DP/LP reduction to weapon techs.

Magic Crown - A character obtains the magic crown when the character has at least 10 spells and the number of weapon techs is 10% or less of the number of spells. A character with magic crown receives one stage of LP reduction to magic spells.

For example, suppose a character has 20 unique weapon techs, the character willget the weapon crown if he/she has at most 2 spells. If the character learns athird spell, the crown will be lost.

Note that there is no explicit indication in the game on whether a characterhas a weapon crown or magic crown. You can only determine that by counting thenumber of techs/spells or by examining the DP/LP costs.

For more information on DP/LP reductions, refer to the topic "Calculating DP/LPCost."

----------------------------------------- Unlocking All Three Ending Quests [RS805] =========================================

It is possible to unlock and complete all three ending quests in the sameplaythrough, namely the neutral ending quest Auldburg (Quest 54), the goodending quest Trials of Elore (Quest 55), and the evil ending quest TheNetherworld (Quest 56).

First of all, you need to unlock all three quests by hearing all three talesfrom the Minstrel at ER 20 or above before you complete any of them.

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To unlock Auldburg, your favors with Elore, Saruin, Death, and Schirach allneed to be below 200. Then you will hear the tale "Giants and Auldburg" fromthe Minstrel.

To unlock Trials of Elore, your favor with Elore needs to be 200 or above. Yourfavors with other gods do not matter. You will hear the tale "Heroes and Godsat War" from the Minstrel.

To unlock the Netherworld, your favor with Elore has to be below 200 and yourfavor with Saruin, Death, or Schirach has to be 200 or above. You will hear thetale "A Tale of Death" from the Minstrel.

So now the question is how to unlock all three ending quests in the sameplaythrough. Depending on your favors with the gods, you will get one of theending quests when you talk to the Minstrel at ER 20. Before you complete it,you can change your favors and talk to the Minstrel again to trigger anotherone. Sometimes changing from one way to another could be easy, but going theother way around could be hard. In the following, I will give some suggestionsthat help changing your favors from one quest to another.

Evil/Neutral to Good (increase favor with Elore): - Buy a lot of Cosmology spells from Temple of Elore. You get one favor point for each 200G you spend there. If your characters are filled with Cosmology spells already, you can always recruit some dummy characters. - Perform the vortex The Wheel a number of times in battles. - Fight battles in Dry Lands, Rosalia, and Bafal Empire.

Good to Neutral/Evil (decrease favor with Elore): - Trigger Elore's Benediction. - Buy a lot of spells from Temples other than Elore's. - Perform many vortexes other than The Wheel. - Fight battles in areas other than Dry Lands, Rosalia, or Bafal Empire.

Neutral to Evil (increase favor with Saruin): - Kill Galahad during the Ice Sword (Quest 42). - Perform the Pillar vortex in many battles. - Fight battles on Walon Isle.

Evil to Neutral (decrease favor with the Evil Gods): - Trigger the Evil Gods' Benedictions. - Buy a lot of spells from Temples other than Elore's. - Perform many vortexes other than The Wheel or Pillar.

In my opinion, it is the easiest to go from Evil/Neutral to Good. As long asyou have the gold, you can always "buy" your way to Good. The hardest would begoing from Good to Neutral/Evil. Unless you can pull off Elore's Benediction,you may have to increase your favors with all other gods a lot to decrease thefavor with Elore. The way how this works is that when the total favor with allgods exceeds 1000, your favors with all gods decrease so that the total remains1000. As a result, if you keep increasing favors with all other gods exceptElore, his favor will eventually decrease, but it may take quite awhile.

I would suggest you to read the section "Favor" under "Battle System" inRamtieger's Game System FAQ. It has detailed information on how favor points

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are changed in the game as well as information on benedictions. It may help youdetermine the best course of actions to change your favor from one to another.

After unlocking all three quests, you should follow these steps to completethem.

1. Talk to the kid in Uso to unlock Auldburg on the map.

2. Visit Pyrix to get access to Netherworld. Then enter and exit Netherworld. Make sure you do NOT ask Death where Saruin is if you go down to see him.

3. Go to the Sun's Altar in Steppes of Galessa to complete Trials of Elore. You will unlock the first "Face Saruin" in your quest notes.

4. Go through Auldburg to reach Ettinham. Talk to the elder Giant to unlock the second "Face Saruin" in your quest notes.

5. Go to the Netherworld and ask Death where Saruin is. This unlocks the third "Face Saruin" in your quest notes.

It is important to complete Trials of Elore before you complete any of theother two. Once you have "Face Saruin" in your quest notes, you will not beable to do the Trials.

---------------- Vortexes [RS806] ================

Before you can perform any vortex in the game, you have to satisfy certainrequirements first. These are the requirements:

1. Perform the Surge of a tech once.2. Perform the Reverse of a tech once.3. Perform the Surge Reverse of a tech once.4. Perform a Combo once.5. Perform a Fulcrum once.

To perform a Surge Reverse in early game, the best tech would be Cutting Lunge.A Fulcrum is triggered when certain techs or spells are the first attack in acombo. These attacks include Splash Shot, Rapid Volley, Rain of Arrows,Millionaire, Bird of Fire, Mindblast, Snowstorm, etc. Forming a combo such asRapid Volley + Another Tech will always trigger a Fulcrum.

The following is a list of vortexes. The suggested formation may make thevortex easier to pull off, but it is not a requirement.

The Scissors------------Number of Characters - 2

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Increase Favor with - Amut and EresSuggested Formation - Both characters on the same rowRequirement - Both characters use Dash type attacks

The Pillar----------Number of Characters - 3Increase Favor with - Saruin, Death, and SchirachSuggested Formation - Front-Front-Middle, or Middle-Middle-BackRequirement - All three characters use Non-Dash type attacks

The Dragon----------Number of Characters - 3Increase Favor with - YucombSuggested Formation - Front-Middle-BackRequirement - All three characters use the same type of attacks such as all Dash type or all Non-Dash type

The Demon---------Number of Characters - 3Increase Favor with - CyrilSuggested Formation - Front-Middle-BackRequirement - All three characters use spells

The Stallion------------Number of Characters - 3 to 5Increase Favor with - NisaSuggested Formation - The characters are on the same rowRequirement - All characters use Dash type attacks

The Phantom-----------Number of Characters - 4Increase Favor with - MirsaSuggested Formation - One Front, two Middle, and one BackRequirement - Not Specified

The Wheel---------Number of Characters - 5Increase Favor with - EloreSuggested Formation - o o 1 o o 4 o o o 5 o 2 o 3 o - Have them act in order from 1 to 5. Positions 2 and 3 can switch. Positions 4 and 5 can switch.Requirement - Not specified

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For completeness, included below are the in-game descriptions of Surge,Reverse, Surge Reverse, Combination (Combo), Fulcrum, and Vortex.

