Rocks & Mineral Description

SAMPLE-1 Colour: variable -generally black,gray,brown. Layer: yes . Streak : black. Shiny :light sheen. Texture: - very fine particles,smooth. -silt size & clay size mineral size particles. -Shape: Variable Visible Minerals: quartz, feldspar,chert . Reaction with HCL: yes Hardness : 3 on the Moh's scale Specific Gravity: 2.4-2.8 . Conclusion: From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is a clastic sedimentary rock Shale SAMPLE-2 Color:Colorless or white; also blue, purple, red, pink, yellow, orange, or gray Fracture: Brittle Luster: Vitreous Streak: White Texture: Crystalline texture Crystal size: less than 1 cm Grain Size: mostly fine grained Crystal Shape: cubic Visible minerals: Halite; mostly sodium chloride (NaCl) Hardness: 2.0 - 2.5 on Mohs scale Reaction with HCl: no reaction Specific gravity: 2.17 Decision: From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is a chemical sedimentary rock, "Rock salt" also known as "Halite".


Rocks & Mineral Description

Transcript of Rocks & Mineral Description

  • SAMPLE-1

    Colour: variable -generally black,gray,brown.

    Layer: yes .

    Streak : black.

    Shiny :light sheen.


    - very fine particles,smooth.

    -silt size & clay size mineral size particles.

    -Shape: Variable

    Visible Minerals: quartz, feldspar,chert .

    Reaction with HCL: yes

    Hardness : 3 on the Moh's scale

    Specific Gravity: 2.4-2.8 .

    Conclusion: From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is a clastic

    sedimentary rock Shale


    Color:Colorless or white; also blue, purple, red, pink, yellow, orange, or gray

    Fracture: Brittle

    Luster: Vitreous

    Streak: White

    Texture: Crystalline texture

    Crystal size: less than 1 cm

    Grain Size: mostly fine grained

    Crystal Shape: cubic

    Visible minerals: Halite; mostly sodium chloride (NaCl)

    Hardness: 2.0 - 2.5 on Mohs scale

    Reaction with HCl: no reaction

    Specific gravity: 2.17

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is a chemical

    sedimentary rock, "Rock salt" also known as "Halite".

  • SAMPLE-3

    Color: Variable,white,grey,reddish

    Texture: Granoblastic texture

    --Grain Size: Medium grained

    --Shape: Angular

    Visible minerals: Can see interlocking quartz crystal with naked eye.

    Hardness: 6.5-7

    Reaction with HCl: No reaction

    Density: 2.3-2.4 Kg/cm3

    Specific Gravity: 2.6-2.8

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is a

    metamorphic rock Quartzite.


    Colour:Iron black, black

    Transparency: Opaque


    Crystal size: Massive, lamellar,distinctively foliated,finely grained

    Crystal shape: Tabular, trigonal,rhombohedral

    Luster: Metallic, sub-metallic



    Fracture:Conchoidal to subconchoidal

    Hardness:5-5.5 on Mohs scale Reactionwith HCl: No reaction

    Density:4.72 gm/cm3

    Specificgravity: 4.70-4.79

    Conclusion: From the above characteristics we can identify the given sample as Ilmenite

    (FeTiO3 ).

  • SAMPLE-5

    Color: White, yellow, green, gray, brown, black, purple; sometimes multicolored,

    especially green and yellow


    grain size/crystal size: 0.05 to 6 mm

    Sorting:Poorly sorted

    Visible minerals: Serpentine

    Hardness: 2-5

    Reaction with HCl: No

    Density: 2.7 to 3.3

    Specific gravity: 2.5-3.2

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is a

    metamorphic rock Serpentinite


    Colour : Purple,rosy,silver,white,yellowish,green,gray,sometimes colorless and


    Texture : Layered or platy

    Lustre : vitreous to pearly

    Streak : Colourles

    Hardness : 2.5 to 3

    Reaction with HCL : No

    Density : 3.03 gm/cm3

    Specific gravity : 2.8 to 3.1

    Crystal system : Monoclinic

    Cleavage : Perfect

    Fracture : Uneven

    Conclusion : Observing above properties we may take a leap of suggesting this rock as


  • SAMPLE-7

    Crystal System: Massive, monoclinic

    Formula: CaSO4.2H2O

    Color: Colorless to white

    Streak: White

    Luster: Vitreous to pearly

    Fracture: Conchoidal

    Cleavage: Perfect

    Tenacity: Flexible

    Hardness: 2

    Specific Gravity: 2.3

    Diaphaneity: Transparent to translucent

    Conclusion: From the above characteristics we can identify the given sample as Gypsum


    Colour : Green,Grey,Brown

    Layer : yes

    Streak : white powdery

    Texture: Foliated

    Size :Medium grained

    Visible minerals : Quartz,mica,feldspar,talc

    Reaction with HCl : No

    Hardness : Generally hard

    Specific gravity : 2.5-2.9

    Conclusion:From the above characteristics we can say that the sample is Schist.

