rochester $1 - · rochester $1.50 tracHclub # ,? NEWSLETTE. R_ Rochester, New York...

$1.50 rochester tracHclub # ,? NEWSLETTER_ Rochester, New York October 1997 I NS [o [: Seoeca Zoo Soci ety 5K Great Potato 10K & 5K GRTC Couples RlUl Casti le Library Run Cross Country Re sults 111e AtWete's Kitcl) en and more

Transcript of rochester $1 - · rochester $1.50 tracHclub # ,? NEWSLETTE. R_ Rochester, New York...


rochester tracHclub

NEWSLETTER_ Rochester New York October 1997

I NS[o[ Seoeca Zoo Society 5K Great Potato 10K amp 5K GRTC Couples RlUl

Castile Library Run Cross Country Results 111e AtWetes Kitcl) en and more

Board of Dinctor8 Ross Anderson Phil Ashley LISlt) Bower Ed CIOIlS Pe le r Dunley Bob DYJal Riel GUIdo ldne locull l

CMrhe Mc Mulle n Tim Mc Mullen Sue Ohver Bill Th le~

George Til lson Dock Withrow RIc k YOW1Q Achve Hono rY Members

Hall of Fam T19111 lilclsoo Ed Duncen Docl Ashley Dick Boddie John Cams Len BaQley Gene Osborne Norm Fronk

1970 Pete Todd 197 1 Don McNelly 1972 Paul Gesell 1973 Shirley Gerell 1981 Elroy Turner 198 1 Paul Sadler 199 Beryl Skelton

The GreGter Rochester T rlck Club

Executive Committee President Vice President Treamrer Recording Secrelary Membership Secretary

Committee CbalJU7ion~ Freezeroo Membership Newslene r Road Race Coordinator Tuner USATampF Numbers Fi ve amp Diners Volumeer Coordinator

Pbil ASbley Bob Dyjak Rid Young Stacey Vandenburgh Lu Ann Weinlein

Sile o liver amp Mark LUCdS Lu Ann We instei n Terry Robbins (624middot5553) George Tillson (289-4250) Phil Asbley (872middot0540) Genrge TiIIlaquo KI (2894250) Jane loculli (124-9514)

Member 01 Niagara fs5QCIalioo USA Tr1 I) Field tt031

I g]O Don McWiUlllfl1S 1981 Kdre~middotHolml 9ff1 nellt nCUlnllll 1982 Joe George 1982 ampII QUinlisk t982 Dtve Winn 1982 Dave Coyne 1983 C rdig Holm 1984 Tim McAvmney 1985 Nedrd Osborne

1981 Sill KdlOl 1987 NllIWY Onhlf_I 1987 GeoIlJt~ Tl1111 1988 MlIlIhd flll-Oll 1988 Be 11tJ1III 1988 CMrlte MuMulllm 1988 Tom RtnIM1r

Odrt)lr ~ IM Member of Nlaga[a Assocation USA Trlaquot 8 Fibull 1 11031

PCltllinc r9r tilth nl unlh _ 1K ~Itlr ill~ Ilh

lIatt CJ lcnd1t 1110111011 nlllSI he OtlbtiUcd to the Road Haec loordmnlor h- lhe lth I Ih unth III be IIIc ludcd in lhe lleXI u lOllth~ Nclls lcllel Illere is no ~h~rgc lor ishng a rtlt- 11 the cll l clld~l Send 1)1

entry forfll ine ludmg coniaei pelSOR nnd phone number to GCOfJe Ilibo n GMTc ROlltllbee l1)I) rd njlhlr ~ Illi Wih(t rn Ruml Shl)rt ~ ille Nr $lt411 LaIC changes 01 eanoltlIlDIU m~y be 111100 in ~ I 71tgtmiddot2RY04HO

1 9 hllt nice tn lrJ rorm nclu lled In lhe Neulel(r selld one oo~middot oflhe Cnlr) fOIn wihl chttk or monc~ ordlf for S6H payllblc to G RTC (no cash plCilsc) to the ~oad Racc Coordinator nlthe 0001 addrcss by thc I ~ Ih of the month En(~ rorms OCCICd I(hol( pIymcm viiI not be IncluOcd In the NCIIskllcr he 5641chJ ISlt doc$ Nor indlde prinl ing or the inscns_ Arrangements ma) be made to hat Ihem plinled our plintcr or (hcy may be pnnLcd elSC1ICre and 600 copies oeli-ercd 10 EaSI Ridge WId Pflnl 1111 East Rldampe Rold lrondcqucllt ~ Ihc 2 19 of the TlOOlh fntnes 10 be instned muI he no largc r Ihan IU 11) I and mu~ not Ie folded cnlllCS mn_ aliO be publishedu a poge in tnc Nes ICLlcr Copoes shouLd be II ~~ II and will he rcduoccd nl no cost 10 lit OIJr palc

RIcc entTies 10 be nchxtcd in lhe Newslette r muSI nlClaquo UKT gUidehncs_ There arc LWO mun qul h ficatlOllS L COlldlliOflS COIerin nl-nrds muSI be clcarty SlllcG (Mlmmum of lop III ~1Il III tIC h age croup IS rccommcndld J 2 middot then musl be nD reference to dDIlnp th~lll ilhl CX)JII1I~1 with PosUI ScnlCC IClulal ons t$pCi31 1~ I51 or the term ame bull

Advertising from COInmcrciaL M)Utcei wiD be accepted as a scflice to membcn allhc rlIe (l fSSO per pase $25 per hilfpage Bu~i~u cud site ads will be accepted at lhe rte of $10 or S25 ot Ihn cunsecutive

inJienioM Submit La Teny Robhins 245 Ea~t Street ApI 215 Honeoye PaUs NY 14472 Contritxllions o f

a rtidu photos ICC eJljXriences opinions Of simply notes an welcome and actively 50lieiled Volunteer help is alw~y~ wciC(lme Send any informatiOT1 to Terry Robbins 245 East SITlaquot ApI 215 Ho neoye Falls NY 14472 There is no c harge fo r publicllliOT1 of race results The newsletter will publish the names o f al l

prize winners fOf eacb race and a full order of finish if space pcrmilS

1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993

PRESIDENTS COLUMN by Phil Aslley and Terry Robbins

FROM THE [DITOR With Fall officially IIeIC Ihe cross country series is 111 111lderwlY TI~rc (lrt lWO series 10 pick from this year and informatioo on them can be found below r have a new monthly cont ributor to the IlCoSlcller to introduce Dr David Valvo is a podiacrisl thaI has setUP his prac1ice ill Grttte and is au avid funn er He h(5 agreed to provide a monthly oolum and Viii ans~r any qutSlions th arc submiued 10 hilll His coll1llln Ind addless can Ix fOlmd 011 page 2 1

If you have any SloriH or photos you oOIIId like 10 publish aboul a particular ract or run ~aSC send them in I wtll publish 3

many lt$ultS and stonlaquo that I an wilh respect to space limitations Many thanks 10 the following fOf the ir contributions 10 this issue George Ti llson Ph il Ashlt) Bob Dyjak Lu Ann

Weinstein Nancy Oark SlaCey VanDenburgh Liu ~r Karen SuitOl Pam Bliss The Seneca Zoo Society Bill Kehoe Mark Roberts Dr David Valvo Dr David Conway Ptle Glavin ROOb Smillie and 1M folks at Easllidge Quickprinl AHmiion RlJtt [)irKjon If you wam your race incmiddothlded on the GRTC road fact calendar (I form is enclosed on page )0 detailing how 10 submit i t Rel11embtr theres no cosIto lisl your race on the calendar and the 3ddilioual exposure only helps your etnl RACLS ampI SOCIAL RUNS

The Fall cross country seJies is underway willllWO eries 10 choose from Ihis)tar The fint i Ihe Upstate NY cross cOllnlly serit$ and the GVH Hogan TOllr 91 Por further infoml81ir)n contoct ~Ie Glavin al 242-903 t The race ealtnd3r conlinUH 10 be quile rull giving runner a variety ~ I3Ce locations 10 pick (ronl The Run (or Hospice 5K is on October I Sth and has a huge race party Iferwards with loti d door prins 00 NOIembtr 8th Ihe 41h annual Mendon Trllil run will be held at 930 am at the East Lodge in Mendon Ponds Runners elln cllOnie either the 10K or Ihe 20K and a race apvlicalion can be (ound on page 17

The Fi~ and Diners nlove 10 Cobbs Hill on October 29th They nlffl in the (ar corner of the Tel1ple Belh El parkins 101 and leave at 600 pm Quntions lt311 Jane laalni at 624-1)514 RESULTS

Rnults few the Seneca Zoo Society 5K Great PotalO 10K GRTC Couples nm Homeslrelcll Harrier Classic JJ SK Os~go Cross Country SK Newark Cross Country Day 5K Castile Library 5K 300 the Henrielta Recreation Oo31hlo

A rtminder to all race directors tMlttlere is no charge for puning your results in tile newsletter so put something logelher and send il to me If other runnerl have any other ~ photos please fetl fret to send htm in 0 be published I wi ll return them to you ifyou requH( it after Ihe newsletler is pubtilltd each mOlllh

11 8 OUT Of TOWN RA(E (()fI I A(rSi Finlter kcJ Kuftnen (Jult K) Uo~ Yl l NC tictd NY I~ llaquo7

HlldJliOCI M~ak RotId fbinntn lt-lull PO 80( 12104 AIOOny NY lU l l iIC York KOld Rnnen Ullb I E3u IWth Strcc1 Ncw York NY 1U1211 Nickt1 C ltr Road R8tn Kimbcrl~ Morris tlll BcI1ford AcnlJl Burr lo NY 14210 (JIM (oA)_1i SPlculh~C bcI~n While till Fourall L1IIC Faycllcvi tlc NY Pfll( Mid-AUlnlic bet Guide PO 1 1 ~il lehigh Vallc PA IK4~12 161 U 4 l4-~1I(i 4 htlpllw m~rxeglJide com

The GRTe Board of DiTtCtors meetings are usually held on Ihe second TU(sday of every month The next meeling is scheduled rot Tuesday Squmber 9tIl 100 pm al Mid-Town Tennis in Ihe conference room All GRTC members art invited to ancnd Pkae Ieve II mcssaae on the Hotline ifyou plln to be therlt

RACE HQTIINE 234)565 OTHER HOILINES (all are 716 area code) G RTC phone messa~e~ may be left by Iallin li RATs 723-5119 the same numhlT The Hotline l)IOv ide ~ n~middotorcled Hasb House HarTlers 482 -64 81 inrormition on lUnd 1000tions and any IIle Cals AC 27 1- ))70 cbangu involving be weekends racu RoheSltr Orienteering 377-5650

Seneca Zoo Society Race Results - 1997

2251 85 2258

80 22 58 IDshyer 23 02 Porulrll()nllt ee 23 04 Ol(dnef ell 23 12 90 23 12 231 4 112 23 12 03 23 0


2318 2328






Alice HlIIscn IS the flrSI IOmWl in 17 - 1 ill the Jungle Jog 5K~E JOG 51( iAGE GRoPS Women to 1lt1

Harter _~~28 ~_ 2450 2Oro~L11AO

WIlaquogt ~)~ 3IU

~~_40~W~ SI19 Klle Mlntl -~~-shy- ~ ~~ ~rdri~ ~tino2 -1~ ~c_ 003 WendtUHStephwlle TIIner

Women 45 49Women 20124 --1915 1 Sanch Ebliog1952 i~ (cIletta shy~~ Ikh shy ~


~ IAlce

~ ISabrian

~ l~ shy

22S0 2338


2738 2946

- bull 2736_ ~~1~L~~ Womero lOll __ SuYn 01 2552=f~SSI59- -JHansen ~ ~~~ 12610 2Weis 2005shy

lsa~_ Rojas _ 31 18 ~ -- _-~~04 3

Iwomen 60164 Women 3535 1 TIl 13644ZO~ 2141 2 3 v 2218 -4shy

-Ako W UI~Iy_ R1 SuslnI~~ wo2 IotiIU

3 Beetl 10ltgt M- Cindy

PloW ~yenLlur1I 2 3

2 3 I 2


~ ~ ~ J a

sect ~



i 7lt4 7

1814 19 15 195 2 2004

20g~ 20 ~ 2044 2 115 214 1

bull - ~




i~ l Pa~ 30 3 -=- s 102UIQcb

~On1oIn SOlS4 (Jn11o 6M -=l=~29 1 ii 1 = shy

L 2602~ rOO-=

- - - - -

Ene Anish wins the Jungle Jog 5K in 155 7

- bull - up i~middot1middotmiddotmiddot r- --Men 35 39

oWee TwWtno bull 2021 middot Iin ~- -~ t i 40I - i lbMphkIbert Dettman 2256 --i lKevIn _ SheeNn-(yte Van~ 23 12 ~ Srrith 9til - )

Men 15 19 I- Men 4014C--+~= IQn ul1 1126 1 Blyce Walker 19n I IlhiIIip Varhurwm 848 - 2 ~ff Downs 20 09 Phil 2 (abhan r-)9J3 3 Ridl3rd ~ f-lOom shy 1

Metl 2ot24 - Men 4549 Pal 1735 I JoM -fYIaIl1OIlt 20

ltgt9 Rahov 2214 2 Stephen 21 - 1middotmiddot- 3 =--- Hushard bull 2226 3BII PIxley 21

_ _ __ f- shyMen 2529 Men 5054

- - A~h-----iSS7 1 Da~ W~lkef 19E~lexi5 snchez 1754 2 Ronald 2ngrino 2C

11_ ~urJIIIn 2203 --1 RIcherd Va~er~ 21 i1 middotmiddotmiddot~ _

1N3OJ - - - - _ bull 1641 1 Men 5S~~__ _ AI _ _ bullbull _ AI Srrith 22

1 RdvIke 1111 2 e -- Gi- 1757 3 Jim Pte -f l i I

Sanford Toole 241 ~I~ _

Men 60 64 n

0eI Popolo 2926 2i ~- ~ ~ 6S169 2240poundII) )J ~Elesenstt in

3344 3Tiliton

] ~

~ ~ x 0 ~

~ e o secta

Joseph Hunza (313 In l U 8) holds off Robert Saccnte(35 in 2 159) to fini sh 4-81h at the Junample Jog

Renee Rombaut (N152) IS followed by Peter Glavin (296) John Ca llahan (11250) and Michael Tarantlllo (27 1) Just after the start ofl ile Jungle Jog 5K Renee was the second plxe woman ( 12th place overall) in 1834 Pele Glavin ended up 8th overaU In ) 757



bull 5 7io

1 _ vshy shy ~ ltt -- 0

- Andrew Courtney finishes first in the Mile Trai l T rot in 6 55

Photo courtesy of Seneca Zoo Society

700 1

iaI I ~~~I 3

4~~~~ B43 5

931 6 941 7

948 81 1000 9 1001 10



4331 00 440700 401 21 00 445400









GATe Couples Bun - 8J3OJ9Z

eJaco bIamB Ago lime CataoolV

1 Renee RombaulfScon Peiser 2 Beth DeCianUslTom Gabruk 3 April MessengerRoger Messenger 4 Nan Park RumbaughJeff Rumbaugh

Allison SnyderJason HeHenbaugh 6 Ann MessengerRyan Messenger 7 Katie FantauuolPhil Goodwin 8 Sue RowleyRich Van Almkerk 9 Rebecca BethlendyGabor Bethlendy

Karen LarkinKevin Larkin 11 Lisa BrancaRichard AgUtn8 12 Cheryl GunderrnanlBob Gunderman 13 Jennifer PenamonteJohn Penamonte 14 Amy CookGeoff Cook

Ei~en WainpressfMdlael Weil1gtress 16 Karin GogolskyKevin Shaw 17 Kristen KasslerMarvin Rus 18 MacKenzie DumarEart Cliffel 19 Anita ShawfOr Rodney Shaw

Susan GoodwinMichael Goodwin 21 Stacy BabcockPeter Haggerty 22 Terry TestJon Baldwin 23 Michelle CourtrightIMark Frye 24 Jan McCulloughIMike McCullough

Debbie lovolVlou lovali 26 Virginia BrownfBarry Brown 27 Tara HetzeVFred Plimpton 28 Jean Agos1ineJlvDavid Smi1h 29 Claudia BrenVSteve Brent

8ridgene RiverslS1even Rivers 31 Pat HahnEd Stablns 32 Jennifer Gatesllarry LoMaglio 33 Janet CourtrightPhilip Nelson 34 Katie SearslBrian Sears

Dawn WilcoxJeff Washburn 36 Karen MorriSMorrey Goldman 37 Marsha TillsonGeorge Tillson

SO-59 7(H9 60-69 50-59 lt40 lt40 lt40

60-89 SO-59 60-69 50-59 70-79 60-69 60-69 80-89 80-89 80-89 70-79 110+ 60-89 60-89 90-99 50-59 7()79 50-59 90-99 50-59 70-79

100-109 40-49

100-109 70-79 90-99

100-109 100-109 100-109

11 0+

03608 03712 037045 Pa renUChiid 03915 HusbandINife 03934 00410311 BrotherSister 004154 0042 16 Corp - Kodak 004236 HusbandlWife 0 42049 HusbandJWHe 04325 Corp - WS Svcs 043 46 HusbandlWife 007 ParenVChild 04417 HusbandlWife 04516 HusbandlWife 004537 046001 04629 0046041 HusbandJWHe 004746 HusbandWife 04753 Corp - RIT 004819 04852 04942 Corp - ESG 04954 HusbandWife 0SO32 ParenUChikl 05221 ParentChild 05315 Corp - Kodak 05340 HusbandJWife 05429 ParentChild 05540 05720 Corp - RIT 05811 1 01 08 HusbandlWife 10252 ParentChild 108 16 11024 HusbandlWife

HomeStJetch Harrier Cl1c 11 SK Rnulta

FlngellAke Race Track

Saturday Augua l30 1997

Results counesy eX Robb Smillie and GVH WNW rronliemel netl-G VH

bull -10shyI

Country Day 91397

I Chdno()llltor ~ ll ubull po l nlt 14 I l PAnict f(r1I~1 ltgtn 14 17 ] Kevi n Cn h 14U 4 Ntrh_ 1b11I 1504 ~ Chp Ca l u lha j5 U Sto O l h nd I~ I I 7 C~ 101 2bull Dono Itofhl U ll Jor_ rhUboo u 1~ 10 10 li d Ilac~_11 SU 11 fl DKa n H ll Co r ic) oy u ]tCI Mc(gtJ~jrl 11 coll (1 bullbull11 u It l16 J OO~1 145H ~gt n ln Llwh I6 t U H 1amp0 ~nltllburk 11I 11 Nick ~r P dl It ~athr in Cva n~o h j7 u

It Cpamp 11 1 7 IIaUck 11 )1 Jltlssie Car 11 41 Dltgtv l oS _h 19Dl Bi ll sctt 10 n Chris N U o 12 1) T ~_ 22 14 J ohn Robac n middotn HI) S oel 22 51 AI ico HAftbullbull 2) O JiOC) b 21 dS ~t WlulM 24 01

bullbull Tltgtdd poundgt0 14 5) 10 Nug t Har~ 2S IS ~IAamp A U5ATF I II PAul Albn m 2S 21 12 Donnl C1gtoDa 21 01 11 Sharon_ 17 00 H I a ndr_ llLonaege 100IS Jo Oooltty 21 0)

iOn) Korto 1$ 41 ChampltI~ Kh thBd 2 18 u 80b Epal a d ~ ) 0 21t_rt 800 Vo lk 10 J4gt0

u Clwvl 1ofuy )l 00 Den evaltt )1n a i d so rResults courtesy eX Robb Snlill ie md U oond

I Cof r~ Mol t~nrt 919GVH wwwfrontiemelnetJ-GVH An~ l kdh lS J An ltleu C~ l l 0 9 4J Joah ~hlllgtM 100 ) ~ An~rw Blancha rd 1005 6 Colin Kofll -V IO C5 7 J I C 10 11 T_ h 18 II IUcha I tU 10 Itbullbull 10 Tyl 1_10 10 15 li 11 Man l bull LO n

Shdl) ~nn bull bull lO n s11 N )iO ID middotlt 101 4J Iwf)I Can 11 MARATHONERS Pie send noonll ( hu lu bull 10 U ~ampc ~ 101911 C Phamp 11 10your times and Slories abouL your II I_I Marrhbull bull )

11 12 bull19 td DoIglo II 21OUL-Or- town runs to lD Je bull bull toy U nt r H Colby C r oc ltf o ul llI I n

GRTC Newseller 1)10 td- II U n k-va c 11 1107 l O HOIll lo 11 245 Easl Streel Apl 215 U 07 Dgtrn l n r r y 12 17 16 Abby eo - C11ohiOn 11 nHoneoye Falls NY 14472 H 10 _I

11 1 Y_Io ]l H

29_ Nlke CoHuio Il 1 l D Cory l1Iu lII 11 5 n u~~U1V II d7

ALII IIhd Il n I I c hln ~I h n b rg r II S

Results by CATS Athletic Club RoclJesler NY CATS web pay at hupmiddotusersaolcomf il lopuslcatspage hllll

-1 2shy

CAST IL E LI BRARY =UNO RUN amp WALK middot 9113197 WALJltER$ Ctvis line Gozalskl 40I SmiddotOO 29 Cut~e

1lACpound 10M Furgample MKh8e Garger

IlIlE 16middot2100 17middot1300



Roche5ler 28 Avon

AIIcl lo Be~rclsley Valerie Panlccw KaI~COffe

031 OQ

047 00 OmiddotSI-OO

P011agevi_e 33 C8IliIe S GJlnsv~18

3 bull7

Soon Flhinehan Frank Beck DonSpenca Slav Rillers Bob IA loW Maggie WhoIeNln Chrl5IophtIr SlVfm Pele 5CCOodo

175500 1634 00 18800 190400 1915middot00 191600 193400 19)6middot00



3 30 6 36 6 2S 18 29

Geneseo Warlall CasIU Victor Penl ield Leroy Castle Home

DIane Saoten 5127 00 Mrt JNoo Beardslo 47 08 00 Marey VlIfZ(lCII 10900 CarOlyn l yons 71600 Jolm RWtY 41~ OO

CirIctf Balbef 415100 LI$8 Conklin 485800 Mary Jane York 485800


46 47 55 46 33 53


PorIaf1Qvii lo Cas1i1e Wrsaw Tecumseh MO Ctstle Ceslle Ceslile

Johl Morganti 201600 M 16 Ptx1amp9Bvih LoriRooens S22200 27 Warsaw

JamMlynch 2050middot00 M 31 Geooseo Rick HaUHf 522 100 26 Perry

03v1d Grangampl BarryWe~

21 2 100 2 15 100


35 52

SilYGr SpIIngS Aoctlester


WIllard OegotrlH 522200 No TIme

27 50

Pttry Cut

Malhew Dlck8reon 215600 M 17 Bellast Maureen Degoyer No Tim e 49 Carie

KenRe~en 2201 00 M 45 Geneseo Karen Pankow No Time 32 C8s1l1e

Jo Stone Heelhet Biodc4I1b Dllvid Haske_

223000 225300 22middot5600

f F M

39 Geneseo

p52 Nunda

l ois Palltlow No Tma 53 CosIMe


Bruc Caktwell Thomas Quail

230800 231700


44 Waflaw

Jim Murllly 232 00 M MI Morris

Michele Secco 23S500 F Geneseo

Bfflfll Ewwtl 240200 M 48 Balavia 25 David 8rongo 24middot0400 46 livonia


PhllIlpMa Oevid Page latJ1ie White J3aluo~ne Hoyt

2 middot1200 2 middot23()() 2 3200 2 33middot00


48 Fioch41sler 40 PIIIT) 34 celtl

The Greater Rochester Track C lub would like 0

announce and welcome our new track club


Brian ArcIJibIJld wero-Ctay

2 middot4300 2 500


30 3

Rochesler Geneseo

members thai joined us over the past month

WiliBm $anlCX 2 5200 M 55 Waruw 33



Roy Chrislopher Smith Ieflore KraJt Koooeth Uptegrove Hoylt WiWiamBIiss Mickey dotlbins Baba18 Mason

250900 2511middot00 2534 00 261000 26 200 265400 213300 21middot ~ 00

M M f


41 Bm 39 Gestio

5 Castile

bull Cestile 30 Casr~e

12 Caslie 52 Genesco

David Valvo Rochester

Allen Thse A lbion

Highland Mal) Moontain Webster

Barb3ra Thompson Webster

Edward Orlando Rochester

Angi e Simpson Rochester

Kathy Suh Rochester

CloyselltliIsko 293300 M 33 Hamburg Sieve and C l audia Brent Penfield

000 Philips Cecil Kasko

294200 301700


62 68

Philade~la PA ClBarwaier FL

Jason Cornwell N ewark

Patrick DeeAQy 30 1800 Castile

Malhew Sp8flCef 301800 Cast~e 46 Amy Gampedy 302200 f 26 Cast ile

Jllne Mehoney 304700 F 48 Rochester

Michael Spe0C8r 322200 M 13 CampsIMo

Karen Dlc lfa fSOJl 3321middot00 F ~8 Belln l 50 GlIOfge TWlson 34middot1300 M 69 Shlrtslllie

Marsha TUson 355900 F 76 ShoI1svlle 52 CtvySlle Smith 314900 f 40 CampsIrie 53 Joo DegoIy~ 40-29 middot00 12 Casli le 5lt Tommy Dobtlit 40middot37 00 M 10 Ca91~O


ZO wn7701 HUSlfId 7111 O~ Mefl

40sWomargtW AtoI~J CIlIIe 7721 (US WOITgttII )01 wornThe rlH CIvtsIO ~

1) Women Susan 8onklibul t 27 -shy 71SI II Tum LVfn ~~ ee 71 3OSWomn p_slaa~ 1112 MiedTumCIvgtsIt CuIlIf1 Obotrhollelo1tII8IIJO ~-s1e (UnOH 7002 2a-Wome


MlnS Tm 791 2OsWonfnJudy SemeoOJtI

Weltgt6yAIitIOC 45 ~Inn 111_27 2OS Women 10101111 ScMeCIr lOlMn pelaquoMmet ~

Wam~middotTbullbullJoSllfl~ ln Jon TQOt1I WomenS Tu as s~MOII1--

8003 501 Mlln Feu Scheible Men Tum

)0 W9m O IBuVuet T-y 8i1hono1411 30 Mluod Team AAtgtOIgty AIduccn Men Til rI04IIT~ Ml~tltl Tum Toungml rgtJYOIII


ASMltIzamplOe~n 401 Men401 Worn12Nay alIIus 40middot 11 til FomtIiA 44 50 MHI lOUie

Deni Cobtek 10720s WOOMn 8113 20 we1M UIlI HUlClngs 10lt1 4l 0gt ~ W $I

laIoI0 SIl amp0 lot Scod SlIarar10S 1I1 1131 401 WornOpW- Ed S1abirts R_C_W~ OW_1208 AfIIetle SUII II IIOIIMenBob b Ag G1MIII NIrIIW 6322 ly

8)25 women ham ~wroCgtou9leltly 41hMrnJolin GfoeSDeet w1I1III eUlBoll RelUI

1 GRTC Calendar 2 ~

Running road races co~p1led by G~orge T111son Road R~ce Coord1nator Greater Rochester Trac~ Club (716-289-4250) Where available the 8ch~dul~ In c ludes date8 tlm~$ registration tee race dir~ctor contact ad~ress and telephone nunber and ~here to meet

Wedneday evenings 6 1~ pili The Cert1f ied Five and Diners 5 dle training

Oct 4 Sat ~ OO ampIII

runsJane [aculll 71~ -264-094L Mendon Ponds Sec n Area -United Way Kick-Off Clasaic 10k $10 Pre by 9 30 $ J 3 Pot Long sleeve T-shirt chiCKen barbec ue dinner included ~9rma Lamberson United Way 83 W Bayard St Seneca taIls 13148 315-~68-9~73 meet at United WayshySt Patrick School W Bayard

Oct 4 Sat 10 00 pili -Apple Derby 5 Hile Run Hilton Applefes t We~kend

$10 Pre by 103 $12 Poet T-shirts Steve Powler Hilton-Parm Recreation ~g Henry St Hilton 14468 71~-392 - 9030 Hllton HJgh Schoo l

Oct 4 Sat 8 4~ a~ Roberts We aleya n College 91 Hoeco~ing Miles Pre $6 b~ 923 S10 Poet 2 _lle Fun Run at 6 00a~ Office ot Oevelop~ent 716-~9-6500 meet at Lif~ Fltne~s Canter

Oct 4 Sat HY ChIropract i c Co llege Cross Co~ntry Invitational Varait y JV Froah Boys amp Girls Open Race Russ Ebbetts Y Chiropractic College Rt 69 Sen~ca

Falls 13148 Oct 11 Sat 930 a~ Apple 6 Pu~p~in Harvest Festival ~K Cross Coun try

RunWalk S10 Pre $12 Post T-shir ts Benefit Hospice o f Orleans County ~argy Brown Br own s eerryfu~pkjn

Oct J 6 Sat JO ~ 30 amp111

Patch 716-682 - 5569 Meet at Brown e 14 264 Roosevelty Waterport NY Run for Hosptce 5K bull 2 ~lle fitness walk Benefit VialtJng HUTee Hoaplce Foundation $ 13 Pre bV 10 11 Post $17 Designer T-shirts Huge Race Party with rood+bev~rage amp aany door prles Pete van Peurselll 3 4 DenlshJre Or Rochester 14624 ~94- 4 191 Heet at First BIble eaptlst ChurCh 1039 H Greece Rd Greece

Oct 18 Sat 9 00 aa Henrietta 8reakfast RunS Miles +Chlldrens Mile at 8 30 Raee includes breaktfst ~ Ml1 e-810 Pre by 10 15 813 Post Jan~ Iacull1 Henrietta Recreation Dept 475 Calk i ns Roa d Hen~ietta 14~67 7J6-3~9-2~40 Meet at Winslow EleMentary School Calkins Rd He nrietta

Oct 25 Sat 9 00 aa Shepherds Heart Christian Fellowship ~K Manna Run Pre 5 12 by 1018 Post 514 Linited to 11 5 racers Inc ludes Breakfast + T-shirt Proceeds for develo~en~ or Youth C~nteT Dave OLeary 2~4-1927 Heet at Greece Orange 1301 Long Pond Rd next to Fire House

Nov 8 Sat 9 ~30 a~ Mendon Trail 10K Run $5 Pre by 11 1 $ 8 Post Loop course Good well lIIar~ed trails (lK on road) Larry Zygo115-227-7618Heet at East Lodge Men4 on Ponds Park

Nov 23 Sun 900 a -Turkey Claaaic 5 1II11e road race 1 IIIjle run run $12 Pre 916 Poet T-shlrts Paul Anderson Southeast YMCA 111 S Jefferson Rd Pittsford 14534 383- 579

ov 27 Thur 9 00 aa -Race wIth Grace 10K $12 Pre by 11 22 51~ Post long sleeved 8hJrt 12 nile tun run for c hildr e n Run wIth Pastor George Grace Bob DyjaK laa Kj~ Lane Ro chester 1t626 116-2 25-6560 Meet at First Blble Baptist Church No Greece Rd

Nov 27 Thur lOam Newark Turkey Oay 6 Miler Joe Contario 909 Pej~son Ave Mewark 145 13 3 15-331- 2bullbull 9 Meet at HewBrk Elk s Club Katn St at Cen t ral Park

Nov 29 Sat 11 00 a~ R f TUrke~ Run 5 al l ee $5 Prp $ 10 Post Bil l Quinllampk 412 HUMbolt St Roches ter 1461 0 482- 637 1 Hendon Ponds Park beach parking lot

Dec 7 Sun 9 00 bullbull JJngle Sell Run 5K $15 Pre S18 Post T-shirts lots of tood at Post Ra c e Party 271 -2510 Arthritis Foundation 2423 Monroe Ave Ror-hester 14618

Oee 27 Sat 845 a middotPost Christmas Blues Run- 5 K Unusual awards Post race famous tony Farraro c hill feast Vern Hecker 3452 Oehs n Rd Canandaigua 14424 716-39 4-4 075 Mee t at Me t hodist ChurCh No rth Main St Canandaigua


Oct 4 Sat 8 30 a~ The Great Cortl~nd Pu~pkinte9t SK Challenge $10 Pre $11 Poat tree 1 aile fun run as 8 1 Haro)~ Whlte 607-756-1875 Meet at Geared 2 Sporta 24 Cour t St Cortland NY

Oct 5 Sun 9 30 bullbull middot Syracuae Feativa] of Rac e s Wo~ens amp Hens 5K Fun Run t or Kids Dav~ OJa 213 Scott Ave Syracuse 13~~ 4 31$-46-6285 Hanley Field Hou~e Syracuse University

Oct 6 Sun 9 00~ middotWineglass Maratho n + 3 per~on relay S25 by 9 15 S35 Post lono sl~eved shirta FinJsh at Corning Glasa Center Hark Landin Bo x It7 COTntn9 14830 607-937shy6184 Meet at Philips Lighting Co Rt 5 4H Bath

To request a registration for~ by aall send a SASE to assist the race direct o r In hiaher volunteer efforts

middot USA Track amp Pield Cert itle~ Race Course

Sept HI 1997

SCOTJJE BANTON MARATHON PORT HURON 1111 813197 rochesterMatt Caton 30018 Terry Heist 33609 Tim Matthews 3 39 Norm Frank 315

4th annual Mendon Trail Run 10K and 20K

Saturday Novmher 8 1997 930 AM East -odge Mendon Ponds Park

Cotl r n 10 km loop laquolU$C 10 klJl on rQIICIJ 05 km HI fields 85 1 on ~ l rJih Oplion 01 ooine one loop or rcpUl ing loop (Of 10K The rounc will lie tll - nu1~td with Sol reamcn on Imil l lnd I collbioaliolll or (hall( srearnen aM l1o fliC conu 10 mark route a l road 11051 15 alld on open ndd

C(JurSof 1ttrOrdSl 2OK shy 1Ykt1 DoI c Hi~h(lff 1 19) 9 W Olty Utd GlOlSflIIn 13348shyIOK - Men [)e Bitcho(f 37-jIJ W~n Bryn Mull igan 48 16

Slon East Lodc hich hlocllt(j on CMfield Rood (nonh (Ul1lOt road 10 park) aboul 0 8 mi les ~ 01 Clovel ROIId

HHls YrI fhere will bot hills1 We cuimltllc r roo fCCI or elin ptr 10K rrrgt- Nilgt PR COIIr SC

Water AI stftlfinish pillS n ile vJIlt ~op about 6 km inlo loop

Rod cronlng Tllerc will be roul crosinamps of park IUlid t ltler( will be no rood manh3l1s 10 runl1elS are ~pon5ible 10 their 58lely when cr05liing rOflds

Entry fce $5 if posImarkcd by November I $I R[[or Novernbu I and on day 0( 11KX

TlfIlt Onmiddotl ite ni ~ rltion and ehe(kmiddot in bet w~en ROO and 9 15 AM Rsoce $I~ru a 930

Alc G r oup Male undcr40 m40 nd n Female ulldu40and 40and over

A rd~ The tory of your rnme in rhe RQChe$lerOrienlccrill~ ClubllJld he G RTC TlCw$te el1

SpO Olor SponlOnXl byhe Rohuer (Kicnarin O ub (but his is II an orien tto rnl even)

Informallon ConlOC Larry Zyo 227middot768

Entry Form - Mendon Trail Run November S 1997

Name Agc _ _ _ Scx _ _ _

Addrcss _________________ _ ______ _

Phone Len~th Planned 10K 20K Enry fee $5 i(1J08lIl31kod by November 1 S8(~reafler M~ke chlaquok payable fo7tRocllesla Orienllaquoring Club Mail rompleled 8pplict ioo 10 Dick Dctilr 422 Woodlaod LarJc Websle r NY 14500

WAIVER I llie uodcrsilned acop full respomibi1ity fOJ 1II)lClf and for an) injuries I mlly incurdurinc Ihis trail run I have nod this pplicatioo end I fully undentand thaI pranicipaline in th is event y be dallgeroU$ 10 my heAlih Sprained ankles and WristA laceraliom bruises broken bone lithlnin mikes animl biles collisions wilh vehicles hYpolntrmia and heal uhaustion are rra t possibilities I (ully underst8nd that there will be 110 medical or emergency personnel on the course I have trainod Jurric ienlly for thi event I will fK)j

hold any 0( the OfJani1OJ1 tnt Councyof Mon~ the Roche~C( Orientecrine O Ub land owners any agency within Ihc Mate of Ncw York or any volunteers ~1ponsibk My actionsoci mishaps ~rc accoufllablc to no one butI1lY$Clf

Date Slllllll~==c=_====_==ccc_---------If pcu1icipanl is under 18 thut pa~nt or ItWdian must also sign

Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






Board of Dinctor8 Ross Anderson Phil Ashley LISlt) Bower Ed CIOIlS Pe le r Dunley Bob DYJal Riel GUIdo ldne locull l

CMrhe Mc Mulle n Tim Mc Mullen Sue Ohver Bill Th le~

George Til lson Dock Withrow RIc k YOW1Q Achve Hono rY Members

Hall of Fam T19111 lilclsoo Ed Duncen Docl Ashley Dick Boddie John Cams Len BaQley Gene Osborne Norm Fronk

1970 Pete Todd 197 1 Don McNelly 1972 Paul Gesell 1973 Shirley Gerell 1981 Elroy Turner 198 1 Paul Sadler 199 Beryl Skelton

The GreGter Rochester T rlck Club

Executive Committee President Vice President Treamrer Recording Secrelary Membership Secretary

Committee CbalJU7ion~ Freezeroo Membership Newslene r Road Race Coordinator Tuner USATampF Numbers Fi ve amp Diners Volumeer Coordinator

Pbil ASbley Bob Dyjak Rid Young Stacey Vandenburgh Lu Ann Weinlein

Sile o liver amp Mark LUCdS Lu Ann We instei n Terry Robbins (624middot5553) George Tillson (289-4250) Phil Asbley (872middot0540) Genrge TiIIlaquo KI (2894250) Jane loculli (124-9514)

Member 01 Niagara fs5QCIalioo USA Tr1 I) Field tt031

I g]O Don McWiUlllfl1S 1981 Kdre~middotHolml 9ff1 nellt nCUlnllll 1982 Joe George 1982 ampII QUinlisk t982 Dtve Winn 1982 Dave Coyne 1983 C rdig Holm 1984 Tim McAvmney 1985 Nedrd Osborne

1981 Sill KdlOl 1987 NllIWY Onhlf_I 1987 GeoIlJt~ Tl1111 1988 MlIlIhd flll-Oll 1988 Be 11tJ1III 1988 CMrlte MuMulllm 1988 Tom RtnIM1r

Odrt)lr ~ IM Member of Nlaga[a Assocation USA Trlaquot 8 Fibull 1 11031

PCltllinc r9r tilth nl unlh _ 1K ~Itlr ill~ Ilh

lIatt CJ lcnd1t 1110111011 nlllSI he OtlbtiUcd to the Road Haec loordmnlor h- lhe lth I Ih unth III be IIIc ludcd in lhe lleXI u lOllth~ Nclls lcllel Illere is no ~h~rgc lor ishng a rtlt- 11 the cll l clld~l Send 1)1

entry forfll ine ludmg coniaei pelSOR nnd phone number to GCOfJe Ilibo n GMTc ROlltllbee l1)I) rd njlhlr ~ Illi Wih(t rn Ruml Shl)rt ~ ille Nr $lt411 LaIC changes 01 eanoltlIlDIU m~y be 111100 in ~ I 71tgtmiddot2RY04HO

1 9 hllt nice tn lrJ rorm nclu lled In lhe Neulel(r selld one oo~middot oflhe Cnlr) fOIn wihl chttk or monc~ ordlf for S6H payllblc to G RTC (no cash plCilsc) to the ~oad Racc Coordinator nlthe 0001 addrcss by thc I ~ Ih of the month En(~ rorms OCCICd I(hol( pIymcm viiI not be IncluOcd In the NCIIskllcr he 5641chJ ISlt doc$ Nor indlde prinl ing or the inscns_ Arrangements ma) be made to hat Ihem plinled our plintcr or (hcy may be pnnLcd elSC1ICre and 600 copies oeli-ercd 10 EaSI Ridge WId Pflnl 1111 East Rldampe Rold lrondcqucllt ~ Ihc 2 19 of the TlOOlh fntnes 10 be instned muI he no largc r Ihan IU 11) I and mu~ not Ie folded cnlllCS mn_ aliO be publishedu a poge in tnc Nes ICLlcr Copoes shouLd be II ~~ II and will he rcduoccd nl no cost 10 lit OIJr palc

RIcc entTies 10 be nchxtcd in lhe Newslette r muSI nlClaquo UKT gUidehncs_ There arc LWO mun qul h ficatlOllS L COlldlliOflS COIerin nl-nrds muSI be clcarty SlllcG (Mlmmum of lop III ~1Il III tIC h age croup IS rccommcndld J 2 middot then musl be nD reference to dDIlnp th~lll ilhl CX)JII1I~1 with PosUI ScnlCC IClulal ons t$pCi31 1~ I51 or the term ame bull

Advertising from COInmcrciaL M)Utcei wiD be accepted as a scflice to membcn allhc rlIe (l fSSO per pase $25 per hilfpage Bu~i~u cud site ads will be accepted at lhe rte of $10 or S25 ot Ihn cunsecutive

inJienioM Submit La Teny Robhins 245 Ea~t Street ApI 215 Honeoye PaUs NY 14472 Contritxllions o f

a rtidu photos ICC eJljXriences opinions Of simply notes an welcome and actively 50lieiled Volunteer help is alw~y~ wciC(lme Send any informatiOT1 to Terry Robbins 245 East SITlaquot ApI 215 Ho neoye Falls NY 14472 There is no c harge fo r publicllliOT1 of race results The newsletter will publish the names o f al l

prize winners fOf eacb race and a full order of finish if space pcrmilS

1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993

PRESIDENTS COLUMN by Phil Aslley and Terry Robbins

FROM THE [DITOR With Fall officially IIeIC Ihe cross country series is 111 111lderwlY TI~rc (lrt lWO series 10 pick from this year and informatioo on them can be found below r have a new monthly cont ributor to the IlCoSlcller to introduce Dr David Valvo is a podiacrisl thaI has setUP his prac1ice ill Grttte and is au avid funn er He h(5 agreed to provide a monthly oolum and Viii ans~r any qutSlions th arc submiued 10 hilll His coll1llln Ind addless can Ix fOlmd 011 page 2 1

If you have any SloriH or photos you oOIIId like 10 publish aboul a particular ract or run ~aSC send them in I wtll publish 3

many lt$ultS and stonlaquo that I an wilh respect to space limitations Many thanks 10 the following fOf the ir contributions 10 this issue George Ti llson Ph il Ashlt) Bob Dyjak Lu Ann

Weinstein Nancy Oark SlaCey VanDenburgh Liu ~r Karen SuitOl Pam Bliss The Seneca Zoo Society Bill Kehoe Mark Roberts Dr David Valvo Dr David Conway Ptle Glavin ROOb Smillie and 1M folks at Easllidge Quickprinl AHmiion RlJtt [)irKjon If you wam your race incmiddothlded on the GRTC road fact calendar (I form is enclosed on page )0 detailing how 10 submit i t Rel11embtr theres no cosIto lisl your race on the calendar and the 3ddilioual exposure only helps your etnl RACLS ampI SOCIAL RUNS

The Fall cross country seJies is underway willllWO eries 10 choose from Ihis)tar The fint i Ihe Upstate NY cross cOllnlly serit$ and the GVH Hogan TOllr 91 Por further infoml81ir)n contoct ~Ie Glavin al 242-903 t The race ealtnd3r conlinUH 10 be quile rull giving runner a variety ~ I3Ce locations 10 pick (ronl The Run (or Hospice 5K is on October I Sth and has a huge race party Iferwards with loti d door prins 00 NOIembtr 8th Ihe 41h annual Mendon Trllil run will be held at 930 am at the East Lodge in Mendon Ponds Runners elln cllOnie either the 10K or Ihe 20K and a race apvlicalion can be (ound on page 17

The Fi~ and Diners nlove 10 Cobbs Hill on October 29th They nlffl in the (ar corner of the Tel1ple Belh El parkins 101 and leave at 600 pm Quntions lt311 Jane laalni at 624-1)514 RESULTS

Rnults few the Seneca Zoo Society 5K Great PotalO 10K GRTC Couples nm Homeslrelcll Harrier Classic JJ SK Os~go Cross Country SK Newark Cross Country Day 5K Castile Library 5K 300 the Henrielta Recreation Oo31hlo

A rtminder to all race directors tMlttlere is no charge for puning your results in tile newsletter so put something logelher and send il to me If other runnerl have any other ~ photos please fetl fret to send htm in 0 be published I wi ll return them to you ifyou requH( it after Ihe newsletler is pubtilltd each mOlllh

11 8 OUT Of TOWN RA(E (()fI I A(rSi Finlter kcJ Kuftnen (Jult K) Uo~ Yl l NC tictd NY I~ llaquo7

HlldJliOCI M~ak RotId fbinntn lt-lull PO 80( 12104 AIOOny NY lU l l iIC York KOld Rnnen Ullb I E3u IWth Strcc1 Ncw York NY 1U1211 Nickt1 C ltr Road R8tn Kimbcrl~ Morris tlll BcI1ford AcnlJl Burr lo NY 14210 (JIM (oA)_1i SPlculh~C bcI~n While till Fourall L1IIC Faycllcvi tlc NY Pfll( Mid-AUlnlic bet Guide PO 1 1 ~il lehigh Vallc PA IK4~12 161 U 4 l4-~1I(i 4 htlpllw m~rxeglJide com

The GRTe Board of DiTtCtors meetings are usually held on Ihe second TU(sday of every month The next meeling is scheduled rot Tuesday Squmber 9tIl 100 pm al Mid-Town Tennis in Ihe conference room All GRTC members art invited to ancnd Pkae Ieve II mcssaae on the Hotline ifyou plln to be therlt

RACE HQTIINE 234)565 OTHER HOILINES (all are 716 area code) G RTC phone messa~e~ may be left by Iallin li RATs 723-5119 the same numhlT The Hotline l)IOv ide ~ n~middotorcled Hasb House HarTlers 482 -64 81 inrormition on lUnd 1000tions and any IIle Cals AC 27 1- ))70 cbangu involving be weekends racu RoheSltr Orienteering 377-5650

Seneca Zoo Society Race Results - 1997

2251 85 2258

80 22 58 IDshyer 23 02 Porulrll()nllt ee 23 04 Ol(dnef ell 23 12 90 23 12 231 4 112 23 12 03 23 0


2318 2328






Alice HlIIscn IS the flrSI IOmWl in 17 - 1 ill the Jungle Jog 5K~E JOG 51( iAGE GRoPS Women to 1lt1

Harter _~~28 ~_ 2450 2Oro~L11AO

WIlaquogt ~)~ 3IU

~~_40~W~ SI19 Klle Mlntl -~~-shy- ~ ~~ ~rdri~ ~tino2 -1~ ~c_ 003 WendtUHStephwlle TIIner

Women 45 49Women 20124 --1915 1 Sanch Ebliog1952 i~ (cIletta shy~~ Ikh shy ~


~ IAlce

~ ISabrian

~ l~ shy

22S0 2338


2738 2946

- bull 2736_ ~~1~L~~ Womero lOll __ SuYn 01 2552=f~SSI59- -JHansen ~ ~~~ 12610 2Weis 2005shy

lsa~_ Rojas _ 31 18 ~ -- _-~~04 3

Iwomen 60164 Women 3535 1 TIl 13644ZO~ 2141 2 3 v 2218 -4shy

-Ako W UI~Iy_ R1 SuslnI~~ wo2 IotiIU

3 Beetl 10ltgt M- Cindy

PloW ~yenLlur1I 2 3

2 3 I 2


~ ~ ~ J a

sect ~



i 7lt4 7

1814 19 15 195 2 2004

20g~ 20 ~ 2044 2 115 214 1

bull - ~




i~ l Pa~ 30 3 -=- s 102UIQcb

~On1oIn SOlS4 (Jn11o 6M -=l=~29 1 ii 1 = shy

L 2602~ rOO-=

- - - - -

Ene Anish wins the Jungle Jog 5K in 155 7

- bull - up i~middot1middotmiddotmiddot r- --Men 35 39

oWee TwWtno bull 2021 middot Iin ~- -~ t i 40I - i lbMphkIbert Dettman 2256 --i lKevIn _ SheeNn-(yte Van~ 23 12 ~ Srrith 9til - )

Men 15 19 I- Men 4014C--+~= IQn ul1 1126 1 Blyce Walker 19n I IlhiIIip Varhurwm 848 - 2 ~ff Downs 20 09 Phil 2 (abhan r-)9J3 3 Ridl3rd ~ f-lOom shy 1

Metl 2ot24 - Men 4549 Pal 1735 I JoM -fYIaIl1OIlt 20

ltgt9 Rahov 2214 2 Stephen 21 - 1middotmiddot- 3 =--- Hushard bull 2226 3BII PIxley 21

_ _ __ f- shyMen 2529 Men 5054

- - A~h-----iSS7 1 Da~ W~lkef 19E~lexi5 snchez 1754 2 Ronald 2ngrino 2C

11_ ~urJIIIn 2203 --1 RIcherd Va~er~ 21 i1 middotmiddotmiddot~ _

1N3OJ - - - - _ bull 1641 1 Men 5S~~__ _ AI _ _ bullbull _ AI Srrith 22

1 RdvIke 1111 2 e -- Gi- 1757 3 Jim Pte -f l i I

Sanford Toole 241 ~I~ _

Men 60 64 n

0eI Popolo 2926 2i ~- ~ ~ 6S169 2240poundII) )J ~Elesenstt in

3344 3Tiliton

] ~

~ ~ x 0 ~

~ e o secta

Joseph Hunza (313 In l U 8) holds off Robert Saccnte(35 in 2 159) to fini sh 4-81h at the Junample Jog

Renee Rombaut (N152) IS followed by Peter Glavin (296) John Ca llahan (11250) and Michael Tarantlllo (27 1) Just after the start ofl ile Jungle Jog 5K Renee was the second plxe woman ( 12th place overall) in 1834 Pele Glavin ended up 8th overaU In ) 757



bull 5 7io

1 _ vshy shy ~ ltt -- 0

- Andrew Courtney finishes first in the Mile Trai l T rot in 6 55

Photo courtesy of Seneca Zoo Society

700 1

iaI I ~~~I 3

4~~~~ B43 5

931 6 941 7

948 81 1000 9 1001 10



4331 00 440700 401 21 00 445400









GATe Couples Bun - 8J3OJ9Z

eJaco bIamB Ago lime CataoolV

1 Renee RombaulfScon Peiser 2 Beth DeCianUslTom Gabruk 3 April MessengerRoger Messenger 4 Nan Park RumbaughJeff Rumbaugh

Allison SnyderJason HeHenbaugh 6 Ann MessengerRyan Messenger 7 Katie FantauuolPhil Goodwin 8 Sue RowleyRich Van Almkerk 9 Rebecca BethlendyGabor Bethlendy