Surge - At times, a combatant who is highly skilled with his or her weapon can rush towards the opponent, covering ground with terrible speed. Such an attack cannot be dodged. This is known as a "surge."

Reverse - After attaining a high level of skill with a weapon, you can sometimes unleash a second strike upon your enemy. The mightier the first strike, the more damaging the second. This is known as a "reverse."

Surge Reverse - Expert fighter can sometimes perform a surge and a reverse simultaneously. This ultimate secret is known as the "surge reverse."

Combination (Combo) - When multiple combatants focus their strikes upon a single target, they sometimes form a chain attack dealing much greater damage. This is known as a "combination."

Fulcrum - Some spells and techniques can maintain their effects throughout a combination when they are used to start one. This increases the chances that another combination will occur. This is known as a "fulcrum."

Vortex - When combatants unleash a combination from a certain formation, they can summon incredible strength and perform a special combination. This is known as a "vortex."

---------------------------------- Altours Orchard Mini-Quest [RS807] ==================================

You may have noticed a man selling fruits in Altours. His list of merchandiseconsists of four different type of fruits, but normally only Fruit and Fruit ofLuck are available. Successfully completing the orchard mini-quest enables youto buy Quality Fruit and Fruit of Riches.

The man standing near the fruit seller usually tells you about his shipmentfrom Yeoville being late, but sometimes he will say something different whichallows you to take on the mini-quest. (At this time, I still have no solidinformation on a sure way to trigger the mini-quest.)

The first time he will tell you that bugs help pollination when flowers areblooming. Choose the option to head over to the orchard and then leave. Do notkill any bug in the orchard.

Now go on to do some other quests and check back with the man once awhile.

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When the next part is ready, he will tell you that bugs are bad when fruits areon the branch. Go to the orchard and this time make sure you kill all the bugs.

Again, do some other quests and check back with the man later. If you completedthe quest successfully, the man will tell you that it looks like a good harvestthis year. The fruit merchant will now sell Quality Fruit and Fruit of Richesat fairly low prices. However, from my experience, you will not be able to buyFruit of Luck.

Note that you should come back often to check for the second part of the quest,such as once every ER. If you wait too long before doing the second part, thequest may "fail" and you will get a bad harvest. In any case, it is possible tocome back later to do this mini-quest again.

------------------------------ About Weapon Tempering [RS808] ==============================

Most weapons can be made stronger through tempering. When a weapon is temperedwith a material, it receives the Power, DP Modifier, and DP bonus/penalty ofthe material. Some materials may even offer ailments/magic resistance.

To actually make the weapon grow stronger, it needs to be tempered withmaterials that are harmonius to the weapon. When you temper weapons at ablacksmith, a harmonius material will have its name shown in red at the lowerright of the screen. You can also check the current material of a temperedweapon in the items menu (press the square button to switch the info page ifneeded). The material name will be red if it is harmonius.

After tempering a weapon with harmonius material, you need to break it in. Youdo not need to actually break the weapon by depleting its DP. Instead, you justneed to use it a good number of times. In the case you actually break theweapon, retemper it with the harmonius material again. After you have used itenough to break in the material, the power of the weapon will increase and thematerial will no longer be shown in red. Furthermore, the weapon name will befollowed by a "+1" (or "+2", "+3", etc. at higher tempering stages). Now youcan temper it with the next harmonius material and repeat the process. Refer toGundam4Fun's Armor/Weapons Guide for the harmonius materials for each weapon.

When you temper the weapon with the last harmonius material, the weapon namewill immediately change and no longer have a number at the end. However, youstill need to break in that material. This time when it occurs, the weapon namewill not change, but the power will still increase and the material will no

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longer be red. After breaking in the final harmonius material, you may retemperthe weapon with a material that gives better or desirable bonus. Tree Crystalis usually the best choice for this final touch. Or sometimes Electrum can beused for getting +4 DP mod on some weapon types, such as Bows.

It was believed that once a weapon was tempered with harmonius material, thematerial will break in after using the weapon enough times regardless of whattech you use. But some testing reveals that's not the case. Here are theresults and a few conclusions I have drawn.

I tempered a number of Zweihanders with Southern Iron and here is the number oftimes each one took to "level up". Opponents were Dinosaurs in all cases.

Zweihander 1 : Mix of basic attack and Blunt Strike | 52 timesZweihander 2 : Blunt Strike (1 DP cost) only | 34 timesZweihander 3 : Blunt Strike (1 DP cost) only | 38 timesZweihander 4 : Blunt Strike only for 30 times, retempered with | 35 times Southern Iron, then it "leveled up" after 5 more | Blunt Strike |Zweihander 5 : Basic attack (0 DP cost) only | 53 timesZweihander 6 : Cross Cut (1 DP cost) only | 41 timesZweihander 7 : Running Slash (0 DP cost) only | 57 timesZweihander 8 : 0 DP mod, Cross Break (2 DP cost) only, | 28 times retempered after 25 uses |Zweihander 9 : -2 DP mod, Cross Break (3 DP cost) only, | 25 times retempered after 17 uses |Zweihander 10: -4 DP mod, Cross Break (4 DP cost) only, | 17 times retempered after 13 uses |

Conclusion 1:The number of use required is kind of random, but the range seem to be rathersmall given the same conditions (as seen in case 2-4).

Conclusion 2:Retempering the weapon with the same material does not reset the "usagecounter". So you can retemper the weapon with the same material to refill DPwithout worrying that you have to start over. (case 4)

Conclusion 3:Using techs that cost DP will reduce the number of times needed to "level up"the weapon. The higher the DP cost, the less number of uses is needed.(case 5-10)

-------------------------------------------------- Tips on Treasure Hunting with Treasure Map [RS809] ==================================================

This section is contributed by yipviva. The text was directly copied fromyipvia's post on the message board and has been slightly edited:

The first time I got a level 4 Treasure Map (Steps of Galessa), I was looking

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for a Blue Saber. I quicksaved in Northpoint and started the search. I did keeptrack on the contents I get from it. For more than 2 hours, I've noticed thatevery time I found a particular item, the amount of golds and bonus items arealways the same. At that time I started wondering if TMs drop contents from alist. Also a few days before that I was looking for Amber Meleate from a level2 TM. I hunted for more than 1 hour and still couldn't find it which usually itshouldn't be that hard. Think of that, I went to kill some monsters since thereprobably won't be any luck finding the Blue Saber from that quicksave. Afterkilling some monsters, I quicksaved in Northpoint and started the search again,this time I noticed the contents had change and I found the Blue Saber under 4resets.

