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    76 Challenge/SeptemberOctober 2011

    Challenge, vol. 54, no. 5, September/October 2011, pp. 7698. 2011 M.E. Sharpe, Inc. All rights reserved.

    ISSN 05775132 / 2011 $9.50 + 0.00.DOI: 10.2753/05775132540505


    Ideological and PoliticalRoots of American InequalityJohn Roemer

    Can we devise a consistent and convincing caseagainst severe income inequality? It is more difcultthan one thinks. The author oers an impressiveeconomic and philosophical analysis o the caseagainst income inequality.

    ToproperlyaddressThegrowinginequaliTy in the advanced democ-

    racies, particularly in the United States but also increasingly

    in the UK and continental Europe, I believe it is necessary to

    review the main arguments or inequality and to inquire into their

    legitimacy. Today, two main arguments or inequality are proposed:

    rst, an ethical oneindividuals deserve to benet rom what nature

    and nurture endows them withand second, an instrumental one

    inequality is good or everyone. The rst argument is presented in itsmost compelling orm by the philosopher Robert Nozick, who, in his

    1974 bookAnarchy, State and Utopia, advanced the idea that a person

    has a right to own himsel and his powers and to benet by virtue o

    any good luck that may beall him, such as the luck o being born into

    John RoemeR is the Elizabeth S. and A. Varick Stout Proessor o Political Science and Econom-

    ics at Yale University. This article is based on a lecture delivered at a meeting o the GINI Project,

    a European multidisciplinary social science eort to study and understand the roots o economic

    inequality in contemporary advanced societies.

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    a rich amily or in a rich country. Any voluntary exchanges that take

    place between persons are legitimate, and, in this way, it is not hard

    to imagine that a highly unequal distribution o income and wealth

    can be built up airly rapidly rom these unequal endowments. Nozickis the rst to admit that actual capitalist economies are not charac-

    terized by historical sequences o legitimate, voluntary exchanges:

    the history o all societies includes much coercion, corruption, and

    thet. But Nozicks point is that one can imagine a capitalism with a

    clean history, in which vastly unequal endowments o wealth are built

    up entirely rom exchanges between highly talented, well-educated

    people and simple, unskilled ones, and this unequal result is ethically

    acceptable i one accepts the premise that one has a right to benetby virtue o ones endowmentsbiological, amilial, and socialor

    so he claims.

    The second major argument or inequality is the instrumental one:

    that only by allowing highly talented persons to keep a large raction

    o the wealth that they help to create will that creativity fourish, which

    redounds to the benet o all through what is inormally called the

    trickle-down process. In brie, material incentives are necessary to

    engender the creativity in that small raction o humanity that has

    the potential or it, and state interventions, primarily through income

    taxation, which reduce those material rewards, will kill the goose that

    lays the golden eggs.

    A third argument or inequality, which is currently most prevalent

    in the United States, is one o utility: Even i the degree o inequal-

    ity that comes with laissez-aire is not socially necessary in the sense

    that the incentive argument claims, attempts by the state to reduce it

    will come to naught because the government is grossly incompetent,

    inecient, or corrupt. Thus better to let the rich keep their wealth

    and invest it protably than to hope that the state can manage it more

    ruitully. Incredible as it may seem, it is now becoming increasingly

    popular in certain circles o economists in the United States to say

    that the productivity o government investment is zero.

    These views have taken hold in the minds o many Americans, and

    the consequences or the United States, and thereore or the world,

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    will be dire, I believe, i this popular ideology is not successully chal-

    lenged. The United States is not Germany in 1931, but it may well be

    Germany in 1921I do not wish to push the analogy too ar, because

    the United States is not suering under a punitive Versailles treaty.The details are quite dierent in the two periods, but the event o

    a right-wing populist movement growing in the United States to a

    dangerous degree has a nontrivial probability. It is incumbent upon

    us, as intellectuals, to equip ourselves to counter it.

    Philosophical Responses

    The philosophical response to Robert Nozicks libertarianism cameprimarily rom two political philosophers, John Rawls and Ronald

    Dworkin. (My use o the word response is somewhat anachronistic,

    as Rawlss major book was published three years beore Nozicks.)

    Rawls maintained,1contra Nozick, that the thesis o sel-ownership was

    not aptrather, that the distribution o many attributes o persons was,

    in his parlance, morally arbitrary, and hence the individual did not

    have a moral right to benet exclusively rom their physical posses-

    sion. Rawls certainly included among such attributes ones biological

    endowment and the amily and circumstances into which one was

    born. Rawls attempted to construct an argument that i rational, sel-

    interested beings were shielded rom the knowledge o the luck they

    would sustain in the birth lottery, which assigns genes and amilies,

    they would opt or a highly equal distribution o wealthindeed, or

    the distribution that maximizes the wealth the poorest class o people

    would have. His main argument or this thesis was wrong (knowing de-

    cision theory would have helped Rawls), nevertheless, many ound the

    recommendation o the maximin allocation o income and wealth

    attractive, because they ound the premise o the moral arbitrariness

    o the distribution o genetic and social assets attractive.

