INDUSTRY SUMMARY Paper plays a key role in communication and as a packaging material. Demand for paper is closely linked to prevalent economic conditions. A strong economic growth boosts demand for paper and vice versa. India accounts for nearly 15% of the world population; it consumes only 1% of the global paper production. Most of the Indian Paper Industry is broadly categorized into writing and printing, industrial and newsprint segments. Of the total paper demand in 2008-09, industrial paper about 47%, writing and printing and newsprint accounted for 30% and 20%, respectively and specialty paper accounted for 3% (source: CRISIL Research, Industry). The Indian paper industry is highly fragmented. According to estimates, the total number of mills varies from 500 to over 1,000. Wood and wood-based pulp form the major raw materials required to manufacture writing and printing paper & wastepaper is a key input in the production of packaging paper, newsprint and paperboards. PROFILE OF THE ORGANISATION Shree Rama News Prints Limited was incorporated on July 10, under the Companies Act, 1956.The certificate of commencement of business was obtained on July 17. The Certificate of Registration for transfer of the company's registered office to Gujarat was obtained on May 11,1993. Shree Rama News Prints Limited is one of the India’s largest private sector Newsprint and Writing & Printing paper manufacturing Company at a single location in India and has a 1




Paper plays a key role in communication and as a packaging material. Demand for paper is closely linked to prevalent economic conditions. A strong economic growth boosts demand for paper and vice versa. India accounts for nearly 15% of the world population; it consumes only 1% of the global paper production. Most of the Indian Paper Industry is broadly categorized into writing and printing, industrial and newsprint segments. Of the total paper demand in 2008-09, industrial paper about 47%, writing and printing and newsprint accounted for 30% and 20%, respectively and specialty paper accounted for 3% (source: CRISIL Research, Industry). The Indian paper industry is highly fragmented. According to estimates, the total number of mills varies from 500 to over 1,000. Wood and wood-based pulp form the major raw materials required to manufacture writing and printing paper & wastepaper is a key input in the production of packaging paper, newsprint and paperboards.


Shree Rama News Prints Limited was incorporated on July 10, under the Companies Act, 1956.The certificate of commencement of business was obtained on July 17. The Certificate of Registration for transfer of the company's registered office to Gujarat was obtained on May 11,1993.

Shree Rama News Prints Limited is one of the India’s largest private sector Newsprint and Writing & Printing paper manufacturing Company at a single location in India and has a significant contribution towards total newsprint production in India.

Shree Rama News Prints Limited has manufacturing plant spread over more than 400 acres of land in Village Barbhodhan, Gujarat with an installed capacity of 1,32,000 TPA. The plant is equipped to manufacture Newsprint and Printing & Writing Paper from Virgin Pulp as well as Non-Conventional raw materials namely; recycled fibre. Shree Rama News Prints has also demonstrated deep commitment to the cause of preserving the environment, by setting up a state of the art facility for manufacture of Environment friendly Chlorine free paper from recycled fibre. The Mill’s captive power plant and captive water works, ensures uninterrupted power and water supply leading to non-stop production. A contributing feature is the in-house engineering workshop for preventive maintenance and repairs leading to continuous improvisation of process, quality and productivity. We also have a strong Research & Development backup aided by a qualified and committed workforce of more than 500 personnel.




To Unlock The Potential Of Surplus Land Available With The Mill: SRNPL is

intend to unlock the potential of the surplus land of more than 250 acres available at

the plant location. To implement this strategy, SRNL has already completed the study

for analysing the suitability of the said land for any industrial/ real estate development

including developing a Special Economic Zone. SRNL has appointed agencies to

prepare feasibility report for the project of developing the said surplus land.