So to the best of my knowledge, this is how TM contents go. When a player got aTM, a list of contents will randomly created depends on the player's currentBR. When the player go to the area where the TM indicated, one of the contentsfrom ONLY that list will randomly pick again. Every time the player killmonsters, the contents on the list will also change randomly depending on theRank points. So if a player couldn't find a TM item for long time, try killingsome monsters and search again.

One thing I am not sure of is if a player got a level 1 TM at BR1, will he/shefinds items like Shooting Star from that TM when he/she is at BR9?


IX. Tricks and Exploitations [RS900]


------------------------------ A. Gold-Related Tricks [RS910] ==============================

Gold Dragon Trick [RS911] =====================

Gold is a rather scarce resource in this game. Although this trick does notmake you rich in minutes, it can still give you a steady supply of gold withsome work.

To perform this trick, you will have to be at least ER 14 so that the MineAssaulted (Quest 38) is available. Moreover, you may need a team that can

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effectively defeat the Gold Dragon. If you have trouble with the dragon, youmay have to try again later.

During the quest, if you leave Aurefont (not just the mine) and come back, themonsters you defeated in the mine will respawn, including the Gold Dragon.Since the Gold Dragon always drops Pure Gold, which sells for 1000G to 1428G apiece (depending on your shop clout), you can kill it as many times as youwant and sell all the Pure Golds for a good profit. Thanks tksnguyen for thetip.

When you are performing this trick, do not rescue any miners. It is because anyminers you rescue will disappear from the mine and they will not count towardsthe number of miners rescued if you leave Aurefont, thus reducing your rewardsfor the quest. Therefore, rescue them only if you are ready to complete thequest.

------------------------------- B. Jewel-Related Tricks [RS920] ===============================

Lurk/Move Silently Trick [RS921] ============================

One may spam the proficiencies Lurk and Move Silently to earn jewels. This isespecially useful in early game to get enough jewels to get your party to atleast class level 2.

To perform this trick effectively, your party should have level 0 Covert skill.Equip Lurk and Move Silently together with other proficiencies that give youthe most proficiency points. Then go to a dungeon to spam Lurk and MoveSilently. You will earn one jewel each time you use a proficiency. With level 0Covert skill, Lurk and Move Silently take about 4 seconds to wear off. If yourCovert skill is higher, you may leave the area to dispel the effect manually.When you run out of proficiency points, go back to a town, unequip and re-equipa proficency to replenish the proficiency points.

The best places to perform this trick include Geckling Cave and Estamir Tunnelswhere you can quickly step back to town to replenish your proficiency points.If you are patient, you can earn over a thousand jewels in an hour.

Valhalland Monsters Marathon Trick [RS922] ======================================

This trick was posted by shinybtw on GameFAQs message board. I rephrased andreorganized the information in his original post.

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This trick allows you to complete Valhalland Monsters (Quest 15) many times toreap a large amount of jewels in the form of quest rewards. Note that this isdifferent from the "once per ER" approach. This is called the Marathon becauseyou will be running around a lot.

Requirements:1. The main character is not Albert.2. Your ER is 20-21.3. You have not heard any of the three ending quests from the Minstrel.4. The Frozen Lake Faerie (Quest 50) cannot be activated yet. That means you are not at ER 22 and you have not learned about the Frosthold Fortress from Death.

Steps:1. Talk to Gato to start the quest Valhalland Monsters (Quest 15).2. Complete the quest and receive your reward from Gato.3. Leave the Valhalland region completely by visiting some place outside of Valhalland.4. Return to Valhalland and repeat Step 1.

According to shinybtw, the quest can be done a maximum of 32 times. I verifiedthe trick worked, but only did about 10 times before I stopped. In any case,if you want to do as many times as possible, you should avoid random monstersto prevent reaching ER 22 too soon.

It is best to leave this trick until later playthroughs where you earn at least200-250 jewels per quest. You can complete the quest only 4-5 times in an hour.If the jewel reward per quest is low, you may be better off using the Lurk/MoveSilently Trick with level 0 Covert skill, which you can earn over 1000 jewelsin an hour.

There is a small trick to speed things up a little if you did not know.When you go to Gato's Village from outside of Valhalland, you are stopped atShiverland. If you immediately exit Shiverland back to the world map, you canselect Gato's Village again and it will now bring you there directly, savingyou a trip running through the Shiverland.

-------------------------------- C. Battle-Related Tricks [RS930] ================================

Pyrix Trick [RS931] ===============

This is not really a battle trick. It is more of a trick that lets you learnmany powerful techs early in the game, but I am putting it under this categoryanyway.

The Pyrix trick refers to the exploit of fighting Pyrix again and again toglimmer techs at early ER. You may perform this trick as soon as you are free

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to roam the world. To start the trick, visit Avi on Mt. Scurve to trigger thequest The Ignigarde (Quest 41) first. Then go to Jelton and complete Monster ofMt. Tomae (Quest 23) to get access to Pyrix.

Basically, you can start a fight with Pyrix. Then use regular attacks to sparktechs. You do not need to worry about healing and you can just let Pyrix killoff your characters one by one. By the time all your characters are killed,they should have sparked some techs. You do not get a game over from losing toPyrix. You will just be sent off to right outside his chamber. Go back in andrepeat the process. When your characters are low on LP, return to town torecover and you are good to go again. Losing to Pyrix does not increase yourER, so you can do it as many times as you want.

Although Pyrix is good for sparking most techs, he can only spark a few level 5techs if you are lucky. To increase the chance of sparking high level techs,you may try using specific techs according to the "Rank 4/5 Tech Tree List"in Ramtieger's Game System FAQ, or increasing your weapon skills and switchingweapon to the mode of the tech you want to spark. However, the chance is stillsmall. I would not recommend trying to spark everything from him.

Note that you must have the quest The Ignigarde (Quest 41) activated beforeyou can fight Pyrix over and over again. And once you have given the Ice Sword(Quest 42) to him, you will not be able to fight him again.