    The error in Rawlss argumentthat those in an original position,

    behind a veil o ignorance, would choose a highly equal distribution

    o incomecame rom his assumption that the decision makers pos-

    tulated to occupy this position were completely sel-interested. Sel-

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    interested individuals may be willing to take some risk in the birth

    lottery; they may be willing to accept some possibility o an unlucky

    draw in return or the possibility o a lucky draw. So advocating a

    strongly equalizing tax system may not be in their interest. Betterperhaps to gamble on being lucky and not to have to pay a large tax

    to compensate the unlucky ones, in that event. This does not mean

    that a strongly equalizing tax system is ethically wrong. However,

    to justiy it with the kind o argument Rawls wished to construct

    requires that individuals care about others at least to some degree.

    Rawlss attempt to derive equality o results rom premises o ratio-

    nality and sel-interest ails. Granted, such a derivation, were it to be

    valid, would be compelling, but it is not valid. A stronger premise oempathy, altruism, or solidarity is required to derive equality as an

    outcome in the Rawlsian ramework.2

    Another aspect o Rawlss theory was unattractive to some: It ap-

    parently had no place or the role o personal responsibility and

    accountable choice. Virtually all o us believe, to some extent, that

    individuals should be held responsible or their choiceswe may insist

    that they be properly inormed, provided with adequate education

    during youth, and so on, but there comes a point at which outcomes

    or individuals may legitimately dier due to choice. Rawls gestured

    toward recognizing this kind o legitimate inequality when he called

    or equalizing primary goods rather than incomebut then he oten

    said that income was the most important o the primary goods. How,

    then, could he advocate equalizing bundles o primary goods and at

    the same time hold people responsible or their choice o income or

    leisure bundles, preerences or which might legitimately dier across


    Ronald Dworkin, in 1981, published a pair o articles that addressed

    this problem in a radical new way.3 He advocated what he dubbed

    resource equality, as opposed to both welare equality and primary-

    goods equality. In Dworkins view, people should be held responsible

    or their preerences but not or their resourceswhere resources

    include many o the goods that Rawls called morally arbitrary, such

    as genetic endowments and the social and amilial circumstances o

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    ones childhood. This is not the place to go into detail about Dwor-

    kins recommendation or redistribution. Suce it to say that it called

    or compensating individuals or the bad luck o the birth lottery but

    holding them responsible or many o the choices they make as adults.Thus, a degree o equality was recommended that was less than Rawl-

    sian but ar more than exists in most advanced democracies today.

    Perhaps the income distributions o the Nordic democracies are the

    closest approximation to a Dworkinian distribution.

    Economic Theory

    I wish to discuss the infuence o both macro- and microeconomictheory on our views about inequality. I dismiss macroeconomic

    theory, whose two pillars, rational expectations and the ecient

    markets hypothesis, have both been eectively demolished by the

    current nancial and economic crisis.

    Rational expectations is simply a premise o mathematical conve-

    nience. Suppose that agents are making decisions under uncertainty,

    which is, o course, ubiquitous in the real world. Suppose, or example,

    each individual is deciding how much education to undertake, under

    an assumption about the probability distribution o wages associated

    with each level o education he/she might complete. I one is interested

    in the long-run properties o such a process, one needs to make some

    assumption about the relationship between the prior distributions o

    wages conditional upon educational levels that people hold and the

    actual distribution o wages that occurs ater people are educated and

    acquire jobs. The simplestand, indeed, ocalassumption that one

    can make is that these distributions are the same: that is, people take, as

    their prior, the distribution that is in act realized. This is the rational

    expectations hypothesis. Although mathematically convenient as a

    way o closing the model, the assumption is impossible to justiy as

    empirically accurate. The reason the assumption is convenient is that

    there is no simple way to complete the model without it.

    The ecient markets hypothesis says that the prices in stock markets

    accurately summarize all the inormation available about the expecta-

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    tions o the uture values o rms. A consequence o this hypothesis is

    that bubbles cannot exist in stock marketsor , i housing is eciently

    priced, in housing markets.

    The nancial crisis and concomitant economic crisis that we haverecently experienced are not possible under these two views. Diehard

    advocates o these views argue that there was no housing bubble and

    that there is currently no involuntary unemployment: Those who are

    unemployed are rationally investing in the search or new jobs. Some-

    what less militant advocates o these views do not reject the claim that

    a crisis occurred but, rather, construct Ptolemaic arguments purport-

    ing to demonstrate that nothing could have been done to prevent it

    and that, in particular, any aggressive intervention by the state wouldhave then or will now only make things worse.

    My own take is that the hold these views have on macroeconomists

    demonstrates that economics is not yet a science. For a theory to be

    a science, it must be alsiable. I do not see how any real event could

    alsiy the main tenets o current macroeconomic theory i the cur-

    rent crisis could not. History suggests that individuals who have long-

    held views or methods do not change. We can only hope that a new

    generation o macroeconomists will emerge, whose members have

    the courage and intellectual power to reconstruct the theory. With

    respect to our topic o inequality, it need hardly be said that resh-

    water macroeconomicsthat practiced in the American Midwest near

    the Great Lakeshas no particular interest in inequality. One o its

    tenets is what I call the utility thesisthat any attempt by the state

    to redress inequality would only make things worse.