To Enter Into New Strategic Partnership : SRNL is intend to build partnerships with

key international newsprint manufacturers to take advantage of operational

efficiencies and resultant economies of scale. SRNL believes that the experience

in newsprint and printing paper manufacturing has uniquely positioned the plant to

partner international newsprint manufacturers and offer them the cost advantage

associated with India. SRNL believes that our strategic partnerships with international

manufacturers would enable us to emerge as a major player in the paper outsourcing


To carry on the business of manufacturers, importers, exporters, converters, merchants and dealers in paper, board and pulp including writing paper, printing paper, absorbent paper, newsprint paper, wrapping paper, tissue paper, cover paper, blotting paper, filter paper, antique paper, ivory finish paper, coated paper, cartridge paper, cloth - lined paper, laid down woven paper, pressman paper, cream laid grease proof paper, gummed paper, handmade paper, parch-ment paper, drawing paper, insulated paper, Kraft paper, manila paper, envelope paper, tracing paper, vellum paper, water-proof paper, carbon paper, sensitised paper, chemically treated paper, litmus paper, photographic paper, glass paper, emery paper, paste board.

To carry on the business as manufacturers, importers, exporters, merchants and dealers in packing materials and containers of all kinds including adhesive tapes, corrugated containers, display boxes, corrugated, wrappers, post card papers haring



papers, card straw boards, paste board, pulp board, mill board duplex and triplex boards, plywood boards, hard board in India and abroad.


The organization setup of the factory is as follows:

The Senior President and the Vice President of the factory is the overall in charge of

Production, Administration, Research and development. There are Senior President and two

Joint Presidents with one Vice President taking the charge of development like Finance,

Engineering technical maintenance, Development and Administration. Mr. Shree Virendra

Bangur is Chairman of Shree Rama Newsprints Limited. The names of Board of Directors of

Management are listed below:

1. Shree Virendra Bangur Chairman

2. Mr. V.D Bajaj Executive Director

3. Mr. M.K Upadhyaya President(Works)

4. Mr.S.R Poddar Sr. VP (Commercial)

5. Mr. S.S Adak Sr.AVP (Maintenance)

6. Mr. R.K Dave AVP (Utility)

7. Mr.B.Pandey AVP(electrical)

8.Mr. Yogesh Mahajan G.M(HR)




The policies and procedures followed in Shree Rama Newsprints Limited is very clear-cut

and well defined so that the employees can understand the norms and requirements of the


Some of the policies are:

1. Risk Management Policy: A key factor for a Company’s capacity to create

sustainable value is the risks that the Company is willing to take (at strategic and

operational levels) and its ability to manage them effectively. Ability to identify

and manage risks promptly is also a critical aspect of corporate governance at any

Company. Many risks exist in a Company’s operating environment and

continuously emerge on a day to day basis. Risk management does not aim at

eliminating them, as that would simultaneously eliminate all chances of rewards/

opportunities. Risk Management is instead focused at ensuring that these risks are

known and addressed through a pragmatic and effective risk management process.

The objectives of Risk management at SRNPL are to: -

• Better understand risk profile

• Understand and better manage the uncertainties which impact our performance

• Contribute to safeguarding company value and interest of various


• Ensure that sound business opportunities are identified and pursued without


the business to an unacceptable level of risk; and

• Improve compliance with good corporate governance guidelines and practices

as well as laws & regulations.



The Risk Management Framework While defining and developing a formalized

Risk Management process, leading risk management standards and practices have

been considered. However, the focus has been to make this process relevant to

business reality and to keep it pragmatic and simple from an implementation and

use perspective. The Risk Management Framework outlines the series of activities

and their enablers that we expect each company to deploy, to assess, mitigate and

monitor risks. The Risk Management Framework at SRNPL comprises essentially

of the following 2 elements:

Risk Management process that helps identify, prioritize and manage risks in the

SRNPL; and

Risk Management structure i.e. the roles and responsibilities for implementing

the risk management programme.

2. Remuneration Policy : The Remuneration Policy of the Company rewards

performance based on achievement and existing industry benchmarks. The

remuneration of the Executive Directors is governed by the terms and conditions

approved by the Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors, the

Shareholders and the Central Government (if required). The remuneration

structure comprises of salary and commission linked to profits, perquisites and

allowances, contribution to Provident Fund, super annuity and gratuity as per

schedule XIII and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act 1956.

3. Corporate Social Responsibility Policy : Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) builds a

dynamic relationship between a company on one hand and the society and environment on

the other. CSR is strongly connected with the principles of sustainability and traditionally

driven by a moral obligation and philanthropic spirit. An organization should make decisions

based not only on financial factors, but also on the social and environmental consequences

and over time it has become an integral part of business



The role of CSR Committee is illustrated below:

The Company continues to be conscious about its social responsibilities towards the public

living within the vicinity of its Mills. The Company values human rights and thrives to invest

in innovative and efficient technology for sustainable energy flow and economic growth.