Phantom Warrior/Chalice Trick [RS932] =================================

Chalice, which can be obtained during Return of the Vampires (Quest 30), is apowerful item that allows you to fully recover the BP of your whole partythrough its Miracle Water. However, you can only use Miracle Water at most fourtimes before it breaks. To recharge it, you will need to take a long tedioustrip through the Desert and Ruins, not to mention about the returning trip thatdoubles the effort. However, with the Phantom Warrior/Chalice Trick, you nolonger need to worry about breaking the Chalice.

Phantom Warrior is an Illusion spell, which can be bought in the Temple ofAmut or Ettinham. It creates a duplicate of the caster, including all the itemsand equipments he/she is wearing. Since the items on the Phantom Warrior arecopies, you can use them, break them, and deplete their DP without affectingthe original items. When the Phantom Warrior dies or when the battle ends, thecharacter, along with his/her items, will revert to the state right beforePhantom Warrior was casted, minus the LP and BP used to cast it. Takingadvantage of it, you can use the duplicate Chalice from a Phantom Warriorwithout touching the original. When the Phantom Warrior is gone, your Chalicewill still be as good as new.

This trick can also be applied on some rare one-time items, such as the mummypotions. This essentially translates to unlimited use of the items.

While you are using Phantom Warrior, keep in mind its limitations. Healing

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spells, healing items, and Miracle Water do not work on the Phantom Warrior.However, the healing from Phoenix Arrow works though.

Hasten Time Trick [RS933] =====================

The Hasten Time Trick is a setup and strategy that allows your party to goturns after turns without giving the enemies any chance to act. It can let youdefeat the most powerful enemy in the game, namely 10-Fatestone Saruin, withouttoo much effort. I came up with this trick and first posted it on GameFAQsmessage board on Dec 10, 2005. Since then, it has been reposted a number oftimes as requested. Now I decide to put it here and share with anyone who isreading my FAQ.

On some Japanese web-sites, there were similar tactics of chaining Hasten Time.However, Hasten Time (and Overdrive as well) is far more "broken" in theJapanese version that the minor details discussed here wouldn't even be neededto make the trick work. In the Japanese version, characters would recover BP atthe beginning of the free turn generated by Overdrive or Hasten Time, whereasno BP regen applies during that turn in the US version, making it a lot harderto chain Hasten Time.

Anyway, the following is the complete original text of the Hasten Time Trick.

Disclaimer: I will not be held responsible for if the knowledge and/or the use of the tactics given below in any way affects your enjoyment of the game. Read on at your own discretion.

First of all, I would like to say that the method discussed below is NOT cheating. It is merely exploiting the most broken tricks/spells/items and piecing them together. I don't mind you say it is cheap (because it is indeed), but it can get the job done (with no honor).

This method is inspired from the cheapest trick in RS2, which you can kill the final boss without letting it act even once. The general idea is to chain the fusion spell "Hasten Time" such that the enemy has no way to act until it's dead. In the following, I will discuss how one can chain "Hasten Time" almost indefinitely (in fact, with a little twisting, the chain can go on forever).

Ingredients: High LP characters x5 (50% starting BP is a plus, regen doesn't matter) Holy Chalice Mummy Tonic (from Oh! Mummy Quest) Mummy Elixir (chest in level 3 of Quietus, guarded by Scorn) Talent Blaster x16 Blazing Sword Marcasite/Reinforced Wing/Mullock(-4/-5DP ones)


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Time Mage x4 Class: Level 4 Rosalian Mage/Imperial Scholar with magic crown* Syn. Spell: Hasten Time Spells: Various attack spells Weapons: Talent Blaster x4 Phantom Mage x1 Class: Level 4 Imperial Scholar with magic crown Syn. Spell: Phantom Warrior (Phantom Warrior+Freeze Time) Spells: Bird of Fire Weapons: Chalice, Blazing Sword**, Mummy Tonic, Mummy Elixir Other Skill: Level 3+ Foil

* Magic crown refers to the LP reduction bonus your char gets when the char has at least 10 spells and the number of weapon techs is 10% or less than the number of spells. ** Temper the Blazing Sword with Marcasite, Reinforced Wing, or Mullock (-4/-5DP)

The basic idea is to chain Hasten Time by having the next Time Mage cast Hasten Time again at the end of the turn. Since BP regen does not apply in the turns generated by Hasten Time, we have to rely on Chalice (Miracle Water) to provide the necessary BP. Normally the Chalice can only be used 4 times; however, we can make use of the Phantom Warrior/Chalice trick to use it as many times as we want. Casting Phantom Warrior (PW) will make a duplicate of your character along with all his/her items. When the PW is gone, your character will revert to the status right after it casted PW. That means you can use any one-use items and break the Chalice by using it 4 times as a PW, but to have them back when you revert from the PW. So how do we kick out the PW whenever we want? Simple, LP-kill it! As a Level 4 Imperial Scholar with magic crown and level 3 Foil, channeling Bird of Fire with a -3DP Blazing Sword costs 4LP. Typically, doing it four times will LP-kill any char with 16LP or less. Note that with the above skill setup, Hasten Time and Phantom Warrior cost y1 LP per cast. The mummy potions are used to replenish LP.

In the following, I'm going to show the general flow of the battle. I'm assuming each char has 52 max BP and 16LP. T.Mage A,B,C and P.Mage have 40% starting BP and T.Mage D has 50% starting BP. Phantom Warrior costs 7BP, Hasten Time costs 26BP, Water Blasts costs 4BP, and Bird of Fire (channeled) costs 9BP and 4LP. The numbers in the parenthesis indicates the change of BP in that turn. The characters act in the order as shown.

Turn 1: T.Mage A: Talent Blaster on T.Mage B (20->20) T.Mage B: Talent Blaster on P.Mage (20->52) T.Mage C: Water Blast (20->16) P.Mage : Phantom Warrior (20->52->45) T.Mage D: Hasten Time (26->0) Turn 2: T.Mage A: Water Blast (20->16->52) T.Mage C: Water Blast (16->12->52) T.Mage D: - (0->52) P.Mage : Miracle Water (Chalice DP: 10->7) T.Mage B: Hasten Time (52->26) Turn 3:

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T.Mage A: Water Blast (52->48) T.Mage B: Water Blast (26->22) T.Mage D: Water Blast (52->48) P.Mage : Bird of Fire (45->36, LP: 16->12) T.Mage C: Hasten Time (52->26) Turn 4: T.Mage A: Water Blast (48->44) T.Mage B: Water Blast (22->18) T.Mage C: Water Blast (26->22) P.Mage : Bird of Fire (36->27, LP: 12->8) T.Mage D: Hasten Time (48->22) Turn 5: T.Mage B: Water Blast (18->14->52) T.Mage C: Water Blast (22->18->52) T.Mage D: Water Blast (22->18->52) P.Mage : Miracle Water (Chalice DP: 7->4) T.Mage A: Hasten Time (44->52->26)

Now do you see the pattern? Basically, Chalice should be used once every 3 turns and the Chalice can be used 4 times. So for each cast of Phantom Warrior, there are 12 turns. Subtracting 1 turn for casting PW and 4 turns of using Chalice, the P.Mage has 7 turns to use Mummy Potions and LP-kill itself. Now I will show the general flow of LP-killing the P.Mage and recasting it.