Karen LarkinKevin Larkin 11 Lisa BrancaRichard AgUtn8 12 Cheryl GunderrnanlBob Gunderman 13 Jennifer PenamonteJohn Penamonte 14 Amy CookGeoff Cook

Ei~en WainpressfMdlael Weil1gtress 16 Karin GogolskyKevin Shaw 17 Kristen KasslerMarvin Rus 18 MacKenzie DumarEart Cliffel 19 Anita ShawfOr Rodney Shaw

Susan GoodwinMichael Goodwin 21 Stacy BabcockPeter Haggerty 22 Terry TestJon Baldwin 23 Michelle CourtrightIMark Frye 24 Jan McCulloughIMike McCullough

Debbie lovolVlou lovali 26 Virginia BrownfBarry Brown 27 Tara HetzeVFred Plimpton 28 Jean Agos1ineJlvDavid Smi1h 29 Claudia BrenVSteve Brent

8ridgene RiverslS1even Rivers 31 Pat HahnEd Stablns 32 Jennifer Gatesllarry LoMaglio 33 Janet CourtrightPhilip Nelson 34 Katie SearslBrian Sears

Dawn WilcoxJeff Washburn 36 Karen MorriSMorrey Goldman 37 Marsha TillsonGeorge Tillson

SO-59 7(H9 60-69 50-59 lt40 lt40 lt40

60-89 SO-59 60-69 50-59 70-79 60-69 60-69 80-89 80-89 80-89 70-79 110+ 60-89 60-89 90-99 50-59 7()79 50-59 90-99 50-59 70-79

100-109 40-49

100-109 70-79 90-99

100-109 100-109 100-109

11 0+

03608 03712 037045 Pa renUChiid 03915 HusbandINife 03934 00410311 BrotherSister 004154 0042 16 Corp - Kodak 004236 HusbandlWife 0 42049 HusbandJWHe 04325 Corp - WS Svcs 043 46 HusbandlWife 007 ParenVChild 04417 HusbandlWife 04516 HusbandlWife 004537 046001 04629 0046041 HusbandJWHe 004746 HusbandWife 04753 Corp - RIT 004819 04852 04942 Corp - ESG 04954 HusbandWife 0SO32 ParenUChikl 05221 ParentChild 05315 Corp - Kodak 05340 HusbandJWife 05429 ParentChild 05540 05720 Corp - RIT 05811 1 01 08 HusbandlWife 10252 ParentChild 108 16 11024 HusbandlWife

HomeStJetch Harrier Cl1c 11 SK Rnulta

FlngellAke Race Track

Saturday Augua l30 1997

Results counesy eX Robb Smillie and GVH WNW rronliemel netl-G VH

bull -10shyI

Country Day 91397

I Chdno()llltor ~ ll ubull po l nlt 14 I l PAnict f(r1I~1 ltgtn 14 17 ] Kevi n Cn h 14U 4 Ntrh_ 1b11I 1504 ~ Chp Ca l u lha j5 U Sto O l h nd I~ I I 7 C~ 101 2bull Dono Itofhl U ll Jor_ rhUboo u 1~ 10 10 li d Ilac~_11 SU 11 fl DKa n H ll Co r ic) oy u ]tCI Mc(gtJ~jrl 11 coll (1 bullbull11 u It l16 J OO~1 145H ~gt n ln Llwh I6 t U H 1amp0 ~nltllburk 11I 11 Nick ~r P dl It ~athr in Cva n~o h j7 u

It Cpamp 11 1 7 IIaUck 11 )1 Jltlssie Car 11 41 Dltgtv l oS _h 19Dl Bi ll sctt 10 n Chris N U o 12 1) T ~_ 22 14 J ohn Robac n middotn HI) S oel 22 51 AI ico HAftbullbull 2) O JiOC) b 21 dS ~t WlulM 24 01

bullbull Tltgtdd poundgt0 14 5) 10 Nug t Har~ 2S IS ~IAamp A U5ATF I II PAul Albn m 2S 21 12 Donnl C1gtoDa 21 01 11 Sharon_ 17 00 H I a ndr_ llLonaege 100IS Jo Oooltty 21 0)

iOn) Korto 1$ 41 ChampltI~ Kh thBd 2 18 u 80b Epal a d ~ ) 0 21t_rt 800 Vo lk 10 J4gt0

u Clwvl 1ofuy )l 00 Den evaltt )1n a i d so rResults courtesy eX Robb Snlill ie md U oond

I Cof r~ Mol t~nrt 919GVH wwwfrontiemelnetJ-GVH An~ l kdh lS J An ltleu C~ l l 0 9 4J Joah ~hlllgtM 100 ) ~ An~rw Blancha rd 1005 6 Colin Kofll -V IO C5 7 J I C 10 11 T_ h 18 II IUcha I tU 10 Itbullbull 10 Tyl 1_10 10 15 li 11 Man l bull LO n

Shdl) ~nn bull bull lO n s11 N )iO ID middotlt 101 4J Iwf)I Can 11 MARATHONERS Pie send noonll ( hu lu bull 10 U ~ampc ~ 101911 C Phamp 11 10your times and Slories abouL your II I_I Marrhbull bull )

11 12 bull19 td DoIglo II 21OUL-Or- town runs to lD Je bull bull toy U nt r H Colby C r oc ltf o ul llI I n

GRTC Newseller 1)10 td- II U n k-va c 11 1107 l O HOIll lo 11 245 Easl Streel Apl 215 U 07 Dgtrn l n r r y 12 17 16 Abby eo - C11ohiOn 11 nHoneoye Falls NY 14472 H 10 _I

11 1 Y_Io ]l H

29_ Nlke CoHuio Il 1 l D Cory l1Iu lII 11 5 n u~~U1V II d7

ALII IIhd Il n I I c hln ~I h n b rg r II S

Results by CATS Athletic Club RoclJesler NY CATS web pay at hupmiddotusersaolcomf il lopuslcatspage hllll

-1 2shy

CAST IL E LI BRARY =UNO RUN amp WALK middot 9113197 WALJltER$ Ctvis line Gozalskl 40I SmiddotOO 29 Cut~e

1lACpound 10M Furgample MKh8e Garger

IlIlE 16middot2100 17middot1300



Roche5ler 28 Avon

AIIcl lo Be~rclsley Valerie Panlccw KaI~COffe

031 OQ

047 00 OmiddotSI-OO

P011agevi_e 33 C8IliIe S GJlnsv~18

3 bull7

Soon Flhinehan Frank Beck DonSpenca Slav Rillers Bob IA loW Maggie WhoIeNln Chrl5IophtIr SlVfm Pele 5CCOodo

175500 1634 00 18800 190400 1915middot00 191600 193400 19)6middot00



3 30 6 36 6 2S 18 29

Geneseo Warlall CasIU Victor Penl ield Leroy Castle Home

DIane Saoten 5127 00 Mrt JNoo Beardslo 47 08 00 Marey VlIfZ(lCII 10900 CarOlyn l yons 71600 Jolm RWtY 41~ OO

CirIctf Balbef 415100 LI$8 Conklin 485800 Mary Jane York 485800


46 47 55 46 33 53


PorIaf1Qvii lo Cas1i1e Wrsaw Tecumseh MO Ctstle Ceslle Ceslile

Johl Morganti 201600 M 16 Ptx1amp9Bvih LoriRooens S22200 27 Warsaw

JamMlynch 2050middot00 M 31 Geooseo Rick HaUHf 522 100 26 Perry

03v1d Grangampl BarryWe~

21 2 100 2 15 100


35 52

SilYGr SpIIngS Aoctlester


WIllard OegotrlH 522200 No TIme

27 50

Pttry Cut

Malhew Dlck8reon 215600 M 17 Bellast Maureen Degoyer No Tim e 49 Carie

KenRe~en 2201 00 M 45 Geneseo Karen Pankow No Time 32 C8s1l1e

Jo Stone Heelhet Biodc4I1b Dllvid Haske_

223000 225300 22middot5600

f F M

39 Geneseo

p52 Nunda

l ois Palltlow No Tma 53 CosIMe


Bruc Caktwell Thomas Quail

230800 231700


44 Waflaw

Jim Murllly 232 00 M MI Morris

Michele Secco 23S500 F Geneseo

Bfflfll Ewwtl 240200 M 48 Balavia 25 David 8rongo 24middot0400 46 livonia


PhllIlpMa Oevid Page latJ1ie White J3aluo~ne Hoyt

2 middot1200 2 middot23()() 2 3200 2 33middot00


48 Fioch41sler 40 PIIIT) 34 celtl

The Greater Rochester Track C lub would like 0

announce and welcome our new track club


Brian ArcIJibIJld wero-Ctay

2 middot4300 2 500


30 3

Rochesler Geneseo

members thai joined us over the past month

WiliBm $anlCX 2 5200 M 55 Waruw 33



Roy Chrislopher Smith Ieflore KraJt Koooeth Uptegrove Hoylt WiWiamBIiss Mickey dotlbins Baba18 Mason

250900 2511middot00 2534 00 261000 26 200 265400 213300 21middot ~ 00

M M f


41 Bm 39 Gestio

5 Castile

bull Cestile 30 Casr~e

12 Caslie 52 Genesco

David Valvo Rochester

Allen Thse A lbion

Highland Mal) Moontain Webster

Barb3ra Thompson Webster

Edward Orlando Rochester

Angi e Simpson Rochester

Kathy Suh Rochester

CloyselltliIsko 293300 M 33 Hamburg Sieve and C l audia Brent Penfield

000 Philips Cecil Kasko

294200 301700


62 68

Philade~la PA ClBarwaier FL

Jason Cornwell N ewark

Patrick DeeAQy 30 1800 Castile

Malhew Sp8flCef 301800 Cast~e 46 Amy Gampedy 302200 f 26 Cast ile

Jllne Mehoney 304700 F 48 Rochester

Michael Spe0C8r 322200 M 13 CampsIMo

Karen Dlc lfa fSOJl 3321middot00 F ~8 Belln l 50 GlIOfge TWlson 34middot1300 M 69 Shlrtslllie

Marsha TUson 355900 F 76 ShoI1svlle 52 CtvySlle Smith 314900 f 40 CampsIrie 53 Joo DegoIy~ 40-29 middot00 12 Casli le 5lt Tommy Dobtlit 40middot37 00 M 10 Ca91~O


ZO wn7701 HUSlfId 7111 O~ Mefl

40sWomargtW AtoI~J CIlIIe 7721 (US WOITgttII )01 wornThe rlH CIvtsIO ~

1) Women Susan 8onklibul t 27 -shy 71SI II Tum LVfn ~~ ee 71 3OSWomn p_slaa~ 1112 MiedTumCIvgtsIt CuIlIf1 Obotrhollelo1tII8IIJO ~-s1e (UnOH 7002 2a-Wome


MlnS Tm 791 2OsWonfnJudy SemeoOJtI

Weltgt6yAIitIOC 45 ~Inn 111_27 2OS Women 10101111 ScMeCIr lOlMn pelaquoMmet ~

Wam~middotTbullbullJoSllfl~ ln Jon TQOt1I WomenS Tu as s~MOII1--

8003 501 Mlln Feu Scheible Men Tum

)0 W9m O IBuVuet T-y 8i1hono1411 30 Mluod Team AAtgtOIgty AIduccn Men Til rI04IIT~ Ml~tltl Tum Toungml rgtJYOIII


ASMltIzamplOe~n 401 Men401 Worn12Nay alIIus 40middot 11 til FomtIiA 44 50 MHI lOUie

Deni Cobtek 10720s WOOMn 8113 20 we1M UIlI HUlClngs 10lt1 4l 0gt ~ W $I

laIoI0 SIl amp0 lot Scod SlIarar10S 1I1 1131 401 WornOpW- Ed S1abirts R_C_W~ OW_1208 AfIIetle SUII II IIOIIMenBob b Ag G1MIII NIrIIW 6322 ly

8)25 women ham ~wroCgtou9leltly 41hMrnJolin GfoeSDeet w1I1III eUlBoll RelUI

1 GRTC Calendar 2 ~

Running road races co~p1led by G~orge T111son Road R~ce Coord1nator Greater Rochester Trac~ Club (716-289-4250) Where available the 8ch~dul~ In c ludes date8 tlm~$ registration tee race dir~ctor contact ad~ress and telephone nunber and ~here to meet

Wedneday evenings 6 1~ pili The Cert1f ied Five and Diners 5 dle training

Oct 4 Sat ~ OO ampIII

runsJane [aculll 71~ -264-094L Mendon Ponds Sec n Area -United Way Kick-Off Clasaic 10k $10 Pre by 9 30 $ J 3 Pot Long sleeve T-shirt chiCKen barbec ue dinner included ~9rma Lamberson United Way 83 W Bayard St Seneca taIls 13148 315-~68-9~73 meet at United WayshySt Patrick School W Bayard

Oct 4 Sat 10 00 pili -Apple Derby 5 Hile Run Hilton Applefes t We~kend

$10 Pre by 103 $12 Poet T-shirts Steve Powler Hilton-Parm Recreation ~g Henry St Hilton 14468 71~-392 - 9030 Hllton HJgh Schoo l

Oct 4 Sat 8 4~ a~ Roberts We aleya n College 91 Hoeco~ing Miles Pre $6 b~ 923 S10 Poet 2 _lle Fun Run at 6 00a~ Office ot Oevelop~ent 716-~9-6500 meet at Lif~ Fltne~s Canter

Oct 4 Sat HY ChIropract i c Co llege Cross Co~ntry Invitational Varait y JV Froah Boys amp Girls Open Race Russ Ebbetts Y Chiropractic College Rt 69 Sen~ca

Falls 13148 Oct 11 Sat 930 a~ Apple 6 Pu~p~in Harvest Festival ~K Cross Coun try

RunWalk S10 Pre $12 Post T-shir ts Benefit Hospice o f Orleans County ~argy Brown Br own s eerryfu~pkjn

Oct J 6 Sat JO ~ 30 amp111

Patch 716-682 - 5569 Meet at Brown e 14 264 Roosevelty Waterport NY Run for Hosptce 5K bull 2 ~lle fitness walk Benefit VialtJng HUTee Hoaplce Foundation $ 13 Pre bV 10 11 Post $17 Designer T-shirts Huge Race Party with rood+bev~rage amp aany door prles Pete van Peurselll 3 4 DenlshJre Or Rochester 14624 ~94- 4 191 Heet at First BIble eaptlst ChurCh 1039 H Greece Rd Greece

Oct 18 Sat 9 00 aa Henrietta 8reakfast RunS Miles +Chlldrens Mile at 8 30 Raee includes breaktfst ~ Ml1 e-810 Pre by 10 15 813 Post Jan~ Iacull1 Henrietta Recreation Dept 475 Calk i ns Roa d Hen~ietta 14~67 7J6-3~9-2~40 Meet at Winslow EleMentary School Calkins Rd He nrietta

Oct 25 Sat 9 00 aa Shepherds Heart Christian Fellowship ~K Manna Run Pre 5 12 by 1018 Post 514 Linited to 11 5 racers Inc ludes Breakfast + T-shirt Proceeds for develo~en~ or Youth C~nteT Dave OLeary 2~4-1927 Heet at Greece Orange 1301 Long Pond Rd next to Fire House

Nov 8 Sat 9 ~30 a~ Mendon Trail 10K Run $5 Pre by 11 1 $ 8 Post Loop course Good well lIIar~ed trails (lK on road) Larry Zygo115-227-7618Heet at East Lodge Men4 on Ponds Park

Nov 23 Sun 900 a -Turkey Claaaic 5 1II11e road race 1 IIIjle run run $12 Pre 916 Poet T-shlrts Paul Anderson Southeast YMCA 111 S Jefferson Rd Pittsford 14534 383- 579

ov 27 Thur 9 00 aa -Race wIth Grace 10K $12 Pre by 11 22 51~ Post long sleeved 8hJrt 12 nile tun run for c hildr e n Run wIth Pastor George Grace Bob DyjaK laa Kj~ Lane Ro chester 1t626 116-2 25-6560 Meet at First Blble Baptist Church No Greece Rd

Nov 27 Thur lOam Newark Turkey Oay 6 Miler Joe Contario 909 Pej~son Ave Mewark 145 13 3 15-331- 2bullbull 9 Meet at HewBrk Elk s Club Katn St at Cen t ral Park

Nov 29 Sat 11 00 a~ R f TUrke~ Run 5 al l ee $5 Prp $ 10 Post Bil l Quinllampk 412 HUMbolt St Roches ter 1461 0 482- 637 1 Hendon Ponds Park beach parking lot

Dec 7 Sun 9 00 bullbull JJngle Sell Run 5K $15 Pre S18 Post T-shirts lots of tood at Post Ra c e Party 271 -2510 Arthritis Foundation 2423 Monroe Ave Ror-hester 14618

Oee 27 Sat 845 a middotPost Christmas Blues Run- 5 K Unusual awards Post race famous tony Farraro c hill feast Vern Hecker 3452 Oehs n Rd Canandaigua 14424 716-39 4-4 075 Mee t at Me t hodist ChurCh No rth Main St Canandaigua


Oct 4 Sat 8 30 a~ The Great Cortl~nd Pu~pkinte9t SK Challenge $10 Pre $11 Poat tree 1 aile fun run as 8 1 Haro)~ Whlte 607-756-1875 Meet at Geared 2 Sporta 24 Cour t St Cortland NY

Oct 5 Sun 9 30 bullbull middot Syracuae Feativa] of Rac e s Wo~ens amp Hens 5K Fun Run t or Kids Dav~ OJa 213 Scott Ave Syracuse 13~~ 4 31$-46-6285 Hanley Field Hou~e Syracuse University

Oct 6 Sun 9 00~ middotWineglass Maratho n + 3 per~on relay S25 by 9 15 S35 Post lono sl~eved shirta FinJsh at Corning Glasa Center Hark Landin Bo x It7 COTntn9 14830 607-937shy6184 Meet at Philips Lighting Co Rt 5 4H Bath

To request a registration for~ by aall send a SASE to assist the race direct o r In hiaher volunteer efforts

middot USA Track amp Pield Cert itle~ Race Course

Sept HI 1997

SCOTJJE BANTON MARATHON PORT HURON 1111 813197 rochesterMatt Caton 30018 Terry Heist 33609 Tim Matthews 3 39 Norm Frank 315

4th annual Mendon Trail Run 10K and 20K

Saturday Novmher 8 1997 930 AM East -odge Mendon Ponds Park

Cotl r n 10 km loop laquolU$C 10 klJl on rQIICIJ 05 km HI fields 85 1 on ~ l rJih Oplion 01 ooine one loop or rcpUl ing loop (Of 10K The rounc will lie tll - nu1~td with Sol reamcn on Imil l lnd I collbioaliolll or (hall( srearnen aM l1o fliC conu 10 mark route a l road 11051 15 alld on open ndd

C(JurSof 1ttrOrdSl 2OK shy 1Ykt1 DoI c Hi~h(lff 1 19) 9 W Olty Utd GlOlSflIIn 13348shyIOK - Men [)e Bitcho(f 37-jIJ W~n Bryn Mull igan 48 16

Slon East Lodc hich hlocllt(j on CMfield Rood (nonh (Ul1lOt road 10 park) aboul 0 8 mi les ~ 01 Clovel ROIId

HHls YrI fhere will bot hills1 We cuimltllc r roo fCCI or elin ptr 10K rrrgt- Nilgt PR COIIr SC

Water AI stftlfinish pillS n ile vJIlt ~op about 6 km inlo loop

Rod cronlng Tllerc will be roul crosinamps of park IUlid t ltler( will be no rood manh3l1s 10 runl1elS are ~pon5ible 10 their 58lely when cr05liing rOflds

Entry fce $5 if posImarkcd by November I $I R[[or Novernbu I and on day 0( 11KX

TlfIlt Onmiddotl ite ni ~ rltion and ehe(kmiddot in bet w~en ROO and 9 15 AM Rsoce $I~ru a 930

Alc G r oup Male undcr40 m40 nd n Female ulldu40and 40and over

A rd~ The tory of your rnme in rhe RQChe$lerOrienlccrill~ ClubllJld he G RTC TlCw$te el1

SpO Olor SponlOnXl byhe Rohuer (Kicnarin O ub (but his is II an orien tto rnl even)

Informallon ConlOC Larry Zyo 227middot768

Entry Form - Mendon Trail Run November S 1997

Name Agc _ _ _ Scx _ _ _

Addrcss _________________ _ ______ _

Phone Len~th Planned 10K 20K Enry fee $5 i(1J08lIl31kod by November 1 S8(~reafler M~ke chlaquok payable fo7tRocllesla Orienllaquoring Club Mail rompleled 8pplict ioo 10 Dick Dctilr 422 Woodlaod LarJc Websle r NY 14500

WAIVER I llie uodcrsilned acop full respomibi1ity fOJ 1II)lClf and for an) injuries I mlly incurdurinc Ihis trail run I have nod this pplicatioo end I fully undentand thaI pranicipaline in th is event y be dallgeroU$ 10 my heAlih Sprained ankles and WristA laceraliom bruises broken bone lithlnin mikes animl biles collisions wilh vehicles hYpolntrmia and heal uhaustion are rra t possibilities I (ully underst8nd that there will be 110 medical or emergency personnel on the course I have trainod Jurric ienlly for thi event I will fK)j

hold any 0( the OfJani1OJ1 tnt Councyof Mon~ the Roche~C( Orientecrine O Ub land owners any agency within Ihc Mate of Ncw York or any volunteers ~1ponsibk My actionsoci mishaps ~rc accoufllablc to no one butI1lY$Clf

Date Slllllll~==c=_====_==ccc_---------If pcu1icipanl is under 18 thut pa~nt or ItWdian must also sign

Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






PRESIDENTS COLUMN by Phil Aslley and Terry Robbins

FROM THE [DITOR With Fall officially IIeIC Ihe cross country series is 111 111lderwlY TI~rc (lrt lWO series 10 pick from this year and informatioo on them can be found below r have a new monthly cont ributor to the IlCoSlcller to introduce Dr David Valvo is a podiacrisl thaI has setUP his prac1ice ill Grttte and is au avid funn er He h(5 agreed to provide a monthly oolum and Viii ans~r any qutSlions th arc submiued 10 hilll His coll1llln Ind addless can Ix fOlmd 011 page 2 1

If you have any SloriH or photos you oOIIId like 10 publish aboul a particular ract or run ~aSC send them in I wtll publish 3

many lt$ultS and stonlaquo that I an wilh respect to space limitations Many thanks 10 the following fOf the ir contributions 10 this issue George Ti llson Ph il Ashlt) Bob Dyjak Lu Ann

Weinstein Nancy Oark SlaCey VanDenburgh Liu ~r Karen SuitOl Pam Bliss The Seneca Zoo Society Bill Kehoe Mark Roberts Dr David Valvo Dr David Conway Ptle Glavin ROOb Smillie and 1M folks at Easllidge Quickprinl AHmiion RlJtt [)irKjon If you wam your race incmiddothlded on the GRTC road fact calendar (I form is enclosed on page )0 detailing how 10 submit i t Rel11embtr theres no cosIto lisl your race on the calendar and the 3ddilioual exposure only helps your etnl RACLS ampI SOCIAL RUNS

The Fall cross country seJies is underway willllWO eries 10 choose from Ihis)tar The fint i Ihe Upstate NY cross cOllnlly serit$ and the GVH Hogan TOllr 91 Por further infoml81ir)n contoct ~Ie Glavin al 242-903 t The race ealtnd3r conlinUH 10 be quile rull giving runner a variety ~ I3Ce locations 10 pick (ronl The Run (or Hospice 5K is on October I Sth and has a huge race party Iferwards with loti d door prins 00 NOIembtr 8th Ihe 41h annual Mendon Trllil run will be held at 930 am at the East Lodge in Mendon Ponds Runners elln cllOnie either the 10K or Ihe 20K and a race apvlicalion can be (ound on page 17

The Fi~ and Diners nlove 10 Cobbs Hill on October 29th They nlffl in the (ar corner of the Tel1ple Belh El parkins 101 and leave at 600 pm Quntions lt311 Jane laalni at 624-1)514 RESULTS

Rnults few the Seneca Zoo Society 5K Great PotalO 10K GRTC Couples nm Homeslrelcll Harrier Classic JJ SK Os~go Cross Country SK Newark Cross Country Day 5K Castile Library 5K 300 the Henrielta Recreation Oo31hlo

A rtminder to all race directors tMlttlere is no charge for puning your results in tile newsletter so put something logelher and send il to me If other runnerl have any other ~ photos please fetl fret to send htm in 0 be published I wi ll return them to you ifyou requH( it after Ihe newsletler is pubtilltd each mOlllh

11 8 OUT Of TOWN RA(E (()fI I A(rSi Finlter kcJ Kuftnen (Jult K) Uo~ Yl l NC tictd NY I~ llaquo7

HlldJliOCI M~ak RotId fbinntn lt-lull PO 80( 12104 AIOOny NY lU l l iIC York KOld Rnnen Ullb I E3u IWth Strcc1 Ncw York NY 1U1211 Nickt1 C ltr Road R8tn Kimbcrl~ Morris tlll BcI1ford AcnlJl Burr lo NY 14210 (JIM (oA)_1i SPlculh~C bcI~n While till Fourall L1IIC Faycllcvi tlc NY Pfll( Mid-AUlnlic bet Guide PO 1 1 ~il lehigh Vallc PA IK4~12 161 U 4 l4-~1I(i 4 htlpllw m~rxeglJide com

The GRTe Board of DiTtCtors meetings are usually held on Ihe second TU(sday of every month The next meeling is scheduled rot Tuesday Squmber 9tIl 100 pm al Mid-Town Tennis in Ihe conference room All GRTC members art invited to ancnd Pkae Ieve II mcssaae on the Hotline ifyou plln to be therlt

RACE HQTIINE 234)565 OTHER HOILINES (all are 716 area code) G RTC phone messa~e~ may be left by Iallin li RATs 723-5119 the same numhlT The Hotline l)IOv ide ~ n~middotorcled Hasb House HarTlers 482 -64 81 inrormition on lUnd 1000tions and any IIle Cals AC 27 1- ))70 cbangu involving be weekends racu RoheSltr Orienteering 377-5650

Seneca Zoo Society Race Results - 1997

2251 85 2258

80 22 58 IDshyer 23 02 Porulrll()nllt ee 23 04 Ol(dnef ell 23 12 90 23 12 231 4 112 23 12 03 23 0


2318 2328






Alice HlIIscn IS the flrSI IOmWl in 17 - 1 ill the Jungle Jog 5K~E JOG 51( iAGE GRoPS Women to 1lt1

Harter _~~28 ~_ 2450 2Oro~L11AO

WIlaquogt ~)~ 3IU

~~_40~W~ SI19 Klle Mlntl -~~-shy- ~ ~~ ~rdri~ ~tino2 -1~ ~c_ 003 WendtUHStephwlle TIIner

Women 45 49Women 20124 --1915 1 Sanch Ebliog1952 i~ (cIletta shy~~ Ikh shy ~


~ IAlce

~ ISabrian

~ l~ shy

22S0 2338


2738 2946

- bull 2736_ ~~1~L~~ Womero lOll __ SuYn 01 2552=f~SSI59- -JHansen ~ ~~~ 12610 2Weis 2005shy

lsa~_ Rojas _ 31 18 ~ -- _-~~04 3

Iwomen 60164 Women 3535 1 TIl 13644ZO~ 2141 2 3 v 2218 -4shy

-Ako W UI~Iy_ R1 SuslnI~~ wo2 IotiIU

3 Beetl 10ltgt M- Cindy

PloW ~yenLlur1I 2 3

2 3 I 2


~ ~ ~ J a

sect ~



i 7lt4 7

1814 19 15 195 2 2004

20g~ 20 ~ 2044 2 115 214 1

bull - ~




i~ l Pa~ 30 3 -=- s 102UIQcb

~On1oIn SOlS4 (Jn11o 6M -=l=~29 1 ii 1 = shy

L 2602~ rOO-=

- - - - -

Ene Anish wins the Jungle Jog 5K in 155 7

- bull - up i~middot1middotmiddotmiddot r- --Men 35 39

oWee TwWtno bull 2021 middot Iin ~- -~ t i 40I - i lbMphkIbert Dettman 2256 --i lKevIn _ SheeNn-(yte Van~ 23 12 ~ Srrith 9til - )

Men 15 19 I- Men 4014C--+~= IQn ul1 1126 1 Blyce Walker 19n I IlhiIIip Varhurwm 848 - 2 ~ff Downs 20 09 Phil 2 (abhan r-)9J3 3 Ridl3rd ~ f-lOom shy 1

Metl 2ot24 - Men 4549 Pal 1735 I JoM -fYIaIl1OIlt 20

ltgt9 Rahov 2214 2 Stephen 21 - 1middotmiddot- 3 =--- Hushard bull 2226 3BII PIxley 21

_ _ __ f- shyMen 2529 Men 5054

- - A~h-----iSS7 1 Da~ W~lkef 19E~lexi5 snchez 1754 2 Ronald 2ngrino 2C

11_ ~urJIIIn 2203 --1 RIcherd Va~er~ 21 i1 middotmiddotmiddot~ _

1N3OJ - - - - _ bull 1641 1 Men 5S~~__ _ AI _ _ bullbull _ AI Srrith 22

1 RdvIke 1111 2 e -- Gi- 1757 3 Jim Pte -f l i I

Sanford Toole 241 ~I~ _

Men 60 64 n

0eI Popolo 2926 2i ~- ~ ~ 6S169 2240poundII) )J ~Elesenstt in

3344 3Tiliton

] ~

~ ~ x 0 ~

~ e o secta

Joseph Hunza (313 In l U 8) holds off Robert Saccnte(35 in 2 159) to fini sh 4-81h at the Junample Jog

Renee Rombaut (N152) IS followed by Peter Glavin (296) John Ca llahan (11250) and Michael Tarantlllo (27 1) Just after the start ofl ile Jungle Jog 5K Renee was the second plxe woman ( 12th place overall) in 1834 Pele Glavin ended up 8th overaU In ) 757



bull 5 7io

1 _ vshy shy ~ ltt -- 0

- Andrew Courtney finishes first in the Mile Trai l T rot in 6 55

Photo courtesy of Seneca Zoo Society

700 1

iaI I ~~~I 3

4~~~~ B43 5

931 6 941 7

948 81 1000 9 1001 10



4331 00 440700 401 21 00 445400









GATe Couples Bun - 8J3OJ9Z

eJaco bIamB Ago lime CataoolV

1 Renee RombaulfScon Peiser 2 Beth DeCianUslTom Gabruk 3 April MessengerRoger Messenger 4 Nan Park RumbaughJeff Rumbaugh

Allison SnyderJason HeHenbaugh 6 Ann MessengerRyan Messenger 7 Katie FantauuolPhil Goodwin 8 Sue RowleyRich Van Almkerk 9 Rebecca BethlendyGabor Bethlendy

Karen LarkinKevin Larkin 11 Lisa BrancaRichard AgUtn8 12 Cheryl GunderrnanlBob Gunderman 13 Jennifer PenamonteJohn Penamonte 14 Amy CookGeoff Cook

Ei~en WainpressfMdlael Weil1gtress 16 Karin GogolskyKevin Shaw 17 Kristen KasslerMarvin Rus 18 MacKenzie DumarEart Cliffel 19 Anita ShawfOr Rodney Shaw

Susan GoodwinMichael Goodwin 21 Stacy BabcockPeter Haggerty 22 Terry TestJon Baldwin 23 Michelle CourtrightIMark Frye 24 Jan McCulloughIMike McCullough

Debbie lovolVlou lovali 26 Virginia BrownfBarry Brown 27 Tara HetzeVFred Plimpton 28 Jean Agos1ineJlvDavid Smi1h 29 Claudia BrenVSteve Brent

8ridgene RiverslS1even Rivers 31 Pat HahnEd Stablns 32 Jennifer Gatesllarry LoMaglio 33 Janet CourtrightPhilip Nelson 34 Katie SearslBrian Sears

Dawn WilcoxJeff Washburn 36 Karen MorriSMorrey Goldman 37 Marsha TillsonGeorge Tillson

SO-59 7(H9 60-69 50-59 lt40 lt40 lt40

60-89 SO-59 60-69 50-59 70-79 60-69 60-69 80-89 80-89 80-89 70-79 110+ 60-89 60-89 90-99 50-59 7()79 50-59 90-99 50-59 70-79

100-109 40-49

100-109 70-79 90-99

100-109 100-109 100-109

11 0+

03608 03712 037045 Pa renUChiid 03915 HusbandINife 03934 00410311 BrotherSister 004154 0042 16 Corp - Kodak 004236 HusbandlWife 0 42049 HusbandJWHe 04325 Corp - WS Svcs 043 46 HusbandlWife 007 ParenVChild 04417 HusbandlWife 04516 HusbandlWife 004537 046001 04629 0046041 HusbandJWHe 004746 HusbandWife 04753 Corp - RIT 004819 04852 04942 Corp - ESG 04954 HusbandWife 0SO32 ParenUChikl 05221 ParentChild 05315 Corp - Kodak 05340 HusbandJWife 05429 ParentChild 05540 05720 Corp - RIT 05811 1 01 08 HusbandlWife 10252 ParentChild 108 16 11024 HusbandlWife

HomeStJetch Harrier Cl1c 11 SK Rnulta

FlngellAke Race Track

Saturday Augua l30 1997

Results counesy eX Robb Smillie and GVH WNW rronliemel netl-G VH

bull -10shyI

Country Day 91397

I Chdno()llltor ~ ll ubull po l nlt 14 I l PAnict f(r1I~1 ltgtn 14 17 ] Kevi n Cn h 14U 4 Ntrh_ 1b11I 1504 ~ Chp Ca l u lha j5 U Sto O l h nd I~ I I 7 C~ 101 2bull Dono Itofhl U ll Jor_ rhUboo u 1~ 10 10 li d Ilac~_11 SU 11 fl DKa n H ll Co r ic) oy u ]tCI Mc(gtJ~jrl 11 coll (1 bullbull11 u It l16 J OO~1 145H ~gt n ln Llwh I6 t U H 1amp0 ~nltllburk 11I 11 Nick ~r P dl It ~athr in Cva n~o h j7 u

It Cpamp 11 1 7 IIaUck 11 )1 Jltlssie Car 11 41 Dltgtv l oS _h 19Dl Bi ll sctt 10 n Chris N U o 12 1) T ~_ 22 14 J ohn Robac n middotn HI) S oel 22 51 AI ico HAftbullbull 2) O JiOC) b 21 dS ~t WlulM 24 01

bullbull Tltgtdd poundgt0 14 5) 10 Nug t Har~ 2S IS ~IAamp A U5ATF I II PAul Albn m 2S 21 12 Donnl C1gtoDa 21 01 11 Sharon_ 17 00 H I a ndr_ llLonaege 100IS Jo Oooltty 21 0)

iOn) Korto 1$ 41 ChampltI~ Kh thBd 2 18 u 80b Epal a d ~ ) 0 21t_rt 800 Vo lk 10 J4gt0

u Clwvl 1ofuy )l 00 Den evaltt )1n a i d so rResults courtesy eX Robb Snlill ie md U oond

I Cof r~ Mol t~nrt 919GVH wwwfrontiemelnetJ-GVH An~ l kdh lS J An ltleu C~ l l 0 9 4J Joah ~hlllgtM 100 ) ~ An~rw Blancha rd 1005 6 Colin Kofll -V IO C5 7 J I C 10 11 T_ h 18 II IUcha I tU 10 Itbullbull 10 Tyl 1_10 10 15 li 11 Man l bull LO n

Shdl) ~nn bull bull lO n s11 N )iO ID middotlt 101 4J Iwf)I Can 11 MARATHONERS Pie send noonll ( hu lu bull 10 U ~ampc ~ 101911 C Phamp 11 10your times and Slories abouL your II I_I Marrhbull bull )

11 12 bull19 td DoIglo II 21OUL-Or- town runs to lD Je bull bull toy U nt r H Colby C r oc ltf o ul llI I n

GRTC Newseller 1)10 td- II U n k-va c 11 1107 l O HOIll lo 11 245 Easl Streel Apl 215 U 07 Dgtrn l n r r y 12 17 16 Abby eo - C11ohiOn 11 nHoneoye Falls NY 14472 H 10 _I

11 1 Y_Io ]l H

29_ Nlke CoHuio Il 1 l D Cory l1Iu lII 11 5 n u~~U1V II d7

ALII IIhd Il n I I c hln ~I h n b rg r II S

Results by CATS Athletic Club RoclJesler NY CATS web pay at hupmiddotusersaolcomf il lopuslcatspage hllll

-1 2shy

CAST IL E LI BRARY =UNO RUN amp WALK middot 9113197 WALJltER$ Ctvis line Gozalskl 40I SmiddotOO 29 Cut~e

1lACpound 10M Furgample MKh8e Garger

IlIlE 16middot2100 17middot1300



Roche5ler 28 Avon

AIIcl lo Be~rclsley Valerie Panlccw KaI~COffe

031 OQ

047 00 OmiddotSI-OO

P011agevi_e 33 C8IliIe S GJlnsv~18

3 bull7

Soon Flhinehan Frank Beck DonSpenca Slav Rillers Bob IA loW Maggie WhoIeNln Chrl5IophtIr SlVfm Pele 5CCOodo

175500 1634 00 18800 190400 1915middot00 191600 193400 19)6middot00



3 30 6 36 6 2S 18 29

Geneseo Warlall CasIU Victor Penl ield Leroy Castle Home

DIane Saoten 5127 00 Mrt JNoo Beardslo 47 08 00 Marey VlIfZ(lCII 10900 CarOlyn l yons 71600 Jolm RWtY 41~ OO

CirIctf Balbef 415100 LI$8 Conklin 485800 Mary Jane York 485800


46 47 55 46 33 53


PorIaf1Qvii lo Cas1i1e Wrsaw Tecumseh MO Ctstle Ceslle Ceslile

Johl Morganti 201600 M 16 Ptx1amp9Bvih LoriRooens S22200 27 Warsaw

JamMlynch 2050middot00 M 31 Geooseo Rick HaUHf 522 100 26 Perry

03v1d Grangampl BarryWe~

21 2 100 2 15 100


35 52

SilYGr SpIIngS Aoctlester


WIllard OegotrlH 522200 No TIme

27 50

Pttry Cut

Malhew Dlck8reon 215600 M 17 Bellast Maureen Degoyer No Tim e 49 Carie

KenRe~en 2201 00 M 45 Geneseo Karen Pankow No Time 32 C8s1l1e

Jo Stone Heelhet Biodc4I1b Dllvid Haske_

223000 225300 22middot5600

f F M

39 Geneseo

p52 Nunda

l ois Palltlow No Tma 53 CosIMe


Bruc Caktwell Thomas Quail

230800 231700


44 Waflaw

Jim Murllly 232 00 M MI Morris

Michele Secco 23S500 F Geneseo

Bfflfll Ewwtl 240200 M 48 Balavia 25 David 8rongo 24middot0400 46 livonia


PhllIlpMa Oevid Page latJ1ie White J3aluo~ne Hoyt

2 middot1200 2 middot23()() 2 3200 2 33middot00


48 Fioch41sler 40 PIIIT) 34 celtl

The Greater Rochester Track C lub would like 0

announce and welcome our new track club


Brian ArcIJibIJld wero-Ctay

2 middot4300 2 500


30 3

Rochesler Geneseo

members thai joined us over the past month

WiliBm $anlCX 2 5200 M 55 Waruw 33



Roy Chrislopher Smith Ieflore KraJt Koooeth Uptegrove Hoylt WiWiamBIiss Mickey dotlbins Baba18 Mason

250900 2511middot00 2534 00 261000 26 200 265400 213300 21middot ~ 00

M M f


41 Bm 39 Gestio

5 Castile

bull Cestile 30 Casr~e

12 Caslie 52 Genesco

David Valvo Rochester

Allen Thse A lbion

Highland Mal) Moontain Webster

Barb3ra Thompson Webster

Edward Orlando Rochester

Angi e Simpson Rochester

Kathy Suh Rochester

CloyselltliIsko 293300 M 33 Hamburg Sieve and C l audia Brent Penfield

000 Philips Cecil Kasko

294200 301700


62 68

Philade~la PA ClBarwaier FL

Jason Cornwell N ewark

Patrick DeeAQy 30 1800 Castile

Malhew Sp8flCef 301800 Cast~e 46 Amy Gampedy 302200 f 26 Cast ile

Jllne Mehoney 304700 F 48 Rochester

Michael Spe0C8r 322200 M 13 CampsIMo

Karen Dlc lfa fSOJl 3321middot00 F ~8 Belln l 50 GlIOfge TWlson 34middot1300 M 69 Shlrtslllie

Marsha TUson 355900 F 76 ShoI1svlle 52 CtvySlle Smith 314900 f 40 CampsIrie 53 Joo DegoIy~ 40-29 middot00 12 Casli le 5lt Tommy Dobtlit 40middot37 00 M 10 Ca91~O


ZO wn7701 HUSlfId 7111 O~ Mefl

40sWomargtW AtoI~J CIlIIe 7721 (US WOITgttII )01 wornThe rlH CIvtsIO ~

1) Women Susan 8onklibul t 27 -shy 71SI II Tum LVfn ~~ ee 71 3OSWomn p_slaa~ 1112 MiedTumCIvgtsIt CuIlIf1 Obotrhollelo1tII8IIJO ~-s1e (UnOH 7002 2a-Wome


MlnS Tm 791 2OsWonfnJudy SemeoOJtI

Weltgt6yAIitIOC 45 ~Inn 111_27 2OS Women 10101111 ScMeCIr lOlMn pelaquoMmet ~

Wam~middotTbullbullJoSllfl~ ln Jon TQOt1I WomenS Tu as s~MOII1--

8003 501 Mlln Feu Scheible Men Tum

)0 W9m O IBuVuet T-y 8i1hono1411 30 Mluod Team AAtgtOIgty AIduccn Men Til rI04IIT~ Ml~tltl Tum Toungml rgtJYOIII


ASMltIzamplOe~n 401 Men401 Worn12Nay alIIus 40middot 11 til FomtIiA 44 50 MHI lOUie

Deni Cobtek 10720s WOOMn 8113 20 we1M UIlI HUlClngs 10lt1 4l 0gt ~ W $I

laIoI0 SIl amp0 lot Scod SlIarar10S 1I1 1131 401 WornOpW- Ed S1abirts R_C_W~ OW_1208 AfIIetle SUII II IIOIIMenBob b Ag G1MIII NIrIIW 6322 ly

8)25 women ham ~wroCgtou9leltly 41hMrnJolin GfoeSDeet w1I1III eUlBoll RelUI

1 GRTC Calendar 2 ~

Running road races co~p1led by G~orge T111son Road R~ce Coord1nator Greater Rochester Trac~ Club (716-289-4250) Where available the 8ch~dul~ In c ludes date8 tlm~$ registration tee race dir~ctor contact ad~ress and telephone nunber and ~here to meet

Wedneday evenings 6 1~ pili The Cert1f ied Five and Diners 5 dle training

Oct 4 Sat ~ OO ampIII

runsJane [aculll 71~ -264-094L Mendon Ponds Sec n Area -United Way Kick-Off Clasaic 10k $10 Pre by 9 30 $ J 3 Pot Long sleeve T-shirt chiCKen barbec ue dinner included ~9rma Lamberson United Way 83 W Bayard St Seneca taIls 13148 315-~68-9~73 meet at United WayshySt Patrick School W Bayard

Oct 4 Sat 10 00 pili -Apple Derby 5 Hile Run Hilton Applefes t We~kend

$10 Pre by 103 $12 Poet T-shirts Steve Powler Hilton-Parm Recreation ~g Henry St Hilton 14468 71~-392 - 9030 Hllton HJgh Schoo l

Oct 4 Sat 8 4~ a~ Roberts We aleya n College 91 Hoeco~ing Miles Pre $6 b~ 923 S10 Poet 2 _lle Fun Run at 6 00a~ Office ot Oevelop~ent 716-~9-6500 meet at Lif~ Fltne~s Canter

Oct 4 Sat HY ChIropract i c Co llege Cross Co~ntry Invitational Varait y JV Froah Boys amp Girls Open Race Russ Ebbetts Y Chiropractic College Rt 69 Sen~ca

Falls 13148 Oct 11 Sat 930 a~ Apple 6 Pu~p~in Harvest Festival ~K Cross Coun try

RunWalk S10 Pre $12 Post T-shir ts Benefit Hospice o f Orleans County ~argy Brown Br own s eerryfu~pkjn

Oct J 6 Sat JO ~ 30 amp111

Patch 716-682 - 5569 Meet at Brown e 14 264 Roosevelty Waterport NY Run for Hosptce 5K bull 2 ~lle fitness walk Benefit VialtJng HUTee Hoaplce Foundation $ 13 Pre bV 10 11 Post $17 Designer T-shirts Huge Race Party with rood+bev~rage amp aany door prles Pete van Peurselll 3 4 DenlshJre Or Rochester 14624 ~94- 4 191 Heet at First BIble eaptlst ChurCh 1039 H Greece Rd Greece

Oct 18 Sat 9 00 aa Henrietta 8reakfast RunS Miles +Chlldrens Mile at 8 30 Raee includes breaktfst ~ Ml1 e-810 Pre by 10 15 813 Post Jan~ Iacull1 Henrietta Recreation Dept 475 Calk i ns Roa d Hen~ietta 14~67 7J6-3~9-2~40 Meet at Winslow EleMentary School Calkins Rd He nrietta

Oct 25 Sat 9 00 aa Shepherds Heart Christian Fellowship ~K Manna Run Pre 5 12 by 1018 Post 514 Linited to 11 5 racers Inc ludes Breakfast + T-shirt Proceeds for develo~en~ or Youth C~nteT Dave OLeary 2~4-1927 Heet at Greece Orange 1301 Long Pond Rd next to Fire House

Nov 8 Sat 9 ~30 a~ Mendon Trail 10K Run $5 Pre by 11 1 $ 8 Post Loop course Good well lIIar~ed trails (lK on road) Larry Zygo115-227-7618Heet at East Lodge Men4 on Ponds Park

Nov 23 Sun 900 a -Turkey Claaaic 5 1II11e road race 1 IIIjle run run $12 Pre 916 Poet T-shlrts Paul Anderson Southeast YMCA 111 S Jefferson Rd Pittsford 14534 383- 579

ov 27 Thur 9 00 aa -Race wIth Grace 10K $12 Pre by 11 22 51~ Post long sleeved 8hJrt 12 nile tun run for c hildr e n Run wIth Pastor George Grace Bob DyjaK laa Kj~ Lane Ro chester 1t626 116-2 25-6560 Meet at First Blble Baptist Church No Greece Rd

Nov 27 Thur lOam Newark Turkey Oay 6 Miler Joe Contario 909 Pej~son Ave Mewark 145 13 3 15-331- 2bullbull 9 Meet at HewBrk Elk s Club Katn St at Cen t ral Park

Nov 29 Sat 11 00 a~ R f TUrke~ Run 5 al l ee $5 Prp $ 10 Post Bil l Quinllampk 412 HUMbolt St Roches ter 1461 0 482- 637 1 Hendon Ponds Park beach parking lot

Dec 7 Sun 9 00 bullbull JJngle Sell Run 5K $15 Pre S18 Post T-shirts lots of tood at Post Ra c e Party 271 -2510 Arthritis Foundation 2423 Monroe Ave Ror-hester 14618

Oee 27 Sat 845 a middotPost Christmas Blues Run- 5 K Unusual awards Post race famous tony Farraro c hill feast Vern Hecker 3452 Oehs n Rd Canandaigua 14424 716-39 4-4 075 Mee t at Me t hodist ChurCh No rth Main St Canandaigua


Oct 4 Sat 8 30 a~ The Great Cortl~nd Pu~pkinte9t SK Challenge $10 Pre $11 Poat tree 1 aile fun run as 8 1 Haro)~ Whlte 607-756-1875 Meet at Geared 2 Sporta 24 Cour t St Cortland NY

Oct 5 Sun 9 30 bullbull middot Syracuae Feativa] of Rac e s Wo~ens amp Hens 5K Fun Run t or Kids Dav~ OJa 213 Scott Ave Syracuse 13~~ 4 31$-46-6285 Hanley Field Hou~e Syracuse University

Oct 6 Sun 9 00~ middotWineglass Maratho n + 3 per~on relay S25 by 9 15 S35 Post lono sl~eved shirta FinJsh at Corning Glasa Center Hark Landin Bo x It7 COTntn9 14830 607-937shy6184 Meet at Philips Lighting Co Rt 5 4H Bath

To request a registration for~ by aall send a SASE to assist the race direct o r In hiaher volunteer efforts

middot USA Track amp Pield Cert itle~ Race Course

Sept HI 1997

SCOTJJE BANTON MARATHON PORT HURON 1111 813197 rochesterMatt Caton 30018 Terry Heist 33609 Tim Matthews 3 39 Norm Frank 315

4th annual Mendon Trail Run 10K and 20K

Saturday Novmher 8 1997 930 AM East -odge Mendon Ponds Park

Cotl r n 10 km loop laquolU$C 10 klJl on rQIICIJ 05 km HI fields 85 1 on ~ l rJih Oplion 01 ooine one loop or rcpUl ing loop (Of 10K The rounc will lie tll - nu1~td with Sol reamcn on Imil l lnd I collbioaliolll or (hall( srearnen aM l1o fliC conu 10 mark route a l road 11051 15 alld on open ndd

C(JurSof 1ttrOrdSl 2OK shy 1Ykt1 DoI c Hi~h(lff 1 19) 9 W Olty Utd GlOlSflIIn 13348shyIOK - Men [)e Bitcho(f 37-jIJ W~n Bryn Mull igan 48 16

Slon East Lodc hich hlocllt(j on CMfield Rood (nonh (Ul1lOt road 10 park) aboul 0 8 mi les ~ 01 Clovel ROIId

HHls YrI fhere will bot hills1 We cuimltllc r roo fCCI or elin ptr 10K rrrgt- Nilgt PR COIIr SC

Water AI stftlfinish pillS n ile vJIlt ~op about 6 km inlo loop

Rod cronlng Tllerc will be roul crosinamps of park IUlid t ltler( will be no rood manh3l1s 10 runl1elS are ~pon5ible 10 their 58lely when cr05liing rOflds

Entry fce $5 if posImarkcd by November I $I R[[or Novernbu I and on day 0( 11KX

TlfIlt Onmiddotl ite ni ~ rltion and ehe(kmiddot in bet w~en ROO and 9 15 AM Rsoce $I~ru a 930