Apart from imparting regular health check facilities for the community in the nearby

villages, distributing free medicines to the needy, we also supply free Drinking Water on a

regular basis to the nearby villages.

Besides that The Company has opened a modern English Medium School to impart quality education to the students in the vicinity. In addition, the Company also undertakes various community welfare jobs as and when needed.

4. Internal Audit and Control: The Company continues to ensure proper and

adequate systems and procedures commensurate with its size and nature of its

business. The Company has been able to adapt its own computerized software

programmer prepared by its IT department and is placed to derive significant

benefits from the same. The ongoing projects are going on towards the

implementation of SAP for the smoothening of the control system.

The control system ensures that :

a) All assets are safeguarded and protected against any loss, wastage and

unauthorized usage or disposition.

b) All transactions are authorized, recorded and reported correctly.

c) Accounting records are properly maintained with an adequate internal

control system which is properly documented with policy guidelines,

authorization and approval procedures.

d) Reliable financial statements are prepared according to an established

management information system (MIS).



The Company’s extensive system of internal controls comprises the following


a. Clearly defined organizational structure.

b. Transparency in all spheres of activities in line with the Quality

Management System.

c. Adherence with and monitoring of the internal control system through

independent internal auditors reporting directly to the Board of Director

Committee, which reviews the Committee’s functioning and findings.


The company has two principal range of products:

1. Newsprint

Area of application: Newspapers

Demand Drivers: Growing economy

Growing circulation

and readership,


advertisement income

for the print media.

Principal customers: LeadingNewspaper

such as Times of

India,Sandesh and





2. Writing and Printing Paper(As per order)

Products: White Creamwove,

Maplitho ,super printing,

Copier paper.

Area of Application: Exercise Notebooks ,

Printing of Text Books,

Question Sheets,

Registers /Ledger books and

other material.

Demand Drivers: Increasing Government

Spends on Education,

Growing thrust on literacy,

Increasing Corporate Activity .

Principal Customers: Government Presses,

Notebook Manufacturers in

Gujarat and Maharashtra.




These are the competitors of Shree Rama Newsprints Limited are:







1. General Administration

2. Human Resources

3. Raw Materials

4. DIP(de-inking plant)

5. Stores

6. Accounts

7. Stock preparation (pulp)

8. Paper Machines I, II

9. Finishing & Packing

10. PWH(product warehouse) & Despatches

11. ETP(Effluient Treatment Plant)

12. Mechanical Maintenance

13. Electrical Maintenance

14. Instrumentation

15. Quality control and R&D

16. Power plant





Strategic location of the plant, good proximity to both market for its finished product

and source of its raw material i.e. waste paper and chemicals.

Customers’ appreciation of company’s products.

Country wide customer base and Dealer/ Distributors Network.

Swing facility on the Paper Machine to produce Newsprint / Writing and Printing

grades of paper as the market situation may demand.

Sufficient land available with the Company which is enough for any future expansion

and growth.

Relatively low employee cost.

Well established Research and Development (R&D) facilities / activities encouraging


Government’s thrust for improving literacy in the country.


The Company manufactures its products by 100% recycled fibre which is perceived a shade

below high end products manufactured from virgin pulp. However continuous Research &

Development and Technological improvement has helped the Company to improve the

quality of its products to compete with products manufactured from virgin pulp.




Increasing Government Spends on Education.

Growing thrust on literacy.

Increasing Corporate Activity.

Demographic trends like increasing population and purchasing power favor the

consumer paper market, thus opportunities for growth.

Related diversification into growing categories.


Intense and increasing competition amongst other companies.

Competition from other similar products of other brands.


Shree Rama Newsprints Limited enjoys the position of being the largest manufacturer of

newsprint in India, and the only manufacturer in weastern India.

Shree Rama Newsprints Limited:

Producing Best Quality Newsprint - substituting Imported Newsprint.