Turn 11: T.Mage B: Water Blast (18->14->52) T.Mage C: Water Blast (22->18->52) T.Mage D: Water Blast (22->18->52) P.Mage : Miracle Water (Chalice DP: 1->0) T.Mage A: Hasten Time (44->52->26) Turn 12: T.Mage A: Water Blast (26->22) T.Mage C: Water Blast (52->48) T.Mage D: Water Blast (52->48) P.Mage : Bird of Fire (LP: 4->0) T.Mage B: Hasten Time (52->26) Turn 13: T.Mage A: Talent Blaster on P.Mage (22->22) T.Mage B: Water Blast (26->22) T.Mage D: Water Blast (48->44) P.Mage : Phantom Warrior (45->52->45) T.Mage C: Hasten Time (48->22) Turn 14: T.Mage A: Water Blast (22->18->52) T.Mage B: Water Blast (22->18->52) T.Mage C: Water Blast (22->18->52) P.Mage : Miracle Water (Chalice DP: 10->7) T.Mage D: Hasten Time (44->52->26)

Note that in Turn 13, I use a Talent Blaster on the P.Mage before he/she casts PW. This is to ensure that the P.Mage will have enough BP to LP-kill him/herself because you will have no way to regen his/her BP after PW is active (unless you let the time flows again and so Saruin can kick your butt in one turn). If the P.Mage cannot LP-kill him/herself because of the lack of BP, the chain will definitely falls apart. Of course, you don't have to use a Talent Blaster every time if you know you will still have

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enough BP to LP-kill after casting PW.

More Notes: 1. Mummy Tonic/Elixir recovers half of the LP lost for a character, rounded down. So you should use it on a char that has lost the most LP. 2. In this setup, the limiting resource is the Talent Blasters and the LP of the P.Mage. 3. Make sure you have the P.Mage go last (right before the Hasten Time) at the turn you LP-killing it. Otherwise, it may wake up with 0 BP the next turn instead of 45. This will delay the P.Mage from casting PW by one turn. 4. You always use Chalice when there is only one T.Mage with enough BP to cast Hasten Time. If you delay the Chalice to next turn, no one will have enough BP to allow you to select Hasten Time. 5. This setup will easily let you chain 100-200 turns even if each cast of Hasten Time/Phantom Warrior always costs 1LP. 6. Obviously you can use some other spells instead of Water Blast. You may experiment with spells to form combos like Demon and Phantom (such as Bird of Fire->Water Blast->Star Beam->Water Blast). 7. To chain indefinitely, you may setup a second Phantom Mage and give him/her one Mummy Potion and some Talent Blasters (and a Blazing Sword or some way to LP-kill him/her). This P.Mage will be responsible for using Talent Blaster on the first P.Mage and recover his/her LP. It is possible to chain forever with this twist, but I'm not giving the exact details here. 8. If you are using this method against Saruin, beware that when he changes to second form, that turn is free to act for all. So don't blame me if he screws you over in that single turn. (That's what he did to me the first time I tried this method... he used Mind's Shadow and then Deus Ex Machina 2 times. I was totally screwed...)

Final Note: I'm merely sharing this method and by no means am I encouraging you to use this method in defeating Saruin (or any boss) since it definitely takes away the challenge and the fun. I defeated 10-Fatestone Saruin with this method, but I wouldn't even want to brag about it. There is no pride and honor defeating anything with this cheap tactics. I would only take pride in piecing tricks together to devise this method, but not in this method itself. And lastly, thank you for your time in reading this.


X. Frequently Asked Questions [RSA00]


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------------------------- List of Questions [RSA01] =========================

1. How do I get into Crystal Palace? [QA001]2. Can I complete Temple Tours? [QA002]3. Which main characters can get a costume change? [QA003]4. How do I get Galahad to buy the Ice Sword? [QA004]5. What is the Pyrix trick? [QA005]6. Does losing to Pyrix increase my ER? [QA006]7. What is the Gold Dragon trick? [QA007]8. How do I solve the puzzle on Abandoned Keep 3F? [QA008]9. How do I get the Chalice? [QA009]10. How do I recharge the Chalice? [QA010]11. How do I get to the Netherworld before ER 20? [QA011]12. What is carried over to the new game plus? [QA012]13. How do I trigger the evil form of an elemental lord? [QA013]14. What is the Lurk/Move Silently trick? [QA014]15. Can I use Aldora's true body? [QA015]16. Can I learn Sorcery and Necromancy spells? [QA016]17. How can I purchase skills individually? [QA017]18. How do I dismiss the Minstrel? [QA018]19. How can I use the Minstrel in the final battle? [QA019]20. The Minstrel has disappeared, how do I dismiss a character? [QA020]21. How do I dismiss Brau and Sylvan? [QA021]22. What happens to a character when he or she is LP-killed? [QA022]23. Will a dismissed character keep the same stats/equipments? [QA023]24. Is there a soft-reset function in this game? [QA024]25. How do I use a Treasure Map? [QA025]26. What are the exclaimation points that I can't do anything to? [QA026]27. What weapons do shields work with? [QA027]

----------------------------- Questions and Answers [RSA02] =============================

1. How do I get into Crystal Palace? [QA001] - You have to have Albert in your party before the guards would let you in.

2. Can I complete Temple Tours? [QA002] - No. Some topics in the quest notes are there to give you information. Temple Tours, Finding the Fatestones, and Mysteries of Ecology cannot be completed.

3. Which main characters can get a costume change? [QA003] - Only Albert and Gray can get a costume change and they must be the main characters to get it. Gray gets the costume change when you complete Voice of the Blade (Quest 4). Albert gets it when you obtain Mirsa's Armor during the Dragon Knight (Quest 49).

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4. How do I get Galahad to buy the Ice Sword? [QA004] - You must have at least 20,000G on your hand before the shopkeeper will tell you the sword was bought. Then the lady outside the shop will tell you Galahad bought it.