Alc G r oup Male undcr40 m40 nd n Female ulldu40and 40and over

A rd~ The tory of your rnme in rhe RQChe$lerOrienlccrill~ ClubllJld he G RTC TlCw$te el1

SpO Olor SponlOnXl byhe Rohuer (Kicnarin O ub (but his is II an orien tto rnl even)

Informallon ConlOC Larry Zyo 227middot768

Entry Form - Mendon Trail Run November S 1997

Name Agc _ _ _ Scx _ _ _

Addrcss _________________ _ ______ _

Phone Len~th Planned 10K 20K Enry fee $5 i(1J08lIl31kod by November 1 S8(~reafler M~ke chlaquok payable fo7tRocllesla Orienllaquoring Club Mail rompleled 8pplict ioo 10 Dick Dctilr 422 Woodlaod LarJc Websle r NY 14500

WAIVER I llie uodcrsilned acop full respomibi1ity fOJ 1II)lClf and for an) injuries I mlly incurdurinc Ihis trail run I have nod this pplicatioo end I fully undentand thaI pranicipaline in th is event y be dallgeroU$ 10 my heAlih Sprained ankles and WristA laceraliom bruises broken bone lithlnin mikes animl biles collisions wilh vehicles hYpolntrmia and heal uhaustion are rra t possibilities I (ully underst8nd that there will be 110 medical or emergency personnel on the course I have trainod Jurric ienlly for thi event I will fK)j

hold any 0( the OfJani1OJ1 tnt Councyof Mon~ the Roche~C( Orientecrine O Ub land owners any agency within Ihc Mate of Ncw York or any volunteers ~1ponsibk My actionsoci mishaps ~rc accoufllablc to no one butI1lY$Clf

Date Slllllll~==c=_====_==ccc_---------If pcu1icipanl is under 18 thut pa~nt or ItWdian must also sign

Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






Seneca Zoo Society Race Results - 1997

2251 85 2258

80 22 58 IDshyer 23 02 Porulrll()nllt ee 23 04 Ol(dnef ell 23 12 90 23 12 231 4 112 23 12 03 23 0


2318 2328






Alice HlIIscn IS the flrSI IOmWl in 17 - 1 ill the Jungle Jog 5K~E JOG 51( iAGE GRoPS Women to 1lt1

Harter _~~28 ~_ 2450 2Oro~L11AO

WIlaquogt ~)~ 3IU

~~_40~W~ SI19 Klle Mlntl -~~-shy- ~ ~~ ~rdri~ ~tino2 -1~ ~c_ 003 WendtUHStephwlle TIIner

Women 45 49Women 20124 --1915 1 Sanch Ebliog1952 i~ (cIletta shy~~ Ikh shy ~


~ IAlce

~ ISabrian

~ l~ shy

22S0 2338


2738 2946

- bull 2736_ ~~1~L~~ Womero lOll __ SuYn 01 2552=f~SSI59- -JHansen ~ ~~~ 12610 2Weis 2005shy

lsa~_ Rojas _ 31 18 ~ -- _-~~04 3

Iwomen 60164 Women 3535 1 TIl 13644ZO~ 2141 2 3 v 2218 -4shy

-Ako W UI~Iy_ R1 SuslnI~~ wo2 IotiIU

3 Beetl 10ltgt M- Cindy

PloW ~yenLlur1I 2 3

2 3 I 2


~ ~ ~ J a

sect ~



i 7lt4 7

1814 19 15 195 2 2004

20g~ 20 ~ 2044 2 115 214 1

bull - ~




i~ l Pa~ 30 3 -=- s 102UIQcb

~On1oIn SOlS4 (Jn11o 6M -=l=~29 1 ii 1 = shy

L 2602~ rOO-=

- - - - -

Ene Anish wins the Jungle Jog 5K in 155 7

- bull - up i~middot1middotmiddotmiddot r- --Men 35 39

oWee TwWtno bull 2021 middot Iin ~- -~ t i 40I - i lbMphkIbert Dettman 2256 --i lKevIn _ SheeNn-(yte Van~ 23 12 ~ Srrith 9til - )

Men 15 19 I- Men 4014C--+~= IQn ul1 1126 1 Blyce Walker 19n I IlhiIIip Varhurwm 848 - 2 ~ff Downs 20 09 Phil 2 (abhan r-)9J3 3 Ridl3rd ~ f-lOom shy 1

Metl 2ot24 - Men 4549 Pal 1735 I JoM -fYIaIl1OIlt 20

ltgt9 Rahov 2214 2 Stephen 21 - 1middotmiddot- 3 =--- Hushard bull 2226 3BII PIxley 21

_ _ __ f- shyMen 2529 Men 5054

- - A~h-----iSS7 1 Da~ W~lkef 19E~lexi5 snchez 1754 2 Ronald 2ngrino 2C

11_ ~urJIIIn 2203 --1 RIcherd Va~er~ 21 i1 middotmiddotmiddot~ _

1N3OJ - - - - _ bull 1641 1 Men 5S~~__ _ AI _ _ bullbull _ AI Srrith 22

1 RdvIke 1111 2 e -- Gi- 1757 3 Jim Pte -f l i I

Sanford Toole 241 ~I~ _

Men 60 64 n

0eI Popolo 2926 2i ~- ~ ~ 6S169 2240poundII) )J ~Elesenstt in

3344 3Tiliton

] ~

~ ~ x 0 ~

~ e o secta

Joseph Hunza (313 In l U 8) holds off Robert Saccnte(35 in 2 159) to fini sh 4-81h at the Junample Jog

Renee Rombaut (N152) IS followed by Peter Glavin (296) John Ca llahan (11250) and Michael Tarantlllo (27 1) Just after the start ofl ile Jungle Jog 5K Renee was the second plxe woman ( 12th place overall) in 1834 Pele Glavin ended up 8th overaU In ) 757



bull 5 7io

1 _ vshy shy ~ ltt -- 0

- Andrew Courtney finishes first in the Mile Trai l T rot in 6 55

Photo courtesy of Seneca Zoo Society

700 1

iaI I ~~~I 3

4~~~~ B43 5

931 6 941 7

948 81 1000 9 1001 10



4331 00 440700 401 21 00 445400









GATe Couples Bun - 8J3OJ9Z

eJaco bIamB Ago lime CataoolV

1 Renee RombaulfScon Peiser 2 Beth DeCianUslTom Gabruk 3 April MessengerRoger Messenger 4 Nan Park RumbaughJeff Rumbaugh

Allison SnyderJason HeHenbaugh 6 Ann MessengerRyan Messenger 7 Katie FantauuolPhil Goodwin 8 Sue RowleyRich Van Almkerk 9 Rebecca BethlendyGabor Bethlendy

Karen LarkinKevin Larkin 11 Lisa BrancaRichard AgUtn8 12 Cheryl GunderrnanlBob Gunderman 13 Jennifer PenamonteJohn Penamonte 14 Amy CookGeoff Cook

Ei~en WainpressfMdlael Weil1gtress 16 Karin GogolskyKevin Shaw 17 Kristen KasslerMarvin Rus 18 MacKenzie DumarEart Cliffel 19 Anita ShawfOr Rodney Shaw

Susan GoodwinMichael Goodwin 21 Stacy BabcockPeter Haggerty 22 Terry TestJon Baldwin 23 Michelle CourtrightIMark Frye 24 Jan McCulloughIMike McCullough

Debbie lovolVlou lovali 26 Virginia BrownfBarry Brown 27 Tara HetzeVFred Plimpton 28 Jean Agos1ineJlvDavid Smi1h 29 Claudia BrenVSteve Brent

8ridgene RiverslS1even Rivers 31 Pat HahnEd Stablns 32 Jennifer Gatesllarry LoMaglio 33 Janet CourtrightPhilip Nelson 34 Katie SearslBrian Sears

Dawn WilcoxJeff Washburn 36 Karen MorriSMorrey Goldman 37 Marsha TillsonGeorge Tillson

SO-59 7(H9 60-69 50-59 lt40 lt40 lt40

60-89 SO-59 60-69 50-59 70-79 60-69 60-69 80-89 80-89 80-89 70-79 110+ 60-89 60-89 90-99 50-59 7()79 50-59 90-99 50-59 70-79

100-109 40-49

100-109 70-79 90-99

100-109 100-109 100-109

11 0+

03608 03712 037045 Pa renUChiid 03915 HusbandINife 03934 00410311 BrotherSister 004154 0042 16 Corp - Kodak 004236 HusbandlWife 0 42049 HusbandJWHe 04325 Corp - WS Svcs 043 46 HusbandlWife 007 ParenVChild 04417 HusbandlWife 04516 HusbandlWife 004537 046001 04629 0046041 HusbandJWHe 004746 HusbandWife 04753 Corp - RIT 004819 04852 04942 Corp - ESG 04954 HusbandWife 0SO32 ParenUChikl 05221 ParentChild 05315 Corp - Kodak 05340 HusbandJWife 05429 ParentChild 05540 05720 Corp - RIT 05811 1 01 08 HusbandlWife 10252 ParentChild 108 16 11024 HusbandlWife

HomeStJetch Harrier Cl1c 11 SK Rnulta

FlngellAke Race Track

Saturday Augua l30 1997

Results counesy eX Robb Smillie and GVH WNW rronliemel netl-G VH

bull -10shyI

Country Day 91397

I Chdno()llltor ~ ll ubull po l nlt 14 I l PAnict f(r1I~1 ltgtn 14 17 ] Kevi n Cn h 14U 4 Ntrh_ 1b11I 1504 ~ Chp Ca l u lha j5 U Sto O l h nd I~ I I 7 C~ 101 2bull Dono Itofhl U ll Jor_ rhUboo u 1~ 10 10 li d Ilac~_11 SU 11 fl DKa n H ll Co r ic) oy u ]tCI Mc(gtJ~jrl 11 coll (1 bullbull11 u It l16 J OO~1 145H ~gt n ln Llwh I6 t U H 1amp0 ~nltllburk 11I 11 Nick ~r P dl It ~athr in Cva n~o h j7 u

It Cpamp 11 1 7 IIaUck 11 )1 Jltlssie Car 11 41 Dltgtv l oS _h 19Dl Bi ll sctt 10 n Chris N U o 12 1) T ~_ 22 14 J ohn Robac n middotn HI) S oel 22 51 AI ico HAftbullbull 2) O JiOC) b 21 dS ~t WlulM 24 01

bullbull Tltgtdd poundgt0 14 5) 10 Nug t Har~ 2S IS ~IAamp A U5ATF I II PAul Albn m 2S 21 12 Donnl C1gtoDa 21 01 11 Sharon_ 17 00 H I a ndr_ llLonaege 100IS Jo Oooltty 21 0)

iOn) Korto 1$ 41 ChampltI~ Kh thBd 2 18 u 80b Epal a d ~ ) 0 21t_rt 800 Vo lk 10 J4gt0

u Clwvl 1ofuy )l 00 Den evaltt )1n a i d so rResults courtesy eX Robb Snlill ie md U oond

I Cof r~ Mol t~nrt 919GVH wwwfrontiemelnetJ-GVH An~ l kdh lS J An ltleu C~ l l 0 9 4J Joah ~hlllgtM 100 ) ~ An~rw Blancha rd 1005 6 Colin Kofll -V IO C5 7 J I C 10 11 T_ h 18 II IUcha I tU 10 Itbullbull 10 Tyl 1_10 10 15 li 11 Man l bull LO n

Shdl) ~nn bull bull lO n s11 N )iO ID middotlt 101 4J Iwf)I Can 11 MARATHONERS Pie send noonll ( hu lu bull 10 U ~ampc ~ 101911 C Phamp 11 10your times and Slories abouL your II I_I Marrhbull bull )

11 12 bull19 td DoIglo II 21OUL-Or- town runs to lD Je bull bull toy U nt r H Colby C r oc ltf o ul llI I n

GRTC Newseller 1)10 td- II U n k-va c 11 1107 l O HOIll lo 11 245 Easl Streel Apl 215 U 07 Dgtrn l n r r y 12 17 16 Abby eo - C11ohiOn 11 nHoneoye Falls NY 14472 H 10 _I

11 1 Y_Io ]l H

29_ Nlke CoHuio Il 1 l D Cory l1Iu lII 11 5 n u~~U1V II d7

ALII IIhd Il n I I c hln ~I h n b rg r II S

Results by CATS Athletic Club RoclJesler NY CATS web pay at hupmiddotusersaolcomf il lopuslcatspage hllll

-1 2shy

CAST IL E LI BRARY =UNO RUN amp WALK middot 9113197 WALJltER$ Ctvis line Gozalskl 40I SmiddotOO 29 Cut~e

1lACpound 10M Furgample MKh8e Garger

IlIlE 16middot2100 17middot1300



Roche5ler 28 Avon

AIIcl lo Be~rclsley Valerie Panlccw KaI~COffe

031 OQ

047 00 OmiddotSI-OO

P011agevi_e 33 C8IliIe S GJlnsv~18

3 bull7

Soon Flhinehan Frank Beck DonSpenca Slav Rillers Bob IA loW Maggie WhoIeNln Chrl5IophtIr SlVfm Pele 5CCOodo

175500 1634 00 18800 190400 1915middot00 191600 193400 19)6middot00



3 30 6 36 6 2S 18 29

Geneseo Warlall CasIU Victor Penl ield Leroy Castle Home

DIane Saoten 5127 00 Mrt JNoo Beardslo 47 08 00 Marey VlIfZ(lCII 10900 CarOlyn l yons 71600 Jolm RWtY 41~ OO

CirIctf Balbef 415100 LI$8 Conklin 485800 Mary Jane York 485800


46 47 55 46 33 53


PorIaf1Qvii lo Cas1i1e Wrsaw Tecumseh MO Ctstle Ceslle Ceslile

Johl Morganti 201600 M 16 Ptx1amp9Bvih LoriRooens S22200 27 Warsaw

JamMlynch 2050middot00 M 31 Geooseo Rick HaUHf 522 100 26 Perry

03v1d Grangampl BarryWe~

21 2 100 2 15 100


35 52

SilYGr SpIIngS Aoctlester


WIllard OegotrlH 522200 No TIme

27 50

Pttry Cut

Malhew Dlck8reon 215600 M 17 Bellast Maureen Degoyer No Tim e 49 Carie

KenRe~en 2201 00 M 45 Geneseo Karen Pankow No Time 32 C8s1l1e

Jo Stone Heelhet Biodc4I1b Dllvid Haske_

223000 225300 22middot5600

f F M

39 Geneseo

p52 Nunda

l ois Palltlow No Tma 53 CosIMe


Bruc Caktwell Thomas Quail

230800 231700


44 Waflaw

Jim Murllly 232 00 M MI Morris

Michele Secco 23S500 F Geneseo

Bfflfll Ewwtl 240200 M 48 Balavia 25 David 8rongo 24middot0400 46 livonia


PhllIlpMa Oevid Page latJ1ie White J3aluo~ne Hoyt

2 middot1200 2 middot23()() 2 3200 2 33middot00


48 Fioch41sler 40 PIIIT) 34 celtl

The Greater Rochester Track C lub would like 0

announce and welcome our new track club


Brian ArcIJibIJld wero-Ctay

2 middot4300 2 500


30 3

Rochesler Geneseo

members thai joined us over the past month

WiliBm $anlCX 2 5200 M 55 Waruw 33



Roy Chrislopher Smith Ieflore KraJt Koooeth Uptegrove Hoylt WiWiamBIiss Mickey dotlbins Baba18 Mason

250900 2511middot00 2534 00 261000 26 200 265400 213300 21middot ~ 00

M M f


41 Bm 39 Gestio

5 Castile

bull Cestile 30 Casr~e

12 Caslie 52 Genesco

David Valvo Rochester

Allen Thse A lbion

Highland Mal) Moontain Webster

Barb3ra Thompson Webster

Edward Orlando Rochester

Angi e Simpson Rochester

Kathy Suh Rochester

CloyselltliIsko 293300 M 33 Hamburg Sieve and C l audia Brent Penfield

000 Philips Cecil Kasko

294200 301700


62 68

Philade~la PA ClBarwaier FL

Jason Cornwell N ewark

Patrick DeeAQy 30 1800 Castile

Malhew Sp8flCef 301800 Cast~e 46 Amy Gampedy 302200 f 26 Cast ile

Jllne Mehoney 304700 F 48 Rochester

Michael Spe0C8r 322200 M 13 CampsIMo

Karen Dlc lfa fSOJl 3321middot00 F ~8 Belln l 50 GlIOfge TWlson 34middot1300 M 69 Shlrtslllie

Marsha TUson 355900 F 76 ShoI1svlle 52 CtvySlle Smith 314900 f 40 CampsIrie 53 Joo DegoIy~ 40-29 middot00 12 Casli le 5lt Tommy Dobtlit 40middot37 00 M 10 Ca91~O


ZO wn7701 HUSlfId 7111 O~ Mefl

40sWomargtW AtoI~J CIlIIe 7721 (US WOITgttII )01 wornThe rlH CIvtsIO ~

1) Women Susan 8onklibul t 27 -shy 71SI II Tum LVfn ~~ ee 71 3OSWomn p_slaa~ 1112 MiedTumCIvgtsIt CuIlIf1 Obotrhollelo1tII8IIJO ~-s1e (UnOH 7002 2a-Wome


MlnS Tm 791 2OsWonfnJudy SemeoOJtI

Weltgt6yAIitIOC 45 ~Inn 111_27 2OS Women 10101111 ScMeCIr lOlMn pelaquoMmet ~

Wam~middotTbullbullJoSllfl~ ln Jon TQOt1I WomenS Tu as s~MOII1--

8003 501 Mlln Feu Scheible Men Tum

)0 W9m O IBuVuet T-y 8i1hono1411 30 Mluod Team AAtgtOIgty AIduccn Men Til rI04IIT~ Ml~tltl Tum Toungml rgtJYOIII


ASMltIzamplOe~n 401 Men401 Worn12Nay alIIus 40middot 11 til FomtIiA 44 50 MHI lOUie

Deni Cobtek 10720s WOOMn 8113 20 we1M UIlI HUlClngs 10lt1 4l 0gt ~ W $I

laIoI0 SIl amp0 lot Scod SlIarar10S 1I1 1131 401 WornOpW- Ed S1abirts R_C_W~ OW_1208 AfIIetle SUII II IIOIIMenBob b Ag G1MIII NIrIIW 6322 ly

8)25 women ham ~wroCgtou9leltly 41hMrnJolin GfoeSDeet w1I1III eUlBoll RelUI

1 GRTC Calendar 2 ~

Running road races co~p1led by G~orge T111son Road R~ce Coord1nator Greater Rochester Trac~ Club (716-289-4250) Where available the 8ch~dul~ In c ludes date8 tlm~$ registration tee race dir~ctor contact ad~ress and telephone nunber and ~here to meet

Wedneday evenings 6 1~ pili The Cert1f ied Five and Diners 5 dle training

Oct 4 Sat ~ OO ampIII

runsJane [aculll 71~ -264-094L Mendon Ponds Sec n Area -United Way Kick-Off Clasaic 10k $10 Pre by 9 30 $ J 3 Pot Long sleeve T-shirt chiCKen barbec ue dinner included ~9rma Lamberson United Way 83 W Bayard St Seneca taIls 13148 315-~68-9~73 meet at United WayshySt Patrick School W Bayard

Oct 4 Sat 10 00 pili -Apple Derby 5 Hile Run Hilton Applefes t We~kend

$10 Pre by 103 $12 Poet T-shirts Steve Powler Hilton-Parm Recreation ~g Henry St Hilton 14468 71~-392 - 9030 Hllton HJgh Schoo l

Oct 4 Sat 8 4~ a~ Roberts We aleya n College 91 Hoeco~ing Miles Pre $6 b~ 923 S10 Poet 2 _lle Fun Run at 6 00a~ Office ot Oevelop~ent 716-~9-6500 meet at Lif~ Fltne~s Canter

Oct 4 Sat HY ChIropract i c Co llege Cross Co~ntry Invitational Varait y JV Froah Boys amp Girls Open Race Russ Ebbetts Y Chiropractic College Rt 69 Sen~ca

Falls 13148 Oct 11 Sat 930 a~ Apple 6 Pu~p~in Harvest Festival ~K Cross Coun try

RunWalk S10 Pre $12 Post T-shir ts Benefit Hospice o f Orleans County ~argy Brown Br own s eerryfu~pkjn

Oct J 6 Sat JO ~ 30 amp111

Patch 716-682 - 5569 Meet at Brown e 14 264 Roosevelty Waterport NY Run for Hosptce 5K bull 2 ~lle fitness walk Benefit VialtJng HUTee Hoaplce Foundation $ 13 Pre bV 10 11 Post $17 Designer T-shirts Huge Race Party with rood+bev~rage amp aany door prles Pete van Peurselll 3 4 DenlshJre Or Rochester 14624 ~94- 4 191 Heet at First BIble eaptlst ChurCh 1039 H Greece Rd Greece

Oct 18 Sat 9 00 aa Henrietta 8reakfast RunS Miles +Chlldrens Mile at 8 30 Raee includes breaktfst ~ Ml1 e-810 Pre by 10 15 813 Post Jan~ Iacull1 Henrietta Recreation Dept 475 Calk i ns Roa d Hen~ietta 14~67 7J6-3~9-2~40 Meet at Winslow EleMentary School Calkins Rd He nrietta

Oct 25 Sat 9 00 aa Shepherds Heart Christian Fellowship ~K Manna Run Pre 5 12 by 1018 Post 514 Linited to 11 5 racers Inc ludes Breakfast + T-shirt Proceeds for develo~en~ or Youth C~nteT Dave OLeary 2~4-1927 Heet at Greece Orange 1301 Long Pond Rd next to Fire House

Nov 8 Sat 9 ~30 a~ Mendon Trail 10K Run $5 Pre by 11 1 $ 8 Post Loop course Good well lIIar~ed trails (lK on road) Larry Zygo115-227-7618Heet at East Lodge Men4 on Ponds Park

Nov 23 Sun 900 a -Turkey Claaaic 5 1II11e road race 1 IIIjle run run $12 Pre 916 Poet T-shlrts Paul Anderson Southeast YMCA 111 S Jefferson Rd Pittsford 14534 383- 579

ov 27 Thur 9 00 aa -Race wIth Grace 10K $12 Pre by 11 22 51~ Post long sleeved 8hJrt 12 nile tun run for c hildr e n Run wIth Pastor George Grace Bob DyjaK laa Kj~ Lane Ro chester 1t626 116-2 25-6560 Meet at First Blble Baptist Church No Greece Rd

Nov 27 Thur lOam Newark Turkey Oay 6 Miler Joe Contario 909 Pej~son Ave Mewark 145 13 3 15-331- 2bullbull 9 Meet at HewBrk Elk s Club Katn St at Cen t ral Park

Nov 29 Sat 11 00 a~ R f TUrke~ Run 5 al l ee $5 Prp $ 10 Post Bil l Quinllampk 412 HUMbolt St Roches ter 1461 0 482- 637 1 Hendon Ponds Park beach parking lot

Dec 7 Sun 9 00 bullbull JJngle Sell Run 5K $15 Pre S18 Post T-shirts lots of tood at Post Ra c e Party 271 -2510 Arthritis Foundation 2423 Monroe Ave Ror-hester 14618

Oee 27 Sat 845 a middotPost Christmas Blues Run- 5 K Unusual awards Post race famous tony Farraro c hill feast Vern Hecker 3452 Oehs n Rd Canandaigua 14424 716-39 4-4 075 Mee t at Me t hodist ChurCh No rth Main St Canandaigua


Oct 4 Sat 8 30 a~ The Great Cortl~nd Pu~pkinte9t SK Challenge $10 Pre $11 Poat tree 1 aile fun run as 8 1 Haro)~ Whlte 607-756-1875 Meet at Geared 2 Sporta 24 Cour t St Cortland NY

Oct 5 Sun 9 30 bullbull middot Syracuae Feativa] of Rac e s Wo~ens amp Hens 5K Fun Run t or Kids Dav~ OJa 213 Scott Ave Syracuse 13~~ 4 31$-46-6285 Hanley Field Hou~e Syracuse University

Oct 6 Sun 9 00~ middotWineglass Maratho n + 3 per~on relay S25 by 9 15 S35 Post lono sl~eved shirta FinJsh at Corning Glasa Center Hark Landin Bo x It7 COTntn9 14830 607-937shy6184 Meet at Philips Lighting Co Rt 5 4H Bath

To request a registration for~ by aall send a SASE to assist the race direct o r In hiaher volunteer efforts

middot USA Track amp Pield Cert itle~ Race Course

Sept HI 1997

SCOTJJE BANTON MARATHON PORT HURON 1111 813197 rochesterMatt Caton 30018 Terry Heist 33609 Tim Matthews 3 39 Norm Frank 315

4th annual Mendon Trail Run 10K and 20K

Saturday Novmher 8 1997 930 AM East -odge Mendon Ponds Park

Cotl r n 10 km loop laquolU$C 10 klJl on rQIICIJ 05 km HI fields 85 1 on ~ l rJih Oplion 01 ooine one loop or rcpUl ing loop (Of 10K The rounc will lie tll - nu1~td with Sol reamcn on Imil l lnd I collbioaliolll or (hall( srearnen aM l1o fliC conu 10 mark route a l road 11051 15 alld on open ndd

C(JurSof 1ttrOrdSl 2OK shy 1Ykt1 DoI c Hi~h(lff 1 19) 9 W Olty Utd GlOlSflIIn 13348shyIOK - Men [)e Bitcho(f 37-jIJ W~n Bryn Mull igan 48 16

Slon East Lodc hich hlocllt(j on CMfield Rood (nonh (Ul1lOt road 10 park) aboul 0 8 mi les ~ 01 Clovel ROIId

HHls YrI fhere will bot hills1 We cuimltllc r roo fCCI or elin ptr 10K rrrgt- Nilgt PR COIIr SC

Water AI stftlfinish pillS n ile vJIlt ~op about 6 km inlo loop

Rod cronlng Tllerc will be roul crosinamps of park IUlid t ltler( will be no rood manh3l1s 10 runl1elS are ~pon5ible 10 their 58lely when cr05liing rOflds

Entry fce $5 if posImarkcd by November I $I R[[or Novernbu I and on day 0( 11KX

TlfIlt Onmiddotl ite ni ~ rltion and ehe(kmiddot in bet w~en ROO and 9 15 AM Rsoce $I~ru a 930

Alc G r oup Male undcr40 m40 nd n Female ulldu40and 40and over

A rd~ The tory of your rnme in rhe RQChe$lerOrienlccrill~ ClubllJld he G RTC TlCw$te el1

SpO Olor SponlOnXl byhe Rohuer (Kicnarin O ub (but his is II an orien tto rnl even)

Informallon ConlOC Larry Zyo 227middot768

Entry Form - Mendon Trail Run November S 1997

Name Agc _ _ _ Scx _ _ _

Addrcss _________________ _ ______ _

Phone Len~th Planned 10K 20K Enry fee $5 i(1J08lIl31kod by November 1 S8(~reafler M~ke chlaquok payable fo7tRocllesla Orienllaquoring Club Mail rompleled 8pplict ioo 10 Dick Dctilr 422 Woodlaod LarJc Websle r NY 14500

WAIVER I llie uodcrsilned acop full respomibi1ity fOJ 1II)lClf and for an) injuries I mlly incurdurinc Ihis trail run I have nod this pplicatioo end I fully undentand thaI pranicipaline in th is event y be dallgeroU$ 10 my heAlih Sprained ankles and WristA laceraliom bruises broken bone lithlnin mikes animl biles collisions wilh vehicles hYpolntrmia and heal uhaustion are rra t possibilities I (ully underst8nd that there will be 110 medical or emergency personnel on the course I have trainod Jurric ienlly for thi event I will fK)j

hold any 0( the OfJani1OJ1 tnt Councyof Mon~ the Roche~C( Orientecrine O Ub land owners any agency within Ihc Mate of Ncw York or any volunteers ~1ponsibk My actionsoci mishaps ~rc accoufllablc to no one butI1lY$Clf

Date Slllllll~==c=_====_==ccc_---------If pcu1icipanl is under 18 thut pa~nt or ItWdian must also sign

Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692











Alice HlIIscn IS the flrSI IOmWl in 17 - 1 ill the Jungle Jog 5K~E JOG 51( iAGE GRoPS Women to 1lt1

Harter _~~28 ~_ 2450 2Oro~L11AO

WIlaquogt ~)~ 3IU

~~_40~W~ SI19 Klle Mlntl -~~-shy- ~ ~~ ~rdri~ ~tino2 -1~ ~c_ 003 WendtUHStephwlle TIIner

Women 45 49Women 20124 --1915 1 Sanch Ebliog1952 i~ (cIletta shy~~ Ikh shy ~


~ IAlce

~ ISabrian

~ l~ shy

22S0 2338


2738 2946

- bull 2736_ ~~1~L~~ Womero lOll __ SuYn 01 2552=f~SSI59- -JHansen ~ ~~~ 12610 2Weis 2005shy

lsa~_ Rojas _ 31 18 ~ -- _-~~04 3

Iwomen 60164 Women 3535 1 TIl 13644ZO~ 2141 2 3 v 2218 -4shy

-Ako W UI~Iy_ R1 SuslnI~~ wo2 IotiIU

3 Beetl 10ltgt M- Cindy

PloW ~yenLlur1I 2 3

2 3 I 2


~ ~ ~ J a

sect ~



i 7lt4 7

1814 19 15 195 2 2004

20g~ 20 ~ 2044 2 115 214 1

bull - ~




i~ l Pa~ 30 3 -=- s 102UIQcb

~On1oIn SOlS4 (Jn11o 6M -=l=~29 1 ii 1 = shy

L 2602~ rOO-=

- - - - -

Ene Anish wins the Jungle Jog 5K in 155 7

- bull - up i~middot1middotmiddotmiddot r- --Men 35 39

oWee TwWtno bull 2021 middot Iin ~- -~ t i 40I - i lbMphkIbert Dettman 2256 --i lKevIn _ SheeNn-(yte Van~ 23 12 ~ Srrith 9til - )

Men 15 19 I- Men 4014C--+~= IQn ul1 1126 1 Blyce Walker 19n I IlhiIIip Varhurwm 848 - 2 ~ff Downs 20 09 Phil 2 (abhan r-)9J3 3 Ridl3rd ~ f-lOom shy 1

Metl 2ot24 - Men 4549 Pal 1735 I JoM -fYIaIl1OIlt 20

ltgt9 Rahov 2214 2 Stephen 21 - 1middotmiddot- 3 =--- Hushard bull 2226 3BII PIxley 21

_ _ __ f- shyMen 2529 Men 5054

- - A~h-----iSS7 1 Da~ W~lkef 19E~lexi5 snchez 1754 2 Ronald 2ngrino 2C

11_ ~urJIIIn 2203 --1 RIcherd Va~er~ 21 i1 middotmiddotmiddot~ _

1N3OJ - - - - _ bull 1641 1 Men 5S~~__ _ AI _ _ bullbull _ AI Srrith 22

1 RdvIke 1111 2 e -- Gi- 1757 3 Jim Pte -f l i I

Sanford Toole 241 ~I~ _

Men 60 64 n

0eI Popolo 2926 2i ~- ~ ~ 6S169 2240poundII) )J ~Elesenstt in

3344 3Tiliton

] ~

~ ~ x 0 ~

~ e o secta

Joseph Hunza (313 In l U 8) holds off Robert Saccnte(35 in 2 159) to fini sh 4-81h at the Junample Jog

Renee Rombaut (N152) IS followed by Peter Glavin (296) John Ca llahan (11250) and Michael Tarantlllo (27 1) Just after the start ofl ile Jungle Jog 5K Renee was the second plxe woman ( 12th place overall) in 1834 Pele Glavin ended up 8th overaU In ) 757



bull 5 7io

1 _ vshy shy ~ ltt -- 0

- Andrew Courtney finishes first in the Mile Trai l T rot in 6 55

Photo courtesy of Seneca Zoo Society

700 1

iaI I ~~~I 3

4~~~~ B43 5

931 6 941 7

948 81 1000 9 1001 10



4331 00 440700 401 21 00 445400









GATe Couples Bun - 8J3OJ9Z

eJaco bIamB Ago lime CataoolV

1 Renee RombaulfScon Peiser 2 Beth DeCianUslTom Gabruk 3 April MessengerRoger Messenger 4 Nan Park RumbaughJeff Rumbaugh

Allison SnyderJason HeHenbaugh 6 Ann MessengerRyan Messenger 7 Katie FantauuolPhil Goodwin 8 Sue RowleyRich Van Almkerk 9 Rebecca BethlendyGabor Bethlendy

Karen LarkinKevin Larkin 11 Lisa BrancaRichard AgUtn8 12 Cheryl GunderrnanlBob Gunderman 13 Jennifer PenamonteJohn Penamonte 14 Amy CookGeoff Cook

Ei~en WainpressfMdlael Weil1gtress 16 Karin GogolskyKevin Shaw 17 Kristen KasslerMarvin Rus 18 MacKenzie DumarEart Cliffel 19 Anita ShawfOr Rodney Shaw

Susan GoodwinMichael Goodwin 21 Stacy BabcockPeter Haggerty 22 Terry TestJon Baldwin 23 Michelle CourtrightIMark Frye 24 Jan McCulloughIMike McCullough

Debbie lovolVlou lovali 26 Virginia BrownfBarry Brown 27 Tara HetzeVFred Plimpton 28 Jean Agos1ineJlvDavid Smi1h 29 Claudia BrenVSteve Brent

8ridgene RiverslS1even Rivers 31 Pat HahnEd Stablns 32 Jennifer Gatesllarry LoMaglio 33 Janet CourtrightPhilip Nelson 34 Katie SearslBrian Sears

Dawn WilcoxJeff Washburn 36 Karen MorriSMorrey Goldman 37 Marsha TillsonGeorge Tillson

SO-59 7(H9 60-69 50-59 lt40 lt40 lt40

60-89 SO-59 60-69 50-59 70-79 60-69 60-69 80-89 80-89 80-89 70-79 110+ 60-89 60-89 90-99 50-59 7()79 50-59 90-99 50-59 70-79

100-109 40-49

100-109 70-79 90-99

100-109 100-109 100-109

11 0+

03608 03712 037045 Pa renUChiid 03915 HusbandINife 03934 00410311 BrotherSister 004154 0042 16 Corp - Kodak 004236 HusbandlWife 0 42049 HusbandJWHe 04325 Corp - WS Svcs 043 46 HusbandlWife 007 ParenVChild 04417 HusbandlWife 04516 HusbandlWife 004537 046001 04629 0046041 HusbandJWHe 004746 HusbandWife 04753 Corp - RIT 004819 04852 04942 Corp - ESG 04954 HusbandWife 0SO32 ParenUChikl 05221 ParentChild 05315 Corp - Kodak 05340 HusbandJWife 05429 ParentChild 05540 05720 Corp - RIT 05811 1 01 08 HusbandlWife 10252 ParentChild 108 16 11024 HusbandlWife

HomeStJetch Harrier Cl1c 11 SK Rnulta

FlngellAke Race Track

Saturday Augua l30 1997

Results counesy eX Robb Smillie and GVH WNW rronliemel netl-G VH

bull -10shyI

Country Day 91397

I Chdno()llltor ~ ll ubull po l nlt 14 I l PAnict f(r1I~1 ltgtn 14 17 ] Kevi n Cn h 14U 4 Ntrh_ 1b11I 1504 ~ Chp Ca l u lha j5 U Sto O l h nd I~ I I 7 C~ 101 2bull Dono Itofhl U ll Jor_ rhUboo u 1~ 10 10 li d Ilac~_11 SU 11 fl DKa n H ll Co r ic) oy u ]tCI Mc(gtJ~jrl 11 coll (1 bullbull11 u It l16 J OO~1 145H ~gt n ln Llwh I6 t U H 1amp0 ~nltllburk 11I 11 Nick ~r P dl It ~athr in Cva n~o h j7 u

It Cpamp 11 1 7 IIaUck 11 )1 Jltlssie Car 11 41 Dltgtv l oS _h 19Dl Bi ll sctt 10 n Chris N U o 12 1) T ~_ 22 14 J ohn Robac n middotn HI) S oel 22 51 AI ico HAftbullbull 2) O JiOC) b 21 dS ~t WlulM 24 01

bullbull Tltgtdd poundgt0 14 5) 10 Nug t Har~ 2S IS ~IAamp A U5ATF I II PAul Albn m 2S 21 12 Donnl C1gtoDa 21 01 11 Sharon_ 17 00 H I a ndr_ llLonaege 100IS Jo Oooltty 21 0)

iOn) Korto 1$ 41 ChampltI~ Kh thBd 2 18 u 80b Epal a d ~ ) 0 21t_rt 800 Vo lk 10 J4gt0

u Clwvl 1ofuy )l 00 Den evaltt )1n a i d so rResults courtesy eX Robb Snlill ie md U oond

I Cof r~ Mol t~nrt 919GVH wwwfrontiemelnetJ-GVH An~ l kdh lS J An ltleu C~ l l 0 9 4J Joah ~hlllgtM 100 ) ~ An~rw Blancha rd 1005 6 Colin Kofll -V IO C5 7 J I C 10 11 T_ h 18 II IUcha I tU 10 Itbullbull 10 Tyl 1_10 10 15 li 11 Man l bull LO n

Shdl) ~nn bull bull lO n s11 N )iO ID middotlt 101 4J Iwf)I Can 11 MARATHONERS Pie send noonll ( hu lu bull 10 U ~ampc ~ 101911 C Phamp 11 10your times and Slories abouL your II I_I Marrhbull bull )

11 12 bull19 td DoIglo II 21OUL-Or- town runs to lD Je bull bull toy U nt r H Colby C r oc ltf o ul llI I n

GRTC Newseller 1)10 td- II U n k-va c 11 1107 l O HOIll lo 11 245 Easl Streel Apl 215 U 07 Dgtrn l n r r y 12 17 16 Abby eo - C11ohiOn 11 nHoneoye Falls NY 14472 H 10 _I

11 1 Y_Io ]l H

29_ Nlke CoHuio Il 1 l D Cory l1Iu lII 11 5 n u~~U1V II d7

ALII IIhd Il n I I c hln ~I h n b rg r II S

Results by CATS Athletic Club RoclJesler NY CATS web pay at hupmiddotusersaolcomf il lopuslcatspage hllll

-1 2shy

CAST IL E LI BRARY =UNO RUN amp WALK middot 9113197 WALJltER$ Ctvis line Gozalskl 40I SmiddotOO 29 Cut~e

1lACpound 10M Furgample MKh8e Garger

IlIlE 16middot2100 17middot1300



Roche5ler 28 Avon

AIIcl lo Be~rclsley Valerie Panlccw KaI~COffe

031 OQ

047 00 OmiddotSI-OO

P011agevi_e 33 C8IliIe S GJlnsv~18

3 bull7

Soon Flhinehan Frank Beck DonSpenca Slav Rillers Bob IA loW Maggie WhoIeNln Chrl5IophtIr SlVfm Pele 5CCOodo

175500 1634 00 18800 190400 1915middot00 191600 193400 19)6middot00



3 30 6 36 6 2S 18 29

Geneseo Warlall CasIU Victor Penl ield Leroy Castle Home

DIane Saoten 5127 00 Mrt JNoo Beardslo 47 08 00 Marey VlIfZ(lCII 10900 CarOlyn l yons 71600 Jolm RWtY 41~ OO

CirIctf Balbef 415100 LI$8 Conklin 485800 Mary Jane York 485800


46 47 55 46 33 53


PorIaf1Qvii lo Cas1i1e Wrsaw Tecumseh MO Ctstle Ceslle Ceslile

Johl Morganti 201600 M 16 Ptx1amp9Bvih LoriRooens S22200 27 Warsaw

JamMlynch 2050middot00 M 31 Geooseo Rick HaUHf 522 100 26 Perry

03v1d Grangampl BarryWe~

21 2 100 2 15 100


35 52

SilYGr SpIIngS Aoctlester


WIllard OegotrlH 522200 No TIme

27 50

Pttry Cut

Malhew Dlck8reon 215600 M 17 Bellast Maureen Degoyer No Tim e 49 Carie

KenRe~en 2201 00 M 45 Geneseo Karen Pankow No Time 32 C8s1l1e

Jo Stone Heelhet Biodc4I1b Dllvid Haske_

223000 225300 22middot5600

f F M

39 Geneseo

p52 Nunda

l ois Palltlow No Tma 53 CosIMe


Bruc Caktwell Thomas Quail

230800 231700


44 Waflaw

Jim Murllly 232 00 M MI Morris

Michele Secco 23S500 F Geneseo

Bfflfll Ewwtl 240200 M 48 Balavia 25 David 8rongo 24middot0400 46 livonia


PhllIlpMa Oevid Page latJ1ie White J3aluo~ne Hoyt

2 middot1200 2 middot23()() 2 3200 2 33middot00


48 Fioch41sler 40 PIIIT) 34 celtl

The Greater Rochester Track C lub would like 0

announce and welcome our new track club


Brian ArcIJibIJld wero-Ctay

2 middot4300 2 500


30 3

Rochesler Geneseo

members thai joined us over the past month

WiliBm $anlCX 2 5200 M 55 Waruw 33



Roy Chrislopher Smith Ieflore KraJt Koooeth Uptegrove Hoylt WiWiamBIiss Mickey dotlbins Baba18 Mason

250900 2511middot00 2534 00 261000 26 200 265400 213300 21middot ~ 00

M M f


41 Bm 39 Gestio

5 Castile

bull Cestile 30 Casr~e

12 Caslie 52 Genesco

David Valvo Rochester

Allen Thse A lbion

Highland Mal) Moontain Webster

Barb3ra Thompson Webster

Edward Orlando Rochester

Angi e Simpson Rochester

Kathy Suh Rochester

CloyselltliIsko 293300 M 33 Hamburg Sieve and C l audia Brent Penfield

000 Philips Cecil Kasko

294200 301700


62 68

Philade~la PA ClBarwaier FL

Jason Cornwell N ewark

Patrick DeeAQy 30 1800 Castile

Malhew Sp8flCef 301800 Cast~e 46 Amy Gampedy 302200 f 26 Cast ile

Jllne Mehoney 304700 F 48 Rochester

Michael Spe0C8r 322200 M 13 CampsIMo

Karen Dlc lfa fSOJl 3321middot00 F ~8 Belln l 50 GlIOfge TWlson 34middot1300 M 69 Shlrtslllie

Marsha TUson 355900 F 76 ShoI1svlle 52 CtvySlle Smith 314900 f 40 CampsIrie 53 Joo DegoIy~ 40-29 middot00 12 Casli le 5lt Tommy Dobtlit 40middot37 00 M 10 Ca91~O


ZO wn7701 HUSlfId 7111 O~ Mefl

40sWomargtW AtoI~J CIlIIe 7721 (US WOITgttII )01 wornThe rlH CIvtsIO ~

1) Women Susan 8onklibul t 27 -shy 71SI II Tum LVfn ~~ ee 71 3OSWomn p_slaa~ 1112 MiedTumCIvgtsIt CuIlIf1 Obotrhollelo1tII8IIJO ~-s1e (UnOH 7002 2a-Wome


MlnS Tm 791 2OsWonfnJudy SemeoOJtI

Weltgt6yAIitIOC 45 ~Inn 111_27 2OS Women 10101111 ScMeCIr lOlMn pelaquoMmet ~

Wam~middotTbullbullJoSllfl~ ln Jon TQOt1I WomenS Tu as s~MOII1--

8003 501 Mlln Feu Scheible Men Tum

)0 W9m O IBuVuet T-y 8i1hono1411 30 Mluod Team AAtgtOIgty AIduccn Men Til rI04IIT~ Ml~tltl Tum Toungml rgtJYOIII


ASMltIzamplOe~n 401 Men401 Worn12Nay alIIus 40middot 11 til FomtIiA 44 50 MHI lOUie

Deni Cobtek 10720s WOOMn 8113 20 we1M UIlI HUlClngs 10lt1 4l 0gt ~ W $I

laIoI0 SIl amp0 lot Scod SlIarar10S 1I1 1131 401 WornOpW- Ed S1abirts R_C_W~ OW_1208 AfIIetle SUII II IIOIIMenBob b Ag G1MIII NIrIIW 6322 ly

8)25 women ham ~wroCgtou9leltly 41hMrnJolin GfoeSDeet w1I1III eUlBoll RelUI

1 GRTC Calendar 2 ~

Running road races co~p1led by G~orge T111son Road R~ce Coord1nator Greater Rochester Trac~ Club (716-289-4250) Where available the 8ch~dul~ In c ludes date8 tlm~$ registration tee race dir~ctor contact ad~ress and telephone nunber and ~here to meet

Wedneday evenings 6 1~ pili The Cert1f ied Five and Diners 5 dle training

Oct 4 Sat ~ OO ampIII

runsJane [aculll 71~ -264-094L Mendon Ponds Sec n Area -United Way Kick-Off Clasaic 10k $10 Pre by 9 30 $ J 3 Pot Long sleeve T-shirt chiCKen barbec ue dinner included ~9rma Lamberson United Way 83 W Bayard St Seneca taIls 13148 315-~68-9~73 meet at United WayshySt Patrick School W Bayard

Oct 4 Sat 10 00 pili -Apple Derby 5 Hile Run Hilton Applefes t We~kend

$10 Pre by 103 $12 Poet T-shirts Steve Powler Hilton-Parm Recreation ~g Henry St Hilton 14468 71~-392 - 9030 Hllton HJgh Schoo l

Oct 4 Sat 8 4~ a~ Roberts We aleya n College 91 Hoeco~ing Miles Pre $6 b~ 923 S10 Poet 2 _lle Fun Run at 6 00a~ Office ot Oevelop~ent 716-~9-6500 meet at Lif~ Fltne~s Canter

Oct 4 Sat HY ChIropract i c Co llege Cross Co~ntry Invitational Varait y JV Froah Boys amp Girls Open Race Russ Ebbetts Y Chiropractic College Rt 69 Sen~ca

Falls 13148 Oct 11 Sat 930 a~ Apple 6 Pu~p~in Harvest Festival ~K Cross Coun try

RunWalk S10 Pre $12 Post T-shir ts Benefit Hospice o f Orleans County ~argy Brown Br own s eerryfu~pkjn

Oct J 6 Sat JO ~ 30 amp111

Patch 716-682 - 5569 Meet at Brown e 14 264 Roosevelty Waterport NY Run for Hosptce 5K bull 2 ~lle fitness walk Benefit VialtJng HUTee Hoaplce Foundation $ 13 Pre bV 10 11 Post $17 Designer T-shirts Huge Race Party with rood+bev~rage amp aany door prles Pete van Peurselll 3 4 DenlshJre Or Rochester 14624 ~94- 4 191 Heet at First BIble eaptlst ChurCh 1039 H Greece Rd Greece

Oct 18 Sat 9 00 aa Henrietta 8reakfast RunS Miles +Chlldrens Mile at 8 30 Raee includes breaktfst ~ Ml1 e-810 Pre by 10 15 813 Post Jan~ Iacull1 Henrietta Recreation Dept 475 Calk i ns Roa d Hen~ietta 14~67 7J6-3~9-2~40 Meet at Winslow EleMentary School Calkins Rd He nrietta

Oct 25 Sat 9 00 aa Shepherds Heart Christian Fellowship ~K Manna Run Pre 5 12 by 1018 Post 514 Linited to 11 5 racers Inc ludes Breakfast + T-shirt Proceeds for develo~en~ or Youth C~nteT Dave OLeary 2~4-1927 Heet at Greece Orange 1301 Long Pond Rd next to Fire House

Nov 8 Sat 9 ~30 a~ Mendon Trail 10K Run $5 Pre by 11 1 $ 8 Post Loop course Good well lIIar~ed trails (lK on road) Larry Zygo115-227-7618Heet at East Lodge Men4 on Ponds Park

Nov 23 Sun 900 a -Turkey Claaaic 5 1II11e road race 1 IIIjle run run $12 Pre 916 Poet T-shlrts Paul Anderson Southeast YMCA 111 S Jefferson Rd Pittsford 14534 383- 579

ov 27 Thur 9 00 aa -Race wIth Grace 10K $12 Pre by 11 22 51~ Post long sleeved 8hJrt 12 nile tun run for c hildr e n Run wIth Pastor George Grace Bob DyjaK laa Kj~ Lane Ro chester 1t626 116-2 25-6560 Meet at First Blble Baptist Church No Greece Rd

Nov 27 Thur lOam Newark Turkey Oay 6 Miler Joe Contario 909 Pej~son Ave Mewark 145 13 3 15-331- 2bullbull 9 Meet at HewBrk Elk s Club Katn St at Cen t ral Park

Nov 29 Sat 11 00 a~ R f TUrke~ Run 5 al l ee $5 Prp $ 10 Post Bil l Quinllampk 412 HUMbolt St Roches ter 1461 0 482- 637 1 Hendon Ponds Park beach parking lot

Dec 7 Sun 9 00 bullbull JJngle Sell Run 5K $15 Pre S18 Post T-shirts lots of tood at Post Ra c e Party 271 -2510 Arthritis Foundation 2423 Monroe Ave Ror-hester 14618

Oee 27 Sat 845 a middotPost Christmas Blues Run- 5 K Unusual awards Post race famous tony Farraro c hill feast Vern Hecker 3452 Oehs n Rd Canandaigua 14424 716-39 4-4 075 Mee t at Me t hodist ChurCh No rth Main St Canandaigua


Oct 4 Sat 8 30 a~ The Great Cortl~nd Pu~pkinte9t SK Challenge $10 Pre $11 Poat tree 1 aile fun run as 8 1 Haro)~ Whlte 607-756-1875 Meet at Geared 2 Sporta 24 Cour t St Cortland NY

Oct 5 Sun 9 30 bullbull middot Syracuae Feativa] of Rac e s Wo~ens amp Hens 5K Fun Run t or Kids Dav~ OJa 213 Scott Ave Syracuse 13~~ 4 31$-46-6285 Hanley Field Hou~e Syracuse University

Oct 6 Sun 9 00~ middotWineglass Maratho n + 3 per~on relay S25 by 9 15 S35 Post lono sl~eved shirta FinJsh at Corning Glasa Center Hark Landin Bo x It7 COTntn9 14830 607-937shy6184 Meet at Philips Lighting Co Rt 5 4H Bath

To request a registration for~ by aall send a SASE to assist the race direct o r In hiaher volunteer efforts

middot USA Track amp Pield Cert itle~ Race Course

Sept HI 1997

SCOTJJE BANTON MARATHON PORT HURON 1111 813197 rochesterMatt Caton 30018 Terry Heist 33609 Tim Matthews 3 39 Norm Frank 315

