Robo Update 2.5



Welcome to the ICON Issue of the Robo Update, also our 10th issue, woo! Read through the second last issue of our volume to learn about ICON, the Thirst Project, District Updates, and check out the page numbers!

Transcript of Robo Update 2.5




03 LTG Update

04 LTG-Elect’s Message

05 Thirst Project

05 District Updates

Officer Elects

07 Golden Spotlight

08 Robo Points

09 Division Updates

10 Spotlight on Service

11 Club Articles

13 ICON 2014

17 Calendar

18 Contact

My last full month serving as your Lieutenant Governor is

almost over just as my term is! Less than 25 days away

until I retire? No, it can’t be. It’s a slap in the face every

time I think about how fast this term has gone by. Wasn’t

it just yesterday when I was struggling to make my first

newsletter? When I had no idea how to speak in front of

people? Everything really has changed. Every time I

reflect on this term and everything that has happened, I

feel so blessed and thankful that I was able to serve all of

you. Thank You Blue Robots, for being the best division I

could ever ask for. Although I couldn’t be the best LTG for

you, you never let me down. With just a few more weeks

left until District Convention, I am proud to say that we

have some of the highest DCON attendance from D14

ever! Division 14 has their GOLDEN Ticket! Check out the

page numbers on this issue, it’s true! I can’t wait to

celebrate with all of you in Sacramento soon!

Speaking of DCON, District Convention next year for

those of you who are unable to go this year, will be in

Anaheim! Another thing that’s in Anaheim and a lot

closer is ICON! Robots, welcome to the ICON Issue of the

Robo Update! This 10th issue is dedicated to giving you a

fresh new perspective on ICON on top of the usual

updates and information! All the pictures on this page are

from ICON 2013, which I had the golden opportunity to

attend! Key Clubbers from all around the world, fresh new

sights and cool new ideas! ICON truly is a magical

experience and it will be even greater and cheaper this

year since it is in our District! Make sure you don’t miss out

on this, chances like these don’t come around often!

The end is near, especially for seniors. But, with every end,

comes a new beginning. This year has been filled with so

many golden memories and it is almost coming to an

end, but you never know what unexpected things are

waiting for you in the future! One more newsletter to go!


With love and care,

Prajwol Devkota, D14/39 LTG 2013-2014 03

L T g Aloha from your

Oh my goodness, what a BLUEtiful family of robots! Words cannot describe how

honored I am to be serving as your 2014-2015 Lieutenant Governor for Division 14.

Going back to my freshman year of high school, I can still vividly recall my first few

Key Club meetings. Three years ago, River Valley High School Key Club was hosting

their weekly meetings every Tuesday during lunch in the gym, as we still continue to

do so today. This was the single club on campus that really connected with its

members, making sure that everyone felt included and special. On an even greater

scale, Division 14 as a whole radiates this positive and encouraging vibe that you

simply cannot find in other divisions. From being a member, I quickly rose to club

secretary, then division secretary, and now currently your LTG elect. You have all

shown me such unparalleled compassion and encouragement throughout these

three years. I consider Division 14 my family, my one and only, my OHANA. Key Club is

the only organization that combines service with spirit, ensuring that communities are

bettered through fun service projects. It’s no surprise that we’re 260,000 members

strong across 5,000 clubs in 33 countries! With District Convention 2014 nearing, I hope

that you all take advantage of the once in a lifetime opportunity to attend this

event and truly uncover the excitement of Key Club. You are all BEEutiful and I

am so incredibly proud to be able to serve each and every one of you blue

robots! Here’s to a GOLDEN year of service! Erin Dominguez, D14 LTG-Elect 04


Have you heard the #DirtyLittleSecret? Over 780 Million people around the

world don’t have access to clean drinking water. Key Club is sponsoring the

Thirst Project this month to raise awareness about the world’s water crisis! For

the month of March, use the dirty water recipe (below) and carry around a

dirty water bottle with you to places. When asked about it, share the Dirty

Little Secret to spread awareness about the Thirst Project! On March 22, go

completely silent to stand in solidarity with the 780 million people around the

world whose voices are not heard everyday! For more info go here:



With District Convention 2014

less than 20 days away, we are

still looking for clubs to volunteer

at the Service Expo! Does your

club have a golden service

project idea that they would

like to share with the CNH

District? Sign up here:

volunteer at the Service Expo at

DCON 2014!