5. What is the Pyrix trick? [QA005] - Refer "Pyrix Trick" in section VIII. Tricks and Exploitations.

6. Does losing to Pyrix increase my ER? [QA006] - No.

7. What is the Gold Dragon trick? [QA007] - Refer to "Gold Dragon Trick" in section VIII. Tricks and Exploitations.

8. How do I solve the puzzle on Abandoned Keep 3F? [QA008] - Refer to the section "About the Puzzle in Abandoned Keep..." under Pride of the Knights (Quest 14).

9. How do I get the Chalice? [QA009] - Activate Return of the Vampires (Quest 30). Before you complete the quest, talk to the two man in North Estamir pub and then search the tombs in the catacombs in Estamir Tunnels.

10. How do I recharge the Chalice? [QA010] - You can recharge it at the Temple of Nisa under Kaklim Desert. It is the same place where you get the fatestone Topaz.

11. How do I get to the Netherworld before ER 20? [QA011] - There are two ways: a. Kill Pyrix before you bring him the Ice Sword. b. If you completed Plant Ecology in a previous playthrough, you can trigger and kill Pyrocanis at ER 18+ during Plant Ecology in the current playthrough.

12. What is carried over to the new game plus? [QA012] - Refer to the section "About New Game Plus..." under Face Saruin (Quest 57).

13. How do I trigger the evil form of an elemental lord? [QA013] - Refer to the section "Triggering the Possessed Form of the Elemental Lords..." under Aquatic Ecology (Quest 43).

14. What is the Lurk/Move Silently trick? [QA014] - One may spam the proficiencies Lurk and Move Silently to earn jewels. This is especially useful in early game to get enough jewels to get your party to at least class level 2. To perform this trick effectively, your party should have level 0 Covert skill. Equip your character with Lurk and Move Silently. Then go to a dungeon to spam these proficiencies. You will earn one jewel each time you use a proficiency. With level 0 Covert skill, Lurk and Move Silently take about 4 seconds to wear off. If your Covert skill is higher, you may leave the area to dispel the effect manually.

When you run out of proficiency points, go back to a town, unequip and re-equip a proficency to replenish the proficiency points. The best places to perform this trick include Geckling Cave and Estamir Tunnels where you can quickly step back to town to replenish

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your proficiency points. If you are patient, you can earn a thousand jewels in about an hour.

15. Can I use Aldora's true body? [QA015] - No, never, unless you cheat or hack your way to get it. Some other sources or FAQs indicate that you can use Aldora's body after you fully unlocked Aldora in a previous playthrough, but that is not true. No matter who you unlocked (the true Darque or Aldora) during Who Am I? (Quest 52), Darque will always revert back to his amnesia form when you start a New Game Plus.

16. Can I learn Sorcery and Necromancy spells? [QA016] - No. There is no way to learn Sorcery and Necromancy spells. Red Mage is the only playable character with access to those spells.

17. How can I purchase skills individually? [QA017] - Get a character to class level 3 and you will be able to train skills individually. Note that it is cheaper to train a set of skills than to train those skills individually.

18. How do I dismiss the Minstrel? [QA018] - He will leave your party automatically when you enter a pub. If he has just joined you, he will not leave when you return to the same pub without leaving the town.

19. How can I use the Minstrel in the final battle? [QA019] - The Minstrel needs to leave your party before you can trigger the ending quests. And during the time between you trigger and complete the ending quest, the Minstrel will not join you. To be able to recruit back the Minstrel after the ending quest, you must NOT complete the Trials of Elore. Instead, complete any of the other two ending quests--Auldburg or The Netherworld. After you finish one of these two ending quests, you will be able to recruit the Minstrel again.

20. The Minstrel has disappeared, how do I dismiss a character? [QA020] - The best way is probably to LP-kill the character you want to dismiss. A second way is to sacrifice to Death; however, note that Death always takes the second character in line.

21. How do I dismiss Brau and Sylvan? [QA021] - Brau and Sylvan will leave the party permanently after Eule Gives a Hoot (Quest 25). If you cannot wait, they can be dismissed through LP death. LP-killing Brau and Sylvan will not affect the scenes in Eule Gives a Hoot.

22. What happens to a character when he or she is LP-killed? [QA022] - When the LP of a character is depleted, he or she will be forced to leave your party. It has the same effect as dismissing the character through the Minstrel. If the character is re-recruitable, he or she will appear in his or her usual resting place(s) after some time; otherwise, you will never see that character again.

23. Will a dismissed character keep the same stats/equipments? [QA023] - Yes. A character will have the same equipments as when he or she is dismissed or LP-killed. The stats will be either the same or better, depending on whether your party has leveled quite a bit before you recruit the character back. Of course, this applies only to characters

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that are re-recruitable.

24. Is there a soft-reset function in this game? [QA024] - Yes. The button combination is L1+R1+START+SELECT. Including L2 and R2 in the combination does not work.

25. How do I use a Treasure Map? [QA025] - First of all, you need the Find Treasure and Excavate proficiencies for treasure hunting. When you look at the Treasure Map in the Items menu, the location is indicated under Item Details on the lower left of the screen. Sometimes the location is composed of multiple levels or areas. If you have Find Treasures equipped and when you are at the same level where the treasure is located, you will see a blue arrow on your compass. It points to the exact location of the treasure. Follow the arrow until you get a prompt telling you the treasure is nearby. Then use Find Treasure and Excavate to dig it up.

26. What are the exclaimation points that I can't do anything to? [QA026] - If you see the exclaimation points but no action prompt appears, that means you do not have the appropriate "Find" proficiencies equipped. Usually they are chests, herbs, or ores. You will need Find Chests, Find Herbs, or Find Ores. At a few certain places, it can also be a "trap" that has a hidden passage behind and you will need Find Traps.

27. What weapons do shields work with? [QA027] - Shields have a chance to activate only in the turn you are using a one-handed weapon, namely Foil, Short Sword, Long Sword, Scimitar, Hand Axe, and Club. Shields cannot activate when you are using any other weapons, Martial Arts, or spells. Shields do not work with the Defense action either.


XI. Romancing SaGa Trivia [RSB00]


This section is an archive of the trivia questions that I posted in the thread"Romancing Saga Trivia" on GameFAQs' Romancing Saga Message Board. Do youthink you are an expert in this game and know all the details? Try out thetrivia and see how well you do!

------------------------ Trivia Questions [RSB01] ========================

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1. Which fatestone can you get earliest in the game? [TR001]

2. Which fatestone has the earliest closing ER? (i.e. If you pass [TR002] the ER, you can't get it anymore in that playthru.)