    In addition, an important transormation in microeconomic theory

    has taken place over the past thirty years, and although less noted, it

    may be just as important to inequality as the rational-expectations

    revolution in macroeconomics. Economists have long realized that

    markets perorm two unctions: They coordinateeconomic activity,

    and they provide incentives or the development o skills and innova-

    tions. It is not easy to give a denition that distinguishes precisely

    between these two unctions, but there is no question that a concep-

    tual distinction exists.

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    Let me give two examples. An important problem acing Soviet

    planners was called the transportation problem. Many plants in the

    country produce steel, with various xed capacities, and many loca-

    tions demand steel in various quantities. Shipping steel rom anysupplier to any demander has a cost, but these costs vary. What is the

    optimal plan? How much should each steel producer ship to each

    market, to satisy all demands and minimize transportation costs? This

    problem led the Soviet mathematician Leonid Kantorovich to invent

    linear programming in the 1940s, along with Tjalling Koopmans in

    the United States, or which they jointly received the Nobel Memorial

    Prize in economic science.

    Competitive prices can solve this problem without linear program-ming. I competitive prices or transport and prices o steel at the

    various producers characterize this market, then each demander orders

    steel to minimize its costs, the steel market clears, and the market

    will have ound the mathematical solution to the cost-minimization

    problem. This is an example o prices perorming a coordinating


    Consider, now, the problem that I alluded to earlier. A young person

    is deciding how much education to undertake and wishes to maximize

    a utility unction in which both uture income and the nature o the

    occupation are important. Prices (which is to say, expected wages)

    guide him/her to make the decision. We should think o this as an

    instance in which the market is perorming an incentive unctionit

    is inducing the individual to make a choice on which skill to develop

    based on his sel-interest, and i the market is unctioning well (com-

    petitive), the aggregation o all such choices will be Pareto ecient.

    Neither o these examples is pure. In the transportation problem,

    equilibrium prices are realized as the result o managers o rms hav-

    ing the incentive, or one reason or another, to minimize costs, and

    in the education example, the market is coordinating the allocation

    o workers to occupations in a way that is, under some assumptions,

    Pareto ecient. And, in any example, there will be both a coordina-

    tion and an incentive interpretation o the markets role. I maintain,

    nevertheless, that these two roles are dierent and that each example

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    illustrates dierent mixes o the coordination and incentive unctions

    o the market.

    In the past thirty or orty years, the economic theorists view o

    the market has changed, rom being an institution that perormsprimarily a coordination unction to one that is primarily harness-

    ing incentives. Indeed, the old denition o microeconomics was the

    study o how to allocate scarce resources to competing needs. This is

    entirely a coordination view. The elegant theorem at the pinnacle o

    this view is that equilibrium prices in a competitive economy with

    no externalities, no public goods, and a complete set o markets will

    induce an allocation o resources that is Pareto ecient. That kind o

    eciency is the markperhaps the denition osuccessul coordina-tion. The technique that provided the intellectual justication o the

    coordination view was general equilibrium theory, which reached its

    apex in the 1950s and 1960s.

    It might surprise you to hear that the phrase principal-agent prob-

    lem was only introduced into economics in 1973, in an article by

    Steven Ross.4 In the principal-agent problem, coordination is not the

    primary issue. Rather, a principal must design a contract to extract

    optimal perormance rom an agent whose behavior he cannot per-

    ectly observe. This is par excellence an incentive problem.

    The technique that developed to analyze incentive problems was

    game theory, more specically, parts o game theory called contract

    theory and mechanism-design theory. The problems that are analyzed

    typically involve small numbers o individuals, in situations where

    markets do not exist, and the individuals must set prices or write con-

    tracts to get the incentives right. But the idea that incentives are the

    real guiding orce that markets must address extends to much larger

    groups o actorseven to entire economies. Some economists have

    even gone so ar as to say that prices have no coordinating unction

    at all. Rather, they say we should look at all economic exchanges as

    episodes o bargaining between individuals; what determines the price

    o the exchange is the relative power o the two bargainersin the

    sense o how scarce the commodity they are each supplying isand

    prices simply ratiy these undamentals. Under this view, markets do

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    not coordinate but simply provide the venue or bargaining.

    Why did this transormation o microeconomic theory occur? This

    is a ascinating question, and I do not have the ull answer. A partial

    answer is that economists sought to explain the economic ailure o thecentrally planned economies, which began to occur only in the 1960s

    and 1970s. But the logic here is muddy. Certainly, one might conclude

    that it was the lack o markets that brought about economic ailure in

    those economies. But was it because, in the absence o markets, coor-

    dination ailed, or because incentives were let unharnessed? Stories

    o both coordination and incentive ailures are legion. Coordination

    ailure is illustrated by long queues or consumer goods and rationing

    o industrial inputs, and incentive ailure is illustrated in the Sovietjoke, told by workers about managers, They pretend to pay us, and we

    pretend to work. In other words, one might equally well interpret the

    ineciency o centrally planned economics as illustrating that planners

    cannot replace the coordination unction o the market or that lack o

    market competition makes it impossible to harness incentives.

    What is the import o the change in emphasis o the markets role

    in the problem o inequality? I believe it is to reinorce the impor-

    tance o material incentivesmore radically, to justiy the view that

    the very high salaries and incomes or those at the top that have come

    to characterize capitalist economies in the past thirty years are neces-

    sary or eciency.

