ROLE OF NHERF1, CFTR AND cAMP IN THE REGULATION OF AQUAPORIN 9 * Christine Pietrement 1 , Nicolas Da Silva 1 , Claudia Silberstein 1 , Marianne James 2 , Mireille Marsolais 4 , Alfred Van Hoek 1,3 , Dennis Brown 1,3 , Nuria Pastor-Soler 5 , Nadia Ameen 6 , Raynald Laprade 4 , Vijaya Ramesh 2,3 , Sylvie Breton 1,3 . From the: 1 Center for Systems Biology, Program in Membrane Biology/Nephrology Division and 2 Center for Human Genetic Research, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02114, 3 Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02215, 4 Groupe d'Étude des Protéines Membranaires, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada. 5 Renal-Electrolyte Division and 6 Department of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA 15261. Running title: NHERF1, CFTR and cAMP regulation of AQP9 Address correspondence to: Sylvie Breton, Program in Membrane Biology, Simches Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, 185 Cambridge Street, Suite 8204, Boston, MA 02114, Tel: 617-726- 5785; Fax: 617-643-3182; Email: [email protected] Water and solute transport across the plasma membrane of cells is a crucial biological function that is mediated mainly by aquaporins and aquaglyceroporins. The regulation of these membrane proteins is still incompletely understood. Using the male reproductive tract as a model system in which water and glycerol transport are critical for the establishment of fertility, we now report a novel pathway for the regulation of aquaporin 9 (AQP9) permeability. AQP9 is the major aquaglyceroporin of the epididymis, liver and peripheral leukocytes, and its c-terminal portion contains a putative PDZ binding motif (SVIM). Here we show that NHERF1, CFTR and AQP9 co-localize in the apical membrane of principal cells of the epididymis and the vas deferens, and that both NHERF1 and CFTR co-immunoprecipitate with AQP9. Overlay assays revealed that AQP9 binds to both the PDZ1 and PDZ2 domains of NHERF1, with an apparently higher affinity for PDZ1 vs PDZ2. Pull-down assays showed that the AQP9 c-terminal SVIM motif is essential for interaction with NHERF1. Functional assays on isolated tubules perfused in vitro showed a high permeability of the apical membrane to glycerol, which is inhibited by the AQP9 inhibitor, phloretin, and is markedly activated by cAMP. The CFTR inhibitors DPC, GlyH-101 and CFTRinh-172 all significantly reduced the cAMP-activated glycerol-induced cell swelling. We propose that CFTR is an important regulator of AQP9 and that the interaction between AQP9, NHERF1 and CFTR may facilitate the activation of AQP9 by cAMP. Epithelial cells lining the lumen of the excurrent duct of the male reproductive tract create a luminal environment that is optimal for sperm maturation and storage. The composition of the luminal fluid is progressively modified and is tightly regulated during transit from the testicular seminiferous tubules, into the efferent ducts, the epididymis and the vas deferens (1-10). Significant water reabsorption leading to a marked increase in sperm concentration and luminal hypertonicity occurs in the epididymis (5,11-13). In addition, glycerol, a metabolic substrate for epididymal sperm, is accumulated in the lumen of the distal epididymis (14). In the more distal regions of the epididymis and in the vas deferens, water secretion driven by cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)- dependent chloride transport occurs and controls the fluidity of the luminal content (15,16). Although the epididymis is among the most seriously affected organs in cystic fibrosis (CF), very little is known about the mechanisms that lead to the marked decrease in male fertility that occurs in this disease. Cystic fibrosis is one of the leading causes of male infertility (15,17,18). CFTR plays a critical role in the anatomy and function of the epididymis and vas deferens. A large number of men with CF have no vas deferens, and/or absence or atrophy of some regions of the epididymis (19,20). It was originally proposed that these abnormalities were the The latest version is at JBC Papers in Press. Published on November 30, 2007 as Manuscript M704678200 Copyright 2007 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. by guest on September 12, 2018 Downloaded from


Page 1: ROLE OF NHERF1, CFTR AND cAMP IN THE … · ROLE OF NHERF1, CFTR AND cAMP IN THE REGULATION OF AQUAPORIN 9 * Christine Pietrement1, Nicolas Da Silva1, Claudia Silberstein1, Marianne


Christine Pietrement1, Nicolas Da Silva

1, Claudia Silberstein

1, Marianne James


Mireille Marsolais4, Alfred Van Hoek

1,3, Dennis Brown

1,3, Nuria Pastor-Soler

5, Nadia Ameen


Raynald Laprade4, Vijaya Ramesh

2,3, Sylvie Breton


From the: 1Center for Systems Biology, Program in Membrane Biology/Nephrology Division and2Center for Human Genetic Research, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02114,

3Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02215,4Groupe d'Étude des Protéines Membranaires, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada.

5 Renal-Electrolyte Division and 6 Department of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,Pittsburgh, PA 15261.

Running title: NHERF1, CFTR and cAMP regulation of AQP9

Address correspondence to: Sylvie Breton, Program in Membrane Biology, Simches Research Center,Massachusetts General Hospital, 185 Cambridge Street, Suite 8204, Boston, MA 02114, Tel: 617-726-5785; Fax: 617-643-3182; Email: [email protected]

Water and solute transport across the

plasma membrane of cells is a crucial biological

function that is mediated mainly by aquaporins

and aquaglyceroporins. The regulation of these

membrane proteins is still incompletely

understood. Using the male reproductive tract

as a model system in which water and glycerol

transport are critical for the establishment of

fertility, we now report a novel pathway for the

regulation of aquaporin 9 (AQP9) permeability.

AQP9 is the major aquaglyceroporin of the

epididymis, liver and peripheral leukocytes,

and its c-terminal portion contains a putative

PDZ binding motif (SVIM). Here we show that

NHERF1, CFTR and AQP9 co-localize in the

apical membrane of principal cells of the

epididymis and the vas deferens, and that both

NHERF1 and CFTR co-immunoprecipitate

with AQP9. Overlay assays revealed that AQP9

binds to both the PDZ1 and PDZ2 domains of

NHERF1, with an apparently higher affinity

for PDZ1 vs PDZ2. Pull-down assays showed

that the AQP9 c-terminal SVIM motif is

essential for interaction with NHERF1.