4th annual Mendon Trail Run 10K and 20K

Saturday Novmher 8 1997 930 AM East -odge Mendon Ponds Park

Cotl r n 10 km loop laquolU$C 10 klJl on rQIICIJ 05 km HI fields 85 1 on ~ l rJih Oplion 01 ooine one loop or rcpUl ing loop (Of 10K The rounc will lie tll - nu1~td with Sol reamcn on Imil l lnd I collbioaliolll or (hall( srearnen aM l1o fliC conu 10 mark route a l road 11051 15 alld on open ndd

C(JurSof 1ttrOrdSl 2OK shy 1Ykt1 DoI c Hi~h(lff 1 19) 9 W Olty Utd GlOlSflIIn 13348shyIOK - Men [)e Bitcho(f 37-jIJ W~n Bryn Mull igan 48 16

Slon East Lodc hich hlocllt(j on CMfield Rood (nonh (Ul1lOt road 10 park) aboul 0 8 mi les ~ 01 Clovel ROIId

HHls YrI fhere will bot hills1 We cuimltllc r roo fCCI or elin ptr 10K rrrgt- Nilgt PR COIIr SC

Water AI stftlfinish pillS n ile vJIlt ~op about 6 km inlo loop

Rod cronlng Tllerc will be roul crosinamps of park IUlid t ltler( will be no rood manh3l1s 10 runl1elS are ~pon5ible 10 their 58lely when cr05liing rOflds

Entry fce $5 if posImarkcd by November I $I R[[or Novernbu I and on day 0( 11KX

TlfIlt Onmiddotl ite ni ~ rltion and ehe(kmiddot in bet w~en ROO and 9 15 AM Rsoce $I~ru a 930

Alc G r oup Male undcr40 m40 nd n Female ulldu40and 40and over

A rd~ The tory of your rnme in rhe RQChe$lerOrienlccrill~ ClubllJld he G RTC TlCw$te el1

SpO Olor SponlOnXl byhe Rohuer (Kicnarin O ub (but his is II an orien tto rnl even)

Informallon ConlOC Larry Zyo 227middot768

Entry Form - Mendon Trail Run November S 1997

Name Agc _ _ _ Scx _ _ _

Addrcss _________________ _ ______ _

Phone Len~th Planned 10K 20K Enry fee $5 i(1J08lIl31kod by November 1 S8(~reafler M~ke chlaquok payable fo7tRocllesla Orienllaquoring Club Mail rompleled 8pplict ioo 10 Dick Dctilr 422 Woodlaod LarJc Websle r NY 14500

WAIVER I llie uodcrsilned acop full respomibi1ity fOJ 1II)lClf and for an) injuries I mlly incurdurinc Ihis trail run I have nod this pplicatioo end I fully undentand thaI pranicipaline in th is event y be dallgeroU$ 10 my heAlih Sprained ankles and WristA laceraliom bruises broken bone lithlnin mikes animl biles collisions wilh vehicles hYpolntrmia and heal uhaustion are rra t possibilities I (ully underst8nd that there will be 110 medical or emergency personnel on the course I have trainod Jurric ienlly for thi event I will fK)j

hold any 0( the OfJani1OJ1 tnt Councyof Mon~ the Roche~C( Orientecrine O Ub land owners any agency within Ihc Mate of Ncw York or any volunteers ~1ponsibk My actionsoci mishaps ~rc accoufllablc to no one butI1lY$Clf

Date Slllllll~==c=_====_==ccc_---------If pcu1icipanl is under 18 thut pa~nt or ItWdian must also sign

Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692







Alice HlIIscn IS the flrSI IOmWl in 17 - 1 ill the Jungle Jog 5K~E JOG 51( iAGE GRoPS Women to 1lt1

Harter _~~28 ~_ 2450 2Oro~L11AO

WIlaquogt ~)~ 3IU

~~_40~W~ SI19 Klle Mlntl -~~-shy- ~ ~~ ~rdri~ ~tino2 -1~ ~c_ 003 WendtUHStephwlle TIIner

Women 45 49Women 20124 --1915 1 Sanch Ebliog1952 i~ (cIletta shy~~ Ikh shy ~


~ IAlce

~ ISabrian

~ l~ shy

22S0 2338


2738 2946

- bull 2736_ ~~1~L~~ Womero lOll __ SuYn 01 2552=f~SSI59- -JHansen ~ ~~~ 12610 2Weis 2005shy

lsa~_ Rojas _ 31 18 ~ -- _-~~04 3

Iwomen 60164 Women 3535 1 TIl 13644ZO~ 2141 2 3 v 2218 -4shy

-Ako W UI~Iy_ R1 SuslnI~~ wo2 IotiIU

3 Beetl 10ltgt M- Cindy

PloW ~yenLlur1I 2 3

2 3 I 2


~ ~ ~ J a

sect ~



i 7lt4 7

1814 19 15 195 2 2004

20g~ 20 ~ 2044 2 115 214 1

bull - ~




i~ l Pa~ 30 3 -=- s 102UIQcb

~On1oIn SOlS4 (Jn11o 6M -=l=~29 1 ii 1 = shy

L 2602~ rOO-=

- - - - -

Ene Anish wins the Jungle Jog 5K in 155 7

- bull - up i~middot1middotmiddotmiddot r- --Men 35 39

oWee TwWtno bull 2021 middot Iin ~- -~ t i 40I - i lbMphkIbert Dettman 2256 --i lKevIn _ SheeNn-(yte Van~ 23 12 ~ Srrith 9til - )

Men 15 19 I- Men 4014C--+~= IQn ul1 1126 1 Blyce Walker 19n I IlhiIIip Varhurwm 848 - 2 ~ff Downs 20 09 Phil 2 (abhan r-)9J3 3 Ridl3rd ~ f-lOom shy 1

Metl 2ot24 - Men 4549 Pal 1735 I JoM -fYIaIl1OIlt 20

ltgt9 Rahov 2214 2 Stephen 21 - 1middotmiddot- 3 =--- Hushard bull 2226 3BII PIxley 21

_ _ __ f- shyMen 2529 Men 5054

- - A~h-----iSS7 1 Da~ W~lkef 19E~lexi5 snchez 1754 2 Ronald 2ngrino 2C

11_ ~urJIIIn 2203 --1 RIcherd Va~er~ 21 i1 middotmiddotmiddot~ _

1N3OJ - - - - _ bull 1641 1 Men 5S~~__ _ AI _ _ bullbull _ AI Srrith 22

1 RdvIke 1111 2 e -- Gi- 1757 3 Jim Pte -f l i I

Sanford Toole 241 ~I~ _

Men 60 64 n

0eI Popolo 2926 2i ~- ~ ~ 6S169 2240poundII) )J ~Elesenstt in

3344 3Tiliton

] ~

~ ~ x 0 ~

~ e o secta

Joseph Hunza (313 In l U 8) holds off Robert Saccnte(35 in 2 159) to fini sh 4-81h at the Junample Jog

Renee Rombaut (N152) IS followed by Peter Glavin (296) John Ca llahan (11250) and Michael Tarantlllo (27 1) Just after the start ofl ile Jungle Jog 5K Renee was the second plxe woman ( 12th place overall) in 1834 Pele Glavin ended up 8th overaU In ) 757



bull 5 7io

1 _ vshy shy ~ ltt -- 0

- Andrew Courtney finishes first in the Mile Trai l T rot in 6 55

Photo courtesy of Seneca Zoo Society

700 1

iaI I ~~~I 3

4~~~~ B43 5

931 6 941 7

948 81 1000 9 1001 10



4331 00 440700 401 21 00 445400









GATe Couples Bun - 8J3OJ9Z

eJaco bIamB Ago lime CataoolV

1 Renee RombaulfScon Peiser 2 Beth DeCianUslTom Gabruk 3 April MessengerRoger Messenger 4 Nan Park RumbaughJeff Rumbaugh

Allison SnyderJason HeHenbaugh 6 Ann MessengerRyan Messenger 7 Katie FantauuolPhil Goodwin 8 Sue RowleyRich Van Almkerk 9 Rebecca BethlendyGabor Bethlendy

Karen LarkinKevin Larkin 11 Lisa BrancaRichard AgUtn8 12 Cheryl GunderrnanlBob Gunderman 13 Jennifer PenamonteJohn Penamonte 14 Amy CookGeoff Cook

Ei~en WainpressfMdlael Weil1gtress 16 Karin GogolskyKevin Shaw 17 Kristen KasslerMarvin Rus 18 MacKenzie DumarEart Cliffel 19 Anita ShawfOr Rodney Shaw

Susan GoodwinMichael Goodwin 21 Stacy BabcockPeter Haggerty 22 Terry TestJon Baldwin 23 Michelle CourtrightIMark Frye 24 Jan McCulloughIMike McCullough

Debbie lovolVlou lovali 26 Virginia BrownfBarry Brown 27 Tara HetzeVFred Plimpton 28 Jean Agos1ineJlvDavid Smi1h 29 Claudia BrenVSteve Brent

8ridgene RiverslS1even Rivers 31 Pat HahnEd Stablns 32 Jennifer Gatesllarry LoMaglio 33 Janet CourtrightPhilip Nelson 34 Katie SearslBrian Sears

Dawn WilcoxJeff Washburn 36 Karen MorriSMorrey Goldman 37 Marsha TillsonGeorge Tillson

SO-59 7(H9 60-69 50-59 lt40 lt40 lt40

60-89 SO-59 60-69 50-59 70-79 60-69 60-69 80-89 80-89 80-89 70-79 110+ 60-89 60-89 90-99 50-59 7()79 50-59 90-99 50-59 70-79

100-109 40-49

100-109 70-79 90-99

100-109 100-109 100-109

11 0+

03608 03712 037045 Pa renUChiid 03915 HusbandINife 03934 00410311 BrotherSister 004154 0042 16 Corp - Kodak 004236 HusbandlWife 0 42049 HusbandJWHe 04325 Corp - WS Svcs 043 46 HusbandlWife 007 ParenVChild 04417 HusbandlWife 04516 HusbandlWife 004537 046001 04629 0046041 HusbandJWHe 004746 HusbandWife 04753 Corp - RIT 004819 04852 04942 Corp - ESG 04954 HusbandWife 0SO32 ParenUChikl 05221 ParentChild 05315 Corp - Kodak 05340 HusbandJWife 05429 ParentChild 05540 05720 Corp - RIT 05811 1 01 08 HusbandlWife 10252 ParentChild 108 16 11024 HusbandlWife

HomeStJetch Harrier Cl1c 11 SK Rnulta

FlngellAke Race Track

Saturday Augua l30 1997

Results counesy eX Robb Smillie and GVH WNW rronliemel netl-G VH

bull -10shyI

Country Day 91397

I Chdno()llltor ~ ll ubull po l nlt 14 I l PAnict f(r1I~1 ltgtn 14 17 ] Kevi n Cn h 14U 4 Ntrh_ 1b11I 1504 ~ Chp Ca l u lha j5 U Sto O l h nd I~ I I 7 C~ 101 2bull Dono Itofhl U ll Jor_ rhUboo u 1~ 10 10 li d Ilac~_11 SU 11 fl DKa n H ll Co r ic) oy u ]tCI Mc(gtJ~jrl 11 coll (1 bullbull11 u It l16 J OO~1 145H ~gt n ln Llwh I6 t U H 1amp0 ~nltllburk 11I 11 Nick ~r P dl It ~athr in Cva n~o h j7 u

It Cpamp 11 1 7 IIaUck 11 )1 Jltlssie Car 11 41 Dltgtv l oS _h 19Dl Bi ll sctt 10 n Chris N U o 12 1) T ~_ 22 14 J ohn Robac n middotn HI) S oel 22 51 AI ico HAftbullbull 2) O JiOC) b 21 dS ~t WlulM 24 01

bullbull Tltgtdd poundgt0 14 5) 10 Nug t Har~ 2S IS ~IAamp A U5ATF I II PAul Albn m 2S 21 12 Donnl C1gtoDa 21 01 11 Sharon_ 17 00 H I a ndr_ llLonaege 100IS Jo Oooltty 21 0)

iOn) Korto 1$ 41 ChampltI~ Kh thBd 2 18 u 80b Epal a d ~ ) 0 21t_rt 800 Vo lk 10 J4gt0

u Clwvl 1ofuy )l 00 Den evaltt )1n a i d so rResults courtesy eX Robb Snlill ie md U oond

I Cof r~ Mol t~nrt 919GVH wwwfrontiemelnetJ-GVH An~ l kdh lS J An ltleu C~ l l 0 9 4J Joah ~hlllgtM 100 ) ~ An~rw Blancha rd 1005 6 Colin Kofll -V IO C5 7 J I C 10 11 T_ h 18 II IUcha I tU 10 Itbullbull 10 Tyl 1_10 10 15 li 11 Man l bull LO n

Shdl) ~nn bull bull lO n s11 N )iO ID middotlt 101 4J Iwf)I Can 11 MARATHONERS Pie send noonll ( hu lu bull 10 U ~ampc ~ 101911 C Phamp 11 10your times and Slories abouL your II I_I Marrhbull bull )

11 12 bull19 td DoIglo II 21OUL-Or- town runs to lD Je bull bull toy U nt r H Colby C r oc ltf o ul llI I n

GRTC Newseller 1)10 td- II U n k-va c 11 1107 l O HOIll lo 11 245 Easl Streel Apl 215 U 07 Dgtrn l n r r y 12 17 16 Abby eo - C11ohiOn 11 nHoneoye Falls NY 14472 H 10 _I

11 1 Y_Io ]l H

29_ Nlke CoHuio Il 1 l D Cory l1Iu lII 11 5 n u~~U1V II d7

ALII IIhd Il n I I c hln ~I h n b rg r II S

Results by CATS Athletic Club RoclJesler NY CATS web pay at hupmiddotusersaolcomf il lopuslcatspage hllll

-1 2shy

CAST IL E LI BRARY =UNO RUN amp WALK middot 9113197 WALJltER$ Ctvis line Gozalskl 40I SmiddotOO 29 Cut~e

1lACpound 10M Furgample MKh8e Garger

IlIlE 16middot2100 17middot1300



Roche5ler 28 Avon

AIIcl lo Be~rclsley Valerie Panlccw KaI~COffe

031 OQ

047 00 OmiddotSI-OO

P011agevi_e 33 C8IliIe S GJlnsv~18

3 bull7

Soon Flhinehan Frank Beck DonSpenca Slav Rillers Bob IA loW Maggie WhoIeNln Chrl5IophtIr SlVfm Pele 5CCOodo

175500 1634 00 18800 190400 1915middot00 191600 193400 19)6middot00



3 30 6 36 6 2S 18 29

Geneseo Warlall CasIU Victor Penl ield Leroy Castle Home

DIane Saoten 5127 00 Mrt JNoo Beardslo 47 08 00 Marey VlIfZ(lCII 10900 CarOlyn l yons 71600 Jolm RWtY 41~ OO

CirIctf Balbef 415100 LI$8 Conklin 485800 Mary Jane York 485800


46 47 55 46 33 53


PorIaf1Qvii lo Cas1i1e Wrsaw Tecumseh MO Ctstle Ceslle Ceslile

Johl Morganti 201600 M 16 Ptx1amp9Bvih LoriRooens S22200 27 Warsaw

JamMlynch 2050middot00 M 31 Geooseo Rick HaUHf 522 100 26 Perry

03v1d Grangampl BarryWe~

21 2 100 2 15 100


35 52

SilYGr SpIIngS Aoctlester


WIllard OegotrlH 522200 No TIme

27 50

Pttry Cut

Malhew Dlck8reon 215600 M 17 Bellast Maureen Degoyer No Tim e 49 Carie

KenRe~en 2201 00 M 45 Geneseo Karen Pankow No Time 32 C8s1l1e

Jo Stone Heelhet Biodc4I1b Dllvid Haske_

223000 225300 22middot5600

f F M

39 Geneseo

p52 Nunda

l ois Palltlow No Tma 53 CosIMe


Bruc Caktwell Thomas Quail

230800 231700


44 Waflaw

Jim Murllly 232 00 M MI Morris

Michele Secco 23S500 F Geneseo

Bfflfll Ewwtl 240200 M 48 Balavia 25 David 8rongo 24middot0400 46 livonia


PhllIlpMa Oevid Page latJ1ie White J3aluo~ne Hoyt

2 middot1200 2 middot23()() 2 3200 2 33middot00


48 Fioch41sler 40 PIIIT) 34 celtl

The Greater Rochester Track C lub would like 0

announce and welcome our new track club


Brian ArcIJibIJld wero-Ctay

2 middot4300 2 500


30 3

Rochesler Geneseo

members thai joined us over the past month

WiliBm $anlCX 2 5200 M 55 Waruw 33



Roy Chrislopher Smith Ieflore KraJt Koooeth Uptegrove Hoylt WiWiamBIiss Mickey dotlbins Baba18 Mason

250900 2511middot00 2534 00 261000 26 200 265400 213300 21middot ~ 00

M M f


41 Bm 39 Gestio

5 Castile

bull Cestile 30 Casr~e

12 Caslie 52 Genesco

David Valvo Rochester

Allen Thse A lbion

Highland Mal) Moontain Webster

Barb3ra Thompson Webster

Edward Orlando Rochester

Angi e Simpson Rochester

Kathy Suh Rochester

CloyselltliIsko 293300 M 33 Hamburg Sieve and C l audia Brent Penfield

000 Philips Cecil Kasko

294200 301700


62 68

Philade~la PA ClBarwaier FL

Jason Cornwell N ewark

Patrick DeeAQy 30 1800 Castile

Malhew Sp8flCef 301800 Cast~e 46 Amy Gampedy 302200 f 26 Cast ile

Jllne Mehoney 304700 F 48 Rochester

Michael Spe0C8r 322200 M 13 CampsIMo

Karen Dlc lfa fSOJl 3321middot00 F ~8 Belln l 50 GlIOfge TWlson 34middot1300 M 69 Shlrtslllie

Marsha TUson 355900 F 76 ShoI1svlle 52 CtvySlle Smith 314900 f 40 CampsIrie 53 Joo DegoIy~ 40-29 middot00 12 Casli le 5lt Tommy Dobtlit 40middot37 00 M 10 Ca91~O


ZO wn7701 HUSlfId 7111 O~ Mefl

40sWomargtW AtoI~J CIlIIe 7721 (US WOITgttII )01 wornThe rlH CIvtsIO ~

1) Women Susan 8onklibul t 27 -shy 71SI II Tum LVfn ~~ ee 71 3OSWomn p_slaa~ 1112 MiedTumCIvgtsIt CuIlIf1 Obotrhollelo1tII8IIJO ~-s1e (UnOH 7002 2a-Wome


MlnS Tm 791 2OsWonfnJudy SemeoOJtI

Weltgt6yAIitIOC 45 ~Inn 111_27 2OS Women 10101111 ScMeCIr lOlMn pelaquoMmet ~

Wam~middotTbullbullJoSllfl~ ln Jon TQOt1I WomenS Tu as s~MOII1--

8003 501 Mlln Feu Scheible Men Tum

)0 W9m O IBuVuet T-y 8i1hono1411 30 Mluod Team AAtgtOIgty AIduccn Men Til rI04IIT~ Ml~tltl Tum Toungml rgtJYOIII


ASMltIzamplOe~n 401 Men401 Worn12Nay alIIus 40middot 11 til FomtIiA 44 50 MHI lOUie

Deni Cobtek 10720s WOOMn 8113 20 we1M UIlI HUlClngs 10lt1 4l 0gt ~ W $I

laIoI0 SIl amp0 lot Scod SlIarar10S 1I1 1131 401 WornOpW- Ed S1abirts R_C_W~ OW_1208 AfIIetle SUII II IIOIIMenBob b Ag G1MIII NIrIIW 6322 ly

8)25 women ham ~wroCgtou9leltly 41hMrnJolin GfoeSDeet w1I1III eUlBoll RelUI

1 GRTC Calendar 2 ~

Running road races co~p1led by G~orge T111son Road R~ce Coord1nator Greater Rochester Trac~ Club (716-289-4250) Where available the 8ch~dul~ In c ludes date8 tlm~$ registration tee race dir~ctor contact ad~ress and telephone nunber and ~here to meet

Wedneday evenings 6 1~ pili The Cert1f ied Five and Diners 5 dle training

Oct 4 Sat ~ OO ampIII

runsJane [aculll 71~ -264-094L Mendon Ponds Sec n Area -United Way Kick-Off Clasaic 10k $10 Pre by 9 30 $ J 3 Pot Long sleeve T-shirt chiCKen barbec ue dinner included ~9rma Lamberson United Way 83 W Bayard St Seneca taIls 13148 315-~68-9~73 meet at United WayshySt Patrick School W Bayard

Oct 4 Sat 10 00 pili -Apple Derby 5 Hile Run Hilton Applefes t We~kend

$10 Pre by 103 $12 Poet T-shirts Steve Powler Hilton-Parm Recreation ~g Henry St Hilton 14468 71~-392 - 9030 Hllton HJgh Schoo l

Oct 4 Sat 8 4~ a~ Roberts We aleya n College 91 Hoeco~ing Miles Pre $6 b~ 923 S10 Poet 2 _lle Fun Run at 6 00a~ Office ot Oevelop~ent 716-~9-6500 meet at Lif~ Fltne~s Canter

Oct 4 Sat HY ChIropract i c Co llege Cross Co~ntry Invitational Varait y JV Froah Boys amp Girls Open Race Russ Ebbetts Y Chiropractic College Rt 69 Sen~ca

Falls 13148 Oct 11 Sat 930 a~ Apple 6 Pu~p~in Harvest Festival ~K Cross Coun try

RunWalk S10 Pre $12 Post T-shir ts Benefit Hospice o f Orleans County ~argy Brown Br own s eerryfu~pkjn

Oct J 6 Sat JO ~ 30 amp111

Patch 716-682 - 5569 Meet at Brown e 14 264 Roosevelty Waterport NY Run for Hosptce 5K bull 2 ~lle fitness walk Benefit VialtJng HUTee Hoaplce Foundation $ 13 Pre bV 10 11 Post $17 Designer T-shirts Huge Race Party with rood+bev~rage amp aany door prles Pete van Peurselll 3 4 DenlshJre Or Rochester 14624 ~94- 4 191 Heet at First BIble eaptlst ChurCh 1039 H Greece Rd Greece

Oct 18 Sat 9 00 aa Henrietta 8reakfast RunS Miles +Chlldrens Mile at 8 30 Raee includes breaktfst ~ Ml1 e-810 Pre by 10 15 813 Post Jan~ Iacull1 Henrietta Recreation Dept 475 Calk i ns Roa d Hen~ietta 14~67 7J6-3~9-2~40 Meet at Winslow EleMentary School Calkins Rd He nrietta

Oct 25 Sat 9 00 aa Shepherds Heart Christian Fellowship ~K Manna Run Pre 5 12 by 1018 Post 514 Linited to 11 5 racers Inc ludes Breakfast + T-shirt Proceeds for develo~en~ or Youth C~nteT Dave OLeary 2~4-1927 Heet at Greece Orange 1301 Long Pond Rd next to Fire House

Nov 8 Sat 9 ~30 a~ Mendon Trail 10K Run $5 Pre by 11 1 $ 8 Post Loop course Good well lIIar~ed trails (lK on road) Larry Zygo115-227-7618Heet at East Lodge Men4 on Ponds Park

Nov 23 Sun 900 a -Turkey Claaaic 5 1II11e road race 1 IIIjle run run $12 Pre 916 Poet T-shlrts Paul Anderson Southeast YMCA 111 S Jefferson Rd Pittsford 14534 383- 579

ov 27 Thur 9 00 aa -Race wIth Grace 10K $12 Pre by 11 22 51~ Post long sleeved 8hJrt 12 nile tun run for c hildr e n Run wIth Pastor George Grace Bob DyjaK laa Kj~ Lane Ro chester 1t626 116-2 25-6560 Meet at First Blble Baptist Church No Greece Rd

Nov 27 Thur lOam Newark Turkey Oay 6 Miler Joe Contario 909 Pej~son Ave Mewark 145 13 3 15-331- 2bullbull 9 Meet at HewBrk Elk s Club Katn St at Cen t ral Park

Nov 29 Sat 11 00 a~ R f TUrke~ Run 5 al l ee $5 Prp $ 10 Post Bil l Quinllampk 412 HUMbolt St Roches ter 1461 0 482- 637 1 Hendon Ponds Park beach parking lot

Dec 7 Sun 9 00 bullbull JJngle Sell Run 5K $15 Pre S18 Post T-shirts lots of tood at Post Ra c e Party 271 -2510 Arthritis Foundation 2423 Monroe Ave Ror-hester 14618

Oee 27 Sat 845 a middotPost Christmas Blues Run- 5 K Unusual awards Post race famous tony Farraro c hill feast Vern Hecker 3452 Oehs n Rd Canandaigua 14424 716-39 4-4 075 Mee t at Me t hodist ChurCh No rth Main St Canandaigua


Oct 4 Sat 8 30 a~ The Great Cortl~nd Pu~pkinte9t SK Challenge $10 Pre $11 Poat tree 1 aile fun run as 8 1 Haro)~ Whlte 607-756-1875 Meet at Geared 2 Sporta 24 Cour t St Cortland NY

Oct 5 Sun 9 30 bullbull middot Syracuae Feativa] of Rac e s Wo~ens amp Hens 5K Fun Run t or Kids Dav~ OJa 213 Scott Ave Syracuse 13~~ 4 31$-46-6285 Hanley Field Hou~e Syracuse University

Oct 6 Sun 9 00~ middotWineglass Maratho n + 3 per~on relay S25 by 9 15 S35 Post lono sl~eved shirta FinJsh at Corning Glasa Center Hark Landin Bo x It7 COTntn9 14830 607-937shy6184 Meet at Philips Lighting Co Rt 5 4H Bath

To request a registration for~ by aall send a SASE to assist the race direct o r In hiaher volunteer efforts

middot USA Track amp Pield Cert itle~ Race Course

Sept HI 1997

SCOTJJE BANTON MARATHON PORT HURON 1111 813197 rochesterMatt Caton 30018 Terry Heist 33609 Tim Matthews 3 39 Norm Frank 315

4th annual Mendon Trail Run 10K and 20K

Saturday Novmher 8 1997 930 AM East -odge Mendon Ponds Park

Cotl r n 10 km loop laquolU$C 10 klJl on rQIICIJ 05 km HI fields 85 1 on ~ l rJih Oplion 01 ooine one loop or rcpUl ing loop (Of 10K The rounc will lie tll - nu1~td with Sol reamcn on Imil l lnd I collbioaliolll or (hall( srearnen aM l1o fliC conu 10 mark route a l road 11051 15 alld on open ndd

C(JurSof 1ttrOrdSl 2OK shy 1Ykt1 DoI c Hi~h(lff 1 19) 9 W Olty Utd GlOlSflIIn 13348shyIOK - Men [)e Bitcho(f 37-jIJ W~n Bryn Mull igan 48 16

Slon East Lodc hich hlocllt(j on CMfield Rood (nonh (Ul1lOt road 10 park) aboul 0 8 mi les ~ 01 Clovel ROIId

HHls YrI fhere will bot hills1 We cuimltllc r roo fCCI or elin ptr 10K rrrgt- Nilgt PR COIIr SC

Water AI stftlfinish pillS n ile vJIlt ~op about 6 km inlo loop

Rod cronlng Tllerc will be roul crosinamps of park IUlid t ltler( will be no rood manh3l1s 10 runl1elS are ~pon5ible 10 their 58lely when cr05liing rOflds

Entry fce $5 if posImarkcd by November I $I R[[or Novernbu I and on day 0( 11KX

TlfIlt Onmiddotl ite ni ~ rltion and ehe(kmiddot in bet w~en ROO and 9 15 AM Rsoce $I~ru a 930

Alc G r oup Male undcr40 m40 nd n Female ulldu40and 40and over

A rd~ The tory of your rnme in rhe RQChe$lerOrienlccrill~ ClubllJld he G RTC TlCw$te el1

SpO Olor SponlOnXl byhe Rohuer (Kicnarin O ub (but his is II an orien tto rnl even)

Informallon ConlOC Larry Zyo 227middot768

Entry Form - Mendon Trail Run November S 1997

Name Agc _ _ _ Scx _ _ _

Addrcss _________________ _ ______ _

Phone Len~th Planned 10K 20K Enry fee $5 i(1J08lIl31kod by November 1 S8(~reafler M~ke chlaquok payable fo7tRocllesla Orienllaquoring Club Mail rompleled 8pplict ioo 10 Dick Dctilr 422 Woodlaod LarJc Websle r NY 14500

WAIVER I llie uodcrsilned acop full respomibi1ity fOJ 1II)lClf and for an) injuries I mlly incurdurinc Ihis trail run I have nod this pplicatioo end I fully undentand thaI pranicipaline in th is event y be dallgeroU$ 10 my heAlih Sprained ankles and WristA laceraliom bruises broken bone lithlnin mikes animl biles collisions wilh vehicles hYpolntrmia and heal uhaustion are rra t possibilities I (ully underst8nd that there will be 110 medical or emergency personnel on the course I have trainod Jurric ienlly for thi event I will fK)j

hold any 0( the OfJani1OJ1 tnt Councyof Mon~ the Roche~C( Orientecrine O Ub land owners any agency within Ihc Mate of Ncw York or any volunteers ~1ponsibk My actionsoci mishaps ~rc accoufllablc to no one butI1lY$Clf

Date Slllllll~==c=_====_==ccc_---------If pcu1icipanl is under 18 thut pa~nt or ItWdian must also sign

Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






- - - - -

Ene Anish wins the Jungle Jog 5K in 155 7

- bull - up i~middot1middotmiddotmiddot r- --Men 35 39

oWee TwWtno bull 2021 middot Iin ~- -~ t i 40I - i lbMphkIbert Dettman 2256 --i lKevIn _ SheeNn-(yte Van~ 23 12 ~ Srrith 9til - )

Men 15 19 I- Men 4014C--+~= IQn ul1 1126 1 Blyce Walker 19n I IlhiIIip Varhurwm 848 - 2 ~ff Downs 20 09 Phil 2 (abhan r-)9J3 3 Ridl3rd ~ f-lOom shy 1

Metl 2ot24 - Men 4549 Pal 1735 I JoM -fYIaIl1OIlt 20

ltgt9 Rahov 2214 2 Stephen 21 - 1middotmiddot- 3 =--- Hushard bull 2226 3BII PIxley 21

_ _ __ f- shyMen 2529 Men 5054

- - A~h-----iSS7 1 Da~ W~lkef 19E~lexi5 snchez 1754 2 Ronald 2ngrino 2C

11_ ~urJIIIn 2203 --1 RIcherd Va~er~ 21 i1 middotmiddotmiddot~ _

1N3OJ - - - - _ bull 1641 1 Men 5S~~__ _ AI _ _ bullbull _ AI Srrith 22

1 RdvIke 1111 2 e -- Gi- 1757 3 Jim Pte -f l i I

Sanford Toole 241 ~I~ _

Men 60 64 n

0eI Popolo 2926 2i ~- ~ ~ 6S169 2240poundII) )J ~Elesenstt in

3344 3Tiliton

] ~

~ ~ x 0 ~

~ e o secta

Joseph Hunza (313 In l U 8) holds off Robert Saccnte(35 in 2 159) to fini sh 4-81h at the Junample Jog

Renee Rombaut (N152) IS followed by Peter Glavin (296) John Ca llahan (11250) and Michael Tarantlllo (27 1) Just after the start ofl ile Jungle Jog 5K Renee was the second plxe woman ( 12th place overall) in 1834 Pele Glavin ended up 8th overaU In ) 757



bull 5 7io

1 _ vshy shy ~ ltt -- 0

- Andrew Courtney finishes first in the Mile Trai l T rot in 6 55

Photo courtesy of Seneca Zoo Society

700 1

iaI I ~~~I 3

4~~~~ B43 5

931 6 941 7

948 81 1000 9 1001 10



4331 00 440700 401 21 00 445400









GATe Couples Bun - 8J3OJ9Z

eJaco bIamB Ago lime CataoolV

1 Renee RombaulfScon Peiser 2 Beth DeCianUslTom Gabruk 3 April MessengerRoger Messenger 4 Nan Park RumbaughJeff Rumbaugh

Allison SnyderJason HeHenbaugh 6 Ann MessengerRyan Messenger 7 Katie FantauuolPhil Goodwin 8 Sue RowleyRich Van Almkerk 9 Rebecca BethlendyGabor Bethlendy

Karen LarkinKevin Larkin 11 Lisa BrancaRichard AgUtn8 12 Cheryl GunderrnanlBob Gunderman 13 Jennifer PenamonteJohn Penamonte 14 Amy CookGeoff Cook

Ei~en WainpressfMdlael Weil1gtress 16 Karin GogolskyKevin Shaw 17 Kristen KasslerMarvin Rus 18 MacKenzie DumarEart Cliffel 19 Anita ShawfOr Rodney Shaw

Susan GoodwinMichael Goodwin 21 Stacy BabcockPeter Haggerty 22 Terry TestJon Baldwin 23 Michelle CourtrightIMark Frye 24 Jan McCulloughIMike McCullough

Debbie lovolVlou lovali 26 Virginia BrownfBarry Brown 27 Tara HetzeVFred Plimpton 28 Jean Agos1ineJlvDavid Smi1h 29 Claudia BrenVSteve Brent

8ridgene RiverslS1even Rivers 31 Pat HahnEd Stablns 32 Jennifer Gatesllarry LoMaglio 33 Janet CourtrightPhilip Nelson 34 Katie SearslBrian Sears

Dawn WilcoxJeff Washburn 36 Karen MorriSMorrey Goldman 37 Marsha TillsonGeorge Tillson

SO-59 7(H9 60-69 50-59 lt40 lt40 lt40

60-89 SO-59 60-69 50-59 70-79 60-69 60-69 80-89 80-89 80-89 70-79 110+ 60-89 60-89 90-99 50-59 7()79 50-59 90-99 50-59 70-79

100-109 40-49

100-109 70-79 90-99

100-109 100-109 100-109

11 0+

03608 03712 037045 Pa renUChiid 03915 HusbandINife 03934 00410311 BrotherSister 004154 0042 16 Corp - Kodak 004236 HusbandlWife 0 42049 HusbandJWHe 04325 Corp - WS Svcs 043 46 HusbandlWife 007 ParenVChild 04417 HusbandlWife 04516 HusbandlWife 004537 046001 04629 0046041 HusbandJWHe 004746 HusbandWife 04753 Corp - RIT 004819 04852 04942 Corp - ESG 04954 HusbandWife 0SO32 ParenUChikl 05221 ParentChild 05315 Corp - Kodak 05340 HusbandJWife 05429 ParentChild 05540 05720 Corp - RIT 05811 1 01 08 HusbandlWife 10252 ParentChild 108 16 11024 HusbandlWife

HomeStJetch Harrier Cl1c 11 SK Rnulta

FlngellAke Race Track

Saturday Augua l30 1997

Results counesy eX Robb Smillie and GVH WNW rronliemel netl-G VH

bull -10shyI

Country Day 91397

I Chdno()llltor ~ ll ubull po l nlt 14 I l PAnict f(r1I~1 ltgtn 14 17 ] Kevi n Cn h 14U 4 Ntrh_ 1b11I 1504 ~ Chp Ca l u lha j5 U Sto O l h nd I~ I I 7 C~ 101 2bull Dono Itofhl U ll Jor_ rhUboo u 1~ 10 10 li d Ilac~_11 SU 11 fl DKa n H ll Co r ic) oy u ]tCI Mc(gtJ~jrl 11 coll (1 bullbull11 u It l16 J OO~1 145H ~gt n ln Llwh I6 t U H 1amp0 ~nltllburk 11I 11 Nick ~r P dl It ~athr in Cva n~o h j7 u

It Cpamp 11 1 7 IIaUck 11 )1 Jltlssie Car 11 41 Dltgtv l oS _h 19Dl Bi ll sctt 10 n Chris N U o 12 1) T ~_ 22 14 J ohn Robac n middotn HI) S oel 22 51 AI ico HAftbullbull 2) O JiOC) b 21 dS ~t WlulM 24 01

bullbull Tltgtdd poundgt0 14 5) 10 Nug t Har~ 2S IS ~IAamp A U5ATF I II PAul Albn m 2S 21 12 Donnl C1gtoDa 21 01 11 Sharon_ 17 00 H I a ndr_ llLonaege 100IS Jo Oooltty 21 0)

iOn) Korto 1$ 41 ChampltI~ Kh thBd 2 18 u 80b Epal a d ~ ) 0 21t_rt 800 Vo lk 10 J4gt0

u Clwvl 1ofuy )l 00 Den evaltt )1n a i d so rResults courtesy eX Robb Snlill ie md U oond

I Cof r~ Mol t~nrt 919GVH wwwfrontiemelnetJ-GVH An~ l kdh lS J An ltleu C~ l l 0 9 4J Joah ~hlllgtM 100 ) ~ An~rw Blancha rd 1005 6 Colin Kofll -V IO C5 7 J I C 10 11 T_ h 18 II IUcha I tU 10 Itbullbull 10 Tyl 1_10 10 15 li 11 Man l bull LO n

Shdl) ~nn bull bull lO n s11 N )iO ID middotlt 101 4J Iwf)I Can 11 MARATHONERS Pie send noonll ( hu lu bull 10 U ~ampc ~ 101911 C Phamp 11 10your times and Slories abouL your II I_I Marrhbull bull )

11 12 bull19 td DoIglo II 21OUL-Or- town runs to lD Je bull bull toy U nt r H Colby C r oc ltf o ul llI I n

GRTC Newseller 1)10 td- II U n k-va c 11 1107 l O HOIll lo 11 245 Easl Streel Apl 215 U 07 Dgtrn l n r r y 12 17 16 Abby eo - C11ohiOn 11 nHoneoye Falls NY 14472 H 10 _I

11 1 Y_Io ]l H

29_ Nlke CoHuio Il 1 l D Cory l1Iu lII 11 5 n u~~U1V II d7

ALII IIhd Il n I I c hln ~I h n b rg r II S

Results by CATS Athletic Club RoclJesler NY CATS web pay at hupmiddotusersaolcomf il lopuslcatspage hllll

-1 2shy

CAST IL E LI BRARY =UNO RUN amp WALK middot 9113197 WALJltER$ Ctvis line Gozalskl 40I SmiddotOO 29 Cut~e

1lACpound 10M Furgample MKh8e Garger

IlIlE 16middot2100 17middot1300



Roche5ler 28 Avon

AIIcl lo Be~rclsley Valerie Panlccw KaI~COffe

031 OQ

047 00 OmiddotSI-OO

P011agevi_e 33 C8IliIe S GJlnsv~18

3 bull7

Soon Flhinehan Frank Beck DonSpenca Slav Rillers Bob IA loW Maggie WhoIeNln Chrl5IophtIr SlVfm Pele 5CCOodo

175500 1634 00 18800 190400 1915middot00 191600 193400 19)6middot00



3 30 6 36 6 2S 18 29

Geneseo Warlall CasIU Victor Penl ield Leroy Castle Home

DIane Saoten 5127 00 Mrt JNoo Beardslo 47 08 00 Marey VlIfZ(lCII 10900 CarOlyn l yons 71600 Jolm RWtY 41~ OO

CirIctf Balbef 415100 LI$8 Conklin 485800 Mary Jane York 485800


46 47 55 46 33 53


PorIaf1Qvii lo Cas1i1e Wrsaw Tecumseh MO Ctstle Ceslle Ceslile

Johl Morganti 201600 M 16 Ptx1amp9Bvih LoriRooens S22200 27 Warsaw

JamMlynch 2050middot00 M 31 Geooseo Rick HaUHf 522 100 26 Perry

03v1d Grangampl BarryWe~

21 2 100 2 15 100


35 52

SilYGr SpIIngS Aoctlester


WIllard OegotrlH 522200 No TIme

27 50

Pttry Cut

Malhew Dlck8reon 215600 M 17 Bellast Maureen Degoyer No Tim e 49 Carie

KenRe~en 2201 00 M 45 Geneseo Karen Pankow No Time 32 C8s1l1e

Jo Stone Heelhet Biodc4I1b Dllvid Haske_

223000 225300 22middot5600

f F M

39 Geneseo

p52 Nunda

l ois Palltlow No Tma 53 CosIMe


Bruc Caktwell Thomas Quail

230800 231700


44 Waflaw

Jim Murllly 232 00 M MI Morris

Michele Secco 23S500 F Geneseo

Bfflfll Ewwtl 240200 M 48 Balavia 25 David 8rongo 24middot0400 46 livonia


PhllIlpMa Oevid Page latJ1ie White J3aluo~ne Hoyt

2 middot1200 2 middot23()() 2 3200 2 33middot00


48 Fioch41sler 40 PIIIT) 34 celtl

The Greater Rochester Track C lub would like 0

announce and welcome our new track club


Brian ArcIJibIJld wero-Ctay

2 middot4300 2 500


30 3

Rochesler Geneseo

members thai joined us over the past month

WiliBm $anlCX 2 5200 M 55 Waruw 33



Roy Chrislopher Smith Ieflore KraJt Koooeth Uptegrove Hoylt WiWiamBIiss Mickey dotlbins Baba18 Mason

250900 2511middot00 2534 00 261000 26 200 265400 213300 21middot ~ 00

M M f


41 Bm 39 Gestio

5 Castile

bull Cestile 30 Casr~e

12 Caslie 52 Genesco

David Valvo Rochester

Allen Thse A lbion

Highland Mal) Moontain Webster

Barb3ra Thompson Webster

Edward Orlando Rochester

Angi e Simpson Rochester

Kathy Suh Rochester

CloyselltliIsko 293300 M 33 Hamburg Sieve and C l audia Brent Penfield

000 Philips Cecil Kasko

294200 301700


62 68

Philade~la PA ClBarwaier FL

Jason Cornwell N ewark

Patrick DeeAQy 30 1800 Castile

Malhew Sp8flCef 301800 Cast~e 46 Amy Gampedy 302200 f 26 Cast ile

Jllne Mehoney 304700 F 48 Rochester

Michael Spe0C8r 322200 M 13 CampsIMo

Karen Dlc lfa fSOJl 3321middot00 F ~8 Belln l 50 GlIOfge TWlson 34middot1300 M 69 Shlrtslllie

Marsha TUson 355900 F 76 ShoI1svlle 52 CtvySlle Smith 314900 f 40 CampsIrie 53 Joo DegoIy~ 40-29 middot00 12 Casli le 5lt Tommy Dobtlit 40middot37 00 M 10 Ca91~O


ZO wn7701 HUSlfId 7111 O~ Mefl

40sWomargtW AtoI~J CIlIIe 7721 (US WOITgttII )01 wornThe rlH CIvtsIO ~

1) Women Susan 8onklibul t 27 -shy 71SI II Tum LVfn ~~ ee 71 3OSWomn p_slaa~ 1112 MiedTumCIvgtsIt CuIlIf1 Obotrhollelo1tII8IIJO ~-s1e (UnOH 7002 2a-Wome


MlnS Tm 791 2OsWonfnJudy SemeoOJtI

Weltgt6yAIitIOC 45 ~Inn 111_27 2OS Women 10101111 ScMeCIr lOlMn pelaquoMmet ~

Wam~middotTbullbullJoSllfl~ ln Jon TQOt1I WomenS Tu as s~MOII1--

8003 501 Mlln Feu Scheible Men Tum

)0 W9m O IBuVuet T-y 8i1hono1411 30 Mluod Team AAtgtOIgty AIduccn Men Til rI04IIT~ Ml~tltl Tum Toungml rgtJYOIII


ASMltIzamplOe~n 401 Men401 Worn12Nay alIIus 40middot 11 til FomtIiA 44 50 MHI lOUie

Deni Cobtek 10720s WOOMn 8113 20 we1M UIlI HUlClngs 10lt1 4l 0gt ~ W $I

laIoI0 SIl amp0 lot Scod SlIarar10S 1I1 1131 401 WornOpW- Ed S1abirts R_C_W~ OW_1208 AfIIetle SUII II IIOIIMenBob b Ag G1MIII NIrIIW 6322 ly

8)25 women ham ~wroCgtou9leltly 41hMrnJolin GfoeSDeet w1I1III eUlBoll RelUI

1 GRTC Calendar 2 ~

Running road races co~p1led by G~orge T111son Road R~ce Coord1nator Greater Rochester Trac~ Club (716-289-4250) Where available the 8ch~dul~ In c ludes date8 tlm~$ registration tee race dir~ctor contact ad~ress and telephone nunber and ~here to meet

Wedneday evenings 6 1~ pili The Cert1f ied Five and Diners 5 dle training

Oct 4 Sat ~ OO ampIII

runsJane [aculll 71~ -264-094L Mendon Ponds Sec n Area -United Way Kick-Off Clasaic 10k $10 Pre by 9 30 $ J 3 Pot Long sleeve T-shirt chiCKen barbec ue dinner included ~9rma Lamberson United Way 83 W Bayard St Seneca taIls 13148 315-~68-9~73 meet at United WayshySt Patrick School W Bayard

Oct 4 Sat 10 00 pili -Apple Derby 5 Hile Run Hilton Applefes t We~kend

$10 Pre by 103 $12 Poet T-shirts Steve Powler Hilton-Parm Recreation ~g Henry St Hilton 14468 71~-392 - 9030 Hllton HJgh Schoo l

Oct 4 Sat 8 4~ a~ Roberts We aleya n College 91 Hoeco~ing Miles Pre $6 b~ 923 S10 Poet 2 _lle Fun Run at 6 00a~ Office ot Oevelop~ent 716-~9-6500 meet at Lif~ Fltne~s Canter

Oct 4 Sat HY ChIropract i c Co llege Cross Co~ntry Invitational Varait y JV Froah Boys amp Girls Open Race Russ Ebbetts Y Chiropractic College Rt 69 Sen~ca

Falls 13148 Oct 11 Sat 930 a~ Apple 6 Pu~p~in Harvest Festival ~K Cross Coun try

RunWalk S10 Pre $12 Post T-shir ts Benefit Hospice o f Orleans County ~argy Brown Br own s eerryfu~pkjn

Oct J 6 Sat JO ~ 30 amp111

Patch 716-682 - 5569 Meet at Brown e 14 264 Roosevelty Waterport NY Run for Hosptce 5K bull 2 ~lle fitness walk Benefit VialtJng HUTee Hoaplce Foundation $ 13 Pre bV 10 11 Post $17 Designer T-shirts Huge Race Party with rood+bev~rage amp aany door prles Pete van Peurselll 3 4 DenlshJre Or Rochester 14624 ~94- 4 191 Heet at First BIble eaptlst ChurCh 1039 H Greece Rd Greece

Oct 18 Sat 9 00 aa Henrietta 8reakfast RunS Miles +Chlldrens Mile at 8 30 Raee includes breaktfst ~ Ml1 e-810 Pre by 10 15 813 Post Jan~ Iacull1 Henrietta Recreation Dept 475 Calk i ns Roa d Hen~ietta 14~67 7J6-3~9-2~40 Meet at Winslow EleMentary School Calkins Rd He nrietta

Oct 25 Sat 9 00 aa Shepherds Heart Christian Fellowship ~K Manna Run Pre 5 12 by 1018 Post 514 Linited to 11 5 racers Inc ludes Breakfast + T-shirt Proceeds for develo~en~ or Youth C~nteT Dave OLeary 2~4-1927 Heet at Greece Orange 1301 Long Pond Rd next to Fire House

Nov 8 Sat 9 ~30 a~ Mendon Trail 10K Run $5 Pre by 11 1 $ 8 Post Loop course Good well lIIar~ed trails (lK on road) Larry Zygo115-227-7618Heet at East Lodge Men4 on Ponds Park

Nov 23 Sun 900 a -Turkey Claaaic 5 1II11e road race 1 IIIjle run run $12 Pre 916 Poet T-shlrts Paul Anderson Southeast YMCA 111 S Jefferson Rd Pittsford 14534 383- 579

ov 27 Thur 9 00 aa -Race wIth Grace 10K $12 Pre by 11 22 51~ Post long sleeved 8hJrt 12 nile tun run for c hildr e n Run wIth Pastor George Grace Bob DyjaK laa Kj~ Lane Ro chester 1t626 116-2 25-6560 Meet at First Blble Baptist Church No Greece Rd

Nov 27 Thur lOam Newark Turkey Oay 6 Miler Joe Contario 909 Pej~son Ave Mewark 145 13 3 15-331- 2bullbull 9 Meet at HewBrk Elk s Club Katn St at Cen t ral Park

Nov 29 Sat 11 00 a~ R f TUrke~ Run 5 al l ee $5 Prp $ 10 Post Bil l Quinllampk 412 HUMbolt St Roches ter 1461 0 482- 637 1 Hendon Ponds Park beach parking lot

Dec 7 Sun 9 00 bullbull JJngle Sell Run 5K $15 Pre S18 Post T-shirts lots of tood at Post Ra c e Party 271 -2510 Arthritis Foundation 2423 Monroe Ave Ror-hester 14618

Oee 27 Sat 845 a middotPost Christmas Blues Run- 5 K Unusual awards Post race famous tony Farraro c hill feast Vern Hecker 3452 Oehs n Rd Canandaigua 14424 716-39 4-4 075 Mee t at Me t hodist ChurCh No rth Main St Canandaigua


Oct 4 Sat 8 30 a~ The Great Cortl~nd Pu~pkinte9t SK Challenge $10 Pre $11 Poat tree 1 aile fun run as 8 1 Haro)~ Whlte 607-756-1875 Meet at Geared 2 Sporta 24 Cour t St Cortland NY

Oct 5 Sun 9 30 bullbull middot Syracuae Feativa] of Rac e s Wo~ens amp Hens 5K Fun Run t or Kids Dav~ OJa 213 Scott Ave Syracuse 13~~ 4 31$-46-6285 Hanley Field Hou~e Syracuse University

Oct 6 Sun 9 00~ middotWineglass Maratho n + 3 per~on relay S25 by 9 15 S35 Post lono sl~eved shirta FinJsh at Corning Glasa Center Hark Landin Bo x It7 COTntn9 14830 607-937shy6184 Meet at Philips Lighting Co Rt 5 4H Bath

To request a registration for~ by aall send a SASE to assist the race direct o r In hiaher volunteer efforts

middot USA Track amp Pield Cert itle~ Race Course

Sept HI 1997

SCOTJJE BANTON MARATHON PORT HURON 1111 813197 rochesterMatt Caton 30018 Terry Heist 33609 Tim Matthews 3 39 Norm Frank 315

4th annual Mendon Trail Run 10K and 20K

Saturday Novmher 8 1997 930 AM East -odge Mendon Ponds Park

Cotl r n 10 km loop laquolU$C 10 klJl on rQIICIJ 05 km HI fields 85 1 on ~ l rJih Oplion 01 ooine one loop or rcpUl ing loop (Of 10K The rounc will lie tll - nu1~td with Sol reamcn on Imil l lnd I collbioaliolll or (hall( srearnen aM l1o fliC conu 10 mark route a l road 11051 15 alld on open ndd

