Role of a sound designer

Role of a Sound Designer By Leah Butterworth

Transcript of Role of a sound designer

Page 1: Role of a sound designer

Role of a Sound Designer

By Leah Butterworth

Page 2: Role of a sound designer

Roles of a sound designer are ... Design, Install and Operate Work close with the choreographer and director: This is so

they can help creative brilliant elements of theatre and complete the picture for the audience.

Auditory creator: sometimes compose Evoke Emotion, create and reflect mood and underscore

action. Edit music: manipulate sound Diegetic and non-diegetic sound Understand using correct types of microphones so they use

the correct one for different location, how many are needed and what areas on stage to use or backstage

Take the script: analysis and annotate what is required and create clues

Who needs what and when

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A sound designer role ...Design:

This is the sound design and effects for the Transformers. This movie has so much action and sound design for the robots its unbelievable. As a sound designer they had to react and create sound for the robots but also working with the director applies here because they had to run it by him to see if this was his vision for the characters as well.

For this movie they had to collect as many cool sounds as possible, where they had to go out and record as many fresh sounds as they can. In this movie they took organic sounds and twist them into the electronic and the same with taking electronic sounds and twisting them to be more organic which is also what a sound designer has to consider. Similarly another role of the sound designer is to be very physical so they had to be really creative with collecting the sounds they used fireworks, rockets, dry ice and electric guitars which they then used to represent different things such as space ships and guns. The sound designers in this move also used music, but it is not just a separate abstract thing playing along with the action, but the music and the action are working together

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A sound designer has to no what Diegetic and non-diegetic sounds actual is... Diegetic sounds

Diegetic sound is any sound presented as originated from source within the film's world or on stage, which means this is sound that the actors react to when on stage or a movie such as rain or a doorbell. These are normally found sounds or natural sounds.

For example: In Spider Man the song ‘what were all about’ is played in the scene where Uncle Ben drops Pete off just before he is killed. Although the audience can hear it, it is suppose to be on the car radio.

Non-Diegetic soundsNon-diegetic sound is represented as coming from the source outside the story space. This is sound that the actors do not react to when on stage or a movie such as the orchestra or narration,sound which is added for the dramatic effect and mood music.

For example: although the music is heavily connected to Jaws the music is that plays before the shark attacks is only heard by the audience watching the film and not by the characters the shark is about to attack.

Page 5: Role of a sound designer

A sound designer has to know all different types of microphones ...

Ambient Microphone

Orchestra Microphones

Radio Microphones

Page 6: Role of a sound designer

A Sound Designer also has to create a mood, atmosphere and emotion...Sound designers create and record sound effects to create

the textures and layers of sound that enrich the story. They create sound effects that are specific to each movie, such as footsteps, clothes rustling, doors opening/closing, glass breaking, etc. They use sound, music and silence to enhance storytelling and to evoke emotional and physiological responses in the audience. 

For example if you wanted to create a tense atmosphere for the audience you could use sound and possibly use silence and slowly build up the amount of sound to create a climax and build tension. To create a certain emotion you can also use sound for example if you want the audience to feel happy by putting joyful sounds such a twinkles or birds chirping you would automatically make them feel calm and cheery.