District Updates District Updates

“For a star to be born, there is one

thing that must happen: a gaseous

nebula must collapse. So collapse.

Crumble. This is not your destruction.

T h i s i s y o u r b i r t h . ” N . T .

Starting the 2014-2015

term, monthly submissions

for articles and visuals are

due to the District by the

15th of each month. So,

club submissions of visuals

and articles are now due

to the Lt. Governor by the

10th of every month! To

make article submissions

easier, we have created

an article template for

Division 14 and it can be

found here:

make sure to use it to

make your submissions

simpler and easier! Also,

remember that visual

submissions should be

candids with members

doing service, not posed

pictures! Apps for the 2014-

2015 leadership team will

be released after District

Convention, stay on the

lookout of that!

C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o a l l

officer-elects who have been

elected to serve their clubs for

the upcoming 2014-2015 Key

Club terms! Make sure you

submit your club information to

the District here:

and make sure to plan ahead

and work with your current

officers to transition! Good luck

on your terms!










Since before the establishment and charter of Gridley Key Club, you have been so supportive and cooperative! Thank you for all of

the time you put in for Key Club! Also thank you to Ms. Stiles!

From the first division event you attended, your participation and dedication to Key Club and Division 14 has been continually growing! Thank you for being an amazing Historian!

Without you, we wouldn't have our 9th Key Club in Division 14, so thank you for your hard work. Gridley Key Club is amazing and it is bound to go so far with all the work you have put in!

Welcome to our Division 14 Blue Robot Ohana! Congratulations on your charter and hard work! We look forward to many more years of golden service with you!



Yuba City 320

Live Oak 178 Marysville 220

Las Plumas 51 East Nicolaus 33

Gridley 85

CLUB 01 / 02

1 2


2 3 4


6 7 8

1 3 4


6 7 8

Oroville 0 9 9

Each month, clubs will get points based on the following criteria and the

club with the highest amount of points by DCON 2014 will win an amazing

prize! It’s the LAST MONTH to earn points! Make sure to take every chance

the standings are very close!

Points will be given for:

Early Bird MRF (10 points)

On- Time MRF (5 points)

DCM Attendance (1 point per member)

Division Event Attendance (1 point per member)

PTP/MNT/CMN/MOD/STP Fundraising (20 points)

Kiwanis Meeting/DCM Attendance (5 points)

Article/Visual Submission (5 points per submission)

Challenge of the Month (5 points)

Find the Hidden Message (10 points for first person)


+62 +35

+28 River Valley 301


+20 +5 +5

Albert Powell 66

-- --

division NEWS

I’m excited to announce that all the clubs in Division 14 have finally gotten their dues paid! Not only that, all clubs have grown in membership! Congratulations and thank you for your hard work! DCON Prep has been scheduled for April 2 at River Valley High in Room 609, see you all there!

division RECAP

Division 14’s first Key to College that was hosted by Circle K Sacramento State was legen - wait for it - dary! A huge thank you to Sac State CKI K-Fam Chair Seng Kang and President Bianca Posada as well as the rest of the Circle K members for coming to Division 14 and helping us learn more about Circle K and a lot about college! It

definitely was an eye-opening experience and a great bonding opportunity with the college level of our Kiwanis Family! Thank you to all the robots who attended, you all looked extremely cute as always! 09


Submission form at :

For the month of March, the CNH District’s Spotlight on Service Program shines on March of Dimes! The mission of March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. Key Clubbers help out the March of Dimes foundation by helping raise money through fundraisers from November (which is Prematurity Awareness Month) up until Spring-time which is usually when the March for Babies is hosted. The March for Babies is a walk which is one of the largest fundraisers for the March of Dimes! Make sure to submit, if your club participates and raises funds for MOD!