C(JurSof 1ttrOrdSl 2OK shy 1Ykt1 DoI c Hi~h(lff 1 19) 9 W Olty Utd GlOlSflIIn 13348shyIOK - Men [)e Bitcho(f 37-jIJ W~n Bryn Mull igan 48 16

Slon East Lodc hich hlocllt(j on CMfield Rood (nonh (Ul1lOt road 10 park) aboul 0 8 mi les ~ 01 Clovel ROIId

HHls YrI fhere will bot hills1 We cuimltllc r roo fCCI or elin ptr 10K rrrgt- Nilgt PR COIIr SC

Water AI stftlfinish pillS n ile vJIlt ~op about 6 km inlo loop

Rod cronlng Tllerc will be roul crosinamps of park IUlid t ltler( will be no rood manh3l1s 10 runl1elS are ~pon5ible 10 their 58lely when cr05liing rOflds

Entry fce $5 if posImarkcd by November I $I R[[or Novernbu I and on day 0( 11KX

TlfIlt Onmiddotl ite ni ~ rltion and ehe(kmiddot in bet w~en ROO and 9 15 AM Rsoce $I~ru a 930

Alc G r oup Male undcr40 m40 nd n Female ulldu40and 40and over

A rd~ The tory of your rnme in rhe RQChe$lerOrienlccrill~ ClubllJld he G RTC TlCw$te el1

SpO Olor SponlOnXl byhe Rohuer (Kicnarin O ub (but his is II an orien tto rnl even)

Informallon ConlOC Larry Zyo 227middot768

Entry Form - Mendon Trail Run November S 1997

Name Agc _ _ _ Scx _ _ _

Addrcss _________________ _ ______ _

Phone Len~th Planned 10K 20K Enry fee $5 i(1J08lIl31kod by November 1 S8(~reafler M~ke chlaquok payable fo7tRocllesla Orienllaquoring Club Mail rompleled 8pplict ioo 10 Dick Dctilr 422 Woodlaod LarJc Websle r NY 14500

WAIVER I llie uodcrsilned acop full respomibi1ity fOJ 1II)lClf and for an) injuries I mlly incurdurinc Ihis trail run I have nod this pplicatioo end I fully undentand thaI pranicipaline in th is event y be dallgeroU$ 10 my heAlih Sprained ankles and WristA laceraliom bruises broken bone lithlnin mikes animl biles collisions wilh vehicles hYpolntrmia and heal uhaustion are rra t possibilities I (ully underst8nd that there will be 110 medical or emergency personnel on the course I have trainod Jurric ienlly for thi event I will fK)j

hold any 0( the OfJani1OJ1 tnt Councyof Mon~ the Roche~C( Orientecrine O Ub land owners any agency within Ihc Mate of Ncw York or any volunteers ~1ponsibk My actionsoci mishaps ~rc accoufllablc to no one butI1lY$Clf

Date Slllllll~==c=_====_==ccc_---------If pcu1icipanl is under 18 thut pa~nt or ItWdian must also sign

Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






] ~

~ ~ x 0 ~

~ e o secta

Joseph Hunza (313 In l U 8) holds off Robert Saccnte(35 in 2 159) to fini sh 4-81h at the Junample Jog

Renee Rombaut (N152) IS followed by Peter Glavin (296) John Ca llahan (11250) and Michael Tarantlllo (27 1) Just after the start ofl ile Jungle Jog 5K Renee was the second plxe woman ( 12th place overall) in 1834 Pele Glavin ended up 8th overaU In ) 757



bull 5 7io

1 _ vshy shy ~ ltt -- 0

- Andrew Courtney finishes first in the Mile Trai l T rot in 6 55

Photo courtesy of Seneca Zoo Society

700 1

iaI I ~~~I 3

4~~~~ B43 5

931 6 941 7

948 81 1000 9 1001 10



4331 00 440700 401 21 00 445400









GATe Couples Bun - 8J3OJ9Z

eJaco bIamB Ago lime CataoolV

1 Renee RombaulfScon Peiser 2 Beth DeCianUslTom Gabruk 3 April MessengerRoger Messenger 4 Nan Park RumbaughJeff Rumbaugh

Allison SnyderJason HeHenbaugh 6 Ann MessengerRyan Messenger 7 Katie FantauuolPhil Goodwin 8 Sue RowleyRich Van Almkerk 9 Rebecca BethlendyGabor Bethlendy

Karen LarkinKevin Larkin 11 Lisa BrancaRichard AgUtn8 12 Cheryl GunderrnanlBob Gunderman 13 Jennifer PenamonteJohn Penamonte 14 Amy CookGeoff Cook

Ei~en WainpressfMdlael Weil1gtress 16 Karin GogolskyKevin Shaw 17 Kristen KasslerMarvin Rus 18 MacKenzie DumarEart Cliffel 19 Anita ShawfOr Rodney Shaw

Susan GoodwinMichael Goodwin 21 Stacy BabcockPeter Haggerty 22 Terry TestJon Baldwin 23 Michelle CourtrightIMark Frye 24 Jan McCulloughIMike McCullough

Debbie lovolVlou lovali 26 Virginia BrownfBarry Brown 27 Tara HetzeVFred Plimpton 28 Jean Agos1ineJlvDavid Smi1h 29 Claudia BrenVSteve Brent

8ridgene RiverslS1even Rivers 31 Pat HahnEd Stablns 32 Jennifer Gatesllarry LoMaglio 33 Janet CourtrightPhilip Nelson 34 Katie SearslBrian Sears

Dawn WilcoxJeff Washburn 36 Karen MorriSMorrey Goldman 37 Marsha TillsonGeorge Tillson

SO-59 7(H9 60-69 50-59 lt40 lt40 lt40

60-89 SO-59 60-69 50-59 70-79 60-69 60-69 80-89 80-89 80-89 70-79 110+ 60-89 60-89 90-99 50-59 7()79 50-59 90-99 50-59 70-79

100-109 40-49

100-109 70-79 90-99

100-109 100-109 100-109

11 0+

03608 03712 037045 Pa renUChiid 03915 HusbandINife 03934 00410311 BrotherSister 004154 0042 16 Corp - Kodak 004236 HusbandlWife 0 42049 HusbandJWHe 04325 Corp - WS Svcs 043 46 HusbandlWife 007 ParenVChild 04417 HusbandlWife 04516 HusbandlWife 004537 046001 04629 0046041 HusbandJWHe 004746 HusbandWife 04753 Corp - RIT 004819 04852 04942 Corp - ESG 04954 HusbandWife 0SO32 ParenUChikl 05221 ParentChild 05315 Corp - Kodak 05340 HusbandJWife 05429 ParentChild 05540 05720 Corp - RIT 05811 1 01 08 HusbandlWife 10252 ParentChild 108 16 11024 HusbandlWife

HomeStJetch Harrier Cl1c 11 SK Rnulta

FlngellAke Race Track

Saturday Augua l30 1997

Results counesy eX Robb Smillie and GVH WNW rronliemel netl-G VH

bull -10shyI

Country Day 91397

I Chdno()llltor ~ ll ubull po l nlt 14 I l PAnict f(r1I~1 ltgtn 14 17 ] Kevi n Cn h 14U 4 Ntrh_ 1b11I 1504 ~ Chp Ca l u lha j5 U Sto O l h nd I~ I I 7 C~ 101 2bull Dono Itofhl U ll Jor_ rhUboo u 1~ 10 10 li d Ilac~_11 SU 11 fl DKa n H ll Co r ic) oy u ]tCI Mc(gtJ~jrl 11 coll (1 bullbull11 u It l16 J OO~1 145H ~gt n ln Llwh I6 t U H 1amp0 ~nltllburk 11I 11 Nick ~r P dl It ~athr in Cva n~o h j7 u

It Cpamp 11 1 7 IIaUck 11 )1 Jltlssie Car 11 41 Dltgtv l oS _h 19Dl Bi ll sctt 10 n Chris N U o 12 1) T ~_ 22 14 J ohn Robac n middotn HI) S oel 22 51 AI ico HAftbullbull 2) O JiOC) b 21 dS ~t WlulM 24 01

bullbull Tltgtdd poundgt0 14 5) 10 Nug t Har~ 2S IS ~IAamp A U5ATF I II PAul Albn m 2S 21 12 Donnl C1gtoDa 21 01 11 Sharon_ 17 00 H I a ndr_ llLonaege 100IS Jo Oooltty 21 0)

iOn) Korto 1$ 41 ChampltI~ Kh thBd 2 18 u 80b Epal a d ~ ) 0 21t_rt 800 Vo lk 10 J4gt0

u Clwvl 1ofuy )l 00 Den evaltt )1n a i d so rResults courtesy eX Robb Snlill ie md U oond

I Cof r~ Mol t~nrt 919GVH wwwfrontiemelnetJ-GVH An~ l kdh lS J An ltleu C~ l l 0 9 4J Joah ~hlllgtM 100 ) ~ An~rw Blancha rd 1005 6 Colin Kofll -V IO C5 7 J I C 10 11 T_ h 18 II IUcha I tU 10 Itbullbull 10 Tyl 1_10 10 15 li 11 Man l bull LO n

Shdl) ~nn bull bull lO n s11 N )iO ID middotlt 101 4J Iwf)I Can 11 MARATHONERS Pie send noonll ( hu lu bull 10 U ~ampc ~ 101911 C Phamp 11 10your times and Slories abouL your II I_I Marrhbull bull )

11 12 bull19 td DoIglo II 21OUL-Or- town runs to lD Je bull bull toy U nt r H Colby C r oc ltf o ul llI I n

GRTC Newseller 1)10 td- II U n k-va c 11 1107 l O HOIll lo 11 245 Easl Streel Apl 215 U 07 Dgtrn l n r r y 12 17 16 Abby eo - C11ohiOn 11 nHoneoye Falls NY 14472 H 10 _I

11 1 Y_Io ]l H

29_ Nlke CoHuio Il 1 l D Cory l1Iu lII 11 5 n u~~U1V II d7

ALII IIhd Il n I I c hln ~I h n b rg r II S

Results by CATS Athletic Club RoclJesler NY CATS web pay at hupmiddotusersaolcomf il lopuslcatspage hllll

-1 2shy

CAST IL E LI BRARY =UNO RUN amp WALK middot 9113197 WALJltER$ Ctvis line Gozalskl 40I SmiddotOO 29 Cut~e

1lACpound 10M Furgample MKh8e Garger

IlIlE 16middot2100 17middot1300



Roche5ler 28 Avon

AIIcl lo Be~rclsley Valerie Panlccw KaI~COffe

031 OQ

047 00 OmiddotSI-OO

P011agevi_e 33 C8IliIe S GJlnsv~18

3 bull7

Soon Flhinehan Frank Beck DonSpenca Slav Rillers Bob IA loW Maggie WhoIeNln Chrl5IophtIr SlVfm Pele 5CCOodo

175500 1634 00 18800 190400 1915middot00 191600 193400 19)6middot00



3 30 6 36 6 2S 18 29

Geneseo Warlall CasIU Victor Penl ield Leroy Castle Home

DIane Saoten 5127 00 Mrt JNoo Beardslo 47 08 00 Marey VlIfZ(lCII 10900 CarOlyn l yons 71600 Jolm RWtY 41~ OO

CirIctf Balbef 415100 LI$8 Conklin 485800 Mary Jane York 485800


46 47 55 46 33 53


PorIaf1Qvii lo Cas1i1e Wrsaw Tecumseh MO Ctstle Ceslle Ceslile

Johl Morganti 201600 M 16 Ptx1amp9Bvih LoriRooens S22200 27 Warsaw

JamMlynch 2050middot00 M 31 Geooseo Rick HaUHf 522 100 26 Perry

03v1d Grangampl BarryWe~

21 2 100 2 15 100


35 52

SilYGr SpIIngS Aoctlester


WIllard OegotrlH 522200 No TIme

27 50

Pttry Cut

Malhew Dlck8reon 215600 M 17 Bellast Maureen Degoyer No Tim e 49 Carie

KenRe~en 2201 00 M 45 Geneseo Karen Pankow No Time 32 C8s1l1e

Jo Stone Heelhet Biodc4I1b Dllvid Haske_

223000 225300 22middot5600

f F M

39 Geneseo

p52 Nunda

l ois Palltlow No Tma 53 CosIMe


Bruc Caktwell Thomas Quail

230800 231700


44 Waflaw

Jim Murllly 232 00 M MI Morris

Michele Secco 23S500 F Geneseo

Bfflfll Ewwtl 240200 M 48 Balavia 25 David 8rongo 24middot0400 46 livonia


PhllIlpMa Oevid Page latJ1ie White J3aluo~ne Hoyt

2 middot1200 2 middot23()() 2 3200 2 33middot00


48 Fioch41sler 40 PIIIT) 34 celtl

The Greater Rochester Track C lub would like 0

announce and welcome our new track club


Brian ArcIJibIJld wero-Ctay

2 middot4300 2 500


30 3

Rochesler Geneseo

members thai joined us over the past month

WiliBm $anlCX 2 5200 M 55 Waruw 33



Roy Chrislopher Smith Ieflore KraJt Koooeth Uptegrove Hoylt WiWiamBIiss Mickey dotlbins Baba18 Mason

250900 2511middot00 2534 00 261000 26 200 265400 213300 21middot ~ 00

M M f


41 Bm 39 Gestio

5 Castile

bull Cestile 30 Casr~e

12 Caslie 52 Genesco

David Valvo Rochester

Allen Thse A lbion

Highland Mal) Moontain Webster

Barb3ra Thompson Webster

Edward Orlando Rochester

Angi e Simpson Rochester

Kathy Suh Rochester

CloyselltliIsko 293300 M 33 Hamburg Sieve and C l audia Brent Penfield

000 Philips Cecil Kasko

294200 301700


62 68

Philade~la PA ClBarwaier FL

Jason Cornwell N ewark

Patrick DeeAQy 30 1800 Castile

Malhew Sp8flCef 301800 Cast~e 46 Amy Gampedy 302200 f 26 Cast ile

Jllne Mehoney 304700 F 48 Rochester

Michael Spe0C8r 322200 M 13 CampsIMo

Karen Dlc lfa fSOJl 3321middot00 F ~8 Belln l 50 GlIOfge TWlson 34middot1300 M 69 Shlrtslllie

Marsha TUson 355900 F 76 ShoI1svlle 52 CtvySlle Smith 314900 f 40 CampsIrie 53 Joo DegoIy~ 40-29 middot00 12 Casli le 5lt Tommy Dobtlit 40middot37 00 M 10 Ca91~O


ZO wn7701 HUSlfId 7111 O~ Mefl

40sWomargtW AtoI~J CIlIIe 7721 (US WOITgttII )01 wornThe rlH CIvtsIO ~

1) Women Susan 8onklibul t 27 -shy 71SI II Tum LVfn ~~ ee 71 3OSWomn p_slaa~ 1112 MiedTumCIvgtsIt CuIlIf1 Obotrhollelo1tII8IIJO ~-s1e (UnOH 7002 2a-Wome


MlnS Tm 791 2OsWonfnJudy SemeoOJtI

Weltgt6yAIitIOC 45 ~Inn 111_27 2OS Women 10101111 ScMeCIr lOlMn pelaquoMmet ~

Wam~middotTbullbullJoSllfl~ ln Jon TQOt1I WomenS Tu as s~MOII1--

8003 501 Mlln Feu Scheible Men Tum

)0 W9m O IBuVuet T-y 8i1hono1411 30 Mluod Team AAtgtOIgty AIduccn Men Til rI04IIT~ Ml~tltl Tum Toungml rgtJYOIII


ASMltIzamplOe~n 401 Men401 Worn12Nay alIIus 40middot 11 til FomtIiA 44 50 MHI lOUie

Deni Cobtek 10720s WOOMn 8113 20 we1M UIlI HUlClngs 10lt1 4l 0gt ~ W $I

laIoI0 SIl amp0 lot Scod SlIarar10S 1I1 1131 401 WornOpW- Ed S1abirts R_C_W~ OW_1208 AfIIetle SUII II IIOIIMenBob b Ag G1MIII NIrIIW 6322 ly

8)25 women ham ~wroCgtou9leltly 41hMrnJolin GfoeSDeet w1I1III eUlBoll RelUI

1 GRTC Calendar 2 ~

Running road races co~p1led by G~orge T111son Road R~ce Coord1nator Greater Rochester Trac~ Club (716-289-4250) Where available the 8ch~dul~ In c ludes date8 tlm~$ registration tee race dir~ctor contact ad~ress and telephone nunber and ~here to meet

Wedneday evenings 6 1~ pili The Cert1f ied Five and Diners 5 dle training

Oct 4 Sat ~ OO ampIII

runsJane [aculll 71~ -264-094L Mendon Ponds Sec n Area -United Way Kick-Off Clasaic 10k $10 Pre by 9 30 $ J 3 Pot Long sleeve T-shirt chiCKen barbec ue dinner included ~9rma Lamberson United Way 83 W Bayard St Seneca taIls 13148 315-~68-9~73 meet at United WayshySt Patrick School W Bayard

Oct 4 Sat 10 00 pili -Apple Derby 5 Hile Run Hilton Applefes t We~kend

$10 Pre by 103 $12 Poet T-shirts Steve Powler Hilton-Parm Recreation ~g Henry St Hilton 14468 71~-392 - 9030 Hllton HJgh Schoo l

Oct 4 Sat 8 4~ a~ Roberts We aleya n College 91 Hoeco~ing Miles Pre $6 b~ 923 S10 Poet 2 _lle Fun Run at 6 00a~ Office ot Oevelop~ent 716-~9-6500 meet at Lif~ Fltne~s Canter

Oct 4 Sat HY ChIropract i c Co llege Cross Co~ntry Invitational Varait y JV Froah Boys amp Girls Open Race Russ Ebbetts Y Chiropractic College Rt 69 Sen~ca

Falls 13148 Oct 11 Sat 930 a~ Apple 6 Pu~p~in Harvest Festival ~K Cross Coun try

RunWalk S10 Pre $12 Post T-shir ts Benefit Hospice o f Orleans County ~argy Brown Br own s eerryfu~pkjn

Oct J 6 Sat JO ~ 30 amp111

Patch 716-682 - 5569 Meet at Brown e 14 264 Roosevelty Waterport NY Run for Hosptce 5K bull 2 ~lle fitness walk Benefit VialtJng HUTee Hoaplce Foundation $ 13 Pre bV 10 11 Post $17 Designer T-shirts Huge Race Party with rood+bev~rage amp aany door prles Pete van Peurselll 3 4 DenlshJre Or Rochester 14624 ~94- 4 191 Heet at First BIble eaptlst ChurCh 1039 H Greece Rd Greece

Oct 18 Sat 9 00 aa Henrietta 8reakfast RunS Miles +Chlldrens Mile at 8 30 Raee includes breaktfst ~ Ml1 e-810 Pre by 10 15 813 Post Jan~ Iacull1 Henrietta Recreation Dept 475 Calk i ns Roa d Hen~ietta 14~67 7J6-3~9-2~40 Meet at Winslow EleMentary School Calkins Rd He nrietta

Oct 25 Sat 9 00 aa Shepherds Heart Christian Fellowship ~K Manna Run Pre 5 12 by 1018 Post 514 Linited to 11 5 racers Inc ludes Breakfast + T-shirt Proceeds for develo~en~ or Youth C~nteT Dave OLeary 2~4-1927 Heet at Greece Orange 1301 Long Pond Rd next to Fire House

Nov 8 Sat 9 ~30 a~ Mendon Trail 10K Run $5 Pre by 11 1 $ 8 Post Loop course Good well lIIar~ed trails (lK on road) Larry Zygo115-227-7618Heet at East Lodge Men4 on Ponds Park

Nov 23 Sun 900 a -Turkey Claaaic 5 1II11e road race 1 IIIjle run run $12 Pre 916 Poet T-shlrts Paul Anderson Southeast YMCA 111 S Jefferson Rd Pittsford 14534 383- 579

ov 27 Thur 9 00 aa -Race wIth Grace 10K $12 Pre by 11 22 51~ Post long sleeved 8hJrt 12 nile tun run for c hildr e n Run wIth Pastor George Grace Bob DyjaK laa Kj~ Lane Ro chester 1t626 116-2 25-6560 Meet at First Blble Baptist Church No Greece Rd

Nov 27 Thur lOam Newark Turkey Oay 6 Miler Joe Contario 909 Pej~son Ave Mewark 145 13 3 15-331- 2bullbull 9 Meet at HewBrk Elk s Club Katn St at Cen t ral Park

Nov 29 Sat 11 00 a~ R f TUrke~ Run 5 al l ee $5 Prp $ 10 Post Bil l Quinllampk 412 HUMbolt St Roches ter 1461 0 482- 637 1 Hendon Ponds Park beach parking lot

Dec 7 Sun 9 00 bullbull JJngle Sell Run 5K $15 Pre S18 Post T-shirts lots of tood at Post Ra c e Party 271 -2510 Arthritis Foundation 2423 Monroe Ave Ror-hester 14618

Oee 27 Sat 845 a middotPost Christmas Blues Run- 5 K Unusual awards Post race famous tony Farraro c hill feast Vern Hecker 3452 Oehs n Rd Canandaigua 14424 716-39 4-4 075 Mee t at Me t hodist ChurCh No rth Main St Canandaigua


Oct 4 Sat 8 30 a~ The Great Cortl~nd Pu~pkinte9t SK Challenge $10 Pre $11 Poat tree 1 aile fun run as 8 1 Haro)~ Whlte 607-756-1875 Meet at Geared 2 Sporta 24 Cour t St Cortland NY

Oct 5 Sun 9 30 bullbull middot Syracuae Feativa] of Rac e s Wo~ens amp Hens 5K Fun Run t or Kids Dav~ OJa 213 Scott Ave Syracuse 13~~ 4 31$-46-6285 Hanley Field Hou~e Syracuse University

Oct 6 Sun 9 00~ middotWineglass Maratho n + 3 per~on relay S25 by 9 15 S35 Post lono sl~eved shirta FinJsh at Corning Glasa Center Hark Landin Bo x It7 COTntn9 14830 607-937shy6184 Meet at Philips Lighting Co Rt 5 4H Bath

To request a registration for~ by aall send a SASE to assist the race direct o r In hiaher volunteer efforts

middot USA Track amp Pield Cert itle~ Race Course

Sept HI 1997

SCOTJJE BANTON MARATHON PORT HURON 1111 813197 rochesterMatt Caton 30018 Terry Heist 33609 Tim Matthews 3 39 Norm Frank 315

4th annual Mendon Trail Run 10K and 20K

Saturday Novmher 8 1997 930 AM East -odge Mendon Ponds Park

Cotl r n 10 km loop laquolU$C 10 klJl on rQIICIJ 05 km HI fields 85 1 on ~ l rJih Oplion 01 ooine one loop or rcpUl ing loop (Of 10K The rounc will lie tll - nu1~td with Sol reamcn on Imil l lnd I collbioaliolll or (hall( srearnen aM l1o fliC conu 10 mark route a l road 11051 15 alld on open ndd

C(JurSof 1ttrOrdSl 2OK shy 1Ykt1 DoI c Hi~h(lff 1 19) 9 W Olty Utd GlOlSflIIn 13348shyIOK - Men [)e Bitcho(f 37-jIJ W~n Bryn Mull igan 48 16

Slon East Lodc hich hlocllt(j on CMfield Rood (nonh (Ul1lOt road 10 park) aboul 0 8 mi les ~ 01 Clovel ROIId

HHls YrI fhere will bot hills1 We cuimltllc r roo fCCI or elin ptr 10K rrrgt- Nilgt PR COIIr SC

Water AI stftlfinish pillS n ile vJIlt ~op about 6 km inlo loop

Rod cronlng Tllerc will be roul crosinamps of park IUlid t ltler( will be no rood manh3l1s 10 runl1elS are ~pon5ible 10 their 58lely when cr05liing rOflds

Entry fce $5 if posImarkcd by November I $I R[[or Novernbu I and on day 0( 11KX

TlfIlt Onmiddotl ite ni ~ rltion and ehe(kmiddot in bet w~en ROO and 9 15 AM Rsoce $I~ru a 930

Alc G r oup Male undcr40 m40 nd n Female ulldu40and 40and over

A rd~ The tory of your rnme in rhe RQChe$lerOrienlccrill~ ClubllJld he G RTC TlCw$te el1

SpO Olor SponlOnXl byhe Rohuer (Kicnarin O ub (but his is II an orien tto rnl even)

Informallon ConlOC Larry Zyo 227middot768

Entry Form - Mendon Trail Run November S 1997

Name Agc _ _ _ Scx _ _ _

Addrcss _________________ _ ______ _

Phone Len~th Planned 10K 20K Enry fee $5 i(1J08lIl31kod by November 1 S8(~reafler M~ke chlaquok payable fo7tRocllesla Orienllaquoring Club Mail rompleled 8pplict ioo 10 Dick Dctilr 422 Woodlaod LarJc Websle r NY 14500

WAIVER I llie uodcrsilned acop full respomibi1ity fOJ 1II)lClf and for an) injuries I mlly incurdurinc Ihis trail run I have nod this pplicatioo end I fully undentand thaI pranicipaline in th is event y be dallgeroU$ 10 my heAlih Sprained ankles and WristA laceraliom bruises broken bone lithlnin mikes animl biles collisions wilh vehicles hYpolntrmia and heal uhaustion are rra t possibilities I (ully underst8nd that there will be 110 medical or emergency personnel on the course I have trainod Jurric ienlly for thi event I will fK)j

hold any 0( the OfJani1OJ1 tnt Councyof Mon~ the Roche~C( Orientecrine O Ub land owners any agency within Ihc Mate of Ncw York or any volunteers ~1ponsibk My actionsoci mishaps ~rc accoufllablc to no one butI1lY$Clf

Date Slllllll~==c=_====_==ccc_---------If pcu1icipanl is under 18 thut pa~nt or ItWdian must also sign

Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692







bull 5 7io

1 _ vshy shy ~ ltt -- 0

- Andrew Courtney finishes first in the Mile Trai l T rot in 6 55

Photo courtesy of Seneca Zoo Society

700 1

iaI I ~~~I 3

4~~~~ B43 5

931 6 941 7

948 81 1000 9 1001 10



4331 00 440700 401 21 00 445400









GATe Couples Bun - 8J3OJ9Z

eJaco bIamB Ago lime CataoolV

1 Renee RombaulfScon Peiser 2 Beth DeCianUslTom Gabruk 3 April MessengerRoger Messenger 4 Nan Park RumbaughJeff Rumbaugh

Allison SnyderJason HeHenbaugh 6 Ann MessengerRyan Messenger 7 Katie FantauuolPhil Goodwin 8 Sue RowleyRich Van Almkerk 9 Rebecca BethlendyGabor Bethlendy

Karen LarkinKevin Larkin 11 Lisa BrancaRichard AgUtn8 12 Cheryl GunderrnanlBob Gunderman 13 Jennifer PenamonteJohn Penamonte 14 Amy CookGeoff Cook

Ei~en WainpressfMdlael Weil1gtress 16 Karin GogolskyKevin Shaw 17 Kristen KasslerMarvin Rus 18 MacKenzie DumarEart Cliffel 19 Anita ShawfOr Rodney Shaw

Susan GoodwinMichael Goodwin 21 Stacy BabcockPeter Haggerty 22 Terry TestJon Baldwin 23 Michelle CourtrightIMark Frye 24 Jan McCulloughIMike McCullough

Debbie lovolVlou lovali 26 Virginia BrownfBarry Brown 27 Tara HetzeVFred Plimpton 28 Jean Agos1ineJlvDavid Smi1h 29 Claudia BrenVSteve Brent

8ridgene RiverslS1even Rivers 31 Pat HahnEd Stablns 32 Jennifer Gatesllarry LoMaglio 33 Janet CourtrightPhilip Nelson 34 Katie SearslBrian Sears

Dawn WilcoxJeff Washburn 36 Karen MorriSMorrey Goldman 37 Marsha TillsonGeorge Tillson

SO-59 7(H9 60-69 50-59 lt40 lt40 lt40

60-89 SO-59 60-69 50-59 70-79 60-69 60-69 80-89 80-89 80-89 70-79 110+ 60-89 60-89 90-99 50-59 7()79 50-59 90-99 50-59 70-79

100-109 40-49

100-109 70-79 90-99

100-109 100-109 100-109

11 0+

03608 03712 037045 Pa renUChiid 03915 HusbandINife 03934 00410311 BrotherSister 004154 0042 16 Corp - Kodak 004236 HusbandlWife 0 42049 HusbandJWHe 04325 Corp - WS Svcs 043 46 HusbandlWife 007 ParenVChild 04417 HusbandlWife 04516 HusbandlWife 004537 046001 04629 0046041 HusbandJWHe 004746 HusbandWife 04753 Corp - RIT 004819 04852 04942 Corp - ESG 04954 HusbandWife 0SO32 ParenUChikl 05221 ParentChild 05315 Corp - Kodak 05340 HusbandJWife 05429 ParentChild 05540 05720 Corp - RIT 05811 1 01 08 HusbandlWife 10252 ParentChild 108 16 11024 HusbandlWife

HomeStJetch Harrier Cl1c 11 SK Rnulta

FlngellAke Race Track

Saturday Augua l30 1997

Results counesy eX Robb Smillie and GVH WNW rronliemel netl-G VH

bull -10shyI

Country Day 91397

I Chdno()llltor ~ ll ubull po l nlt 14 I l PAnict f(r1I~1 ltgtn 14 17 ] Kevi n Cn h 14U 4 Ntrh_ 1b11I 1504 ~ Chp Ca l u lha j5 U Sto O l h nd I~ I I 7 C~ 101 2bull Dono Itofhl U ll Jor_ rhUboo u 1~ 10 10 li d Ilac~_11 SU 11 fl DKa n H ll Co r ic) oy u ]tCI Mc(gtJ~jrl 11 coll (1 bullbull11 u It l16 J OO~1 145H ~gt n ln Llwh I6 t U H 1amp0 ~nltllburk 11I 11 Nick ~r P dl It ~athr in Cva n~o h j7 u

It Cpamp 11 1 7 IIaUck 11 )1 Jltlssie Car 11 41 Dltgtv l oS _h 19Dl Bi ll sctt 10 n Chris N U o 12 1) T ~_ 22 14 J ohn Robac n middotn HI) S oel 22 51 AI ico HAftbullbull 2) O JiOC) b 21 dS ~t WlulM 24 01

bullbull Tltgtdd poundgt0 14 5) 10 Nug t Har~ 2S IS ~IAamp A U5ATF I II PAul Albn m 2S 21 12 Donnl C1gtoDa 21 01 11 Sharon_ 17 00 H I a ndr_ llLonaege 100IS Jo Oooltty 21 0)

iOn) Korto 1$ 41 ChampltI~ Kh thBd 2 18 u 80b Epal a d ~ ) 0 21t_rt 800 Vo lk 10 J4gt0

u Clwvl 1ofuy )l 00 Den evaltt )1n a i d so rResults courtesy eX Robb Snlill ie md U oond

I Cof r~ Mol t~nrt 919GVH wwwfrontiemelnetJ-GVH An~ l kdh lS J An ltleu C~ l l 0 9 4J Joah ~hlllgtM 100 ) ~ An~rw Blancha rd 1005 6 Colin Kofll -V IO C5 7 J I C 10 11 T_ h 18 II IUcha I tU 10 Itbullbull 10 Tyl 1_10 10 15 li 11 Man l bull LO n

Shdl) ~nn bull bull lO n s11 N )iO ID middotlt 101 4J Iwf)I Can 11 MARATHONERS Pie send noonll ( hu lu bull 10 U ~ampc ~ 101911 C Phamp 11 10your times and Slories abouL your II I_I Marrhbull bull )

11 12 bull19 td DoIglo II 21OUL-Or- town runs to lD Je bull bull toy U nt r H Colby C r oc ltf o ul llI I n

GRTC Newseller 1)10 td- II U n k-va c 11 1107 l O HOIll lo 11 245 Easl Streel Apl 215 U 07 Dgtrn l n r r y 12 17 16 Abby eo - C11ohiOn 11 nHoneoye Falls NY 14472 H 10 _I

11 1 Y_Io ]l H

29_ Nlke CoHuio Il 1 l D Cory l1Iu lII 11 5 n u~~U1V II d7

ALII IIhd Il n I I c hln ~I h n b rg r II S

Results by CATS Athletic Club RoclJesler NY CATS web pay at hupmiddotusersaolcomf il lopuslcatspage hllll

-1 2shy

CAST IL E LI BRARY =UNO RUN amp WALK middot 9113197 WALJltER$ Ctvis line Gozalskl 40I SmiddotOO 29 Cut~e

1lACpound 10M Furgample MKh8e Garger

IlIlE 16middot2100 17middot1300



Roche5ler 28 Avon

AIIcl lo Be~rclsley Valerie Panlccw KaI~COffe

031 OQ

047 00 OmiddotSI-OO

P011agevi_e 33 C8IliIe S GJlnsv~18

3 bull7

Soon Flhinehan Frank Beck DonSpenca Slav Rillers Bob IA loW Maggie WhoIeNln Chrl5IophtIr SlVfm Pele 5CCOodo

175500 1634 00 18800 190400 1915middot00 191600 193400 19)6middot00



3 30 6 36 6 2S 18 29

Geneseo Warlall CasIU Victor Penl ield Leroy Castle Home

DIane Saoten 5127 00 Mrt JNoo Beardslo 47 08 00 Marey VlIfZ(lCII 10900 CarOlyn l yons 71600 Jolm RWtY 41~ OO

CirIctf Balbef 415100 LI$8 Conklin 485800 Mary Jane York 485800


46 47 55 46 33 53


PorIaf1Qvii lo Cas1i1e Wrsaw Tecumseh MO Ctstle Ceslle Ceslile

Johl Morganti 201600 M 16 Ptx1amp9Bvih LoriRooens S22200 27 Warsaw

JamMlynch 2050middot00 M 31 Geooseo Rick HaUHf 522 100 26 Perry

03v1d Grangampl BarryWe~

21 2 100 2 15 100


35 52

SilYGr SpIIngS Aoctlester


WIllard OegotrlH 522200 No TIme

27 50

Pttry Cut

Malhew Dlck8reon 215600 M 17 Bellast Maureen Degoyer No Tim e 49 Carie

KenRe~en 2201 00 M 45 Geneseo Karen Pankow No Time 32 C8s1l1e

Jo Stone Heelhet Biodc4I1b Dllvid Haske_

223000 225300 22middot5600

f F M

39 Geneseo

p52 Nunda

l ois Palltlow No Tma 53 CosIMe


Bruc Caktwell Thomas Quail

230800 231700


44 Waflaw

Jim Murllly 232 00 M MI Morris

Michele Secco 23S500 F Geneseo

Bfflfll Ewwtl 240200 M 48 Balavia 25 David 8rongo 24middot0400 46 livonia


PhllIlpMa Oevid Page latJ1ie White J3aluo~ne Hoyt

2 middot1200 2 middot23()() 2 3200 2 33middot00


48 Fioch41sler 40 PIIIT) 34 celtl

The Greater Rochester Track C lub would like 0

announce and welcome our new track club


Brian ArcIJibIJld wero-Ctay

2 middot4300 2 500


30 3

Rochesler Geneseo

members thai joined us over the past month

WiliBm $anlCX 2 5200 M 55 Waruw 33



Roy Chrislopher Smith Ieflore KraJt Koooeth Uptegrove Hoylt WiWiamBIiss Mickey dotlbins Baba18 Mason

250900 2511middot00 2534 00 261000 26 200 265400 213300 21middot ~ 00

M M f


41 Bm 39 Gestio

5 Castile

bull Cestile 30 Casr~e

12 Caslie 52 Genesco

David Valvo Rochester

Allen Thse A lbion

Highland Mal) Moontain Webster

Barb3ra Thompson Webster

Edward Orlando Rochester

Angi e Simpson Rochester

Kathy Suh Rochester

CloyselltliIsko 293300 M 33 Hamburg Sieve and C l audia Brent Penfield

000 Philips Cecil Kasko

294200 301700


62 68

Philade~la PA ClBarwaier FL

Jason Cornwell N ewark

Patrick DeeAQy 30 1800 Castile

Malhew Sp8flCef 301800 Cast~e 46 Amy Gampedy 302200 f 26 Cast ile

Jllne Mehoney 304700 F 48 Rochester

Michael Spe0C8r 322200 M 13 CampsIMo

Karen Dlc lfa fSOJl 3321middot00 F ~8 Belln l 50 GlIOfge TWlson 34middot1300 M 69 Shlrtslllie

Marsha TUson 355900 F 76 ShoI1svlle 52 CtvySlle Smith 314900 f 40 CampsIrie 53 Joo DegoIy~ 40-29 middot00 12 Casli le 5lt Tommy Dobtlit 40middot37 00 M 10 Ca91~O


ZO wn7701 HUSlfId 7111 O~ Mefl

40sWomargtW AtoI~J CIlIIe 7721 (US WOITgttII )01 wornThe rlH CIvtsIO ~

1) Women Susan 8onklibul t 27 -shy 71SI II Tum LVfn ~~ ee 71 3OSWomn p_slaa~ 1112 MiedTumCIvgtsIt CuIlIf1 Obotrhollelo1tII8IIJO ~-s1e (UnOH 7002 2a-Wome


MlnS Tm 791 2OsWonfnJudy SemeoOJtI

Weltgt6yAIitIOC 45 ~Inn 111_27 2OS Women 10101111 ScMeCIr lOlMn pelaquoMmet ~

Wam~middotTbullbullJoSllfl~ ln Jon TQOt1I WomenS Tu as s~MOII1--

8003 501 Mlln Feu Scheible Men Tum

)0 W9m O IBuVuet T-y 8i1hono1411 30 Mluod Team AAtgtOIgty AIduccn Men Til rI04IIT~ Ml~tltl Tum Toungml rgtJYOIII


ASMltIzamplOe~n 401 Men401 Worn12Nay alIIus 40middot 11 til FomtIiA 44 50 MHI lOUie

Deni Cobtek 10720s WOOMn 8113 20 we1M UIlI HUlClngs 10lt1 4l 0gt ~ W $I

laIoI0 SIl amp0 lot Scod SlIarar10S 1I1 1131 401 WornOpW- Ed S1abirts R_C_W~ OW_1208 AfIIetle SUII II IIOIIMenBob b Ag G1MIII NIrIIW 6322 ly

8)25 women ham ~wroCgtou9leltly 41hMrnJolin GfoeSDeet w1I1III eUlBoll RelUI

1 GRTC Calendar 2 ~

Running road races co~p1led by G~orge T111son Road R~ce Coord1nator Greater Rochester Trac~ Club (716-289-4250) Where available the 8ch~dul~ In c ludes date8 tlm~$ registration tee race dir~ctor contact ad~ress and telephone nunber and ~here to meet

Wedneday evenings 6 1~ pili The Cert1f ied Five and Diners 5 dle training

Oct 4 Sat ~ OO ampIII

runsJane [aculll 71~ -264-094L Mendon Ponds Sec n Area -United Way Kick-Off Clasaic 10k $10 Pre by 9 30 $ J 3 Pot Long sleeve T-shirt chiCKen barbec ue dinner included ~9rma Lamberson United Way 83 W Bayard St Seneca taIls 13148 315-~68-9~73 meet at United WayshySt Patrick School W Bayard

Oct 4 Sat 10 00 pili -Apple Derby 5 Hile Run Hilton Applefes t We~kend

$10 Pre by 103 $12 Poet T-shirts Steve Powler Hilton-Parm Recreation ~g Henry St Hilton 14468 71~-392 - 9030 Hllton HJgh Schoo l

Oct 4 Sat 8 4~ a~ Roberts We aleya n College 91 Hoeco~ing Miles Pre $6 b~ 923 S10 Poet 2 _lle Fun Run at 6 00a~ Office ot Oevelop~ent 716-~9-6500 meet at Lif~ Fltne~s Canter

Oct 4 Sat HY ChIropract i c Co llege Cross Co~ntry Invitational Varait y JV Froah Boys amp Girls Open Race Russ Ebbetts Y Chiropractic College Rt 69 Sen~ca

Falls 13148 Oct 11 Sat 930 a~ Apple 6 Pu~p~in Harvest Festival ~K Cross Coun try

RunWalk S10 Pre $12 Post T-shir ts Benefit Hospice o f Orleans County ~argy Brown Br own s eerryfu~pkjn

Oct J 6 Sat JO ~ 30 amp111

Patch 716-682 - 5569 Meet at Brown e 14 264 Roosevelty Waterport NY Run for Hosptce 5K bull 2 ~lle fitness walk Benefit VialtJng HUTee Hoaplce Foundation $ 13 Pre bV 10 11 Post $17 Designer T-shirts Huge Race Party with rood+bev~rage amp aany door prles Pete van Peurselll 3 4 DenlshJre Or Rochester 14624 ~94- 4 191 Heet at First BIble eaptlst ChurCh 1039 H Greece Rd Greece

Oct 18 Sat 9 00 aa Henrietta 8reakfast RunS Miles +Chlldrens Mile at 8 30 Raee includes breaktfst ~ Ml1 e-810 Pre by 10 15 813 Post Jan~ Iacull1 Henrietta Recreation Dept 475 Calk i ns Roa d Hen~ietta 14~67 7J6-3~9-2~40 Meet at Winslow EleMentary School Calkins Rd He nrietta

Oct 25 Sat 9 00 aa Shepherds Heart Christian Fellowship ~K Manna Run Pre 5 12 by 1018 Post 514 Linited to 11 5 racers Inc ludes Breakfast + T-shirt Proceeds for develo~en~ or Youth C~nteT Dave OLeary 2~4-1927 Heet at Greece Orange 1301 Long Pond Rd next to Fire House

Nov 8 Sat 9 ~30 a~ Mendon Trail 10K Run $5 Pre by 11 1 $ 8 Post Loop course Good well lIIar~ed trails (lK on road) Larry Zygo115-227-7618Heet at East Lodge Men4 on Ponds Park

Nov 23 Sun 900 a -Turkey Claaaic 5 1II11e road race 1 IIIjle run run $12 Pre 916 Poet T-shlrts Paul Anderson Southeast YMCA 111 S Jefferson Rd Pittsford 14534 383- 579

ov 27 Thur 9 00 aa -Race wIth Grace 10K $12 Pre by 11 22 51~ Post long sleeved 8hJrt 12 nile tun run for c hildr e n Run wIth Pastor George Grace Bob DyjaK laa Kj~ Lane Ro chester 1t626 116-2 25-6560 Meet at First Blble Baptist Church No Greece Rd

Nov 27 Thur lOam Newark Turkey Oay 6 Miler Joe Contario 909 Pej~son Ave Mewark 145 13 3 15-331- 2bullbull 9 Meet at HewBrk Elk s Club Katn St at Cen t ral Park

Nov 29 Sat 11 00 a~ R f TUrke~ Run 5 al l ee $5 Prp $ 10 Post Bil l Quinllampk 412 HUMbolt St Roches ter 1461 0 482- 637 1 Hendon Ponds Park beach parking lot

Dec 7 Sun 9 00 bullbull JJngle Sell Run 5K $15 Pre S18 Post T-shirts lots of tood at Post Ra c e Party 271 -2510 Arthritis Foundation 2423 Monroe Ave Ror-hester 14618

Oee 27 Sat 845 a middotPost Christmas Blues Run- 5 K Unusual awards Post race famous tony Farraro c hill feast Vern Hecker 3452 Oehs n Rd Canandaigua 14424 716-39 4-4 075 Mee t at Me t hodist ChurCh No rth Main St Canandaigua


Oct 4 Sat 8 30 a~ The Great Cortl~nd Pu~pkinte9t SK Challenge $10 Pre $11 Poat tree 1 aile fun run as 8 1 Haro)~ Whlte 607-756-1875 Meet at Geared 2 Sporta 24 Cour t St Cortland NY

Oct 5 Sun 9 30 bullbull middot Syracuae Feativa] of Rac e s Wo~ens amp Hens 5K Fun Run t or Kids Dav~ OJa 213 Scott Ave Syracuse 13~~ 4 31$-46-6285 Hanley Field Hou~e Syracuse University

Oct 6 Sun 9 00~ middotWineglass Maratho n + 3 per~on relay S25 by 9 15 S35 Post lono sl~eved shirta FinJsh at Corning Glasa Center Hark Landin Bo x It7 COTntn9 14830 607-937shy6184 Meet at Philips Lighting Co Rt 5 4H Bath

To request a registration for~ by aall send a SASE to assist the race direct o r In hiaher volunteer efforts

middot USA Track amp Pield Cert itle~ Race Course

Sept HI 1997

SCOTJJE BANTON MARATHON PORT HURON 1111 813197 rochesterMatt Caton 30018 Terry Heist 33609 Tim Matthews 3 39 Norm Frank 315

4th annual Mendon Trail Run 10K and 20K

Saturday Novmher 8 1997 930 AM East -odge Mendon Ponds Park

Cotl r n 10 km loop laquolU$C 10 klJl on rQIICIJ 05 km HI fields 85 1 on ~ l rJih Oplion 01 ooine one loop or rcpUl ing loop (Of 10K The rounc will lie tll - nu1~td with Sol reamcn on Imil l lnd I collbioaliolll or (hall( srearnen aM l1o fliC conu 10 mark route a l road 11051 15 alld on open ndd

C(JurSof 1ttrOrdSl 2OK shy 1Ykt1 DoI c Hi~h(lff 1 19) 9 W Olty Utd GlOlSflIIn 13348shyIOK - Men [)e Bitcho(f 37-jIJ W~n Bryn Mull igan 48 16

Slon East Lodc hich hlocllt(j on CMfield Rood (nonh (Ul1lOt road 10 park) aboul 0 8 mi les ~ 01 Clovel ROIId

HHls YrI fhere will bot hills1 We cuimltllc r roo fCCI or elin ptr 10K rrrgt- Nilgt PR COIIr SC

Water AI stftlfinish pillS n ile vJIlt ~op about 6 km inlo loop

Rod cronlng Tllerc will be roul crosinamps of park IUlid t ltler( will be no rood manh3l1s 10 runl1elS are ~pon5ible 10 their 58lely when cr05liing rOflds

Entry fce $5 if posImarkcd by November I $I R[[or Novernbu I and on day 0( 11KX

TlfIlt Onmiddotl ite ni ~ rltion and ehe(kmiddot in bet w~en ROO and 9 15 AM Rsoce $I~ru a 930

Alc G r oup Male undcr40 m40 nd n Female ulldu40and 40and over

A rd~ The tory of your rnme in rhe RQChe$lerOrienlccrill~ ClubllJld he G RTC TlCw$te el1

SpO Olor SponlOnXl byhe Rohuer (Kicnarin O ub (but his is II an orien tto rnl even)

Informallon ConlOC Larry Zyo 227middot768

Entry Form - Mendon Trail Run November S 1997

Name Agc _ _ _ Scx _ _ _

Addrcss _________________ _ ______ _

Phone Len~th Planned 10K 20K Enry fee $5 i(1J08lIl31kod by November 1 S8(~reafler M~ke chlaquok payable fo7tRocllesla Orienllaquoring Club Mail rompleled 8pplict ioo 10 Dick Dctilr 422 Woodlaod LarJc Websle r NY 14500

WAIVER I llie uodcrsilned acop full respomibi1ity fOJ 1II)lClf and for an) injuries I mlly incurdurinc Ihis trail run I have nod this pplicatioo end I fully undentand thaI pranicipaline in th is event y be dallgeroU$ 10 my heAlih Sprained ankles and WristA laceraliom bruises broken bone lithlnin mikes animl biles collisions wilh vehicles hYpolntrmia and heal uhaustion are rra t possibilities I (ully underst8nd that there will be 110 medical or emergency personnel on the course I have trainod Jurric ienlly for thi event I will fK)j

hold any 0( the OfJani1OJ1 tnt Councyof Mon~ the Roche~C( Orientecrine O Ub land owners any agency within Ihc Mate of Ncw York or any volunteers ~1ponsibk My actionsoci mishaps ~rc accoufllablc to no one butI1lY$Clf

Date Slllllll~==c=_====_==ccc_---------If pcu1icipanl is under 18 thut pa~nt or ItWdian must also sign

Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692







4331 00 440700 401 21 00 445400









GATe Couples Bun - 8J3OJ9Z

eJaco bIamB Ago lime CataoolV

1 Renee RombaulfScon Peiser 2 Beth DeCianUslTom Gabruk 3 April MessengerRoger Messenger 4 Nan Park RumbaughJeff Rumbaugh

Allison SnyderJason HeHenbaugh 6 Ann MessengerRyan Messenger 7 Katie FantauuolPhil Goodwin 8 Sue RowleyRich Van Almkerk 9 Rebecca BethlendyGabor Bethlendy

Karen LarkinKevin Larkin 11 Lisa BrancaRichard AgUtn8 12 Cheryl GunderrnanlBob Gunderman 13 Jennifer PenamonteJohn Penamonte 14 Amy CookGeoff Cook

Ei~en WainpressfMdlael Weil1gtress 16 Karin GogolskyKevin Shaw 17 Kristen KasslerMarvin Rus 18 MacKenzie DumarEart Cliffel 19 Anita ShawfOr Rodney Shaw

Susan GoodwinMichael Goodwin 21 Stacy BabcockPeter Haggerty 22 Terry TestJon Baldwin 23 Michelle CourtrightIMark Frye 24 Jan McCulloughIMike McCullough

Debbie lovolVlou lovali 26 Virginia BrownfBarry Brown 27 Tara HetzeVFred Plimpton 28 Jean Agos1ineJlvDavid Smi1h 29 Claudia BrenVSteve Brent

8ridgene RiverslS1even Rivers 31 Pat HahnEd Stablns 32 Jennifer Gatesllarry LoMaglio 33 Janet CourtrightPhilip Nelson 34 Katie SearslBrian Sears

Dawn WilcoxJeff Washburn 36 Karen MorriSMorrey Goldman 37 Marsha TillsonGeorge Tillson

SO-59 7(H9 60-69 50-59 lt40 lt40 lt40

60-89 SO-59 60-69 50-59 70-79 60-69 60-69 80-89 80-89 80-89 70-79 110+ 60-89 60-89 90-99 50-59 7()79 50-59 90-99 50-59 70-79