  • SAMPLE-9

    Colour:black to brownish black or grey


    -fine-medium grain size

    -course sorting

    -variable shape

    Visible minerals: no visible minerals

    Hardness: 2.2

    Reaction with HCl: yes

    Density: 833 to 1506 kg/m3

    Specific gravity: 1.1 to 1.4

    Conclusion: From above characteristics we can say that the sample is coal.


    Color: Grey, Green, Red, Black, Purple and Brown

    Texture: Foliated

    Grain size/crystal size: Fine-grained

    Shape: Flat

    Visible minerals: No mineral is visible with the naked eye

    Hardness: 3.0 to 4.0 on Moh's scale

    Reaction with HCl: No

    Density: 2.6 to 2.8 Kg/cm3

    Specific gravity: 2.65-2.80

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is a

    metamorphic rock Shale

  • SAMPLE-11

    Crystal system: cubic, massive

    Formula: FeO + Fe2O3 = Fe3O4

    Color: Black

    Streak: Black

    Luster: Metallic

    Fracture: Subconchoidal

    Teracity: Brittle

    Moh's scale of hardness: 6

    Specific gravity: 5

    Magnetism: Strongly magnetic

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is Magnetite


    Colour: variable - generally alternating lighter and darker sub-parallel discontinuous


    Texture: Foliated Texture

    -Grain Size/Crystal Size: medium to coarse grained; can see crystals with the naked eye.

    -Shape: Variable

    Visible Minerals: In light bands: quartz, feldspar etc And in Dark bands: biotite, graphite


    Hardness: 7

    Reaction with HCl: No Reaction

    Density: 2.6 - 2.9 gm/cm3

    Specific Gravity: 2.6-2.9

    Conclusion: From the above characteristics, we can say that the sample is a metamorphic

    rock Gneiss

  • SAMPLE-13

    Rock type: volcanic (igneous)

    Color: Intermediate to felsic (dark gray to light tan).

    Texture: aphanitic to porphyritic texture.

    Grain Size/Crystal Size: Fine-grained to medium-grained.

    Visible Minerals: plagioclase pyroxene, quartz, biotite and hornblende.

    Hardness: 7 (MHS)

    Reaction with HCl: No

    Specific gravity (density): 2.5-2.8

    Conclusion: From the above characteristics, we can say that the sample is Andesite


    Colour : variable- Light tan to pink

    Texture : clastic or non-clastic

    --Grain size : usually very fine-grained

    --Shape : smooth to rough

    Visible mineral : Calcite

    Hardness : generally hard, 3 to 4 on Mohs scale Density : 2.5 to 2.7 kg/cm3

    Reaction wiht HCl : Yes; release bubbles of carbon dioxide gas

    Specific Gravity : 2.20 to 2.60

    Water absorption : Less than 1%

    Porosity : Quite low

    Conclusion: From the above characteristics, we can say that the sample is Limestone

  • SAMPLE-15

    Colour: White, pink, or gray in colour. It depends on their mineralogy.

    Texture: Granular and Phaneritic.

    Grain size/Crystal size: Large and coarse grain size and highly visible crystal.

    Shape: Variable.

    Sorting: Poorly sorted.

    Visible Mineral: Quartz, Biotite Mica, Potassium Feldspar.

    Hardness: 6 to 7 on Moh's Scale.

    Density:2.6 to 2.8 Kgcm^-3

    Specific Gravity: 2.6-2.7

    Reaction With HCl: Yes.

    Conclusion: From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is a felsic

    intrusive igneous rock Granite


    Formula: Aluminium Oxide, Al2O3

    colour: Colorless, Gray, Brown; Pink to red

    Crystal system: Trigonal.

    cleavage: None.

    Fracture: Conchoidal to uneven.

    Tenacity: Brittle.

    Specific Gravity: 3.95-4.10

    Streak: White

    Diaphaneity: Transparent.

    Conclusion: From the above characteristics, we can say that the sample is Corrundum

  • SAMPLE-17

    Colour: grey to dark grey.

    Texture: medium to coarse grained

    Shape:variable shape.