    To see this, I propose a simple thought experiment. Suppose that

    there were an economy in which individuals cared only about the

    kind o occupation in which they engaged and the amount o educa-

    tion they required to qualiy or the occupation. Assume that there

    is a variety o preerences in the population over occupations and

    education. Wages are not important to people, as long as they suce

    to purchase a certain minimum level o consumption. There is one

    rm that produces a single consumption good that everyone needs,

    and the rm can produce this good using many dierent possible

    combinations o workers employed in the various occupations. The

    rm wishes to maximize its prots, which will equal the revenues

    rom selling the output to consumer-workers, minus the wage costs

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    o the workers. A vector o occupational wages and a price or the

    output good comprise a competitive equilibrium or this economy

    i, at those wages and prices, all the occupational labor markets clear

    and the demands or workers in the various occupations put orth bythe rm maximize its possible prots at those wages and prices.

    The peculiar thing about this economy is that workers do not

    care about wages. They make decisions about which occupation to

    pursue solely by looking at the attributes o the occupations and

    their educational requirements. Each worker chooses the occupation

    and concomitant educational level to maximize his utility over the

    available choices. Equilibrium wages are those that direct the prot-

    maximizing rm to demand exactly the supplies o occupations that areon oer by the population.

    I propose that in this economy, the market is oering primarily a

    coordination unction. Granted, the rm has, by hypothesis, an in-

    centive to maximize prots. But in some sense the main unction o

    the market is to coordinate the xed occupational choices o workers

    with the rms demands or workers in the various occupations. Some

    workers will earn more than others at the equilibrium, because their

    wages are higher. Nonetheless, by hypothesis, as long as all wages are

    suciently high with respect to the price o the output, these wages

    orm no part o workers decisions.

    Suppose a purely redistributive income tax were imposed on work-

    ers. (It might be hard to see why one might wish to do so, i workers do

    not care about their consumption levels, but this is a thought experi-

    ment.) Then the occupational choices o workers will be unchanged,

    and the equilibrium wages and price o output will not change. All

    workers will choose exactly the same occupations as beore, and the

    rm will produce the same amount o output as beore, with the same

    prots. All that will happen is a redistribution o the consumption

    good among worker-consumers. This is a case in which redistributive

    taxation has no eecton occupational and productive choices. Taxa-

    tion has no eciency consequences.

    Consider, now, the polar-opposite model, in which workers care

    only about income and the education they must complete to qualiy

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    or dierent occupations. They do not take into consideration the

    characteristics o occupations. A wage vector will still allocate workers

    to dierent occupations, but this time the nature o the occupation

    is unimportant or workers. The wage makes it possible or them tooptimize their trade-o between income and time-consuming edu-

    cation. Here, wages are providing an important incentive unction,

    and workers will choose dierent occupations only because they have

    dierent degrees o antipathy toward education or to time lost rom

    earning income while going to school. I we introduce an income tax,

    occupational choices will change. There may be considerable real

    eects on occupational structure i the tax is suciently large; the

    eciency consequences o taxation are no longer costless.The punch line I am proposing is this: To the extent that the market

    is primarily a device or coordination, taxation can redistribute income

    without massive eciency costs. But i the market is primarily a device

    or harnessing incentives, the eciency costs o redistribution may be

    high. I believe that the transormation in microeconomic theory that

    I have describedone that views the market primarily as harnessing

    incentives, as opposed to coordinatingprovides an important intel-

    lectual oundation or the inadvisability o interering with market

    rewards via a redistributionist state policy.

    Ideological Strategies

    Mounting a serious challenge to the growing inequality that concerns

    us all requires a sound intellectual oundation. The success o the

    conservative tide in the United States is in large part a consequence

    o the successul intellectual work engaged in by the right wing since

    the mid-1970s. The right wing took theory seriously. In the 1970s, a

    number o right-wing think tanks were ormed: the Cato Institute,

    the Manhattan Institute, and the Heritage Foundation. The American

    Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Foundation had been ounded

    earlier, in 1943 and 1919, respectively. The Mont Pelerin Society had

    its rst American meeting in 1958 and brought Friedrich Hayek to the

    University o Chicago. (Incidentally, or ten years his salary at Chicago

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    was paid by the right-wing William Volker Fund, and ater that grant

    lapsed, Chicago released him.)5

    Right-wing oundationsScaie, Olin, and Bradleydeliberately

    undertook the strategy o creating these think tanks in the 1970sto counter what they considered the let-wing bias o academia, in

    large part the consequence o the transormation o ideas o students

    and intellectuals during the civil rights movement and Vietnam war.

    Their unction was to create a sound conservative ideology, with the

    ollowing tenets: that reedom is possible only under laissez-aire,

    that governments are corrupt and inecient, and that intererence

    with markets is always bad or economic welare. These ideas were

    promulgated in the media, in many publications, and by providingexpert testimony to legislators. Because the television and newspaper

    media are typically owned by wealthy interests, they were surely not

    indierent to helping propagate these ideas. Fox News Network is only

    the latest and most vulgar example o this collaboration.