100-109 40-49

100-109 70-79 90-99

100-109 100-109 100-109

11 0+

03608 03712 037045 Pa renUChiid 03915 HusbandINife 03934 00410311 BrotherSister 004154 0042 16 Corp - Kodak 004236 HusbandlWife 0 42049 HusbandJWHe 04325 Corp - WS Svcs 043 46 HusbandlWife 007 ParenVChild 04417 HusbandlWife 04516 HusbandlWife 004537 046001 04629 0046041 HusbandJWHe 004746 HusbandWife 04753 Corp - RIT 004819 04852 04942 Corp - ESG 04954 HusbandWife 0SO32 ParenUChikl 05221 ParentChild 05315 Corp - Kodak 05340 HusbandJWife 05429 ParentChild 05540 05720 Corp - RIT 05811 1 01 08 HusbandlWife 10252 ParentChild 108 16 11024 HusbandlWife

HomeStJetch Harrier Cl1c 11 SK Rnulta

FlngellAke Race Track

Saturday Augua l30 1997

Results counesy eX Robb Smillie and GVH WNW rronliemel netl-G VH

bull -10shyI

Country Day 91397

I Chdno()llltor ~ ll ubull po l nlt 14 I l PAnict f(r1I~1 ltgtn 14 17 ] Kevi n Cn h 14U 4 Ntrh_ 1b11I 1504 ~ Chp Ca l u lha j5 U Sto O l h nd I~ I I 7 C~ 101 2bull Dono Itofhl U ll Jor_ rhUboo u 1~ 10 10 li d Ilac~_11 SU 11 fl DKa n H ll Co r ic) oy u ]tCI Mc(gtJ~jrl 11 coll (1 bullbull11 u It l16 J OO~1 145H ~gt n ln Llwh I6 t U H 1amp0 ~nltllburk 11I 11 Nick ~r P dl It ~athr in Cva n~o h j7 u

It Cpamp 11 1 7 IIaUck 11 )1 Jltlssie Car 11 41 Dltgtv l oS _h 19Dl Bi ll sctt 10 n Chris N U o 12 1) T ~_ 22 14 J ohn Robac n middotn HI) S oel 22 51 AI ico HAftbullbull 2) O JiOC) b 21 dS ~t WlulM 24 01

bullbull Tltgtdd poundgt0 14 5) 10 Nug t Har~ 2S IS ~IAamp A U5ATF I II PAul Albn m 2S 21 12 Donnl C1gtoDa 21 01 11 Sharon_ 17 00 H I a ndr_ llLonaege 100IS Jo Oooltty 21 0)

iOn) Korto 1$ 41 ChampltI~ Kh thBd 2 18 u 80b Epal a d ~ ) 0 21t_rt 800 Vo lk 10 J4gt0

u Clwvl 1ofuy )l 00 Den evaltt )1n a i d so rResults courtesy eX Robb Snlill ie md U oond

I Cof r~ Mol t~nrt 919GVH wwwfrontiemelnetJ-GVH An~ l kdh lS J An ltleu C~ l l 0 9 4J Joah ~hlllgtM 100 ) ~ An~rw Blancha rd 1005 6 Colin Kofll -V IO C5 7 J I C 10 11 T_ h 18 II IUcha I tU 10 Itbullbull 10 Tyl 1_10 10 15 li 11 Man l bull LO n

Shdl) ~nn bull bull lO n s11 N )iO ID middotlt 101 4J Iwf)I Can 11 MARATHONERS Pie send noonll ( hu lu bull 10 U ~ampc ~ 101911 C Phamp 11 10your times and Slories abouL your II I_I Marrhbull bull )

11 12 bull19 td DoIglo II 21OUL-Or- town runs to lD Je bull bull toy U nt r H Colby C r oc ltf o ul llI I n

GRTC Newseller 1)10 td- II U n k-va c 11 1107 l O HOIll lo 11 245 Easl Streel Apl 215 U 07 Dgtrn l n r r y 12 17 16 Abby eo - C11ohiOn 11 nHoneoye Falls NY 14472 H 10 _I

11 1 Y_Io ]l H

29_ Nlke CoHuio Il 1 l D Cory l1Iu lII 11 5 n u~~U1V II d7

ALII IIhd Il n I I c hln ~I h n b rg r II S

Results by CATS Athletic Club RoclJesler NY CATS web pay at hupmiddotusersaolcomf il lopuslcatspage hllll

-1 2shy

CAST IL E LI BRARY =UNO RUN amp WALK middot 9113197 WALJltER$ Ctvis line Gozalskl 40I SmiddotOO 29 Cut~e

1lACpound 10M Furgample MKh8e Garger

IlIlE 16middot2100 17middot1300



Roche5ler 28 Avon

AIIcl lo Be~rclsley Valerie Panlccw KaI~COffe

031 OQ

047 00 OmiddotSI-OO

P011agevi_e 33 C8IliIe S GJlnsv~18

3 bull7

Soon Flhinehan Frank Beck DonSpenca Slav Rillers Bob IA loW Maggie WhoIeNln Chrl5IophtIr SlVfm Pele 5CCOodo

175500 1634 00 18800 190400 1915middot00 191600 193400 19)6middot00



3 30 6 36 6 2S 18 29

Geneseo Warlall CasIU Victor Penl ield Leroy Castle Home

DIane Saoten 5127 00 Mrt JNoo Beardslo 47 08 00 Marey VlIfZ(lCII 10900 CarOlyn l yons 71600 Jolm RWtY 41~ OO

CirIctf Balbef 415100 LI$8 Conklin 485800 Mary Jane York 485800


46 47 55 46 33 53


PorIaf1Qvii lo Cas1i1e Wrsaw Tecumseh MO Ctstle Ceslle Ceslile

Johl Morganti 201600 M 16 Ptx1amp9Bvih LoriRooens S22200 27 Warsaw

JamMlynch 2050middot00 M 31 Geooseo Rick HaUHf 522 100 26 Perry

03v1d Grangampl BarryWe~

21 2 100 2 15 100


35 52

SilYGr SpIIngS Aoctlester


WIllard OegotrlH 522200 No TIme

27 50

Pttry Cut

Malhew Dlck8reon 215600 M 17 Bellast Maureen Degoyer No Tim e 49 Carie

KenRe~en 2201 00 M 45 Geneseo Karen Pankow No Time 32 C8s1l1e

Jo Stone Heelhet Biodc4I1b Dllvid Haske_

223000 225300 22middot5600

f F M

39 Geneseo

p52 Nunda

l ois Palltlow No Tma 53 CosIMe


Bruc Caktwell Thomas Quail

230800 231700


44 Waflaw

Jim Murllly 232 00 M MI Morris

Michele Secco 23S500 F Geneseo

Bfflfll Ewwtl 240200 M 48 Balavia 25 David 8rongo 24middot0400 46 livonia


PhllIlpMa Oevid Page latJ1ie White J3aluo~ne Hoyt

2 middot1200 2 middot23()() 2 3200 2 33middot00


48 Fioch41sler 40 PIIIT) 34 celtl

The Greater Rochester Track C lub would like 0

announce and welcome our new track club


Brian ArcIJibIJld wero-Ctay

2 middot4300 2 500


30 3

Rochesler Geneseo

members thai joined us over the past month

WiliBm $anlCX 2 5200 M 55 Waruw 33



Roy Chrislopher Smith Ieflore KraJt Koooeth Uptegrove Hoylt WiWiamBIiss Mickey dotlbins Baba18 Mason

250900 2511middot00 2534 00 261000 26 200 265400 213300 21middot ~ 00

M M f


41 Bm 39 Gestio

5 Castile

bull Cestile 30 Casr~e

12 Caslie 52 Genesco

David Valvo Rochester

Allen Thse A lbion

Highland Mal) Moontain Webster

Barb3ra Thompson Webster

Edward Orlando Rochester

Angi e Simpson Rochester

Kathy Suh Rochester

CloyselltliIsko 293300 M 33 Hamburg Sieve and C l audia Brent Penfield

000 Philips Cecil Kasko

294200 301700


62 68

Philade~la PA ClBarwaier FL

Jason Cornwell N ewark

Patrick DeeAQy 30 1800 Castile

Malhew Sp8flCef 301800 Cast~e 46 Amy Gampedy 302200 f 26 Cast ile

Jllne Mehoney 304700 F 48 Rochester

Michael Spe0C8r 322200 M 13 CampsIMo

Karen Dlc lfa fSOJl 3321middot00 F ~8 Belln l 50 GlIOfge TWlson 34middot1300 M 69 Shlrtslllie

Marsha TUson 355900 F 76 ShoI1svlle 52 CtvySlle Smith 314900 f 40 CampsIrie 53 Joo DegoIy~ 40-29 middot00 12 Casli le 5lt Tommy Dobtlit 40middot37 00 M 10 Ca91~O


ZO wn7701 HUSlfId 7111 O~ Mefl

40sWomargtW AtoI~J CIlIIe 7721 (US WOITgttII )01 wornThe rlH CIvtsIO ~

1) Women Susan 8onklibul t 27 -shy 71SI II Tum LVfn ~~ ee 71 3OSWomn p_slaa~ 1112 MiedTumCIvgtsIt CuIlIf1 Obotrhollelo1tII8IIJO ~-s1e (UnOH 7002 2a-Wome


MlnS Tm 791 2OsWonfnJudy SemeoOJtI

Weltgt6yAIitIOC 45 ~Inn 111_27 2OS Women 10101111 ScMeCIr lOlMn pelaquoMmet ~

Wam~middotTbullbullJoSllfl~ ln Jon TQOt1I WomenS Tu as s~MOII1--

8003 501 Mlln Feu Scheible Men Tum

)0 W9m O IBuVuet T-y 8i1hono1411 30 Mluod Team AAtgtOIgty AIduccn Men Til rI04IIT~ Ml~tltl Tum Toungml rgtJYOIII


ASMltIzamplOe~n 401 Men401 Worn12Nay alIIus 40middot 11 til FomtIiA 44 50 MHI lOUie

Deni Cobtek 10720s WOOMn 8113 20 we1M UIlI HUlClngs 10lt1 4l 0gt ~ W $I

laIoI0 SIl amp0 lot Scod SlIarar10S 1I1 1131 401 WornOpW- Ed S1abirts R_C_W~ OW_1208 AfIIetle SUII II IIOIIMenBob b Ag G1MIII NIrIIW 6322 ly

8)25 women ham ~wroCgtou9leltly 41hMrnJolin GfoeSDeet w1I1III eUlBoll RelUI

1 GRTC Calendar 2 ~

Running road races co~p1led by G~orge T111son Road R~ce Coord1nator Greater Rochester Trac~ Club (716-289-4250) Where available the 8ch~dul~ In c ludes date8 tlm~$ registration tee race dir~ctor contact ad~ress and telephone nunber and ~here to meet

Wedneday evenings 6 1~ pili The Cert1f ied Five and Diners 5 dle training

Oct 4 Sat ~ OO ampIII

runsJane [aculll 71~ -264-094L Mendon Ponds Sec n Area -United Way Kick-Off Clasaic 10k $10 Pre by 9 30 $ J 3 Pot Long sleeve T-shirt chiCKen barbec ue dinner included ~9rma Lamberson United Way 83 W Bayard St Seneca taIls 13148 315-~68-9~73 meet at United WayshySt Patrick School W Bayard

Oct 4 Sat 10 00 pili -Apple Derby 5 Hile Run Hilton Applefes t We~kend

$10 Pre by 103 $12 Poet T-shirts Steve Powler Hilton-Parm Recreation ~g Henry St Hilton 14468 71~-392 - 9030 Hllton HJgh Schoo l

Oct 4 Sat 8 4~ a~ Roberts We aleya n College 91 Hoeco~ing Miles Pre $6 b~ 923 S10 Poet 2 _lle Fun Run at 6 00a~ Office ot Oevelop~ent 716-~9-6500 meet at Lif~ Fltne~s Canter

Oct 4 Sat HY ChIropract i c Co llege Cross Co~ntry Invitational Varait y JV Froah Boys amp Girls Open Race Russ Ebbetts Y Chiropractic College Rt 69 Sen~ca

Falls 13148 Oct 11 Sat 930 a~ Apple 6 Pu~p~in Harvest Festival ~K Cross Coun try

RunWalk S10 Pre $12 Post T-shir ts Benefit Hospice o f Orleans County ~argy Brown Br own s eerryfu~pkjn

Oct J 6 Sat JO ~ 30 amp111

Patch 716-682 - 5569 Meet at Brown e 14 264 Roosevelty Waterport NY Run for Hosptce 5K bull 2 ~lle fitness walk Benefit VialtJng HUTee Hoaplce Foundation $ 13 Pre bV 10 11 Post $17 Designer T-shirts Huge Race Party with rood+bev~rage amp aany door prles Pete van Peurselll 3 4 DenlshJre Or Rochester 14624 ~94- 4 191 Heet at First BIble eaptlst ChurCh 1039 H Greece Rd Greece

Oct 18 Sat 9 00 aa Henrietta 8reakfast RunS Miles +Chlldrens Mile at 8 30 Raee includes breaktfst ~ Ml1 e-810 Pre by 10 15 813 Post Jan~ Iacull1 Henrietta Recreation Dept 475 Calk i ns Roa d Hen~ietta 14~67 7J6-3~9-2~40 Meet at Winslow EleMentary School Calkins Rd He nrietta

Oct 25 Sat 9 00 aa Shepherds Heart Christian Fellowship ~K Manna Run Pre 5 12 by 1018 Post 514 Linited to 11 5 racers Inc ludes Breakfast + T-shirt Proceeds for develo~en~ or Youth C~nteT Dave OLeary 2~4-1927 Heet at Greece Orange 1301 Long Pond Rd next to Fire House

Nov 8 Sat 9 ~30 a~ Mendon Trail 10K Run $5 Pre by 11 1 $ 8 Post Loop course Good well lIIar~ed trails (lK on road) Larry Zygo115-227-7618Heet at East Lodge Men4 on Ponds Park

Nov 23 Sun 900 a -Turkey Claaaic 5 1II11e road race 1 IIIjle run run $12 Pre 916 Poet T-shlrts Paul Anderson Southeast YMCA 111 S Jefferson Rd Pittsford 14534 383- 579

ov 27 Thur 9 00 aa -Race wIth Grace 10K $12 Pre by 11 22 51~ Post long sleeved 8hJrt 12 nile tun run for c hildr e n Run wIth Pastor George Grace Bob DyjaK laa Kj~ Lane Ro chester 1t626 116-2 25-6560 Meet at First Blble Baptist Church No Greece Rd

Nov 27 Thur lOam Newark Turkey Oay 6 Miler Joe Contario 909 Pej~son Ave Mewark 145 13 3 15-331- 2bullbull 9 Meet at HewBrk Elk s Club Katn St at Cen t ral Park

Nov 29 Sat 11 00 a~ R f TUrke~ Run 5 al l ee $5 Prp $ 10 Post Bil l Quinllampk 412 HUMbolt St Roches ter 1461 0 482- 637 1 Hendon Ponds Park beach parking lot

Dec 7 Sun 9 00 bullbull JJngle Sell Run 5K $15 Pre S18 Post T-shirts lots of tood at Post Ra c e Party 271 -2510 Arthritis Foundation 2423 Monroe Ave Ror-hester 14618

Oee 27 Sat 845 a middotPost Christmas Blues Run- 5 K Unusual awards Post race famous tony Farraro c hill feast Vern Hecker 3452 Oehs n Rd Canandaigua 14424 716-39 4-4 075 Mee t at Me t hodist ChurCh No rth Main St Canandaigua


Oct 4 Sat 8 30 a~ The Great Cortl~nd Pu~pkinte9t SK Challenge $10 Pre $11 Poat tree 1 aile fun run as 8 1 Haro)~ Whlte 607-756-1875 Meet at Geared 2 Sporta 24 Cour t St Cortland NY

Oct 5 Sun 9 30 bullbull middot Syracuae Feativa] of Rac e s Wo~ens amp Hens 5K Fun Run t or Kids Dav~ OJa 213 Scott Ave Syracuse 13~~ 4 31$-46-6285 Hanley Field Hou~e Syracuse University

Oct 6 Sun 9 00~ middotWineglass Maratho n + 3 per~on relay S25 by 9 15 S35 Post lono sl~eved shirta FinJsh at Corning Glasa Center Hark Landin Bo x It7 COTntn9 14830 607-937shy6184 Meet at Philips Lighting Co Rt 5 4H Bath

To request a registration for~ by aall send a SASE to assist the race direct o r In hiaher volunteer efforts

middot USA Track amp Pield Cert itle~ Race Course

Sept HI 1997

SCOTJJE BANTON MARATHON PORT HURON 1111 813197 rochesterMatt Caton 30018 Terry Heist 33609 Tim Matthews 3 39 Norm Frank 315

4th annual Mendon Trail Run 10K and 20K

Saturday Novmher 8 1997 930 AM East -odge Mendon Ponds Park

Cotl r n 10 km loop laquolU$C 10 klJl on rQIICIJ 05 km HI fields 85 1 on ~ l rJih Oplion 01 ooine one loop or rcpUl ing loop (Of 10K The rounc will lie tll - nu1~td with Sol reamcn on Imil l lnd I collbioaliolll or (hall( srearnen aM l1o fliC conu 10 mark route a l road 11051 15 alld on open ndd

C(JurSof 1ttrOrdSl 2OK shy 1Ykt1 DoI c Hi~h(lff 1 19) 9 W Olty Utd GlOlSflIIn 13348shyIOK - Men [)e Bitcho(f 37-jIJ W~n Bryn Mull igan 48 16

Slon East Lodc hich hlocllt(j on CMfield Rood (nonh (Ul1lOt road 10 park) aboul 0 8 mi les ~ 01 Clovel ROIId

HHls YrI fhere will bot hills1 We cuimltllc r roo fCCI or elin ptr 10K rrrgt- Nilgt PR COIIr SC

Water AI stftlfinish pillS n ile vJIlt ~op about 6 km inlo loop

Rod cronlng Tllerc will be roul crosinamps of park IUlid t ltler( will be no rood manh3l1s 10 runl1elS are ~pon5ible 10 their 58lely when cr05liing rOflds

Entry fce $5 if posImarkcd by November I $I R[[or Novernbu I and on day 0( 11KX

TlfIlt Onmiddotl ite ni ~ rltion and ehe(kmiddot in bet w~en ROO and 9 15 AM Rsoce $I~ru a 930

Alc G r oup Male undcr40 m40 nd n Female ulldu40and 40and over

A rd~ The tory of your rnme in rhe RQChe$lerOrienlccrill~ ClubllJld he G RTC TlCw$te el1

SpO Olor SponlOnXl byhe Rohuer (Kicnarin O ub (but his is II an orien tto rnl even)

Informallon ConlOC Larry Zyo 227middot768

Entry Form - Mendon Trail Run November S 1997

Name Agc _ _ _ Scx _ _ _

Addrcss _________________ _ ______ _

Phone Len~th Planned 10K 20K Enry fee $5 i(1J08lIl31kod by November 1 S8(~reafler M~ke chlaquok payable fo7tRocllesla Orienllaquoring Club Mail rompleled 8pplict ioo 10 Dick Dctilr 422 Woodlaod LarJc Websle r NY 14500

WAIVER I llie uodcrsilned acop full respomibi1ity fOJ 1II)lClf and for an) injuries I mlly incurdurinc Ihis trail run I have nod this pplicatioo end I fully undentand thaI pranicipaline in th is event y be dallgeroU$ 10 my heAlih Sprained ankles and WristA laceraliom bruises broken bone lithlnin mikes animl biles collisions wilh vehicles hYpolntrmia and heal uhaustion are rra t possibilities I (ully underst8nd that there will be 110 medical or emergency personnel on the course I have trainod Jurric ienlly for thi event I will fK)j

hold any 0( the OfJani1OJ1 tnt Councyof Mon~ the Roche~C( Orientecrine O Ub land owners any agency within Ihc Mate of Ncw York or any volunteers ~1ponsibk My actionsoci mishaps ~rc accoufllablc to no one butI1lY$Clf

Date Slllllll~==c=_====_==ccc_---------If pcu1icipanl is under 18 thut pa~nt or ItWdian must also sign

Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692













GATe Couples Bun - 8J3OJ9Z

eJaco bIamB Ago lime CataoolV

1 Renee RombaulfScon Peiser 2 Beth DeCianUslTom Gabruk 3 April MessengerRoger Messenger 4 Nan Park RumbaughJeff Rumbaugh

Allison SnyderJason HeHenbaugh 6 Ann MessengerRyan Messenger 7 Katie FantauuolPhil Goodwin 8 Sue RowleyRich Van Almkerk 9 Rebecca BethlendyGabor Bethlendy

Karen LarkinKevin Larkin 11 Lisa BrancaRichard AgUtn8 12 Cheryl GunderrnanlBob Gunderman 13 Jennifer PenamonteJohn Penamonte 14 Amy CookGeoff Cook

Ei~en WainpressfMdlael Weil1gtress 16 Karin GogolskyKevin Shaw 17 Kristen KasslerMarvin Rus 18 MacKenzie DumarEart Cliffel 19 Anita ShawfOr Rodney Shaw

Susan GoodwinMichael Goodwin 21 Stacy BabcockPeter Haggerty 22 Terry TestJon Baldwin 23 Michelle CourtrightIMark Frye 24 Jan McCulloughIMike McCullough

Debbie lovolVlou lovali 26 Virginia BrownfBarry Brown 27 Tara HetzeVFred Plimpton 28 Jean Agos1ineJlvDavid Smi1h 29 Claudia BrenVSteve Brent

8ridgene RiverslS1even Rivers 31 Pat HahnEd Stablns 32 Jennifer Gatesllarry LoMaglio 33 Janet CourtrightPhilip Nelson 34 Katie SearslBrian Sears

Dawn WilcoxJeff Washburn 36 Karen MorriSMorrey Goldman 37 Marsha TillsonGeorge Tillson

SO-59 7(H9 60-69 50-59 lt40 lt40 lt40

60-89 SO-59 60-69 50-59 70-79 60-69 60-69 80-89 80-89 80-89 70-79 110+ 60-89 60-89 90-99 50-59 7()79 50-59 90-99 50-59 70-79

100-109 40-49

100-109 70-79 90-99

100-109 100-109 100-109

11 0+

03608 03712 037045 Pa renUChiid 03915 HusbandINife 03934 00410311 BrotherSister 004154 0042 16 Corp - Kodak 004236 HusbandlWife 0 42049 HusbandJWHe 04325 Corp - WS Svcs 043 46 HusbandlWife 007 ParenVChild 04417 HusbandlWife 04516 HusbandlWife 004537 046001 04629 0046041 HusbandJWHe 004746 HusbandWife 04753 Corp - RIT 004819 04852 04942 Corp - ESG 04954 HusbandWife 0SO32 ParenUChikl 05221 ParentChild 05315 Corp - Kodak 05340 HusbandJWife 05429 ParentChild 05540 05720 Corp - RIT 05811 1 01 08 HusbandlWife 10252 ParentChild 108 16 11024 HusbandlWife

HomeStJetch Harrier Cl1c 11 SK Rnulta

FlngellAke Race Track

Saturday Augua l30 1997

Results counesy eX Robb Smillie and GVH WNW rronliemel netl-G VH

bull -10shyI

Country Day 91397

I Chdno()llltor ~ ll ubull po l nlt 14 I l PAnict f(r1I~1 ltgtn 14 17 ] Kevi n Cn h 14U 4 Ntrh_ 1b11I 1504 ~ Chp Ca l u lha j5 U Sto O l h nd I~ I I 7 C~ 101 2bull Dono Itofhl U ll Jor_ rhUboo u 1~ 10 10 li d Ilac~_11 SU 11 fl DKa n H ll Co r ic) oy u ]tCI Mc(gtJ~jrl 11 coll (1 bullbull11 u It l16 J OO~1 145H ~gt n ln Llwh I6 t U H 1amp0 ~nltllburk 11I 11 Nick ~r P dl It ~athr in Cva n~o h j7 u

It Cpamp 11 1 7 IIaUck 11 )1 Jltlssie Car 11 41 Dltgtv l oS _h 19Dl Bi ll sctt 10 n Chris N U o 12 1) T ~_ 22 14 J ohn Robac n middotn HI) S oel 22 51 AI ico HAftbullbull 2) O JiOC) b 21 dS ~t WlulM 24 01

bullbull Tltgtdd poundgt0 14 5) 10 Nug t Har~ 2S IS ~IAamp A U5ATF I II PAul Albn m 2S 21 12 Donnl C1gtoDa 21 01 11 Sharon_ 17 00 H I a ndr_ llLonaege 100IS Jo Oooltty 21 0)

iOn) Korto 1$ 41 ChampltI~ Kh thBd 2 18 u 80b Epal a d ~ ) 0 21t_rt 800 Vo lk 10 J4gt0

u Clwvl 1ofuy )l 00 Den evaltt )1n a i d so rResults courtesy eX Robb Snlill ie md U oond

I Cof r~ Mol t~nrt 919GVH wwwfrontiemelnetJ-GVH An~ l kdh lS J An ltleu C~ l l 0 9 4J Joah ~hlllgtM 100 ) ~ An~rw Blancha rd 1005 6 Colin Kofll -V IO C5 7 J I C 10 11 T_ h 18 II IUcha I tU 10 Itbullbull 10 Tyl 1_10 10 15 li 11 Man l bull LO n

Shdl) ~nn bull bull lO n s11 N )iO ID middotlt 101 4J Iwf)I Can 11 MARATHONERS Pie send noonll ( hu lu bull 10 U ~ampc ~ 101911 C Phamp 11 10your times and Slories abouL your II I_I Marrhbull bull )

11 12 bull19 td DoIglo II 21OUL-Or- town runs to lD Je bull bull toy U nt r H Colby C r oc ltf o ul llI I n

GRTC Newseller 1)10 td- II U n k-va c 11 1107 l O HOIll lo 11 245 Easl Streel Apl 215 U 07 Dgtrn l n r r y 12 17 16 Abby eo - C11ohiOn 11 nHoneoye Falls NY 14472 H 10 _I

11 1 Y_Io ]l H

29_ Nlke CoHuio Il 1 l D Cory l1Iu lII 11 5 n u~~U1V II d7

ALII IIhd Il n I I c hln ~I h n b rg r II S

Results by CATS Athletic Club RoclJesler NY CATS web pay at hupmiddotusersaolcomf il lopuslcatspage hllll

-1 2shy

CAST IL E LI BRARY =UNO RUN amp WALK middot 9113197 WALJltER$ Ctvis line Gozalskl 40I SmiddotOO 29 Cut~e

1lACpound 10M Furgample MKh8e Garger

IlIlE 16middot2100 17middot1300



Roche5ler 28 Avon

AIIcl lo Be~rclsley Valerie Panlccw KaI~COffe

031 OQ

047 00 OmiddotSI-OO

P011agevi_e 33 C8IliIe S GJlnsv~18

3 bull7

Soon Flhinehan Frank Beck DonSpenca Slav Rillers Bob IA loW Maggie WhoIeNln Chrl5IophtIr SlVfm Pele 5CCOodo

175500 1634 00 18800 190400 1915middot00 191600 193400 19)6middot00



3 30 6 36 6 2S 18 29

Geneseo Warlall CasIU Victor Penl ield Leroy Castle Home

DIane Saoten 5127 00 Mrt JNoo Beardslo 47 08 00 Marey VlIfZ(lCII 10900 CarOlyn l yons 71600 Jolm RWtY 41~ OO

CirIctf Balbef 415100 LI$8 Conklin 485800 Mary Jane York 485800


46 47 55 46 33 53


PorIaf1Qvii lo Cas1i1e Wrsaw Tecumseh MO Ctstle Ceslle Ceslile

Johl Morganti 201600 M 16 Ptx1amp9Bvih LoriRooens S22200 27 Warsaw

JamMlynch 2050middot00 M 31 Geooseo Rick HaUHf 522 100 26 Perry

03v1d Grangampl BarryWe~

21 2 100 2 15 100


35 52

SilYGr SpIIngS Aoctlester


WIllard OegotrlH 522200 No TIme

27 50

Pttry Cut

Malhew Dlck8reon 215600 M 17 Bellast Maureen Degoyer No Tim e 49 Carie

KenRe~en 2201 00 M 45 Geneseo Karen Pankow No Time 32 C8s1l1e

Jo Stone Heelhet Biodc4I1b Dllvid Haske_

223000 225300 22middot5600

f F M

39 Geneseo

p52 Nunda

l ois Palltlow No Tma 53 CosIMe


Bruc Caktwell Thomas Quail

230800 231700


44 Waflaw

Jim Murllly 232 00 M MI Morris

Michele Secco 23S500 F Geneseo

Bfflfll Ewwtl 240200 M 48 Balavia 25 David 8rongo 24middot0400 46 livonia


PhllIlpMa Oevid Page latJ1ie White J3aluo~ne Hoyt

2 middot1200 2 middot23()() 2 3200 2 33middot00


48 Fioch41sler 40 PIIIT) 34 celtl

The Greater Rochester Track C lub would like 0

announce and welcome our new track club


Brian ArcIJibIJld wero-Ctay

2 middot4300 2 500


30 3

Rochesler Geneseo

members thai joined us over the past month

WiliBm $anlCX 2 5200 M 55 Waruw 33



Roy Chrislopher Smith Ieflore KraJt Koooeth Uptegrove Hoylt WiWiamBIiss Mickey dotlbins Baba18 Mason

250900 2511middot00 2534 00 261000 26 200 265400 213300 21middot ~ 00

M M f


41 Bm 39 Gestio

5 Castile

bull Cestile 30 Casr~e

12 Caslie 52 Genesco

David Valvo Rochester

Allen Thse A lbion

Highland Mal) Moontain Webster

Barb3ra Thompson Webster

Edward Orlando Rochester

Angi e Simpson Rochester

Kathy Suh Rochester

CloyselltliIsko 293300 M 33 Hamburg Sieve and C l audia Brent Penfield

000 Philips Cecil Kasko

294200 301700


62 68

Philade~la PA ClBarwaier FL

Jason Cornwell N ewark

Patrick DeeAQy 30 1800 Castile

Malhew Sp8flCef 301800 Cast~e 46 Amy Gampedy 302200 f 26 Cast ile

Jllne Mehoney 304700 F 48 Rochester

Michael Spe0C8r 322200 M 13 CampsIMo

Karen Dlc lfa fSOJl 3321middot00 F ~8 Belln l 50 GlIOfge TWlson 34middot1300 M 69 Shlrtslllie

Marsha TUson 355900 F 76 ShoI1svlle 52 CtvySlle Smith 314900 f 40 CampsIrie 53 Joo DegoIy~ 40-29 middot00 12 Casli le 5lt Tommy Dobtlit 40middot37 00 M 10 Ca91~O


ZO wn7701 HUSlfId 7111 O~ Mefl

40sWomargtW AtoI~J CIlIIe 7721 (US WOITgttII )01 wornThe rlH CIvtsIO ~

1) Women Susan 8onklibul t 27 -shy 71SI II Tum LVfn ~~ ee 71 3OSWomn p_slaa~ 1112 MiedTumCIvgtsIt CuIlIf1 Obotrhollelo1tII8IIJO ~-s1e (UnOH 7002 2a-Wome


MlnS Tm 791 2OsWonfnJudy SemeoOJtI

Weltgt6yAIitIOC 45 ~Inn 111_27 2OS Women 10101111 ScMeCIr lOlMn pelaquoMmet ~

Wam~middotTbullbullJoSllfl~ ln Jon TQOt1I WomenS Tu as s~MOII1--

8003 501 Mlln Feu Scheible Men Tum

)0 W9m O IBuVuet T-y 8i1hono1411 30 Mluod Team AAtgtOIgty AIduccn Men Til rI04IIT~ Ml~tltl Tum Toungml rgtJYOIII


ASMltIzamplOe~n 401 Men401 Worn12Nay alIIus 40middot 11 til FomtIiA 44 50 MHI lOUie

Deni Cobtek 10720s WOOMn 8113 20 we1M UIlI HUlClngs 10lt1 4l 0gt ~ W $I

laIoI0 SIl amp0 lot Scod SlIarar10S 1I1 1131 401 WornOpW- Ed S1abirts R_C_W~ OW_1208 AfIIetle SUII II IIOIIMenBob b Ag G1MIII NIrIIW 6322 ly

8)25 women ham ~wroCgtou9leltly 41hMrnJolin GfoeSDeet w1I1III eUlBoll RelUI

1 GRTC Calendar 2 ~

Running road races co~p1led by G~orge T111son Road R~ce Coord1nator Greater Rochester Trac~ Club (716-289-4250) Where available the 8ch~dul~ In c ludes date8 tlm~$ registration tee race dir~ctor contact ad~ress and telephone nunber and ~here to meet

Wedneday evenings 6 1~ pili The Cert1f ied Five and Diners 5 dle training

Oct 4 Sat ~ OO ampIII

runsJane [aculll 71~ -264-094L Mendon Ponds Sec n Area -United Way Kick-Off Clasaic 10k $10 Pre by 9 30 $ J 3 Pot Long sleeve T-shirt chiCKen barbec ue dinner included ~9rma Lamberson United Way 83 W Bayard St Seneca taIls 13148 315-~68-9~73 meet at United WayshySt Patrick School W Bayard

Oct 4 Sat 10 00 pili -Apple Derby 5 Hile Run Hilton Applefes t We~kend

$10 Pre by 103 $12 Poet T-shirts Steve Powler Hilton-Parm Recreation ~g Henry St Hilton 14468 71~-392 - 9030 Hllton HJgh Schoo l

Oct 4 Sat 8 4~ a~ Roberts We aleya n College 91 Hoeco~ing Miles Pre $6 b~ 923 S10 Poet 2 _lle Fun Run at 6 00a~ Office ot Oevelop~ent 716-~9-6500 meet at Lif~ Fltne~s Canter

Oct 4 Sat HY ChIropract i c Co llege Cross Co~ntry Invitational Varait y JV Froah Boys amp Girls Open Race Russ Ebbetts Y Chiropractic College Rt 69 Sen~ca

Falls 13148 Oct 11 Sat 930 a~ Apple 6 Pu~p~in Harvest Festival ~K Cross Coun try

RunWalk S10 Pre $12 Post T-shir ts Benefit Hospice o f Orleans County ~argy Brown Br own s eerryfu~pkjn

Oct J 6 Sat JO ~ 30 amp111

Patch 716-682 - 5569 Meet at Brown e 14 264 Roosevelty Waterport NY Run for Hosptce 5K bull 2 ~lle fitness walk Benefit VialtJng HUTee Hoaplce Foundation $ 13 Pre bV 10 11 Post $17 Designer T-shirts Huge Race Party with rood+bev~rage amp aany door prles Pete van Peurselll 3 4 DenlshJre Or Rochester 14624 ~94- 4 191 Heet at First BIble eaptlst ChurCh 1039 H Greece Rd Greece

Oct 18 Sat 9 00 aa Henrietta 8reakfast RunS Miles +Chlldrens Mile at 8 30 Raee includes breaktfst ~ Ml1 e-810 Pre by 10 15 813 Post Jan~ Iacull1 Henrietta Recreation Dept 475 Calk i ns Roa d Hen~ietta 14~67 7J6-3~9-2~40 Meet at Winslow EleMentary School Calkins Rd He nrietta

Oct 25 Sat 9 00 aa Shepherds Heart Christian Fellowship ~K Manna Run Pre 5 12 by 1018 Post 514 Linited to 11 5 racers Inc ludes Breakfast + T-shirt Proceeds for develo~en~ or Youth C~nteT Dave OLeary 2~4-1927 Heet at Greece Orange 1301 Long Pond Rd next to Fire House

Nov 8 Sat 9 ~30 a~ Mendon Trail 10K Run $5 Pre by 11 1 $ 8 Post Loop course Good well lIIar~ed trails (lK on road) Larry Zygo115-227-7618Heet at East Lodge Men4 on Ponds Park

Nov 23 Sun 900 a -Turkey Claaaic 5 1II11e road race 1 IIIjle run run $12 Pre 916 Poet T-shlrts Paul Anderson Southeast YMCA 111 S Jefferson Rd Pittsford 14534 383- 579

ov 27 Thur 9 00 aa -Race wIth Grace 10K $12 Pre by 11 22 51~ Post long sleeved 8hJrt 12 nile tun run for c hildr e n Run wIth Pastor George Grace Bob DyjaK laa Kj~ Lane Ro chester 1t626 116-2 25-6560 Meet at First Blble Baptist Church No Greece Rd

Nov 27 Thur lOam Newark Turkey Oay 6 Miler Joe Contario 909 Pej~son Ave Mewark 145 13 3 15-331- 2bullbull 9 Meet at HewBrk Elk s Club Katn St at Cen t ral Park

Nov 29 Sat 11 00 a~ R f TUrke~ Run 5 al l ee $5 Prp $ 10 Post Bil l Quinllampk 412 HUMbolt St Roches ter 1461 0 482- 637 1 Hendon Ponds Park beach parking lot

Dec 7 Sun 9 00 bullbull JJngle Sell Run 5K $15 Pre S18 Post T-shirts lots of tood at Post Ra c e Party 271 -2510 Arthritis Foundation 2423 Monroe Ave Ror-hester 14618

Oee 27 Sat 845 a middotPost Christmas Blues Run- 5 K Unusual awards Post race famous tony Farraro c hill feast Vern Hecker 3452 Oehs n Rd Canandaigua 14424 716-39 4-4 075 Mee t at Me t hodist ChurCh No rth Main St Canandaigua


Oct 4 Sat 8 30 a~ The Great Cortl~nd Pu~pkinte9t SK Challenge $10 Pre $11 Poat tree 1 aile fun run as 8 1 Haro)~ Whlte 607-756-1875 Meet at Geared 2 Sporta 24 Cour t St Cortland NY

Oct 5 Sun 9 30 bullbull middot Syracuae Feativa] of Rac e s Wo~ens amp Hens 5K Fun Run t or Kids Dav~ OJa 213 Scott Ave Syracuse 13~~ 4 31$-46-6285 Hanley Field Hou~e Syracuse University

Oct 6 Sun 9 00~ middotWineglass Maratho n + 3 per~on relay S25 by 9 15 S35 Post lono sl~eved shirta FinJsh at Corning Glasa Center Hark Landin Bo x It7 COTntn9 14830 607-937shy6184 Meet at Philips Lighting Co Rt 5 4H Bath

To request a registration for~ by aall send a SASE to assist the race direct o r In hiaher volunteer efforts

middot USA Track amp Pield Cert itle~ Race Course

Sept HI 1997

SCOTJJE BANTON MARATHON PORT HURON 1111 813197 rochesterMatt Caton 30018 Terry Heist 33609 Tim Matthews 3 39 Norm Frank 315

4th annual Mendon Trail Run 10K and 20K

Saturday Novmher 8 1997 930 AM East -odge Mendon Ponds Park

Cotl r n 10 km loop laquolU$C 10 klJl on rQIICIJ 05 km HI fields 85 1 on ~ l rJih Oplion 01 ooine one loop or rcpUl ing loop (Of 10K The rounc will lie tll - nu1~td with Sol reamcn on Imil l lnd I collbioaliolll or (hall( srearnen aM l1o fliC conu 10 mark route a l road 11051 15 alld on open ndd

C(JurSof 1ttrOrdSl 2OK shy 1Ykt1 DoI c Hi~h(lff 1 19) 9 W Olty Utd GlOlSflIIn 13348shyIOK - Men [)e Bitcho(f 37-jIJ W~n Bryn Mull igan 48 16

Slon East Lodc hich hlocllt(j on CMfield Rood (nonh (Ul1lOt road 10 park) aboul 0 8 mi les ~ 01 Clovel ROIId

HHls YrI fhere will bot hills1 We cuimltllc r roo fCCI or elin ptr 10K rrrgt- Nilgt PR COIIr SC

Water AI stftlfinish pillS n ile vJIlt ~op about 6 km inlo loop

Rod cronlng Tllerc will be roul crosinamps of park IUlid t ltler( will be no rood manh3l1s 10 runl1elS are ~pon5ible 10 their 58lely when cr05liing rOflds

Entry fce $5 if posImarkcd by November I $I R[[or Novernbu I and on day 0( 11KX

TlfIlt Onmiddotl ite ni ~ rltion and ehe(kmiddot in bet w~en ROO and 9 15 AM Rsoce $I~ru a 930

Alc G r oup Male undcr40 m40 nd n Female ulldu40and 40and over

A rd~ The tory of your rnme in rhe RQChe$lerOrienlccrill~ ClubllJld he G RTC TlCw$te el1

SpO Olor SponlOnXl byhe Rohuer (Kicnarin O ub (but his is II an orien tto rnl even)

Informallon ConlOC Larry Zyo 227middot768

Entry Form - Mendon Trail Run November S 1997

Name Agc _ _ _ Scx _ _ _

Addrcss _________________ _ ______ _

Phone Len~th Planned 10K 20K Enry fee $5 i(1J08lIl31kod by November 1 S8(~reafler M~ke chlaquok payable fo7tRocllesla Orienllaquoring Club Mail rompleled 8pplict ioo 10 Dick Dctilr 422 Woodlaod LarJc Websle r NY 14500

WAIVER I llie uodcrsilned acop full respomibi1ity fOJ 1II)lClf and for an) injuries I mlly incurdurinc Ihis trail run I have nod this pplicatioo end I fully undentand thaI pranicipaline in th is event y be dallgeroU$ 10 my heAlih Sprained ankles and WristA laceraliom bruises broken bone lithlnin mikes animl biles collisions wilh vehicles hYpolntrmia and heal uhaustion are rra t possibilities I (ully underst8nd that there will be 110 medical or emergency personnel on the course I have trainod Jurric ienlly for thi event I will fK)j

hold any 0( the OfJani1OJ1 tnt Councyof Mon~ the Roche~C( Orientecrine O Ub land owners any agency within Ihc Mate of Ncw York or any volunteers ~1ponsibk My actionsoci mishaps ~rc accoufllablc to no one butI1lY$Clf

Date Slllllll~==c=_====_==ccc_---------If pcu1icipanl is under 18 thut pa~nt or ItWdian must also sign

Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






HomeStJetch Harrier Cl1c 11 SK Rnulta

FlngellAke Race Track

Saturday Augua l30 1997

Results counesy eX Robb Smillie and GVH WNW rronliemel netl-G VH

bull -10shyI

Country Day 91397

I Chdno()llltor ~ ll ubull po l nlt 14 I l PAnict f(r1I~1 ltgtn 14 17 ] Kevi n Cn h 14U 4 Ntrh_ 1b11I 1504 ~ Chp Ca l u lha j5 U Sto O l h nd I~ I I 7 C~ 101 2bull Dono Itofhl U ll Jor_ rhUboo u 1~ 10 10 li d Ilac~_11 SU 11 fl DKa n H ll Co r ic) oy u ]tCI Mc(gtJ~jrl 11 coll (1 bullbull11 u It l16 J OO~1 145H ~gt n ln Llwh I6 t U H 1amp0 ~nltllburk 11I 11 Nick ~r P dl It ~athr in Cva n~o h j7 u

It Cpamp 11 1 7 IIaUck 11 )1 Jltlssie Car 11 41 Dltgtv l oS _h 19Dl Bi ll sctt 10 n Chris N U o 12 1) T ~_ 22 14 J ohn Robac n middotn HI) S oel 22 51 AI ico HAftbullbull 2) O JiOC) b 21 dS ~t WlulM 24 01

bullbull Tltgtdd poundgt0 14 5) 10 Nug t Har~ 2S IS ~IAamp A U5ATF I II PAul Albn m 2S 21 12 Donnl C1gtoDa 21 01 11 Sharon_ 17 00 H I a ndr_ llLonaege 100IS Jo Oooltty 21 0)

iOn) Korto 1$ 41 ChampltI~ Kh thBd 2 18 u 80b Epal a d ~ ) 0 21t_rt 800 Vo lk 10 J4gt0

u Clwvl 1ofuy )l 00 Den evaltt )1n a i d so rResults courtesy eX Robb Snlill ie md U oond

I Cof r~ Mol t~nrt 919GVH wwwfrontiemelnetJ-GVH An~ l kdh lS J An ltleu C~ l l 0 9 4J Joah ~hlllgtM 100 ) ~ An~rw Blancha rd 1005 6 Colin Kofll -V IO C5 7 J I C 10 11 T_ h 18 II IUcha I tU 10 Itbullbull 10 Tyl 1_10 10 15 li 11 Man l bull LO n

Shdl) ~nn bull bull lO n s11 N )iO ID middotlt 101 4J Iwf)I Can 11 MARATHONERS Pie send noonll ( hu lu bull 10 U ~ampc ~ 101911 C Phamp 11 10your times and Slories abouL your II I_I Marrhbull bull )

11 12 bull19 td DoIglo II 21OUL-Or- town runs to lD Je bull bull toy U nt r H Colby C r oc ltf o ul llI I n

GRTC Newseller 1)10 td- II U n k-va c 11 1107 l O HOIll lo 11 245 Easl Streel Apl 215 U 07 Dgtrn l n r r y 12 17 16 Abby eo - C11ohiOn 11 nHoneoye Falls NY 14472 H 10 _I

11 1 Y_Io ]l H

29_ Nlke CoHuio Il 1 l D Cory l1Iu lII 11 5 n u~~U1V II d7

ALII IIhd Il n I I c hln ~I h n b rg r II S

Results by CATS Athletic Club RoclJesler NY CATS web pay at hupmiddotusersaolcomf il lopuslcatspage hllll

-1 2shy

CAST IL E LI BRARY =UNO RUN amp WALK middot 9113197 WALJltER$ Ctvis line Gozalskl 40I SmiddotOO 29 Cut~e

1lACpound 10M Furgample MKh8e Garger

IlIlE 16middot2100 17middot1300



Roche5ler 28 Avon

AIIcl lo Be~rclsley Valerie Panlccw KaI~COffe

031 OQ

047 00 OmiddotSI-OO

P011agevi_e 33 C8IliIe S GJlnsv~18

3 bull7

Soon Flhinehan Frank Beck DonSpenca Slav Rillers Bob IA loW Maggie WhoIeNln Chrl5IophtIr SlVfm Pele 5CCOodo

175500 1634 00 18800 190400 1915middot00 191600 193400 19)6middot00



3 30 6 36 6 2S 18 29

Geneseo Warlall CasIU Victor Penl ield Leroy Castle Home

DIane Saoten 5127 00 Mrt JNoo Beardslo 47 08 00 Marey VlIfZ(lCII 10900 CarOlyn l yons 71600 Jolm RWtY 41~ OO

CirIctf Balbef 415100 LI$8 Conklin 485800 Mary Jane York 485800


46 47 55 46 33 53


PorIaf1Qvii lo Cas1i1e Wrsaw Tecumseh MO Ctstle Ceslle Ceslile

Johl Morganti 201600 M 16 Ptx1amp9Bvih LoriRooens S22200 27 Warsaw

JamMlynch 2050middot00 M 31 Geooseo Rick HaUHf 522 100 26 Perry

03v1d Grangampl BarryWe~

21 2 100 2 15 100


35 52

SilYGr SpIIngS Aoctlester


WIllard OegotrlH 522200 No TIme

27 50

Pttry Cut

Malhew Dlck8reon 215600 M 17 Bellast Maureen Degoyer No Tim e 49 Carie

KenRe~en 2201 00 M 45 Geneseo Karen Pankow No Time 32 C8s1l1e

Jo Stone Heelhet Biodc4I1b Dllvid Haske_

223000 225300 22middot5600

f F M

39 Geneseo

p52 Nunda

l ois Palltlow No Tma 53 CosIMe


Bruc Caktwell Thomas Quail

230800 231700


44 Waflaw

Jim Murllly 232 00 M MI Morris

Michele Secco 23S500 F Geneseo

Bfflfll Ewwtl 240200 M 48 Balavia 25 David 8rongo 24middot0400 46 livonia


PhllIlpMa Oevid Page latJ1ie White J3aluo~ne Hoyt

2 middot1200 2 middot23()() 2 3200 2 33middot00


48 Fioch41sler 40 PIIIT) 34 celtl

The Greater Rochester Track C lub would like 0

announce and welcome our new track club


Brian ArcIJibIJld wero-Ctay

2 middot4300 2 500


30 3

Rochesler Geneseo

members thai joined us over the past month

WiliBm $anlCX 2 5200 M 55 Waruw 33



Roy Chrislopher Smith Ieflore KraJt Koooeth Uptegrove Hoylt WiWiamBIiss Mickey dotlbins Baba18 Mason

250900 2511middot00 2534 00 261000 26 200 265400 213300 21middot ~ 00

M M f


41 Bm 39 Gestio

5 Castile

bull Cestile 30 Casr~e

12 Caslie 52 Genesco

David Valvo Rochester

Allen Thse A lbion

Highland Mal) Moontain Webster

Barb3ra Thompson Webster

Edward Orlando Rochester

Angi e Simpson Rochester

Kathy Suh Rochester

CloyselltliIsko 293300 M 33 Hamburg Sieve and C l audia Brent Penfield

000 Philips Cecil Kasko

294200 301700


62 68

Philade~la PA ClBarwaier FL

Jason Cornwell N ewark

Patrick DeeAQy 30 1800 Castile

Malhew Sp8flCef 301800 Cast~e 46 Amy Gampedy 302200 f 26 Cast ile

Jllne Mehoney 304700 F 48 Rochester

Michael Spe0C8r 322200 M 13 CampsIMo

Karen Dlc lfa fSOJl 3321middot00 F ~8 Belln l 50 GlIOfge TWlson 34middot1300 M 69 Shlrtslllie

Marsha TUson 355900 F 76 ShoI1svlle 52 CtvySlle Smith 314900 f 40 CampsIrie 53 Joo DegoIy~ 40-29 middot00 12 Casli le 5lt Tommy Dobtlit 40middot37 00 M 10 Ca91~O


ZO wn7701 HUSlfId 7111 O~ Mefl

40sWomargtW AtoI~J CIlIIe 7721 (US WOITgttII )01 wornThe rlH CIvtsIO ~

1) Women Susan 8onklibul t 27 -shy 71SI II Tum LVfn ~~ ee 71 3OSWomn p_slaa~ 1112 MiedTumCIvgtsIt CuIlIf1 Obotrhollelo1tII8IIJO ~-s1e (UnOH 7002 2a-Wome


MlnS Tm 791 2OsWonfnJudy SemeoOJtI

Weltgt6yAIitIOC 45 ~Inn 111_27 2OS Women 10101111 ScMeCIr lOlMn pelaquoMmet ~

Wam~middotTbullbullJoSllfl~ ln Jon TQOt1I WomenS Tu as s~MOII1--

8003 501 Mlln Feu Scheible Men Tum

)0 W9m O IBuVuet T-y 8i1hono1411 30 Mluod Team AAtgtOIgty AIduccn Men Til rI04IIT~ Ml~tltl Tum Toungml rgtJYOIII


ASMltIzamplOe~n 401 Men401 Worn12Nay alIIus 40middot 11 til FomtIiA 44 50 MHI lOUie

Deni Cobtek 10720s WOOMn 8113 20 we1M UIlI HUlClngs 10lt1 4l 0gt ~ W $I

laIoI0 SIl amp0 lot Scod SlIarar10S 1I1 1131 401 WornOpW- Ed S1abirts R_C_W~ OW_1208 AfIIetle SUII II IIOIIMenBob b Ag G1MIII NIrIIW 6322 ly