Functional assays on isolated tubules perfused

in vitro showed a high permeability of the apical

membrane to glycerol, which is inhibited by the

AQP9 inhibitor, phloretin, and is markedly

activated by cAMP. The CFTR inhibitors DPC,

GlyH-101 and CFTRinh-172 all significantly

reduced the cAMP-activated glycerol-induced

cell swelling. We propose that CFTR is an

important regulator of AQP9 and that the

interaction between AQP9, NHERF1 and

CFTR may facilitate the activation of AQP9 by


Epithelial cells lining the lumen of theexcurrent duct of the male reproductive tractcreate a luminal environment that is optimal forsperm maturation and storage. The composition ofthe luminal fluid is progressively modified and istightly regulated during transit from the testicularseminiferous tubules, into the efferent ducts, theepididymis and the vas deferens (1-10).Significant water reabsorption leading to a markedincrease in sperm concentration and luminalhypertonicity occurs in the epididymis (5,11-13).In addition, glycerol, a metabolic substrate forepididymal sperm, is accumulated in the lumen ofthe distal epididymis (14). In the more distalregions of the epididymis and in the vas deferens,water secretion driven by cystic fibrosistransmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)-dependent chloride transport occurs and controlsthe fluidity of the luminal content (15,16).Although the epididymis is among the mostseriously affected organs in cystic fibrosis (CF),very little is known about the mechanisms thatlead to the marked decrease in male fertility thatoccurs in this disease. Cystic fibrosis is one of theleading causes of male infertility (15,17,18).CFTR plays a critical role in the anatomy andfunction of the epididymis and vas deferens. Alarge number of men with CF have no vasdeferens, and/or absence or atrophy of someregions of the epididymis (19,20). It was originallyproposed that these abnormalities were the latest version is at JBC Papers in Press. Published on November 30, 2007 as Manuscript M704678200

Copyright 2007 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

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consequence of defective embryonic development.However, recent studies have indicated thatdysfunction of the epididymis and vas deferens inpatients with cystic fibrosis might be the results ofa progressive atrophy of these tissues that mayoccur after birth and reach maximum intensity atadult age (21,22). These studies suggest thatprevention strategies could be developed to helpthe CF affected male population preserve theirreproductive function.

In a variety of epithelia, water channels(aquaporins) are involved in transepithelial bulkwater flow driven by an osmotic gradient(reviewed in (23)). In mammals, aquaporins aredivided into two subgroups based on theirpermeability characteristics: the strict“aquaporins” (AQP0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8) areselective for water and the “aquaglyceroporins”(AQP3, 7, 9, and 10) are permeable to neutralsolutes in addition to water. AQP11 and AQP12have recently been identified and are moredistantly related to the other members of theaquaporin family (24). Aquaporins andaquaglyceroporins show a wide range ofdistribution in organs that are actively involved inwater movement (25-29). AQP9 has beenidentified as the major aquaglyceroporin in theexcurrent duct of the male reproductive tract, theliver and peripheral leukocytes (30-36). In themale reproductive system, it is constitutivelyexpressed in the apical stereocilia of principal cellsalong the entire length of the epididymis and vasdeferens, as well as in the apical membrane ofnon-ciliated cells of the efferent ducts (32). Thisaquaglyceroporin allows passage of a wide rangeof solutes, including glycerol, urea, mannitol, andsorbitol, in addition to water (35). Thus, AQP9provides a potential route for transepithelial fluidand solute transport in the epididymis. Thepromoter region of AQP9 contains a putativesteroid hormone receptor-binding site (35), andsex-linked differences in AQP9 expression werereported in the liver (37). Androgens controlAQP9 expression in the adult epididymis(30,33,38), and Aqp9 mRNA increases markedlyduring the first 4 weeks of post-natal development(31). However, the acute regulation of AQP9function has not been well characterized. Thepresence of a putative PDZ (PSD-95, Drosophiladiscs large protein, ZO-1) binding motif, SVIM, inthe c-terminus of AQP9 indicates the potential

intervention of PDZ proteins in its regulation. PDZproteins are scaffolding proteins that facilitate theassociation of multiprotein complexes, a processthat is essential for the phosphorylation of sometransporters, channels and receptors (39,40).NHERF1 (Na/H Exchanger Regulatory Factor;SLC9A3R1) is a major apical PDZ protein thatcontains three protein interaction domains: PDZdomain 1 (PDZ-1), PDZ domain 2 (PDZ-2), and asequence located in the C-terminus that binds tothe family of Merlin/Ezrin/Radixin/Moesin(MERM) proteins (41-43). NHERF1 is involved inthe cAMP regulation of a variety of transporters,including Na+/H+ exchanger type 3 (NHE3),CFTR, Na+-Pi cotransporter IIa (Npt2 or NaPi Iia)(reviewed in (39,40,44,45)), and ROMK (46).

Water transport and solute transportrepresent crucial events in the establishment andmaintenance of male fertility, and we postulatedthat CFTR might be involved in their regulation.The present study is aimed at characterizing thefunctional contribution of AQP9 to apical glycerolpermeability and at determining whether the apicalPDZ protein NHERF1, and the PDZ-bindingprotein, CFTR, could participate in its regulation.

Experimental Procedures

Functional studies on epididymal tubules

perfused in vitro - Epididymal tubules weredissected from the initial segments of theepididymis in a cold preservation solutioncontaining 56 mM Na2HPO4, 13 mM NaH2PO4

and 140 mM sucrose, as described previously (47).They were then transferred into a perfusionchamber mounted on the stage of an OlympusIMT-2 inverted microscope, and peritubular andluminal perfusions were performed (solutions inTable 1). The basolateral solution compositionwas based on normal plasma values, and the apicalsolution was based on previous epididymalmicropuncture studies (5). After an initial controlperiod, the apical membrane permeability toglycerol was estimated from the initial rate ofincrease in cellular volume induced upon isotonicreplacement of either 60 or 120 mM raffinose (animpermeant solute in the epididymal tubule) withglycerol. Digital images of perfused tubules werecaptured at 15s or 30s intervals, as described in thetext, using a Nikon Coolpix 995 camera and were

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analyzed using IPLab software (Scanalytics,Fairfax, VA). For each time point, the height ofepithelial cells was measured at 5-6 differentlocations along the tubule, and the values wereaveraged. Cell volume was assessed from thesevalues and was expressed as percentage of initialcontrol volume, as we have previously publishedfor kidney proximal tubules (48). Initial rates ofcell swelling were determined from four cellvolume values measured at 15 s intervals duringthe first minute of glycerol exposure. The effectsof 500 μM phloretin, an AQP9 inhibitor, or 100

M chlorophenylthio cAMP (cpt-cAMP) onglycerol-induced cell swelling were examined. Wealso examined the effects of three different CFTRinhibitors, DPC (500 M), GlyH-101 (25 M),and CFTRinh-172 (5 M). GlyH-101 andCFTRinh-172 are previously characterizedspecific CFTR inhibitors kindly provided by AlanVerkman (UCSF) (49,50). Statistical analysis wasperformed using the Student-t test for paired orunpaired experiments, as indicated in the text.

