Rock Your Body Week 8 · heart rate right back up there!# Shuttle step laterally to the Left for...

11 1 (c) The Betty Rocker Inc, All Rights Reserved make fat cry challenge transformation WEEK EIGHT location: lake park

Transcript of Rock Your Body Week 8 · heart rate right back up there!# Shuttle step laterally to the Left for...

Page 1: Rock Your Body Week 8 · heart rate right back up there!# Shuttle step laterally to the Left for two steps (2), then curtsy lunge the Right leg behind the left.# To perform a curtsy�1(c) The Betty Rocker Inc, All Rights Reserved


make fat cry challenge transformation WEEK EIGHT

#location: lake park

Page 2: Rock Your Body Week 8 · heart rate right back up there!# Shuttle step laterally to the Left for two steps (2), then curtsy lunge the Right leg behind the left.# To perform a curtsy

#�2(c) The Betty Rocker Inc, All Rights Reserved


Please read this important message:

If you have injuries, pre-existing conditions or at any time experience pain during the movements in this series, please stop immediately. We provide variations for the movements, and Weeks 1-3 cover your foundational movements so you can progress at your own pace, sticking with those moves if the following weeks are more challenging than you’re ready for.

You are ultimately responsible for protecting yourself and making the decision to stop or continue. If you’re not sure if these workouts are appropriate for you, consult with your trainer, your physician or your PT. #Participants in the Transformation Challenge agree to indemnify and hold harmless

The Betty Rocker Inc., its subsidiaries, sponsors and affiliates, partners, officers, directors and employees from all risk, loss, injury, damage, or harm that may arise from participating in the challenge.

Always consult with a physician or health-care provider before starting any new exercise, nutrition, or supplementation program; particularly those who suffer from any medical condition or regularly use prescription or over-the-counter medications. If an entrant is not experienced with dieting or strength training, or changing their exercise program, they are advised to consult with a qualified trainer or coach.


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Page 3: Rock Your Body Week 8 · heart rate right back up there!# Shuttle step laterally to the Left for two steps (2), then curtsy lunge the Right leg behind the left.# To perform a curtsy�3(c) The Betty Rocker Inc, All Rights Reserved

Information About the Workout:

!  This week’s total body circuit consists of 7 exercises that engage multiple muscle groups. You will have a combination of strength, balance and heart-pumping cardio moves!

!  Week 8 contains 7 new moves that build on Week 7 and challenge your body in new ways! Modifications are provided here in the PDF, and remember to use the previous week moves anytime! Focus on your form and on maintaining it for the full minute (or amount of time) you're doing each exercise.

!  Advanced: Perform each exercise for 1 minute. Rest up to 15-30 seconds before moving on to the next move (or as needed). You may repeat the circuit 4-5 times if you like, move at a faster pace, add weights where you feel you can, and definitely add in 1-2 additional workout days.

!  Intermediate: Perform each exercise for 45 seconds. Rest up to 15-30 seconds before moving on to the next move (or as needed). Stick to hitting a full 3 rounds 3 days a week, and add in 1 extra challenge workout a week as well as an active recovery day.

!  Beginner: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds. Rest up to 30-60 seconds before moving on to the next move (or as needed). A great way to use the video is to workout with us for 30 seconds, then rest until the next exercise. Be sure to add an extra recovery day. The MOST important thing is that you move your body 3 times a week.

These workouts are designed to be challenging!! It’s NOT important that you do every move for the full time every round! If you’re here, and you’re doing your best you’re already doing it right!!

!FORM: Pay attention to your form – we want you to make it through all 12 weeks successfully, and mastering the basics on form, especially at this stage will ensure you build a strong, balanced body.

!VARIATIONS: Use the video to learn how to do each move correctly and to see variations. This document is a great reference that you can store digitally in your phone, or print out.

!SAFETY: Be sure to protect your joints during any jumping moves with a springy landing surface like a carpet, mat, grass or dirt – NOT hard concrete or asphalt.

!  Once you have completed all 7 moves, rest for a minute (or as needed) and repeat the series again twice.

!  If you are ADVANCED you may: repeat the circuit for a total of 4-5 times, decrease the rest between moves, increase your pace in performing the moves – as long as your form remains correct.