    Visible minerals: plagioclase, amphibole, pyroxene etc.

    Hardness: 7

    Reaction with HCl: yes.

    Specific gravity: 2.8 to 3.0

    Decision: from above characteristics, we can say that the sample rock is a diorite rock.


    Color: colorless or white,also gray, yellow, green


    Grain size: mixture

    Shape: Calcite crystals form in a wide variety of shapes, but tend to break into

    rhombohedrons (six-sided solids that resemble cubes except that the faces meet at 60

    degree instead of 90 degree)

    Sorting: well-sorted

    Visible minerals: quartz

    Hardness: 3

    Reaction with HCl: 2HCl + CaCO3--> CaCl2 + H2O + CO2

    Density:2.71 gm/cc

    Specific gravity: 2.71

    Decision: from above characteristics, we can say that the sample rock is Calcite

  • SAMPLE-19

    Color: variable

    Texture: clastic(coarse-grained)

    -grain size: >2mm

    -Shape: angular

    -sorting: poorly sorted

    visible minerals: no visible minerals

    Hardness: variable, soft to hard

    reaction with HCl: no reaction

    Density: 2-2.5 g/cm

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is breccia.


    Colour : green, grey, dark brown (biotite schist)silver (muscovite schist)

    Texture: foliated

    Grain size: medium

    Visible minerals : visible grains of mica

    Hardness: 1 on Moh's scale

    Reaction with HCl: no

    Specific gravity : 2.5-2.9

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is Mica Schist

  • SAMPLE-21

    Colour: dark green, dark grey, dark red, green

    Texture : phaneritic

    Crystal size: usually over 5 cm in size

    Hardness : 7 on moh's scale

    Reaction with HCl: no

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is Pegmatite


    Colour: white, grey, pink

    luster: pearly to vitreous to dull

    Streak: white

    Cleavage: perfect in three directions.

    Fracture: choncoidal

    Hardness: 3.5-4

    Sp. gravity : 2.86

    Reaction with HCl : yes

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is Dolomite

  • SAMPLE-23

    Colour: bright white, grey, black

    Texture : non foliated

    Visible minerals : visible crystals of Calcite Hardness : 3-4 on Moh's scale

    Sp. gravity : 2.4-2.7

    Reaction with HCl : yes

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is Marble


    Color:Dark,grey or black

    Texture:aphanitic (can be porphyritic).

    -grain size/crystal size:fine grain

    -Shape:variable(mainly rectangular)

    -sorting:poorly sorted

    visible minerals:none


    reaction with HCl:no reaction

    Density:1954 kg/cu.m.

    Specific gravity:2.8-3

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is basalt.

  • SAMPLE-25

    Color: greenish or dark-colored

    Texture: usually equigranular

    -grain size/crystal size: coarse grained, with crystals in the size range of 1 mm or greater

    -Shape: Variable

    -sorting: Poorly sorted

    visible minerals: no visible minerals

    Hardness: 1.6

    reaction with HCl: no reaction

    Density: 2700-3300 kg/m3

    Specific gravity: 2.7-3.3

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is Gabbro.


    Color-varies from red,green,yellow,gray and white.


    grain size-.06-2 mm


    Sorting-arenaceous or argillaceous

    Visible minerals-feldspar and quartz

    Hardness-6.5 to 7 moh's scale

    React. with hcl-no reac.

    Density-2.32 to 2.42 kg/cm3

    Sp. Gr.-2.2-2.8

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is Sandstone

  • SAMPLE-1

    Crystal system: Orthorombic

    Color: Yellow

    Streak: white

    Fracture: uneven

    Luster: Resinous

    Hardness: 2

    Specific Gravity: 2.0

    Diaphaneity: Transparent to translucent

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we canidentify that the sample is a mineral which name is Sulfur


    Crystal System: Trigonal

    Color: Reddish Brown to Black

    Luster: Metalic to dull

    Streak: Light to dark red

    Formula: Fe2O3

    Fracture: Uneven

    Hardness: 6

    Specific Gravity: 5.0

    Diaphaneity: Opaque

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we canidentify that the sample is a mineral which name is


  • SAMPLE-3

    Crystalsystem : Triclinic

    Color :Blue darker in the centre

    Streak :White


    Formula: Al2SiO5

    Clevage :Perfect (100)

    Fracture :Uneven

    Moh's scale of hardness : 5

    Specific gravity : 3.6

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we canidentify that the sample is a mineral which name is