Antibodies and peptides - An affinity-purifiedrabbit polyclonal antibody was raised against apeptide corresponding to the last 15 amino acids(PSENNLEKHELSVIM) of the c-terminal tail ofrat AQP9 (35). This antibody has been fullycharacterized previously (32,33) and was used inthis study for immunocytochemistry and for someimmunoprecipitation (IP) assays. An affinitypurified anti-rat AQP9 antibody raised in chicken(Chemicon International; Temecula, CA, USA)was also used for western blotting (WB) ofmaterial immunoprecipitated using our rabbit anti-AQP9-antibody. An affinity-purified chickenpolyclonal antibody was raised against a GST-NHERF1 fusion protein corresponding to aminoacids 270-358 (IC270), which we used previouslyfor the generation of a polyclonal rabbit antibody(41). A peptide corresponding to the last 15 aminoacids of AQP9 was generated in the MassachusettsGeneral Hospital Peptide/Protein Core Facility,and some of the peptide was biotinylated. Threedifferent anti-CFTR antibodies were used forimmunofluorescence and western blot detection.AME-4991 is the whole serum of a previouslycharacterized antibody raised in rabbit against asynthetic 13-residue peptide of the carboxyterminus of rat CFTR (51). A commercial rabbitaffinity-purified antibody against amino acid

residues 1468-1480 of human CFTR (#ACL-006from Alomone) and a monoclonal antibody againstamino acids 1377-1480 of human CFTR (Clone24-1, #MAB25031 from R&D Systems) were alsoused.

Immunofluorescence microscopy - Sexuallymature male Sprague-Dawley rats wereanesthetized with Nembutal (7.5 mg/100 g bodyweight i.p.; Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago,IL) and perfused via the left ventricle with PBS(0.9% NaCl in 10mM sodium phosphate buffer,pH 7.4) followed by a fixative containing 4%paraformaldehyde, 10 mM sodium periodate, 75mM lysine, and 5% sucrose in 0.1 M sodiumphosphate buffer (PLP), as described previously(32,33), or with PBS containing 2%paraformaldehyde (for CFTR labeling).Epididymis and vas deferens were cryoprotectedin 30% sucrose/PBS, mounted for cryosectioningin Tissue-Tek OCT compound 4583 (SakuraFintek USA, Inc., Torrance, CA), and quick-frozen. Sections were cut at a thickness of 5 musing a Reichert-Jung 2800 Frigocut cryostat(Leica Microsystems, Inc., Bannockburn, IL) andpicked up onto Superfrost/Plus microscope slides(Fisher scientific, Pittsburgh, PA). For indirectimmunofluorescence microscopy, sections werehydrated for 15 min in PBS and treated for 4 minwith 1% SDS in PBS, an antigen retrievaltechnique that we have previously described (52).Sections were washed in PBS 3 times 5 min andthen blocked in 1% BSA/PBS for 15 min. Affinitypurified rabbit anti-AQP9 antibody was applied ata dilution of 1:3200 in a moist chamber for 90 minat room temperature or overnight at 4oC. Sectionswere washed in high salt PBS (PBS containing2.7% NaCl) twice for 5 min and once in normalPBS. Goat anti-rabbit IgG coupled to CY3 wasthen applied for 1 h at room temperature followedby washes as above. Sections were double-stainedby subsequent incubation with anti-NHERF1antibody diluted 1:50 followed by donkey anti-chicken IgG conjugated to FITC, or with anti-CFTR antibody MAB25031 diluted 1:10, followedby goat anti-mouse IgG conjugated to FITC.Double-labeling was also performed using anti-AQP9 chicken antibody diluted 1:50 followed byanti-CFTR AME-4991 antibody diluted 1:50.

Slides were mounted in Vectashieldmedium (Vector Laboratories, Inc., Burlingame,

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CA). Digital images were acquired using a NikonEclipse 800 epifluorescence microscope (Nikoninstruments, Inc., Melville, NY) using an Orca 100CCD camera (Hamamatsu, Bridgewater, NJ),analyzed using IPLab scientific image processingsoftware (Scanalytics, Inc., Fairfax, VA) andimported into Adobe Photoshop image editingsoftware (Adobe Systems Inc., San Jose, CA).

Apical membrane preparation - Epithelial cellapical membranes were isolated using the brushborder membrane (BBM) Mg2+ precipitationtechnique, as previously described (32,33). Wehave shown previously that AQP9 is significantlyenriched in epididymal BBM (32). Proteinconcentration was determined using thebicinchoninic acid assay (Pierce Biotechnology,Rockford, IL) using albumin as standard.

Immunoprecipitation (IP) and co-IP assays –

Anti-AQP9 rabbit antibody was conjugated tomagnetic beads (Dynabeads Protein A, Invitrogen)according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Theepididymal BBM preparation (250 g) was pre-cleared by two consecutive 30-min incubationswith non-conjugated magnetic beads.Immunoprecipitation assays were performed in 1ml IP buffer (1% Triton X-100, 150mM NaCl,10mM Tris pH 7.4, 1mM EDTA, 1 mM EGTA,0.2 mM Na-orthovanadate, 0.5mM IGEPAL CA-630, 10% glycerol, 1% BSA, complete proteaseinhibitors) for 2 hours at 4°C. After three washesin 1 ml IP buffer, beads were resuspended in 50 μlLaemmli reducing sample buffer, and incubated atroom temperature for 45 min. Beads were capturedusing a magnetic particle concentrator (Invitrogen,Carlsbad, CA), and eluates were subjected to SDS-PAGE, as described below. For some experiments,the anti-AQP9 antibody was pre-incubated withthe non-biotinylated AQP9 peptide prior toimmobilization on the beads. In separateexperiments, CFTR and AQP9 co-IP assays wereperformed using rabbit anti-CFTR antibody(Alomone) and our rabbit anti-AQP9 antibody,which were bound and cross-linked toimmobilized protein A using the Seize X ProteinA immunoprecipitation kit (Pierce). Thisprocedure allowed for WB detection of proteins inthe IP material using antibodies raised in the samespecies as that used for the IP. Total proteins fromrat epididymis and lung were isolated using the

ProFound lysis buffer (Pierce) complemented withprotease inhibitors. CFTR co-IP was performed byincubating the immobilized anti-CFTR antibodysequentially with 1 mg lung extract for 4 hours,then with 1 mg epididymis extract enriched withBBM overnight. This sequence was reversed toperform the AQP9 co-IP. After three washes,proteins were eluted in NuPAGE LDS samplebuffer (Invitrogen) with reducing agent andprotease inhibitors, incubated for 45 min at 23°C,and analyzed by Western blotting.