ROBOTS up to? what are the


Pie an Officer

By Jose Gonzalez [VP]


Barry School Fiesta Dinner

By Jenny Tran [Member]

On March 7th YCHS’ Key Club attended Barry School, where this school hosted the Fiesta Dinner. This annual Fiesta Dinner fundraises for their school as well as to promote school spirit. There, along with about thirteen volunteers assisted Barry’s Parent Club with several different activities. A handful of volunteers were able to serve the customers lining up buffet-style, with food such as rice, nachos, refried beans, and pulled pork. Volunteers also worked behind booths holding assorted events such as selling school merchandise, a silent auction, and a bake sale. With the booth selling merchandise, key clubbers were able to advertise school attire like t-shirts, water bottles, and car stickers. Next, the silent auction sold items ranging from swimming apparel, to baking necessities. YCHS Key Clubbers were able to assist the guests by informing them with directions and rules. Finally, the bake sell held delicious desserts which all helped fundraise for Barry School. As this event went on for the next three hours, volunteers walked throughout the cafeteria searching for any leftover trash. As the event

was coming to an end, volunteers assisted the Parent Club in cleaning the multi-purpose room. At the end of the day, this event left volunteers reminiscing middle school times while being able to serve their community.


During Live Oak’s Basketball Homecoming week

social, Live Oak High School Key Club did a

fundraiser for District Convention 2014! We had

a fundraiser to pie the officers in the face with

raffle tickets! Each and every officer had a jar

which people could fill up with tickets that they

purchased. They would have to write their names

on the tickets and get it picked out. If picked, the

person would have their golden opportunity to

pie one of the five officers from the Live Oak Key

Club Board! All the Officers ended up getting a

lot of whipped cream on their face and getting

pied during the Homecoming Social! It was a fun

and productive experience and fundraiser for

District Convention as it helped us lessen the cost

of convention for many members!


Carwash for DCON

By Tom Cheng [President]


Have a Heart Run

By Erin Dominguez [Secretary]

Let’s face it. Convention is expensive. With on-time registration coming in at $178 in addition to hotel expenses, Marysville Key Club charges each DCON attendee $250 to go. Unfortunately, this price tag is not wallet-friendly. Thus, Marysville Key Club offers fundraising options to help alleviate the costs of convention. On March 8th, we had a car wash to help raise funds for DCON. This wasn’t the familiar donations carwash that are usually held to raise funds. Instead, we had a car wash featuring pre-sold car wash tickets. Without getting into the technicalities of the pre-sold tickets themselves, we actually had one member, Sarah Morse, who sold all her tickets and made $100 to help cover the cost of convention! In conclusion, there is nothing better than washing cars in perfect weather with our fellow Key Clubbers in an effort to raise funds for convention.


Bright and early on Saturday, February 22nd, 2014,

Key Clubbers from both River Valley and Yuba

City High School paired up to volunteer for the

annual Have a Heart Run. Members spent their

morning helping out our fellow Kiwanians from

the Yuba City Early Risers Kiwanis Club and Yuba

City Noon Kiwanis Club by making breakfast for

the hungry runners. From frying bacon to flipping

pancakes, members were eager to lend a helping

hand. After all the runners had been served

breakfast, Key Clubbers were able to sit down and

eat their own meal too! This was the perfect way to

serve our community! A big thanks to everyone

who came out, we had a fantastic member turnout

and, it was really nice to get to bond with another

club in the division as well as our lovely



WHY ATTEND ICON 2014? Key Clubbers from all around the world, all coming together for one reason in the Golden State of California! International Convention is your chance to experience the magic of Key Club with dedicated leaders just like you, from over 33 countries! We hope to see you in Anaheim, CA this summer from July 2 - July 6!



Make your Summer 2014 memorable! What’s a better way to spend your summer than to BEE with thousands of Key Clubbers? Express your CNH District pride, attend workshops hosted from Key Clubbers from various districts, cheer with your CNH Bees and enjoy the beautiful So-Cal weather! Good vibes everywhere!