Meeting Quality Standards of brightness, opacity, strength, printability & appearance.

Ensuring timely delivery day after day to all our customers.

Environment Management:

Adoption of cleaner technology and processes. & appearance.

Reduction of particulate emission.

Solid Waste Management Preventing Pollution.



Minimizing the unsafe acts and unsafe working conditions.

Market Strategy

At SRNPL, marketing hinges around the simple concept of growing sales by giving the

customer what they want it.

The demand for Newsprint and Printing & Writing paper in India and many developing

countries far exceeds the supply. SRNPL have tapped this ready market by focusing our

exports to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, etc., in South Asia, the Middle East and West Asia

as well as the continents of Africa. Emulating the success in the Newsprint Export business,

SRNPL has developed the export markets for Printing & Writing Papers. In a short period of

time the plant has bagged and executed orders of overseas customers from countries

including Egypt, Mauritius, Indonesia, Sri Lanka etc. We supply newsprint to major

publishers like The Times of India, Gujarat Samachar, Sandesh, Rajasthan Patrika, Dainik

Bhaskar, Indian Express, Amar Ujala, Lokmat etc.

SRNPL’s major clients in writing & printing papers are notebook manufacturers and book

publishers. Plant’s presence in market for writing & printing paper is also growing gradually.




1) Method of Accounting: The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles in India and the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 on the basis of accrual basis of accounting, except unascertained insurance claims and comply in all material respects with the accounting standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India / accounting standards notified under sub-section (3C) of section 211 of the Companies Act, 1956 (to the extent applicable).

2) Use of estimates:

The preparation of the financial statements, in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles, requires estimates and assumptions to be made that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities on the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Differences between actual results and estimates are recognized in the period in which the results are known / materialize.

3) Revenue recognition:

Revenue is recognized to the extent it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Company and the revenue can be reliably measured.

a)Sale of Product ;Revenue is recognized when the significant risks & rewards of ownership of the goods have Passed to the buyer. Sales include the amount of Sales Tax/Vat refunds received/due in accordance with incentive scheme.

b) Interest and Dividend Income;Interest income is recognized on a time proportion basis taking into account the amount outstanding and the rate applicable. Dividend income is recognized when the shareholders’ right to receive dividend is established.



c) Export Incentive;Incentive on Export Income is recognized when certainty of receipts is established.

d)Insurance Claim ;Claims receivable are accounted at the time when such income has been earned by the Company depending on the certainty of receipts.

e)Rent ;Rent Income is recognized on the accrual basis based on agreement entered by the Company with the tenants.

4) Fixed Assets:

Fixed Assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation thereon. The cost of fixed assets Comprises purchase price and any attributable cost of bringing the asset to its working condition for its intended use.

5) Borrowing cost:

Borrowing Costs that are attributable to the acquisition or construction of qualifying assets are capitalized as part of the cost of such assets. A qualifying asset is one that necessarily takes substantial period of time to get ready for intendeduse. All other borrowing costs are charged to the revenue.

6) Depreciation:

Depreciation has been provided on straight-line basis pursuant to Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956.

7) Foreign Currency Transactions:

a) Fixed Assets acquired out of foreign currency loans are recorded at the actual transaction rate. As per revised Accounting Standard – 11 “The Effects of changes in Foreign Exchange Rates”, the gain or loss due to exchange rate fluctuations on repayment of such loans during the year is recorded at the actual transaction rates and consequent adjustments are made to the Profit & Loss Account. The gain or loss on translation of such loan liabilities at the year-end is adjusted in the Profit & Loss Account.

b) Foreign Currency Current Assets and Current Liabilities are recorded at the actual transaction rate. The gain or loss arising out of settlement/ translation of the assets



and liabilities at the closing rates due to exchange fluctuations is recognized as income/ expenditure in the profit and loss account.

c) Premium or discount arising at the inception of forward exchange contract is amortized as expense or income over the life of the contract. Any gain or loss arising due to exchange difference at the end of the year on such contract are recognized in profit & loss account.