Immunoblotting (SDS-PAGE and Western

blotting) – Total epididymis homogenates, BBMsamples or IP eluates were diluted in samplebuffer , and loaded onto Tris-glycinepolyacrylamide 4-20% gradient gels (Lonza,Rockland, ME, USA). 4-12% NuPAGE gels(Invitrogen) were used for the analysis ofCFTR/AQP9 co-IPs. After SDS-PAGE separation,proteins were transferred onto Immun-Blotpolyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membranes(Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA).Membranes were blocked in Tris-Buffer saline(TBS) containing 5% non fat dry milk and thenincubated overnight at 4oC with the primaryantibody (either anti-AQP9, -NHERF1 or -CFTR)diluted in TBS containing 2.5% milk. After threewashes in TBS containing 0.1% Tween 20(TBST), and a 15 min block in 5% milk/TBS,membranes were incubated with secondaryantibodies (either goat anti-rabbit IgG or goat anti-chicken IgG) conjugated to horseradish peroxidasefor 1 hour at room temperature. After five furtherwashes, antibody binding was detected with theWestern Lightning Chemiluminescence reagent(Perkin Elmer Life Sciences, Boston, MA) andKodak imaging films.

Phosphatase assay - 330 μg (50 l) of epididymistotal homogenate was incubated with 100 μl Tris 1mM, Tris-HCl 50 mM pH 7.5 for 10 min at 30oC.30U (30 l) calf intestine alkaline phosphatase(Calbiochem, Darmstadt, Germany) was thenadded (water was added in the control sample) andthe solution was incubated for 15 min at 30oC.Dephosphorylation was terminated by the additionof 180 l of Laemmli sample buffer (2X). 30 l ofeach sample (containing 27 g of protein) were

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then subjected to electrophoresis and western blot,as described above.

Preparation of recombinant NHERF1 - Humanfull-length NHERF1 (amino acids (aa) 1-358) andNHERF1 truncated fusion proteins containingPDZ1 (aa 11-97), PDZ2 (aa 149-236), PDZ1 andPDZ2 (aa 11-236), PDZ2 and the C-terminalportion (aa 149-358), and NHERF1 lacking bothPDZ domains (aa 270-358) were amplified byPCR, subcloned into the BamHI-NotI sites ofpGEX4T (Amersham Pharmacia Biotechnology),and expressed in Escherichia coli, as describedpreviously (43). After a first step of purificationusing gluthathione-Sepharose 4B (AmershamBiosciences), GST-fusion proteins were loadedonto Tris-glycine polyacrylamide 4-20% gradientgels (PAGEr Duramide Precast Gels, 4-20% Tris-glycine Gels, Cambex, Rockland, ME, USA).After SDS-PAGE separation, GST-proteins weretransferred onto a PVDF membrane. After stainingwith Ponceau stain (Ponceau S Stain, BostonBioproducts, Ashland, MA) bands of interest wereeluted from PVDF membrane in Triton/SDSelution buffer 50 mM TrisCl, pH 9, 2% (w/v), 1%(v/v) Triton X-100, 0.2 ml/cm2 of membrane).These pure protein preparations were then storedat –20oC until use.

Overlay assays - Purified NHERF1 GST fusionproteins were submitted to electrophoresis andtransferred onto a PVDF membrane, as describedabove. Membranes were blocked in 10% non-fatdry milk in TBST, followed by two sequential 1hour incubations, the first with avidin (Avidinfrom egg white, Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO) at0.2 mg/ml and the second with biotin (D-Biotin,Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO) at 0.1 mg/ml toblock avidin and biotin sites. Membranes wereincubated with biotinylated C-terminus AQP9peptide at a concentration of 25 μg/ml overnight at40C, followed by washes. Membranes were thenincubated with avidin conjugated to horseradishperoxidase (HRP) at a dilution of 1:2000(ExtrAvidin Peroxydase conjugate, Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO). Probe binding wasdetected using enhanced chemiluminescence(Perkin Elmer Life Sciences, Boston, MA) andKodak X-Omat blue XB-1 films. TBS was usedfor all washes and incubations. After development,the membrane was washed in TBS and stained

with Coomassie blue to confirm the purity of theconstructs.

Preparation of AQP9 C-terminal constructs - AcDNA fragment (base pairs 1055-1163) of the ratAQP9 cDNA (GenBank accession numberAF016406, provided by Dr. Matthias Hediger),corresponding to the cytosolic c-terminal portion(aa MKAEPSENNLEKHELSVIM) of rat AQP9(35) was amplified by PCR. The fragment wasthen digested and inserted into Pst1 and Spe1 sitesof pET41a expression vector (Novagen). AQP9-c-ter was GST epitope-tagged at the NH2 terminus.In some constructs, the SVIM motif of the GST-AQP9-c-ter was mutated to GGGG and to SAKH.The sequence, SAKH, corresponds to the last fouramino acids of the B2 subunit of the V-ATPase,which has been shown not to interact withNHERF1 (53), and was, therefore, designed as anegative control. SVIM was also deleted (GST-AQP9-truncated) to obtain a truncated protein.Mutations were performed by using a QuikChangeSite-directed mutagenesis kit (Stratagene, La Jolla,CA). For protein expression, BL21(DE3) pLysScompetent cells were transformed with thedifferent constructs. Fidelity of the constructs wasconfirmed by DNA sequence analysis.

Small-scale overnight bacteria cultureswere started from glycerol stocks and were grownin LB broth at 37°C. Two ml of the overnightculture was added to 200 ml LB broth (1:100dilution) containing 30 μg/ml kanamycin. Whencultures reached an OD600 of 0.4-0.6, they wereinduced with 0.4 mM IPTG for 4 h at 37°C. Thebacteria were washed and resuspended in 25 ml ofcold PBS containing 2.5 mM EDTA. Lysis wasperformed using a French press, at 1000 lb/in2.The lysates were then centrifuged at 10,000 g for30 min at 4°C. Supernatants were aliquoted andstored at -80°C.

Pull down assays - GST-AQP9 fusion proteinswere immobilized onto glutathione sepharosebeads (Amersham Biosciences). For pull-down ofNHERF1, 150 μg of rat epididymis brush bordermembranes were resuspended in a Tris buffer (20mM Tris, 0.1 mM EDTA, 100 mM NaCl, 1%triton X-100, 1% IGEPAL, pH 7.40) andincubated with the immobilized GST-proteins in arotator for 2 h at 4°C. Beads were recovered by

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centrifugation, washed extensively andresuspended in Laemmli buffer. Samples wereboiled for 5 min and then subjected to SDS-PAGEand immunoblot analysis for NHERF1, using theaffinity-purified chicken anti-NHERF1 antibodyIC270. Pull-down assays were also performedusing kidney lysate as a source of abundantNHERF1 that does not contain endogenous AQP9.