    While liberal and, in some cases, let-wing ideology did develop

    in the social sciences in the United Stateswith the exception o eco-

    nomics, where the trend has been, as I have indicated, primarily to

    the rightthe let did not produce a public presence as ormidable

    as that o the right. In particular, Ronald Reagan was a wonderul

    spokesman or the right, and he also perormed what in hindsight

    was probably the critical move in demoralizing the labor movement,

    by ring more than 11,000 ederally employed air trac controllers

    during their 1981 strike. Strike action in the United States decreased

    markedly ater this event, and trade-union membership is now below

    10 percent in the private sector. In contrast, Canadas union density,

    which was the same as that in the United States in 1960, has remained

    at the same level, slightly above 30 percent. Reagans action against

    the air trac controllers was only part o the Republican strategy o

    turning a blind eye to employer intimidation o unions or o workers

    trying to organize unions, which has been instrumental. As unions

    were the main, i inadequate, schools or solidarity o the American

    working class, their disappearance has let workers more vulnerable

    to the individualistic and anti-state, anti-tax ideology o the right.

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    To provide a sound intellectual basis or advocacy o a more equal

    society, we must address three key ideas, an intellectual task o the

    utmost importance. Ideas really do trickle down, even i money does

    not!First,that children should not be disadvantaged by the bad luck o

    being born into a poor or poorly educated amily. I believe that there

    is considerable support or this idea in the advanced democraciesbut

    oten the consequences o this view have not been thoroughly under-

    stood by citizens or implemented in policy. Consider education, or

    example. In the United States, the average amount o state (ederal,

    state, municipal) unding or the education o advantaged children

    is ar greater than that or disadvantaged children. A moderate liberalgoal is to equalize unding or all children. But the correct policy is

    to invest more state unds in disadvantaged children to compensate

    them or their amilys lack o (material and cultural) resources. I

    disadvantaged children are members o a minority race or ethnicity,

    it is more dicult to win over citizens to this implementation o the

    requirements o equal opportunity, due to racism and anti-immigrant

    sentiment. Intellectually, winning this battle means conronting Nozicks

    libertarianism and, in particular, the tenet that a person has a right to

    benet rom his or her good luck in the birth lottery.

    A more radical view that I also hold is that we must extend the

    compensation to include genetic bad luck. Ethically speaking,

    there is no reason why individuals who are less mentally endowed

    should have poorer material conditions than those who are better

    endowed. To the extent that this occurs, it can be excused only

    by the necessity o incentive payments to wage earners and the

    ineasibility o redistribution. There is no ethical basis or it, or

    such a basis can exist only by advocating the right to benet rom

    good luck.

    Second, we must understand the true division o labor in the

    markets coordination and incentive roles. Intellectually, this is the

    most dicult problem and probably the most politically important

    one. What I here propose is a question or research, rather than an

    answer. As I said earlier, the degree to which redistribution is easible

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    with small eciency costs is closely related to how important mate-

    rial incentives are or productive activity. Although economic theory

    has shited on this question over the past generation, it is ar rom

    obvious that the shit is empirically justiedby which I mean thatwe do not know whether the markets role in incentive provision is

    as important as current economic theory contends.

    My current view is that material incentives are important or the

    great majority o workers in their role in directing educational and

    occupational choices, but that they are ar less important or the high

    fiers at the top o the income and wealth distribution, and indeed

    or innovation. I do not mean that the high fiers and innovators do

    not like their huge incomes but, rather, that these incomes are notsocially necessary, in the sense that we would lose innovation and

    good corporate management without them.

    Let me outline some details o my view. Many people think that

    the high incomes paid to corporate management and, in particular,

    to those in the nancial sector are due to monopolistic elements

    back-scratching among interlocking directorates o rms made pos-

    sible by shareholder apathy, or example. I do not endorse this view; I

    believe it is entirely possible that the high salaries and bonuses these

    people receive are competitive, in the sense that each is receiving

    his expected marginal product as evaluated by the board that hires

    him. Even i this is not so, and those monopolistic elements exist,

    I use the competitive assumption to make my argument because it

    makes the argument stronger. In other words, I claim that even i

    CEO salaries are competitive, they are inecient. Their existence

    is a market ailure.

    The theoretical argument or the possibility that these salaries are

    competitive is that, i you are the pilot o a very large ship in Arc-

    tic waters, a very small change you make in the angle o the rudder

    can signicantly aect the probability o the ships impact with an

    iceberg. I you are the CEO o a large corporation, with $10 billion

    in annual revenues, a very small dierence in the quality o your

    decisions may make a 1 percent dierence in annual revenues, which

    is to say a $100 million dierence. I the hiring board is convinced

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    90 Challenge/SeptemberOctober 2011

    that you are just slightly better than the next candidate, you can

    probably bargain or $25 million or so o your $100 million mar-

    ginal product, or maybe more. Empirically, we note that the market

    or CEOs o American rms is internationalmuch less so thanthe market or management o Japanese rms or even continental

    European rms. This is an indication that the U.S. market is more

    competitive than these other markets. I suggest that the truth may

    be that U.S. CEOs are receiving their marginal products and Euro-

    pean CEOs are receiving less than their marginal products (as are, a

    ortiori, Japanese CEOs), due to social custom and, perhaps, popular

    opposition to obscenely high salaries in these societies.