    Crystalsystem : Hexagonal

    Color : Yellowor White

    Streak :White

    Luster :Vitreous

    Formula: Be3Al2 ( Si6O18 )

    Clevage : NoClevage

    Fracture :Conchoidal

    Diaphaneity: Transparent to Translucent

    Moh's scale of hardness : 7.5

    Specific gravity : 2.7

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we canidentify that the sample is a mineral which name is Beryl

  • SAMPLE-5

    Crystal System: Cubic massive

    color: Black to brown

    Streak: Dark brown

    Luster: Metallic

    Formula FeO + Cr2O3 +FeCr2O4

    Fracture: Uneven: 5.5

    Specific Gravity: 4.6

    ternacity: Brittle

    Diaphaneity: translucent to opaque

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we canidentify that the sample is a mineral which name is



    Color: black and opaque

    Chemical formula: Ferrous-Ferric Oxide Fe3O4

    Streak: blackLuster: metallic,greasy, dull

    Transparency: opaque

    Crystal system: cubic

    Specific Gravity: 5.2

    Hardness (Mohs): 5.5

    Cleavage: imperfect

    Fracture: conchoidal

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we canidentify that the sample is a mineral which name is


  • SAMPLE-7

    Formula: Al2Si4O10(OH)2

    Color : White , gray , pale blue or green , brownish yellow

    .Crystal system : Monoclinic .

    Cleavage : Perfect

    Fracture : Uneven .

    Tenacity : Flexible , inelastic .

    Mohs scale hardness : 1 - 2 .

    Luster : Pearly to dull .

    Streak : White .

    Specific gravity : 2.65 - 2.9 .

    Diaphaneity : Translucent to opaque .

    Decision : From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is a mineral named Prophyllite


    Formula: MgCO3

    Color : Colorless , white , pale yellow , pale brown

    .Crystal system : Trigonal .

    Cleavage : Perfect .

    Fracture : Conchoidal to uneven .

    Tenacity : Brittle

    . Mohs scale hardness : 3.5 - 4.5

    .Luster : Vitreous

    . Streak : White .

    Diaphaneity : Transparent to translucent .

    Specific gravity : 3.0 - 3.2 . Decision : From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is a mineral named Magesite

  • SAMPLE-9

    Formula: MnO2

    Crystal habit : Granular to massive

    Crystal system : Tetragonal

    color: Black to lighter gray

    Cleavage : perfect

    Fracture: Brittle

    Mohs scale Hardness: 6-6.65

    Specific Gravity : 4.4-5.06

    Streak : Black

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we canidentify that the sample is a mineral which name is



    Crystal system: triclinic or monoclinic

    Color: White, gray, brown

    Streak: white

    luster : vitreous

    Mhos scale Hardness: 6-6.5

    Specific Gravity: 2.55-2.76

    Diaphaneity: opaque

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we canidentify that the sample is a mineral which name is


  • SAMPLE-11

    Formula: K(Mg,Fe)3(AlSi3O10)(F,OH)2

    Crystal system: Monoclinic

    Color: Brown, Black

    Streak: Colourless

    Luster: Vitreous

    Cleavage: Perfect basal

    Fracture: Uneven

    DiaphaneityTransparent to translucent

    Magnetism: None

    Hardness: 2 - 3

    Density: 2.7 - 3.4

    Specific gravity:2.73.1

    Reaction with HCl: Very weak

    Decision : From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is a mineral named




    Crystal System: Monoclinic

    Colour: White, or brownish, dark green, gray

    Streak: White

    Luster: Grease

    Cleavage: Perfect

    Fracture: Uneven

    Diaphaneity: Translucent

    Magnetism: None

    Hardness: 1

    Density: 2.6 - 2.8

    Specific gravity: 2.58 to 2.83

    Reaction with HCl: Unknown

    Decision : From the above characteristics, we can identify that the sample is a mineral named


  • SAMPLE-13

    Crystal System: Massive, Monoclinic.

    Formula: CaSO4.2H2O

    Color: Colorless

    Streak: White

    Luster: Vitreous to Pearly

    Clevage: Perfect

    Tenacity: Flexible

    Mohs scale Hardness : 2

    Specific Gravity: 2.3

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we canidentify that the sample is a mineral which name is



    Crystal System: Hexagonal

    Crystal habit: Tabular

    Color: Iron black to steel grey

    Streak: Black

    Luster: Metallic

    Hardness: 1-2

    Diaphaneity: Opaque

    Tenacity: Sectile

    Decision: From the above characteristics, we canidentify that the sample is a mineral which name is
