RoboAdvisors are the rage, why they’ll never pick penny stocks!

Penny Stock Research The Truth About Penny Stocks

Transcript of RoboAdvisors are the rage, why they’ll never pick penny stocks!

Page 2: RoboAdvisors are the rage, why they’ll never pick penny stocks!

Welcome to Penny Stocks Research. Every day we bring you the unbiased truth

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Page 3: RoboAdvisors are the rage, why they’ll never pick penny stocks!

Hi, My name is Aaron and I‘m with Penny Stock Research, today were

reviewing our recently published article…

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One of the hottest topics in investing today is the use of RoboAdvisors.

What are RoboAdvisors?

Good question…

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A RoboAdvisor is fancy branding for a simple computer algorithm. Somebody built a piece of software that takes some

of your vital information and spits out what stocks you should buy. (most often the recommendations are ETFs or Funds)

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There are so many flaws with this idea, I don’t know where to start…

So, let me start with the good stuff…

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So what’s good?

RoboAdvisors are good if you’re not saving for retirement. If you’re not saving

for the long haul… than maybe a RoboAdvisor is useful.

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The RoboAdvisor can encourage you to save… and set up with automatic

investments, automate the investment process!

Anything that gets the lazy American up off their couch and saving is a great idea.

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Another area RoboAdvisors can help is investing.

Some investors are paralyzed. They’re so afraid of doing the wrong thing, as a

result, they do nothing…

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They miss years and years of financial growth and profits… investing gains that could push them from eating tuna fish…

to steak and lobster in retirement!

The third reason RoboAdviors are good – low fees.

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I read about a RoboAdvisor company that was charging $10 a month for their

services… if you have a few hundred thousand to invest… that’s a ridiculously

low cost.

But despite the benefits, some things are not good…

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For investors who are actively investing on their own, RoboAdvisors are a tragic


Let me explain.

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These computer software systems are simply using historical market data to

pick investments for people. Not a bad way to go… but every piece of investment literature has the famous saying… “Past results not indicative of future returns.”

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In other words… the future will be different from the past.

That’s problem one… driving by watching the rearview mirror is never good.

Problem two. RoboAdvisors stick to the mainstream.

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This is what kills me about main stream investment strategies. These systems are set up to use the most popular and

widely traded investment vehicles… ETFs, Mutual Funds… and rarely blue

chip stocks.

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The problem is they miss out on growth.

Go back in history and you’ll see what I mean.

The biggest gains in the stock market have been delivered by the smallest companies. Companies that start off tiny… and become the 800 lb Gorilla!

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Apple is now one of the largest companies in the world… but 10 or even

20 years ago, it was a small upstart.

Years ago, It wasn’t tracked by the big indexes… it wasn’t followed by the

biggest mutual funds… Nope. This was a company too small for many to invest in.

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Companies like this don’t get selected by RoboAdvisors until they’re huge. That

means your investment dollars miss out on massive returns.

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RoboAdvisors will never pick out penny stocks to buy…

As if that’s not bad enough… there’s a third problem with RoboAdvisors.

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This problem is a bigger one for the untrained investor.

A RoboAdvisor can’t hold your hand or share with you his experiences.

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Look, if the market starts to rocket skyward… or turn south… or one of your stocks gets some strange news… your

RoboAdvisor doesn’t care.

He can’t explain what’s happening… or what action you should take.

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As a matter of fact, from my understanding, RoboAdvisors set it and

forget it when they invest.

Great if you’re cooking a chicken… but you’ll end up with Burnt Bird in the real


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Here’s the thing… RoboAdvisors have traction. They’re attracting investors of all

types… and the money placed in their hands is growing.

They won’t go away…

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But that doesn’t mean you should embrace them either.

What do you think of RoboAdvisors? Do you use one?

Good trading…