AQP9-dependent apical membrane glycerol


Isolated epididymal tubules were perfusedwith a control solution containing 120 mMraffinose, a solute to which epididymis epithelialcells are impermeant. The epithelial cell layercould be visualized and distinguished from thesurrounding connective tissue and muscle cells(Fig 1A). After a 5 min control period, raffinosewas replaced by 120mM glycerol for 5 min (Fig.1B), followed by a post-control period. Glycerolpermeability was estimated from the increase incell volume induced by isotonic replacement ofraffinose by glycerol. Cell volume was estimatedfrom the height of epithelial cells measured at 5different locations along the tubule (Figs. 1 C-D),as we have described previously (48). Significantcell swelling was observed upon glycerol additionindicating high permeability of the epididymalapical membrane to this neutral solute (Fig 2A -top trace). On average, the initial rate of cellswelling was 50.6 ± 10 % /min (n=8). Addition ofthe AQP9 inhibitor phloretin (500 M) into theluminal fluid significantly reduced the initial rateof cell swelling to 7.5 ± 3.7 % /min (Fig 2A-bottom trace and Fig. 2B, n=10). These resultsindicate significant AQP9-dependent apicalmembrane permeability to glycerol.

Effect of cAMP on AQP9-dependent glycerol


To test for the effect of cAMP on AQP9-dependent glycerol permeation, lower glycerolconcentrations of 60 mM were used in order tofacilitate the detection of any variations in theinitial rate of cell volume changes, by slowingdown the overall speed of the process. First, weshowed that two consecutive pulses of glycerol,separated by a wash out period of 10 min, inducedidentical cell swelling (Fig. 3). The same protocol

was then applied but 5 min prior to performing thesecond glycerol pulse, a permeant analogue ofcAMP (8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-cAMP; cpt-cAMP100 M) was added into the luminal perfusate.While cpt-cAMP alone did not induce any changein basal cell volume (data not shown), the initialrate of glycerol-induced cell swelling wasmarkedly increased by cAMP (83.3 ± 25.8 %/min), compared to control (17.8 ± 5.3 % /min; p <0.02, n = 5) (Fig. 3). Importantly, phloretincompletely inhibited the cAMP-activated,glycerol-induced cell swelling (1.53 ± 1.5 vs 30.65± 4.33 % /min, p < 0.0005, n = 6) (Fig. 3).

Co-localization of AQP9 with NHERF1 in the

apical membrane of principal cells

Double-immunofluorescence labelingrevealed abundant expression of the PDZ proteinNHERF1 in the apical membrane of principal cellsof all regions of the epididymis and vas deferens,where it co-localized with AQP9 (Fig. 4). In thedistal epididymis (cauda), clear cells werenegative for AQP9 as we have previously shown(32), but they showed significant apical membraneand weak intracellular NHERF1 staining (Figs. 4G-I).

Co-immunoprecipitation of NHERF1 with AQP9

As shown in Fig. 5A, NHERF1 wasabundant in the epididymis brush-bordermembrane (BBM) preparation, and it was co-immunoprecipitated from rat epididymal BBMusing our anti-AQP9 antibody (IP AQP9) but notwith protein A-conjugated beads (IP Control).Interestingly, two bands at around 50 kDa weredetected by the antibody. Incubation of totalepididymis homogenates with intestine alkalinephosphatase reduced the intensity of the upperband in the doublet and increased the lower bandintensity (Fig. 5B). These results indicate that theupper band represents phosphorylated NHERF1and that the phosphorylated form of NHERF1 ispredominant in the epididymis preparation underour experimental conditions. Thus, the two bandsdetected in the AQP9 co-immunoprecipitatedmaterial shown in Fig. 5A represent thephosphorylated and non-phosphorylated forms ofNHERF1.

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The C-terminal tail of AQP9 interacts with


To determine the contribution of theAQP9 C-terminus to the interaction withNHERF1, co-immunoprecipitation assays wererepeated after pre-incubation of the AQP9antibody-conjugated beads with an AQP9 peptidecontaining the SVIM motif. Western blot forNHERF1 was first performed using the affinity-purified chicken antibody (Fig. 6; top panel) andthe same membrane was subsequently blotted forAQP9 (Fig. 6; bottom panel). A progressivedisplacement of AQP9 was observed when theAQP9 antibody was pre-incubated with increasingconcentrations of the AQP9 peptide (bottom panel:compare lane 2 (no peptide) with lanes 3 and 4). Inlane 4, a complete displacement of AQP9 by thepeptide was achieved. As shown in the top panel,the amount of NHERF1 in the AQP9-IP materialwas directly proportional to the level ofdisplacement of AQP9 by the AQP9 peptide,indicating that the AQP9 peptide containing theSVIM motif is more eff ic ient inimmunoprecipitating NHERF1 than the holo-AQP9 protein. This might be due to a betteraccessibility of the SVIM motif located on thepeptide for interaction with NHERF1, versus theholo-AQP9 protein when bound to the antibody.No AQP9 or NHERF1 were detected in the controllane using protein A beads alone (Fig. 6, lane 1).This result supports our hypothesis that the lastamino acids of AQP9, which include the “SVIM”motif, mediate the interaction of AQP9 withNHERF1.

Direct interaction between the C-terminus tail of

AQP9 and NHERF1 PDZ domains

Overlay assays using purified NHERF1GST fusion proteins subjected to electrophoresisand transferred onto PVDF membrane revealed aspecific and direct interaction between the AQP9peptide and both PDZ domains of NHERF1 (Fig.7). While no AQP9 binding was detected in thecontrol lane containing GST alone, or with theNHERF1 construct lacking both PDZ domains(GST-IC270), significant amounts of AQP9 weredetected in lanes containing PDZ1 domain (GST-PDZ1), both PDZ domains together (GST-PDZ1-PDZ2), and the entire length of NHERF1 (GST-NHERF1). A lower amount of AQP9 was detectedin the lane containing PDZ2 domain (GST-PDZ2)

indicating lower affinity of AQP9 for PDZ2compared to PDZ1. No binding was detected withthe GST-IC149 fusion protein, indicating negativecooperativity between PDZ2 domain and theremaining c-terminus portion of NHERF1. Thehigher affinity of AQP9 for PDZ1 compared toPDZ2 was confirmed by using sequential dilutionsof the NHERF1 PDZ1 and PDZ2 constructs (datanot shown).