3. How many times do you need to jump between the platforms when [TR003] going down the Netherworld?

4. What change(s) can you see at the Steppes of Galessa after you [TR004] have completed any ending quest (good, neutral, or evil doesn't matter)?

5. Name 3 enemy attacks that can cause instant death. [TR005]

6. What is the attack of Ghostship or a Deepfish that may cause [TR006] instant death?

7. How much LP does a Mummy Elixir recover? [TR007]

8. What is the dungeon that you can get the Chiral Clogs? [TR008]

9. Do beast type monsters or Aisha's Horse run faster? [TR009]

10. So you know all mains have their own little actions when you [TR010] leave them alone. For example, Barbara would rub her arm with another hand. Hawke would play with his fists. Now the question is, what is the little action for Marina? (You are able to see this in one of the quests.)

11. Name three characters who will just turn away instead of [TR011] having their heads down when you dismiss them.

12. Given that you have successfully completed Plant Ecology in [TR012] the current playthru, what is the earliest possible ER you can collect all 10 fatestones (assuming Diamond is obtainable)?

13. Under no specific condition, what is the earliest possible ER [TR013] to collect all 10 fatestones?

14. Assuming you have completed Unlucky Woman quest in previous [TR014] playthru, which fatestone has the shortest range of ER in which you can get it?

15. If Claudia is a lvl 5 Warrior with lvl 5 bow skills and she [TR015] has 42 techs and 5 spells, what is the DP cost of Zapper with a 52/+3 Kjar Bow?

16. Name all the items that give hydrology immunity. [TR016]

17. Who is the boss when asking Silver to join? [TR017]

18. What is the dungeon where you can get a Guardian Ring from [TR018] a Chest?

19. Name three towns/cities where you can buy Guardian Rings. [TR019]

20. Rank the damage of the following spells against Jewel Beast: [TR020] Hellfire, Pulverize, Blood Curdle.

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21. Suppose Hawke is a Roaslian Mage equipped with Blazing Sword. [TR021] The first turn he casts Phantom Warrior. Then the second turn he casts Overdrive. In his 5 free turns, he uses artful slash three times and casts revives twice on his comrades. Then the next turn he got killed by a combo attack and is replaced by the real Hawke the following turn. Question: Is there anything wrong in this scenario? If so, what is it?

22. What is the maximum number of times a Petrified Fish can use [TR022] Hydraulic Barrage in a single turn?

23. What tech is unique to 2-Handed Sword? [TR023]

24. What is the maximum amount of jewels a player can carry? [TR024]

25. What are the two techs unique to 2H Axe? [TR025]

26. What is the level of the highest level jump point in the [TR026] Treasure Cave?

27. Which dungeon has Quarterstaff as fixed treasure? [TR027]

28. What dungeon has Ultra Balm as fixed treasure? [TR028]

29. What is the name of Wuhan's daughter? (Or at least how does [TR029] Wuhan address her?)

30. How many tombstones are there in Estamir's Catacomb? [TR030]

31. Suppose Claudia is a lvl 5 Rosalian Mage. In a battle, she [TR031] has 50BP at the current turn. If she casts Overdrive and then casts healing water x 3 + water blast x 2, how much BP she will have in the next turn?

32. What is earliest possible ER to fight Scorn? [TR032]

33. Which monster in random encounter has the highest HP? [TR033]

34. What status ailment may the attack Tempest cause? [TR034]

35. What are the two ways to open up Faerie's Grove? [TR035]

36. Name an attack that a player can possibly have access to [TR036] (i.e. a player can use it in a battle) and that it can inflict darkness.

37. Name two attacks, other than sparkable techs, that a player [TR037] can possibly have access to and that they may inflict paralysis.

38. Suppose Hawke is a level 5 Imperial Scholar. He and his [TR038] comrades are fighting Scorn in a battle. In the first turn, Scorn is doing minimal damage to Hawke's comrades. Then Hawke uses Cosmic Tide and decreases Scorn's INT. In the second turn, Scorn is doing no damage to Hawke's comrades. In the same turn Hawke casts Snowstorm and inflicts some damage on Scorn. In the third turn, Hawke decides to use Aegis on himself. The battle then goes on for awhile. When the battle is finally over, Hawke

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looks at himself and sees that he has not lost any LP in this battle. Question: Is this scenario possible? If not, list exactly what is impossible.

39. Now again with the same question, but instead of Imperial [TR039] Scholar, Hawke is now a Rosalian Mage. Suppose Hawke is a level 5 Rosalian Mage. He and his comrades are fighting Scorn in a battle. In the first turn, Scorn is doing minimal damage to Hawke's comrades. Then Hawke uses Cosmic Tide and decreases Scorn's INT. In the second turn, Scorn is doing no damage to Hawke's comrades. In the same turn Hawke casts Snowstorm and inflicts some damage on Scorn. In the third turn, Hawke decides to use Aegis on himself. The battle then goes on for awhile. When the battle is finally over, Hawke looks at himself and sees that he has not lost any LP in this battle. Question: Is this scenario possible? If not, list exactly what is impossible. There may be more than one impossible things.

40. Will Jewel Beast ever leave Frontier? [TR040]

41. If you are to complete as many quests as possible in a single [TR041] playthru, what is the minimum number of times you need to use Find Trap?

42. What is the minimum number of jumps you need to complete the [TR042] quest "Find the Aquamarine"?

43. How many doors/gates are there in the Aquamarine Cave D before [TR043] the altar holding the fatestone?

44. How many fatestone altars are there in the game? [TR044]

45. What is the maximum number of times (battles) you can fight [TR045] the Minion(s) in a single playthru? (by vivisimonvi)

46. What is the minimum number of battles with the Minions if you [TR046] want to complete the game with 10 fatestones?

47. How many ways can you get a Game Over outside of combat? [TR047] Name them. (by killerb255)

48. Which two of the main characters share a very very distantly [TR048] faint bloodline? (Hint: Came from the same race) (by Maipawa)

49. Does Aisha look sad or happy when Neidhart asks Nizam if he [TR049] can bring her to Crystal City? (by Maipawa)

50. Where and under what conditions can you still find the [TR050] Minstrel after completing the Trials of Elore? (by Maipawa)

---------------------- Trivia Answers [RSB02] ======================

1. Amethyst [TR001]

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2. Diamond [TR002]

3. Twelve times [TR003]

4. The sky turned brown. [TR004]

5. Deus Ex Machina, Abyss, Horn of Death, and more... [TR005]

6. Tidal Wave [TR006]

7. 50% of the LP lost rounded down. [TR007] The formula is floor((max_LP - current_LP) / 2)

8. Vampire's Den [TR008]

9. Beast type monsters [TR009]

10. Tapping her shoe just like Aisha. It is possible to see this [TR010] when you are following her down the sewers during Stolen Nymphs.