8)25 women ham ~wroCgtou9leltly 41hMrnJolin GfoeSDeet w1I1III eUlBoll RelUI

1 GRTC Calendar 2 ~

Running road races co~p1led by G~orge T111son Road R~ce Coord1nator Greater Rochester Trac~ Club (716-289-4250) Where available the 8ch~dul~ In c ludes date8 tlm~$ registration tee race dir~ctor contact ad~ress and telephone nunber and ~here to meet

Wedneday evenings 6 1~ pili The Cert1f ied Five and Diners 5 dle training

Oct 4 Sat ~ OO ampIII

runsJane [aculll 71~ -264-094L Mendon Ponds Sec n Area -United Way Kick-Off Clasaic 10k $10 Pre by 9 30 $ J 3 Pot Long sleeve T-shirt chiCKen barbec ue dinner included ~9rma Lamberson United Way 83 W Bayard St Seneca taIls 13148 315-~68-9~73 meet at United WayshySt Patrick School W Bayard

Oct 4 Sat 10 00 pili -Apple Derby 5 Hile Run Hilton Applefes t We~kend

$10 Pre by 103 $12 Poet T-shirts Steve Powler Hilton-Parm Recreation ~g Henry St Hilton 14468 71~-392 - 9030 Hllton HJgh Schoo l

Oct 4 Sat 8 4~ a~ Roberts We aleya n College 91 Hoeco~ing Miles Pre $6 b~ 923 S10 Poet 2 _lle Fun Run at 6 00a~ Office ot Oevelop~ent 716-~9-6500 meet at Lif~ Fltne~s Canter

Oct 4 Sat HY ChIropract i c Co llege Cross Co~ntry Invitational Varait y JV Froah Boys amp Girls Open Race Russ Ebbetts Y Chiropractic College Rt 69 Sen~ca

Falls 13148 Oct 11 Sat 930 a~ Apple 6 Pu~p~in Harvest Festival ~K Cross Coun try

RunWalk S10 Pre $12 Post T-shir ts Benefit Hospice o f Orleans County ~argy Brown Br own s eerryfu~pkjn

Oct J 6 Sat JO ~ 30 amp111

Patch 716-682 - 5569 Meet at Brown e 14 264 Roosevelty Waterport NY Run for Hosptce 5K bull 2 ~lle fitness walk Benefit VialtJng HUTee Hoaplce Foundation $ 13 Pre bV 10 11 Post $17 Designer T-shirts Huge Race Party with rood+bev~rage amp aany door prles Pete van Peurselll 3 4 DenlshJre Or Rochester 14624 ~94- 4 191 Heet at First BIble eaptlst ChurCh 1039 H Greece Rd Greece

Oct 18 Sat 9 00 aa Henrietta 8reakfast RunS Miles +Chlldrens Mile at 8 30 Raee includes breaktfst ~ Ml1 e-810 Pre by 10 15 813 Post Jan~ Iacull1 Henrietta Recreation Dept 475 Calk i ns Roa d Hen~ietta 14~67 7J6-3~9-2~40 Meet at Winslow EleMentary School Calkins Rd He nrietta

Oct 25 Sat 9 00 aa Shepherds Heart Christian Fellowship ~K Manna Run Pre 5 12 by 1018 Post 514 Linited to 11 5 racers Inc ludes Breakfast + T-shirt Proceeds for develo~en~ or Youth C~nteT Dave OLeary 2~4-1927 Heet at Greece Orange 1301 Long Pond Rd next to Fire House

Nov 8 Sat 9 ~30 a~ Mendon Trail 10K Run $5 Pre by 11 1 $ 8 Post Loop course Good well lIIar~ed trails (lK on road) Larry Zygo115-227-7618Heet at East Lodge Men4 on Ponds Park

Nov 23 Sun 900 a -Turkey Claaaic 5 1II11e road race 1 IIIjle run run $12 Pre 916 Poet T-shlrts Paul Anderson Southeast YMCA 111 S Jefferson Rd Pittsford 14534 383- 579

ov 27 Thur 9 00 aa -Race wIth Grace 10K $12 Pre by 11 22 51~ Post long sleeved 8hJrt 12 nile tun run for c hildr e n Run wIth Pastor George Grace Bob DyjaK laa Kj~ Lane Ro chester 1t626 116-2 25-6560 Meet at First Blble Baptist Church No Greece Rd

Nov 27 Thur lOam Newark Turkey Oay 6 Miler Joe Contario 909 Pej~son Ave Mewark 145 13 3 15-331- 2bullbull 9 Meet at HewBrk Elk s Club Katn St at Cen t ral Park

Nov 29 Sat 11 00 a~ R f TUrke~ Run 5 al l ee $5 Prp $ 10 Post Bil l Quinllampk 412 HUMbolt St Roches ter 1461 0 482- 637 1 Hendon Ponds Park beach parking lot

Dec 7 Sun 9 00 bullbull JJngle Sell Run 5K $15 Pre S18 Post T-shirts lots of tood at Post Ra c e Party 271 -2510 Arthritis Foundation 2423 Monroe Ave Ror-hester 14618

Oee 27 Sat 845 a middotPost Christmas Blues Run- 5 K Unusual awards Post race famous tony Farraro c hill feast Vern Hecker 3452 Oehs n Rd Canandaigua 14424 716-39 4-4 075 Mee t at Me t hodist ChurCh No rth Main St Canandaigua


Oct 4 Sat 8 30 a~ The Great Cortl~nd Pu~pkinte9t SK Challenge $10 Pre $11 Poat tree 1 aile fun run as 8 1 Haro)~ Whlte 607-756-1875 Meet at Geared 2 Sporta 24 Cour t St Cortland NY

Oct 5 Sun 9 30 bullbull middot Syracuae Feativa] of Rac e s Wo~ens amp Hens 5K Fun Run t or Kids Dav~ OJa 213 Scott Ave Syracuse 13~~ 4 31$-46-6285 Hanley Field Hou~e Syracuse University

Oct 6 Sun 9 00~ middotWineglass Maratho n + 3 per~on relay S25 by 9 15 S35 Post lono sl~eved shirta FinJsh at Corning Glasa Center Hark Landin Bo x It7 COTntn9 14830 607-937shy6184 Meet at Philips Lighting Co Rt 5 4H Bath

To request a registration for~ by aall send a SASE to assist the race direct o r In hiaher volunteer efforts

middot USA Track amp Pield Cert itle~ Race Course

Sept HI 1997

SCOTJJE BANTON MARATHON PORT HURON 1111 813197 rochesterMatt Caton 30018 Terry Heist 33609 Tim Matthews 3 39 Norm Frank 315

4th annual Mendon Trail Run 10K and 20K

Saturday Novmher 8 1997 930 AM East -odge Mendon Ponds Park

Cotl r n 10 km loop laquolU$C 10 klJl on rQIICIJ 05 km HI fields 85 1 on ~ l rJih Oplion 01 ooine one loop or rcpUl ing loop (Of 10K The rounc will lie tll - nu1~td with Sol reamcn on Imil l lnd I collbioaliolll or (hall( srearnen aM l1o fliC conu 10 mark route a l road 11051 15 alld on open ndd

C(JurSof 1ttrOrdSl 2OK shy 1Ykt1 DoI c Hi~h(lff 1 19) 9 W Olty Utd GlOlSflIIn 13348shyIOK - Men [)e Bitcho(f 37-jIJ W~n Bryn Mull igan 48 16

Slon East Lodc hich hlocllt(j on CMfield Rood (nonh (Ul1lOt road 10 park) aboul 0 8 mi les ~ 01 Clovel ROIId

HHls YrI fhere will bot hills1 We cuimltllc r roo fCCI or elin ptr 10K rrrgt- Nilgt PR COIIr SC

Water AI stftlfinish pillS n ile vJIlt ~op about 6 km inlo loop

Rod cronlng Tllerc will be roul crosinamps of park IUlid t ltler( will be no rood manh3l1s 10 runl1elS are ~pon5ible 10 their 58lely when cr05liing rOflds

Entry fce $5 if posImarkcd by November I $I R[[or Novernbu I and on day 0( 11KX

TlfIlt Onmiddotl ite ni ~ rltion and ehe(kmiddot in bet w~en ROO and 9 15 AM Rsoce $I~ru a 930

Alc G r oup Male undcr40 m40 nd n Female ulldu40and 40and over

A rd~ The tory of your rnme in rhe RQChe$lerOrienlccrill~ ClubllJld he G RTC TlCw$te el1

SpO Olor SponlOnXl byhe Rohuer (Kicnarin O ub (but his is II an orien tto rnl even)

Informallon ConlOC Larry Zyo 227middot768

Entry Form - Mendon Trail Run November S 1997

Name Agc _ _ _ Scx _ _ _

Addrcss _________________ _ ______ _

Phone Len~th Planned 10K 20K Enry fee $5 i(1J08lIl31kod by November 1 S8(~reafler M~ke chlaquok payable fo7tRocllesla Orienllaquoring Club Mail rompleled 8pplict ioo 10 Dick Dctilr 422 Woodlaod LarJc Websle r NY 14500

WAIVER I llie uodcrsilned acop full respomibi1ity fOJ 1II)lClf and for an) injuries I mlly incurdurinc Ihis trail run I have nod this pplicatioo end I fully undentand thaI pranicipaline in th is event y be dallgeroU$ 10 my heAlih Sprained ankles and WristA laceraliom bruises broken bone lithlnin mikes animl biles collisions wilh vehicles hYpolntrmia and heal uhaustion are rra t possibilities I (ully underst8nd that there will be 110 medical or emergency personnel on the course I have trainod Jurric ienlly for thi event I will fK)j

hold any 0( the OfJani1OJ1 tnt Councyof Mon~ the Roche~C( Orientecrine O Ub land owners any agency within Ihc Mate of Ncw York or any volunteers ~1ponsibk My actionsoci mishaps ~rc accoufllablc to no one butI1lY$Clf

Date Slllllll~==c=_====_==ccc_---------If pcu1icipanl is under 18 thut pa~nt or ItWdian must also sign

Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






Country Day 91397

I Chdno()llltor ~ ll ubull po l nlt 14 I l PAnict f(r1I~1 ltgtn 14 17 ] Kevi n Cn h 14U 4 Ntrh_ 1b11I 1504 ~ Chp Ca l u lha j5 U Sto O l h nd I~ I I 7 C~ 101 2bull Dono Itofhl U ll Jor_ rhUboo u 1~ 10 10 li d Ilac~_11 SU 11 fl DKa n H ll Co r ic) oy u ]tCI Mc(gtJ~jrl 11 coll (1 bullbull11 u It l16 J OO~1 145H ~gt n ln Llwh I6 t U H 1amp0 ~nltllburk 11I 11 Nick ~r P dl It ~athr in Cva n~o h j7 u

It Cpamp 11 1 7 IIaUck 11 )1 Jltlssie Car 11 41 Dltgtv l oS _h 19Dl Bi ll sctt 10 n Chris N U o 12 1) T ~_ 22 14 J ohn Robac n middotn HI) S oel 22 51 AI ico HAftbullbull 2) O JiOC) b 21 dS ~t WlulM 24 01

bullbull Tltgtdd poundgt0 14 5) 10 Nug t Har~ 2S IS ~IAamp A U5ATF I II PAul Albn m 2S 21 12 Donnl C1gtoDa 21 01 11 Sharon_ 17 00 H I a ndr_ llLonaege 100IS Jo Oooltty 21 0)

iOn) Korto 1$ 41 ChampltI~ Kh thBd 2 18 u 80b Epal a d ~ ) 0 21t_rt 800 Vo lk 10 J4gt0

u Clwvl 1ofuy )l 00 Den evaltt )1n a i d so rResults courtesy eX Robb Snlill ie md U oond

I Cof r~ Mol t~nrt 919GVH wwwfrontiemelnetJ-GVH An~ l kdh lS J An ltleu C~ l l 0 9 4J Joah ~hlllgtM 100 ) ~ An~rw Blancha rd 1005 6 Colin Kofll -V IO C5 7 J I C 10 11 T_ h 18 II IUcha I tU 10 Itbullbull 10 Tyl 1_10 10 15 li 11 Man l bull LO n

Shdl) ~nn bull bull lO n s11 N )iO ID middotlt 101 4J Iwf)I Can 11 MARATHONERS Pie send noonll ( hu lu bull 10 U ~ampc ~ 101911 C Phamp 11 10your times and Slories abouL your II I_I Marrhbull bull )

11 12 bull19 td DoIglo II 21OUL-Or- town runs to lD Je bull bull toy U nt r H Colby C r oc ltf o ul llI I n

GRTC Newseller 1)10 td- II U n k-va c 11 1107 l O HOIll lo 11 245 Easl Streel Apl 215 U 07 Dgtrn l n r r y 12 17 16 Abby eo - C11ohiOn 11 nHoneoye Falls NY 14472 H 10 _I

11 1 Y_Io ]l H

29_ Nlke CoHuio Il 1 l D Cory l1Iu lII 11 5 n u~~U1V II d7

ALII IIhd Il n I I c hln ~I h n b rg r II S

Results by CATS Athletic Club RoclJesler NY CATS web pay at hupmiddotusersaolcomf il lopuslcatspage hllll

-1 2shy

CAST IL E LI BRARY =UNO RUN amp WALK middot 9113197 WALJltER$ Ctvis line Gozalskl 40I SmiddotOO 29 Cut~e

1lACpound 10M Furgample MKh8e Garger

IlIlE 16middot2100 17middot1300



Roche5ler 28 Avon

AIIcl lo Be~rclsley Valerie Panlccw KaI~COffe

031 OQ

047 00 OmiddotSI-OO

P011agevi_e 33 C8IliIe S GJlnsv~18

3 bull7

Soon Flhinehan Frank Beck DonSpenca Slav Rillers Bob IA loW Maggie WhoIeNln Chrl5IophtIr SlVfm Pele 5CCOodo

175500 1634 00 18800 190400 1915middot00 191600 193400 19)6middot00



3 30 6 36 6 2S 18 29

Geneseo Warlall CasIU Victor Penl ield Leroy Castle Home

DIane Saoten 5127 00 Mrt JNoo Beardslo 47 08 00 Marey VlIfZ(lCII 10900 CarOlyn l yons 71600 Jolm RWtY 41~ OO

CirIctf Balbef 415100 LI$8 Conklin 485800 Mary Jane York 485800


46 47 55 46 33 53


PorIaf1Qvii lo Cas1i1e Wrsaw Tecumseh MO Ctstle Ceslle Ceslile

Johl Morganti 201600 M 16 Ptx1amp9Bvih LoriRooens S22200 27 Warsaw

JamMlynch 2050middot00 M 31 Geooseo Rick HaUHf 522 100 26 Perry

03v1d Grangampl BarryWe~

21 2 100 2 15 100


35 52

SilYGr SpIIngS Aoctlester


WIllard OegotrlH 522200 No TIme

27 50

Pttry Cut

Malhew Dlck8reon 215600 M 17 Bellast Maureen Degoyer No Tim e 49 Carie

KenRe~en 2201 00 M 45 Geneseo Karen Pankow No Time 32 C8s1l1e

Jo Stone Heelhet Biodc4I1b Dllvid Haske_

223000 225300 22middot5600

f F M

39 Geneseo

p52 Nunda

l ois Palltlow No Tma 53 CosIMe


Bruc Caktwell Thomas Quail

230800 231700


44 Waflaw

Jim Murllly 232 00 M MI Morris

Michele Secco 23S500 F Geneseo

Bfflfll Ewwtl 240200 M 48 Balavia 25 David 8rongo 24middot0400 46 livonia


PhllIlpMa Oevid Page latJ1ie White J3aluo~ne Hoyt

2 middot1200 2 middot23()() 2 3200 2 33middot00


48 Fioch41sler 40 PIIIT) 34 celtl

The Greater Rochester Track C lub would like 0

announce and welcome our new track club


Brian ArcIJibIJld wero-Ctay

2 middot4300 2 500


30 3

Rochesler Geneseo

members thai joined us over the past month

WiliBm $anlCX 2 5200 M 55 Waruw 33



Roy Chrislopher Smith Ieflore KraJt Koooeth Uptegrove Hoylt WiWiamBIiss Mickey dotlbins Baba18 Mason

250900 2511middot00 2534 00 261000 26 200 265400 213300 21middot ~ 00

M M f


41 Bm 39 Gestio

5 Castile

bull Cestile 30 Casr~e

12 Caslie 52 Genesco

David Valvo Rochester

Allen Thse A lbion

Highland Mal) Moontain Webster

Barb3ra Thompson Webster

Edward Orlando Rochester

Angi e Simpson Rochester

Kathy Suh Rochester

CloyselltliIsko 293300 M 33 Hamburg Sieve and C l audia Brent Penfield

000 Philips Cecil Kasko

294200 301700


62 68

Philade~la PA ClBarwaier FL

Jason Cornwell N ewark

Patrick DeeAQy 30 1800 Castile

Malhew Sp8flCef 301800 Cast~e 46 Amy Gampedy 302200 f 26 Cast ile

Jllne Mehoney 304700 F 48 Rochester

Michael Spe0C8r 322200 M 13 CampsIMo

Karen Dlc lfa fSOJl 3321middot00 F ~8 Belln l 50 GlIOfge TWlson 34middot1300 M 69 Shlrtslllie

Marsha TUson 355900 F 76 ShoI1svlle 52 CtvySlle Smith 314900 f 40 CampsIrie 53 Joo DegoIy~ 40-29 middot00 12 Casli le 5lt Tommy Dobtlit 40middot37 00 M 10 Ca91~O


ZO wn7701 HUSlfId 7111 O~ Mefl

40sWomargtW AtoI~J CIlIIe 7721 (US WOITgttII )01 wornThe rlH CIvtsIO ~

1) Women Susan 8onklibul t 27 -shy 71SI II Tum LVfn ~~ ee 71 3OSWomn p_slaa~ 1112 MiedTumCIvgtsIt CuIlIf1 Obotrhollelo1tII8IIJO ~-s1e (UnOH 7002 2a-Wome


MlnS Tm 791 2OsWonfnJudy SemeoOJtI

Weltgt6yAIitIOC 45 ~Inn 111_27 2OS Women 10101111 ScMeCIr lOlMn pelaquoMmet ~

Wam~middotTbullbullJoSllfl~ ln Jon TQOt1I WomenS Tu as s~MOII1--

8003 501 Mlln Feu Scheible Men Tum

)0 W9m O IBuVuet T-y 8i1hono1411 30 Mluod Team AAtgtOIgty AIduccn Men Til rI04IIT~ Ml~tltl Tum Toungml rgtJYOIII


ASMltIzamplOe~n 401 Men401 Worn12Nay alIIus 40middot 11 til FomtIiA 44 50 MHI lOUie

Deni Cobtek 10720s WOOMn 8113 20 we1M UIlI HUlClngs 10lt1 4l 0gt ~ W $I

laIoI0 SIl amp0 lot Scod SlIarar10S 1I1 1131 401 WornOpW- Ed S1abirts R_C_W~ OW_1208 AfIIetle SUII II IIOIIMenBob b Ag G1MIII NIrIIW 6322 ly

8)25 women ham ~wroCgtou9leltly 41hMrnJolin GfoeSDeet w1I1III eUlBoll RelUI

1 GRTC Calendar 2 ~

Running road races co~p1led by G~orge T111son Road R~ce Coord1nator Greater Rochester Trac~ Club (716-289-4250) Where available the 8ch~dul~ In c ludes date8 tlm~$ registration tee race dir~ctor contact ad~ress and telephone nunber and ~here to meet

Wedneday evenings 6 1~ pili The Cert1f ied Five and Diners 5 dle training

Oct 4 Sat ~ OO ampIII

runsJane [aculll 71~ -264-094L Mendon Ponds Sec n Area -United Way Kick-Off Clasaic 10k $10 Pre by 9 30 $ J 3 Pot Long sleeve T-shirt chiCKen barbec ue dinner included ~9rma Lamberson United Way 83 W Bayard St Seneca taIls 13148 315-~68-9~73 meet at United WayshySt Patrick School W Bayard

Oct 4 Sat 10 00 pili -Apple Derby 5 Hile Run Hilton Applefes t We~kend

$10 Pre by 103 $12 Poet T-shirts Steve Powler Hilton-Parm Recreation ~g Henry St Hilton 14468 71~-392 - 9030 Hllton HJgh Schoo l

Oct 4 Sat 8 4~ a~ Roberts We aleya n College 91 Hoeco~ing Miles Pre $6 b~ 923 S10 Poet 2 _lle Fun Run at 6 00a~ Office ot Oevelop~ent 716-~9-6500 meet at Lif~ Fltne~s Canter

Oct 4 Sat HY ChIropract i c Co llege Cross Co~ntry Invitational Varait y JV Froah Boys amp Girls Open Race Russ Ebbetts Y Chiropractic College Rt 69 Sen~ca

Falls 13148 Oct 11 Sat 930 a~ Apple 6 Pu~p~in Harvest Festival ~K Cross Coun try

RunWalk S10 Pre $12 Post T-shir ts Benefit Hospice o f Orleans County ~argy Brown Br own s eerryfu~pkjn

Oct J 6 Sat JO ~ 30 amp111

Patch 716-682 - 5569 Meet at Brown e 14 264 Roosevelty Waterport NY Run for Hosptce 5K bull 2 ~lle fitness walk Benefit VialtJng HUTee Hoaplce Foundation $ 13 Pre bV 10 11 Post $17 Designer T-shirts Huge Race Party with rood+bev~rage amp aany door prles Pete van Peurselll 3 4 DenlshJre Or Rochester 14624 ~94- 4 191 Heet at First BIble eaptlst ChurCh 1039 H Greece Rd Greece

Oct 18 Sat 9 00 aa Henrietta 8reakfast RunS Miles +Chlldrens Mile at 8 30 Raee includes breaktfst ~ Ml1 e-810 Pre by 10 15 813 Post Jan~ Iacull1 Henrietta Recreation Dept 475 Calk i ns Roa d Hen~ietta 14~67 7J6-3~9-2~40 Meet at Winslow EleMentary School Calkins Rd He nrietta

Oct 25 Sat 9 00 aa Shepherds Heart Christian Fellowship ~K Manna Run Pre 5 12 by 1018 Post 514 Linited to 11 5 racers Inc ludes Breakfast + T-shirt Proceeds for develo~en~ or Youth C~nteT Dave OLeary 2~4-1927 Heet at Greece Orange 1301 Long Pond Rd next to Fire House

Nov 8 Sat 9 ~30 a~ Mendon Trail 10K Run $5 Pre by 11 1 $ 8 Post Loop course Good well lIIar~ed trails (lK on road) Larry Zygo115-227-7618Heet at East Lodge Men4 on Ponds Park

Nov 23 Sun 900 a -Turkey Claaaic 5 1II11e road race 1 IIIjle run run $12 Pre 916 Poet T-shlrts Paul Anderson Southeast YMCA 111 S Jefferson Rd Pittsford 14534 383- 579

ov 27 Thur 9 00 aa -Race wIth Grace 10K $12 Pre by 11 22 51~ Post long sleeved 8hJrt 12 nile tun run for c hildr e n Run wIth Pastor George Grace Bob DyjaK laa Kj~ Lane Ro chester 1t626 116-2 25-6560 Meet at First Blble Baptist Church No Greece Rd

Nov 27 Thur lOam Newark Turkey Oay 6 Miler Joe Contario 909 Pej~son Ave Mewark 145 13 3 15-331- 2bullbull 9 Meet at HewBrk Elk s Club Katn St at Cen t ral Park

Nov 29 Sat 11 00 a~ R f TUrke~ Run 5 al l ee $5 Prp $ 10 Post Bil l Quinllampk 412 HUMbolt St Roches ter 1461 0 482- 637 1 Hendon Ponds Park beach parking lot

Dec 7 Sun 9 00 bullbull JJngle Sell Run 5K $15 Pre S18 Post T-shirts lots of tood at Post Ra c e Party 271 -2510 Arthritis Foundation 2423 Monroe Ave Ror-hester 14618

Oee 27 Sat 845 a middotPost Christmas Blues Run- 5 K Unusual awards Post race famous tony Farraro c hill feast Vern Hecker 3452 Oehs n Rd Canandaigua 14424 716-39 4-4 075 Mee t at Me t hodist ChurCh No rth Main St Canandaigua


Oct 4 Sat 8 30 a~ The Great Cortl~nd Pu~pkinte9t SK Challenge $10 Pre $11 Poat tree 1 aile fun run as 8 1 Haro)~ Whlte 607-756-1875 Meet at Geared 2 Sporta 24 Cour t St Cortland NY

Oct 5 Sun 9 30 bullbull middot Syracuae Feativa] of Rac e s Wo~ens amp Hens 5K Fun Run t or Kids Dav~ OJa 213 Scott Ave Syracuse 13~~ 4 31$-46-6285 Hanley Field Hou~e Syracuse University

Oct 6 Sun 9 00~ middotWineglass Maratho n + 3 per~on relay S25 by 9 15 S35 Post lono sl~eved shirta FinJsh at Corning Glasa Center Hark Landin Bo x It7 COTntn9 14830 607-937shy6184 Meet at Philips Lighting Co Rt 5 4H Bath

To request a registration for~ by aall send a SASE to assist the race direct o r In hiaher volunteer efforts

middot USA Track amp Pield Cert itle~ Race Course

Sept HI 1997

SCOTJJE BANTON MARATHON PORT HURON 1111 813197 rochesterMatt Caton 30018 Terry Heist 33609 Tim Matthews 3 39 Norm Frank 315

4th annual Mendon Trail Run 10K and 20K

Saturday Novmher 8 1997 930 AM East -odge Mendon Ponds Park

Cotl r n 10 km loop laquolU$C 10 klJl on rQIICIJ 05 km HI fields 85 1 on ~ l rJih Oplion 01 ooine one loop or rcpUl ing loop (Of 10K The rounc will lie tll - nu1~td with Sol reamcn on Imil l lnd I collbioaliolll or (hall( srearnen aM l1o fliC conu 10 mark route a l road 11051 15 alld on open ndd

C(JurSof 1ttrOrdSl 2OK shy 1Ykt1 DoI c Hi~h(lff 1 19) 9 W Olty Utd GlOlSflIIn 13348shyIOK - Men [)e Bitcho(f 37-jIJ W~n Bryn Mull igan 48 16

Slon East Lodc hich hlocllt(j on CMfield Rood (nonh (Ul1lOt road 10 park) aboul 0 8 mi les ~ 01 Clovel ROIId

HHls YrI fhere will bot hills1 We cuimltllc r roo fCCI or elin ptr 10K rrrgt- Nilgt PR COIIr SC

Water AI stftlfinish pillS n ile vJIlt ~op about 6 km inlo loop

Rod cronlng Tllerc will be roul crosinamps of park IUlid t ltler( will be no rood manh3l1s 10 runl1elS are ~pon5ible 10 their 58lely when cr05liing rOflds

Entry fce $5 if posImarkcd by November I $I R[[or Novernbu I and on day 0( 11KX

TlfIlt Onmiddotl ite ni ~ rltion and ehe(kmiddot in bet w~en ROO and 9 15 AM Rsoce $I~ru a 930

Alc G r oup Male undcr40 m40 nd n Female ulldu40and 40and over

A rd~ The tory of your rnme in rhe RQChe$lerOrienlccrill~ ClubllJld he G RTC TlCw$te el1

SpO Olor SponlOnXl byhe Rohuer (Kicnarin O ub (but his is II an orien tto rnl even)

Informallon ConlOC Larry Zyo 227middot768

Entry Form - Mendon Trail Run November S 1997

Name Agc _ _ _ Scx _ _ _

Addrcss _________________ _ ______ _

Phone Len~th Planned 10K 20K Enry fee $5 i(1J08lIl31kod by November 1 S8(~reafler M~ke chlaquok payable fo7tRocllesla Orienllaquoring Club Mail rompleled 8pplict ioo 10 Dick Dctilr 422 Woodlaod LarJc Websle r NY 14500

WAIVER I llie uodcrsilned acop full respomibi1ity fOJ 1II)lClf and for an) injuries I mlly incurdurinc Ihis trail run I have nod this pplicatioo end I fully undentand thaI pranicipaline in th is event y be dallgeroU$ 10 my heAlih Sprained ankles and WristA laceraliom bruises broken bone lithlnin mikes animl biles collisions wilh vehicles hYpolntrmia and heal uhaustion are rra t possibilities I (ully underst8nd that there will be 110 medical or emergency personnel on the course I have trainod Jurric ienlly for thi event I will fK)j

hold any 0( the OfJani1OJ1 tnt Councyof Mon~ the Roche~C( Orientecrine O Ub land owners any agency within Ihc Mate of Ncw York or any volunteers ~1ponsibk My actionsoci mishaps ~rc accoufllablc to no one butI1lY$Clf

Date Slllllll~==c=_====_==ccc_---------If pcu1icipanl is under 18 thut pa~nt or ItWdian must also sign

Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






CAST IL E LI BRARY =UNO RUN amp WALK middot 9113197 WALJltER$ Ctvis line Gozalskl 40I SmiddotOO 29 Cut~e

1lACpound 10M Furgample MKh8e Garger

IlIlE 16middot2100 17middot1300



Roche5ler 28 Avon

AIIcl lo Be~rclsley Valerie Panlccw KaI~COffe

031 OQ

047 00 OmiddotSI-OO

P011agevi_e 33 C8IliIe S GJlnsv~18

3 bull7

Soon Flhinehan Frank Beck DonSpenca Slav Rillers Bob IA loW Maggie WhoIeNln Chrl5IophtIr SlVfm Pele 5CCOodo

175500 1634 00 18800 190400 1915middot00 191600 193400 19)6middot00



3 30 6 36 6 2S 18 29

Geneseo Warlall CasIU Victor Penl ield Leroy Castle Home

DIane Saoten 5127 00 Mrt JNoo Beardslo 47 08 00 Marey VlIfZ(lCII 10900 CarOlyn l yons 71600 Jolm RWtY 41~ OO

CirIctf Balbef 415100 LI$8 Conklin 485800 Mary Jane York 485800


46 47 55 46 33 53


PorIaf1Qvii lo Cas1i1e Wrsaw Tecumseh MO Ctstle Ceslle Ceslile

Johl Morganti 201600 M 16 Ptx1amp9Bvih LoriRooens S22200 27 Warsaw

JamMlynch 2050middot00 M 31 Geooseo Rick HaUHf 522 100 26 Perry

03v1d Grangampl BarryWe~

21 2 100 2 15 100


35 52

SilYGr SpIIngS Aoctlester


WIllard OegotrlH 522200 No TIme

27 50

Pttry Cut

Malhew Dlck8reon 215600 M 17 Bellast Maureen Degoyer No Tim e 49 Carie

KenRe~en 2201 00 M 45 Geneseo Karen Pankow No Time 32 C8s1l1e

Jo Stone Heelhet Biodc4I1b Dllvid Haske_

223000 225300 22middot5600

f F M

39 Geneseo

p52 Nunda

l ois Palltlow No Tma 53 CosIMe


Bruc Caktwell Thomas Quail

230800 231700


44 Waflaw

Jim Murllly 232 00 M MI Morris

Michele Secco 23S500 F Geneseo

Bfflfll Ewwtl 240200 M 48 Balavia 25 David 8rongo 24middot0400 46 livonia


PhllIlpMa Oevid Page latJ1ie White J3aluo~ne Hoyt

2 middot1200 2 middot23()() 2 3200 2 33middot00


48 Fioch41sler 40 PIIIT) 34 celtl

The Greater Rochester Track C lub would like 0

announce and welcome our new track club


Brian ArcIJibIJld wero-Ctay

2 middot4300 2 500


30 3

Rochesler Geneseo

members thai joined us over the past month

WiliBm $anlCX 2 5200 M 55 Waruw 33



Roy Chrislopher Smith Ieflore KraJt Koooeth Uptegrove Hoylt WiWiamBIiss Mickey dotlbins Baba18 Mason

250900 2511middot00 2534 00 261000 26 200 265400 213300 21middot ~ 00

M M f


41 Bm 39 Gestio

5 Castile

bull Cestile 30 Casr~e

12 Caslie 52 Genesco

David Valvo Rochester

Allen Thse A lbion

Highland Mal) Moontain Webster

Barb3ra Thompson Webster

Edward Orlando Rochester

Angi e Simpson Rochester

Kathy Suh Rochester

CloyselltliIsko 293300 M 33 Hamburg Sieve and C l audia Brent Penfield

000 Philips Cecil Kasko

294200 301700


62 68

Philade~la PA ClBarwaier FL

Jason Cornwell N ewark

Patrick DeeAQy 30 1800 Castile

Malhew Sp8flCef 301800 Cast~e 46 Amy Gampedy 302200 f 26 Cast ile

Jllne Mehoney 304700 F 48 Rochester

Michael Spe0C8r 322200 M 13 CampsIMo

Karen Dlc lfa fSOJl 3321middot00 F ~8 Belln l 50 GlIOfge TWlson 34middot1300 M 69 Shlrtslllie

Marsha TUson 355900 F 76 ShoI1svlle 52 CtvySlle Smith 314900 f 40 CampsIrie 53 Joo DegoIy~ 40-29 middot00 12 Casli le 5lt Tommy Dobtlit 40middot37 00 M 10 Ca91~O


ZO wn7701 HUSlfId 7111 O~ Mefl

40sWomargtW AtoI~J CIlIIe 7721 (US WOITgttII )01 wornThe rlH CIvtsIO ~

1) Women Susan 8onklibul t 27 -shy 71SI II Tum LVfn ~~ ee 71 3OSWomn p_slaa~ 1112 MiedTumCIvgtsIt CuIlIf1 Obotrhollelo1tII8IIJO ~-s1e (UnOH 7002 2a-Wome


MlnS Tm 791 2OsWonfnJudy SemeoOJtI

Weltgt6yAIitIOC 45 ~Inn 111_27 2OS Women 10101111 ScMeCIr lOlMn pelaquoMmet ~

Wam~middotTbullbullJoSllfl~ ln Jon TQOt1I WomenS Tu as s~MOII1--

8003 501 Mlln Feu Scheible Men Tum

)0 W9m O IBuVuet T-y 8i1hono1411 30 Mluod Team AAtgtOIgty AIduccn Men Til rI04IIT~ Ml~tltl Tum Toungml rgtJYOIII


ASMltIzamplOe~n 401 Men401 Worn12Nay alIIus 40middot 11 til FomtIiA 44 50 MHI lOUie

Deni Cobtek 10720s WOOMn 8113 20 we1M UIlI HUlClngs 10lt1 4l 0gt ~ W $I

laIoI0 SIl amp0 lot Scod SlIarar10S 1I1 1131 401 WornOpW- Ed S1abirts R_C_W~ OW_1208 AfIIetle SUII II IIOIIMenBob b Ag G1MIII NIrIIW 6322 ly

8)25 women ham ~wroCgtou9leltly 41hMrnJolin GfoeSDeet w1I1III eUlBoll RelUI

1 GRTC Calendar 2 ~

Running road races co~p1led by G~orge T111son Road R~ce Coord1nator Greater Rochester Trac~ Club (716-289-4250) Where available the 8ch~dul~ In c ludes date8 tlm~$ registration tee race dir~ctor contact ad~ress and telephone nunber and ~here to meet

Wedneday evenings 6 1~ pili The Cert1f ied Five and Diners 5 dle training

Oct 4 Sat ~ OO ampIII

runsJane [aculll 71~ -264-094L Mendon Ponds Sec n Area -United Way Kick-Off Clasaic 10k $10 Pre by 9 30 $ J 3 Pot Long sleeve T-shirt chiCKen barbec ue dinner included ~9rma Lamberson United Way 83 W Bayard St Seneca taIls 13148 315-~68-9~73 meet at United WayshySt Patrick School W Bayard

Oct 4 Sat 10 00 pili -Apple Derby 5 Hile Run Hilton Applefes t We~kend

$10 Pre by 103 $12 Poet T-shirts Steve Powler Hilton-Parm Recreation ~g Henry St Hilton 14468 71~-392 - 9030 Hllton HJgh Schoo l

Oct 4 Sat 8 4~ a~ Roberts We aleya n College 91 Hoeco~ing Miles Pre $6 b~ 923 S10 Poet 2 _lle Fun Run at 6 00a~ Office ot Oevelop~ent 716-~9-6500 meet at Lif~ Fltne~s Canter

Oct 4 Sat HY ChIropract i c Co llege Cross Co~ntry Invitational Varait y JV Froah Boys amp Girls Open Race Russ Ebbetts Y Chiropractic College Rt 69 Sen~ca

Falls 13148 Oct 11 Sat 930 a~ Apple 6 Pu~p~in Harvest Festival ~K Cross Coun try

RunWalk S10 Pre $12 Post T-shir ts Benefit Hospice o f Orleans County ~argy Brown Br own s eerryfu~pkjn

Oct J 6 Sat JO ~ 30 amp111

Patch 716-682 - 5569 Meet at Brown e 14 264 Roosevelty Waterport NY Run for Hosptce 5K bull 2 ~lle fitness walk Benefit VialtJng HUTee Hoaplce Foundation $ 13 Pre bV 10 11 Post $17 Designer T-shirts Huge Race Party with rood+bev~rage amp aany door prles Pete van Peurselll 3 4 DenlshJre Or Rochester 14624 ~94- 4 191 Heet at First BIble eaptlst ChurCh 1039 H Greece Rd Greece

Oct 18 Sat 9 00 aa Henrietta 8reakfast RunS Miles +Chlldrens Mile at 8 30 Raee includes breaktfst ~ Ml1 e-810 Pre by 10 15 813 Post Jan~ Iacull1 Henrietta Recreation Dept 475 Calk i ns Roa d Hen~ietta 14~67 7J6-3~9-2~40 Meet at Winslow EleMentary School Calkins Rd He nrietta

Oct 25 Sat 9 00 aa Shepherds Heart Christian Fellowship ~K Manna Run Pre 5 12 by 1018 Post 514 Linited to 11 5 racers Inc ludes Breakfast + T-shirt Proceeds for develo~en~ or Youth C~nteT Dave OLeary 2~4-1927 Heet at Greece Orange 1301 Long Pond Rd next to Fire House

Nov 8 Sat 9 ~30 a~ Mendon Trail 10K Run $5 Pre by 11 1 $ 8 Post Loop course Good well lIIar~ed trails (lK on road) Larry Zygo115-227-7618Heet at East Lodge Men4 on Ponds Park

Nov 23 Sun 900 a -Turkey Claaaic 5 1II11e road race 1 IIIjle run run $12 Pre 916 Poet T-shlrts Paul Anderson Southeast YMCA 111 S Jefferson Rd Pittsford 14534 383- 579

ov 27 Thur 9 00 aa -Race wIth Grace 10K $12 Pre by 11 22 51~ Post long sleeved 8hJrt 12 nile tun run for c hildr e n Run wIth Pastor George Grace Bob DyjaK laa Kj~ Lane Ro chester 1t626 116-2 25-6560 Meet at First Blble Baptist Church No Greece Rd

Nov 27 Thur lOam Newark Turkey Oay 6 Miler Joe Contario 909 Pej~son Ave Mewark 145 13 3 15-331- 2bullbull 9 Meet at HewBrk Elk s Club Katn St at Cen t ral Park

Nov 29 Sat 11 00 a~ R f TUrke~ Run 5 al l ee $5 Prp $ 10 Post Bil l Quinllampk 412 HUMbolt St Roches ter 1461 0 482- 637 1 Hendon Ponds Park beach parking lot

Dec 7 Sun 9 00 bullbull JJngle Sell Run 5K $15 Pre S18 Post T-shirts lots of tood at Post Ra c e Party 271 -2510 Arthritis Foundation 2423 Monroe Ave Ror-hester 14618

Oee 27 Sat 845 a middotPost Christmas Blues Run- 5 K Unusual awards Post race famous tony Farraro c hill feast Vern Hecker 3452 Oehs n Rd Canandaigua 14424 716-39 4-4 075 Mee t at Me t hodist ChurCh No rth Main St Canandaigua


Oct 4 Sat 8 30 a~ The Great Cortl~nd Pu~pkinte9t SK Challenge $10 Pre $11 Poat tree 1 aile fun run as 8 1 Haro)~ Whlte 607-756-1875 Meet at Geared 2 Sporta 24 Cour t St Cortland NY

Oct 5 Sun 9 30 bullbull middot Syracuae Feativa] of Rac e s Wo~ens amp Hens 5K Fun Run t or Kids Dav~ OJa 213 Scott Ave Syracuse 13~~ 4 31$-46-6285 Hanley Field Hou~e Syracuse University

Oct 6 Sun 9 00~ middotWineglass Maratho n + 3 per~on relay S25 by 9 15 S35 Post lono sl~eved shirta FinJsh at Corning Glasa Center Hark Landin Bo x It7 COTntn9 14830 607-937shy6184 Meet at Philips Lighting Co Rt 5 4H Bath

To request a registration for~ by aall send a SASE to assist the race direct o r In hiaher volunteer efforts

middot USA Track amp Pield Cert itle~ Race Course

Sept HI 1997

SCOTJJE BANTON MARATHON PORT HURON 1111 813197 rochesterMatt Caton 30018 Terry Heist 33609 Tim Matthews 3 39 Norm Frank 315

4th annual Mendon Trail Run 10K and 20K

Saturday Novmher 8 1997 930 AM East -odge Mendon Ponds Park

Cotl r n 10 km loop laquolU$C 10 klJl on rQIICIJ 05 km HI fields 85 1 on ~ l rJih Oplion 01 ooine one loop or rcpUl ing loop (Of 10K The rounc will lie tll - nu1~td with Sol reamcn on Imil l lnd I collbioaliolll or (hall( srearnen aM l1o fliC conu 10 mark route a l road 11051 15 alld on open ndd

C(JurSof 1ttrOrdSl 2OK shy 1Ykt1 DoI c Hi~h(lff 1 19) 9 W Olty Utd GlOlSflIIn 13348shyIOK - Men [)e Bitcho(f 37-jIJ W~n Bryn Mull igan 48 16

Slon East Lodc hich hlocllt(j on CMfield Rood (nonh (Ul1lOt road 10 park) aboul 0 8 mi les ~ 01 Clovel ROIId

HHls YrI fhere will bot hills1 We cuimltllc r roo fCCI or elin ptr 10K rrrgt- Nilgt PR COIIr SC

Water AI stftlfinish pillS n ile vJIlt ~op about 6 km inlo loop

Rod cronlng Tllerc will be roul crosinamps of park IUlid t ltler( will be no rood manh3l1s 10 runl1elS are ~pon5ible 10 their 58lely when cr05liing rOflds

Entry fce $5 if posImarkcd by November I $I R[[or Novernbu I and on day 0( 11KX

TlfIlt Onmiddotl ite ni ~ rltion and ehe(kmiddot in bet w~en ROO and 9 15 AM Rsoce $I~ru a 930

Alc G r oup Male undcr40 m40 nd n Female ulldu40and 40and over

A rd~ The tory of your rnme in rhe RQChe$lerOrienlccrill~ ClubllJld he G RTC TlCw$te el1

SpO Olor SponlOnXl byhe Rohuer (Kicnarin O ub (but his is II an orien tto rnl even)

Informallon ConlOC Larry Zyo 227middot768

Entry Form - Mendon Trail Run November S 1997

Name Agc _ _ _ Scx _ _ _

Addrcss _________________ _ ______ _

Phone Len~th Planned 10K 20K Enry fee $5 i(1J08lIl31kod by November 1 S8(~reafler M~ke chlaquok payable fo7tRocllesla Orienllaquoring Club Mail rompleled 8pplict ioo 10 Dick Dctilr 422 Woodlaod LarJc Websle r NY 14500

WAIVER I llie uodcrsilned acop full respomibi1ity fOJ 1II)lClf and for an) injuries I mlly incurdurinc Ihis trail run I have nod this pplicatioo end I fully undentand thaI pranicipaline in th is event y be dallgeroU$ 10 my heAlih Sprained ankles and WristA laceraliom bruises broken bone lithlnin mikes animl biles collisions wilh vehicles hYpolntrmia and heal uhaustion are rra t possibilities I (ully underst8nd that there will be 110 medical or emergency personnel on the course I have trainod Jurric ienlly for thi event I will fK)j

hold any 0( the OfJani1OJ1 tnt Councyof Mon~ the Roche~C( Orientecrine O Ub land owners any agency within Ihc Mate of Ncw York or any volunteers ~1ponsibk My actionsoci mishaps ~rc accoufllablc to no one butI1lY$Clf

Date Slllllll~==c=_====_==ccc_---------If pcu1icipanl is under 18 thut pa~nt or ItWdian must also sign

Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






ZO wn7701 HUSlfId 7111 O~ Mefl

40sWomargtW AtoI~J CIlIIe 7721 (US WOITgttII )01 wornThe rlH CIvtsIO ~

1) Women Susan 8onklibul t 27 -shy 71SI II Tum LVfn ~~ ee 71 3OSWomn p_slaa~ 1112 MiedTumCIvgtsIt CuIlIf1 Obotrhollelo1tII8IIJO ~-s1e (UnOH 7002 2a-Wome


MlnS Tm 791 2OsWonfnJudy SemeoOJtI

Weltgt6yAIitIOC 45 ~Inn 111_27 2OS Women 10101111 ScMeCIr lOlMn pelaquoMmet ~

Wam~middotTbullbullJoSllfl~ ln Jon TQOt1I WomenS Tu as s~MOII1--

8003 501 Mlln Feu Scheible Men Tum

)0 W9m O IBuVuet T-y 8i1hono1411 30 Mluod Team AAtgtOIgty AIduccn Men Til rI04IIT~ Ml~tltl Tum Toungml rgtJYOIII


ASMltIzamplOe~n 401 Men401 Worn12Nay alIIus 40middot 11 til FomtIiA 44 50 MHI lOUie

Deni Cobtek 10720s WOOMn 8113 20 we1M UIlI HUlClngs 10lt1 4l 0gt ~ W $I

laIoI0 SIl amp0 lot Scod SlIarar10S 1I1 1131 401 WornOpW- Ed S1abirts R_C_W~ OW_1208 AfIIetle SUII II IIOIIMenBob b Ag G1MIII NIrIIW 6322 ly

8)25 women ham ~wroCgtou9leltly 41hMrnJolin GfoeSDeet w1I1III eUlBoll RelUI

1 GRTC Calendar 2 ~

Running road races co~p1led by G~orge T111son Road R~ce Coord1nator Greater Rochester Trac~ Club (716-289-4250) Where available the 8ch~dul~ In c ludes date8 tlm~$ registration tee race dir~ctor contact ad~ress and telephone nunber and ~here to meet

Wedneday evenings 6 1~ pili The Cert1f ied Five and Diners 5 dle training

Oct 4 Sat ~ OO ampIII

runsJane [aculll 71~ -264-094L Mendon Ponds Sec n Area -United Way Kick-Off Clasaic 10k $10 Pre by 9 30 $ J 3 Pot Long sleeve T-shirt chiCKen barbec ue dinner included ~9rma Lamberson United Way 83 W Bayard St Seneca taIls 13148 315-~68-9~73 meet at United WayshySt Patrick School W Bayard

Oct 4 Sat 10 00 pili -Apple Derby 5 Hile Run Hilton Applefes t We~kend

$10 Pre by 103 $12 Poet T-shirts Steve Powler Hilton-Parm Recreation ~g Henry St Hilton 14468 71~-392 - 9030 Hllton HJgh Schoo l

Oct 4 Sat 8 4~ a~ Roberts We aleya n College 91 Hoeco~ing Miles Pre $6 b~ 923 S10 Poet 2 _lle Fun Run at 6 00a~ Office ot Oevelop~ent 716-~9-6500 meet at Lif~ Fltne~s Canter

Oct 4 Sat HY ChIropract i c Co llege Cross Co~ntry Invitational Varait y JV Froah Boys amp Girls Open Race Russ Ebbetts Y Chiropractic College Rt 69 Sen~ca

Falls 13148 Oct 11 Sat 930 a~ Apple 6 Pu~p~in Harvest Festival ~K Cross Coun try

RunWalk S10 Pre $12 Post T-shir ts Benefit Hospice o f Orleans County ~argy Brown Br own s eerryfu~pkjn

Oct J 6 Sat JO ~ 30 amp111

Patch 716-682 - 5569 Meet at Brown e 14 264 Roosevelty Waterport NY Run for Hosptce 5K bull 2 ~lle fitness walk Benefit VialtJng HUTee Hoaplce Foundation $ 13 Pre bV 10 11 Post $17 Designer T-shirts Huge Race Party with rood+bev~rage amp aany door prles Pete van Peurselll 3 4 DenlshJre Or Rochester 14624 ~94- 4 191 Heet at First BIble eaptlst ChurCh 1039 H Greece Rd Greece

Oct 18 Sat 9 00 aa Henrietta 8reakfast RunS Miles +Chlldrens Mile at 8 30 Raee includes breaktfst ~ Ml1 e-810 Pre by 10 15 813 Post Jan~ Iacull1 Henrietta Recreation Dept 475 Calk i ns Roa d Hen~ietta 14~67 7J6-3~9-2~40 Meet at Winslow EleMentary School Calkins Rd He nrietta

Oct 25 Sat 9 00 aa Shepherds Heart Christian Fellowship ~K Manna Run Pre 5 12 by 1018 Post 514 Linited to 11 5 racers Inc ludes Breakfast + T-shirt Proceeds for develo~en~ or Youth C~nteT Dave OLeary 2~4-1927 Heet at Greece Orange 1301 Long Pond Rd next to Fire House

Nov 8 Sat 9 ~30 a~ Mendon Trail 10K Run $5 Pre by 11 1 $ 8 Post Loop course Good well lIIar~ed trails (lK on road) Larry Zygo115-227-7618Heet at East Lodge Men4 on Ponds Park

Nov 23 Sun 900 a -Turkey Claaaic 5 1II11e road race 1 IIIjle run run $12 Pre 916 Poet T-shlrts Paul Anderson Southeast YMCA 111 S Jefferson Rd Pittsford 14534 383- 579

ov 27 Thur 9 00 aa -Race wIth Grace 10K $12 Pre by 11 22 51~ Post long sleeved 8hJrt 12 nile tun run for c hildr e n Run wIth Pastor George Grace Bob DyjaK laa Kj~ Lane Ro chester 1t626 116-2 25-6560 Meet at First Blble Baptist Church No Greece Rd

Nov 27 Thur lOam Newark Turkey Oay 6 Miler Joe Contario 909 Pej~son Ave Mewark 145 13 3 15-331- 2bullbull 9 Meet at HewBrk Elk s Club Katn St at Cen t ral Park

