Role of Microbes in Bioremediation

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  • 8/9/2019 Role of Microbes in Bioremediation


    Role of Microbes


    BY: VAAS

  • 8/9/2019 Role of Microbes in Bioremediation



    The use of organisms to metabolize pollutants

    It relies on li!ing organisms to "onsume an# brethe "ompoun#& turning it into harmless& naturalsubstan"es

    Bioreme#iator' an( organism use# for bioreme#t(pi"all(& mi"robes li$e ba"teria& ar"haea an# fu


  • 8/9/2019 Role of Microbes in Bioremediation


    Microbes in Bioremediation

    The goal in bioreme#iation is to stimulate mi"roorganisnutrients an# other "hemi"als that %ill enable them to the "ontaminants

    Mi"roorganisms are gi!en optimum le!els of nutrients a"hemi"als essential for their metabolism

    The( gain energ( b( "atal(zing o,i#ation're#u"tion rea

    -rgani" "ontaminant is o,i#ize#& the "hemi"al that gainele"trons is re#u"e#

  • 8/9/2019 Role of Microbes in Bioremediation


    Microbes in Bioremediation

    The "ontaminant is the ele"tron #onor& %hile theele"tron re"ipient is "alle# the ele"tron a""eptor Tenerg( gaine# from these ele"tron transfers is the/in!este#/& along %ith some ele"trons an# "arbonthe "ontaminant& to pro#u"e more "ells

    0rimar( substrate forme#

  • 8/9/2019 Role of Microbes in Bioremediation


    Microbes in Bioremediation

    Bioreme#iation "an alter the metaboli" "apabilities of natmi"roorganisms -ften& mi"roorganisms #o not #egra#e"ontaminants upon initial e,posure& but the( ma( #e!elo"apabilit( to #egra#e the "ontaminant after prolonge# e,

    A#aptation o""urs %ithin single mi"robial "ommunities anamong #istin"t mi"robial "ommunities that "o'operate %iother -ne "ommunit( ma( partiall( #egra#e the "ontama se"on# "ommunit( farther along the groun# %ater 2o% "omplete the rea"tion

    Su"h "oupling has ob!ious appli"ations for bioreme#iatiobearing "ontaminant "ompoun#s %hose "omplete metabma( re3uire alternation bet%een anaerobi" an# aerobi" p

  • 8/9/2019 Role of Microbes in Bioremediation



    In a##ition to "on!erting "ontaminants to less harmfulpro#u"ts& mi"robes "an "ause mobile "ontaminants to be

    #emobilize# b( three basi" metho#s:

    Mi"robial biomes "an sorb h(#rophobi" organi" mole"ules an# sto"ontaminant mo!ement This "on"ept is sometimes "alle# a bio"u

    Mi"roorganisms "an pro#u"e re#u"e# or o,i#ize# spe"ies that "au

    to pre"ipitate eg 5e+6to 5e.6& %hi"h pre"ipitates as ferri" h(#ro,i75e-H.7s889

    Mi"roorganisms "an bio#egra#e organi" "ompoun#s that bin# %itan# $eep the metals in solution nboun# metals often pre"ipitateimmobilize#

    ;ul( ++& +

  • 8/9/2019 Role of Microbes in Bioremediation



    na!ailabilit( of "ontaminants to the organismsTo,i"it( of "ontaminants to the organisms

    Mi"robial preferen"e for some "ontaminants or no""urring "hemi"als o!er other "ontaminants

    0artial #egra#ation of "ontaminants to pro#u"e

    hazar#ous b(pro#u"ts Inabilit( to remo!e "ontaminants to !er( lo%


    A3uifer "logging from e,"essi!e biomass gro%th

    ;ul( ++& +

  • 8/9/2019 Role of Microbes in Bioremediation


    @ase stu#ies

    -il #egra#ing in#igenous mi"roorganisms pla(e# a signi"ant re#u"ing the o!erall en!ironmental impa"t of both the ExxonValdez7=CDC8 an# B0 Deepwater Horizon7+

  • 8/9/2019 Role of Microbes in Bioremediation


    Exxon Valdez B0 4eep%ater Horizon

    1=> million liters ??C million liters estimate# b( the NaIn"i#ent @omman#Gs 5lo% Rate Te"hnroup 75RT8

    North Slope Hea!( -il 7A0I +C8 ight ouisiana -il 7A0I .F+8

    tan$er spill %ith $no%n !olume %ell lea$ %ith un"ertain 2o% rates& laamounts of methane also release#

    #is"harge# as surfa"e spill #is"harge# at %ell hea# in =F

  • 8/9/2019 Role of Microbes in Bioremediation


    Mega Borg -il Spill =CC