Meals at Downtown Disney. Doesn’t that sound nice? Dinner with some of your favorite Key Clubbers at the Happiest Place on Earth! Doesn’t sound like something you want? You could go to eateries that aren’t typically in our area like Unami Burger, Baja Fresh or Healthy Junk and more! Maybe even go out for some boba milk tea! There are endless options of delicious food choices for you to choose from during ICON!


International President Raeford Penny, International Vice President Rachel Benoit, CNH District International Trustee Kelsie Hoppes, International Trustees for other Districts, CNH District Governor Victoria Lai, District Governors from other districts and more! BEE inspired on a whole new level be meeting the leading figures of Key Club International, only at ICON 2014! 14



“Go to ICON 2014

to celebrate all of


memories of the

2013-2014 term!”

Nick Lee, D21 LTG

“People should go to ICON because

you truly get to see how global Key

Club International really is as well as

how spirited the California-Nevada-

Hawai’I District gets.” Tricia Tran,

D20/32 LTG


“People should go to Anaheim ICON

because the magic doesn't just stop

at Disneyland, there are many unique

shopping centers such as Downtown

Disney, South Coast Plaza, many cool

eateries, the star-studded fun of

Universal Studies, the warm and sunny

beaches and, I will be there!” Tommy

Dang, D4N LTG

Good food, good weather and Key Clubbers will all be in abundance at ICON 2014 but on top of all that, you can have a golden experience with all of the sunny sights of Orange County, California, home of the Happiest Place on Earth, Disneyland! Not only that, you should make time to visit the beautiful beaches of Orange County or, thrill yourself with amazing rides at Knott’s Berry Farms or take a tour of Universal Studios and Hollywood then go hiking in Anaheim Hills! Don’t miss out on this golden opportunity!

02 16

YOUR SLICE OF P.I.E. FROM JACOB TORRES “Do you LOVE the experience of DCON? Imagine if you multiply that

experience by 3! That, equals to a week-long amazing experience

of Key Club International Convention. Now is the time, more than

ever to broaden your perspective of this organization, because

people from all over KCI are coming to CNH territory in Anaheim, CA

to celebrate a year full of service - internationally. This convention is

the most affordable convention for CNH attendees since it is in CA.

Take this opportunity to cheer with your district, elect the new I

nternational Board, party hardy like a CNH bee at the dance, meet

people from all over the world and throughout the country (i.e.

Bahamas, Bermuda, Florida, NY, and etc.)! Take a chance, I hope to

see you all there!” CNH District Policies, International business,

Elections (PIE) Chair Jacob Torres

OPENING SESSION SPEAKER: CHRIS BASHINELLI Chris Bashinelli was born and raised in

Brooklyn, New York. After a decade-long

acting career culminating in a role on

The Sopranos (HBO), he decided to

follow his real passion—by moving to

Africa. He now traverses the globe from

Tanzania to Thailand as host and

producer of Bridge the Gap (PBS), a show in

which he discovers what it’s like to walk in

someone else’s shoes for a day. Chris has

spoken everywhere from Brazil to TEDx to

Azerbaijan. He’s a guest author for

award-winning publications such as the

Huffington Post and Lonely Planet and the

United Nations’ “go-to kid” for all things about

youth, Brooklyn and cultural exchange. He will be

the keynote speaker at the opening session of the Key Club International convention

in Anaheim, California, on July 3, 2014. - Info from Key Club International





calendar of

EVENTS This month’s

hidden message

is a punny pick up

line! Can you find


This month, I

challenge you to

write a letter to

someone you

care about! Send

me a picture of it!


31! Work with your Secretary - Elect on it! 17

Lieutenant Governor: Prajwol Devkota

Email: [email protected]

Alt. Email: [email protected]

Call/Text: (530)867-5341

Division Newsletter:

Mobile Subscription:

Text “Follow D14Robots” (w/o

quotes) to 40404

Division Twitter:

Region Advisor: Rhonda Cameron

Email: [email protected]

Call/Text: (530)870-2085

Division Facebook Group:

Division Website:

Division Instagram:

Division Youtube:

Division Reflector Group:!forum/cnhkc-d14


Cali-Nev-Ha District | Region 14 | Division 14 |