Role of Media in our lives

Role of media in our lives

Transcript of Role of Media in our lives

Page 1: Role of Media in our lives

Role of media in our lives

Page 2: Role of Media in our lives

What is Web 2.0?◦Web 2.0 is the term given to describe a second generation of

the World Wide Web that is focused on the ability for people to collaborate and share information online. 

◦ Like software, the new generation of the Web includes new features and functionality that was not available in the past.

◦However, Web 2.0 does not refer to a specific version of the Web, but rather a series of technological improvements.

◦ For example - Blogs (like the one I'm posting this on!), Social networking and web applications.

Page 3: Role of Media in our lives

What does Mediation mean in a media context? ◦  Every time we encounter a media text , we are not seeing

reality, but someone's version of it. It sounds obvious but its something that is easily forgotten when we get caught up in enjoying a text.

◦ For example - If you see a picture of a celebrity kissing her boyfriend in a magazine the picture has probably been altered and doesn't show the reality of the situation. We should bare this in mind whatever we encounter in the media.

◦ The media takes something real, a person or an event for example and they change its form to produce whatever text we end up with... this is called Mediation.

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What does Proliferation & Saturation mean in a media context? ◦ Proliferation - There wasn't much in depth explanations when I

researched this but what I did find was a definition... ◦ A sudden increase in the amount or number of something. E.g. -

The proliferation of global media networks.

◦ Saturation - Media saturation is quite literal in its meaning. Its how our society has been completely saturated with news programmes, television, social media etc. to the point where it has an effect on our daily lives.

◦ Some cases of Media saturation goes to the extent of telling you what to buy or what politician to vote for!

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What is meant by ‘the media’?

◦ Communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data or promotional messages disseminated.

◦Media includes every broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax and internet.

Media products are ‘shared’, what does this mean?

◦ File sharing is the practice of distributing or providing access to digitally stored information, such as computer programs, multi-media (audio, video), documents or electronic books.

◦ It may be implemented through a variety of ways.

◦ Storage, transmission, and distribution models are common methods of file sharing incorporate manual sharing using removable media.

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Why is the media so strictly regulated in Burma?

◦  The media is strictly regulated in Burma due to the 1962 Burmese coup d'etat.

◦ The constitution provides for freedom of speech and the press; however, the government prohibits the exercise of these rights in practice.

◦ The government dominates radio and television with a steady stream of propaganda.

◦ Laws bar the ownership of a computer without a license and ban the dissemination or posting of unauthorized materials over the Internet. 

Why is the media so strictly regulated in China &


◦ In China, some commercially-minded news media test boundaries while Internet users get around Web blocking.

◦ But authorities make extensive use of propaganda directives; impose travel and access bans; jam signals and censor international broadcasts; and intimidate critical journalists through job dismissals and imprisonment.

◦ In Ethiopia, censorship has become far more restrictive in recent years. The government of Meles Zenawi appoints managers of broadcasters and state newspapers and licenses all media. 

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What is meant by media convergence?

◦ Media convergence means that the lines are getting blurred between the traditional forms of media and they are almost becoming one.

◦ A decade ago, there were clear differences between print media, TV, the internet in general and social media in particular.

◦ Nowadays, for example... ◦ Newspapers and TV have websites which

deliver news in almost real time complete with moving video and feeds formatted for smartphones. Movies also are available streaming on the internet (e.g. Netflix). Things are all converging into one big media delivery vehicle.

Why is the media important in todays society?

◦ In the world of today, media has become just as necessary as food and clothing. It has played a significant role in strengthening the society. Media is considered as "mirror" of the modern society, in fact it is the media which shapes our life.