The SVIM motif of AQP9 is essential for the

AQP9-NHERF1 interaction

Pull-down assays were performed fromepididymal BBM (Fig. 8: left panel) or kidneycortex lysate (Fig. 8: right panel) using GST-AQP9 fusion proteins corresponding to either thelast 20 amino acids of the c-terminus tail of AQP9(GST-AQP9-c-term) or a truncated c-terminus tailin which the SVIM motif has been deleted (GST-AQP9-truncated). Kidney lysate was used as asource of abundant NHERF1 that does not containendogenous AQP9, which might have competedaway the interaction of NHERF1 withimmobilized AQP9 fusion protein in theepididymis BBM preparation. NHERF1 waspulled-down from both epididymis and kidneypreparations using the full-length AQP9 c-terminus fusion protein preparations. In contrast,no NHERF1 was detected in the sample pulled-down using AQP9 constructs in which the SVIMmotif had been completely deleted (Fig. 8) or hadbeen replaced by either GGGG or the non-relatedmotif SAKH (corresponding to the last amino acidof the B2 subunit of the V-ATPase, which doesnot interact with NHERF1) (53) (data not shown).These results demonstrate that the SVIM motif isessential for the interaction between the C-terminus tail of AQP9 and native NHERF1.

Co-localization of AQP9 with CFTR in the apical

membrane of principal cells

Immunofluorescence labeling showedexpression of CFTR in the apical membrane ofprincipal cells of the initial segment (Fig. 9A) andcauda region (Fig. 9D) of the epididymis and vasdeferens. In the initial segment, CFTR co-localizeswith AQP9 at the base of the microvilli (Figs. 9B-C) and partial co-localization is also visible in themicrovilli of principal cells of the caudaepididymidis (Figs. 9E-F). Western blot showed asingle band at around 140 kDa in epididymal

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BBM and lung preparations (Fig. 10A). Asignificant enrichment in CFTR content wasdetected in epididymal BBM compared to totalhomogenate extracts, confirming the apicallocalization of CFTR in the epididymis. The 140kDa CFTR band was completely abolished onwestern blots performed using anti-CFTRantibody pre-incubated with the immunizingpeptide (Fig. 10B).

Co-immunoprecipitation of CFTR with AQP9

To reveal the interaction between CFTRand AQP9, we performed co-IP assays using lungprotein extracts (to enrich endogenous CFTR)together with epididymis BBM (to enrich AQP9).As shown in Fig. 11 (left panel), AQP9 was co-immunoprecipitated from this mixed preparationusing anti-CFTR antibody (IP) but was notdetected using protein A-conjugated beads(CTRL). Here again an intense signal for AQP9was detected in epididymal BBM (BBM).Reciprocally, CFTR was co-immunoprecipitatedusing anti-AQP9 antibody (Fig. 11, right panel:IP), but not with protein A-beads (CTRL). Forcomparison, lung extracts were added in a separatelane to show the CFTR signal (LUNG).

Effect of CFTR inhibition on AQP9-dependent

glycerol permeability

To test for the role of CFTR in modulatingthe cAMP-induced activation of AQP9-dependentglycerol transport, three different CFTR inhibitorswere tested on the initial rates of cell swellinginduced upon the luminal addition of 60 mMglycerol, as described above. After a first glycerolpulse, 100 M cpt-cAMP was added together withone of the CFTR inhibitors for a period of 10 min,followed by a second glycerol pulse still in thepresence of cpt-cAMP and inhibitors. As shown inFig. 12, DPC (500 M), GlyH-101 (25 M) andCFTRinh-172 (5 M) all significantly reduced thecAMP-activated, glycerol-induced cell swelling.


We and others have shown that AQP9 isthe major apical aquaporin in the excurrent duct ofthe male reproductive system (30-34). AQP9 ishighly expressed in the apical membrane ofprincipal cells of the epididymis (32). Throughoutthe epididymis, considerable water reabsorption

occurs, leading to a significant increase inspermatozoa concentration (5,12,54-57). In thedistal regions, water secretion driven by CFTR-dependent chloride transport regulates the finalfluidity of the luminal environment in whichsperm mature and are stored (15). A previousstudy showed AQP9-dependent transepithelialwater transport in the distal epididymis perfused invivo (58). Interestingly, AQP9 is not onlypermeant to water, but it also allows permeation ofneutral solutes such as glycerol (35). Glycerol isaccumulated in the lumen of the epididymis (14),and may serve as a metabolic substrate forepididymal sperm. Thus, both the neutral solutepermeability and water permeability of AQP9might represent important functions for thepreservation and storage of sperm in the lumen ofthe epididymis.

We have previously shown that, incontrast to some other apical aquaporins, AQP9does not recycle between the plasma membraneand intracellular vesicles (32). For example, in thekidney AQP2 is accumulated in the apicalmembrane by modulation of vesicle traffickingafter cAMP stimulation (59), and in the airwayepithelium cAMP induces the internalization ofAQP5 (60). Thus, the regulation of AQP9 bycAMP that we show here in the proximalepididymis, and that others have described in thedistal epididymis (58) seems to occur without theintervention of recycling mechanisms. The directinteraction between AQP9 and NHERF1 that wereveal in the present study strongly indicates thatNHERF1 might serve to anchor and stabilizeAQP9 in the plasma membrane, as was shown forother resident membrane proteins (39,40,44).NHERF1 is a major PDZ-containing adapterprotein that facilitates multiprotein complexformation, an essential step for thephosphorylation and regulation of a growingnumber of transporters, channels and receptors(39,40,43,44,46,61). NHERF1 was first identifiedas an essential cofactor for the cAMP regulation ofNHE3 in the kidney (62). NHERF1 participates inthe formation of a complex that contains NHE3and the PKA-anchoring protein, ezrin, whichfacilitates PKA phosphorylation of NHE3 (63).While we propose that NHERF1 may participatein the cAMP activation of AQP9 in the epididymisby analogy with its role in regulating otherproteins, a direct activation of AQP9 by cAMP

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remains possible. AQP9 contains several putativeserine and tyrosine phosphorylation sites in itscytoplasmic C- and N-terminal tails, andphosphorylation events mediated by PKA, PKG orPKC might be responsible for the regulation ofAQP9 permeability. Dissection of thephosphorylation sites on AQP9, theirphysiological role, and the potential participationof NHERF1 in this process will require furtherstudies.

