


Robotics Programming 101 shows you how to plan your first robotics program, pick a brain, language and operating system for your first robot. This book is also filled with programming examples in PBASIC, Arduino, Java and JRuby. Some of these examples include: serial communication, servo and microcontroller programs, sensors like sonar and a digital compass, text-to-speech, speech-recognition, computer-vision, differential drives, robot arms, basic navigation, and much more!

Transcript of Roboticsprogramming101

  • 1.

2. About Me
First Book The Definitive Guide To Building Java Robots, 2006 Apress
Web & Java Consultant
Small Business Owner Web & Mobile Application Development (CodeGin LLC)
Speaking at OSCON Java 2011
3. Whats a Robot?
Whats the first thing that comes to mind???
4. A Terminator?
5. Asimo?
6. Packbot
7. What about this?
8. Is This A Robot?
Is This A Robot?
9. How do you go from this?
10. Simple 4 Legged Robot
11. Big Dog
12. How Do Get From Here There?
Better Sensors
Better Motors
Faster Computers
Eventually Money or wait until price comes down.
13. Just About All Robots Have:
Motion Control (Actuators, Servos, Motors, Etc.)
Sensors (GPS, Compass, Sonar, Laser, Vision, Audio)
Computers (Stand-Alone or Clusters)
14. Microcontrollers ~ $50BASIC Stamp or Arduino
15. Servo Controllers ~ $40
16. Speed Controllers
17. Motors & Chassis ~ $25 - $1,000
18. Compass ~ $30
19. Sonar ~ $30
20. Where do you start?
(Show Robot Parts)
21. You have to start somewhere!
22. Parallax BOE-Bot ~ $150
23. Lynxmotion Biped ~ $800
24. Feynman Jr 2 ~ $1,500
25. How do you Program a Robot?
26. Volunteers?
To Be A Robot & Robot Brain?
27. Youre A Robot
2 Sonars
Two Wheels
28. What is this robot going to do?
Move Around Room, Get Something, Bring it Back?
29. How do you code this?
30. Robotics API Part 1
ScottsBots Robot API
JNI Layer (Comm, Sound, Vision)
Microcontroller Code
31. Robotics API Part 2
Jserial Port (COM1)
Jserial Port (COM2)
Basic Stamp
32. Robotics API Part 3
Simon Says Behavior
Navigation Task
Person Identification Task
Left Eye
Right Eye
Sound Card
Web Camera
33. Microcontroller Code
35. Arduino
36. Two Ways To Get Telemetry
Request Response
(Send Serial Byte)
Receive Bytes/Strings
Continuous Stream (Multi-Threaded) In Development
37. Java Microcontroller Code
38. JSonar & JCompass
39. Navigation Sample
40. Real Robot Examples
Through Unit Testing
41. Limitations of this Robot?
42. What would make it better?
Text to Speech?
Speech Recognition?
43. Jvoice
44. JSpeechRecognizer
Two Methods
(Dictaction) MicrosoftSR
Train Guess
(Grammar) SphinxSR
Tell it what to expect Only responds to commands
45. Vision (JCamera)
First Get The Image
public BufferedImagegetImage();
Windows Java Media Framework
Linux Custom C Libraries
Mac Quicktime For Java???
46. Image Processing Part 1
47. Image Processing Part 2
48. Image Processing
Basics (Threshholding)
Color Detection
Motion Detection
Region of Interest Detection
Object Detection
49. Real Robot Examples
50. Summary
Real Robots Start Small
You Need Sensors
You need Speech & Vision
51. Thank You!
@scottpreston / @scottsbots
[email protected]