TAKE REST DAYS!!! Muscle grows when we rest it, NOT when we are working :)

!  The CHALLENGE is to perform the weekly circuit 3 times per week for 3 rounds. It’s totally okay if you have to break up the rounds! Each week you will have a suggested bonus workout to do as well.

Page 4: Rock Your Body Week 8 · heart rate right back up there!# Shuttle step laterally to the Left for two steps (2), then curtsy lunge the Right leg behind the left.# To perform a curtsy

#�4(c) The Betty Rocker Inc, All Rights Reserved

Weekly Challenge Goals:

!  PACE YOURSELF: Try to get the same number of moves per minute consistently each round. With each workout, aim for equal or more reps than the day before. Share your journey in the Support Group!!

! You are a Great Example! Participate in the group, post your pictures on Instagram and Facebook and share your healthy lifestyle with your friends and family.

! Be Mindful of your Eating! Use the 8-week meal plan and the Body Fuel System to get the MOST out of this complete program.

Hashtags for Instagram and Facebook: #makefatcrychallenge #rockingthe30day #thebettyrocker #thebettyrockerchallenge #bodyfuelsystem

Benefits of Bodyweight Training: !  Body weight workouts do not constrain you to training any specific place, or require any

equipment. They are great for busy travelers, family vacations, rainy days, the empty office break room – virtually anywhere you have space to move for 25-30 minutes.

!  Fast-paced circuits that engage multiple muscle groups and challenge your body with strength, speed and balancing moves increase your body’s fat-burning ability and will keep you burning calories for hours after your workout.

!  This type of training is incredibly effective for burning fat, body sculpting and increasing strength, as each week gets progressively harder.

Page 5: Rock Your Body Week 8 · heart rate right back up there!# Shuttle step laterally to the Left for two steps (2), then curtsy lunge the Right leg behind the left.# To perform a curtsy�5(c) The Betty Rocker Inc, All Rights Reserved

Move 1: Wide Plie Squat with 4-Count Pulse

Start in a wide stance, sumo or plie, feet turned out. Push your hips back, coming into a squat. Don’t drop below 90 degrees at the knees. Keep your chest up and your weight in your heels.##Pulse 4 times - small pulses, then come back to standing. I like to keep soft fists below my chin, and of course you could hold your arms out in front of you as well. If you’d like to add weights or water bottles, be sure you’re keeping your chest up and shoulders back. This move is absolutely killer and effective with zero weight.##Repeat.##

MODIFICATIONS!#Hold onto the back of a chair if you’re working on your wide leg or regular leg squat.

Page 6: Rock Your Body Week 8 · heart rate right back up there!# Shuttle step laterally to the Left for two steps (2), then curtsy lunge the Right leg behind the left.# To perform a curtsy

#�6(c) The Betty Rocker Inc, All Rights Reserved

Move 2: Cross Over Push Ups

You’ve been working those push-ups for 7 weeks now, so we’re going to increase the challenge by doing cross overs! These actually help me forget the time because I’m moving - but they’re SUPER effective!#Come into your strong tall plank position, engaging your back and core and stacking your shoulders over your wrists. Keep your legs nice and straight (1).#Cross your right hand over your left (2) and walk your left arm out. Lower yourself towards the ground, bending the elbows (3). Don’t go all the way down, keep approximately 2-4 inches above.#Push back up using the chest and triceps muscles to the initial Tall Plank position (4). #At the top of the push up, cross your left hand over your right, move the right arm out to a good pushup position and repeat pushup. Continue!#Keep head and neck in neutral alignment with the spine. Don’t drop your nose to the floor first. ##

MODIFICATION #You can do these on your knees. Keep that core nice and tight, a strong straight back and use the same good form as above.#

Page 7: Rock Your Body Week 8 · heart rate right back up there!# Shuttle step laterally to the Left for two steps (2), then curtsy lunge the Right leg behind the left.# To perform a curtsy�7(c) The Betty Rocker Inc, All Rights Reserved

Move 3: Reverse Lunge to Front Kick

Begin standing, with your weight balanced in your left foot. Come into a reverse lunge, using the good form you’ve already learned. #Come out of the reverse lunge, driving your knee up and bring it into a kick, balancing on your left foot and really kicking through your right heel.#Go at a steady pace, as fast as you can while keeping good form. Repeat for half your time on the right leg, then switch to your left.#Keep your chest up and your core tight throughout this series!##

MODIFICATIONS:##Don’t kick as high as me, kick at a level you can maintain. You can also not do a full kick, instead come up and drive up with your knee. Either way, you’ll be working your core, glutes and getting your heart rate up!##Hold onto a wall or chair back for support if balancing on one leg gets you wobbly.