In the present study, we show that asignificant portion of NHERF1 is phosphorylatedunder basal conditions in the epididymis, and thatboth the phosphorylated and non-phosphorylatedforms of NHERF1 are co-immunoprecipitatedwith AQP9. Interestingly, phosphorylation ofNHERF1 was shown to be a key factor in theregulation of CFTR, which binds to both PDZdomains of NHERF1 (64,65). The formation of acomplex that contains two CFTR molecules forone NHERF1 increases the open probability ofCFTR (reviewed in (45)). Phosphorylation of thePDZ2 domain of NHERF1 by PKC disrupts itsinteraction with CFTR, keeping the interactionbetween CFTR and PDZ1 intact, but preventingthe stimulatory effect of NHERF1 (66). It wasproposed that prevention of the bivalent couplingof CFTR following phosphorylation of NHERF1would switch CFTR from being an open chloridechannel to a regulatory protein (46). A similarmechanism was thought to regulate the functionalcoupling between CFTR and ROMK, via anothermember of the NHERF family, NHERF2 (46).

Interestingly, Cheung et al showed thatCFTR conferred cAMP-dependent activation ofAQP9 in xenopus oocytes and that inhibition ofCFTR by lonidamine reversed the cAMP-activation of AQP9 in the intact caudaepididymidis (58). In the present study, weshowed that, similarly to CFTR, AQP9 binds toboth PDZ domains of NHERF1. CFTR is alsoexpressed in the apical membrane of epididymal

principal cells (67), and we show here that itpartially co-localizes with AQP9 in these cells inboth the proximal and distal regions of theepididymis. Importantly, CFTR and AQP9 are partof the same co-immunoprecipitated complex, andinhibition of CFTR significantly impairs apicalAQP9-dependent cAMP-activated glycerolpermeability.

In the distal portion of the epididymis,water secretion, driven by CFTR-dependentchloride secretion is an important step that helpscontrol the final fluidity of the luminal content.Therefore, the coordinated regulation of AQP9 byCFTR would facilitate the fine control of waterand solute transport in the male reproductive tract.The present study suggests that CFTR plays a keyrole in the regulation of AQP9. It is important tonote that out of all organs affected by cysticfibrosis, the epididymis and vas deferens areamong the most seriously affected (15,22).Defective water transport might be the leadingcause of the obstructive pathologies, followed byatrophy and infertility, which are observed in theepididymis and vas deferens of men with cysticfibrosis. It is possible that disruption of afunctional complex involving AQP9, NHERF1and CFTR might contribute to the pathogenesis ofmale infertility in cystic fibrosis.

In conclusion, the present study showsthat AQP9 specifically interacts with both PDZdomains of NHERF1 via its SVIM c-terminalmotif. We also show that CFTR is present in theAQP9-immunoprecipitated protein complex andthat it participates in the regulation of AQP9function. In addition to AQP9, other members ofthe aquaporin family, including AQP2 and AQP4,also contain putative c-terminal PDZ bindingmotifs. The interaction between aquaporins andPDZ proteins could, therefore, represent awidespread mechanism by which water andneutral solute transport are regulated.

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* This study was supported by 1) National Institutes of Health Grant HD045821 (to S.B.); 2) CysticFibrosis Foundation grant BRETON05P0 (to S.B.); and 3) grants from the Committee of AmericanMemorial Hospital of Reims, France, the Conseil Régional de Champagne-Ardenne, France, and theMinistère des Affaires Etrangères (Concours Lavoisier), France (to C.P.). The work performed in theMicroscopy Core Facility of the Massachusetts General Hospital Program in Membrane Biology wassupported by Center for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Grant DK43351 and Boston AreaDiabetes and Endocrinology Research Center Award DK57521.

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Solution (mM)




NaCl 55 55 100KCl 5 5 5MgSO4 - - 1.2NaH2PO4 1 1 1Glucamine Cl - - 10Raffinose 120 0 (or 60) -CaCl2 1.8 1.8 1.8MgCl2 H2O 1.2 1.2 -Na acetate 4 4 4Na3 Citrate 1 1 1Glucose 5.5 5.5 5.5Alanine 6 6 6Na2HPO4 3 3 3NaHCO3 5 5 25Glycerol - 120 (or 60) -Na Cyclamate 25 25 -

Osmolarity(mOsm/kg H2O)

331 334 297

pH 6.85 6.83 7.41

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Fig 1: Epididymal tubule perfused in vitro. Epithelial cells can be distinguished from the connectivetissue and muscle cells surrounding the tubule. Replacement of raffinose (A), an impermeant solute, byglycerol (B) induced an increase in epithelial cell height. C-D: Higher magnification pictures in thepresence of luminal raffinose (C) or glycerol (D). Cell volume was determined from the height ofepithelial cells (black lines), and was expressed relative to the initial control value.

Fig 2A: Cell swelling induced by luminal isotonic addition of glycerol – Inhibition by phloretin. A)

Top trace: Averaged increase in cell volume upon luminal addition of 120 mM glycerol (n=8). Cellreturns to control value upon removal of glycerol. Bottom trace: Phloretin (500 mm) significantlyreduced the glycerol-induced cell swelling (n=10). B) Initial rates of cell swelling induced by glycerolunder control conditions (Glycerol) or in the presence of phloretin (Glycerol + Phloretin). Data are mean± SEM. * = p < 0.005, Student t-test for unpaired experiments.

Fig 3: Effect of cAMP on glycerol-induced cell swelling. Left bars: Control tubules subjected to twoconsecutive pulses of 60 mM glycerol (GLY60). Identical initial rates of cell swelling were detected.Middle bars: Tubules were subjected to a first glycerol pulse (GLY60) followed by addition of cpt-cAMP for 5 min and a second pulse of glycerol still in the presence of cpt-cAMP (GLY60 cAMP). cAMPinduced a significant increase in the initial rate of cell swelling. Right bars: Tubules were subjected to afirst glycerol pulse (GLY60) followed by addition of cpt-cAMP for 5 min and a second pulse of glycerolin the presence of cpt-cAMP and phloretin (GLY60 cAMP phloretin). Phloretin inhibited cAMP-activatedglycerol-induced cell swelling. Data are mean ± SEM. * p < 0.02, ** p < 0.0005, Student t-test for pairedexperiments.

Fig 4: Cryosections of rat epididymis and vas deferens double-stained for AQP9 and NHERF1.

AQP9 (red) and NHERF1 (green) are located in the apical membrane of principal cells from the initialsegments (A-C), caput (D-F), cauda (G-I) regions of the epididymis, and in the vas deferens (J-L). Mergepanels (C, F, I, L) show co-localization of AQP9 with NHERF1 (yellow). In the cauda epididymidis, clearcells, negative for AQP9 also express abundant NHERF1 in their apical membrane (green staining in I).Bars = 50 m

Fig 5: A) Co-immunoprecipitation of NHERF1 with AQP9. NHERF1 was co-immunoprecipitatedwith AQP9 (IP AQP9) from epididymal BBM. No signal was detected using Protein A-conjugated beadsalone (IP Control). Two bands were detected using the NHERF1 antibody indicating the presence ofphosphorylated and non-phosphorylated NHERF1 in the co-immunoprecipated sample (IP AQP9). Asimilar doublet was also detected in the total BBM protein extract (BBM) that was used for the IP. B)

Presence of phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated NHERF1 in the epididymis. BBM wereincubated overnight in the absence (-) and presence (+) of intestine alkaline phosphatase. Top panel: 40mg of epididymis total homogenate were loaded onto each lane. In the treated sample, the lowermolecular weight NHERF1 band is predominant, compared to the non-treated sample, where the higherphosphorylated band is more abundant. Lower panel: the same membrane was re-incubated with anti-actin antibody as a loading control.