Nov 29 Sat 11 00 a~ R f TUrke~ Run 5 al l ee $5 Prp $ 10 Post Bil l Quinllampk 412 HUMbolt St Roches ter 1461 0 482- 637 1 Hendon Ponds Park beach parking lot

Dec 7 Sun 9 00 bullbull JJngle Sell Run 5K $15 Pre S18 Post T-shirts lots of tood at Post Ra c e Party 271 -2510 Arthritis Foundation 2423 Monroe Ave Ror-hester 14618

Oee 27 Sat 845 a middotPost Christmas Blues Run- 5 K Unusual awards Post race famous tony Farraro c hill feast Vern Hecker 3452 Oehs n Rd Canandaigua 14424 716-39 4-4 075 Mee t at Me t hodist ChurCh No rth Main St Canandaigua


Oct 4 Sat 8 30 a~ The Great Cortl~nd Pu~pkinte9t SK Challenge $10 Pre $11 Poat tree 1 aile fun run as 8 1 Haro)~ Whlte 607-756-1875 Meet at Geared 2 Sporta 24 Cour t St Cortland NY

Oct 5 Sun 9 30 bullbull middot Syracuae Feativa] of Rac e s Wo~ens amp Hens 5K Fun Run t or Kids Dav~ OJa 213 Scott Ave Syracuse 13~~ 4 31$-46-6285 Hanley Field Hou~e Syracuse University

Oct 6 Sun 9 00~ middotWineglass Maratho n + 3 per~on relay S25 by 9 15 S35 Post lono sl~eved shirta FinJsh at Corning Glasa Center Hark Landin Bo x It7 COTntn9 14830 607-937shy6184 Meet at Philips Lighting Co Rt 5 4H Bath

To request a registration for~ by aall send a SASE to assist the race direct o r In hiaher volunteer efforts

middot USA Track amp Pield Cert itle~ Race Course

Sept HI 1997

SCOTJJE BANTON MARATHON PORT HURON 1111 813197 rochesterMatt Caton 30018 Terry Heist 33609 Tim Matthews 3 39 Norm Frank 315

4th annual Mendon Trail Run 10K and 20K

Saturday Novmher 8 1997 930 AM East -odge Mendon Ponds Park

Cotl r n 10 km loop laquolU$C 10 klJl on rQIICIJ 05 km HI fields 85 1 on ~ l rJih Oplion 01 ooine one loop or rcpUl ing loop (Of 10K The rounc will lie tll - nu1~td with Sol reamcn on Imil l lnd I collbioaliolll or (hall( srearnen aM l1o fliC conu 10 mark route a l road 11051 15 alld on open ndd

C(JurSof 1ttrOrdSl 2OK shy 1Ykt1 DoI c Hi~h(lff 1 19) 9 W Olty Utd GlOlSflIIn 13348shyIOK - Men [)e Bitcho(f 37-jIJ W~n Bryn Mull igan 48 16

Slon East Lodc hich hlocllt(j on CMfield Rood (nonh (Ul1lOt road 10 park) aboul 0 8 mi les ~ 01 Clovel ROIId

HHls YrI fhere will bot hills1 We cuimltllc r roo fCCI or elin ptr 10K rrrgt- Nilgt PR COIIr SC

Water AI stftlfinish pillS n ile vJIlt ~op about 6 km inlo loop

Rod cronlng Tllerc will be roul crosinamps of park IUlid t ltler( will be no rood manh3l1s 10 runl1elS are ~pon5ible 10 their 58lely when cr05liing rOflds

Entry fce $5 if posImarkcd by November I $I R[[or Novernbu I and on day 0( 11KX

TlfIlt Onmiddotl ite ni ~ rltion and ehe(kmiddot in bet w~en ROO and 9 15 AM Rsoce $I~ru a 930

Alc G r oup Male undcr40 m40 nd n Female ulldu40and 40and over

A rd~ The tory of your rnme in rhe RQChe$lerOrienlccrill~ ClubllJld he G RTC TlCw$te el1

SpO Olor SponlOnXl byhe Rohuer (Kicnarin O ub (but his is II an orien tto rnl even)

Informallon ConlOC Larry Zyo 227middot768

Entry Form - Mendon Trail Run November S 1997

Name Agc _ _ _ Scx _ _ _

Addrcss _________________ _ ______ _

Phone Len~th Planned 10K 20K Enry fee $5 i(1J08lIl31kod by November 1 S8(~reafler M~ke chlaquok payable fo7tRocllesla Orienllaquoring Club Mail rompleled 8pplict ioo 10 Dick Dctilr 422 Woodlaod LarJc Websle r NY 14500

WAIVER I llie uodcrsilned acop full respomibi1ity fOJ 1II)lClf and for an) injuries I mlly incurdurinc Ihis trail run I have nod this pplicatioo end I fully undentand thaI pranicipaline in th is event y be dallgeroU$ 10 my heAlih Sprained ankles and WristA laceraliom bruises broken bone lithlnin mikes animl biles collisions wilh vehicles hYpolntrmia and heal uhaustion are rra t possibilities I (ully underst8nd that there will be 110 medical or emergency personnel on the course I have trainod Jurric ienlly for thi event I will fK)j

hold any 0( the OfJani1OJ1 tnt Councyof Mon~ the Roche~C( Orientecrine O Ub land owners any agency within Ihc Mate of Ncw York or any volunteers ~1ponsibk My actionsoci mishaps ~rc accoufllablc to no one butI1lY$Clf

Date Slllllll~==c=_====_==ccc_---------If pcu1icipanl is under 18 thut pa~nt or ItWdian must also sign

Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






1 GRTC Calendar 2 ~

Running road races co~p1led by G~orge T111son Road R~ce Coord1nator Greater Rochester Trac~ Club (716-289-4250) Where available the 8ch~dul~ In c ludes date8 tlm~$ registration tee race dir~ctor contact ad~ress and telephone nunber and ~here to meet

Wedneday evenings 6 1~ pili The Cert1f ied Five and Diners 5 dle training

Oct 4 Sat ~ OO ampIII

runsJane [aculll 71~ -264-094L Mendon Ponds Sec n Area -United Way Kick-Off Clasaic 10k $10 Pre by 9 30 $ J 3 Pot Long sleeve T-shirt chiCKen barbec ue dinner included ~9rma Lamberson United Way 83 W Bayard St Seneca taIls 13148 315-~68-9~73 meet at United WayshySt Patrick School W Bayard

Oct 4 Sat 10 00 pili -Apple Derby 5 Hile Run Hilton Applefes t We~kend

$10 Pre by 103 $12 Poet T-shirts Steve Powler Hilton-Parm Recreation ~g Henry St Hilton 14468 71~-392 - 9030 Hllton HJgh Schoo l

Oct 4 Sat 8 4~ a~ Roberts We aleya n College 91 Hoeco~ing Miles Pre $6 b~ 923 S10 Poet 2 _lle Fun Run at 6 00a~ Office ot Oevelop~ent 716-~9-6500 meet at Lif~ Fltne~s Canter

Oct 4 Sat HY ChIropract i c Co llege Cross Co~ntry Invitational Varait y JV Froah Boys amp Girls Open Race Russ Ebbetts Y Chiropractic College Rt 69 Sen~ca

Falls 13148 Oct 11 Sat 930 a~ Apple 6 Pu~p~in Harvest Festival ~K Cross Coun try

RunWalk S10 Pre $12 Post T-shir ts Benefit Hospice o f Orleans County ~argy Brown Br own s eerryfu~pkjn

Oct J 6 Sat JO ~ 30 amp111

Patch 716-682 - 5569 Meet at Brown e 14 264 Roosevelty Waterport NY Run for Hosptce 5K bull 2 ~lle fitness walk Benefit VialtJng HUTee Hoaplce Foundation $ 13 Pre bV 10 11 Post $17 Designer T-shirts Huge Race Party with rood+bev~rage amp aany door prles Pete van Peurselll 3 4 DenlshJre Or Rochester 14624 ~94- 4 191 Heet at First BIble eaptlst ChurCh 1039 H Greece Rd Greece

Oct 18 Sat 9 00 aa Henrietta 8reakfast RunS Miles +Chlldrens Mile at 8 30 Raee includes breaktfst ~ Ml1 e-810 Pre by 10 15 813 Post Jan~ Iacull1 Henrietta Recreation Dept 475 Calk i ns Roa d Hen~ietta 14~67 7J6-3~9-2~40 Meet at Winslow EleMentary School Calkins Rd He nrietta

Oct 25 Sat 9 00 aa Shepherds Heart Christian Fellowship ~K Manna Run Pre 5 12 by 1018 Post 514 Linited to 11 5 racers Inc ludes Breakfast + T-shirt Proceeds for develo~en~ or Youth C~nteT Dave OLeary 2~4-1927 Heet at Greece Orange 1301 Long Pond Rd next to Fire House

Nov 8 Sat 9 ~30 a~ Mendon Trail 10K Run $5 Pre by 11 1 $ 8 Post Loop course Good well lIIar~ed trails (lK on road) Larry Zygo115-227-7618Heet at East Lodge Men4 on Ponds Park

Nov 23 Sun 900 a -Turkey Claaaic 5 1II11e road race 1 IIIjle run run $12 Pre 916 Poet T-shlrts Paul Anderson Southeast YMCA 111 S Jefferson Rd Pittsford 14534 383- 579

ov 27 Thur 9 00 aa -Race wIth Grace 10K $12 Pre by 11 22 51~ Post long sleeved 8hJrt 12 nile tun run for c hildr e n Run wIth Pastor George Grace Bob DyjaK laa Kj~ Lane Ro chester 1t626 116-2 25-6560 Meet at First Blble Baptist Church No Greece Rd

Nov 27 Thur lOam Newark Turkey Oay 6 Miler Joe Contario 909 Pej~son Ave Mewark 145 13 3 15-331- 2bullbull 9 Meet at HewBrk Elk s Club Katn St at Cen t ral Park

Nov 29 Sat 11 00 a~ R f TUrke~ Run 5 al l ee $5 Prp $ 10 Post Bil l Quinllampk 412 HUMbolt St Roches ter 1461 0 482- 637 1 Hendon Ponds Park beach parking lot

Dec 7 Sun 9 00 bullbull JJngle Sell Run 5K $15 Pre S18 Post T-shirts lots of tood at Post Ra c e Party 271 -2510 Arthritis Foundation 2423 Monroe Ave Ror-hester 14618

Oee 27 Sat 845 a middotPost Christmas Blues Run- 5 K Unusual awards Post race famous tony Farraro c hill feast Vern Hecker 3452 Oehs n Rd Canandaigua 14424 716-39 4-4 075 Mee t at Me t hodist ChurCh No rth Main St Canandaigua


Oct 4 Sat 8 30 a~ The Great Cortl~nd Pu~pkinte9t SK Challenge $10 Pre $11 Poat tree 1 aile fun run as 8 1 Haro)~ Whlte 607-756-1875 Meet at Geared 2 Sporta 24 Cour t St Cortland NY

Oct 5 Sun 9 30 bullbull middot Syracuae Feativa] of Rac e s Wo~ens amp Hens 5K Fun Run t or Kids Dav~ OJa 213 Scott Ave Syracuse 13~~ 4 31$-46-6285 Hanley Field Hou~e Syracuse University

Oct 6 Sun 9 00~ middotWineglass Maratho n + 3 per~on relay S25 by 9 15 S35 Post lono sl~eved shirta FinJsh at Corning Glasa Center Hark Landin Bo x It7 COTntn9 14830 607-937shy6184 Meet at Philips Lighting Co Rt 5 4H Bath

To request a registration for~ by aall send a SASE to assist the race direct o r In hiaher volunteer efforts

middot USA Track amp Pield Cert itle~ Race Course

Sept HI 1997

SCOTJJE BANTON MARATHON PORT HURON 1111 813197 rochesterMatt Caton 30018 Terry Heist 33609 Tim Matthews 3 39 Norm Frank 315

4th annual Mendon Trail Run 10K and 20K

Saturday Novmher 8 1997 930 AM East -odge Mendon Ponds Park

Cotl r n 10 km loop laquolU$C 10 klJl on rQIICIJ 05 km HI fields 85 1 on ~ l rJih Oplion 01 ooine one loop or rcpUl ing loop (Of 10K The rounc will lie tll - nu1~td with Sol reamcn on Imil l lnd I collbioaliolll or (hall( srearnen aM l1o fliC conu 10 mark route a l road 11051 15 alld on open ndd

C(JurSof 1ttrOrdSl 2OK shy 1Ykt1 DoI c Hi~h(lff 1 19) 9 W Olty Utd GlOlSflIIn 13348shyIOK - Men [)e Bitcho(f 37-jIJ W~n Bryn Mull igan 48 16

Slon East Lodc hich hlocllt(j on CMfield Rood (nonh (Ul1lOt road 10 park) aboul 0 8 mi les ~ 01 Clovel ROIId

HHls YrI fhere will bot hills1 We cuimltllc r roo fCCI or elin ptr 10K rrrgt- Nilgt PR COIIr SC

Water AI stftlfinish pillS n ile vJIlt ~op about 6 km inlo loop

Rod cronlng Tllerc will be roul crosinamps of park IUlid t ltler( will be no rood manh3l1s 10 runl1elS are ~pon5ible 10 their 58lely when cr05liing rOflds

Entry fce $5 if posImarkcd by November I $I R[[or Novernbu I and on day 0( 11KX

TlfIlt Onmiddotl ite ni ~ rltion and ehe(kmiddot in bet w~en ROO and 9 15 AM Rsoce $I~ru a 930

Alc G r oup Male undcr40 m40 nd n Female ulldu40and 40and over

A rd~ The tory of your rnme in rhe RQChe$lerOrienlccrill~ ClubllJld he G RTC TlCw$te el1

SpO Olor SponlOnXl byhe Rohuer (Kicnarin O ub (but his is II an orien tto rnl even)

Informallon ConlOC Larry Zyo 227middot768

Entry Form - Mendon Trail Run November S 1997

Name Agc _ _ _ Scx _ _ _

Addrcss _________________ _ ______ _

Phone Len~th Planned 10K 20K Enry fee $5 i(1J08lIl31kod by November 1 S8(~reafler M~ke chlaquok payable fo7tRocllesla Orienllaquoring Club Mail rompleled 8pplict ioo 10 Dick Dctilr 422 Woodlaod LarJc Websle r NY 14500

WAIVER I llie uodcrsilned acop full respomibi1ity fOJ 1II)lClf and for an) injuries I mlly incurdurinc Ihis trail run I have nod this pplicatioo end I fully undentand thaI pranicipaline in th is event y be dallgeroU$ 10 my heAlih Sprained ankles and WristA laceraliom bruises broken bone lithlnin mikes animl biles collisions wilh vehicles hYpolntrmia and heal uhaustion are rra t possibilities I (ully underst8nd that there will be 110 medical or emergency personnel on the course I have trainod Jurric ienlly for thi event I will fK)j

hold any 0( the OfJani1OJ1 tnt Councyof Mon~ the Roche~C( Orientecrine O Ub land owners any agency within Ihc Mate of Ncw York or any volunteers ~1ponsibk My actionsoci mishaps ~rc accoufllablc to no one butI1lY$Clf

Date Slllllll~==c=_====_==ccc_---------If pcu1icipanl is under 18 thut pa~nt or ItWdian must also sign

Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






Nov 27 Thur lOam Newark Turkey Oay 6 Miler Joe Contario 909 Pej~son Ave Mewark 145 13 3 15-331- 2bullbull 9 Meet at HewBrk Elk s Club Katn St at Cen t ral Park

Nov 29 Sat 11 00 a~ R f TUrke~ Run 5 al l ee $5 Prp $ 10 Post Bil l Quinllampk 412 HUMbolt St Roches ter 1461 0 482- 637 1 Hendon Ponds Park beach parking lot

Dec 7 Sun 9 00 bullbull JJngle Sell Run 5K $15 Pre S18 Post T-shirts lots of tood at Post Ra c e Party 271 -2510 Arthritis Foundation 2423 Monroe Ave Ror-hester 14618

Oee 27 Sat 845 a middotPost Christmas Blues Run- 5 K Unusual awards Post race famous tony Farraro c hill feast Vern Hecker 3452 Oehs n Rd Canandaigua 14424 716-39 4-4 075 Mee t at Me t hodist ChurCh No rth Main St Canandaigua


Oct 4 Sat 8 30 a~ The Great Cortl~nd Pu~pkinte9t SK Challenge $10 Pre $11 Poat tree 1 aile fun run as 8 1 Haro)~ Whlte 607-756-1875 Meet at Geared 2 Sporta 24 Cour t St Cortland NY

Oct 5 Sun 9 30 bullbull middot Syracuae Feativa] of Rac e s Wo~ens amp Hens 5K Fun Run t or Kids Dav~ OJa 213 Scott Ave Syracuse 13~~ 4 31$-46-6285 Hanley Field Hou~e Syracuse University

Oct 6 Sun 9 00~ middotWineglass Maratho n + 3 per~on relay S25 by 9 15 S35 Post lono sl~eved shirta FinJsh at Corning Glasa Center Hark Landin Bo x It7 COTntn9 14830 607-937shy6184 Meet at Philips Lighting Co Rt 5 4H Bath

To request a registration for~ by aall send a SASE to assist the race direct o r In hiaher volunteer efforts

middot USA Track amp Pield Cert itle~ Race Course

Sept HI 1997

SCOTJJE BANTON MARATHON PORT HURON 1111 813197 rochesterMatt Caton 30018 Terry Heist 33609 Tim Matthews 3 39 Norm Frank 315

4th annual Mendon Trail Run 10K and 20K

Saturday Novmher 8 1997 930 AM East -odge Mendon Ponds Park

Cotl r n 10 km loop laquolU$C 10 klJl on rQIICIJ 05 km HI fields 85 1 on ~ l rJih Oplion 01 ooine one loop or rcpUl ing loop (Of 10K The rounc will lie tll - nu1~td with Sol reamcn on Imil l lnd I collbioaliolll or (hall( srearnen aM l1o fliC conu 10 mark route a l road 11051 15 alld on open ndd

C(JurSof 1ttrOrdSl 2OK shy 1Ykt1 DoI c Hi~h(lff 1 19) 9 W Olty Utd GlOlSflIIn 13348shyIOK - Men [)e Bitcho(f 37-jIJ W~n Bryn Mull igan 48 16

Slon East Lodc hich hlocllt(j on CMfield Rood (nonh (Ul1lOt road 10 park) aboul 0 8 mi les ~ 01 Clovel ROIId

HHls YrI fhere will bot hills1 We cuimltllc r roo fCCI or elin ptr 10K rrrgt- Nilgt PR COIIr SC

Water AI stftlfinish pillS n ile vJIlt ~op about 6 km inlo loop

Rod cronlng Tllerc will be roul crosinamps of park IUlid t ltler( will be no rood manh3l1s 10 runl1elS are ~pon5ible 10 their 58lely when cr05liing rOflds

Entry fce $5 if posImarkcd by November I $I R[[or Novernbu I and on day 0( 11KX

TlfIlt Onmiddotl ite ni ~ rltion and ehe(kmiddot in bet w~en ROO and 9 15 AM Rsoce $I~ru a 930

Alc G r oup Male undcr40 m40 nd n Female ulldu40and 40and over

A rd~ The tory of your rnme in rhe RQChe$lerOrienlccrill~ ClubllJld he G RTC TlCw$te el1

SpO Olor SponlOnXl byhe Rohuer (Kicnarin O ub (but his is II an orien tto rnl even)

Informallon ConlOC Larry Zyo 227middot768

Entry Form - Mendon Trail Run November S 1997

Name Agc _ _ _ Scx _ _ _

Addrcss _________________ _ ______ _

Phone Len~th Planned 10K 20K Enry fee $5 i(1J08lIl31kod by November 1 S8(~reafler M~ke chlaquok payable fo7tRocllesla Orienllaquoring Club Mail rompleled 8pplict ioo 10 Dick Dctilr 422 Woodlaod LarJc Websle r NY 14500

WAIVER I llie uodcrsilned acop full respomibi1ity fOJ 1II)lClf and for an) injuries I mlly incurdurinc Ihis trail run I have nod this pplicatioo end I fully undentand thaI pranicipaline in th is event y be dallgeroU$ 10 my heAlih Sprained ankles and WristA laceraliom bruises broken bone lithlnin mikes animl biles collisions wilh vehicles hYpolntrmia and heal uhaustion are rra t possibilities I (ully underst8nd that there will be 110 medical or emergency personnel on the course I have trainod Jurric ienlly for thi event I will fK)j

hold any 0( the OfJani1OJ1 tnt Councyof Mon~ the Roche~C( Orientecrine O Ub land owners any agency within Ihc Mate of Ncw York or any volunteers ~1ponsibk My actionsoci mishaps ~rc accoufllablc to no one butI1lY$Clf

Date Slllllll~==c=_====_==ccc_---------If pcu1icipanl is under 18 thut pa~nt or ItWdian must also sign

Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






4th annual Mendon Trail Run 10K and 20K

Saturday Novmher 8 1997 930 AM East -odge Mendon Ponds Park

Cotl r n 10 km loop laquolU$C 10 klJl on rQIICIJ 05 km HI fields 85 1 on ~ l rJih Oplion 01 ooine one loop or rcpUl ing loop (Of 10K The rounc will lie tll - nu1~td with Sol reamcn on Imil l lnd I collbioaliolll or (hall( srearnen aM l1o fliC conu 10 mark route a l road 11051 15 alld on open ndd

C(JurSof 1ttrOrdSl 2OK shy 1Ykt1 DoI c Hi~h(lff 1 19) 9 W Olty Utd GlOlSflIIn 13348shyIOK - Men [)e Bitcho(f 37-jIJ W~n Bryn Mull igan 48 16

Slon East Lodc hich hlocllt(j on CMfield Rood (nonh (Ul1lOt road 10 park) aboul 0 8 mi les ~ 01 Clovel ROIId

HHls YrI fhere will bot hills1 We cuimltllc r roo fCCI or elin ptr 10K rrrgt- Nilgt PR COIIr SC

Water AI stftlfinish pillS n ile vJIlt ~op about 6 km inlo loop

Rod cronlng Tllerc will be roul crosinamps of park IUlid t ltler( will be no rood manh3l1s 10 runl1elS are ~pon5ible 10 their 58lely when cr05liing rOflds

Entry fce $5 if posImarkcd by November I $I R[[or Novernbu I and on day 0( 11KX

TlfIlt Onmiddotl ite ni ~ rltion and ehe(kmiddot in bet w~en ROO and 9 15 AM Rsoce $I~ru a 930

Alc G r oup Male undcr40 m40 nd n Female ulldu40and 40and over

A rd~ The tory of your rnme in rhe RQChe$lerOrienlccrill~ ClubllJld he G RTC TlCw$te el1

SpO Olor SponlOnXl byhe Rohuer (Kicnarin O ub (but his is II an orien tto rnl even)

Informallon ConlOC Larry Zyo 227middot768

Entry Form - Mendon Trail Run November S 1997

Name Agc _ _ _ Scx _ _ _

Addrcss _________________ _ ______ _

Phone Len~th Planned 10K 20K Enry fee $5 i(1J08lIl31kod by November 1 S8(~reafler M~ke chlaquok payable fo7tRocllesla Orienllaquoring Club Mail rompleled 8pplict ioo 10 Dick Dctilr 422 Woodlaod LarJc Websle r NY 14500

WAIVER I llie uodcrsilned acop full respomibi1ity fOJ 1II)lClf and for an) injuries I mlly incurdurinc Ihis trail run I have nod this pplicatioo end I fully undentand thaI pranicipaline in th is event y be dallgeroU$ 10 my heAlih Sprained ankles and WristA laceraliom bruises broken bone lithlnin mikes animl biles collisions wilh vehicles hYpolntrmia and heal uhaustion are rra t possibilities I (ully underst8nd that there will be 110 medical or emergency personnel on the course I have trainod Jurric ienlly for thi event I will fK)j

hold any 0( the OfJani1OJ1 tnt Councyof Mon~ the Roche~C( Orientecrine O Ub land owners any agency within Ihc Mate of Ncw York or any volunteers ~1ponsibk My actionsoci mishaps ~rc accoufllablc to no one butI1lY$Clf

Date Slllllll~==c=_====_==ccc_---------If pcu1icipanl is under 18 thut pa~nt or ItWdian must also sign

Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






Training for a fallwinter marathon Or are you just a glutton for punishment

Just a glutton Join us for a scenic 18 mile run around Honeoye Lake

18 Miles Around Honeoye Lake -a social runshy

Sunday October 19 1997 300

California Ranch Boat Club 268 West Lake Road Honeoye

Questions Call Stacey VanDenburgh

(315) 597-1514 Run the whole thing or just a

part of it

-Water every rnileshy-Just $1 to cover insurance costsshy

-Bring some extra money to carbo load afterwards at the California Ranch Boat Club restaurant-


rochester ~~~~~ tracH club


IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692







IIUf I Ef Hit

_ I p

I till ~r_Amiddot FOR IM MEDIATE RELEASE CooIacl u~l ie While Rctlilt- _ Sept 9 1997 Hill iide Chitdren s Cenle lolllH Ilt~

(7 16) 256-7570F16I H675M rA 11110t r I~ I


_ _ 0-00 - tI bull( _- Mark YOll r calendars for Onc u( Ille best races in Rochester bullbull Ihe

Hillside and Wegmms Run for lhe Kid schedll ied fOI Sarunlly May 16


The SK race slans and c lld~ at Cobb s Hill Par~ a nd proceeds

benefit lhc Hi lllOide Children s Ccnle Emergenc) Sheller This race has

bee n a leg of the Roche~ te r Triple Crown

The Wegman s Food You Feel Good Aboul division is prood 10

sponsor Ihe Run for tile Kids u t promotes heaJlhy lifestyles middot )5 David

Wlner category manaer for WegmAn middotS Nuule Mlrke jplace

The Hillside and Wendy s I-mile Fun Run will follow the race

This e middotent is designed for children of a ll ages

Terrence Davin is chillinnan of the Run for Inc Kids Committee

Uills ide Childrens Center headquartered 031 1183 Monroe Ave

selveS uoubled children and ramilies Ihroughoul Central and Western New

York The Hillside Emergeocy Sheller is bull safe haven ror YOU1h ages S 10





8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692








8~O BOYLSTON STREET AO~E_ __ 6___ (617) 739-20039~_BADKUNE~~~1~7


171 hllnry (or 11 v 10 iM I Iry I Mid off Itil 00II Ye 2 tabltspooru o f peanut butter has bout 16 1111 I 014 ampIn) WI lenl middot middot graau of raL Bur this fat an fir into youe day flit r ItJUTIy ~ Ii lncAtlme II lion 11lt$1 Itne lomr budget (about SO tylllNl (a~ for dieting ferna[ e Ilia ~ Iy cIlaquok III slarviJlZm lthlete 10 gtaIIS (or In active cnan) bullA~ tJww f1uerl 111_ IICr CIEI of NO(Idlcs It) po41 bull Pltk plJlnjcI~ver amp0111 dlnn~t and heat tIem

Poe active people who Ire CClnt1nuo~ly fuelilg up for In the mkrowlve oven Iiommade fooele 0

workouts and rdueUns ftetwdli lunch 1amp the ItcOnd nutritionally prdenble to many ttat lunchu most Itrtportant meal of the chy (BrulUnl remalna the A Cup of Noodle for uarnple I litlle more rUllt meal of dwIIpIoNl LWlch Idatb the Dusd of thlnl PICkett 01 Jl1t one tablKpoon 01 lat R people who exerdDe II the JnO(11 ins or at nCOn IlJd fuel fined white Itour nd ltrety Unle protdn or 1111(1

up the musdn amplid boottJ the blood lugar 01 fttmoon tkml1 value A bdlu lnsul t lunch would be the exerdaera Gtltren that our bodt tend 10 get hungryt cups of lnitant bean mellI such a Knorr Hta t shyleatt rfery 4 houri Ithleteot who eat bruiJ at 700 or ty Lentil Soup or Fftutlc Food Rice k ampM 800 UII aR cettaInll rudy for lunth by 11 00 or 1200 lbete offer moR proleln fiber olher nutrients-And thote who eat bnakfd at 600 ampIn ~ Tftdy by lCkOOl 8IId art a alInple Y to eat wholttome beans

Idun you dlould at K(()rdlrg to hUflget not by the Fut load lucht When you te pbbing lunch cloltk Alta an hWl~r it lmply yocr body ~11t$t lor at quick aervice raunt loak for the lowtr IrIOfe fuel Whm your body hu proc-esaed breUfut hWl- (at options fUch al the BK BroUer duckm u(ldshy~ teu you It needt more food _pin to lunetlon well [f wkll withoul mayo + m1llt ((50 caloriet t 1 3D youye tate tQo 1Itt1t tn the Jlorn1ng you Un eully be ft) Taco BeU dilcken frajitl wnp + bull diet tod_ rudy lodw4- at 1000 (460 alb 12 P fat) 2 IIlkes Do~tno~ piua (500

Tht ~~ aritet If you deYour lundt ~ore cab 13 gnI fll) For detKrt ut plaquot of INft you noon what wwyou have lett 10 eat the rm of theday ~ 111 your pocket belen teavtng lunm The 8Olutiod lI ilmple A aoecond lunch at 200 For - Hili lundlu It you are [ucky enougll to have tion of lunch Urnltffl two )unchea tnJor 5eell - novel cafeterlat worle or be bldude-d I bull buneu idell But why not Adequate rnlddlloy m e truly lnvea~ In lunch lake advantlge of the hoi meal option bull hlRheT energy a~mool Enjoying a I1ke dinner al lunch l) fuelll you (or

In senn-a when you plan rour d ay I tntake try to dlmiddot lUI energetic lalt-afternoon work()lll 2) ImpURes vtde your ClJorle1 evenly zs for breakfast )111(11-1 the wh_tl to 91 (or dinner routine youll (HI lunch-2 Ind dlnnu OR 301 for breakfnl lunch aad leta hungry and wlll be content with sandwich dinner plul 109 of the alontS for- afternoon ~ack By 3) redu~ the hungry hOlTort you d otherwise experimenting witll these fueUng pllt~erns you 11 eradimiddot fight Uyou skip lunch or -nold off until dillner~ cate afternoon 8Wft1 cra~lngs pre-dtnner h ungry hor- (Why hold oln You are going to tit the calories fOII_ltId poItI-diNlltr didary duasteni eventuilly hllnor hun~r a~ eet now)

Despite lke bnpoftilnce of lunch logiStics can be a Lunch for dietu BeUU5e many weight shyhude ~ Ue tozrIt ttptl foc pbnnirlg a powfr lunch conadaa peopie dHm 111 fattening dletshyBnI baulnA It AU bfOWJImiddotbaggelll qukldy tire of the ell cOllUllOnly skip Of k1mp on lunch one whal-to-piltk-(or-lllnch dJ[t1rIIl bull Huce most of the1tI overwdShl walker (ollIIen~ j lJI f t 10 I md up paddng the lame food every day yetmiddotllnoUer htr- doot deserve to eat lunch Sad ItatelJlut but key IIndwtcb uJcI Of Ngel U youre ired of the ~ Mte--the-ltQ CDINnOn In ~r IOCiety O nce he stuff coNIder theu IUggesttOIlll p~ he~1f pmnlsslon to fuel her h9dy pproshybull AtRInble I lunch wfth It lead thrt-e typH 0( food that priately (unc1wicll yogurt fru lO for lunch Ihe total It lasl 500 caora (if you ~ on a middot~uctng diet) to dlscover-td th~ beJltAts of el~ Itut 1lieaJJIICnshyBOO calori~_ (Use the CIlorie lAlonrlIotiol onfood blbels tlflaquotlve It WOlk 1m huftrY In the a ttpnoon or a Qllpre ~e_) ThIt~hrd _ ~rt middot + ampI 1es libly to raid lhe refrl~ratOrW ~It~h~ or ~I +tllryenY + il4 J~ ~blgd-QOO~ulL~ ocamiddot ~ arrived hotne 11111 bttllaquo abIe ki)~1~amphf~~ GOtHab -too Ut~fUelrou1Hmd IJltn~g~ta enJoy lI)Ier(bt She like 1tIOI1 ~chY~ ~ople bull ~CfI~t yo~lI with peanut butter 11 thO ef of letmed IlIlch worbl bull hlt-amp-ee fOoCb peanut butttc hulOlt if stelf pace I eon- 5lder Pe-anUI butter to be bull grell load for atllet~wn NIlftC) Clad( MS l O rtIO)tl CDIIIIdc-r AoIto_ middotbull d~tebeeaUM It -adckt to the rib~ and b~ you SpoltlMoedldnt -OOU 1IllIOr 01 -1 ot st fu _ c_ _ of L _ 101- cloIdoIH l~ [ Iill G2O W1 td n NYC

elCU for who tenICQn Ye U ~y have ~ Nan CDOUbullok lSlJ) ~ chKk N trltIo Stn-1coI caloriea than bull standard lurMy 61f1dWlCh but tlle satU1y- SlO 1oy1Igt SI lodJlnl QllI ing peanul butter allows you to nLx u Ce3lve aftentoon Melli tkaf (Ontrtbute uceta CilIoriH to your dy tntUe

- -20shy

~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






~1ATR1C MEDCNE AND SURGERY TELEPHONE 7Iemiddot720()4()() FAX 71 amp-72QOt 10

Dr David J Valvo

Canal Park 121 middot C ErMl Canal Drive

Rochesler New York 14526


Plantar FascHtIs can be an aggravating II nol debilltatirgtg pain encountered by both runners and oUler active Inclvkluals The area Ollenderness Is usualy Iocaled Oil the bottom 01 the heel a-Id Inside arch Beginning at the heel bone and elltendlng 10 t1e base 01 the toes the plantar fascia Is a fibroUS Ilgamentmiddotllke slrucure that covers the sole of the foot

The dlscomfort associated with Plantar Fascitis Is most appJeclable In the morning when the first few steps ate laken and usually diminishes wilh conllnued walldng Ukewls$ while running the pain will occur at the begiMlng 01 your workout and subside as acllvity condnues

Plantar Fascltis Is more common in rvnners who have a flat pronated foot or a highmiddotarch rigid type of loot While running the plantar fascia experienoes continuous stress and eltcesslve pulling which results In Inflammation and pain Improper shoe selection may also inst9ate Plantar Fasclitis Overpronation caused by worn out shoes as well as running In a smfmiddotsole shoe can cause excessive stretching of the plantar fascia Tne most common cause Is a sudden Increase In the Intensity or amount or ac~vity withIn a ShOrt period of time

To detem1lna the proper treatmentor Plantar Fasciilis it Is necessary that the athlete underlland and then elmnate tha causative tadors of the Injury A compieta medical history lower elCtremlty examination galt analysis and xmiddotrays to rule out other causes of leer pain Is recommended Short term treatment indudes tce appliCation rest or reduction In the intensity of exerdse antlmiddotinflammatOfY medications (If tolerable) tapestrapping cortisone InjedionS andJor phYSlCallherapy Over the counter arch supporls are certainly worth a Y

In persistent cases orthotic devices may help to alleviate stress and strain on the plantar fascia by correcting bio~harical problems For better shock absotptlon runners with hlch arenes usually require sotter orthotic delAces Those with nalter atthes mar respond better to 8 more igk1 orthotlc to control pronation In addition plantar lascla and car musde stretch no 8lterclses may be recommended

While mosl people respond 10 those IOfms or treatment some may require surgical Intervention In most cases this entails the release or all or par1 ol lhe plantar tascla Irom the heel bone New technology now enables the trained surgeon to perform this through an endoscopic procedure similar 10 having your knee scoped It Is ~Ick often Induces less trauma and usually alows lor a moen laster recovery period Even so I recommend thai all cooservat~8 methods be attempted before proceedng with any surglcaf procedure

In the November edition we wit review orthotic devices and how you may benent from their use

David J VIIO DPM podiItriSlirl Greece i3 alsrJ a fJlCtlbcJ of the Genesee Vampltey Harricn theGrt3tt Rochcstcr Track Club IJld Ihe RATs He is abo nauonll tTOSI CltI1try stJ mnthon rater IIfId tw belen 10 cwo world championship tean 1IiaU A -dualaquo of McQuaid Jesuit Hlah Schoollnd the UniYCfsity d R~hcster he ccrnpleted his medical training and residency in Cle veJIIOd OItio QuestiOtl1 Of lOpier cooceminl fOOl medicine LIlIII you may wish to be covered in thls Ilewslcucr IIIfI be diJectcd to 121 middotC Erie Canol Drive Rochester New Yoro 14626


Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692







Theee is one t llied of an inch di f ierence between f u l l sizesand one six th ot an inch f or half sizes in eunn i nq s hoesLe ngthwI sethr ee t u ll sizes in l engtharc e quiva l en t to one inch When you get a longer s hoe you a l so qe t B wider widthThis has to be because it maintains the same p ropo rt ions betwee n width and leng th

The uppe r part o f a running s hoe are cu t from many natural and syntheti c materials These ~aterj als ar e Cut with cutting dies so they ti t a speci fi c s hoe sizeThey ar e then a ssembled a nd s titc hed with as many as twe nty ctifferent operations

The sole assembly consists of a wedge to e l evate the hae l and help prevent tendon problemsThis wa s o ne of my con tributio ns t o t he athl etic footwea r j ndust ry t wenty-five years ago The we dge goes f ro~ t he hoel to just b~tore tho metatarsal heads Thi$ i s Attac hed to the ~dsole whi c h r uns fro~ the hee l to the end of th e s hoe

The upper or s titched part is now appl ied t o the la s t whic h i s usu3 11y pl as tic This is ce~nted or st i t c he d t o t he idsoLe wedye combination The upper is s haped ov e r the la s t so tha t there must be a different las t tor each ditferent size Th e outsole is now appli ed and ce~ented with pressure

The s hoe i s the n removed ro~ the l a s t which is called s l ipping o r pulling the l astThe sock l iner and laces a re pu t in the shooThe shoe is now ready to be i nspec ted for tlaws before i t js sh ipped out

There are bas i cally t hree constructions used i n running s hoes

l-The ce~ont constructed s hoe will have a tiberboard runn i ng fron the heel to the end of the s hoeLitt the insole Croa f ro~ the s hoe and you will see the beige fiberboard Thi s I s a qood running s hoe for a heavy se t person with a low archor a person that 1s wearing an orthotic

2-The sli p lasted shoe is the most flexible type o f con shystructionOne cen bend the shoe eas11y and really should be used for th~ hi g h archrigid t y pe foot Lif t the inso l e and yo u will usually soe s tjtching

3-The co~bSnut i on l us t is for fle xibili t y plus a~ditional s upport in the back part o t the s hoe This would be a geod shoe f or 0 runner without foot problens

How to be fJtted p rope rly with running shoes Or David H Conway DPM l-lt 3 best to be fitted i n t he lat e a ft er noo n If there COlsuIUn

is any sWBllinq i t would have occurred by t he n 2-Have both teet De8sured I there is a d if ference in

PODIA f AlC SPOR rs IItEOCIIIsize between tne right and left feetta~e the larger me8sure~ent OF FICE

J-Try on the s hoes with the socks t hat you wil l be weari ng 368 S Good ll1an 51Make s u re that there ls At least a ha lf-inc h between RocheSer N Y 146Cl1 your longes t toe a nd the e nd ot th e Shoe (716)2middot middot142U

4-Walk with the shoes before you us e the fo r running

()n J~ ]lil t 17 f) 1 -22shy

INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






INOIANAPOLIS 500 fESTIVAL M IIII middotM ARAl II ONmiddot ( middot 19673 runne rs and five ~ RunlllOg El vises~ clll a ll be WTo ugl)

Tht 3nllllallndiantlpohs 500 Festival Mi nlmiddot Marathon lt1$ run ou Fnday May 2 In reuroCe1ll yea rs Ihl s race has became the Iorlds la rges1 halfmiddotmarathol and wi th a record sClling 19178 regJSered panicipams ill [Ius years race the Clalill [0 bull world s lar~~ W111 st~nd for ltIleasl a nother year Runners stancd at Manulllaquomt eli d e il) the llm1dle of downlOWll lndiltnapolis brttzed their lvay QUIto the jndlanaplhs MOior SpeelthvlY tCklred Ihe actual racetrack a nd acrosslhe famCkI~ bricksmiddot on the homestretch and then back to downlOWtl 10 Ihe fHlish alld a rabulous post-ract party

Some highligh ts frOIll this years race I Kenyan Patrick Kiptum cnlshed Ihe old course record and fini shed In 10 156 nearlYl nunule a head

of Ille second place fi nis he r 2_ Russmn marathoner Va le llli na Ycgoro3 was Ihe firs t female fll1 lsher breaking Ihe ribbon at I 13 SO 1 The f irsl Amcncan mate fini sher was a lso the firs l Masters runner 10 cross (he line Steve Plasencia

crossed th e- line in 10538 and was sevcmll place overall 4 The first American female fi nisher WdS another Maslers funnert J~ne Wehe l fini shed less than a

mi nute (1 14-32) behind Yegorova 3~ the scc-ond oelltl ll fem ale and nrst fcmale Maslcrs finisher 5 A 76 year old lIIan frol11 11llnos finished III 110181 Few in shape 40 yea r olds can nl11 hal fasl 6 Twenty tluee of the fi ni shers I J women and 10 men were over lhe age of 95 7 In addition to a ll of lhe eille athletes this years field featured severa l nilln ing Elvises iplC1ured

below) P lcase nOIC that none orthe-se were the middotreal~ ElVIS (Howcver lhe real E lvis was slandingas the start line in his while sequmed bellbottoms and Jackel)

wntten by Karen SlItor


-23 shy


114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

- - _ _- -_ ---- --- ------ -- --- -- ---- NEBD HELP TI MING YOUR RACB

GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

Valenti Sports SAUO~Y~

Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692







114 N Main Street Phone 1 1(middot) KK-lXfl2 Fai rpon NY 1 44 ~11 Il ~ 7 1( -ISM-fNO


SPQns NUlnliOIl item front Ti n nbs EAS American Body Builders B~ ()nics and Illorc

PrQdu(IJ ror join t support pai n amp S() rcnc ~s front l thletic illju r ie~

endura nce fonnu las anlio idant aids spor1 Sdrinks nnd Po er OO(S

20 off your first visit with this ad

HOURS M bull T - W bull F IUUt) - ~ l[)

Thur I lUlUmiddot 9011 Joan Chasemiddot Owner Sal 1010 - 4 0()

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GRrC liming Services

Ca l l Ph i l Ashl ey 872- 0540

~ _ c __ bull bullbull _ __ bull bull bull __ bullbull __ _bull ____ bull bull bull __ _ __~

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Coupon Won h 5CZZ311~~1lt ~ 319 W C1W IltI j ~I EuI Rod~lo -11-15 ( 1 6l-~j()O() e RIC COUPON Luo-Jad 111 Piu Wonks tWI


Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bu nch Saturdays700 am meet at Bmeggers at LattaLong Pond in Greece var ious routes (maps provided) call Bob Dyjak (225-6560) for more info

Oven Door Saturdays6 30 am meet in front parking 101 at KreagIR196 in Bushnells Basin various routes call Bill Hearne (377shy3537) for more info

Five and Diners Move to Cobbs Hill on October 29th Meet in the far corner of the Temple Beth EI parking lot comer of Norris Drive and Winton Road We leave at 600 pm sharp

rdline for each months nelrSletter is the 15th

~llte C1I16ndU mlormton must be submlUed la the Rcd icXe Coordinltllor by the 15th of the month be induded 10 the nex month s Newsletter Th~re is no charqe lor hsting ltI rllce in Ihc calenddr Send dO mlry form mcluding conlltKt person ltlnd phone number to George Tillson GRTC Road R~ce Coordinator 5120 Wiholn Rod ShOrblville NY 14548 Late eM-nges or cdIlcellations mdY be ned in lt11 71amp289-4 250

REMEMBER - This Newsletter is sen t out in the leas t expensive way possible by BULK MAIL This means that it is not forwarded to you when you move - even if you have a change of address on file at the post office If you know someone who has not been receiving their Newsletter and they have recently moved do them a favor and let them know they must tell us where they are And avoid missed issues by informing ue of your new address before you movel

SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






SfliItIrrochester tndfclUb


Naill ot Event

Date Day o f We e k Tillie ot Ivent _____

Location Registrati o n area on race day _______________

Location Start and Finlsh _ ___________ _________

_________Certlfled cour s e Y H (c ircle one)01stllnce(s )

Pos t $______by__ _Entry fees Pre $ _ ____

Contact Person

Addre ss

Tel ephone NO 1_____ ________________

Rac e DJre c tors name i f di fferent fron oo ntll c t ___________

Othe r information to be i n cluded on the GRTe Calendar or Road Rac e Ho tline ( e g T-shirts special awards fun run J

Send completed for~ to the GRTe Road Race Coordi na tor shy

George TI llson 5120 Wiborn Road -Shortville NY 14548 I Te) 716 - 289 - 42501

Note Please include a co py of the Ta c e entry torll it available GT 2 91

1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






1997 USA Track and Field Membership - TampF Numbers

Please print of type all information on the membersh i p form

MEMBER CATE GO RY CODES Indi cate on the appli cation AY= Athlete Youth your area of s ports acti v ity AO~ Athlete Open amp Veterans T z Track events CH= Coach F= Field events OF= Of ficial R= Road Running AD= Adm inist rator U= Ultra Running co= Con tributing Member W= Race walking

X= Cross Country

Make checks payable to USATF- Niagara Fees Adults $1200

Youth 18 years amp under $1000 Insert CLUB NO 31 CLUB NAME GRTC

N~lg~m~ oltldy1 amp fitld oK I t mm ~Iry

~ lgt 1lIIIi gdiJ~n(I1Img

a New lIIelllbolosNp Q Renewal from IIISI ye a PTwiow me1llber (last ytat )


MIMIIDSHlI USATF IMtrlberehips exptN at the end of the ltalendar yeu ttAlMmDt ~ YournewIMJIIbenli tUmberwUllgtCIfIt1flaquotinthHI Jce




~~D ~rn I I I I I I I USA CmzEN lr ~ltcrltJf C1T1ZIMI-I IdegYES 0 Nopr==r=-=====r 11 I II I I II I I I I ~~UI I I I I IltWN~ I

PI ched tIM c~t on the COvel nap lor ut h PLE AS E INOICATE 111 TOstX MEMBER COOf S HliIU rnrnrnrnrnrn I1EASE CHECK All APPLICA81E SPORT CODES HERE

or OF OR OU Ow Ox CIampCk here 011 YOU do not olr YltlltI oddress Uled os pori 01 0 IJlIting middotrelated (llfocl moiI ~

AMOUNT ENCLOSED I Iml III I I-II I I I Fees $_ _ _ My loxltleducrlblfl cootrlbvrton 10 Q JunIOr Otymplcs a Local A$SOClOtlon Q Nollonal Teorr QTrollnoCenlers o Othol In lheomounlot 0 $10 0$25 OSSO Extros $ _ _ tJ$ IOO o sseo aOlher S _ __ ~ enctosed

ContributiOn $__ oppJicable U$ArF Bylows Operating Regufallons and Rules ofCompetition for my leve(s) By $gtgnoMe below I 0 prosptJCtlve m9~ of USA flocle amp FIr( OOee ro obitJe oy 1M

Totol $_and coleQOIY(Jes) of memoerYlp

PMoMtave CD boXMblonk

$1GHATUSlE (tI ~ IJII6laquo ~ 1- PfNrxllf1IIOIdIOfI lIIVJl JIgn 1iIOd 01 ctroIM bull J OAlE

I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






I1erchondise Order Form

11BI ~m~(cent(It UltXl -COoo

~~-ccentInIf Orlr ~ll cnt tll PlY ~ ~()-~5 laJ U ~2511d ~ fCI ~3C PlU05TCid-W ~

~ (C5t Il_~J r~ eVIIOtT rr cItr 10 Greoer Ilto~hfster Trock Club

-------- Mail to (]RTC Mtrchordse

POamp 92603 gt-c~ lltoi1ester N 14692

FltT rtlaquo orO (r Ittrod-w JTQ 5uCWrIT 123-92f5


The Grellte Roehester Tr~ek Club exhu to instruc t itl llleao ers and 1Jelbv~

of the pJbti c generall y In eKercise fo hea l th eIIld 1it~ss n conpetlve lind IIOII-copetitil r lrlOing exercise amp00 trainlng teenoiques and i n safet) lind the prevent i on of in jur ies r e lated to r UIIn~n9 and exerci s e to Flreseflt publ ic l ect ures forullls lind sillli tar educatiOOill and developent p rograrls on the fortgoi~ subjects and to eooouragp and p~id opport~i ties for Its ~bers and tor ~rs of tnt pubt I e 9t11erill l y fo r botl tonpet it iw- ind IIQnshyc~petti ye aateor runnirog Ifld e)Certise iI~t ivities 1 the Grea t er liochuer orea alld to encourage and foster Opt)Ortvnlty for cle velo~1I1 01 8l1iIteur IIthleti c COIIIpe t i tiOll on a II niona l aod illttrnat ional level provicl~ howve r that itt activi il$ lIill IO t in volve the prov i sion of athlet ic fa c ll i t ie$ or ~i ~ent --from the Cert if iciHI of l ncorporiitiOll IIrit ten by M Cu rr) il 19amp2

If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692






If you run you should belong bullbullbull bull Supporting GATe supports road racing in Greater Rochester Membership is your chance to be part of the running community to have a voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support bull This Newsletter Our monthly magazine of articles on training injury prevention and nutri tion exteflsive reporting on races entry forms for more than 50 races g year the complete calendar of racing events bull Discounts You ll save on entr ies for all GRTCmiddotmanaged races (many of the major ones) Discounts at OaJberths and other shops bull Track meets Summer meets open only to GRTe members Four winter track meels at the U of R bull Social event and runs annual banquet the chance to meet new friends and join training groups

Greater Rochester Track Club Menlbership Application

The Greeter Rochester T rxk Oub Member 01 NiagorG AssocidIiOll USA Tr~k amp Fklld tl03 1

N~me ______________________________________-=~~~__ New _____ Renfw)L-

Add ____________________________________________ ___ Horne Phonee~_______

City Slute lip-

Mle__Femdle Bw11oole TAC tI ____---=--____ ___ (II I 01gtamp

Ottup1ion or School hI studen l) _________________________________________________

For members under IS PrenVGuertidn Name

Addrfss ______________________ Pho ____ _e

Id hke 10 help wll h Ne wslel lermiddot____ Roces Youth PllXJwm _____ Anythinqgt-___

Suggeshons 10 club oIlj~ _________________________________________________________

Membel5hlp ~teQOlf

------S[X lrlSO I $S _ lncl ividuaL S20YNr _ISOI3 y~r$

_Student Inyear _amp3513 years

GRTC _ faily 130y_ _ S]Sf) yers

PO Box 92608 Rochester NY 14692