    But the payment o these high salaries is inecient because, eveni the expected marginal product o the incumbent CEO is $100 mil-

    lion greater than the next best candidate, the social costs o creating

    a class with such huge wealth are large. First, the institution creates a

    class that has great power to infuence politics. Members o this class,

    i private campaign nancing is legal, will make large contributions

    to political parties to maintain their privileges. Second, as we have

    seen in the nancial sector, paying such huge salaries on the basis o

    expected marginal product can induce behavior that is ar too risky

    rom the social viewpoint. This negative externality is not internalized

    by the rm, because, inter alia, o the implicit insurance provided by

    the state against ailure in the case o a bad outcome on these risky

    gambles. This is why the U.S. governments allowing Lehman Broth-

    ers to go bankrupt in September 2008 so scared the nancial sector,

    and why the government eectively reversed itsel a ew days later by

    rescuing the insurance rm AIG.

    Note that this argument diers rom the one given by a nancial

    mogul, who explained that his rm continued to engage in the risky

    behavior that led to the crisis by saying, As long as the music plays,

    we have to continue to dance. That cute explanation suggests that

    the big Wall Street rms were in an inecient Nash equilibrium.

    My argument, in contrast, is that they may have been in an ecient

    Nash equilibriumas long as they all ailed together, they would all

    be rescued. Thus, the behavior was ecient rom the viewpoints o

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    the playersprivate gains on the upside o the gamble, and socializa-

    tion o losses on the downside. The act that 2010 was a banner year

    or the Wall Street banking houses indicates that they have done quite

    well out o the crisis, thank you.My nal argument is that the most important reward or the very

    high fiers is not money income, but powerpower over othersand

    the respect o their peers. I these high salaries were taxed at very high

    rates, I do not think we would see a signicant change in productive

    behavior. (One might have to make the taxation international, to

    prevent migration.) What other occupation could these high fiers

    choose that would give them the same power and respect o their

    peers? Will they, alternatively, be satised to retire and play gol orread poetry?

    I have argued that these high incomes are inecient because o

    risk-taking externalities that they induce, that they are unnecessary

    or incentive provision, and that they create a class with dispropor-

    tionate political power. Finally, there is the very important negative

    externality o the creation o a social ethos that worships wealth.

    Ordinary people lose sel-esteem and do what they can to imitate the

    consumption behavior o the very wealthy.

    In sum, the positive social value o the institution o extremely

    high salaries that the leaders o the corporate world and, in particular,

    o the nancial sector receive is a big lie. It may well be a competi-

    tive outcome, but it is a market ailure that could be corrected by

    regulation or legislation. In the United States, at least, there are no

    visible prospects or such legislation, which I maintain is due, in no

    small part, to the hold o the incentive argument or inequality on

    the voting population.

    I believe, in contrast, that incentive pay or the working popula-

    tion in general is important. The experience o China since 1979 is an

    example: I do not attribute the Chinese growth rate o over 8 percent

    a year in this period entirely to the lack o coordination that existed

    beore 1979 due to the absence o markets. However, I do not think

    that material incentives, especially in the wealthier countries, are

    as important as many economists insist. We see a very large dier-

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    92 Challenge/SeptemberOctober 2011

    ence in relative material rewards to skilled labor across the advanced

    democraciesat its most extreme between the Nordic countries and

    the United Stateswithout concomitant eciency dierences. Ater

    basic needs are met, I believe that people put substantial weight onthe nature o their work. European workers have chosen to work sub-

    stantially less than American workers, which may well be a reaction

    to high taxes. But I have never heard a conservative economist argue

    that people should vote or low taxes, or otherwise they will choose

    to spend more time on amily vacations.

    Many people could increase their income by changing occupations,

    but we do not, because we think our work is important or we nd

    it interesting. Cuba, apparently, produces the best physician corpsin Latin America, although its doctors are not well paid. The social

    provision o good education turns out to be much more important

    than high physician salaries in generating a supply o capable physi-

    cians. The Soviet Union had no dearth o doctors, or mathematicians,

    although they were paid less than some skilled manual workers.

    So although material incentives are important or ordinary work-

    ers, they are probably the least important or those workers who pay

    signicant taxes in market economiesnamely, those whose incomes

    are high and have interesting careers. I my conjecture is correct,

    there would be no major impediments to substantial redistribution,

    on account o incentive problems.

    Third,we must counter the view that the state is inecient. This

    is a particularly American view, so it is probably not appropriate to

    spend much time on it here. Let me just mention one anecdote. In

    November 2010, Gregory Mankiw, a conservative Harvard economist

    who worked or the Bush administration, wrote a column in the busi-

    ness section o the New York Times in which he gave this argument

    or keeping income taxes low. Highly paid actors might make ewer

    lms i they were more highly taxed, and economists like him might

    give ewer public lectures or which they are paid high ees. Thus,

    there would be a social loss resulting rom higher taxation on high

    fiers. Not once in the article did Mankiw mention that, with those

    taxes, we could build more bridges and perhaps even high-speed rail.

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    Thats because, in the conservative American view today, government

    productivity is zero.

    Current American Politics

    Many people believed that the 2008 election o Barack Obama signaled

    a sea-change in American politics, the end o the political pendulums

    swing to the right. Conventional political science predicted that the

    Republican Party would move toward the center. But the opposite hap-

    pened: The Republican Party has moved urther rightward. At the time o

    the election, two-thirds o the population supported health-care reorm,

    but by the time the bill was passed more than a year later, barely hal did.The insurance companies and the Republican Party succeeded in turning

    about 20 percent o the electorateagainst the reorm, relying principally

    on two arguments: that government-run health care was an inringement

    o reedom and that, or the average household, costs would increase

    without any concomitant increase in the quality o care.