Fig 6: The c-terminus of AQP9 mediates co-immunoprecipitation of NHERF1. The anti-AQP9antibody was pre-incubated with the AQP9 peptide containing the SVIM motif prior to co-immunoprecipitation using epididymal BBM. Top panel: Immunoblot for NHERF1. Bottom panel: Thesame membrane was re-stained for AQP9. A progressive displacement of AQP9 was observed when theanti-AQP9 antibody was pre-incubated with increasing concentrations of the AQP9 peptide (compare lane2 (no peptide) with lanes 3 and 4). In lane 4, a complete displacement of AQP9 by the peptide was

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achieved. The amount of co-immunoprecipitated NHERF1 is directly proportional to the level ofdisplacement of AQP9 by the AQP9 peptide.IP Control (Protein A-beads alone), IP AQP9 IgG (No peptide), IP AQP9 + peptide (IP after pre-incubation with the AQP9 peptide), BBM (protein extract from epididymal brush border membranes; lane6), lane 5: no sample.

Fig 7: Direct interaction between the C-terminus of AQP9 and NHERF1. Top panel) Overlay ofbiotinylated peptide containing the last c-terminal 15 amino acids of AQP9 (30 mg/ml) onto membranescontaining various constructs of GST-NHERF1. Binding of AQP9 peptide was detected in lanescontaining PDZ1 (GST-PDZ1) or PDZ2 (GST-PDZ2) domains of NHERF1, a NHERF1 constructcontaining both PDZ domains (GST-PDZ1-PDZ2), and the full length of NHERF1 (GST-NHERF). Nobinding was detected in the control lane containing GST alone (GST), or lanes containing a NHERF1construct lacking both PDZ domains (GST-IC270) or lacking PDZ1 domain (GST-IC149). A higheramount of AQP9 was detected in the lane containing PDZ1 compared to PDZ2, indicating higher affinityfor PDZ1. Bottom panel) The same membrane was stained with Coomassie Blue to illustrate the relativequantity and size of the immobilized NHERF1 fusion proteins.

Fig. 8: Pull-down of NHERF1 with GST-AQP9 constructs: Epididymal BBM (left panel) or kidneylysate (right panel) were incubated with sepharose beads conjugated with GST-AQP9 fusion proteins.NHERF1 was pulled down from both preparations using the AQP9 construct corresponding to the last 20amino acids of the c-terminal tail of AQP9 (GST-AQP9-c-term). In contrast, no NHERF1 was detected inthe samples incubated with the GST-AQP9 c-terminus construct lacking the SVIM motif (GST-AQP9-truncated). A lower molecular band, corresponding to GST-AQP9 was also detected with the anti-NHERF1 antibody, which was raised using a GST-NHERF1 construct, and therefore detects GST, inaddition to NHERF1. This band provides visualization of the amount of GST-AQP9 that was used for thepull-down assay, and serves as a loading control. Abundant NHERF1 was detected in total kidney lysate.

Fig 9: Cryosections of rat epididymis double-stained for AQP9 and CFTR. AQP9 (red) and CFTR(green) are located in the apical membrane of principal cells from the initial segments (A-C), and cauda(D-F) regions of the epididymis. Merge panels (C, F) show partial co-localization of AQP9 with CFTR atthe base of the stereocilia of principal cells (yellow). Insets in panels D-F are larger magnification of theapical pole of the cells located in the boxes.Bars = 25 m

Fig 10: Western blot detection of CFTR in rat epididymis and lung. A) Total homogenates from ratlung (40 g) and epididymis (40 g), and epididymal BBM (20 g) were loaded onto each lane. Westernblot using anti-CFTR antibody #ACL-006 from Alomone revealed a single band at around 140 kDa. Asignificantly stronger band was detected in the BBM compared to total epididymis homogenate, showingenrichment of CFTR in the apical membrane preparation. B) Complete inhibition of the staining wasdetected after pre-incubation of the antibody with its antigenic peptide.

Fig 11: Co-immunoprecipitation of CFTR with AQP9. Left panel) AQP9 was co-immunoprecipitatedusing the Alomone anti-CFTR antibody cross-linked to protein A beads (IP) from a mixed preparation oflung and epididymal BBM. No AQP9 signal was detected using protein A beads alone (CTRL). AbundantAQP9 was detected in epididymal BBM (BBM). Right panel) Conversely, CFTR was co-immunoprecipitated using our anti-AQP9 antibody, which was also cross-linked to protein A beads (IP).Here again, no signal was detected using protein A beads (CTRL). CFTR was also detected in lungprotein extracts (LUNG).

Fig 12: Effect of CFTR inhibitors on AQP9 activity in tubules perfused in vitro. Tubules weresubjected to a first glycerol pulse (GLY60) followed by addition of cpt-cAMP and one of the CFTR

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inhibitors for 10 min, and a second pulse of glycerol still in the presence of cpt-cAMP and inhibitor. Leftbars: 500 M DPC was added prior to the second glycerol pulse (GLY60 cAMP DPC). Middle bars: 25

M GlyH-101 was added prior to the second glycerol pulse (GLY60 cAMP GlyH-101). Right bars: 5 MCFTRinh-172 was added prior to the second glycerol pulse (GLY60 cAMP CFTRinh-172). All threeCFTR inhibitors induced significant inhibition of cAMP-activated glycerol-induced cell swelling. Dataare mean ± SEM. * p < 0.005, ** p < 0.05, Student t-test for paired experiments..

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Fig. 9
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Fig. 12
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Laprade, Vijaya Ramesh and Sylvie BretonMarsolais, Alfred Van Hoek, Dennis Brown, Nuria Pastor-Soler, Nadia Ameen, Raynald

Christine Pietrement, Nicolas Da Silva, Claudia Silberstein, Marianne James, MireilleRole of NHERF1, CFTR and cAMP in the regulation of aquaporin 9

published online November 30, 2007J. Biol. Chem. 

  10.1074/jbc.M704678200Access the most updated version of this article at doi:


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