Page 8: Rock Your Body Week 8 · heart rate right back up there!# Shuttle step laterally to the Left for two steps (2), then curtsy lunge the Right leg behind the left.# To perform a curtsy�8(c) The Betty Rocker Inc, All Rights Reserved

Move 4: Side Plank with Hip Dip

Last week we did rotating planks, so you’ve got this side plank in the bag! From a side lying position, press yourself up into side plank on your elbow and position your hips so they’re nice and square in front of you. ##Be sure that your elbow is right beneath your shoulder and your body is in a straight line. Keep your head in a neutral position.##Drop your hip toward the ground and then press back up. Continue to press up and down for the entire half of your interval. Switch sides and do it again!#

MODIFICATIONS:##Hold your side plank for as long as you can if the hip dips get tough and you need a break.##You can also drop your bottom knee down, or bring your top foot in front of your bottom foot to balance more easily.

Page 9: Rock Your Body Week 8 · heart rate right back up there!# Shuttle step laterally to the Left for two steps (2), then curtsy lunge the Right leg behind the left.# To perform a curtsy�9(c) The Betty Rocker Inc, All Rights Reserved

Move 5: 4-Count Single Leg Tricep Dip

From the 4 point or reverse tabletop position, tighten up your core and lift your left leg up to a 45 degree angle. #Bend your elbows slightly and lower down - not letting your hips touch the ground.#At the bottom of the dip, do 4 small pulses before coming back up. #Remember to keep the hips lifted and the glutes engaged. #Repeat the Dips with pulses for 30 seconds (or half your time) and switch legs!##

MODIFICATIONS:##This move just kills me but it gets results! If it starts to get too intense, put both feet on the ground and try doing the pulses with both feet on the ground.##You can also hold reverse tabletop at the end if you’re struggling.

Page 10: Rock Your Body Week 8 · heart rate right back up there!# Shuttle step laterally to the Left for two steps (2), then curtsy lunge the Right leg behind the left.# To perform a curtsy

Move 6: Shuttle to Curtsy Lunge and Touch

I always look forward to this move! It’s super fun and works your core, glutes, legs and will get your heart rate right back up there!#Shuttle step laterally to the Left for two steps (2), then curtsy lunge the Right leg behind the left.#To perform a curtsy lunge, use the same form as a reverse lunge but instead of setting the back foot directly behind you, set it behind the opposite foot so that your knees are tracking in line with each other – as in a curtsy.#As the Right leg sweeps back reach down to your Left toe with your Right hand. Repeat the movement to the Right side, bringing the Left leg into a Curtsy lunge.#Keep the movements quick and use the space you have available. #


You can take the curtsy out if bending that way bothers you at all. Instead, do quick lateral shuffles, or skater lunges - which are the same as curtsy’s but with a straight leg that simply taps behind you and does not bend.#

(c) The Betty Rocker Inc, All Rights Reserved �10

Page 11: Rock Your Body Week 8 · heart rate right back up there!# Shuttle step laterally to the Left for two steps (2), then curtsy lunge the Right leg behind the left.# To perform a curtsy

Move 7: Elevated Bridge with Squeeze Pullover

Lay on your back,with your feet elevated on a step, bench or table and knees bent out to the sides. #Hold a water bottle or weight overhead. #Lift your hips up high, bringing your knees together and squeeze through the glutes. Bring your hands to your thighs at the same time, squeezing everything in. #Keep the core engaged at all times and be sure not to rotate your hips.##

MODIFICATIONS:#You can take the pullover out of this entirely, or you can do this with your feet on the floor, not elevated. The extra thigh squeeze is great for your adductors (inner thighs), so work on keeping it in there!

Repeat these moves 3 times! HAVE FUN! #

#makefatcryfitness #noexcuses #rockyourbody

(c) The Betty Rocker Inc, All Rights Reserved �11