Rocket to the moon - Mr Right

Track: Mr Right Artist: Rocket To The Moon

Transcript of Rocket to the moon - Mr Right

Page 1: Rocket to the moon - Mr Right

Track: Mr Right

Artist: Rocket To The Moon

Page 2: Rocket to the moon - Mr Right

Genre characteristics

• Narrative and performance based

• Creative performance – not just on a stage – lanterns around them

• modern and bright

• Light hearted and relaxed atmosphere

• Original ideas - videos within this genre don't like to stick to safe ideas they seem quite experimental

• Fast-cut montage

This group are a similar type of music to Owl City but are a bit more indie music than electropop but I thought analysing one of their videos would give me a better insight

Page 3: Rocket to the moon - Mr Right

Is there a relationship between visuals and lyrics

The story of the song is all about a guy who thinks his girlfriend is way to good for him but she loves him anyway, even though all her friends have rich, successful boyfriends and he has no money. This is shown through the two stories. The first girl (girl in red) has a wealthy boyfriend but she doesn’t care about him and ignores him, whereas the second girl loves her boyfriend even though he doesn’t have money ( see them eating burgers and she is driving him) this is all links with the meaning of the song.

Page 4: Rocket to the moon - Mr Right

Is there a relationship between visuals and music

The relationship between visuals and music is mainly illustrated within in this music video

• The cuts are driven by the beat of the music for example the opening sequence is a series of split screens, creating the basis for two stories and cut perfectly within the beat. The split screens at the start also show the two girls, creating the two different stories.

• There are also performance sections of the video where the band are performing and there is focus on the lead singer, this is normally on the chorus.

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Are there any close ups of the artist or any star image motifs

• There are loads of close ups of the artist within this video, this is a common feature of music videos as it is normally the record company trying to make the audience buy into the brand as well as the music.

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Is there any reference to the notion to looking (voyeurism)

• There aren’t any clear references to voyeurism in a sexual way within this video. The camera doesn’t focus on the girls in a voyeuristic way.

• The only element of voyeurism is that the audience are invited to watch both couples in situations where they don’t know they are being watched, like in the car or eating at a resturant

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Are there any references of intertextuality

• After doing some research on the internet I found a comment from one of the band members saying the inspiration behind the focus on the colours red and blue. Apparently there is something called ‘red couples’ and ‘blue couples’ this basically means that red couples don’t have any chemistry whereas blue couples do.

• This is why the girl that is always ignoring her boyfriend is in red and has a red birthday present and the girl who seems really happy with her boyfriend has blue streaks in her hair and gets given a blue cupcake.