Rocky Goes to College

Rocky Goes to College By Jon Fuiman


Rocky makes the choice to go to college.

Transcript of Rocky Goes to College

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Rocky Goes to College

By Jon Fuiman

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The Italian Stallion, Rocky Balboa is one of the hardest working souls God ever put on this earth. He has the determination and motivation to take down three bulls at the same time, but this is the story of his life before he became known as the Ital-ian Stallion, before he fought Apollo, and before he became an international boxer. This is the story of when Rocky went to college.


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Well, Rocky was not the smartest boy who went to Elizabethtown College, especially with his Philadel-phian accent and a love for fighting. “Educated for Service” might not have been Rocky’s motto, but for the time that he went to Elizabethtown he knew that he was forced to adapt. He had to put down the weights and pick up the books.


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Without his best friend Paulie, Rocky had no clue how he was going to survive college. Also, he had no clue on how he even got into Elizabethtown College. He was just a kid from the streets of Philadelphia and now he was studying in the High Library in Elizabethtown, PA.


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Rocky had no idea what he wanted to major in or what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. He just sat in library, the one place where he was told that he could think in peace and not be bothered by anything.


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Rocky lasted in the library for a whole ten minutes before he gave himself a headache. The library was not a peaceful place for Rocky; he got bored and started to fall asleep. So he decided to go and work out in the Body Shop to help cleanse his body and relax his mind. In the past, whenever Rocky had a problem, he would always go work out.


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Rocky tried to forget his beloved city, but it was hard. He would constantly go to gym to get his mind off of his family and friends back home. It was the only thing that would settle his mind.


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Rocky was a good student, a polite student. He would show up to class before anyone else did. He would sit quietly in the back of the room and listen to everything that the teacher said, but when it came to understanding what the teacher said, Rocky was clueless.


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Rocky had so much pride, probably because he was Italian, that so he never wanted to ask anyone for help. He never went to Learning Service to ask for a tutor and he also never met with any of his profes-sors. He never missed a class though. But when he was have promblems he would run.


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When Rocky would go to sit down and to do his homework, nothing would get done. He would be so lost at times. He could not understand anything about what the teacher had taught him.


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Rocky got very upset with himself and he wanted to focus on something, so he thought he would try out for a sports team. In high school, Rocky played foot-ball, but at Elizabethtown, there is no football team. So Rocky tried to find the sport that best fit him. He thought running would help clear his mind.


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He thought since he was in the best shape of his life, that he would train to be a wrestler, but thanks to YouTube, he found out quick that wrestling was not the sport for him. Rocky was not a big fan of wear-ing the tight outfits. So he decided to stay active and go on a run.


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After looking into wrestling, he thought about soc-cer. Rocky liked how he was just wearing shorts and a tee shirt, but he thought that soccer was a lot of running. Rocky did think that he could run that much and be able to keep up, so soccer was out of the question. So yet agian he went on a run


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He thought about a lot of sports that they offered at Elizabethtown, but none of them really touched Rocky’s heart. After a look at the sports, he decided to clear his mind and go back to the gym.


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When it was time for Rocky’s first quiz, he was the last one in the room. Even the professor had left the room and went home. He did not answer a single question and he ended up turning the quiz in blank. Rocky felt absolutely terrible after the quiz, like he wasn’t worth anything. He went back to gym to set-tle his mind.


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When it was time to give Rocky’s first presentation, he gave it on going to gym. He spoke for almost an hour on how much the gym meant to him and what he did there and how much it soothed his mind. The presentation went well; Rocky did a great job and was able to get his first A. So he went on a run to celebrate!


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Rocky felt like he was on top of a mountain, but he still ended up going to gym and getting a good work out. For the first time that Rocky had worked out at the Body Shop, he had a smile on his face.


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One week of college was finished for Rocky Balboa and he hated mostly all of his classes, so he decided to go back home. He knew inside that college was not the right place for him, but before he left he had to look the campus one more time.


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He ran through the BSC.


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He ran through the Masters Center where he saw the rocks.


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He ran through the Body Shop where he did a mini work out.


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Finally, he ended his journey to college by running up the steps of the High Library and looking over Elizabethtown College one last time.


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And even though Rocky did not earn his college degree, he had a successful boxing career, married the love of his life, and remained best friends with Paulie.