    The act that most o the claims o the opponents were lies is not

    the main point; rather, we must ask, why were so many susceptible to

    them, and why did the Democrats, Obama in particular, not succeed

    in challenging the lies more eectively?

    I believe that the narrative o sel-interest, which has been so care-

    ully nurtured by the right-wing think tanks, was o key importance.

    The Democrats did not argue, as I believe they should have, that it

    was a travesty o justice that the richest country in the world let

    44 million o its residents uninsured. They did not argue that social

    solidarity required this legislation. Indeed, the right-wing Fox News

    commentator Glenn Beck, perhaps anticipating such an argument,

    said that when you hear someone speak o social justice, thats a code

    word or socialism. Many in the United States have come to believe

    that unbridled sel-interest is ethically ne, in part because, via the

    invisible hand, it is said to have such wonderul consequences. The

    original health-care reorm bill included a public option, ederally

    provided insurance that would compete with private insurance. But

    this was dropped rom the bill because conservative Democrats did

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    94 Challenge/SeptemberOctober 2011

    not support it. Whether this was because they were beholden to insur-

    ance companies or campaign nance or because their constituents

    opposed it as creeping socialism, I am not sure. The watered-down

    bill eventually passed but with not oneRepublican legislator votingor it in either the Senate or the House o Representatives.

    With regard to capping salaries o the two big investment bankers,

    Obama said, I know both those guys, they are very savvy business-

    men. And I, like most o the American people, dont begrudge peoples

    success or wealth. That is part o the ree-market system.6 My suspi-

    cion is that Obama does not believe what he said; but the act that he

    said it is indicative o the American ethos that he believed he must

    play to. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reorm and Consumer ProtectionAct, regulating the nancial sector, which passed during the summer

    o 2010, is an inadequate instrument, which even centrists say will not

    prevent another nancial crisis. Perhaps this was the best that Obama

    could do given the balance o political orces. One must recall that

    he appointed Lawrence Summers, architect o banking deregulation

    under Bill Clinton, as his economic guruagain, perhaps indicating

    the political power o nance in the United States at present.

    In 2001, President George W. Bush enacted temporary income tax

    cuts, which were to expire at the end o 2010. Making these cuts tem-

    porary was evidently the most he could hope to do at that time. The

    Republican Party, newly empowered ater the midterm elections o

    November 2010, demanded the permanent extension o these cuts.

    The Obama administration initially agreed to extend them or the

    bottom 98 percent o income-earning households, but to allow the

    cuts to expire or households with income over $250,000 per annum.

    Allowing those cuts to expire would pay or the envisioned decit

    in the Social Security und three times over. But, in the nal days o

    December 2010, the administration caved, under threat that i it did

    not, the Republicans would reuse to extend ederal unemployment

    insurance to those who had been unemployed more than ninety-nine

    weeks. In other words, Obama, an apparently liberal president, believed

    that he could not make the Republicans take the blame or reusing to

    support the unemployed i he did not give in on the absurd right-wing

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    demand to maintain reduced taxes on the wealthy; rather, i he held the

    line on taxing the wealthy, popular approval would turn against him

    or not supporting the unemployed. The lesson here is not mainly that

    Obama is personally weak: It is, rather, what his political calculationtells us about the ideological stance o the voting population.

    Franklin D. Roosevelt was a centrist governor o New York when he

    was elected president in 1932. But in 1936, he said this:

    For twelve years this Nation was aficted with hear-nothing, see-

    nothing, do-nothing Government. The Nation looked to Government

    but the Government looked away. Nine mocking years with the golden

    cal and three long years o the scourge! Nine crazy years at the ticker

    and three long years in the breadlines! Nine mad years o mirage andthree long years o despair! Powerul infuences strive today to restore

    that kind o government with its doctrine that that Government is best

    which is most indierent.7

    Those same powerul orces are at work today in the United States,

    but one can hardly imagine Obama speaking as FDR did. Those

    powerul orces have become even more so in the past thirty years.

    In the period 19772007, 57 percent o the economic growth o the

    United States went to the richest 1 percent o households: in ater-tax

    accounts, over 40 percent went to these households. It is this massive

    increase in inequality that lies behind the right-wing movement in

    American politics todayabetted by racism, which has enraged a seg-

    ment o the white population with the election o a black president.

    The Tea Party movement, despite its popular and mass nature, has

    been nanced by big right-wing money. It is hard to say whether it

    will be a fash in the pan, but its present existence is indicative o the

    social ethos. That a political party that openly supports the economic

    interests o the wealthiest 2 percent o the population against those

    o the great majority can nevertheless garner the support o approxi-

    mately hal o the electorate is the sign o a dangerous situation.

    What Can We Do?