8) Taxation:

Income-tax expense comprises current tax (i.e. amount of tax for the period determined in accordance with the income-tax law), deferred tax charge or credit (reflecting the tax effect of timing differences between accounting income and taxable income for the period) Current Tax: Provision for current tax is made on the basis of estimated taxable income for the accounting year in accordance with the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Deferred taxation; In compliance with Accounting Standard - 22 issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, The deferred tax charge or credit and the corresponding deferred tax liabilities and assets are recognized using the tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date Deferred tax assets, subject to the consideration of prudence, are recognized and carried forward only to the extent that there is reasonable certainty that the sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax can be realized. However, where there is unabsorbed depreciation or carried forward loss under taxation laws, deferred tax assets are recognized only if there is a virtual certainty of realizations of the assets.

9) Inventories:

Inventories are valued at cost or net realizable value whichever is lower. The costs for the purpose of valuation are determined as under:

Finished goods and Stock-in-process : - Manufacturing cost Raw materials & Others : - Weighted Average cost Coal & Chemical : - FIFO

10) Investments:



Investments are classified into long-term investments and current investments. Investments that are intended to be held for one year or more are classified as long-term investments and investments that are intended to be held for less than one year are classified as current investments. Long term investments are valued at cost. Provision for diminution in value of long term investments is made if in the opinion of management such a decline is other than temporary. Current investments are valued at cost or market/fair value, whichever is lower.

11) Research & Development Expenditure:

Revenue expenditure on research & development is charged to Profit & Loss account and capital expenditure is added to the cost of fixed assets in the year in which it is incurred.


SRNL Mill has two imported large width sophisticated paper machines and de-inking plant is equipped to manufacture Newsprint and Printing & Writing Paper from Virgin Pulp and recycled fibre. This capability is utilised to meet specific customer requirements for Newsprint & Printing & Writing Paper. The plant is also equipped with fully computerised process monitoring and control system called QCS and DCS, designed, supplied and operated as per international standards by manufacturer of international repute. SRNL is also the first licensee in India of the highly sophisticated de-inking technology derived from technical collaboration with international majors like Garden State Paper Inc., New Jersey, and USA.

SRNL has installed a state-of-the-art equipment for bleaching and flotation de-inking process supplied by proven international vendors. This enables the mills to manufacture Newsprint from Non-Conventional raw materials and Printing & Writing Paper from Virgin Pulp and recycled fibre.

The use of latest technology is also the hallmark of the entire production process ranging from the pulping of the raw material to its screening, cleaning, washing and chlorine-free bleaching. Treatment with various de-inking, slime control and fluff control chemicals and enzymes are also part of the process. In addition to this, the mill has its own effluent treatment plant (ETP) which takes care of any chemical run-off. Solid waste management is done as per the standards prescribed by Gujarat State Pollution Control Board.



The market for value-added paperboard is expected to grow faster at a compound annual

growth rate of 12% driven by higher demand for branded packaged products in the FMCG

and Pharmacy sectors, increasing number of product categories catering to aspirational

lifestyles, higher rural demand, and higher penetration of organized retail and increasing

salience of packaging in driving brand awareness. Company continued to maintain its

leadership position in the Indian Newsprint industry as a preferred supplier to the leading

newspaper publishers. Shree Rama Newsprints Limited 's firm Commitment of delivering

superior quality products at competitive price has been a major factor for its prestigious

position in the industry.

During the year, the Company registered a growth in the turnover around Rs.375 crores in

2013-14 to around more than Rs.400 crores in 2014-15. By achieving continued operational

efficiency enhancements at all levels of operations.




The ultimate goal of introducing such a program of industrial project preparation in the

academics by the department of commerce was to prepare students for taking up challenges

in future, so as to have a practical knowledge about the companies and its operations.

It was tremendously good experience on my part to complete my internship in all the

commerce related areas like commercial dept., Finance &accounts dept, raw material dept

etc.. of Shree Rama Newsprints Limited.

Firstly I was introduced about the organization, its profile then got a brief orientation about

company ‘s other working department.

In the beginning of the internship I was firstly being sent to the commercial department to

learn under the guidance of Mr.Adarsh Bhatt(Mgr comml.).There I got to know about the

main function of commercial dept i.e. to deal with the purchase work of the company and

deciding the prices for various works to be done in the company and simultaneously

preparation of work orders and purchase orders.