11. Jamil, Gray, and Claudia [TR011]

12. ER 20 (trigger the evil ending quest and get access to [TR012] Frosthold Fortress for the last fatestone Obsidian Sword.)

13. ER 18 for the last fatestone Ruby. You can get Obsidian Sword [TR013] as soon as you have access to Netherworld (by killing Pyrix/Pyrocanis).

14. Ruby. Its ER range is 18-22 (5 ERs). Aquamarine has a longer [TR014] range since you can get it way before the quest can be activated with Neidhart. The condition about Unlucky Woman is needed; otherwise, Diamond could have the shortest range in a playthru that you need to talk to her 4-5 more times to get the Diamond. (It's just a special case that I was trying to rule out there.)

15. DP Cost: 3 (Can be calculated out using the rules from the [TR015] section "Calculating DP/LP Cost" under Miscellaneous Topics.)

16. Ruby, Blue Elf, Raincloud Armlet, and items tempered with [TR016] Stonefish Scales

17. Remember Silver would say "I'm the boss and you are the [TR017] bossee, see? If you get this straight, I don't mind joining ya." Now you know the answer.

18. Twinmoon Temple [TR018]

19. Crystal City, Melvir, Loban, and Tarmitta [TR019]

20. All spells have the same damage. They will all miss because [TR020] Jewel Beast is immune to magic.

21. Yes. A Phantom Warrior cannot cast any fusion spell. I put in [TR021] the Overdrive, artful slash, revive and stuff just to create confusion, but they are perfectly fine and can be done if Hawke is not in PW. As for the last sentence, it applies to PW. So the only

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place that doesn't connect is between the second and third sentences.

22. Four times [TR022]

23. Vandalize [TR023]

24. 9999 [TR024]

25. Four Seasons and Slash [TR025]

26. Level 4 [TR026]

27. South Cave (Stage 2), Elizabeth Palace [TR027]

28. Auldburg [TR028]

29. Pumpkin. When Wuhan is talking with her daughter in the [TR029] ending, he called her "Pumpkin".

30. Twelve [TR030]

31. She will have 36 BP. At lvl 5 hydrology, Overdrive costs 15BP, [TR031] Healing Water costs 0BP, and Waterblast costs 3BP. Claudia at 50+ max BP has +7 regen. So the calculations go like this: 50-15-0-0-0-3-3+7 = 36

32. ER 3 during An Unlucky Woman. [TR032]

33. Deepfish [TR033]

34. Darkness [TR034]

35. Obtain the Amethyst (complete Amethyst of Vision) or lose to [TR035] the King of the Jungle during Oh, Mummy!

36. Black Cloud (Red Mage) [TR036]

37. Bind to Earth (Cosmology), Flame Whip (summon Pyrix through [TR037] Axe of Kings), and Paralyzing Claw (Brau's unique tech)

38. It is possible to have Cosmic Tide that decreases INT with the [TR038] help of fusion. So the only impossible thing there is about Aegis. You can channel Aegis, but no matter what you do, Aegis in this scenario will cost at least 1LP. So Hawke cannot finish the scenario without losing any LP.

39. First, Hawke will lose LP casting Snowstorm (channeling or not) [TR039] and Cosmic Tide. Aegis can be channeled through Serpent Staff without losing LP though. Second, he cannot reduce Scorn's INT because Rosalian Mage's fusion does not give stats modifier.

40. No. If you do not kill Jewel Beast, you will see a cut-scene [TR040] of it moving along the New Road when you enter Quietus, but you never see it outside of Frontier.

41. Only once in Silver's Cave [TR041]

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42. Four. The one near the entrance of Cave D requires 2 times [TR042] (entering and exiting) and there are two jump points in Cave E, which require one jump each.

43. Four [TR043]

44. There are 15 fatestone altars: Aquamarine, Topaz, Moonstone, [TR044] Black Diamond, Opal, and 10 altars in Quietus' Fatestone Chamber.

45. Ten times. An Unlucky Woman - Scorn. Ailing Emperor, Twinmoon [TR045] Temple - Scorn. Pirate Invasion, Saruin's Underground Temple - Scorn. Underwater Temple - Strife. The Dragon Knight - Spite. Frosthold Fortress - Spite. Quietus 1F - Spite. Quietus 2F - Strife. Quietus 3F - Scorn. Quietus 4F - ones that you fought previously in Quietus. (Thanks killerb255 for the complete list.)

46. One battle for the Diamond. You can skip Ailing Emperor and [TR046] come back at a rather late ER to get the moonstone. Scorn won't show up. And for Black Diamond and Obsidian Sword, after you have obtained the fatestone, equip it on a character and then LP-kill that character before leaving Underwater Temple or Frosthold Fortress. The Minions will not show up if you are not carrying the Black Diamond or the Obsidian Sword. When you are outside, recruit back the LP-killed characters to retrieve the fatestones. (Thanks vivisimonvi for testing the LP-kill method to avoid the Minions.)

47. You get a Game Over if you get hit by the mist coming out of [TR047] the statues in Aquamarine Cave. You will also get a Game Over if you answer it wrong twice when Monica asks you "Who sent you?" during Neville's Request.

48. Albert and Sif. [TR048]

49. Her reactions will change depending on whether she has [TR049] followed Neidhart to Rosalia before Neidhart talks to Nizam. If she had went to Rosalia, then when Neidhart poses the question she will have a look of anticipation, and disappointment when Nizam turns it down. If she had not been to Rosalia before, it would be the other way round -- a look of disappointment when Neidhart proposes to bring her to Rosalia, and a look of relief when Nizam turns it down. (Thanks Raywing (Maipawa) for the answer.)

50. Complete the ecology quest for Adyllis and go back to visit. [TR050] You will see the Minstrel singing song to her even after having completed the Trials of Elore.


Credits [RSC00]

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Most of the information is obtained from the Brady Guide for Romancing SaGa.

Other information is obtained from Romancing SaGa, BladewindDraconus' FAQ,Ramtieger's Game System FAQ, and Gundam4Fun's Armor/Weapons Guide.

Thanks everyone on GameFAQs' Romancing SaGa Message Board for any tips andinformation.


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