    My view as well was that the Republican Party, ater its deeat in the

    2008 election, would gravitate toward the center. This, ater all, is

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    96 Challenge/SeptemberOctober 2011

    the logic o political competition in normal times. Evidently, these

    are not normal times. The conjunction o a right-wing, anti-tax,

    individualistic ethos, a hugely enriched class at the top o wealth

    distribution, an economic crisis, and a black president in a countrywhere the racism rom slave times, although much reduced, still ex-

    ists, has brought about an abnormal dynamic. I we continue on this

    trajectory, there will be inadequate state nancing to improve the de-

    teriorating American educational system and to rebuild our crumbling

    inrastructure. The real incomes o the majority o households will

    continue to decline, and the American social abric will become even

    more rayed. The United States will compete, less and less eectively,

    with China and the other developing countries that are replacing itas the manuacturing center. American xenophobia will increase, and

    international tensions will rise. The world will ail to address global

    warming, because the American right wing has convinced many that

    the threat is a hoax. Their motive or doing so, I conjecture, is that

    addressing the problem would require state intervention, which they


    Most social scientists who study inequality have ocused upon

    measuring its degree and studying the micro mechanisms through

    which it is produced. Micro mechanisms include a substantial variety

    o processes: how tax policy contributes to the distribution o wealth,

    how the intergenerational transmissions o income and wealth occur,

    what role education plays or could play in modiying the distribution

    o income, how neighborhoods and social networks aect behavior

    and choices that have an impact on distribution.

    O course, we must understand these processes. But, in a sense,

    understanding them is o secondary importance with regard to the

    massively important phenomenon o increasing inequality in the

    advanced democracies. Democracy worksin the advanced countries,

    in the sense that policies can survive only i they are approved by

    the majority (or a substantial raction) o the electorate. The current

    electorate might have inadequate inormation or might have absorbed

    an ideology that does not serve its true interests or might subscribe

    to a social ethos that prizes a kind o de jure individual reedom over

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    a secure livelihood, but in the end, the electorate must acquiesce in

    social policy in our advanced democracies. This is surely one great

    accomplishment o the political revolutions that began in 1776 and

    1789.The most important problem or the social science o inequality

    today is understanding how electorates have come to acquiesce in

    policies that increase inequality and reversing this acquiescence. To

    an extent, revealing the logic o the micro mechanisms is one strategy

    or doing so. A second strategy is the philosophical one, o arguing

    that justice requires equalityin the past orty years, a lively debate

    has taken place in political philosophy about exactly what kind o

    and how much o that kind o equality is required.8 A third strategyis showing how the inequality-increasing policies that electorates

    have agreed to have been aggressively advocated and proselytized by

    the wealthy, in order to maintain their material privileges. This work

    is mainly done by historians and some political scientists. A ourth

    strategy is critiquing the social ethos o individualism and greed that

    has grown immensely since 1980: The ethos to replace it is one o

    solidarity. This strategy overlaps with the third one, as the nurtur-

    ing o the individualistic ethos has been a conscious strategy o the

    wealthy and perhaps its most powerul weapon. Finally, we must do

    the research to challenge the view that interering with the incentives

    the market provides necessarily reduces economic welare.

    This list is o necessity incomplete, and I hope others will add to it.

    We must become more imaginative academic entrepreneurs. We must

    not be araid o being old-ashioned when we advocate a solidaristic

    world view. It has become ashionable to say that the Enlightenment

    is dead and that social democracy is pass. I militantly oppose these

    views. The Enlightenment provided the theoretical basis or politi-

    cal democracy and the importance o science. Social democracy is

    the one great success o the solidaristic ethos that survived rom the

    twentieth century to the twenty-rst. As the ne, recently deceased

    historian Tony Judt wrote, to the extent that we orget this heritage,

    ill ares the land.9

    Those o us who are most concerned with inequality in academia

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    98 Ch ll /S t b O t b 2011

    today ace a situation in which we must move rom describing the

    phenomenon we study to guring out how to bring evidence to bear

    against the ideology that sanctions it. Such an ideology has created

    a monster that is capable o inficting truly disastrous consequenceson civilization. Because theory and ideas are our mtier, we have a

    vital role to play.


    1. In his magisterial bookA Theory o Justice (Cambridge: Harvard UniversityPress, 1971).

    2. For a discussion o Rawlsian errors in constructing the veil o ignorance,

    see J. Moreno-Ternero and J.E. Roemer, The Veil o Ignorance Violates Priority,Economics & Philosophy24 (2008): 23357.

    3. Ronald Dworkin, What Is Equality? Part 1: Equality o Welare, Philosophy

    & Public Aairs 10 (1981): 185246, and What Is Equality? Part 2: Equality o Re-

    sources,Philosophy & Public Aairs 10: 283345.4. Stephen Ross, The Economic Theory o Agency: The Principals Problem,

    American Economic Review 134 (1973): 13439.

    5. For this tidbit, and an impressive history o right-wing think tanks in the

    United States, see K. Phillips-Fein,Invisible Hands: The Making o the Conservative

    Movement rom the New Deal to Reagan (New York: W.W. Norton, 2009).

    6. Bloomberg,

    7. Speech delivered at Madison Square Garden, October 31, 1936.

    8. For a brie review o the philosophical discussion, see J. Roemer, Equality: Its

    Justication, Nature, and Domain, in Oxord Handbook on Economic Inequality, ed.

    W. Salverda, B. Nolan, and T. Smeeding (Oxord: Oxord University Press, 2010).

    9. Tony Judt,Ill Fares the Land (New York: Penguin, 2010).

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