Mr.Bhatt made me understand about the department on brief such as ;

One of the most important role of the commercial department is to procure all

necessary materials required for production or daily operation of the company.

The department also in the charge with continuously evaluating whether it is

receiving the materials at the best possible price in order to maximize the profitability.

The department also ensure all paper works involved with the purchasing and delivery

of supplies and materials.



The dept. also ensure timely delivery of required materials to the concerned


For the brief understanding I was being assigned to prepare some important work

orders like “Refractory work order”, “flooring”, “maintenance of a/c” and many other

work orders and purchase orders within the reasonable assigned time limit.

Then on the next week I was being shifted to the department of accounts and finance

under the guidance of Mr.Sanjay F Patel on the reference of Mr.Bhatt to make me

brief understand about the practical applicability of accounting and finance in a

professional manner.

Mr.Patel made me understand the main objective of accounts and finance department

is to follow the purchase accounting procedure and to make the use of funds provided

by the company to make short term financial plans for the expenditure and expenses.

Then on the reference of Mr.Patel I was being sent to his many assistants among them

Mr. R.M Shah who made me understand about the entry of the transactions and

invoice and payment advice for the materials. Then Mr.Nath made me understand

about managing the cash, making entry in the books of account in the computerized

system and preparation of bank reconciliation statement.

Then Mr. Bhora made me understand about the efficient filling of TDS, service tax

etc on the payments to the party and the procedures.

Then on the row I met Mr.Tawri who was in the charge of Management Information

System (MIS) and Costing. There I got to learn about overall cost of production and

variance analysis on daily basis (i.e, Target v/s Actual).He also made me understand

about the system of MIS where all department can get their performance on daily




Thereafter finishing almost all the work at finance and accounts department I was

being sent to Mr.D.P Das (AGM matl.) on the reference of Mr.Bhatt to gain a brief

knowledge about the efficient management of materials which is the most vital part of

a paper manufacturing concern.

There under the guidance of Mr.Das I got to learn many vital things through which an

efficient management of materials like waste papers and the coal required for the

power plant can be done smoothly. Those important notes are given as follows;

At first the material is received with a receipt note then the process of gate

entry to unloading of material is done.

Then after quality checking the MRN (materials receipt note or goods receipt

note) is done.

Then the rejection advice is made and invoice checking process is to be done.

Before issuing materials there is vital procedure is followed called shorting of

papers to increase transparency and quality of the product. Where many

peoples are appointed to short the waste paper, used newspapers, magazines

cutting papers according to the desired ratio from the received material and

rejection of unused materials like khaki, sutli, plastics so that the amount of

wastage can be reduced from the product.

Then the material is issued to their customer i.e., DIP (De-Inking Plant) for the

production of pulp.

Then the daily stock statement considering the previous day’s receipt and issue

is prepared.



Towards the end of my internship period I was sent to the paper machine which is the news

printing paper plant having capacity of 400tonnes per day.

It was unique experience for me to see how the raw materials were assembled, were mixed

with chemicals for de-inking and brightening process and then converted into pulp and

through several processes it is finally converted to finished product that is paper.

Hence the experience in this industry was really useful and gave me an exposure even though

it is a very small period.




This chapter gives its emerging conclusion based on the analysis carried out during the study.

Shree Rama Newsprints Limited is one of the fast growing private sector in the country. It is

a well structured organization having employee friendly culture and policies. Shree Rama

Newsprints Limited not only has employees who are efficient in their works but also there is

a healthy relationship between the peers.

The accounts and finance department of Shree Rama Newsprints Limited is interconnected

with every other department .The department is regulated efficiently and has been subdivided

into different sub departments like raw materials, stores and logistics, commercial.

Specifically the materials management is very carefully handled to ensure a high materials

turnover every year.

Paper industry provides a great employment opportunity mainly for the backward classes and

tribal, therefore government should develop the paper industry for generating employment

opportunities particularly in rural areas and for the backward classes and tribal and improve

economic condition.




Information from the website of SECURRITIES EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA(

Financial report of 2013-14 of the company.

Many of the information collected from

Company’s official website

Most vital information is collected from the interaction with company’s departmental Managers and employees working in the company.